Knihovna Fi MU Brnn 257t407783 PERFORMANCE STUDIES "1 I C ) 1 u / S ' i I t i „ i i i i A m i I 1 u 1 i > ! m i ( i i r n id n\ 1 1 i i il i i \ Mi Mi i > t 1 ICl ^ i I ! 1 < t ' \ 1 1 I ^ It II ^ 1(4 t 1 it 1 li 1 )i jilt ill I ' ]' I II I F 1H j [It i ,1 ! II l_ K i [ | I 1 1 I in t i i) , I ^ i t t' c 11 i i t lit I "> I I t 1 ^ t I i ITS il 1 Itl l ■> | I I _ *">■ } si-. I T 1 ls| ill till I Cft 1 \ 1 )) 1 1 111 hi lllv 1 1 jit' i > ( 1 1 I 1 1111 I I MIS t i 1 ) 1 N P -> I 1 I I H I 1 J St1 h i i ^1 i ip i t 1 I 1 1 7 i "si \!>' I li I 1 I I 'J I 1 •• I II <• 1,( l' 1 III ' I • interactive glossary • multiple choice, questions • PowerPoint slides • videos • website links for further study • tutorials on specific skills within performance studies • sample discussion questions • exercises arid activities • sample syllabi. ilie book itseli has also been red.-ed, with 25 nrv\ extracts and biographies, up-tc I.«c^e u| .rjobal and iiitcrcuitural performances, ano tu: the- cvpl.n-.ttion ol ihc growing international presem c ot p.^'tonnauc': srudies ,i< a discipline. Performance Studies is the definitive overview for undergraduates, with\ extracts, student activities, key biographies and over .700 images of global performance, Richard Schechner is a pioneer of performance studies. A scholar, theatre director, editor, and playwright, he is University Professor and Protestor of Performance Studies at theTiseh School oi'the Arts, New York University. He is editor of 71 )R: The Journal of Performance Studies. Schechner is the author of Public Domain, Environmental Theatre. The End of Humanuni, Performance! heon, Bei weenTheatre aaJAmhrvpolog}-, The. future of fiatuoi, and Ore/, Under, and Around. I lis books have been translated into Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, kreuch, Polish, Portuguese, Serbo-Croatian, German, Slovakian, Italian, Hungarian. Dutch, Persian, Romanian, and Bulgarian, He has directed plays and conducted workshops in Asia, Africa, Europe, and North and South Am erica. He is the general editor of the Enactments series published by Seagull Books. Sara Brady is Assistant Professor at Bronx Community College of (he Cttv Unhersity of New York (CUNY). She is author oi Performance, Pottlia and the Wat on Terror (201 2). 2571407783 Praise Tor ions editions: "Performance SinJic; - tc h>i\ perk ■mianc- studr s not ivsi a~ an a. k;u>t\ iedtg--d held <>( «ruH.\ hut :ts an influential anti-discipline .** Hanfrng, Ihnversuv of HarsvitA "Richard Scheduler's workisviunal to exploring the fr-s. kv and dangcrc.!- toi i hones of pertormanu Not onh is h«- > "'.sponsible tor < ctmmialK expanding tH«- bvumWn s ol ih«* lit 3d hut ,ife- • tor demvsid\ in^ esoteric issues. His work seiches wide constituert'-ies Through his wn tings 1 always diseo\er new wav- ot Socking at performance, and through performance ,,t die u\>rk! at hrgf. His thu«ght< ahvavs rviirv pn ifenv te change tin-world."' (luiljorisio Gurpi.v-Pcfw, |vr/.vj,)j/ ..c erne n;;::« .San I rann.v.o ''This fecund and useful \ulumr sets up Inch pos-ahibtit- s lor t xploring the en lire spi cii inn • >t behaviors. r» stored or otherwise that Schcvluu r as scb-, edito - ,iu«! pi act it n>nri. hj% keen sorting . >ut tor year- w*ih an cntcrprisiui; spirit that now debits performance studies." Herbert Blau, Unncr-nt o^l^lnnfo',. Viiriu' "Ait appropi latch broad-tanging, challenging, and pro-.oeatbe introduction, cqinlh important tor pi.tetking artists as for -tank nts- ,nni scholars oftlte pe'dorming arts.'1 Phillip Zarnlli, University of Exeter "This isn't snereb" tin- musing-, s.i a ditatre dh v> tor »l)a m-icr stops tnnowttmg it is 3 global thinkers striking, historic' w a\ ol understanding human iiatuie front a sUrprisfugh perspective, which can he adapted in countless areas at numerous levels.' Sun Hm/hn, Pmfes'.ci e; />;,iniu, Slid'iLjhui 1 !:eafL Aeadt.nn "'Exacrlv what I have longed lor it pro\ides linkages K h\u. it '.un^epts, ghes historical pi rspecihe, and explains theoretical ideas in a language .n\ essible 10 undt i gi aduaf -: tudenrv. it w J] be requited reading' FakalnshiYukhirn shi. phcrd, Central,:ef Speech anj Drama. LenJo'i "It will make the teaching ol pettormance st.ide-s a lot easier.' Colli! C'ilansell, lender) UerrfVohhm Um\ersu> PERFORMANCE STUDIES An introduction Third edition '■. Richard 5chechner Media editor - 5ara Brady R Routiedge Taylor £* Francis Group LONDON AND NEW YORK ,-|. -r j-ilM.-lit I ' L .2 In Routledffe ;<. >..' '.")-! 1« í i SViond ...lilv ť nm !i-hed J!)'.t. t>v RoutiectPC ll.i- ibinl . Li,, i, r,n!.li-:.i.| ' by Rontledoe 2 Pul Si,ii.«.- V.ilr.'i ť lit. Abineab r. ' Ho-. • ťO Sunuirapo >ii-b '"i.iMisb.M m r,. I í - A m 1 i at a h 7' 1 Tli'-I \.-,-nu. . N . Vili. '.1 ; K11" -oduct or corporate names rnav be trademarks or rks, and arc used only tor ídentíheation anil íl '.tieni í.....i í i: i'''-- 'j.j.rv oj e.enaress L3í.-:iíofli.nt -iciimer, Riehard, 1934-rföraianee studies : m in rsBradv. írd ed. bibliographical reterenees and mdc Anthropülopieal a-'Decl-, 2. Rites . i ; 'i .í.1, j tree'. ya ' :enL. s J >,;','!1 i-*, l1. . .Mím " -ue.liii. » U.-! Mat. n.ds i. vi. I>..iď. i l.t iy' í . Ri i u .1 s, heilieei n k < ^ nth' r .it thj- ,>il b, ' m . — i v L 1 !>> ebii -i- a. í u la;.L e vr"b -.. M. >;i- ~ ■ m.t ^N' .ŕ tbe I .'pni H, i i .ind R ,t, ,if-. i., t í-!.-'•;, 1SB." i RR .1 eH i-v' >í! liti d. 'm "k!ine_ pb. ,t.h . ino" am hl, .1,1-^ í.ím-v. ■; . ; i-,: , .tt. j r.v.H im n ...i ti.b.rp.a^i .r,-l eeté;. . per.n:--i r. n v rbn.; i- im ib.-nelR-bi i tni _ i To Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett Peggy Phelan Diana Taylor PERFORMANCE U-ualh i-- np'i ->.:\ ihrii irulv artistic show will always be unique, imp' 'Mihli t. • in' ■■•■y- 'jK-ti: never will the same actors, !'i ;iu ■„"■nic j;Ia>. prmi'n i he same show, Th.,ii;e U Lil- Pcr.pL ,i'.-,i> lha:, in litl . m: never really 1|VI>"-1 "e\í-. 4 . • ■- ií '.i!.'.>v... -tedics here, ťm re. and .",iit«, here 5 !-, ■■•„. 5pv, n,.v.-f Mucíi..íl, imJtpcn'krtt h.-M' I 2 . '■ i-;."iiiji s !>nnvľľii:>n 17 'í'...-. \ iiir Ptri-Jiiiiam RcMViixh and PSí 20 "•■ -, m. v ť-t.-t n > Pľ.iiíií ut ].i rťc.ľmancc ^fu-iP'- 20 ; "muť of perloinn mu: stndic* .24 : ..; -.,'.u-s!io:> 25 ,-. ..( , • ';■-,'-<-:is 2-j l'.-l. V)-.'.:;' "'h í;....j.",-,..rtl a7 a #f!AT iS PERFORMANCE? 28 •ť: .". ľ- V períerm'P ^N i.;-ííf.- 28 i'.'T v'-. ŠP .'. .íi:í •■ \> Hi t<: oertorru ;0 -' 1 "'.j- . >( cti ÍSh ;l;jiu c í ■ Hi -ť-re-tmi >;i Uha\íor W :;:>'.■ í'.i,-i'.',-,t,_ .,t in-iitT.ili7->1i ';- <». i"7.7 jľ.i i7->r]iidiii-c ''H '■' <"• " "' ľPi'ľlUUH.ť 4i "••-s K-íri ii.tly.j.iki- believe J-1 H'.'.rr-. !i-,uu lari, ai •.-:■!. m i nm.;. . >,x ríorinance -t 5 '.".-.! ;< -m i. aí-, -l.H • 5 5 - .. .ŕVrform 5 j 5 RITUAL 52 Ritu ii. pirn,, mi! iicíurnuPiľ 3 2 \<\ -s ,,: ri.ual 52 Vu u '! i m i' t 5 Structures, turn ricns. i -n h >.--s, aru I.. .-ascritm^cs 56 Hii-a ancient .Ir-' ri'iijk: 3/ I-lot c n thorn.-- n. autima; ritual to perPirniance studies .5 7 Rltuais a-, actr-n, as períc-rni aru. c 57 u«l animal; 59 Rituals a.- ii.nnní ricrttirinani e-. Litnen', Siiitclv air I .-.lanes 6b iV-tľ'iiľ srd jnti--.trtien.nv 70 Ritual time/space 71 Tr.iii->i>: u taf ions ami Painshinni-iPon- 7 „' -.■.emu's ii.iiijtion 73 Social drama 75 [he piti-kil' ''-irie; .it Kintimu"! 77 Flu tllic'ii" etcrtammcnt «', ir ■.xperkncinn plavní-1 97 Tiaii-.itii«wl oíijeit.-. lllu-ions, j;nl cuhure 9h i he eth- /b "'ji til appn iat h t. > niav 9;i 1 he iiH'iiisa■. ''This Is plav" ľ Ľ HatcMinS Oi h -//e P24 P!,iYm:;hloo.í rites 105 Phiic.'i.phics i.l pla-. 10b vij conTEm 1 lie bi<.is ao'ain^t oLw Maya-lila Deep play, (lark play-Conclusions Talk about. Perform 5 PERFORMATIVITY A term hard to pin down Austi 1' 1 i] i 11' "■> 1 IS 1 23 ? PERFORMANCE PROCESSES 221 The earliest performances? ?11 Performance process as a time—space sequence 225 Proto-performance A note on "text" / ' / '1 raining 228 imitation as a wav of acquiring performance knowledge !T? Workshop 2s5 Rehearsal lib I 'n H ui' . * to Pos! modernism Simulation Po 'sliKtu. ■ "'SM '1 • >n ' ucti )i if, (I'P tSKll . 1 p ti l l l I ll I Pi I hl m i ' ti nit 1i-.m ( >i M> i nr te i >„ r'l C 'I tl 1» HOPS )l I 1 I ii sng '» oi ,e * itii i (. 11 !i mam ^ nt Win t h tei i d> -■ r t ki> u ahi/ie r ,. performative v,oricn,isjorts Talk about 6 PERFORMS 1 'll I JO llu L1 I I Hi li jl II J ' i 1| i pt! im T >t 1 ai tili«, i ii r a i r R, ii! t , itmg Brcchtian acline e oclihed actmsj L lilifd tell , an 1 tili r n.t • .' l nhht ' nting lit.irl clio jsma lud pic in > Trance performing I"! , ll' l J ..I tOJlt Hi;.1 J l'1 ll lulmSill M isk-, p ippi lud tli. < ' tn> i.llpjofl it Hybrid acniw Pi 1 1 11 lltl t- I' x i i Hi1 llU T iii api' \ i e i it". ji p. i i >t 'iiini i Suryerv as performance Bt 'n *- m ih ioli I i- [ h i1 - Hi V .1 Vili IS I i' i-t l alt'l\ ' Conclusions lalk about Perform 126 I 29 133 141 147 148 151 1 54 158 ) 66 168 169 169 170 170 180 183 188 190 192 198 20.3 204 206 211 214 218 220 220 220 Public performance Larger events and contexts Cooidown Alterinaih Rules, proto-performance, and public performance The performance quadrilogue From performance montage to virtual reality Experimental in one contest, ordinary in another Conclusions 'lalk about Perform 8 GLOBAL AMD IflTERCULTURAL PERFORMANCES ti 1 obali/ation's ihroughline Scenarios of globalization Cultural impositions and appropriations jihad ■' terrorism as performance Is globalization good or bad? Colonial mimicry Tourist performances: Leisure globalization 1 he Olympics: Globalisni's signature performance Vertical transculturalism Horizontal interculturalism Integrative inlerculturaiism Border wars From the glocal to social theatre Conclusions Talk about Perform Reierences Index 1-0 244 243 24o 24^ 2 50 1 z c i.- J J 2uii ;.rf >h 1 263 26 3 A65 270 27o \so 287 2a0 300 3n i 30s 314 i\i 32.: 34-'; viii loi ihc kn,wn t". .IV i'- ao lTniW"!1. -|' "t'iui manci- studies as a | Tactic i a mi i >r\, ,ui"rei<* <):-.■ iphnt i-dvnanih , '.iiibnisha! le Whatcc" if is, it wasn't • > -i liv tint be-lot anil it won't tn e\a- th .igiin. I iieivh .-re, i te\>bo!", or Ixm. a 'iv, moments r • f 11 iii^action "takei " •'.• ial updates !;. " n hi tt ,"m i ■ ii I urtl'n r !■ ." itmg v> hi re pern >■ mam t smdio finro. v.h> i'i it is, mi! vibcrt it might be c,oing and in i' i Hi- -it heiping titose nsmg tij, hook g„iii hill xk.inMgo id" :|-.. links r.i tli-. internet uvl ut-in-i .Signal ru ilia ~V:. a-id the si n.ittks nconfe cieaH , at <. act vailv t -.Tor gs, in hi id ! icing- mti'iMi tini; >\ 'ill .111« 1 e\!t-iidi-ii he mediated •.lata. We sii im jn a -•' a ■ >t ir.f • data. We bo-alhi data, we [."ft- it iiit. .-in: I'udi.-s, we b< . oino mo ni'h g. lins book • vie; s i ii 11' \\ ,ii ' na\ igai ial1 hat sr- t, < a rnu meg thi -,i\ im L' f' i )o: , In im/m/ao'i,"' I address :>oth those a!i'..-..a-. ir>i. >b, ed ni peril ii mam e s - in !n-s ami lliusi. who want ti' Ie,v e moo- ar>oin ]>i lormanee studies. Ptrhs'-niante stuil'trs is nnsertied, open, di-crst, and meutiph m its methods, .KiiR's. olgcits 1)1 -Uid\, ,i!V,l piT-ons. It js a reid e-vthou, k-r.-.-is. Ii i^"inti-r" inu rdisciniiiiarr inter--iiluiral. tii'l 11 hope' interesting. To be "mti 1" I.- lo t \.st bet we m, nil ! ru i-, a> ir- >ni si .iiv-ihing tima: d s<.ir-t1 liin^t-Kc. Brii.'J*'ihic ' ii '.-\pli iri'vj ilu lnni:ijl p,;i titlparm j in an r.njoinir workshop. ilii- ii-liTfiu, li-.t it tin tml i-t>>--tii ualc-s ol first >'.il l'-ation oi i-.[.tpusitioi, jiifii in (In in iin t'oih ' >!'tin*hook inr: ;hi diti-s Meraciittis, Rragment / (Brooks Haxton, translator) given in the reference list. For the most part, in compilingtht.-reference list 1 selected editions and translations that I feel are readable and available. Mv goal is to provide an extensive, if not comprehensive, set of writings thai in some wax characterizes the. field of performance studies as ! am in the process of envisioning it. Of course, as I hoped, when I wrote the first edition of Performance Studies — An Introduction, I want this book to generate broad-ranging courses that "introduce" vu rf'oi'e rij,". eorre'pur.tlmg to each chapter that Hist 1 mt< ii s i an tea- in t lass and students i an use to study/ i'-,lev M.iicnd- • hi.!--' i , w, bsite-- i' levant ti ehaprer contend for further itud\ ■ si i ho-Jen to! in s .iv h is the avant-garde or pel [i irm :ni. intiii t -p. -jry: • links i', iidioi '-t in rto'-iii.mces mentioned m the textbook: IX ň E FACE » Lnk^ >.(.()-'t j.' hm i'i.ij; Ihi fp> i ľ - li>- .-stJiiMÍH I iii t' mi, . -->ij ai I - I n. •. .'i.'h.Ti. r-: 11 L" i m-. t i,tl-< .1 f i i j-" i- to - -i >! 1 i. i Z'"l< v' 11 ' Ml 1 ' ,)jS'' » [.[ti ,, 1 < i I ^ a pi. -•KÍ, " *l Hh ! .luji , .*!**■ i'., , ni ,l„ i'< j.i i, 1 s ht v : ""'ni l! M , , i • 1- i p-' t € T J j i |1i i ^.Hll- - 1 h IIk Vite t>! i''1 LI i i 't. i v^v ľťli Hu- « .nm'. " > n ' iíi^ľ , ' n1 nli ii. ituc -ľ't >. ' i < t m inti \nľn tn iniľ jii I r, , i,e , ] . ,k • n t . ', u' ' m J , i I j.i i p! ' - t ' * i ,-> <>1 [' ' i •- v,'. i i , Sn< otavme • < i; itn s ' n-, m t Ij- . i i n,i"i iJ' ' i! . i "n ■ 'i , 'iV'J, 'i,1!, .'i ii. 1,1 i ľjb • u' -*vnn i •. i f i vt i Tim_ in i * i M ., >i L 'h < 111 t »!• i. >. J ^ 1 m. I f i r ■> t u • >' ,i. th ií jioi • cm, i i ..n 1 J'ii 'i1-1-! íUi viur1 ( i } ""in .i n -' i ifil.ili n í n. ľ' t -li pi r 1° !> < " 1 ip .f1 'í l'n'.i ! f ''' 5 k .IIa critical ihinkina;. "p i . ' *■ f'!i>, » l Mu i1 %itl u» „> , i vuu.» • 'b" • Minpl *\l'i, v, iilu i' m ;n_ m •k n lijuj.i ntPi1 ■ >l ->ľ ' i..n>. ' „ niti í i Hh*i i i ri'i r.iini \ «Ln i'ii " ii ) .m v n i 'np. < ni ní in »hl. m 'h.jipJ ji'. [H .Iii] IUI!,! -tr.i.l, - f'tifitllio ill).*' I>e ll-ttl I t ik ľl ll i ,i '\ |l .'.Kel '.I: I .' fi íl n ,\in . .| ..m >}.U ^iumLitin^ hi t hu" r,.- TI' n i.sou.t.- m >k' Cvj,' . ii'i c 'ifi, /1 I. m' I <( Wenvh • _ "t r'« n .rdv. f "lii'a |>v m1 i-ncc i tu' ..d /' / .m i i« al n v' 'tit . W1..i.ij .J ii.L^ ^ K n . i > 'Mi.,11 - n).,., trh ■ I, p.-), >íi - vi - .m! ni * mi. i'i if. nľind n ľ n 4M 1 i oi. l in 11 ul'Pii muh 11- aii'ia' - .ii-'i'ln roi ' 'la,'.,' h-m, -, >uH is.ti1 d)id p t on • ľi .pt tHs b> >ok iil^antuJ j' ulil .ti. 'ľ>iil uiutM ■ Tht m i mím. iŕii l'i -m I ! ..i to i • a ii>i"> s i*, i t i i.ij,, t ,l itl.. \ >t .nlv LaUL'ln * i ľ-s tne '1 .clpkm . i 'i Ílu n i>, "n ji ■• li i •• im! 11 iiiw - . • mi t t .i. i; i i . i ľi >tL ' .hp , .-, i'*> , j, ma 'r. Jv, I'i/.í. C\ ť- ^',nii. ^ >mi Linn iľi ;.n; « e-i> ^ n, > >^ m a H'ti- llit I i>t nnii.i n\rlľ >'ik f n iní i milice hoťi ľi-i't-^; i.Lia f - .Ukíihi' 1 >i\< * > >\ I jf \\ i u r. !it> \i ,')li-n llingks- nul n'iiín it. ^ri foi cia. . i fu ]h . ' n.e'l ■ > i • '' .i>. a >• av u w iiv ') i nJicii . 'Jil ť'nil i 'I ti.'iii aľtn^'-u^u'i,. -s !t,j' ai '/ m.K i-.i m I Lím, a^. íi - • ' t. • in'iiy. ,.n.i a lu* rraaihrh- nrirlatŕ.1 to hip ipiiructor; make theoretical necessary tool tor living. eiiii i-pt1- in .k t i 'iiiiiaii. .:' i'I i ek Richard ^che. lint r Nev, Yori ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS \o. .p.- knov\ s belter than an editor (which I ara) that writing , l,i >...'.- i* a ; oilectivc c'fort, Truly, it takes a village. At :1>.-J'. iedat. I thank Moira Taylor, Talia Rodgers, and Ben •'u^.-t; also at Rout ledge, I thauk those who proofread, !'>}>• .-A, id sijim'd, manufactured, and marketed this book. \t)A I thank the very manv who, for decades and in cultures .11 ai i .aw! tht -.vorld, keep teachiBg me, entertaining me, and -! .ring 'tie ir knowledge with me — these many in their sire. "-it>, are euiding mv thinking arid practice. ! femk Professor Carol Martin, my wife and liic partner, b... r critical attention to mv thinking and writing. 1 thank Mariellcn Sandi'ord, the Associate Editor ok TDK, , in reproduced herein. t\er\ effort has been made '.<> -..-ok perniKsion to reproduce copyright material before And, most emphatically, 5 thank ti.. ra>mil -indents 1 have tawht since 1957. the hr-.: d.»\ f n-.t r a o,>T>rian "Communications Skills" class at the ! f.,in :-in ot low a,. tV most recent crop of MAs and 1'hlK jt N'VU ALu. «vii. • •»!«.«.-were students are now professor, ,,nd pinte.s.M. mal :u tiimuiiit\. The Talmud correctly asserts: "r.Ceh h.r.<- [ k..ree 1 from ire teachers; even more from mv c olbare rnv sludenls.'' I thank my dear children, Vvnn.-I M .vlntt>sh S-litcbnu and Sophia Martin Schcchner. :\nd S thank ti re many arti-i' v iiw have i\urk. 0 with n>e as I directed and devised pel lot mam e-. a! pa Je.-..-.;onal theatres and universities in thi U"H, Ercope u>.i A-ar, and with groups that I founded, co loanutc!. or hd- llu Fa^l End Players, the Free Southern T.he,il re, the \'ei\ i Hled,i- Ora.v• a t«-xi \uu I O.Ii Ml," _ > (.1 t" L'l ihLu":' fail- .'i-i t.-M'il! t|Vl'. ^1 !sl O'l Jv *\ ■hv.U 'I'hr i< cm m.Ii at, >• trar Ht -J •» or topic in question k the su!/|n r ni ,m> •>, ki> ban' ^iVchner's onliiu.- video.-., giving lii* i"ah -i tL. -.,oL* in,, in themes. I !n 1 i i ] It > I i f tl ! mt i ii) ' ) 1 I \ li "> i) i ) , jt4 i ! h + i (In s i The website has a. suite of hyperlinks, leading lo more information ahout all o« the key figures ana concepts marked by this icon. xii 1 WHAT 15 PERFORMANCE STUDIES? introducing this book, this field, and me ire hi mi'. hold i'i tcui c'ar" •: 11" ■ teiti u i jv i I /riiiJli studies Tbs'i io ot'-ii b thai niifs 'Hi- ;ii ' ! r,.' 1 hi in o< ■ * • i-inj anij ueikt U m : as jvpla n i ', ;... rj. ,1 f, r A.J't^ i, ,hl il, ,i! h l,|),'il Tiff o i h;,A'it\ ti pel t«ii m if. s'notes, ctd el dn n.i.. ail .it cpi laisonilh.. Ihci. .ft' n.ato \ i >1C(. t'i mi s, open "w, •iii i iw 11- rid suhp V*- I \' i'] hi in c Lapti i 1, ii \".!i -,i,| ,-. iilhnij .ti; He st'i'h. .1 " i>" ,» r!.>:iu. i" t!nf d',-dui v ;n t mi .'i | ■/itcin niv, mui lu'i r in." i[> it" .in.! i I i itli .ll.ii pe-rbi otliei |iii's tin-plan," . mil w ball .. i *'s. '-'iittivi' tut r'ii \ iliu - h'i,.r _indi yi opk .m u i*' .-ant, a'" trans, t ,,)•,.[ iini"li ss, (.■'«' '"o,t\ os ii.ain n.ib]< \ ikif ii' k ''_ in id. / ••"y., s i'-inf id." alt-, ii Ij^i, m, i),;dti' a!"'(>:hi 1 1 i' .'■'i! hi'l'iu'i . iifU .r,oi and uii'ii.i \ Yi't.f n Jiapl v.iih .ini lorlii.^.-"1 . I'.ati^ttir; o'ci ti'm .mo ,i;i>p r<> m> i,v n.d h-ti.ri, a, ' i; i uiusi..:ii i - \alni--.,i' a iem ti >n a ult'ii • -. ^i. 'ops md ridruouaC \al'i< s i. in i ,,se,J to pr it A in,] ilh, i ate o' t . i oi it r< ii rpt. s. in fa, 1, t! if iii [l< 'vni i I if cm i n \i c "]il)i "an.! i'nar is"oj pr-sM n."i|fp> n-isa' >i ei w In r. mi, are coming from. I his ill ink Ullbo.lK - 'oil Mll'lt ' . tllii .fl " . ."Ill ' pi K t " i s \ I iii-1 nr. held oi -i iiol.ii s]-'p js ui.di i stood 1 i o,t pit ih n|,.> per on t the t rjitti dii idi il liis hi Tins nerv .•■> r i<^i-!-Umiiu KmMhf t at 11' cf m, .ny; m \o-.\ Na , k ("n .. ir ii'iei , ml tlf erln t "I . l.ilfiit' Hi is lui.misiti aeii'^Mr -r Uia Kihir Tiv-i' e V'l.iii. ] Jeiia.i tun nt oi Ntfi V ih Unrei sity ami I he I ditot ( rf\rv yT /i'fon./ ''j-o'i n, n,. '~fi '',-' He ul!« ' "' pk-", -, e -1! i . i-.f s and h n^.l i tui f s, and Ii-.t' •\' -rle-1 ops Mi i'as -i ]i d mil •■ o-l e.11,, o ,:,i p,u t ,, ,1 th n oi id "\\ I < • t .in t- nof irr !." .vi' lii'l'l' U.i ii1 s'Mm i n a io'iini\ Vni mi^lil loin.. - - lit'J ii>oitT o'l.t ijiiid. Because periorni.iiu'i" studies is so htoad jaiiginsj and open u.i new possibilities, no one can ac luaih «i as,: ;cs ti italic or press all its easiness and variety niro ,-. single book. \iv points oi departure, arc my own teaching, rescarsh, ariistie practice, and lite experiences. But 1 am not limited b1 tlirsi-. 1 Will oiler ideas lar Iron! my center, some even eomrarv to my caiues and opinions. The boxes Before going on, I want, to point out a leatitie of this book, VIy text ini ludes no quotations, citations,, ,r notes Ideas are drawn i'roni many sources, but the v\ r'tren \oicc is ir-v .wn. 1 hope this gives the reader a smooths' ride than tinny scholarly texts. At the same time, I wane im readers lo hear many voices. J he boxes offer alternative atu! supplementary opinions and interruptions. The boxes »poi' the conversation in yvavs I cannot do alone,The boxes are hi perhinL-- tnactin" some oi the diversity o! perlorniance sttidiis. I want the etVe'-i to be o! a seminar with many hands raised or .-.! a lomputct lesktop with mam op-en. windows. What makes performance studies special 'Yi to] inan. as ir, i, ten s '.s a di^iioline, pi e tudus ' T._ s a.'io'ii i-;s ,1-, •,. ii.hK ,n tour ways, hf't, b lta\,o] i-i t'u "obi> . i i I st'sei ' o1 j>i'-lormnii e stn.l'.e*. Mtlv tif]". t;. l'ioi ni an i Hedi's si liolai s est the "ar, hi'..-; i s'-li.sim'v witat'- in hook., pilot,« tapiis, the archaf n'-f'i -,1 i surd. lvsii,-i. a! '^ii'.tins it - their 'Udtcate 1 olUs is oil :h. ''"."ep.l 'ct naniib. w pvople iio ".n tlie ii-. ,4 thiir i' ^eLon.i, artistic practce i- a mc. oa'tot^n . ..tii'i'iMae s1 d.c-pi.'j.ff A'inin:»;i ot pet for-in.'.ii.i s.uil'. s s 1-,'iir. ,i ah,. pi .!,-Ti, my ar'Jsls voerking in ti ' n.Hii-\n"-:i . in ecinttn'f C-has. :' perb innance. ajid 1 PERFORMANCE STUDIE!: eiscw i, n , (i'Jm (Sa ■ met. •'i , »aimt. i,' lm( v\ m .e and W ,ttiii T . htiiuio! i'/ Iii' f !v , . kmi imlnp Inn* . n stiu'l» nin i mmmuit aim < 1».m_ mi Ii >i ,iu;n ■ i- i t. ji T Thiid hi i.l • i'1 a-' r. ii tu iii,uit .)!•.■, t mmf" s i mi i o m a 1 metiu ' a'Japi d .< 'ii i i'l . ■] 'i'iw\ and im. i 1 • a so In at tin p ! L'" al Ii l.nioii pmfi.,pinl i n» mat >,, • wa\ • I I. m mg ii ml -It i s ,>i.ii i that t >b- m 'd wölk, t In .' 'Iii' pi 1 g-, T n tht ji.'j t pul s' . ' l'o i . CullUli ls \\ ',t>|c di ' >tll( 1 " n ii \\i knl i'ill Hl perk ii i lam tr stu ht ,'du ''m a h<-i pat > < i i"-'-iwn dilti tl III.ill l\mli Ulli WiMlinl iii lUlUll !S|lail t.lli' ■> own lii_lv.v l .i Tt'it po-miiii,, flu ,,ii|iii:ti,"ii t'i ms heK Um ii 11 r at a Hi Ittvui ill'.v me. tci ." m irony nil pi somd .'jiiir i u v ui.1! a • -mi.t, af!a 1 , par'i'i| aln ii In dm Min \\ i\, n. pmlm'ri Psidw .rk lakiüg i . l ,tu „I .list .1" i " i ui 'k' a i r- ol steh 'in! .i Ii im in. ■ i \ on in, *Ji» otnjuiti o di ,t-,vt u t n stimsmm ,. iniliidin_ kii< nl> lg. m> d ale nur ti\i d 'tut -ut p t te tin' "t i In ai ml ;)•-• i. -' * ! m .*ng, . nd um mg '...uth, r tulii m s tiiui pt'i U i ii His. stilt Ii. 's a. .it 1 m.MiK _d in si > il pra. Hi m ai i.l advi" , i ms Man. .'. ln> p'.ii t.ei p. ' to. in.iiici Studies dt lim js «Iii ti Ii ologo ll n llOallti 11 a L t.abasl. tht'Oii tit 1 t Ii m is that no> a" position is'pm.ti a1 " rinn m.i'Mii 'I'liiii.' d Flu i h ihoiigf l- to titi in... as anait as pombh or o:n - a'Oi un • . in r< 'a'' a (■> thi positions . .■ t tlut s .midi, n <-a], m to maintain oi tit mgt pi isitions. )'ii tji mm m oi iti, in i,i r ditti . i n* itistimos ,nd kinils 1 ,*t toi ma a o mm-f ht i on-o-u .It .'htoid p. 11> im ' or "gonimmim" oi human mmn t m mig 1. otn i itt.e! i>'r, spot t- populam nlo Umnisiit- n i miloi ihom (tin it, . tlaiii t 'inisi. ). ,..,d ,.,n. o hl. p i'oimit'.ts • , tar enacti-.ii nt . ! mvi. 1. j>i. >k". m .1, i m mi t st. dii--, W .i in thinki i s btbiit il t'ict 5-iltw esaetU whalmis ind v\ hat "V. is nol"ptiloi ii i if o " But m ia t, tin •-< |. nohi-n, t aii\ i eulimaib 'i\i'lt , ml to V h ,T t- or ,s i ot ' 1 )i i,,„m , Along .he to,mm tin, o v gi un - art add* i, n'h i , ai droppt d Fat m, l.ihing no'ion }s ilm „p. , m.;, th t 1N framed, d, pt. s,-.,ed, highijelittd, i t Ii pin >->] is > perlot m'in i \lin\ pel l"i m .lit es Ii T,g ti mm llnnaij-categot \ i'oiig t! i ' mummie I u m.mmL, m Wuij. loot hail phi 11 spii.ini.rhi hail a id pointing a ting i n ok -alter st oi m^ a .ou'litloMii i | i-1 furin'iig a dant t aim -natVig a ritt a! t-osit a his pi ,f -s.ional l'dt o' ithk t. in'mipdai entertainer. \s a oi stuitMiT'pt rfoi m im es tht n lit1 .<-'■• - , discipline i 1 pi t loi mini t stin;i --mrill' n s !oi mal n e sr i g> !'. 'o;m..l.e st,.,h. s di ,v s n ' 1,'u -i/ ipj'i,' iclies 'i hi '* i i mint' . fil cipih i s >i '; noi mmg ai ts. st id i .« i . ■ 'i 'Nim , - i ilu ,.m!, i -mihi iu'torv, psi^l ,in,l i- iji'Li i th< >ij ■< -i mo1".i' . tho'og,, e ."her-iste, i.i i lidts me.l,, iij.l i jpi.i, i e'tltti, th oi'". and ed 1. .1 m,"te iii'i" '", i mm»'t s'liou n mo< iiinth.t- tmi i,l , " .. his.mis" i .set Kn stienlilal l -(.imbk tt box lilt' '. mit., e stu h srii t am .t t. ast'iimti 1 loniain l|i, \ j-tt'i'i'iini . s*n.iii siliolii t \ammes t. vis, hi St i 11 11 , i ism i „i r , i„ to mil i iMj in artifact ut jitoi t.titm. nor in tht Cost K t. out i pnot i s m ongoing ii 1 .ttomiiips i), ,i i , ' a ,' pt i he mint . s Ihji1 << •, eh,p this noti ..of *a.' ii. t to manet l, ( 1 in\ i T If.nti, put, what- ^ I 1 '.mg si i In d !• .eg^oiil is iiiii'iii. cents, and in ha\ io, . n ,t as ''>!>(t .s' -" hjig 'T'i's ,i .,iht".. of 1 ii ii. s m "i ".in ii (lo I "g \ii1n ,\t dia "i ai.hoal ill it. 11 il i th ' of p.-ri jimiin sred't - fhiis, l»ili m. n i srudu ..o. in t 'n ,sl' m i non o, a>K j.. i wt an' i- 'it mg ■ i it tetl P. ii,,i i 'lit mqi.ii.s ahmtt the H '"".1 e it ' ol ii u ' \ i nip'. . a p imtu i him ii ht n. and nv jjfc uoi'i 'o- itiiililt.lim it inn ' n ts v Ith dm-. *%lmvie\i it. m. I t i <\ thi- painting ■ hang, s ooo ti'ii I ni ,n "t! .et may ot ■ 'ltiu'i stibli, l"il tlii pi i ti ii niniii es it 11 iti s oi takes mm ni nchmg'-i.i'i id\ dh' j.i i niniin. sttulu s .v holar o.m t e> tin . :i ui .Mantes nyvhubma p.m mi ■ « as t ■ ealed an" i \himim'., si] hiiks i lien fh' cabeit i hadclinp" •iisphimmhe , antrngo.api s n.s > ■< tption 1 msi an ' similar is Hi . f pf t io ..M'M s eg tstio" tin it ekidntattv In b em i .',. it, , iiat' i .ai t)j. et tit um ..', nlu'i; peitoimaiitt siadn s dt ab v. it'i n. h.r.ioi ail.s t., r. e' vilav. jiLoi'tl, and so m th. i,oii"i s t u t t loser I > h< \, pi in, inititi tn. oi ist- ham ti id|Oi »mfl. apptouched tit. ltit hkI the oihi' pi I toi mmg its I tlisi u . and ..ppiy this kind of analysis more rally in everv chapter ol this book. >tarba<LiU-(jiini)l< tl (hirllidale not seci}; .'meriian p iftuniaiitt thei>nsr pttjaltzing" in tht atsthetit's iA • ende lift , jtvish pt'jfoimalice, and tnlklett .Shi- was tin- ouiidtig th. u of N\ U's L>apai"tiin nt ol f\ ifurniante Sunhes from l^S. to t^i. Authoi oi f)i\tiiwf;ii> i'/iw. (I^VjjI in p..rfoi nil,nee -ti'il, s ~. m toda> > world, ubim s i'o al\ia\ . inti tatting *liii. in m.iitdK solated er nip' Vtciul 'h diff, i em e a i < ng 'iiita is p-e so "l i fo"ti'i th,! s.tlie n i,f|.t"'ini i, ,s ann11 -al . ma si/- .Ti'i.'t ot „(1 \,,r a' di o'a. ng lu his whit, i iiltures 2 Barbara Kirshenblatt-G imblett Performance ituJie^ /- ino> e Huh' a •mm of its inclusions Pf :,-), i ivi'.c- 'ti dies -t.i.'t- Vcn tie- f.-• er;i1 c d;at it- 0-gcla ;f J, ; i< t m l<"viJe-'l :ip and parce'eci Ot.t. ,r.e'iiup bv me jr" to i) ions Cher mso&i'iie:- - '• iC'C a1 vice, dmanatic Ide-VTe i >: r.i t n stcry The D.T'va'dn'j division cf tre arts b> i-r >i a"! r> a's, ddd'i; r 'eadci o"* n0'^ and .l^nrriprn de eatea to eaeis. i o -t i V' pernrmance e,s at aitfo'-v t' at r.r s a j:st,aeti ,e •; eo i i> 'and ee ..8 a^et any and ah a eaie'-oqn se.enO' ig i • d o e ■ menu lie- i'i cat, Th.- tdi i^arem- perha- nr, ice -mcr;; trc 11nictc 1 tat tacts C" a single mod:: ity- donee, music, i ■ rr cad t i terat a a -r\i ( .<■,_ i„ Fee this n.n igI m r: mans, undo a e am stj krs "s better em :ci .o ft sal nith n ost oi me ocried ,-•(•> 'It r'-'sae,Gn, >/• ach aas 3iva> v.'nh.esized ot tt>~" itearated novemet t, >ot,nb, sptf-l, narrative, ana oDjects. . r., o/ sianai e??descei 1 ,J or t1:" eica" (»■ rt'rnu1 re hahm = mai • d :r t1'" nee, c" 'U ricit siets Whee d n"e .iteiesting. a -ch "Oidemo it| ef c de'ir-'e.-1 a- a'n fKi.y . .dened tl e rang- ;,t • am can caum an artaiakina practice, bm also hives 1 ._e to p:-Tcs a eh.m ai I den k ^y,-rt..t|> ark tmaitie, a ,d arr pp,fa, i ya.^e that de nateria'Tes the a>d ooject ace! approaches d,u e . idr'on at oe,farmaaie" J -'in adapieJ ny h;-5iiei,|.kut Cinibiett h-orn "Peidormacce Studies," a report wrrten i'i>r the P.ockem'p.i p0 sidation i. '"i, f !c,d. llu iUirent means ut e ah a'u int. out.on ;,...dv,ojon enn is evoanie imbalances ot pew m, mon..v o-ss !,,■ niedl.t. and Ciaitrol feel j'esotn i e- Adhniigh thi-umin'-ecnt < if celonialism, njobabajtion e- aisc ditterent :n .oloni.dism m ken na\ - r'ri.prinents ot nloieahzation • .ma that 'dr. a treds the intenni r, .aid i a iKtt.-r htc tor the •m'i! s peoples. Glob iti/atmu also induces niik.'i. ss a; the ■ ■ i ie popuiar eultaia — "uorlJ i>e,.t' ind the probferation ! Jtr,< stale tan ino.N and iiJms <-\ nnpb s. the >/ti.ii ' ipities t.; ' th, u" messagi - a< i >ss.This i« i re. ial bt' gi v,s rumi :m-i! be- im s-es iticreaekinh raid it in. -re t then lit n .rule d •nan.r, v.ith tht ; oi labia adi. m raliit r 'ban tin opposni. ,n ".-..jkers. [n nid.ei ti i a. m their eollalio-aitinn, inioruiatmn mat in 1 .nih Plait « nb i aet gb.baib bur abn l>.. skildulb ei,i_,.l. I he ippai' iit\iit.u> oi "dimocram 'am I.. apatah-ni ai-t s b-jnd m h iiie \i ith the if m oi ei 'litroliedmedia. Whether .a not the mte Ui.-t v\ i "rundtamentalisis," I iurtlier discuss these rhadm, 1. ,d ..-id Ut rloeni line strategies in Chapter 8. e studies adherents t xplure a wide atra\ ui sukje^ts and use many tut thodologies to deal with this i ontr.idietoTy and turbulent v.orid. ilut unlike more tra ditiou.d at .uh ink oisciplines. pcriormauee studies is nut organized nit-' a unrfarv svstem. rbeso dais, many artists and imelieeoaal- know that knowledge ^annot be easib. it at jb, re'.liii ed t<> a bmnklar tobeienct. In latt, a hallmark ot oerti irni mi c studio- is the imposition oi ills ti m-inns uii11 ii.irr ulictions dri\ ijit; t"da\'s \m irhl. ,\o one in •it rlormincc stumc- is able to pro ft ss the whole held, i has is because pt rf<.nuance -turbes has a huge appetite be' ent .m.iti i',iig c vii im-'enting, new kinds of pertut nung and ,,s ,t .'ti.-l'i /r.u , n i" * ''"in tin . - -t Hi!> 'iims* >j^l'i' t!i"i i leiovvh ,'.» v -1 ,e > 11 '< , ij'iij-lr;. =ee fieert/ !h»\ I* piltMiP.n, ' -.Li in - mil .n „11, it o.oli'd be t .a,",,,nl, \s i .'i kl p,'. I ,'i tiu,Kee studi, - n.j'.itlirti Sii!' e„." ".u':i,"I. i« ii i;.u li, ik, "OK it, i1"!"'iu.4'11 .lo.-i.ii,, tl,t -tun-r, i , t'u *i,,]i). q.l Hi. i'lPlfllv, i ,1 I'll/! J P/ tj. t-. oi cmi.k at.on-, ti.d ;>c .p>- The i i n t , n h n d i,. ir.,a -< p.i It 'i in«.,.. - stu (ii - ;.ci mr; it - a. ' tu'o' tin i ■ i st ilk i.e. \-v n. or eye-- wanune to. Ci if-'o.-d Geertz The pitfalls of cultural analysis Cn ti Ml ah-r, i- •< c ti"-"-'!1 ir,c~"i p'etc ATI, •ci" hnn t' -t +1 e ic p -Jet' ,\ . -jo-<- („- use L ),, i,ltir ^ '■"ii tianjpiri"").-. .viiost >i cct*eik' u.'.sl".1 : , ■ r^jst b'i -rii' i'i-, > 'u-p I i e'Kch "l !•-* j" i \,!i p wtr- the i tetter »t i atiu ,s tc ,p*rvsi* < 'he suspicion, both. \cu- ovv n thdt ot r: tl'OTv^i t - t at q n1- cjc**i.',g t i- q> Bi" 'Il '+ t 'n i ,\ 'A'tii in e i Ii . ei Di't'isf cut o,-s , i'ir.htnjai "tti,ngi v >•'■' , I v. Multiple literacies and hypertexts Sinn titi |)k i i'Hipl.iin lii.r, Tifivn \ i- tlt also ,n v, 1 ,ii pet ,'!' r ad dat!nA\ thet i\nt-j I in ur'*>' ''-jt" t (it .'lit.,! •! rV-dit J3 >v< 'lit; I'jI ,i\ n) llnh^ tit tin. ink i nt 1 .ivs spn\ii rjrl \ isu.,l , cut mini,' iti i.i \ji1io<_ h \\ mom I'-I- m r!it . arh tYM'tiU hi t .i iitut', v n1e , pic "'hi.'" uom'!-s i. i- Tolstov s 11^- .in./ A.ii, ii' . > i n h\ pi i-Ii.i-i at- -m-i-'i-- s.i, li ■ - James Joyce - II!) >lm .*r f'ir>. cn^j UAci ' -h is lixnj ,. n. I.isl, ttilh 1'it- u; ii-t I .ntnJ anu *,]■ .i '."ir I- u' -ami slat-'i .in, ti d >us lu-ti-i t 'it ;.])!■, nk. tLtn'tj \ usaii. ,na! a. t '- ahpust 'n.m. 'Iiatt it dispi i\t'l vi iiu st,.,!d n.t :-i -tie Antlv Warhol -\ >- <■.. ll-i nH). trv i vKn ii. ou.ll't. il t'r.i "nt tlf I..!!.' "ill > -i i for fifteen minutes." The tlecting archhe •>» mi, cp. 'hi-, iscribed mnrcin the mp3 or DVD, music video, r iv ,>. i'rtt.ed emasl than it is In a considered piece •: 1, 'UlUI. Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910): Ru'sian author, social thinkti, jik! u,>>tiL. \u>, I- im-tudc ii :!r unJ I'ejcc I I 80 j-d'-b liuj innj hnrcmiHt Jamo Jnuc (18H2-1941): in-h autiiui .,f '^..^ t ,^22) at J Fmptf] ir", HjLc ll*J>iL>}, mm--).- tL.,t t \|»t s imt ut iMth Inrjuie, «ktic .tk Li at'iitr th ' ttnar.n it m>s aiid m : e'TmatiniiS of Duliimer-. ^ — i c JwWi \\ a ! mihtfitee e>t, his im ante a-ststani Samuel Btckett. \nt\\ Wdrluil (1928?—ST5}: Vntnein iiti .nd n"ii' "b t iitl, nuirt t.ll ■ ip-J a,nl i ll"it|t. Ilil-c d Aati. ft a bill a i Ipld t-V • .' lis pal t pa U'tt s U\y> 11. -\tu... v"Uiiu,ii 11 at ion Kopli ;a!.on then i i ,] i.Iv iiu.te. \ c nr-er-t -lan.-tani ;. . • s.x.jniij and It ,ii it 1.1 i\ ad t at li tttht i's h Itnj.iaee- ,,r,d r.n) )d-eii.s- i iiliures s ,11,(1111), ^ pl.n'ul, -im,i tiiin" dabivrwu-, puipu tia'tl ti'trulK i't \ ii; a • 11 \ t> !ir,^\,Ti plait-. — til Ut.U'm, 1th nj an' h'h'kn.e ,,(, a. i " - e*"hrll'. , Ti.iriUii.ll. liit»iist', ,'c li m ni alt i nde»- 1'oie.dan.'- \\'t V.uj's and . b itp.f tp-fli .".r'sh. Ope i c.*ui>3 ■' i-Ki.iv M tlsand hrc.tiot.--n iitltjiieii ivi, len,a.-.d- inahj'di lie i ui,-s l'ec-e n.u'tipiv en "j-t. -i,,n >at •'-. '" 11 i u.iiit M-s m 'lie it the .1 ilt.iiij, -r ptP'-uiiic a thr,> iiti.,,i. * -iidl is niei i iii^. rr.i]t-|,)'iiiinsj s, ni inir ,p.v,k'ii!j, ar.,i cm n .n diitai \ l.\ i ie ' p. rh >.-i,idi'e> L\-i!'i him rliis t; a; sr< •] iiii.t',-n :s ti'j au'TV/h-h. ! ind what u rh.'ht le an 's a pr i i ,pd', tunti'i ot tlii- In. ,k \ u a !>l i .t piul*" pi ■ p< i't, 't-i,, it if- is tin tut! i a pt • r'n lmin . 'in,lii' ( )i to put n ait' iili^r e, ,tv. the i , i ii>i' •'i-< i-.line • a pt-11 ii n ..I t -t-'Khe - h. - t p i rjie'i >-a a -p, >M-' Mi m in-11 e-ipel- y >: l<-rni i'm. tit It I 4 ; .' .ditt 'Pal •')••." .0 v '.- 1>.mw t ,11 f'.i ti i thi- i' vi' - .'. Ii .v. •1 prfp-and on Uirc-o.ih literac, and a high lew ! hmra.\. '■at 1'fJiL' >iUo. red is p-.''l-I"\rl, nr (vdmai \ litera. \.Ttu ir. Is. real 'a : ric. and c dockm iboi- a Sj'-i s'. tiid.t'd is ' Jih 'in iiiaiii' in -n-caded " >rt-. '1" -ooi.-tu % Vi 1". dr. r rat >. ill e.ti be a eh lev >'• ebd-alh !•■ open lu cjncst'on : . y- ire taking"r-rr Pi-ic tad;-- I ur i-- ample aik-rbio. . t m plv s'a ip>. s a bar i crkd ,t on p.^r irr scanner, enters h'mU'V of mnnci p-rollf/ed, alad waits K'r tbs' , ompu-; •• a-b rt aPter to n »1 out hi ,\\ much to gnc in change. h„ mi. c-iv i;.jjiiiii'ii 'iiit'ram - tiaij-vrihr -pi akmg int. ;, i.\ Ahcaby the- sop h„p.' ea i-ts -o that i pi r-.on speaks ii. I >r ;i'.v~i' and lii-i nonis arc -ape-ken o,> typed ;;. an itnco v, e'> pages otter (■■• t'.anskite the ■ u it. :V into m vend i c i '> least at the le < 1 ■ ■ i basic c< mpn hi nsiMc rnm ,, ■ ao>>'\ the ^tic-c oi the Tower i.! Babel (shi-tor-\' ,.a' is gaining in importance i- h\ pel tt vt. in the or '• iih'st ■ u c o! that word, i Ivpermxi , onPinm word-., images, .iai? too eirion- shorthands. Peoplt w its: ,v!l •• i ill- ■a\e. But they also -etui photo.- and use th< ktV|mniij mirl.i" than in Lerope or Noj "h Vmer n a \- ot i. 'ii'.'iT than Js0 million people m (Tnna out of a • t' item ol 1,3-r billion -'."an phom - and Its mi lb on •c mte'net. India. \*. Uii a oopuiaiiii't ot i 2-. .'allien, lias " /iiiJb'ji". i oil phi .nr i r.\ in ! - and 12'1 nitthon int. met user-.. • • bmcse g< at rnnienl want', to centre/ what's being 1 'ntnan. b, but can t cite, to ch do so In c, use tin : •> igm..- „ I'ta'''i me spc. i .iniio! be in >,iitnp'd.The numb ,-<>'. ■•' Le fog- -.ocial media - -ih b as Fai ebo.'k anblTwitttr P • •!'.;; -.\ponce tialb' A-oi 2itl2.tae. b< n .k had Ss I nnlhoo ;-. .e-i-r-. Lnaail, biog'-, in-tam n-f.-saipraj, i.t ibik internet, • . i h are ty msh irniing v. hji i! Itiean- to be literate, B:« >k-'.it re e be-ng repla. ed b\ 'iiler.K ti'.e >'-!< rm- that ait Pi i j. m lib * idea-, ret buys, refjui-sts, and desires • ':'Uiniunicsted ;n mam .lifter, nr wai s lAo^b arr r-.a.ler.- and authors, Pbnlitie, are rcedlcd, iaasPed, • -.a • d, ,md stolen, ] hi.- Vnd ol t liiiii'UiiicaLjng is hkahh • -yiaa. . i'eni.r.iiraei_,-'cnde'. s anil rei t i". crs ti uv ibeir ip ..attoiv, iLHifatinr1 and intt. in—tine tin si>naniic ^iojd c • ' eisie- suit'iundinr each m... s-age. Il:yb-itv i httrac is fasr P, .,ormng th' ^ircth ->t -.'en '^'- ., he ma-for on ■ ea mi .re speclali/i-d kno'y It .1 jcs. ■V i I t'i 'Sr kiT'a\'led'Ji - i". i vbernei :i >. bioin bnoa .gv, , o,t,-pon% r- -eaicb and iviia rnini — are havi -\<~ ' ''npatl . n tla world. cVh<>K nitlu.-ti ;-r, an devote.! tc"u tr iai blob 1 -,el .-< s.-in b into •: arke!?l-k a Ska'.' .\t the sune i ime , m.,',v ,Karl-..n,ies ,!<■ rml t.elife j, . J i >aiPh..s- j br,-ad pet ii'.. oi "oeeplan ea.iil, what ib.-, i the m w sre-e lc ■ • _>.-- ar. . [kitorUniaic'v, tht.- is ;r«,ie of p.-rmrman..' -nniics too. Is. - es-ueple. -tudii -i It lirs sh.'read n. i) ce't uri- inaa. t.-i it \>. iti :i. ay a> - that • a'-.itiary p; op.j. th'.-'e 'who pi at lice oop i_intuie iuid a.'u -fbl; \ •, bann ha'opened si-p),-..tii,Dim -i holats tr. >m tb'..-. ■ tr.-\ -' t ne ab'int. Performance studies here, there, and everywhere b iruiatv i -'mlje- i PSi lu- oecomr an established acaileime h -lit. .'nedb. ipbnen com r-iiee, tadtgit. and in-tiditionalized in , number oi diih a-m v,ay•:, all stuid-aban. PN es. A sti .tdib, iai r. ,t-iiit> number o! s. hool- . .fi,-r p-rb)t mauev -ttvb -s eourn-- Perforniance studies In the USA. the UK, and beyond, box1 Broadly spclk;nt;, rlyre are nm man: Pran is. N'l IP- end; Nor I liu est r rn UnP ersiti \. i 1 k pe'"ti a"'""I,an e -Hi-die- lice i |o;i, d b. otll the intersection ot re, darn e, pei I e ii-jiw art aniitiu sot i.,| .scietn es uid brciiii mil to end ' neniler audi cpir er stndie-, postsLrm -tur.J'stP, p. istcolonial -moil s, .;.)(' ei il.^ al 1 ace Iheori. \U's i- rooted in ■ aul it'te.'p-r.'tdtion . ominunicanon, -p. 11 h-act theory, .nd edinn-u-aple ...nil '.od.n insltides otrsouai narra 'i\f .bieiateie, t'uitu'"". 'eehpiengv, and peri .rrnauce theora i see J.n kxtn hox).The-e ten appt ;ai bo - share a common eonamitnient to an expaoo'ed 'a-ion o; "ot rlormanei ' and "perb innam it, "-Umin ni- that I will unpack m this book Sometiints perioiir.auee studn s is piantmcd nndei a ddfi-r. n n.iiitf. .i.-. iti the Plepai lineitt ot World Alts and Ctuturi s ol f lie LInn.ei-it *, ol (_ aiitornii 1 ■ >.- Aneeles Ot ,i- a reiniapiiiine ot the tk Id, ,e- in Chin i s '"s, /t i.t; Pcrtoi'inanee Studies' (see Sun and fit hov;. Tin r.- ari- mana Sclmoks nbere peltori'iaatee strebe-' is a thin w.'duc — a -ingle nwi se or iv,o btjiii "tri. d o'et," Bist the 'i.-mi i- i !i ar More ptr lot m.inee -.1 j.ln -. iep.trinvents, programs, and com sc.- are tin \\ w, P\enil unew p' otessino pi1' b ■! .main t studio' avoid, tr. nor, p.-itornune '-todies em, is onnn uts, th'a form a strnno ami ins icismeb iufliiential nJie: I n. shaping a btojd rmgt ot ni Id- a no discrpbnt -. 5 Shannon J SC k S O ľ! The genealogy ol per(ci <^:r,ce studies at North u esteru The 'le vzu iv ' .>í M-..1 ť. ."'-k i i ' > f ■ o^vne^-: - f P? - ,1, ^vc' ívnc!..-"-, cc>~: a *ior 1:,, =•> r, • 1: . j To a' i ' it; .a,->-a'i -r ■- 7tt->.' 'f-' jurtpj i p ctn--s cr at -c, i; .c e.<; ci'2 e le t,1 t t i ate>. s r , .1 "".i.- jej'.v !n -m .t .O.-aP' ^i'M-tu' 1 Tirtre ciOtj'!: i'^c ('+ťf " ■ t • e>\ I.P'e. -f 'i -.:"' itc ai ,a-,,-n,at,- it.-c a .ej co J i.oetc',, *' i* jlcc ",0.l-r ;! Ír ť iC. Ľ- ".T "ll-'i1; Ol t j ľnlttlín i £o. llť f' :'"!,ri.T y, ".f. VľJT i =3J-3, P'IS üc.! í- e f! •- rine i :e.e, -iVo >'ío b, cke f: Dh tt reer m-,T tí '^.j' 'Ifitť -i' TV. n t e Nji*:i, ^vi„ > ;i ,. .-o, ,i | l1v L( , q L.,= ř,:j i;f n .'I'-,.- tiľn fľeatiťrf'' tsJ,oie ns+ tut „iia- e/eterce 0' _a T ťert;^ aT o" wis icCit '"íť j. j- "> iľ-o jí -:1 • t s;'.n •■ -ur-fr-dn ' 'P ,:i s.pi-ŕ M \> • "i";,!1 at u i , hit , -".ft r ,c. ttj t. . ja-ní- 'í ""v> n-o i" ,í c: .;c ."ú! i nc< ť rn n: ci -tjtr,ít -n-v,r í.v i! e f er dt |.°i'-cf. ante-i i Ti"-a la!-, í - _j" J t _tr .mstic, .iť. jjtaľdl :e> r.. i,°ria!;r'.i3 >. ne , p.,,n:, e,/ <( e. e- in ,,ito r. e : ie pec i!ec Qn m jiine N ca 2l»'tsce a. e a- jcujs.a"-1 cic, c.č i, m, eiT e - .'e. - >a i.^i.l t" ''-e -i,- x A/i d j" cf ť 'CC f =e etv s - , i ;.;ö' es "Mil i o 'iv ui u Ja ,P ■>:. 1.1 il S cv; L ii! . eal . te> c-e'o" _ , i ■ i .e v '1 aae» c c at.r;, s,c e+ a .-.i'je- Oja n '"'rni'')n aeH-a'tetei t 'n cha !vľ l,\e't, tV c.o :h lee *- "'ic-::, a-.: iit 01 tpp . '".cao. Ph - Čij le x ,1 d J tpersed '.ii,.'! CT Llu'CiO aeteai1 P_,i,0 ,ee, i ' t í ó t ! i .-f ťe': - í J!. c. bil ft ' i. i n i T ŕ O h W O/li.iľi'JG!! t r F'P"*C''ri3,ľ e Ltjfi'e -e,;,, i .v "T í ■: 11 ť c j -ty ti i.:*,:-! í p t i e ■■ íu-c >', v > h.t i '' -e e c iSi.f. "Pi- "on / Pt.ti f h 1 i\ v u1 i-il re^'i.iLM ' elf e i sr-o.:i,.t ;a .< i;> i en m' i ěe, toir,"i:; cic.'i^s r n-, :^éa "i am i3 'd - í ľ~ cti one - 2 ao.viaí t 1-"",'fi To'iCviťj suit l i ^ 'l'.p-r t",( if,-"iiv'j P ľ*!i\, "Stco^-d O j'• fi-,a; if-titetie.'v cOe";- , —Ľi'v a o.7Íp 'ľe 1 3c.'ec e'epennn >; ť et» re r.i " 1 seines 1c Lee, 1 i ;i ci ' j i es't;i--f t1,k t,,o-ni oirj.' 1 cioc, 3; r, iaI." f./ri icíhc-'ľ 1 s íu >crc;c.' ľ= c- n«- P- Icniidcre S,.10 es t1 e 5,iť":ičdt"i' f theatľ-^ai ans- < 1 a'/i het z* ca; uai'it'ľi s 2004. AProfessing Performance,'' 9-lu Performance studies in the USA/ the UK/ and beyond A panoply of places, proqiams, and possibilities Arie--'y5t.vy'Ji Ľn.vei síty, Abětystw/th Wales, UK i o ri z A.,er,st.vjth 10 nr li.ivir<- ľei*ot"Mi c-'- bmdi-s"fci-r" iVc hiake; l>;i»m." ľ'iídtit' '.;*ü;i,i a'jA • dp a-r-ci o?^ jo".ciirce; s'tr-ieeLTc v/Otk; t ne-Da^eJ i * . . Vv'c stitüv: "ee a, t; 01 o-t .t rii t c n, eitťr.-j r-.ig^ |ji ' fnirjv, ertr'i rfanc>' • poj l !rr rnfci in 1 inc it pi,c ic c-rei or-, . We V.Oik. '1 1 '.t'Jio o i tne te-...c, ' a'íiacs ai ...ic 1 aevay s-y.'^n iiacri We use !; t'i■>-,;> cl f >L;e,t-.; ai^ii ť--ňiirs; auo.ť c-i We cxaiiime'•, ,npo sc-i'io i-e^cidie.-j- gn'ef'i-tis rroh,k 1 • cr'cs . , Vie clepiüv* --;iii--, *' i-:- 'tai al"tey < !'rneo.>a(j.!y , obe- at tľ/pi./a i.í y, ei'.-j'st,, o-o/j,nT0 ,,^,1-i-e Aiizona Stale Uiiivcisity, Tempe, Arizona, USA Fe^ci e.anre -ti o;, - n cen- - r->- .v,p, e.,|, rata ., <--n|.'..j im ,11 acsďeot Te-I3 ,e-í' cc tp-1^, . ■ Trr ctacetTe pit^.ji" in pe-necna1'. sCs ce ,i'ia-,,p^ n°aoví- ai n e'ncjit'i, fo srlio j >.'i.- „vu. .i tc//a. j ei,ct.i Q -vda. ..a^je. The interdisciplinary of lI-o mmgram .?ibv.».<;t.Kle<>l3 to umipSemeut com st- vt'v vt it!i other communication areas as well as courses in theatre dance u sf ice wcl social ■ma-ey. American, ino.a-sti.d'c; Afr.ca1 4mericari studies, Chicana/o Latina studies, Asian Pac.'f.c A.n*r.c3ti stooles. i,«.a-y starters, and steeles .•eiatee to and gender. ice..stu(j;es Brcm University, Providence, Rhode Island, USA How is performance an active ingredient in the maintenance. .vv.vwm, or possible change of social and cultural norms? How do multiple modes of performance and represer-taiion t-nvm acres; co-ders to be "read" or "experienced" or "felt" in times or places far distant from their initial at tic alation? 's •: i cij'rw 'lOrdri s a "-given" for performance? How? Why? These, and so many other questions, are basic to Performance Sti-dics, r. . .3 Tbe central focus In Performance Studies can be contrasted to the central focus in Theatre Arts. Tie oeuirai t'liptvm,.- •■'>•■ Theatre Arts are the history, theory, and practical skill-sets required for a well-rounded student of global theatre p-aeticr--.. Pe To-mance Studies, in contrast, focuses on the multiple modes in which live performance articulates culture, emm-lnte^ deference, constructs identity, and transmits collective historical traditions and memories, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Performance Studies has emerged as a cross-sector "research current" at Cci cord hi n:tii» past several years. Founded at the crossroads of 20th Century interdisciplinary and intereultural creation tc hie performmg arts, and the "performative turn" in cultural, aesthetic, and political theory. Performance $tuo>s draws mi theories c* emoodiment, event, and agency much the way Cultural Studies emphasizes literature, media, and tne concept m 'text i;; its analysis of a broad range of phenomena, L . ,' In more recent performance scholarship, the line between ivj-nan and no w jman performer has been decisively blurred, and Performance Studies has investigated the performing object -•ismibation arts, immersive entertainments, and techniques of museum and exhibition display. Adapted from an email from Mark Sussman and'cestuclies Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA The Theater & Performance Studies Program at Georgetown L, . .3 ercoiT^m-'s ntc disciplinary learning about culture, politics and identity through the lens of performance research. •-in nu my-based performance, play analysis and playwriting, stage direction, cross-cultural ensemble, solo performance, .Iremaiurgy, des-gn and multimedia production, and world theater history. pertcrm'uga-is.geo! getowi eon/about/ Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics, New York University, New York, USA The HemTphtoc institute of ^=rform=mce and Politics Is a collaborative, multilingual and Interdisciplinary netwom of •nvritHThns artists, scholars, ana activists throughout the Americas. Working at the intersection of scholarship, m st r exp-e-sicn and politic:-, tne c! janizarion esp'ores embodied practice - performance - as a vehicle for the creation o£ ne .v meaicrg and the transmission of a.!t"!af val'ies, memory and identity. Anchored in its geographical focus on the Amerira- {thus ''noeiibcberic": anc m tl'.iee -wort In-; -aoguages (English, Spanish and Portuguese), the institute's goal is to pmmo.c vie. ant h teraetmns and cohahetations -,; the level of scholarship, art practice and pedagogy among practitioner-" inte--e--tcn in the relationship oetween performance and politics in the hemisphere. Pemi.nyu.eciij Johannes Gtrtenoerg-Universitat, Mainz, Germany The 1PP "Performance and Media Sioeass" is an .niematfoea! PhD Program ccns:sting in a three-year study program during which doctoral students attend semlia<-,, pract'ea, war hslioos, 7 '-ERP ORK A MCE 5TUDIE3 ! -i^'l»., 'iM*>vr- »'<•«,« 1. ui"" «• i.! - r **•=• l' t l( *>•< i' t i is. At the core of the program lie questions concerning t,v n 11 A c s* I ilt fvr, - , ntai j d>c 9!,.I! &,.Cvbjctcs like "Performance and Performativity," "Cultural .ti iii- i f ^ ri Thunes 4, o <-, ' v - e structure of the various cultural processes of change as they are effective in !jpif-)>, ,iti » I l ■" „tfd * ative solutions to these questions can only be found in an "merdiscipünary f>>!d ™ -I ii's-hu,e- ihF J t-um i's international and interdisciplinary research as the methodological condition oi *!r ' tno- i , - e .-"I mt . performedia.utii-r.iainz.(te/iridex„EN6.p.iP Kenrct", Starp Umvet^ity KAnnr- a a ^torgia, USA The Program in Theatre and Performance Studies r. . J at KSL« *«vu»c i r*oi >-•» • -«■ „ i r i fj'ii •» - deld of study, and as a method of inquiry (or a way of knowing) in classes th i q>~) , tt> rnaj t r * - * i embraces the idea of embodied learning. A . J The degree program feati»es -pv,-. i! izj i teii „ »i i,' F. ■ ■«'nance Studies as we. I as courses that integrate the scholarship of Theatre Studies and ' f nl i te ' NatKml Univeisit> of SuMppor* Singapore Our ''-Introduction to Performance Studies" module provides an overview -* tlr ,-i |* . -mma ait* ce< eloping discipline, ana uses them to interpret a range of socia: practices and performance fit ..M'cit n~ An >U i » S i - a/ hrtt ri-i t b >tf- ,c« >- tingly to social reality in urban Asia. Email from Paul Pae Kotthw»steiii Um/et I**, Evaiist'i.i, Illinois, usa The Department ot Performance Studies lives at the spraw!i.>c itti«-'-cfi m of i'-u'j A r it"? htf ature, culture, technology, and performance theory. By thinking critically about _ ti i a p»< «o i niio «t iomsai. ha Ity in the department bend - and sometimes break-long-standing concepts of what wilii - ■:- e?'l> «■ V, - j j tii- ".'udy of performance, documenting, analyzing and theorizing on cultural rituals, puollc 'en* aim uo m-al p~$'*>-» « .Am \* value the practice of performance, examining and enacting literary texts to create ->ve i'it-i'p.^1 ,t ., s v ,tp pcet'v id otner written sources. Our students and faculty are vibrant scholars who question ccitu. al ass Junctions a, it. .t.nub.,cc rational oerforrnance scholarship and production. This fertile environment, where facility o. ■> stiver v tbzetextsa, u V ei > i > u .>&,t,nijt» rc *nw iy strengthens the individual, the aepartmert, and the school. ■ j] uei ,r, i Perfoiit,ance Studies m the UK and Iteland 1 vgi m e A I E » r i ti f of cm i n (Theatre, Drama and c ttoms>-,_<- _ + j t, >A f-i'i isi 'Jo, i.-i it> „i- .-lo'tt o m pi t , 3i i - i I n mr- Studies); King's College Loi non i .'a j>v ati e <£ pst i i w stu « ?' , . » occidjpD|lt A Dt |« *' C * <* i )ance, and Performance Stumr, , Q ite" lAc.i> cum e sro , f t onoo-- PA, ^ , f „t» • &. "et , - p ui L ,nn p^ei ampton University (BA, MP n a^lPh'" i Pi am-, Ti °att- anc Fci fa'm,--, i, - "-> 11 p L \ f ^ n i Bs / >i Dance and PhD Ads i-T.-iL.ut.?1 d/Cchge Crohn .M°i i ih-etie A. Per. or. ante, ^-D C'laa'a Stcdies, pr,D 0,qs-a, Artsi; LlnlveyLy of vV ■-vi-.!-. i 3 A MA l-df-do,, HiD Idea: e- ar" FfYira- 't Soy1 Asy at." .ar-y-,. Pei fot'iianccStiidies.Oi'g list- u,/e<- eo coaenJC a .J .ad" as t;e:, ,y tk : r-i 'at aiance readies ;n OT-air-s o' est of *be-.e are ■,, *!"c 'j i- < ' i"'':c d'-^, a'ds re,'eryl ir Anslrahy, Canada !>ir any and f.yCh Ar- DerforiTiancestudies.ora Pci'icf'"'ince Studies Ititenidtional est.- Pet; in the abov-e. coi-ot-'et pies bo ie- Vfe'cut- 3, S-.Aizo.da'irJ ;erai,-, France, italv, F'tiiand, Slovenia, and jaoms rexa-.A&M Uoiveisity, College Station. Texas, USA r*<*> A&r.'/; »w, f.hA. "roc ram ta phao?es t-r= ethnographic nedy , a v.-1 ne n.'j'* Cuitni e "be departinc it has sryei nths Y Aft Yara sniaie^ ->an~e and riteaYtadies et! .1.01 .i"?'ccicgy, tcakiore, net hoooa1,. c rtnooa.'rphv, pop-oar nm-: ■. 50,,«'.-.-; -'"tnirai:. stuaies, theatre and n'ed'a stt-d'-e:,, ar.u -vo 1 en's stt u,°s. pa- 'om.oi..-.,--,t>|fie-. laim.eeu/ierfo: niaece «*ti(jJ*s University of Cabfonba at Berkeley, Berkeley, California, USA Ta hie pa=l dr-'-edes, gtrduate etnae in tee Aeld of ,-ei 'ormai'o -t 'tlic-i has 1 -id?rgane an enei ge: c "eoova-ycy ana "peYorrai ce'' hen irts hr-coioe c-'tica' tc sc loiarsinp sad 'rsenrr>■ across the- 'in.raraties i. . a The t-i enuate Grout) ph D in Pertcrnapce Stt.c'Ys aa Bs-kaltv n at t-e catl'V-i edge of tins epsstemic sbstt. tops. fcerKe ley.edt!/Droqr3rns--courses/ai-adaate-Drogran- Universitv of California at Davis, Davis, California, USA vit'o1) tar Perto.-ra'-cr Stuoks Wv enderstand p?i io.-m.irce as ajt'i en object of I< one > and ■ s ,1 levs thro igl. wash to vfiv :he ,vat .cl -AY are committed to not'or, of process both ir, raaerstandii 0 perron,arte irpvity, and '-aitines, cYtares and rep v-.eetai an . '/Ve eednsrei-d orytice -iot o-ib' as an 1 rann ten; c eeraei carp it to11 co-'y, bci :'a a,ode of inaairy in its own cant. L. . J We understand that st> rlywij performance >s -tiidyaiq a ,vav v 0:0,1,9, ana ,haf I Adgaiy the .heoretical are th- paaotYal ■■%',t.,ir, .aisYpnnary and h-anscfscip'ina"-/ t'ci nations s a poy-aha >vt: "in a w'cie r.-ir^ at behavior^ ana ;!tiiaiians_ f.-aa tort is ■ ta aaieic to the 'attf ist. L . : Cur participating facility and '.j(--entj stii'Jeiit'- r-p'ona to the cepartmeat? cf rheatey ~l'iit. Aatltr.-po'oay De.s.o'i, Art history, Masicalocjy £mi.u'oa;i-:oio,jy V/ciarn ; S'uni- -, vVerid Art-, an'! Cnltaies, Fag.isn ri-pecl^ G-rcaiy anc: Coaiparative Liieratuie The heater se;i s to pica ide a resource thro iqh vvbich eucicet-- and fas-i-Hv cj i .ci'ie togetlie1, to ccsider the study o* perfcr nan; e across disciplines and schools. University of CanterDnry. Chrislchurch, New Zeaianc T" Poaa Te; Perforranc3 Research Project N2 u-as establ shed ■a 20-01 b\ t| e Deoartaiem af 1 aeatre antt Film Stadies at the t'n '.eri'iy of Canteriju'-y in order to o-ovi ic a fiev, Zea-a-to-'.ent-ed pla*rUrai tor ptviwiv* reseati Te puoa Toi ohjsp see co"te:erces. sytnnos.a, coi'aboraiicps and eveats flat encoa-ane local and I'lte'-nat'Oita-' artists ta cone tucpt;ier to °\i)kre de-yse, ptodurc, disct^s '.o .te abont and create ^•.-abmeat.-, -i the pi reaction ct avant ga'de tnea: e, perfora'anee a "J f'at. tepunatoi.canterbury.acnz/about.shtn a PERPORMAriCf STUDIES University of Chicago. Chicago, Illinois, USA Students in the Department of Theatre and Performance SwdTs a' the i» t it 1 11 * * performance." This course "considerf/sl the disciplinary formations of Performance ct idi-^b and L ,s m n> i' mi i f'-**ion to one another I by exploring J theories of embodiment, performativity, and nationality.'' iOxl ?.o:. Uiv.m h k - r r Drama, Performance Studies, Contemporary Dance - History and Aesthetes, Eoucatmn arc ii i ->n ti asses that combine theory and practice. Adapted from dramastudies lA.a, ac.z? Unweiuty of flaiy'ai.d USa I t -a r iij lai " ti >>s defines "performance" more b'oad;y thai trau'tiora-* °a+ r i tvi t p || , i r rf logles from fields such as anthropology, ethncri^colot./, it r ii | .,) , <• i ► •> t <• n f it *u d critical studies race and gender. [. , J The purpose at I' i 1 r1 > ",it i i t "i" I i«i " i * 1 e challenging and increasingly interdisciplinary acrdem.c •» 11 , g in' i ' i •-a '■' I r l ii * -i ry auestions of theatre and performance. D-tcS Uii'.ec h Vicn,' >- t ild Performance Studies CCWPS) seeks to -nltc ettisti t i ti % -fo e i i' i iv i r i t i ■> i I ft 'i anguage of the arts. >. .J Through Its work, C vv PS su\es i0 3K lv tn jinip'vrtii ) g- i a i mi I r« i i re r- imowlc-oge re performing arts around the globe; crmg smo w'i«t * i, > 11 c j ii'n r,i ' ''(-,<: ' i * >, and; take advantage of the interdisciplinary oif ortin'ties *l r . i r m \ h 0 ii.urni m.-cltv'cwpr Umv tstv nWcit'ivVcli'*' Chapel rlV Nr hCuohna ISA performance Studies focuses on performance aj a. lef-'O-i 1 => (a i I x sti« r i i ' k -tl r cai act. Drawing cn and contrioutcig to inte-'. iscip inarv arc in i it it- 1 ,ie mn i- i 'm at UNC-Chapel Hillj engage the power and p. s,0:,ura c' p**v u *" m 1 1 " i >- i H /it a r to i i i* o awareness of the nature of complex politica; and :,; tie a! s 1 ' «V i i i, it rt em tut tit..* i *t i i;e on constructed soma: realities. i ejjoif-i t>l «• f/index.Trfrni and ua -.j^uiJy Unem Mt/ of Wa.liingrra, s»>?ttlf Wrt hiiijton USA in enter for Performance Studies is an inter-".rlpnreg. ' it< ii"> i < ia+ n jg ai at I ° ' n t e s -y -it f mf i its a [. , .1 comprised of a wide range of faculty e<>d tmadi am m i° t i i I hi i i d i m t- nr ij I u e m lether to support the study of performance in a sacety of forms and cultures. depts.\vash;'cos/aDout/''idp/.dstmi University of New. South Wales, Sydney Australia f beams and Performance S'udies at U NSW engages wit - both tu<-c,y and p-.-.frfo ana subi-rcts die cn'ire sneer uu rf niiman pet femance to tnt-out examination - from the most murocoo datiy rituals to tl e conventionc of grand opera, "he "m Tern new byPri.i a id tech loTaicaliy advanced modes of parfori comh m'rg practical exceem-' ntatic i intoirforua! e/piorat'om oirpa.aiLS.unsw.etlu aL.T-.1 ea-, ca'-;tuu^/t ire > , • - f , at .e-stud ci.-s2.nt nl 10 Ui'Wersity of Sydney, Sydney, Australia ir.c Down-.mem of Perforriatiwe ItsS,** at C 'i.e, University was one of the first to be esteu'kued :s1 the world and regularly attracts visiting academics front tfie US, Europe and Asia who come to observe el-" unit)!!'3 riroyrn.m. Sydney.ed'-'f or mane 0/ Utrecht University. Utrecht, Netherlands Research in the field cf Media and Performance Studies at Utrcehi Urrvorsity is soec hcahy ■•it-rested in emerging media, comparative media research, and the relationship among media, cmtye and '•crheiv is, a girba. context from both historical and theoretical perspectives. Students [. . .1 receive a thorough grounding idporeticai aiid historical approaches to media and performance and their impact on citizenship, ccUum: identity, new ten r> of (peoiilar; representation, entertainment, and cultural participation. William Sun and Faye C. FC! Social performance studies Tee need to Introduce performance studies to Chinese schools and other institutions had a very different ccrtext fro-n the one m tne West. I. . .] Performance studies would need to be redefined to fit the reality of China. What we cad ' social pe}1r;rmaiices"' refers to actions performed outsioe of the theatre that have a definite impact on a parties;ia:' auc'enoe. . '."/hat was bad.y needed was social performance studies, a new research field focusing mainly on urban professional pe-fcivaiices such as those of teachers, doctors, lawyers, salespeople, and government officials. The goal of social performance sti.dies was, ana Is. to analyze various kinds of social performances - the performances in everyday life, to nse Erciny C off man i term - in order to improve the inadequate ones and to eliminate *a se cnes. m a sees'-, o ■*> of the mss ons of social perforruance studies is to study and develop appropriate norm/standard cf pn-fp, t,w-.^ m ano ,t,v jm jfm -, "us.r. . .1 Chirese sociar performance studies L . J explores the right casting or r> « eu soc *<, , o es, and m f. ,• wav-, to help peop'e adjust themselves and perform these rcles better. This is because, philcsopp cad . c,: ocii-ve dim human hemes do rot ready have the freedom tc choose their social roles in the first place - they av ■nc."t-)hh bo; n '.wan so. 'a1 s'reidnres that co strain and coufine individual actions. [. . ,1 In China, after decades tr mpre:s .in a,-, a forced .oirectlo • '.n,le- an meelopy igno'dng individual freedom, the sudden adoption of the open door policy and timu tne r it dm! crcno «-•, sot oose mary Chinese people's m-ce to tare free actions, often Ignoring disciplines, or before pros w d,sciphnes v«-e estaOi':-Vd wl c- :! i ushed • nto new fields such as sales, advertising, law, public relations, and so om Ha/mp s^e i too ma^ hee-c reel op inp'cvi-rtlous, including many poor or fake performances, more and more Chinese ad-r. n*t>ato> s o.if managers ji come ihc^c new fields tittv? realized the'f sieed to be more disciplined. Yet new disciplines often mor \,.e > »i u'ng in those ^e u i a ' st ' c-r - o-mnt i- 1 . d c w ~ , av > , il> , .eel i ,n '< _. . J r,.,■>? i. y the Chmesc SFS procthirr ° ~ a ° *cc it i ' t'omai^e^1 ,f i 'intm r, ml ra' i~ ~. vl 1 ,-ctessio a mammy m c-n, area, they -t i i 1" - i| o m1 , >dj s ,t LL r | i . i , < 0 i| (te. ~ S~ i .i ''c't; i 'i c- + i 1 fn ii ice ,-3 f i'sh c n , ' 9 2'-C8, 34 11 t' rOrVW'sF = !"e> Is performance studies an independent field? b t. nirli np,'attd i. na m 1 p ei, ' p.i i in, in *i> • -I'ni -*., ii", iii it><; "t r*i i !' t t , -hide tii..'i.-ii 'a 'i. - ml ntn.i '., .,'V\1 K "I '. Oil . ni'iif-i,, -.. a«_j„1 lelli i Ij'i k-'ni' ■ •r i]">! Viu'il' in. \ i .. i lI - v.'. I . i i f|. 'L n: Ji. i1 in p* .t'l t|- s a- ]>i l tU > tl (III1 11, Pi -i 1' •'')*. >f ih-'.iL'ill !t- lis I'. . L. 1 *• , iloi '■■]..TJ im t ,. . I -1. ', .1 "Xlll *s l).,i,l , I ft t lor is an, V i.l.t - " bin - in nil }»t«- u ' s,al re-, i 'iJtiVnit, .it \'l li i.dSs -'l I'Tl ,11 '-IslpOs id lilt- sl'M «ee Kirshenblatt-l.itnblt ti box 2, r.nlrr bin. .and Phelaubovi ft.. iTitate.t , titim ii.„ fiov. i ,■*-► -, 'mp. . uil, -,.,;,>tlorii tl ii .in ti'i' in'i i i. '.. n- ,i,ni 'Ae-uir \ i.;) pi ilo . pi ,i - r'ln iji ,! cunli s.iI'Ik-. '.ii.).-.r, 'i i .e th' i. "k ■ , "L". !J ■ i i i rli i. ) -t -litj'i,p< ,,1'ht i"i!.r.,.iiui\i - •] • i\, , l, •-.( i, M il -b.Jn - hpi MT.nni,, )' ''.,1, k'.i '.ui'.' ii .1 in u ii.i. , . • t i, .n't 'h'- i >i.t . i de 'hi th- 1. "i v iii. lit it.*in ! it it a! >>aii' o i: k' 'J nor, ,n iiiit it iii i ,i p , j, % Po in t pe j. 11. „..11,1 pi, ol ilit- \. alii Mi e s*ii'it,i s. ami -ot i> ,,iof, <-„, j-, • 1 p. It I ! '■ i i .''hi 1 J |!s, pt ' U 1,'<_ ,| tlsts ..than,an. u ■ e.i . t , in. ,e \ v 'Inu ,^ I'np.ii t i mi 'In it ,'npi i ...i h ha- ii t a \ >i • "ii •i:t>i i > sh n d bit In, i rili ii his i i v i" ,,' i! s' i"in v i . t'.nti.,;), t -it. 1 , t. lu' 'ne„ li- in i v^i n?y de.'j.o' Hip -'3 ii'j '•r.iil. 4 i .si I tt i\"t t' , jfn.j.i -,ejj in ' at , re* ee '.iie.tiri +o pet -.are, n< e tt.itl^'s , ,Rs mi p., a c w a tl j P"l .,"" ° m"j ' :l.'-\> i t'-jbp ,,i v -ip t p. . fu it.-< "C -t>=c*i i'I - tiui ' a* ru I i' -> mitt v.-c- i-e' "oh \ a in't i j hi ' Ht* v .1^ en c a ig as i ei f j i,"ii cf- th-e, and n> e n'', aieate'pe -,i-jnta. i'r\ I'a.i.lai-[,e'-*e-mant'-. "l "'la n. .leien - ; |>; e, , ii'»,e > s„! o ii „ , ir in. ta i ,t, .. <, eiV-.tiPt a ti »' ,-,,v t'tei,, ufi t i t'.e '' i ii j.'i ii'if [,; ii i.t'i''!, D ""in i , , 1 "it-, trai: ]f er ty , rp :, u'ts a-! the t ne tre-t 1 vt3j 'jeit-iCi m ,, etui il ^ d-| .hi r i ei : ron-i een t'j'ii mti P rh hi >\ Sc' rhee', b. ecl-c ! .,' Ma im a, va'.iPii- t\ .ttici ThtoJ it Hi* an 7h^ ''epi - that, ie'• haj.iwon tp', rhf-+e''i'i\ t| eie , e MuaVl.f-- c ' t ie lirtiv' "t „ t'e-M rVre-sPU "\t> dea f'i >,» trji'i '3P"e-t iri e.- ha; I r-p ei i te ed I at. tiff p "hn'r'^ie ,r t,v C3trj' * j'tn l^einei',, e,|i-".nt (■ei'ti iparte ,,'th '"d - e die ip tni i^h! t,, n i it 1.31 seh.iPr Up in, -,i'' h' r? oi la*, i . pi e thpp1' - t c< , 'w ■ *-|T-' *-ft d'c, rl' a>. w avp i e'it t'e n i ' ii"e tt.i'i'p .1 Ip* d ■=> r -ii q -i tor 11 ,t • • t, ^ p, 3f - r o ,,\, ,n (, i- |-1 >f e jy Tip-meai.; Da 'J'li, '''tl tae.o vi i ll l''- .'limp ! h ii ni ►•--ti* c id ,-,p c, airh 'in > *-,, dre fi" • A n, < „.' rvat, r- v,-i,ni '.^ e-fo " ^i'lfl tt fi.-e^ v Mi-in an ie*e> .a * a.1 •ntr'C'i'-, i t"-l rt- dit '| ln,a>-y [te|'ei*ia u-cic '.cm if i n:,' ..hit-.t-c lr;. "I ai ii'j tne • e3 I h oi i the h st >. < p| ? ^, t c,-,, j- -=•• ,.' Lcrfp-ni o-a1 / p> ipi ,i*ie *(.d pe"+oi ■ ;a-ic a t r\r.-f-i^iat ''--s'ti* i'lea'n ,i id tni 1 di at e t>->T * apie'nr* a, ir t| -e p*m- it+hei? ' Peifti pa,".* h edie---a, r ,'lnin t|.0t,gi I.nat'-ies*a piav an imoonant rote. I. . .j 0 ,ei- *!, ■ U iPc1 s al ■ !> hanin',' iWj "2> . "■ 0' > -'lapeo a -1 ii ppaotP'apre Stjchf- i "t n. u "in n*at i an o to it ic U'P ili*i.rrc - .ol,, *'i3 15 ,i a Cn i, e,j:' ant1 tpp iM i i^p t ,1 *i„ s to i!erp,' 3i aln Ar ha.Pt'r'"aai" a n, •,,)'e r," *heo',a;cs- h° ~ n'-a e! a*' d 'n'ei", _■ ?, j" *n i .•= c. =e /.'"ta'-e e a-rrn. p ir'i .issit," i.'iin r- '-dt re j-,, « ttai -t^' 'p"l nr stiid»"t hjii/ca fa* ef-'',0' e e. i xi, 1 *ip-j a i .nenhiai', led ' «c 'iirwi ip i app.o t-- and 'i e' ■ isca t'"t t.aci .aid hi-eii'iCod at ca , ('^*,','i te° d.-r > = V.'t " --eJ.e'i- h» nJi rf d in - A»~n j- ^i , a,, c » e nb, ='"!' i",..ii e - ci gtpp'c i die ti d |-c'-£'* n anc^ cd 'i'e- < ,tti iiae a i i| _^ *tc" a* \ 2u0i. Dersonai conmunication 1? T;\J or , luSi» y '■ . <> i ,! "-t , > a >r h ij. !•. i. < o tnuli .ct e. > n. t s n>i ; n. "t . *<, ''l'IM,.)li.i-i»vJni: li", , I ',i ,/. íir.T-iíi \> •.: ,!'-.{,,,,,__, ,.s..u(iu í; ' u ' 'f"- i 1 f , n. ' í, r 1 t ií-.v'u'i > •» IL ■ . ...... ' . ' . ' ,. .. I. . r , . ■> - h i ľlV . , ..'•s., i.. . I > c . /i. >0O'l 15 . ••:»:.• t Plieloii (hirthil.itc- mit tlisi loscd): \iu. r-catt feiriiiii.-t hme. \pí, (>"D,v. MapW» Pnitl-M-m in tJiv Ans al atanferd r,,vjrtcdí f A^-H,, )!rummj Sux ( i Vl>7j, «i.«.,tiT mJ 'cmmm ť i i ľ h na Ku MÍS) : : ybdos. >| hľ'al .mk ,-knl to pa"t<, im ľ'ii's ta í '"'T1 >~. i!,. p< í tod imm.-diaHn heiote ; >ou iTssin s: tieni'-. .em, into m ■•\\i< Lavh phho.-, ipliem ' n: m the VYi-M aiiíi in Iľilit yomLred tin r- IH í or. - í i í«• ;.. IV- . t dab- Iii i , th-at; v, ami ílu 'V ally ua!.'" T;i tin • V.'-t r< latu 'isliip '>. tea,, .-ii ihi .ľ. ís and potí. isopľn 1 ,.s . • i en marfa.d, a; i oi .Im.-; t,. Hra Vjt - ol, i Pla to. 1» "-■ Ivr.v -ifitidin» quant! "ttmyii poetrs a.d p-hib-sopm-. •' h. amirst Grvi k udi thr n a'iv real, th. idcr.1, emsO J •>nh a- pun mrum [n h'-- Reptilu a. )70 Pi t r Piato nnm.-.l .hit onliiur» realities .r a bat diade.m .'asi '.a lie. v, i'i.-trie-' -rk .. .r. e ol trpnom;-1 v. i1 )ne a oiult r-, "i -hadov, puppetry m ,«-pitia" in A--]'.-, fron-, tm tent time*-. « is bia .-,\ n i o Pl n, • t ľne ...rts tnehidiii'i r|,e pei lor muip a, fs timr-ire t'v se -badow s ■ate .-ire Mitteťre ďuibh lemmcd h..rn thi nv.lh n ah A- d" b-.s t\,-re! i i tniiiph. í'L'to ch .11 listen fhoato K e.mse A i,a>eakil 'o tii - mnuti-iits i all)« i that: l< i r. amm"a .arriarf the 'o-a ď,-il passams \ihaib Ch,- uld he .dhmed t,. -a ilher a\\ ja Piato lianned noeirv, iniluiima theatre, Írom his ideal npiehhi.h u.e leb to Pl iiuk studi-nr Aristotle to redeem tle-arts. At tsn .-It arpTied that tin. rea.lK re J-va A'ltidv. t Kii.j." as a plan nrp a. niid, -»imi-vliat like a eyrieti. cid, . h1 the ■"nr'ľ - A: istotu- ) easeaaed ib li in milt.i'im; ai terns í 11 i in na, tin;' he iopAca! i n '111 et ľi ni vi jlH'Ui e- Htrame hull; v t u hi s one mtpdií admit toe-, mdn eiiinp- turni-i. í at la.'tu o ai!th,'_> a, a>oi>i the irn.i'iii;, \nm>tl< mmitd t; •irons, , audi r-o aid, an-i pary. tbi ir .le'ertnoiis elfe. ť-a í'iato (c. 427—c. ?47 BLl): Gn-ik philm-oplii r, the advueate of •. as-;ii. n straait, and lordi o\ it mn-ss ,,iiil pa.ssioil. Plato developed I a.- dil.k iin'ml fir d;a:i i tie at so !e et disn, i; ,u - ft tsontii... 1« ju .u.s ní lUdit.rear- ami lb'- confrontation ol oppu.sites. Ironically, Plato's .á ilmtii s ai i exticmeb ľu atrii ai and no leiom nassmaate about ttii- life * A tbc mind. \-isHitle (384—322 nc i.p. tiraek p:uk)-.ophei, strident Platu, artsmti,.- puhlishih nunieroio pdiilosuphical treatises, hu bailinp tne A-',-r:a. t. HS li\ where be outlines the principles ol bn eL trasie cAanu. Aristotle s ideas Imm- ra"i •toumlhi inlltR'i. ed tuionean jud Lm n'pi an-di-rii < d pern rm t>' e tin or\. babar ,-bd. "-oph.. m had i d'.tterert i.t, a altoyetle r, Writtne at rim-jnlv the samotíme- -sth; Greeks. tlu-\ b-)t true the abob ntih.-r.-i .baan o'.htiar-, o-tat\ m rli>-lod'r.-, or'ue eods, -.v,-e a;,,;,: atai >'//c— t Huston, pay. and the -.ire , na a rn. ,mA scale. The thiol-.- oi'in.t'.a- hi.i ass,.rl- (hit íbi n a'K ndi i pietni, eter -.ftanpin^ i:m tihts'i-. \\ h,it is "behind" m.roa bho ( A; this, tmiiaa plains, ph. i , Ind <■ ^ era! opttif.-ii-., Vmie sybd thrt rin flit n;; 'A a !n-l ui.r, i bk> i)tli._.s propos, d realtí e'-- a >- ■ ,imo a ne n t 'mm t: o í r í evpi-rieiiv ^ When Arjutia, the he' e-o a, t ,m , d the U u n i'r^oi.i.a, a.-A^ Krishna it. Üit Aeaae- í,a > se* lion .a the t re, to -boas his 1 rue i'"ti., tin i -.peril n< t is ť. 11 it viii-_T ir th, p\ir, me so.) c -iin t piiiJus. pliiai s p'-, jpiiseil lbe i yistinn Ľ ',ra/im,;p. in ab.vihiO ui)it\-oi-ad sviv, h a per-, m i an , ,tia tiirouub ',,,;„, ,,r -i-, ms. i ptiii-itf.i lit,.. \l * 1 it a.hie-.e ne-Í ol f.'/.'r.-.'.-u, ,r rd,.,hi ti, ei tlľ o, ^ ie .,ŕ "it t,i death i. hi j-, 11 a pe-si!i_ . iiniA maien itla. .icsidet,. \\;, ni n • b, cumes li;t >. Blit tur iii.>sT ffipň most i.; the tum ),,ihť, 's eura hi.i.'i he rmils a* so carter rh.- ^ oral - A m,! .a hla.f he p-, n S takí b.umin form, .o Krishna d.oes m th- pe> b>rni,im v . d R ohla , k ishna's danat t\ i1".'! a-tos-ine h n„ee i , m iiej d, r s índ o tíh ti;-- i n mote ha. ,-r. P.adhai o> .-e Rana i de-i s :li ,h» perná nui,.'-',1 Ramiť.a \v hen "> Ahna imarnaes hia's. It as Pan-..-, '■< i id th' n,add ui ihc liemoť hAnanae bttsid.i and Ramlda :v\ or.ío a,e-: t,.dav. Hundred- o- nmbons ut indián Hmdm behave m taese . aid, (i illi at natr ms - w íle'-t ťaitiy bm,s uispai inlt 1,1 e,a n- «..äs Noti- 'P.s ol mav.i-yj,-are oi^i ess^-eí m ,r< hill-, in Chapter A. In Renans.nii e t nrotit th, vt-kr. ao eptt d notion (bat dne m.'-lil was „ ep'cat tbeatie i aak-d the o'ioi"'.v. ľh::ij' n as •a, b pnt m Wilíiain Shakc.vpcareA -f h t, ;,šv lr 'ahen' s,-y ,"Al: rbe ee.rkl's mtam 1 \ntí all ílľ men and won, i -inreh plain's-. I i'h, \ ban tme i eits aod A|,mi eľ.tiv.iK t.-. And om man tn Iď. t i.m plat - num p.arts"1 2. 7. 1 a*!- 1 d ,', I lamk t n, his msi i unions to tin niav e.-s. i s, iľirn hat dilleľi tiT opmion m, >'-•-ie L e- pmpviith \:ístotlcs meori e, tnmifni-,"[ . .] tin pm p! up to tiatnrf, ti i shot' Tar!i:, ber , .y. n h-,,tia . h -, am het ov t, imaei , atľi tIk i. ry aje an,t bo.h "t the littu bi i. a m ani prmsm-d , í. 1. 2! 2ä| To p. uplc iivmp; in 'i-ihiMtruiii niu'hlici tl vtjyi hli 'a as the m u a, "id. i um er b,, t Iii a t vi il'li-i i d a e.,; kinp n si ulít ol 'i\u\s b!e ivas bied. 'í h v ;m m ve. .-et i.-i„Tj< ,a on íb; tht atf um -immti tli> mc ,T'i i p;.-d shortb aiter'-Ai/td" Wat H and sianmnes u, the p' i sent, b-, 't-p-p Jacques 1 a can d -In st,;,I hr- paaet 'dhe Vbrror Maj-," an míliu mi,d mu b Miiuhtic -ti. Mt ii. 1-' 1, S:/)./ f,.;,, V> ". .'V !C '■. ',' ííjiin.ľ *'■ |>.>,K> r1" ,K'ť Lacní ho,\i. Iľ •'■."'i, dl >oaoi'-, áľniľ"1 1lľ-<.i-. iif PPta arí Far- -•v-." IV,-. -."í, rror.í i.i si /o,í tin !•':(•• i!'.lil, i i I ', in .r' lliť-i! 'lit. lu.mi-iniíriKälra:, ']» n:i,1 _"- in u l> Ii-tl'í n..vui-, .Irl mv if ,"i . ľi t.'Hl í- .1 "! N inp -e'P - v> •' v! t ' '[iKiiiiľ.k .. i' t \! -! v.ilPir, j ronii'i. x .! Ponia- l-.i_i< >•!. .1 ■ re erila. r..i".'.í nu l'\ Frvhtjj Gottmoii ni 1 k ■ .,• ! >.■',! ! iis his ľ->ľ-.', 77','T'.-v../.■•■. --ai.ii 1 ,rao. j-'iul-,--»ii:,.i..a j. í . A11;-. t š ľ* Pr "}>. r|' H' ľ.. U . if, iM~tli. - In iMTl- • ''i IIK- pi ' i Ol i'k'Cl . i\ T j-'U'alK'i.ol ao-tSitnr.i-tivv m il/sU7 n-. '/. >. .'.> ľ'i;a„ m,'ň i ä, - --. í - Aminem* 'i -\'is(ií., ji:""l. 1: m a i"-"\ ,n c ľpei'.ise" * -m I. .;.> l'.-l'., pi i >iiii m's, 111 >iint>, urš ' 1 a ' t, m.tii i'1 ■ aarählnp, íla' p. i íľľp-'. -1. lirti. i.sťa, ni r;, 1 . •,, Je.m-h',imriii>. Lvoiarei Gilles Df leu/.e, Michel JtouviuU. BoiidrilLiní. ľ i ľ r r. - JScmrd íi*l». j.irqui-*; Oirrklj, Guv Debmd. tu -j íóJí.v Cuafiari [■' • ■]> u !:.>t va> tliť.i i i.-h.rl .•. \i 11 .n ^ v.. ľiiili r\l iik) In -; iľ\ avia! Iíť. , ,.:u! iauijujpi- ,M.ľi\ r. i i:> v.- iii.u- ľi-ta'n chti: ana síri - \ ľii ťp'j'.l iľ-: a' - ; t-i iii, 7« i\ si > i'i.vt'ľ.'i."1! >aiiii!i ■i:nii..'i.-\i., .m.- tii.vis'! :k ter 'Ľ-.ip . 1 klv.nť r 7 /<;,- Uu'-tp+h fui i. i|> hi- 'i Pu .n J a c si u e s L d C -ľt!'! 77? e miľi'Oí i lag e •"n-' i,hi • r , . i,ou 1 *V .10. -.r r,,o ith-. "tu al'.ea:) lecnqmar a> tnoP 'i ; c.a "i;^ j • ',. ; 'in-c -. l , 1 T r, . a-t ' . .7 i^'iit ioe y 'eooincio ■. ._' ;> a id ui" r.Hchice- in ľ.'ľ'cí h" !-->io_. n j 1 t ;h: reiat'0.1 bcí.-ŕ'ô'' ine r,;ovTinc;iT^ a--., 1, '.'?•' 7 -ho ;i '00 a n o' 'í,o 'ríiO'.iefi OP", i 0'""Vv.':t d |icr. err.' fhe i.erson - a.'-n tlnnns ?"r 11 ni . . .t 7'7e i.:'," "" h.-' ii t;,t -r r. o' '-hť r a." \if-.i,cL !.'7>'. .e c! e h i --a -,e that írial ,'tii rvi ti il'i-'ent hit v an--,,ir; 1, :(,->-_ t a' piaor ,, 'i..- nnnjor. r htn. h ,- .1 ar r, a : n^ajC [. r 7,,e -in.7,!'-■_'ar,C' -; .1 ara-aa 'vnom '".■•'>• - mi tnr.isT í ,i í". p".air-| t't.n, '. -'..hi , rirt u jiti, r, at s v ľ. -- tmi •,'/7i;l ", in.ih-rr, 1 -.5 -*ci :';. ■ n'r-r^i e^raj'li up: ntrhr of so -t a i'.;:n; rcat *hr - íí" - a'^i'-ta^les that n't1 c.- h - "n a V",J r " tej I ':' -1 fo uL; t"= P; ' ■{ ' -i'-a i r -7 i - .en---y: a1',I '-i:'7>, to the a^'-i' r.'tlon of l.h= it. "j' aL .-r uh"r La7. i -.ifrthv ,VU|Ll- "ah r,ar, ; ,; , p' ',1 , ,[ ';,;.'!.'- .Or a'! 'Ort 1 ''-'lea , r.''i'! 'iivp; r« rl ., . L Ho '.'. n.i^t.p.. a- oaai'tj ; •• p v"1.o i . i'_ >i - Pc er "e • i ry :ci ;z'ne t sat t.h.s h^n.'.i !-; p,-"/;, tv an_,'l ."o ■-> ,ia,' "w.'-tract m Tha i" -n' in •, -ru fha, t1', m ť-"^; o'í-apra'-'s Pi -, ■-, .-r-ran , iu art, t.'l'C i e .' -1P -" 11 r7 t " .na-f i /."f !,rť,"'- ne -e-lia.' ľ. s tue TUI J ľ"--na- -'i e,..-it j tha t '''a '-a. - ;u,lrt net ;i p m./ jr a. ■: v In. ■,! r, u-', m- ',^11 v" á", heíil-ei f tin " ,r .' : ,t :.'/'.-- i-'^ľ zci-r;, 1 -í ^2 ja« ijiies i«»ca);!,,,„ h .,tn,, niras! n- n in,\> t v •.. thinii'i ii. ' • ínm, ... ' u ' ľ ľ. i -t ll i T" n M.í in n ' m 'ľ . i," pp ii 'nip * ť < i, i'.,,v r f Pi h j! (• 11 t nu1 ' i. \L>ri.mi. 7't, f„ ,,//,.í. „ ,p, i ,_-'7ni firegon li-t*'-soľ. {!9(>4~yip IP Pi h !r, a ľ.iin .,• li.-.n ' i sf. m. ím t „i;u mier"' asií. *h."i'. sPp'! '. ■! P ■"' a. *... i !l,ip 'fp •' a7.P i, lii-i7 1 "t i i,< I ,i i ,n ' \„ a, í ľ-' -'-i; h»"ring Gi'flrarsa í }'■*?.'--S.?]: i h.i ni.'>:,i nlíin pohr^ist «i-í M I Ilť'f th- »1 , pi-j p tii-,> .) u,,]i f ^ i,,i i,n í.,,, f inc.i. ľň ihn-"/ -í ; - 7 / í. u Jľ/ľ.iíVj'1 leříiia r ľ h! P h; h "h, P' „ -iíi 't -in/i ,u>'7i )iai7„n, é-,,. .,s ( , ''74i J. L. Austin f 1911-60): r.i»i-!. .»V.o-.»|»Wi oj»í lingutvt. h. -i Hnerrn, 1 'd vpil '»• ".a. -. ••• ti. ..-i i»jn - « :n> "'p • ri,• >-jv 1f.\i ■im p.'vlii mol. M pi.h'Pňi ,. i-, n >> i, .'i, ,l i ,t i íl,.,,/, i < ->t;1. ]s an-ťrar.pois L\ otard (l9J4-l'S): rr.-n< I pHiluv.ipV.-r Maj..' iU' '•« 1" r,'1É. ;>,.-[,-,,( „„'„, •■ .<0,si(i /.'., i)p/.,.pj( IVSSi .sír' r.-.p rr.'i i ... n :i , /P-,'í5 fi -m t, l^M. i',v|/i .;,•(. ' . •'I r .... di'ilmw,,1 tkt>.r tk niTaC," ,Vu, If ' ') 't.'lks i '* 1 nn\l I , ',' gl i5Os/(-o ||, l ,n j ,u J A," ■ !• J -rii i!n,SS' il'ii 's I/',./ i, /'ft:, '■' !i'.l ni .vi in- on. i!"'un-'!n s' 'n itis n;.. i-hi]. 'ik .i-i'.!. op. ■!. .gi-,: Victor Tor hoc Tlioujjn v '. lit* *o 'iO .1 m '.. p..i tnijeee m ,- t_nnti >-eiice ,_.o v-as , u .n-r/m j • n e, T >i nn .ink S,,e, la k . ! li.-i ■ iiilvvi iii. .< - ■ -lu..'sstuS jlrI 'In ,'n-nnsf! 1 kern pt'!i Tin-n.-r .nikl Victor en-.! lidií h Turner Fbiiiip /an Uli. ami i '»- r ■ ar 4! ihr i ť 'nioi .nn> Anoi-i. ■ oko! í i '! v- tí-> tu ^ .'- no -P'.vii j.i.h^]"iLC i set* T wrn-r lmv i A ,lt.-,v;ľ-rj l-!r .mu : ! Jl->'!-, i-, c- i'J t i í 'it p.' a ei Ii->js T'ii ;ho. i --n--! ,i i, % . -r i, c World t onterenee. Victor Turner ( ľ>]7-Si): Sekunda !i >rn anthroj-of .^Kt who tli^ori. c ti notii t- --i liiniii ilitv and louai drama M.iiur >'>n}.-íncluilt F -IC-1 <.f\ rsh.'i. < I*■>(-71, TL- An.A ľu <>-. i A'l-at /':. h.'Ĺh ..r,! '.l.l)sn{ í V aru; í Amieire iAojrv AAA. Am m-; eolfabo<-;>n-i{ ivirh íiis -»\ itV Edith 1 urner ( P)2i - ) on proe , 'v ■ fcih*h T>i,t%■. Suzuki Tadashí (IVÍ9- ): Japan.--c '.ar.iuoig ,r,it\n. diro.-tor --t li't Vi/uti tAuiipim <-i í--i,", with « Aan br hl-d ro n d a tyiiir,'*.. »• «.I mHotnrAti -ruu-k- u.t kul.u--; o,. T>.;au Iľ-w/i and A '.-aar. Ht aiÍK>.,,tľ-- -n .-.,!' appr uiii to ... i- r ť, jt'in a -ahull l .-.-vtim.-Mfi 7A- na, oŕ'lt.iuu • 'Vaf i Phillip Zarrilli ' 1947- ): Ameiinaiol-oni dírtetor, nntet-, a a. tor tiainfr. A P'oiesior oi Pi. rluraianu Praniu c at k.v.-Uüh. r.Mt-', Zaridli ha.- >k*iekrtwol a ps\ Anopliv-.ii.a! ai un« pros. dranm;? on .-iMan martial, metheak ami meditation piactkcs. s Aiep-Anduut II»--;, Ar fi'aA rAo-ma; ill h c |t,")M, Kďhakah Ľ'r, ľú-i-vj , 2f!0ó;, jnii krr:i| ,'ÍAo Ľ-n-iJacJ n ilíť'i. Aul cljiion, ?0t> \\ 1 at in n í. i m nľr s 11 'jiU'i en, c- «.'■ - pei -al ^ jv tliat th~v \% li v . \tí luk i! .m ;-t- -m-i]i.- , ii .viali - ei-, lew jieopf- . lastine hrom n \ v. da1 - r" - t\m / v- e.-h -.. íáii tu !p.ui uh/r ! la v.- . .éro. if ;e c- M r', J-.i'ľ.k -Lap-. J ray ;.íi.r- „l'ni.ii wha pi í ťoi u, ,ue>' lI íl íl ■ ť 101(1 h. 1 i------ fi i m\ one it-, at MIL í Hnití ií m im o' ti-,,1-,1 nim i\ v -vie m inotker oí 'he io-lifeí. ôee . i-• 1. ttm < <>i prešlo n li. Prioník re.v.'liľ'i mil t ľ"i-:i-l-. ("iitiii"; ii.-i toiaiiaiv. e Nř-tilie^ tov-a-ial i.itlľ'opolo^'. - uivii ]i wj oči ti; ui.míx stu"! • i;, llu ! l>70 aiľl \->MU - i- hiiLi - Mi W..I-1 iiia niih hu n. r an-i the pe.>p!e ha - intro-íne^-.í m- ti■, ot'e ' j)!i»vl Alt".,'- lo" iieriern'ine-- -unii. Iirro'shme , um-- .T.Tjli is.i., pi v. 18 19 to - Turner By the'- ■ f?r>r-wces sftai' ye know 'lien' 'II'ip „■ t> i- ncc i ^ p " j^-'J 'i r '1 t 'i i" ' l i m i m ifi ea e- t > , i pp *'-fi- upi I aV-'if 'Cv lt,~i - ,|i-'it i it-".'3 ~iee I i > i ii , r ii' •' C'h' ' 'tl'Ji i J i i-, i ■! l-iT _T n ,-,il |>, - ,,,- it^,, = C r ifif.i i n i ° ^ 'ii-i l i a* ,f- r it, d c Pit In' 'i ,i T. 'j: ' i it ' = IV cue i°i a< '*! e i-it-Hf-i n e u" i i- ii TtliQ' ;ip 10' ae."" c -J, "a.", r"- n a " J r l i1- iti a w ' 'C - 2, ,r- L . A < a h - ^ a i i t 1' • tip■ :>. it. '■ a - 1 ''id,' i n1 "'o.ii. iifl.j ;zr A i-i 'ic'if -i '"", s \ - v;t Ic.v eve . arid vocabularies. 13 .'j' r r- .ii. -a VI i > ci tl e ., a, i ; ■ - d> 6» ' .ea,7' , f ' a ; |-it,-,l i,i ' eci'iT a e.a i !Mtrc'l'j..rO'.,'' 1 f i h i ii c< i i" i - iiV h App-i a:as. i •Vie Til! 1. , di Ol ' I PM, i c ,1 MM. ., if "1' ■ ceil 11 on; i i»: iii' s<-, ]. ,i |l)M niii'ii'. 'a ' icti ij't'.'jl p. i IT, ii -i. • ' tu i di IN about J) .i lii's a ' , Lh e s it tin R .. Iildle Fi.lllidiltl.adi ' il| in Poll,en Pip i if till pal 1 ira its ■ i . 1 >sc" i-. iH 1 i\i b ..Kit i, •. !i\ Tp; n lit rs . if di-s. biiiuai. .1,, and h p . , api ■ i.ji ih f>ln 11 rc iii J Til, v,l C' .1 I it t'Tonk al'ii-'iil the I en d , ,'Si; The Centre for Performance Research and P5i I r> i 1-'SO "iisn'hi "'P'1 f khad.i.'.t^ Diaina i)q,ntei. >" murpHieiit, 'ic Di^. ilnnti. i.t L .t'Hiiiiiti. Suiiho thi ntst-u h m tli. iii'iil i eit i. ' 1.1 i ,uiii' .,!ci',,i|. di I i-s'tnilt'i i-dlt - .lipid ./'"ill P'lM- Mlhtll lie M1" ' 'it ' C I i, dfciiswni v,,,,,. ' li> UjIls ,n P>ss Richard G'uigh ''i ic-iilen thi I it.i'. Idi I', lim in,e Riiivdii' ,'Ri Tl» CPP. i ,,| P l 11. I 1 s 11 - i.l ',1 kkl.e *, il' ! '[i 'ill. i 1 t'l.ntait'in m,dei';i di. i >' '• iiliii: oi 1.1 Kf t' » Tl, ,ir,' l.'id la-'ii it-'' i? ) -aii! T, :■">''<-, l.u'iiV.l ns ii'in e, ft,,! "rspina, , Be.ji 4 '"l" '7' pahh-h • I'.l.'id n ., ni.ittiu.P 1o> \aiopt '../•) i ', 1 W) Pa ' i • ( 1 "ij and O" ft..",,, . VHl it, , ; Tat V. a - |.la'i„d ,-. - , ni'iil.'l ji id i ea mil. i' a j , ni- rt tin cit". ^t.i'a i it tciit't anie 'f..,"i of \ill' i1 Hi" t.iu -1 .di. - ilipw. nit if itti.n n ! , H'j , -.pit 11 In ,r, < n1" aie 'P (.'-.XT:, ,,,, M i.Cl sot 111- tC ll< ■ 111 P.f.'lll!, 1'illhl !jTs V. ■)<■(.• ni ij i S'adic ait' Lai ,id. i-e "'r j.ii it -tn. k In 1i)l2, Pad' i>u ^\ » t ,h'i> I .'d.i'i i f'ssit . I- " '•'•'. Pi a-Ml cc-initd; s In P'1-i 1'ntilv- el Villi '\n.;.i'ie ! lit., lie a" iliji-r rdeejti ir i 1 an . a n tluaivin e,il e ''tccte inaiup" ,| i, in i n n w in. u .in ip, it'l'. • - a a i i-and i"p''l-;'i ineel; nee' urn i.hvt I- h-hiit. \1UF'. ,"iiu„l',i -ane h. 1 -.'4-, the hrsl 1Cu,t.ilf,Mi i'eiU'lie ' Ih PilttTi 'I the Field' - eiui.eht ?S« r, \\'f ,i r~ ,/,,,. nec-i,-,- - l"r'>'.. Pe-jrn Phi la': ami |,h 1 uii,,i!,i,i I„. ', thi> c.niert n; v. in 1 >i n 11 at i\U \iriih,a,m' iii.nntaiis'];! ihet; inf. iinuiii ih. mm a '• h ist i,t t'si s mnaai i:n cnni's h,ne "■ i a - i • don, ~[.. ilk,^ i >ia'.i.xi" Z'e ilan-i. Sin laneia . Cm. 1, .t.....'|. 'In \i thi rPnd,. .aid tin IK\ PSi aecame m i'thi 11! m , in.'in a in ;')-)"" -sec- PSi box). I >cj)He it-*-u i c ii'^i a h, mi n h, ia d • •' i ini/aiii ,n_ c< iti-'ciics ra'-idn, P^-i ..i'i \,h- ,n -,s,u - [],'_f , .< hem-"ne pi i i iletti Han is, <-nn|, d 1 \ Wi.'nn idea' and, 1. > i O'uhi fit i'i ieii,K,i'i , -i , - ,sif Kfnzie.Wec, and Honis box), Rk haul (Joiit'lr ( PJ^fv- ): ', »u id— ,,n 1 n. i tm .Tthe ('entia- for F"U(ii aurii e i!'St„ic'5 lei'Ri <>~ U>-" stn vtli, Wale and first pTi sidept i-t P^i Gea-1) mi j»ni, e 1 a st 1 • ' ol oat. rerci s "Point, otc.intait, in th; PiWs ', I{.. !(c d d; hni-perfonn.iii; i studies H.i- i- , founili'iL tdit a ol tiv iouin„l I' /,. i,!>t(i;. r '.. • :j'ch northwestern*s brand of performance studies .'n'asti. jidi ,' tli,. t!ii. c. oil i .Iiieaal P'a i oeftlelac to. ik ; lt'-i ' • 'tr o-^ti] ;Ini> i-iti in I lats'-ton. Id; ois T'S 1 ■ ic'i ".' n a toi i ei . ."die, Vihj. di rook its 20 PSÍ (Performance Studies international) Artists and scholars from throughout the world P.S> ;3 a f) otessii 'I jssorí*ti/vi f un l> t. >:• V'O7 to pro -mate ro,n-i«.nicot on .nor »vcr,a,oge among serc.a.'E anc pram ti i,; wo>'i- mg infv Pe1'! of pe to: n once, VVr-jeeb t.- crecte opportnuitim for d'alogiie ar.„9 .-irtirf;: ťmn- r-r-. a;.ď iseanuccEQ< Pm notemy r.. tt-.ií;reel ic Ci .-.-ui tg a ,-mmbemnip base o+ art.ste ana sci o law frcm ih rouge ad xv we'd. VVe receoniae bed «,'.'> e pe'^c nance stedle^ a> i f'Msl encourages r^nversa1"i au; ncm -s n scip'wa!y boundaries, p off-ssiouals >r larioos pari s cí the core ofte., need gmalr-r eppo: .unities to ere'ranee res^arcn aro mfoi u-^'em abenf ae-rio-manee wltii odvrs who snare tneir interests ana expertise. P> is a net-aor1' ot exenange to- >uioiar> and poictit mm-m wc1 >ng ;n s!,,wse iocatlans, r-ct" d'scioiwary ard gejgrauh'c. !.'>: act ?s a c,MC blc t'oi new -deas and sorms in pa n'ornvxc* cbicou-se and oract'ee, o^en testing the relation betwen' the taxa. 4-. a orofess on.-! orjamzat'ow P$S c cnmmmteo' to micoui-agmg the develcpmoit of Pech emrwgwc, a.a, esUhl'Shea artists and scnoiars. aw pr-.-i.rc i ibct :tnrr .ithcr ilian, dramas), rht-ti >ri<' < Ji 1 -ate ,-ud public ••ix-jUnsíí. anc' urlcn intlaopejogi "vdhormiN . .f Uv Nil acpr.M! ii take a w '"v Irwwd xicsv cd ivtur cor, aiťmes "text" ,-cf Stern and Henderson box,. in the HSCn, uw :>ÍM>»run- ot pi'idi.'! u.mrc stmcIůs fair it \ra« "t...> earl\" to 1 l.iiii; a paradis/ui dui: It:iiii' >ral interpi c tali. >n and riieatn to ca Icn.nanct ^uidu •- i sec IV i and VanOosting boxi. Bnl b\ tin- 'tan ,A the iww íoilicnnr.nn flic -.hilt w,v \v« 11 established. Ili-.pilU- in th: Mutt (Jlix Mronide from Dvright C oticjjUcrgooci, dm i hair .d IVi-forim-uuc Studna ar A!. I i'-iur: 1 't'o "; and i maior t.heori-a. ethm .wranber, anil .dlmanaki r. Conmaorcxe >d armjed tur t onahmirit; ic\t- and pcrformanc:e-ba.rist Chair ol Noiihw t.slrrn (itUNCrntv \ I); pai UDi-ut uf i'erioinunce Mudie-. dnrin» a derisive, formative period, i9'-)c.q>)i Tluouc;!) his te.u King, otknotji-aphn. -work, and lecturin'x, Conqucrey-'ini m-.lrun)ental in shaping the NU hratid ol perha-maiKi \tU'Ui^. to djrtxtor {with I .ingart Siegei) ot'thc iideo document ,r\ Ihi Hcon /IriiUvu :n //a/A I'WOi. .j on M C K(? H 7 i 6, r. j. '.-/. l. \A/eC * .a He ike Roms A way from imperialism? i-ei to-- r--,a t:; research fas gone qmoah 3y ims. v e refer not so mucn to *.nc cu'tin'a. onenomena icud'ed is is clear, ,,a\e mna feci1 ioi atcd armand tbr '"/ono - Put to tie 'ccai'cns oT reseai'chers then-selves. These locations nave steadily evpanaed ce-- t-1t i ist twu decadc2, rd etucr ;t be m tern s of ma'vidi.a' resea>"he-*s Acrking alone cr In email g'-oups o-, --sf'amrit continents. To s expa isio i is r>it;Tared by em »»iergMye of perfo-- nance icsearch and sta iy prog: am'- m dine rent ccii'iia-ies. . .itmport.ant ■ ^search nrepcts acaue'nic deaa-tem-ifs ha-.-eemerged in monies 3-Peers." ?- Austi a'la B> 21 Ritual Ti n n?a ceil Pítllít Popular tntertainmer-í. ca.-oi r.:.--.P5(,i, Stern b.-.jce Henderson I1, *; p> > - >; i ,11 ,' era a L r.-c , . ,i, - , f, t „1 i u -„ 'i t - ,t .•■•r„ ire - ,t* i , ., j } i L • "aj <-pin -i ' ,f P !i/JC vc i T. P i ' i ■ ■*',*» L' prti; 1 p p lie _:tt ' 1' i j^e u' " r 1 pre - PI t p' a .: i . V-'J|- d l.-ii i ; e.e pa " "a1* a,, 'jpi/ ' ' < i p ./-' - i; p. a* ->" -o <- Jn i la i, ^1 a-, a na ■(• ~o > , p.,, 01 ef t e . 1" • -, p. - [je aoc '* . a " *k i a- ► a"i , , l na,i ;i Ij [ ~>iir '< 11. a,.r s ,. mli e''a- 3' => i. a'h ila 11 al.e , ,.. 'P IP , 'he, ,-, , i iPPVe 11 - : el-'j "j "i 1 ".i !• i', " I I'm .'«' r*'',m 1'1,'V'i.';' I Pe*1",! e i-> nt i r ' 1 a re' e'- a an i-, -eip;e -ct, ii>' -n.'a 'i' i a < a i u pp !, p,' ■ i ' p' a. •• apa ■ a kt a,c - j< v li , i >,a, v ;n,i l x :e meanino ana co affirm maiviouai ana cultural values, 1993 Performance. 3 The "inter" of performance studies t'c .1ia hi en -1 n lit s ' i -a-* lav d, finiii'iu L> rfni ri.ti a ip e \ p,| J ',' pe sLutiie ■ and-- , -. id. -', i. iiv At The at ''iPeiise, i >i'ii hi !,;•', i f d , s ill'-, li' n'P.-Iri i"i' ■ i, h ll - '.p i ■' lit"! i '].. l.ifllt-; PP. ,'I."ts p'<'Jet it JIM e^ilf', -.-.I, IP' ,P - t .'.. ee I 'U'atI • il i i iiltnl (i|)( •,' ip'. •a I I •; p ii iiii.ii 1 'p ■ 'i '.. ; ' v UP I - 'l K Pi ■' ,, ll'-f' t \ l '..;;-. I id . "I.k en k\'i.,!-.-i- = tP-TP". !i. I-fi' ti sal lis , I a i,iP' t . )• - an! ri"U on, ami older oiae. pt~ t,i ip.,-1 i . i • a Nt 'a Pie . ii. a t|' ia(e a :- I , an1 Pnapp' e " |>1 in" ' •--t.1 pip-ii , I in'. -a',d s -a, ia , i- -t ' i, , . ii. i(-t 1' | i, -Pep i' op. j, nn, , .■'.' 1 l!-t .nt' it'1 i l, ' I i ■ t. I ,r ,P " e -Ii !• i 1 'lb iik",' h " m in, , p * . a iii-">. ti t ,r.di'pj i■! de \,i' I 'el niatiui'i. -- *ii . ' ti p 'P.p *" „t'' ■ pi-at e -1" a,- V a , pat Ji, in:! 1 k i i whet iv the i-i-Lt,..r ! - • '«.. ;i a;" . -tndu - t pi il, m'd .. - ,,i< ,.,_i ' th i. a;a i'l.ats ,,, inn. i,"a ,,e ,rs th-it i.-,'kinp; on.siik i'-. ;")f. . a • • it ■ I iimaep ' stn,h,I im,i'- iIvm cpipsli.nis 11. i. h .pte: ii Is.lo, ,i in, !• * i t -a th a tl,p p. i ha inatn "i i in • p phi. . .in ; -.tri'hi.n- i','i ti i.!]{i,.ml'v ma>Ld i " ]> r> it -iii • j ,n 11, m, hi. i—iv • *!•' J >e t , < 11 iiitt j-ei iMii'"-iiiir ii, •! -pi it',|._, \, i t p-jne'In pel f. n n i.ttn 1 i- i , at 'in ,,' tl;i ,., ma.-. - i1 a ..einjh ikllimlt t') %»arances and realm-, facts inl ii al. -'-s a. ' ■ , snrhic - tad a, j,t; - 'put .r„: u , are ciit'iPa- > -i in. • in'' . it li.j hp. ,h liuiil r 'pi.pidi aipi ,-•-.„ it e ^i.i ; k tjj," l- i la • a c ."e i j> , ,r , I e-, . •-j pp ■-> 1 • i- a jW , it- h , j, e hp a m- :u,na m a,' hi' .....ha < . ' •' .1 •■' . ... .1. . 1 •, ... > < - , mP • hi'!, i i„ r, i. mm- I 1 iu. u, • .me ' ■ ' i.m '. ' i '. e. ) ' ., aw i ', i 'k ' ■.: i h c, \» ■' mm..i a'. c m ; Par1"' ' e >'-e . • io. ... 'm ,'l l! >." Jim,',- o, ih . i : !. nC 14 t. o' v-.ii , ' ,. j' , le ! ' !*'. "! ''. C, ,, m •a,.mem . . .« e am p» h - mm, - .,,!.. a s..,..,!. n, s COHClUSIOnS ma ■ s« opci.a: m- ! ■ i , jw ' mei i . m^p, «. . •• ,. it i t \ • i > -n i \\. h.i. amJ is p i . 1 i . v i , i.'.' o . ' . : am a ei % i a- • ha p'a'.e ■*'■'] 1"' ■ h- P> , j..m_.c- ,ia ik ,hi ,! .ii.I ,r *.stic i . • !• si i ,. ,litli'r ' c .....h t t leU, -ra in -me. ■%>'.'..;.•-' U I .1 f >" i >m. a' h Ik • . ei am As '' i ini. i. r-,i,o- -,',', ,- :-e •' i, , .eoei .hi x'':< T\ -•! -r I' m ' e ■' *o i ,s,. ,e,n "-" c1, a1 Om . m- s- u..pi 11 ■ , i i . a -M- i ..'-la ii,. -J'.. -pt ,\ , >.m> •',. ." -i,..hiM cii' 1 cm-mium :• opt are h. iiperje "', li ; i-, il,.-:c mo. m ., , i ■ ;,p,i,r_._ p„ * j ., a .1 , o in i, i at t' ' i "no 't : .)■.•'' „.m , !■ e u -,.'•>,, a - o i Pa ,n a> ' m ' .a i. in m m i a ,w< ,h hi . ,h> u \'ro lk s•,r.1 win n-eti. : m':' .-.d'. . ■> p. ■ - -1 - • 5 • t . -o „ ] „ a. c,.,,,t h,, km-mop is .a j ho-k. • ' : l ■ V'. i ..i !"•! ' l ' i" 1 1 iiiPl.alll"! t.ii'O 'i. ie S >]'',, 1, . -.t,:,;,,., ee 11, ,.,,( |( i,' ,. ,Looi,. <'• tO 'it a ■, r . ,.i a.-_ a e ii i,, ^ ."-,-...,.•.).,., -e,e ,i. j- .. I • m i • -, , h . >h el, ,e j, >> . n . itm -t w es i. ls' Un, \, e e ,l>.'l]' ■ !■ III'. » >. it.. >•>!■•. • an, a U 'L- ej's'e.. ;i" p. V - j ! u' . "iO.'-mat!'>:i ■ ■ ht e v T c.J he h.'-on-L. '■• - i s, /,' o'.>eh., i i.'sve'h,''1 ".''km. _a t'.'ii,-- ,i ,n . -a, hi .. i'ii, eur.e i>-pi r- Conqueryood Pes formance $tud-=s .?< fjQitnwe;ier>, •v I3t a-. I- i ?.,!" a33l *.a_'3 ' ,cf O* í < 3Pi ť a, :t * = l ,-c, ie ,t, :o ,ie r' : -n ",■ p , c A., 1 ,,<_ 'a, i " *" "f,"ne ->as' v a „ .'a aCicc. ~'i ta c'i ,ro, ha aai^,,-,|iL. 0 „i-, > >->a : íc ! p li'■' - C a a a-> a • - c n,fe r ,-> tn- , • <\ > ci piiii,:, iy :o'p "„c t an.n 'tu.a1 ,,, tni'i'. .čiti iiinl^; ,ca r'a i-,ai t. i K"-,t - |"i-ta cpc -i i'a ,t al Mi ri; ctance to a i a, > s,i ,ci'ip aacl ip p, ep •, ,s-pri a paď I <■ t ta pipat,or o>L 'i,o;e ''m ii- m-"> 'i ve- a- po ta 'Pia-n p Pniri rrť»at" I Ar.')""■1 'bl i i ■ 'i 'tl, ■ ,in -' i j 't ai, ,pp c ;iti • e ■-, • a" ■ h n aa, tť t'a to'ii" l. cce.lac t ,at r ■»■--- o a im-e, ^i'i, ,|.a> :„t +p. », ,". i. a;t> snovema). a n,c ci, ar ip ; r „ —- ',„• - ceia, ■! "., -,- a c . jt / a?pp - ti ° nt- ptic i ca a't a uaV! , i teac, té • ipa aa, ,it c i p , eif., • i ,aa. e; i.pcc "p *n ' pop , " p píp" liic"'i'Pt" :, 1 ,,e,ii íor i,i ,|p-st a , iuci'ti s; > 1 '.'sp/ SiIPCp'' , pjv, ' VaPifin ,- pMfpap,tc utl, ,,ti"n a, e c." Tť/PUPi taťC ; a ,' ,y u l,i .a ap 1 a , jf p i ,'ptpp a 1 V p cis,' :t,"p t ■ ci, ,p, ,, ,*'pc,-! - -r:> vn ppp -,, ca. ta, >, , a c* r^-ecc1 - st c a,a pj". i-p-Depts I' '<- "-a opt.icp T'v a acap',.,a a . ' aaa n -h rtni: V pr-p t/aip '■ 'a, , ,t ■ , t.e ,.• pate *a?.t '.•';ppi, ti,,ij,p j Ppi „ ne'aj ty s,, ia' ccipaat: ,p t, al-hc^t^i ^ v "a, pautice,1 iirrcaP' i t a «-,3v o. Kncwinq: praxis;. i! a mti,, p jt C, . . i t iiliP- pCpi ai li l|a 'v i-i ha Ic ^ac >t ii , Paicahc a^-,, , -fič: V- a,"> o.p pišme ae- e--n.' p n ain, <-.-p ,t, ť, "íiip 'li r-aa- . ta i f ;tpe -ni ~e,c - i'ip l ,trorjn _ r iaho dpPpp" ■ iece v a w pi ai t ^.c- a ir"i :'■:ir - -i, , a ■ i.anai s it i; ijccrv-a n -rrí !o ,! ati- p-Pt'p'j ala! ne "p. ai, r i- -i11 o i' a "í ",,>Oilit-ifi t, p ai r-i> ijii, 't .' a ih-- a,v i'„ sít" v';-/m f-r:fS'"D:;,r!.'--ricf: a'dimr.: jon McKenzie Ptrfo, wance is a new suhjeci of knowledge . P'j. .'a- m-mc- i d ue fao--. esV' am.-.- • --r aaata, »?: n af mec/po-.e a J: re 'V .'dm ana/ j•"•,'/, mar a a; rec r-inciml f'" a/nda-1 j,;wi,ei am; 'man 'ei'yLit.iii.'s am. aia.vL'. L . . Lir.e d inn id km acrom;ar arc a,cm ?i'=,,1 ahmct .jr encvaec-qe, erjac'i i" '• | lit" edict ,-i t -'i om teat faudoc- i nude.- mf i'f .par ch ejaOpt '. -arte dame peanci adai idea it ides 1 m me idf re'I r jii'es d'mta' avataa-, 'he Human em,,g.,-c praieet- these sugtjest aiet the parternar"ee samee t corstri,t,Pa as f: aye erne:! mb'er ccfrd JamH-red ramm tea 1 ..enters., sidual m v.-., I a- , etatd am 'mm ne :v i .iter erpcets ae 'a-istabd; ■ ati ■e" li-at fmeei, ae elated r like than r d I rev ee no: ac unv a d- |- ' proj.r, ' ) P-rr ,a 1 mykds,,-- me m *m e mi' Ii duaa ,-c [I e dd la-r-dmm rrtmc, ODJtch, art rrorl-'ced a.ed uaiidair.eci hvougk ' vo>- ?p. a* --.can moonir ay sysa?n s eveoded ' 'Sty am:aa>*ce% a p. i dha ten a- m me-mi = ntm .it pi art ice. 'a'ir r dim'; ..tirta i -pm..* a, (,ers :,(| c,lts fc,.-,( a aye -t"> i Fc. oped imhhtosl r-'/u'i *'On em: it; -,\ -trio of ; a! an da! r iiprr- thorn a* ae da rame a c mcaraa - the alp',ate" prated oc:k, era lat teg/, s.e.h md lo'oa °s as ciearc-or a ';d:a and dy tl.eii n ejdjom, p- re em non'-ahs erd r ec ana idaved na..t, tde'> foas ano p- ace-se; to be: erne ra.v nat.'reesmi oPr-'racdncdom Si-1 |la''y o'-aaaom a in trprp'n.. rach'aes ante ■ e ed s^" ctiy and lerir!', ay *!•;■ dOD'f are Leirij retooled by a i ad-nedi-,, dypnte>t' ad aiPtaeccira'a'.i). ti-a; cf tne ccmpetf . Genetically altered athletes? the p--a:.pee! of e a aaaian «i o caa -na ait me ju?-K i d; et -eitti e '-ate a. bye a. ..ecands's -> liraeo.,-: nolo i i.i "in C'.i rt la ' aad aea- ml art s..:e'.t:ne < li.aaie. Fepia !y. the aos'dLd ty at e ^,,a >q aa ati" et- aim ear da e n - Jpoleti.i'j rapae'ty foi ead'.n ame iisd'eraas. s'e: the nterna;,o-iai spertim ccen-.a.iit« has hc^un to tal e se, oa the | ossib litv tliat ti- notes may po;Jemaddi ai imam frr earns,-,Gr a-.a he asm) mh' son e aderm, p.m.i mauce di adciit.ct cpnehc resea'ch nae p^parly Peo ;a a. areas taniea'dai *a tra-a train' a., techa;, nap. :001 T\iI'oi-'i: O- Lho. IB Andv M i ah an j4 a.-,;of,r,n,.( yj-!(j.f,er: ^hh'fe? /haa^Jda, rb.:cs, La^ae Ccnlrg and S;-.„f, 5 bb-n ni'a'h p- .fotman.e •-tudle'- help to .K-.ll mh! - ant ■ '• b m-. ta< in a; tti-a a m ai, -in b as '! 11a ,11 r 1 th. emunnm nr. tin- onr»a-.-e., m. m-.-l ex;ih ijiafi->n at pa; .pic , • n. -p- -piilj; inn, an- i ,^ an"' '■ , F;>i m a . 1: t te. bat b ;-,t r>- >n sot ib' h.-r/ hi-name { dadbma-e;ii 1] as i-sn! >ne in die , 'a-- baa n\ s t \ ei ■• ilk else s name PERFORM s-imeont nalls- i.aath.•;,-om. S. aun.i ebc 0- --. 1 d-e> that .11 lion d he p. rs.m \,a!k- acto- tie ic-oin .nyiim ''-bmimp' " prev-oioii thm wor pi-t "dpung \Vha miee the 11 it'b. names bet".-en "w liking" ail. "-b mdne mdrao' 2? What is "to perforrr/'? al-Icra-cHtiiS'ofitphfcSUs. (er.S'JS—475 BVKp IfrmgiP pKIpsoph; CtcdH. d .-'d- tin .'i -jii a, or -} , (!,., i, inc "Si is. ' die *.!.-< rv l.i ei,-!iu s> >i's. n 1 ,, \, P ! 1 m, m ''iiO'j >mpi .-namcae- >js 11 Iia igr T.c •. Hi t slap iiit- > Me • am. in.-a a,; Li, i i i >-i oi l.,,-d !o . d, to ivd I. tl,. r-. l.ti.nis. me tl.-.i\ el ,'i n "mire- Ph'l re-, mma emluiaa'. ;>. rl em," e ■ mi .1. . sg,, „ pi.i . a im ,-, , •!, ,:. it, ' < p.ia'-e- di. out 1-,-|- In hi 'it > l-'-'tmm I ' i -in l' ' h.P .... P. Ill; i. " 1. ■ ...'l.k ill .11 < in.. I, li -o ,n; i.P'g III1,'.I j •-. -hi ' ! I i ntl./i, 1 'Pi 'Pi' I- .11 o. In .ili l)> ••l.'.nis, (.uiH.rmo GoriiPz-Pffirt |it>5S- )• M.".\jn r ttrn img»Ci..>p ii iiocianic. eperio ir ,i. n,tm,t, .'H i . a.'. , ■ i T 11- nl c n.i H'i'i,'»v Ji» i ' * ."i i ,,u -JI' tp.,,, i ,'»' • « -\ l\mu P. ' fV>JT>ff —OIK' j-i ,11.141,.- ' I'liM • l*l,,5 ,* ,,Mllw,t' isi.s I iWs | Bv>.,], m- ('. .ni: lull .M5W-i lll'if, K'lit Ut 'ilii'iin spi I -. n; m n, "i ,p. i, a , s Pa. , ji .Jti o'.,i rlJOPji 'I'.ni- : c,M. „1 "sili.;" •- ik ,.J'l. mm tl, il , m-i , JMiii ','i„id s . , >. iritiit li, i|,m. . , hi, .. ,pj, Coi o l-ii.-co (I'w*iV- J; Cuiu.i l-.a-o mmi.ii tmimmi art«,t i;a -f'"»;-s M"..'Mn._ iMi.i j; ,s j . - o! p.,n i p.ii t, , •• u,. a ^ ,r.s C (...I,.'',- anil, m i hn ]„. mo Pm ,. .--I*. r,a . l';.iiv„ mil ,'ispi, i. u,i. poui',' "i p. meg s,i , -,i d, .,.H;"" is so.-mimi mart t .'-.i -. i.'.-/p. ..'.ve..' t.v i'.-".'la/a t, p ,f,- P-„ imp. pt ".• • nan . sP.ldlt s i > 1 pi ]., , [, i,nvni - km. I'o'i a "a ■ '_,)< 1'" >-, o , 1- l f . nnpoi , sin i" oug U'sii i]c , .alcpo' , . t'osu Hii.-rdi) '. if-min-!«■/• and 7re pioe./Pa i>■>..gemma? i" 'in<;n i ' ' ii. - ''a1, t ' In T" 'an ii r ,' ' X .tall' t.o. ' . '1 . ii i id l * ' ■ i> Uc .11 I'. O > "IP.jn . . i ^s. ,, v o,, ; ,,p,,., , a / ./, . t \pa:i'i:,i._ "- i op:,-a, ! ilia;, mat. : iai , .a \. cna.. l.a.n : is • 1 1 " c,o . . ,. ....... . ..n ., . a.' .> i- ; ■'. .' i ./hi.' s'.p- ; 'i ili-'o; ■ ' 'inn;,-1o,;iti\o; pi u|,' da.oi./a . ' . .... r,. " ,. ,,r. . " .. , ... . . ' , ., Wail-si p a.uicni i ..'it\ 1'oiag an.I ' .ti.a,-.''... .1 anr . - ■: •■ - a jftl UP I''.'!"_' in,I si.i ■• ■! p 'ortg .-I , li' ..' - I-' '"Il ■ .i'i-.-s ■ tii i-ipa icditi li 'In pi i-"so. 1 at',. ' i-. i k (/n'.oopliL, He r.n litiiN pi c ;-"•' c .' v H.-i a. in io ,(,|-- 11 . d rj,,- rcflt-iivc-: rtt, n--io i a.-t p. .,,u!)..- its, i. p li- 1-ja! 'In-. "'.Don rn , . p , ii • 'ti'- th.. .n.-inir ..... nil .'iji'i .iil'.ii. h i . , tl - - ir-ii iinditaai" P.-ajm,„t-t, n,.-!...,tiding...,,]»■ m,g',„.,v.->g'......g1 Performances is a r. i'i' i i ' if' , t 1" : >i,. ).. p.. n.i tin a . t id "1 pet I". mani • and tl' a -rl '< a- m i .rn, u« .. i p, ,op,p, io'isiotu. \\ I. rmarns n,.i.i- id. n'ir., ... '.,, p. | anu, tisinp. ,„,(| nsp.dP th, vi.'ikc! rr. .is ,iiid i,!'..';i,. I-.p' .,i, .t....... ,n a. „ a tl,. i odi. am1 "m a -. fi rl". .rtr .Hi.-, -- ..i a"' ri'.rc-.. f'.ritpt-.".. ikc.i'.ic "da tc .n a I,, - n- .a . -.ii gi, iok v "roopnaa. lit- -,u ";• .tor, " ' 'c'la- r 't's ' i, ■, hi'i.pi-J i ' i-ilili 1 'ii' «il,'-l ll'i '-'al.HKl i- ail! ;, ,".-i I, ■ |-fl., p. Pi lol-s.'" j .,. t |o. .p-;] ,:i-.i',. ;n |' PC,,,!, tl.lJl i'i and av a.:-.- pi i! a .nan p ' m, iil.mlk-i-mi» f n.miz-IVfia's nkenst gro (iolini.ur bf>\- m.r m.ikmg art in-. !-...- and Coct) Fimi'm iP'rj;t,,r .,„•, ,,',;„ j ,; .,..) i--j-,-jr.,i ^ .. -lit ■ ..i"'..', i1*"- al. d",I ,,~*' P a p- rlui pi ii \ i- rt Pif-cdc ". 'i . -J-p - a,'. -iii,,i'."i. -,.,.] id i.:.,, am'i-i.ici.i .-. .lh at'i,,,... ap.p'. ■ I p-i-'o; m in.' m s" ilapl, i-s n,m.,s or „,-■. i,it prn"-'. sr..-.;:",- ' .it - .a ! mm a i, a adj u ai' i- and 28 IF VOL H'AINT TO l.MPKl.SS BILL PARC ELLS \ O I ft \ V I: TO PERFORM .■!- -rnrn,,. S ,i. ) tui |iil'!,t s | , t-1 -m> . I. |>l'> I'll > „ < i ! M, ,U, ' ,<.[,. V'l i ,| , ,1, » « i), i 1 \ >, i, ,1 nip *!)'• ■- - | 11 . , ' i. i lie |l! -i , I . ' I. . t •i '. [ ta!., - ,)L > ) 1 t';, •(<•>!<, t - hi i h .i i i ti i ,. t ,.. • - i i a ),i *iii ■ -a* -ii , j s 1, I 1 isi ! n t! i 11 J i !' 1 I , ,' 1 I. 'I i , 'I I-. | I 1<1i 1 U-tlXx i /' u 1 l>> ' |.ll\ .J »' , H > n >: i la is i IWh. iii„nii i-n 'in .Lii'iiiji ii' 1 i - . ■ i ' i • f »m ' .>- I ii A '■- :n. w , , ii ii i; i!„ iii 'iij ■ ;>!.:., i.' 1" ; ''iw- i >,!•_ sit a t- .k ,- -•n. t- | i h .11 ,i . i, ; u. i i.-i , in tin r i't ],,.. i. I-.- . m-n-.'^h nili'i'i, ' .ii .1^ 1 i-oifi In-.').' Bill Pan ells (194 I- ): \u'i n, m football t oa, 'i. Winn-; m i ' mi i„ ,- • , . a" < i i'' ' In ii ■-!'. i • an ' •- i'i. i <• !- " "'I 1 'ft*--' li'i'v. K '\-tb ti« \. .-. 1 uti Giants nit in '.ii -a • 'i 1 ii'iyiinl i..i , -'ii - i-ml ill., ni i tl i< ! ,ti, - ni'.ni I ' . '>al i i- I- In 1 'In -j'- , i ,il it- • In .- i.i I i - hi..... i -I ,i •]■• j,. 'n*, Siir I. - 1» , - n .1 I l,li K i I... n ij a pi t. - iji'i • / 1 Si , ill. -],. n \t coillliiui ■ > - p. in-mn .' . 1 V i lit p.i -i i--, ■! ' - 'In . -I.. 11 "/.i i -Iii ti 't;'i it ;i !■ '.v i , I, .,- ji - in, , ,1 !>i,i •I' - ." I : * . ' I-• n ,etl i, -ii, .jiju !.;> ,,],.,,..,,, ,r on] I'u,,r;l. Tli.-i i \jila'i.s i.,-- -lion,; , 1 ni,, v :th in 11 H' . i -i I ,a p -th -.- ',. Ii 4 mi I n, • ar-an . i..f; . |,>, Sm'I, ; 1' i' ''i i , 1' i - 1 l - I 'i-. 1 ,'oi p. hp- l)i. i--. v-s *!■ 1 > .i '..'1 .i ') i > 1 i i ' i -i I i, - 1> i- ho1. -can i - t -, ,nl tr . ii . i1 ii Wis i a - a K '-ll.a1! i i • 0 Ii ■ ,.rr ri . ' 'rii- a ,i. • n ' , . in - '1m- . !■!. ,. ,-. aooii.. n^lipj (• ir ■•-I- i',>, r u- pi m i,i ui ti. it- - ■ n- m .>r . i *,n..,.. t . .i-tna ,.ii v hi, ,i ,->i-,i n1li. ih. . -pnno in H '-I --.iii a n-i p ;-i t! ., nit.r,-, ■p'i . I • ■ .-., "i« in1' - • ' i • ' i i n» in 11 1 " ,i' i ■'. i, ■ '• i m ,"1, r. • n •' h. ni I. i> • *!,, '-ni, 'n n ,1 I I-._'!> "i - i.,i ,i la- ,n- ■ ,i, i '.1 • a-. tih ,tt< am n *<< • J-iin'ln' p.i,nt- i • tli. --i.i tn t' t. II- i" i 'an-, hliil iii i .ii liil,. -jiin. Hi sMi.-Ii.-" t \ a, n,-a' m ni. ti it rt. is 'a 11;. -i 1-, -* j ' 1 .'. " '.i' t' ns ' i t , , '' j m p. u i i- ts I i ' ] a ,s ii iiia.i I1' - t i aiimai tm ^niif- nk U- jihu ' ,1' tvi , i iii , , i, >| i , , i, i t 1 i 1 ji, II, ilm; . , -ti'-- ltd i n, i i a! In-a n v, . i-'-. - inn ,- " - '. a- i- -i in • ,( a ii ii . ^ .pi ' i 'I ■ -Mp, i-n- . I1- 1 -in , ^ p. noiki-i lit 1 !!a-h ht 50 Eight kinds of performance t F-.rC t " i--,' "ľ :i - i~'ir 'j i- ,ntp n-ink i, ('ji i ;l a ul'j'.il >\-' * í í ■ • Oi u . • ">> - 1)511 I . u i' í l>t J" Hl ' i , h.i -i,i v >,.'>} r'i< :>t-t K • >i !>'ť, i.t, 1> ,\> a5 ir uitl-Lin t 'tí •!', Itaiet, '1. h'iid • I I'll H' .lt n líp 1 í'a' hü' ''i ' r,e'J'l !l l' il. 'í" Íl ]ltl 1. i-'t , .1''K i . , 'Ht tUf ň , ' 'stilt ď' I'/1!!!!,-" ni- :im> - <'!!■ 'hti'-l' ' hni i. ti- ji ľ ľ •-1 n fl;>. -,,n „ii.hiijiuMi \\ lial n i ft--i i tt. tl ',,'-' " i c'I.:,,, i -J u n hi-íi'i 'tall' ai'l .altai ľa 'd-K.t- tP'l l'ť J.i in -an v ■ « a; t iii -* iii-. t'iiturt-- ,'" lihi »t hal i - m ak n> -to k in nlli n t ní. i." •-; ľ initae h. in > - i m.n. t Mm" ul-n i - o o . U i .i. "h.e J a \t. e'i h,T, ■>' i an > • ek-al, ,i ť e' til t h .ai;h i'it', , j.iTti.) aaiit- tni »hu- *mI m ai-l' it nn ili-aha. vi--' t lot.1.1 „e "i . tu -t e- .aaii/ a -\i a r'iiMi'u'n "i h j'.nh .n'Ln'p bi e et ah ati n;" a ťh v, nr- ■ ■ * - >\ In í. rt-erl1 ah j auinl th ne, h. kie'n ii. \\ Ki ik-tnemi-b 'iii»'."|n,r,i '! iď -1 a . thei ■ nkaia - t>; pe, '. >•'-. Mu*, ju tilarian mb of pa itia«;- anť.. hp . t- ih it ta .t Vtivnaaini. il js -.j, í'tl laiitl -l.ii ma' !■ '.. tall ipytl '-t,.pit- ■ n . 1 t t •i-igip then ' ira d ' h.. 11- an-' -a. " t i. ... iľi-i rui'ihivai'. i ,i'ľ ii a p n tni n.a n t h,t 1 tlo a .n -ih. ti tlľiii ii-ki-i, I h me n. te-- ,nh. 'ai t " I It. m m s t t basm tb,il pln,t e .t ' ,-l-t-rutili 1 e- tl-.-t p 'i.ilir-1 thntei s, ,,t, a i\','ľii 'le obm ' ai t äi.uit sk"1 i.iv „i., i ; mnaslu- . \i i Ii. aen i . h e u>ee ítgtire ? 1> ' . mmt' • T' e i- n't I -p. m- ni . i t, n i..'t< i, ,|, i i,'u,r, "K a-., aeohnal 'an. ni; n\ *m ptt .-ť e'"ai i iľii"" m ľi-. pi'-ti. tibi I. .lit'dl' Ik-. n« i- d thot ' te. ' tiki. . ŕ ' n. m i. . . ulít, - m H a,hi t i t. i nai-t Fin . i .*'-i. it i a I - - I -> >i s ' 11 ,• i.r anisr. . - .ami e .J |, re., pm„ mnp- -U>» \ r, If pi_ .p. .1 Li1' i1 I'n '„u. i ,i,e ! akte tt a 1 Smetan . > ",ni 1; al liiui h -t.titi. a " vt.ippL, pt p . ."i niti 'lati't 'Li, , nt'i ai-1. ,Ľ>- "a 'en ~. it, i,. tn re a ran ■ e .. ni '-ai a e- n 1 . a --pt! ,n i-. ani " ah k-., \nn n m . hi" Ľ ■ i- . h, . , ťitiiiť hei ,|..",'),| "lij t a'l'th- ittte-ai a ati i''t,nap.) i- ,i-a... « ".-í-., m- p, , n,t i-h„ .r 1 e/j iiitvJt t r f.- Inn. ,n • |t,i n-i im in >}- < \tJ',.. i ,a n hat Johano -MvinsU.ui Bacli' üj- a C !' > ,a mtl in mm i.etiiti-1 i Wolfgang '\iKatU'üN Moz n t ' h tat -It , i .t-1 n.' '. nun Ii neat.) .'i. - i ne tl; ,i Lu>"ľ. -a h >,., •\,)( lUb "lii-h ni 'it Mt1.. >- . ; tt i that 'h • ai i-1 v, i-tlit „be t 'jiní ak í.i in , at ier t U H 11. ti íj e\ i jťe Haľtlist>n bo\ • í'oe v an k p, a t ,1í'< .d iť.i.ľiu- ,-a-niii. h ít n tie n [.'tisni-. ,.n.l - i ur u.'\ „ hi n ;-"ľ- 't hi-Vit í iiiirea ikt.ľ - nain ipaT. 11 p-.rli a imn. e ť., - )!> , : itu hl .j c in i s Sn n. n iť -Vtli. n ., tl m e ľ" i1, t iti. k-f!sals'n; iiíe.l r i, tj.fu t- 1 i V. -. .niptte a.n, an.a ti .petal i r.í"|-*ai* n . m -aipnkan. a.-k ,i|, r;- ,ľ h 'e, uittl ka enit -rritimt tit I .tt.nvi^ taaip nti't i, iľua , -n. t a h . enj 1, ; h,earn -- "A '0^4. i. rŕi-.i> -;íh i 4 j. ■R -v • i". '.!> 1, fíg 2.; --a~ta Cenia..- a,ie,.i 52 A'-ir-t 15 FerrOf-.'VM'cr ..-Hirt Sebastian Bach (165fi-1750): Ii . .mpo-rr rh. ■• n ; and urganbl. ! iL- poh phonit. c >iji|j- -Iii- > • il m. n d fncni.. he i a-ia -r,:j Fun ipe'- most n.tUicutijt coaiipose! v •t;?,?tig Amadeus Mozart (i 756—91): Au«t«i,,n tonip. Rom m Aathoh. b-hop .md ,s.)' anan, am bor ■ >, mo t major treatist > on Ihr portm tna». i- ol ..n -an-, loch.diisp; Aba/i; de (.Mi-ic lenone tibi rem' i^wueque . -,- A>-.,a,s ÄTjt (S14i fflii ti/-ii a//i''»/o »Bool ol »l.t Mao - 7\-: iiotoil, sor-'i -poit-ai'i 'loo ro tili--,■>•!•,. (j-. n.naoti ,. 'V.iiiTo skaliiiJ, a'-l btsji» iir in.j arc ru-. .<-m ! v tl» "'■Riripk-». Bnt ilit-o .i'-' r.i> •.pia:intate.v v.j-.s to littt inline a inner» as thcrc aia iii r-Kioo, |av,-!i.i thinvanp. ,,r saoiph' hobiy hisfea.l i:io-o Au-tbi ik adalet.-" aro ,-eulpoo qe.aübr.b.i A i>,: i!io ba-A ol Ab a-nA' an : "liAA uüa 7 ~'0,.ir pi r-. n a.ith-,... ,>,-,. rni.n lik, -iar mop t'imi . omp^titbme. i•! -p-'--'l .,| OOIJsph ktit V, itp, die V i.lopr, pt -,p.f ,)J v' nioüon p!u topp ifilo -n-! u pl i\ c-v.-n "brun ;.:>■ -rts"' iike 'oolhait 'aic-fiiiap; ano bo\i-,ip a b-i<] a- ae-tbelA ehnv-Ion'-. dpji.iri-nt m tlu ü so wttp; tb in ;>, in,.- •.-,\it;> tu il-". ii "iii )i-s a' tion '1 -c't. An . > rt tu] a, l.b<>n >* lh»- i.i'.nüiiw .vr.b Cii.ti-7-- -iApen-. - il rlhk-te- -ab." 4™, i pran-a rhiAr superioribv. 1 or all, o- ca -. km v- du diAa i r,t t- Ix t--.t oa ys .kap ti Jitnah, -oat'!r.iio a h,ot!\iU ns:.', .n atioothnj o.oc ■ >i thc porfi >i nunr arl i 7 Ae ,hfb-r.'iio is ba -e. ' i u, knu lioi, th. i in nra-tancr .4 rh« can \t rinn -toeh-U. A« Munt, .uni tl;t ochd- "'ii •■ A.p.i'c'til oi tac piatTi-- a;ai -ip. etat. .r.-.. Tbl ii i-.i-.ona !'ip iliib'ropt. K fn - n a arious «;-nn s oHl o p-.rh-irriiinc; ai t-. Ri inp t•i-^e•a a-oun 1 a nao-h pit it a r« k »■/-loeit n *.r\ fiiJb ein in in appbi-!dino -> poriornuni. o oi ib.- Aiiii-ruai" lA.iii l Tiuitioi l-'ia-'.'' lt bau A irk Mt toipolltdi.. < )pc r.t Hou-o r-aiKc ct:.pbaA/c-- niovcm..nt. tboair.- t inpba-a/c - nai--it,on nui unpi v-inatu-r-. -.porl--. niplia-i'-c -.."opi-tiUoii. aa4 r'tu an." tbe nn-to-a' of aranoa Deren,osannarenl Üie iroment v,- ^jf<- ta ihr a, pajpi )m „ite- ra-etabor-5. VAikcib e treatien, thpy präsent tbe blass a; an eiabcr xtt cbania v.nh bsfiinte roirs a--b.i,nec. tr te- narticü-aiA tln.1 n pot r Ml'ii.wte -.icinifc.'nrp is ..ol!:!..ti -ess tbao tbe retin- ai A ■Aböle plan af r^Jeitipt an' th'-oagh the re ci'eaiian o* the ' Ute, death,, and "ettion" o* C':- A. : , j ih-" cn neb :-■ .■•eaarded as a th"ati ». 1 Ii- dra- -,a i-p-rarl bis a coheient ple- üasea a-i cc;p>ti LeT'.vee; a :ha npicn and an 3iuacomst The p'ot hat 3 Asien attlrr, ai'"i'ir't,ii.| '1 tl r (,as--ia , ann eatoniDinori, Al tj kirn» tbcre is a braniaiic >''"•»-'.rasa.., the Resiirre-abo"., • n--'e'ated ehn-, |r- ca-ai i s-ia1 b ans.üan n an- the Canrr et tbe h/bass to the 'dam - iah a i bo'i;sib'n a b\-i1ranladc catharsis i e\p.-essea >n 'he yais-'biai tjcy «t tn-" iw o" tbe Ftsariec' An! of th- Post"0> aniriian. I . i Shoiiid chorCi- • estnient: ihm:, v'Jtli :l.eir *!?1.o.j:<» syi Uc'k nt firas, be -ao-od-ard . is-s.nics: S!ioi:M the patec' sraace, sindüry sadariany aaidAs and ihn.Ave bc an--irie,-ed statte nnix-aies? ths '.ave cbarcA, yre^byteriiür a-sJ a!ta: cf the chiä'ch he co'is.on ea a staoe, ane 4; v.andav*.siatne= in agey a id e-nanin A a ' '-cliia j'A As k> ig a> fha-e -s z't>.r rocognition '.hat xh>.v eAiaents »re halboved thal t! e? . i c the saeed pha:e or naialAi h> i-io; tt ri.ed ia secuiaa or c • tbe profdne, 4 I. nass Ina to apsvo;- /<•«. Jl st as ihc ;-A.a.-o I" a saared in-rn oncseTpassing a" 'bstoi v a,-a c-niocJA ia ir Iis tna eenira' m 'J!«'-*.Ji l:f" o>' »hicl a 1 An soan drapy; r o>s •/. the ca ri).-3tAi- c« tbB blas? eeatabo nd eb,"is'".:> neaessai'v tc seealar aa.-ia--. yances. 4>a i/ass as tie ge'iS'-a1 ■ ase-i-ar db-a, ha i aiatiu'a, tna ,o, ■ ct.r?. iaiA-adea: di-a-io->-. a -e tl t nad :e As rofbo. Ibi'A--. cA-rb/A" ?/re aar.' c"' o-bao i-;A' 59 -b -° pmromhtict studies Kl I . i IK i n I ' '. i i . ' 'l ' I I I . i i J ' j ' i ' _ 1 . '■• * I 1 - 1 I i I'i' .P ,. i . . i £ 1 ' ' i' i i ! . tl o j T i i sii Jl ! * ( j '', I >.l vl'll 'I i It i • M I' | ' .' O < I i \ i ml I, .ii' i • I 'i. 'T( ' ' si n I. . ' 1,1 ' , t ! ' I 1 s ill 1 ' 1 1 v . ' l Ml Tl , . ■ ' "i . ■ ' i . I . ' „ • i/ r i i T i , I v i'i ,n „ .' « I ,n; 'in; I i v ' i i i 1 i ' i i' ' i ,H S ■ i i rii'tii t i < n i ' h >. i .1 ' i 1 • 11 . . -t s * it'l i i i . - i iid i i i in i '!. : 1 ii i1 i v'l ! I i _ ' I i' 1 '"i 1 .1 ' .. I ' J i 1 i • i" j i- i Ml 1 i " I,' - i 1 i 1 i i , i Ml i'i ' SI_ , li i 1 ' u ( I ' , i , ! ;.n , , h i i . ii 'ii >. i . i'i ' i in i ' I *', i I 'i at .' ' li ii i i ii ' d •':,■•!' ill 1 Vi . i !! , 1 , 1 v , |! ' i 1, . v ' i i i 11 ' , i IP i| II • .*';Al 1 i1 1 V i" i ii d ii i i s i ■{ i ) i 1 i ill ,1 .ll 1 . i 1.1_- 1' , 1 , v i |l I '1 It jit I ! . , 111 i Ml i!l> . \ 1 ''i • 'id - 'i 11 i i • i I) i ' ■ i .' t . 1 ' >i * Si i i- v ( i s- . { i < 'I l< i i ' . h 'li ' fi i i I'' ! .s , I. s i i > ii I i I K »'|i 'nli i! n i1 , it 1 i ,' in !, 'i ii i a* ii i'ii ' ' ■ i ii i :! i -i ' n H ^ n .i' - I ']} i I •■ i i ■> j k I .),,..! j' 1 1 i . -,t./• '' t i i it t iii i. 't i I , n , , r i i . i , . ii. i ! t.i ' i , • i ' '] " > I ' .n .-i^'in: ni i | i . 'i i i • . Restoration of behavior ' T •• "" ,J 1 "••'■•'■•^ ^ohfrt Lanham 1 .) r i >\. , ■ s '!-• a-a,'*,, , ",. 11 'oi i i' Si - ir 'Ct- 2 1 i1 ' d_> i ^ ,1 , i , d i 'I i . f- ■ ■ • ■••d. ography • ^t C, l; , e - ' "J ". | U !• *e' .' ' ' ,H 1 f" ' v it t - s' <-> , i- ~i e i J'.a ., j>< a ,at iC ?' \" " > ' a : ' '- j ' i- 11, ^ i V ,">", ' I Ui,i Pi*!'-1!'' i- i = a a. ! "i if c " i ■ \, ^ f ii '1 ' i f-p r'-K1!1!",!, '.Ti Sp'lli'P ,, 1 ~l , I t ' " ,, i '_ _r C ' 1 ! j C -P 1 v a <" a- . tt ' M, •• i,'" d '_ i a a n i - -- ■ m ^ , s Xl , ; , " i -,, p, t ei i,i u-> ■ o"-I '!, - rr o • >d -u " . i p. ; ! ^ '"'"i' ' 1.- f - - * a -i '- a la ' .jp 'd:-i ' t^d'ri, .a vVe-V'S ' i(e, hi- r •- -. i" i a' -r r,a;,-- • j lage'P ,n <\ h-n'-a t , n'-it It ii . t i -in -J , 'a e ;e i . i f i a , "i i " ;., >l /i a- - 7 .i i i /' " tl I 7' 1 mi _i a a a -, -a '', liv\ ->"' d h">i la" ~ 'hnJP L a,j tii M'i >' i i a- - >m r , : ' p' i ri .' "la • -a > -1 'zc'~ i - " is ,- cPip | < a i i a p"" ' i- L>, '-• ;r i ! "*> ' ''j A " , ii, 'a, i iv cQ' a or-f- a 'i" -t1 ,'jc rf it ~>p' ad j ' f ' is il- _i-* nip j'i-'j i 7"1 P',, - Fa i-a a a '""aa '-a- " ar 'a I ■ P.p., I'tTU i', i irj & (j ^ t £. ac. e quest.!c tienavior i -en | aa *< -i' :ia- xed tQiaetnet, lose d- , i i r , i .i t,: j't "i i a-1 1 o u i i •! - -t-v I d' 0 u. 11'. I 1-' 1 > l * v i 1 nt a . iS[^= i on -et n p^1 n rr,, i r s iiT", -I ^ 'lu ,o a ^ pi-1 r r '-'x i 01 ti n -n'l •- fi a ." f . la* a. Tun, i,i,o .r "". i *o i li'u 1 ,1'^- ' „1 Ii a,1 , i ,».i'd(h> u ti,,i i st i''d ' t-l .->- i ,i ii,> ,(',-!„<.-, ft .i ip, n' -,r t< -p I 'nil i'h ji up, ,, t' • ,\ tl, i, l.i i' v d a iht - . • > ilmiiil 1 ii'.k !- ,i . o a i I is L im i t "i, ■ ■' di! a % „ i ■ p i ai v i11. --i',', i ^. ,.{>! ^ u' . ,l|-l l i , si. „'( | ' | l',l .i'll,! pi-,. .... »i,i, i a.: pom ,,s ,, ui ii,,-undt,Caution! Beware of i a ,,r>. ', , i,. iji, .-i. i generalizations ' 1 i a .i i '.■ i tl' '', t tit.' hi ,un ■ i i u 'tlt-spi -1 I i- • ,i f , „,,* i-, i, "ipS s , , !', ii .,, ,lt . . i in hi pp iK i 'ii/ <■ ii «' '! 'n.M Ii t • ,'i.iut s.,'.tuii i'h imh ,n,\t|,.j'( t'...'i" .f las ior, luit as embod ..« in 1'i'pi i i i'. >» an"i i th >i,,. «ii i ai I mil' ,ii\ p. ti i 11-"a:e is sDt'C.iiic aiad ddf 56 i.........■ p 'Ti m j ho ' i n>- ik'< ' 'ii . x Mil • n ti, ( i ,i . , i' . ,'i i' i i..' 1 • r 11. > ii m ,ai ,-\ f-y Jt .1,.' i i ii'i .ii- -)i ' "> '• .. . th.,_ ' • - "i.I 'in iin '" '. ,'i'-'.k ' 'i ,11"^ a . _-r.!.- ,\.': it - LUi. "i, y . iniis's ilin .tiis.'n1 •iiiij".. ' n .i a i I'r.ii •! ,.ii\ ) i'-. -1«. r ' t! 'd •,.'•" • il'i >n B. • i )ih> a- arm and „ t. ifi 'i! i •! mm-Pa a, •-. ,n',.l .'"i p i ' .; .:. - ' r, < ij !'•'. 'P ,i, ■ . ,' mo I \ 1 i U, i , i •• ' "Hi ' i-li J Pa sti \. o. -.Pm- , li .r \aiii j.'. fi. i ii ii,, "t ni .. i . a i - , . . ,! . i "i i, i; pi ..- ! I jo ' i 'i.n ,* v n . [ '..'Mnr":!!.!!!:'" ' ■ j.", 1 1 m .v>,. ; i, . t t i hi i 1 •. i," . j i. ■ • I ,t> ■! l mum.).. . i ' , ,1" i . 111 i : ;_>|"i ,'|. ii1. 1- t! 1 i i , ae, "if. . '> , i * :" ! ' i Ji 1 . i 1 • i; - i i ...... . I -, ,, err' i Ki'ili'l!..; fn pel. d Un v\. ' :i< " o" .'i^ ■ '... ,••'!". • i -ee tigll! c 2." i ; ; i t. - •<') >• n,j ■• > \ ••.. r.i s i \ i • . -e,'. i, 'vu 0u'i - ''.« ij, . sl'ir'... ■ o t ... ill ii HI '.ij.. • i ' i Mil.,! ,. il '"I, -i ,'! .",i - l.'ili V-t-.i. ■ i.jiil J.;; !,• l. 1 . i o \ OkUti ,t.. .i . -•>- ; en. 11. ..i ri- ... i ,1 • ,3-., \> ,. ■ >._ a-, i i ■ . >■ ."I- .1 ik,.n. ■ i. i', i.i - !• • j. iri i, j, „ 'i i' i ti ni n i u~- ■ ■, • ijit-.j •• -v i..»i>\ -.pot t »i t *outlm» vheic - nil \v-f--tlrr migrate irooi one i.ateporv to another, • hi. lAi. : <'i'"- .'."i . lum . ii-i-s. r«.ii ;•!••■'!!!• Take jazz, for example. During its formative years at the .•CP Hq tare 2.h. ; Prune :m i arm Pa-, r, ti . ,■• mi I. 'hi •■ ml. start of the t weiuim h century, j a/a was not regarded as an art. o '.r-.''a rhr • i i.....i*K ilmp ,ii i",^] ti .!. ,iih. It was akin to "lolfc performance" or "popular entertainment." ". 'I ll.i c -ria r '. 1 - a. ' I-Jimlvif iri , ii'lf ts ain i • >l: < ■ '■ But as per formers mo veil out of reel Irjht districts into ', oca ir ta1' •» ■ tii... tiic in,,,!!,. ,,| r* .in respectable clubs ana! Hnaiiv into roiK-ert halls, scholars ■, -,t'nm -s i i .-ji'ad om ..u >n- „rd tiaihf' ;5t m ""pure jaz'/t' But that is riot (o sav that rock and cither forms -..'..o t,,%| a h r o, ocas >m '» r i.,> !>. i.h. ••• iS V.'m..i of pop mtw> v»iH not >.omedav be listened to and regarded in i'mph''ic i'mi> xf,> S'.r, -,'lt,- . a- , ojimiii. . iiu •- the same way dut jazz or classical music is* now.The categories oi its particular aiiture oPlolk^^pop,",ukI''classical"have more to do \iath ideology, WPP - tii.i . t -mrp i. h-o irai .: '.m ai-totaimg politics, and economic power than with the forma! qualities i t , v P'k.a ih'ii'on-ti t-p, ao, .tie oil. . oi ,tmiH hi, ol tim music. M.ľ tri' n m t - i pin ni .1 ,i' -J. ' ''i,toricaI ana sotau or n-,* '' as ti a.i'it ion say it is. Rituals • i t >r,.~ t, at'.f' a !■ . nan a,!,..,. p ií.'i, -y, . itii a! i r a t "t • * • pi . in- i ť!' n'. 1 •-■ (,, ,-• a n - 1 t( ' : ■* la -»iia. 11 i it a. ,p a t i-a ľa n a U P' r iv 'u- • Pi . , > • i '■ r t ■ .r ti -i j'j !•• • i:( f y u i y i p, i 't: ai. a. . ' i n,, J t ■ a t ip. -1 - í . I u a t a /ta a u a, a. i 'iki ■ i t "i o±. p' iar S [p a. 1 a - a p. t. .-t,-,a; .a. Hut P na t1., > u t p, i , ■a ,t p, , .-i a s i 't n i"^ aijí n,. J. en. - p' ''r, a' .a i i U 'a r . ; i.. i,' , lap . íl - in a • ir i i.l t.., t.i t la- . if, a p. i ..i 1 t" Ír .ta1 i a! i i" •",. ! r.ľ ,"t (ivTli! .Cm lehejtlml- 'M ». V il. V.íllii.l ' - . VS ,1 "i. n, ,;' ji, i I n-iii p . ,| J, ,,. |,(| -p , i.- m i -ch bm "'i i'.!>■•, t|..,1 i • ■ iiT i ■ ' -. 1 " ' i! m-' ,1 I. 'r. í-, ľ i.tii ,,| d> maa h, ,iti>- 'v': •íl ' ť s lift " pi ľ.i'C 111 - >1 lit • lime- í i,U ili i , I 'H Jluľľ. s., i i j-, ,1 ii ),ih Mi:iil,ir "'i ,mi *•>,; -mih 'he ibea'r. • m liilľľ, •■ mi Tin ,r-i. init íl';,tl im Kľuim , ľ.in-i i , i'ií'c iit tnu. i 'i !■ ,! v., a, ,'i i f J? dAm A\-t"-t h\ lus Sophoi lc> aii't , ,•; Ijjiflt-N, íl. • ■•ti.i Hnem ,ttr tam dran• i--vas r ii» - ami ■ 'a b ;mm h-.t i. d- J11■_■ i.»-v - i.ijľ -ali-'i pri/m ", ť' a v ai <)i ■ í Ii:--, pian- neteba-id , , l'i 11, - \,, íbam, . hm tíu > ' >.m - m v h i! ., ,-,,.! ., 'i;,i d- nu .iistr.iif.I \i, i.. ui'l „irťvtK bm n tu i i !r ■■. „. ' i .'-t.!, \,ljt..VSi 1 imlte"' .ÍU. ti' • b ph j.uill* , il "Auii-,; b, ,ľ - mbu'1]' .: pet Pa mamt n'itu J.h, ,| ti, it alien ■ 'i.i . mr-dine. >t ťn m,- .r; iti '. P. ir> ť. m a i] :il .ť "--e ms ' as í he pbihmmra parse,, ii, Alt í -\í í -1 < .tie, m ! i>-ik m, :., i K -m.m >imes thi i laman ot m-iPeMe t-pm 1 uť m i*" l)pi 'in 'n.,,! il-ip-inipi a lb-- ri' , !d, a-amp-icm i.r- r ■< cit d. ■ i bi ills (c S -ľ 9—i. 45í> Btr.}: P.m rl |i!a ami aittir. , i is ht hrst ,na a-' !' .,-et 'ban "sunt-trp, r- i.jb- m. hint !m , 47" p,i i , ana '/'. t' sMítíSlť Ľ. rM'o.-ic!; (r. 4%-.'- 4(M> b< l); Gm. L pianu mhl. < mdind «l*b iiľ.; tiir tiiir'i .-itm-iriti. iba -tan a ti tpedt su">,' a" ji'„ t -t"b (Kthpu. /'.-' run j (. . i-2u Hi r i. i/r, iní piati utii rroiírť'. and . , >■ _ n 44 i 11. a 1 mpides {<. ISv r, 4-05 HCl )" < n n pl,%\ v, urdit e> Imv -ui \ i. in^ ,s •• (dnib iúíiľii4',! HCi i. tri/'/" 'i* m • t _> nim, /ľiim' . ..', i + H lít i i, and .,'>■, fj.ikvi, 4'éA ta. . i. Ns'ppiiVj- ti„-njril ,n. r. t'len ,i mideumimi n, n--d" • d • Unjp*, a,tem 'iniliti di.m,i- ,',i p-iblii -tap;.'- i aas -., n -qmn ľuhiiitlii', . ai'-"-, ni'I ími.Mon- a'\ itt-r.ii,.;. nl pnpcdar i t'U 'lan. nu tat- ami r-. M'ji -li- ..rnrutiio 1.^1. p cpl. 's ■' P ntľ c, lliľ"t v-1 "i i niii'l. 1111! c ,-! ciiu'i - 'ľr'ľ „nt , .1 .i,1 - u r t-.-.!- pnppm -a, -m .. ,r í-,,!',.r a .ni(d la*v 1 ."in im m,m.../,; j:',1 h < i h. i. .iiľili i-jl,-rt.* i Pi !)'li,ipb"íl -t 't'.iti' ta'1. ,'!'. l.c íuiu-ti iňíl, ,' uren Ui. p-,pui. r i ,il . t tiun í.-nts mi i. 1. mih,. t,'".m tan. - n,tm 1 !->n-, 'bt b--,- na '.i- ■! m,, b plav-.. i b bi at lap. .-'id -an,mar; "bi lu-i-ir, ,a dl, v.irid íi. m,i í i, c -n *h;..ipb i'.i t i'aPa a .uv. Ri s in s ■ t n-i. H,. í a- T padpu-cm (b--, «i in-.i'a c " al''t! cairn 'att tlmi 'icii ľ--l .oai'ľ •! tím aí r'm fmv 'la .u.t, iln-at ic.-i pi i patla c .-a tb- lim t 'ilicdh-v -P aasa.ic.i -ip.iatm.i-. R-a tJii n. in tbc tj'ummb "a 1 m '• > ad - . • pli.i a - t.c i - i nlutm.i m ti.i.ii j]->; m ' jua.'M -.aim; tb H.-rn-vi" '-i.w.m Riirr-cn. , m, • in-"'ebnal. ".man a'ml um tím-' • - d die d.a ta ľipa tni-.' ,i, brh.pi..:; b a s tu [, ■ i i--a ,:' . n mu ;;! li". .mi, iVi.ii. Anilri ,t Pall.adio dn - -h-, d, 'h. Tatttii ' 'l,mpt.i ľ1', atr-ni ( )l mpmi p \ e i n/a ,, b - be: mm! be v, is mimema ^ % (A'e. ŕ T'< eatia - íb, !i.-,t "'dmi'.m; n í).. ' iľmpi, e \ia- N.,pbc. '-a- iVďni. a-P n.i.pJinttb. '-.m". nu-(b ' ., ,u ,-i mem tb,. ate>' h Hm (Jlimpico ;!kl. Andrea Palladiu (I 503 -SO): v.hc «'.'b-A in • 'l-m- m i ".A i . t la-'pním i tli 1-.tti t eeiebi- ľal!..a ,"- teatr., t >iiiap, ii,i.i upl-tvdb a; \ t >rli i In-a, atb. i-fbe unli i. mamin-! exampk u! au md ,n Ree a.-.aui, disattt Antl ur ni / tAníím ' >hn • e* kb'.' icupiili Pi A..„ íimk r, p,;,,, I'm7, í a k - im..m. item m dv i,ist i'md m tbc inm t-a tat i m (m-, dd e -n.í mu "t tb. at n as am ti mi- lav ílmn mml . ta-bsAiai. ii, mi t. s.i veli "'•unded t'iat , "ana '" . imenenls ..'b.d ",ii,-n: p.nd. '* iriip'i'i he- -tlotrs am •'"•e tailli .1 aiti-ts'mdt ta]-tt:a -tatu- ipíu t invmrd niť, and tbl mPaliim, Hn t u eutietb i s eai h m v\ \v ,v., Attempt i d tu Ais."d_e v-, vu-,,1 iit i n-t. š,,ml n] usta ebiA '- a'aat i.aril' 'luant t .d r -. .-stuahshme'ii ! h. li-< ,,.) aiant-..arde m, r., r,ü iits i - b n,..-, m. Imi,]-,^ r. ale ne m,í m bima, .nnKii-'-n. bitn-a-ta, e,n-. -,li-m, ur-i, a, misrn, ! t ma, emtc-s-miism. , ubi ,m ílu a! • e . ,1 t ne „b-vrrd, i hli ijk nme- t uvi-.iiumr-Pľ nm] pt:, .,1i, _ p, , t( 'iiuisi a, t mij ir, ae. vnitictine vime- n tli. -e 'ľbs neu lurn.iťel itu atre, -um.-tam - ian, t , - am tma - masu , -omcimses \ '-rial art. s m tím, - n m b um di .ma. 1 ľ t. u i > u^b, m cm- im t e at ra. b, d ,n .a ]m----ií is'.m b imj el at,d' e v m" Hap.pi nitip;-. "i ■é. -'-.b .n t • pi • b u ti. ami art tllin K rpi o-a, . r, jim ; the ttr-t I i n:p. mnp imi-j ,A ibis < b mi ■ !,>malc. d-simi ti'-r, Im m, ei n " -,rďi. e , 11 A-mi "libdll e u r'' í «,e, K.ipľovv b<)\ e ľi-.e t, ; m "ii. t tel m ill. . at • - .T rem,-d m liti i -"O- as aí! "|t!;vi Ma í er m -rb - . na; . ;he> " i-c a--i .1-, d .jte; i-i/aMo'i 39 - Kaprovv d hi A. tfikf art and iifel'ke irt "■i'i!>r i tat, pnJ adhhe arL a „r dvt -"pa ate WO-'C- t-T-rP i I .1* i ir it1'' ir~ ,e 'Ace of ote Am cVji - . ' - 1 t i~ n, -1- i ci i- r1 of '.mld. n: o yet -i-11 n '. 1 Av coi'o-mV aidAe n-cci'iiip; m- 1 eco'v of aim It'0 f'-,-jc -. t,c;-: i, e <~; h.n.. Ti is i,i.-.'\ le "" rs .f''c -TT o [ "t cr he ma, 'i-p-'", A'" tc . : t-•Hsm- '«..ii ■> mlma i ,.m hit' ;m.(i is "ooo c'.tP *",'c'-, t id; e.dc.mmd i- .cpor.if-- ■ i-o't dmy' c • cojtiO" A -pj -.-at- fi-r,r - "m if, " ".a e=,cl art <■ lepemA Aa tn<-yli'f i . "ci.aaai "ii it' t ,i t ha ., a'h fmev ' i 'or hue, act a , Aaae- ! dv ...''hvl it,. ofte-nad iaeie!1.' :aeat-e, °h- ; ; •m.aat.jeam' ."a la art '", . aoac .amem ?>• -,Ip-i" !iem alco'i ,ci j., K's uajaa jcatai, fia;"|>e.'C ■ 'Anaio-A.,, Ec.rh.v/C" -m b Ay a;t;st-., e.e/m acs-r! oli-ts ajlc aaanAa. ", at a vujt >.<> arms al at .mad . S'" i ala cptl ai Ac A '. ohm 1c iifp.'st n ,i t •'e-'-.t aa s-a |-j< c-,; a'ca'tjaroc aa~'l-.e i i "ha t • cr., h - ah'"'.a. ■ it ' * , m*. '.he' rea ' i tic anon AaAcm" I amtA'" a tf"e. - 1 ■ i 11 aA t 1 a - d arm i . a n y vAa 'ma i, hV.Jt V,l ' ( l'C|l hau-' ai -a a . ",hh aa: i e, vr, m ac an ; t • co a;, tea t. idmim,, i e'e: is ma' d lop p,,,, "-a, iron.,.! tl - c am' a - mam hit K=' " m' 'A CP a,a"c, o foe • an. ii o nat. A '-",te mo a a o aaa . p- -.',-f Afei p' em ",' m 0: at: bat a I; m.-'vh ,'.. elm ana emm si'mje-ahnh amder it ,o .A'", ; i eo: aait I a-mm dfc mi, '1 'a ~a n\ic'' ai the i" a >c .jf t : • ,a to a-f imn s be m :. t idoea, t c .,e,m < r-' - yn a ac a.'h yAo ma1' - "hart',"'' l: :a'o Ah: Red rA'pe> air p, ~>h .8 bin ao..m : tiu t •!•'. nam. mem- that J < ■ a s; ;;. ■vm.M not b, lamiahi af j- ,a ; ,,r: • ••,■> •• ■ be simiai--,; T>'. , bill- '- . 'f ,,'. i on. arc j m-1. a ii i •!.'-,; m ".» bm , ' m ji t m Am Hi. hs tiba 1 !" m .■■ m-r -. ..mpii, a .■•! Aa vark,,! |a;>. a tlaavci 1n„. "Aha ', j Ajai .ipapiii .' «i,c . • ami" m'.'ir.i .'i - clahm ii A-a In \h \. ,'ir« :jni o. . .mil i . an.! > i ai aith.'it m'hmi nitmnh r oi.' Inat-.'i .' iic'om! a-oa.ri. n a bhi-r. i.'-hr • '". -"mi"n. rt .ipaia \'A hcanas I a ,,., b ; iv< i '!,< .'!..-rnc! m Ii.h ]« "]'u 1 i a \ e i. Ik i ir.t» j.rc-m n. < a the C h 1A onl li. . n ma .mm! 11 icfo .nib pi av > i'jbr. K.irol jn/rt \Vojt \ !a aaaa. :".p',' fir' .' i. mm 'iron1.', iip'n Ihn •■■.'mba. ilia is I'ut.jvn itKi - auis.s ai. .aha- .iiiitia ii-l'ntu m ,.\c".aa'. i-+■ At prcsc lit tie • n ba"'l',\ im bnma.ia.ln *■ 'bai n mil a pi "."*■ irmara >' l.,i -.a ic( u> s,u n-'n p _n i .cm mlb. tin li' i.iv inn' 'In pa-! c. i,tin-, ha' bms. m ihss,,].,i t)u bnmiiPans .-i'p„nliiie p.. : ,••'.■),.'ng t" an imh pi 11 "a i.imp.,,, t h "ii i oi-.u', 4-t am eel btbi -p.-, ii me u -ilea' e !iat a ii.-r'. m aa . n . a a u ail m:\> oW.. is. ,p (A etbi ■ mi ii the Mi' en ran '"a- =m |. ■ bn ■<-, i \ -a Ron.ild Reagstn (19! 1-2004): mueih pm ai n! the tin r' ''laie- (1JS A S"h ami d..a mo> <>t«, jlifornla i i'atT "'Ac Kejgar a -.-a l»ii> .ha iti mmis n lor i,i>! niibh, sp. X, [a rnnd leasnaH• pimtp < jiahmed a-u p. k st a, 1-^5, a^CjiA , ioniinti'd tn \\i t- 1 >r and ih..ut ibi rh. itu It'- tbtaaiu,"'' f n. ei le lae-t 11 eiAiini n Ail as ti .ttuia, nil dia same nnnnn Sec Ids l',,/P,;,.i A, n ma' ft;,r.rn, ,v. flu I I^STl 40 -,.•£>'.• i i ,jv*. tijfurt' 2.^ i. j. P m at P:..t v. K i-i let reepk- '.u.aa.t tilt i c it i'"IV i.u 'I na' i iieau n -t,e -.E>-i <'t.i < i'' - I a ,ii 7 ". >> i i i|r in m i n.i i - ľ aa'i ii'. ,1 • art!'" ;l,i,s I- uk bkc its e.srpe., a -'.tn l:U aplm>e r< iit>!" ",< ■'■ i-i ;ush< ,1 t i si photopiapli-t.ik. ai .m s.i. it ,» ill I .a th iK'e figure 1.1) 'Ihm ■■..isii.i i y all Gcrartkih Mei ca.tor 115 i 2 *í4V l-kmi a- iphľ1 11, loordphi t n In im a "i ru ' ■( m ip i.i a m; i-still p. ..ť it fi ť i,!d\ His uma) Hear" w is < a,.; lur.i ip.ii i '• i- b , Viet . .u U -map . ,i eis ill. '. • irV ^- tne • < i. an a t > 1 .v.. r> a 1 -.h,'' t >. Mť\\ n •\itk,'tiph s h.,,1 .Jiarp>a! "n. th sľ-i ' tin ei.turv. tin. pi -p miliaria '< \.e-l.'í aenuii u .at. piKicv nin.-ir.s ei ti,! kiríp P tie..p. n i .[s e:'h kauri, m ■lilu i.ť i:, i'v II's'. I'ť haj - P, -wi'i'i K tleská-, a: iar- uer ii'ltľlili i1.,.) f f . /. ' ll'te, , i t a • i l i'll ' . .Me 1 » m ..'Ulli.'in ill vis r tulí ŕ,., -ľiliiu, thee ,i iietaik'1 - maiipirej , h ! in ;tÍi>1>. . "V ' - -icjl . i,,„p- - tu n\ a.p ihe \vi irH '.i;is,.i il,i'i],.'!ili,t e m lli ' illh "'lup;'.! im\i|-,. 'nl(lil;.T i" j umhat h m -'-ne, m. p I'll,1,1 a.». haha tiimt tľiai, i'oiir IMilr-'ai r. nr lil- Lis \ "rH, pp-i ;-s i a i >a i Tleli iii' ek pi il ip i'hl la \liii) IV U ts. a»-,i e't .a it-k'ae'.p sh.eA.p.t- 'lu'l ..ll efh.ei a. ' i - i"ľ a", ea /-V - u a: p^oma-.,^ -m .9P- i„i.-jť r:, i: t < i'.ťť liyiuľ 2.'t "\ • '.i'i^. i e íiii in e,n th. s,-.!,- ' si/t- a* \t,... .i a h. a i.t mm. • e .t... t mm s lamer than .-it'd1)'! kirn .he i , ti i s iľjp les ii, • a i .aa.eia ,'Lii s it is pel t e ni' n ťa n:. • it -i. 'Pa 'lit s ."t.if' n kt i;iisj hm\ 41 .T' .-e'e' fig 2.9. T' e ■ .ear. "ai-:c- acc-at: ' ' a .' ap 'top/ ,;! t.arcciaae.n Arm, lYu r- (t9it>-2uO>): i,.'-v.ii, in-> -wc la >. h-p. ■! 1,1 ic< -ait .vu-j'.i nra-. Hnivipnp. in. nn...;ii' t'ltir-ti.-j is c'eanipiU'd, tilt tliaa ill ni Nt,air.-.licd ALieine ,! 'la! .11 !■ • o: a round i.iftii r.n. 1; 1 •, that ate nm-r ~.o.riPoc cilia r .icaneSt siiape or size, fi 'iia .'."a-] 1 in sp ieoia ' unnatural.' tin h nu hii'n how naech tli'-Mt-i •. .:ii ii IVi]i, tiuit i.r-Ti. ■ aher map - ■ is a performance, c)ne .;t ihi- iif amnps ot "to p..rr ni-l thmtp'. don; .it o>; dine i.) a p.'.rli' ebl; oi m eltmio, pa ar' >r -.' map.-, provtii -e-rv helplnl tor iiavipaune tho -u- s-kvjum-sttaipht lines "is ~'<-c ni oje,;iti ■]'; kept n, ., onijia--■ hcariiijs Mora nor d:v\ hi.- maps1,1 sap the enarios oi tin 111.1. mors, ni'-tvliatit-. ana reiiipirv ol ;n 1.-cnnsi.-iiv-t. coloni/me We'-teia: 1 ui ape, s-"ii:iifar|v, the inthiOt's the n.rninps ha\e m. en jr.. is , a a;. Jr <,\\ v.'ha. a Ire in map- , n.iei, Inti . priia. maps pus iv.i" to I yamine reap makm pel termance. Fen-rr map not eipv represents tin rairih in a speciie \i i\. met res< 1 • •;:.<; 1 s pen e~ i.'hti. >n-.!jij 1», It's ni,'. pisi ,aip-.. ice' vtranp 10.i an'.thine can he -.tudhoa "r-s an', ill'iipliiit oi .-m. < enpa'. a. I,'I repea. 0 ''.Is aiv, ,ii 1." I v.otih! e'.jniin. ns a,-. , 'leipisp ?ad oti -, r phv .had ipuiiuvs i;r. -nap' titii its ,;a> iin and sinain-.:i;. aaihfi..'s. !i i it ".is .niadeaniiuc-f I «<>u:>: delve ima the i>hi vr\ loees.jj iaaiaara. Rrpardior it ".a i,n<-"n.a Id neaio 5 aterpi tap; n-fa..ak- "i pal. at,,, . ,pvr .pis-1.. -:,c[ ■ in:on.ts. p [ e ere to r.-i; the 1 ompatei ".is p-. rhaantee.■ I nmnj.j • the sp. t .1 .'4 irs->-r.".i.ess, t. the liania. a is unpen, the a -f ; .Jness ,1 da- ere pe. h,ip"d s. >l!ve,ii'e, >fs si/e an-! port tin, ami sua, I can eia. i-n.-in i-iih Panxit si ire. e out .a 11a. teilinp me lum 'aa! n.i > aap-et er perronns Make-belief arid make-believe iV'tarm.ia .11 he eeher' a:.ike oehci1 .i""i eake is p, laav pe.uiei ;a,e' eiw r-"-les, and .danaine .an's ideutitv .a a '■{ nana -iade'ie aa. lions ifi.e a roit on -ta^c or ir Pin. mop proivlih no, Ftie pt rtonn.rru 1 . >| cter-.c; ■ i:t .'uhicii I Mill tea" ia more detri. n-- CF-apt-. f an-! '■.i-ai-e lii-he!' . 1 rat 'he v,--v ,,oeia: realities t:\ev en.ti ■' hi "aail-. 1 -heineo. perfoi n,.;;n-, iht dirtin,to; b.-p'ra 42 43 ai"! lur'l» noli or mill-, lint-, m e ,m ; hi, . ,rd eis,o\ m m. ,\Um,"> is a m per m". -mbb' Point , mm -ii'l - p'-'.m -u e ppo-:heym ere itchec pa m p kmp and . ;n'„i;p» ermim p eat P"prkiP'p p'ii li'imr-.' pm m i-, fk.,p. ,-ar ami clotha an. tramneti i.ial P'ttuiuys !•<• !'liu r; m tii-iks'lp'al.i'ii is rno-h-rappm. Airports irp p p i.p.ui vol. imoep -'.aii.l.irtiiyi'd t i-.t p,oP is ■ r ,' pii iip> ,1!>. .• t emr\ mae a • in m thi -a .a id Arm rip an . p- 1-...1.. .tpd p ten s „r< broadmts: . mn-pln r.a. dm fi e ' . im ri isingK triiaRiotUi al ill' ir-. |.>i>i)pi.iur..i.s a> .up -.tii'.-s The iHoiusion oi mit r.i..i:., ..r's .- apsi dr. ■ lam - of an hi. p -urine, uh par'. i ■ ihe v.. ..-1<1 - i, ). i" iPa- ale ■ •! aii-apk.nne -ap, if- i>t j ».-rl or, Plll-P '\Yi •. i.l -,: p.e-pe -o.nbiii.'s ..i.i.i. ill-- oi Afri an,, 1 .pin .......a, ami I ipa- ,imri. an so-apd-. New hyo'ids are ■p a . pin mill di:« iime. ! \ oj.-le are .up nine v. ,'n (her ar h i| .ill p s .mm- pood or had Is globa.b/aPen die eqip-. .Ppm, ot J,a. . •-. a "ii(.jlii -P.. ;-di:.'stii.n. s 1 pi.-ilvlvjia ai and infp.w.lnii ii ' ' , ' ai e taken n|. in ( h,)j-.ler N ii ne functions of performance ■ ti ked op Im pet PP'p.njie'e is and v,ba1 ,.iii he m ..- a.piTormaip'p. Bm mpp do p.-rh ami m..,", ,ii m:ii-■ a,.' p" i iJdiitnlrte. slippdaP. the mnetion ■ oi permrrnamc '. ■ ■ i'i,i!', and in difh-retil ■ pit in s. Pa re nape '.pee a e-. ok proposals. One oi tin most im ImPi. p. dim p ma Indian -ap. v. ho ielt Part mnormaree; ■aiil'ili'i iiellsp-a 1 eposit;..',--.- • ,*. kmmlodp- and a .-TV •,-■'■ pirn nhm'.p lor rtn ccpi.-sive id rmopem. -mee oparatd boxi Thi Roman n.-ci seholar Horace in li'.s .. "op argued that rhcitr - origin P -1 nrertam and ., •■ 'ii- a tag.a*, no liv many thinker', and lap. r im ' .i ,'!i„iii pia-iv right mid direr i or Her loll Rrct'hl, m aso.i. -p'.t, mil Indian thtarri, d inn "in -.limig, ai,d t - a 1. s i r Bharata 7~'V UPP- ii pes ji p,'P ; r,ai-ce--;v1ii:':-Ti eah'e I iTr.e mm Eiaarrni have treamd tnt h'aiyavade to ht.goe.i a-p! ear, aciia.p ... io mmmo ,;,f jjc.tu ti'-:-'.pjo', .-pel y-v.iiseems 1* is <~ p-'pp.'se.pppp" ai '.lie eet re lii'-ee v. ei'ij- pp.1 po: or-j of the o o* yom-e . f-.ipw diiaPiit .pet;.J now ardir. aiermi _ r,.:,^, is i .pi f'm'el hii" pc'.v : o".ts, ,iow yresd. pop,' 'tilde.,, o.'.typ learkps r.aiii in pcoc-'e pciaa appi,,p P gde: -fpp.'pie'ii »c! prose vv'ra are |.aea?pm • - ha pp-p ti me ."da: are 'd-kchmed nee rrpi'-tetim p.i.mpiicr ia p '- vi'-.l-he.ta'.'fik It p-vps eoimpp-s to ■jow.trj;-, eneipy *t iIip.vp 11 eeiighhenf D^OC'C o' r-t+.l? iett-'-ct eaid ekes aisJ-j,--) tc t'te pp-fe. N?,t>3 p a e ides mt: I tfl I! ,1'ieilt tn siPO;, forte-Jl-'e *C-t'lioP IP i.-''t.i 'PO'i-m io t",me aaio ,Tii-.' Pa -rake a hvnm :n--'i stabipp' tc o stimbed m'n ;:, i';at>i ;£ a mores=nt U'C--oi me V'.avs ire vmrlo avuivipQ variraja emot-ous a. al .lin'e~!ng ' 'ppammmeE m..-a-?s fie aid am of Pace1, ami mirloli.ig people pieirp peaee, eaie-' "aii'ip-ut. ami', :n vm. .... benm'.pp1 ac'vim aP, Piiiicis rest ,-aal r°3:e t.s j,e.-;ce,s af+'ii.t-'o l-iy . J. row', kit.cue, CP'iaf or'leipiess'ipas. Pl-pre if. nc. a'P, po kpop'ie.iPe "iCpearvP'ii na aeripp, t''at's vat foemi in natva. I'^'i-j fa'-.P-ud'. a.itp.-y -I'—se-'.Ci 0 iiPiiul.. m, T'nz kitya^irc, ei-apte" a Horace- {C>S-§ OCP): P.omanpoat ulio-edtspaeti.-u '.TV frr of P.ero , i'a/4-'. o!icm a-iviee mi iIk piiptruiliaii of drama. His basic im triu tine that art sir-a tie, both "entertain and educate" is ier\ close to Bimhr's id. as op tlv lunetp-n of theatre. 45 o- po. M f',"", r P Bertfíft Brecht (i59S-ľ»56): (íraMn piavwri.jh:. >lireil.,r am i |iľi:i>rm,ii:ii. h-non-a, in í'-kt-a >">. ai, !«-v. Ui-I.-ih. V\it.;.m (l'-í«0™-7t), lůs wiťe. íoím.ieti ih' Berlint,' tnserebk, Maier tiork:. mtlude f.b Th,:tpenn\ Opam v I^2?i, T/i< fiav .m./ >/;k P,i uf lřii/f(j^;r,rt| i j^-iU;. l/'.ner maif.ltif „i>7 to CbPii .-n < í1*-? ! ,, U.ilhm ;;,>43í. '/ijl-n J M "II "i1/ './t *)'.•? 1 J+Ť 1. .ll.fl lil. ' 'ú ts\l,T. ľuli 11 m- i l^-íH (v -,, 1 S4 bnp í 7,n nem ift-i ti, ju c J,i c r- >. AUri\ oi "hr rbt ort-üoi! uiiniia,. arc .ii'if «,>•-( t. HEaL T(í ti A SK OR---- tpAívfm mEpTSTY T& PPAt ľ.PTh ľhL bAC»F.J Pi" Tut DtiľK>\'h'. T j TP AC H 7" - Up PEr(3UADL T Q rprtprŕjía 1 3 S\ľ.ti.>m i- n>, 1 Pa, u't a-, Ina. •• n.-, a,: \ m lom m^urc t j) tu::i>.. íl -1 I ja" h • -man. e. to e nit:.] tam Ti, i rto.ío ! m,,auto nu' k i.v obulipe i.b mm-, -4 loaiaio i r í mm i ooiinuiii'i .-» to heal p to ť i ľ, a pcmuno'- 7 to ďa,i íl Ith tba sv. .\ <1 ar.l tiv .kmonic 7a V a k E OR raS * ET "" - COPPatipra TP CR£AVE ÉtA, TV fig2.12. Richard P a" a ."lind i\\ i.ici 'ha IV'idil pl li.M'r'i thmip. Ml.o iit m íl . liot p*-t" . >r. oo|, r iťiTiii-.o! tjn.'i . Fui mru ta oni c eľah'.,«.■-i i ha mul m íle í+'iani"',!,.' ti a,i,p.oi \Ie.\i. . on- '-a !■-,> i! ťu -.c PI P' moia mij • TP,t I ti,an ot ne m ÍS'tt íha l t- ; am h\ a b uppm a r a nbnp n, v im \.an a na v. icsf \oa a mt t" am. Pom Km íl im- ju 1 íoi m ta-v s ai • mtipiibi íl! ot tb'\e inpetmn- b.P mam prianemo ,. repka n.o ■ more tiian one. hot .a.inioi , i a,(,( Pentoir-p-alem oi prpp.iirm la pian 111 iv bi tnoSb .íiiľi.l íe n ha.p. |ia'-M!.(i)íi!p .,,-;(! \ inmiip bin '-tie h a •ďi./w .,bc. lu- to n r t !' am.p nm l'ať r ,.,iii(iji",i!ia ^li,i,ti.i:n heil, hm tbe\ mP,mmim ,sí-o |aa-r eonmiup'P\. and ik ,ií \t nl, dm mmob a"al ' a 'bm>'n>._ \ do, torb '"b.d-wP. m,Minca' o a m t iormana. a ol en mr ppi mwnt ti e and ba ,Pmp \ i hat i-mal !■ «dbnbtk-r, cíaiiih '•c > i, c bi tis, '"i'Vi t.un- mail t.iin - airuiiaiin nolinaí iť., a.n.ikc, bom- tbc memo „mi th« tieňu nii . ami, ü tne vtrmon p oiicttnc, tca.h. v It a-rioom p. pio -mmne .iiilao - ha jmn- nad i- rcborti, t'na' n.voiib loenvu i-irkľkt'' .an«i tb.anptb N -tile ba.lei ad ba "ap íha tutmp v „nm to t or \ mi i a",ii los: c r ' '- mi r,unit> lap vite ha. i betu? t nn rtatti ,,b,, il ,7p, tt.iipa iirapi! tolbtih p.n.aib r-avl to h.e c tbc ptcjtľ-t tatrrbm- , , kaieam-, loinmccin ! »r. >. hj v tion - íha h ne; . \ hr. >,,-.en ar itiii-Hva! v, i 1 , nt ttairp dní holt cjst rhu -cen iunttions im be a. rirean'o-il a- o1 m '.m] a;ta ni r I np.^racrarp -ephon ■-, a r.,/"" or'., pset ti«tlľt-2.12i. \\'b..]^ y.mrk- m-; peme- iinh. 4'.i[h ■' P,' ato sp- , 'ht hm.ctsaa- F \.ľ ajilm,. >' 'p,, P e. ai < >r p: opap- ,r,,l,-, p, po i lanom i i crant tar n o' orkm , i', ba, mni a oí a bmt i 1 -n ti-i , iniiii ''". i.morp íha snaki .ba. a!tn t h. m to nie ,n-u. intoitiií, atmck.P ",<■ l«--si;, au . cvn'nn il '>m"onp "■tit b .is iji'i enpi ,m ar.-tAé ! 1 lľ use ot I tori njiu "i.htaiitb. m "ijp.|ioi t o a licllbí ccobpia ,ni i .'im apo !k.,pw m a 'a nit ,.e,p. ot Silin-, t m aa-i a. t iviia >■. h")ii í -ii t h « niti ol jn.a . bok m pr. m m i- >n to n rí .>■>:!.i't a.atl 'ht prom. tum ..; '■nodnc.ofi '-p,, c. s. Augusti; BoalVJ j1L ji,-, ,,( tlie 1 hapr. -m-t! i mpoy. • s "• p,, tat t. e s t" t nat <. an tť /e. an.l „iia'-pp th. ,r-ttttarkin--. Augusto (I9il-2(M('>): Braailiaii (uľcctor „ml ther-it-, ľotinilertd Tbeatia- ot ihe Opprc^eii. Hb book- inekiele ľ'io ■ "/ í A. Opj rt ľ.! i i 5 !, i,j"'i ť). kpp.a c . ,;i ľ,i .s ktb 'A t' k,ca t\,aib bi* Lehl-hl ' m a" h. irnnip pi-n-' .,í*pc i,!-.b--ikh as hm i/,-mm. J.-b.r. . >• /ia ľ; aeti a-.i..i •/:.- Sa' os'ee tígure 2.H' btrnonj l imib- s. ahm'... RmobiTio! tiesni 7-• p-a 1.,; h-4ia b, [p. ,ba , ]ic> rat.., Jitiiig Qini ■ i.uiii, • t p. i . e . a ap i i, ; -. . ,n- ,jti' , - i p-m up 1 i> . FuL I • i 'i: -iapar ! '''-it ana P' >p.iP-i ,in-, o ,,-.-!', ,1 ,! ■ neitac j«'i''ip'i,.m,,"!! c-tP'hi :it. \\1„.1 p.iHif ])■ i t.p-i n......,! - V t 'pillii. II ll-l- ,11 '1 ,1 lli, l 01 .U 11 1 li -ppi. •! t ,!t'ii.i - pi'j : i ,!p „!,'. i \i i't 'I,-.-ij)1 Pi, ■, -■ i-.-. V't- kin-a ji- i.-if; Pit : tjiHinp I imu',i r,"\ '.LP'1,.-' it it'll"' 'lit t'.i ' k t ,',1-t 1. ' P. 1 - Ik jlii , „- l„ii .1 p , 'l.-rii.. I;.- in'- p. a > pi: . Pent ,, • i , ,n -''j.i.ip, * lie p! ,1-i'p, l -I'-ini^ en''- 4 . i! l'jvi tni. k *r.-.p'- h, Fh/ah linn tie if. i.'il - en p- 'I"! man- e „|-' • . u.4 >r. :>* \i.i- ji, ii'.. inri'in nv.t t( il 'p> Inii'Pi; hnt tin n t n i.-riienr'-! ii"'mr i .in ii, (n juii.'i'l m-i phi .ii sfh-t'v plii'-'P.i i- ii"- iv -i - I'll i(.-..!p,i in;-. > s ,i--Ip.i-i . h. "«h t.iip ■>:'t'. . - '.iiiiiii.i'i, ,i '\.iti i km- en rp-Fimiu isi o tie din ,i \ I (k icnte k ./-■ /)•., n-- , i;u, -'nip.' tha* 'iiuiipip i. i«. .in! i'v pp.'n" ■ .i .iru-li, 'in' in. n'. (see iigure _kH. rlnl',-nph. i Susuiiic K. i anger ppni".. 'i, it in k'p pi ■ pit il'.i. it.'i'.u ii'iikk ep i''-p.i.'>. el Pi .-! 1 Pt i. \p, l l i-, p- ,if.-tt .i.e'er1'1' k|,iP, ,,;i;,i p-ii-' iM-f LiinaiT box kiiipi'- .!.'--.•,« J ,, .pa, .,1 ,i' -lie til - .nt ".,.!., !)p I 1 ,'r, ,n- 1" ■ h 'it Vlke.iiill. ft«»:<.i.-n> i ,.' -in. a. .pi- 3-"C ,p "Fin" ;ii .i.'p ; ,s., . in >■!, It ip P ipi.-u... Villi ! i ip P!1. ,|.|,t 1 ."iip - "»it.".aniu K. Pander (iKL)5- ll*85 p \ jp ,. i.t P. 1.111 1 !• . .'PHi" 'i'-' k- lit ! LI 1 ' f'p- t tpea ii ■•■ P" „ (1P -.-ii ant; .,'"*,.">. / -. Conclusions I *t> , n ii in, ,\p - n in k r- can-,"pr inP'.n. 'iii.iiPi'. inn 'Ci',.11.; 1 iPshP i ill up i ■, 1 p nt"!, he, up.1,,'1- • lUi ten. ') MP In! "p;', lp, p; 11. 1 - - I'm •!,!!-•!, >.t ei t 1 - l n -ppi p. at , ,ntl ti 1 i n 1 el -ie _ . . 1 "i.,. 1 e-.pi o. i,Tir.',i. ij'tli-tp " ,i 'ittlt 1- pi, i i ]., -.pp, m ' !•-. in-' -i in 48 =a:-ie k. Langer í'.-cy nooc crt ŕ\ h ne.-ah1 lul 49 50 Ritual, play, and performance Varieties of ritual ľ>itn mrmm - wnmbm aa dm pv-t b ai mm n . p >nulamnm,,t. a . , •••Li ii) i i-t: no ú\n d g- omt-tnd -mm 5 >, I -. < <- x ie ■■ n .• think u t b- .ti a pmn na mi-lial mogm. :1, m< . a ™ hat -m d, • an latta h f ht nn iotn ao t -..aid Íri .K In ij- riľľ ľmha 'ti'1/ mm '.an, aľ'l than pri i. 'ir !i ,m-, nn. Im hmng t] , fnmho h.-'ii '.Jaa ,i n, "r-.t hii t!./ la-a tmia'Inh. • na. .e.i In ham,-., ,,ei-..m nhofaki t.Kn n,pňom „nimtliram \ .. rt. a mairt :na h'.iťiia kaghh -ť b, h n i' a -a.h ľ- ,ti habaC, .íl balht ..•"ti,, nam t - Iram nm 1 ia.iini am \n-í"-.iiu.m (h tt ni n, ii ' on.a n. n t 'o ,n , r oj. i'fh.n i'./a m ottomhm.n A pa/ha m tni. m a In impioiíval ln,(„si, i,i// a /"Iii,, ' unpn n im.m ni bani c, mo-i mi, írm r atmli-• .o-ľ-ť tu angmp ind im n mg i a. .iľ>h fcn.o" laratiib h. Ch ipa i '. 1 p. m-.svil .'at +h:ú 1 a i í", t" On. v s . , •!,-.,. • a ťaior bvl,.na,í v .iko, ran-niittai.ii bťhaiľ.m Tíu-tamm Ixh.e i o h, h.n aa n goírmitt d k., ip., i ,n h. ni- aii«.. n : on I annpli In ta. t, • m ik kaitCn . a pt i ha m m.. n Kifn.i' í a haiii >t t on h mm . i um m p' i a i-< 1 In nko Rh nab at . nil .-v tn, c nn na n k s • ni od. d nd o ,rO. , tvlmiK ad. lit In- p c iph .and aii mal-i ď-a! e ii ďlti nit ;tan.-;t,o"\, iiao-xalont r. i an hu--, ,j.|.k tr. uhio. i'i i ( i-i ľi -'.'I«t. tľ>i .n- ''dnh hk i br •tím s pt-./iih' i ■ haa. t i ť tup >i .n .p. aap. r,, mi ílu bil-. tk v rania, in 1 -"ho m- -. ^ o ti m .t i'n.'ľ bo ' n-dipu . >•■' { n ■ ip iti.-. . iľ ľi.,i , pi rtorui ílu ' m pi.i pkn k a 1 pt 'pla a-a,, a".. . au i i. aim,' -l p/a ih Ii v >iu ,ani Min Iii Tbi- u a'ilv n mi, niio.i p. opb • m in . ani. o -. tb. than th. o dim -i :n "'Yhtu tin \ n nr't n1' " -a • n u t an tin n |.' i,ui poit"ľ- a t nn híhua nt k .m ran! tb,'i di . ! hmrm. ihn-, iilii'' and pla.!m m pt-onle, lUh'i p"-i ijimi-'k . .>- immperaim. Kru.b- íl d truid. , p-rnumotk a.-i bh.i'dat omiar agv "bľPaiioTis, •vil , -n,, la. , i J j;, i nt d na-mg,. ,!,'•', .na bit ■n i oi ata'a. n, an tbv. r h. oku, tb. Tum. ■' mat ion- an Im-.n da> pi opk p'-'lmm dumm "• i .li.ab i ii.-t t u igt I' i ai' '' h g m'- , '" mu- t. tím • tu d - i t a> ľi • 0«\ i h, . *a n!ľ 'V-' alt ,..p. ta ;h litti!''-" . „d pa-in---i.n h un i ita.a.l oi pornu i in h!n'.jiO 11:-n m'< ih tarnt-"f bu-m -n.i k o, bk.. k'i n a-uu ab p > h n- -1 a ,b St.Uli ];> Oplť'-r njt. ; Itľ ll'\l'li * h_l.iO ľ ilb 1ilv' d. I i ľ. hgiľin , n Hai- gk-- h m n . lb. '-mod..., u".li lut 1 >. triu . opan pathn n- to ;li.' mgt i mit m tí. m I odd ni'b.nb.iai- am, . ommamta - hm -oi ak.i pubk lib aid n / .."a hk a • ., -i rm i .fh n ,i.mbm, -ai r, d indsmoii! nOnl a m d..- v " ľa '.t ,• ai-, inaugumiii.n .. < a inn . ah. i I bod -c . ! ,inn, ,1 tikiiurl, •it .. v 11. v la i- ilk- , m ď mtunam ,.t . i, .(_, r r, -o m ■ im. s tba s, m lain I d ľ'bubj "''natln a >í-v.a.s' kmt 31 rttua1- v.rn'.'.r-iu.b pimii .irb;d,-a n kijuauMii. k ,i m d vpaainr - > see Rappnport bo\. dmm. .m^ to •_.. bark :•• tin >. i a .n -b i; pmnuk o! htu im . nitm d ....non dmnm m- ■ na nad bmr' -,m, Indie búl dh'ť!'! ,0,00im e n • b.-i na do pama ,b. n 11 n -dan^, , -o,.g-. ,m 1 nr■. "am ■ - ol , pt i - ■ ,n p' .-S' *--a '. In -n • • , • o " ímbm . i m t , nil -inch — nd a i "ma imi. tdat . m- madb.roi.n M,cfí«ur< bi j Ri bga n- i Una' - ai t a- \ u k iľ- a - 11 h gam d -al!. bal Isrdpľ!!! iainä i' th Iii' r j- J' ť(. 1 Ol tb. "", .rlanhgi ; -' - i-i m., imiMPi-m, t d. i-hmoi Piiiu' ,-;n .llid |lli Ml- IU Tbťlt 11 I>; -d, "t gion.d ;;•).[ s. ta'l.l!' t ,u í.U 'n'.l ' i't- m i., k1 ix hg , .m d hm i au SI i m tu, A nm i-t Rap pa port :p onvious aspects of ritual ,-;>>> vi"." i,' 3- -pe. ai s c>~x~ .on ,b 1 cesc,,... n 1 T'l-- ri'-ri ; 'd.t-.iT cr-j.-_cA'. c • on : 1.1 s _. c 1 ;c, r-,---Lr .-"..0'" * /Co no"' A 1 aid1 A J f^Ttr. '{".".'.Cr '1 O'.t Ii ="t 'V t- ,'Va tu '\I. 1"-.v'. I. '!,' - ,01 ' !"'• 't . i". 3Sp-. . Di ,o '-.1', i1'" ffiLvt ' 'I1 i"?*. ibs nateiit ,ai It r< " ' t ill 1 - .' "I -Crt- and secular i-.o.h-.s.pi oil- >ti v l'lcti rat- - tun a;,no L\pt -, ho-a, ivo o. s - olci shkiI ritut1- jre thoAi .v..«.. ite.l Mich, •-iny, n .ri't'.i'i 11 ii lit 'it1- bebt I it 1-, a—nnn .1 thcf tiiC lis Arlnsjfor \.:ii: nel i_. i e .010 •- i -< ..ii, "---.acteel i 'teal t hi ila. ''.tioi -i.'lo or «hi, u.a.. u Injimis Iv work% or iron (a.iii----ii'l nr s''Ai a i!n oaa-snip j io i.<-\ iltbikiao. an.) i -.o .Iii- , I C.ti hp al ,«>yn nourr As 't.nir;, lolb. i. ,,ai, p. :h, p- • -a, i ittia'- v o ab o ( hi.i" i ei -a o •' \.cit; a -lay.--,aiu lionon . Hol' l. i, a r l.oir> -."•ii-.o. mil a pathi ? ,no ol i.uub ai i! I •" tub. lb rrnaA l i o pi, a! Ames see: w .•Jdma; '.■•to I ■.,la. ata! -a,;.A si nbr v.'ibbn.t --tial- include i "to., bo ..«.•..' 'tie;..Ann tin 1 ■" t» >uqiic I.'' AU In-.r .ana". I). 1" f • torn, ion-lb e -co.nniniiK abn. nitb -l,.n. . '\hhibc brab ".ml ^ i,> sec Jlwurc A-li.Sd'n : tu r-i I--.' appn .ii"i7 v i ir.'vaat ban c . i1111 l iiaab i leoaek i i ec •Lion in. i Kino ;ji.i> ', '-I'!' in. r b, s> nib, ih. i bin. -yank i ,r .icn hitit. Sonn -.i-hliro- a •• ,. i tit. obi ■' bv a jn-liye i -r a '• i -a p. i In ii j >'i bei:.,;- t T tie '. niav iniier^ ir lb-. n,.tnr b -on, s , ipoon — i i tlu -e ■_,"-,'" -nan ritual- a"i an In in a J .a 1' I it-Aj r.ivh.-. rr ri-, aao- — a . ni 'V.ifn-. K-->r:i. mirs. Ui, -..en o ; • • tk-o ol ., t.._ iilr.eji- v_ pat )H ■' .'ii aa uk! \ atit. \a-ar iii in i - ba;ion- i see figure i,2 •. do •■• i_ uli' ia Iij\ iny ila - o.blin ^ u i sir. ire- "n a o niple b' • 11si • i•- a-' ace a--(o'ateb aaitr, ,tro am", iiMii,, -•>ke b!,__-p()rt .i,i.l. m ot'on i, ta in not a-a'cibcalK-S'.i .no .haisc*ci iail tin-n. a ii* i-loii is -I 'in a no Man\ statt , naioiii," oi b,,n ! nn! Iii. j-n , . . be b. .r M.-mj-i:,. ,uul,ii veitJ] bin -,i. i'il i- io'Ioj.. in to n,am oo-i: 1 ..'ice , n'l'-iralior,-, nn' I.Ii oa s„i.i ^ont- -u o a- ,>■', Lb 1, •. j-arlie-, .ol: iiMteo t K'l ul/ii's b.-noi'iT'.' teal- o! .c,\.i.c "I" nioxiinato m me no- ritual. Oil: ike state .\ tbvmoi ; ai'1 be inane''..!' b.onore. - '.-aa' .tola Aa. mlo oi the t, an-i emit ,.t oi ."oti's ber Hib,i ' .o 'n, e.,-/! o.irl i •-• - ta pirt' 1.. .•.< it Ion, ■:!, - it el .on -^o-Sl i No.enib' ro ni bit i 'Ab- ,\. Carnival: pe'.ioii of i. a-o.i^, .Of1 ■ Ii- «ticiiat i. f -tar tii L r.t on rt-'-. W bi,-.l.\ I a. "ci «■ 'e .ro-1' ir at) . tun >- no* ,rt\-sT. C'iapb" ". rtn-oiwn- bnatisito bk,nb A tCo,.-.H .U'i 'os i/_ra-nts. I n Moni, .-aa' 1 \r, . -sea . an, e 55 n.m i-pi.ts ! .. i.. ,. ,i]ti -i peh ._ps' !• l U .).' ■ !'. 1" I . " 'u i.i '\i ,• ni - ,lle, | .' n< .'^l- il, >' it ' 'ppi"a hi- t i t - i .i in i ml ri i.i ( ' .il ,u! ,;..-iri,r'l loi mu mp m ., 1' • in. I ti ■ fu ii> - 1 ! " i _Jii> >•-■'• 1 his hi i.1. • •, ij |i, i )._ >' . ipi i i-.ri, ,n , , , i-i] \ !ii .e u. .i p i.i-i i.i ) Mi11, mi i-i. t. it'i m I:i m' t i (I .i. i i -t jiji m< . i nr , 'ii • ai> 'op' o. - m l"i pon> * ,.m' K nio th in iev! i .i i i, .hi nie' a;i-i i m i Pu 'I •- ,i i" i . tei- i „e - i. . ■ i i-i-I'i .i ir.s, • .us i. ss op.I • M.,: i.v 'isi,! p 1 a.' "i >' ilik *. ■ h i. I i^ _i ■ '.ui'; u -tii ''. ill ii'," hi m ;.u't t'.n ..In i' > I he I c i lit ' ; •h <:"i pi-'Ciii't: I.i. In i', -k < > .-ji'i.i. n.'-s ii, . ..< am' t!i kit t'.st >"'i 'i ■ i .e" tl ' -a i's >,,,)„ in, .id t 'ii.ii k -Pi; kkiii tin.t.i', is „1 I pt V!l iiiiiUi' !ii. i,, hi., hi, \ 'a.- i m i. iii> in1",, .in, s - hi' " t..ii .:!' i ' - ^. i i ,i; i i it",.l ,iv ti.„ s ! ,' e ii ii,. i v'h in ,'.\ p '11 I ii ill vbsi us. i-. . p ^ p. 11 i !■ .in <_s m im 1 cfi .' ii.'.i i. • !;.,i> i .i. till V ., i p- . h'i miii-ii i, 1 .'.',.,. \| , o ,;, .,-i-t-i 'Ii -mk ■, .lei ik.s i: i.'i. p.n'i .,-i.i prtet,... ..Ii^i'i-ii,1,,!!'"!. .1,1' i 1'ik", ',vl,i !■ ''-,"l,v. i s. .i n (is P\ , svii-i'i i li'ii, -i.i ■ i i......J i.vt f l„ ,-ic-i, n„n% ].. ' t. i \ -!ii[, 1-, a.i'n.i!'!' 'In. is ' a. I s ms] ipiil.-niv l , t i mi s, awl T. i.lis Eleven themes relating ritual to performance studies a as r irii'-. i a i -la i, h . a.t " i ?il i h a ii'>"ii 1 1 liuin is ii t ii n, v,. pi i i. a •-1 a, - 2 human and animai rituals ancient are rituals? mt.nis •shna..;,mitm,, mes | i.i'' I) r\ ■ [I a i.'i'.i i,, i i—■ il pj i i i - ,„v k it ''CI 1 I I' .in ..'.'i sp ,. tum i a.a Mm, sp i. , Ui i-'-ai'U. o, • a Mi -aim mi -n'lpfm,.- p ,,.-„,, p.t. u-.;,< tl umh „ i., p mas :..ppp, mkvisLr mi- mil Ah aiai., a u.iiai ,hi is.i ,■']" h . limp ) i , i nl ,is s)^i,,),,,-, i . \ m a, \. ,v ) '. i '•_ - ipi' At 11 j i .a ■"! ' s iii'k,i,,i t;. . , |, ' 11 .ici.ii iirama I < u i -t -in i .mm', nt .k i< i - mr si'S p' i i ii" uv v I .i'.i a, 1 ■ >, ii , v nt am ri, i, il •c tl 11 iti. Is h '- pi i ,.i'ii\ .•.',, ii m I ip i -i ■ > p. a j F'ai'il'tm- "''...lil.ili.ip. [.imp ocm i, naa.s ) ^ ,„,. .]U,(i tL, „. a,.,t _ ,,„,.„ \ii a o'.' '.irk" v a,, p., , hi ki,'„.| j iki-i" • if i.iv-si .-, ,i-| pi iirla .! i In 'ii i n i 'vii i* tin ,i i hen ; ll' .mci' tk , I ,p P •-, ', n il I i \ pk .->• th. m i" ,! > I S. ,','is 1|,' ,.|-vii,kt |!pp , tin ' , iht i ii s ■ ■ I hmikaants. Manv arc reasonabh ac-tairalc • f'i 'Ciais vl .iiamials suck as bison, horses, maar. anii •, pe .iipnt j,...em imn >ae..m. m.-p, hum. Rjtuals as action, as performance ll'!1' ','1T ilk, „!• i o ' , k. -t i ish- sp -I I. a I.aii "i- am >s i,p, il .-i^os' "i an . iiat . ha I in t-i iiviishP(i !> ,--imi '"iiiin1 wlam' m" "vk'aipkil • ir. the' .mm,' ip is 'ritii ' no, ii'.uit impnMrt. r <"-ipii i (sec 8« IS !>• «\ i T'm -'ka taat . 1111,1!« j;e vi 11 lla • s,i\ ,,;ej ' 1 t h p ' 'p1' 'a ho m i' i tl '■ i.i' p' ■ * a i. mi' • a . - pr ,p, ,m ■ .cue ,1 ,.p" lniik' -at m-ohah'', o.s 1 p ,i-,t. --. a LP'mp i.e -in 1 ',, Durkliciw ih."'i . 1 lira o- > P ri nrp 1 a u il- .a ilpl . ai.ii nr,i;male 1 s. i; , t ■ ,."1. I t " '..- ia. v- ami -i,-t,iu^'! - mi! opiheim " H< 't.-mm-v! kii ikm upk us 'ih.'j 'loi .,i.,;'i ■ - klm re ,t v tuot h mis pm -1 1 •. 11\ ''in i.s iii.o i "iijiuuii tat -m e vp>. - - - • hpiui ■ M ■ oiuik • e a, caip a nit em W h.m. -1) riv '1\ismi>, <,h,', ,m ,1 01 1 I. . h'-ajd'as tin t itu', 1 ■ .ainp 10 .cipjhr"'- - il . iiv.ilv.iii- hi 0 ' ii.'-.iiJto K.n mi pip- a > ol Inlir. 10 .re' ox* . k.tuih- c " am 1 m, iv itP 0 ,> 1. h th, p. ai t ,p,)-,,,; . l; ,, p , .j.j , .. , i, d. , , ,),' „ ,k 1pi Ri'mk ii' tk"'.'' • 11 It- ' 1, i'lin-ii'11,1 1, ,1 I- 1 h k jik, h • . ,im - v . 1, it 1 mi 1 This |. on a1 -in 'juiit ' '.!'•' n.i' • i 'iMiitiPii mapn . mi-en 10a-, 1 ■ ap-i'mml » pi ■■ -o ik'>to nki . -ceilniiv r>nl.luim -i.op-." 1 act" I 1. im,.101 i-i'.-t iCi.i 11 k „ke ' o.e Dorklnaini b'ix- 57 Paieoperformance: theatricality in the caves . ,? irkhcitr. < 1S33~1VI7); I nwh-, jik .mm . h,, .,, ,h , 1 l],r>>"!st, "I .11.1 111 ..Jllll'l.' , , -"Hit ,!";TV , p-,' ."'ill '. ;\ ,| , , . r ■ rc > .'.ii,, / ' 11 M i Li,_ ""-i ,1 '* r'.'old van Gennep , t e.'.mi/i d ike t ,p,ar: n -i,i,i. , <;f initial. In. his iv "i '.'a- "me- "I li;. ,' ... Ps" p; .--.p.;-,. ■:! a thrct'-pll iv • I i" j-'lbl t t.!;;, p.ti Uii"'I. '. i, map timi i il, and posrimnn >,! kit ....'iir.ird ia.i th,,: hie ■ . a sia..a ,--ioi! u.i passage- horn up. pha ■. In . a.Ah'y arel } ., h si,.-,, alone the v. r, v, as i oiLn In, i iui.i! (see -ee-rmp boxi In the 3 "->-, \ " ,nr iurn, r th. t.inn d . iH-ph- i-.i.-i-In into a theorv a ;kp,.', dee me p u; -. iit'.uet- lor j eilorman..e -(..dn-s i n- r in an i l-ip'-a, ha •'!'-.,'!,-,'_ hu'enep's and" en-',"-'-".',-.ri< pat ttr-t i I'.-nl ;-!.-.;! .''teal {rum m eMili' pa-,'spi'eli\i . . .n' v.iii fiennep (187?-! 957): I mm Is , thrmgrapher an-! " -t p. hn anaK/ce rituals thai , bane;'' a p, rem ssi mis ill so. lai-, ■ .*•' .ePaou >,! t'u Iniim il has !> an cars retkienfiah -\tnhei i.i ePesaa,-ii,)i>SiEna. i'e;->0; '\niold van Tiie rites of passage ■ :.c ,,m '-a-, ems ■ .cs fron; one age to anotl er ana haup ane w ,,. i;io..te -i :o+l a- I. 1 r.ife comes to bt aa„::c ep a sprr.'mop at stoffis v'tn simiiar enos ae.i muiiahi-m: |-,n-t:-, .,<•<•(,-, W,, •■! eahage, fatherhood, aJvaeiCe-ineet ta ,-. there•- ■ I-;-:, tctaeakanai specjeh/al -e, rah rieath Fa' evepv a-ie ef rsese "vents there at = •;-'e-perrs >,\ eea- "e;a -a a epam ;s i0 pnable the hnh. clma. to nam ha.-a piif j-f-pth pot tic i to another ••.lm:h is en. e Iv • arhp'-,(h I960 L19uSj. Tlte Rite* o- Parage, j si ii-,- 1 Kp pp.. - ni n.-.p,. a '-.:. - L-np ■ 'Jr.- bj-'- „-.ať rn- .,( Pulp' i"'. 'It. ,ii .-T'-'sah.l'S ii;:!i.s Bl 1 - t! ,i, L lire, t pi'llP., in are amman ard -r-Mri, ;--,p o1 mai ki.k \\ in r. , •, h- is in. m alh. -I. n rm.npd,-i i,- p en > e ,s no k ,p ;-h-_:_ -, ij, r, no iniinsp i-a'ii.n e-n, ,ssi! il,- n !>e ■ •. i ! i< a it.ii . ip K it,, .an!."! ;i. .il, arl ",- nut. "a- .-, hn . p, ... ,],,; > p,, ,.Tl. > i Tr.r .uns amp ir, m.\-.i" - a a s nt in <:; i a- a.. en-nt- i has lute -■ '1. aiPPir,. "ni. staple-.s ,i (.. pin,-. Ui'K, um e v, r; oia:',. prcmj har,lapi ire aiaaruv rimai-, Chai íť= rsamtin p.-a •> e\ pr.ip. .rd air ..".ari.m>i-\ p ,"-:;,.•,'-,,,p, lt"i ape -h,:ci ;.'t Li ,r. -pi rh.-ui ip.; do; de s1(i'dan it- in lit reel, a, her, r't s [ a-a .in-, tnd ,nt mei-' m.lie.... •'. ... e.iiuU'uur1,' .i» >.atop'ri.nt .d ik ,'!'tpiT- j7. , Ji, t\-.',., p.;.,p ,.[ ."iiijiiii!,,. 1) i - it a h'd Julian Huvlea • t iPee iinniai. and aiem.k rh'pa- are n hit-d d.r .-eje • anf h a-. hhh- i..h. a ha-i'ppa hmeiop.. •! in m.-pp rthah-oist- am,il,,Listanťi inni' i!ii-,ii-i t-s iscc Ltiresiz ho\«rl*'Iqtiili et-ii. bt)t».and Wilson box i. Crwrlt> T)ar« in (|S0S»-K>>: 11 eli-h nana adit >\ nataiai'i sc-i.\---t,r. is. aď.liu, m to his lantlmark i',. i"ii, .' s; ,i , l^ta^ t>..i,M" 'tsii i-,rn!i tne mereasingly UiL I-.i". , '('«,,,' a;.- ' 'saPi-r,'- ;n k'jc una tiuwajh I liS/.l Julian Huxley (!S87-1«»75)• • uyisp. hioi,,c, a. .uth...-«d£re/(a-iPii 7h- i. pp.i ' p-',t ( "•'-{ 2 i .ti-1 / i, ,. r e í i 4i arinng Pl.SIP. nihi i \'u irks Konrád Lorcnz (1903-89): A i in, nh, il. ic-se v, mini (with Karl -,oi. i ret k an.I fsikokia. Ieiherp, p; ,.| :he i°*'i Noh, 1 }'ri7e in '-iMs-i.p He h"eks ,ik ipde On u;e7.-,-i. m iPts í in,, 1 966; and fit ! euiiJan pp , / erliekxp i i ')"s, Lht.e I a's I i. V. O. (l-dward t).sboiiic) Wilson (193- ): Amertean piiniiiiJ c-t and |,''iiR'er ol - >,> ik ,p-. tlíš \t urks mplutlp s... ..-/a - i 1475,. On Hum iv nue.p (l'it'8), and t omi/lcnu- < í ws i. Hi man and animal rituals ill anhiMis, intkitihip. Hciul a.'p.a , e'-i-t 'titkiin the sam. ■ 4ocPii v.e'e subject In tht -,me,p ov-'lutior «\ pa- t-.-s-s aniin.d- ,p-c not all alike Honietojip- an 1 md'op-p- ran-t e put K'.-,-ar.-i eautioush. it i- not i ai re. t to tal! lhp ■i '• aniiv.i veappyle and tcxatw, ckol lit >i« h -e>intn'n ai .Pmp ••jtht.-Pi'' . il,"-tshereabotP - o'tie ,.t..,r"da,iee-' pi fh.. human Konrad LOrGtlZ RitualizatioH to ctxtmah and hi>ma>i*- a il an I ik.»ac -lec.rsne i the <■-,■.*l.ahv -jrl liar .p-CP" aaerp' : p'PTPi.e -so, : the ti .' ' '/ pay rap i> , pa oi it . ai tp^raht tu'Mif"-. -: n. Jace rm-^rti-h '.i.PI -í .IV!','- , v '! . ..i - - . - o • mm c' ' .-• |3ľl Ti 'm ' ■")•:' ' 1 I ir l f i-ľ. '! ť =,cp:-""- aec- i'i- t - - i a, '-e-. mi a eh ľ"]. c C'( r , i lI "! t"eo Id-> y.L mi 'J - 'L' '• rmJr - ~ma-,pm ~'e, ' Ce i-IO s ' ''en ~..,r n- -.j, ' ,.T j, s 'j' o'ip mmsen,, ľy> m mr ,.i r i, \ p._ - na -t, a - lit "o dm lam i-n -.-p1 . i iripi - "d t,e- '■<: ' ' ''t t a 1 j /i I ' 1 a J n" la "hr ■ í'e - i 'If a Vila" Mori c.l M'J V '', ni"'! Íl 1 t, .....a'll Ľ ,l,n-r.' auf r", o.'. .. 't" a ' b" ~- M1 ■■aaow or i p .m Ja a n e Good et i Chimpanzee theatre At -haní n i t n; ť-p l e v. v 'V.j'. ,t i? -i i> aac ■„;• tali IIa phi igi-mmm 'Ji.-iijHj aut o! ic - p- ami mm1 ti e .itťŕ-ľ i odd e o ap t1!-- í .-"p , amm s' a -ti t.ái"i rl ° oper ' "ne y.i'.ŕ to'i Tre e "'cv "ee aJuh paa- ii The j : t J, m-,ee -p'tme b.tď t1 c1 mid npoif apľ,,,','; ii".p in i r. a--a cľpaP'-ij 1'pití! " -.c pa ť e ~ r - -. o 'p a ď ' "3'e i„ ^ " loa ami jap 'p pe p _Pi p ;i= f r l'ľli -ei t ľ i !-1. , -" r,. 1 aj * p i.. h a t tri í ľľ " .i im. a p p' p' ,atp rí.'.'tii-lli pip af f| j - opr. ľQl O,.i i j' p .'."a' •?_!.'I aa ,hc p Ľ e * 'gy ťai 11; ; '"''au'.! 'I p.',, cl p. -.-vtip cr= at i er 'a- o "c' aal apaaltli^i lie ^ ail ■ ?i ■ iM. t hli ^Pi-í;--.'1 'ahi Ma-p,,;.=. i..p>r- pp i;,r p,r rr i)-" i, o' +1 e ,,'a\- h a .rail ? ic1 .l-p ' pa , |-, i p i .p. I Pt í i 1j J '.,. i'M'.-llŕ •pPCa. ,-i-*inH3i ri- p'e -n.",!". at-- yj P,, 1 , ,t'pp haa1' p P.c ' -p, tei i'-'i'-r upni-, pro a. ha i" c t Pai m ;p I j í 1 r..' i < Ĺ'h- 'i-i!c'. O ,'pJ f!-'-i n amp c: ľ'r„ !v i 'er š'aai ! P- si a c t t ,-rv moentaias, h t "-o i'.Ti'ii p:' aa 'ep. -i ail "f _ aj í -a: hed -aitn ■-Pa, a ca ,.'a laii-tpa eat j. 'he aept-m -_Pie er i-r i-p',, rau,'- s| L|t^-,.':i • i u-i - ,p,a-[". .h-e: _;caii: .p ŕv.aidp -"d c'.£' P tht ro * o ■ f ■ a.Poa ex t'-'Ošr ,n|-p,-i i .-'e' a f: v'/PP : -i gaa, ,'P -;i pi jť .in r1 - icer -p, i i_- i" i-'.a.iivfi i,i i ,11 s r|t - -a'-t "ai; :l r 1-llPt 1 th "ľ P P lib. ^'i / . r ■= ~r3 A'':p , 'i^ ií ticurtif Sc hnil or. v, ne Put'ľ-d ď,- n .mpiíim gm i p" elgmda. t!-, tni t i-tai oimitrim- laťamr. bu and noe bmmm pr'aaa- N.babti -Inľn nov, .ii.-a.ľ -.ť 'iij'iľg, v 11 i ig. an 1 dir >'• ng t) iny- b-, pp.-ped tpp ,' .p. it t it nim-' • mm h i Ľ pat _or II p da,. m.'<_- Schab-. bOA . s liď-lbdg; d pm im-nal íis;;!fť . ■ imp', n, a b tl'i :r-idini-ni oi ípt hm 'Ľ. -at.j n;- i ..tľittíľ in ' t. - m -a,!:--, i-i ' s la. ir-i l pli pa' ii -pt 1 op nu ir • di 'im, .-t r e r ■ dm t imtai George B. ^< halier (1933— i: Xmrri^.m thiol.pep aiP!-". ' l/,.,i/if . i Ger'1/. 'iVtr-ii lad 7X-^ao /"p. í i -'72' 62 }: ,-qe b c ha i I er ■ ľi'c if i j1 >\~ h ;ci '1 iť.i.j > ■"."M -Il-.i a '3 . Jx--J',ai 1 H j| ť A,''., "i. 1 ílď e^5 :,e ,»ri> tr V aetr i, 'u1 'c. a' i \, ne'" e-t,'*J a i - - 1 i C" (t, i 11 [Afc i 1+pe i f! a, n tc 5 a i'a > |p a, - ej T,a k ? -are i cl ai t p, a-a>p";e J bea> snea-c, u ■ i 4 a, , eirnr p ,„i I jo^n 'a i, a'je T! = hrein ." lk e c-ía les ajiriec am a . rv a> efte."^ o1 a >-° • aas ? > i ^, e> 'ePe~1 nj i ie hi e,e i>a"'r eet e • pan i£' t - Cr Ill< a^ aa, •„ .la a -> , aa>r-< Th» .r**. > *pee-.tat i, f j* euc *■ a-'vane' e ' * ° , , r "tsa 1-, ,, i n, -o t'i i ^ a -'e, ,i i-t -a-' e P,ec i;'" 11- 0 -a aa s e i;i ľ> .ľc ,'t.](i,' 1 \ j ŕ- a i 'if i/'oa 65 lamesc. McKinley Kus/ 'oot, t at ff f/.ŕ /řo;;tí" teaiV 'C 1- "f,' , ,?■ s, ;■-,-(-, * 11.', "t Či" i5 f a ji >v a e í jr^ pi u .■ t a: = „ '• - b"Vc ». - vr-i.t .. ,a i -ease of community from rooting for a big-time , „IT j t. , ■ ot'í 11 iLto ",'ie í nj ipnet.e r-ij .-v itjti , of *l-°'i aeop a '.r a .jiViS s o t - •„') E ot "a juna jog4---, i, , ,i j;i y-::- a'-, i-t-. Mne. n evey o.,,, b Írmi1 esase m .o'e-'sa , ,-, ^tio i o e^-s'k ' ť o1 i! , 'a, t a" ,n ;ht|,j"" i o,to an"" tm-, r.;; -,'o í> - to' -o lonara'íne 'a laior ■ ciľt oio.aa v .._ ■_ i S-ni1" i ?i t š' i'»o , i.jjp.t'hft") n"bnt \v| i '"'i ;í the,,!,,-.; or .ta "?a ' ' "H oi-oa- a' .b r,,; n pb yo, - -,f o,H;, ,ca '- ó s i,i> ,o Jt a or i ~s b ". i , t ,r • - i. ť'en te e- -o en * i s, ,> e e t- -s ' ,"e r~ i-1!y am- , a |c'"v a t"1 b a;. , . t ilJ-,,1. ií-'i' f-;: til1 -0 , !. ňia1" "ob ofi,yUt,i. ,i 'U.-, ľ' í-1 l"'i i < f übt ) ľ f 1 o . « 1,0-1 J yOtS I "oľ>c ť,.r i oaieA r n ►ti.wí' b oavto'nnr, , <_i i r - abib, n-ta a><" ^ i t ,a iľ~-, b ab ,f a u-\ rko'o'-, -a -r. b-- pan ; 'a -y e u r, vor ti 1 *"9 j ra iv • sam, í- aai a n'a' ',: roapyi-r-ao* o ry aa i .-áre,' '".n,;,! n» ea'oe- ,'n an - m t, 'a jr.r.b , ■ a - - o v ~> -511, ' - t,,;-, o,-,1 and Brn.o1 ao ie, ,r mjaebi yefve y n -btc, L >y;~ , - n noj > c ,t, i ta y ••- " a, -°. tan, v"a, e, ,-y 1 n, am h ny 'ote *e. ari 'ose 3 .e aoe ,,r a-V v.r"c tlie Italians' levels caöpped / / 70, ii. . .j booi Z«--"m|S |,i:y;a,"nai t la, br J' I ,' ,li'b st' l~> .ll'l'l t 1^ i'""' 3Í - r-^-,i»J 0\ !to' ,3''', l'lä,' •av-s a, e: dbi .on a''a , sar-:c< , arable ť ohaí ď- *a r -e .'S~e. -e , > »•' -no y, e1' y >: nl r, rr y aiyiy.c n aopi í' oa j'iibblitl.oi JtaVP s, b b :: je e,e,,-b aít-a n o , a 1 -y p,,t rau, - =ab e te-e terns m !i 3, k 1 tea r': a*-' 1 ' 10a b1 b"", a--, ä v on,, a wo t n c b e- \i"ci tans ,a 0 , n-ni 1 ee 1 aoi-tľ, tne 'ao ľ«, aaaib" aate.lsr. Dicvveo a! ^ e e,y - aaa. ,nc ap'o; to'I» aLia.y o., ,v -, -a, a y 1 < 1 t-i a ib >.Iv -n a' fcs •- Iat0,etr-'aa- ,-, b,- hrio,.|,,b tea b fc tra e .o-p t,iat atKľ , ,a. c rate. ,rn,eat'^se- 'rerlp ji aty'ssa ib. t^jy a , í e b-a t1,v st aa«-era c-be-y sa, , bra a p-" h So/aai '"i r y °nb tt v"".i|, e, \ei t no 'ij„ jy- so.: -a stna-js-aon ' 1,) that n n ty,y ,ob-it t s-3 te-" -ai b itíy p^ar tr, o o -n --nor < -tn Seb, ot ,beabn mj n, • ;oi o , aooO ti-i1 lista«ané ri„«tú len n," i-T So.1 o,a ail, -pie U i>,nt-. I r1 p, --i ,ď. (in'leni-t relations o, '.i,iii\ kani- 1 -ii 1 l.,ap. iľ'Ai mi i t . iioia-, iiviľ.i «e„eii!?y .b-i o i,.ii, .pp an i paeab ■-. ot inje - .,r,' o| niio - au 1 \, - o: lbe -.'oil lono ol p, opip bt i.a' ,e . '.)n.o i ' o\ i i;,, ahm' tor onbaiibsii . » '■ --. m .\*!,e-. i- i 1 "isti 10 o -,p,,1 ; ■-_ 11 bpi >n- 1 ^- r, ils 'bi -11. -t- , o, '■> ill ali t r ,", O- i e, o o j „ iljie i bal iílSip t la ,1 sup T Tt in! or 'Ii i |'ľ> ".tn"i!i i,, .ľoke.ln , paať -oin 1 1 Oeei-m ti e liIs an 1 f1. x\l; ,1 mourl tlispl.ľv s au - t-jli/i ii intu l'h" a a., n-. mbii ■1l)pai -am ..o..- - n .1 i'ioipi d 1.1 -a ô'.'.loí .aj n obu. b b- - o,.jpa , 1 h- poľu ,iib 1 •• ,ribil,.to.' lep ! itia.- n Jiiips a;i 1'att, 1 .-.'.v . • bpy 1 e.-jon o . • bi i imi , haaueb ii lor tbc ',' in m o' rli._ -pon-oi. teano . , >'"h rate op p jÍi! k lan, p irt\. ■ 'i'p'on n a 1* m<»o«i dispiav: ae, triu lotiual a-i m null .iniip hon .in .1m1n.1t , oiiiiiioiiieatt s rbtoueij im <\- rn. n t-, posturt s,,(i.jinis, ainl l.icr - tb ir ir is h i|jp\. aľ.-oa -a.b 1 tt ba i t\ ii..t c i.k U n ipií. a-1 . .n in, n ' b. ha - jot a Len it p ntealí ,b' ä-"- ['ii i-, ant inítt 1 o-.'is oi, r> 'p rado -..(•■ta t 'i piai 1 ti,ah -pi-í- ■ n nit i; u a. K at i It rtsnlto! a ; n oe -s- " o i an'hon- oi -•-,!"- .- ib- ob t» :. n ioi s thy 64 .11 .•itiwrii. UN tum t :011s. i'rom an r |>'. Ii" - ''<■' htu^ooas ja >., reduce deadly tplrmp "'■ hai i a"ti;i,1 rj'laaj'n .an! n< umai i ha : ar> In. m msy,. . >:,,■ i ai 1., ii.t im' p: op. .1 K rrit< i \ •••span ''a;,!. .,, I :.,,H' ihi'a Uniting baholomsts ,v pnc (Kit P.m da lata i. - i .j- ;'. i a.. a , • a , ,. , r a, ,n - t p I vua- >•, hem the-, -> iu-iii" taa i;:,.* jj , .,iv' i o >r. !*■'.')t\ f"\\: ,!.) this '! i an a, 1 ip. " !», ' - - ur' n. . ,. i mr. certain quam jes: ma- mil.una he'') a, |. a - ' im a, ■ ;;n a . . a il. I a cc I r. tea; then . a, ipm .1 June . a >n-.. ,c la-i ai an :s csapgs i s'aii :et ; p< m • a es, na a ■ i aari'a i mc rbaarhm,.,. ,, i: ■ 'at inn, ,vau '• i i i.spmcons Pi p. mu V -*t*V. ' '.'"%- «•<.,'• a- i , a.najnt-i ■ t.pi uns aa.n: L>. m. v , a • m,rit .il nn. I P'Jiaaiia "'i;..i ' pa. ui'i a Pinks no- '' people ise temale and juvenile chimps sitting in (he »r>1 a nehii e the ' ../ i.uks pmlo'fit really spectator* in in'. ' um m s-m-m äc, rha ^himiDS at the theatre? Or was Imoiil m, -ji , imp '.- fhi "' really a link connecting human '■ca. ,a. . 1 * - <»11 I'.ilncai if other animals analogous to )..- Hi Hi trpim, 'citatum. da' — >h,tnmir> bn-iopmi it ot bo.h, o, upri: ihmn i.'.l m • a-- pa. -t'"n (■• -mtk bob' ma iah tn-t bur an- iitnth arm i r arc bmtm 1 I'omi. , i nl ■ in guke'p h-a-un 'm, tarbnlt'it. diiugmoUs. rid a, ldm ad. a" ml' . i. Pom fn. tin m e\ a . Pm!t\ conimunb i.-'ii. m. ■•, an ni ■ ir".ir - cm !,- ad P • ink m oi ,u n 'atil mm unters. Rituals . nban. e lean ■ on mn mn la.iin i\..,risi ib. . a- a o\ erdeter -nam.'b ri.bmdaa \- .g"( mied, and repetitious. Ritual's insistent melamessage is. "You pet the message, don't t...,k hmp : p. sat' p. aco, |- s ■ ,,,| .,]• mh ans b In i m. im a tin ' m.e, !' i in , '!•■ ai Ptioilli pRemc I m.n.iim. .. 'onay .Htn-, ^ ni-.tanb i s oi id,- '„.Ji b k m . I im.nmor bo .p n n i'i'.p to om ilk "ok ing "t''i eam-ms larob .ah is-i-; corn] 11 ea n c 11 re s I; o ns e s!. •. >oo I in smubn it < ' t > ''n -n rntu ai • a b, hn i-. "As ■a t\-1.>!'.-'. biha'.mr. ■ ami- a. 'btiips ,.| l.cb.a 'oh'dtpi. ia p., ito.i i't pre dk. ss ol i h> ,r "m pm s ' < r • n mm -.1 1 >m i Ti-, iin iiiiimi .i:r tn.Pr mm s ,-n.l p .'am-, ■cc b at i ! ill. r> < ii'ihn ir\ .a rnr that I mo - in i n rv.sggor.U's) -m.phlKb. md t.mrm .pa m .1 itym.u.s i -\ i„ t k-.-d p.-,; onsidi.notn ! oik, inn bm ay oil, i,v ■-, u: 1] < a ■ • , :- s. tj'-'i mn.mrm' I-, tm ti a a lb nnploiinp and piobk main . Is '■ i adbXas th.P i nm ii le m,, hoax,' mctnrae'.sii'e: 3 m< ^.vy tarn rcler- Inn k toitstdl Ha examnk , a m.-s „■;;,. tn,r, s.irn. Pis is s mi .si^i. " A en. til it s-agc I if prayer a-nuh'! nc prisirig n. sich a w,u. that mn.-an toons, u'i\o\v I am pi nine " I he 'dia n l.asni ,,n (irepor» Bat.'sop's notion ni a,i. t.n ■ armun'i, ti. in.' huh ! a ill ihs, n.vs in Chapter 4. Htm cm rian's .-., 1,0.0a anini d 11; aaliration in f w > kcT le.y'ia.s .niiab. mark a s,,Li,p.b c dend ir. Human lilcib iran-pori p. 1 soio. one hit phase r> anorhm. \mm,i'~ an •-■ <• • ' or-aaa o' ;>iih< it-., imPer, Ibmiadan . lyiij,: \. n,ak. np, ] vo h y -, ard'mti, n, . -'■ ,,y 'si.nn, aia : .ag. , o .k .,rk ,y ™kk -." aninaab , p ■ 1, a oii.b ,> •ml it'i't a. a.\ - to -> o,, imo>, sitbm n-n i.n i'- ai.oi.t ar om :ior, ij- am. ,.i,',ui ,1 taocs ,b:i ■ rant *<• p-. rm uh nl' i Pi ' iiiipui 1 am pat t- a *ne kema , '-od. nne been n-phcit -n m m.oad .'(ten mpiib . '.appomti'l, jy.pi i si ait,.i.ops, I ii 11, ■ i b. a's "11- ,p n-t ma half,oi ix 1 .topi pilts on Inrtb.da- iimnan'Hiiah !ms across nm s tronhka: waters. t. ' iiit.i •boupb '!•■. r ai M.'.p 1 , ,,,jirs p|„y,,i~. Via. l.m«o.-im, and lace. 65 Rituals as ümina! performances I'm ,>,h"o ; -I pi. ,11 ... ,100 • <>.i ll i > 1 j • I m f„ i,.,!, m , i,,. ! »• .0:1' 1 ,•>.'•»••«.• öS' <) ritual two things are 1> ■ m, 1 j h- u 1 • ;, t m a e m ■ 1- , ym.m th. i ,ta,-' t> > n ..-t m < 1 'ii.h"i • ". h' -fa, t, A, . ,,m "im'me^ Aau no .' en. cit-.t' ,i > .'h>.*' il) h. hi. '1 '. i. ■. in ' , '•><• a t 1, 1 .It 1 r .ji'iti J. i^i |' , ... . . , ,j ..1 j ,<-1!. 1 ! '.mi , itn'iri. . ;.a! j ,.»,1 ans in the social world; they our .mm. ii|> 1 • i]-i v are not-this-not-that. neither 1 .;. si- 1 'hi 1 , !,• . Oi -i oi a jottrrtev irom one social mh' O, ,„,,,!„., T .!„. f iih the onset oi .nt - ..• ,1. iiai.p a-, 1 ho . j. .0. 1 , .. 0 -11 to. 1 f ,011 pt ' , d. ' h'. I , ' I • ii! or1 ' .1! . ,■<■','• 11 .■,' 1 1 id , ,< m.lm I. ' i d '1 U P n s , 1 l • 1 )l ]„ -I". 101 ^ ; ., 1' to ' 1. '.' ii I hi 'h i ,i.i Pm' m t ' " 1 i- , ■! ' M'l h mm A 11.." . . , r j'" ,, 11 ', ."led led 1 11 ,'i. m 1 , ! '" s. I .rt.i,..- v- • id, .'• 1 t - "(.. h 11 , d , h.i , j> t < m i'l e • I - id'' ! in. „ 11 1 .....''it!'. •. )* it 1 -1 ■ 11:1 1 -i a 1-, 1 d . 1 , 1, h r' , ,1 i, ' ,1 1. h )t 1' i' - m. 1 n; e, 1 1 ft .' , u i a \" r- 1 ' l • 1 • 11' . it, a . ,1 - . •■ 1 , " it 1 1 , , 11. - :! ,1 ,-.i j« ve. In,', ,-. an; 1 in,- 1 1 ,i. , m h | .-. v Tin iicj Iiux ! i > ' 1 1 ■ 1 1, In 1, • ! ,>'. ,s. . i t 1., ,1 ft, 1; 1, ! ,i i,„ 11, . r , n- t>- ■- ' } , 1 , h - . n u e 1. ■ dress in neve clothes, perioral special actions, tie -carred., cirtaanacised, or taiaooed. The paissihi.lit.ies are countless, varying irom cultuia: to culture, -mono to group, ccrcraw.iv to ceremony. .As 1 will explain later in this: chapter, the j. pi . • \m, m,, „. ,ts ,1 ,,,',. 1 , . o i"u 1 .1 ■ •1 '• .1 11,1 '1. ' .1^1" I h. ii',- ! ' 2 ' a -'" a 1 , _a'i" t mv i 'a ,, I m,-, p. , 1 m ; , -, < e e a mm t v , m 1 - _- 1 •, p i e -!',('•• . nil na .' m m . m >, - ved witn adc : " ,7' a.a , p o. a mh tc. A < . h ' 11 A 'i a i'oi i p.-i t,n ,u im m, p. .-;< mr , , I ,dm; ,-! ' f" *h- ''i,, n ,! j.;, ; , . • i| , .{i, | o; , , , . s! th o. 'i' h.i ' ,ii. a em 1 • p. -{ ,, 'mm,.. 1 ~ , a m' opj, 1 ; ml,, ,,i a;-A mo. .,. .run. mm in . m -• a ' am .1.1 •■- 1 1 am ,h ., , i-or ano mj .•i s. 11,A, !u ,1 th, i mm, mmi pi' , Fm '{ !, mi • , : ,mj> .' ,11,, - ,,t ,1 - ,ti p iht. 'iiip,,|p "' i, ay'a 1 ,,'-\^ , ,p i 1 \ ! , 1 ,!' „ am'ii„i-„'„ ii', '..ii- t 1. •'i .i':.,!i,,m, .ii r. oAm ; •iui.-ia'. jo , di'o' ,,,, i P , pm„ji ,u. ,p i 1 ■ , pi 1 ,1;, a,, |.,i i i], ni mi -loio ma hu ,1s1., .it , , >mmmh -i,.i n'_a a, *Am . !mu 1, ,, e.hat-, . im r.ii ".ij-.. sini ear-a -r pa , '1 it i- m'm ip pi 1. !■ a amu. , "i il not mpod - "-p ■ i ,h 1, '« -a , • ,a |, ■n -1. i.'l v., a ,' "pi 11 ' 1 o p '; mi th, i-n sjli'i.'. tma i_ J-; 1 ■ hm II tu t lliiie in, 'o m p r'o Pa1,,." ''. s 1' m j,, t-. ,pi the h t , p 1 d 11» m- 1.' mi it- on >. -i.o'hm mieiaaa ,n dh-' a'mous 1 t"..i-is A laait,-, , . sp.,,. t',, ,1 ilm.I ar ji (Jji 1 toonjai v, idi. th, cm 1 su • nh 1, , .;imo. -'ii1'1 . .»lotaiH th h 'ad - , , I', : 1 ,m A-. 1 no 1, ip 1,,: "dm Pi a- a, im ,, . am .mi !e • 1 m 1 a -til 11, |i,m ,-,.il|.'- m. ''11 -i LI. . . ■! ill ■ hnm 66 1)1 P 1 . I 11] 'd hi I P" .ill.I . ;,'^>;h'1!^'i o; mmiporarha lir-u ' psietSf ■ p. - i,'_■'•!.> p-t iijjl,. what h ippa p. ■ i'IiT t limi ii . , p eels d." •" m|.ha-c • d , 1 i si !■! .is]1' in -i i I, r. , f-i , i Hi,. p,i„ ,ip t ,si i p. • . | ,is-, n .. ,, i,, , i* ,.- i he , rvttp 7 o ,n , h, e u s s.tpj a, ' i tin i lit it* p. I ! t pi ,-, s , iu"i.iip m p. >'.» pi.p . ' <'ii," i'ti.ipu.' , p pd i 5 ..ii- t,' In ' a i'ip -.ah is taP'.p'iP Peter Biook ):i,>'.i4i.i i >m at ,. te I In ,>; it,pat Men. '• '• i,. - i .pip \ ,.',!■ * ':<> r'. ■. i > t;,~ii "! ,ii ! i ipi .,i,,p,,-p, r ^"t f a di-am R. s a-1 a Ai.i.av.; rPo 4,'-, r.i,pii, po s.i|i . . r p. \,. - P p • , t 1 t- t '/,\,;v i_i. i>, ' IP Tpi '/ i \, ; i ', f< '•< a itr'mt in.!, i > p ■ P / .i"'")!; I. >ls in, . i.l, !'• ,' 'pi .x/ ati'ms'. •/p/.p> ,' n».t-.S\o t1-, "p.p.O, M •>->-. ,,.,/?, 'i„.-jM.,i i i , ai'is< ha; tim r, ..!•/• ish.em.kt • a,:, i 'p'l a m ra . to-t li p. Ii :! ..ipoc-'s in i|."]!|ipii , . ,ilvr. s ,,pp ji-liiu-i.-n .uiui.'- WiUi p'I>: ti ia 1.7."'-1 i.i .".'"•.' Tp.i .p'isa.p pi i.p.i) , iy,ae\ d tin-u. n.i.l n'.iv.iir. nm.eo .'."r'i'i ill* an-,ma " l.i,.lints;,. . i. p an! r- on ! pi i., a p-i-d Pn '.pi pi'liminoid'e,d •aiuai ii:-" ''V,'i ' pi •insli.-'Sit .mi.en ri'.aa .xmirr:..! 111 khsp.r. , a 5.9,. ..n ii. li,V ,| ,. ep'a.nk " lula. Kiiii in'm' • t malie \ i ai i. i ■ , '• ; :,'!.' niseppPiU'e '.nera.'. s. Ike lr- m I: ai. . .p'.pe, -a.tP' . 'nirn t'i.a I...."' slip.- p.. .; P-u i, i k, b'p. i „-:, P a hcma ; acie.tmp ^1" !hp,e,a ra v e.'i.p '-! i. ui". <".) ih, ,•,->)]>- ha. - p.i p.. maue- i , . fpp rippp ii mm-nips ..< aia"pupi' pi el -.ura ,aa,j "lp:li. i ei li'p.ip! k.-Pi- j-)'i ;p.-;•-.■' .le. * tie mnmoks •iv.-Iu m- *h .am- :r, i pop .0,0 "ip.. i iamnm at. < sec figure I -,! in -a iiPe rinnvi limmotd \ p e a i ai >n .mm' "> 1. su il-i ■ ,ni*. >ip ipi.. e _rr ,.te itit i , .iiej. pi" p> >t,n, .4, m pu. t'.s • .a ,c a 'tiie ar~-s.'p lr, s.-iiuv - FU't in- ill et t'hp v. •. ,rl clicating specific tiines taii'cs are craptv spaces, "'fi-'i Hrook \ phii-" 'spi. figure ].H. \u .-.iip!>, i -pat. is .pin I • iii ' i.iis .a, jp ■ -s.biil.p. p 'tn< in .ni .!■•>.• 'I i i • 11 '.aipp;' i ail J t an ,.• me a k-a t . ■is kc-ii ,i air. 1" oi ,iic Kill i.rr.Pk .liip.'iir.ln citi'i '.'■he i,'I and i'l.iii', \t .i.-i ,C ■ tee all 'i' (A \ tp an m i I.i n sn i, p • ip t! ip r ' i 11 u it >. I in s i-.ri n!!i | . 'lie., kip.n a! ..t;,p"p . ,a e i"kiai a\, i'li le l.ioti al ieip let -ii. ivti'.l.'eii .tie i ■ Jiaaptl _e Ii hit- mil tlic alts a; e Turner fell that the ccninter-cult.ure ol'the 1960s was in ,u; ac ut.'not t.', r ma .mam km io:ci .a.>m mii'v oi Ur Tke r,i.i- st.y. is im,,|,' ... -.m,-,,tiu .i r-n ip i,.,lJilj.„ l; ipnm.aili m-1"t!i k.-t,.. - , k a i. m ! as ; 1_ u, ,.. , rpptvap/'ed that the ccuinteraailtaire had mioderatecl into the New Age with its alternative religions anil medicines, concerns lor ccologv, ami increasing tolerance ol dillcrent soris ot non-traditional lifestyles, lurner was an optimist, it not an ouiright Utopian, hie predicted that "the liberated and iksciDiinetl bode itself, with its mam" untapped resources lor pleasure, pain, and expression "would lead the wav to alx-'tter ; . . i ■ oi -is. Hi., imii ut t oral i-ae. lie \ pai-ihrng of , dm .p.!. ,m.I a oaci-diop pamiin^ a i. rp. pirn. 'a. h. ooPi'ii at m!t jtjlj if fi al tkmg- am: pec-p -, rhti ,na .-'-nial i l. OOpukttttl I". -iiad-m----- |.pi 'i ip" it. i. pp. . -a,,, l-jam ■ .n-ith moeat" tell he iipipirmsm "a- 'iniueifa ,k A- ai '-. ■>'< dt'i-pir toe t'liiitmlhsi 'Ptim-.. .-'.ip-! am! ...,ij|,p iilajp,. -tagtd m tei.t 1, p rn'iokt dp I. ai"! pkiv, - m.i'ii i.fmv.'i. ci-i. cent i-',, , aii di all. -".amenm. rod '.apneas - emiit Tie ottit' pia.m m;1 i.j.'iantji' vaine - \ki ,, > o 'iitaiisms i hiptpip,. 'Pimm , I.mia-, lii->.!u, and mmi P>--.hik;'-t i m sp, lank,, ire.v i l'lhi.: rr.t- 1>". tl".. 'mini in • is ■ a iiiillio'is ; ipiio-'io irtis-i. am' -«x hii dvtoith.s piki. mace at tim. miarpii.s 6? -j> í ami as j lue ate m, O fv/iam^'ye with t- Irr." 1Ji\_3b>"';3f ti- L.eJ-jileri-iij d<_ ./..'.Ĺ 68 if. '-i*- ,t . ,- f.' -Ä Ol "i"1 '', p-' - 3 " o," Vol , _0 tl e -r"i ' im o _-__>= Tl ^ c ..o" m ,fľ< .5j< o.,' C ílu T' j. Mer-: arm i3 z\< o1 p •v & •#* ■•ér hHBh -•• j? HHH ■H Bra " 1 ..■ '"' ' 69 Li V! '!Al \ i / I t -» * i -as t ť t r~ u ^ , " p fig 3,9. V', irb.j-" ntf-a.-sb ^.-p'i'i--/rv is': / ní_ U' rpj,-, /'- r.a ,ľ„' n ili.'i' >■ ľi'> uf <-t íl'ii-lu ■! cď'j'.il M'.ľP', ni, .1 ■i'tip1r> "pnti-st; n, u.pp' an,i in» ppiprci.ip '.t r.p.ji in a! ptr.e.ii i.> "'la.ľ'i ', íp .. i i-. ,,pii! p. ri "a n r.ii u i miataii in V. annmnu,.''< i,pe iurner bi i - t il 'h i '1 ;n -' ,1 ti' ria \|v intaap. • is %, .rm.iui i ■ ■ nnni a ita- ,s •• ha' p.i:Hľo - (p pp'iii' a ta-in .iii-ii, i nnirPit i, pili-„r, a,, .ppil has«p -u-, •lu'tn; a i iM.'i.i' r. p .>•> tpm ipal nr Roman pluhní/ata ! \iíiri"P' p ■ In i ílu., a - .lit i'"-.t. ■ ' l!m t uinn'm », : ,. 1 i.p p, itpai e .ipe- ír.i in|"i;i Clif.ť li' n 11 -i-iľ-i. "stí iipplľs • i'm r 'pip. lit' tu.-! p," .pi i ľ-,11 !, .pli fhi; r!,. Fin'in'sr ll.ipioa an . v r\ a-ipa. pin; >nn r.-cl tli; ar i i,t r a. il; : , 1 h. a !rta ni .il-i i, i - .1'l-at « o, 11 'a ( i , • t" .a :li,it :......iiiipTii , ■ ai'tpiippp's i '|í; jol.' jsi:' alpin \mI ,'p"i i'., \, li. ti'! Ir, ' lipi.i.lthi ir.t, i , it t "nrwim 1, "tmposi d " VemPa; ...i- i, utiinii't.ľ ~lu nil' is .• .íiiphli i i! aal sii .1,1 ti.....ií-iiľ a -pa-p h !',p ' Ponnr. - i- plit, la,p.. 'Im "'pp..-lip *■]>■ na im • pis ,i pli tli tri i-t ii-u nn» ni., '•- i .ai t- Pi -lull lanilt pp. . ii'iiiT.H.-.jfas napppn»-iili.n a ^ itijit p,.i!i,:i "r p oi.;n t iľ h, » libťľtii » tl i -in i.-pp, d ".n t in-i n-i.i.'», u . ] in i\pi,,ts! fin int'ii-spin ft . aiai=,,,n sítina.', n \ in n a spoi !» t^am ínrrlľ • n tnp.tii 's i»> pi i\ inp »., v, Jit a. h pL , tr !• i1 m»..!. ha i >tin" la ail-. vp- ait m, i n«- ,a:,,nri,-.,i i- Jp'ii hi- Tutas i\ <.pl. tiiiuiliiť' ; li Ii , .'ľa .'na Ľ ip "ii.Ja tl|,, in tin ! p i n.api. Communitas and anti-structure »*•••**» «'•••"»*•«,!«»Martin B,,bcr' l!"',;t,i' -HH<* nl"i v.ia".'./ j'ii < >n, i 'hpinj . tl,'it'ii v i -rl -Jii-p ! u a- Knnih rat u >' p ti an »ti ii tta , ■, aiai 'ill.' ii m-, lira iK,ii-i' '<-t im j at .tiohiii . -taP- .a In 4i -pi.'it.-ii. ua- Ce.minami,-, arnaip tin i i,-< pin-,Pi!; spua-p an • • hi. h.p n • ■ fpi Yt "ml. A mm !■ , hi ,1 ill t p'. ,nni .,i It- ppth at ,a. h il ,h - a i.r ■.,, »* in.ih.'iaiM »,.,im s.--np(e e e rr- '1 iron-, *.!t<''!» nai ih ,» .: nh a- nin'hnr ' "FLoo. -ahttlt nn .,1 i n, n, p.iii-i' Pti 1 lip', t.. , ...i lvi, Hi th.'ii t on a .,'h ., i., i " ,i iii ni'l -a i. il nip." im » ipi ha ai km''» \. K tin,-hi 'p.fciitit u toulv.' iS'Hpi.. a; "i is, it iJ,,.p:i .a; .iphitt-l n-,i',, ,u- »aal r iis upp. .-.ip hni la .ran ■ api v-.ltiv ;, i k'apii lama ' / t t 1 p. t p ,! Is h! ľat mu t a >p1 t pi'p"lls1 i i"it» l!ľ i Ha L n í1' P nitnn- m 70 ot.U, u.iineauteJ ''e'.atsoiri'lp ''A. Di n.n 1'-V n. -.'s/edienc , L~ i - "*t .V. v 0',, i e' - Vi , • ingr ( in _' tri! '-1 rl; . n' ilp et "\ i ' Ii'. t.-U" --. - ShrO^S 1 |0,, - l.I5 '• ne CO' ^', 'Hl. .o! I I I "!0 0. V h)a r I' '0t ".;'!.'' 1' e~ ' i I . _; i.i I .-* O'^, '-r, Oiorur. i'iir-..Ni,i ihm-.. ji'.mta o'i.Ojui ,ri,-.i. >-o- In- hei .not Hl.- tu-t j. i oh' ot i.r 'Ii- Ki ii Ii \. .«ii n •, nid'-. ,-Uitia." >>f 'u-a-r, !">i.k-, i'v 'iidm « ' ar.r , 1 ig O'-d, I i'l .o. .,M ' ip.l l) , I . ii' d,..i/'.«M "Od)) ludm. iii,. i-' .'in: i ino - iMi .1. i Odd-, t!" ', tll.l Iii'- ,s. A,- , >ld ]> i.. 111.u- " Ol .1* ll'i i . " lo fl. o.'ü ii .... JA ;r, it.'d ' "n i ,t-. .ii1 ii' 'k- o , , !■• r'" di ■ i.tlii.J i-l) ....dh 11' . I • Hl* ■ l! i 1 . n -1 d . .HU '.,<<•1K 'tl:,;i'> tot-- .da "d- 'ir.i, ', n • ■' neor,. i ■ i ih g, Fiivil iii,'- - ,'v d oi, i" * iiifr -"io in '.t|li.'10„|.,'i..tlh"i i.l.Uu'l f'-'l'i' -■' .ii.',»' II V ... 1. .!,.", , i lltlllll. iilt vp"i i. ■ i • -.i, I «Ii . ,U ai; Lg' 'il.ilO.iili.qt', i „Mi \ Vi " ' 'llll.i 1 Ii',,' ",l"'i t ■ I - , O ...-Oi' ll..f."i, t ,h. - rl . I „ii ' \ag,. 1'' 'l I. , •- O o . i, 'I l'u l' s jd , il rer. JT , il t i. 11 iv i i| . •(.Iii) and iaee mornories, Vhcn na tht hhaqarad Gita Arjiuia Du. ml in. d.,- jnmit,.h,d ,t im -r Tü 1, - ! i ii i' l.i i.a"e,..f ' n 1 " t'..n na ditv ns \nuna, hm . a eng hi. . • .l.i.. i U1' fli. ib-i.luK.'d -et iii.iid.iir im i Ii' . i hr-giunn 'In i in r od di! • j. . .i I in-, .'edbed .> - ii v n )- 1 r.. 11 . .'i- w ,ii- k ,i ,ii mm iiit aai! hnniil been -.ei 0,1,1,.' it " an-n, :-n-. aia *•>' o n u 'gbo mnj in. tiit 1 o .pio. "i s - h'i.i-in.'lvi -il. -o il ige al ui d'i bi. Kling I Hdlnin '.-•ii n t'u • ,ut ' . t. d di!. ii-.gii ,irde i s -i noe • >f n h't h '-la , h. i'unki" F ',eu c ■ n da au i' ■ ima! . n v .ivian siu h a .1".' iM, ig in !t',i 'i.iri s.Jii 'i l'K . od gr min. „od, I n < , ii h di,n in. ' lepni!, 'dt,, n , ,1 i;.[.|i,n t nt -raue i -in ,--a i ir.iHini'u 71 ,• hem' t'o.< nmvmhJi,, (i. ,a;m .• in. . ij/ i >■;,„ , _ ts ,,i . '...,1,^1 hi.;, :n..-1 'h ,'>,iii\ i.i i'."••i i.i i^i'K li.i i 1 . ,i l. ii" m.iI.i I.;- ,'-ii i> km; p . ml p » , . -iu,ia» i '>5i (19«>4~ } s:, -ii, in , i'., i, i . ,h .',1 . I 1 ,,t , •, t •> • > i . ">'' ,ii > ■ in ' «*i i,i i , ,!• i t> i. \ - i ,' i n.-|ii. ,,l i.i ti )'i il " >i imp v'Hi ii 1 t oh l,.i-» I,, i hnei . in . prnd. • *i'j, ri, 1 , ln,p '. Palps \' ■ .. ■ ,') i ) mh h:,r',-i , l"'i'i, Asemo's initiation In the. IsSUs. Asemo was a ho\ oi the Gahuku people living --papa-, in s,,. r ,p , . Pi, n. nt n. "i. in ,i I 'ii>,„h 1 np'ii i ,i I- >i I' i| n.i \ ' ! i'h ,, a " -,- o - me, . e : d > -n m l"ajee .|o,i,;,,nin,. Pi,;.,' a- oi . '.;',„n 1, p ,i ii, a,- in K. north I Rieui m re >' ,; lew h'.edhk- e-it,i iir'i th • „eieei oi e h • .' • t in i < i,, • | , „ . ,) nj., r e :, v ,, , .',.« x . p, l(l->tl, -,,,t.!„ t 11 t >a - ni mp V'ei .[ .e- tia ini.l I'"-"'>-. pm e. i - .me (,',,, m- ii'.1h]--l, t ■ ,;„l a, ii' ! ,1 ilnn, a;li. in- ,i^a- I'.ii'.i aiin', 1-...-., i\p;,,,-.(: ,n; ,• debm :i vi ,i\ - e (he 1 psh ,> ; • ,, • ,■[. ,,,,1 pe.p. t in'l'-^.enl . ', amp, d, "eseh. s li.ii on .nn.i,.'-, r i ,.n,,i ,ka!- -,i i. m .|..t , .iMtr in!")- bkidbip- p't'ol 1,1".^ hi- ,v,n hp- a- *stwldillg Gray phi,eh ,. imp. a p ihi - ph.. . i,1 de ,ir'ii.„i e, hnta.i- hftriih ;< " '•'.•ill- '."'fil'li-ij" t p, it ,1..... i-i n-an-i <1 ,u>, 1 ,, p ,,, ,, . ] ,, i% tm i, m „ps "> lh. n ha d t. ■- ton < l th - ' n d *op,h;e- '. d .n ,e -n.Ciptd his r,.;|,,, •en ,ii'i- !'-i tain ]■ o i d I i a ,',ii,i i-i-p.-f. . ap,.t ir-■ i-,iit|i|i,iiNte!i, ■". ,i.!ii._,- iiiJ.ip i.nn.t, t) [a tin- ". • then. apiK't; »'il op-! - >| i rn oln Lei-tel. I"s ippart nth Kenneth E. Read 5 191?—^s): -uisti dim ant' .pel-mi-1 -p, 1 uk ,,mht'i j-a v--t. at.nioe e.. s h a . d in . . y\ m nap in, hi,he j -'Mtp e ",ij » e, r',t a ■ re m- ■ u.iii 1, - Hi- •,>. L- m. hale '/,,• H,o: •i,es ' m-l ii-. ," ;r. 'it h. ne" , ipo- . ,| '"" .,- '> "'a s mm! Km -an'- ,' e. 1 at. 1 , 1 'So 1 pe'l'til! IA vjl ,',t ..... J'i r.„' tin , ' In 1! iii'ii a'jnk : bm ^ t .< 1 1 on Hit lifting iJra> {l'»4I 2WM): *i„-t . m, innr,,!,.uisr nrhnt. ,,l>ht. tl, ,1',,.-, Kalet. . 1. U -It -mI.'-m s . ' 1'- m ti.e - ao,ae \ iiuie.h. rot hh, Ihrici m.eiet <... tup ,19.0 S") am' , , 'j !- 1I1, A n.i-,ti r (inaip ; IVStl 2eP!| til- aambi. pmippim. i'-papaiis e-ht pnmvim ,b. tpseipbh p,oi-l,s, 77 -a: i"'u.r a A1-, ,7,- I I- lit, - If, ill' 111-. , hli.'hi 11 lilli I'i'll ill-, attll.a u„ 11 Lti hie • a 1 t',1 a t 1 ' 1.1 ,■ 1 , , i' 1 _ -, ., 1 - vv t, -a. 1 \i a .1" 1 'i I u 1 hi ,v , , 1.1 .'1 • \ - 1 h. 1' 11 e. n ' ,tnah a r ,11 ' t.le ' a lli h -,,*;-. "1 1 11. 1. Iv ', V 1 itt s. 7' 1 1' a e n , n a --i e. , nt n a i ■ '•< '> a -anlt oi h, ,, „ - ..-in, ih run Ma,,, „t a......; ■},,, »• ' puMi-he.l, '"".'t n ■ f. , a ■ . ,p. d ', r tual ■ hs.i 1, - t >n hi,h.-o e,,n., ,iS„ i,,ieaani|-i1vjl,.v, ;m )\vPi ,-■ a„ a,e 1 tn • • n'! " 11 '"a et,. t «a- . ■ ■ it 'in d «11 hie, it- •'tar,!, lieniee \, , . ./->7 ,' ,,-hi ( 1 "'»41. ! he Iria n.'/T, J I '01 '5 1, ji. i !"i v, h 'U,, ,,; ,• i"n '.'lie'-av ' oi.1.1 e ho.]..-, .' 'ee /can jP -e '/./ ,; i.i.r 1 i;. . pain, h >• 1 !•, e,a 1. 1, w.j t nnar,- a p a , "s ' \i, 1 h. h , - % ed s 11 1 1 h ' i , nisi 1 !oi -! v ,ir„ a •\tn,. > . 1 -it .p- ai bth.e.m o pmitt 1 ■ pml. 1-, a nt'l „- ; .niiin - put 'm ' " !i 1 - "f „ a m-o,„,p, , ,..ak. "i pre-, i.tiaemlioiii::, t aa oi ., ■■ pm m • -.. 'l i-th, ''ir-',! T||s ' I e'-mm v, ,, ap a im- - -tmm. «1 Piamimhti'o,, arm's, 11 |,. t tion- >l.,p .;;\t 1 s •-. pp< p., m-1 * , p. .1 ii.n.p Pi! m "i «• i, 'ineip .ah-. itperlui'tn ■-. riios ea. 1, p l-.thipp f-at.-i :e> n tnd tkos hh • i> h tint : en a, , h. mP. 1 ib - .'um.d \\ithon .do m n apt 1 he fans'. >,n iiieir ^m-s ,7 p.p-,.p. --i.ej, th, is-rprn 1 , , , . n.,t,,-p, jv , a'- • >ui. 1 see Head itiaOop. 10 11 m-h .-ni,,i 11 ,p 1 m;i ,_• m-p-,, . s !- . m ie.,1 iatmi f 75 Mai In! her (J481-1546) and John Cahiii (1 509~f>4): rhc- t"m nii/st tmnoiaam I. ad* m ut th. ir'rt.usiml Ki 'o» n atioi, S iI'h", i t- -nrem, . !i'IU;.,nl Tr aiiiho-ritt or dn ji ipe ,rid th. mrrtiptimi oi the R"iiian t ath.tlii C linn li. t 'ah m. „ 1 11neiimaii. our On ,»t<"i he ' i. a--■ ni f "'I'll n ;lv «»;> ir i >i '/i 'h..iu. f Lull-oobuoi. «95 Theses"-.ft 5,'7 ;»•»,. .ie,t the 11m j ^ ,ptl.; „t ^ ,pnl. ^ ^010^-« i raix. Hism-lst,, ■ itmitmmm.ts "«iiep tin ,x onv lineVo 4o the inoney-b.o man ^ H'mmi, m, md-m '''ail" eaaui. ' ">57;. and Hi, aiiii'.r . a 1 ,!>'in.. t ofi,. i,:Ki li . iiiiiui j<~il r.-, 11 ' Mi. 1 ira-m hi 1 • ,111 ho i>, > 11 a 1 . ai 1 o I''. ''• h it a mK n< •' :n . thev use as models. Samuel Reikc-U (1906-K9): tie! V • 1 nia\ -t pht >n > o Vl.i . t-'V.l ! Kmkm! V 01, li.. x eh, 1 th ,? lot t d, nttfm HI and coatim to 1 he ,-rrctsi ■.!' • them- ""hp .,nd "tin .iwauco 01 od.aOeri m iitur-o! nut lor o mm. noi.tii ai-di dm nmiinhvin, nji, Ltii: t'lonaji thv n"p< hiniM It, weo ;,i eat.,- i e- -tup npi 11 it" a'Titva-sa-c s1 '" •'■ ■ ' • - ' ■' ' -r . , . . . . , ^, . 1 ' " ii.rin r .m. ;;i,t,, a Iioms i ,1 eesa.. tieia ■, in;, ms them \ ol I tt't.l p.. .n •• (see- figure 1.1». I'mimi.. th rtdrmsim Tim- hi ,e! .ip.oi. ,.rioti • ot i ,11 10 1 '-. li.-. .n o.roti it „1 lira ph.oe ■ >! ■ •-•!, dmna. ne.-p,:. am , i)oht,._. I \a -\e i 1» the. >i \ rrtiui i - 1, ul flatten-, om m m ds I its pi 1 1 . - - , 11 om bmi -i„.air, U ".,-!- tin it - v' pn -. ^s, 1 rro, 1 ;>r< - i.t d'-tails, fhe a; - ind d.ostis, tie iiuanet - at, 1 (Lib 1 ,-p-bi iit..,t. to formal trials 1, ,.,nl <1-. ,-,o.,.i |imii The t u, es dim niak, i mt.m 11 a.i.,h si-. intm"i simp .md 1 nhphmnmp ,-1 ru.ii pi 01 t s empto' ■ ',0,1, i.mpm e{ . are - do 1.1,1 ti ai. e pi oh d en; 1. 1... ,s bn a miln t t an be ana Is _'efl " 1," sa, rip... . an:., .r. Fre n< rb v, 01. K, tin "in. hi ,b t ore ti -arth a so, ail bran.a. I>nt « '"■ « 10-ipirns d, >e; sm h .m eaaa sis i,,-,! p--t imbmiuoi. ot ianbiir 1 uhjr:J ^, aatipmr ite ire,* t11 hi' iT; on, ,t.b. >i,i i,p rb!v th,mm ,-, tmt t; is helplttl In olsr aarj.. a, t lint , \.n tp h- v * b ens r, ,0b.• meiai ,1; .b--.ttlinp ee" m >r'.j ht- a . d i i.ainmf m< m. mm .i.jiu;, .,PP . 1 itdm '. Tm iaa" 000- p. - iriak. h-at ana-, \- ,1 tt as re up dm e > , 'he •-. a nil • Irani 1 ihi or\ b.-s a - 'Vh.u is nr.. e u-. huj than tl to ■. e;at inn 1.1 no ., m it an,! a timsimm fhi \ 1 n il aid r, 'en onsii.p hi r,\, 1 r. -lesthetn pi o. • . - and point h lCntip 1 -I t , if ,..i,-i'ii .p.stoi-i, d ,\ecl- -,-) Otat .1 so.iil ui.totis, nr. iud'mr 1. sth> t . and so. ii' 'rare.., 1 hr ^hi0• ; ot i „ t ui rein < s ' ha! in :, at Post 'p.p. - ir 1:1. t Litio: 1 -hp .-an b< de [net- o a• a i,,r;/ -"n b mini *i n S or 'KJiiti .11 i.,a-a ai'ie " ' -' 1. ineMtp-le Hi, 1. b-rnnin,; e bn r. , ,; nti 1', 1 n;p <■<• ir; ,'tiJ. "K s et -eia imp pp. •< ."-s li.-i. !>> --i,.. nil dn .11.1 1- Vdhi.i inrt-ei ' die,..- doa- p t«nt ••i.iin ,,! d.i:ie,,,.ie an',- t ?• eiiei r-.Ir inias and 1 he ,,!•>> Tb,.t id t,, si-, tin -bil\ mtoihi sn.ipi ol a \\ esi c 1 n „1. sth,. tu p,nii,tli drat r.i Tin ui tii no ot am ;n e. lmoi - br una at •■ ,nlm in, d,- bipi e", mil juiij.-.-io, ipiai "r ,1. li „i,a ' i nidi Ti.iro a |i.ssiv, ,mmi pmm d b\ i.silaoi p> imipl. mm. p. •1 ■'.air e :btt.anii t. 11 iiHt-ni .dioii ' ..'hi1. tb. ni,d..r]-, rep -vlume ,4 dm dm,1 - Ki ■-po n , !b>, 1 1 ultari . msilym ae-ttit.1 i- pi je'i e- ijv. , t tr di •-. th- mi. ib, tiiaii tin.- ,tre, an-1 mod, • r. , t admi rr, aaoi m- d. -hap-, d, an 1 pttidt oh', 'f v pom - a s , •< s, -mil lit.ii'ia It is 1. hat or,--tope ima.e a n- n la- .mil "plot o mtmaati a- «~ce T'ltrner box 4, 'I1- poipniam ', I" ni, dn -,ml ,4 iiMyid, aid "emn v tiapmb h.m a 0 eeairn'O bivrnma, m- t,]'"oro' ill 1P , lnmme ,d pn rh irr'aa, "• - middb , a'id t iid " I his 1-, ht the alia he.i net v t- most bma bar stapnno, \\ ,r. s ot ad, hi - snip \ .aamis indu 'tie, settmg. rti w ttli li.ivo'.r. thls di.ielu 1 .mi .ti ;tin e i- 1,. a so app.iteot To pi. -1-1,1 dona ai I ram, po o 4,i,r -'ijijoi i .1 , i!m t<» 1 . m die ihiair. ot tn. ihsurd "i ot'ur .,'miter ammain, a< {mm, a, rmns ii-ipa- d to maintain, in-..hi\, or m I ir !t art ot oil, Has-. W s ]f 1;hn • .'ai.-.te ,'rfer t /m'i,'e 0 \ 1*a pert, .'anml n -m 1 Ide "i, tb.e lit-,' a.,! aio ,m malm nb m i's . poodit pint , mil so' m coinp. ]>iiie 1 small dranu m tie 1 mot. d hm a- fhmm -, la-tthm, and models oi 1,] n-i it. h duKso't ipiab ,-i d! la iiiaii ! biopi .mips o.-pt 1 lo. mil it|ih -.'tiPiaoti, \s hpairi , I 4 ir-b ates e ul n. ironm n'am e ,v t. No • v a. p., , aat urn la. • area, {. .1, , pis.,di> i-,"( b- oK.,js , |/,,.ltE\, ieedb 1. L tai '■ 1» on .-en -a, at! ..mi ae-th.-m t 1 min 1 .,a-\\i -tt s r p.J'a.iii'. m 0-1 Srm,b 'a ,1-, drama, 1- model d, mands tn.d •;b. o< i.d drum. • ash mam,,-1 m th-. bp- P,o,nip th. b*,me,->/;er, , . into aestln tn dmanao 1 . --'her bind ot p-.-i le, emm m, !-e nndm'- , \ ■ -1 m o - o, to s,y , -mil iaa !-,, ! aim r ,,111 In , a'-e n ! •1 a.'n'.ii it si-e, ;\, nil n a-i a, a I h.-tot 1. a! u aim -r 111.' ,, J P a t.l-K i'i !ta amp , b hi e. 01 id'- .oiidi t- 'aam \\b -! >-i,. ...\le a on! "tliam <" i-mi-, b im, n, 1 ftUeieii h. .m ' mam, h.p iloiisn 1' t - kit s xM-ild 0! to-pi, ,an, piamohla a- a • tpbei 'nemntiia >m 1 ;m' • .1 ." . ilr 1 aliuai! mimt t arbir-. , pi ob-n-.T. d .011 n im, an 1 m-mrum. • -| mna", > menr timrhm-.'.e o! j ait Un ; ' )•■• mi if-m-ntp 1- t>. - a ttia* ar, t'e.'or n,..ih b d m perim hmm \r , ■ hi- ,m m ;.a,, cmTpi-rl.iriinr.,1 <■ s*ln n a; „» nil •• b hp L1p, at 1( ,u. nihs; t el . di s 01 t7,m ./a,.7r,.ru p tj a\ hi -iia 1 1 b md mm rPmenp. e. riili mt.l 1 m', ■ . • 1.« 11 t| it," 76 > - 'ik.m. tJ ., ii d i ,>Ji ■ \i i:! ..... - pk maa te'lp-t • is, vi-toi-Turner ^, --j — >' li, T, ->>M t ' J 1 ' |3JI 'elm ' "* ' ' - ' ' .,. ,, i I m i „ ' I in i -i, ' 1 ' r~l i -, I jr«.-Hol.w„. .>...».» i ,1 pi' - I • -> " -. - ' , IV v. si j -i 1 i " 1 ".I s , t t 1 iH ' ' I c ' Y i \ ' " ~ 1 . I t 1 v - . > i l5 J' Í t ' H " 1 . Id '.' hph'i'k, pl7-,s7 ojheda'r""*'1 • active or •!maoic" mirror. The stage drama, when it is " " ' i • 1 x ' Ji- f , ► I ^ ;i IT. ■ I "pit - H u p.." I '» 1- < pi - ■ . 1 » ij i - i 1 -p i -, -i i 1 1 ' i ,ra j :.-.Vf*, -i.-,.. ,i « / i+ i , n ''Tit i P"" ■ a a. --■ ^ . ' ■ .. , , l' > i i a"- i- .i't j i- / i1 s, i tii , p ^ , u t| m i, t p m t - - a i- ir i ,m i i c.h i lir t p itce ____ . ... .-w v «>. a"' > ' r -> t-i i i. 1 I i ■*** / aiTuap pppptse ■ • ■ I p , " i. 't ' iC.-e o <- 1 i4- i < > ________ ____ 1 i -iqii.i-, - r i , t0 ,| ~s i t' j i, ,j po p;,„t ,,- ip-,. p , ale 1 * p 1 i i ' * , i" jn, *s a* a -oi it ' '"" t. ,.-!. ..i .vui j... p;.,.-Pr ri,„.j tll. i ir ' lap' pí i he"' Tai aj 1 ',, l i i a i i i t , i> - ji - hi ii 'ipp a, í ' ,. i " " f ~ • tjp -s * ,|p ipc i- la , I" -h~, a s t , p-|m| H- ■ - i ,- -i • i i --p. p., it • 11 1 v p h j, :,i, ,'i i líh -' -í„ u i - , l't ^1, ' ' ' •'a', j ,#'. . ... ' J ' e. . pt -i i ii? i pi i i i at * p , ip a 1 1 "" - 7 'J • 1' in1 „'-a ' , a at .v i ahi il - n ( ri tu if • , in ' i " pi j - at e. K' ia 1^ a a i ta, t l ph ......»(„,. ' i- -, ''to <•' e _ 1 tt- i v C'i - I? nhi ••a'—? a" -'• t " - > i «•«• -i, <• h, j * - f p', ' i \rp| e1 i s ... ,,a,.t,iji,-. it',5uiv=iii » i ,i j1 -Pi i i ;t"i ii pp 'i pi , a ]• sL ,_,e ' a IP i e :i,■,■ e.ereo "P:.« h! I , I P'l ,|, 1 r 1 Pi if , i he .ar.ia pi . ul i i i i I ' i ,[i t i I ' I - an1 s.." 13 Ij'i-i -i'-i-j"j _ "li. fis i D a- ...... . ,. ., ,e , ... ^. . - i-prhpinparipri , , -_-s- rad p apt 'ic, a a • ,• • j P. ^je- - ,c - - -, ------ t'.,. , - t-eeoep e,_ a, ■'■er- t,.i.»; '. . a ^'"i h t -F^-j-.e^ p£p, a- p,„H ., prppp i ,p? .,.,p 1985, On the Edge of the Bush, 300-301 ,io i ii a. a-a The pig-kill dancing at Kurumugl >" " " "--'a ■Sri March i 97.2 at the "C'uu;!; ii t'irounls" in (he vk initT of "•'p__/ _ _ _ "\ a_ _ ''__ \ -..tua- Kurumugl, a village hi tin. Papua Nt-w tiuinea Í --,i, >. - -r» ji •' "" 1 obserseij a two-day pig-kill et Irhraliun. 1 he pt riur.-mmi e I 7^-~_.____________ j $,'•-------f.__ saw Viae- ;n [.hmeer'.a! tippum . ne. intr, actnai cunihat. Iht- ' ' dances sm! sotigs were ail iptul rVom i. omhat ninvtmcril-t ind % ia -i. ,- . H .„-,n~i , p; , t-,. - , s tear chants. The armed tianmrs dre--ed parrl, tut battle and - - ma i. "i "-'a::, l - •. >3 k -X'.^-) partly for tlauciiig (sec figure >. 15 i.'l Ik iir-t tlae, e,insisted 77 .., I, ' • til P ' e , , . b . I' • Oi ! e i'' J (• 1 's .1-..... I i.l . mt m e . i i, i ' , in ,111 n ! . *W< n „■ 'ei in i i't i 5 i V ' i 11 • r.i an ,iT ■ i i *"' ■ * ji |, -31'1 ii i u.p ., si >j ' "i , 'in i it i - i ■ i "; v, i>, ' Tin - i , n !'>i.ii i ', i' i „ i ,." ' i i- !> w i',i o th' , >!, M..„,. i , , ,<.-, in '!> si, W .1,, .■',,' It. - V . ! i I < 'n ['' i I , . -j, . , - .11- ' )ii '. .1 'Mil 1 ti . 'T i lull' 1 I'. ' I ,, ;-L -','-. 1 li 1 ' i t) .. , ,,t P'"l 1 i, i'!Li ,, . - s , >.; ,i il w >, .,!',,,' , ,, h; „>!, i,.', , ' j k 'I ri. iiu,. is m P as. apt p h> a , - .., , 'U ,' • K'>. .." ' ! v 'I- *,!..! I it's siiriirp.ii arstnvui- drama. Hgure 3.16 diagrams what happens at a successful mf/-ki!! ccl.cb.raii.aim Tlic transhminations "above, the lane" t c-nvert dangerous encounters into mostla benign aesthetic arui economic pcrtoimaances. Tliose "'below the line" show in t i i . n ri i1 t's ji tu '..; ma t io,. 'h e i a;, i , ^ -ti Ii c i mi jo ".ps o I , ug< d bv dt i -' ',i,ie,,„PP,'.i a ,m i ,• . an " Tm ■ i. I t ,d . ■ s. . . ... a ' i .cm (-rounds a . a la '1 . cii !lo ite t 1 i il ii,i'i....i'.i ■'. im1. ... " i te.lp . i> ■ i' il- ' \. hatige Is and obligations with j minimum oi danger and la a i oi mi c .rfcasure.'I hte success was due to performing. i-'criormmig was the way the. participanls achieved "Veal ami results." The naming, orating, and go ing out meat did not e ' mi » • » *!.•;> . sent" the remits, but created the results thev celebrated. ! hose at the Council 'Grounds performed in tv o sensor tftcy put on a .dwnv, and tney gut something done. As above Pine right-side" activities in hgure 3.16 grow mi importance, the entertainment value ok the em-nt increases relative to its cflicacv value. Maybe the Imst times groups " -Inn ! .il !n I .ilia il i-.M-'il' tin ' u ,_. d - ■ t'.,-a -} , , !• " w t m. _i up 11 'i ' b i i tt i r P. ) . k"c .., phi i .. h ii-g j ip , n . ! iikai i. ' ' .• ol In iti.'i 'tut >\ v ,'i . . all mil t i a ip .e m ip'm .'iiiiiiii-' i ,ai ' 01,1. Its'.' ', O i ' ir : i \- 'mpel pig s that 'i tnw" Pa . i ou! dm <"-pm ^ . hmC' i ; o. i ". g .' -. : ' oi'.. 1 .1; , ,k Is t „i I a a i. . tii-t . ' ' 'i' ' \e. " -m'' I ,ii', ..* ha -I in. rm '" | J1'- di i a at i , !., i •, 1 i ,.'i!i ng oer „ , p oi i dim -h 'merg .. i^r " . d _ a } np'">h ' '! Ii". pig i j, > i-e a \". , .i' . -.' g.e e i , + Ha ri . t i a ■ _o \ ei ', i" . ■ m ,c ah oi.i .i m. t t a-" i' . .a-, l a. >.,,' lols i "la i-m e -( , S' • ),W1. I) . ■ , ' .a j... or ,. the' ah Co tier, .1' P I w ,!i n ■ oe"t hiivi.,' a,-' l' ■ 'in I. a' .- > i hpii ■ li w, -'i 1 di -t . 1. d.ioi - I .! w ,i s t !■ ig. ■ I pin, k.a it-,, , -,•.>: t' . 1 ■ i\ hi " io t ma - \ tm i hi. n dim a. • .", m^. d . an ,a w i 'im'i km o 1 I <• n ii , • an '- d. 1 )■ a w ^ai ru-i'. -I i ,' k i !i. m .is \ 'oi. . in i" ' -, '....' mgmg.l.p.m. Imditp.-i t me ' his m,-a |, urd i ! i . '. ,m- ifl'j tuL.i i P ..!! i .Ii' g. 0 lis .•■ j., , " i, iiim > pi and p s ,.,i- •!>. n't e.a >, ,-lit ha' ill. id i I'"' 1 l mi .tile *, i o' . '' 111 i « liii; pan ill ii ■ i m -, I i'" ' o 11 'mi. .ai " . ' a.'s 11 it...', ,. . t it. * a i I it. i" mi ' a h e ifa; on hi a, p. ■> .n.J,,, m m w ; • h p 11 ii, mi , i X pic t, - th. it, ,'ip..,i ill,!,. . 1 - , s lai a \i ,i i .ii nl t|t n; i ip, ip tl,. . mm nn, ■ ,t haw w I ) was p !)-•_. i ha mo \ '.iti.hod i.e.— i- v a" in 'ii higni mi- 'ml m . p - I vl ' en '■'"'" -»."t:.""gmp'" , hamm.a.d ,. tina.. j^q efficacy-entertainment dyad vVhiat are the net ween social anil aestnelm . a . \> -o 1 .t di il",;, . "s im i i". s ■ i'i- ; a.. . 'a'f i lm n . 'n.t •' ■ aitu* n. Hi ,.,in "hj »it",. K -. m '. ■i a s t.,, ,,.,p ,,, , ,p th- -t ei !•- pi pa •" Io d m thi ns tl ,■ |..le, iii.„.i peme • se c liifurc 5d 71 khebasi. fig 3.16 ie.etfec md. ^ . oip - t arp« c , 1 , s 'a'm ', - -,' - i _ - ■nge potentially n - - pp P in-t 1 W 11'" t -tp, i\ |ip,li,' , - f.( I |t ,ti- ll 'ii'i-lnc o. i p r, - o hi ',.ti'io!iii ,i . ,u dp i .. •-'! ,,!•!. -a. not r .ti, a .'ir. " .''-,.!'. -plioi ' iPti.o-,"' ;i! 1 tilii. .iih'ti i al' '.i-'"1,' Mu-ik i pa .11,1 '.■ -m p i: » ppi'mt • itir1 79 PcRrGoHAflCr STUDlbb EFFICACY/RiTUAL EKTERTAINMENT/PERF0R,V>lNS ARTS results _ink to i - 'Im flS5 17. m> 1 „ There are many deone ' m. ttrtl acting t nary, the figat it m - :> 'h m, m a a 3 eonti-ai o "* re vm.ooa. ; mat m" •! p< ah 'ii' .--i i, -.a "ii tiM , il tea iH'ii ) i'm.n,mmi-i ''ii il i'tia r 1 !■ aim] [,, alts, ommml, 'i I'll, rfm ii« 11 b- a, horn, n a. h..t en i.i>m-' a m.riil'" -a, ici ,.„•, ) ,.i IL jnmpo a e. bs m.js* im" ii n nt t.". I a t ti , ,in"m v, in'! y i jiiito, ii'jiia- i- . tnJ ■ t i"'t b'm ptiFmrny mm pm ,m-' ' s r" m m h n ^, ! ima tli.m an •• ,ie memim'. r lie 'i< adm ' tm ,,m 'i, figtirc i, i7 -aid d-i. l.i .ii.-iit, u-ii!'J'i- ri'i 1 mm ' - t n'ttai bm b th tn ham-aii. spoupost m it -on e Jim pi -tan, i. ,t"ni >.,'. ti, i" In milt t., .ii t ' p. tl a litiia. tin in''.' pert ri.t'in '-.iiaatii'Miii'i-i "i I Ii.-'j'1h. a • pd..ninii.r i-pjr ethcam or pure cntertauamcnP I''at'", ail n. "m .,mt '■ people- \ .. to be still Imiy a o» sHam ii. ' tli ii p i ' , , . -m ,)CC ot how id J.....jl -oa. i . -' | i Pummd i ;tmils out a .d i • ■' \' t '■ 'i lv! Pi, ,m i'o'p e,i sPi, ,i, poriiymmp ."■y tq tli-W... then tie imp. a mb,P tl.i m - origbnamb ot i,. 1 ms oentered ill 'a lira1! yei mm a. p.em,, jui g:. jp o a ('i.tnln i Ipt i{i:i.''i-'t\ jam-HIi n Harrwm,Gilbert Murr.iv , pi i Frame is Cortllor-.I - 'chmed ihey found m ue.i i t Pi-' ok n'„^.p .mm at m t "m ma im itua!" or mm; Li'u i-jt, tl p im t ,s ' lo.t".' Pt -..rnibm tebirth ot a p..' ' see Murr.iv ho.\ , i km I n da traced toe o; lpuo ol F cine,-, m l'ii Pa led ati lintttji Origins of performance: If not ritual, then what? Pceonam't do -a't i a tpm d ta i it i d .no mma "ni t a .pin a- - m mi- 'd 'u .olhrai p i"' - rP l..mii,i"-.i f 11 >t.a1c m 'K ( mil'.' t,i>.,Mij- -d 1' 11 1' t , fit. ami — ■ litnm. 't Flam allbsl.mi n a a- like bil.Um.b'r KiPlitli'i I'tla t pPdi mm. .. I'i • i-.T'i' ' oo > ti ■ ma v -ptai"t , ,1' en a\* hn an -a: i ant. ,tt 1 'amr 0 ■ lot oppm-rPo 'n.t ' liiiam.'yartuci ." a, 1. im j moon- ol t Lit,Ms, rm-mu.- " . tod. ad clam u Im a ia r upoms dmat - ■ ■ alkd "pitmiiy, i '"pit " m -\h-.a Nao- A nm-n Aa-rial.!, md b.whrri jTr'aO'ini. irinl- r-a j ikni t r m. . , an i th. n, m om i by (iisto, 'mm. ol s , ,| jane l.lhn liar; h-ori (IHSO-i^H), (.ilbert .Murrai (iS66-!957). and Francis Cornford (1874-IW): F.-itish ..JassKisi. kj^t ,i at am! i rip. and ■ >\i,ird 'Fro • situ m tin ma lv p,u t oi th, I". t ntieik ei ut'im v\ h> proy, -od st-o ia! inliiu-ntn' dm--m - on tki i. iati'iiiskip id ,'imad to h atix. i li< i n-aik- in. iuded ikimsnjb //man mi/.iiP.P aiyp (*n pe >;',ia,' b./i,pae ' i Pi 2), t oratoi-d , iii it',/;,, a *ii, i. ;'ia,'. • |ntP-,, „r..j Mtit i-,ic • im Piya-.podt ,i tc/ap -ml'P'm. Gbi-rt M Li rray T/?5 liiuai ur!{iini> of Gteek tragedy 1 I t f I a/ m iJ r ,,-es a j'r.c j UIn w ,r'V.! vieWS PI at*'"C! ,i . is, a3o..,, ,,p (, 1m " o! o''ee - Trayecy-I: ra a;- •".,! r-vr, » eo i. ^ R. i«, Dance, a aai a i'i r ' burP'r , t -iSSt i -s ' y l ird wHi-fi • o.fn.''-1 ' • am! i >t J a v-a radp an *hat the i.i '.tst a1 a ti-' c ifef1, that of 80 Changing rituals or inventing new ones s, • 'i tl I'll t Ills 1 -[•'!■,.•• J ill i 1- ni, : >i irp riii in 'i ■ ,m . in. sP,ius.ii 'ii i". ' V ' -j ro..l i ;pi ; 1 . Ilji'.T'f - ' t !• ' 1 in J 'll.' stis;tt.iill sp -i- Ju' , s,'(.l.i] t n . om-tall. , .ht.lp. . i ,. P a., ih .. "t . ii- i, i 11..i - ■)'. .. 'I... ,!. i >tt'P . .Ii ,n- a1"' ' ii.-).. • isi'e Drcav a) 1>.»\ im tnm - ih.' ". ; ni'.i-t 1 . s-,. i- ,. i .1 ijl \- t ' • In (a i _pn- i iiigi is „ o nipl's it ■!<.' /is 'Pal pr it trior i s i .'ii "' hi 'I'. i'. t'.t M'-' ',i ii.iu ' .'hi., ib seaman- Hm 1' pi i -1-, iriPil i mIi-is m!;n ,t bit r p. i f . - .. . I' ' hm ■ 1 ! ;■' " - >**■>! !" l:i.I. " lid". - ti - |.t i,i-v ' .l.-llK'ti' ti_. 1 i' i. '.ill. Imp i.v.'l nm t -. <_.. .'.iitii '•• :\ i' it -i pr. .a , n > n.i «.-1n. !• i ijii,! "a mhi i lima- -i 't,'i , uP .'.i naiia in- r ebomitsb . o. i t; n i' it n t- if 1 t. ' i.,u P.-at .• .aaatii. hang' s tht 11' ual l!i.t,i |isin g, n.n 11., hi a t ar.d n - u\ i. ' i ■ i ' Lit i) an .i, ; i ■(; , i.i >t ' 1 i • a'. i i ' n 11 i\>i c-t ' I .in .,il t' a hat. .j' ' -mP ,mn , ban h s mm .I'tii.'t. i- a.tii ,s i .ii it ,,l "pi i jti ' . i tLi'p. 11 "anaiii ^ i it • i.u .'s I', - .tij-'i in t'li.sta.-i, i s i-tpiial i iSrT' .iN 1 a ' i.i'i aiu-a a1 p.'l.i"i,ai -'J , hangi - :r. :nt!o'hr •,■ i to in nig ' t.ii >-s j:t,. 'in. nu!. n.'-v .pnii'l on n -'a'--,) . nn; I, a nn .it- li„ "i, aPupi - I nmP i. .m Ii, im • ting ' • R-um ;<.ni!'"s_! . ,'!- - mi" t i'ti'au. mg a.m. I- -*h nP'-iu n> m'Po .uiiitl'. Pitt panp -i • '■ .""'iii^.og th>-1 Hi: b nn n ' piaan ;ii (Pin I aim liarnn la. \\ fh *''■, anakrn \iotb' .muam m ■ ;m- *n I'm a; aii' m tn j nn in i m ,', ait t hangt d R anan t ."thelit i iliiak Tin litem- u .is rami u,e > m : anal "i ■ .,i i'ta.. . ,.ai .pli -aii. .'id ji< mu. m .it r m rt.g nrunnun penph , l"-m, 1. 1ln -mm . I inn in nn ai-m1 ,ti I'lm an ns. < _ >« 11, i n. ,-s ,. phi i ■! in rtr ,na. a' n a - tin iarpn tg. i J the Mae- 1 pa. p< .-e , n la.'n g mn. i numurm . i nual \mi n, t a «n, pit n in. n • t •', .i . ban. t t> > p n u. 'pat. i; > '•hlli'mo an" -m a 'laap Tii -.'mnn.'.- ,m 1 tn tin 'tli'I'laini! in n>\ logman .1 p. atm ol "m an. |i;. .1 'npii m-.'1'i li'ti- • n . It . .. a nl P ha a i>. mat n Tah. .1, mi k.>hng m-mop, ti bbam i " fiitm * n'. ''i' ks.i. m m i am ,. ill's' infii'iin" i' atliaM. < a'1 J* v,'I -t Ii. i! n s . , ,• , ..1 t,ii i . uitnrtmP si, t Hi I i il tails ;na\ als. > bt itu i-nt. ii - I n'b b, ^.hii ia'.'alt'.i"t b.' in i I,____ mtvplb li.i;i| n, ami '.', liHliiiiiiuP in t.a 1 r- 'itipit ..] nana nl at,, i.'l .' '1 tl- '.a tjnit, inntH. i a P u mom • i iui mtitm. r nmmtba >. iam • 1' 'it n i'tmbs ml tbi t".. I.'1 m, nn b it: 'man i . a p a. < t ii tn ni i (1 11 maim tl i m nil nub ..pp. am ..i in. I • t .1 h Mh u n i,-i). u .*' bs Jp" • n, ml ■ mmhri n m n-'P- mntimn.'t s ipp.a m ,Ui, : b , n'tm i s t!,nm tn tmtlrmo .inPu ,s-. a ''U1 b.-i" t'lt t. :|.i..„'-,.i i a,'tan tm. ,i- tit aa'm tp... pt m ,,;.>'',. .ml'. u]'- Is urn - 11. .'n nttH si ,ps tliti. a "'i-tan , na'ui", t'tn b'.•>'t . nn. .a n-n an't , si hi, . ]-p ni, ..Inn' a ttaimi i ,,t . lb ( tn sun tbt in t a-• .i.i nulr tl n i < pa m l".ib,ipml 81 82 uliaPf PtíKti- \lilV ll.lIjTin ..".i I. .!.!■ ," h.'ľ '•nij.ii . -' mo.ah-," j- ď-m,th .itli-i ivri-t. <■ l<«un* .mri H.ilprin bo\ i 'i n.' haraa-o neh".,i m., -o . íaho,. •Tii'.'imi t:i ■ na i i_.wiiľ -i"i-t , a nn.ivi, i - • \i c Satí A. ľn t hu iji • .n '.ebi pi''!.ins u\, n '.« \vu m pini- >)-tj-..i< .ij \ '11'1,1 l atrob, ••• ť,-r ,v-in-,n., im.t ahR :,-> pi,r nn '. <;.i po j >Ie n, 'u,-eho-n ':: "irniu.'i' i -bili,' h :1a i .aa, in'I '-n, n. i"'\'.aľin.T i'u-i ;'r .n ono thmt í).'- a,' .phnlHt. Mri' hil ľ,,.'\in!- ah o i .h on í.uí''J r'>r •..-'.>''■'•, Rnt ll'i s .ĺ íii-n. n-1 ."T .t hnihin hp.op'o- -'.ní h". ; t'j.n : il >ijh^;;,i ; bnah i irhi r ih, ;un n-b, ■ . n r, .Jon-h , i.lü'1 i . i.,.' ■•, : i t n. '-, .• ill ol mu no. si. o. ri'.n.lR i.l.'.aU'.i 0 . na '. t k !í ľa i o- p.ôcii. i r Ruth St. Diriii- -a.v. "lnahan ii.un.m~" at OhOlo Is'tiiI s ''Hindu Vota.". ' l,ľ V1 t.'o.- íď. i'l-ialled o til-. Mraooa iiaiu'no n; | -1 rfc h--i,.to ot i'n. _p-.-at -ni, t .-'.- ol Lit t Ľ ty-pť- 'oaoi h-.L,n'.o"a' 'i.o I"--"); Chi. ' tap. >'-tum \\ hat at. ' \ ni , o-i \\ .v-i .ou'li 11 n. p m tri t -.< ín-ii m ô-Jo i •Im-IJ ' lt.' I o, ran,, ti m}.!'.- ihn. hl _[ lati rut -nstriKtml ■ n I.-|i|.l ao a .t. i_ .o-. V. I.a'oa. i St Orní- '-.os m. iho drain \ il■;,;>. 01 -oi-hi .j ] . • n.vaard I. .i-hna i le'.ohiíb.n m 't í o 'tan.i. h. fit Iiis aoi] tu" h'i'iii'! Teil Shawn 11 limo n , - .'i. h Ooiilonts in-1 oomr-im ro -uiK-r-, Mm t ha dr.)hair. an». DorU I Itintpliro . h-oth májo'' in,.,k m ■! ooo. • —i ho i. ii.jr.t j ill. ' - vi im i hi n; "oli, s I. "1 u, nív I n I ni- ■ no il . (irifiil:. vians.'-h. • has ' -a noh p-. • :• -riran. o tiiun iif \ntoiiin -\rtnucl ia.-'.i. oith. till in.-a rnnai -.jan, ors ho m i\i:i-. . I'1!1, i. • l.iiiial i xpo-ítioi i hiryh the In-tor" "i io< cli-i >, u.i .1 rn rh'-'Ut •»-<• Ijpuro 3.20o 83 Aon.! Haipnn Ruth St. Denis {i )S7''-f"..S): Am, <; mmi'i-n nl, m,e.pi .-jilt.-. S"!' 11 ' ' " '' °'hl "_l 1 ' ' " ' a'MV nh Till Sh {J.*H-f «»72j K«im! .1 r!>' I h wto -pp--tia men... on ■ or ■ • a... U -tap.W 'me ; - r,. ''.mi U.,uuVp...M„lH> U ,;|.,,.1.,n -m..-' .. to. jv-l"'--' i'. ..' t'" B,oeLh, V.iW, ..' Mum,, m re Mama Giaham, O •«•- f Inmpm. \. i. I, ai, s V eitI!n,e>. nm V"'-'- 'w- '• J('" '" "'J, ' l!,s p't " ! .lut- f J.jim H f arm 'p.m-h/. t! . >P nam-- ■ .... hi>!;rL< IV irvi.'mm" plain r...a, sp n, , • asm) ;i ,aa In ha i JP, > '(/1 h 1 i , i i ' ' a t * P i t .!. . 11 . - , n i! in s rhc P. \Vi ,ir"."n. <- \ n r. m n.l o n h >r tin t .tan )i" i l Ii nml nn -i • . n i -1 t a . -nn a h'm <>n! ,. rv i-i •. -> its ritual aura to roouirc a ctiaiipe in t om.entional theatre. r< -.peinr ( e p. , hap. m h ifn -p> e no aer ]> mp ' >.<' lh">- "em em.e Ji'te.a in, i, iMiiio . v. .at'" ■ >i ••o'n-, lie ij AUrlha Graham (l.S94--f>91): 'am r„ inrpn, Piiei .a a •Pe'he.oHe ' Pel -p- m,r.-.-.h a; P,"\Y. si iliit nn Pulr-mm V'1 '"in" 1.....a^.h.Mtlii',1 'I o '. mI Ht(11N Hia-imma. immmhilL solo |in tin. m it- ltn 'wfem ,r'mj,ej a '.v.t'.i iP't-ip i;>p ".ii /, NV'i-s;; PM J ,, ,i;i.| s , y-'i t 0„,.ppi.-i i1l-mm Doris Hiir.iplirei (IK't7- P>5Sj: \,,i-.iii on . int. ■ tm t .-•>..; ih--i Humphi e% imam a .it- i-i.halt l.'c ',' Pa £•, it''v'i. ,"i -iij,',L,, I ' 4e ,t,-| Sti,.,,,, n.-ti, ( Plpo P, tutu liie. on st mi hei-a-r. 'Mpl. ,r "i.t'liaie ,i' KolL a... 'a. v. i >i ;hi, .m ' Mun-i.-.i, ^nP'.iiK, r. '."he'j ?.u a, o, .in.I t eh. [ ha; V. t'li •-1 .1 ' aaiais i-Pnen, ,e- n-tht e . p.ili. man. s.T'lis sin. I ol ftiiaiiep. i,tl.'",e piait- ail l; i met I iPoeiiP Ph if n la t :nse'a a Vs ;iii) "1 hie U.i hi'ma'ph ■ mt t'h. 1 In ,,iv ' i i nit'e eai.ii'. -.hoaris! sli en's .!r-v. n [. ,_m- j» ...ll i'l"i 'pee h; vittile' '11 .mim i> in is ro tipp.. , Il.mtP "ha-t. \\,-t i a '\' a th, V'llth' Put ae'i ,s|ipp \ntonin 4ri,iuft ( !i',l*i»-t44-X): , " m< h .vp", .tin ,•"!, ii"nvl, Pie i -' "! i e. ia' i'i',in.,!> iiiin m ",- ',,r._i;i„; rmnot » m a x, v ,,rh " o m-i. a pi -p.-.-nt ji-r/} Grotow ski ''ph.-i/i-i ; anil-- !o m spaa i\ - n> 'rn'-. his !m ,'■ riK , J,,, lr„r, 84 "UTICIPAIION .V f. E R :, A N HAIS K Ä * ttJEMJSJTKVf COUONiAI.K r-. Version* • pufmiw.l i>vtiruiiA\4i stl.-iynt'-'Kiriiso. .vii Thomas r\ „ ■ . s Richards Philip Glass"- m-mmm . \ - -, ruv vAu-r-aLan Zkbyd'ev U 5 I P, S l< i Aboriginal awl African music with (J lass * cm n distinct staae. Thmanglmnmrarimm .ran 1 bam dn dibeo m mdti.L - CrW.Vnf Z ) Itual l)V means St iheatte anrKpoih-, r.>nj'ng"\, r pi)((() \ -s. h ■ mi 'h, Rag 'tda.iiy Bibb , and Fn. vbrr an pi Hawaiian, Zaun, and M,i,,m met! s, Fer-aan pm ir\ Cleric a. jlu'wii >pky and the! ll .ctjr. i'-rck .i/'r'v FVjJ. tdass'- st'H-st.iti d amhition ams p i mc-Pm i ' spiritual human history' h mn Creation to dm injure, a ndilcmua'' cersb in i .ptal ti / one < a 'ho en ai tiki--.'- . ,r E.u h . ,-r Mi cm,r!. But, ihmimi tr-.m ike-e mtrln-r i: lists dh-s 'vrntci la i oinpoM m.'oic that nr.-, not "1nc'"ii tr aber- -ographer Ralph Lemon. Indian dtcatie damtor Ha la n Thivam, anp faivmmc a choi cim Lin Hwai-Min ate three anming man', artists importing mdma reshaping rituals in their m o< Suctions i see fisgure 3,21 i in ill examem F«,','» ta< by r-:i a lct .1.111 a," amcy " r, evoked '..e-,'. . i sac . in- a a, vet each tmy- en j i t tdc -.line h It's , tnai ad. ' avi 1 'st 3 aheap a a m icu iron P :m .k' s ;.ij.t ji, ,i .;. , a te .'.>.r.jc,si|iie a po'ba.e 1 "smem,:t' s emm '. ._ h.,.- ebments 'eiebm m1 'ai ia'1'.'jnce a i and a .utuai n i-clatem aa ' ;m pam,' ch i-oaap". ' in me ; imj, ebon, pa: sijeaaamm" minds a-'e tne edace m maapioe .tin! me mo dtuc mims pla;e a", hm m ads el :be maea -. The Cunnm.Por arb i ! 1 '•apart, i, etmsi:, »'"1; -'n'ip V1 til-Pas c data af ea.i doe-'" b t_ da e,er,ad'inp .aei' Tn, shout1 de ('-r S i- • i i - m t a i i • nrber'c.ooc in a Pmc, Pa a'mcst pc,,.ica' set,se deL-joy li/atmn, i,\in idtti, an.l aitma iiitiu ai pmtormauic m - f - J i utt "e-m.v d pmue as a, a n-eci-i P am: net rtauiis Jerzy (irotowski (19IH-99): I'.ilMi theatie director, pei ti mm i trainer, and theorist. Founding din ctor n ritual anil theatre, After 1 %i, Grottmski ui\castigated tin links between an< ient and modern rituals ,md the numur hie of chat lie called the "doer," the performer His theatn works include ^'amsi.nv W\spi.uiski's Akrcpvhs l, (9dgp Christopher Mark no s IVtmi /justm (19t5i), t'alileron de la Barea's ilw e.wi.mnr frima (I thi) A,:- ons ana e-'a-fy. ana thtciajli tne-' Am-oes d,e and a w irk hased on the New Testament, tpum/tpw. mm Pigmus h' ate:-'- n' paid cptom m n.-irm then i a ds Tue, e ,s no «1%*»). kirotonski is the authoi of /eiraidmiPom theatre t l%M«al o'a>_e tm spec* it'iis a- sUc'i, author/suhjeet ot The (immada .S.iuio?(vJL t 1947). edited k\ ! i-,o Wolforil and Richard Siheehiier. p.meiotiai-. end ap, ,-,or, The:et;-e edr chr■,,mi. ,ct a-m anpan3 Ca a- '> eie?' kit; no veil .vh.-.tvoi do, v/i'h undtis.andln,).' . .; 71"=- -Vi cn smelted arc, '.men pm.h, u e?t i da> I i recti m. n.' '.'/c'!• a, acT,iuc m" tie semch ;ei seme laeaa e ''''"Chens -n o i.Pioe to the cpecnt'os '.vh,c 'ay e a sm a irod'r" on H"" *ne tun,,, enc clra';t\ ef tie id'm, Pt "cteeod'a t.'azea dm Traps 39I-^e Thomas Richards (19f>2- ): Ameriian ditor «hotr. timtuw ski designated his "artistic heir." At present. Richards heath die Grolmvskt YVorkt enter in Pontedera. Itah. niaeie he «orPs eiosei) with Mario Biagini. 'i'he arlistts output of the Wc-ikcenter ireludes; ft,,,. Bnuth Leji (199S), Dies Ira- !ii /acpmtarain Ihearwm feaneio Kh >n ; 'OOti. and tha- /nitnyj Rcr.k ,<. projet t 11W1- 06). R^hai'lsis die author ot If !i mi n uh Cref.i.i fa mVh: rail iH,TilPI')i! i'hiiij) Glass (19?7- ): Ameri, in icir.ptiser «iiost innmatixa coitipos titrasinchuie t, a t.| pi-y- ."van < 199. i md .tnid Heuo j! '(;dt> ti.'p/.mia ttie it, .1/; l9sps'i and The >, ! a. a, il as- .a Optra liakaga nasi d ns tin- \\ oiks of fear, Co. lean i ),-phee 11 j. Li E-ih t" h Lei : •nPgi. am! les I (i/aeo /a'lh'.-' , 19%) m loi mans him- mt hiding, the Ti .man s'e ' "I >2t ii /a 'i i d'lP , IK Teti / U i (dd'Oj, and Pmnu i!pi.\es. The Lone] 'dwofjihn ?wo ididtH; 86 Rah--' t'sroii (19?.'?— ): Ai>"i'*iii e'lo. • • eg atpm r ,iinf lia'amr >■ >i /a (-»[') t 11 a 'en I nd rf • u t it if I. : i,no', s j,.a.hi... rir. i 'tSii-rourks ip. Hiiie/i. r ' ..." .w>,-/,e ( ("-"HI ,, /'■ puds /' to- ('il'jti, Ml,\ 1< < ,." % t/ i.'J'.i",' lliln j>ijN<>*t-r l(>jii/,'„-i\'i:i). . •■ ,ia!i - '.-.i" pa,.'it. (.a ! ji t■ 1 ,a..i } ,il •,' 'v,.M \ l"i o-t • i int. fSis ii'ii'l. .an huh' I1 cam id t'V R.-e Pip .miv ^ i >, a , |i-"''a, l.'ii.ii-rMii l"i),'. ,ia- I>. in1!)''!! - • .i.'tii,.!i;iiil,-a, 2D'li, !l«ii. Conclusions ■■'iii an "ii ii u '• • ia' i me : ■■• H i, "iiiaa! i mi il !-. l "ah are ,aed . "i.'.i'> • .h'ii iwi a > "ii!h origan pap ,i.,nis, , m, r, \\\• , , *'- fiui. •, ,..'i I ..-a !'.'•'■ tin'n_ almis helps- p..op. got da .'agh dale an pen. >d • • a ' ■ a"s,i', m -a-a mo,, h air - a-, lili a i as ' i ri'lla"! Kl* a it n ih" 1 ',\.a hi. pi ope *. (, . >i na ! i",n..l',"!i r, re n i'uiri'\r t < ais'a in t a mothm pa-1 to iHiihJ s. . i.d s,-h" ii n in. ' (■. lori.i a in iiutaii. a ,' unm'.iniri i">.,t '-it,,-h an hi iliul. i M I inn '.a" a, t. ii "i" , aiUi'ia h iih, ,"t'.v hta •'ther nttial ari tonne.1 iiiio m-' ii-. inc. '■dp-e.g ii i.- n lii—md phis., i mill p- t-l. ri.i.u-'.is pro.baee tm rr.ti.-iii is, i le-i'mg amopg p.u'Kip-mrp iha* iSiea .-re part ■'! somtthmg er, .niih.roi eiitui e! ih"a, id.. il st !\i On a ha j> • wads, iitaal pi \s in ■ -;-t otlal r..h a soma! banno. emorngt.. re-ode ,'■,-. bv bringing aPunr mlher d.e 11 :i-t -aa •■ 'I. t dK ; ni It ai ■ a ale ,a rig u . hisir, m e'leil r. i na a, .: a..-a nnn'-rti in t nher >', si t rit s.a is in i e-~ si;, t"r i_l-»-hi . . II --a i.'.i tlrrai " m.-dag pr «m. Ijons'dhe rilemh "I ii.t'.'hr. iPe s'mi"!lines hard!- make a '"liipit "v\a petii.j e v d,mg ne iitna1-. iaeait-ni. rit'i-N griming ntaik pmanp "Una's, nd '-.• en, m i i let to sr.mnth t at ale I - na i- 'ei .Pi :m, -titnnr' nig imp - t.teii !Pt lin h rsramknp p.iv. iln,i ii'iiai- i.per-.P pj j ■ t., ns ar insigkt nmo ha-m h ii ni a 15 i 111 era cti < >n s.. \id euph ih." t'tlit! is e.idespiead that •!'. Pt: i. .mriing up. .,r pmi'ed in >r -s jueab, thm'e 's 'in Pist.p'ni or .pel ,i. 'das il iiMtiiti ;.i r.i ,m ti i- ass.ptmt. More prwbieh pen .'lit etrv t n"ht s. ■= die t ntm t hi.merit i]Ua!it, ai pel pH' e p-'U is p.-. ,t at i- i lit rinu! kan ill . Imp ad a thmhinp; el tin eppi eitipnal hnm.i \ "iltnal... .a r,'-nit-siamki thank ni a sp^epmum < .i.lMlarnit ''mail he l .' ]> rlami.ii , i 'vitti niarPuii, nil i itaahzi s. ,h qm- 'i els ,,-p. oueht i,, ask an in 'i liJ dep ei ilnts i i i ,'';' niai ' e miu, pit pit - is ma , is mat le ,n i i it a In m'.iluh am' In a hat •' -pipe is a p. r'.tnininee t.'lita thin-,, pi.itk li .i]-dm, in ,i, ' miphsh ,'uet ihuitp, plea-t e-appeal pt i!u pmh, iip.rb eni[)h..sve eaie -'m 'In i.JU'i- . > i"! tmr.nient ur ediaati!". all p, rh irmam es ire .mta, Hi in tune depo e horh. i ntert.mning and etnea, nai'--\rti,!s f,l ■(.nil euiti.ires h ao tnaile ai l ti-i d inritnah , Ima rh me., ihai piern .andiiew t pnni pamliiitis, tempm a urn-, ma do. i,iiai,,p, djiats ariil diamias, and so .ai. kurtla riraaap at n-st ii-.Hia. n.a-d la 11 >!■ i"iiltsin latt r I" g'h,|, ;ii art'-t- hit. di pan .m die r-luais ,.I main i nk. u: i s t, ii- pe. inthta-tmr iin, limk' v-i.-i ai; i,t-iiai p mit m.gme.i nei ju.,r j.esihc1 iiiiah hut'ji. litija' pie.ct ss itsell ni i ithi 'p. s.niht-si't Ptistmp iiDiai, i-rmi'Pt in u ritinls hi tin tint--.' ih-taut east, i e.niLai mem'mtui s huaitht ritaah-lniii. ""hii,v.\ a phii i , a-' ' ptertailims ills and t\i>!ii i ip u-site's 1 he prm i h t . .hitmup-toda ainurtht ruhim e.f "m'-.m.itm'.p,! le-tn d." Thes< iestn rh e.p.p.r p 'nan' parts ,f 'da ,\ . fan. n He n's, vptr. i • la.mis, *. liun!'. an i mX • ennd -s no i m i it-,: hi- These m' niK r.p ■•it. " pemtd. ml ..- .1 ••,-,,il',L .iv.'1 i:j h'inmd edma. i.i ma. ll .p an- .'t >...: m -i.ii.iiv Xjtii.m.u •! lia-ir.-. pkd,., - t" tin- '-'.it;, tli. . it i«.in:.' ' >i tan' i d. i.ipit t aa i h i an i m..m, ■ .pit r r.t till1 ni','i.'.at (3a Pip'e yamo-o am' ■•ifin'!'. m tratt r''.if\ mi.kv.iom- am son.p evrrniplr- c; kiuaiUti ran*, rif n.ti •. jih ! ! as. rim il i >n « c«s rn.n t a l nm n l\fi' -.en p-'V .>1>I. a; iii-an ill.. ■ i'H.i.v iHm \!r!u •i,',<\i .".a'ta, latnaimiia toim la-tinr aia! p": < ■ I * i"iv .-I tin '<.:1t;s aiiu. mama others colo ii'il J'.aig ma I no am!, . i h" i m■..( po.. .m itseli am i .uream- inim'.attmi (a- . >a...tiin-v op a spa., ami t;m ■ ii.'i' ml si, m inri . a .v Iting ami. o! i, -aPa'inls, . mepcmioii i>l su.iai rides ni li'" toiiijia van *|i,ii.n.. *a ■ m ail-rnatn. c si. t • il nik'- Sum i ii.n s i-jtin' • chinm fermaiP ait mam the '.vo"k nl •. "iimnls, .la-rinh!!'." o! 'ileal sp.p ,d.'i p.. nr -tarn .mtiaii itic* Bill opt n, in mam i idtim'- ana "in e. III-, i\ 'an nil « mi is, I itmi". i "it a'. t Pv : nr.i'is ■ .1 . hanfa . fate. ,.]i , . if je, individuals at a local levee talk about I. (. nmi. tari uir d "■ ["'• . i >. m a m,u . ri iX n • li' let * mi llsr. iafce pan m —mc<- , ln" •"> rati t>r ■ tlmiai nfaj1-,' Wh.ti i tii m nil " is ■ n i '.at , 1'i-lvw mi tht",t tnokiod- t r n ds 1 < an X '..d, Kinds h kt "p •"! irinai.s. W 1. it '' lmt miu i •n-ariiT.i ml i mmm tknim ,inr tat i ritual isnmsii pi- m< n m | *s t it a, pat t v ' Would ammmu i it 1 • t. i t1 1 . mi'" aa'pi-t icia. irm i.'iii'ii'ini is iifn 1 ' , t i h'Om lúpi, r H tin d h. s m i -onsi.,-s m ,i. e. mam* h-, ad oí ithomt Fl.a. - ii.-h-i.jt -iv.iniii-s.i: , fr mg m in i i. i«vt\ t hi is i- a a a. v- hew i itn.dl is . ntermng, - .'.h a hart riínal i-l-iai'hTi. j.tji it an. iíder vyi. n- tori d '-.r.: a is platiul, a has a-ii.uiiH •-1 not being cntu "r; a I' -.rioiis." P.e«t«.ied b.m,p:oi is . ondinmi tl; d he ,is..ti Plavimg n donbe- (.•!_•■ d. ambiguous, maviii-i m -•.i tlirt-i titiiis atniuhani'- usK. Pt-oph i b n mis bps sat ,m\ nee, at k, a jolo, a thrt Pious sun'. - oiipspi; -. as in oidei a. hghten -mb'-art. or mm dtio at i - appal an', o Winy immmm, tied ">" a e ;u a hi<]di,p ' han.i, t-iaiai, fh.-t tin "lot ro-ii" attrm aas m a. t a , ioraianao ' his . kntn to laťor if n'nvar.p ma as in die a.'-,I mrl-Irnsing asor .it-Pin . it is a im>. «k an a . a ■, a sjio-nram,, in.- eruption, si. .-,netum:s it is i nie bound, - ■ ' iir.i s '\-n fret . tr n p. m a-iva. E t at a -ana p'.a\ s .nd m: .si -pit .1, n i t-njta. .taP'binp >dm, . njn -m!ht-t 'ormale,' ,n -no. «poi ts, t .n tckn'oi. -n li: hírus, or iVit'i.db a! pa-ia-s, k \,orbing, on '.ho sp-ct, 'm pkivgroun b i «.er figure j ; Pan tan spl-perí ih< - para rt thl. i'-t, as -n p iroib n-I no ;k or it ^an b. i rue g am- irai now t p ts hat Nhal.imv-arck i n t st. i rnt in-' t", ht. n ho st n-- i outAs Ha s 11 m\ in i on 'suaai tedit-^ds. | 1 hm kill us tor iba n spt "ť í K m., an-, 4. 1 : J8 i9p ' a coi iurner ■. ili. i pla, th. "inker in the dmk,"m,._jr g it e as h,>th nihspeüs.tbh anil unit tptw• -rtha isee •trtfr bo\.. indsad, in Western thought. plan e,,, been •ii- mined and sUsp. li ist-e Sp.iriosu l»ox 1; ! 'om r"u i! mbUmi'eiit ibrmigh i'-.e ni m.tcrth i enpirp a -Pong .-Hort was m-ide to raiemah/c phr\ to < mimo! its ir.a.rťuie m pi es-.,, an , to t haUr.el it "ate numier- a> rult 'mimd. site-spe, if i. p mi. s md m> lo.e t dt-, ľ.) .ks. .-a- -. , n.i.-tag as putda . an u , iviil.t",, oi mii'.ious .pem.a k An edh.rt v,a- made na i-Mtiii .j„npt ph.t -o, pioaig tnd.i > I mil plas tune t>; .'ettr e orb t r smíd.e,ai d m.t n tehee ike peakm^. week m ink. to tí- e w eekt n 1 o, ' o ! d. I'i-r atu s;Kil-\ '!' pt tiding lipon m h is I: -,. i', lilting the ineasma ei n- gu-ke'p oi me .isst mid im.- i« nt-n-vsn h: tin- .iaa1i..n o! wcatth. Hlav has to ! 'e kept oi' the hoe as much as oossible. But iba 'n--a 'aa.i plans. k mole keep pb eine lu-dousb, tl nor aba e 1 pimmSe, í Pe mor;- 1-airt. of lapidle mdiis-i ialidng'.'a toi i, - i brmiln, tot mminple, die mom the t th-, i.v a sec t 1 imídens ot piav, 1 )nir.kenness was endemic or, the o-'-! .dp .vak, i • pi,rem doom to mmo'le and ■p'l'or... hmcntim. dp.m res Prim . r.m.'ib or , hi U laborem ilp.p ,i-:ii inl;n practices pia-md invit whhth.. •Mi ialtiocnint oltirdi'b. produ. tu n Ahimtaimna děr ípline m the lactones was a major undertaking. \ i hange m htet lil:,', v. is reg-trdad Hi gin at the tmrn ■at ihe ťa. Mit lii tpi'ii'-. ,.mi it has ai el. ramd e\er siime, Pbe. retiuned j_ j.p.pgi rv ot me.itbe rliought ind iction Xo!ion- " the tint es n sei o Us -.n rev-.holog.' ind literature, theorit - of tela'.e.iti, ,m! um-i tarnt- o .p indetei mimt v • ir |-htsii.>. led panic throi m niatbc máti. s and ei onomtcs at. : miiimb s ot n".i\ taken sormmb It. the ti-ual art;, , will- oi hnji-v rt-ahds t p anting new t\ n ■ to look at dung- - hi' to cubism ml then abstract e\prassionism \armu- r. a n t g.inb s ď.-.; t;nť d, pai odied. .n .d pla", ŕullv sub i ei teil - -IIn od t tibm e. i'kľ is inti-n.sjc. 11-, p mi ot pi r^i míting b"t s.!-, lit nbothesthc'klsiirtl-.emaKa-diekme.MueliTea et tiiiiikiiag on pi-p. accorm :t .p.mmom tatit placi m human ami .pinned hfe i'i Inde m phdos. plp, pt.i\ o the -<_r\ ground i'• ritiir- tmí (.i intinuing to the present , hamp'nnuv^ r-, er/ipim ti retormm. llu i uh ik i,ni h:-th n unn - -.1! 1 driem, pnhi". ,il, a.mtvrir, ami seirntifie !'* tli.- Ľ n ,i'i in •, dnnhrm in-ii mm ',\ni k. serious hnsiľn-.n. and ritual .1:.' ío< nyml and 1 ukuic I: mmh íl i1 «i"ii'i i. Um .'liil'l v:i'> pke. i:ft tr. ir.i nkik pi.!.: il pij\ mg J( i.. 1 i ,.r, i-i - . m i-d k. ncíin 1 vmimnm nur 'mm "t plav is rbjra, n nv. '1 rums: a- th.armi! m i^i hiij! 1 meat iNSn m mi 1 miíuCPaipuK,..,,,rim,n..n,s >í -.s hl, liv earne a. m Jtv. k''ikln íl..-. immp imsdkinpbn ,m< í 1- ílexh ii i - drt i vUl. h.n - m; o- link- conn ok "f h.- iíuci.imÍjip '■■ ''" pkemep .:' n'hnh pi, al ami semimk n 1is.1t m .;t-( nr«, a- .dies oh .Jj.. t,,,iaui- mr jctíiiv.n rendu--. -;n.,\s 1ha.p1 n - hm-, tam í inciii.k h-arninm mpadatiim ••'.c rxhaeji-ip mil tha like, hi, i .-.rem , p\p:.-ľatmi,. . i\ . 1 ii it-., mil 1 mnmmm at k 111. d ratioub tuk o! la.\ íhnmeii '.i- 'them ' i j Mi- dm thim, (it die 'ku - Js i ivs<.habk Bm n im imp: t temjbh a th. -u upek Ixnu at tv.i k,i" i-(»I i.laMiii, bht Pr-l ka<. [ oi plea mp ! - -a hem ah piaxer - .n t cpi the ' ul. s ui da ^am- ami ,m i euui btttiit tht Id' Tht ~c ond kmd <>. piavnm is \iiti-. hem ssh.h ths i_i .1- iía.i- .k ttic, lnik itideUrin.'iji t , t hji.-v ill-' talc- i f tíic ^ in t ť an time, and !bm"ct a, a. bt f. nothing is certain. Some qualities of playing Haunt is j ini' cicaüt mistd hhhieg- amens o) nun'm niui a a nnbt i iťotba i raiinial P'.citľ. . oi:-.'ol pk'i a. is thi hisic pili-,. ,,] .mil, oi pia "um ami ,j.,ur,c. ľ' i.inli u s not last to st p n n, j 1...J,, upi, s. ooa . a i -a\ lh i! p i. trilk mneš at i id at onok strn Uiwd than rinsing Game - ire t iiio-bome . oc, iľ m design r. .1 pi,t, . r.iiig.nj Iton, stadiums to end tallies, ham tieiim'i oub'i .nit. •-, am! ensnmt piavr- ho ne ck n la nan kt >l is u mimic- mil. unttoims) Plas i.iniaki pknc an', « hi. t at at n tum cii.ambm ini auit'lio tifi'litei- ale mm thick bt m nnevp'.. thauaa tile t uh s. \lo-t pla- ms mi ^mernt'l in ruh - thai the pkimr- agre. to plan b\. Gani. s fr Ta tenms ,mti , bt -*o itnpnn i .dtional dieat i ai ai gmnts ir ■ o e, r;r uc i .m •„■. r n -und tin r iľou subvert them. A thill pi n mp i - thftei t nt b oni t luh Iran's m i m nm oi the amount ol time spent pi-a liq am I ďs -hilt í mm mt -th 'brt' or "i \ploi ana'," pkt\ to rub in nmd olai mg Hinter, ,i".iii anul'e uitangt tbei: av i km o that 11 it % mře. s eiímiís in pla, ,n nnut h bit mme nass mal • hiltlren ilo. A, list- ..r ad (In (ink .utilit-"". ho ate po e'l leaai to"ijl a. uoiind' Re seal. bei s in si ten. e a t ni nulu am , ami es mi s< nac I ij-im -' rcopl. . a; i uhle to uilľ'jntľ plas mto then «ulk Botti t hilt! pen am1 ii'u h pkn mi oh t soli ■'ation. h irniiip, aael i ,-k n :i h r p," oil in the pltm-crabb es pÄ uctít e ot "Ik r\' n ti.ral m.ohcmtnt ■n the fi'i-ili fit its , umí sik: Pining mem-s ,p. am ma'tipi. i • ahtiis u ab p, m >us bouiiilai ics. PI,n ,op ;s luh il ,o atu e a-o'l'l making ts im-11 as lamp. ilkisími ami a i ' sb.i\ p. rlonnjij-v i n lit a u 's Pom onmih, m m,Ham ami pc' tm n-atn,e ta b. o it ;-'"ani c pi-t ,,t" ueot.uti i -liar j\ m t mt i atíu r í h,, a a bi-nke.. 1 Uis íntm v a ľ.\ sepn u t - m,t\ 'mW '"ttnal la. his alwa', s iiemp < u.n'e.l tunu- t-piuil 'ha i mm .a c b hl ikua., na n ; in ac- .no ^ m. -mimm see h"ure 4.2 • !n b is, bili, tb, i 'd u t o.ib'amiim !t a.m i mmm j, b (h \\ - a ./t n..i! t a n ,11 '• b'" p m Oi 'íle- aib 'in! mno'i •! i' * 1 tí. t i m it s, pits. - Iii-d 'm í- . ! salt , s, >Pm sp.a • s m-1 j Po tnais.Tiie p, ib . ,t phnneg ,i a-.- i-tniir that p! t\mp ]s "Im '''.olnímia...'"epi fig 4 2 11 'ap_ \ m - ' m i ° • ,p p " Jet- . rah - so mr p-. ■ Lur--, im <1, i.r ''mUham (i 74«-1 ii\2): I m » i, ] 4P is ,,»1,m , - A .4,0' dr. or* >t mibr.ji iam--m a-mrmf l:r,t llu hot ,, i,, A ,i ,>.• ' 4,,! 'T «, m 1,'iinlii i oi rtril pi I' 4 J! Auimpo. , ','~ 5 ' i, 1 pil'l ' o - e sjrt, -,,m >r i si'i >. P i> i.i'i, ,,1' i;,, iiili.uu .'•>m A* u,i simohaiicocsh o-hmr,ed. Hi, moo. 1 hr. .P-m-M A\- pi p ,l i , / e i / , i , , n-.-i ,in ih •, this ;' 4 law . iai maarv. and m>, maimera : > Vccrt/ { M2b—2006): _\mmai an a.ithuaml- .pm, man'. .4-« .iiirL. ni.ii'i, n „pp,i,a h it,as i,< its ,,,Iti,,,l .mm ] it liii, \t- An hoi nl iii.i n f }i I -, iv he. »v .- a' ' ir : - Sl9~i)( i„i a it >' e- mm 'a c i thah'is'),, , , An,.., !m\-.i I .,01-1,1 taAif-iV flfllJh..ehhA'aA'a dps ;oo*'hoe-',■ .ad..,mad aA'TA Ap Seven ways to approach play I ,. :--e.'ai!i'e.r.h;.,i,,e.'01., :p,p.,; H'll pee. !!,s!pb-ir.e a dmhmm e h 0 pill is a 'trah J. lor >re mi/mp 'he - . i " ii"„ ' | •t.-iT.- .iiriliir A.'hh 'ii hie r-! e, H iiisiAp, anioop *.'-. „• e'' nt- .m-OKitinp; a oi n ,u r' ihm,, ho, t mmph . , •••> s an ..' \iT m mti, th, s| rn tore .i! an minim it, hees\"bl. and do,, -h-■ s i .... h n ru'o , ■ ! in to the -b.ij e th' e>iUl"t >n :■. ' LaAlpiy- a t m osAts o' i.ia,:\ sub .,, o rl stunt I'--ha. en a! :i!ti<"s ij,,.'. In h maths t hih > a m -lien m: a h- dr. i i th''i ei it m,, a -rn i it pl.:\ ,u 's ;n, m , a. ppum . . on i ,.,()ii" timm, it- a'' are plae m A pi n *r,.ie>l u d >•- liieii (ihi.c- ot noberi .1 as ,m eial. d p eh. teumiaence: What are the iechnpps ana moods m the oi,i\ ers am I tin alurn• is; [A ,v, do br i-e ,il!m T pia\ mm A' :,.y a>-. the-ii'leri nl cvpi rit m i - ot pi.n m. spm IJn-s, s-1-oh.ih ohs-_ r 11 rs Ana,.ror-, orm-i'ii/i- r ~iul -.o morn,m ,.! i ihlmi urn leelin-o mid laii'iih iLo"i mm. Am iou-m- I p'.ii, athmtm mhs piavinp ii- dh Ai\ pm later i ..pi s;i-i. PL - A i.d :o tin "ho'iii iti'li! ,-.di. mt., pi" than mmrm.d a'.-, mil m. me mtmiatt pdai hi... (malm 'a 'ime 1 Alinp .tnc ot ,i_. .',ri\', -t it'C iorepi <\ A Ha'.' Io, - m o ommenn- n 1» tin r th- pl.ti am 'neen "pa-,d'A ,r mm d I lira .,.;., What ptit po-i s do pi v ,nt-s in ml m do th-. \ ihm.i mbn.dua! ami eominim p, Imnmnm, .-e-n di ,unl m th'in. di-triouti. and rvpuv api!i>..--iori, i. t om .loth- 'nmio or , jhi. s . , m\ Tttmiier,, -,-pos-,hle "esr , p',ai ha-: What ire the emmo-me i.m-•. pm iiae-: d „m ,, atAaPir plas ait or pern ot p! n ■ f-a- ohii' . spei i,.a, .m.i ima'a. iduai de.itommm ol ohii • \V r,,t is tli u lit'i imhin ,.' human pi.r. t-> amnia1 ca-.: \\ Ii u are t-ie diiiem am"-s hctm, en child eta-, ami .idlil; nl.c.: \\ hat I- tm i.-1.4lotmhip hitacci; idnaim aao mdr, nfua! mitntl',' What is tin. ;clatioash'p nelm.een oiav and a: id " cap!' m. hnrr -t-pot,ai!i areataitv, the at 1-, e idr-oiopi'.a \\ iia! pohtieap -i-iiii, imd pm sonal tjlte-dm - ma spmalu phr iau eiiumiaie. ".ropa^ati:. cr'.titiar. • a -n'mm't ettimr kram mni cacti i>tht.i" m -harpbc 3- I haae iloin in +!u lisi Nbmv i d tin se «,rm overlap mnl..ittier lh-ioi-im, the nseasst, in! mme am.nnp thes. steal rather than dtscuss each one after the other. Types of playing y 1 'monot ■ niajii ti'a. >a. G mm- w In r-- thm> i am v. inner-md lo--em Aid'".* ou'i mne a, .leteriihm d hs the -khl-.and or sia-eimt h o! b,t in r. ;;>.•,! > in fb Abiiii' !■: -ii'iisl.vl. 'i. ibon-p- oc.ioi. in [;■■'.Tj'i'i,-\, ':!>!.' ik'th ■ , i' .bo-n \ a*,,rib. rv.viil'1. - . i h ah < >■>'• me-oa h. iii'i' j,].t\ -1- hiio. I'i .h/zio !>i.P li '.; tc iirill. 0 ,i .h-o -'11 nnop . i. p.. ii'l'l '■ I'-UK i t'Intnl. 1 n.njb 'piniiinp , oik-' . i--,-t-- r"-L--, yei '.snc " •.'/> - *» ■: i»\ Roger Caiiluis (I'M 5 78): rr. neh s, ■<. loln-ebt, plan theorist and ,'i-n ii-ci-t I i>i iidrrpt bloi -AT' i.^vi t publish, i,' umki th. ,11;-!«', • s i,{the limtn! \dUun-. -\uthor i>l M. 11. /beat iir.i (: t • a i or-buo. . an jj.irn s .-i .n ■<< . p lne,n -hsrim t. b Ari.jiii , peV^r ;re. .in - Leah an,n and .lea, •a I'll 1, ■ re than 1 Unit h • a mb ay >o thn -m: m 1 ti 1 hm «r ''put.-; hi ,." r in. 'It. iv -1 pla\*rs) vb-it. n ..y hi. s (>r.t.\ p< ■".>>'and ] itl'.isn nr, t . .nn'.in.y.ii.n . •', ah a :i,d..poij - !,irv and toritint - >\ hhe ths -!ay>- perh . nutnw ..a the dramas, m .idina;, . "Vlinaa! a>d hsnp amurc! *"![• r...', i'"nhri ilmv ir.'i if'ia. e.i'Oii'.n ma-ipo ra- hnt^ . oonbii es all ''ear .a'tp.nns and s > < a I ml..' hno-oli n-inCittnii tl •- ]>' ha m p 1 ait ij: n la. n -1 : nap a; < < nd'ii.e-agu», atea, and nunnery. Lanln.s . mtilii.ii/i.-.] tiw i-.-i ipi 1.1.'t< liet'nc.n any ea-eti mxku and tlu "ten s it pkr-s oee C .Villois box i 1 M--s| pl.n r]if_(-n.'"-a;ir>-< thai ph. hoi' o\pre--.<-s mb drh. -, -■>, p i l>ie 1 hi ib-.ienavnii ins ono- a-a- v. Iiat knob- ..! o.aY-np; ar. pn t. i-ahi- i:,-',u'--,ii>ii.i! irij1- us an-l;' anhh r-plas lie mi 'i.t\. ini-bies- pi - iple and pi -ike km- • xpokt pammp; o . I nope. . Pla-i in-i'aiianj paine-" in ■ ■u:t 1 n. . ina 1 • •! -uhei pi up[< is a ma wi sh in. vi ane.. sunj-'. aa-i' eM-rei-pip p.mei 1 see Sutton-Smith i)i)Xi C."'hi;- and ntre'.'s lareh ■ iju dn-mri re-ti d pl.r, i>\ "p-p; i.-n.i v \m\ii .ti'-." v hii It a- a; it a;'''ir. .Tin 'ia.'k. 1 l-nd d! p!at •' ' edia a 1 ill- ' - 1 a 1 iiptn>:j-' -■t id. n. lap a ..i elm. in'a .ailka-.ti'in " C all..' -1- in; lein na I'-r prup. is.npi a p. e,at n ips t-. h. 1 p. - "k -v ,th 1 me (• 1 -pine pi o-' '. tilt rules, li-ihi-I iti Taa.a-k. at, n atitni . ..s.a-\ i-iara -a i"i siri in p.iMiiu-d'i-is hair, e . as Ji up t n he. peeoV k-. t ,i .',n ilh . 1'l-t, > ".tl.t hrst tlx V.- 1 to nnapi'i, -u h 1 -.-.i-i-.d ]ii Lhini. t imliH ills n,np',-,ed 1 sn -ijarh rathipd , on.- I >r hiip,_. Roger Caii iOIS A society is the games it plays : kierc 11J trip., ■-; pi-.-i'.': .-e'at onsh'P oa'-.i-een a. i'.','^•■ at a yiey-e-e., .1 ?; ;a eaav H ^-e s inaaec) -n : a >"3=iii-j a1' rets htt.scn tjpn .111« are tea canno;. chararta's|o- anh oe. 'i'-i.:i-js -.a k e rna --k-eis at d--> Pioties ihe'se ne*C'-, :o an-d v.a'ia ; :,,ifIaSsa gat."0; if i> t, C"" h-.r 0 •'- a .. pp -i-e tei"de-n:'es tasips, ana e'Os ot thr.unht 4h-ii a-e r.-'val^.-s -Afne, at the saaai hi-e ,. eda.ctt'.-i.j and trtin ag d,e pla...yrs ia byse ve-\ ',irt>"-, e.-'a-sentro'* s ,, tin , sa'nt.y eonFrra t! e 'a the, • '-ahit--and ai ,-fe-pares Thn- a qa in- V>di i cairer^a u> .-h'-oi-e 1 ttii at »he nave t'.-,e he kt-yj tp hofii ? tne '.siyatv'- --.,0-a,1 p.- mtehest.a. ■' n-'a-.. he p--aa' o' t pp-nsr niea'Trip n p tantiibete tc ..s [,i pi iy by ac eoi.mtsia In.;- rc c-anL -r-abt'es. iot.-j Li ah&l Ma,:, Fbay :mr< G:u >es, 82-5's Brian Sutton-Smith Play and power Co iSt08irt-o''5 cd alas aid«"- (one ande. ■.aa*ietis rataas such as ,vai far-, ntgen-o1 / ccnfliCi co.. peb^'on, j'oiy. raanhness ccnteit, aid ras -t^nap ba-n-a cf these are quip- ancient cr-as h sovyehy p-erednig *ae ne.w! a ti econr.s at piyoa.'eos t-;e inaginary ai u 'he self b .1 ir aio.iern t!"'?b, ho „evar thy aci cept of po.yer ha:, a'so rw app 101 b- p a- thecv to sontarv olay: the etald pbavs becaice he en;c,c tl e pc ver at bein j aeanss cr oecaas? he .dra-sn : havr po".e- and ,ti p!a> ;s i-'ekit y :t iP'j-.vei aiert ac a tin.I cf canpeasati.aa y -,-iih f dhll.nert. On the s^'al nidi ie.,ai, die yety-'-a' idea of tii~ povaer 'heto' i. -s ih.-y p'ay a- garies or s&nsta or art lc''es that havr to do ,."'p. so-ne H'ici ra cc"i3.-f aaa refect a st--i iggb by- snpei "j--it> bet-.vra :-.vJ qroaus ■ te.-o r.ecD e, "Vjh com iv.i'i ties, iv.a t> i.ies, t.vo soc al classes, h.ya ethnii yauf^, b',a nr eoi-e natiansi e< st hecanse they .jit/e soi ie f :aa uf •'eaiTsentatiao 01 e'Dte^s-o-' to the t'-i.tina i-T eei p|-c+ jet r.^-i hey acnes Wh, chate! 94 Fi_ - ^.-> -ii pa'- spnne a '-o'best ,s Lj.a to b: aid - (or, to h_, . .'• .1 mm.a ha-.dim■ the mr alea , ji,' m '0,!G i inei" TiCi canhmtivt- if't-ndty ri.nthi3>-'MO'e the tv.o T'"Giiij; maeee! ' earn In cett on Tear enthusae-ar for *hs -,d ,r, thet v-'tM.h nay tees 1 'ale rahm ilian I'Ve? me,, . : ^9 *, T/'c'/- keep it: cf P-'xy 75 Bi. Uoii -Smith (1924— ): Nrn Zealand-burn folkimis: and ,,,, 'i-i. \urtior ot mmiT'iuf works on nil'-', mcludmt; I'hr;and i ' iem . i t-di - a i iuIv of i niuiiK t tM.'x.<'mi liis ihj,'mijjs via-'be i'4)'mien at China until I'M 1, ant' is still u-idi h prat hi .•■!. rday acts, play moods e on pi.r, situation there ma\ he both oleer.- Hid ■ ' '-et i ., - The ohst r\ns atit ]>e at L>,: h. inn>i\et! in the |mi\ . is eH an n! h ilieave r-. ol da-pai i, , o] that man be moi ■.' , hsnut" e'lt i! '', ,.hhee. ai\ dso a oms-ppn.-pl v-j1.. pei s, th reir-res md melm- ui'i, mat, sui e diat tin pia-kiipm" 7'aam mike a 'im.i -,t lm • ii termj>k-n!m n in-., It - kise-. ht ispo si'm ■ . !>■ pi ;\u,n .j'ljin thi pt-rsp. iiji, , a die obsaj hat a, r I— id erne, "." at least n a h* in a nkr, mood, limn .motht yjiirr,! i.t'.Ti'. The. rt/.'i i.e.. R .niar.s in the abeam, deh mfed m tht tiad.iit.a ial same-' as plat. ■•,)-,J. dm e4ade,te>f -'hi m-. e e-- ee, .a - no! pkr. inn M, ah rn Imllhyhi- le -i inbbe the chi'liarcnji pame-. -evith tie -nibs Pv.d stroiiglv m Poor oi tit mat ,.hn- (see fiynre i.i,. 1 he hidl is nni piatinm th, m, r.aii a- e both r.Ijvir.p- n e i not ; keanp, ant I the sepr etators ji, "'ijt e, hep the 111 m,i spf),, Indee eP, proia-siomil spm ts pre stent a pa-"" nku'lt lomp'ks oiuatiort V ha or hit pe mas mt,, •e'l!'- iiie'inp fans rhat da ehim r- are in it '"loi the lote ok the pamt 'I'lobabh mare ydavi . -, t npn piavinp it a h-v> 1 Bm eieari\ psmpi nib --taiei-an a-so , omit ha a io1. hijriht remm. the. fibre,—- on da-i , kiare ml-, the most ti-ibe p.aPs oi a,;, elaborate a, t'.vork o! mjiiarmis, pevmm, .aid me-akt mb'.ed n, .r,ii ,.state, ai,vi'n.ri>'iU, and ■ mp'oi i)i mtere-t . -it -ahat Imtl -hi.-, the a!a\ stop and -oiimthieis; eKe in-rtjn? Ar aa hp.ds ot pi.itc-'-i inal sports, piaenems -mph.ated wl'U oi her a-to ities 1 11111i-■ io!■ 1 t an tran-torm a -nous event Y,to pki\. Wat, hii't' hi -ne m,r ie-. ha ex napes C )rti k"-ision program-' bk, L .-iia'j.i iliaee! Tin- poeuimite, at the tarr ot the emiknmeni ol "teahte tehiisi,,", a-. eeli as aeivss n; hundred- ot \-.-, In lan streammp .net' the mfeima, ate ■mriatiuns or, the eandtd t am- r.t thrna, . Who is piavinn in tit s; -ermjtums,- Xno hen <(, ,r- the p:Hiii» take phiei :Tim fig C J St', = an Opi *t _ I 3 e>i-Ct," 95 i\ntt;a- me hmiiiit nnn - i m. ah(t^K.t-. i;,Pe. pt tm.r, em a ■' ;)I-:v f h H .'l-npn I , r»e (i"'32—).* lr,i:nii>*!!.i lij«i mi1''.! 4 ,'>. p.'m,,, '•', m aee am ,rľ'rí„ŕ 'eormm Av.c.'i'h'; 'í.- ea oa > amea a? "'." ;. .. J The .-■ i?'. .m '<ľ.iii-t '-!<■ n.' e ■-. .s fí'ii ma tlie . mme m eiey i. . ; Tťe '.nes el tr h,mi i íit, iiľ-ľj.". Tu in- n ey; r is m -I cav í:>> e i;, "tt? n e poď.,s, ai' <~J t; p a. t cr-an:- _ar ,;.:aet"e -'les. mahcrs -i-psts, "a", hah a"- egí1-'* agios a e sot, .'.ese-e., eiaj erne" mmialdes pm ■",i.ť'c; 'h Pas s. T'-.c ../eat "ray n a l. 1i; r e has m; au" r a ia •"im m, biešaemp e" a .m rum m "hat saapmhcm in otners. ío i'i. ■ >••!•, ' •v" Ailbah-C siksí eatinihal} i stadimi í'ľ' ..Mieru :o e .P pknum ei ; pet-p!e, from < h- niv T-■aap-eai- r, a I. theil.t f líní dani ers.hdae Hi;.lit gm. '< . " eal nph p 'r ".V'I'll r] ľ t! i tam, K iin-jleSS ti!' the iieM'L a- i i'; .PM|'peer-'ii istí Um, nm. mol -,\ .th what thm. -.vere, n 'fii e< • r.'m eservnm eUt i - t loir.g. hut ' • i:tei-._ e a a.' - v 'hat«- -.r .aar. u v -i-ae c cnpajc 1 a.".. Idivtrs in h"-a n-;v Pt t' •„- -ihtí'-eir aec íle hu t n. -t i >ť the :m arcness H--. Ü. ''A lul ihe-' reai ii . e -v rti P-mag ha trance mm íhhapler '•> mid ma"...a "mie"e-,;;,i '"aer. et miuah net Ľhupter 3). Fl.m "a ;"emii.,r. tia plmar'n-v .mt- art ".itii iht plating, "ill- .Lii,.ľ 'Lis .'.I im"Al íľ'!1.)-'. JU he 311 e-. !rt n . ~e't-j'\ai m.. - - e hm.. the ha-, tmai rontroi ■ n.-, lim "lim, r. t I heo [im onetU t-! ilow, apparently maura; Prm. as'i. Ha- ..ilia . in . .v h case, the m amíli m bmr.ema t-i e inter,,:r p-ichohmj> j! selkami the C. i Pe-mekí 1. tltiie h h e's .Miba!v Osík&7ciitniihal\ i (ľOh- ): \nv nem fismbnk easi, an t xpta t t ,|i md iť. n -kiť-on n i expert t lu e ar.,1 t realít lit, matin ir ni b<-),>,._\i.'u /Pi.'ü.s, ĹíXidci r.ftip rtrr. anj ikč Xlch'tig a,f I/,.-í.íííi? i ?UÓ' ll. ílfit*.: ílu fe.-iiiľj ei ľjsiiiw nu, v U iu tlie .lilion m> that a!) aware-iH s, ,p .nitihma .hit r p.frtoriiiiiitJ thr aidon disappears. \ ajielijej- "-.r a r-se' nr ju athh'le piatiiie "in the /'me" arc >' »perlt íietnp. ík m . i q p r. i. p g c', u.' m; h c ií> Csíkszentmihalyi or experiencing playinq .iMm . t|iťi i n . -'d ;'i.e. ii.p: 1 e. re a-'e nPív en.! s, '-. ir.'ípl.i- i spma.n'.'-. fia Ľ. t , ,'iidc Siypta na tslct , ďm na H.P-t an hi ; ..itlb-. .aantnea hilh.d C" a.iľm h- kmp"aet . a s t u res, and hu i v , mp.í -v - Fiow - í';p pijítá':;,?/ stfHe of inner e> perier-cc F e a — P' e "ť-; í1" v. a cP peemíe m'e =■" im/cised in 97 í,;1! fte meií sr> ■ "j.T/3 /'£ tint Dti,| P /I" 'e i' e'.t ľ al o c >t "At '"o T'm mee- c?te ot .tom.j t Ta- t'it-. = *ľ-i pníri; r.ot p,,Si n 11 .< uh "u ■'>. t f a4í!i-„"U i>t,l. 'i-al zed -I *fs. i r aes atiíf a msrm ~'iv tl ■ melie ľ ne-, av i ť '. •" ' >j i ť'j'e " : ^ > oj ľ'Lkts in 1 i-n'Uv.i ?ľií I' ('••: L v .e^m-push ic»..r, r)\ Mli\í< o r' t."f|p'Ti? H y tan'p - n' >! f íl 'i' i i Ait-, a, ľ b,' ľni K, í . oi ťif ti--f- rb v Ii'.p hi 'mi.aa, r Tľ.t- o&omnl s.nic oí mnei PApemeiľv rr" n úi~. t, t-ere : Oinc m masocnsi t"-, íi i i.riiTie..". ,í >.r ,n->'"|ť. m?"iy - ji aftenťO'1 >s 'r,,"Pt",'i >r," tin. gems a,a:l ohm íi m ninírh me umo'l.....■f-'T -i->'jm j ''H... ;= Ttp vhv peoDk fp,r.->ft inu1 ~ntL n i iu vana, .u'iíii: i.nic-? n iiaiT'cn ji at -nahm i, am :ncŕ '/..í',T -c mosia- //hatem, ta-v arc drjinci ma iu j.v i sai e. i a t e-. le.v na some of ť'e j;nv tie1"- ďai cňesisma t;., oiodineímm - sine as 'nous /jan-m - ip aut- een tim t nef, mas misme m t.ndť"'oir.d >.'ha- a'nm ;.'-0,>lp naopy. i. . .t iT ;,~ „vere tu 'pterpre1 '■h c at aarak u,fa -I p"aí" eye, we 'VP"Icí aaaelittie t i,?* inei ľ eir do", >im; or d,e t ire i mease their em-ceptmr of emai ha: to b dene aeae'-a'o' co>' iietj a tii /vbit t my are p optmr' lo Jo ( A oihIi 'kid-, a a-'Viao. matctrtt to toi i .-ete depi.-iaris because thf h' aapth -en a- thm am, Oil's PCnltaiP i"íc -oiatici" lllunl '/die* 's actup! y premri ir ť " ei vii l>, pient in i ehtiae. to tiieir k>or ,lj state1", rc Jutemmied py i ■'sťnct ao a Imayy imn cnl/ jna ..e-.vhat vvi ! peip pL to np.ri a pa/m ie, .'''me a smed ne" .-opem ti ate-- tip U on nm "*h o" the ma ]oc>C Faapa r/i- F-iUlClogy of ťpPaP?' /mneimmm 4-fc, 227-28 !r the flo.v state, action fehvvs upon a.. i,o" Ttomiiaj .a a-i iiilc.m: Ir.ia Taat «0 ,., pepd no cimm cms 'ater.eatmn ■ y ft,e a,tor. He a p ;rentes it as a ended flcAniP ďom one moment tc ne ret, m apuch he 1. i i.apťoi rd iks actions, atai v "tic1' there n i'ttle distinction be+wfn salt .iivl erv-oinaeiit, kef ce't st rtpps dna 'etpo lie, 0- keivi'C'CP. past, n.-psei.t, a- d hiuio. Flee/ 15 '.diat we ka.e i eep, z^'.i eti the ai.tce'n experience." I°75 tm/ave ťjiedcn< ana A-i\-:;v, 35-kn tie din. m • I- 1 , a > ', Lamp;- 1 ■w'n nut o >"■ aim. .■„ in.'.' m m ii.i<"h. 1 vp, iii-iii p.j.i.pp i k" .ľ i-, i": eng.ip .,11.1,1 .. ;t!, fo, ; 1 ■) nui'l. ' , ,-i U.11. 111.. p! .int'.m-i'-'e- , sp Miu'ittm a 1 !.. p 'hm n m r. m ,., t i.'.'i -.ju'ht m,.m,i" pi .. m.a.'o 1! h- 11 ,r ,r, ímii, .'. m n tn i. ,. ■ j u m. < o 1 p, ;l, 11 ;. • 1 •:> ~ m ". í i! \ - o- '; a,'" oh ianfrn ".itpu'j ti-i P .11 in ,,ľ'-. t,, \emerp p,;. l,i!ľ.M'i..' ,1 a1 ľ.,1 ť m .tm i -at milí -.-),, -t.iP.hiip ni'.'!, ol dire tail '"-l . ad-, t'"n ! Js .p r.nd a, po»'-f ,1 • ml nimh.'ľ' u - n k In..n" ()i 1'.i-enrji npn • -m. a t- a " • jiil . i.'t d, a,*m. ■ it,." m.,-n. . 1 i.pat spa v. .'• "lv.ll puk, -1 ľl a •> i." , ' dm !n aa-.'ml a-ph.,it ,a 1 -.-.-e tL,, 1 ľr »' 'n a '.i .m ni o ."ilimi m d.t n-p, -'on- in tn 1 m, nahí id 1 p oiovim- m i .erin ilium Kmihali m..', he n'o rmribt ; tiipi;- 1 ťi - nmmmm !< m ! r;i,i a ink- th. pnie 1- h.m,.,. piT,,.a -.n 'p m.,n r- hi e'niíi >- niti ip'n; . hitímp 1 n l.ii.i.' n'.! mining -- ai ' ti, . vperu on ,! p*.Ji-amie > 1Í1-" pat", ne isee fÍOTre 4,3! řftf kú T ŕ. v * V tig4.5. '-nŕ'-Ji PajteJ, ?ati e- p—,: ,, rep '.p-ťan-' ta- s in; at o, i"^ O "j" c 1e ' ť j Transitional objects, illusions, and culture Tim e e mod-p ,-i ,11 i.-iund.i > .1 m mi.e, api-an am •/nl/i-, !'-•. .Ix-tna'a-t D.W. VVimiii ott rkotipht lhi.t plmi 1,0 ,1 ■-ei 1 'peii il pp'.'i a .n. o.f nmst that kid '1- i.npin • a. tin "noti' -"p.i, 1 "h ri.i'v ih-ihi and mothi r Thi - • pap 1 m hot'i an ,!,-•■,',! p! n p1-. iin-' ",nd tii. po'ip -ptia' .n v. here human , iillniv a ipi" .tp- i xp' ' i' no t^ tia- m,m nisi sp?i- spa i- 98 i -iiiniii' •• in j ľ !lu m Uhu 'i, i'l.'l1:! r lie, ,i.h dl, Iii!', -e „ bake, m. kii ■. Ii.. ,;'ii|.|- i, a'-mm , ...n . t hi ,'".!! p.-. - i r,ri\, ,i;> . I i ■ i .|i :..,'is .. v't ťlvfSiľf 4.h-. J,ii;i im," tni -.u. Kam i, iľ ' 'li .n, ,i 4 : 'i i >•'. honda ii'ni'i, , „-obale '.tili-' "," u.4 p ' 1! Ľ, h'o, .1 ď -> 'am ho"' Ii,.-ili, v-, í it!..!,- liä't l"v M'.'l'1 " .rk mhmbidh •■rill "i l.i-.w i'om planem mit- , ť >,,p'm 'in.i.i'i .n .ni im Iii[ t .ľa ::- íiae o,,4h, ' -n •" !•. ü , in 1 '.n-* m hm'. i'i. ji ,4-,. i"h( 4 n m '* 1- .1 ,\ . '. - I Iii O •, bl'' li' li *b 1 bm.nT btl, 1 i"lb\ l ľ" •>■ -i" I im in . i-1 i - .iliit. i,-. d lie . :\tem simmi' s biuihott (IS% 1971',: t m oh p.'., .:-,.! n - il v i. hi hi^i-t ,|ii-ii 'b/lap .n die tr 1 -In ,i i up nt tiinn ■ ih'f.l ..i r'„i i ni Ulli , .at, di.'l iitia."" i ,r't.i 'i' >i mdŕte ŕ„ ...'i ' ,*' T iiľf; ' ' ; a '." . ' iq"l í. t n--' hm jst - im ni 'Ad ani. itt'.- 1.1 m, "traii-iti-in J "- o nm. i ,i i h. i ,h -in r-,in r!-.4 ! . i- aip ~•»t de omfhm-'mmu - :>■ a '-, H., l.-,hv I hi manual I m. 'enp an-.l; au "loa -itmmii .ihmn mmai ' ľv4 m.<; ham ."i'.,thi bahn b'-mn- <■ tn.e.n ne rt íl an-ltiom! i i', hup- ' -, i binib, t p -. ih -r, Hm .nimi ■>', ,i tľin .na ku m im n n i and i ithi r i ,n,i.,m.i v.niih tin. bah^ numb vabii s and mamk ihm. an n-, d ',, mm-u m 1 \\ h ľ \\ inni> cit r AA a 'neutra1-f ar a A A im b.dh n„i ďtlhni m O.m tím ..m-'h. h, ď h pm-r, >bm i-m,. a,-, ,'di.iiadult-rm'i iaan/ľ r. na- Mmosi am nhpi. . >>.e. m -pan nl "u t ic mu. Im ti -m i m plat ' Vid h >r t hu pL-verp i hihi within na-- ímiinil pl.ľ. na rid. .imthmp mm. ťmome sonmlhmp • i-i-. "Pv tm-i . ea; - - A m- - ai t t ma •• .4 • -í ne > t mm • k alh ilv. T-.', immuia.r im oi to tt b Kalu-tht i-i i jiň-i m r. itnn, itľi Im-ieii in pi.ťUim I í. . '-ifms .ii.u lbe -ambi. tiim ,d plmnn a j 1, i lina; br, i. ,,am ľ r- jaa,pi im >n br onphcľ.t i du Winnn'ott ai-i -t-lhit ibamtrd- mp mvmr; ma. m pi map h h,hi_r. ntin Vit im! lebedou, Imli'utl, Wnmťoii namrizes that thi. ti am'ti aial m. p>. imm i- In -I vpime ! bat v. ■ r n m "ithet and halii i-tí,u '• uai'í r ľin ta t hu m,p> mti m tri e oí eirlrore "iímc VVinnicotr box i, ^ imin '.rr*-. pn-iami .- -iraila.r hnth t., kiimmA- thm m al llimn.ďiti and rhu imb.m ihď oopPi. nl ma. ;— .'ha du hu div u-ii a lamí \n thi i hapt.-m. The ethologicai approach to play Ymiim< mt, expres ed .\ p-\ein>ami'rm.m thi um hamd nit • 'i.'.i.n tľ-iin pii, m, i I m , an he looku.i aí in jiictJii'! i\.ii r, tinamir; n-m.atm s íaiv d m t'hapaet 5 with mm.mi Pi riínal. '.\ h.itm er ílu li'ician eiiituial a,.ptiis o! pia, thiit ir. al-u mhi'3'ipe a! md e.-dntinnai \ mpi ^ ti í see Mi. C (lllai. lliu ildV f tbril'lpu'alis, pbe and řítila I are 11 iselv ra1 .ma ji.ii m liumarm í'na! ha- i mm in m inhuman animal bebaiiea. s. i nlai, ii.t- b-.en el'v r ed in main -peeies, h 1 í e ■ 111 ^' -1 - r.epm rhri L rvpei ei pi a,. im. mm 4 m I running pampine, ťmihiia-;, etc i, uhm i ■ pin hip, v. i;h thin psi. and -ei i] 11 ha.iinp plm-i'pbrimp. e-,-, s I 4'n .in n, thes, ■ dillereitt kind*, i i pi i\ ale rdttn .mirdmied. hmmoin has seen a tine m.r. an b a li. ,ne or -til 1., m, ».Lea mI.h e a^ h other or m inj ílom he.iüsh to h,r;,;mli, a ear pbm nip ,s itji a bah t if ,aar or a i lb> d, omedr'-iii r,t an nioubirmplavmati au lehne e.-ision n! "dalk pl.n." S rem m saíndopisal p„ rspe. Pa-e, pba mp ,-iapoem a hen there Is sijím j, m no taoo'k i n- r.p. I i-', -(n .s, a med ť-r ■ nmnlaiinii, anil the inteÜbp-mc to s'ipmort minmiee -i,pieiives ol somewhat imprmised b,, b ;\ at isci: Bisrghatali box ! . 99 Ü .w Wmnicott playing r-.od 'ht location ct lu'tuuu cxpcrit-nre iL '. \ t at... n.v- m • 'o . *a -'"'je cr ■ mm a j Ties he!,., a a 3 ' /- in ' ' a' * a i ■! p ^ i i, * a a,i o-i_.p , mm .m. a r ,, > a h n - a1/ as m.j ,m, cut-ice a rl ai m-i Jp n ipicd a i "i, j a .,• ;? /.. rl.S t'i-it • . \e '1 iei'it,tt a.ij.'i'iP I , r Si l^ar ' J 1 "a , >!>"e oe"s ;i - aa 1, a ! m " triam-1-ohm 3, -da * pm= t..o 1 v."e 'ti - maim n ) d e _'e-lai tv alh,, ieo •>. t ; '--a n ip I o '« Oj a ■ i^ oin-t a miidif cm //em. -i an a mpmt - a aa , I p>-"ea'° -t,i" * ' e» s m e • ■ et"1 'lot h.i din, ,. a . 1 1 ci >• lms - / d,11 .m p,ma"ey c1 mi' ' ' pp-rr,= ir=s - ,<■ _ ^ , -I ir a i -1, ' t pt,i inaii'iaai "n-n aa.-. !_ .' "Vi|e.-i, , ,ei t , ...if nikionr. t da rMnd.'a ' ib-3 a d et m t j i e'lv J m dm head jr on; , am v, il ■, ♦he a j , , e et du aa n!i,3i 1,-aaa''-, m na m , ,, 1 >t -, a'hd mm a n> ca if ' ir.c.-m-' l mi i.h .m ' ou id_, ah-em >. , damd t p£' enmni» ms ~.';cot 1 / » iaar tre ;gi. pa. cdthe etna m 1 m 'm mm. h e ma. i ?i ap; the Daoy. [. . .1 irr a \f ,/!'. im'a r-sra-n-' ; meats! p- m nme'i. ai spn-e 1 a ,, r . tee md • 'uum • el Urn '■an rmi',?a j-ai;,T' to1' ns'amd .n "a "!.€ ".1 t 1 In a ■ n, pm, nq. m ,tj-m epo m \ami, a 1 eat..e 1 e,g arst mapaest m plav, 1. . .1 i I'- j' t-, bm ! 1 mT' '""■ . m.rp aao " pj a ben ml r v'd pi a fa re y hete.e- 1 m.Jiv daa1 an : so a\ ei th" mau" i roe irp iv/ai ;:i;.i'i J mu-',1 ma Ti '"pi • c !or, r ' a' ft ot's I p i.die c't a p. that ■* s sc. trat tmrnp-hi ■ JU3' eypenences rresifivp ipeiiq ,1 °7I Fic; ■! p a'i i F"a' *y / at 11- Gordon ivi, Burghartlt do ri-hmjis nlay/ -tap nai ^o apnar ic m"!r ai a t| 1 .; (, : j., .( ..... ic mi t, l",,f. . 1' 'e p 5! tmmt t " t it-cep, - ""-._'/ 1 bo*a omi :(y c-ces a,1,1 ni-, are nm'fcre . "sai" sc am =trem a ,d ♦ceo ~>faces ; y Th;.--1=pe-d ■'ei a maia' c 1 f . y,<'_ a-|ec ♦ pa a1 h-'i r vp 1 a1 = -pp-s s t-j lesch aa op-nie«e'jf arapsai cur pl >-io oaicai 1 pip* ap .p',-p. i'mm- : a.-eeiif h p;y m7 ic.pCi-l, 1 „> The-e -so , ♦£-sty:,j tli i| r.adm , tomiiict3 seq i^pccs 0 pp'-a, , , ' m-ep a a ..p.'- - 1 p i,a lad,, j d o-- f. ?t ,,1,1'oi: lai; e jiii-mi-aNno/o! "if m -"Caa' ,f. 1 .y, pr ,- ,= s( ; m c'|f„, ti p, mane nit jh^'-s th.m ' nam mam- rrpa simma! — •-' tch.n ic, al >"eomT' o ^ ■. c m aa spa .p^ the1 ,,v..;i'mi • 1 n?J-; ' 'h p ' a c -t !>' • =it,,lmt ' hr i, . , _ >_ <_es-'"rso.l'ccs a'c'q / thaot'ui" ate"ir''ed Otl /m'ei a D;,,,ic, a ie - 'pc .col ,01 e'm -, , , aO'Jh, fhe uenesis of AnnV3! piav 17a 100 LAY V an.i o 'hi.*-1, t hi -m mbem oi ,1 -j;ľtii_- j m\, tlie *1 i v ,,ri to liiiiiMtí-, .'DiI dle im n i1. -, yni/ "h!. plo -■ • 'i "H t!» Itlio -"(i" ..U... - n ,i nm.m í -f,-h- absent. .1 ,"<-■.!<-, im' -e. jm ,mgk, titteri - • Ivpliim ,'nl tisli px.P O-popilM . .1,1.1 < M,, Pm. ms .«ei' Biii-öhardt box 2j. tu 1 mme, ..t rhi- r. Uim-ndnp , - i Hladí spil pív,, ritmi. .vit, ilnits- thť -• t pat slnS r.piTiiiPPs, tin- ■', stains, Oi pert, irniatn . . pla, . am a-- t vpi.-eatoi e h.-h " a, - ; s -.»a. i.\. and a.,,.-! 1 m..i.-"ug, í.m i'otlJos sonn Lin*-, nio'rt a..n:ii . ií an-l tlí •i, la-; pin \: -'v ought tapiet, tlt - plat .a mengte-^ Ii.-, aal * spemaíb, chĺiinn-iap ina-tp mmbte.bum-ai iípí aro humum aloím in la\ mg a - i riŕ'.ihio ' t."-1 h-- í k- " - i -It sigm-ô pre-euíat: nhii:u m i; d human putiintcs lead \em -.eapiplcv -.o'.i.d k'.ts doling primäres net d to ban n < mach la . aus., .heir a--ha\ a a is nr.c g. netii.iiK hsail. "t ulliirt s.jua! pru .id s -,p-1 in. ' . i giieii group pas.,e.i on 'he m_ji e-u nn_> i- n<>1 ., human monopoiv. \n esaapt from, mine k ioi.m ,-dtc i :iati\t 'a P-'p. \ -otiaa oi iiilorniatioiiaboir dm em it omm nt tnd thus. who iivc m n. A means for ti.t- soting t<> tmd ih.-b p; iee v ilbm hn gi imp s biet art h\ ami toi adult, p. kt t i> -it e hange tit. ir places in the hierarchv. Muscular exercise. >mdi pht theorists agio, duet' lutu anib. ai emnv.-rh - hinmioual apptoach. Hitton Smith n gues diat Pu'cP'nua! mi. s ate th'i'.en b\ a rationmst A sin i.. po.
  • i..!i tie Jireifor :n intcrpretnm dn riraii itn le,.. nd v, íiheme ipi ani note, Dsirm -1 ehe tr-ah, dt * mmoemera .oaemmaa^s.jta.. ■ .ma.:-.amo,- - mie-eono: dramatarp.. m,r, oirtr di-mnlml eiitkisM oi die at.soip; prtidetl ms nrut'tss. son u e. s wrt'i. i , aiah, hod. ■ r dm. lop li,, mími • m . tin i.oa nní, i i ih. h . >in v. Im k dit pei h Traar et a pko. a pi r-i ",,d i • t, dli , t nap 1..íia''■' .i t ' inľtľtiOí.m am ,a -n, tlanp imamiiaf :s pat k ."'.md i- oniue. 1 i'irntp lii 'am;, aiľ' ein r,salpt et p - t r- -s .-ia *'e. ,v ťn-va is- i k-|. m--,', s, ,>!...', .-.ji ,p\ am t i i t.p p.i-. d "-s a ii-o: rerii.-'ľ-ľ i', im,' a i, peii-atn r-, tp.,.-«! tlil, nein.'p n,- ,,e n. ľh m ma • -t tíi»_ s,-, ať"j> aim,, a,/ľ.'. m-ehe, i'inp i-meei n a ma r t r- In Irm ,, im , tl .t - dn rdí i n a- r- de, \ pet biíomir,. t amasr hk' spa:aimr h/ľa. m -s. „u-, r,.i iti ,-iiei .iiulp', tiat.i stkiiiipkí < Ii.; i|s,,,\,..s- ,[ \. ah ri-'iliii s, '• • ilb. r .'.alt aiie ml' k pp. ,np , ďi si m., ill ' 1 t he s. m r nm', pt t h >ľ' i ir\- \)~." h a mm. .nad Ju' ma íl" d.ii'iitli-iin.-iiť-ij1, *im. kit's ,ni m. n läenmikaii-iti, ,, i *, siiimeti . .ii e '' *í.a tn -s iortr-si • xperis. .na-a e.nm-ses - .,p a- in -id," .é tat .e-1.Tne-, p, iple nr. r. iti' the:,den, . a, P |h| piati '.ľ'ip lia ih-ti r-, ľ.tiJTi .s ind i'im.r n ,nn ■li i ni'-' ■■ ľ a! ,,j pm ii n -'.s i , '-irr ni hu e. - .u sl' ti h i ihi'ü r t •' i tne -> iii"i e ni.-.iettal ml < i ,i -., < > -.1» mne i nnvitii e- ul"\.. li.' h,pi"M. ď 1 Ins im-hhiipa , .m: ami .k , t n mdip a r.itesp. •■ r tin .Vlci." t ha pi .i ' i -1 •'!• te dis tria' >h p n.s - an tht mukl- -d. -p an'", i a., sal pha , - c. li, i a nm irmatka; i- jithm d,n -'n, , ir-tem i, ," ed .ani : ■ i k nm d. e vper'. I irm, it.. Dar nie e ■ ti ui, du pm n a niei - Im línie nhe acett-'i tl t ha ', n tnn < y r -... m i'i per'-',n ne 11 pre-, r.t. d In ..íi_n. , p alť .rum s. n itne-'-i ■ and tin- in ipe — a pa dm er ahn pl"> -k a! h -its ahmt th. ,u t i. .n 1 i t h i r-pr ani trip an i enint t tup the i nil ohlr.\. I in , . i. , d-o hn plamm '-taj, kunis n,n*t -n ivp-riphers v,d haiiifi- la iľiia, ■« p,e-t,ii.,'ľ-. .1 tp ii m nn a •' , , mok a 0. i^',\ľľ-c .m -jioits'alimt charer,. oni', thrt c kindo i;í pai tikt í -p. a tat,-r- ans. tht i moss, a.e i ih. >se '.. at. ii • *• on n or di t i ;-1 ,r-i 'iľdijie on;-a ind happt n, c m,i neesiapon ä tmel ta - im i, ot -ntrit ein ii s d pnpihtt-s t-aeh tipalď c i ňite-aa .m.; v, nii da. oihm-- I ht iuíh rmo-t , ink, ara' tl -nu -t toii-triii mpi-tht pr \ \ pn', istin onpo-.iti -a tlie.i'o or -pom- auditom*, jm", iiituhem an- noi sopposed t. -k,n\ -,\ h •-. tk,. - ..m- ti-.liop :n iaimhiiT' ipiilandinp. 'aixpinr, homeip, if tit. .dlinp -\ jur" .s lint pemiiťtil O Oidkotird tht sraa.i >r Ii tasn'.ul \ no, istxptCte i to p.ťt altmitiíim'. th it it ran dm ak > tas i is'nra!1. mldetľ.' ■ letiiij. htmk1 sot unk eolks n---, d k-p ipmioinou-h. í )i , o.m-, .hodí t nt is., .iiitl Pc-l.-.i-, aítor'iei s 11 s to-tm 250 -ybf kboApCh 5T.jr>T5 Wvolod Meverlnold (J87I-I940): 8r» TheR«i«.swn R» \.>IuUch> „n mo p. nil mot-.a-r Mm "rto .l.t n a-. m endri-ia-th -upp >rtn of tin R'v.Jniiom a'templine f .apod .yrm, t{ >e-m dmai, b'(t,-K • ,r rK rh ■«">""• •i U dmmioned"t iome.hirn- " \ -mo nioi sen tk' j. tiag . tap biphh -t'.m-ed, mpie-soi moiemmil- i.ut \i- Mtii. I.I " I* ;v:.n.ll\ suited ;l>" ins piolelari m ape. i)jr:nm-b% rod 1=1 .. Mo.s< ih. prison b\ Stahn'-pokai, bis v lie •*, as inurd-n ol i i tliri. > V. , . hoi h- ka, « ntmey- li.e.. bi n Iran dated into J rple ;i as "J •,<; a an Tfaem d|l^ebb,#d;^^ vsevoiod Meyer hold Theatre of the straight line A si-ndydt hmbsceml me Aid Pr tor; 'heam'm-' ben- -mts .ibeelop otter sp-Cmm"1 may', ed t. am :°h fc rhsht mpmsenss r ~! v-dnm »ve sneo r-.p rue thorn e of fne st! a-ohe d ;e ' The actor remans ins mul i ccy to m- '■(jS'iticn omen : ns.= .rn'mep dm c mm3 . c* dsn c eetei vv'm !- n; tern, dam aw.'lateo die <.•«■».::»•. at *ae atbboi X ---------------------*•» X ------------------»>- X ---------------------------------->- A r'.icj.ei Diumtrm '-tie- Specters- _. Tim actor's e , emebts .r, f -a .m;m- m..m meieb arriiiampny ti e spcCtatai odd- tbe a; -ecaoi'-; aoncepdo.i. Tne ,:-,.i.;a va , M:d, am- spe-ms' ji amy p' In- as-lmi yp--, —o. d-.- r '-.-cici and d.a antbcr n nf tnen ense- m ni.yseh bom tl:o stage. 19o° : I'a07 i, eOfyepm o m Met;,'? bd-51 Peter Stein ( I ^ i 7— ).* donuii tiieaio' dlieetor \\ltose n(f-aje k-.wkr.sinp of Berlin's VhaibinliiK. il>70 K - h.byeO imP_rurate rnropean f:n at" V. in'- pt..di>ino;,s maind" Ihmn . l.i.r ildbii, Warmer s [\u /biam-yob' A'>7o;, t'hekbmbs TPmr ,Mi;:,i ' I'aHJp. and tjoetlio's id,at i A'dOi. m "r>a i -m., i ap m ye.. fig 7.19, die ccmtci • m a » yu M. t. y , _ p,.mm-''m. 'n- ,n . p a ay ai-.y •= -ear y ;. a y,'ys ■iMtt't- amFPae :aei..eyas pyn.'o p o 1 IP..'am T.m^-noe pr.oe. -,s to rmbize hei 'bis '. m r ''The diim n-.r i aie-b kind id direi.toi -.\.jri,--, I-,i;i tbe p.dompir 'ba: a pbn .amma -pi at. toe dscIt isee Carlson boxi Brook was a'daclarl lor 'aav he ttcatab the Indian o,.u in Ids po .iltii boo of inr J/.ai.f'(''OJS.i.'l he attacksbasi, alp, el.diced dial. Krool di'i ins rc-pci i. the "hifkyonms1 oi his soiir-.-e "r.Jmiad. Ahtioupb dii'es nam ireepectdh >d am rlara their nrodiu m-ro follow tin anrhorb immiti ni.--. nnless tin aaa'P -.r is aibe mat at'ti\"y in'i.p.oi in the o at .:r> d prm ca, most (b-'i la", *. )he be ll emsi lees ape ripht or interpretation Of i -an '-t . the mthdi bra in s rbin, (v. .pic p. i to 'he pa open poos , a som A\ ilinmrn to find otn hoe- an \kaiadis. a Bio, ky o: a stein understand-and interprets neat,do P- m.- .md -a-uav m.Perbn's, Eaen oiom radii aid idaei the di.a, ator-ruk •- p ith around tb, on nlrik iriie i- uk 'bnileur direct",'" park, isee fioure 7.20. Va ant. in- obacioi oapie ar-omai tai oerbamminie iia.adid< roe i- not a '2 a- m mainstrtam tnctT ■ bin a .jaahcrinp up. or nil r Imaicnts b'f: < a -:'yl,' k. inb', I ik,_ painters or a e.'ii. tihnmai-a" -nlu -minr"! the "Pa,ram "a., a-irmr .'iictors *ot.db t nitrol '.vh,-,t th. m-pmaenie 252 iV!^v:ti Carlson A play cannot speak lor itself in: f'Od"„, 000 eUCGt '.'V . :Pa-e ",ra , . :,. • p.r; f|;,_. -.heeim i": amm p am or 5ha«mesa,e- 'stm- eh" o.- • .m 'he saTpomiaaiiib"J, ' oe !; "la; Lie pp1;a,-oem' ma porno-.-:V_\, a-" ; uemed.c P ,r'icraie"eQ ». mu mo me t m me-' .acaeeh'. Fatf' Bi'oa:- ha ; '-espcioke m tv.z cc m; a..I'arf as .ir.t- ".a.~ mg mm plar oam.o. a r h"' as a; ' ht say?; eoe ,m<--,; 'eea-aire im .mm;i tS<;i- it, ' '> maap oo-oeo baio.-le oas''mroed bm' the tla-aap r,, avrea' hom-promtl m, a. i hp, 1.; tae m italic; at mmPom a a ->.-;-u";t jti re ■- ye h p, ■ a .a ; amo '•"'infr-rab'y rtaai aa P I; . o,;o- t.aa aa ee Pe' that in; prn'mmaf I !■'.->, a .1 im 'P-" pahiii'it era ,0 Uj m. are. as a are; die •dim* mp P''Oi.jh H ;.emo-omem omjipeo. •eon Paeca '3 ;>aPa-. 116 : . .mme -------'.----------.....— m-er. j.raa Puih P, otho''. !n! miliar bowman',- ore • hisirai lion-, it is bermmm's .m. e t!:,,t .s h- rr<: on ra.s im" op tie pr rh'nii.niar. in ois e.i !i i "emim Foreman bir.isrii mra the' -trend a-u, . j'i.m, (! oiirewh pi 'In tP.e.itrr s" '.hat ;h, audit- ne ...mid a , Ht,! a - a i II as til, ■ a toi s , :y, - wg. . In i • eer.t 'a ,F-, i orelllal! lias mmplm,;b onicm m- D|H r..n. tin- If hm.ial rpuipnu re ten :!a "e •.- e.e. mi-taking idrmiimiP • le iar jmu.r ebt'.. PctPnmie r- in till-' kind of therer. an n.a f". ■• a-aems; tbrv two te'i I i;nvr like hmug pnppe'- 'la "ukm; raarnamtt. thai i .a h fact tiedo. '-imam, thmr >m ami 'hia-ena Edward G«»nton Craifg -■ r ntim to .-igmh 1.1 a-- «hri rto-s "ho eii'ia-el loiapiete »ot:Ui.| .-wi fiims oeinpaiahk' to the eoiitro! lileiair' mitiiois h.w< own their narke \iai at mat, mi uasj taPavioi .-ignati Pit. a m in" , o- aim ntiet-i\lti. f-M iais< s-,i, h loiiroik Robert Wilson (tti-l -}; t\ opera and theatre director run! >o0a arnsi 'mown da.- Ins spes. tail liar large we ah performance piece.-, im hiding timap .a: th: !k;«hih- CIVIL ,19&*). The Ma, k PPaa,- -, l*'li. ei;.r,.p.eia\ f)ujm "dp pW\|, Huchiuv's it n/erk ( 'msuiiepit, - ■ Rpn .tRa r '.i'i ai .ea;. fig 7.20 ;e a-• mas -r. oom: aro, "a m- Looom - er waa i, is a'; »0io' cuc 0"eo ■-o ar -. ■ pi "ara F. -m >.'.a;1' p."aa,r -t 'a-p.-'em ^ene'-rn... \rtcis -ueh a - RobertW iisoes ,cvi Kit hard, l-oreujan arc 'Jii antaac- a them iw>rk- ikoao ;o tlm -omih-s' take ot 'tipaig ami mi a., een, n!, !i mug, 'ot md . ostumt '.ie'ign. •a a mo. ,m I r. do irm i prema ioe sec iigutos 7.21 and 1,12). die. or dh e, "a • . ...kaboi ate or draw ; ai (lit . ;\ ,"a e abilities . P nianv on : ink dot m ki-.a, . am agr- -es r- > i-.a a I v ith an. r.aiemr 'Jaia t. m \ ..n km a\ f h it the to.ed a, ord rei v. h. , n. d; l-c as, d. a.m.l ii -a,, heloi.gc to tbi 'Otiur. \\il-oi« 'i;.s Pan mam. ■ o!!al>.ii-ifoj in. ladinp o;n'iim.- f'hil.p dkm-, an. ■ ■ mie,o- 'r-tea ka one]- Tom W.iits bm \' d-iui'.- mi rh pro; .is i rem i..'-. ntni.lble " A'.:1m»-i sir I. "bomnian i-.<"i.n mma- -iagiiku in hi- . onttoi -a what dm- nai pm, ion t',i„',- ;he pan--, ihs-ar,, pin,,-, the --m-, pi od.o. and din ep . } i a.- thing m» t s. |'e' 'gram l > bm "mtest -et rh t Hi b. lo'ig- 0'. Foreman The ■ " ! cm n - and s.-t ... e Kkhard Foreman (it)?7- ): -viiaeraan pbrmisight, thcatre direeior. .-itni tleotisr, Forr-nun has ii-ritter. more than SO plays -• ,-.f v. huh he has diieatmi. His plj-s ineiudi- v.i|-0?.i= ti nafcw ( :e72). lUioJjir, /'.m-niiWdi i9^3o Pcnjum T..rjiKtt 1 les\), Am That ,'.»,..r. ; ?o,:; t/, Tee'.; tmpn t'OCt,. and /hi (■.•di -fm i\'hnJinK I)i H.vid ( JltfPs; 1 lis hooks include feu - and Muni/asms memo.. Ihb.iLwo,Rj Uk, ami /^rjjj.-e Hamm 'oor.. Fom v\ ait.% (19f)— t: \mci ii an singer, i otnposi r, and. actor vihose mm-a i-, eda\ ami r.oliTi-, ai, soiiieLtiiug like Bi rtok Hreiht meets Boh imta.i Who, oti-homteb AjthRobeilW ns.>n«n frock RtJa ! IW), t/ar i -''->e p and II a erf~ '■ 2i»'C j. Vinous; his mam albums; (Ickixij ? ,-ar; * ^7 -Pe aj.irrarfa. k .//„/ tin, I 1 ^St», A.c;«l ea ( i 99>), ,'J/u/t-lm-.,.ma, ' lgmm>, .';/, a,,' l/ena. i*:0'/2;, and Rca! d'ltc {!'oi)A i icl-e ard (iordon Craig (I .ST2--1 '>(>(>): b.iipimh seen*- designer. mrieCm. and .kirn m ho -.tatm. hf. opposed r, -trgumg for tin au.i.oiio, ,( ",br dm ilo.. (up p'opostd t'oiiig av\ 1, i\'ill .K to) i, is ikinng t.hrm with iargi m iiionettes. Craig edited the intiue-raiai 1/,i.ic »Voui |U0S-.*m, Among his bonks aim On the in ■>/' im- Tm-a'-i ( 1^1 i, r-> .,,!,,. leset .mC The riiua '.lu'ji. ih., < 191") 254 -.->i'i»e Balanchínc ((904-83): Rteman born Autt-rkan • aao n,)|»n. > jiní ijain Li Mlt-i íkotne-pi. St\,a cha a, m l,M ■ iiéitť \.niLol Miilei ii" f -iron.- ii. letěli;; " uh L'n. lit jih! ,.-t VV.--i! He mai. bomebi to the USA m t*>}4 h\ atts patrni, •>,'n Ktr-um • b-h/7 (ko kmu tm Sihool ni Auh-h. i., Salk t. .o í-, Bakmchiiit tnif kbr-m in h umdtd ího Nov Y- irí, l in Balh t . ii FoLinrhme led imtil his Omíh. Hř- ve.rts mih thr NYC -! o,- fiiítej 0°+'»', /'ň. .Viinr.ořo ilj;- i, h/,o i íh.a.éi, \itS<-n. I nT'i i V i,'r , d-> ,'"d, aml h'e/.iina,i,. a madon 11>S i). Oht "his iift hrne Bahnuluno chmt. •f/rapbe.l - si oi L. imlmiuie ni.tni st t to the tu m. ,-t Igor Str,i\ inskx o han 'Is.i inilcr! i otrioh ii\ a.-Hnili tvnod ar-si i ni brnathoav. .\hav,ar:,mt s;,„rt., p.tum- oťmn p,,, ,tf in thoir mm: ď-r.-e*. ion. h'. ..a tios i r\ to m.ii:>.Pi,n titeit cerPn -1 m ft ioth ili tras i i.i- emiio is t.m aa- neladům suedl raolío .uriírn in tise hclm. "s o. ,jnarto' io- so. th,e phn.s i. i;-, i.,- sotit iii troan ťho — hrn- li- sp,.,;-'s, íntrmato '-m-ame- -1! ' isk-iakirio and stirpí isint; aura", ia theothcr -td, onnidt mam Pmdls. jr Stia%ínskv (1882- 1971 j; isidiedh innmamm ,poser whose unik in iped shape tn.o.teriesrí. hrniiia Kus-ij ' >re lim hirst YYi .rid War, Sir.r, insfcv livt-i) tirst in Lun <\jt- and tlxn o d o. Ua3! m I'M - -Imaridia.uíiii .on ,millions a.- caa.uu' - ''O, -. ■ e-.pfteru -ii t I tl>J-')i, t latra'o- sj.řuíi tíu)>h sod dmuma .ai!< tl^ořo Sr ai iosk> Js j ■ ompas. ,', lv,k s JtrJ a,jo aorks • '.ada-i« ß: /zjm.rO I 1'MLn, faneo'd-.' ,' I'M i i, IL fan-

    o ../.n ín, a. r',cDj:.i mm>, h,i,j i JfiUl) mJ Äfirrp, i .,,aOs'S- t\ rim miraa tmisit -pans t h, possílnlitits. Ro. k 'liro iarr-o'ttii i oniprau rmint ot tito šoaa. dtm, ixubonn as aa 11 as statin thoir -hni, s. rhus ooiiibininrt sourt'-r proonoma, ar»í poriorm. r tda-.,ioai ma hm.traá miucrts. on tht 'Ohoř hmd, iiiaintain a st.-iat si-pai jtitin oť tasks. iht . onaposar piotidos dm sotna <- tiiaiorial, Fht .ondncíor ořitai r.uht aih intorproís íh,_ stm-o .'tmt usualh do., s not t.hamjo lho íioUm. indiiitiu.ii maha.sfiai m -nihots are piviii ít--,- Iniiudt tor mt. rt)r. iadon aoto;-.. -exiont har soíoist. v-ho m fY]>-cmd n> p-ut thoir ion somip mi tho mtisiL triav] 'kra át.-o, tomposi i s sotimtimm t. .n.iuat m-plot thoii o" omi.-ia idoa. ho., td .líldtii, tónin ha-.t oni- h li -.s . ..rirnl stdi.'iT na opon - oj i ihe htdtl thin dt ■ ahn t1 ot a. t h. mia ip.iita s, . ir t: 'mim t; r • -ifť-r ionp i it-nod- of trat mna ,md piaiotieiut'. tht aotual j>l ji ioa h.-ii -uos to iho plas ti... Mn-dc -ot rs. >n spi ,rts - polt, t ai-lop. shitdos o. nnis aro ahm .st enti' t ha in tht- b.tmh ot lilo ímuwdiia! aíhltd. -.. í hoir Situation apprn.ť h. -, dia'. oi From performance montage to virtual reality ■Monome, ,-, po-e.trSui am.! ituie'v used ttítuiKpat in i onah.i -tmi tin atrt, iva. d u t i. ipt i! 'o the 1^2''i\ tilmmaker Sergei íďšťiiatein, at .am time a aii.latit t>t Alt ierluad'-. \ inoiitape i- a \\.>. ot 'Ppt akmp'Mi idi imiapes rather than In t dim omneme mam' ddteteal -Im.s are solhttl topethe: in tpiii k soijuenoe to harm a colli rent uhelo that la 'note than am ol its parm The shots used m i nmntape tu.o 0l id oitierenr sul.jei. t, and from thtiet cut locations The tmiti is -, iv.-.u'i oi veil tarehd odittrip. i leas a in. aPaat is a ivai of • imlriieťip umo rmmeniops ntim.-Tous tlisparalt . s or hits, hmht 1 ub'js. jt m , Grmumok- ltd do. Polish 1 aimmeior1. diiaatia i.i tieselopimj pi riotait.mct- m.sntapes tlr.ivnim i v k!. oomtv of suoaes raneinn Irona the pel son il is.sot iations ot tfie ,n turs t-' materiais* taken irom, J; anus literature, num., tiro visual ar.s. I he perlorrn ante inoníanv uieiliml i- at the lit Jl t o! Grot.i\i ski's he-st-l,,iimon theatre mirks, .-hbeeedu Th: Lcr.-icm i'rnii a, and an. me'ipm aim hanris. Even ivhen working with a dramat if le-.t. -aath a. Fc-dro Caldcrón do la Barea - Th: Con^uvu di;n,.a. Go 'too ski tiaalodl the pke. n a "sialfitl* uhmh 'la oortoriners tised uti.t\ m tiitatr..-, i M' •o-rho'd, fctmnstem stu-'tl' pi t si i ■ ed son ii- oj MtiviluJďs wrpa, .u tho ut.hout the ''t paiioit List tt-ti iii's til in-, include The Batrledup Potemkm (19 ? Ť) ami A!eh.m:h ,Ya: sin - 1 ^ J..S i. , .11 !' 0 - _ ' \ t' r . n ll I a d, v . .a ' as~ .'-iii *'r i. i'n s nr. i | 1 "fr ' nc a " "c- i . lien i was working, and 1 - ■ ... s 1 . a 1 - r. r- i ' ii a_ ';a dan P„-, : a o p n- . •■ • T I,a - J a y OcS'l OL't an. na, as o »i. t. , r ,va i , >' r, n.i-.s nstn- , ' x=-p1 ,-, x" re a • t.a.e ! "<■• - d, ,,' ons , ii - osic s nOn 5 OS a . i i/.'i p. • Mm ro .,' ji n-\ Jin,";j r.ra' '.N'a.'O . s.iv. -t ,. ' -on. I, ■ .-m da no. d 1«. u iin, -s S\i i-, 1,-f, T'oc va'a, at n is-i . i, m > a r •< an mil < . add „v, .,,nn.i.d o n an- i a i, piojil In, .-m- t >-h,,;, n ..a on inla n ,b lliaiinen-, do r, n *. ,,, -,,di.-u c }> ir O^iiani. r i . d1- .a',nnUnr,„i .in.,, d-, ta u 1 ■ a kind ,o |.n lirno ' •■- a ii il is aolsv. r, V\, .On, it, nij|.;,:ns f n ni , 0 u. in' i \ i- n 'a] :'j "duaio o a ° t 1,1 , v1 -.],,,. 10, , n ns'ni'.'.i 1.1 - . , ,11 ."■no! .ii O'a iice Grotmiski Ihi\ 1 ijiai m.L. im d u i -uohar -,t a • am • ,11, 1.1 - • s -p.n.. t.• P .si, 1 a-- ,. i.. 0 ,ai 1, -n-iin - lotv.-1 a sfvi nil a 11 d m 1! a imNoecfi^ori.1 7,21 "at aa in"''', at 1 o! o; iani in-did'v.t, loilot 1 i 1 . 'Oi iiM d u t1 ad an '". 1 n > p,a". . -n it 1 .,1. iinat a. on.' ■ in e d, 'Ml 1 ill 'it la ' a no. JliO'a i'UT p'av- a1 On S .1 -'ork \h l.-ti; |d -1,, . .-, i|i, .t ,!i cns-ed e. , .upli 1 s.T'iein nt 'i' aildiaoiu partn .patnm. \'.as .a ■ (.'...o -c ( b t'O 1« skd-ainli'ii ,\b >. 1 la.. i ,51 1 ,,th-rs i -, in-, n t,. a Ph it "u pi- I re- olytion.).- Hn-s-. iVi'.n ipi"'. n o is , niar-. ..fni.iui 'dapoi-onip-and p, atr, at. Usl.- no', 'OofKo- n.. p.-i.*i'iP. . n 1 bininp s; iini ■ a no 10 loiairtwinila de'atre iteractive installations .no tii Pill , t lit', niall v ''iMnitn-.vl. en '. nno .0 0:"' i Pa• •atirk . -co lis*uro 7,d4> Ibd.o Lord Bjroii - d <<• es Mssccaít.j i., ■ ->. > > "'* C.A"'ř Ta, A'ifr, .v, , v •.V t n " otopí ' . 1 |i't.» t ' ,---olp p-- ,'in ,? ro.r,ľt v'R ľ ľ/s ■i.'imv i6id 'ď:!. oe ,,r a1, ■ i- . piet - ť at-'í " , iJí' r.- i'ľ 1 '.. po tr=i 'd «■ f.e .-ihOptm f o-o a-MPO, a 1 ľ m e C"'jň t . no", o o~ "'spi j, "t ppp-, <'. 'n rj « ,,-arr ''U". S p jt- -p p +eďr' .o- f-, a ta p c í C -t »'E ,5 ; v 'PPl jo a -p:"ji )f'i-r-, i«;t; _ Pf -:p^pTp. f' , p a / , t ť - pPp i o t m. /"ipip ?p . T't'Cipi* pp -t.l .-r •«,('; Pt *h- pi -1 d ,1 .-aP 1 le P-e a -,,0- m '>e. -t,a - r;' p ,-onp-c"tp. riM.ipa'i p -a it. a> ■ pi 1 , ,cep,e"j' T 1 e,\ F a-' ipij tPi1/ ti eot 'r-t ■ -arp ', j - ''Pa/.-ť .v *ap; jm-.a, .m , p;'p p u- a \'i<- „■ :ii'' aop >on -v py 'p "f C" l; 'oota ■' <>t »t-ri iť, ">íie o.- os>,000 s -p a - i- ta f pepř tha' ev liO". P!p,ti,p 'eťvop aaí Drán c r • ,n p--" pipp p-- ooete a -,f p; sei, r to . oc.T" , P o i/ipaa^ntj o.P !e ako cit Hvn c iproio")OPj •- 1 a a t; pOi'b'i-or.H'c t.-1*.'. Oeip' = >., a; a ,0 .t — o o ťtaajp 10 ťie popo;picp t c* r, ose " ? ,n A t- a - ' -,- t íc o-'i oe„ncai oí Pa;up- t • t- a'ol co ■> p.-e t í p ipí r 'atif.11 p-, t •■■ >o em.'a-a! v-Pni mjio,-3 pla"s, 'ía". ao'l 'a.ľ-pr ' ľmp'P o_ pi-i t"p'i! tt 0" -o r ,e „pe, i • e ch oi'o., p.-1 _'p. to P, 0;1." aa.'se .spei nore taen-.',: ptmenm" •* 3 ' -tooce ľ . ijl. '-".aoa.p t-neco' a-re ' >o irco--3 o:",i0" -p'O'a -1 ito a-,A''E aoolicap oro p' 01'" j|,o |v o io JtcP'L-a.f t- aticpo1 -, k, o,. erím ?t ť ;yye .oooo of taa a-5=.. m ire tm > cccnpy tao C A/t -pace pPíP-. 1mo rte i i „äo" '* f.P„ -' occ-a ^ ľti t a'cot- ,*t a'l. . :o aop" • oooor 7>\í at oi 00 revei t!.piero p" avot es to-. cpi o tao at, ! spí .0' n - ao'oa co- r i c • f Jte sO^-aa • ■ oL. o í po, la > tptp,i-dxp= a "p^s1-'■cs rij.a a ť ai p , y no d'j 1 a-a a-ot'b-t not tp- o yaTed r11 . u,f- o o-a '-s o~ pt c,j, t o>a r!o- a, 1P31 ,H 11, p, opoo'T r , ti'-; " 11 a,r pyp./p _,pe ppo s . (Po. crj ,o-ip i^ ;f , a-o". o-ooo co pp'iot'Pe i. H,e»;j, i a! i.i'i Jol ttoo ' o, ap'iíant, p if rhe rl,-pcta ^ f vpe-'e o-t;, pi p.-'i.-; >. o -mopre! co ct ~ A Vŕ rhus, i-otpy -ivt'ľ o JlOv tipE . ip-.-'.'Ppop; tav , > a a o ' p1, po," r a1 The patt, a,ontp; a*'e' t".p f> p p tie >C3Í ciľ'-. tos'ra oeo ai.d -.-.o.;- top ''lepo-a, apo ce._ iP ť'e p'k'ao. 4i o" .v ia' a, ipad, aa ,r,o ta. a'f p ' p? e - toJ toaa .0 ''oa.aos e apoa ,ot e < il'ir"-o, opo-outic- apo .heiact c e'et'saK >t,tvj M e o,', 1 pp.Paifi ť'r a\ ..coslam3, 1 '.a, -ffo or ta- ayers opp 00a (>Po > -a {! aro CA j F totict.aoo e»'e-, : itc '.:■'*' e ac 'tis o ec1 , 1 Pte :he Peaa'o "'ap P, esoppc " f,P t, ' 1 -vet- 0' "AVE - 0o'e-a pi --pm , op-, I.Oi.ut pi »p vo Ľa! p,r c let t "'p «vo1- cl aarj Pe'ice1 ," 1 , ' o~ T' ,c -a to ''0,0"^ I nm m op t Pftoe °lat p 1 .,oa |l-t t,-mp" orva o a lept aia to -;al j itr.'- p-o'/ ■ tep po ,,,'Oín'1/ tt m -ac,.p t r poao, - ti-r iptc-ic , 1 t . loe'pa' tn-eť. a - v-ith o a tae." i> ofoí ia, ale i 'jil.i T'''p_h ;,,,,ť-,;r: ado íc ta, *ľo o, c-p^ta , thattiip.-it.n- "" ae a o" ti ooael,ie 1 01 e tlie ate,-, a-ai /po pinp ot t ''E o P: tí at too - ,nei 1 o, ■ cT .í t r~ n .tu, >o c p -Tp -lotĽ a" I ^ o>t c , at-" 1 too o- ooiPpi- >„irh •psa -p.'p i" - "'A,,'1 s1 1 "p, ďete ÓA . E e-'"o, ."p a. -i"i> :, 'Ja c,ie,a,n eiid y ' re 10 P'-o^toT " ai 'se h s *|v, \ 11ch ,.-TC t ;0 "ys a; piesta o,m o,,: o,a -t t o-'P 'Pja o ftei-tr^-s an 1 uf-ar-ioe - r-.v.tei t e- ^ o-t and its referent; 1 f//ŕc - taj '-:,,ľ bteil " i-1 tlie ' •'- • '• t'e ,.,i,,i-i ,ty 'operpy. 01 o alaopce--a, ppiioo 1 pla t srii tn it ,^ fla-oiajli suo! 1 a eô-r- Ti ot ,1'".'',', E ti" .i-ti'a >."•:-'- or 1 • d-,m o iiacoass ,"to :■,•- |.f„a o,a~p^ of "•' ° '-eäp' tter as to", are .-•,0 'f o raot'ľ p n taí'• ap"' , Po*,, "oroois, e!'°p.ap-i , nf p-- o- i;*- po p gi o, a-t,r raťoos o* *tie booĽiônpos nf 0,1 rI c e r,t n o/posamof "s pio,_e 'n aa !,! sf riiaae, a o ,pp ' ot Ls ,11 .ví, o! P j eapouPiFr, n 2011, "Acts of Presence," 88-91, 94 259 262 Globalization's throughiine •, ■ >.i.i!i/.atio'.i - thro ighlun ,'i'u r marasiw -k. - te "i:. >r i \ •. mill ■ni -nt." -n , >i n'l.i','.;' o! a i ir ur "i . i- n > mm-gas". '.-wra- mWnw.tion, -. t .uiomh. . uuhmi i.h nlogi- il. ■ ,! p> did, a(, in'j .rihur.ii .b ,_cc- .a iha k •• i !. ■( ' .. ■• b.hwior . -.pokci! kmgUJ.\\ h « a Is,, i o'h- - ,ibi -teles, 'hn. -v. ks. and i'ti. it-- mulrrh. m_' -va.-ni i-. i.mihw' 1 u am. uk.'u ah .r.i! rt- imoeri", mg go,,; i- t'. imho bb ,"-',ii''i''- la'DLinn'Mii .ua: ai.rh r ..Ia-tr-.I 'i\ In ;in-, rims m .i _•! i"i na.a o! th. ! -. peonlc ip t- ' 'u-i i ..aiu.iL,lin-r. - .-r! biw.we. .ar. i ov meg, v. aw ra-urra hark ih-u. i- , ;k,.- , th 'i- ihf.-ar" J') lha pi a •. t i . i.f roi.r-.i_-, of h il ■.'.•■_ - " ,h,di/_atior-a s,,p,;nrim---,wg.w Pre ark '.hiough-'• st nmth , gr.v.ior ran n..»t ■! di._ v.< rat - people- -v a high ■si dard o! bring, hov.ewr tvanlu! t'-o pro<. n, [m. --hort •. '. iloh.ahyatlo-u-, ,.ppi.n..r^- n-jaa tiu'l •>-• sti realh'iug ■ ■• an-; Heir peril • i m t prohrw will renaim ,0 th_ h iP'1- P-. o v o,. ;.-_t r- - -i pi i !• anient oiti.tiin ai. - •alt/ation: the in'u ..miu-aii in arid i.i'a idepnideu, wi, s\ m ir-. .Hi1.Ka uipii s to ran and rev k. h > nr. tour km !" die pert' iianan,. - .anh. uk rewhteig bow tiu t..jiiil pi ' i i uhpon . ■_ , ,vs, -t \ h (mills, nin-i. -, m, .'ha md na >re, iotma ttlt.irai - s""hii-maiKc.s ran he a, si herb as m -.he umk oi At iaiK 4noui hkitu and Ong Keng Sen, p->iru- il is in the w • -rk ■ ! Huz.iiirse Lae\. .nuwer.n r.ka as w th applied serforiruuit'e, o>- \lokut as _,• ti,r 'aorhlv.iih struggi-- oaiv.,eer ai Qaeda ulo! tin USA aiai its -ijhe-. Foiji eu'h. 'iia-ri ultut a! pi rtormanee- arisi_ ,w ■ espom-m in an 1 -,n swim - ea is |-,; ipiin ■- ,ui a vrea-nigh e • irk'l hi ith ,kd,7.iti, a, and mtereuhui il pcilm-mmm e hue hi-awaul in:. i. d. ''Us' dohalw.W on in . oiouialisni an! impe ndi-m, jtil m eubwrd p, rlwumni a a- iu ■ aat_r'ii.._ il ".,intact"'ami "iii'ti. n' among the words p._-,>j.Ciemh,, the-, umounn. in links d i )v. r . : hiteri lilt mail a lie dtvtii'-d in'o ' wr , ra.-goi ir -.. ;« -lot i.i,wm_ i-dseaiah in',.-. 'Wisp p.r... -as,,..-., which , an b> , .dam "■. -rtn ddii dar i.a aitah" Th. g> .a! "i vertical research is te ,]j eiair pi-rhirni, tices or p, riormaui i fragnimit-fhit ha, • -irrr red -nan \-1 ■ \ i arlr time- Tiii-. m-tatad o. elljdt i! k 1. - t :l"Oii >v sk, during tie. dm 2 s r.MI's of ins lik Horizontal research corapims t's, ;_..diked or ' i\t -datlv ' prist •>; s o' , unt n:p< >rarv pm-iorr i.mcs ic ord. r e - idenrihr w hat is gi nei ,d i ■]• 'aiavt r'-al i ins m ihe ann il ! ig. P.rmha s lntein.itiotial •.eoi 1 <•! Thcatie 'm'limp-ih■ n ■ |VI A '. H'dir.nh uid n.i-ioi. , tint iruciit;■ .'iid'. immune oiver-e , u: Cam.' ■ k nit on Hei e the .oh una! am ,or i •( "inapnntd i 'r'aaiamg'd. , ha!k_age I, si.h\i.r'ed, md orerniriied \n m, r a-iag uimiiar oi .win a m" imng tka- kind oi po,n_ ihanai paUiliodt in -e.oik. -diuh i iiipes from the is -p.a Hid in the .lonm ,-.nd "parodii Popi.l'i mud.■ is a tiooerfial i Saimph oi 1 ,\ | ,i-;. \ i • -. 1-. a-'o tin tllt'jtrCs ot Mm.a.ehiane and 1 mg. Ti win -,■ .show- diar •o!nu!raneo,ib' pn-cr- e_ disf ort, u.d dmplar tiacit1' ami p, iloru.a.n- rp da.h. hh-. or aiiMim.e al-e thai mm he p.wkagod and -old t" tlie rapidh. expanding aiikii nee cf "sr- .-ler-c \pplmd prn'orniaiin • .miphasirmg cirain'. « in ot dealing with tUe .ie-ha .aior.s globalization ircrpimuh--npmHims. This la,..! •>' iwit August, i B. at u-iiu! "1 i e ' ,f ihe bhim a-o-.l 'dr. to hr Lai \ e ills 'h>. w genre pulilii art,' and fames' j hnmpson ,tiili-"s'oi.iai the.Poa be', „ ■ -en < u an a nig t w> ;r ni; as- cuf tun < < rather iii.ui natioiisi Im.ewiiiltua; pi riorm.uiees einphasize «hat connects or is -h.u id ir wti.e. o pir.nes or *- aui,p,K-, an intei, ntrca a! pel lonnjnce nii'. Pa .'.aimrsnic ordiwoiiiim: or h-itii 263 A''Mise M it kl M O f ť1* í- f, í I li 'li , *' >'l ť 'Ml ,11,. .),..•..! 'i' 'ii ,;,!• 'i,i I"' i ■'.:....' í ,'i> i i ■'< .'í /I i. /, ; " ■ oo ~ o. o , ■ í, . ! ľ , --! i v, .,' ; • •.d i '"•>' • --'ľ, „e. í,-» v. i í '". m, i , • '/,< i 'o i,, ,,', ; p, ,> ,i ,• j ,'i -, 11 ivi; 0 ľ. t; Kfao í-eo fla'ni- ); .níi-ii. dľ... /.', aí ihteno Wii.l.. Si.papoi a. í 'ľ á ha- hl e* t, -! Piepe', ai.d ■ tu .sc i pel !','-n ain .-in Asia Ttuoee, hr, ,i iíľ.'iaha, tiv \h,ki!' ! a-a an! the .Jai„, h i- io ■ b :4, a,i- bh nie (":)■.':.s hiv.l < r,,'ía-., ■ c h hríbe-, I<\ enpepií í th. oiu '.čia-, r h, Iv-.'., n • , 'ľ'.; in]'.a< c oO ..n i. s and !>ad.lľ..oii 1 •< rťoroim. aa • s. tiiipp oí h,s uip'í, pi' tľ a! dna > íle > o t hr trh. ..e, pero j. red it, Via, .-ur-ť i'i.\, and í m one '.eoto'bbv shahľ-aica'■ .uvi ,!. 'h í a i! '' í c v ir h-H;,',i'i- On_h !irs-. s-Ľal»,i .aioii u-m; both -ta.!„u arc "j v>i a''Ost-' nim ''O'j.'hľ.s co -h ah 'vn.V .''opciih. i n,', mi; cti:.i r-c .ií 'iiticn u...' ,,n -i .p ' ')rx '.i >' 1 í\siata I'll, ■.- l'l, J . 1 1 , H' l hl ij lit i m ľ" I PÍTLunTVl h I! 1 'ť- al Q.actla: i'ľ ' l;,. ah, k,,., p ,.r , «,,„, p„ ,-, , , \^lír}^ bili I ,'tlcn i>, - a, rpi 1 *ht Vabl- c: t apv r.p 'n .iij., p, , /See" hgure 8.1, (ic. ľ bhi-.hans - fen, inam i :j .nit hp-,,, ,.JV |r,)ft' bi.'T.l - n. j 'lht.O'.s ht b ttu Taliban loo . bje _ íyjt ^ \ i ,.ii.-fai i >8 h v'hc ,'«- . a] i - ai ,,v • > i , ^ Vis.-,,, -|-t nil, J 11 to. ji ,( a , i i bio o t ir, , 4 j^, ',>-c.ij i .'•••.v n .-h. niti ! j v. í ■> h , th,-j,, t. , -,r>_ aiíi isi.o . \j \bn -J? o i -i. ii a, oij.insHi itoij. !í vihlrij,;. , .a.,,ni)w-oi.n,, , i i i „h, ii o • . inj >'i, iri-ns ľ n i ij, y v oa,ri,-a m'ht ints, -n' -t ppop; ttnť,. ľht iILiÍm'' < a' h„ ta.q,, i,' „ _m I» i's ,i ,n 'r í i , i " i) 1,1 i,^n J, _ ' i -oalí oi hu t, i. n a,.' ,1 la i iní' n. i h Sc,,n tili» 11 ' 'i í air -.ti lb-s ,a. i-b i- \ o. í an.; \\ .\-ln ipť n. an.i iioinl'it p;. •;, i , b;i, amj bn.Jri' bl .,' >p. -(' i ho t h an ta-.n . is loa. b,i. >-». aítct th, US' ',ľl.1 ' I n ľ n! ,,sn -ti an.t - - - ,a , , , t.'aajj 1 ,nn m anľ.ti tht >(. ni/aiitai ,r",. o- , .''i.uila h.ot sala r, A- .,- b;t a , i t^, ba t. V,í .;,, .b Z • „hn, ai] ! _,.]>- ;r -'io_.ti>; anb 1 .- _ >jni . • o.'al in • uisí Su/Jime f.aia j i'Uí- ): sooo.-jaln.b j. • .omniu.t .nii-f alio ab-.ircs'sos ,. iv nl i--1 a - sn. lois; io;sno h._-ir ob -,..iasa apinp. :.r,b o. .í- no. b OLCS.ľ !o i'j. .rh I ' — ,1] ".i i at h .t-ht.i, f, a \it- k ;ia ti > ,,t' th, 1 ,"! ,..n i.' n lHV h - in '.n- \n j t. -hah "'o .-.ho i min in. b ■• iti ' ) ' as an: r.. íhihlo í Taví i. m 2'.n 11. ,.._> i- -ba- t.iitt.i ,.t n.,/7011a í'it ianoill \,'o ítSl '.01.0''. Ill applied poríornittrit e; ab. - bi"' :•- ťo-pt n,aiap no ,,it so na'e ,,r.b auiíioi - as ,11min ,1 tiis.itľ , th'Mlo io' ', vehaii 1 e!, 'i mnľiliti i-ase. i tiio.iti 1 ,-o, ial bit a'i • . I'r>, ;w ní in, (>ppo -i-,l .ml ■ o on. \ppii. jí.'rbii "i.t>"t pli ' In i.taa: ■ '.ih-o, ia m-'1!,,UOi - ) a 1. sp.. i], pump., Spplľ 0 1 Au i, ,)i , , 0,1 0, , i asite- a ara ib sp , triam .,' IniUs ai-,i 11- 11, ",i" 'o,'o s, pri-oa-, naieo,. ifshoí .srš -ros 1 i umraoiaui -p 1 Inpi - taiee.-, -í"'"-s, b. .-p,t ,b t iio t . th. 'h.ibh • o b .a, ot .. h,,m, ml una', s, im., i nib.. - s >m ois 'b an- p,.,. P, lt 'noa 'ulil', „ in" '!- ',."--e- „11b ,ľ,, e, t .10 e a oh .1.1.I h\ p.- >,il> net n .-it liHit P anrl ir irp'oaiiz,ba0-1.'. i \\ : n, -1 i-p It ab - Pa pia, ~riei •". Appbi.l m,'. -,. . i ,1 boatrt ., Pp.- thih;r.;p, ,,i"'ípiob,,4.r ťh. „1.0 n.t baple P !'h;pri iiropi,.r,i al :Pi íoť bi:.!'or-ih, .•' \ov. T: the oí b Q.e ,b. and iamb" i'l ľt á.tu'. sut h \i m taioPi shiP.Vin "•<<■,{ K„, Im, 1. n 1- iah. b ' \m< ' ľ aa x sl'Us • m a. Ail, 1 ami1 Iv ijiil •! b- 1, .,,p, p.-b im ,• o,o ,",n_í n tPioSiii 11. ,1 ť', Vitoiit b'.oí i iar i uln rab., p a. !■' i -irun In poitc >bi''!,!_- '.a- in a .3. i Hlo - th- t!i>,. s! v ,ti s 't ,1 p, 1 -pr|i oí n I i> p i. . (n in m .oilhaa-i • . . 1.1 a i. " , i' , i ti i .0 i % ', I i 264 v-vt"k h-ro r;rrr V .] il , - i(. 2fHll ill, kki'iatlMlb • ,'ltl ij- ! " r- « >t /i! Jkml-t 1>. '., i!„i]i -tipp' . 1, l m p. „1 lib l'l "i-lptm t ■ .•> m, i'.i-h',;'t-r,, ih. ht';-< ''.To, thmt „m ■< pmnn "i ' tro til*. "km !■ eh ir,'.la I'mimm, 1 men,ie.. . ' j-rHL'.il j al hn. i„a'-. I' 111 a, . a -i i , _ u , in . ,,iii(-n i, (a i, o m ati aari-a ani-l ubm miie mom mm , est- in ub ,.i .iimmmd ,m l-ol" nemiiali >,'!' a- dm . m, ,>1 th- I h eim .n •'• i„ ir.m.'id b'l i ibelimi h r ,iH In m i'in m pi un . mimiil ;a-M< e iimi'i 1,. n- "n en dk f Pi \, am; P,r.t lb hi ".)■.!. in ,„,r!iem Mi 1 .nit,, , ihmnm m •'<■ • op-m' <'' in hk.t' "i Wj pi r. I - i , an li mil | ,u lit. s. d a dm d. >. imeiil md -upj ■< <; m iiet riii'u i pi i m, em-tai anil mi-Pi a. .'en' 1 imnipmti h.o am ,« -f,' ea,|-, i - a.d undni red .cm n.b 'i' Brand linrhma hi-n ■I e n. ri;., lan, H.-puhli, , i e'tn i n h St i i His hunk , . hid Op i\ > i m'tin,., f, (( ,),... i',r'.. m'l- U<~ ..t1 ■, ,b r'lji , a 1 a. .mil ! Md • r>i h,m ,>'t n P-, > u j , i. ',(""<(' urbhiV WU"'.T' en. t 'ii hi 'hi- i h m' i, t ",hl .Ii m-. i'n-e mbC" nt km- - e. a '.imkj'dp r[ rm ~;\' tl « i, ,>. , eia -u1! m-ii nr tn eae'h orher ' k ,,n ■ ,-, ,,!<. ii ,1 j »i}, a 11, m i -, l * ''ii I iv ah , i ai a mi-1 a •a',me|)h nl s. • li m h a-h . a. v •, bat i idm ami Jn m >m e,d il'tm."ii 'an ji .....a du ,., tehk, i ,,t, mtemm , v. • m-b.p, . ' ', m ;U an.' . mm i r e >, .1 m , r di - babe .hf a-, elm"-, i i.l vm win .;m ^i"> . ,kn 'mi. nm.a inlt'a ai i"t;.t,iL 'i ''a! »• iii';,.t'„ e la a,' ,. • • d ana'mn mrc t inn bo\" till','!' -ei it a- ".'t i>|,p,'r"utji.i n.r i ;a ate, m, am ihn.mki ,.im, in But idi, t.'i. r urn rmear.k iiiiat r 1 inpe • ''"m a- e-, .pe e ir m eai , timei- lepk't. ' ,<-■ mih tin* eieipmidl mem e md i bat i '■ 1 i li *n in. •, a.rp' ,a , .•„ ".b" a , vaa pk; .n ! [.. "fin m , ijip- ai "a,; rea a "ei '.,tb ,"t; -m t'u'p ..ik1. m-' ..p. 'a- lit'' 'i.;i,.itk,: ■ " mm im.a.i n . pa ,n ''ha a.i h 'to r.,e p,a.b r. l'-.ip'.i ima..'-ii' ,b 'ill tbi >mn '< mm' p,mpm b\", tl-k"a*"U: 'm'P ii- em ,, in-! ,,' ,,mes. ii .I',:! piipidei en It n1 e are i)nanpre.,ent rvi Chin The cinohcitv of ln:,' -.. a ckac.1 ma e m ucrn.m ai emv apfp i 1 m.eieahm-ae a a mm m ,j e-'e'imten hs h'e ; '-a 1 1 - cm etmea . "C;j"im ". '"-,'. =a, -ha,, , ii- -j, men i.p a ha 'he a'tr a* i' ii- a e .e- i 1 a' '-.-mum a-mm tjie -meet; ar-.a .eenae -PiJ" . a-.'. taive =a a aa r ' m.iimetim j ;' t£. r.i tiira'bi' a nee i * 5 ammba'" uT,.,io,, , tad - at" ■. i e,.t T„ Jr. 1 , '-em am-v :-e p.mhoi i.-it'"! M' e'i',:'. ..ii'iiv c i',cli hmtr eiiterm ise. 'r r.. rmip* tf the eemT i > e.heit aom- . -,: r,: mamhe i no''it t.i': 'jfh.c i -1 ir •, Ts- Thai nfoi tn; ee -mem etr^, a'a'arr: a >. ae?.k-,h,r'.' i an p i i mm1 a is i\ > c-n.c.'e' i em h'sm ■' G7 "4 Scenarios of globalization ir -d '! .."Ji/.'iii'i:. 'i ere tma*. ~' i-* p- rh ( i.. ■> e a, bar ku-.t '.! p. ttm main e iekt e - ']'• «' ae e i .p urmeiiip., J-1 liiglSrC t"<.2i lb' r, i,,p"-. , .! J.,1 i i ihlili om,eo,'li a H,.ia. .-, ,na! p.r .dtietmr mal .-t -na lei sp, mai ikhm; a ii! ii ; Viiminan vpei l1.' • h - v. m dmc-ke m,tin)'.ik ■ -il" n; rd, in'' n . mi mm ' »ii'm bat e i mm -;e a.r! !i i . -m «. !'• t ■ 'Cp • .'. Lipit,Smm rmiimhca ' Pa pi i r... er-!-m, ami a '.a , mm. 'e m i i ' , ,1'',' : ''e - m ■ 1 ■ see ik'k-dman kiM. tii'ilil r-.ii.-ji ,ii. -e'. iktbt t ha ' mm 'mmmMtb-mra ,i, ih'--tl il'id. i.l n-aib- ".'-tk »• inn i'- i '■ li.'.m!a intmiata-, a! i,. d [i i. ' i, i| 'i. i '• i *' "mm. eajm, ■ nil mail re, tl'm 1 ii.m,,'-'. i t e:i,.il i"i. i He drternmud to pih.e./, Liilp,r. mii..'pm'^.b, a !me, mee jpukitis b(ix a Z65 tili, tik , v.'. i|1|.lí k'tmjire.ue V;Lll. i 1 !ol ha A tu '-.til T .)'•'. * - ilk 'i'.ľ ■( , i k' 'to, i,'!1. .'I (if n ■. Iľi- .ť m k-mlrtim jm'm i,,, K . n '.,' -i.rli tmm ti-.m AMm í-iÍk V'.lhtľ'ť.. ' iir bi :t \ .'its .if,.:",, ii■ /it\|, \ti j, ,. I , iom_ tmi. "tí ;<:'-ii!.i- p . lil3",s ,it> k-.iik-iv oU kilt.-'-l jH.-ir ,\ s it.,r s iiiLoim* s,. .7,,,i s im t .n \ U.mmmmmml p'tmt.t! ■ i í mimům i'st'c i Innian Dcvc-lopiiieiU bi>\ ,. Ho sk, eL i! irn i, it s'ii i'ns( i;-, ti:, », , m thim'r-mt" m1 j-5.'!i:il m,n -h .s, \> ho . , .i,;. .,i 266 ho o! ^ Friedman Gicbihzjvv'i 1.0, 2 0, p i- . m > .i m . 'u iJ i; >u _ i m , , m^m '"m-ywo t m ,m w c aa'm tr-i' , o' i > - t> . he • ,iV ' , , ' -" i 1.1 - f -( 1 ll ui 'tl f ,1 -t • I m J-( I ' r 1 , il ' t it, t c" '10. 1 i i !■ 1 ~ i J 1 1 , tP,T ,eh " " 1 H... T J a' ,r' '• if' .i - if : i- in, ,z ha ' m ' • ,;r jl a'n i i t t, HM'i ' , ci-,,i ha' in a >| - ,ia ... J ,n - i 'i mew i.a ii n r ii i n> c^o ,m ^-ciW"i'T nv ' n, ' am r ,m : ia _*:> - t - l - ta * r i fan > > ot n mm m e| h t»-'t phcm- t1 n- rf wt' it"- ^w a >' a! a = i ■ il m , i ' .' :x th: V i if' > , * -, ( i,i i _ '1 i ,n a hi >t m mh / - 1 'a , t' ii 1 i it. a it ;,a a • J cmmomy. l. , .j -m • 11 t 11- er 00 r e t- e 1 3 n'Je ' e i t 1 t.n ,t , : , i t im l,,^..... Jew nfy, i i- - n , , - „,v .i ■ mio > w" -n , i\-i-i! jtt'if ,| n .md i< L a *v. "' u u ■ 'Owv 7 mmma v i „ ii'' 1 < 'I -ec j aw, i'c i.i c-i a' w " ■ i i al a a i , r r na, i in | - «s jiorn i t> - ryi an i xc ce ,1 ia ir.. n im- m, ,'i *' i y 1 ■* i . 'a0c i.air 'ii, r . r t - 0. j eat . i i t) r,, '' ' o ■ t t'n" i ■ ' ,i . . - Fm a i a 1 - d a> c .ii a o an c " in 'y ivii a- 11 1 i aaa 1 ta - . enn iia"t ,aj > > ci - ' t ' a " I . i a11 U i , a I 1-»-. - uon I'am , ■ ii' ' I re - a a 1 m i i > ' n' . - c ' aa' a I ait i a C r 1 c jai'- - p. •; i m n e'e.-u. ' a j ,m a r«, tl,,"' „ or pt c- „1-^1 f n e i" '" 1 1 Jl ihi > *«; u'- 1 a,/ t. -j'(n , I '/'ho. i . > ,! ' „tt l, ,i c> _pa ,c i !'i ijeT " ,li Ce en J 1 11 <- - -e r pda- 'I I'm i i' r -i,' i.e-\ kj l ' i. , 1 , 1 i i " ' ^ r r --i i !-> "ia,1! , ,a a1'.-,1 . ' a ,, nt- •< , a - , v- e>' y ouf > : t 'a o\ ito"" Its n-i 'e,"I i.i i. o *h,.' 'i i» = 1 i 1 -> ii-t. oa. ^ ii- in- am loot ante v ti ia, h a a*"r nee and women. Thorns rio-ry Jenkins Panot v cultme ci' the utp ate? Vain dm , it'i r.' ' , n," taw J,i i em a are i mm " m<| a e "tni jhwif,ri-ti! -mmaat m »a <• g am^o ,I mi-mes m i ati„. I ti j -m ii, p., , jvoolioveo in -emm= 'jiio ef -a- ,. i atea' at ~d mm- 0 -ix wLyi -a at m, I k "i -ss' ei - e m a a • 't > c t ■ am. i en -iii' -i- pa aTae- a a-'1 j v 0' -I " m n o 'i*-! e , iw.fid-m- a'c '-f"> ' -,iu a ' » 11 ,.te u , i y a vr ,.e, to tl '"> :a"e deaa i ii ' o-'i . j ' r„ii! - . o- Lo*n ; -rfe- r. m- ' -. i' ■% , 4 am Z . l-ieamMi n'r-^'m m |thua, ' "'t'"tl - ite"i< m t- r>-ttt "i, na+or,,,, te . Sat <> mtgem>enS- ' thai m'-aa mat,- ' t ta' „ a, i i tm , ' art not lamn-. aia , m Oi i t am i ae •"ta e « ,'"n'.' ' m -i 1 n i mi em. me ■ im a Jc* i 'toe > em m pi a • t^d ant" i ,a tr ' m., i a,e I "; j'_ '," ' <-^ni .j p - am at ' nt ' i- im ii- •, a e, m,' S' eoip,; ,p m a 11 e ^ • a ei a ■ a m c'. ci cultural mvths. !. . .1 • 267 Human Development Reports Global i"e.'HiUiti L.fe expectancy: beim- bomjen mm Si' ,cem' 7a nh a ana s'.aa: Lr-i e la.-n -;Z ,e L. te>"ary. tec-ma ! ;a ..mi m-ir;; a fiaa amove- no a a i t i* ;ta'.. nTn,,: 'aiiT..a"! '.. i" ■■ 11 AJl A-oaim Gnynaa !r.,."i , yt'ny7;:an I'mr 7 :«;» ~, ' a:!1 " jvj .3 dopbidmi " onaa, AtliiU3! per caoit.l iiTO'lU' id;m am. micad e .i. e -i-, PPp opj e. ord a a "'. ' m ;cpob"os 'ft',. Composite Human development mciev msHSurln? loncevity healti,, ed>iC3tic.«, ram stanfkm.ri of ;iv*>y b tbe 23 - nuntr'e-. m ..eaaf Vs ;m an ir a^e cml,50 a«mr..a ad dm. a tmci on---!' help a-) yem.p P at b-mi Pap n be'v bmeea ana I anam I f me c-,r" ,n A1. ,:<:. Tde memeje err 'mo_t a'c e,.;,v a ,::, , P' as' p ss-- be- mm '." ' "...A rem one') co ieta e, ' •-Cam ; T1'-. .mod a/Ctaar is O.PBPP •-"ohtm a ainaiila- in.I . ' a p- a at n m-, !; •. nr. , ..., < >r. i, u t \. r ma rtoi uhei- eomipvbm, om-ourat rnamdamtifinp, vbnp-. ml m. and 'eePmcal oo't. da. nimdio: ■•! j<»}■>- and, idi> • atmine's ol \mrtman vntt:'., tail, t^ Inn m -e,a ■nata the mmmmli. bimotm, ,o •-} """ilS. tin' die mAnibm, -doped.,-,f lr ike umc tile US \ I a,n bmpm tl,. b---m,, n k-'t. be biie>md Lhinm-e marla ' .eii! ha-.e i vob. tl - •>:• am •aba,- rrait r \ ;ll be r:|i, . ,\K rnnbhe, prospo"ifv n: pocti 1 "en a- a imehn^ anO anabpio'n mhhd'n ■ le. is . mt: pinp ni anno pai Po-i iba ooi Id. bdkon>.'b'poopi, ir dentin r. em,m, in hat < ut.b'bom pot.i .at o on r hen., m rttal as ,> .a;. I in nam,' mithaa ,,.- tm romndmo (mrsm-onita; , ities.hnrea-niiedy mtiml.t n. his! nation- jtientpa-s ita.hipeiajo.-,.t oov. r; , and mam' *< im . a,i t demmht tti. \ m va si, ore in the rmb. ,ie , las* live 'imilbt e int.. poi rU ■ • iti as tin :m li mt ,'<• he". !mhm-ooiis poor ere suppliant nteti o-t ""mom v arki '.a. "•niprant labor, m," and" bh pal ,dk. i,y'm .m.r ts mho aia- oil. n i'ttb in; av tiia.n mdt nt ni -' tl -t r miji - ..rini-tsi rem- mom % ■J.e-at i- tar Pom t spoilt a'.'."," d\ past ;U vam, mam, •utspe,i.-(.n ,-,r,i-'t - so, h as Sop. i bis Wcdc Sovinka, -e mmn -a tiae ''psi- N,P|,.-i pn/r ior I ,a nPa: . and Kmo„i. ; nr. 'ormhl rel -mkd mite Notlg! via 1 hiong'o -mre Inn a-sed or Is att-n, i b-rt in at d i- bad,and! >i . ■ I into -.da nor bv ;i,re,poii's l-m in d-'-aaia-" mthc to 'Mpi 'it and kenva. Wote Se»*."i«ika (f9-.+- r Abpesiarmaun-mimespr, and v.innrro1 die S'me \ubei pi i/t b.r bPeratur-. Sovnita, a prol'i-ser .,t bit linivi rsip- oi Xeovh, bi- Vreas, and at ionola Mai\mount Unn.a an io itt- Aimyde , -ran dm "dl I ~" that li> has Pern marked tor asyj.sammon h> Host; tiaiarn, tin- bntlerian militant phadisp mtne menf. 1 .vini'.i i- Jttllf a" - d pin-, ranth, ptienis, and intieai monks. His nia-.s -i-i /»,• S na m a rit.a and p ilitbal oibbt, :n ika P-e'.K, he aaa-- a km, member ot da Kamiruthd t omimanitv tt-att and I'll,-.-: re. a . rdk t th e i tt'ort ,o Jmeiop ait anOiimu-Kb n .an piople-on .nie in d e t iikinai lanpawpe. In 1**77, Apo-pi V,,,..,!,!,.,; j P Jear>da ■;/f:'// iben \ll.! dan:) «as perjonneti in Aamiriithn! ,ii tbtatre. lit, rk-i-irapiniprssoned. fsaugi-ids do 'tmntomP. mil the K imuiitlib tht ato--a a- kti rain lat.'itd ),-. tl", em > : m aom i 4!s2 .t nm-hsfm'ssaa i-t. plamii-teht, and hlnnnaka!, is.-ppi s toi t - P*niniit dmP or f./t».t's l't"7 i D^ramcd i d ua-b do-a-. 11 ,ri (i'^Sipra i./.i; d/tad i i'Jsn, \Unm;Jih: 1 ,-pf,,. ilMV}., tmap. a--"'.. j'-J 0>mnn t A',!S», dime.n ,m da /eye i, d'^Od . ^,/-.'tp a , rk-sate a apaat-, i 2bstt_. p ami / Jn,imt ai a 7bira - v. ., , aoto. 263 Cultural impositions and p-;1".....""i"hi........mmwi mm..^ m>t; , .,,„ appropriations ....... •<..! ..,.ur. -1 s......r.. a,tl0. rr r .v. .-pi >i 1. . 1. 'hUm.v.u •1 -.)!. tc mi ion '.ill .1r.1i- ij • -ij, (>j Wld, h mi> -i, 1, bw.g ■ ,«. t 1. \o bePmu c an-^ r I em.'tpm ' k-n -Mi-, iVoo. iih -a . h. -. e W < [,. ^ Walk god. Tin ,1-H!\.1IH..M .,fvuT.Hl... ivhlifl).-. .VI 1 'F'J* 1 P| "i He U • W ' ■ •'W'.j I b Pe mm .mai „ mm ,V"(:„ iMo.ii, A',. Hi v>, -or ii. ,1 ,',hmth< ..... .1,0,1 k.mhwmme. n.„i.v Vm men < tJtnr.d an ol g'nbahottioo. ii's mu! m-m,ph a- ma. , aimn mowing ^^-"h '.m. w .>;tm... Fm ewmtpm Amoion o, ]( ,, iiM!!.,n::v,U-oi,. Wo.,o.i!o.ii'kihj ■"'' k')r' ^^^'lo-f u ,1 ! -..mi/ml. it, diemr. . , lh gh.biu.od miiAm m-mib .hawing , ;. ;1„! atWemimg ro li!l'K;'"'lh Asia aid I I--..v.,,. m; » ,ir inf.-gran cuhmad r.M.uii.Mno.i ..! i 1 , see 1. mi re Abu ';,n ;' 'A1' m* '",:v|iv,","1'n '"' ,!"' "'-Lu;^ . "ken r i owmd a, uUn.'.iljt mi.i-.Om i.i .jl'i i.\ o >•.. ,,-as to argue thai there is no American culture comparable to- branch or Japanese cultures, tor eaample."! his very emnatirvesA accounts lor the USA's cultural accessibility, porosity, and exportaoihty, it is one- of the reasons why American culture, which does not. exist, is so active- globally. The situation in Europe is somewhat tliilerent. Million* oi South Asians are citizens ol the UK. France has a. r'e lao Dhabi bo"v e hilhh a ... me i mi ' k-ng alii nona " oil. nndi rlii ami i n-! ,o wr-An;'me d u'un.s bir ,h Air, i fk UK ar-. mm i and', a,eh cub .a ,d "K fa P" giowmg! in 'dm 'Js i ., ! aim . but i mom- , m l'-m nam d gmim,. ii.obmm.g Indig. ...a,-. A.u. rn an. \u mam i 'ai rib an, an J Lur >pc m pe .pies md i initio -. u, tie. Ukk " tow tin imv' "'H'lKi » ~" *° iK' ' v' lh'" tmmm m lliiioii .md one km i t-m guomnixuig "i £■■ •! in n.Vr-e - th a, ! \. 'i tb. b'm b- i em -e si, mit \ ! no ,p,e mm , xpm a. "i. , !■„ tr iblairm.'s.b'i'ia h; , ,|ip:,;-i;rn spam-d.. lra'J..:> ,id on tmmmm a. nsirm c .iic-.rnmg v h it it in, ..m •••' . a ''real" httropeam On topoi ail this, radical hlamic"tcrrra e-m" and militancy is rm.t bv Western counteractions, cultural profiling at security checkpoints, and opposition to Muslin*, cultural practices such as the v, earing of he-adscarves: py women.The koh'War was a SO-year stanti-oflf marked bv an. arms race, economic and diplomatic maneuvers, nnitma suspicion, anrk'lirnited'kvars.Ye-t, as the name signifies, titere was no general conflagration comparable to the two wmrk watts, terrorism and the "war on terror" are dillerent because the conflict is engaged in many parts ot the world simultaneously without requiring a general mitotan mobilization. 1 his kind sii protracted struggle involving both overt and covert actions complicates matters enormously, reminding some ol the long encounter from the seventh to the sixteenth centuries between Islam and Christendom. Louvre Abu Dhabi 2011-2012 Talking Art Series Tianscondtt.g geography, natutihtiiy, ana History parii 0 an ohm qmrrnrnre a' aen'em'-,..- t mW.ew h" e Ah d c 'weoce, mm p r-,h! •" I 'e k ti'e eeaa-u1 Acj D'',ah m a -vm.wA e-i C"aer ..j e mm d,r-m e a' n tite , ri'^m arti.r keev-'e as 1 Soahe. ot re ima, aa.i 'fkirati.j ia. nei t se. I h; Lou. 'P A a i Akini w h a, ?lt, rrymmripts ;\o , e>h;oAs of'cai A^rno and s.wm o.iien' eiij'meaece Smm by, oAma the-item.; on nop lew iv ill ,-i aeuai- h am see mar ,,ri: e. Aai-ct ah avei '"e o.iid let it i,W3 t icraee and i cm no. m'" m-imes m'1' fe h.oi'hMhtm- to i,!u_-ira!-" s a d.-a ties a i-.w;t ''c a -Aiare.l Ian a, -,.im'i-m-e *rai s leucnaj aeogiaaiog nn: onm'ti a a h,-fery Jihad/terrorism as performance tsmgmt mu es ".'.acnii'" of me 'mamya'cimceaaimi,■ ,j i I he Aiiieimai. k-l"",e.r >>.i tmao: has at leas; temporarily m~-hm-- , r-oh siKmmt-.d ,'• elmiiii.Pntg k'.rg. ji- -p. ttiiomst att.-i- -mh.o') il kekrjh Us uaeasions, incursions, hoat m-', nmg. ,r,d --meath r i«i» ''isruptcd al Qaerirks ai tr,,tie-- Hid tailed ,>t i ..ptu-'ed in m\ mujahideeii leaders 270 ■■euf.y H u g he s T''ir behtaú-.p.a of Kcweih Hiu'e'1 \*ui>.ib .-»I-Zartp« i (ľ«6 KHihr , j ,,l,raa , i . a . > a ,0 s o1' ľd t' á pliO'i 1 ,.mli dl '-pil da m k,,,j , i ."di ha ma"\ a.ľ si- m.pfkinm id ■ dim atme'-.- >o a a , ., . and juttl.m. 'n J'Uo/keaaa m.pmuph-inl« ,i ku.., juiddii '•') 0')m, Z-.iapm • dl—t i j ují tte-j i \. t íha n,, i ' hu., !. t, kí op 1* ľ1 a'i -O* ■ "ď* i' vi m -mm -m i a c c1 o- " d 1 , -, a1',,' !"--!> -^ait, ' i„ " íi .<.■ n i a, i ' i - iľ. d , n ~ f i n. "''■t n, ',, ,<, n. - * at at- 3'r.l ďe m , >í ' * 'i r' ' pai- at a • ti,"L « 'W.l ľ-X lH 3 '11 - ]. !- .1 'Cd', '1 t\M> ; ť p,M 111' , i 1 |-,- t . r- • ,(, (I l--_r - j.] i- ! j m',"! , dudln d,' a . h ••'[ 1,1.'-,(''„ i a iibtiii'th i. K] i,[ ,i i ,, í t i- ,,ali a ,„|,,ni e uvi dm a • hi, íoíe -nem- ia ťa ' m-j t rJ-i ,i '• ľa.' m" '," ■ ai a'L-a'a-, t-, a-r, t • 'f- ut'o no i . 'u áno * 'a,; a |,u, p- h, ,0'' A ľni Wils ah .il-/ai i]au i -, , od m a = ■ i'Oottir e' . y M'm-i v- ' t. 1 ol V' n I ď1 ,l'' -f o- a .,rt'n d , • r ai a o- ia,ii^a,o i >i,,th' t oo ľ'"£ i .ra, io' ' h,d, d/-, n-i', il'ia ... ia tlie Imim-m "-t '-t i 1 d.t pp.n nam , at,''!,- B pl o "'-"d a,',! ^o i""' ea a, i>'o,- t v op- ot o. "t">"' *" sa . a . ■', i jn>' i,- s. , m - oi 1 lidu a-o, ,■ - 'T m m-m_- mti a í v I' - > : t me ľ r i n, : r í • idm. . a '» . i,o. t h h i ,ír , !, 'ui -, a a ' ->i ,-> ,rr| , mm om o1'* a id to o-""i o~ *-of i •iooii i ' stv H iiqhes fio\ t Uiu tťa di . h,io a; U t ť ,n- r i - P >" a *e- . ■ , > 1 1 T','j , t t,a. cd! oat j'oi, b i.jiuliih1- a: ■■ - dtu n tPima-mp Imp." • d j t < sole oi " -e*" ľ ' :|tv. i 'i-ao ," -t ŕ o1' ivi ne the d,- M i dl- Sm-a r! "i! ' nhiimaa d m du Arab spring t A i-aanfff to i ■ ľí a 'aa no i ,aa'( 'OH' il on! .noa.e: in;. R ď t'o. a, T. „a . ii>l td>", r; ta o i •• . t p-p, > ;„> m ,j o- _p;P«rm"ro „ id ľ ,ioi sUeppP , hootii.'i-, a timm-mP n1 e,,po o Orndt o,.a .. r, o 'i-.i, / t n aa . adoic, .-'t 'i'iii.a.i oil.; , • d "o, d""'' hl', vt r. n, i't I aota* o - ''-,.._, Muoŕi rc ' > to .o'a'f- -,, r i ' o, , ,oam" -.mos. a ,". .o" iľ i "p. ,a ■ i "•> -i lo'i'ľi a . i d aad jnii.iľ a em-m • oo 'awiitreia .i,i, ,d,!f- 1 o.a o t'o- i i Iwos t" e la, n i o s d i í . s r ih Spi ľi>_ i-'ari'iniio' i. aol s iad o í i i - -pen r -. . " ■ to ic da", i 1 ii -,,, . . o na* ,ľi, oi ,í • .. iiij.iL n) o1.,,,", pi K , - i'.u: díro i p-pod." ti ľ. m ť.aiota, a .-o o-a,, , K" ,, t-i "a t mľ 4 Tdo '■;td It n a,-pi idľ. - it-,,n ".-'ia-th.,0 t '-,-,,ii.i, h t! i au - t oo; o.'o.osť a'-,, i a.,, ,,p n, i r.o .p ,)-,(- ilia-' i -all - nit dľi.d ,ot u ľ-1 t! hl au.vri .r I njii linkia. ' ie »,,f o o1 -1' ri 0'-",o,, j- i o'-oioo'l -i-i f"0|,- a d t I -1 t h. 11 ,, d íl p in m i di •• t >d o , ao i.i u'i .o í h \\, t „,, o ot r , ^r- O'-ď, ' , i n, a o i- 1 y \ ai' ■ * 11- Hmi,;' ,- nop. --iida ;<, i o, i.. *. í o. p. oo ttiiiiľ1 ii,sío"i, ' j a iao i^j.-^o lJ: Oe'.a,,;a!,c aitit í - i oi , Oii 't.aia. vu, h ..íaai- ,.,i i ,i irľ.ul „lai'.i-o -i\ '< .la-a ; u .-Olov |»r f"c:'j n, n íu , im d, .Mul l.u iidiitii : p-.'í'»'oaii < ř \ i lani" Min d . 1, o I ,jtr ' T , a= ," =■ 11 -, i ao,.-;1 a iumr-ifi. p'ia-i > >i i,-t. t irr in th d ,'.ihnmai aí m ílu 'o i-' -p. , taoalar ii,i --a.rt o ' f,e o', cioia i-o- a mc , o^rroa at,at k '-t tSit'oi unh | 'no na- ď,r, ,-- e Jr "v.-,. ■ t-oieltv, a-an ; o ita ," 'a heailt ť ti aut o '■• i.hiľataií ili,nn in lo-mis'. o th, i- i,-i)0' <■':"< A o i t j'.do I . c í utn 1P-4 -,-od- a- u-on- - f 't- p.ľ-soi in 1 - i -. a v . t|a t n ^1 pi, ,a!i h-n I So, - 20 "A1 Ír, rit a ri it„ s s,odl--'..o-ď ,e' -11 .S1,,d\ n 1-, los 1 o;n,,-. _ p . di'1 i. r ^,', 'i,;.';,»rŕ, m ta 5 II',, h..o 1 o i ite ,n (. í apt. o 'i '.i-ueii íi at 'nit rlur. , i :n 1 t ; s t itht d '., ' j f" n ' in, .1^' ' !0' n t d, d i ri a n. an ^ i op 'i -, s ar iaip, a tana-,nhj , 1. 1 am n a, atht . .0 iná "or-10 tsra, er am ,mi.m> a a ti,at medu t \p -nt-otm 1 n-,c ,m,[ - t ad rum tit ku d bi?' pil. ! mďim-. m --h - lotmo-ra a h ,-,\-kiih'd í. r-noiM t is p, , Ina m.aioe, aim ir Inr, 11. .os n- i'd'.ommd de • ro-. hun'h . ť-, d injur i - it i am.a- m tin pil • >p> r t. a tlmi n a. sm', ,ioapi - 1 atm lo, in e ... partu . Im a. . .1 iní n iiip ai lanul le- T , 1 in.s. 'i io nppľ ., .no, ilatk en oo . tel im t-'s I .e md , api 1 : t Watta.., iď ma m mm.-, m ] t humamr lhom.-,'* - d-m, n-n .., tď i. 'nť. m m , , ks.'., i.fpj'm i p, a, t. n. r ■ -. ,m -p umi me m.p ot iup „• i». J Ji -ľetís e i hup to tí:< en rtm n oi tV ■e','"'1'tn ■ » nmus ^' > \ Vvedi Paimd ;n 'Iiidm- -pi. ad a, m-., North -Vili'et mri tht Middl Last Mí M>eí tii.ilirh Lntti dsdt tnaii-lei1 eh.mpe - '< u'r t i. t iuris, in --ad r,, lottupliíim titiiii iippormnm h>r t!n y.mng path' ieb en i., nanne nmab. . um um s 1 Ju' "-upaiimi! i l p. t onen1 i atetm' litiMii Mubarak r, o nm d n: F.-hnurv 2011 Wlut a,irt, d m Teui.-i.i and pn u i.nhfpiii »prtuiltol ibva, vi mem \k';-m, jeľ'en, aort Svrk. In Libia an armed insurrection supported b\ ,VU< > .hi -t, tkes led t.i da m ■*!■! mi null'11 e ní Muammar Gaddnh \-i.(" Mar.h 2!b2, tiidniji" mntiiiiias it, Sen... Tb» V ah ^prinj, re>'i rb. mies d,,,:eluihi,ir, »j-< j, -a.a .in-í b, v«id 'I'm mai n.u be an. • m e, '\> stí 111-si dm , iludinim'otr klmmiM,, f ht , mls udal p.,it ,1a - and mít. i ndi< al is', n«.tmt u| s neu b< duntmh mtíľ.jiw and. eieer.nas r Ith. r than through iľiTiii inu. Hosni Mubarak í 1928- i; i're-ldar,r.»ŕ tarpt är,,m i wis i in stu t ttudirpii .sun f.urn tbt auwl' ittiaab } ab i> Senam -leitiandina an did mlrsd.i umu ;.in, h !<■'. ofh. •- no 1 ' Kbtu.tit ,i> Anpust d'St'. Mutuiak ». is u-am.n tn.d for m(ii-rna dm 'all ne ní 1 al.rii ptotiototu and tor í.aneptmm Hi tma mimina; ncbtics, M.tbaiak inrnmaitded tin kipptitn Ai. 1,.,-. . ',<• m !''7dni f 7s In hemim \iii otesaJeit in i'-'TÜ .e'd pmsidt m upon tin. .oi'stsinto >.! Sadat. hr.oms's .niptail ai tepnl ijy.iti m tune pi m wh.m '.lub.vat.' .deamd oi i oi t updoi. s hat pes .10'1 po en a lim s"nteiue dinnpnntt.iu-mn s.ipi !•-,, 'ulhiiju. An« a r Sadat < í 91 S- Hi): P>< ml- n' -.1 iini from WTi until im na bv i-tinu.isi ana. > -Iti its i.n ó vPtnlmr I'm I. "> refi.rm.-i. s.abt i'bi rab/- o t p- ii - .a. nnrn , vem d A nnin posti n m to, Ulli m IsP'Si i^jiu'.I . pěj,-, m it> >• ■.ii KraG Mujminar í.addal' j S942--20! í\; Mihom iÍktator of litna b' nn l'XP'tobis.le.idiiii 201 1. Frrati. ttľ' .np.-eji, t ihl, , ,n i9/7 -i noům i d tu s i im jül pn-ľi m s- t hau-m.i i m ib, K. m lutunimi Count ti of I .hm He ruled t. no til. n on * bi; 'i'r.ndu i lľ"ar.d. "Gtuilt .'ith< Pa '.-li''.!"!, "ihi A-aS snrie.'a 1-d os an aniind uprisiu« ,.pu is'ijad hu h a o u a. F br'iat. dot In j.ľii. mnm mihi aru ,m,\,o .s ,ue 1 b. Tm. i p"l and m. tí in .nOoitaí d: u,u' at ' o.m N \'l Olu m.lnii^s bi-ipnil insur-ji-iits dete.u Pia Mab. i la ■» ts pul sílen to h'-linn.i tmoi ní Síl n ■ n'H-i-'a in ;0 t 'etot'er im is kaii-ti 'n tlie 1 Ibyan Xedenii Arno las a tlie'íl ^ a- in i s.'.apl •>! ho" d'th ta m d; , . J tob. iď. o tup Üi - V-i ond G aid \\ cl l'T"i9—it, o.. •-!.,., ,,au. d do-\n on bond,,.. P\ du tie. ,u..iu i oio . alb u,m -u u •m. ' tun etidoas .lain,are o-i peo,aee a.mi prop, ai • , ,t e bijitroS.i n I aid r miaJ mi at-; t..e iirn is-m , t !■<-■ dim- p. h -a , p tihe OIK iiiiitimi ps ia ooie m 'b, ant itdor . \ii-i tdo i u„b t.'ii'n' ".as d'r-P.b . "'ranm,' '.a. "m-rr. o Phm. u. pre.U'- "."'.a. apľ.M iii.ď'toae.'Soin Hi o.strot til -> S;P!ňP eo r;' Í. .' en lpt1, mil . aus, d, onu b !o-s daunapo P:dtt bin,. Bm bee.imi o , ; v,-,. o .-e.' imio' moi.ii!.,,'.,,,', im.ipe- ibssrnmutoii ^lo'mlie. imili..;-,. viele iimo-r no- :.'h iio i.i'ad heť-, , n íiie ň-ijl-ě iah im! t hi t .a.dutoi .In," :a , a,--íiom '•>■'', imuue'ed o>',o m - in ,hs- ind \bpb.uampi( ''.aped h., m as. dial a di s.-an io etc 'INA, oat.m a m . ,L alp i tie- .stt.e bs, li .„ ^ ,,l r( . i aa oni ,a.'i in in. VISA Patriot Ad a! Oio' ..r dlhí Tni'' b pi-bdion ah mrvtt" libemin- i •* Aiuerk.'ľi, iP.'< m and s-,-1 amnorua. s "im; o , ....■*.. i ni. ..ti v d leva r'-; . an veil ,md dat m, i C i/elis ,o>i! r. i tl, p -t non-i n., t os d he dealt rent tm p> rtt m r s . i, ami o ...non:- >o d k bhta .u kí ''m! >a- und i's'.'iuiil'íi in P , m- d pmbj i/atioo ihirima 'i'.e Dlh/, ."mi v 1 ■ amoner lae u. b mu s- la- h ď o. t Poo die pemm and ľ'.". ke's tvnh i ti -tne uo i e in, nation -ms sendiny tb.-.m. ď o-eatia-t the it "• í.ram" tm mid. m is stände s. nm,, u.'i-e and i\erm> iie i e pen.n n;'."1 sot'en. -,. Pii alt ji t can v mm bao'eai.subi i e. Aru nľ.i. .a:: . ; ť vroi s-l. a'ul itť-iiuts .u "p oidimd'- -ta -.db k,^ a U r; oi a1 tvjn '■ m '.he op-1, b od.d 'Ja-- die. .'.n "As ah h minp ' p. m, .13 i'M'í ť.otatdr nn|iK. io- tio ietería ai- in urci-t to o'"t. a: t. .il or m - .ipned tbo a o,-, p, , ipk are s, au io -d and -■ 1 e en, d . ii.amtas .erv alhul ai; ."tťooaait a , eu í ixe nodt r 01 >h 1 ti m ,r,Tio akut to oaupn-r: 'dl vo u so, --um thiima s.a 272 'jLC3nL r\bD ill fEb--AtPcfuhmf PEhAOf^'Abb: b U-A Patriot Act: the acron>m aiatufs l»r '"Uniting and • • ogtht nine Aaiu'rica to ProAdmg Approprialo I • Required tn" i ft trtuiv J; and te> hold or deport ; -, US att/em Aroone pa^sinp thioupb ,ai airport secerna -. kpointeoines into direct contact sAth a remit of the Patriot Art. Atarrprot isions operate in a mm h steallhtorseai. in 201 1, Preside-nt -aek Obamj signed a four-sear extension ofthe A. t some thing" eras the slogan p< isied the UAA alb r 4b 1 1. What t- beared is the unexpected eata strophe, tiie set ret poi'-oit i -r expiosit e, tie lr ' Vi nph d Ten itories oi the ;-.< >t-ve t nation or Palestine and tin t del war. in Rwanda and Dartur. J Mark Danner jihad and mujahid (pluraP innjahklcenh from the Arable meaning to strim , to jihad t onnop s a raima of meanings from, an iim arc! sp-ritual so nggh- to .strain part, t t Aith to a poiitiea! or miiilers- rampaign iuithering at> M.mrii cause. A mujahid is one wilt .joins the jihad jihad exists in iwo forms; jihaj Ai iferetr. the greater jihad, an internal struggle \uth one's souk and dppir, the It sser jihad. a fighr rmng plr. s.ieai feme. in its most -extern «e mode, jiliad ;s an aibeoosumir.a neM-mendmg < osmie PaUh-11 good against bbitbpam^ Tt-rroi 'sn-. is a r.ev kind olAvar suited to alobebrration. It is diiheuit to combat n i rnrnl-. nations as sue h do ;n it hr.vt either the eoritepimP or phmha! eipiijvment it naeve againsf stateless iibm-sames whose weapons are as much peitt-: aa.ali. e -o thm a.rt <-\pl<-isj\^ Ju^_ j~ corporations Iron h arned horn !o eotsomae ami innebon ir.>m iluiim)'-states, so mtiiahidcen evploit rhc ploba! 'banking an,] iree iraPe so'.-ia. the lowm-hm oi national iemtoidai barriers, digital roe' ia. and the mterner. lerrurists name 'leallliilv Irnm miliou 'o nation. Or niob-s Wmid into luialities for seam semap mg then marehlnp o"tkars Attacks are not random. 1'0 r, nast- strike m yjRct of ei 'taihrt an.! sire s oi high sa-ml>oiie sepmhtsant; . Some tirpet- are "hard-or h as \t ai shtp.s, the l\'j4.;pon, or luilitjt'v ina.elqu.arter-. in lr.«] or Ughamstan, otheri"sijh."b|esigner; to frighten ordinan.-Atmem antl disrupt Terror as a kind of horrible advertisement Ai Qaeda contrented r.o state, beldeci no repnlar arms it vans a ;n Ap roiiDpirmoriai oi-qanbaban, dedicated to aedlevlno its amo thiotiuh g lernlla tactics, notably a !e«--nf5s to attack rhe mcsl a owe tin aat ce ie. tt e histoo. of the -'.'-;a-ld at ds pe"i; ct "j'-eatest vulneramaty. at tne lese1 af spectacle. 2005. 'Aalbmg Stec.s of the beame.- War '' 43 50 r-1"r-"C -."km r_e -„p- L.;f"; ■• .iľ-oJni'-s: !-.<:•; i-í *o,wk .n K j ■ ■ u,d [pli;. |in'>!ii n im-pornnu n it: M '-i1: I ■ "b 1 ••ni'mi ď att.n k ta .\eo i'«.'-WoridTt jih Cmu'ei i here,n no'a, • oils' i a "in ..s " 7\ ,n; is eoini.-k.m .- dwt tm meral ok- P 'n* r uh-nío-e- a. •_■ >ab th.e . amiol !>i a r' • '-• mím. t .s i e- a.ija- • .1 • 1 ..• ak e: 1! ''ii'á'.a ach m kboso . mp. niij rbr siraas' au Harb pr. isi!'i,,iisi3i sitae aii-s ._-vi n iľ !X("piU/t >m,i. ; iii. siľ m „r"' aim n< l v, h. h' nm at the sanm tma. ander: mitlief ll- taa Kniiiii-i mmmmaií am.! I> ■■ -wi.b Wesnri, dmmier., 1. s ..h ;.sk ''Pfofilijia'' 's . airpaiit '.vcn olam .1 m<- I '"'m t! e person pi-t aľ. Aral '-ii '„kina,; m-!i\all, a ring da fp,wk..n hi- si'.m .m !i, • >r -s ii, • . ai. a Tam a i„ a ak;' Sa ;iat 1 r • ť.. - u' •eOt o,lh iil si aľl!l p jsi. 1 iii di\tiílllf íbi poplit ei-.n. it - a'-'.ai 11:' am! pna, mam. - c ma. k r-a a '••,.-i,í ÍhíIJsT- ami hon,b- isec Daním bo\ . Hu rnitjabibe' n nam »i -m(k to -a sta, u igl.ti 1. desktbiiio Sau a í s . m p i >■]., nie lid. p - iatiia a ■'. -ia-ral h m ní a.aí v, at,,,,! "h. muackii- >. >. t on t see hin Laden box). Uli i.lta.i • in t i % tire • lili .••ma-., m.' p< 'i "re-kkr.t George W. rhu dnau.i r. as onrmo,'J m a * dobil m .n- on n ri'..;-' jho so.e.n as "a - b dri' ,ti upgle afains' \h-hnt .-mi t :iii-ni" , M-e Kt h mít t and Séiariker bo.x.d.Vb, n in :.!t)S Karou k Obauias sa. 11 < b, d busk, k v, idiiium troop- lio;n P;,o and „n,) . m. ad plm- 10 ,pnt \b>banhtan o v m 1' -1 lliit^iu.H)! t sna. -,, • m m i m ma! í o ti> sS . O "■ah,bal struppmoe,v e ť- imí íil-'b, 1 )lni-„. ■•■ km í ;he kikbiia oi biín i .va. 1, nul dram iťi alii i.ppe.i rh wr otde.po-. ■iba- did i liuai; b t f In , p-vkr 1,. ob .-1 tili ' k-k ikioo i.inrpdn Guanmeie'O'r P.a\. Ľuba, míľ steh In í'iivh in b'H'", ľat-va: .ui )sb,,,in -eh-w u pijji'i, il pnue-uis i im m basa.] í,l'.,i i.t lbi! .orr.f mi miiheop, ..j i m ti« innr b.-i,jti,, lb.o no , J Mu-lint - upi f-ij.,1- ,is t b "-t- v m. in d,e theo , ' uj(. Caliphate n. í Saiadin ŕatv. „s 1 m 1' ai. .aba ..itino t, a'j.j ii>< o I-.i •aepilliv splppáe t,a Oim lllll-. r'Oe, , oia i;ta ,da..b eeo v aii kmeňmi, aid alniK 'i o eur. Caliphate mih Saiadin; or r!,i nr. n nruiies itt. 1 dso ik ads ht tVyli 1 Malmon id in .-i1, tlľ- V.usbnn lajuibv evpaiah.ú p e,r »iomaiii lb s,- oroRoi it avn "-'dea >m a lnii of "\ jóph," i'to' -',v \mbn í-/ia'ií,!/,. "-um ► , < a-s'i. Cihpi - aio I» ih pukni-- onri iibp. u-'o'i • inr.'if, t'li Han at n l-liui-Ma t .i , At iN ■ ,a t iu tin uiiidi temli a nttir'a s, tin k aliph im nu hibiii u'.eit tod.a ..r-' • ail a s-mi'.i ,ne Xati Ute», S,ad, ba,',, ] ,aiai mna i - ( Pih štím , i oiq. -M-rthara a.m. a.a< ť. solan, intti lai -tiuaeie- ' ■■ tn tae di-thiii o1 -hi r", bptiak \ limb o-asi.0 t 01 1 *y . 'da .Worn-its dt m; nod bagbd .n in 12 s<< boaial ,(. a 1 e tl'nh ^es, hu {i ! i?-*>l) aa, the api att'i. ot Muslim ellhta.W hi OK H-' tek .-ei! "ha t iu-.ľhuw i.tpt.ain,; jer-oa-.tit.-in m i i i- 7 S.ikiď.a i uímJ h ei, ' m -1 , i - m sod i kle ame. o o,'a aja-,, , l( .] i ■rj.r.s,. a L í,, m iíi-í. I nnek •■ 'tlio-. h. iah' . r iega' i • <í; e--. B"Ti mJi,,ij r oa a 1 ...rmli• 1 i 1 tai ■' "p-i ,- 1". 11 m/ata e.,;. " u 'ae.oom: ei e • adv ar-o'-ut ai-onoi.n.. a k .d. .p. fi rahe •>!" nok! i 1 . ,.-i '• 1 uitui 1 aj'' n- 1 bis epu stn..'^-1;., - ao >;-.,.; t.. au m!r>, r.m. iab| .01 • -im m .e mme: r! • i'i -1 r i. P--n .'t rj-a ahm Hov e, er. dli. . o n mu ei,.- , Osama bin Laden\\'ü-:d lila,die kho'ií Fativa: Jiiiaci against Americans and - he i t d///es Praiae !.e ta e Mie vpr, .oveaka-'i;- Toru, ve rm - ihr »"o kr, ď-kat- 'amvaahsr lau-ays o a - koo :' Emtemabir forh'idaeri morí h-j are past 'hop aale aaci s ay the oagai.s erevei \- ono the, "t se r c tkr p-b apa - t iem a m ho ;, r for ;hem it f,/m . at atmj-' - ď1 n 3 1 . 2 In :t-u lata e ,v Mi - aap'; j.-br a e t fo !c "-vi far • a, to oh hh,. m. Tue rmma to '11 tne Amerte?1.« e, m *he • r o- •_ ivhaes ap.- o-'o;a-y - o ai m eeimsr e mi , ív;m'~o vho oao do 't et aea; eoooit"'. ;n eeiien u n 1,0 ;~i hk to d" P :a o o • - m ehe am ť" e a i-e p -d ľ .mtpe f aei, síl - a, j ,-010 .ne Po;, ,n j"-yte riv'eeeod from their m ip, fald in ü»'t"-' *oi theíi -a m-e: ťa o oaí or a I lue hewk af isian. ueíeaíea a-d 'a,,á.be to t ireme \ eaiy Ivlesbio. í. . 1 '&'■> - ratP í'nan c ictp - m.h am.m b'F.s e" '.vo" m-e-, o k 1 , o> o rc os 'o h- ' e j^ri to r o r ply with A lar scifiei toi-eitoi-p ,.o, lea.o-amo oluocier [Pol - imrny '.ven-.ei a.mmľ'vi.e'm, k*,ev e ,, u V/e 3ke <-?!i pr lynsb.ii ioeeoa, leaker-, rauihs aa,I mhliew to laueon e," r = p>; co ca-aiks 1 i.s 00m aod m-e der -. upoo'k m.aaio ai'khek are to disoiaee m/v-c ,,'Po u-e oehma the a Sa " >a\ thev nti !e-i'r r .e-soe ._ íkó- po'me o,:-, p. jevw oae' C' .asieo" 274 -orge W. Bush. (I'M6- ): iorrv-thrrd piesidcnt of the •, ami fhi-eldest sonof tht lotf. itr-i prm-af-nt (i mner ot thi km,.* „;cis h.isokail t; am. in I'501!, hash v is elsted jia-nun e' lo]-. soil the president. \ in 2h'd() ouh jilt r tht mt.-r.t niton o' ib. . ni .stall s Suprt alt (.". >ui t '.i "it b stopped tht i, < ountirt; tkhaii< its -o.ltla • it lit.--, ve> i rnor tms ji b Bn-k, IP ot pe \V s iaothai) tti :. bo katl \nt ;tt i into v,,u m ,t.,n and m 7UP3 tu Iraq a, t\as th tted t> a second term as President u; Zona. Baraek Dbam.i (l%1- j: Gat!,si a, u ,{.,. p.rmdmr.'dt Ihasloent ol tin'- chared St-sti - an-J in mettt d in SPl A A ai fk.tato of 1 termed Unni't-sio, (Jkama p-topia comlitutinmii km antic llm m itv nl i "hit an.. t m. xh-aol I;-. .„-, .' oon ,,,:■' sO-p Ha then screed from net-i his t i, cti. at t. > the - a-,a Penan r ib >nt liimois. Ti-mpuinc* main oi tht t-mh.:a-, .,i hd preeertss,.., . Go trgo W. Bosh. Ohania a.M.,a i.atj.ta ami'mp m t no, rots, -I t,, totiah omdl I ;-s to ops from '\fabanktari in 20:t. Ottoiu is tin- fust .unmsn--\roartmn UMmsid, i o •tru^L'tc i~ not consist.-Tit m tin -Itort ron.Thert arc peaks t>i' irrp Anita, in snh vdiaran d\h it a. f itri-'t •., ami bidon. An bht-rt- i, tin a mm oo.l in oopataoi o! :bo S'aics'iht.a:. b n m terns and m .m m." 0 listens yeah k .n b. o mot 1'ossihie m predict e.h.a will itappi il in either ilea -hoi 1 m io,,n ,o'm Tilt tone >>t jloiiaiizatioti .eapue tor soim kimt ol rta on- ib ,t;o"n .vh'de nkob.e'mal and rohpem.s h mor !,i\or otmnhip.onllk t, i he it it apomet Iran iha.i md hi dl'Ui urns eased on 1 -a t• lies; the jreap pttmto,n "i "v, .-e.pi .m ot aoatat'-'mt ttotk ami tht' oreseni,, ot aj O.ieda in iia>| on (^jed.i en bed lot - \ m rosp.i .;•.(.-tot-be it 'otsmn ; S« i why mas tht "ot aii' u at ot 'be ot kinj'i., wen"! pre sm t mm d In, the Bmh Kam t v,;dirop h .hmy\ 'slam -.. ,ni, ittnti rn noa. lo' io Saddam } f ussem oven tb.oopb thai Or. mnhencd btn-'I,, in.p.iam demo, t o '. iirl P'et markets .;• obt \md- h. aidi-.,i,P d- po, needs o:m.o; alt as-,.mm -m an.-p d... -a. o.rldk s. t :ni,[ 1-a-nos, oil r. -• " . s ato r SvaP: \,-J ia -; in 1 \ipiomn4.a,- I,-•i. .inPiin ..-.mi. d oer tht oh.l -dk i- ia*1 • mine, 'bnp bast amd boh' I, -a dto". Asm no. emfld -rca at.-d a, !.e''mab\amit i da B.-losh ,,,!-. mil artm, a-'-d tie U'soK .bhiedo' I h'.'v na.e i> i ma, ho p. --P-rn- mm shoe, m^ n im , b >ss,-' V- batmerdm r, .ot ia. al p) a-da . mi tin bdhban a. Ci atmi d> ■ ihtdcnam IVn l a Jen i. dead a-, are oil-,, v ji thaedr teadem !"i;r e h.pmee Ih it'sh ■ • o ; mtl!t"d":h t h . at i -airaa'ds no nteo lit' jdi'er- haa =• • s.- ,i,e il.-tmt e . h mpol. am'lot if. teams the US.1. ,n ! a aid- s posn ia. mi .Km, Pnai. la r markt t . .oeh'h-, no ami dt m,,em..a. "P. ibm p. ire! tile Tudba.i o a.ot ''kabi.j'u 1=1 an o>!-i pn. -n n as sal if, > Miiwai" idnn i-i,nn ,. a bmdam-.nhd -a, aann ol mi- hmipt. iri'imph. -editmj t pmbahiatm!, ::r i d- 'naoao a a, tie t o ilk- ill..a,.I ear dc-ph m". dm - ;a ii^mie, anti .'allures; Bide Schmitt ana 1 hont Shanker 4s much an ideological battle as a military mission T'm Bus! it, a imtrltif.., Is ramiaiiag i - S'oean rer the bale .-.arens. A' oar 13 rmci ot ••-> no sain, orj"ps, f|,sh'rn, the Ides that ids !oaa-tei'.a staatpile is as lami. an iciea,og:'aai hoi tie as a mh> s-v nvss.ra , h' r>ii\.a--ij S, ,/">,e -•- n^am' an ca' h'e- j,-,;-,t Ph'rts af ot.Pd, tola the bahanai ptnss Canh 7 . ! mat ia: has aia oed m ti'-e sc e: d ,• *.?: c ,sa: 00 ..e-" arien' beio.'r heeanse d ;y.. ,_a|. t a .'00- ";?n van thah'm people m -ia iao a; 0: .',<: las sc' io''n |Je- saia t a: til re a t m-P ad saoala be oenred as '."tdent ert'-e.msts -,ah the msoacioiea; I'v.i ' mo sr 'he nam mi I'sp ■,,yS^ P lani.ah .,!:-vv iie-a\ ih, eaaagaa afb oi'es, no", i-a sao; ho,:'-a °ifsits p-t.i. -it "ah -i imiam- 31 a., • re ao"a' mo.',ep a 1 sis', na e 'e-ur the ir'te snat't'oa1 earnaua rf ms' natiom-p 'mosi,' id m ioso aa o "m~"r n'e-.m -t.oi--- mene. a„ " en meal dim, it is military."' he concluded. P . J rA1 imv uner-ei s >- i'sa'apiina t' e pab'it ta t| e oiae-ai i 'a,i;-tc"n p.raaJ P: toe la 'tea States ,va. admv me adri'iusti'Stioe sr. pet i,,+0 ha'cader re soectaee the aany -nathcr. 'a h-ao a> s me 'murica,- < -i-aa;4-i="0 i'f.'e'S, "''m",.', IV one Tcr A'-oa, ~r iees'' -.e-'-cts 'Ahcer k.Z do i.sdr ■ P.; 1 275 Saddam Hussein (i*>í7—2006J: iV,nlt i tb dt, üb,Ab »iii> am! dittitni- dli aq í urn 1 O ,"') enťi '('U) '•> innen k 'Uim ,-rtbrc Mihi die Amtni eiminasion A hrnul rul. i, -sdUiiar- im poi .i: ,-as apaer-t harp Kut b, t toaiU-A j m-, . minu,, a.m ■. i_td a ''Innk war against liar., ť-ÍKíi VS. In IWtp Saddam" . aran, ln'.au» tint mrunntf "dua Tom j'"«'T Aiter T 1 1, a Aoartkc uí lbe ttitlir.k* tu. liili/.-d k- the t lad mm-led Iraq ami flat"ah .1 S.j, A'dtia. Hr fktb ttas r.apt urt-d, mit J inTn.j).. ark hump YV.inli.iiii.iii kkm u't.s'i- i atubmnntal;-: klu is i.mli . Km -aranmsts ,>o muh -ab - ha :;aaa tmk-- A sta ip;ki ts a t '.uť-nnat'." -, i an am u m. nn i b dt .m i in "at ,-ei. tne wu-k. -trtonm-t lebemmník ni • m la o, a,, n-lmmm- : sirup ,;],■ katr -tiiiim ks- bi in t h-- o .u k t. k na man bind. ba. is" im a brnuttt, iundaumntal'-is learn' !h« •. kna k mi de-dined -km tb'UiiiK id ulirnaii", >rn. a i all --'.lio ■ bi m t ,u at pi jt-oi-Ciirtst .n, timir s,.tinr kin aiumd oi k.a'.i -Ai tha tmettth í. piurv sj uirtli'.l a mdi. al rei t-mn n iď n * hr "reh"i"l i'Ciahti.-U nik ubumae a . >• d nľ < ílaim < 1. nl,. S. "n. Wabnbnian- rh«>se u la • -up;-, a t b m,mdi bebt ve iht \ are kor, u. i e.i hn Aihh n- ''■ uril- " k km ami p , , onv . >. ..mí - le eotmu:.r die inkkk -ŕaiau '.dumali t alr.shm. '• h her n li e ion s I iuťiuisin. Jiabiau, on idlu-m. .irmb-m-iiibiro! hl the íuntlam-'ti! ntsís m thouuuu t. ' dien mndaiieaitali at. and iialm.ä ih-iu ai a han bitími' " bod vhmm ľ miiíain luntl.ui;■ iittilk* b- m Is .u i enaa tt d, viol,-net mart-, -uhs.,e. s, ami erupn at ti'.- in h s ha. Si i I mki, ist.mi kdmdiiu. Northern ka-lautl, the V,;,pjk k,-í. mi-S.anerar. Ali u.i. Ibbtt . . the Ire is iou-p, Prn '. m -Humph s endemm, \i ip.mti.i au'lkkitilmbu i radit „k „m -: -n: dl onnnr.ti oľ the wtiilijd ľvía'.'iiii-.s, i-tii in t ma räum dr.iniatu and tnrditeiu.ip itt.ľ ks m kncuinp km -o tn tlie medii, 'diet wield pi )«-.-•!- am i iiibtít m t ku m e\t o! t!i. ,r nambers. lit On t. the * n ai . ., h 'da. s on-Ju — p,.-jvi t aSk-ipl join nahsni to intmmt ; Ijltiga an : >ofial media r re\. rhaďarj ri,.ebine siru; Pu-a l U auipliP. ,. lent, that are satiktb ntí-tativmtd n, order m tamon iba onendest attention Aueivs is n kde.-, i t_.. •, peouit - e.ipntion m íebkrb'ti Ix an i'tatk-n tl-a aat ikm an m, d, ptti an ik-i,. t >me a'Ať r.-\" kljk-.immbs ílu nudia it n ,u- -j,, a, , ^-J; kiamknai and blog: a 'S\ "h1oi>' or tkroan k p, ,ste nl -kai lettre-tj erhfi n. i ii ľ n st tui p re hliene-, - tiaa balu oi Paru, bursrtn i;, mi da World Ti ide kmit er (sec figure 8,4-), the v. noka • if a I (i-'díip dij'jpk-'Li km" bin, — no '-ea' en so man tints that Im-1 bmonm n m n Tak, i- -mi,, eiälb. trite o Am. nt u, and Bruí-h nudli mhk h be- 'it tier < a mors. , u tin u i .rid Man« la ni. but tberuaoia , idni an.tb. ď- de n - i- e.m> induidiia! eit-nis impart ' ad ■ -a, omp is-pop tst,r>d "n i, drama. Albínům a,i otei -anpilim.atii ai, this s,i. ,n didina ne -'ham ttidie dru jp;:e i-, hu k -tiui. tmu- a.npe na-1-. saksidt ku .n utadt i (iťtii.iics .n a pnu.erhu -ubť.xt -ap.'ble o! iuuliip1 axnlosu, e n o-merpeimt s.dd^ ,ti up'pie i- ir- a .1, bm i t is il-.-tomimie. nobtmat, and erj'turaí in t,.ei, 'Ju nulitám Uiiii.iiiii., pi .btn-.a. .itní t ulturai n ar .ba mi ,nh o aat anoth, E H h rattitai-, a. rn.r or !t .roll-t attaik i>e, uist ol tll .k ! she and totalita ./mredia - knunediedeh i mpat t - ptibb. anuitní ílu am1'! .nimtum lood ano kokíl p-dn,.. •dlliltltaneou-l '; "nig --ha k lea] keís and v. oi Id hade oni prk es atr partie ai n it sir, i-p' PrP I Im an I .n f ion - ,a •n, iiPerii. t, on i \. in nim Memo; - b: oks, plav-', mta lr--•-elipK'tis arid .--i .m t< enniib if not udtinn-.n. k. nun '.le-.-i-n.e 'Voj-;., jeuiaik ,'esa-aid and art aei m Jinn to th 'botatt - ,t then-i-'Je-u iibd: the .-mm! dman i miťu r ib a i oi ill1, ai t oloi'le ť i tbei" en, 'iiiie ' u nob t i ai interests. Bu iht -o. i u drauia uarum J b\ numa niav ra A bt the n ui -to, ■ S ii ne ai-ei e that at k as' -iti the Aiueriaai a tu I it-' allies -ide u, ideoíia-mal and eiibmai -iruaple I , a nm-k la i. 1 i t > p n "riiak ami mo-l .Oik tt. ..tis; Sollt u\ tile mil Pd'jht but elan ,p-o pohlieal and. mehum. tans triinot lie in -impiísh.d iMtbo---itt-.tssiui t.eon..nan and ealtrial poln n- nliitb means .n t He. .ne de;ď n meat i t im i ha a.rj . itke; ^uitil' alaveap. m- Tbe niť ba I- tin -tape .via - e n. im, m dnia-i aimruKi tut ftkilau ei'.al'm.tion d strl;^|._ ,iľl- ob, .-d .atr. p t- u -i-iipk tkát tem. .ras. .nať, ami n -.not,-es In iibnur 2?6 .obre, ,\a:-> in:-- " (jkA_ -\ War on America 'S:1.-?, ■HB m "hp wpri , "oi \]i'.iin I ri . ■ . that broiipdit down Miv W r'«t P 1 it-.,- a - • . b i o V, *k on 1 I Secitember •-■*'!( -a, ti ■ bjbo'i,;]'. . I oiis ami the most -topi mi ,n, a .In ,-nl m. > )tb. I . nts were of course \.nn ai , - ^,,-1 . :,ai ii, l.n.'l >s awesome as spectacle tin na ,ho . vi .1 •» •' r>et t, i ■ a- iiibt i'1 o\ o '••(thine compared, to ihn ikw-,p- t_, I, utL, I he, , ore lao videotapes Or ii.n in, M-n b d: i I >'■.,!. a da m ,ji was part of the plan o; ati.i, I i . \,j ,. n loo pirn- - n. I throe targets, why il no-r man- di ittk d,., H! i I* on an " o 'estruction oi New j dot! b ; il ir,,.b i i-,'. i'o.-'b.bli.b.nje fjiho "et a i ■ ii-., I . tn i ■ - tmt! a. i i ad -no, maris Metropolis. I -.tint ii" \i i a i 1- -onplt lb. < iiv,"quiritesscn.tiaihv ki , , a n v I J i'.n phiib ■ o-i Ami whs did the .first it'n i. occin ■*» in i .-v-, j-.t, , . aoh :he second at 9:03? a' ihe pb'Ucs . ab -..on,. i ,| •• ta th r»».«. i . three hours later, a ana iia.t, o mit v, old ha-1 o_. J !l 'he two planes hit •onink i. t 'lib' i n h s. .. ' ■ a it, o,. I ii in a- taai t-se '4 I us!! il'O,! mm ifte"'.;; ' 1 iSi ft' Rywltl*>at*s ... ., r,8.s».ii.8«ilrt p«»supjUKratneCotnuxnt.Pawsi la&ia "ib: "n,! a) ;,(• do die'i.i'ii D< I m dn ilian-is - im ■ iKu tt1 '1- 's •>)!.-" • 'iiiil.i • n, ooniuni -to ct i« uh" Ik l t, tr ,o 'ii _ ' , i - >u A I .on ' H 1 o t i 111 'Ml' ir.ii o i,il pi "in s.i m I oi, t -p. n Ik i s P <_ ni. i -ml t in n th. n i in. i as ,ti tin *'\, p1'.., h p..rut s I'lt'i-^ if, inrli ti'iniiii^t i; lbs alii, s v,,,s io-\n n no \\ lb th> ,n j inpiio ,- c.cb n -a 'niif .eu* i iibila. m fir o The m 01*1,11- -a a m 1 'o ki'l . tiiii" i'll"'' a' |i i' a'» Ii to 1. i 1 i- laap. 1 -pc tat -I si i|i J '.,:'. 11.I ,0 "k \k t 00 i.iik, .0 p.- kbit Ik too ' . 11 , I. L, it ■ ta *k < p . nt -r .ot on'- ,4 ;h, ■d what tana oi 11 ,1 , "o 11 a maci e ^-1- a „ attacks but or the imaginary that, imapanary is that? Almost as tlacY were occurring, the ?k i I attacks were marketed as popular entcrtaimaiont. In Yueqing, China, a new lv industrialized citv southwest of Shanghai, videos t , 1 t 1 n 1 -' tol il n 1 la 1 H 1 11 11 • .ip s 1 , iK. -hoe lop 01, ar.i h'lpi hi eh 1- '-.cp'ceibe, lie D\ I I I t" J- t, ], 11 s j,| , I 11 e i, k J 1 U)d W -II dopl, \ d o, t ' , Hi >ik' of', i m s-'opiij Ip, 11 j,t,i - 'hi sti 1 . .p 10 - li " .,Itip t m 1 p 1 - .1 h t ,1 ,^ \ , ph is i pr ,t 1 )t, . ! >\ T) n is titled ' 1 hi Crt a a '- ■ il p! il',' ' no ii, th, n .m,m ha, I th a i 1 Po 1 1 .111 I .11 iiioitis,'! re op, ,r,ht ' I lie inn k oi 'hi I .o\ 10J01 mi d\vt , 1 s m1 1 ' pi, 1 n 1 11 1 p- i i' pi • 111.11 11 pel imp and that ibt m.,tt 1 a' >, j-. u ilKknt Jirto "no ianpna a- o it i,"i)h,,ii ' p 1 a" ' - 11 tk e 1" 1 ai ipis 'o it ' p> i'i1 1 '!'. is t '1 1 , aiipi'it , a 01 ■ . is ' how'Mli bl.n-'n]! fig 8 4 b heituPriq th he a attiahinei ot lie ■ a i- p, „ ,,t eciioi jit toi, j ti, .„ i 1 -1 11 b o 1 ti 1 o s s 1 1 >, , , - p. hi 1 b , i, ^ u n , i e ,t a ni . it, • > - 1 1 ,ho"i tn 1 !■ d ll pi h i s ipp n i eci bv tirones or a territorv potential tarnets rot reprisal, i 1 f . ,11 10 1- 11 n't . i ,{ In 1 1 bi ) o t r It I p , . is 1 I , i 1 1 n pi i,i oil 1 a1 b t i l Pi ' ' 'h 1 l ' 111 M . S ok- -bo il and - e I tin pt I V. nbi hi a1 ii-i> '!"> pku,-s , tu..','1 .'lau, [u, 1 i - niir„i'ii,ib , tri. in b .1 „mein bt'i * t'ilY.r.i.' i aa : pH s " \i'.n I . • : \ in • 1 1' \ B( . " a in. ip, i U'ltlt \ it at k"; p'\ a, ' h,Kr .k \ . b-> 11 " \ dtm-pie.i l't pan thi 1, d po o lb, "'b -ib o 1 1 -1 bomo't o iiu\ -uli-o' ,' n, nil h,i ot ItJ'] el \"'* i, r, m'- a:--. 1,1 j^h j -ib.. k at pt, 11 1 . 1 kk j ' -of 11 Aii f .1 \I0111 ns h " . 1 • t d- in - si, 1 1 s .] ., p ,1, s -n. a ,0, 10! I nmht s 277 " ;-f. ■ rith'« i.m p-- '"'<'' -v ''Ht ii'lin ; >• i'y 11.11 .Vitt t1- r tili»ut ii1 Ii-. •'' (' 'li.'iiy i! ii'it ,im'\ 'h. v.,,\ üi.nri «Ii htitth" '-\ ,' 'h.-t tilll"" i7',1'ni tht l'i T, ■ i fllllh !■ M.iIV 1 h,iti n ,i'i '1 nie 3ifa,'k, -"yn.-. ai.e.iiK. i\ ii rk ->••]! :i'o1''.,i i, "*t ' ii. ■,' m .'.i.'ihiiir siin,'th n; " C'ric'Ti'- ".i ■' i'v, i- -\ h -' a. ;'i nhhiiy »topiiin y , pn- ,t Inning, an ; m ar. hing - "'\r-.h i<«.kn^ ' • 'suiv .-n«):i"U' - 'in.ibxYU ., fr. ^ iti nitA, t traiau"- in n . P= -,. • di--.sU, » in iht ,.' ;d oh v.iyipiii hu, miv:-'''\ i*!i p~u ini'M. * *)"ci-i[i,i i'i.jinl.'lirii jjra. hk-pind- i. i. tt- p .n i , ii» ,iiiih"ri7i ■ I ii ah- r». a- '-iiiii • u t romsl (»•.Lr.Un"is 1 h-, i- -ui' i-, th i! ihäh'-lnr.! a "i-ra.) .aiirii ii. -<-t a-.'i)' i'i th, na. ro-t i''"h':n'> l.ii ■! viiirra ' V! dar ni.n • iiw irhn iti aitn- - j !n i'L th a -,~i< h.d .•> • hirri nn. , a . 1 i-.Ii' .1 i n, iii/ai • .!"•- - • i>' :n- , ir -r, ■ ,n it r. a -u- In '. ä -il'. v 'nnlia.i' ,m i flu ihr. h iit'kn. ■ ar. I b"th % h'sirui iviii - • ii ,\ n at .1 rs -11 r-ii i!n j •, 11.. -i i ja. n '■.'th. n:;'h t, i' • t)-in lias 1'C .a i pi ' i, r. i t, ii i>n>r. ihn ., i,!it,ir\ ihn '-' ' i alt h l - o'i \h \, Yurk cd 'iYi»hir<;;tost 'ti'n 'iiiiiiitn in ,n-, ,i! tutn ina-o. tue. t!,. t.i'ii'iiin ;.. Karlheinz M.u khamsin 0928-2007). ti, m..ia _.r«,-'•.•e rh.-. r k'i'ittit ti.i 1»- i rial .niii. 'uttuT,.". 'mir,,-an .].-. f.-im'L- Mw kha '-'i fnit".. ii m tn pt' tum, '.-.'optaih- > a vai,(.. il v ' - --."n - iu'' hai i " ark- >n op». !• • ■ * e\,t 1 mgr "1 am ti !]]«. Ki Iti <. t > Mtatinstci kirn ng in- 7i n,n '" rk- ika ,1 (t '»ri a -t Md "ph "nc ( l'nr . infi+t, /aJ;j '.iu7:. ~t-,i. tl 1- -.nin-paat fiptta. 11, k 1 k-»77 Attttki. ainli,-o:ii 70h2 tu iusili :,th, a ' ii.k ni}->s 1 i".i thi hrnu\ eif thi-1i.1v etitrted 1 k,i „■ «"'-nnnd'!. h:.i"ilnf' an , ,11 -n liilhlkllíVK wi.i.s- .1 ' i tlt -tinatioii n a ,H-tä\,b>. the U> t es! • i 11) í in Ma V In', Hanert r motaj,! i'"V ji ,i i'etni-*!, .tom tuhe, t tea. of!,, ,,,, •, i'a n, j.;, .e i ,< , .j.j, s v i„ • 11 ;os, d ío h í tl„ u mkbe M-eil t. a pmvo m p>-nbb,'o a U*", filter j,hau d -j' •!. h. >• e ■ j)lt - < ta all >th„ i" OH t ta. L Ľa J'ti k 1 It lit sa'ut Jliin-s 'i will never knot'.- with eertaiiitv. !n ' Ktoi-ei 2> K) I e - nie 'ort -or tin n -u .m p'tl i hi to a., tej' 'On death- and .hr...'je, t . -ho i \, o -n i "itMiht " ao-.i to n.akt pohln'Mt,' !'n ad, tittioia. *n Bush andl.i, ido-oi- ui.t-'-t ľr.i.oa.ii ,,i h an sa:,™ .t 1 h. khoai,kliom k.od lümotaho. -.,-, u rant nt and ti t j ' hr la t, n-.t mi m t',, t k i n, a pi''pari d for , y aponst it t> m h,, h t na m 2"P> for the ,. ^ od time m htite nan dial- a dtt.ah i I hi kdthm v m-i tntai In oi k.ďiil hu imn.on ctít, etit hetl m .,00*, ma di .trieť-, kor .t ars, hm i adet; etuded taa'bia klu n m M n 2 < 11 ! , hm Lt.'ei oi, kďed m Akkoioihad, m-'-tlr-em Pd -Am. V, einhe t , dt V, hne H'na-,t, I'm ! )\ A n as \ i rj'n d, Im I eiď, washed and du, iu (urdmp to Mu-lini ritual and theii v,ni-:sel iht aircratt earrter kari Vinson and slid ott a piank into the \i ii V.i aid hmt a- it ith no -tone ť. mat k t, hi u all wit lim " h íioam- of ikatk as lepiiatol In shirt. R, -.m • tuip 1-1 n i a-.dt . v itin ad i .n r. c on land, that i t oukl l>e no d.rnm. a-i,.i|p, i mo. . Irotk iikiďnit. i n 'eh ímhird lomaim--.mi nt Otľľ ad,!- ,i m tht te o! , hlno.n losm p, n. v 'h. - > ,a! dl ain iidi'o«; . Ah/tť mal f, „ , i-, otupí'O it! m n-, in.i.aodi .thtrnn ď -s-,upeid« u-i de oknaip •n dl -mm- in. ah ..pptamil o oiľi, - -mm . a ťukaj ip ot 1 ->u r n. kap- prom.amini '*\\ t' » o, kmp-n ath pi.e-,-,, - k,, ii ij ' d , ji-.iri ami h:l vteibí d -tk \m-\ m,p, -miit ľ'ii '■• to -n, tle i .tej -e ,nd ot -a i 1 tp.i m .ml t. laoľr.ihiiioi b o v i í'..,i i nit n r,-k o lvi.k, ,ii-i-t,ne " í h. n '-m >. r i (b d , i - e at that t!>o \i ,n ■in nap. p.iint i i ta mohl ti ..t it-e- , .hotti heute o ai. a'-., u*, tmjiltol í>\ "o nm h iY\e- , it- etil1 ui e, a dar .•■d t u .-ian... r.-ľ ns .na ' o in« h t oni'pf, ta > a'bip ľ.odt.iK i, n im lonetmn. dit nia-d t ,p. But rke r ,]i > thm. r>kr, t d ' .thv m t "r r n no loonit.lo. h" tni a tt.Jl- oi-mi e h, t stí k ot t tnpl r.sis ii-iiti aie.ieo -n uppit to nrao spnnp r do, in and revolution, P"!i on í im" ^u-h i odo, '-o tlie mar] ho ,tu. (,| ku 'i a r ion t mt pu h ■ innum nk i 'or h, t.otinptke tlie-, d 'l.voji n> - -nth a-wp"« ďkmd "m'<".,,id mrnm ■uik r 'tra-p. os" ind "]ih,-'i " im nv a S s i p 11 i v ď ,m.-ieal .en i ip, ,nmt 'id,tp>, m , inki. t ľvi ďadd .ti- tím i r., mobil •• j upni n -uppi.ti nu Mam Stať. 1 lan i. on du i. jľ hlo',., m • e'scvk r, na tie -.oild ],\ n,i aim .;, Ydľo>i-av T ro f i trio v What some Iraqis think of America k'he,idi Ott-eoa " omasi /,?<; aí o jlv i mi St it • '-- m o.a -"-ďv, limse A AiďAmeím ,',-i at o: tliaajhr at em '•Mt k a's m o"ľ.-e-. *u ,n tni dfcm-ici aci m ii an 'Anen. .k 'mantle! ' iAf, A o »em m'-m oil. tee h akn; Ae-An't hete'm ľ A'neiaai kmci ai > hecanse the dune '»:a s-hen cvatad A.f aij ť'.i k1 na At ai-i.oei-e'diľ '.di a oas t nit to a Schoo, An 'a dazce-a c-ev \i en hand *c t ant" t hr void-, fr jss tl e At in vvliki. A "! o° stai-ed .mr k, omisi ig ai ti-An eocan nsU'gent? .naiudmn hit a,-ai >d,e oca.hj he a i 'ed ade - fhe i ia.\e, Imoa-nDk-olí -, mdk- md oimne a otec Ann otir sam.titie- Tnev ,\,|! can üoai d- b„ok - m the o-ea mto the! - ,,ames m n't n a, „j d,l ' ľ J _kate d i spe'-'t nice n, a- v icm ■. hatt'ea 'vit'1 ^netdt I'doji' -i daan 1 " eim rn" d-= a}et ea.lem a* o.-dK a,y° s"! n° ' j tcac v,-ni on . alhi itj i i nt.m; rp,, 'ns ,..ti.'o's'tv, ive Y hava id me umhin, Aa'O'1 rx A'a n i a ,i'»j ,s th tne .idme1 ^v-'st. j Ainem;;, nat jiist hia ntio m K an k .' as tl e ene m, of - a lAnd 'koak a-rae t -m ;oa-tr <-s that am ;map'-d - Pak^t ne Ahihi astir oap. Ada t'-em" b- ■•• - na.a-e'1 'lr. bat. set -1 th,. ,oa id \ei>5 ama ...-mmi-ed aao a tatms, ie;.art|.nť, 'a.1 vVe tau-'n t t >o a ilmn ii J-iK5ta'-, th" "hi i t an hesnah '" o ho a Anť m Ana' T'Van, ■' e Ľnddhi-t ic.O'H ,f,as icj'ec1. ľ I u* the', ď'-'p i'.stl.., in *h=^e peame la en -'eea fa • ■ - m1 th ; anyei-s -ii e-n ch ».im.-, ih° -"tne vc'-'u te lm^a--e ,.• ' o ia.)e can itr -rh°i--', dm ueap e ea , e f-tm maio i atio is ana n.a.'f asampon b t krm ha m » o oni a, si ,,,-i pAif m o aoď Att tiet faith A' A hh ca,ii l'Ap Iř3-t4 ^79 "hi Am. i u an meďa, rm ilrsirii. lidu • Vtoiibdieb.. -.nbere b imi \ .n; ľ. ip> - . .t nm :i ...ut.r o .ipji'a !, -'-ai. k C i ntc1 i>;> t plť v t í i r i.-, e.,n '■ J-i >') n ."■ ■ >p. d-. ď.n< d,- m ii'fii ,1 :■■ pH'! nm h b.- ".U. m >• .;s M i.n, . -, d! *is> .1,1 -luuji ..i - .i'n.'ií iV'j' um ooT.ivl(irbi"i\!i 1 m m-',m \, , . n m.' r-.. '1 •ť .v V. ..' '! • Ji;, J h «*r,i t , m, \b v 'i — .m mvid m .m -h- P , ,T * ,..d-p i r ,n , Ji 1 a! -, m i k it m .m ■!, i . j,p ľi. i Jiľ> !' 'llv i I i mii m T i )•] i •! .'■!.)"' im í i, . íle id i" l! 1 - 1 , . " ) U n'. ,.í1. raio , ,j K . atm-bK ,m ..! n-'\ ,'i r'"li,i1 a u' loiimij, \mm, , . do )n;a !- ■ r - ' »< •! !» m..',', ! h. j amt > m •: V. u « í,r ' lin\ t,u-ho '.mil j'ni'di Ihi'm mladi t .md ■ abmm b ,.| 1 1 n immm-ihm1 mm T; r p, 'H d i m m o,pU< .m v .o, > a ,i 1 íl a'm o .. ■ ' i.ii. m >!'\, bl< '- e ' p, i - t i ' i- i mm a, r ■ 1 hu1 a • u i h. ., •"! , yi ah, •> 1 • m,' i mm , im r.'.a ,r, m eľ m' m m ii. pv-.,jam a, kkiU.) a.,' i,,n,ii m--,* \>i m , !„i i Vnu:; m,\ •■ hm-u ..,d tj-t •. r.i'i -'mm u'n , -hutth ki'ľ i k, „arnji,! a o,m- an I m J,t •. tité o a,,„_m. i j> «r . -f i h- -um nk" e. , p,, tu ad bmmp " s !iíiv !,a_;'-:. ahn • t a- d tu milmi i d-, ' \\u- 't. " .m-m t, , am, n. ,i,a t' ,-., 'Sm\ tm..-,i toinim Ií m,,- f.iV) , ui k I - t i ,i ua !.t n.ii! ku ir m-, rmin >«-ie'Jr -er i: íl..-- ;'ľii m > « ji .-l\z A i;-., tma.- h. i „.P-"\,m\ n-., b<>\ , T, t • olap o* m.} ' i kop, kt,. iimmbo i t i.m m n\\ t--.iv..-, s J i !,. i .k-t--t.ii' d 1 ml -. t.-- !n itk otuittb m ,t m-m. i.i- >i r ••' a. í;.-uiu''4 ŕ. ' a, , n, ,'■ m • arm, ha,- 1 bbm, tl. ,i p. - t i .tbitii i - lľ, i ' l )■ i, Mit n. i I Fuiin k'ľ i t a i-ti i 'pho í ihm . b. i m. t , Mi. j, para. tu t t. ml- 'm t m o "-itunla '.".a ku „-a ílu bit lat bb ph m i.ľrl t b. i am ,iľ -1 >' M ink, itm. ,!,.• ni . i l,r. ,-n -k. rin1 ,» . ■ - -i m, m'l ma. n 1 . m i mi.-.! n.m\ na-mi-i' .i u iľ' . t" > m >il . m , i r m.,i,.m'k • . oi po--- d, ,P ,j /am m b,, \ bbt , tit - i' n a i* i m b hj M>>li,,rt-t-u, and at «n i'.t. ■ >' J bat pm, t\ iíb a m , yať.!! -ta m sbmť tmi In íb m |ľ .i •, itím-.t rm< ...mi ',.\, 1 m- ťl a t a la ani. a m. aii-mii., tnia, ambi,,, -mi rr a. m. -m n ,t m., ep a i" "ťijt ot'bkok nti-d- rr 1 [ rr, ai- m -, n, rpitm ata si -n. k. , - A ip. aita ama ■*. 1 i a, !],, sta , .r !-.iu;m \ ii'tn \iin'i 't ., ,ii'.] Vrrn t. í b-, mím m op!< -t-m m.m>-,aa s . t ť. mh bian fim.I ">, t iimb-mi ar. i*, a _ i» -1 .,• uhI a"a ■! 'iľtt'l m(í 'am .mm, ,it t.a t m a i- ink a laataai m'. >-t '--a u, ,,n.iit ' m ,m- b .i -v- ; b. aaul'u i ...m t., b \b.mji mtb m. j-'aph lad. pr-t.n .av,, . , a i ;., , ,1, . mb a Vb „ i t m m. ,.ib "d. m •i-m ' aa . -la lb alt, i roj,, , i, form.,] i. dkim.l' ■ Supa i »r r laib-'-mt'i i_-t. a,.!, nija, i jad-i o t dub ma,!-.;, itaft i iatíuim t..kt tlii inn id I i at: n ■ I m.ui ■•- „an ,mm lni d ď um,tm ., , ,• fa..,'- t tat i at. lir o but nut a- -i.i pin -n a! \ a It i,n i see i el a s tdcl -,, t int, m. 1 mum! n ms,' m .; tin J ni-i. an > u u tin pi>;m ho\ Tit, pmam-. , i-i-.i, ij'-nl . iut ! tt,, h'.qtfisíti.íii in. <■<•-, ar.d ta»-m.j -ü-ua, -d-, .a.ip' n a>mib,bl, m "bullt i-lfe-m, ľ . 'iil't oko!. In p1' • w- í -nnj.b i sa m a-p .a ki_i -, si'i,i''mii i«. tai- nt'W. n' i-m-I mi \* t i,i at t u ,. d b, "m-ii mm m- í .m tmi " i'ď itus ut pruun. m m,. . ipufl- -]'TmH>.,,i , ,;|tiir,d n. t •t'daun-'at nmnp bimiib^tťii imľ <1 bi. amb ip \u sa ai - ď li. a - tlmiit m tin \\ t Ír im/'-kt-' "* i-' ' ami - imikat d.-ip inr. bit,ad, i-i Jubaip im tď-i d.piubios p.nb'ti ■ p-'tiuii r a ,um- k..t\ •. la. ma t idtiu .a mda i thanpt -p ,i]iíi. tin m-ittjdt-f'tr; n \nmni an d ns-mit' m b nj ;sce iiijtire S 5 bim. o .iildim- .m.ub .1 m, <-'kaai_m,i di 1 rmnt ma i In ph i. s ppn m dVilťam' ■ < •>, b u, d.., sampb, 'd t ,t"di,aľridi rt; d ,b. pla ■■ I 'n'ilľientu: -n.tip.die_ m m » ul "!n a rm, ľ et a t"; mdmem •> m i n aei >p -nm aí'ua • >í ^niei t. an- na k na! , m a- m i e.n d , >nppi„pt - a; .. i. , * i m - mat m • immii ti im a > m'Pt nli. d n, tuhu ei- ík.- Vm (ihi i ,t. m a ai a m. I he pnnťip nme -ibh ŕ , lb,-a ,ia' k- I íifdl v, I at ! i'Ati I / Fan'-n i.ip'u iam' am.i-d tis m .mum tni pi i , na- > hn tni-.e .ein! an i pi-- tmu -t nali let n»t, ma! ihm' 'ísi-i phu'us P a -p-, mu j t,m, t-he Vm an"' > s- m" m ď, p tout lanou bo\ .nid Sjjjüjii bo-s. i ba-, areu" ni.d m. , oľiati. tt d-.sim hľ p, am! ahn. a-ut-t i ^ m .nmnep a n a :• ai n t eh n ■ ' -tan- 't aap ib suiliai-" T ae na -dia anipiiP. d mam, ut il.t . . , tf, m Ua-in ani ma ta . -• nm" m-, a, -t d 'n , u'me di-n ani. ri , i, din 'iv-b ť)'h • i o in btmei-., • ui ei. tiir subíd, n k)-t , t. > ,i.,nn m ' - o pia Ph'i .ni bv jtmi dmat-na Idet p'J ilnrp -ai i" u -at im r í- 230 Lelyveid Like actors inhabiting their roles Whim me ni bo tei is tr.pci bed eoo1 ye a- I foe amy,-, oootca nm, a1; e to ,r ,osi . i Vr Minee tad' o+ m o->s emic. • i eso tde besi \~n ditioi tos iictc 01 I-1-" an'oroibY "o a:mi's haiv name' to ire ■ e^. P°.: j.i Piny aoei stm otoes. t ty ^} some o,"!! e :a<.e bra a art be" bbe+bo-.: in a ici ope ot a To A-., v Poiep i for iei oh'i * "if ■■-•-.-).,no- - m" m^ 'sro mei aoeney, ih i, Pep oriofiy amed n ,t ni> pa i ••' o, oe>'t • node- t'le rm;'r dm- ■.' iic-.-o ,,vis s-oooir ortesmm, ft. 01 be eooa to lost lay IP - ate't A' mesty mteroat'omb -a a * or *.''<= tab.e, -a s.-'b, rk- • on rip i a -amor* •, pamo1 toao :a t!m - oto; dot a.-"U. ' Hast >ao ream tlaT " ia soio as if speeyieg +o a oetol, m-. ' b. i-!b taoo a" _Vm_p ■ m c m m D- .miafe no 282 jttjllisřtion! a >i »Iii i num.,i rÍR K .in h Mitt t. 'n ( hen I, .m-pOtf. : , i !iľ 11 i.i l ■ nl'h ' i n 11 n i ť, o iB'ni.MT.ľ'i, blel .ir.i, ,-iľi iii'ui.iít l-ttji. •.■ii-i'» im ta «b amp 'll""iii n.u i. i ', i .(..'an. . illtnrp m ika'li Sniui Ol." is lip.' '.!, a ill Sj^si^ií i-umtmn, net ' ml d uriín >*í í-t, ".a- '.'< '.link .it i ■ iiiv .[muk ptnontim h alp.) Manmäi.i aiiiamn t.iiim pri.imi saspjpatili in n ;;a in P'í' hr- .m" m "i. ". !b 1- uk m m. i, ■ í iamb. l'\ i.i a. tje,,H ,., b.. I, pe i n! bit m ab ntmní pi. mu ," ol tb Lir Iu b. 1b a/it.'. . p i b-íbi na! m 1 I i im . ai i e' aut i p I K atif pt , d ť , ti lť", U.aki t. ■ mu. i r-„ „n, m 1 la..-.., m, , i ,,,1 ,.,,,] , rS . i,., ■ til"." it f i at ;, pi, i-, I'm i, , , ■ m mm!, lib, a- n ■>. ,u ' .a bj, ;'AT! ll). b', VJ1)S kade Ať n t S, "mi, Mal.. '1 v nimbe ,,i -am. atm.i ( 'Xi in C „mp.n a t > \ ial- - p, " , i t\ tri m„ t ul bMs' P, n >n i« .p. m, t >\1 '- b'vr.l ní bu .ťa s see íra u b hux > ií'b -i„t f,,,, , , p. L n n ,p-b m,,b P taitb. pp, nim u.ľ. i'iil. ľ .abiiiiii, in- i ani ,, -tn'inl -1 lb-bat. p .u h ,t ii i ti 'i ir.'o ,■" m. iba,t t m , in i'ii.. - b * *, 1 i ľ j!„li|! n > el if, m .ni'1 ,ľi,r„itii n, ti i -p Inen ■! ■ y ii i „ mal ma a P , , ho,|. p. i m '1 -i p 'M'' í, ■ tb. n" Iim liubii i ipjii. Írom ..biii.llľ p.m-> 'm-mm », re "ham'-sp ď is.i s • pi r-in , m n 'n . iprpina b.l. tmn a.t", r, -bt , ', , pato-ia .a - sa i liaiit.' ; tiet j ! Iv tj. m t m ti.i'b is.-u-tt e in x 11 -i,-,' i ibat^tn - t'p-'a -am ku,I. man i ,1 ssna m < - ,mb 'hm-moľ <"b a •, „te ,n mu i,i. i.i , litipi ľ r tu uiatiii,1- F ,r rh. moa pe.t.thv ab.miit- m il i-p''I, ä ...i , i abp yoe- to tla tasp, .1 mest etilen i|b me,,nin,i — n' n, al,,|,\.! t nil u,i'!,i|p b-t ip.iii'li' , -- v i I i- , ti i P( Po m,, p ''i imtmps a , , , im ' II, -' i", mni,' ,mi manta, m,t mtii.m bm ^imtb t,,-t. i'bp a, inb-a. Japan, ľ> a/b, inb oontb kb 'a j -v- |,\ inut-. ; n. a f,i i aa, ii. ' m 'v i, ami sa mltmmn b kil.-'.i«. .m, • _',i,,^ e]-.' ,! i,r ma" a u>e 'p. - m t, ■ ai-iuýt bb ti'it't', bast ,"ť,i' vi, u,1.,'!,, '"vmi i-prp'ii iti t aiis'nP e,a,,, u,, u ,.p, n.i loupl ťe P- uvi ■ ľ in tin e -pi' ''--I - . "pmenu , 1 .m tat h a i 'Inak o' ta-t VPt-M., 'som'l si> pp ,j uv, -ph., ,i:,|ibi b 'siaipiln n bai.a-i j,, a -paip pilu, ii iii.p' -ľ' lumn- , i i n-, m u ip Ii n' mp n s' m- 'b n- ii aa I». ,i ";p,t,"üil ' ii'ťjit u.'li ni i r 'ii.;P b" a i pi,) .-J ,-, , , , , t ,,v, n ,t ti i tat b . .s ipetnb . ib b pin.a n, .p nt'eb bn tlie i slsien. s .■timet ,, m P.a n in e Ipai-' !-,, .|.;,ľ, - u, ;!e p V,,j b n * , ,-,',., -p--1' >' b t\ in i p s a p n ,m a , a, a b. nt m.rn ľa' m.i.-s.o-i 1 ,,ril ''n a p-.-' , -nth is třmi k m aolia*" ■ n I i.'.ľľ ', ul, I" i 'J. P ptilil lilä . 1 1 1 bt pOo-'l b ľ. iba*- p -aibi .* p i,p,tiľil i' •'! jí,ipali/tma piornm b' en, la; ,p"ti t i - tlesiapareb aiotmt.t1 tn a mm,"''ei"" '■ ai'ist- mm, Pel tb. title -p bi\ 'vpp,.t mi1 t ea-,,a s " i m-„ ,its a a no-mr m im mb- -pp ,1 eb „•■ - l.i II; iletelnpme norki, a liij • linnet nil..,-!,,, , a. • e" tli, mm a- .lemirk tn-. h <■ i'm m-i k >\\ n >n.l -i bm. •. '.i m mmb a«m a.m' ,i sťe-s a. tninef itj , j.,)i.x e. me iip iii.!j_.^i|, u-1 iiHiti.ii (i, astu es.modellier .e Pen ',1 m 'n -Sf '' -b- eami, a m. b nmst nlP > m iij-Wistn. t/.*,iiľ' " s a ,, , m 1 ,1 'v - ir b,' ubiaus ii.:tb b p hop, or extinction. Biť it t aoi -mh, ,,r f ani,.- I,. 'h'' iit- 'int ip mielto ju, i-u'i b i.m, jonnib.roi jm, > m, -m-ae. 1 b .nnbat iom p i'l"„\st, po->.m ' iia ao bi , ,m b ť i la . em mm irtant n.iť ,nal ,in,'m i n ■' u , imonjl ,,]ti i la pm._tn.e oí , ->a\'!,n n i i- - a itilaii-p t P- 'm m .mm!- . bn ' o -a; in. i.l ti - I i n,., * i.-J- a b -1 t ms rb. .n n .1 , .b oi" b i trení, -iiv n i et Vimi, it}|. .b i - , i 1 t e-1,'s-.,.np'iai. ,r vnp.aa, a e. íl p. '.' . ' ]•'!'! pp i- O. ti ..!'t!. lib t '11 ľv i'r, i edhfS i b - ii ! m m - ' »- ,t , i 11 i mu,' ti n 1-pe .ľ- o, ■ i-.n.-p \\,,b,pi ,,1, 'i !i,re >!i. t. '.a,' ', 'nm. b-lpi int ai b.'* ti "n r 'o o.- i ti.S i lab an ! i eiitip jute m ] vans. 283 284 On national culture I ľlb"- o 1v3101 ..n -.f (ir',h to 3 oo* val oo'b m - ">rh pypt* mmme41 e rgmmď arp bm,_ w mpt'tr alt ea-mr - tpe am ip' , s>wi -I c> p~t vr ' imbm-ru ■ s ;=,ii,i|< 1, .ji n .n:1-* ,\'a-,_ŕí i"> 1 c . , r s cccj,o'. readme mo, ere a emaer oí L-e 1 t, o a 'o- ,, id-o,, oes ■ - n "-to rvu oc'1 t *'aee, ociPed ie i a h mi Jt .Vl ,, e^p , u-te > i*- ro f e ,p'\ eitern ,i,> , „, - ,. -, tP- o!a-w* a~ oioc* , o 00. o, oa. -o'' o - j i o i ' , v as m hr",- into too i 3T< °s •,<• ^ j- ,h_. lcc1 o m r tet- -.e" -o - • =:e ta '-.--/o, -J..-/ mmm at'me f-,1 ma e u t<> 031 o.r '-m rerpmlmm,, o' e -,--01 ip. [ V.'- h., " noť'p I o i ťi _' or br. bm- ve ordu t ľr> oir|r. i,' -o '.c Av < e'1 p > - • :i m, .t ; >,j 1 r 0101 emmhe o! i t ott1'- la.pmeto1" f fete ľa ,amo cue eso-otm c>mr m ./oar - ■=> tI f r|:to o I j0'o tl o , m'° - betho' po1 t ei i mm i -»m eo 1 a istV >e a _, t cm <-;oe od -1 'tute la-u g the , e rb.i' ide mi o , il mru" tie a 1 e-... 'e sur ef a _mtia m T 1 h ' tap P e stra ape ror ibm-o :■- t-i t»i ť' o v 10 1 0. mr1 .''r behebe mm, ■ e wpscio 's an 1o.- ta a_"C u" .t 1 tuo'.g |;. a ot i • • r-a pp pw t - ■ --L-L op • I

    ťtamr f">e ,-ir, -o -plot; am, ot,. ,0 o čupia al n a, m-mmio" dm t n '"ts Tti-intíiot< Is- s t.e- ;r tl,=-swopo'o ehmi •Ar te-s te-'s ďob, led'"tor .0 ruhuw ct e, re r im po, ede-o'rwtm-me ehr am hm-o,e1 ol. Tí.>-wt-1 c|Cit-eb . t o°velot eiHot aeo orral oircres-, co .e> os o .Pore e y p iiTfome, pa'P 01 p ,jiu- ;p - tu el. nee. out; íj t h 1 e ros "c- y , air' ,ae • oi aT'oi oa > tot" .i.tfa.eot etc .elat o-s 1 f-i eo > .laciea.r'a :íifi ere or rht i o',- o gt ra, 1 m.pie >- v.jit ,fe at+- il * cooé ľí *he ~- o a i >b- ^"1- ■* 'ap; - r ~"re ec c,s a b' 'a to chsapoeararice of the coionizea man. 1963, Tte Wretched ot the Earth, 210-11 245-46 intz I.moil (1^29—bi)t Martimq-tt born < tŕv t imt e. ii\Ľtl niosih m Ft ant i but i oiiti'iitra'nl his itttntion on Attn 1 .poofsimlubcB/url-e',,,,. White iboíMľeS2 Eng t-lf~j.ti..l !ih .-../■ňŕa/i/iL hab. t Hf>1, hng. I "toä 1 B\ i'ar-hi lima per'1 ."-m t -optot or gl ib.ih.m'hai rho n,t J; 1 - in r. h s, t, b-, i> ,oii, radio, drgli /c;i HjUmi . and 'ra mrornt . Tin-«- am tin vthimm, for the ur ,01115 ui^ci-mait 01 a mi d number id lanyiiagm Tim modu o-peiatts al a biv and pi-'ia-i\e level ,d tutturo I uor. a''e three ivpcs ot cultwrf. At the nicest local level, closest 10 the g] on ni I, d ist i e, t :i ,'-,! Kindt ^ langm.pi s and (halt > t -, ind *hi : duttiia l mnrkm . boh' As a noh h »c i ert.un Ch rl pian líce- and umim n\ dro.n : upimuih ntoth' .Inhal uiai-Lrtjiidte m.aíenalh and ot t ultui dh U rht highest, roo-.t gi u> rat leu I, [it opt, t •, erinbme vvatol. tic .iiut mole's .mu teKvision pro.jraris, lis,. t\ to the samo N y u 91 " ■ r '• '■ d The cultural bomb h p-' ad s", t o el tr Pie e£ô r-is"i,1s tl-° sf-.ijjm ,j '"tu es 01 To e_.t! m, j il. t mme m aim xo' oe=oe aee o'a- ,j, 3- d see domí o -h tne t turna1" tr acej.c toe*r ci eraib e-" oü 1 tj the ex| ore í of tee earn mamta' mhen ta, ir. - \"\,c-r írem-he^P Bet d h joem a.earco .. clu.- ano eep a- 's o - b ttr'eisl-.f>ci cv aoiimh^.so1 au t or* that, o P eo 10 b o 1 1-1 em hart 1 1 1 fmm ,..f a e at,a-eP P.,mo >3 to .u -di 'are a peogie'c bode*" m U en aaa- p ' • ťm 1 eainoao^- e, -her ei a oomem 1 m;:r lebtape .-.j Ír tli, í-.íiur , ílu Viť •••.•i.-'- m t-, pli--. tu m hp ni 'llíiu.'ľ "1, d' Jíilhet -list |t ls !)i >,!_■>-, <]i'M,it !•< and 'e'Hi ľb ť)'., .im. ií í!,.- Pi-, iin>',p au it-j. ,,ip!". s,, pii- i*, Mi.'t ,-, 1, i ,_,o. u i(t; ,,ii.i i Jiliuli'l , ľ'i'i kiU-l- ill í u! .Mill 1*. ,lPi T i • Ul P 0« .'i! [ill. ik".- ill i tt 'l ' 1-iOO H.t. !)s, ,ij h! m- jiodcast*. .liiti app* ... 1 t.'i.i.ip, i ...1 [-.n tu. m.',! kkui - ,-t . l.-i lit ,i; t p!> •!■ ti, |,i ■ a -í; ik i .);i.i".. i i,.i .in.í kí mod. ktit iu'f'ilt v ť i i I. ľľ-ľ fk ikiT P' Ut ľ,',i''tii;f.-i._"i„.. tt; .r. '-s iit, a;it; P n- ,i 1. .ii^t.. i n ľ- : k.iti it; m- ..n. »<•, v ,ik, •,>, , tin nit nu uri'l r.'ii, ---s t • mnnui. are ,t, ii.--i.-i nun, c'-.J '. ..t euok .noiiaid .íkt ,k- inti'pt pn-mp ..].■:• lump ut iii> \;iii-['ľi- 1 tn pn jktp.i,. inr: !:i.ii.i -k;-íroí;: n„i M. n Zealand ,,h aig--mih tím-, lump m .arm , im šamotmi 4e\\eiet . .--n tis. -u mi 11 lap , it Un indoalt. h-In m.; o bim j .m I i..,)., in .íťiľ'n ť> !». mill., on i-i nii)i\,i!m! -tmi tie. omiun ber- m -Paidď mr a-mg i,,, iiľ . ham it imi-t ..m i.impníi, im! m- n. k pk ..i. link. .1 n • hPe Uml.íW'iiii W. |. Kj.Ii. ,P.l..i ľir,.,imi íiPn -n m v-.p-., kin ;li!nÍ!'-nr,.r^;i tnuem and i, i; itv . i -niVi i k n . .m, in } m pf.-t i mm tnin .n i) íuiK it' l k im n, nos, isr r- p 't stuabi ,, ,md lani .. iiipiunii, i-.it1 l-- l'iaik n inf.) tím. n a ti in kí .'it .n i s -tit ii :,- . t 1' ph-im- I'uUil.n P ail Um- ].." ,-in t'pai stu m n m n.ia v"is 1 m r nr-it • ■ ulomil ph ibah/aPo" in-kakauktii - anal "no; Id ad, - m n ilk pi.-kal ílm -umi.t ,,1 i , -«., n- ni, 1-t m, na mdn. -dual - mtl ",,.:n . ii'tm m - ur a.a 'k.r a -. m oi Hu lm_.ui ,na -d tin V','. i nimt --im. k.aiH ut ihn IIS \. \n.i P -m ,- tin ta jmílmm that -ju m dmukl bo ib-nií il - b'. I,k-n. im .u! P-, mu u 1 ut V.t so rn labie- ,i-fs ttit nt. .ba i 'no- tb.m un m di. t tb-mmiia ijiia ntíVd n "mimo 'iiv • Noma nad.-n. plokali/atit .•■ !P! inou! iba ,m,s ,n ,-. m btmn>n u .ukil m-iiuta .n alii,- a.ľ. t,n ; 0 *be m,., -y m ■ n! i -inm.'d a-uni. ť. Lot Lni- I - -umu ktmm -m, i-oP-h. Pi is-ibb o.ilita a; ti; bi t ..n-a 1 h - . mai t aim tt-ai" .itľ ' "d> tni >-~ i, -. ' po band in b Uiu T hl - -,t . lial a í -opj .-.o- ! d; iiiliii am don ,i. ,-I iiiukmn ittali-ť. - P telm, >n-i-bnnii ,'. "I ni'-i tai, Himlo, p u t-h oh >.ub,.-t iletbtnu .. i._s no i i-ii^i,.ii-. -up- * -lamm ku s-, iipi,.au nt- i,: d--ua i. r,., . numb. ' -n (Im l,:.pď t ib m ni!bim-,t! ooHdbe.n- i b '--loadm-s klan -..-p. -ml b m tu ot-o thi imnt tip P, dam iiiodtti and u.! Tti"l n minipu, •-. ; hu-, .uti Ü n.o In -a 4mi, ľiut rpp--. P mai r.--iinolr uao e a em-omsa*1 i .dmhan rbin i fbobu dotiiotia.i (-i tm \-. ..ríd in.,t -h p--- me-ka mm. au. t d s. a o i n k k íiuopdiíip ďr .mitiu''o- . m-ľ r t nniiium , o. dna, ak ta lapinu- ani b ubut al vilu. . Ni-Ui" •'in the neaí U i m m »lr Imvp.mmpo - tii t. a , i ak ■o....-|n m-ii'n, Uiu-ubd .in iili.ii \Vi-lei ,., i-- and d!t ,r albt-' tik "nntna.n ; ipdin-1 í m )li\, im dotbalui Pmmhi "ti dl b-" -íngb m a Id i elipt )U iesnih .tbaPimiit im o niinť a'i P- e. ,-m . dm app: b- P-pnlieadrn" - a e minie! -mtami program dosP^ned pn. -e,, o,m .dl p,i, ,t, >. rrdit-. < em,i,-mei-M'-tieii a- i-ueiPaJt, and.itbei Pmari niidia " Thin _.o ijntnki.iuinbersfPm.p- iftadl? Vmb lt- r.o.p-eJi'i.,r. aďogtpi; < !ivťJpj.,-i amittiu . Ul do .-lu.. -'im )bnp.p i.iľi naot mtiuiil... ni a pape, pet the bít -t nem,, , a,nmm t i.-,,,, a,kí -jacaba-e,-, , and , ,( tíiro' -j i-Umrb i lullen- ii-u. í at P, anp i-: i; land ah ne ' U v ii ,p ,.-ea t,, Ro.pepl.-n a spende r.,4 poilta^t: p-.ííi.nnp mak. - .md- > ib.r- o:-ib i,», i.Píanbdd, j-(>r ii-n mr.e vokt ,,i mr .,ik .uii-u to ,in a po-nkPn p)i.,i surh ,ts tht 1n'puta if'od i*t íl, -.-tom . e ľpi - n,,!. , ní o bi -n. úd o :ii ti. Po t, id. ami pan tu; t nf -í , t.irurt dtm:kn.,t iad" . . ini'm ■-. r - m,e - am ■ um k . -mm m. i - ho" .;-..](!, a,-' Tn-a.b n tu i;ite-i-i 1 a pni- 'Pi i' ''n u eh s un ,..n ov;bli!i , i ,.> .-.-n. "-itmp ;bosii,m m Bit atibt s, nm linut ne" -, i adíin,., a - ait ;.| - -isukal, .n ■ í - m i-il ip-, •-, .-n, bi ,n. s Pan. t. I im, ď e p iníiua I »1 ■> -n, u :p"i-on, n i p n >"iur-, an I a -esututlao ,u . .mu-.dmO, itis i,t:! i le,,r P i kt nnaitl 1 - Pa .iii".! to a 'ľ í i b'.t r-moo • a m n '"t on a bim •' h .radi, iimm-gmad ;m \\"'..», , e ... ,n nnp -i non pii i ol 'In n ak , .1 j,t • Im mast -mjdi. -i-u pro;> ' uu i, m-, p, .-,,lukm -■ i '.et. m p. -í s, - -p | - o. an- ,u p, i torau-m i Colonial mimicry ťiol n-.,ti -'i ' n a IP, lu .j '.d o- ■r.iak-m., .m . •.-. ._u.ii k. aí ti bu ojrb ia-Pii i. ai m i e. i b'u<-mp . iln.akd .aii. s. .-,n. i i. o. " " . 1 -n ad: r, • t<-u odo ku-' mimo u'Tm ,1 leibniiiiia -h il u ''t-i' ' 'i O-m s ' toni .a n.t, -llmď i lir, "pro i k'ipe d >i i íuormm íbc K.'.fxc^ , !rt s., nodii,, m'pu'auatd -.i..i,i' n.a,. s .; d.-- i-il'.Mi.ii rttlm s • P. p^iii.rn .am am. i e p- i -a s i-aiíiii t e o m. e>. „h n-' b, n u n vp'd, p i s,, a un i nt.'p. ui \s t nit u- 1 Oi o; i-p Hrdili Iv, Bhabli.i pa n, 'lie eodoiimi niiifik .uta a-b b m on,, a:, \iiL-l;. i/.-.', i P H-,..i-bsp«oB!i.d-.h.tboM bonnk.n k.n.k.l 287 Homi K. Bhabh.i ): indue vt.if ni' the.-,: At. .■ leaning figure in po»tcoto,n,tl -"tedies. klimvorf.- r i Aa-h Tot Iea;:,<'U > / K'dluic ( 1^'4), tilt- edited '.oturne '. in ;n mA Ann iv,i (i'l'hli. and td.mj-J Said tail nan,.; the i • ri'V,,',iiiii (20';'-} colonial mimicrv: a ptrfoi a.-an -I i".i ruir, ale it, whuh iia> tilt brut -h ; he raihro. t- > ]a, - t- ; i d->i, d in th. i oloni.A ' nh - -. ale- m.i '>. tin- raa hb bbh i< me, mil tilt .mtpmoo b'-hn. -r- ntt' -kah, tin bam opon win h n. maki the tin d judgment . ,k< in, « a- and « *v i tam pfeo a'- "'-me or '. s," the '"illtr-. -unld not heat t i he mo t. . * la v olh jo-o ht ,ei-e but rood,; bem flu aa rh - ddh u m .• upon obeli Pear anib r-'v >m- nbainrrmh ba,vo,k-n. intata-oi -nobs, -light-. -II i rimmanom and omiipktt wolem.. tbt i-nietmi imndeoi ti.e siJge. k thdt la-i-au b P ni.i-.tenng P- ■ '"pamnt . where" > • -eio .task out ibt m- la!,l 1 h ' ottrse, fht rilier-.' o \'." i a '..! ptirita "am.-, in dhish 1-, r- 1» th/~ v. hole notion of ram „1 dm gu>, 'i. leiei !' i- m-rtfi ni *ong that ' ol. ap d imn-i. ">". m an g , th.- o'l.e* ,e, mm-., tk, t'tle- e bo p I \ c.'o -,, t'll.-tpiT. - honored 1" tbt .t lonl.d jinv.ti ,in.j tbt* ■ 1-e And both a.- «a- T. E. Lawrence o., Arabk o ao'i -non - ma-- dim-araged tm "g. ,:ng - ,,-.ti. •-.' in -In! iiiotbt r ot mni'ioi, ia i:\ aiiihiop'p- gins taho m,.-ihr "purtictpa-'t ii|', 11, t haih 'igi , m 1. nt i tin o« the anib in hies. Mam I Rhm no t d'j-.aled m tne •, eieonnitim again h v n -til th - hdtti-ti Bui o> |„. , Pen ati d'ar." .'lot-. I'omletet nun.- [lu is>'s oi -.shah ,:i t du- atior i- m;t. ^ome k-in.-'m attet t at l eitj ,ii ucrioi i'i ng H:> ■ iik'.r e t t th' . < It mil p< ■«er. repalf'i a ae*l Iki'iitcd a sn miiam . m-i. lvu> tmmros i t Pie iiidian imb peoki in ■ strng-Ji iihimm.jlii g i .\ana>'e-Few togiim cutikl tno; - iSnUsb th,.n Iji'ita s hrst prim,, ja^ Nehrsu \kh"o v,a-Ames tl in India i., a kend m a Bran'1 .-r h- m aim e'amb in Fngi.tttd it Harroa tti't i m.ibrhk, i).'i-e,isti-: ■ I miglk h thong;.!, Lmgmig.g aril social mn v rk Ke.em moo fnmds « i'Ji tail lotlis Mountbattta'l. ti.t ia-f Ip'ti-n \ i-e-o ol Imit.i \\'i*h las ai t-to Tetic irmg md !e- te int-iie, p i,. >i eonid land, did) ont'.io tin-Hi i' k-h at tiie beemi.a * f dd- -p dehh. a i".err. eon -»i k. Bhabha HOtt Colonial mimicry k'pp i !' c :o, o m ico ep gi eo aa a! keep - -f'leoElm ai a sa eo-a e ' - ^he-e, „e. w'eeiT!a. ,''ia" " i'-rnp t" '-. aa'ne tv. p. Ah ,05t the may la L ipc j PPe. "he v.-di'i '; C n iC g a fk'ai's ptootiea-i I tre sP.e of ate dictien A i> ? a doean''~-e at tlae "i-e-sroaaa ih v.,hai p i'l^^r .v-^ neo lie-, ni= enri 'hit vP-vh thj.eai t t, taa raa.i he frbt eanee.a ?,l, -i an .te mtemj eehaieei *he hr.r-.-ap, m c"m coih aaahp7 m- i-. e. cp-J ' th" A" r . . T 'he e h't'-'oc-1 ee'in Ei yh.a a, a 'e-i ",i Ate t^eto / c e" - tie", e.h iS-'--') I. i..!«!i-iii'i', "tat' rente of \ r^bi.i'* (I SSS-I'»\>): \. and it bo »e<-o,d a- British tui-on to the Atalo din tilt.'ota olt pair-? th. (Jttoman knipin-, A-ito 22). 1 Hiring die L Worldkk ar ■ I'-;'-t 1K,. L.ot led an ^rab armed ion i tiutn >\ < ia ami th. 2 in '• - at Aqabi ai i am r ertot nil huna-au • t-et' >•' • Kiatisb. 1 .mient, nartieipated m an eai h ut- ion of the Ar ih Sar. ! a" L«v.lritv ,'t.o tin: il his '-.cnerienets m Arabia -ot his i. Pi, litis ii A./ei'i ;!955). hoi a ht'i a.ab/ni ''rirnattzation, Lwrein • '! Iioa.a the oi g. it'at .ng , hamlu , Hut \. b t A , , .ka-nb intiniet v did not i. th- a ..-'. tb-;o;- pma ty-.rr hi- lilt-k ta-k. He o a-- .. reknt; mtrepidh itt!• r mi India, in.iep--;. Jen. ■ \-piime mitnst-.r, At 'a a I tilt' Aii.m digi.,-it"nal;on- m the .'mriti t'nost h'nr knot-!',, thertht Us^P ao - the [Is A tin ing the Cold War. 288 ;;L03.a; PAin .PlTr H'JJil' >f>,At ThfGFiP/V'ks ,.:wabarljl Nehru (ISS^—IVb-t-): a M-xuiiiiiinun ,*«>,wkr oi* <• i 'i in. Oa ""• H tn , ■ (J .. -},. iM i n .. p, o .,, ,r ,< i,.';..,t-.i ti i hi d. pendante .ti k'-i" anlii hi. ,k aha >. eh, u u n a k. . k ui 1 nm '!'. el hii ti i >n i iede-f in • A lev * ,J 7. Oui i. ^ the st., (,-,,] \\ ,,rit) War. ton!Pa amdon it ah. .,: -d ti.. ' died a ,atbx a>. Asian t oi lie ee., ho one • ouki !w ]e like ''-eh-'ij in .ippe.." ,nee ..up -tike tn.m hi- eooi-t ,vH-. in thi trtmpio, .Mohandas K. Gandhi ,\In,-e .r.nliii-mal Indian garb nl bh< ti aim alkoig ■tie i- pen hi- -ipn..ti;re k i.-ir nee -Ant, (.audi;; ,m cx«.i lU nt -"k'tUstl nijmi: . ti. ti.nk in- l.nv de'.'•■-■• jiiun the' inn-, ui 'Aourr in ; enuni, and v hen he a"n\.'d in A,ml; Aii'ki in, k-Ai i i;, til-, km, he kuke,' evei •. in, k in bmpb-lunau isee figure 8.7 • But despite inoknip ami a. imp janaperh Bt okh, «. -atHiin \- a- bmmiktmb and pie. u , lb jlmml hi, aim' lie i mis an It mi in, Tim "up kin s ha .i pn ,h a, ink ; nai ipe m hi ait. Gamlh, feaiaied line 'nei !• a minp Bi ii >sr" v. ,.,< nut ei the inhere-! "i Irnih, iadi m tiidept ! • leum , ks i r,yn . input a, ■ il I the lm ii ati people. \ .1. i p pa tie; u o' In-, nte took the mine til "perim miiU' not B; lilsli. Hi- iiuuaijn- apaiin-a '.ohmial in , ■,. me mm. A-- in "no .s ... .per .hi, a i' bo--.-lotkillp . a" niettmg lVhi-.ii .aiod-,, rainh, -ohaa 1-, din's,, bin eamasim, lono, legislature--, ami n-kgn.u, I his ijal not sh'p hun rrom u-mn rbe kleas id i . o lokrov, John RltsktU, am! olh as wiu-i: ilim suite.1 Innu ,\p.| '.1 itulhi - takes ainl noluuai shan 'pi'- pru-nmanillv 'tLifii^<•*] .lomlmlians. Martin i utlier king, jr. mpt i-etilv. t kantb, kkadi (see figure 8.Sp tiamilhh irisbeortrs- emit; ,eti\ds st-oeu Brul-h i ,ilnmah-m betnri i nuki attdieri; e. His , :r--a.h'jh i innn-vi, bent -nupshe) a • 'tarm, Lot pmp-'ftatsaa latsee*" .a 5c'.tm nftta 'a th-r IPaC;. "aoteeiua'i i.o.ii'eu/ ef -at ■ .mraa r.a otct t. Mohandas K. (..indhl (1869--1948); liukan poiitieai ami spiritual ia ider . d- oeatina nor nokent Te.sistanne to British eolomai atitk.oiiti. In J.niiiarv 1948, Gandhi was a.s.-j;smated 1>\ a Hnuiu h;n!.mfci role re-a.tbln.j it. the kuiipa u| Gandl t and more than oi.\000 olu-. rr- d'tra j -ekum, iar in an bt inp a defeal bait tbindbl •- riouiii'iii. ma- < oniiniliig proof ,it it-' mass appeil ..nil lei-pb. rooted dminu'j tT.;r.tkn s tlm i.'sp.ut o' rniir a! !i|j liriii-li atb. er«ai tiand the si m u o: ' a hers, 11>- j re< • v n. ell tin n i them ii't ram. Rut to hun do -n old nil 1 . ais or ,rdimu \ (, Hindus uui Muslims 289 290 nii.-jgi- sik '< e- p"solde < sum- figure h.1)'., \»illioii-. ok M-obem ni.iki skt I la".) to Alt' v <• it k ,mí i an e -u dmbr lb t-•see figure 8.10) idite- sun-l to idnisiomits abomid ''lí.i. tip.g numbi- k, too Hoh ke.nd cm 1 • i s•l-at 1.• ni mi* li- Eurot-.' ai i: WVste. o Hi nu pht-rt . 1'c -pie oaakt these í. a;;« \ s nut o:ih. 'k'luii. u hgiuus ■ iblige'.ion hut i'm. tn v.-t t.ic ii u"kk -hrmaig in lla tannuaidt rh thru "going remo." an lit ens - a .iin'ml 'mm- -pal a -a oil Viit j\i n to p c t Gef!re\ Chaucer as n .< unlet 1 in hi- t ocom b e.r /'. '.a Tr irKm v ithm r,ara. n* o at least as Lag a hud-uss a-íraM-l among union- Proterong lot al pcoph piattim-m illtk't, or brakoapt"-1 m tin n into sobino them. oi iramati. •>1 ikoiii, to omre-lc In India, tOo duelling R.g.istbonis book to a sptoiallr Piatt '"latin nil. " - illage n > ■ mm crabs ,xopio at •a i irk ami tt • onji iv rausit, tlama , ami snpnt r, i It. tourists sit on tlít ilooi ota lame than b look tl house t -itmg teveUrion it tooth dished onto ha nam lor o- bo- young r.aiiin: ck'Csst'i in "traditional' garb. \c laipar s Hex b nm puts ir, '"Take a pot k into the lb1 s oitrnrii iok, rhi ir abodes, s< n s, t up. obit, a an hi bet's, ami iimovatp. t t.ii.-ine" i see Ogeire 8.11 i.Tbe night I aias there rank ot the tourists were vi-.ibk middle elass Mr hmiah \m,s rigirr that at I. .or some oi the risitof -mm retiirrepg to a simmc! vermon ot thmr mei past. "This i--Ye'-s authentic," a anai tokl me. 'it is just tihi the '. iilaye mm parr ni s i .tine I'-'im.' Sevdn 'Julibt he sbnpp mala a k'iphatk oo his paftiiLs ,ilkige? Teuiism smipkhts, uleib/es, ! i.u kirt's. \\ tu n la. diow is ..n,., am i an w \. air bancs (,f the whole ;i brig. The a ei ual \ blage ,iuv ha v. - boon i.r-'' ■ hi lb Soie.t disturbing ien.niiiei s - oi oaa oLaniiofu nhain fig 8.9. devoid o-e cat "poo,'m "ict.oe' to mrmr.a,a p.ty ,rtme oomem r i-jr: loe_e m-ev vae to take . "aoj tfor .,»(., ./cam a.-, skci'.r. pern r _k "a .' o,/ " - re i.ueem I 'nt ran ik re rmmeoHO Sioiogio; 1 ky k, dime rfc! -c! mr Geoffrey Chaucer (1142-1400): Fiíglnh poet, best know, nior I Ik Lanicrbmv Talc:. * r:umibel«f< ihe shrine ot the mami Thomas Betktt i i ! 18'—1170) at Carrterbun t athedral, England, tiim .tgrt e to engage in a die-vp iling tonti -m while on tin road, to past the time and cnti i tain c it h < it hi r ".iutíitr)tiĽ" i .i! •li'.ti in- n't ttdilm uumKis .>! M.ivi tainik nucl M i.i- r. .-iii j'.mľi - .ď plamní - thť'a .. .hnaní! tma s •llll'it Mt i í i ••..i-' lij. i. ir. ,da._. , :ľ met in ti..- ii.iln ■! f]i. fig 8,12. Maasal mar, dancing at Hayee'a Ranch, a tourist destination ! i e í 11 s i ! i et o 11" liift.Kt-urin iť. r.oto - ittiiu u m, imoo exists ^t |./ ,..v .... , .--.c,!*, .•-,„.).,.. vj,., s.,-,.cv~^.-v. ,-. - ----.m mp-' - i-,.a tin i oiitiiľii to h, i ouiniO'.i horde- .a , rr, „a Jfi a= ~" !, i ' t er ma o; ~r =1 "t- "enm- i . ttt_ :h , i i. i i t-' i m'-' =oe -1 ,r • i" ,op r tme.i i ao <--ip-_ J; -,[, r| •• r ,-- _ i-.miti \-totine tonrio - \\ h,, theoi ohrth iooia Sn.mpai" , _lir_ . t . , , , v pfif..,,r, ,, ■ d tin area's a ddliíe ŕ see (Sowie S.12 and M.aiiivat box i o>, '• m : dm nmmer What íl,(>ut iiie ľ,,,'„,ii'ii , t.l th • tin : n ti.uiisiiľ \ í tiel. loi mi sni i e/ t K t.,) the oemd ..nil. ! I í- ' edeo.ili/,4 i ;n -n n. t aíh, i 'dno, itioo o: \t,,sv,i.Jnn.e'ti • ,n,o th ,!, ,m,d Whhi.m'.slmum m ,lepen.,h i,n a sňa'p hnOaljiie. ot o e;i.aiai oppoi tenn •. m .ňní.i onde *.h> ,noah , t .ai ľhľ í.n ..m: tmisiimhludi ..' Tlie tonri o o-hna-Ih .aiiii j. i i i,i,ai. nr mdi j let pi a1-! thtm nr n-mim-nts i;t. am 'n • h. nist - .urv/. i Irone tk-i •'elam. eh -.pi .ikin-> i "\ ho ..odd m í'x.tľ. pi i.iot.i, iť, uintiíh nnntr. eeprio m i fleinejií, ih-mi adi i-, j|, -r Th. ma i nufuoj! '.mn .tpeii •, atv.- - to [need • -p. oitor ■ i sto, t!.'.n hm i 'a i -t maitd at " Ami the ■' p id tie wto. 'r tui o,. m^an:/. tin '\n n,' tle- Mana; ot prmint ita\ piantatton n .dmní -t mit-n- ,m tin • ..-minal frtc. it if v1 er n"' ih. Oiohmitt .i, Idei 1-. á\ m p'ohalrmd d he 'iitti :oa o r j ' iLt noi ;í' a- lor" m mor/n d Im-, raise a industrii s. .h, mon. • n. nm - en!\ th m ihet> d- apsom th" a ,s. ,. • o r i ■ >r. v, nh th- a'o a ,d n.auť'i mit d. .u liit-svJn mo ha ti operators tah-, tltt J,,-r,'- sham . íht \hi.ea, - ,-«i">t ;v rani . n-unm imi t nxhed . ; pie iaí-e'a.p'e nid mann.m their i .si í-i .mt unusoal - po t h.. lh,ui l'.lpomem id Pit ,d iď \"v it.-í pdp."- m m- o., v mim. plann i- OitnisO. ií.díars d b-'\ .tri i.nťut .mdnii. in m« alshup. in'a'piťn rol m'', nun o' l-m dialopre with í ou ť-ls.Oip \hspinp the'i . mi! pisi'V o d.pasth.-.oss se, Him a repdii ■• o! th -ii i, iiat'jt atv lie.í .-tu.'",n-'-a>>r biomo ,,hs '-.vr-ttm .,nt -o .ohenal i rphsh i'i th. eta \ K a h., .sť ol hist, a k Vi "e < naarn r.»s. dierni- pai la-, t.npi ,1. soii'iii'; ťo hí Im to •■ m. •> ted ah mt mhh.ifiilt -m-i ri sr. u] \ d],i;), - "] i\ iiijT museums' *ai- h .o Ihm i pti h- -h -r ti a.a ; see figure- 8. H i. f.'a m,,, p-1, to, - ■. \oe> me 292 Coivirpfciii !j"'0*hqia/jhet J ;,: lite 'vLaasa1 "e>iion 7. .<- p.'yas.ll (1 ' ,.l| . " i,' - pee; - - Dla poses. "' '-P. I'. P"k''.>e.,o 1 i po; , ti;.|ii J ' " M"P"'lo-U , ' Pr.s tn- aha:, p . a f: l, 1 .,0 ( ,- ■ PPP e',C t o - ">C I 1 O" T p I' of O •j!l'< Pa ' 31 1 . ' 1. . ' s, stated aPove. s>o _o--., t : a; a' • 1a t y~i< ur if- te "/!.. c-i t 1 k'tte.ji itp-- ear s a a aasa, P d -1 f.k"o-t_a a t 1 "=ss t - ,,. 0..... -1 orePPo ,, ». - to - a-' /- a a-ps of r I -.a,- 1 l a-e'>rPf rate- pea , Tl it" stores, t.p.s' aap iq, sai ~<" boar • ne 0+eass.-ae k'i.'< .'i' 1 ■ j-at: -a ai'doh^d, md sola p. -nt . ■t'O'i. 1 a- a ! pa 03, ", 1 m --,, ,. ',,;,js 10 :h- p "s ■ '/ , x 1', e kksa-n, -pcpa -'a 10 : , ^vi ., hjh; iia' t'-ot'e 't, is tis-e , aao-1- a1' pe.oP; t,p; , 1 n aot'pa , Li'Mon. "ad e-olo" pi d e ta'ti, e Plo'cp*apeo o;e p,a.,e p.opo ■,v,1 te P Jpi e-'ji-C" n.i o iei a f , - p;I - ■ kan'! t,_" ■ eaap, /y> •ve'ea,|'oi a1 .1 ..'Pi-. 11 s.ilP e ,< on.,,t -i.pasi Oaq , Ji-ir.:,-ci'i 01 i en7, ,-jd , na. t p„ A,-, -p.>s iT ,,r, t.i^iI, It s , pi o-k, * ;p Pia'-'e 'eastha' -at ■ it ~pc f 11" .edktOj eaa esp*cl! n | i Poi'V 'o t A ttji .t ia - aa p'a eppcserl 1 1 -'p.k aaa ' P 11 v . ska. a t e P", nt i r-ltni' intact 1-e ai'' apa , tp 10,., 1, oiat iit^r'<-T' o n\ ce'>l-cci tiie v.o" cl „~o I'.I'.'.ia ') ;e.. h p-Ppi't "'i „ . lope a Piat o,e a:e e,tpa;e,l tp ,- a , j oh . . <,i|-, ' p a' 00 v,.1 Oct 0: lioat l a kj cpe.t i'I" . in'i'ie; i", tpe ,,pp e" l^r b.sao" "eepa.P "'i o>''-a ie ,.o' oi P: >'s,ier* u- e tetai \ wtati alit p: aceeiia P s jr. o^'j rot ae a,e rosea aop,,i caltao ' 11: -a' PjP < ia. _ - , -Ireo, ,eJ 1, 1 cea1 r • V js<( r, -ai! ;■ Ule i'ipU(-a. '-''"•qioi,' ' 1 > K \ eiop 111 ,i.-.Ii pili > hat aeo'i 1' a 1. ai air: aiaiiaa: 1 it ,">■ all tiiie". y. li'lv. ' a "1. iliuiio the linaP'- lha.t ;1„ piO Po i-.tdaiitt'ii \o.'lh ss o on, iiieo 11, -up- jiul oa 1 a irooi " iilosttile, - Piiivrt' io 1 ,p loti , 1,111 oa nana 'oisf >i 1.jI ; t.a rinonn-' 1 ai i i ■ ■ 1 i Piessai liu-.i;- 01 t otoniai S\ itiiai 1 ■ -1 -sirm Vapme 295 i ......T : ' 'Vrö k k•*>'■ '■'■■'■i-f 'S;.) >».f t>-/)*,S.'/ *if.J «,„«,»,,.«.**• . v»'.' ia •- Hör. J ^ *4" -*flf * ÄV »v**"?'4 HtV> &YH «>ty>fr4k if <#>yr .'v/,W/ ^-A-Ayy~ Lf ßf*»*M*kJ t #fl}*^f /fa&ir Arft ty«^ . X//*^ 4 ^/ ■v^Ä-vv.x^..--?' f/ ^«^•w/* /y^r/^V^t nfo/pr^fl-d, l> <ß-/k%P/^ ,S kff>yuv, ^ ,rf ;'-f *ti^Ä- 7€,/ %t/1«//^ ^r/~ror s cai'pc an .ntet m arJor ia ,1 a-n n.i amtc.aa fmaacrra": »-u tra^pa nec=, ist rf-ea'ie _an-.^e--r *uasatn fTr.fc»y.--> c-jOes', •vomF'-ma- 294 kl o^'u i.c if lT fvo PFr% ijs'ii ; :j Wisconsin Historical Society 7,2't-J ä,i'-u,ii 'A'ade Ho-.^e Cn:' Wa*- Weeker-c! T 1a (■!?•> 'i C , V. 'fr.-' n i1,, ,'<* 'ii L!c ■ r1- ''■ o e'ippp.p, r wa r.i i .Vscoipi" 1 oic ov r. i I o i ' pc-'e >e :'.;.. fi'fii,' i ji h -1 ..',•' j A-ii,-i> .fr cd',, ,tp = e>r-o* - i o . >.' . • - ;>'". i-Oth ,i.i,i tkti t ■ -ut1 o "'i '- tt 'v " kr' ;ecn cl ty - ,-■ s' . i| i-,'i 3' l' a r Hi.f a -sca." p,. it p p i . V a. i.'u.pp-P': if ij> ' !,< - ra'.'il ,, ita ,t,p, ap.J ?a taieiy - 0' Li,f s«i ,ju ;l- i a . f-= 7'a Pf-p .koip.fiirt L 3 .'cp t f ob p 'J3..'!C. a ! i', la vp.- ?!- j'..1 c. as Im oi . res Gothen *e , .acr,; j"t >ij .?!■> Co ih.ift hl ks '.ljft-i 11 o i, ,~ - .>' kr Cr. o „p,e" cl a i,_ pi =■" . et -tP'ue, -p; : ,<-',< am' ,p.' ia ''je.N-e, e> p~, ■ t,ec: ppoai .(. L" > ,u>i e;-e * jj'j sei", ■ aae attei, ,ca a,ia Ii \ sah- v ,w pt e tv" ."ist H Tp s mi eofena komi-an te s > I ' , .'s f i i cia.'P' t , 15-1 . sP •--t ae t" P !c " ..p'-; tm t; fcfaiPu' bPLi'';:.!. naslm ~ci F J'a.- . • 2012. "Events Calenoar'- ■im wiii. tn.n '. putai tutei tmim. in , lasip Ii e..i-i, -e'ol . s'1,1, "> l,.] e a i' . - .'1 i'.iiiai s|i H'P oi., r.nlsp • he: -i imi'.it etU .! taut.als eourtroom iriais. •''n-i.ith 1 iam.Pt >.' h ai a 'i,n >'nh 'p' ', ah I-,. - lei.j.asiP tue "Aare.p-i.n "p ' \i)h :e,a, ah«. ., '! U'io ) .1!'.), It'n Ina'nw.l tin l-ppippi sei-'l, |i 'Ii! ^ it e t 1 .'Ii'- s e.ei... Ii . Pl- piMi.n ' atlij Hi t ,V hl lll" iMil ' il , .Ol, t' , p.nn, - a.e pi, i-;, ,\t J ppshi u ,,ii' ot hie pu'i. ■ Th, o' '•v in. ' : -* tt'eii e-,r" . ,.v ,t ii| i m ( V ], t lh ai ,,, o.l. t hei, bnte oP a na' >Ssit> r th it th *',' uupl. i sps dt "s|„ik 1 Ii. kepl' ViPIl.'IP "Vi, ' '! '.e ihlS Tel o ''1...1-! iipr.'tl' piisimi-a i ,'t.-t,ki k-t ia.l..p. ■•1 rii: . h" ii i-iie' s r\h)c'' nie ■ pn.l.jhl, nio < . P tk-n, i,a a P !h ii te 'n, t. :i: \ i'o . iiä.' rpi'i p. .>|ik uii . Ii,in h' ' A !.....inei - aloep the V'_,\ 1 pphi ; (.,„.( r.i'i a" thes. ir.'i']iiii, i- k n" ')jsi 1, rib, ' \iad \v hat ih'isi' \ oh 1 lii t 'i ,k 'hi n th' re 's n . iinniii I wki tht e,ei'"-aii.e ni n^iivi ", -ei .,ak - Ute \ i ti- i ur>i t n h" i -, ri'l fhs p''"i Pi .aeai.iiii.ii i>i hili' ijtui>- aal ,.ieple, Ipat n,"!.-pke ' r ,i: i a p|, ii. 7: i'inp. p ,n. nai .i. i u> j, \ , - e i ai , rti.s. in ■ ne fh.P. -,i'h in in e .in i. ^ mu 'Pap. an he,,,.ts i)!"ii',ii\\ uii.", sinpp '.Mi.n ( ,'>!(,-i, ., V, ihn), In.p 'ep.o •„•. : ki, .tut I. l-ii'.iii, •« ',' t'.ai. ii!,' n i a- i wlrt--. m- in.i.p msisein i re, reatipe tke Ük -it .',, iphteeiPh Lv"im\ \lrn v.\ \inei Ii Tis \'e'a „n>. i.' ->l i ■ im -v, knr ktln'i'I Uu s. enes, ii'istl' a-, 'nepiil La " . rs \(, k.t'ie.i'i An'aai, ms v, .-re a.lhiH. i1 .,'itn the pretnasi • e .„tin ilari" tht p> ot - me^iti' n Mm anai tk Wir), on e n t. ti'inps t h mpjL.l ^ ii. tbine i(i a.i'.m nan i'mn ar ,,s . atists, it.'itiiv.r i' theii ian i nen i sitt th.p «lept'n.pnj Ih'iehii 't, tcl'v t visjet;. . . A'i h an kr-'l Inllinil, r-p'ttei-p. I Tin n m 'he ■ i '- ■ o i')M'is, ir oi" oecnk't! : , . ihm ., -knt an.Hot, tscuii' oi tlo \|tii ,in Aiio-titin 1 t'e's. ;lp ueii' ii" t!u iiml toi th. lepit ti'ui. i"it ■. tu - um 1 atttl iauimha*, • Bei t(ie\ pe'se'e,,',! hildl's.' tht \ o> iievetl t*i.u oitl 'i' p 'torimnp r'a jov tior , oi'U p, i,,h-psPlv un>le. st.,"'j :u ahotuinatioii oi Vii an i a i.i \.iit r.i i The Ofympics; (3!obal?sm's signature Performance 1 k i7"iJi ti', -n.mnei t ihmoio tiaii es an th,' t lost oopuii'' p ,To mal' e '■',.'.t a. ha nat. a ttnh p'olsal p.htno'n, noo .\k)'"t thol * *" Po p ii po' ph m.ileiutl s.ion poitlon '>( the "o|P fij.-npKs m I i siki > ..rat im'h,.i tteinl, tliv. tu, m. -ii larsoi t In _ Ji p t j nnt s k atme.l 11 )k't»a atllk tos Im,], ?i.t :i,iti..'i nirptiia^iii M'P'art'. n( k1 pvrp Rv . not ao'i. So, tPif j \ it-o'is in 2(11 Ino IV? mtnihei lar.'ia- rlis v, ml. r f>KpppP . P a.lnrn p 3p.,r+s anh a- 295 'fHHjf.- p; -:; jrlljDIr.j Pierre de Cnuberlin (!8hV-i9}7): f i.-mh. com hit, a a,-, the mi-derti ' )huvpies mom-iTu-nt ob! pi. -id "or,.! tl" Inten > -; ;!-,i .pii { '.mnritiet-, lA'oui 1U2S people IroiTi all over the world compete, and the distniow. between professional and amateur has all but: vatiishr because every athlete is either paid! or sponsored. When tr Games are over, roam can look forward to lucrative caret* built, on. their Olympic "impurity" is nothii new. Whatever the rhetoric of the founders, from, the star the modern Olympics combined sport, spectacle, ritua '-. h, i■cih, • "'.line irt-,t o >mi, -, an ! lohitm,. ', - ■ f r. \rd ahd, ihi ;nna n..t;imat ' ikn on Commit'ee i h ' , . .' ^ . .{ i- -a'"~ it n ant - 1 i 1--1 |> to<-t - "do'a e' pi d;t -., i in- ,i >d • p, ihti ,d kmdv. ipe to pine !.,itl a sir •'dvnp-,.-m i jims - v.,_m i a;im ikd dm t-ttnie'''mm.its. ..Ion m idle. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^S 1940, and in 1944. Ironically, the 1916 Games were schedule ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H for Berlin, the 1940 for Tokyo, ami the 1944 for London. A ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^b Munich in 1972, terrorists murdered eleven Israel's. At lis ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^b 1976 Montreal Gaines, 20 teams from Africa {plus Iraq an. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^h Guyana) withdrew to protest the New Zealand rupbv team tout i South \ona ih.iif.'n 'he mm'-dr o-' no.iroh io hi e fig 8 14. s At .-i o aiVo" a C.....1 .V 1 srar ,a.^,para' . , ' on i"_ i, fe.-i s,t,= oua 'us', r il'S" v' dhdo "< ! i . vim it o Is em. id- re m .o phn Ul.di 1 t-n hoot • oi the "Rt p'tkl'i m Chant" His. Lid-1, „n,i t an r man, i ■ >vi. ii t, d th" Mom on. bam-.ot ' ''S' • to p, mesi dn A.-, .-k'.Lop; n\ la .ckev npine dsarir.r ami ■ ledditp; are.In hipm ma en,.not \ndiani t m. 1 he US^K rstehati .; 1>, '» ao'iip I hat ii. -t a-1 \u tram- m- th, Rimini' ■ G in-m Tkt >-. "ati-rktnvo nation,, in a A. i. eott oi tht ' v,,v,4 Li o Ai pelcs Oatm s are li'dd mm, mi .ear. otn ahnn m v. ewtr- r.'.v.ic fi mn 1 ho I >, spm, ill mo their la-'s tt. 'p p' on, ii pmn p. ,pi.l "a aiiiiiit r Gam. rh, t »h mpn - , in atl mi. at to n> id lett -, pre-ham . and minimi .'at tn .p.itim Comptaitton to )-.• >st ii imam m amain A me nmob d n ptmo. dianitaiie-m'biti-b, tbiro'n Itvt 1 noon ii.-tr i in 20 \ 2 andRmtU Jala t. to, bmt tans, -.nack m J -otimmir -ell m, painm, hons. m n! ho-t in 2>>b Tin a I minp 11's rn. s - hah. m nmr.idim keepers pcido.-mm s an,', other .- tl-'o,, .titnti-'t-, mti e, instruct" m aJni tatra-ti n, Una and m,i m hdk'om- hi ; nr. < c Oii.itioj; i xiiihitiir- fttiihitnp areine ion tkt ' i .mpt tpmi,. batoni, fin • .ppa .rlu;em to ..v_- the ()A ropu• o a sh-r<\:. ,- ar.dlor ii<'ii-mp athk i"-im .last, an iro. tin..-hires, souk ni is On n nob in esh, Tim m, hi m.cnt •- !,»• p-a-ukn t ad cities, la-, iip_ dot, ti laeids aim itdiastrra tiirt, and np'ootmp t,,j. A iiieeph die otcmial itim. in,. An- ieomihi.-l' n nmpdihorhooo.s. The :,• u ■ on-t i «, i ,, ,n has rmnviporati •! nation , to -omp t, . ;ii. ih , ip ,ddi ip-, ih,- pi,-it i,;,,,,f anthtm m ifdtt are o Iitit l!io-hsiil.i.s mi it'-.i'k! pi >iit< ee>npln-,e al-n ih- j a henipim molten, thi Games an held, sod tin kvc"'i' et i 'bed stri .tip nil ,h si s It ad atlds op t . billions in itne-tments ,>t nuiph pi-a Ln amp n hit a n it on has "on the - mist m.-da uvl. daraip the v dime . !l.o -pt iieirp i it ■■> en in ,ia Tom e 'a ', >ci s att -nf ion ,n i,.il n ,nal a, ciimnh-hiiwitt iht imdi ,, ^od ilo.-s'i in, lain, mhi Games. Tin niodet n ( m mpn s \m r. moan; omn 1 jn-.'l. th. -pir Tht ti'si miuli-iii! n>ok pi,it-hi Ad'-a-i in '.then- oi the mslclit mb.mpiad- i^dh net b->u ■ i i them -ek,< i be An m hdtl ,,i Pic rre I • i, -k " i . a die ,''„i / 14 htisootati ih - ib-\, Cm.iti.i, nod \nstraka. k'u kt.\ poal . - the ( )iaii,;ims. m >i!t_;ii an I am imp. i- t . trio k .a-.pen d m J mai. d rim -pori > i ai "mm b < an i .i_inp i end th, ;.rt ,i[ .m.i nnph ism-, tin A.'olo" i hot, ■■, i t that ind so. irhl hl'.inn ■" v. ti maipn i.-imis, n n lie pdi-n ,'iiit..n>m, in am s, ie i .mm . t' ,T tai e .-. ,o siisp-s u|. i if.,- t a p> -b's-n ,md m •-j'!-ed in - ompet'., In t'-epnes^ m in pmie,. m mode] n teait s, o1( 'nn.if-,%, ,-, ,i.K .1 lor .■ i ( livmpu •• ,ib.nit hi pm ai nt .»( rla athletes i mijn, Tlie oni, r una ' M\nipn id ai r- nu o ,ii, n, t-. pan mice tie 296 Homer {eighth or ninth < rnlun BOL): iht it-'mndar' t hod * to i L pi a t, pm tine .mop m i nt doc ipiihO sj pom- tha r ,is u ,ui't 'do- ''i.ij \it..t vlnljt, bra. m that n -mt nt uidnieu i- .>• u. ■ Pth Ioo>a -co i H'm.i r's time e . o bts p, ,t nts-m ai anon.; .edition., .od s,,hhm.m Pi, -h ..s,,n p'e it1',. do1!. Ft it ' the -.' t a hi ' ■ d dl. moot oi It > 'm ' >. 00. !h MO'ln . a IS 'o d. it. >t *l.1 • ua i. oi t.i "i t. 1st :n„i a-si ant n- At ti.o t.ti • flu r"n - ali 1 tii'ii , ;> e o < t id u .V % 1 'j ;j.. ■ 1 .i i i , (. . ,. ih ' ■ a.d ih. t in 1 " n. . a' inuhipi. in,,.., .tn " nl -t fj, 1 1 ana no ■•. ..tion-;ti 000 d!: > ■!■ lapn u ■ • ■ to. n* h.Lt.i'-- .1 a..' p.iro, . >'! > adih i - a. i a. uia u <■ 11, h o dk i Pmupi, s „. thai id'Oi'i-iot fit.,"' o1 the -p. 11. p..-, ,-d ind th. • o; eu, htr \ a »sn>. ,1 .p, t,,,,.e *• < I " .ai. u is in,ti> or sail AVt stt 1 hi p-'O.l' lit', and th. S, h'sl, anO noiii , it' 11 tUonal f d\imiu knm.Uatt t d.oo'i d. -tpooin ihct.iii.s h..sim>mer i , is . ..noil t •, - ' o! hi. h ao ti.i op< 10 .a \...d) \.nt . nan n.sdoto ddo nt \ ' a tnht r < t the I Ob .> nil). ] I' )C a,. latiioi ! ho . 0 roe ^nidi A...hi. td'.ta:, an. tvram 1 - -eat d t 1. hm. Unidt state! 0 dee d), ' ' o" Inn mhmpi. , AVin. a oat b'i omptptmu . tilt itsst |m 0 \hii mjlj no iph mmiwmu, '..'a ',ueip -.m en, j .!a\ heir., .e'ti so salt < >h I' ipo - p, 1 ' j . d 1 it di o ,a o iii-s sr I no p 11, \on t', -.po t> -u. 1 .is s law o,. 1 st line, hi auk. phhaip, or tr.t kio.' o! lone d "i 1 .on lop deh.nt. 1 un.oine ■ n;ia • d hi th, lirihtm a" .-, d ,.'.ih\ ad' tiaor. fi' t pat t oi tlit 1 i| lup'i |mp, e, if t' iTit iott'othth' -lenna 1 a id s. .nt'U < kilo s ttota ,,i -. ■> td-.o.m. j u, , ,, m\ hi ![.!,.iiih d'oifi b nip, m and d m 01 one : 1. ,n Th. i a. o' ■ t ip.o-inn i».tr 01 "di In T.,h'i '' od, s. tppolo i )," M .si on 1 asp vo,,j t^'Sy,\a;ano l')4h. Pteirp dims Rio .b (..Pi > ■ 'dtt,a.nil k'.ooipt Sana *1' ' un "b ■ evhri,s\'i t!i bti. 0 a' o .'_i ;,iio.'lb o it nil) > On-b>At -t MiH.'.t 's-tini-. ilf'.i it '" lb, l!)t) f ken-s, is, boaasiaiPo m.p h.p\\,,.i, .n,oJ'i,.a b \\ innmp'he i uii-t i 1. h, th' i.osi.a.i e sdi toio tor [til..h-i'.>n rndmil ond'ei'de dk ttt a te ]e,h \m' rh, Jul" , b-i o .1 beipne, 11 it' b ' 'si. .11 o a- tt h \ e, d a; Sept ,i<'e;ts tleiiu-I • u< tdeua at d anal i han I Ti .1 - >■ "' . , h hai imm n i - ai P' .,:i not ti. ii. t, .1,;' 1 i is- m rht • 1 - a. 0 ret tdhtn ss .jpiiil in.. *he P' id mo. rat 1 mn>m eat • ale. Itltl. l'*td' lb. be ''ta'i ' 1. ■ di llio.t-tl . n-ui-e so: !ii i|i ,1, in'1 . , n-hed e tie khuts ' nm. iistdmop- fitt 8.15. P "- tee it-_ rmiji - PS,oipir m I tanks Oi ii-a i , m im- u n s,-,tl , pi, ,1. rh.mroutis tt ,Ja atmp to, ' btmpn s btti th. 'd ssiupotkhi atitiioritirs V\ iiat tmit oitt ano 1 diiio'Se .dh iabs,,h *.pt tiimit-Smtpb* I'th I' nm tli •• '!•, ,npis host , .a and • ut its n moo loan dehm.r ,1. pm t. it is a matter d mtt) mm. im>! uapoti'Hiait It.n aa_ trm. t tj on ,hi • 01 h! sp,^, 1 ot mP> as a olattt biit as ' sp,,n or M m\ t'ltam n It d: 11 u in +he [( )( st v. tetl B piip, td.'un 1 hail • lie 1 n. o' tronmin-l 1 the ■ oloinal -b idoo, 1 1' eni.'.' 1 a ni 1. - ih 111 tl .a 1 ,st i. iv,""i| jin.ui Todisee s 11 h 1 e-pe. 1 is ,, ,-n 1 a ,11. p. 1 p' m tde ma) i i id'iiiah/,uion deb jir.,1. id mi ' is e'lii')' ti' ■ m, tb hi.i litij.-'OH'la! sh, ea ot , * ). it 1 h. fn'-• iilii'it'iii teiiits . 1 1 i.tPi.d 0.1 ! ss'in huntla, ',\it'1 Atht 0s idoiuid in . oaa mi 1 "jt, ioo. s\i, ana • s ind m . . a v u idisinn ribi n s\ nb di '.op . , m \ p., CiO :.t.n>l> ha dm pain. s> a,ul ih- o.lli ' "d"hi P P.' enl " A J I I se'.." { , ,nnt t t'mp th lOiU'ii' la ibi model 11 Vhiin, 'in ek Ktnp tit 01 j: i ; I 19\i) la pinp to o stun s ,.-)i i' , t.e 'mo mil t'n'm. nit 1 n (d'lopi. ,-r, • an 1 mil 1-1 e hi. o, pi p. it *. h .istd, and the 'n inp't let m ai'p nit 00, ut oii.j art s diL ,ur 1 val <>t tb. mbmpi * ,'iii ■ truo i in immc. torn (hiii|n,i m toeet 1, sim . ' P.. hut nan, pi th. Oo-t eit\. Ibt tenh *i i.iht o.i.db j, n-' i' -d a . • 11 r p Im km,1 tan jeil unk'imaiei thr iimii ih lb ,' hart tm id 11 01 Anstriha, Isaait"' sat. bhl. o'om fdin.pia o, (V;m,i, and o-bpid ..ii ■ ni'dm,,,.. , i nn lu t-tioot ts 11 (id. mtb,, 110 Heme 1 A\ h.Stm. : tilt 1- m , th bum n a, - aoiiie ;lll"li,", ill the hnii s ot a no. 'ni mho snl.e a 1 ,^1, ,u lit o; ,!v ei'teis tlu 1 t tnpi si, imm. a-.."a • lb, mehum mtl ipniti s the ■ tu.d' ,qi''ii.,t oil/; s.ji >; hp, 1 ,1,0 ,nu a'oa ol th, am ten. Ciillii 1 i. 1: trathm m , 1 ihr ii tines. 29? Spectacle, society s real unreality The " .io'h a'e 01 teem •' ce-i,0 . "o lech m dm i o m con-- af t on-, i hen m_mil; , m"nts ■ - f i-i " neese a; c * i i. e a* ;m pica •. A!1 o r,mmj:, oem de ?eps med "a : p-m.- ■ i< t- o ,a emet atari r. T c epecfir ~ m e 'aj'taj' * i-'aif- .-"toe " i- ,i s'a'I' emp earner ' "l mce pe. p'e th tt -. - mica te 1 me . J h'e Ai stmo i -attnl a^ 1 - mu^mr Impi d e cimcine ami rne pre, oirh" i. rait, t: oat m o oa o.;i T : iA m 11: j't >■ .m-md te the ,-ea1 . - noT ^ kcm( -c t aaaca re j :at it 1" f ~ ' ji "'an y i' 'i ! if >emm> a - ! s r ai\ • a-1 -i -<~?lit, ., d' L = a- at rai tf,iaaoo Nt.o'i' gmpde, >\ ted A a, i lore, emon-if ici e in matm ; i, •< a .a -a.«ee,o d eai mei t. ' V lat pemm f 3 -|mje "atmimih,',» aim* hat i>on m'ms + -a m* t,n?hi'.'>A bam eo I ' al e io'i.-,tm a'd •■>;» ms on 'A I a* rn-iteoi - --t/c .mma pane- .Aae en <- nA 'met. n ic9t. t"Ho„ "ra'-afydfi" vvea.c'e 11-15, tjit']] 0 hiatal .'tlnt-m- Darnm dm t-i an, s opm, rAlai.aie mi toi mod-. in tin omi day, An eaa na! 1 d tho Oh npi iormi and tin pniAe sit ill 'm itbdmt- Afr. - ,Ji m nt. Am it immi - .1.1 1 nd 1 1 (i.|iu aa mi tim m ad medal v m a , t ti it highest imei Hto t|-> mild aao and hiome nm at- .ji pha Let a tan aid die nm is ->f the lotit.o-, t'hm dug- 1 Or. n nalrno- a' r t n-t d. d 1 11 11,a mi al ant'imi s plat d, ana I >io 0 <>o >! at1." 1 1, -,1 n.111 n silein e i hm r ! be t aim s . m»t '.titiimma rituals. ad Sim prmnis, r s[i, o.mij,a.- . ■ - 1 hi ,-!cai ol In im iiiapaaai', il ,t ten'' opm ak d, hae 111 i 11 m.mtiftid h\ ihi .li nutal h >r ' n tm \ at im, iu-t A I't'tmnaih. at! eh as-.V, nhhtmir. mpo m nape-mare at a dmachanOme t « eem-e item ea-.not attord A1 luul '>t laining'ii fi liittm itnlet -s ti ■ mi m-lier eo mt' 1 • 1 1 m Vertical transculturalism Xrcmnj eould he inrttK," man tot edolal sprntaih .,1 tlm t>i\a.tpi - ftiaii ttie trnmmdtnr 1 e-piomn • >o- ot |e,-/. (ttt-ifi ski. 1 \m pt ti mi per. id i' an tlm mid ' a AMn i.i 1 t i,k I As,;). _ he no-er-.pi m i d his a\ 01 im> 1 iai.p mm'!- ,-a Bin de-pit thm ohaummkm merh i1- i.iihn nt .al glo' . 'a ,\ noma Ihet nt- 11 iil .lO'ir.i'H- i As m. tho-h ■ .f .e\tn n ad ii'.i'tage u im tt.anitig -Lvjug tm at at ork, lie, e mae h.A tnra dtJi es I mil am a m ti tl •.onte-i 1 >p, ran ham iiilin. ii' 1 A .i e!>a it mam inibtahm ,,'ne . ata' p, ilnnta am -1 aae d.n 1 th ai d eo 11 mom k\ laoii.s oi 'h'ta-io.' F' ri rh( ma -to-1 . i Im a o <"-, G • •( >\\ ki 'Had. e • motion „m -o .nftnr - „tid hail .n tan Stekiim e.h.f hi I'l i I'.'ttt dmm no m 1 ,al h'am, 11 triniis pi i03i )-,' • i ' ,tili a t'lden-, tho. m, 4 1 ln.-'e he 'if-t trip Am!i. Up. no rein n ti Pi-lamd, he A fond ,11 \ • -ga ami 1 nmi-- ■ ph,h 'ph, !h I'O oat. n, d h,- aiti.-e-t to at luJe tin ooe Kiri.oi liji o, ;i, ant iidttnii, an, imp ami 1 a \\ hai lie I ii led niik 1'e A he-tlm ttt t n irk I ho iv.irho'it k "enm iheatt -"ph o .i^a" f'kl P. m at th_ mid.i! f!.t i u6Up In stuppt i dm. it im pkn i mm , un-i> to k'"! UmleiA' litm. d pa'athe ii't 11 oeioo -nt-., ki.e u -kn ettKoiinte' -lit tuet'i inemhiis d tht i'nlo! I ih-oa.teaa Therm. an<" mtsi'le. s m 'Vi' 1 I .I'miniii-i -a .-11-> mow 11 ji tn-t. ludi'tlmr-■ t' dv"t- and"' dmam arr-er- t;r,ai nnih timim.- imiih. tie - ar 1' Ho ''in i.ut ol t- m tg> \ thai j oint. tif' it, a. si 1.1; 11ed 1m i'n a-, kte 1 1 Hi sitmm ,, ,1,, aed, , o , Am t, iditn nil intnil pt rl.a e p. ,ah,si-iieiii \-i.metd th» kkir'Ah oi ria-ooni-. linniiatc. in t A of-fa - km !'-o( ij(a )h 11 n\t i Asim.i" pit ijeet hotist'O 'le Utiiamii 'e f ihtoi m.i imnie tjrot mshl o itlfe'd to hud sp. , ,ti ,h imi't-oip it»i in im e dial ti an-,, t n.jmj ilie 300 t idm d d I,.,;, «. mi. „„'oCO, r, t. ,.<- ,v-k' 7.-MS. .! D-SsoVe"/"!/ řUe bt^plp,".; I,' ' ■>< . >•, si i1 i "tut- " o. ' i*',- i I i., > :hi Viol h. t" t i < j i / , ili',' '>vL 'I l] ! Pi > . i k 'i i ,riO ,,i ľ ,,k I ,1 k k ,\h ,ťt,lľl'ľ d. -itii lle'w; 11-, ill II' 'iM.i '"'III ,1 II ll I1' . "ľ I'P"! !'I . , , -.....- ■ I i- ^ >s o i ii oi e i'i e, i i i i c -irii ' t Dt'itneri; 1 i'< *■ i s i , • ii ,e plm , " ',' i o \ i i !> ki'ks • > , -).lV 00 1t o n i i po , vin o,, oi, o k, o t im i ' a ' i*t"a ''k li Hl a h, .O' a',O a'.T]' 1 M , t, , d i • „1 ľl a1 O Ol, 1,n 0,0,1 1 ó .0 ' k Oloj ' 0>s J h,1', I'll s, 1 o O, llfoí s .11 t ji,,lai'\ -i ',i '. , „i t,kí ,'k'l "'llol'm [o.'j'l.o'i ITH,, *ll -i^. o' O ÍOllIhtlo,, i ij oiíik na , i |"I o io. r . aula - í lie o'l'Ma u c - to In 11 nik i. d m,,. 11 „ik" lon.j |i,-i toi i i vii i u !ii"."oii ,i!,i. i soi'fp" m 1 li e .'0,0 ati1 ľ'l.l ľllí , oj ll ,'; 11 i. ilil, ' , l" • - 1 ■ . ' lati "I- i K ' > bt o . - 'ÍH í. ' 1. Iii i IP ot t k' í . '„ll'iri p i í. • oni , ' o 1 n ai - je armsnpt *o i i- ,iť ;!'. "..ipii, a pi í oo n , , t ' , ,aL > O e f ,r ,t .-, d, i ,,íi o , "\ i o- aí > \'P .ť O lil'UiUl'ťlrli. n| iks-aok. ,lľl i,0"ii- ilt't'dm s. , i. r i i i na n n i set' < iľnion ski 'mv i ' 'm s m o'iibí' -i. non ta it. ea-k k 10 i* au itĽud rp'o'iil,.,"''! 'iotha-i em o . - .1,-ta d ,P , o nn.piaa, both r. e ' O'ľl i ľ F epe , t Oj t ľ.'ij n» ' I Of ;i IO" i ', ,,t'C I ' - J| a ,- í- , O a_t o ( , >PŠ p ' ai o - i- .u* o a-'n-ť a á e t e, c rr äOtlí - 3 •! i \ v.'O t / a ' t. .',íl a- sp , . Ip ,r e- "O i-"" imafoictt 1 i n ti. il o o -I'lpctai, i Ca , ,j- tae> i r ms ,! e m a i mi m ■ - , toi-'Ce inti-O-a; - r-r [j- i ť, "e t f>',o,; ,. ]i i, o o ■ hot y:u i n i ;r ,oa i f *, i oi k d., , 1 ,.1 j* Ja 11 j i 1 o mces-'i the ■ i v '', m rs-ar s„ ,t r; ., j o '' aa - i am' „ a' o .a k o' i i i 11 a 1 bi a at imamrnkalri k ' , ' Shoo ,T', i ía. ' ,0a -lob -ov" n vo., e, i. oeo,/, •'a, - vo ľ p a íretae ľ ,/i/ o,"'- p -ľ,, t t p., i- to- anm ,t ed ~ cT :m " idi of ďe om <-m',J .ma t m ~ao ita , i c» ~ ; mt h- ď jO' ď* ' a' re- ... -ah \ a d ť H ' 'mar md ui" ( id *•'">- i'oipi •-""'.' o, dm "ii'iiot mm t|í>atoestot h a' Vi-j|ote ,meďea"h° "d lep.p||. b't/n, t .pkbďlui i -i c' e.'t llil koiU'OP.Illl l'Ol Ol. '.kl'.di/ko- ,10,, ^ |( _t i||ei|(j,i l-l£,,<- tJ,., -,0,CP yTOi ,1 », ďmh is i i O'i e i1 ľ ": ľťii" i i .a t-!' «raiist ultisraliístn: mul. m- a- ihi 'ii/iiigoaia. iiknos vtrh th. h.i-ip ti ti " kooie i ><• i om ee -suii.pEioi, ihn '.1 s u a. .uhnu! ano. "sal-" b. hroois, a'ii.i p" s oi hoia. fs time a ,,,ni i s dt tsv o .m ,l„,pi,> i f it i t ,i,o i 'k-, ,i 'In i t nm oiiie t s that no. •, ií d a t j - pia'i b k>i oak t ri n, sin, > 1 d,ii, n aeh ki't-i »i\. 'a h , tik "'ta >( ,js bandlul of people at a time, over the long haul many hundreds e 1 lb r 1 . 1 a, vo' ' il 'talie O pi i d i hi bid u I \| tOmi ol ill' a 1O..S* • si 'l , U1 '_ m 1 ľ mo'ľ ii d . an . sk.nd ii dol. mo i-• iko'b.' ! tis idi'up o], omoi'd -a ,n t it.ilu imt mli.o.ť oí la hi, Fo .m d ■< m p, r ana. p -n I i , on, ■ op oniisoi; dedí pa,mode ttoii Tb- dOko.div tho! n *(,, \\ .Hio.itt ai tied Upir.."oo.i i-.ohtf i a, ae-t to!, a 01 h - ■ e r]-a hu,', san t 'nr. i iti(«i a dial mg t . hru po e "b ei to . I nos ,10 1 p, ,UJ it I • la Ri ...ud- ťlm '. m aoh . ,1, ) ' ,u i bt m , 'e-iik: , Eo. »pt .1 i o. ,/dma' ■ • > > m' tkatmh. imtkl •. i t,-,, ,.eh iipil, ihis' ,. il. nit o , \,. no o pt in",',' o mr ti dm • m i'iit.o o- hular.h hat's 7b Foinsíd flui ' .'. si e i . s, ,s p mog ui i a m ou • kom it - bis adi 1,-ini n Vf t 1" h de iora, - mi d , has, - v] is ,f cb.ibdm,'',m '.lo'.a .h' a,,d|,,i , o, '• u k hm,_ o i a tiipaiipii, '.tt.ti, " i p.tii.i,. ími < m í i 'm hughe hm s a tima laďm diao i et dem nam n d' h o-* ď-i phi.ed pm im -. •< di . o,it, ' o i'k 111« n i» i dni'. • rn'o,i, , ta' nov, ,! i ,ť m,o i . ipr'di , . .! , a ig.r Ta' nn -t -, a i, , s 11 mu t n, e « '"tr.a -tam dmn , 1 t iior_t tmahtv. ! his .Pit Ír od hisťoricatv m. the Aclmbos lieei oi Urorow ski kepi this work verv ci©set\ e>uarile«l. Richards and 30 i Workcenter of Jerzy G rotows k í and ľhomas R sc ha ros T t Road s dcA's- ?OQ3-úf> o . i : 1 o ur' • n i u m sticaí to tne theoretical. Herein a,i,1 a,r nan . • ď < ( 1 ho i a" ' ^ > aim : a e m , n V n n , m om a s. ' "'r 0 =• ° -"n i' ae, • i i r 1 i. , ai ľ ne o -i' i It n 1 i . > rt ..oe p - . .~ 'mm b )>; tt t a h ac it o oarr a a > I o- as mm i r 3 ' 's' Eupionna Sotľ. Extrer~,?\ 201G an n coní r tt 1 p ' . mm m. imte í - A~ , mn, - -i , , a-vys^a.-f- i r . * pne en 1 e", 'Ten nn ' a, - mt n: min. , m rir n u a Atta p.- -^v an r,,, ;Ph Tpr. t ľ'or.'.:r n" oľ ,y mn, i" rp 1 í ti,-. .<=ni +hc ;' , i p a • r o ' e e en i m ' o m'T pi '= m o, < ?pi - ,e ''itc, a , , h ■ - * u e .-'mi e tn- m '"'a' i n c j r t -m rp : y "ea,>- : tne t.," i .hint-; t P, mm. i "l, Ci mtmmo s>d-'i ,-, - isn,i*p; nn a*a i ci.ia "Amid m'-1 'et'-^ri i,r Ir.r if, f 'ij'C' e" T"' ľi' ' l o, - in /.í r|. *1 ,-t <' s ,. n si i T c nn r i d 1pel i\, ^ ■ 'ne t. C e , * r - - - paf,-,)' p-1 íl i n i c, " is 1,-1 . s i n n°\ *~ t e -,i „ . i*s-' i>r,",» ľ di"ť o1 1 te f . . 'e.i s oh |- - ' a 0" , . ->elpiac* a , 'tVl 1" ; ! P?-'' ' !.<■•»--' A Ami i oem a P''-"c>! tm , = ,ď /m ,e„ a' o , ' '.ift i i s wjC i- t . t " " ,'' .'a'-'jprt! i a d'o aer ,m i j-' e 3i rt s . m; h i -m e nj . ) . — *' .te - Stdrp"-" a, pi a i . a, i , : , Ai i c .oi> i , ■ i t i m - s- n h enpnnm • -,,n m .p •- •- , ^ e

    o," ot-d,o\e i e-ond a s , Te' r^ r, ,t ; vpar.r n "m- i i na e ' , i • n rai - e ► ďd,'/' „uh " ' itu s_hj ' i « nm"-< , 'o ma i mm.a ,. . ,nln ad.'i Cr e — y s r tn> , + ~ n., ,n ',, to ip , ie i ' a, ' , , „. ■ nn e j - 1 n—, h - - i f t n seA i n e„ ■A ne cm ta d1j i i ! met m- i asat-.aae, n ,n cl , e ro* tU p..,, .p,, 3i m"i-r i m.- ^m ^ t ľ, i h '.! jtm c' 1 ' 're -- r1 n i 'd lil- P '..i n t lapln"' ; 1 m' t!m dm t n-no it p i i\.,ai ■ "ein.h n ,e e 'n np n otlnt -\oiet . t paid I ,ait r.-i'dn i,n m - i > m m Ahm, m d dt h t. "Mi- dtm n itinp ■-. • >,iJ vo j o d ti m i u tat c d pm- t n m nu . Katmi i- the p1. r i 11* b ;.,i d Ti -1, P .•. u !í! i i pt' o i ni d -k dni. i! -'iihu...-h ipr-tiei i, \ m, .i.ií. ! .hnutí tr tes os, i c" 1 > aii r pt -pit '- !,ďio si, . u, >« i. ''ďii I iv n t i .! the i u. . n i. n, t an, liin;u' r\i au 11 na u it tni a- .,,']■ ' i. .>m_ u a .tito i en» h, iPi.n nod i \v -..Ui> i' > b5 h 1.1 o m m m • p.rh ' n ■ t • ' -ki h m- e i e. í ij.i n i,..-',->iji hd }<\ i ht Wi t., ctít: - t-- n ste tt -'-.a'h.ata' 'dh tt ot oha- - d í.n a n i «-f Wnrkccntc dni.i.i Vnn StiapiO' Pi' um n, d in-, inn.-j.-.ti *h .- oťjer/i ( d ot.n\-.k i autl I }miiti,i~ Hu h.i; .<-'i d \'k n (iiosi- r.. tit.tie-.k' lit. \-urk and i-.,.not irt-o ťiik.tnPj.- ia /ď 'n,. .f'Oka; < it "ip i trťa , a la ta hurd, al do d\, rk. ii.t i ,-udipai tt tIh nt-uni d i i,"i at ,,k<-1-1,,, : h. t tp,,[l ,_'ii|i , -pi.nkítee' a\,.n. luiO't eth t n-i t •' h - i in I sk e. : -tis m, d son g- lioti'-i, .nm, p- eo-' - dri i n.api í jí , Po ■, d. i ,dk.'r -i ami i m'tbjm'i . o-,i tun+ui' m :r '• a smai d- a-n 1 aar -pl > m o-t r\ j. nm hin. m ■ m o. d A m. s nl a. t n i > nim i i;t in k m, n tu p, eta no tt nit. m. i -a Pa t'a pi,-,-,ot ■ ami n,n. o m lurm - i „ t plohal imtbi-mu ' 50? rd -,p-y 'h' f 1 ' J" i i r a.' a < y >!.i , mm i I h,e a , l-.d aa. >r ,'ib h Hi „n m n'-mj 1r w p'in, r steluníiTÍMiii I. b da ,,i , »!'-> ,m b ; ,<" till la '. I UM li, ill-i'n •• • , j • .e Pp. i;,t B n. , j. il v , o i ■ I. >\k k i ii.i 'i>ii,> • 1, -mud in ihi hi vi -> .it ti,;' i ii " ,. 'J:"> I ' mbb i -a , o - - - e • .,i , . ire ./ laavs , 'i '.iťp, aa ■-" 1 'a >. H ,*" me c "a J a 1 me fi'bm r mpcm, v1,-.- , .-- m email,,' 'Cm. i i .tam_ a, :,a a ,ci ""' iliiT'.m.a, a . , m iai " ťa, >, v. ,r< ->„ . " ■ c i ' •; t»*c .)"" ,i ;j t mmi a 1 „' , ar t ami r, > a t "tee,, ''m'-fni , ,' 'atan'u -f'tllh',:' -i|> me, , aiv ,„,t i,e,r ,i e b'uiv -'° t -1 "■•!- r.mta a ['-ten"- .* a1 mi- mim ,7a ''7rit_~ii. ,ií '° aliace 1 I Mite.- _ . t i~h 'Ji n m> i imosrr ■ in a t'ciaw e . .- (i >|ii r _. 'a mp)-; 'f asi r-.t. -iJf,,, a,,Jt ] „ ovfi a tiiJ\..i,,te i> a, \.| i . i,ri ji i l -^e- am, ,eia • ■ sii nil. n a.! i im\ i.n ,i i tta niiiii.ii'ei'nai,. ' iijip" \% I ■ it i ■ já lup "/at, .vjti.i mea-'t >p milmm' -on >. a iió.i\ 'imtmbli 'in 111' i r •>' ni' v ,l' e k. t ii ] it „1 ,lart , i, s ! jiei'iii ,e ■ Í a .ki'iat, i .'a-iae-1 i • a .a ike. i I 'i;eiii,iSel „ oh m ea , °' 'e a-,-1-.. .1 ii '< -k, ., > I ..t p* ii ' -e oma (.\i",I>ip. 'u- i , m k'/""1!1',,!."! 'm mine j a .i ut il J' J i.*' > 1 t h'l a. "St •( i - . ,M k. >■>.[>!'•• n> t! i .p.. st , ,n W hi -a iln > , ]Hit,.nae ' , a. vL ' a. d . i "m i -u ...... .,-,c,is- - | mi j a l(J- . p tb""i',i' , - eiMei h air bii li i ii.i -< ' ikp am el e, >, ith h". i ai1 pi tj (J'lin Imbim, hm ai-o ; i'p - -mm M tb" 'nt mt >'ia! m >-i. >! ..I 1 k,.,,i ,]. ^. ,]s|\, |sT\ mi,i , ,,.,,,) v I.. ' 1 11- a aB'iii p "uit'.iii .pi ii v\' a,e . >:i,. pi a 'p a, *, It i*0 - sme-. v, i. - the i_i'ii ma art Ii .,,« , im k\. a, i 'ai.ntii, tp-t -am11- i ,Mt ,m <, "> > a i n < -> 'tm' pm-f aa ami 'k. n ,, m , hp am . a -J ,i • ti,., aa a 1V I il ire taps p . \ ->i, - 1» . .p, up .' K.-i • <-■ < 1- - thi Midi I pi la). h:- ' ■ i, (i ;n. i;, ti;, i .pi "iii.'iit, aim,-i a-, ;>i.i rmji.nip) *k \-* ui •_• i-sii. 1 a, a-l man. ■ ■-. st,iin i-, ai' ,! .Umí- iin].li*..d m .hi pi,m ,»i e.ipadu.1 H. pia- i itain .ml i.a inieh d pi.nha - hut a Imv ]im!,,rm.mi' dl. tdtiu t ,' sec Barha anil S.iv jre\e Ho\, i iiiiipiel.d p.ita ,i.-p : ni, . ,d ,U,i|,» iti, i tmdits I hi p .i-da i a ,i.-)-), [ - ], ,ik t tp v , í., [p Sr-msiimk. lh aam ! 1 tiemir 'iiipci "in 'iiii'ij\' Idia rouš ill, imini.p nl Iia< in l'u du ■ am.e -k-p arjpp ' ai Pe a el."" i| at a ^ P a-m j, m. ''em,.1-' -'iim.paPci:.,' ., hi, >~ a 1 Ba.k' e . • ar.. i.tam ' Z- cnqeiKo Barba and w.rcia Savarese Theatre anthropology im---, - ai,e„ op; m^y y, p i i / - ti,. i c,m,'. aa p.mi e hpna ' l j, ip 'Unti"'" 'ať'\ i;?1 apa a -taei p mr ep ■ , m aii ,zp ,'ieim1 i in p s-aitiCi ar hne j ti i mipím \ , r mt, i- pp . er' Pa a p, jje,i a ,,te > lJ fk o-nr aai'/ e^ ,.t ť r auH,- ,s -e p. hp te ri mm' A *i a ,-a pita, a' ami s c+ at fcr i p>' em ,tn sm, * ipa p- Pp-'t' k , ■ ť e ' pi,,' ,.t tpr Fai .' * 'aíij^eaka ehci t ;l ee a ffem,,, b-.c'0 at cm i atat'Ca m i f rt ",, n,t _' im- a ijkť -5 t ,p ° it ^, eie. *'""i' =>. e-t " ae ipph^p " " mm i?, m ■-o a<- .' .arna; - c' m id, a'<" tl - i M|-pr!iu v.yci]1, ^' Tíará * r hj"! a" ' ; tla, a eeci dO' iodi stot >cal m •£ 'to t'v anM,m.' i.P tia e'--:'!1,' cpi-' py e a, i r Paniei c.pj- H,* . P i e» a i -et'ogy artp.p i ,j ia e p .-,|,-,iv p.ap t 'ipn'p 1, 1 , ac 1 i-'u • I tia í -,iem,a mete > «' 'pp p oj- 'at rapm- ait be-ed r m ei I y < ••z~i{;r ai a ui 'jpgi .me a,i i, \ H-ryi-pa, (, tlaaa-.c'-i-Ci pip' am'd ~c ■ i p*: i lit i s? pi • - aa itc e.i m/j ' n '-i r ' c,m pa ,m, r ch,c í .ti i- .-I' rc T:' aie.a * c' i c c ar > =■ " > a ° " . a tia i,p i at i p- . 1 , ic a, k ""at fa it 305 ms-lb, as toli!ir;i J'h»i oi ;>net ipP'" beku i, .-p si) jpipi aaa \ n. >v pi , M ;>l. >s. J ořk.k m J bk ,". i, C p, p" llersbkll ,.. 'aaad-mp. i \ i.o.-.-1' ľ, iti! Sson i . ' ■' I;-'y n • i ■ o • p.. f . .< i i - , .m,! t • in obnp too a. -nks* .,' iip;,i!ii:i ;)auo. dam - t xnihisP; T'.ir.ip stk ,.n,i bin. bar, m k . pma K nmoo kmih. ihm ib. oi\. lip pak h r ui'iur-JP <>! pr- ť o'p • i íl'. i!i o-',! n w,i -ir s im .mamôk limo, '., u v nip. m; ism ■ í c ar-7,ip,i;->"', ind-beii • ,i- bi ior • lat.i. a, , »map, T,,,0 »p. ,, >v, s-i, i i i PK ipli ..) ' i -pposb.b a," i - p'l-.i-i, i;. : pi bah', , dam - ap bhur ■. .n. In -"j n .-• ikicrme Dei rout (Wl); ht mb p, rformar í...ii,v,'t -i. hoehoO' i-k-m ,n hm , ŕat.'iPiTt rip.- m rhr p.fba r nt nmbt-rn mane " í It-monk, p , hrkut-s ham baa 'a. l.>ia > i, "a ' H paa i br,, n phi-ip ,i._ , k'u ,. i.p kohkuiPa! in boih dan.o and h eatro. I :nI nit., m d í rPai a >pi llpf,.-. • t it', pa. a >_p i'i; ,ni all ii tit (Jt \ t !• ami Ki'ii.i; .'•■'ii. »a .-la-ia ., Iľ.i. A/;,. podo. -a Jl.iti'iai .'Jml, a lib 1 .iar»., i \dtal i.i Makarova. a; 1<. l^or Dario Id ( 11>2*>~ }: iiabaii - -tit it al (.oinmuiast plavtvnptit, a-. Ilinsks ,iľ-1 a, k'ii>: ! i».i|... n 'inn' ' i sov fijrurf H. I 7; baa jiiííd-.m. tor. mm, i oi the !V)" Noiml I'ai/,- -n 1 nm.iftie 1 Ii- p jpo-t i I t'n -n',,! i tic ia ' i mi km,, b ' , p',,n, 1 at "'' 'tun", na i npndi tiati-íatit n kie h o.V",',b /kare o' a,-< in.'a • .01,, , i i,i. i on m ■ .: f o a-.-' i 1 p. t \. ,o , . • >i i ii - , i - i V, .10 n p .ta'-o , :b. iolop.i, ni"".n; i--o>, , i o o,'m .-.í... ill, ,],ti Hiioiíka .síl.! i ii,.\i'ľio,ti(.i lo Vn, ,ia i f bn, p b,"-|. .r, ;.i a. i-.',., o ioi 1. -i s ť * m- ■M ' tbi p' lo "a m ,,1 pu , a , a-, oo I i ba f! K» í n k ,i ba" ' i" \,;. rj. ť 'ba.,* r .•' Spal .a run b i i.p.u ; eíii 'imp n v i-'o. ľ1 km., b', v,tan p. -u-,i Ip„i „ (k'/ih. tk ikn. kn 11. il.'bi .".n ;k"'7ti. ihr ľ,ye oi./ík i. (ľhS'Ji. íko/ d-k íbok (1997i,, and trai'jt 'br //<>/. ii|H)ui *nto s , and antlior iľani a Ranit ilá'!vi i ponad k bs lisi •n * ^ > k ik • n, o 11 d n i'h- Kina h - .o'.ťibi.t, ti p' *'"ti, to • a., himermnp. s,-,t.ili,i Mak.irov a {1*H(k ); Rmsiaioborn • hin.crwbo pci tni > '-'^ : i'ľ'ť' '•'< "a""1" b'üiail'tiia. ,-m toi i-p; n)t|, Kcw/. Luh baikt and kimmeutb rtv \tncn an Habet Thea > - "P ' ' ' ^'.'i v'i. -too kl- ii , ,, \„ p.,-p. P", ,)•• n Jit i oi.isf r.i'ľoto loio. in, in !< í! ' '-lette. Odile in.Sinin klk and Ok m,mi| ! n,noli b ,»-i memo. > ,d -tin.- 1 b moo, .1 An om i i , dam , ip p m « i. o , i, Xbi vi] i!,u \ drain <, »itlKaP. i ibp; \ b .., í '•• - •! •,! i.p, , - ' at t. "i, i osol, "tápu \tť i i-,'i'lii-^ ttonoiaii, mg. \kilirto- (in pv.n.stapt i-aP . ia'i t 0 -m o. bia i i \ mpi. - b.p.d pi. w '• ' > o, P, i i pomi Tbi- ,, .; . -loo .pa bp ha- , n k , .,m,.i, i a , it s, ,1 ' ■" ■ i pioP ' P'lt - boil i Igor Itinsky { I'M')—87):Kui>si.Ti ano oornodian pdiottor ,-pi.»- bipti'.oi'l, s,p..nn,, si, py, t! ohytimk .,-h >ld in n n-lop; ip bit m. Somas Ihmk, pba •a ;;k ,t,bm. db -•„.m, ^k.. Bruno >p .Mm srb.ihb-. nrobuoiion id IVrnand Cromtnelvot bba btipiiamia :a I 'i- icld • i ^Pá). 304 503 prAIAabAAdC;; 5TLA As IUI« idiur.d or inn.-r'-ukuisb., is duiuom.. Xcithc-i i in .low shb-fH-rloi r. laooo .w. b.mdmtc in -tuioh ot pr,e. kess obbm am! hhoper * both ..t n-.-.- of rl;,i( e.or.'h them to.kok pootj. c-> nur Horba ,s . omnea-alis e snab.'si, oi \siui aouVde ,P rno ,1:0 Fernand Croitrmclvnck (dS&f>-19?0): Belgian phvwnght v.ho hpeeialia-il in tai.011 here<>r2+t. lee Breuer (1937— ); dm etor and writer, to-founder in 197Ü of the experimental theatre tompam. Mabou Almes. Brom I'd- many pi nilut lions nit lüde the Jju-fiunem -cries (1 U70-7S>, Umm' jt Glioma {\ ;ue i lit m nun. im 1.1 ..eíntíť merip bui titev am uoi mm,-. ■ u iu lherce-eb.- 01- hiuuded mi umy ernjl ao-iheho p"UoA.p!es_ Aesip-Pies. iike etjUW aspe, !>el huimut lile, is tlPtito, si; 'fn . i hu h o inp bei n sah!, líarb,, is h.wdn uiikp.;..- i i- pd;-, ,,ia loop traditimi rmuhinp tmi k more than .1 i er.tum .010-, \'s-,.n,;:-y Westmm, iheilee .icti'st- h.ue, and Contimit 10 lock Ea-il- oooi.ui. Armun, \Ai ye-iod Mmerhohh B,u uď b-i i in Paul Claudel, deiet Brook, Leo Breuer, A'p-i,..-kbmemhkiiit, and Julie T.tvmor to mmoe p.tst a ion, P. 2 long list. soincí.m.c- tl;o on. m.ntvv vt iti! au-nher tiPiure, 'l'ojjh hne! and partup, is ifcisim , ,;,s e,as 'Vruud s expie'-i. .,;-t of f-ialuiose -lan, < .be.itri in Far.s dl 1l)31. ()r it snap-- int-i locus a fiteom aln-.tih in iotmat-on as p dal lot- fúv i-.t ním in Ab o,. n\i in ídís wi.teh.ed Mei I ankinp di-monsti ate. wirluitil . ostume. litditme, 01 makeno, a dop ipcr.saici • 1; iroro the (díine-t fheatr.-. embodiine in a dobnítixe v jv v. hst bin cht calk-d Yerh.wdiiiij-efjeh, ďaiieuation eft. eddo .V -.e .irťi-ts thore.tierdv nmtaboli'/,e e. hnttbm le.nneimnand ti - ni .Asi.y, a-, in tlít pismd spmtailes .-.f Mnoto hkait b ihopo: bi boi-. i! or the pujipet suiri- and viAiu! ii-napination a.ídď. ma-' iseeligureS.lSi Arethtse u tmirios"()ri. oiaiisťdmdi»»in um-t oí them o -osid 'i. e háve ot ttirroo cm ept uniš. r tlu o p oť eodoni.-ili tile -aasr] it opic, and Mn.iluhkmeS i'lnd.'iüt {!c';s7:e 1 paiii.pti. pi riorro.iiioo ot a .ultiue a- i -'libí ontinout, besptak both the ai tistic-cultirrai ambirion oi tili se inďo itlu ds and a more oe neral tendetet io 1 unt iui . * owr, the t)thi.i tiiat is spemiit to (Jrientalism ísee figuře C.irl —:P l)o\, ,iíid tinoiiť hkim- Ijnvi Mr o-procc.,, is ť.11 iisani a one wa\ stn-et ipee la troll box). I uv: discuss these ipiesp. >ns íurtht r shortlv. •s •■: fig 8.19. _e iheetm dole i ; : /ao;aOe ; 19!Í7) oath Ap.pss pem ö'aaa- '-'ar-stc-a 'cm hh' pnotegoipr na 'iicndia 1 .smést 306 Carl so n Brook's trar,$,->--«-Ii t inp appppv-, . 3. 0,p ,pf rp„i-p; ,i bsatkrnot '!L'""> - „ "-.n p=c' ' T: - f J-„--t i'.ieTtvi, p-'h ,n3 arj -ep e.^-i-ed hy neto--- of 7 e CT; so,* an:.- r'PO'. sres 0t I p*P - e--_apbsrv -' 1: h i'.'iy" .e '"P cat,:i' ot d c h'Ipt.p' ■ sal . P'er -f h p in,_e.a"'. 'et ; t|, s a-ak p, ' h,- ,< '• ~,r ebse'VeaP a"d ti.f -.P,.''. d Pic= i'-o^r '. '' 'p ip- o"?,\ p!« . d b? p a.-ed. Tb" ••+-(.*iOi' a-'J dip i.rate.p a >: ca1 e\ea a" * o -rv , i-i."./ &p a 'a'p ! i-i ',!' ft iip , n. , ,phs ; =>. a rrnp.j.i jp'i.e 'd tapra '- aeost 'l apppPa, a ,""r u pr< tlr" ■)• Bi-.'.i", _ i t''£ / Po . saheh p-'p n-a of ..a in* -rva sr i■ - . an , Ipra im Pia i it-o bar ebie , c:.p- hear:. a Japaner 'vbh a - '";vh .j-cr-i' P' ar '.'• a1' g aa hnanb' ti ein1 a Pnpid t k. is irh naiac t s 'p- ai v„. p ■ ;an.^ tac ebe t p ratP>o" pöp ot a one-rnan I avver of BaPea i. . .! ra: aeaira ipr ;pr t ,, i.pi ,pra; P at'oa e pe>vp.-p Pa= paoapiep B -001 a C"oP j b-b- op' ..pip' a? f *e itim Toi=1tpa!e siar - , rTyt'on llc"C". beleen p , ,v ,: t: rD.,,- ppch -pL oa.ic oo"c? n 0- 0 ppt a.ppL r f"-- tit ost n-o? pspaaep ■ 'cp.'.i 1; ü c 'paea.'dt lata uph"-"M.,cui.pc radett^o' ,0 i?'-p/,psp apo ipo 'oaanoi'aa'ia >aa k,op-op - ., ,-'a,aie vd-apas 0 -o a ff- 'pa c..ltt)i*.'l iiPPP"1'0' aas ,p oiaa/ ,.csts p--p- vvir i. P 1 - - ppi bot! /""'-,•> :\ljiK,b'i.irat.:i a 1'-j i j- h - ,0 o, 1 i i'd,a,^ , a\ ip 3pp, v_.< p. aPcaipt-.*'. a'oai st cpbbta it. o -a tp ( ufp.i-iirt a rr ii ca.r.ocbi abca o~ bLnraa bt ataorbpcc, o -he ■ 'rctapbps'';a 0 aabt 0=0 Bofi. are aopeab to vdaai 's aapa-ned to ue te id ■ .bta - o, a.oi t.ho cr niiiio'i yb-Oii is prese Wea as oeet >iard> po;Ue/e.'' id ^ea.iiiried p" "he aaoi° ea ob; ;b •;■ e-iod osa1' . o;r. //es'o 1 1 h-"i a' ii aiiaa'sai P ppte '"'■a i"'ti"-i ppss sf t,e btcipap p iit."'s.P o a!'-i,poe " t|-ic ( ii. p fä, so'ti o pai pale i'.ch'o fi ity p. I idia , b--'t ,s rot bm a Part b b'01. sc ap cact &sia rboe>'a, 01 Aa.o.'-. aa b'bp." 1 via aod h'-tp", rapi-i ha>'p _eo..ed a akia ptapo-e S'Pe^ *ho ab >are 's "at 10 e; tf-ppt t' e ab°a el=,i i-i - i11' i ; ppy -p. In.t tp Uta 176 ^"rpe c- e> t°-11? i'.-hf - to a.M oeai p ihare ".)e . *o a a p ;a-pa rd a tioa! tsni.n-s's, he Tlfeize :.''" p' a-fi, T'pa. tat .e P p; ." sppa;, s'.''h ','ic aibi'eato vuiae at Incha as -• a..r he- e' r.i 'r c- !ia.e da. s, .s ih'," to o ae- apre i ioio 3.- *\pc_te1 ei 'iibt" 'ipoeipatii ie v■ *'. bieii ppaip wippa are c;<:a" > seen tp tbe.i c^^-orsas t:. -emtirra! in to:i -h?" a-t-, -j p,pa ' . aeat "Brook and Mnouclmme," 88-90 Ariane My source is Asia fc'.eryene nas ti ph -curCt-s that ^ tr «e ts,,p iass".ai *• 'jariv a -r!-f.-- Päppneppd dehPti te '.'i' ■ in -.a^c r t res tipaio As p A' -ar -o " aap aooepmed th-ai 1 ai af'.heat-a''a> d ■ n si. p- ^ a. aoih. ~ nr has 'eh t s e'"Pe'C'-''ep is'"', arP bbapespoa'-e 's an; -taib-t. ec, rr':' - \b'- .'. sc' 01 he e-ip .aprs dir As'aa PPathtiP 11 a>-'pr ^ p.-jP tp-a/p-d p-op p j äa '-rp he ' ' " in --tat' r v irr, a ■ si d.. 1 Pank ie. > 1 1/ inPjenres- eaf }c\i sa\e p np'," rp", ki ei spsp th-p- b vou can. 1996, • d ne Fheatre is unentai " 9b 50? m' C ii I' ' , " - ; • tr "!'* , P ' 1 1 i i j lie i if I to, i"i t. i e--17 i 1 j • , p, r ; i t> -I, ,e, 1 ' . intei ciiiti', a!i 'S (i.'f j >viilt!-'\,di i.ret-f Ae tembo P . 1 -' ,[ ' sAmm tramb • . -•! t,. 1., 1 'b'h' '.be Asm t ei e-i . a t.i a bp,!,'iTon C, 1 • i,.m a oh WeAe '11 pm, ii If i , -1 i- i 'tdtne^J , •" . T J j •'''> it' i Pie 0 3, ra' can mm en< • 1 n 't'oii' ro an m j J' ■ lb e ' 1 f *! , tj ei ,'l''i "C"i ! i .h baemiisb anci Otsnev. t. . intei saltern- . - 1 • 1. ">m '• a- - 1 Ht'O'i thai a b -'( a'eu I., - I at - a" so re ''m s - ^s,tao'>". 1 A ,. T if 1 , th"1- ai r - ' , i - Wi a t 1- 1 ,, ha ,:' al alia tb h ',\mm r'l' 'a-b 'Jan fi, 'a;, , , 11 ee'tf:''t.intte! S'li''ibir,cah.aaav*-a''a a". ' ! r j Ji ,e - ,ijl , a , a, c o' < en • ,"t, ai. 1 htto m*- 1 .•mis: cee ,hs+ a -1 t t 1 a a sc see 1 ... r 1 ,-t.*o,e m1' - *,h-=hc '.' , - , s ,., ly net -as. t1 a! -hi- i;a ■ 1 * a,i t at :t e 1 > !p m<- - ; -i f ,, , oass m »-•=;.:';. m'm+-," iciea-o.t 1 -10-"- bm -a* a . p 1 . s_;m af-"' 1 'P 1 • l- 1 ! 1'ist mm nt1 'a ia hap' ha ii 1 r 1 0 a a e" "' b t -.fa ril 1«, ' 1 a.i'n ipV . p aa , l,;,ai T nanoraat ab'ai. ji a B'it tb 1'"^e'i t . b i-".t' p ani ai ehe-afe'-a '..'h,< 5„i-p vP a npi u i"i hC'i'.o ,.a,a m .[. aliC'-A.miie J m> mm ts T" .mm a a 1,! me 1 it aeae •■• >p'a u 1 a..i s~ p,e a (- ,1. ae '..-"a* ihapnir bee eoAea VVer-' >o io 01 "ml-, > ni'i i, foc\ a a' ■ Jra psi r, a,- a imiin.jh.b t eearme1 e hotlm'iestemom ■ a "i ' " ivi'jtijuf.i' -A* v al n ,,yc b fa t-sme1 ihi 'j1"^ 1,1 miom'' • i-lc'CsAenr the ?'a-u.'C.'rtl. tl.t"l„V I- are I J*', CO It fin"" C' 1, ^ e " '' e p'T' c- 1. tr;'pM 'i||i > h i "I P>, b a rOjt ' J1 C ' r t 1 ^'l" irtei as' ions be* ■ m* a ,,' a u a at ■ m c'.sn . o_+>'e i Am m i f em if ta' ', _ " h a-u it1, "of a-o'i'. .a oeecbe.n.ahsit mm i to- i haca n th s >■ a a, < .e-t a' a * a \ r AhO bp e 'a.;0 oh. at ' -1} 1- lvbrkt performances: pi ifoiruos.. . .tiialnm mpotaU 11, on nt> miiit" ..a oilnr ntt ntms - or .ti'Pti .ls"ij)ec Integrative interculturalism tirntn'a 4 ib inllbni b - ! he rit'll •. trier P ,nti 11 oi n: b o. i ha o ant i - i Sec P.i\ is box), inter.'ullai . o ti uoinei mi.).* in P hap no > > trn tn s: inteso.Pb j'i i tl'.n'i-ia 'hi mnpml;,. n In-ai m 1 ire;a;.,r ti-if m . j,! ''lit . t nt il'uias jo nor >uly oiirk Pip-.tin Hi a •.-.!.!! Iri; • \ , ib, Lai oi ,n. a el'iti not at sthi l!-. s,n j ,. _ ot P. I s\e',||-|, .eVoim [i Mei s or in ie-iiis rhu o In>jt ar- '• neoio be i.;kh t quest on oi nre ilil ar. a a b i n nu 0'nt i'. 'iil.inii ni" . > r-'.rhehuinp shhi i s . n ihi L.tlt •> ' ii, iiITX T ini hp ms), but ot lit ma - n'othap' i t , iron") a hasi. ot inul ua r. sj-i ot mo ri. ipo i>' 'AtatJ'.t- ttt. ,aiO-at tie I. eh o "l>. jj.c-t'\j!it>an tin "iiii'i it' i • ^ irt n oh 0 fit b\e!o pu >lic ixi'kniut. e A\ oi n e i 1 t • . it a1- an. tin j . i P ' m: r. es Oiun i.o lib . nip ai ,th> hriil jaorfortiium es sja >i. i' '. I. tp- of |i i i t ism. . i".ni 11 ' e ri Op.ou, nib t nun o. n oi ..opuheion. inh'Uat.o ' i'nai in hi al- a m n i .ha* .hi \ . t ■ th, po'ni >aat moo oi •. iiol t' i .hp- L •.ib r. 1 P\i • .roaiai Hiiii.ii, i at loin Linn b'io . lepe.'ii lO-OT"til .'..' On i ii.iUl t ' ut"n r\ '• . illl.irJ son., t out, i n.oiauCrti i bt oa hip in main [>a-t-ot rht • ma „s r.eb m i ttl"s >o,tl in'e pm't s ,o^al inn •!-an.! ,ii trie s i olt 1 im tsiiiutt o i.ita a nuts Tin ^i ur.u > t'at iumt is t -t'tu .to ii'' niitiis ui.'t'teb tea \ ii'tnt in auo K. ana's t at hoi i jllacoci- Ailorhei • \.U0| 1 e im.ilu t'l- t'uimib (111111.1 o ■a ib'.'b Jam n. Thmi mtcpmtt in m. \t v. \\o,). p ub Flit .j.t an .m.sliep. n.mi, , mat. ami b. ii,', Trin t", tbt. Ill ai ih'l h> t'lal! ' vi 111 \s, in it ,. . t sill e.., , i i,; ■ 'ii|>i. i isiunp, i.T . ti; t btidui-m l,as i ,np h. t n n ■ i )i to.c t" miepi .itiii^ _t . is r-,h t p s i( ,n a^Ui - i anetn ■ n< >m io ai ,|)ii its n ti hob ;,1 i . 'npatp' i )li"'i , t'L i-tni ui ' ( )' ! ioshm. ntipu.'i, t.ii'bbit e ion. i o' n i ihii e t oou, lor Allah ^ \ Siat is o hip . n ai t'lts Im b i 1 a P i euifi a u j... i !• t m,.m t n 308 Hat. ice Pcl V I S What is inte'-calititai the.tire 7 ' mm cl'i VkeAea : pe> .c .cove, hm-vr Sr-mb 5 '"•-via' em c.o ipLsi..... - stag en. c* Ire a h'sga v th .enaVb m ami di "-.i.s^cci m or i ?;k mo eceai tecA. k. es mere mrieceea tc ''epr-.-ci '• rtmeme cto.,i: q, aefs ,c dm i ilAoc .moccmener,t, Gi Bmta'- ret marm mmst re Jana-iCne or I iid' .n c. peers f -q. i 'pe fei mac hm cf tic. mom go \ -r ;it!,,., .-, -.tie. oi.i apv, ace a- a it e- am- -e the c a»s >'i wl ah -j japaiime him kaond i.mam -hrA.eseeam 01 Creak * -mgcP rmp y-ahma! and »ou.| teei" 1 rpjee nermmc.h pem pm-'kmma1 ', if amm kerns Or huioh mi.h A-dm-- o fmP'm.m e-• mothI ceaiiery. a p ;g af ken1 m f into! a' meek H'j'kata Ta.sumi i ;ee figure 8 2CL ii aicm > ecent time., a km '•• pale:- tin eaataae a ank no >, rt eieaiert; - On" Side it: com nmuoe .n ei he-' tc Mike, edki n and stabilize m i. . .1 Anteicmt ra. ' cee; act met.n .amek toe aatne-ain a*' p. :im. m' dikerem- nar,o tantii e o> na-'cna! mac-' mo '; e mrai'.cm la tins banal o;a c~ mcmrnaa. oaa; cepnepmhtar.* one lekat eav teat eo it^.npeiare becn;e.p ermeca'?pbm o;">atcP cm am omanm ,ntem nat oaai oHen lorn =arr ek ecaraeo; ■ -mant . . 7> It aeeeeSor- [. . ] te snkmi'ji ce.-e act ot ■ eeA timeticr f. . 1 of taee.t ca' 'Ptemikta 'alisna SA mriet as 'nay be nkt'mjai-mi 3 8,20. a.,,- l „_, ;p-ge3 t.y rieoP aecmt ••; 'raeaeim ,ocp„_ m.rmtm .1 Ac Barer fiicic-. Pg-rte P'oimta it; we] 1 Cam car-mmm , ami 1 Apt. Aaprm (• aap.- ceotm tarn, v.i m eu'0/,->l'ate', eel uc ; mp "■. roe t aa-e amr-cm-r e-.a- t .; a ' jmt A'-et-amro gg r,p,_,g p,,3,;t._ ^ei^.p Ittteo '.iltuivi! theatre, t 1 -V mi irae.-t m-pe, this ;reates h; b ,.' torr,m, hremApr, ,,pCl7 a n a,-e 0r s eeao^leus aad oeieaaa'g nk 1 n ot rirra,rav.mce pacta or..-traceable tc dkthiet cn'ttiiatl a-eeo The 'lybAdizat't-n is very mter, uie.1 that me cr gemi coo..£ can no career oe aisttnguisned.'. . A, Mtdtiuiiturad xiteatre Tee;i.»»ices bemaeen •.ari.p etla'c 0; Ingn'tc arenas n miapen ta-ai seek'ke^ o=.t, AmAopia, . a; an. ": nam '.>""->' t'ip- senree cf pekor eaect..- ,,l p/-ag ;.-',er=, aimaaa°a ace, pm-•eoamei fm a hi- ai rviith t.ikira! peh ic Tli s sort of e-'Aa- iqe i". er .< pea- h e e.i'en toe po'kical eystea- m cl-iee rmaauaiees A ci c; caper, e»isteaet of euhi.ra' ca nataena' earn anties are erpoerages their eceemratgeP 'cAtaaet aitpq iter ad the shibboletn of national identity. Ci,;f,.-auAi;.-;1|f 'f nit o n t; a s a- •. m. Syltľet:i."-'vati'£: ' ai ar-, -ii. "'-tar,?.-,:; '.r.ľri;l ma 5 'm" -.a-a !e :'- i:a-'= rí Derek Walto!! m m V 1 PfHt.'.'OÍOí/idi thepke. i m t la. e: ne ■■(■■ ■■ 'a. ô ŕť- vja e,. m- -r Tkeab-r :-i the routm Vjoď.i ■> - fed a', -.e-i.c- ! a'ka a .c baoma. mri a.-e - y, 'et je e ta , m „ - t a e. - :; I , , .: e eb ■ ', '-a,a ;{+,- é i m i 'f e e>' i ; a '-n. butoh: lie-1 alb , ''staeyinp km, -.' 'ha m sr hm, ,p m rb >rm m. r v .e Á'.yia i l1'^"! .hm" . i. rap'ac i! k 1 lnV .i* t I af-uif t . •. .dm -v itl> Olino Kay;ir. Imtrahd bim n. Ihipkafa t ahod h-.- -i an aap .ms-rn".. ŕ !.',/'./■ "it ik 'an ' Ii mtk (tkiai)l.i ,,a i e.etaial uhm' odlíši, .p < ■{' »», - and m mini i. Ml: • Hípkaía and t >hn. i, a. ľ» ,Bilei .uka .1 ".ups,'r-í j nie. m I r ,'i-pn t , s ,hn nmímmi iheifit Kiim'i siiiuns ju iba w m. f .'-'ta k uvi :.i hu K nop plat i i la e. a" en j.'pi'n -i n.tMiiíai - i,it,livi ,1 'm,, Pi .per e\m.-srn, , i da'" t, ^iia.t,., sham.anisi.i. and /,-a á! in-seni, kuí,ni i-'« tk ,.j hli-, iii'p "t i I" ba' Itji '•' \pi i i. i> 1 pi-r'i .nu.itii i Hijikau Tatsuml (W2S- I«*K»>); th. Pianu t . Km epankí u-hc, aiaitp ".itb t dm,, Kamm .iii-.-t.ei, im;, -a Hipk ila'- (ku- ,-s .\ era-> .'.,-• '-, ''m'.' inaii'ii' -li", ki.ip na e ak --v ť ii" n • ' ntna, tii'i --anik -a.a- ai..ptet. 'ripikata's v.erk-- m. kula l'r ikik-'tii", ,l"ii| Ma rat'*"',,;/, vetní í,,-.,,'",, ''kať-^Mihirai i',;;. 1 <7i-,, ; '„i ,.a,„ '„"V '"-a-, r i'a i, 'u-, ket, i i dl) naj ' ' rail ,« I k ; 1 i'm. a t-epnii.itii». \ I am ľ.-- :- k -• .ma na ti. e-. '• e- a íf -pa-m'. m -'-th S tkaľ.,n A í. e a mec Henri jí ihn Dřepat In» i Tm- pm. P, i num.m . m ' e a, n Vru.m •ai-iwhr.i . um ... bhmah-im . m-, ti .na n-i mmp a- p. . s Ohno Kazuo (I90»i- dOIO): * t midei p< r* »um r, n«J 'h «m.m'f Putdii í tni,ť - v.-.-H i- Itiiaan tor it- írnimiť' nati ibdua! . Iiis-oj't. 'i'Nttil m t npi'-i. an in J. -. ''V k ate m-b-ie,'hi í imt a * mini ! |iir,.r i |nsi-i. • P. -I i t \t th- r>aa., mb t' L5MPi, an.' j.v I'era t i'a,/j i nikl t .i-.i t" t Ham. "('(M; t Sli'ie pďm Ins fin i] p e li, pe 't'finance - usimp cmh hi-barak m ppttp. Derek Wakott (1910- ): ta .-st Im' pknv.flnht am! , .-r,, t'iimi a Pki \.ihtii*i;/. ii.i ! io m !'*}*_ tem min-v rs ne |i,ii„,r ní. ';, no m; . ''7m, m Pe .t t i ao -, mam. ŕí-cm. n'-"í!4;. t.mfA.'i-/-,'t-/e/P tu;„ !.ľtuJ(2'X)4'i a frč fei.o fnio) p.'.i-iti.t W|i, n I jr.ipi'.m. .'om.-ts an w'.iií is sp;i;"usb. h.reipo and W -u ei, e-ii.tľ kť '.adt l-t . b >atn g. bke 'mm. o! í h. ba-oipmm-- b- \irlii..dkii nVt ..t 11-,,-,-n- knmb . r •■ ■< rd. hond- A;,- >mnt-tPt t-att r- o hu 'n.-.m-'i ..-od '--írma a,,d m Iii i.i-m the'am! loím-,md laia-s Mana i '.\dia. dmata'.d- nitu h li.nn ber aak pís Pni or- .n d ..- -a,, ir a-Para iď t r o>a -o,p. i'lcerp > -,ite-a\d lean h. bar, -n. I Fm • ipman im,,, v - iml ,n tii itn - o , m- im. 'an.iiii-ti lniitť |>n-i - .in: tt. H.odo deOť -. espLt bbh i n.slmn e .'khss ;,? o-.-iltíi Mam d\ai i m.nnh -t- k, i-t-n m tL.n.', - -'na. -'totril'im mm .-n-.i --md-. 1 ima.fp s,,,-K ,.; j-., b - í i a-, "i - . tr> -- in , • m.n no.o a m- , i ap ,.Nt( ; u^ \irb ati, and b'.k.t t pai n t. nts, v, ham • ober - p -a-'. - -a, rm n .sa;,, ■ in tlr. 'op i-p i-d) n -Ptimp ..n Mtt-'li", ma • , : ops sPpmm; 'ajtum. ,sec figure 8.2i p 310 i a-dians "stand-tied f.nv i k'o mem -.a i« Afi...= is 1 ave i -;im Cóc /,ac, - e-peaa.iy A • «a amebons Ma v id'Iteaa rm, ik, a,-e im-en i.u me nractrm C eAip.mdm m, ( |r,i ,r ,.'\in.-n mvp, I1 " aa i.ercnar.m n -atncn aro v.a -:-do cam-o' em.-hrne :a ".an >0'kit*-.c* e.e a niumi.t .mamr eiaf in lot..s cental i e'eat ma a tie-nan a id a.a una a •". i,'-a 1;>da Performing the either dad [ ,'d pe ^m h i Lupa mu lit), r i .i -J.iiif e, r/im.ii , and tin .-to ir! nts make intern ah.c nať" maltioad pt rk a mancr- that it anahl hn impi-'-tWr tu p-t them nil, Tht.-e ot the b. t'er kn,.\', n an Mi:uk-iTjJa?h; bom jap in, ChiTOrlr.iieUid Ir.m Inani. and ihiiip vb>ss froi i da. USA. \hrii an-Amet h an .ho.c ographer Ralph Lemon, went on an actual and spiritual peart.i . to Ait h a and dien o-na -echino point- -d maitact out o! nh.n h to make In- oV.spai tnioep. (i'-m)~-20< >-l ,. *m a scene Slop-, /mm Far'- d • d the ť dopp a Jaoaneo- dam m. not mump In an\ mmins, -its iisp mnp to a tape .ii \mer;eaii him s ami 1) di el -in;., r I o.nlbellv limner-i d in i eadlmlh -deep I.e. e."n< , tin japtm se man hepat- '■> mp l;is hand ',.f, his tlnph, then iiua. hn ret t O'.er dít ir m loo mmntm, lie uii[i''.iti.i. a dame tint is h ith randier | ipanmm nor \ti nan .dim i ii anm ■ t pi rli < tk e In de, m iron mtcnď d !i:s Chandraiekha (1924—2007): indián dam >. r-t Lot. otjripharvi ideK km m n ior her t-xperimeiital and in I -r< ullural reintcrpn tarn ue-, ot traditional forms, iter mirks unlade Lepko (1985), B/mem /Veiji-.i t I>n)j, and sharmi i '""p. v.etk to minim and kec euitmo - h it his p m m. \ s droop! r '■ni fa., to i n (. o eh an. xnet ti d difhi it!tics and dm om. ■ i see Lemon box >. TI", í inu- koňmi ot Mnpapoit dna.P.r pm ketip V'ii is sji-l ,tn alh di -ipn d to ir Herat, pei'toi manct pem'Cs/st!!; s !im" di'iereii*. i obim s (-ee Ong ho* and figure 8.22) '■ tnpk ,lr ,p L-t n iuii\ tomprehensibie : . '.srins id onn'r ati" obit Mitpnaporc m. at tím > ns-si o ub ttai.e o en. inn. nm A-.ia, an-tea Ha. -\f:ka, mid Fu - oinp a eio •-o.te oon-istiop of t. hinese, Milra, In-'.i'n. Indonesian, ano peoples, lanouap.s, rclijnats, and acstki tu.- tcni' no! s. ^m.ppiimeans are hieh.h, min-ciou- rheir mttiti-i úl nrihi p . eh branná; rathet than detďpi ..tinp , i hea ■ líníma,".', ot handhnc tttlti.aal and tec liimkipi. ai mnut- as . model t,,i hi tma píohal d«. u lop> nein elsi-chete Man. í.eadbeOy (US85-1949): b,,rn Hudihe LerPx-tter, this iegemi. \irn an-tuiei nan bines dial ballad composi r and sintm-r vsw a piidoneii ritirder- r anil the master o! the tneivc -tnng pnitar Ralph Lemon How mysterious we are to each other km am pit!, pi,o i .-re;! i Idd7 feat i a-d da lam" insraa-o .-" . -It 'Am si Ctnt ^t Am -.a • eri t\ West Lis can ti -d ■f| yiC's ano eon- ii - at bdeaes, ťm ad a aae casttoo'md a mm .nj^e 'teat 'ca1 pm.c d at, h> ca tcenticn radíccO me i at am cf r-aa> a :ti Oi "=.\pectecil ■ a' o i-aa iiaiď.a teen .AA' ad at .a." At a. t,. Tke pepor ia rs :n" Lt> 'ca d, dly, nečil, rrot.oh: ti aďpar.s to |nmym a id "cii a-o "q to tne r,r-oe.-s= sf r> K.'at e e^ner;n-e,-is "r'din not sdame nv s-i.f v.'tl, "ace a; ai Ah-i 1 l';ilil '|i l'i.'. ._i''ni>:.d' "'.'!'!,; j;Ol'S- It a 5e ,I<- ■'"if ni" =y I'-it f|.. ~'/..ig f;i"m> Pi,ami r,- to'., i ri' ioi "i'f ahoi,, „,l •|ui-.i.!vi vlii.Ji tmtiO.a tao-.el ' ' '*' ml pror. '-m.o i ■ n'1 'cp i i-->',_■!•>-.-!!:-," i TP im, IT' 7.0^ a a' p.' aj "~. odd he"o"e: a 11 mi --so _„ 'an' l.-i re_, da i' nnt m" ruth" Wt ,,, a ptoha.t j hi, a, - oo-.e .a wn: m- a piayias"? ""ii i rmme if p, a pi m •-• i'Voia' '-a a oopi,ata smrtp. c a P: 2002-04 t'l-r.. :t"i0.edaatal 3ia lauom a a:na dipt c -'i-• ma -t '•• ' ai'dd, nh "re ' it f|i ma t.i'1 •a., th ;0.,iia pmp'e ~deo. ■, i Mi a bam mi l_a:£ to ■ an) a Pamas aaa i e . ivai. Pmnmrn Kuo paoKun {1W-2002): t' h an, madrdiipprf a , ,, ■. .. .e;mtsirp rj TOO" m nolle 3,-Oot: P 0,v td I ape pommel pi.n « odd, oil 11 ioi. arid bit onsi. hi lc>os ha aim hd v id L.i- , »'"' d d'. d'o-! too '-"'id .-< mspbe .ts h. diem m< Kn„i m,.r,nkd do Pimm.. IPiPaimm. \n- Si hi ml. f.J" a-O'-riec, Oo ddao lao - i,it--i .. hi am op'Op da* unptkooa d fi.r la-, kd.m mv- lima 1-To l.i I'-cSP. In Id'Hp fa ■ C'.sppt eappp,,rd . ~ ,p,-:P', -dp- oul\ In-'* ot th^ mop iv,,e-d< d Mi pap a-- - e tiki mil Mod llli-.n, ami in 2ui)2 ibel-ttt i: . ■..a; ip.:,; tin- mpanonroj way no ti>, pro, .i.t'dims, rp dm mam i mi I >'. •sepmp' -re idr> o , pda. huo Pa<> Kt::i s oa .p■ ad hid O ,n i if.,. b ,t inl'gmdii .1 A- 1 dip On, If ip a.O'., "ii,.- . , a,; radii . a no i i daeihiou d a..;,,,!,, !r,;„,..,o nod i mp. ' r;i ai m 'it ■ ',-!a ,iii,n 'I' 1 "do t a I, a . P ■ nnt an 1 lot pr.i i .. . i mam ai ti-li in. ■ h an da '•- , , p o- ■ "< "r,it'll ai' ti. d'r'-t ni 'a aim. dm o 'i "at , ■ e.nt >h. v.imh em font" o -dm, P hqoem-.t eunt■ ■ i-In She di,m,_ -ni a an,., nl, am! Mud ilia:: nth lopo. ilt.'Mn a'O'i; W.'di ai n''d. rr hot' an.. ,--,-p, i •10.011 ii - ,' lor oani mr,dbd- ;.'/• i ,d hnje. or ■ mi n ai piar- •.."•!, d. rpi a t-in A;, i,, and, rb, \,,-\ ,.i roaoi i j.i n . d a, h, .• \'ai.i ioi'a m-trip.iierd •. faep re la ai drb-. ",a"' Pa" .i, Ahm m aii'd bin"-Am.'Oi, ,,n iratiiri. n- I ritud ;d - ri. It o , A ...]i'io.,mii intl -, Phnt ■ . i h ..." and-. a'\pi > plai-'-o m tod md- \ ImaS b,r mtip.rp'no iaSu*n fai-ia Kot. hroidad "iina.ip'r n , * i . , i Vjisrarnni p'-rifaii aiiso tenttr. Kan'.'. pta> - aitluilt ilic^ofpi-i mOitot p oas o it o m a.t' rp' ' ' ft,/ Fa > baa /.m/o i !uPPp /)aa roparir; ->,' 'hr L ,m,/' .frou >/ i !VI" Wan", h'.iaip, fai ti:r:et Hie Spirits I'/ai , l>"-)Sl, ant multiliii" tira-tf lor ( ty»> i. Border wars oo • ar.p p a.■' a$i ■ li'b'tct' a ip> in ■" '.. a i "ci o'i nf '"Vt.''ld ioi'ipi vip' 1 he u i^t "' d itet or .i to: ore i, 'adept o,e id, ".e'er r- oea Ip. eaeo ;.»"h' boat in'",* a too t iimre-P sites •Pd i1 'pood He im 1 ope , py ppp? Pinorpom, ?rp.pi Tpa_v prei mm Pit iomurtm ilr :t"- oaoooi" tie ' r°oam ore i i iCoaipo Fi• -m-iog p, mipheo i re, pirfirca"'-: ot p pe-. am lim |. ap- para,. "iaic 'ni - a t id: m m p. ri, ,i m.aa t i p. aoi . a a .or, t n mtoprati • a otmmn l he sore '-'.ai'O.p arnotcrt t>'- ii tista am \Lne, a. t'iti nant n> t .tpnM' da tbia. alrit i anil t sph ot th, m'Ui"f p",,'"' a i"0 l'vi'ds f0i "ia,:,mepd"a*"ob e.'it I'll I"." pm'", , rottra.- ptusihi'i'dft .it plavmp aims 'i.tmmal, '"aPni d, rOe'f, tip ao smoiayc. "ooatidemo alaoeoca'" r,e,ov .irhaii , and per', u al h.'-tlori Thm ! rand '.idn*- n oi mr' • a,, "imii; 1 ma> o.d r ; Tt -je m, are r..t"i e Or to,ti _ps p> rt> .rim.a , t rotas, i ipoman s. "p m,--,, ur,, Iri.ihi .a>d pi's it'll i "f ite pd"ert' hia' ma 'op' me, pf," i: p odi Otoe b. dit-i pmir itipeam. aid pr tht moAmy m esa.; ,eoted a1 lochao Ch'-em, did óv Eeroeer-o uäioa o- ,ts pi-mam ham o' batodtiep. poiro. The- vo h ao o.i-bMpi ao 3 a, o:''o / toť' toč >--:etjo ore ream, Lc coPi.ctA m;, ooa osh Jaaä\ : aooso oto v-'.i;-?, si- ío io io o o,o oh „.j, amah/a -aoi : i oeďe Pi , ee-ss--'.- Aji 5,/o'v ui mm* to i lo'oa'ia-1 OiO-olov io' hu mdo/ei- of em"- 0 ho',7, ■. I o A . ea.l.-a ei as ' imdoti oo;-' ;!•■ ft >osyll uo.s a.i •.. ai' .not, or c*: '-to.,, ,;rs too o'obal ;_>.-> pmet oh. S thoä' ho íae .h'Ol' r1 O* th id m ľ'! í :0''th ia ipaoyat. ...k1 ._"iť"'oh • , er be-^iae 'OuiF OpCO - O Ito A Ua.Or Oj tne *t'h 0000';'', ; Ot i/" t-'á cultures. L, . .1 Apo" hadom Is oe'oá oi mveaoi p oeloire itons- Alst, f-eiy looy upieb r. r c. .o ho taepy l'cctoo' 'o .m A\-,.t o-ie ooiťa.'e. Seooo i_ laei'S a hv'te ro .imujo be .uvea th- "h t" r - t. b-yi'i o ť-, L|o ■ log > p by rm- pti : i. tne orurur oohhic ooe s hi'iiiq by that ip 11 o - poaei; oo'h >e. lha h ť-o o- uoyr'op'orm p j'o in.;i'.'cl „al -aouic i e o ' based '"ro e the i at i a aotl tap lihlo o-' pi i n h:c h-r1, .arloal. Fc.a t", ooety stomp: sľco d po r>'0"ed, pamei ť y, m a: e"eri,;e;-. oí Ihe mAmes A the h'C" íl éoo, tiieoifiv -olv. t" od mm ",10 'hi Ito - "s - o -a a*.,. F e-.h p o half spr-o d r-'" oiiiioe ci'tui e as o pri napy, . ca - =)• ea of sto; y L. . .J. di -dicit op>""" P', -,pa,- coeaaupasmi o u-e.m-ecmď-oee ot to: aidAeka h co sua- ...oo ť a jip; rai-bo .,nol oon.e-oeht ea to OOlO'Ore t 'Heerte o.loPaoi ;o>mnamí., i . . '* !s roťap. di áit leadio o* e oho-o - eepecoiiy 1' od- ie-Aa.?: oxp'o p. o u or' á>-'i''c . reato is - that the ooeper I a noa, 1 hoes Joe. pi ah1^ as aar be idooo id-op cay/red, rol o ry d -mp-oi ed, m.pcrir, intra ,vth ;o p mmey o. Fo.p uy.i orieady : ohol -' h i.Ll;if. ,auo' aoo vast fso; Ser r v. If e •:a"',-ar Ale r, apo e-.-a o, eo .y e .die Au eod, , i -to&ir." ■ moeeh nie re-o-s It nitiesnele tr f oo". res ď-,. Apo i ťa.'íoro Deqcts (JDon Futures. IP'i.-y ''Aa'.lrrop'Our,: 00 Cc-h', ' oaLirep ó? 60 Gt.íiiermo Gomez- Peň a / carry the border with me I -ao a ,io. mehr He io.a : y-pstOv da, ,, th;- prooosr- .d Chi too oatioo, -,- h,oh myaiib > .„.■< eitody Potrhog ÍMorta. My lohi oey rot eoi, aae: fi om Soihli to tle,y i hot i'-om aaaoAi, io 5p mtiha , a td IP,ho Foe osb' f-om 'doai hlph teohaohapy. tro a dte'-aoaie to peAorreoee a a; o'v! f rev a slat,; D-mse of ueoat. o; a :- m ic'.-e of oaa tipie ide Pith;:, Once I -jet ' oier- '' wvPci-evfi a is f a,o m'"to';o:d lo rfi:'n m d ťion to ef.semha. v 'emaot ry .ioarac^ Ta o. mem Arno boraer Sisvpnus. L. . .j - I - rod-^ aá aho h the mho.At kPoc- p,„t m'-m j er o at dir ao'-'tei' ť.t fo. am toe hoideľ >o miytcr locsíed at ai-y tr,.od qoofC boa! site. I otJ a - toe ..malér mth ioo, oo I I f..icl am: oor :er-. oaierevc' I -,c. '. (-"fc.fjt. a van' ■ "mh ri j a hm.mveim ^h-'. rmt n si Km, Par. km, (ll>>'>- ?!M)2): (. him brno, imiilih'mn il apm,-; PnO>t-m ■■' ee'tanm a ■ itr h On F •! Op- the A-dh pti-.«ii;hf. Air. i . .r, and theorist in ' %9 hi am! iiA uim « has or d ',io:PP A ne m? hhm.a hesnAr A: ^ '-> i i i-utut h-naded da hi icti, i \\ rlot-mim; Ait- sx.1h.kI Km.< ms ;iicM.v Ae-i'-ese-'i 1 iecmO°'i Fi'C.m 2.104 ti's nnpi i-.ii« .1 h a hi- I. hist • lew s hum sC;-, f(, i, m'.rsip. iv'< Sutist ate a jn 1 h>! mi n -imitei Kim Apia's uluit. 7'\ t rfi me r- AitpA ni T'h, hU'L 1 HSt). FK y ,-ndjnt-. .'/ 111. tnr,u,l, ibmr,,.' . i'"-A). ■■mm AsAim; y, h[v, Aei , |OHv, f.m Spimo Phi- Cf'u<-i, 31 'he ■ niuitifiltmhihi:tta>a'AiimhdAhS)i ,Ar ". AaAm'' aAh: a A AveA-A;. Inli n tilti ml p-rii maim -mod n. it ti;n »n mli na atriu. , 1 net 1 an. a mi Ta° Foae'; r a-1 ee Project em he a-ne h tm-itmh' • nti.ujr" 1 reave .,, a ... am ,s m' , cad A'aae»a ' T%>e '. ccposi tlm dniii utf ,m ami, \pim 1 'h e:tn a'aaee,'"ih: ae hem . em s- i.arateh v. ah n cm-r°m .r aiim poss bmtms <>t tirov naiioml, itdttr" tin- ti Th" \< nets - lev mme .'.Ah cetm ia, a.p irt-r. . >am at u-rii . at" l pet si m n inn d-. t e This brum 1 ■! i.meu uii.n. ' „ eneaah a"" he, e a "e" te aer.m a - fatt ■ e eaht-t,eu-. pm' , 1 'n- s et, .pmm Ae"ae-, tan mre,. and p-»i. ■ •ie .n'*;ate Laimjert-- Bit' i eti'"i'e' ta . ilv- ,c mm: „ma P. ilia- pm.ei itiatioos, are jainte . hIk.'S aboii-mmo he F ,i -1 j ' ■ m - - i m'-ct h) thi' " ava ."a, cA m e t j - I beta A r. 1 b-ttrr ami,pi ai .ml, pKn tieaib. ami ~;lst a y'omneefmimh-t, '< e' ctlir ,e,. i .ke-nti r.Htun,mmathi 'da "mm.i tins i-pm , a p, 1 lornaanm thin 1 peg ^h. , 15 F'. 'aert t„ the ' imp pe,ta*a. it s imi - >ai r nt (iiaia nn< - t a am / he rAi \\- a bmp b ah -1 1 , eah m e ahil. - -;h m' "atianp, 1,. it, te--a-ss. eratieu, h"ta / I'mhi pi'th, s bt jaiai, ilere hie, At)-i nptmie, and iraai m- 1, etna eiptxh, r, arn'me. hem • ubmm traah to aiitiioa irmAai'Cn POi e 1 „ . ...... a Pena. box 2). 314 Open culture - tlie global perspective om" "v.l.'-- p. er am Im. me' ■'!■;,-,' n--'' of *! f .ifri: i' I aj- , a. i ,, mom,, d, I et r '., ; dämm ,'" o t iam ■' 1 ľ a p ' ■" t = dim-die " =' ju 'I i" m i a d ' 'a.'a.j i]"1,! a,'. Jre ""m-mr, " ii a t, a ' o. mar le^ 'I ll 'j'o' Pi íiafi t .v í . vir '"tia. ii. iri ta ti am ťal-', f.' nem " i, ľ" , m -.• utíV t?:0 - drnm'-m a ro' ľ T ľ '."i m i-o-sm,, t a- , m, ' a. i v "a- • ie eaoh - ' e-i, tú i eii';''1 t ,', .i s ', ai a / :' aam "ťv a a -ndim mo t pv.da, imm,,- ii,.m, mm ti"? caa .am 'am n *i i.n j a nl*| c ;m!i, vmai -a . ni, "a r; m '"sl-e. ili-evaalai'a.a11 t < -ti ..mmi.-i .ídie, a ,"c af t| c Viii-ia "niti tpe"if„ r. í> at m m, -jra. ta1- 't m m Iii"' "'. aaamlm t) m änpaae ruina v in:.'.' Cj|'íi=j c' .ai..i( ! 1 !n s'-v \ Cor < '. m,r cc!'tenpiŕ+P' a t mm- nrla 1 " n4- 'm' i do'dm.' ~) a imirm "A" e.,h tcma ' • eaav 11 f ; mv jpe mm' n'i at'- ,Lj 'al-; t oo 'j|» d ,-• a> t nm im, ad"' ..ať/m Ceaeís fioen Fuures. ]ô - ; ,i*- , •<. -. , Open p, p, '-tu c-.iiifipd G orné z - Pena 1 c a "i v i iP bot der ivih ne ,i 25 31? 518 <" ' h fib, ■ '' - ij--,AL b -"'if-' ,,"'CL3 irisTopherCtdumbiis, ({. risfofoio Colombo J( I - ', 'Mb); >jjr v, 1 i v'oml-'L ',b"h s ,i, hot;!,,] m, M.inli n-m, ^si-aid, i ononis-on hurn .yin oi'ibrbt i1 d'o op.,, ,u,p \, ,„-IiI«!im loonaOi ilili,,,,,.-',!!.,! '', i o ,i' !.,' o- 'i, ton, it „1, ,n , oi m ul f - „oe, '. oco F liSCO 7"..'.; L'ncuscat i ?:' A'^ei ind'an-, Vu't . ciays mm p,o island lathe Gulf of Mexico that had somehow r> •('-"1' -m' i-m mme,. to i- 7i ,o -mm m , --r-, ,, , , Our mojeot concentrated en Urn ' zero degree'' of mteroiftorai relations in an otaanptto define a point :e oeooi tor the debates that link "discovery" and ■oonao-oess." We worked within disciplines that blur toiooaooe), between fantasy and reabtv (live spectacle}, olio omweon history ami dramatic reenactnieot Uhe oiomimb. Tat performance was interactive, focasioy ;ess oo si!,! we bid than on how people interacted with us anil interpreted our actions. Entitled Two Undiscovered tutwrimiiam Visit .... we chose oof to announce the overt Ihrouqn prior publicity or ary other means vvher. em , to y.,<. ■ t a-, 1 -iioim nhb i,-', ■ .in I,,,a. 11, latum i sida , in,mo iku („, , , i t, ii ■ , ,.,o,, r, i I 1 t »i. aim ■ a lu'i'l la ' bn , 1 ..hoi ' , t Mil lit *a ,, *i 1 ,,. ■ ■ d it .i a t., , ., \t .. o 1 s \' h "jj. \ >lr, ' i ■ i "_bme s m ,,op lOn tins i.tll ai'Ji ... a I b- * i i ; I ' • pi '! a 1 lama' ('i'i in i.'.dii i iini, t1" , i'llid b'too i-laml, . .jbmios m tlho.,,1 ,p!m a\h nil ta ".pi ill ii-" ml Pa ' 1 .'I b i a i ' t . J.t, . n a til ,, ibio i i,l am1 b o i io o ■ lo i nl,. m , n . ai a a i ootb - a' . !o i hi.i'tu.i it a m, 'a 1,1. , app h vi- oh ■ ' m< 1 ,'-, b. <,unm ,m;ii ao tint .,' . h„s ,,) a i' «' .no i th- 'ipj . i .. -t. ib i . i' i ' i , I rb u p. s ,,|itio'"i]oit flitimi'i iiOKiy",«oi,irt sy-f o ~ e t 10-- n1'" a. ""mbm to nine. t,m • 1 a to, n j !,• -a, : am s, \n d l„,bi( , I" i o.m'-- v 0,0 1,0^ , , 1 , , 1 ,0 • m 0 ,,ln t k ■' in, m 1 n b i-h. P thi 1 -ik t trd h- 1 1 d ,p, si om It an p-ppi'mem 1 ■ m 1- !-•■ .at-,. ""• n.Po m"'.n,o 1. m ,, , g„ o, p, . _ ,. ,( 1! ,1 ■ p, ■ • ,1. kai a- bis a. t -, pt,'nit -pv - a ; » o- •1 a im. , ih. , ',<< 1 [ ir 1 .-up 1 p -,i'li , „ mob , n p Pt -11 '' a ' ■. ' .-ai\ s' m ,'«p . 'f ;i r e-,! o' 1 , 1 '~m, nil 1. c 1 m, • naoi./iji -1 " -a, 1 v e| p, ji (), , o- , " - !--,., si- ii .,,->'Iispi.n sml bi ,,a Kb bump th. "t % -o mlim" v, ,.. .^.n , n ^ i-s" 1 1 , to op " ov b ' -too' mi n b tl.a om nt. in hi, i' ..iiivt.rt1,!' f,p, , , , ,p ,'m,.m, m ,- p ,m,mp I p> po m, *ti s -1 o -1 m-, 1 ,L ml,, ,10 • im I 1, 1 i e ,,i it ,m o, mi- 1. b 1 pi anbo , 1, 1, an ' l ,a - - ,, lb n ' mm 1.0 1 r. • a .,•*,.'.. o ,1 ■ , a lit !• t.M', d • "i- ' ',1 I ro ipso no ton snrtara C" po n,i,nm \m me. • a ,„.0 oopo a ^ e .,,00 nib ll b > - m m 1 , '., f 1,, If 1 , m. ma,0),, ' t - m' 1 p.-1 o „ ml. >■ , -mo,. .,,,1,^ '1 ■ im- , f , , A* 1.'- . ,. -.'1,-n a- pi a 11,i~, c ha t ttl, 111 11 in.1 v.1i)\mi 1 ik. ,. in ti :i ,1 ,' 1 h11 . p -,i,-1c)( pgi-p- Mypi-ic -.M,spiinir fr-m'- shcavs orb om. as "/I < 'e - < - i .1 t«r.m. k ' "M'e ,e t, lbs 1 "lp> -"rnl I'PlC ,, a'll-mail p u'k I " mm. on a p-ol, m i,i-.,b,n lit!-,10a P m b .... - ib ti , 1|, s , p,ei-.:, e a, , | pt xJ?i' bi-,ii Mam, sae, h . ..y , p , > • Pil a ,,t ft , , dm '> -t - si,, ._ _ p,^, |p|, , li " k, .r; n, - 1 3' , sX •omi-'-e, mb m,i a'no mspl, " ,rk a a ,1 u'rir , , , i0r ,,, : ,,„',,,,., ,'iii.,uo One of ta o >'oas - \ t\ ib ,in i Imitmam- . kn ho ipla -|< \ >m . • t-a.- , pt, ,,,, tiicmi.. .-a rt^ Op ^o-.-1/-oa-i t tm fm"M'"ars \."i 1 ' ' 'luri.'i-ls -\h 1 1 ,1, t leoi ihi m 1 k 1 m in. e but tnol'n-t poo ,0 t, t \t dit laaomi't ..ft V11 „in ~l"r ~rn '' ' ^u :°"4" n • nit n *t o, u.aui.m il I k lib , ml v 1 '11 mtta ■ t a t n oi oi>-iho s r n,, 1,1 o!'i 1 .a da a ipia -"1,101 j">!h ; c " Id h, ,m .rn'n„,, fk \ , rti -,, ,11, ' .i,-- am ,1 n.o-nio ;,oo dim- on-m t nmmi nan, ,mb V- k so. ,.',,r, b , , p, Kobei 0 Siitiente.. < < ' - >•,-,, ,p,l,;! . ,,% p. 'op. -iliom au-cnoia,,',, m 1 lino nt m ot , m * 1 amo be _- apbn iml ' t bpitm- do , n i'i , ,'/,, , 1 ,.'0 -,',-bt, I 1: .1 0 lb. ' id. ptoph -1 o^ 1, t - 'ilitttil s.pi a nt, tram p - -p. I , , . i t, in , i ,, 1 s a- , ' Po ina ,.ht On !, j ,i I' I ma ib Si I 1 ] t 1,-, 1 >, tin O . b. II hi adl- k o th. pk-.soit- dor;.,, at ]d 'O ,p, 0 rb il 0 h m- . I'U1,'is i nan,, ,t sk ba p-p, 1" ..out- m s 31$ Robeno .Sif'ueutt'3 (!%7- ): Umí at,., ,rit, nit.- pďoa, p. r v 1, 1 ;j, ,-],.,, t , j, „ . ,{ i , : p\ o- ,tv,. i .; o. d .,. . íbi .nor. e .110,0 b 0.1: L<-, Upp ko n.m b,e.. d 10 ľov "i ,ah St -ei •' s o., 0,0 Jt-iuťí "i. oni "■ , l rp. V v i l 1 u,;, ■ "p , 1.'.. , o t i.lUi. •! »ti >' \» kil < mďt rtiiť 1 ".>!!!..' !'. r., op »-0 • J o oil - mt k.diro it,p s , ,, 1H „h;(i , :t... spo-e',, the To,"',' o* ..-.k,oj.. i'-'tJ, am- M„. f)o „ave .'LSí'Jt , , , , . , j 1 11 o ta. * 1 'o Ol'1 V. o 11 OH ,0 t •■/ milí, - í , j M r.l í ,U t ; i Olk 1, Su.lfl.ln iľi|H al littll.d ''li*, -M h , ,_'ľll'lP" i , ,, ' .j'a.,11.....ľt JP..,.!P-1, l-,'l It P tll ' ,- i V ,1,11 ; !, „ k,;/.,/k;.t„.iíS„taa .^0,p ^ a h • Veh e r. d .'"so......' ob. o ,. t,| . ,.....-f ,.\ . ,, l O. . 7 1 k o., I'M M.!' VI . i 1 1,. I i'ii-, i t" t 1 Ot ľ 11 .1 "- I -tll, '.U \ p. ," í . o kí : i],,' •- [!-, iľ-o'.,. M ' 'b.diOOoe .Olli .'■ l ria'lri.ľi .a i ' . f j ,Q t H, \ t t, k " í :t - YÍl.l u '., , . l" ■ • o ',1 -a '".Ot 1 ' Ik . ll.l o .. ..1 ,". ľ., ,lľ - a - t , • I, ■ !' í. -! ■ ' \ ilt-ih! ;',.■!.' i. i -|i \.|i í'l: .tiu\. -\ • i,.,, P. -pdo ti' iL m" •-'.! i*i a.irl ab ; n ■. Hindis ,• a.ľ, '.j, a l"t i \!ti''il la u lo.f.ii...... *ľ''i.ď- 'l-'iiaki' i:,Hnľi i- • mC'1. e .(<-.j • ■ u! . i ;i -lia, p wil.l- i"iiľ. 'I i -i' 'Vi. -! f. t b"ps !e"t t-i. -. On' "•-n o.ii 1 i i i'' i"! ,-a'vlt, „í ai '_. ' 1, do t-!"p'-'i , a no \\, : i, ia..i'!o :ia\ phi, P. .a -a" .•> jt' ■ iki i im lov,n 1 ,d ito.iat'h a'. ,1 .; Iii, H,„ t.t ,a 1 trial lail.t it" 11,.' 01 i , i|teo ; , ata, Pip u... lit ,1p1 1 '..iki, 'ao, a ,| , 'i lit plop oi p o I- pi'.', ipte MP •>■'•' Ito- ill- -if to 111.1.1,' '.- It tl, it -li'i apo hl o. V IT 1 p., s 111. o-p'Otf ,,p a' , L. ,oa ,; t is ' I ju p. ill a . lit i.Poiavi. .p.iiiv/ t'i lia s ;r i loia.tre li'uii .... v-1 a oi -'p-r tarn . . •, „111 ■ p.- o liktiitka i'a'.l, p.-'edit o , a -v isipť. it'-.'tt-oi'l - pi1,, o 'IIa o,he.O'\eb j t. tanaii o ť h. t n it % t o t, S.r, To n,, t i-U 1.1 n t alt liiegoi |illi),a'> illl'i 1.1", t.lilľ U.ll-ľ Ml vh .111 all 1», ľľ I IP t,Ol it'. i II • pot. t! ', .1 ľ. - Vi e Ol "It'iist ut ľiľ'l'-jĽo' aiľl Iiľ o,m s H. mi Vüot"'- .,>. a k %jjh - a r "J'..,,,',' seeWihips-dia, box ■ ' ta iiP, ,^ „ k.p.d n , ,t k; - booths'! 'Hinis, . 1 ; .it k í, Visí .,1 tSl !/ -kov, s pil. ! n Ii ,a', Ol i ''a.,!''.' i'l'ltl^ IP i,anil -Iillil'l.l'iPOl. H Villi wii-a. '. k i 'í, • lnu , P 11b i.,ľľ!p'iis mu i - ].■!• r s' > i na,., i,- íiapp ".o ig in iot i.i-ra .I1..I lam -I i .p.,,-. . „ipiipn'iv ij m, i.a ,iii "u- pi i, laki 'a nív-ľ" i ni- a> 111 -11 11 n ť i1' . a:id vl,,f is (i.m oi lupo ak n. a, -ivnis \ (-a nie -i a., p ', a ' m- ' k"- i a.1 n- o i. . ii- iil', r-- i í. t-. Lvk lo.i'ii:, - i ai ľ 1 t i J + i'1 0!'t; -n. - r k v n.j-.p"pl. ■,. i "\-. ťk'*a š,p. - h i'ppi ' tu o „ .lnu ll.ť nan 1 ■ d d kín'In Ott ' ílu s, ...vij apko iPnpi'1'', t!ľ luiľn íotaliv - -mi '1 roi l\J,.-.\, p.-.nn n .i'pi lani--kn.-.a'. in •'••.aan ,-pi n iía li—.dľaV ->ht I pik.ii, ,p. pi tbV '• b ibie mir t,at ( or. 1 1), ť t '-,a, '.,'• "i. ""ni, ,!-'-' aPiialp p. .a . ■,, h>peb,a ,, pnu.ťa'. . \ a up1' "'k, aim,-! s, x íl. n i U - p, .latín -■ -ľ . ŕtp í r a, . I i - - t- n 11 f h-i i ; min. e iľí i >* V - ,iuľ i i i n«,t ainrotit. , a-ip-ti, oa-, n, a . 'd H tli!" o a o i . a 1 ' -,a Pi.r JTH' .a d-'o m Oo }■„,- e , .r J, ( a. It • I.i -s -i h.rjt s. i i íl i-,s,ť - o.i't ,,'atPt rri, - ri, ,p o p tbr,,,,^,,,,, P,, |»,, \, s. kp p bto-rtp ..p sp. i í1-, j,, tt.a-r,, i. - n itíi ÍO''.il jiri'plť. ir dir p. . t a t... p r i onu , Pi í, i \. ; o', , .'I / i , r d- íl ..o- , V a'P ■ k'k-i-' ,', - ■ >i '■ i v, ittoplt. or m v !nii s n o ir In o- lok, o n. rto t -l it - on tl.t '".-a. li a k . Vi-''' r- .li'i. d I , . p.i ;slj , p tsto j " jji Iria" p'!ia ...Ikülp '^l^il i'l'o aii.'a' Hl i-0'ts.tnl OO'.o r, i ,;!■, : - TJ a il ' • - .onkeo .1 -p t p,.,-f, ',,r i -P., .dp. S •it Vit '-o pooio old 'Sen figure h.?.5>. ďa • nii'u - (! í di idt-'l" "oipi a; „. t i .--p,,1: o ,11, kaion v an .an" .situ, . loa -, ,pl, .pi ,i -on a ,n,k, ľbtl.i vairai-, too on. onli tin ,apli if 'ait„'t. lion! o.o,.o;i. ,t ,t du, P« on ten " ,r„ a . i I eo.p a ktti .r- tidmeal-ir . or ii.I'ľ t il,.'i'''. ořu onii, ť. pni 't, o pi íV >ei Iva i IP, it ď Thin.!, iP'-ropi, k t ' í . /.dpi ' i o \ rp-pnoe- slď s t ..'ju , ,•!•!' ;t ^ods ,.npo., ,i rak -m s. s nm p>i ,ip!, i -a np ja i i"i ir.t )t, Pt 1 k ros o \ \lk.m ip ď or-i d ari I v ■' ,i,p -: • dl i iľ i i o ' t • t viin e >■ vp ■ ■ s. d i!, ihUio. M 1 • , t '.' a."-, d , 1 o] it i o ooie i I-- od m kiac , ťntír a -pod d. s", ,.a ,, , , ,i: ,! I das, ,. , iK eopri.i it d -.u .eio ~pnki io e,, d oPo I -t p.n--,-e oj idt -e • >•- om'nn 'iii-ľ p-„iin| '", titht oe - I r.i ■. ,iii I oth ; niok hu i-, ■ ip.i.ľl, k- .d.-.í ,,l,i' 1 .,'t.i , oní. - . t; Pn,.(. • -e /', n,'.., .,, ,.l.,p',l "vi, ,. in ď,K sil. 'i i.K. - to .'id telit o.o •o , ,0 . ív'. n.U'i.tlť í t i'- pt;,, i;.Ids, .(ťsl- all l 'i li'lj'l 320 Jran^nationalisrn H t líc connectivity and -votsnr of iv.-i yihhiq GI'jCc-"! ieTr - ,o the od 'koal proap, r'> • - o> , a nt c pneiood., 1 ;,i p;-,-, , tipm».'-., o • hm; >'P- 'j .mp-jlchviy an i am on", ' G' se -ys a,'- 0 neons „Í oorilno 'U :'ir- -tee a' ami = ,ym ,.| ; ,p; ; 1 m, ieratiom 'tom 'e^ccJ m -, ma, . t onoe- -n nt • c a a- c' ťn e .may 1 v 'kaPh noe. ; eomh-. ä re;m . 11 t" s . id soouo'i-, pi", .mmtim mot-a^.-nzatif,, of pmoa-moimooJ m r-.....;p •,. (Ji, ceases eo sa1 mi a duet Them, cm aea't, c cm " he i tier tae co iiatio"" of picoa! motion prevuies die p'mori t" ns 1 eces-e-p lm -oa"- up • ao _yo.n si.m a". ,,m' *mz i1 l> 'I Ste'S 0* pPaeS 'Zc,bj>i Vat eaCi ''it.imm I ;i, 'roaOU tön OCCl0*!. el -TotiC.i. ,0, ■ Pr 0,11*0 ol , ■ ■ s- J 0! -ve ďrepiucm nap- ap tot- to the p a ,ci,ces if ' aiutalkm ,e ae;p, j m -mo ■ ■- ,0* ,,a!re pp;-o s rm "Í tonske flcpohoet'oi 10 "cooem < Toio, *"7 at so it >»j 1 el s 1 a: the'OoiO'1 10 t ôOne.,.! '.ytm: 1 a ci a, -,,1 Pi it 1 t::iii t 0,1 i tke-dip Ik.aeec en,oi>noa>'".'mo n> k r is omkik ohoc.ah mi'O, 11 •' ■ e., to solo. • a' y e' ,rn,m ■• y.-eo Cone opa Pea se-| «>, , e a ; qn ,a. m oe'-ispng i let'Ja-o ef-oobal ■ ■ • h ;h- a ydr-mP nan mP up , ijh oh ~, p.,; ,0" -o i he oek eu as a n o-al aoa etSncai tottaoio- o> oaa'o-. of ooer, es- ie-oh"o, ,) n p, ,0 mtu, dm a ť -o- h,'ta 'o s ícvoa ci others eos-i'Cpo! ta'a ih/.e-a 3 ľ-soye mam,'can e ,0/ to 1 ito1 a o>or? r, t, o: 1 roaa;i-p alt .ee<-t-n 'ľí ,'oepio- a oj my cos ďv n,_t f 'h' ■' 'i^io o .vi Tm s as bo, n la- i=s f otj m e, .-a-t-, p, c rj,r 'e, a ? d; m' .1 o1 ľ;, tt ► nfe at at 100 at yiooa' i.i Pjoo' ha "cas Jrhi eo P.' ,-porai' -a:1 m n a to ti oa _, ate • a' sock, -0 •'.m ,0 on '"a the'- ■> t |P ~ aoa o , sstM ť'it ho-e orcsse.-j hoi oj, s loPa'toot, e ,-ťo h\ i'iam it-he tlih ,•■ .mess ot q r ''',7, at ■ m 3» t/, ovce _-0'":-*',l Ohoo'ii u- - eir foi Mis re, 0 o, Iťva.U apm • undset -m • osme u -00 s'h. otll otkp'ea fi'.-" httodko . ipet, a i , ,a'«m ,0 o-o, e.n i h ' souse, a- etat riPiiei r, : ma 'ť t '. atn.b. -t, an J 1. n t !s( ;m'C ju 1,01 m - a par'-,, tlí ír bk >' - le ii tl .)• 1 t '!v, v- p!- ■ h!'. --. u ta, Lac \ box; pi" t ro, th. -ai.a ia , ee'it bhhorh i he ni, n eilielit b , an the -h í smial t< i the i, ,0 - i h > lk si ,|j „potil, rtc.1,1 ,ai ; i ba e i kind < / j>el f .r ,,,in( I- a'. dial and 1 ..u i-, „yatn t-a "it d-troti pith í.soo I i pp.ird bo\ ' " ha uobotio-i' Ti> po- >• -íi •, h ip!",-p. \ íarpe ntoi b-t, /' - oPiainoT, d- .0 ■ I perb ariijan, r-s 1 ,pt oa.te , antraiif o aio v.mhp.,' .tľedfda 1 .hiril \\ ". í d nit •< lai 'a 00 t h'- pren,e e that what i- aioie. ľ, nieho H inak h\ n w ni a na't n „1 >-t oíttn 1 alk ô 'h nie' eiP a * ď - eiooi >'/ -iai loe- -lOMta pl i. e alt,! -tipto-' ' 111 aspeídn t > uitniaiiU •. i akí Son-MPtan: !■ a do-' l',me n 1 -la.; ď' '■, ,.' ;>ajoual."i nnttah/ibb "hh.'p, , ,on n i • de-p-,hin akt n. ap-tdao th P. .leínaoa min t-iun.-nt-,, a.-,u k -P t- oaon-> , a ei nniciľai pienu-e \t t,-ta and acti-i-n ap; t e on th- ta-i.d to prt-.-1 % , a eni./etimi- p von oľ 'n a hiriuak f'i(,,,io i, ,■ tht i.nai 11 tne it,ít 01 t LtíHil aldnei-it\ h-.tha iu.dand ik\. f< ,011 erh n.ip-p-,'i',b a' p ■ v rlh pt, ,• h/ d.á "n prof oí \ ti tndl tb.oe OMf. Honeiti- tmraasinp]' ,>i die- tni nt\-nrst apaiu-t 11 - ioa . ,tui u *, and i: p --si'!. ; ih.^e d n In 11 r. t Ji , aiOh d- pkihoi-i (d aaars. , bsobn . raopp •, and i> r, nop.-l 1 ail ur; an 11, r. ,n n\< >j.n .h an.i , \pet ani ntal mi£jr häotis, ; kiidki no or h-lan eape--ieni eh is melóny - tieti perb; -, 1.11-11 jinl ,„.-.,« nnm 1 .'O n a, t apanist p., 'OaP 'ai io , pte,-e; oir,,n dďh, nit u n a. jinpo—jbk d In hnal i • di--, ,J. ton m ma -hot naa tu n oh m t \i h-'--arapytiptla ph .hak-m n , W laat s lolt is lbe nlob iti.t die pl' •< al irt o ik n ,0 napp-. h ; ,r 'd p hm" p.d b -bm ■*Min "" i.m pm f 1 ii.anok is inoíJim nhraa dc-otibinn m,--sip, iai ,aní .iď bť Ikone d the ■ 'ppu -•-' •' tlu rebiliMU-lap lietn, t n tin- lota.l ind jb'i-e Min 1 jt -. ioai ,'tn.nmito ! In \ppmť> it.-iks 5 pan i> tik !\ hntu'd , mi.iph pi rf a mam e e. "m ,ld iitakiop,' m-onfiie -'eaien olť-avmeha di -.• lopim n' bitiu. .h."i, of Ii • pip J. ,'llíiii, hu - ť mainsfi- m. medi,., mlui -, k.. -. anu -t, k - ,u tors at d m n id - ,,ed, -m s( L,ia;., •• -In .tb n 1- ■ s«>ľ .Vluňn/ bi)\ , Irorn the pi 1 spo.m e • d minor it,,,-,an ippi.-siue imui! vad 1*0 'iie.iti- bi v :,;'h a. -,'O-riuia" pedan-i.n ' , r tdtt.r d d-t :-i sit. a\ st- r a ,'r 'C'-rl.,-.i' -io 'J',, ;< , ( ,> :\v ■ z, s,z * > . + o • ■ t1 j.i < ta .'a. ma aa i .-a ta '"i ci a'> . ,-a . > = ,!, i, . r-i t '', ' am ii-p 'm ritu í,,ar'-lt|ii - /- sĺp t ■ •<.• i i,p' a- • ,,- ' ..i r' tt, irťisi ",m í"' , J.' '• ;i" 01 " ' vit -!. !,u ! t ' ' ' i ŕ i-*, "j J" 1 í d, I- iV1' J ' i ' '3 z Z i~ ' ' ľ ' - i ' I ' Hl - ; t,-p " ' ŕ'.'m".'! ť 11 ? " 'D' apa, i-,n,,iu -m o" \ u a ' r L = t,- <• z- ľ J . i -t F<-'i ,. f> i. e'-f t . it >"<- cat . 'i.c i"1 CK', rciiti .j t (v T'ipi'- á i* o 'i'tl J f-; , - H-rp- ,--> i -c- ;,f- - r|,a 'i :J' " ■ r , ni 3I 1 =■ p : , i in r-, ' ";,t ,,- _p! j in - ťf r 1,, i ;| iNyí 1 pe ' n .p- '' 'di i'-" H ' iľl." ,<"..'.'i-'.pe ,\ P"i 1 . c s; -.t-'i' '2 'i _fii'l-. -i r C ''am i •',. r ľ, i" "." i ľrn n ... • coli'.- li, .i i púii.i i , ' i .r.i'"'i, 'T "CPi"i-,,;t; i mm ia, " ' A-.'ľPi^p ~*.it-i n •->- .t - r Vrfi, .1 t-' '1 '„-1 '".-t Wp I, 'P P 'aft1 J '"t") ,„ . . "Í''>P.M J c -a,l "-p it . i i" '1-,-r| e .'10-ľ p. P'", P' •(.-' 1i oľe'.t ,0 ľ'jíľ -.v ' -j ' rp »i,-i -'i, p , t c .kip -o u ' Jr, i t ( m. 1 - mi' t .p,. ij'P j; 'tpr • í'' 1 i 1 '"'L c.'-tl-ťi" i. v , ',.!" '! - !p illíP. _ 1 ," i", ,.''( li ■ J '"''P J'tP' 1, ' , VIlPi1 a l"'P, ' .l'g-tl t? 'ta P t-i s, j'ľ'.riKf. f_'„ gig i f - n í, 11i iľ> O" i z Pi p". P ; ,"0 . , . •• r'ŕ'Pľ .' ji -rc-;:ci z' -t -m - " • ' ; Pli!' IUI l!:"Ph. l-'-S t o a..... m .p J 'il- - J. 'd Conclusions |. mi-'!.- í • n r ru >,!.'.• .it i n urn -/t I- jii ". '.i 11<'tt Sti/an-lori FVuks - wot • o !•■,,- ľ. ., i- t. , 1 m li- lii n - j i a rl '-i i. i n -i ■ > a' 'i ''"' " i'11' >>'"'i''i! ! 1 • i i-t ' ii i a .!•>' h j • .o i'nri 'i,i; n, n «I f "-ti .r'ľ .r .n> !•, k . i, ir.ťs, ,'1 tu .i >, - i si i- -iľ fr •uhli J , n' ■>'. u m,, '.ti m , -.•,n;.iii». kii,(i'-; "k- > im - i-t k tili tmi. n in t- iü, h vi <" i - i ■• ill')--! H'-, .Vri' \i, i Hol ai.u . "iltľiť- ' !- -k,-,x ,- o ,-\ . .1 .tah'a iľtri' i i jni-'iftii't.''' • ->\i :k ii. "ľki'.Liii. • t ir. j n lit" m ''t >•< t»iilu-t n > -t kau j. :mv Bharut ha bu\' tuk'in!, ku- t t ... • :o „ ilľiiirv -k - .i. o , ", '-"--o . .pr • iipt ť "i" tu,! v.ď . ■ o to liK • • U i in O o .-n.-t 'O ' i . )o-Ut , , n 'O ' i'l- , p'i O' í ,.l'Or ,ol .'-!!!" IľO Vu -ltO] iď '- jtul H hu .'I -ľ,' Bot lO-iM >'_■ •'.iiO'.j (í,,s ta". u\ arus— li.o UV't.'i ■t ... ».ňi,w tMJtiMf • '."" Í1..1 , >s TVi - ><>■>.. Fw'rrii r.f, f/, »),-;., .j, i I a .v-b mOU'1;, and it., fW ./ Om.' tattlbi Hei ! " • i ! J í; i i - 'a inedmititT) t.n thr artisti. |'n»a'^,iii( ar - .sni'S,'" \s P.oks siis at.. ntiblit spin- >>ik,iip t-i her 0 jubienee -barns tin spas' tnd >■. nit. tut ii own s,> II km li imne,n s ol latbi oosion, Pail wsii.n a.a - - opk run reparfmp i|ic»- i vui »".oit. ami < ri. ie -.i ,e. sti/ankii mark>.. an ití.i k nic it,>rk I Pultem B ha rue ha r//o nossibtl.thri of pq:-ii i-ri'tm JSt til ,;-n St ' m a I' i 'it n kit Dl i statí ta ea.ii' a an >< ■ " in clo. 11 po tťa i 'It' ao.-1.1 00 s n!t W'.stor.i ji tisl- ok" p,u bo a, m ni i hi- ■ Jo •I, O11 d a .-: ao'matoi iajs i aoao-L',111 alio -1 , 11 i 'st- 1 --id mq ii • 11 n-1' V' 11.1 111. 1 s SUI '1 is s~, rsial , la. Mt-xioo t. its t a,,", |ol,inn. .kin a lak.n'a. ■ . n akta mtn ■ .,ro booki-b inio qiohal o, oa- bona 'lis ; ik> 11, ,tb í .ri iqn and k a al "iiln ..1!, - soon nmo 11,1, !,oi"s ai miool -0 ok lota! nsirk'i.ns ii o mm", .l.f'lii ib' I o as,i ai art as 01 noaioiis to out 'b> eb.i* Oo. I. spii^p.n -, 01 -oni v n lii-r, ri. s; V.01 ,,l «.-\'iii- bal iuijI klanii ta. K luii I h.-ď siu.'s ana, 1 'b , mil lUiib bob: run 01 ,mpaiinti« tit.hth o, o I io opp t-s;\.. .>H* r,s-, s,:rr a- Iran or «1,1,011. ' n 1 o i\ - ío . i'.iiiouniaat, 'nithiiK minded pi oj lo -'On \01-lo ' la. iiitorn. t - - i ai.i.n .0 moo, l ait tli-i 0 ,r a 1. . too. sotiio t o thou, sot 1, t Inir.nn npt'ii-n utus ,,1,0, ol thin rum tii 1 it matenals is snip, udoie. r-.itionallv infinite. ■ - ■-'.aitiph- |..p,i0 s .uhia alb, "Japin," o. hil, ,bs. n mq ' • -1' t lib in t, a'.'.) 1 ď at't ! it-an inst . 1, < o nut a,!!\ ". ■ dm Meiji Restoration ai I Mm ,i k' \ po- soon ■ a, bo- j.p-ams. is boo top, jjpjn si. ami up to bait ■>r -a-b \t pa, s, ni, tin. i< ant jj.inli not , inks t'n n.m . -,,'1 ooh.himt dm, .a.b kahnk Pat ,tko ,jr,pi s , n -b( ., ' mal l,.r ns hoan ,bo i -ast v.eďl 1 Its- W.sprn "• "b . niinj irt- s,, b 1 mma m 1h- vie. ami , „_„ ,„M11 dll,] ijlt \\, so 1 ,i ,t\ a ar i Si . wk TVJish ' ". b rn.isit M.11-. Ji|,m^-e a-ii-l- , spli.roan,! tlo.'p.'i -o ,>, Id-t mov m d tmnmto n , ';n ,1 1- om-' ,, Ira. 1,1011.-1 'piotii -.'losi-tiij'ttift a o ho-o usira mats i 1 ib h ''o japmos-, mari-.o art-mm i danu '-omit . - - 1 hi, a .0 111 q 1 ' ants A tot Wos., A' 10, mil latin mm ,1.1 hi p . Av t.i.n. 11I ona-l 1, pob .|f.ii , v'lukiioi bs.irtinhoxi Buti turn u - tra-lmoni! japa.n. t ,ha , , anl,i|s -„ -al'u-'r < tf .1 thr- • i 'h -a-iP ,]ip<,'a-s k n- Mam '", n'i ii'iahm hoihi'p slimlo .00! Zt , 1 otr.h n aq rh-. >, . rlv. i {..panas, ops P-i *,••> k l.i nrmaib,- imlvsb^t ■ ,1 nrs (] m il iunn -a ailkom., In Cm in 111 h o ! 1. mno ai k.Oaii 1-..hi mi-ropb.t ,r. m ,t--t.,l bit vtml1 iibiaum, ot maintaining ana r-alance in what could be oo. Rivers are said to be in the>'* "!oad" (of materials) their carrying capacity as ,jtt. n a.?d ra. thr" ,pt" to.",,- -1,a o-mm : .'v, etf 10-;. rt- o t 5 m a 0 t. ' b- f- . . t,a ft meir: I" ; *i '0 0 m a 1 t • ' 0 al ma, ' SO, 0- syO'lo "n 0-0' '" i' 0, 'il'" ,)'.!"",• I' 10 1 r , 'P >i-., 0 sa , i),'iin'-0 1 . a P-di r t. cv 'm at a, 'Ot t, v" n'-l, t ,- rmt t ! iote a .a.'i 0 .o.ii M c> -a "J a ,oato''ois ii'ia.atay I'j-osetl o, omjoiiij com ^0 at coeoie, > 'imiio h a t1 ioc pa1'!: of ■ 1- ,•-.'!, e b a rang m- n cat- mo: to, a a bm , v a-- 1 w 1 0 ' '5P 0,0 oo.t Jte tm, K'^aa, 0! ju -a p| p0aT 'at: in a .ai-1" ooatoAt of p'.ko 1 '-iti 1 4 i- ■ .aMm •. ,, i pitat'ii 1 ." b o amo m 0io' me ■ one,-a trPioo ce d'0" 1 -1 ibmr.hms ' 31 ■/ra'ao, 0 , 'oit „C'i a..p, .to i.p , t to.", r 0 1,0 .Mmf"' 1 e >v '01 rcceoia- • 0 a.- s •mcl" tiFTi m" .raiamiO'' .4 01s bo i.a II,. ,s a-- \ !i,a a-p tli-i -■-»,•,'3j^ip cs v a ' mi, ' ' t!'- tit)' ooiia'"'! a 0 t-a -, m .ti 1* ;j'*i ':o ? Hoe, 00 cm .ensp^e 01 an mm ti • -\. i > 0--a;'e -' ,, t am a' apoiab _ti, o-sos ot 3s,pr., a'-,t,oo aoo n"' ,C- boo we ■ 'V s on 1 '," oamm .- .spo.t o 1- ^ -e ires ■ neat' e" 11 - lone, tm 0 ai , 1 -or,, i am 327 i,i '- '-I htmht , ,m i m< i.mim. A .bm in--1' lameiod oi, , Melii Restoration: in nfA, r„).ki,.i,i" - ,h> itir, \ \> ■ ti o ud ^ • . - • , , hod: the a\ .hi sstr-ii and cmne1,,! ivtv fiAu'asnli-ii; iiiui :iI!i!h..i,||,mh) 'j t, t .n]._i ■ i' ,i "na, i„r ■' 1 1 ,-,,!,. iiJun.. in-iod.nj indn-miatnatmn mi uvhi ,, n..i,... i 1« 1,1 I"-'"'-•»"»• -l" " a,!- . Mcijieinp.-n>. nik-.'uatill.jsiKjthm A' i d, but tin ' ,<''tm. asil.tiniu, ju,-t,<.ti" im.ilto ■ ;,i..:.r,r: rmomhtd jt..i dipif.d ,t. -m ! . n-kmed his pod'emd iv,\ur In .; !. en-hnna , prime 'o rUt-m n id ;ii bit ed km nob-opp I in ilmm .s^.am.ati - mirnstri, .nidi alum r tvhj, it the m m, ini'l', ai'li, imia,. a as until 'in akiiit d p, kam am sm.diem Y\ r-tern a r.pmd. d e-dram . a-taaehe tedd itiiphir i m< % . ms t Vk.a i.l \\ ai m km -»\ um prn immo li.i "i t-ttmi i\. I tilt an. t kink ,,i the n.utci me uf bn kt-aomtioo o i-p.-lt aisKair.aiian of jap ,ii mto b> i, r'.- aaaia lie m hi,e,,-,m tk- !'• pert nie. Ham a modem imlu-'ai e ami mbmm ; ■ n r kfn - ski. v i,,ed \Whl ,1( , t)3, , ,,,'■,,,du.,i ,p. j.crp,i U1(.p; „a. re, - mra • War, n no-mo d,. I .n>e-s ak mihi et lere ami em . im m d ,-s it s, ami d,m lain nt knov, k dp- and ,\pa it a< e. It m,m r. ... o 1 .,,;.h ti .,s: L . >j);j , .^,(,, J,,,, ilun!'i,_ , ffi_fji , a th.m ■ m th nit. rn l mil tht dmita' shnmip drei enures dtaim.. d mat bittn mim a. ImIimmanees rata ,,■ i. caroi Martin Japaneseness in the glocal world d"tn reiaMm !y -pctir.j t".- r, iai..-i >].' nmthmo 'ma' tori of rism-m jap.mes< iia'aaaia: -vat h md aa .eea.. aota; poM'C'deir, jaoaem" amil Cm ,, madmaimaticn tec '»oe termzarmn. Afar the aeramd '.a'oad ,'dai, tke oaoiu;t m •mocrii tat nopf i el aneitao |i'a,iai,;e?i, ems rot', nam te a-sim . aaa.. ic e,"» m to 'ape.rme aesthetics, T'm (aamet a.- ..rot-mal m enema the 'm i rami,. ■{ ta pmm rr «><■ q hem hot1" en t >, -"mi nq>.p-:-so'' ami a vied , in tne mm: knr 'harm ed 'I:!' am'' ->m! ' m heat •. m i,.r' .I'.rfi'i e,,m,ce. 'ercrd Into kivii.i sex sv'fh ,,'anancse sold1 •■= > stood di an'rasi to tee nm hombmco c" ~ ok a Jnd ate m- iroenr s aads '-,snia Over nd'os'ili ia a si kneami. . A'?co isoa cbnq th" aet.'ohn'o, d'ia-,, laca i rha1 «as o m- „n t otrr \ - HhihahiTano n.'s k itaii anu e"cn '3i;zoi'; Tauas n ^ ^vantqitrte diedre 1 , iias .ain i dm ■ i■ n a' .d.c : ,omet mre ai ,.tl.eT a, aject. "he nna"rina heat ca me 'jo, ci a >m.,h prer od'-r" dafenesei.e-s -s e .• ruc-.oa rc mrr,.-, =v ; ,.j jf im mm-ante or rhe aias; n, em one: -ov ice si ad 's i-art', aitr ijamld-. to I'Tiiia' farce m ,vheh the i\A is olol:a' ohih' tl ° ea'tu'-'A sphere is ,: i > ndah It is r.,-' p jaj ae •. •• cot md iei,i 3. di l as mmome m p'ohahaatai , T'm ipprehensmn .-.reate'i t;' |. mir.patkn, an mm.,ih-'at.o-, emd. ,aa, its rhu, ham1 cdA " and ma'ac ham aite--ed sun sense A h.story, iae ddv, aah acs-'mt.r. ' hs a oli'Ci-atm.' • 'emmi ,|ie-T',m,i mmthdes and'op.m ohh'.jt scmlais to fnoe, too am' * '^ an .to t ■" e aid and ta" i'aaa1 'e me mantev* a* .he lrca' Licki -4 at ese p-"i aiaime as c'lfc crttahde cf a jijfd _a'p,|> -i. t i'p. p- , , op a*as; meaieri r d, t i a ' -1 eh i 1 hi m ^ . -1 - h ci 1 , > m ca p a 1 a a ep " ^ if pim ,sto tj , , nch tm„ ^m , ' a L 1 ' i I a 1 I h i«j- 1 -T <■ -tic " m p c m iae ' je i\'f cat'i ti am 11,-> a. 'i d * i ,1 i-t'i ,r*r < 'l""l, 1 'a, an nma! m 1 c ait . 1 '11 *> cf n s, to,t ih» |dace t''i 1- 'Mi nnii - i;i * * a -i ei 1 tu a - t r on ., ts I o * >-i 1 o "1.1 a 1 min . :m I 1 i'iiC n.a/ , I A to 11 t si 11 mi 0' r m T, e ^| a 1 1 , r- ' - 1 0" mtm,r "'H ''' .se ->i 1 "c"i nu m, j a I fa p a a m c 1 tn_]< of 1 p, e . 1 nA J' u 1 1 an; , 1 a, sah - i a' 1 c j .on 1 m ini 1. i . dr in " ' ;i|'lj i i» ' at - "e, a , 1 a, 1 nt-c aesti , - t , 1 ,irj 1 1 mm an- o ^ IS 'h 1 ' oe' 1 t, 't • t'n r- e,, . 1 1 \ , c ^ t ut 'erne , ''Oes a i i, n it orcesmn '/ o a a e =*m , t n 1 * ' , 1 s-i, a im o . , n J 1 a mi a-" n 1' a i cos - i, -"1 "O it ot. ' 1 lj ' I Hi ,t a- I' , - - p 0p p ^ pp tf I 7_4'J 5Z8 \t '.\ So, .'. ' i . i i >Ut\ >.I. thom '■ tt 1 I0m i . m -.' ' u 1 i VT" p- J pt u aP M tlm li .1 „m • . tí_j- km.i <>; "it i-i; 1 i.[ li lic,r i ,l'!.IUl". .'lltulimi ] L," m.. mb llď.u.l li t •.pK'i;H!' (i s midlmofha.m Mi •, kii.i.l ,"' .'i ;u o kim agaln a Fo „ml hknm Tk, .liik-t- rminia amnom <,-.".!>' tmpli.nmMi, :a a!.ai!Lihat -,iia; l.miiioRirm vam v ,i ■ '">i idiom, itv 'H!i-Ai,a.i « rl i ťm t .v í 'in, v tíkii 1 m ■ ', in i:K • ií polit n -. o Ink Mo. l-dviis. i 'Hi'l,' v a* wai mk ta ď un t . tal k!t tkán.-, !-ii aa -in p. • momt' ,a " to iht 'lnu ar, 'tí a, t ai 'aiknl than • ,1 it i n, "i \i u-t- ac nnt šopa t>'-. dt< boa- .taa-ina. miho im'h ihop .lni. o''net l"kr rkig.aio; omntoifh .1 , mni . ■<" mim ti ■ - nt. !< agmr Tr, m if il rver mas. 1 tb„ *tt"i b , mi i. km, ř!.-- 'kki i J kmihem, o k*i''n Cani' mat i m , ml !, umo b K' .mma i < mamm m'mi litkningt ir, ' ^ - a - aa komat ,•• kom -a lituj . Vm. oar nl.t . s , ,n ma m n1 ito.tii. .fit,tet lmetb.,,m a ,ii„'sIiiim í.imP.k. ťhi nOm m, il-.i n ,l-mi t»'f liyiu c S.27' ii„-c,. . - a, . rhmi.k \ Uar o i, :vm- i-ta a. (■ km t-.i I •> i, r :,mo o, ■., In nmmnm-s ,o.n-:a- th,m..i; minm ■ .a ii i mm m.mnt irm; i ■' aia . "um1' • -> ta ;>iaa.•,. t uoni, tlm a,ti n me.., - a,,d .dm . ím i" >ma o.i.;, a . klu "- a,.- .i| p; ráno, ikt i, .aog fa rma i k H a mr.m prmmitítm í a- ' krnkaari ion.; m. Alam.hall Mi ) uh m íh.-o.m,.; .'ha! nu'lit aa, ti .mit.ic M,"'t o ti, m-g ml, 5 ,-i . - it tťm m> kipímm ■ -.ii-Pmm 11 o ,-it;k" o' o 1 i ii't. ip ťoaph-'. i tr. ni. ať r-rm . t es 1. ' r.-i/.i.',"' a>- a rtk hU Pan tmim-O-d -a amiik,' aa P m-i tomimp1'' 1 i 'i toam.ittp a; m oiaP/i • 1 midttkm-P i •j-a-a, .. \\ kat 1 po .o m s -, .thin ••'. .ostouliv x - aaao . lifniin-o •-• • a ka^t mm um_ es .. o* i t htiop hm :'• a ,", , 'i-"ii -i,,,.,' , no-m.iitmunit. im "ní' liniím' .lín r. pt tm, ..imt ol" tm - ■ im.ipa-, matli tht to kmite p.n t ta ., i o , mm irtaka iitpvli' isee figuře , ^in-.ii i ".mi' bitt rpi.aaia.ot, íi.-, kul", nh.'Ji i i-,;ii ikv " • tka , aiaotoipo. . I -\ i. vn ■ *.\ i'.' 'ptitaťa- i 'oam-tt-rm "a." ,".ta: ;ntn ,\ ir pam - nnl ,\aa m ot -. i 'iia t on, i , mnp v, nat -au m n- si. ,ng l:i-t,>i-,, tra naiv, art. I,.muu ,«Hi nnp. ah-.o-- "hi b.iiaikit um ol a, ptt ^r potvor, a c.irctuiiv píarmod speoíaoka warlarm heroism. íi.ť.h.i. i.- . soím muk iitialiit t .anhonnn attor.' x nat trou-tha arthm Upta lormanat stiap., aimtinh, thmp ' i otimt^h. ! nmog-imi ti i 'ia.i ilv iltat. io> i'. rt 'im-.m-''l ia m rí'o> mm.t o ' km«, i an fk, " :i attam,, ano mm >k i 'pí i n umta-. t nit,-ill tman mm hnem,-,. oolatt a'--ipn.iimnt ol oi.a, 'ah h ,a kti"nk'ť.;m;í!nrtri. Mimo lim- st \,hoíia i'i-. i".i"k na mhivmi' ttanati-. a* . ,b i kaak to ht si mi .jl;,t.,.l!\. tha nu tkar oi .,11 mahn sh i ihmih, ,,l taim-nm , m iti in i'*'", f't( v\s, a ioleiiT aat i,ist,o"'."i ip. in I halma o.-stmíi' tlrli a\t n it- pl am -mm i a tki a. ,a, Ihn n i a lapími .,|Ht -tu" . liortilu \i,i. ni ol ih. i' .'. ot h im.ktmi >!a vpin>h nr o mimi A-kinatht ia v k.t 'arli imnam ,m! mlms o. ,t Marjbail Mři uhan (1911-80): ( mw minivwrm -aioimiht o-tst kno" n * a nis.ptanis.ip 'thi nudrara o th, im s;,ay.a" MLiaiiiai; íbi' mi' t tka < amin ais imai. t o'' tok -, ision ami the 'nP. not f n tlic< ,t m d tru rran-íiaon li om p»trP-h,m h in.;./ r' ',v i • / !l , .mi . / / : \."fr. r'iiii i " ľuľaiiv i ">, 1 ("•'■). ibonMno, B bon. "'j,j,,,,,v b;-.,,i-..'- íkiios in-r.. e, bin, a b. and late." 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Ĺije r o Dreotn. ikniiner: Ihm" '->' r i il\ 1 , ji on ťa,o, m . r mu - eb p t' i i I'i f "''i a 1 "-'I I * ľl-oľ, ľbn ,o ľ • H- .s i ha'i m i I Im ,-■<■• Po -. 1 '"-'l; i ... mih i „ i. i'ť i Ak' j,", y „b i r i . i au ol ' ■ 2 1 ondm, im! b, -.Vak R-"i b l Í'"V ď/i *» n í • a a > . nm ' * mo •• I orn'on ,nd 'a Im k K nik tl n iut o, i ,1 t h Pi) )4 i ,ľ i »!! \ ti Pi i na m . ' b , i m , '.ml lsM i -• " 1 k '.U 1 b "Ptl'tľ ť..nt. - i t'.' iplt, m hao 1 \ Hm . mm P, t - | Pa'■ M ' 2 Lni'; E \w a t v, i.I m í a, u' , j,,o,..a'o Bo-o i, Mtb , I'.KiVi, ,\ i , i >i'l t P' í ' t'' t/- i ''!.,]. a/, VnYM Ph. arm s,tM',".,k- IPsb. t ntin M. i ,iv ml ', "A; o iibi,iT<- ľlieitľ aim Diy.ia m,. • >. ! V-o < )|.. , ',,01 ň. -..i i D' i či Ih .;. -.-i/, ( Li| ..,! n,.- i' 'h i . 'iť ľ Imp "mma. mamo n p.., ,.í.b,a a l.iirí Iii .n 1 •• " .k.-. "' > > 1 i [ - ínal i Hit ') '1 í '.'j i'c' K.ll, 'i , \l \ *5 3 !■ P 1 n ľ k .. j L i '.'t '. t if i„ \ /•' ľ \ „..t O >/*0-."}"'. 1 /j , íl Uiin, i .,t\ P: s. !'>,'(, ľ.....!.a,'.]''ľr,.i.aiľ'.iliľ.ľMi,]'i'>-,kA|1 .' kí ,, , ,, mi M,.; k íoi, .i. n.iliľl, 1/ ' I ''A; i "ii s ,. \, k iKl, ,p I'st; i n,,.!,.• a - tin k »' i ,., i''ľ,á" N J ''o i p,''.;;/',, m o,,,, ŕ kok, / • >. .: P-P; - .-d , 1 m -5m F, MV !,,k,n, í-ll [ľ . IM.. r,n--, i m P'm-/ i,. i. * t,'.« i 1'k /jud í - n. i v, • „. / ,", mv.,'m • -i, \m.ih.i p--,1-' 1' m. i, V' , m L o_P m , •"] kP*n •/,(, , . ,a. ,, í i ô a* m PP .í.v í * P) ..!•>• o ' X,v V .; k I iľ 'i i I a s ( aliloimia Pmss, JVM>. ------- //W /írttown . NowVork: Urovo f n I V.-jK --- í .i i ' n.i po1 , , ŕ/ - ,i Pn ľ. í i", I i'i l,i I, .i i — . /' • ,;i r' /<•,, > '' " k nipir. ľ'm, ' •' •>>' Ll'i.-n rrt. i t k'i" - - /'; l,'iP- v v V -J- Pi n, Fj í1'-.)1 — ( -p nekm r . ',,,i, k . P, n i. V n ../n. ; i •> - 'é,' t ._--> N-i \< ik '. n Pi---, P" ľ li.uiei "'ľ! 'm v% '. i k HľnPi ;_l ;' Clf < Pam p "»tiiilli-i. .a Si, //' „a. p"k) :pn limim-m ----. uh \iv 1 k.-i í a- a." * P] A;\ i! . P /• . -r,n ■:!• e< L k. a-m í'm.- '->> l> /'. >r /i ,m/m, ■ ,*., , i i, . P-h, ir.m'pt' .n Imh.n , > orná- p U.nm , n. 'ká-a i '"'o PI/', llnmrvti ľ o 'UHU I in'inln Mk Nha-k mm " ins. 1 Pakl. dma-.'U1> • >S9 P,,m . ,• ľ k ...ik- ide"moe- í't lí'Ptľ, tu 'mm ti ■ .t.p ľ»'j Pi, ..n-• if < /• .' 'i '/" i i l.i i i m'o a' dná r ' ŕP.'/7 ' L-ktP t .i-t, CT WoliMH U-.'ľ-ií.Li \ i k-.Jvh '°m' Unit im' 'Pi -a, ",'(>_ .-i ' ,;-,'" - \m\ V ľ- ku Pi . !*-'•>> •■"K.ii.h. ViJ.J '.á Pi. m,-.,: i -íl/,'.-. ;/í,»- . ■> . i -l'■■..(. 1... r. . \.« i.n ,a,/ ipa.pií . a \. u "link P.n.ln'u, S ., f 1 -p 5 ' '■ » , ii.í .' k; , ,\í \ Hal \ .i l Pa'a iaľ\ /' P P . . f 7 'n.i.i i -iiuku -T.1,1 i.a !- Plil.... ... i ;.. In ,. i >ľa u',i) 'k luk. -ľni ... i l. ...n- í"'. 77-. ľ • •; 'u 'u,'. .!.../ 7k- u.'.-/,;. .pPCk Ko>. I.ll. RatP.nO ľ— -m- r \, árii ... Mi PMIK -tuPlk- Hill , i -'-7 ("".,-i'mn cimll ••'> '11". ' ' / i :n . , . i; P ik P'-n' hr J ttľ.. 'a Ti„ P,,",, ,/, k,,,. S., Ma, i.,,,.',' ,lt P -, ,, ll''i Aj. r'aii P ~7 - - •' hc N, ' II ' ' ň in. vi :-in'!~,. C í t x L r. h'-- TltH:,ii. ""n, .U, \ľ\knt Pmii- . n P." ,k', U. U |4'n i '"S - ,'■'-- j o P av l 'i , ti .k-.i. P.i k'P k'/. I'.niliľ hí.iliaaii Itľ'hí Íra.- a (P Pac/ V a. im [,- ,nl\iv,\ il P.,|iP,,la ''.ilp \.i. h-'Hi .U an'i.i - - "7 i, \^,. ipihiaM ikiiii. " 77'" - S í !'.pí, ;-]p - 7 ' aíi....'/.«''a vm i\ ^< i kiii.a a:"in-. x i/ir nia e.iínEp.". k i.a 'r',.,ni '" 'l-iu-a , a r ,..'•,/-). , . -n' , „in, Íl Ĺ u, .,i .liil'ľ ailN.i \ .rk V.i a(ii 'l;p F'.l- .1.1 f,.| fl,.pi ' ' i'. i^i'H ,c P'if Oln.U' n'/l. i.iji i ' 7P'I. Ír í,ii.i., '-a v P i.'--7 !i N \. >V, m, i')■•; vro.,.i,ii, V..V i. a i; i, p,,,Tn í kan/ie. n, .tupu P" ., ''..'.ma,;,. Ir r n, - Pr, a. i í i.ü t Mpfl, i i°"í tial^ľ buk-P-o.,k a.p-. -"0(1 - ľať.vj'j - ' ."ak wiiniľi-ii.M. ikltoiap 7í. „. '"..•'!, . krľij : i,uil >n ,t"'f \.\\ V.iL í o ". H a •„] 1 Hu i.r.p Pas., p-a'., i , 7''ii, i n .akí. ľ.n k a ' \ "in., ; a,p,. ,p /.-- ''i.ií.Pia" P '-ríf Tt:si'.,t .(..s; I pi; ilP'\ 111 ľ f t| 's'ipp, i ,.i;...P, ,,-í \ rl- '-„ivi,.-' '-a,°. íp., i ich a. *. ',' P< ,\ >,!>.!. n ť Pkia.ri.t í,;,, 'sn klin-' >'.'i"')/n i .im '«'_ N n Iluilu ľk'iti p- nil '.'I'iH.aii M Mu,U., C „ ,n;i ,m ilt t o i i,.,, P'S VA-ilik i. s , a. ' í In- i n,. \ mP i ť kali " 't.' \i','"'; > , ir,,' ľ i,ap' I . ' / i \.. ,\ ~\ ai i.. \ ii'i-.i-ii ' ha-.. P S. pt, r P.PI. X v s "i - n Wh k ,., h, ,„ '■ pv-|lr ()p-i_«i, .-i' .'' i an. ,'i .... i;. íl-.. \i .. ,.' -i ii . \f \- tmi f ,n i ar ->a aa-, ,\ ko ľllip \!i-...i'i<' i- 1 ' .'á '.maP" T'.-V , PP r .."„', •* i>ii,.o\ íoa-a ii ;/j áia'i ,\'sLa.pti'n, i )i ľni ik i liii-f'i.s ' <-->4 - _ / ,p- '„,,, í \, ,i ', „ | « -. ,a, i. ík,, .Si-H a.. PínS 536 iviiool. PP't i . •In j n f ■<> w'm Ki m if > I'' k .-■ ; 'I J ,tk l ,' '! 1 "■> I 4t K . 'M ' 'b - >■'' i hi- < Run \| P, .1 1 < I hip 1 , l.\ ' s| I 1 , I j at bk i' '!-: 'Hp 1)>!" ' ! Ml i. : ,i, , k,mm k /i.-ij.. i ... In- n /, » • ond. ,. .1 \ - ! i~> V ! . edm , '.. . I' , " i . m •> >ii I I, i in. n,j , ' . ■ ...,.i E. ■ >• / ' ' 'if 1 III , , ' ' ! ' . ' [Vl h- 7',- *"..'/,''..,'. \j» , t i..'1'i1'.-, :* ',',, in Hi. .isiim • I1,::''!.! i,d l:U)',.nil' !*• it' ■ n. /f' • , ' i , ' iii a 'in,' ' .it. m. * !ni , i • f v.I,i'.t ' t'u s 2,i< ■ h.iii„ i bat -\ Planum! I ti .11. hit fi ,t!i, i km! 1 \j, •, . ' li. 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Binľx, 1-m7 i ,1 t, , 1 ' l\li,rii D\i, n 1 I hu, l rsii v s la M • 's.,,1,,1 , i- Fan > n ' m dntin Iii-"' lit ÍUK. 343 ahakt--pe u ■ pkm ■ I »• oln Ihnor-Pe hY ora-Ml'i- - p,»o> 1a\!o, P-nna ľa. r-,. / i ,, ; i), ,j",< a?J r..'j; j-, •• >ooo I,a]'i s i,,-i!t,f H-,,, m: ' t, i ,l(,r ,, haja; i . -.uiejí' i.a. !>') l.h'h,rr-o> Pi. • .rKiitiai.k'. 2ŕo a. .U , < ! F. , i u ,n A)i 2. i,t' P 'uo. i-,Mí. i >t*i -íi< >> ■ ,i . it., , i:i_l!u'_ oiiri n li \ hliní. - /P-ip, eme, i ' o Y"- o í p'( >. ď. ai.i \,: . -, '..n,.;. .' '• n. ■ rit] \,; oí ins,.no,.' '/< ,* ak .ŕ..; " Íri.".-,,,u', Yo., '"> 'ÍYríaaoi, Y C i hik< l'is-s '•?'"> 7 t-au b-,,..',- -n, .-i_,h< m k Iklsoo.P ti nitimn.i a.i -n v, ih autin.i a a P, ' r,,,,,.!,-,-,.!! P, , t,,| in,.,,, . YYep.-.r 'n K) a, j j "n m 12 i <-/, r, h'.■ PhiieY-plna n.Uo -r. i., ľanu- 4-4-- 50. Press, í o'e'2. - UnPpFsi i . m." A i .,rena nn il-Ldir- a.J íi ip'l' .n - - ľh //,.•. o - Y. J .' K- 'en.. „• ť Pri. < n.,ine . rPe W'.iL -I MiH.i.i'n '!. "'•'Kíl," í ín'n A p, /-... p', ; •■■ /'. \.,níiir' (2002 i- V.S—Vfi. llnivemP, Press ' PYY. /,'e Ii,!.."! cm' r- .".cm'i'I,- Ip-ihm,, Nť 1 >oh, Tr', r 'kŕ nn' ■ :.;p {inn, ei sp\ i na .. 'ilni. i'd-,< i,N1 5 - i i *""■'-> i ! Í1i 12u InY.nhop I on - Y't /Y,",,Y f e . V, ,a or or,' i no-',,,.;,. ,c.» Mihu, Mm(J:,\ÍuiU\ |. .I,n Lk, k. "HL j S-I U M< Mi Mi Poopdi n p C.nnpün, l'-a-o •he j iroY HMU s Hoíe'íh.Vbo 'In. i ah 1 ke k " M-o ja,,."!, ŕ..:,. ne,' '•„ n „ '-,.»• hli.„a. ^ Y ■ ľryp. P'.n Ian,' Mom i inks, Ajai,..'" m i ml r:\-s\- r i h 1 íou. rsita fit-s, í"M fhe pi.", m "pnip- - hi< "• 'Y'ne, a /;'/, n ,'é_ p,;i nr i.,»ep.' kiiMinpMds [jnii - I '-.'•J,T,r'i.'.' í';,m,a. - eo \.i. k '-'11 Pnhhi noon, ''A2 fV,/,--i-i n,aL,;;jP''! M,,,, ii, m , <- .11, j ?\| t-\ York - Unn!. — ''B LY.nn. ...d i Yiltne Y7i ea - lf\ i.r "m oi Mamin -t, .- I'n -s, 20i)-. " "' i -"m fr-b «'run,. P-■ r ípr ' t ľ/,..,ni el ,'f/n £;;., ,'/,,*<.,! — t;" m',,- p ;jr , ' r.- /i,,/ Irrmap, .p i c p Ha-nippo ke. Pdpa ,o eUmmilYo 20'""' Tm-oo, iZ knie sir\ ,1 ano r,-. Pr. ■ , I Uls í — ŕí„'i;j.....'en. /../n ľ -i e hah nt;.i , h. ek.n.i i. Y ,,pa:l United šatka. L Po i ..nlkd nor ihr birPed B.-.l.^Oia íh.m.jn i),o ka.m.i. iUp'.rí ,\.,.-me, i- , w nh niinv iíuphes e ,d Mr h i. ' B..ltonr. A , ,'i , j.i'n, r 2n".2 j-itp. ma a.-Yoti /■•Y,,a. . íia. .Yikotn, ik..lkar,.ľ Seapn;] Y, ol-., 2'«)u Var I! ÔP.„.,n„.,' \a. f a i . Y.ri.o" Ikmi'r us janii - 3Il,l p,t Ya-.i sihee'nner "k\''av 'S. .n,il i",Y ílt,,.irk"Yoí; i-lp m VHP |I 'n M„'e<., f-. • l ;>■.... „ i/ t Y , '/ .u;r en ne.'' i YV ' li.enp-'-n, Kobrr; Fan i~ h' . .j 'i' n h-íieo i »• \npck -. idn i- Fa ľ, vtun.1: (->'-ir. 'oPop iinncini» oi p,.Iii .| mm nes,. I c>"ľ4 - 7/r -Y" ... I *■ .v Y'-, n London, ľ!' -•!.••[• I fn.iioiipHoi i [Yai! lehko ľi.opio Bo-.oiiO'n-.s, '''''ô I.-,1-...- ] ľ-, , rpomoMtl. l'uil-. <Ík /o..'.', '.inj« n /PPro OoiPoo e. k-., hr J»./o,' "'s: v o ik : ,n *-ii. M;,m-. .v ' i i lo. ]Y-,at; . On . ,.ea" ■ r , . ,, t m \,o \,iď D'.k.n ,a - If;-, - >.,.,( fr.;i, dol k- t ,-„ ■ ai Sl ku k-> a. híí i no.' , 2010 ItlDf; Bell. Catherine 5.H Pilo jnl, ,h-iu' ■■■ Cm CO, '» + Ben Ah. Zinc ai Abodiene lee Beiijamin, Waiter i 3 I a , 17/ Bi, jmems i ! S Ike tan, Hub. ISO. 1 S t- Bernard. S tasten ti-i Bernhard'., Sarah rati Bbabha, Hoirb K. 2S7 BhafjvoiiGiw.Tbc IS, 71, 1 17, 1.18, 28b Bbarata45, 184, 185-6, 218,21^ b.baratamityani 83,11.5, 184, 304 Bbarueba. Rustotn 326. 577 Biayhni, Mario 86, 307 Bui, Henry 98, 185 Biellnienn, Denise 32 Bigley. Kenneth 271 Bin laden, Osama: see Laden, Osama bin Bhohahisteli, Rao 2 37 Birnbaum, Cara 152 BhiirWiteh Projectjhe 126 Blau, Herbert, 145 Blitz (Nazi air war amunsC the UK.) 272 bloga, 1 32, 134, 149, 276, 287, 329 Bloomberg, Midiae! 242 BoaI,Augusto46; spect-actor IDS, 182; Forum db.ea.tre 105; Invisible Theatre 93, 120, 1 2 1- 2: Theatre of the Oppressed 46, 105, 182, ,?63, 264, 521,323 BoneyM: River of Baby ion 308 Bono (Paul Hew son) 283, 2.8t> ßeofe of the Dead, The (Tibet) 86 Border Arts Workshop 'dr. PI a Ilea de Arle bron.terh/o 516. See also Gomez d'eha, Guillermo Borst, Stephen 69 Bouazizi, Aiohamed 149, 272 boundaries, blurry 43-5. Sec also art -hie blur Bourdieu, Pierre 16, 17, 147 Bourne, Matthew 188, 189 Bovcditch, Rae bei 19 "boxes, alphabetical listing: Aetirig the part of a woman I 52; Anisimov.A. F. 202; Auslander, Philip 1 69; Austin, j. L 124; Banes, Salle 167; Barha. Eugen to 186, 188, 226, 303-4; Bateson 104; Baudrillard, jean 1 34, 1 35, J 36 7; Bed, Catherine 58; Belo, Jane 194; Benjamin, Waiter 132; Bhahha, Horn; 288; 45, 185 -6; Bharucha, Rustom 322; Birdwhistell, Rae i'37; Blam Herbert 145; Boal, Atigusto 182; Bradv, Sara I 39; Brazed, Karen 261 -2; Brazil, Mark 2 2 5; Brecht. Bertolt 1 82; Brentano, Roben 1 59; Brissett. Dennis 207-8; Imiybi.ndi, <„ .d at \i io'a. O in- imt 113. Bob. r baatl, im ihi.Ba.t.Cem i Ob k v jmb-ai.; ■+.-.: C nil . ., ko.; -m- i o;: 0ab,,o tkao d, Ib. !!b, Cam... hi,«. p o-. , i.j,^ Ly3;.m ijj.m,. Ma.betn bm-< el a„ k.eoo'ilm. fiiak. 1 Ab Compte- :■■ -ml. ib-, met o ■ v .01! 'ami ,-, OCyoei 72 J; Cbier mtl.m ah Mihi!-,"" N. ! A; ... ,-V v„ 2 - b' aarf i '•„;, t,r 6 !>';, D smrm o.'- 5-bo, ? >. \Cr'm -, Vanto 7 ' 7; C. i-i .... i.a onm ' I 2 '',,14+ 1 O b,o,dalo.o j 'ha b; - ,i \;r,fy;;, t i'.(„,.sii,.| \y. ; • 3m fb.rkn, no i i -b, sy, ;-b-J \, < b nie-; "m 7 m, 1 'o-o m, \'h. r; • t ' Ida ma m. j.. nie- 14'', ! oonrm,, ,, i lojyi.r ! > m.Ot'myb join Oti-t, Cernn, 1 i.i.a ' 2*i ^, t'si inn b.'Aoipt,'. Po Int 1 'tb. . om.o I . Mab. t 14*, OS; i rimhu a . 7i,mme b 7- O ..' .tpOabh, \.a! 283, C. ori', Chili >••! o' , 1 Im Ci> nie j\ O'nmb, • ,e. 5*', t,,i< tu -.jibrmih m3u i mm.,,,.,. 1 ., my "y '>o 2 u 05; «1 o,./ Pom C.a'l rm.. ^ *h <■! -i ■ 8. v ,d dl. 2,'-: i im;Sd. K' 1 \ --o, ( Co, ne. I>, ian ,b',s , imo", 1 cm 7 3^ !t'1, 1-Vm i, Rath 1 :hr!d,o m, A.U'.i o4, ': I up;m, i ae , t ,o, 5 35. Hai .,o L'i lot, I i /. Cream h. kaioi lö'l 1 . 1 bahmam bat ha'-al 2! " H.-osthiy, b. m. . - ! O." Ii on ' ' B i C i I. , i'ir.ii i'y Vi! mal Iii), Hi ammmn, Ja imo 2V- : »er,.. I Böhm" 5 , i i h .fvi.i'.on. i i ie S3 -'■, HoO'i, ■,. ., o.n-, ^ * i; 1 i on/mm ji.-'i.iti 11' i. \ b.maii I 'i idi'nni. m K.'iinms ho bim.'! omm, ]Ohm t l'-1' I. Outi b mi, 1 md„ 1 50. ),„ Iv,,,, sb,,r.,i >r o, i mi, -.on, ! • dri. 1 30 ! ; Omar-, Th", ias Hi litt '67, Jona ^. \imha 1'i7 n, Cjirmo \dan -by lbs, lad; the., baa .CT kbnda'k Laaml 3ti'l.kbm,f T ' n';kiobi. doiiio 175; klml), nb-ati Cimiib H. Ikebana "', i 7 kta bis kie 31 , i..-., an joom- I e. 1 a.n, si,' ' 3; i a-hmOn.i i bin ' O; 1 ii,ill. C. oi ;»■ 1 5'lO jap i. Sasin-e K 4'7 1 ae'mor., Köln l- o I !■ ten.. ?os C'.ayhbo J,- ehirSo 1; bi.1,1 OOlmam'tii 1 i ■ ",*.M ld, ]',.-, p'n _ 81 1 eomm K U| h 5 I 3 ' 3m ',,s.-r;..s t om.',- I 12; 1 m :s. ; \\ Il" , :-o'.p.m b i a. '. B '2 ^, i ipiaf-, Cbm I A '- 1 .a t. a., aitr 102,1 n m,.-, bb .hi n] 7!-o,i, " io ! ...r. ie Abo! >:„.;.! bb i b '•, y ; olkaic \n s. ' io ^ 27,p , w]ll. sv-,'0 * ,o. , ,;,r,,r.. j,, ,n Coioioi- 1 '''> 5b. Mo 'b, an jnto m'v'.M.mmo. b b. e., Ob 'om.M,,,, / d,.oi. C"'- iCml ,db Fiiis '-0. V a-Ki''. |i>Oii.i Mkak b''1 .Oaran C: .1 ia,-Oi. \„|. y . ,.n 3S, Mi Ii aejab kmo ! In \l Km ao j oa m, 2". 1to4, ,M KadmOamo l et-M C-mr l"h* < m-rm. bS4; 7*., bm . '-h..*.! •-t*-. Miln, mn.bide 3a; 547 I Vtlt lU ' i ' 7 \l 'I I 1 \ V I 1 .1 ' 'in1 \ ,<± s > \i LJ u , PI Iii i \ I i't dann >' c ' \n T M, M n o m i s ' 1 ^ ii j i (In ^ - •> ' si t? 1 Ii I i i in " 1 n s I rl i in r - i i I i' m I x v nt'i * til iipi I i i Vp I' I Sil ' S ( ),,^ j, I, jr M , 1 , s -s ' )m ) /)) ,t Si h -. t 1 1 1 J i 1 ! 11 3 1 II , 1 i i Im T ' Ii i , 'HI i I I I 1 I 1 lit M il v s U I 1 1 * » 1 I Pin! !• p, i 2 > - I ' Ii in 1 \l( ,n|i it \ l i ) ) ; i '1 I I f ill I 4, '< i ' M l^c ,i F t 'mm 2sM I V > > t 1 i 1 i 1 / "Ii in , I 'U t 1 "1 IK in- I i Pink u I > ' ' Iso t Mil .1 ii" a I, , Ai[. a [ , StniisGmP I >' iTtf'i ' sPbbin .i ii 1 ^ Mam t i Mi ips n ' <■ li n'n i ' '7 iK'l S, t 'in i .ail In ~ i ill I ' i 1 > i n II ill li I i ^ , 1 I I n n lvi I an l «1 , j tm s m T •(11 im P P 11 i ii s 5 1 Ti I l i 1 I mi _iPTP rh ink. ii s ll ll li ii li it t\\ i fi ' i Ma il a ' 7 ii iiiP j mit i 1 t 7i itk di t I M >nt ( mi n I. ''in 1 's 11 luin. 11! ( s' ""l I 1 1 i j ' < I -i " P ' tk 1 A Mm t i,i 1 i mk -> i t 1 - M i in L'-'^ii,,:,L pppi p.i tf 1 ki 1*> A I' t i i • i I Ji i v mi .m -kt m 1 ^ii in i , a 1 y{ ' Bi-j '* s t , , , i Bra ,i Kiii1 1 Bra tl V , s 1 1 Bretht II. t It , - , - ■ « t 1-1 ,S" 1 - a' , ?m, •)()!. son; BretsiUan actum i-> 0 3; mi < hine«c .I'.thm iS2. fi'i r am-. •■ .a .. a',. date Id, Pit ! Ce o4 C.nsoke !4m. The kka mm Odes 4o 4-7 t/.sbu t.t„iw .in./ Her t/u/dt r i-^, m, i e l,\. ip tm dunm. Or 1 i 14-n ISP'-i, a'ki Brant mo, Riant r, 1 59 Breuer, kee 506 Brmtiki, Iketei 2 38 Rrtwjti, Di lint' 2u7-d Brook, Peter 23, 67, 76, 237, 251—53, 3oo o,p, u>9, 321, 326; Mahabhamia 67, 76, 252, 307. 5tN Brown University: see performance stutfi s Pt partim m Briber, Martin 70, 71 BuildersAssociation -PIP, 258 iautiraku puppets 304, 327 Burghardt, Cordon Al. 99-102. dee also «td.doep BurningAngeb see Antjed, Joanna Bunts, Jim 234- 36 Bush. George W, 274. 375. 278, 279, 2S1 Butler, Judiii* 147, 151. 152, 153, 155, iko hmcoh 309, 310, 314, 327, 328 Butt, Gavin 149 Byron, Lord George Gordon Noel 2,58 buyo 189, 19(1, 191, 193, 304 Caesar Augustus 208, 209 Cage, John 44, 1 12, 113, 126, 169,242; fi/2'2 Cai Jinelong 48 Caillois, Roger 93 4, 107. dec aiso play Caireh Bridget 22 Caitleron de la Barca, Pedro 256; the Con •ram P. m t Sh 2 5 5, 258 Caliphate 274. See a7>e jihad/terrorism as pel mnmiiii e Calvin, John 75. 7b Cambridge anthropologists 80—1 e'andomble 52,72, 192, 197 Cdsridtss, Gia l 81 Carlson, Marvin i1, 25?, 2.33, 30o-7 carnival 33, .55, Q4, 105, I 19, 1 50, 504 Carsc, James P. 97 Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (Cd\\ E. 259 cave performances: see paleolithic i s Ceie, Babv 19 I tuttt in i\ rh '• iii.iiii i Rim a,, h A' edi.-s \a:. dam 1 5 5 ciiaticc. jCt Diav tp t liupho. e bai h'e i , Chatittp Ci -item 2^ I Che1-hot Atneim I Ik t.Sto, iVdio 1°: T-Ae Asaao 1 L\ 177 dtp 232 • bm, D-.i-.l 3d5 cdlol".. fb pi rt ri !t"-„t>a 87 C hut.. M.ri'bi rt. 1 (N—f-> k .Pbei t. ,db 2 3S cinema ventc 141 CnnWai ' 'ooiruao. re . in. ton-op- 343. a... see snnul : ii .ii, toio'si in rli aman. e~ 348 C'l.i.U'it i lata A>n, i j n-m a a • • l>': D-mmo .\»a-•.. » Lrjll. jMumle A i I l' h.jUlh MmmMi a ľ.! I illvuin P omo-do, M'dA MVS .iaaic ..[;>, ■!■ ^.p ; ; v A , V. M a pica Dole I'.riil.i Wj'ifl "2 a,2oJ Dai~v» u-. Curi •- a'*: //a ŕ ,/.' ' one . /monen .;. iMm'íM é a!,.nu! L > ooAA, >n u, i ar;. S A M> ! mmA 2 ! b CdomaMVibiamsbum Mo, 2 V, MM PM'M'aa Vl ,,ľ, 1! ah a. a. OP. M.M . ,N! vn .abMoo, ri airi.' pm.m mam e. do..-m O'M.T a a i • a'li aa m,tr> 11'- , coiooA.Ih.a: "'o i, Aa'A, 'š! m. 2- a i il i .raa r ?ST 9'p pm-i.-ľ Ui tu ,i!i .n. • .r..n aa taen M,iiiM> 1 h m a-íi n ,Mm aíni'.' 1 2" a, s- _M. S s.». mm, > ti a.m. Pj'. _Aa4 M ibab/afi. ľ d> f p ,Pa 2> M.mnian.oei Podul 20-1- Dcicm'i , t Aľi; . i í-. M, • -lT emmimmAo ,>m' ui'i-i'^aiT /O A Aa- .'2 ■Mmal. Vr, a D"Kirte, f r,-r.t'>:■ 2 : M AA") "iiarner De Marinis. Mami 12 7 , omimmíla Ke-> a pari' " rmemi MO P De Moi.í'oíP t !• n\ ai sir. ,ea pcrio» ream •» -Ho iim M rmni Univ. t Af i v;-- j Mro, ,m. -o-Mm denmOm i P , Oeimtimail ■ Dmu \D,a. A" mMMom.'rn >lM i v.l.Rľ.i-°4. »1 I A-Miia, ]..< puo, A-., m M07M í A V 2,i MM m po ar y! ...d M >-,'•• a:ä i ". "b MM >■.; '*:r.<7 a,s2 o:;',', icu M, M2. Í-J-+- í., v. i itaiie; am . oolilemo 2M s O, Ve n-o pmM'midii.i. pl o, t -.a s p. iiU ľ Má .V, . 0,'e :..e'-mrr ia' "• >1 • ; po. i.VLlo! m aa -in Ma Mu aaíM rami. a1; i mi i 'instruct e -a Doiihcrtm,hierrmie 2l,M 2 *n dan ,ht . ?m Vu \ i c.-; bam i ľ' Mau'-t ]'\ 21 '■ fit".aa.iasi indlm Umnple ilamhip 1 ! 2 (2- V. aA" i hsiii t ia;M, Dim. \oia i-,1 ;-A-, V. a,a Am -ainuiatiia, performance art laotterweich, Lnristine loa L roi li.i, ť u-, h, |A 'mano !•iramararoi 2 Ť0 PrenMm.mam, lh AM /2,. „ .; Mo DimmLMem . 2A,Mo 'Ai é,i .,' o '2_.fľ*. r.'i. a A. D.vvi.-.i, Margaret PA., , p,m, ,S2. M 2, 'M- (mil-venu iiAiÄi, Mihal, "'h ■'. S .inom.-; A^' , 2'7'o, MM 2", M 27" i ulíaraMinah,-o 4 Oui h.mip, Man . , i i M A o i nim; ..Moh'ape Ml V ,m, ';. m fur o p- rio-'aiam a Mi i IshramM nnh a ,, m, M i ul'.oml iimx. riaíAm • -aa 'i»>u • lab-nan pii A -aS i 'at M i ('nh u: aí K, a olntion v2n i s. 4f. A e n he~t pcaenroiii os - .a foLolitha p. riormanee. Luniiinprhani. Merce 242 Aa AJ" i 2o t .Spim. Curl. - IV O i \ im i, M onao'a o 'ham - ■„.2í'"! . Moam . r.ť mmio-em rha.l M' SO. am A- uuu' Dad.. 12, "^,40. i 117 i iP M.-', itit, mo, MS 2 M.-aiaiir., ]a. qn,. - 1 L1 A-aPa > oe. Frmio fa fjn- . ~-n.2M i i-. Inn nm, MlMph M2, Mi »20 danoo, dan; nm. All ii an "'M im «np , nnnaA 2 Aa- Bal nclniie 1 in."''iiiMdb. rt ! i'-S !i, M~ 2ä4M7ä, Balii'.mr a7..S7 A''M h'ti, hsa, ''M-"», "-'7, t-i.. nli--e., Du ipen Lt :-2; itnhía: \ li.ilu.ľ ial , mojdi \ M"-': ha'aet M í. ISa-" 22-, »0 A MA. Hau., h 2ä4 2m 111 h'i„.' s ',, t 1 A AMoniipApam 2-M-, dmiiha | * J: Pj,-, n.n-,,i. Pena-' - :"• Ar'-ah.uímS A S-t, 2-t-2, 2ä-t-M2-mn.d i.lnion í i'A,; lalpt in áó, Ahriian, F'ad! M.v !J S A S4: H'iniph: "» e .S1 P M. kha.maho 22-t.I Man t míjeli, jonn 2 t-,,2U4 PltsMvímM iMm í i •., : m, ASA o); . pn,m,,, Hlc;l] hir.iiicrn , Mar.had \ta']. m Mm irA »i. leM oreiiíap. ii ii. 2 A ^-immo Ah1 20.A rtimtiop.-, m.p-os. io:m P 2:2—2i' Sea aA ammo; rain.ti.rmalor nov.o; ,4 S -;Vi on 50, -, i 349 i nimi" mm nimhe S°. '' • i ;"nii i i m ipi.l-o! i h. 'i '"ouv...I11 , 1 i i . o,n h t_, - I F.>. kaum- • '-,i i i.» 4,r- k lb Urt ■ i s ľ , I"' J-,.', '.mir- l,2-i St.'-,'. . ĺ s.i 11 n neroníte e I ' i hi -e i ik í i-r ill-t i '1' 'i'-"iiiu""i x tni.., - - sr.t nke <-•'-.' Hm ..mi hm,d 7" ,7 v.-,,,.,;,,, thorn k.,,.l4,.m; ",J.- 7'.-mm,u l-M.I/ ii'ma! tu- i 'l'-'i.i 'i-..-i i Km .m <_i ,i. -.' 7s 2 k ir>|i.iii ■ '•'* in Hi. p, 1 in i.ri i'1, i ' v- ilfi., ! a -ti 3u 1 h t v t :itl< am ..'i ti n I- a.ii . . l.tnn). ( .(_. Tp i i i-i :i i km i -.1 \ .. o-i ľ ir;u.ij.. stuil-t i departments Fat. h .■ .L ä, ľ M- i'.'-.'it'u In, wa-h" lít 2a'; hmou,, .'.SO, 2S7 Sjiii!,.,,. i-,, 1,,1-pi, % " I-.JMÍ ím .271 'i.ť tí ..> llii 1 J r .-.-r)- ľ ľ, i.r r!,): l 'Al-* '''HM' M- i-. 27i 234 H_ V V h).-. ', { Ji. , \í.r lom , I o _ ! h) ■J.-Udio.tvi '.+-<- -> ''í I 70. " -;ln - oír' , m luí.itJ >n kdm.ku h i, ' . t, _7(\ 1 -' i'ka, -0* ; j _t p. ^ im,!n,et ->. t 1 mk mph 1 t,.m t s7'i -ú K: ■ ip, ,. . ritm .- mne f.niiiii-lp rí ,! ni.ii it-Jit. . r-n art .mmln- ■> 7."M " -,. i v-., n , i 2 n a 'h h>m,-t 1 m!. \, kdic'i 2 í, lo-i p.'tm-m.r.i n ' '< o , -u, rmu ;hmal 1 -Jim. I!.»! '-id i°7 k's -.rko-mam- n ha. t, . i m i m a-pm-ii rma'ľ.i- o mm Iii m "'i s'im'p'm s um , t-m h menn, s lluas, i1', i í " m.ií" dm m!* 77-, k'- -, H, .h.,h -,!. • : Ihar.. (.nm- ťi .-r i ;í;i,.t k,.iľ: i,.!,, JiJ. SldM-i- tulili.- 1, j. .u. i-. '-m ľm P Mu "Um, -5114-, ,2v (.im .; ,-. Joii.iuMulm „m mm :H'>. ií!i. Íl. ku op • 1-1 m.,'m t my ' i -u. 2s. 7* i s ľ, 2'.H- o, "' 10, 'im 'í i'iri :na7i. k't ha;.'2-. S, ri'ť"''í' ^ks. s, t;-hia~~ 11 ■ den ,1 í J. khmin. Ik ai m I..nun IhtatM . ...-Hnil, S-ipn i . in,m, ■ 'Vpu Utkie. 'm, 27 '•.t-,, 2hh k-^ 'e. mu Sk, l.ľ-ui. Sušín 27 7 Bm-hr \'i..ik-im. '.! (i. Brnk : iir-i . "m ;i" 17. k. u. mit. Mu hk lb 17, -ik 1'3, Í47, í 1K. ,s i ku,-, p- u-,,'n!i ť ílom- ,!'' ;'i, i,, iiir.i . , i mii-t M u m 'm ,'ň irankíout Sehooi 14-7 .ii.ti'i .t / -t -. 1: 1 Im" Im ..0.11, Tam- m 2 Sa.- „ . !u, h í r. vil sipnuiiiil Friedman, rhomas 2o.5- 7 (.joiioli. Richard ib hindapneuudmn Imidam. mdo-m k h? >u k1, >;, + p.ha - • I m- mj, L í'-i - . íl? i.'-iao,/,- 271 i -on du ,i;ra t.U'ik-r. I aiain A ; n» i ,U;ai sn ton- ,iln;:\.! ,in n oni m, 7hm 7(>u.-4 350 I.'k ,'-hv a .. '/:•.• 1 k f 7:> . 17. ^(i. * 1 , \ Alt,, '309 Menmu k„k < •!,. mi a,pa i ii t ,ii (Z in > . m) MakiliVni9 ixitu.'i 2'tl. v .;,k> in1 mi*. Makanna. Natalia 304 a make kjieh ,i .da -hok '. 2 » Mak'-m ir i,k perk,i na r A! -> i \i imei I i id ! .a-1, 22h Mam, Vol k», A! 12 Man. Kan .ok • . J i\ a ,■ 20-i -kYnpn .dup.r.., hi- 7,U h \ 'ko,: r. m ,;i,e.. ;. ' ij ,'„ r, In, •am , 'ak, m, '.9. t ! i i: , ! '-i ...../„, j.| -, Mavan kail name '2d Mverk K m ■' '9 1 Mm-ho. Das el mm \ikrr I i I McAulev, Uav 3a Moina. Sophie 1 9 Mekoniuah Jane ! 10 M.ive i/,e. jouaA, 7!. ^ k 27 " ih. km i-', MeKink - jr ., (' (• •, mi M. I, M„rkiali i k) M..M.imm S-'iii. (V i MeNaimara, Brook" I 7 M. Y yah. 1 riioli'-v 2 i + \ka«i, \'< -lA na ! 'm'k !9 , media: ami piato.i eullin-e 21-3. aeliior.. -- lor 9 terrorist use o! 2/6 2sU, PS) tin dim al die :io a ', ' ">i Aktkamioc 'si. at. ; %4 lv>, ;o<, Mi lini. hheda -m AS Mel/m, Vnnak.JI. "^2, 2 Jo Akrhn I., Much 11 i'lk MP Mmr.m.r.' , Mi laah" 'Mae, i,,.e, H a M,nurm, I'm1 1M3 t7i <'a- m.i.ion aaimi, tao, i.. :,,H , ,..,,0 ''a -" , ,'ho f i k • k' i 2 i or ■ A iii.i'. , i;,i,->, 1 m .a k :!o i ,ei i. d , ' 7 7, a > 7 2 •>• •. '7~. to , ss t,- . Miah Anda 2 a 27 ,\hk. ki , - d. : so \( Her m o, e Am) ~ "i Md'er ; H lio <27 mihlarYMfidustiaal . Mil. -., a (• . -mik d a. •' 1 ,.m, a-o- o \,m .tie Mr ii-.i, 1 \m ka. o 1 5 4 mom, a a i m n- ' '"■ n t. ill" 1 o it i ;i : uk.n, f 1'. ijl'e . Ma 1 ii. 11. a hpy v. i - ' " o'm j M'.t- Ik 11. -.-'ind:: ;a-. >. L ... . om-akhr ,n Mi • r.i. '•■{ nil A 2h k 2'i , , a-''->. d',. s,iO( ^2^; i i i 2'A. th .. ii", Yl" 'li'iild a v li ma ',', -h. 7. 'ka-kie-.-ar," *7 M..,...lrka ,M mi• * , yhi i \ n ir1. 11, liioot ah ,t,-;,ia !m r , 7 , -,s mood dispiavs oa . .Se, ape eiiioloov •in -t .i-iii t ' li'o.k. n, hi.k and • m.i aiioio ) {lerhonnanee M.- i" A.-, Ilmame : Y'k '7 ' .M(o,i,iLmiU.i, 1 mm 'he, 7h;> Mo/ai '., V\ okp nie 'madm.s ^2 o, '-'e. A',. ,n e k,",/ 7 Mid ami,, s i'oo.i ' 49 , _~ t Meh.i-mn.nh ti- I r .p! ki, "'7h ii'ij .iiiil. nui, miik'i a ' e aiiad le'ioii-iva- n rior'uam -MulkuHenui- '"7 1 PS./.'.,„ I,,,Am,- 'mA22k23s: ■ nelti. ulnar n th^.it:-'- S-'h' ', e .;', mtt ,. nil"iv.l periorijiantc mnflipk' mi ',,;-•■■ Am -„ ,, nan, p.hik -opini's Adnf.),-, j..-- • tM . k2 -Murnhv, raldio i 3 7 Mm rat, 11 kai psi i Ma-... u--,i i'kk.ii-i'. i u Ju i .,M('7t! \ . 1^7, to? S nmsti, anioent 27 i ,\a-.|o h.iunnt., I ' ; Auiomd S'j-oui-aii m. t . .-no, i 1 u-' •in-editton ,s a'n .nai II m, -,t\ "I duipin o. , p. - a -rude- depai-iinents v. \M ";\. rtlmiikiihe A an, ' h-,_.uu/.,!i"]T- o,l ,„m k'n -7 pa-, ISP -( 2ia -19, Ml Al \ i ,,ur A. -' v. ,A , p- h» nn.n. • >rr Ni vitou, O'S Iii" Nfügi «.t í tiioiitj'o 'o'', 2s'o, 6 50's Niol/s.he. In. -.In h US. s» li./.ld;. i 7m, , j.; . jh i; :, 216 4- 11 oil'.n k oi. LN\i : bs i 5", 1672-4 2b,4, 27o 2~2, 27:, '7;, s:j. -OO ('.'i.I i!,:„i ilt i,-,!. 27 7 2"0 'OS 280; .-i u Ľ '7-! . 2N0, hs ! , s ;o, .-,0 7_S ; i),-., i.~ non mauov..! p, rioriiikoa 17 1 3, 22'.) Nortlin.p, F. s C. 109, 10 Northvs o-.U'i n Ihir. m-nm ■•• p 'rtoi maims tlepurlinenta Niiimrntn-rg N',i/i raltit >• 7 k 'It 17 N'uTvmbt m Viar ( rune- I; Ob 7 ' t {hbama, Barack 43. o73—a O'Brien, Kteran 140 ! ).,aip', Wat! Sto ni 7 k ', oď'sa 113,1 15, ISC' c'\, 1 O, HO O'Fiahertv,Wench' Dumper i 14, 1 lb uh! etn'rutttf 55 Ohno Kazuo 3lit Okpewho, Isidore 2.2S Oluepir gates 55. oD, SS, «7, ;ss. 21o, 2>-3. 2s'-,, O'O "SO rOd; ant lent 2<->i--7. k h;rie--,' . tbhr.iti 1CT, culen al t )t\ mpi< - ""hS, s;-.,.\ r.'a.h- n.sli\al, 'iiu'd.pkn 2%. 24s-30;i _„lV aO .,k/ark>n ( big Kí lla Si 1, kli, 7o~, O 2 i i, ,rkn/iS'li 'o 2b4, 51 O Fh'ing On- ns l'i-,,ja-, i V4-, , I 2 O t)ohásh,a. i -tU'ir.1,1 1 m--~" t tppenheimeľ, |. Robert i í 7. OS origins ot p. rt. 'nna-iet ->2, 5 7, 5S, Sd -1 .32 1 5 vj Of ' plav; ritual ( i-ama hin i adeee ,o DuDn ( K, ra. hm Odutola. KaLv.ok " t í, 2 O Osinski. /hígruew bé, paidia ami ludus [07. s , .;/. ipse, [laloodtliít pi, - - 5"> m _,,sg ' "* | - 0 I as; airv. 222 -4. See. odo ritual Palladia, Andrea 3b Pať. mi -t t .- - ° !'' r'a- b. 1','u.i i S4, ap n -,\ t,e; Pehe-, kb,....l.i j O. m Pennebaken Donn 1 + 1 t\ie \i\ ' In hvs 51.ŕ. ne: ;oa a-, 'im- 28- a ! '"in, .e-, . r-ioo t ■! 2, D m 2- 3 , 4"* 5 i . t ,",)-- i; in business í-*; continuum 4-t 1; bi kmfhms 2 b 2-S 5-0 km ami v, 0> 1 s, tumtim.-. 4í' \ -ii-'a.-n.le hi b- ,,lm li-n a- 2. -O 4', 7', linls 51, bin j; a! O ta -'Vj |.1(_.-|tinn ■ t O. map--a--O 2, " mu mai-mail is r d pot r- -amang to < < aap k. s" m'tum Od 5; pak-,ihbae 52 5~, 5.S "'O- a, prom -si s 221 n3 , '-exe n ;m miier. - .r-16 SL'bit-, ma know k.-tlj. 20 sargem .n- 2í-L 15;tmnoa g.ii\ š: trials aad osopím,-n- Pas' b sc. b-- p-.rtoi nunc pirfn-nijiii i ill I i i 1 O,! 5 s— ots; Oiackaí Art br,-t mmh-1 6 5-4; |t í* i 5S ib - \ r.5i u,r 1 b2—5, porsonal o p. ,l.t! j! 1 "s mO, -oío 1 s,s, i 3^ Pmtorm.a., s Oo-.ip.thi 73, 03; JOO >,'mm Ornm-ti 02. Ovu'i-iip- ' ..tri itľ. -otitit s, 20; ij'm/iti t, :;ejcs ond lh> 1 ,0D,r" .Bi.-íhti e". kSi jľ.'.am m, m e moot ma 2jj '-' n. itieimm, o m m c^se-. 22 í eb' atteimath 2Jt.-J t , e a 'kl- w r. 243 c larger mena s and ,mt,-\i-2J-4 j-pioto tmi i'.' 225 o; pnbb,. p, rtoruiatue 24b 4 rehearsal 2 ŕ6- O rules/ conventions 249 30; bim spi, t- s, qikir.t 3 O. tľamina 22-S ai;-.vrrm-up 0šL> 40; n,,-ksk.sp. 23i o l't, toi inam. i .jiň '-tnuvers, pi, „lucom, p^i t-••" sm s, ,t.a takt i"s i 2 3(i a; aut e na ihr. et-a 2 5 2-m; n aiii-tremi Ou irrt 25 1, smaiirhe ha- '31 1 "'Z path" 2 s \ partiu mam e-tudľ.-. O 2 7, aute. t d> n s 13 í", äohnil'.oľ-aľal a op, - 4 1 ŕ- 3, mills al quest ioi is 3 5 ; histoi v 5- D, 1 i I b, and hatm \iri ľk a i 3, ,-irvi ;a ii mlel proration 5, 1 O 2'j, .ei'1 p> .smtrut iui.disni - bin "r,strtti.iiori 5, 16. I 7: as poorer and Know ledge 2 5 p.-rfiirinam t statin s d, p.irt omrts -, t u Ab^rmTvs v •,]-. ilnm ..-!", e, \rio)ii i lirm.t—si ľ b 7; Birkh. O-•Juh i ne , ,f i mi.i. it S'; Br. mn Üiiioooti 7; Bi um I II nn i ma r m Coim a - i,a i bio sito 7; t r. opi ť m n chmo!'"tv O, 1 h uif-mhei i< Imtniil; ut P-.rleriii.iiiu atal P' diti. s 7; job mm - Ooť. n i o rg-tbm, t r-.n.i' 7 S, bi-ams.a--. bt.dc Un'Ma'-iri- ,7 Kos,-- c olh-m 1 ondon S. 354 i í u r. I im\ , .mi Horn i i.!',' ■ ! 1 Mľ.i is'i ; ("i. cjm;. f, n.'di . Jmo 'e •'(. ..p.i mn'i ;•' um..- FP\'ii'-iv;, .r - , ,y"'.r.'ldou pi'.J« 'l'i v .»l'i,ií-t '' nt., .j.t-'Í . "'si', 'ini t ď i • -1.3 i i —, ' .1 thv. s . i ■' Po', . i" ľ > ŕ |i ist-'''i'u i; ' ' ■ i.íi-!, (iiiini i ', m ' p i" . i 2>- , d(..'^ < i M,o . it.,i"i ;, "ŕ í .ii.i 11, ä -'-t- -,ľ,ľ.ľ L,2. i'i.s. .m.I . i'u-.l mp . m.! p-i i.ii .H o dm. 1 -n> s, t. \r, \ís >' diii..i ,'ľ, i..'. í í - i 1 r i ..."i -i 11 i - -A. i ■ ...Mi, ľi,,' i i j, ■ ť- ľľ U , • i , -,í\ 14 í ii i , .''i >r ,->. du i m' I ľ. ,-' v,, o; j d . ii.v.i, ",i - liť i; i* j v- i. '1, -t-. -1, ,,; , i ,u V í dnm "ia ,'t K.- Au m-" di.ii.t - I. d . .u'ť'ia i '' pknii : • ,• r '.id vt-- t • í dm ip . "> in. din,1 i ô. .ii Koumi,. T'l m uii I 'am t . i i -h íl "2- ~, mdW inipuu-.p \.n 3 t ií. í i i" . i •,,!.'I í ..i n \ P -". i Pot - op •! Xmi An„ . ii,-2>-. m ' -i.r .[.ti .i , i klím M, . \ ',11,2 'u, :'.ni'.' '. • ■'. P iapvi I'd í I'ii -i" " |i.l í.ii .i . lľ • \ -i ..|>| \\ .1 - i' i i '• .' i I H \ni di i. .u. 'i.i . i í I, p , 1. , ■ J1' Hm..m.' "t S'ln ' .!di, mm M.jÍM,.iľi. I'. Pív , i . .j.-,,- ,;'„i "f- p. , '."' t l'u i m 11'i i -, iit\ i P n ii, I.'P. tat,,",. >..'(,i,u ii-c] j ' /\ l'ifi i iinni vaiP],-. ,,-ift i n n . '2 ily>ii'P2l jin'itn i, p-d. -m,,;> . m ammaa in ^ , p,t i si n 2 i-ixnuiiii iTiiľ. -i p.-i t-i r., im ť poi fu ,P i r-w t i % \ •/. vi i,,,u,,, a;-., p mu-inam r.d "'.ti'iu ' r t 2 > 'i'1 ,n.....- ; x"., m n i\iť "i. 11 . ' i (>" n i -\ :-• in i 1 i , u liľii i. i. P. >pi j >lm P ,ii !i. -r, \\ p \ i.i Yin o j. • n r ) 2 i, i "■>. r 'ľi c ľ'.ľ i'-' - , mu ju i\r • ' 2l --'p."-'.! r-i.ti m-i,,d'd,-*á P'1 i. n . .nl. .'i ili-!' i, riti-r-iittui ,i I Íl. . - t 'i U'pl 1. I i j i • }< M 11 ll.l i 1 4", Spi i I. ,'l t- |,ť,t,ľ,Tliľl Ti/i p, ivsti t,,rii. n. 'k,..,iliii ' 'i, M í -p n, mm, ,íi " !■ . vmi, - i.ri .. ri.Latii 1 ' t- í * ,', ; .-lvi I. i in ,'i-,; -in aiani .- p-, pnu >.'i i ni-m 1~>, i "-* x. 14' Pti.ii • <••" . ď-ťnitior p > tu" n t. m 7' i '. ,. ,il ■ i i 1 '2. In !li t 'ľ . i" -n!i ' -i p-t p. ; ],.- un l|i S i ä It-, kroj 1 -n ľ-i . i*",ii P in , \ t i -' P\ líp p'ii.-.i i l! .r .j*-n. d., < r ir iui u 21 'i ! i h, - non 11 ati • d in i i i nuiľ' u, • . 'mol' \ ;., m ,i, 'im.nmh- i Mm m n im.i mi; - i ". ' ' i i _ P i i C í í ■' ■ ' - ,). 11 i" ' / o j. 1 - '/ i'oiiľ'iini'i r 1 ^ • d . Or ti_ i o niť i o, — i ■ .m 0 i m in >' O ' - N, uiil p, ,' ■ i min 'in..,'.- \ "iml.. poi.prt-. n Imikamom p nim Ml 4 imrmam '4 P .ť, . pnli'.ii íl iPj'.í' '' ^ ,i>, oíoí! n-.mli'-i " ani ,.i. r>4 S,..... ' 1" , -'io.ii 'i j/oiiO ad M S "'i m 'o;n,iau,a ,in, h -mi ' ti, mo" • uľ1 dil'e'mm iJ • '-, pmlm ti .m. . ,m i—i u; Onip „m p.. m- '-+"" n, -potí rno'.ot., !'• OO P " II ivl n 'li!M-l iOI'u.'.lľ .'l"l Pln lan. Popp, 12 la 'í, 'o t^i iai pi \pia- . . '''2 ' m-o, nlJ sar P> rPiku i nptnii .u--" Pal m m i I' ' i.; i , ',m p,-, mOion ll fh'np lit 4; i >„ ,„'., ní.ni pr \ it t mom. , P . "o' s,,/, mm j.'íp.iii.a' 2'0-l.H.,|;í 'M ,,iď, , ,Pn t,m-si pi-oa.i t.ipuhlu -,)-■> "M p n li.i mam c- pt,_ tem. 'e i p-dnii piiiam.n oa p-t, í íl iim i-M m t n v j in. -am i->(-> ' 2"'i, • o p n-m; ' Pn ! ä" v "PO -, i nd i o'dtd m larpí r . ot-, and i. am \.-2 —1 -ä P-mnOi II. . imp ' ""o pup->m- o. aaiik-, piipjitt-. orní pt i ti n mina . dp , r- Plati, iš -11 dT. p.,,. : m il ', 'M, m,, 7'v R.mď'i. 5 plo P^- P \ i,t- ~ n ■ -p aimm-P l^ >-PP2 t)i.i. !i klmoisin ■! i a, .ioi .p» am ani o ipni in - P' -M. I> .- ,ai a' ti1-'. i.dilil.V lľi.l -'Vt-Jľ - Pi nir'malitL ■iiď o 'auma \ i i, i ' i, 1 ' p i . í -', • n a i P i Ho d '3- -t ilinip.n ,o r. od. ,r alo i )u ,o , i „rn- o,o , iioti OtOmo ',; '2'P I M s n, u, I Jung t- 1 j~. t I" ml ulm." u ', ,: d AP'1 I i" I. im St. ak ■ p n-Pn.ti.dom o. .i'íi a ti. n .'imi.on! t li.i" i'v ,'ďk u,ľi"ii,"l M1, Hl., PadS 9i 2. i'IS tvj.n .a- P 17 s ;!■!(.'. 'H,'!1. Rrranin di • ' I v».' ; i t n, p. P,m .mu- ''Pi, _ mm '-'i t.-'x'T, Run [i ii,i„ J't\ " n,pi ušiť- n , 'mom ď , ! •. t 5 :m Kamida i i M+-m-. i ■ . í ." , 1 2'1 mol a. i m m cm im -r 1 • I * i. ! P p 1 ' i. nio i k -»7 " Hl. .p iio m. R' a. i1 m , 7 p ' ;| p 1 -. 355 IUDEX .s,s MM >.,- i-K m •-a .n "M.2H !i.i.;[,u(iím( v-i i l\dlh ! ä, í 1 5 ">0 R-M m ], s _ ^ ,, s . be r . Am. ;, Mm.!. íshnn»n í ■ ľ", A A'. iA'4 j.,m. A-'' Reagan, Ronald 40 ředit. i. Im.iom. Ad Mt c mi M, ],:■- M md led sr..r ""O M, M ».adatM-'..,.u' A" ta ueam a 1 ( ' • md p ai Od ;' o,e 'o- '•I-', ami n, > i mimt ,' > b. ma; ~,o .' miettea1' ,,fm imaml , . '-m P t ; ,r 1, ji.i.-s m . Sa- „>-. .-, \i,..a,: a' ; lejiť viiti'i t. am! i. ,amďa ';>.• a lai a vaidm. , Ki I , m : A i -. A', '• b lĽ- • I A/M. 7 ' "4 n-t 't.ii .>tt > t K ii oi.ii • a-'■>,- J PA: e a a l -J- m tm 2 t- Jíl „-2, A5 em.j- 11., mtia f -t u'lm- ľ 20: ,md puv '02. .:ai!i. n 'ľi!íi„ii(o m, t n. dnamíd'. 7/, e.a'.. > MA. '/e ', Veeam Rn h íl (P. Mam m.- .-m, 2 M, A "í1 í itm, i ms 2 ">f /, 'k t a m . í b h o . í.'h elm-, A '', ' n : ,, , ; > t 1 ne 'n! A ó.ma.; /'.. i," I o . á'e O! -2 a' _ vi !/,/.,-,-,' b'MMamm .m. m-t Xs- n „ a U; >tia sl.l, J. '/., I i ľ, •) , ■! p...,' ( 'a; •„ •, , ,', - . M. ' " i'i,' '',/, Rmph". Jt niiil i .ĺ '' . mťti i P', a,, , *vm lio./l- i'T", 'mn a' o o . ft."., e r.tu.d m'ímii! alr'a), VA ' át ' a., t'! . š, s, ,,, p,, i i it na! 52 aa. mu me .o. a,a P >'" «m. eld i, ŕm" 1 ''i >— ' ľ' , <_ %••/., m ' In Mm a ,. '' ip í s m. a P ' >. í o, j .emaiil A, liiti 4 ľ. lue '■ I; laa.nt P^enl Mii.aa.: iidk iaiAo). . h ii p onou m Mu >rm,m. - 5ŕ- n hab llp imetm.ih M ht'M,m t. N i;m . mmi <• mm M o0 nim„mbe-l05 o. m • meltm •! s lim it I r ">~-h MM lt 4 ma; I 'O 2 i,i!iiiniii|,t!."."i P bi b 5M5o. 57 ht as,'- > nit. Am i ' '.o . MO, "■ dtlio.tiťm A y (Amt,1 ma -t tntt r'aamn ol .ban V m.m, 11 K'ht c .. M.^ i .'b "A t"\ " 7, I'm 'O M, mp it.r, u-):.,'-A.. d , mi]am.oio...i I I .; o A mcnimm i, A »bor ■ •> itt' "i-i,n-'.''t,ipal b do - Inoimtl dŕ.-7" H, >,d. j,,i.n R. 'A ,« eji nm ,o ,m . ' , limtri.df 7; hto"'pi. íl ad t mb . .aul pt . b a ma h • j t rb 11: • •4nd;< . M, and i i > a< S. de m b, b i K. ■■ a d •, 125 i" b pi m , A. 7. _-Jr .rrm'm'M. i ctimoo- 52-a oP' i •-, boom t , i) -. a1 ' - " r «, minp M ', • itm. • -t pas op- An 7< -t, ..nh i .m '07 V)'', 17. !-;. , í it ,'; o5m,ieial drama 7_- 7, 7'-'- ->-mal ■ A mia d . ťiai p, /msPer I M Po t óP, ' 7 MO, -t' MO, Á b, ; peií-anianei .'O ' , /Pair' ,|iin-id-t an. a e , 1/,, s4 m _ j ľ,;,,- »,, MtA- i)o na ' o, 2 >7. ''léa hi-n non s. pi-." m i-s, • ne., t - 5o 7,md"b,,:t.i 5V. : i. '-t 5, /b, á n AM'2 "I s tím /spi,' ~" 2 tran-p. a r-as. ,n-and tr m-r a m n i. ms .íiamamsm I b, I M. ;70, |7'-+. ' °2, 72 b ti t e .--t, mu mfi. s m 1 \r,mm,. pidohthit os n". A u dme a i b\M s< 'O'' i ;h pt rb i ju i--), t s. pí.u mr4m 1 i.nim nt 1 MJ. 2't o R 7M2- A mai.ii a i;mnti i H odri, M Sn pht n 14ľ Ohm i Kb rem P'S. 200. 2í0 A nemAm dea.p .-ť Rat hamittor m, • , p' ' h . m m, e .iidii , I 2< •'.); SAt > i.mi 2o2 - a. tmii '-'m 202 \.,i,A departments acting; plav• ntria! lole -phsir..' 2^ 'a. ,1,4' í • 7i. . H4 e , 20(- 11; M.amdi d Pi i |sia Ai i TamOsM 7'' 'ii 'itl iti ill" aiP nm oh > _ ! š- 1 •-; ami p. n , i , ■ .-')"" M.H 11)' , ( I , ,! t i i . Oo tu " 1 " , " m k. • i ', r i , i >J pni') v ' 1 i / ', ^ i 'i i,.ii -"'ľ li",i" ( i ní ' ' m,.. ' ' - í ,i i , . . i * -' ,, . i ,, 1 ' ',,'1.' l ■ i 1 , 1 l* K I i o ' 1 st ' ijiuii j _* _s. 'c .-i \. i,, .n.' ti ni li j i' ^ i i , 'i < -lui's i f ' n ,'' s,, , 'i i^.' i..i O, \ i i ;\ I, i." 'S " Mil'!,. ],i k |S sin |l 'l.llľ,, - ~" i, -mi t:? • , nm " -i i o '.i s ' u ju nu,! " , ' n n - 1 ,", n 'h, i' , - 2 ,^ J. m i ' V' ľi .i ■ 1 1 [' 'i 1 m .kmk.m s--' ' i1 iní mm M m i -'",,ii 'la . n- , 2m, m'k í n m, ~~ "Vi \s! n, i v Ii n n i i, i ' - ,> .t -Vr. i \H Lit " im 11 - 1,11! "i , o • 1 i \ i 11 i _ ! 1 : . i . ■ . r , > \ L i ■ knm , i-"in,i Spi 1 ' í . \) ill, ill s* i i, n. k mh k , s S km k . pl> _i Man j m . i , i '> v m „ ľ -k. k ni ,r'm • 7 j y- 2,:. * j , v n st ink ■ H '•. . \i. s,ľ 1 2" i, u , ;ts SP i'i'l is ' .. .1, 1 ' S s" f ,, Vj r> . n t. í s ' is sn i... J'.-n i S sn i " s. i, 11| sí • p -i 1 2 'i " e i, !\. 11 mi ;ik >, M n - i-" 1 i ! Im ,, it" íi-. 1. . f .11 |l.'|. í 1 u - i m ' i if. v.i. "!i dcťonstriiction .i i , . p ■ .' - .' i , . .i S-|i ' m s i p ./.- 1/ Si. i *.. i V, i f > i - n 'man m r • miisniiime iis i i r. n- ' i. mn ot .n , i in iťi |. r - t 71 '•o, m ! I, k, i i so , o , m i- m 1 a. . ',,ť o i S im, ' ,I*i m k, >i ' - i M i I )r m ! 2 i . 1 v I t1-i- o, m,n m >,m i ,m , I < i, . - m ,1 «' A , m t i m k í. mi! i i » -•'',,. iiim ' l.'ii, ■ ' . n niat n i . in - < - í m„ m i i m 7 ,. i i ' \ i......í ,t i 'i mm , í i t,m ,i , i i . 0 tmi J 2 '.m. , 'p| d, p i mmce im i. link i ipa l." 1 i m ' I i ' s. a i oil . i n .,! ;w - I - h.f ai Vim i i ,i ,m„ " i i -mi , s~ r. , , o e ei ' s , O ■ _. - 2ti7 tp- 25 V U in M.s; fin lli-l VClsoii, RC.ort So. "C8, 25 i. 25-p ^'e; < ■ -non 'C So,!; SO. i-C V* d-on. rl H on • !• -t) ! i ; i.oin, Mma ! 1-,'-;-i)ic VCn;.,. ,.r-( !) \\\ o-y ep pi.; \\ nit. -ixi'ioil >L'.di-;.o! v ;.14'f -!. See ,ir< -in-uiiikin M' Hno-rm.ti voL)._o 22C, 2'C, \-v .■/.,> - r< nsri-t p._ ', iOio, i -. W i .cianr, Iti h>, ; k wo;in o - : iph, o in i,\ Fall- S o1 \ •. m n>:i 20'*: Y\or, e-r.ii Coiner.'.2'J" Wong, Claire i I i W..-,o. Frank !l> \V„iHk-i Croon, ti»- ~p 2ki, 242 vork-ilop : i -(•; FCYj- o. !■ - 15-i - o sr. e/.,. vV.a-M ,v, n i "Cino- .-,( -Jie Uniu-rsity «eC California' -;/a . . '. ' 'o". Wo, iolrCe i Coa, ,,:,i, k on; Sec 9/1 i; jilia;so Zapatistas .Ala, Cs.5 /areiawi, aba rvfnsao al t /i Idair in. P ijllip ,,s

  • :; i-tmaa, r- : . . !a C three ma a,-, j i-p-amatC--, ad e- o; - ' r i e d r-vt1 C'e cc Ji"=e at' ,-c n kpe- c m "h.-a n t jet fc--a, z- aoar1 ao- i appp- o 1 ;ri|i.iř' p, ,iv. "n? niost p-epe'tant !. . .j p:iaae|.," sac»> inteara" a»1 <.',|-'ch was app=, ei tiv •a ppie;-;.! fiigi-lv hO tl jisd -j ,tars'q-j. C-'sccj, litivc-a.dapr.atiaii taap'Pi'-'i .up pp.e eC the ab I t, te ■a- - -t j e:mr r, g.mp5, ha -a prcsidemial pa-ad?: 1 m lp, gs ,a,, ..„0h;p.parcml oíthf-ati-í' pe-meme icm t i tt y 3t,| -a..m t -pm p,p L ir ipaazt - aouairis ','Vhi.e Ocdu i lai,:-1 ' criftvo. i"a v-ptg the OstCL-iíea iiiai Cp.jf. -• .-m, hia ntn -aiima o r'DPtr í'oť ,J ap.i'ty i t 'nert t-e ce3:ibie aueiP;, of pi'edatru" a- d.e nau" arp-'a m o-e spm:e-< 'o Ira-am i - ip.a.i and m ah' am vo stac of mpemáUa-aí Leina, tgoa r,h ekg. , .s i IfmiC ::''3'r, the stji't rituals :m!t--i -im o1 f.f rloi ímvm deoe, dem • o ja cipoíe/ i.oanep'm i-p-p -pi a i tre cpiamit-cd irtentícnaniy, eaeat mict o-;ľ.....-a uípa 'ir,ii the, neu-.e cď at rfn,,,, -ne-as. If d e cmg-ale i cí d-imia n ay o thoag1-!. ..a as a tme, m vade < a t k. . i:he; elf in evemi dl-atpans and one at m, maer 'mm n:-ai- the top ig -eľhe- ,'v t - k ( m me maa-h o4 pmrfon lanct sp-euts tn-aďj o,ii -eg --e m a-a ' mai-, aed atnci va-n--ties o-suoiunctive benaviof. POll An ř .a ' i !+i en i aey Pc- 3p-n;t"ve en P'ay ce.-iepearce, and p.ti. n mS-do 101 Eve.i ihe ac:npu>e-: Jo ~ Mao, ;* " ;'GD. is cfjie'."1 • I i 'v";_. y '',< s" 1 J i1"."1-: . :t n ,..'..'• fu V '.-',i ' , 1 v m 'Hi'.' j'.,' t,_ - ŕ" j-(ľ)) = .a '-.. i en ti.i- • a,;- y a. i ilji. a a, t-■ o -\ .)!' e _ • ' |.' •'• .i iM" a *" a- ac a gi j i|. , h it e í" j. 'ií i,, ,- " "!■ a iJ ' a c. ■ .a c a , 1 c i '!( , as I i as, Ľ 1 rc 7 ľ ' h ' ?i d ľ - , '..s ra>, a t s i. r a to 11., . a ",r 3 " _c ata'-r <) >\. , ■, -.a '-,< ' i h j 'ľ tt, \ , ' coeyy - y ~>i« - o., . i - i. a. 31a"11 ;'ue so, . t>,i ,(■■'.) a i ,. ^ ľ.a in--, * '.mPiic ta: a. a aa 'a.-* .-.e - t ica 't'r t.- i' = ťf a -...i '.cnioi-ael) y'e,,- "Ľ . a , i: .;p,-';i > i v S iiif.aed cti.•'!.!■= "leira [ =- jy. ' fbes ear icy e, a y ;o. ■ similar Ti,l5,i 1 "t ijíi j..y crc0!!1.!,'; (i „ ,ay li t n. r 1 "■<= 'f-:il't ( t L, 1" c 'M a ' '."Si *'idt T ľ'ati 1 I litc a' I ' OacH leey, 'C -i'*' ">',4 1 * iC, ľ. ■i'"r ■>iy^, i ne-'...I ht ■epen-f , ..a opicu in tP3 3a .10- 'a ,.iay ;ko c i í- - a q o 1 - j !l is al-o i;V, it Ulitu ľ,i !■ 'a'.t ]il -yoc 111 ;. 1 m „■• Ml >u >h • .mi t.> '110 th. I Mi- d r, at mu" is au, m P-miate r, i n o frdfd'ny Pi-eve . 0°. ■ i '0' !Ut > ' -ť raf; --cíc S'1 , - 1. "0' a,, * c ir 1 - "c aa i aa ■ ;a- -mím . r'í.ad CO' .V l. . i -tO " aa- 'ta in 1 'b- 1. 1 -y.-y; ibs- i-f 1.= 1 11 'ibM-' si ts ei'i. , '.' ' t *'■, ifit" jf,,..ľ-.i - *'.'b ' . . . ,. 01 , 1.1 ' ' - P c> '> T pití, lij. n* b, t,,111 ; )I.o n ""t íijybk b i.^tľľcil a.r rľ c, h ' "i 1 ,'n, ■ m, a í * c. 1. ,.-k r ;ih i 1. m 11 au i ľ. 11! . '11 ľ-, ijiaa.t 1 - 1 h,- 'b, a-ai ,n .ilíii 1 >aii.i b . 1 i'.a.i!, t,,,ta -,i w h ,1 i, "'• a a ■" br.t trnrn t riioMii j al the letel tb hrbil-t ioi. T 1 f yi c.poiaf ho n 'he no,1 1 Ha-.0 ' letí- in :!i< : ľ t h L! Taa tbt t ira 1 , pl miay is ,1 avao lo aerlonu sa.i'olv and without consotRitaitaas actions that in other contexts w oukl determine hierarchy, matin? rights, or even ile itself. Plaving is "playing aroumi." As noted, the behavior .so-i i , m lor no '•! t n. put p-' ■ i '-ce 1 • iv/o- hi ."X 1 h. b-nlo.oo 1 ,,01 k- , 1 • b a 1. ai n oir.-ii. ei . ,|, a oitho., .1 n d I >o . ;l,|. 11 ,1- pia a . b, • a. p., 1 >, , atual' y -it o .1 nihíi..ľíooh,il -o m- '.hat pĽ my 'b, .nood ,t , , a -,iir"iii.'tth 1 01.' tli- it 1 1.11 ;>' 1 is J a mu h ."-p Tj.t 'n, ami ...*■ obis ku b ot pi" j.o-1 1 a ... 1, lie ,t, e that\ n-; i-o, >a ! a. lb adt • o ,i 1 any.moot > 1 i th. ,,Mn;-\,a t~. a ti" . a -cqn. n., 01 ptav n a p at j, t, on s 1 b.,t a, t ,* .ej,-a, ntr ib 1.0.1. rc-l, e . ,^ _■-! ,ti ii, lii-t rep-lit 1 Ih.-trtťo m ( 1 j,hi- ., nie- m th--uc \ en lb • a<'%-h1" ľ . n 1 t hit í - e, i t - .'"s ,111/, d, no" Ic - 1*1 0- o -, p,, m . . Mjtu, j i,h aina! mice n n K a- ti; n a 'de - f,iit"n 1 non m '., 1 bo 1 i-ip,v,L 1. a.,il -f, ■ '■ -iiriit n o •■ i pe.o, d > 1 'Jib ■ h , , 1- a m i-'-, o,p nt i \ann-k o' "a -i -n, d h, i a* 1 -a The message, "This is play" i o ífi It ľ'O ' 0,1 |i,'o".' ,'.-r.,í "S n 1 p'n my* ' í- , i.-, m -lyh -e,,-- p] e ,hi'.|ilťi hbosth hp 1, ot y •).,, - pi - b a ne-1 .. neran ta nl ed nik - 'tin i -o;f th -1 in ,1 ■e- popri mm , 1 ,-,ik J 02 ■Ala -i . ji!.' ho íti" ;s u .i U -: i:>,,i Ai: ' even forma, .! a,!.., m 'IN, n m ".„.,.U ,t baseball," ,'--*.-. in; , Ii, i Mir", m Ol, ei . mií 'e,e m K s Vit i t st'M .0' i O's.'. ma r- ih,.a eata e up! im ,;m . >s o aa ;bř ,;-,,m nm ' : i ' i n- i.i i. j ke " a nittact Immunität ion i- i m ,ie-ke-I,'-m' a-,ai ti ame - uthm «pa..,h eľ't.ľf.ľl .mthin m ib i .! eI'Sun e .in ■"'!> .n .u -Peg' is n.-, e\ nnpk V".! u n hl, ť.. ;.;. am b >n "t- -hi m « 1 .n. í .na h -mil- ir ,1 m a :m "a.,s n- e sne i dtcie nm >opr, :ast or '"reg caa11 ! r.m! jam t r>. ,-rľC m.e l,_.m"i.i,,Y Or i," '.['link u . am. Im- ma; i n ;rn a na i.t m 1 Jľnl ouínaas p].; it'jiCSš D' 0. ÍOO U a. '-'Vil. ô''é. V .a'l'hS' í* 'Joe /ne -' a a i'O-n imtm'.t .naht» ,a r'am aeo f joh n -m ". o+ p. iu.,,;ea a, t i- aaai v op, arc, to >'"im •ster; n Pn oh- [....n /.mi. -Ii-;.- u.msiťois aoia th° mm m ." ' aa - t;- t at o' e-gj míkm' '•Vo, 'Ffmk 1 ne Satmea, .hmc, ' .""t" k > h. n. i this t.i i h. mml-mam: .! at t- k 1< i n* era .jgb í: • si e non i., .m. m U"' tma Írmi- ,m;l • i mb- ;r, o< >me .han-, m n u um ibmi ■ are pimhil But vin i- ii.igiil-, pkn lak'V'.la ári ail'' ľ, ',ali iisiiik- pbnta! bmatne iku-. arm an,' "iherí un 0i nu - a', r .n m h h, 'i > f ab n mi 1,1 be p.aoP.'h \' e i iiti ; ipriiia e, nb niť pam. m puii ťn Ungarn i-h. ima/iii aal o uhiuu ' rea'b 'h-mg"nhaf n., viniti! bt : p! »hir ibis n imminent nath the i is „hn -' -n asO-nt n r.h m. '», >] mrloa :mrg i- ., e en,mi, o[ a ikitíhte negatm rheTml in ', a. .n n -mním- g,\.m Ua t;mi lean . ol pian , Unes "., n .-o .j'iľiMľiis 'J,, ,i tun o i.pjii.e ' "i In \ 'ev, mg 11 am , n. s or ibiling v a.h i". ', i'.'ľi .njjne - 'lulj peullh a<' .'t! iaiaa im ah t ii:r i- mm, .-r r_ in, inam u Hümrasrir it.' i here is a i nntra- ba- ir-'i.i oi i mu ii .a. 0 that m i. mmn .n b. ■*. »•. eimuhi .b -git al th' ■ an, « ha b Iiis-j m ates pla-, i- n an; ,n ' i, -m lup. h . < tiía u.uh e... tou,In { bilun; i m M\ mnph.g tťb son tin'r " a1-,' - mil,, bom \ h,n m mi S t hecinlb : mu n- 'ml- nm bnt u n i ei > mb's -, mi, "I k n t i ■ u I ,n i e'gtim.l '• hl na, 'Tin. 'o'_ na, ononunn.iii les úi- im.-.ioi. tin phu i am m n. a. hertn g' amn r- h m > ,-l(n n< ■<' na; ti. an." I -aim,-g, im' Rahm man t'um e. ivhii b, asst ;1s iba is a n ,i\ .umaiu moiíínm. i n aa hmxpie.s u et'fsu n mHi.hii ,1m e h,n m To tin mi trail, tin hať -nimm , g ■ s, ,ii( b pbn.iit ílu--- g'ioil In, ekarh nuílimtig ,ra:m .in i i i i-nmg tie- pei hu inaiiLO umele U .i..;',Vir.i-' •" iiat to r-jlb bi'., \t no sert.theie .h.t"-ai to bii- cľit--ulu r.iii T.o-e",hoset huna. I. . :ubi bn t \ľi , im. Ts,,, ,.v ,|,, ... ;>p .g,.,, .-.nm m -. 'h-al . m --t amm-nts ,mgue th'-t me-iagei-'m speekbb- í 1 m "i n. i; g i. •bt nb- p-.iiiH im n 1, tint t he- 'kmiealh' plat t;irv_ ■ 11 r> lien _ n-n n hir u. ail.l b- ťgibie kPm.ibii' liittni'mg ti-"j j t pian" ľht .iľgtmm m. i m b n irui. •- , -1->; i v e na ! g. . .o ,rme Batnson bo\ ■ -nb - a r. i tok mu , ]1\ K ui ieo 103 Gregorv BäteSO fl Playful >v,ßs änd bite~. i t:,'-c r-'t-eiii' : Adv; ,b p;?/'': , te-eetbipc th,_-"-e:c act.oti" m. vd';ri| v.c » er. Je 'CL .becA ,o <=- dmee .;te,e do' ''"'ler Irev A'-a.t '.m. cl leeeie '' i. d t„o. j[ü> doesthe p.ayok ny oc Jei,"t- \ •'<,<,:-'" aoiad 'je (Icr.'t'O hV ihe !"!' + *' toi 7 t Sl-P.s Pl.t. Iii aJadd"1 tue c te .ts-df e ladae-nl, hei u iK h.e i.ia, ii",g eaa-eah1 et peite ra^aa eAat a a -eayiei u1. r, ado, tae»1 e u-ar11', eeti'ie,.,, paiia-t arc- t •• > i.eth ;a whiJi rices aoi er s'. Al r >e '■; laan ie/t , t|"s P-.. ap m ,-j vas' oariets or eompatatiane ar.c1 i'aeahar "i teefe Je afp,"* fanta-,, Tad art,r. . 1 Fe1«;!,, ir rpp d x reu -.r wi.ere a>t, ;e,~ejia erd rehyon n,/t and over ap, re'nan peaipa hc.e e>,r,i.ed ihe "metapho, Ihat ia letM'11 ' •> n-tp onkh. pv-, o'11 b*e fo aaee, aap the saa- arm At>'ei is Tele ro oe ta-a "e ma t 1 e»i carae-aa1 and »nihle ea a giveiHem.' h "i Ae ate T.her, peaaP.i,"no-> of pp,s- Pia! tv-; ur s"g.i.v- eiehargcu in n!a. r.i e ai a mitral, sease iiH'pe oi nef mrait; and ifcp tnat thal n nah ,r drnolc"! im these mg ipls ia an-vtrmtit ! bree to; p-" t in Pit soneJriec cemPaie Araneep/ te ,e.erse a CT'mkr.lrm i ea. den aPcve Uwe' marnd that rhe plav h" "m a°a.a -the bite. hat doe- >.ct nenatr rla-n w/ha Ii >' et d m "meted bp hm Bat taere am ,-,thcm^mrer-" ",'hn-e an opuosne phei.emeeen er e im. A emn emier-eiemd-e na' etei tv of .mhieAi.e tem e edier a cpeei e- fbiag aat at heu ji't ah che ao '-r r:n or evh.m Pe ia'h 'ie~e o ig tmin eeme pcak r,ipaii;l e 'p oe-'p meid i :l p iptop^rj of night ;ia|-p, U\ the i inori.t a- iprrp- the'e >'/d5 er. fpiestiopaip of 1 rcaiii> '• hiitsr a Inn-eveT" ar, epear ip the iruvifc hoe-e aat "o cl'ff 'n tat bed> aaae "J~)7 2 Steos to 3" E^d'jcn i." Mi'/: 180, 182-83 ateson's Othello i \d u, Si eiic t i>l Miakesps aia \ i );ncl!t . the M'i >r lim a!i i )o\,dem ;na, hh ivite.Three aetiu.i-- uctui siinuJTuii.'! -n- h.. < Hin l'ai .pu-dpi s i ii sd; mr-ria T\'.n ,k tor- p.hie a ~ceni MieatiTui-'- '.Mir'i r,pp du atia pien (dihr hr-'Ii", ',1h"- ,ru,j.i| inj i i „ a t> ''.!-, ripe,'rh"!S ! en: i'P' ii'iir i. ; ( drei!" e ,p- e>e m ü-I e.>-,- ric.->aJi ',, ! P -di n p p, i dp • t Ir r .i'.p.'ii.ip '.....I ■ d 'i "1; i' iea > ar n i ■ , -. Pia r he ' n a 1 . i ' \; ; »er fc'i" i + 8 • i O to' F'.p'pp .-in, '1. m.ra. "11 he - " nd hneh ld p„ P n.'d.di na, .Ines i ...,iini,„',i '. in • h -dp-, »hl ... i . dpi...' d , > de apa i'p^ ipn-p.| 'ji, j.'a- in l.-irh ,i.nv nl l.i t. 'h..' r.i . ee..'.ihig ii »i ■ iiiP'! h h Miii, nn , .i'"i |ea.iii^"ith p;d' ■ d e .,p.! m>» ;a da ."er h'nap. i hnv ,"ti ' doli.:.. Tin \^The t a h ■ a.' dl da- h P. 1 ■ '-r..p. e 1,1'h.n i .r diu hopi ,/,'.;.ii. .i'p, tl'.r\ ;,•!">" a pp .rr e Ii .hup s piia'jii'j a .aai__ . am1 tu Ib. -p' i tut'.' i t , i v jeia ■]' . . i»ad i li'p. "\\ 'a nie ni p. ai p' In nse- Hatesnn s ivnrrh, ! h. p ai ir , - na u hie h nf n -,\ ■ .isj.'t'i hi.-t'itpir • iia alia ) d.i hp', d,,,. .n whit d .- e Ii-* h'i- ','h J. diu -.TPi'l ■"■•.nid di in te [iiraidei eip "a. ijut'i. eilt t-ed ra "-tum d .i'duh ■ r.ij p if■ j. v' il ■ p b. ■ l'K ■> > \ i- php ia' ie]i ma d ai.n v.-'pnd !, dun 'ml Ihr bite in,- phali it staiah, 1 n!. •]. .idihup'i, da laK .ts'.di ;■ netinnai (thi n,u j.-rn i ■ 1 dn h.'an . :1r -hi!l t«i du jr.d m ri'inp not Tvhai rnetetio i -.i üni-toi. de raurde'. hi'i ■ d ar, niPiops nr v-ai, du. 'e.ip thi ,'i di, i..p aprd-um. C trhe'p > ; A-sdena.".;., ,'ppp., n.l ;!]■ rpsi a tli. di.ji'i, e.-s Pia h'P Lond'ii:i.,d, -I1/P1-...J o> nti. d; «her ini-paa to lh> na i-iai i'i.i'.i an aui'iin.' > t. ar-> Retittsip, aeior- idi. ■ Pili r'\c >,h-<\\^ th> phii \. ";ph; \i ho ',- <•> ; -h" .und. '■ P. da 'haii b lehiihjtsj.t .tat'm- '>]vn~'Uv. rlv nie - ..s ^-h iP."-,p ,d"- !/*lpdp Jipj Ijip Pi'a ,^ tiu. .,i,K o -..ii.-p - i.i • i P !"-. teil i Im . Tl.i.s ■;■ oi all an n.iih u;aa! ."ld i 'oiho'.n^ p\pt ".-,1', t \udieine'. liijrp -iibtie litt i Milinda,.!, ili't nio A r ip' .nuheiii . i r atU a w\ 11 it t ani <•( im jn d m]i ", p LiM-h t\M u. i de et Ltit._r.ii i.Tttt aadlenee it. en; % Miaki -p",.o - pkn I» mi an- ■ it it, pt _ t.tlii..inei . It tla p. i oispie.i-, ,p n s in, aanip . en;.-. tiit tl ,ep it siop she i'ka . enet hp> s d t>P \ .top.p"dtp i ,iL,>i top -1 ; ho. - an- •intr.ip., -J b die" an sPeinp \t otiiia ii'in's piopii 'p Jlh Out. hl :l» - ' i.i-o, the perl • rpjt. >ed ai Ii-> al 'V ,,p..- hin r i«\-i a' '■••,< I oi.> . V-ine ii.a- t h.'.'i 1 t', - ppi I.ti^i atlivii o"e b"hi.a ii.p dii! o 'tat", ml ii,-, ts t r ,.i n.a ^ ,pe ;),.t .ni;.,!), |',,r .:r i'di' i\ p: a ,"pi itdia linoir dit;."-«-nt . \.nni >k- - o, o>e ''.riii- >r.".tiitabh " >\ ,til'!"erhi shoih and aiidr soniopiaidn. 104 '."■ifi. ■..,_'' Ľ' A' m U'"!'!-, n.aile,o Ľemjeinc ? iifp 'íij, i i,' „",, nr< ,b 'I'1' p s; abont ■ •. em thane,1, ..,bk-nabít (,„- K i n -b. 'Vin li 1 o i i.'iTíai m, ni, v itli/i.- • t ŕi-n f '■"•"-'!■ lo , h parř p om flm -i on-v a' :i C 11 in. Ik-push' h k 'V ■) -r milmrmpb, n.n'ť i.h ,\v, ih I it -he n- 'ťi p' kťkj , i up i u. ' itlui1 -'-">'• n.- ť i aih_ i v tk'-ť i .m tl jsii',\ l''.,i h - "\'t-i in-.', hm a misirlíthi ,'lht! n j , ľ." h iiľ. .-i nke imp, ,,r tip ,•', .,,ro'mp t r. the i.pi t ' • p ' n.i. imp tin hf. et'h pl'kťP'' a ab,np. aeslb.r.s p p e ti.apahop , pub i, >m t inns. n ntn I b, al i, "f p n a >' pp i> i nei:,' s - tb,s, tmP.i-anan.ip. i- .ha! ih. pl.v. intmtich.ľ" - "i p., n .'pniamí m. el the btimehiriĽ- •• -p,patom.; nukem e pi.i Playing blood rites 1 h, au. "ku' nok" perka nam. , i',' (híPcult to e .i f< -p at." '-1 it!,' i i L\ oi 1.U...1 T-aii. i p, tiornphe.'i ,,1-p'piiis a: intrij kom "moinim Wbtk ammma .perinnnrm eWU-ip..; pp.ip.l 'A ith" i atber than pk", hip Win h m frame a parson e |'..i's. -v ii!" .bthiportou, lhal tahts thpiri . .a .'r Uimno, t e-n in ir.iiitt, |ierp>.'np'-.s ire not otlt of control. [ lev p. 'a,jť m '*> ehti; 'lehn. J p. tit t n o o., s m t po P mm m Ranptki Raio'i- .Ir,Tat, tin ilan. ei- tam thch iba IV nt.ii '• ľ m tfap'ppí s, an j-:,-1 ir„ ;r "ľ la t eap; p-str, j the ka is , s ■neb sinh ton v- thit tb, Imh "í v.i> s b. n.i Hut the iram, han. i ,-s'v.iih than hl ,oti {see figure 4.9p The Balnies^ sat, ' i' ,, p, i s, ,n heris p,inľ,ťlt, tin ti pi. p i-not mal ' I p, ill tliv u« p'-i P ■ i;'„ii..einn!i,a ,1, t,ai m ťhapter n. ín -oino m n tiro, in, s -. or n, lup hlo- tel is essenti il. 1 o >ni p. nit,tor, ú .oi.tesis ro " ni'i ini\ii,p th,. sä,.n, oi bioo, 1 is im V r n aht> p-,,t pitie evnim. \iar.\ : tuals '.k-ppiití .'liblooii ,'k Ris-n.i. oí í p) i-r n ,. íiioie. ,a, lllipe s ret Ted on the b-p.'-. p Rom.pi capmi! ptmi-hnu. nt m. .rmiäisioa n, hek the Common! in is , -1 .einp ot he-h ami bh'.„k Amone the h.n , ,. r, arir.p o it km -aiil-t» atinp Imirt ,.a- at the ct ntt r oi th. i. riln.p p, i ,t . inan.e, hi rmmpe. ,h. Mjeklle Apt , to "as I'lvrnh !! bn,l 'ps-mbe-. b\ thp sontkmnee,. -omi-tmiie* In liichnp porhpso, h ill. a* r b im i' me n. s o! painful ami he.miaatira sp.ljpi mp; — all .-.mi rb s,i|>r ,'<1 b\ ine,lti1ur<,.s it -p t i ' - i see C'iuiti- hov aittí Merl)-*, k bo\;. Perní, e\i\tP.Piľ iiiiitiime ip-ikrt' ei mihom part- nl tht mekl ban m ť-on- in tne US \ inu-t b- v\itne>-e-l bt ■ l-'s'./ľjt. iíolh. iaí'. • "a. eis - tj in ,h .rminj th.ľ k nlnm.Ur paiiehment mť. ,i pi h >-lajti; c. Hut la; Ii at all i-v-i n-tiľit.s ,u\. -n iieatí\ np'iauti kroni |)s82 o, I9r,s,. 4,7-2 A;m n. m . nm- tn t "\\ lit Im.mri isr.pon.leraiľ'e o, laerp. -\b.r ,'imVati. t n- ,e,s - vu-i • Hiici.e.!. kou oltm.i. n tu.hemps ľ.ťľť l.sti,.- o, ( ninns atieiitk'tl In himtlr.tb ,,t p,.> pi. ma' s >. eh ■ nea.ias. Ps oph turnet! ihc-t- som eii.ľ snapshots iriiD p. .ste.'uals aiifl mal*' '1 l!n m. II .nk-.p San. m n r í 2' 'bi b « ts 105 Pb C F c" kmt an, i X habit jiwl ihci i a h,ml, c> snaniing'ine a t!si in>st-i ,arhp> thrtp. mithontsaimtuaio. np PWbmmht "\m- i .•. ,-x--in\adcd li'J'i in dbOa mm u.ilist-, "t mhcbdoj' n Pima i',v umm made \idm. h> ( adi nts thai ioeiob m;i Mmodcd m-m actum ni'.aia \ttmcthc 'hit c! Kaginhid, bit b atp msorimncs 'trmk' lm. 1» with -ammo bmnbinm, kabmiprma,md e want a am dca'l niiip ai.i i 'tapes of i>ohe.idmsm dt vpm ■ 1 t.. u e,;m and am mb, bap ilv l'i gloat. Philosophies of play The emm- vice <■! pla\ allied ii with power. Those with the nnwl pinio the poos, rm.ihic la roes, king:-. • acted with ybsolme bc-dona, mmabiig their . ,wn rule? as thev went along, indulging theb- nncmisrianm-d desires. 'fhv«c beings ptavml „i. n bpe .-ode. ilteb pla\mg was world-making. '■ii) it a i mi,, a'b ' a • /, i ill \ ha - c il: nn oi i'mn t (ao-l fi ig b the stniTrP tetftci i *'!n I'mbisi-om Ma to tne present. U'Otif a , matin \ iilm dr high pona* if m ifii, tmik tiap; tin ..'it n't i 'prinp ' h,| . .mil, m of ip. \\ m mi, tr ,1'*' at PI uo 3ii 1 .i 'snpit cb h ,In d i „t!o' ih,, )- tin d unimiit'o t m o' tnougi ~ b'dov ,eied„ it- en 1 \ ototk a -.i a c, motb be buni. iiv.ait md -c t-talh ate pr> tl i uh' oi 'jv ' Slav ' m hid bt .'booi b> pcoo1 . ,p i'b , iiitt ii i" am i-'t Hi*- pla- o ' placm'1 t tk 106 Iv ache n M er bac k p.oQtT C a í f I o t s The spectarle of executions in medieval Europe e-v-.rf- ;rŕ e<'c„iien eve- tccd, pm-m spectator- imre ,-o-se ded v, ftn ir. tmav oT'sya" jo!f 'oynummc -a.e,a «• ta1 'môrmapcr. :-boai the y-; am i] ;,nb I,;., c- ay- ľ-jS b . .1 Ta berey-ei,' ďe ícemai nai.o'mq mar :t tu& , mbit la ť e "-xecjbct er was f red er. .--s a y^ectabe. ..'byle repeat! t y tne seat y. ,. c i t ■alb y-e et brindim ■••c'-.i- d- oeai clem vvomd nc'd ap a v:-,ii t of ..tíbe. ydcred ,y!m?, red ar 1 lam 'dejmnďue ;u le. a. íra-eypyl t real 't vata ureaí ap'o r-b, e asi 'ba nits m.v.u '.-r ccm/eťs reer aad rua.oaaee the careemriecPa -O'// token bead vbtf ujme.míy. b 7 'pre. setre "bna - ye" .-night tab, aid tuen corťnm? a yd tte momenr deatn. C uthiug icumyen the mtrucPs -at a ..a .CP' noddes tn'ght Ater tpf- •; nvepv, yvmh Infamen." yiara^te'':-. v-ere often stripped to the vyest. . . .] bm?y end sperma C!-x come m see,' It Pas abb ■■> Pcen saaJ bi e bra e'lna-y peoc'e ese..ut;o ts thorny l.ttemied to he 'O-rdn-p aat.ytby edrerec! an experti ae P tat c/n: :r ctlnnaS coi nfurpme.; tte massa. ante t f at corals 11; > ••.e "Q a bona lide s;nne- confess ins c-'res, burs ■e. etbťon, ieceivent,sci„bur/ eadu'-e a pal tini ordeal ana ■ r0 ledempt or en tue ad«n -bie. b s itP an .ufoi'tir ale eaytdi fan he ihm, s.v-ea, the reasemne noe; se Lcr 3' 'b.e r"e. Ĺ. . .1 Ex rent, In .--snes v..>ere feu cm ■ an' tnls, cnts'ders and infairojs c I m acio'i rj lya-'eus m --pes became tbe ok'ect en' intense co'iectb? bat- ed the .a en unity iiibstecl xb?~ da süeci ie;e ne ertifyh g, not m a le-.iou in ď e majesty or tin kov hut as a dmme af fiirb-tiati rep-e it.i ace. au-df cation and saVatiuu. I?b9, 7 be ln:ef >i>e Cic-; am, dm 'á'.'.Tri 13d, rda 'tned pane"- Fre-- piac rundu, yny sidi-uinied midm, ; a m.d by. rule-boimd. bi h i\ lor, ,'t/Ju -see Caillois '•" 2i t ailku-i the C-r:eb WM d rmdm mhlel P "m id i m "chilo'b Po m. an .1 Oiarst 1 •!' pkn, mlart andnucon-'pramed, On :h: cilmi han-i, tin- Latin i- means a game pucerned la rule- 1 his u-eful dislinctio! " "e>i panha ma lada- I- • aerkm.ked lis im.m, im otds'.s .'• dtp. n. i sol vi t on a n ol Indio I.adic. illusion, ■ion, iübicr .it-, etc. Paid;a and Indus "P.a/"1 ca" oe p'.yred cm a - j;.*b.i.i.u f-'py-aa twa opocdlr poles. At r.-.e exp-ame an almost mlbmdba meinp e, c'curm v: ine-S'ôt t.ii Wiencc- tme :i nx-'"S.aiiu: a'o;;-;ai emee cjdiŕT'/b-lanim.amnai best:-a id. ľ I c I ' ,'autrei!-"j bautayv dtat car ^ de-Panated ay the term p. in'.a, Atile es m-me,'n's frei n" ü'l'S' 'f r .l'jmyyce .-. 01 e.js; cmbr , cbmrbel m dy rmimeo b. ace rubu m. ary, and u seme respects 'tvc-imp (erden'a ta n- anarb. e m.i L,ip, ;;'m.; nature 1i--.,.< p a oiOi'.ir.r te-taency m l.di d u .y'in arŕ.trtay . ipe>etn.e dnrl ommm-e y makees convenť.ous r. bk I enPl tnb seceun com,;.-ne1 t m'1/.. ľ.o'é _i9££J, /V.'.y? be-.p' one'd'p ;;e;,, 17 ibir in-1 bi s an -t Plato t! nana the pm t s on t oí im, Repubtv ,bd rmt nm an íha' p,mha -u- buym-r bainshed In the tj.nvtectita centnrs, then;. - lnou pie-Soiratib í.iterk pídlo aipln. wen taken up be friedr ich Nietzsche - see Spariustt box 2i and im tin r if o.-jop-. d m the lamilieib ^citturv as a sckmP.ih, ťrm. m b>. Wei iter 1 h isenberm in. tin-"mu e't tini v principle" md as j eiiitaral theom ov Ja 1 q n s -Deti I la ía "ď eotistrtii bon '"'hcí plan" m inam. iiier- -bon. Dada to perím m ne. .n i- dir from, settled, it piohalm. uecercjiih. s^-rtied heieejs, dae scrttg-jle i-1 n-'.t .mm data er i;iterp;etaiioip bin o,ei- basa vorfd', iev\s. triedrii h Nietzsche (1844—1900): German phifwoptitr wfo-e id.a - and aantiiij;- mnt.aiu t i ntihtence philosophit al, politik 1. aiy-l aastfietii thiory. Aniuip er raain vsritjugs are The Bit', of Trj.jeJf ;io7di 7/iat .Seats .da, afin-mi ( ISS í- HS!, and /Jeond Obed and Ĺ-'l tbSSb). í in i at,, mähst; h.,.d that the cosmos 0 au objeotb •. entity, exi-tmp out-ide oi. an,.'- nitiioiU .. < dti n . a I led "i .atnrc b is ym ei nc 1 m Ipii'.Ti, onlerh scseaiic ihatnia\ m-tcet.orm r, he e.h.oi'iv mider-too.d by himriR- out vddch exist, as jt mere, "in chs ramdol tb'dbo! abmtturai :- " As, part. ,f natm-e, hrniae an al-o em, cmed i" n.Pm.'li km 1 la job of si. mm. 1 e la 107 ivhh«, i. S pa r i osu ! im oppcisima tit:1: holds that Ute ( osmos :s a nnaltive i-oushcmg oi fívnamko «mcrgent, multiple, uncentei : that are always changing, e čistine as rciatio .-■.st- res the mm he ,\ l ,!,..... NieL-srhe and ,;i>.--rcii;om)i Clav tmt tim s pr t-a'-mt m m- „K,r, > mem, , nmm,-h,S>ii 'A.aim, m ' \ , ■ n 'ni,.,,', ,.m .ieomi i\,eTzs-m; : -h imoei >'.ah/t 'at .aalt m , v-a • m Ae'm c ("m 'trJm,. / Hi's- ''ei,;: r ct m.-i-m oh„m.,- A,,1-, a m loa t-c h ,/■"! a en,, i, mem 1 ~ ' r-,e*2 .h .men-. " a* J"-ľH' •etar," •" 'a ťa, oí ta-h. h> haac em mm m m---V'/i! to ľVytm i a -m tvá > 'mA t, < -„ . , 1 ,-a. ,a cipia oí e,Kj,a nirim-t -itj'it a-,,! tpm cr tie J v mmsch Z'j hm í ft A .a. u t 'ái Pam í , , nt'Ori' I' n/srm -orao1'.: , •' ma a,, a"P Pťm .-nem jtm r-m- a poet / : 'P'm lem ami ■ iah, CG a.a., "V its'i'.v. 'r paanioímmd s hat. \ > , "cm* "1 eo ' • u matm'o^i'lh n,e mm>' m e-hmm >r'"m . m, , m,, anp snm ho, see Greene box c br;o.n G reene in'j snema, r m1 i "paf a - m, a camdäA ca, a "a;,a ■it.'tkl.n en; j-,? tmmma hat am a ■"->".,,. Lin- nie .Pamal j - Sff ne hr ah os,:p'a.:,o p, am" 'C--5 t ; am mmml aa , a , mm m- vrnnl ' a' opi : "- c.a'n' ",p, ..c äľitm pmm,; s a,, ma; ň,, t'p- ;• '■ a i a-i,,p,,' ,- V A m mt í:e ,;) s i ŕ atc ■ e- Ts-, '"'i i e ,m ,-p.'amiepa ,ŕi, . r ■ ti'li vV.ľ >\,ťl -m-U> -, -P lal'm'mí, m,, 'may: a house that s inr!isTiaqe;shabie ■ rom ecnrs inhamted by t9d: í h, v m, ■ om.m" thi i:tm et raliic n, m.ohrm !ei> n "bim -o 't j ní wen c-aus |pr,t I ,,-"/. ".re m .ni.v ma h, n I s ' r ry m" m a,V • ■ «.T l 1 ■■e . m, - h i,p cpihm ai* i ea . ta a i"e -ma c1 a, >aňm A',J taem'-act i ist a >o si i i ci ) h" "a ■ '"■ te u ■ > rti am ? t i e pei i n r m am t ■ ■■ ■- aa.aii, '■"' i" s'-i m,m/ * O,, m am 0,1 '.| (, s a-, mi .e Ac mm' P a a s i ■atiľ' * s- avion.- mo h.emies n, m;m..m ha,c pimmp.!!\ .m mmPmpm a«mt, mAA" ir i tah at. ma A a ta tam, m.ťnemitns j m m samp1, - . •, ; iu> imit b, ,n, ťtcil a,-is.iac NťWttW'A'.lr,. , hl. - m.aiiiti (.A . m -t, i, ■ >' . i om. ■ aid ar íl. t ion an,|,;t tm !■ i lt:a„ pn p,-rit mal t ■]<■>- mne Albert i instťin > hmmiis cipiaat ,u,i --ii,i\o ort ■ i,mh •nass t lim - the -it mm -t ii ak si Min,|, ni arte deemed in lioltl-ie.l "'A hlheliri 11 ihm/ i iť-t-o mtn, -"laws" i ,t pp, a\ ir\ ami thei m-xiA mriiim m n t en, hatten'« t h,s special .and pene' al th, • n le- , i! o Litr in iiairpti Pmi h .ihm eld re -| me ha.,, ,. eh a ■e- -. bar •<-,,' t,- ij Oi *'i. a r',s > m ,-a ■ je t i it1 r i no- ■ I 'm ■ A ■ j"j . . i A so ,,a ar a1 af a f n aťvmaťm a* ,;. i e-H- a m t j p m., haut [ae.ih1 o A" .'S.aa r=ie, n,t : "-»-^-i, L tv.ľ.ľ - heamns ,i a.i,.. - ,,,pm|,.--o,, ims: ha-" me p, ore^t m ' ňom £ a-, ', .ec'al i rte tte' "r i'iis. i-o 'ss Of a a ■ a mra 3 ba^i a' a o ve, m p.ľ i i 'vmsa o ''Cf ah-. „■ p ■ma ,m-cl,.- Ti- n mop e-. ,,r,,aJ 'r,e ceen d ha-ar Ana n m-.o eL t|,Ľ .mlti.E a |,ma. " tne r;- -n-; catha ath"-■'e,r,m o moa / ;,,< ,p> i ,+r -o t 'itm s ••'i'mu a h ' ..hmt'ih1 e p'a at.oi m. «,P/rmrta'a P laps a:e mt aa, 'he/ am vam ' i„" lO"11!--,, P.s'.-, i ... ■" ma nieAihm. , pla, , haappirta,.. t ivaahi h- V nik'1 h- p,a < ju p,r ; i ,^ , , , ,0 , . 1 p - p ] 108 11' V. m' - '. '. . d I" I 1 !"i ,. 11 i .a > - Ik' >! Mi's e\ ),'' 1. 1*11111 Vv'l li.. ! '•' '" ' '"■ l.l'l pi i" I'.)-' ' M ,!>■•;, .Hi! \t ■ •• mi, ,.i pi , , joha.t Hui/ii!''. N ietzsche Gc-i,, piciy, chad's p'.cy. ?ti'<*i< play ■ i'...p' ; .1 < .anl lo, 'i "1 -— -..pLl. ■ all s , - n u \mtmi ' .• ■ .ill. a 'in. ■ ...4 ,i. . • ' : 'h ui Tti.„- jmi iviila'i' Li. r fi-> " .. i7Si hi-1><>\ a : lie . r .a '• - *" "im, : - a ,v,,y mol- in Ik mam ;in ■ •< . n,- a'- >n psce McCdonipal la ijas wcriri only piay, piay as artists and children engage in it, exhibits coming-to-be and passing away, structuring and destroying, without any moral additive, in forever equal innocence. And as children and artists piay, so piays innocence. Such is the came that the aeon plays with itself. Transforming itse'f into water and earth, it bedds mwers or sana hke a cniid at the seashore, piles them up '•■''n-mm -, ■ t 1 ~, t ,em down. From time to time it starts the game anew. An instant of satiety -- and again it is seized a, m •mc'ii r: a,e a- s* s mm- I ; v e-ajn c cieafe. tmmn.ri .• it f's-e'ei soli i ete.m m-mp jhe r i,;»i,il ini^hi^ (iST? n.eih i m.,iin] pa-. "n- >cnt/ mm mme T,,c ~m ;i d m-s ,ts tmrn e. .p ,i ■!. \hd • amh ih. nn, i. . ,, d un 1 m ,.in t an ,nn-t s mSiiiinja mbm m.iho v. -a,.,'Stall' mn a mi c f-"1 capi'C - ,i I 'mkm ; ',' nh Friy >•;--•. d'" "!'"' tarns nam k .on; 1« ,i,n '3ia ai " t-'in f -t tii p , m- " h r Jim ra-ma r-m'-ae,-n.v s, 0 id teed1-! .c t ji an , I'm fh c a, ae ,/ u''..:l '. . L H uizlnqa t-i f i' '<(:■■ -rial >:",h~*rjcictiitii \ of pl,iy j up me <. est, 'a am '-si- , , v ."" k ,iii 'ilia,,,; '!,,■ a .mi ... .s, ,k,,',i,ii,- ,a, i i y ,•hal,,i.s\' riot a proi.ji A -ubaiotnii 'k t" '--aa, o'b .,- >ii,err- m d i , , 'dm in ,,,[-;,. j. . ■.,... idl; ,nl :u ,' • 'itii't vac It in n'Hiiii ' -,nd ao area' m m ">ai i a 'o- d. ,, .,- o1 poor, n n i . >-oiiis tun i sec I! oistiiiicri> buv ami '' » mo| rrp-i uii.iiuji it.- .if am eiiti suoce NoriJbritp box n "1" n *m horn nam ,'i 1 i'i j,, a d !. "annae, h naplil--, mn t!i a na-n ,mh ,,n is a -m ..ill - ir.-,i.ijt;mi i i irjeo'-o immc ur ;r ;o « PS! , i u- A'"' ,:i ;( me'"1 lax !h .imi mdi el miiiiir lol'M ini'-ib' niitt . mam "di'mn,; ;. 'r'macmcy and e oca ip , loda Pie an. < r'a.i-t-. pi in e.-lm It 1 thru"" a don. ar a a a fr-i a me ma"' tin_ „: ■ , id, n jrld la, r: mi -? win. Ion j-ul in p; n- hi, ik-, ! i nmieti rndin tk- :.M,i-,t am"-! \i,k. 're i'mm, m ,da y. " i m k-i , / eh,am sr, "ie -hai n i, d t..e pan-- o: tli out f"oio a 'Vm mi pmm tv " bis;, 3:-C"C.3 ande > l , .m php ..oekk.,1 p,a,,r \ m v., qtiai or' ,n rlamo- and th. ' T d^ccr-r> m,„ ,o .m.dmaO' aep -rm.n, ,- ,Jn , ptitaiph v ..-r. nmilmmnmo 1 n. ,-eidim ..m"t:-a r*-..S; em, ma; ' e< i a> mm. ,-| .,'..-;"„-..] i , -,d ,d Ism-m. niJU ■ he M, II it.,ti»,'l.iMi"';l -; '"-a the -elan marsse.ds ntib"', a da \ si, hi "aai i " . am,,t he tr.e-i ' u:-.eb o! pi■ d aoiht•, thmi ' a m tm far .- mm •' • d pa n-i.-t n .a.a : »,>;i . m-t, ,..m !mt oimmjnd ,d eannnp. a da a oi ih -n-mt .nni 'ml tnat -i "iiii i sot } insf eiu bo\) t ., Lm-n IP. i h iiai-i' o that 109 jane McGonigal Abandoning reality Gamers have had enough of reality. They are abandoning it in droits - e 1 o a s ey e y y bi, t > «-.. et a b - •„ r,=-.,|ii.-every spare minute of every day for stretches at a time - in favor ;! > .> yat"d c . ir , lyne an . or \< j,< . t a \ >= n are one of these gamers. If not, then you definitely know some of th • " j'- r> «< - U w: • ' <■< • -t «> *=- " •'d Is that garner sense of being fully alive, focused, and engaged in eve . *' V h- • »:i - .•»■» * ---"if" jr ,y .«i a - purpose, and community? Where are the bursts of exhilarating & t). *»;>t a u-'i r >rr; n, ■ K •*? *»• - ■ • •- h" expanding thriil of success and team victory? While gamers may >•: < > - t".r b ire" tS> *ht i'-i„j !>- , • > . ' t y< fei social bonding afforded by virtual environments. Reality doesn t ant at. -a: -lex1 ;i, - •»-> t< , . ! ; >.hv-ye ■> e, ,-i,--at cote-.' ,30- a i.sno " of the X-rav must have passed the microscope and must first have' i*- w - f - v > -'v •♦•)- i-h^-te,ay,y , -a been pus1--n'n t'e ' g it gmniu-i 1 ha , I n> "d N 1 ry yituai ar I tj—ic-. rv ' id 0 e . an .,1 'y- *-t the .ic-'tariy 4 :h.~ "ha-aie 1-a rt hea"aqu 10 31 ai ai t«=e tne vabe iv *he unc ,, aa *>.--c ,.[ .-as ; . . Aetnaihy /y n^-d nc ^rak .' p a' dl Kh a a, y exp-i arpa* t 1. ,, 0 e c.-1 -a. ,e-1 *■ --a - + a.-es 1. ,vh,f f'i<-' "iii-I "eao. 1 t 1 'he I' nth n in tin jaa* tie picture L 1 He1'" pa:'a . es aae "7 .'.era" nartu ,e n-i.y oeia<<-e ,y ertatr to nq canny a. die cer> ' rr -1 ,,ait de (be sab-tat a; ai rb t a - a ma , ivmt a- .id inia 1-a la ,u--ead cut-~ -13 i .1 -pace out ht */a ,o< iplement e-.1 atnc E-, -da ing .y-h >-;tb 0 .:t-y b» n- r> ten r"M one 01 b a e m, 1 ne rthpf ayi harl ,y- i yebinlyaei no right ei et c- 10 , yt*-it -n -e\i> :-d -.a' ay y ucyiae-c expc- cert- r ] rpp sni'ncdg" a' tt e res t 01 a pa 'tk r is cot adar-ema--, h.- t'y la..' I- by a* 't-1 si 1/ ici 1 yy, e i; ye m 'ut« di- an- dh I> ■ ran-ri uy - bte other vvtb h» ' a.cya-c>, sta- "t n yt-ay , a jth fy de*e a a-,3 tne hpudMoi of *be - ,"teta ,. i i -a odfr db - ami -tandi'j.-' at", a jt=tict n.-t, ir\-^',-i -caie-' i-' -'b tamrisqiystn on. v hat hapr"-i<- y .y 1 a 1 atau y/ent? [. . ■ .'"b it ji > a-^o 1 -< a ,ai n c1 -re-, 1, a, ,,.e".i'UJ', f iiitt' a,, a mafh-ync*a.,ai >--«piPss on tl a* ti -at if -ta+e-n-nts ana T pos" h-i be. at *e> -tea, -as -, ri .deTem0bs b a it a i' i-i oy.|p.bip e-f fd'tr r a e „s, at or "bse oeq . I .; r ;-,'•:._; ehre' 7 e „H'ľ Iľ p.iniiľi" /mi ' .t h'ip ;s,p-ojncrb.i, 01 teečert n oto h e'k^-otioa c s'atJ e." n-p ■ y-y-p, "e ľ y. y ."vr" i* ľ [tu, f C - !' 'm . / ľjnďt.jn 'hat ta n r - „-y a 'ei ,' v ľô'.iaa- a;í • . [eiv-rtt- n - a> a tne .ni a ema o: ehe e\eet "y ta1 aej j-yy jídey.- a"'1!' chser/mi sc ení st p tie .n n, ■.' n s Jif mni-'1 at +; - < ay/er 3 yys.y'y'e -mc: ■: onyPan y-cb-ays be -y-t° - o( a!' obyoy. ba/e 1a bi- aehnyl i a ' i'.yy -' '0 t r" e"' !C"Ut Dl nľubúbbltV l'"-aG " >ti auactipp ' HrT'be ., D,!n's,"y "tri ;':'icrc; " 24 m lepí,i 'rod. m i'P tlľ- ni.eertiinta ptintipl-i a 1 .b i .iiť/pann. tbiokinp \V1« p, p,,] n (, > - n ye. it appt ,r - as ! h -Milcam h-ion-trut n í , m.)-r p!ybb - ''ipn'i, ,|.!h lei i.iii:i'iian ,nť y •! • sei1 "-ViKon box •. \( 'ii-biiir *•) i>eti'ui, ■ i'.ab ' Iť t.'iul e eot . iisedpuo, but aa DciTiiia box). \li lalK.rbľ, v -u)n■ i te.t, . lani a ľaiľi i,,i _!1 knih- i b "nb, aj tne ■ iJ.i • aron-y nor na m my r [c, a. t(i-. •-ur-- on íl, b tt i n.k la ü it it's pi. iit'tul worüpiat, pumanes ,; • n.a.n.aps [iirniLs r.npiji bi-mnb line j,- .1 bc- a- at he Pi s as v eil a- nt, >. aUieail. y>b p. ifnra. en t P,LI,y ; ai iii lo< ih iiai t tipb in t bip.. i ä t- Pi,' In-! folk n rfc 1-c I i '■ t 'Z ti tl ľ b K , i 'ľ t fiu ', na Iiim -in. t inu, u p lib \ris, i,ii o rii! b 11 i>piiilibt pi"' i i,i 'Vois'-, nita tl\r b nnse en n. ■ n>a uty i .m, he.'ii cpi-n tu, e pro,s "-t -. "tup) e-at"Ti m- ti 'all,, nm y.ii n , ap. i map'-in naíii íbeei .y moifipk i .iiih" tint hoypítt th. ..' in niť i p.l.ii ■ p -1 111 n i ä, i na-t ' entuei hopi-e. bachni, ;ak , n- b; n, i mienml n, Ati nan nern n ,n,np" a t s an.l God dots not o1 ay a ice V'...'.' iatíievc 111 e joc she nlpys obey ayi . 'a cemolete iae, ana order in a .vei-m v !och e;-< ista, aaei a.aibn p ,r a 'e ľ dip :-rir , e v, cy, am tr n> p to eap*ta-e. r. . .1 k ,,ep ib" treat s..:cess of n,e ..[ua"ti n thearv doa-s not make me be o"e b, lbe tjiiriameata! pice-nanr-',. . .1. ]>a-] 7na Eorr-En;te.-i term as, 130-31 *. ftasvef.;.-, Wilson Play and deconstruction il "t may no: tx posicie aoeoaabe.', to debr.e the coi cep'. ~,,e -r:ci=. see t'.s to mal-1 it deal that f^ee paa\ is bmitiess, unhnpted pi, any a'rednr'ble olyhif.ed iranscei denta concar-t that car,.'at be further •lecoripoich and b. i,.a"óe-ts bspp ih t1"- piece's C"1" eden n'te sialyliť-irioľ. Diay -.onsnhaee as free play, i es neverní siaibe, c ayi-ea sťactare; iiaises then" a'erah'e. 'ke.fn'e'S the e, and deprh'deges them. ibs'O, In Paiamedes Shadow. Ib rituals isee Dřepal hov : Frmn the seaenteenlh o-:i"iit\. Abac in , ul'.nres hi .Mine hotter km m n m Eumpe f]ie Ann nu< ig a (.nnscqiK nce nt 4nrn and i uiuniííism. But liOMiiic An ic.i airi^ci!. It- mapac1 hei.ii ennriaacius. lu the art-, piiníor- .u; li .y' Pablo Pkasso íouk tlie basu s oi cubism from Vhdbc.n irt, and \ťric,in rámu trom iag-tnr.e aiib ia"- y. ruck and roll and hin-hcai reshaped birst Western a.nd then work! pop musk" 1 reudk investiesitk'tis ínío "haeam v.crk,"th'. niici):isi.ioas, an" creahiytv also bail an en1 .nni ms impaot or. the arts. Seen this a\ av, ! yisenln ry s u tic er ta m ta princnli u,o part i a'a 'aroer rra i einent m Wo ste i íl tlvHirlii br- Milcainc the ban- of •. reati» it \ and exp.'XsNi.i!'.. V thei -r\ th.d thaiioeil plivsn s v, a- aelaptvd to the arts, \inonp tnanv isaiiipjos ,b ncrloriiianoos ba.soj on unci ''taints in the chants - musical o mrposm. na- ^.ncl lc tu' os 111 ,^oi Derrida v*n*\*-t ^no^n Drevva WPf & rh,,t k no car, „ nlava.c Impic^u.on p.ay, a„rf r/.-w/ !' a U i * 1 ' m \" l, 1 >|0 'l tS I i I 1 I i tt m i' nf . pre em 11- n , t i it > >f i tu _' ' rii >r n itu* a 1- i > a ' l t 1 - H a | l„,r f ^O ■> b i " O' i i ir 11 1 I 111 I' i ff- ' . , M "t -it ii s -I" 'tir o ii „e it *o r'e\ T r - as i'i- , i f ,t y i a . " i ' Jo ' i I , , f- I ,tl r I -r, 1 i a ..a- i 'v a m> ^ ut ' rci . i ' r i mm fb a . i r m Jim i us? \j j 1 m t- , 1 a- r * m ViOifi - i' l * i si. n ' , 'i- ! IL , f i c tm s pi Vd dm iii tt a'- fi Lit ' sit u^i-d i-> , .,b " 1 a m ' -,e t a. t i a a - . a ^+ u a ^a aa ' o' rv tm-ii Up t i' in , ( o'p, ib * ii 1rr,il 'H',t' " Is ii'lbr j m i i it"' • 197P , ,m , i a 0,m „- "> < - ""n ci "-.'i-1 i a m i rt r ' • i yta, ,it, e ,r qv a t nl troc-'b'Li si.i?'»;', thpacJmai atps "r bed *a a rm, m c ,"a' c mai-imm pmm a aaaac,''mi b. h'e nra3f ^..mteetmc 'neii " eticmm,,m' i'°im' cc'i»i.Vi " n ata ' aa i omui -i'i-"". S it; ' a :j gr - llf"'-" I 'Mi ,1'icv Paim; a !.•" 'Ivifi v~ imbrm, | • mil m, ~i a L^'s mm ,? t,.:J '-.a Pablo Picasso (1881—1971); spinnF wsual artist, imeirtin . I t tikis' snk .a j lijitmp, a- ilht-Paied b, K> /Vrr-a.a/ba J't i ir'(l7i pR.issn's Irnij artistn nati -panned cmhi decam -t« am-fi mime ariDiis ,n ,i numtmt <>! ai 1« „ni) media ci John Cage the F k,\in „omp > f \u\ oak. ! t e n> brigs, and the 1" , [ tup imisc sec figure f. 10). The otitfiow from this t in.i i,t tnmk n i i utn iii s m affect m rfoi marmi art, nusbi t-in Pit, hi' e an (tie t'-iii' irts in tile fat n!s'dir-i century. The bias against play The ulhr r side ol tin t oin is the deep seated Western bias against plaa. Frmaa Plato to the Puritans, the playful lias been. cn-aderC'.l n itubals, unimportant, and even sinful. Playing is a major disirwiion templing people away from work, which is tht "real ousiness" id Ibang. Plato wanted to banish the players, esp.-ciyiiv poets, piaytvrights, and actors, front his ■ deal Republic, "dao.. kinph, he almost succeeded. Adults are .-•apposed to pkn mib bluring "time off" (from work) in spei ia'lv designated pi ices and according to well-defined rules, llbpe [ilaaanp is reparded as risky, sexual, and subversive to work valtu s '.a' the author it v of the state, whole, neigh-b irkoods jri k-niwd ntr and designated a "red-light" district. ih.e e/'ij red e,mb ,u!!-ts, yii stpiy'. s, . ro ,s-di s-sei tp\hi ir^ taut r\ r ib pl.m ■ - i ,iLt its.atul ni„si( i Mis li:mlP, eit'ts, the radii ad stnion, dn tbeatr' liistrm!. ami thi 1 e,; light rh-'riit .in .be b 1.-, ioy I F .ok «i>ti' '' 'Pa au'lt'i' ctir ii nib foan -nli' r. tp. c i. n plas oj wat h otIi»e- pj,y In fat. the tbe.itit has .,np n Um 1. r. i t ntb .uei stiil in r loioh, be.-r a-cm Pad l.nddl' st^u,,^ tht. West in (t. rin mv *ht an,i(V (hup, i nmm. 'pa! tlai'.n ) ira.hii -e started t ■. tl,t arisf-H rat < a as soon adopted In the i'l.ten inpb -,.t '.tht ai'd t niturt hnnyit mitklk sios The neuini: modi Vols utl'b. miPati d th> o .pboiP ktl'opi . nd at tin Li's > nht 11' it a i- dubbi d tbt "yj m, 1 ih^.P icon man nl Ba1 mei ma'- rv p^ st and amst bunou. ih. atte distrr ^ r. \b a* V'l i. b Broad,-, n, |r,t ait d n > - From, 's'ptj:• t 'on mt>y nig iia tht enb, FK''*s, ! itnm Si [u. miielWr a +Jiia nied !ioin e "idulm umi ' t and I'iPi i 'hinub Ol a tiled,' rmi jisboib.oo', .tominar. d m, f >is ,.\, tlm Ford Motor i ompiant, iro-ahc" ni.piaorja, ate o (see figure 4. III. i hi p'ttorimng tm.liav trnd'ttonalK om imanbtt ait tP v nil iigu-' 1 i "mot alii -,' \% i1 la o»m foot >n thni.h, lk" othm baieh out . d hi d t|eiii s,-,. ltd ii.yai •, .« Iniiohou1 e j?,v. ti'Cn mapismm 1 .b pk"o if oa up to tlm -ti-atiiim ' 1 R. .faapior i po. a a. ti. -st s uy r,'r ■ i.a'-m- kern tl.e long hi gg< d gra, t ol th pren i b iSVi m i to 'hi maiuM-, ,n nlai 'le 112 .nps Ly !„'i!tf i'i-iil.iU'! i'.ick'.sti^i loth, ii',M rl,..' ,a>a .inn ,!:-,,' an,,no rhi ni , iripi-ialo'i m -i v.011UI ailo,,! to purchase ices tlii 1.1 ' sec 'it mtj,'.■ ,1 an in1.'ssce iigurc 4 IJo ilr.111 s 1 :.\\. 11 -t he m so ii-ihn.iKni hi India, si-\. ,nvl u iu'.iin „,:<. \.,r>z iss,-u„u I v, ir.'i !• May3—Hid British Victorian vanuos imposed In, colonialism hchc, an II oainclt mpl. tlcn. . r- alms, hiiliani.a heir'.to i-.o p.,,'tn t pLr.tnl mi\ ,il t 'porics • ''s. i", nits ,a a. -J. 01 rh "iiii.": a-. S10 a it • ill. I u 1 eu*o ma. mp is a tin.. I in a .111! meridiem > ;1 hull vi philo- a.s , a da. '400,-, hit v jtS.isis «1 , \ .ill 1 ni ,1 -1 ,ph\ n, ;;-]■.n a v . and a. sib- " it s 11n- ah a thai the smb. er-e si-, loi m-\ roll' a, it-a-a pna' 1 t mid "up. >i uti.t mat !>- a ■ onpik d ..1 paine. that iv., anin-j n a "plat ol 1» ', inial. s o, la \» 01 c jN, 1 pa'J ■ "' ! ht rl- sip>nh, ato >n, th.;t'he""i!! 1 powo " and the inn t rtainU i or -u: 1". unit-'is-i. n In oimhit n,i'.o ho t! i.e. t " pi.iii.b'h ',j*...rati at all 1 a, is-a uatn, a , animal, m.'.MUiv n , '/,;, . ant! an o bdiisLe it e onl- '.<.r- ami 'ht h-itis]i h h :\ . adiso . " itii-.u a! ir amino Vhj... nn..; "^,'.r. ' Th, .. met p's r-nilo dtlcl .n. 1 thv 1'Mi. S'w r.'l J..-s,. j Tnii 1. m da u 1 i.n'-.i- •'), ■•' in • • « cab, i 1 bin! o pin i[< ea p h.-, ,- as, i< o-ml, die 113 114 ; s I h _ i ľ i m\ ■ 1 'i i- h. nu •< i i< 1 hrtii. ui the In n s m '• ..c, .n, .o ;< •1 \\ itL 'J-, •'biiiiiii-. <>( o ,■ Iiii mit ..i, vi -t i'ii.i.. it m-l k H ! i •.»' Ki is'jji ili l.i -l.v ĺ u i.íl u a n.' "i ..i S Iii i>i ^ i ľ-í n,. i Jul i-, s.A ih r i v r i u , ■ i k «. í-'amh!a i.T.hiib si trn o i, ^i .. alt . i mi ms v\ h ľ. h mm .s ,it P>..nhh,, R i - í 11 i, jiní t 1 I i i>, ,v ' 1 • •> , ' t I I'll, *t III '!t(t. i - o) >'■ iiv\ , <• m It. ' !> \ íii.i," I t1 s ubo ť, ,!i> > .t. f. .i t tip i P • .f ľ, .i.i < < i k i-íri i .iní i >'!í\ -t 11 iii .i'm- .)'], tlil. f ) P Llk. '..lipir TÍJf ... 1 ,M illllip .. sfjttlPS, (.1 '.tiľi m,m i ...'i n i - >, * 11- \ •' . >!■ .1 opri mMihs goiis, [ Hli ilnt, . )u In 'H.1! í .1 t*it sami. Mlim rht. b'As -i i'1,,.1, M a s -.„i :ii) jir-li.f .tv*í- 'm iiľ '•, ralS 5 n joki , V.ih , h it'iľh l'ľ -p'-tiiom to noPtik'p k 1 hi p-1 u»tt \ •'«._ phi it Pit gin' i;* n ' Is nut this iiaJa u i , K. i ó n, h.'l ■! n o hi i aut! mu p " Rama is i's, „t äi n. r ",ii't,, hni r mh.>kit;pa a. ]" i p, piI'h ".i.-. ■ im 'n iní', 111 'i. i pi n. tl. At R. reih la, • la Pat li',, ' . .,. ir kiia ,,;ni Im m ih , \p, i, pi >l|,p' i ' . ľ i ' í h '< 11, r i h ŕ!v 'i ťm, i. a i í.iíalu. hk s. am n t.m i n ual '-not ev ; no make' < it eed the st.ise 01 "icel;7 ,ag to, tAteenie ta, vorbP' r. , b in ;he ř?,f; V'ertt to 1 e eayjie oak' the niCí-se v,-,? to ťeab-'1 to chvble urc a- eer-t'tuent part- to r a,* it hv eiieghio hop' orb haps, p J Maj't ■ai'- ae, bus mpsts da ! • gp.dt cic t But a'tOidi'iy to ceiiae Inď.-a pbiirv-cphies ever, o ie of es doe^ a p.'eip n mt- cr 0.1. lives. Tibs concept at a art! as p mpc) et a'p =;;■". eawei 'eel pradaaby to T hater • oenoteben of m to p i" aar; hecp't. h. . .i it öfter n-ea.r pot r-ereiy he'-igmJ scpetai," a ipto evibtp'tc- h. hut laaiippbatniy the existent fo ces af eat iiv o>' .it ocpg th> povti to create nab atiprvc tne r-ai fnoii-, thns mayn tnat 'leant '">a-p in.j tcrroinbiy evilS t,!eip bexore- thee P came to rttae piebhni sonethcc; beat >vas there ,eto something fe?t .,sas act leal' / there, i he f'st descebet the i river-: m the v'erit ./vobd-., i,-..y ť>e sečenu, t ir ur.weise in the hmlapne vejrid ciev,. r , J in both eases ma/3 can often best be aai -dated as tia ísforiration " i. . j á siirila'- p'nbt-i' 'j' ineani.iqs radiates b-0,0 a t/naialasb'Jir the tpqhsb herp.r.lAm uttiie Lrb i ,'vot'b mr play ' ••ido>-he i, e-kmoe, e-hra-.e ai tlsofcrth - and fioo" *he cmH dllai" 'tscaf - play as amine, as sv.O'-ctp'ji' oi 'outplay, as the pi a-. o> bant that causes irirage-. astlie doable a: ace ii lOi.c't a" womp'av. [ , . I These '.void clusters delineate a annrrse fit'I e' oea H fieri motion biet enchaiP: us tp A!1 ímha 1 phrimGDnies acl'ii'jivle.Jrjethat maj i a- a faet of :bn -me haet of hte' bet some //i;o -eck hberation froa*. the Vi.eel of Oetb- dead -mantle legarb a a3 a appaeve tact ro be tecnbate Í, while otbcm '. samsa/veti entei tsbo enjoy ties vvcr'o as ii ml repaiü ;t a - a pesbr/e tací, to ae cmbrmeth 1954, Drpípno, iims'ons, and i>ber meant es, 1]7-IC; fig 4.15. ippje« ,ne 5 mmea or m; p, ,p- 7035' rer.i.j f~h'1 3 1 ': eeLit reja'a pj c -neil cO mp a "j ■'.es;' xe'i Tp',' Plmsxarp . L a.-mmm-rm 116 < the o idr'."5 -r -j it -'!>._■ 31. "i's ems . ,:h he. hei.dp . r«.^. ^..Tc^^-fcrJ^,^l.e~ ' ' '• the-pl.,' "•-,<■'"j -m iíi' timeme ts.lf ic '•atccfCwMíc darkness. >. Mfh.nj , . .' ,s a. ľcd e n istipieum a; a canm. e., jli.j-mtri l » php ,4 i han v. ak , a\ s ,n ne -lion Peruana m niomu ,n' Imsthu a t m s m u \ ílmi p h;, bn kmj- thit he • m-i lose kn OOniie' that he sma ťt; nes m; 'e m '■ .1 ei. hm m ih • klieren; hmmnthm ■ a ipm, <'• tri ďac a lit u > -n ana' t in i.i'a'v. a ■ v.'.'hl i n.',.. Vir* ik tamkn ■ a ■"• s - eniki.ina' and . Thr ch;" lime,m. as s \;p\i kučem cor elate wth the n ip ,,';et í ■. a a aniiiiea] lem'ie umIi .anpi - ]a hip. d ■ mar pňom therm.e e ^eshthei, -e.ursh.A_ de/o m en,, , -soo-.n \t ri» t nd - d ;ui ,\ ]n r kd-,hna uťena' y Sta mi a" T1'!- , k"" p;e!f j.'racomnb r jt of dm, • , •«ii'.nU'o'.v'-n'ii, into %Pnm;on \ fr» i ^ rr i d i -.' i r e gr-im 'í/p, th p.iin, tde'o 'vojici Ot '0 e j, ,'Juapaio a t, .Lue inp,vpr,., and Iii. emm f-, tíme ľtrbem'. ne .pare a- u;b (túr d"c r h. alsu model a-d i - m shci t i io ' s-ŕt iivfi-d. I Vt I Jiľá':n L'.iv. M;.,ipli\,d lim ' oi 'd as we kmo;» it 'aipa.-pe sexua drímei tic; on a id ia '0,i\ ' liit '.sotl. , mna rietme .ndieahtsat. multiple. denť-p self lonw ed ie - ad them taj, l ., m s jar. of pi etude m om h nmivd. traiľ-.o'm iklt , non e\,ln-i\. a q. ne am: cycles ad the aa,ne i00-, t-, od side Cat 5 tah 6 Tacet Pize 4 o m ..t p! v v.i ids. !i „H i, .ditto- at. I e\( e;o, n< m -h [>, d tk i. -.o -letAorkm ni bea'oii mm.tiuco. fjn,- • at eis, ihr m i. ot i tm ..""'s, uio trh d . t i.ď' .n lup. v. n íl " -l 'ordnum. ŕľ ' 'lidditn olnvnp nm '.t inde ma „p1 m aaip. i ma kiny . goe h ď ľ : o.s dm i "t'lifmid , ,t nt d m tt am 'lemlopid tht .itonii' boinh, (juored p'a'idi.'ii t h n im p to a u.i á no-' mphoin 1 hi l-dm!, on lejuh, i>!-ä„slte 'n Um ~.(. p ",i ,rld's 'h si .uicíe.u ,ijiu.t.'«!t.) .nit -pet dn tutiuc- iuppen m h, 1 a, explosion 'li du li^hl ot a thoo.anc! .ram ".ere n. eise m •'u'e.vik i e he km rín- hiďaii. „nd .'the'-- w hu h.'m dii- ,k\ ,r cit. ľ [. | 1 am time proa n old, t n ami" wo.d 1 o-t thm," ni-,-na m d .ihďti, . an mo., "ii.t.l ' is'idaltii, a tnmn.u lUlii.iiľ h"i tim nad-1 -d ..n .id-iuphr t • s opjio.uig .;ije... n . ■: id oi mtanci . and., thet i a i ••■naiii.. , or a pinni'.e • >l the A', 'km oiľ Kti-lna aís, he us, tni n um-I t .-niti a -k 1 oí'tei < >ne ht re, i onti astma d- n- 'antra in (in rhsp'.i,; u-n íSet^niS.l b'ixi Tt the dilj uiitt b, ttmoi iinadih u-d 'hi-W'i stena rata r,d , ia, t-i.,1 tisu j. Robert Oppťiibeimer. (.| "íU shait tib'e time, the o e "tor facira, evei-y./he. e at once ' . .' I a n cealb tee ď-'droyer ot a'h ti't- soia'ce of ahai A'lM he, he mmnim' n-0v'O''t: Evervw! fanap tatthetp spumm oaea.or/, Intelheeroe, .csolve " • "llf ' >>' natieram, t. . .] 1 am the arc?! rheal thaet the meter ot > . , '. ., ~.f "" "* - \ ^ it or . mv . a sociea soap, f. , .1 I am the ohm game en gamblers, r, m ,-it-> Ph -eaac o F. . ." I .mi the epio. a-aet Vyasa aeajny, t:V: aisph-eo singer among bards. isodt, rc. 2ho set.:, The 8nagav3P Git% 91-94 i - - l ee >' i , a aemsiy prnverha eat.a do. -tmdmm,- l ' f fig 4 1? P., - ,a "me da h - =-ir,-em jr. -er _ ai m-mpj i 1hr_..ii n's - ft an the rat one 5. '.ee a ľ P / I. Robert Oppenheimtr (f 90+-67): American nuclear nlositm :l - 'z 'oioi-av aa - P- E .' pre .mat . am... . - ' ' x ' -rmmp h'timc i ,-,s-.i,d i^oomu- am ."goats Po1 n- e i r"! k1 memh e u.; ,,) ed o: t oi ar .ve 1 tie* ti i -mi ji il,t P ct the loaml 'e- s amis u mo •-„e, le- . ma ťm , ma?' rl sab1') nf ť e nm he -t<ľi"S *o 'o i- n a-ll -t í k pi-.V íl s r p-- Ll r f,,i-hrp> ta'taeo 'h' \ m e. tl n C-m t mm ' ' tli-perlornn r a.itd tlie role. ]s tlie roit 'ďeahb Aiielif tiet nmaielv «,ť\ ot aesthetii perh nominee ot Hamlet or Mi.tkunhila or the Black ^naii - that the role is nm real, vi hat m i ta d ju rlonuanta s -ueh as the a.ijae.iranoi- oi a pope m h J i í t >_ d a '.o hit ss die believers or the manifestation • P an \fro-B. auhan uri\d v. in i "mouiihs the Imck of a daman in He op Inaiti -In rituals (here i- no "'suspension m disbelici .* Kattn i tha ta >- "deep play" as understood In Oeertz (see Geertz box ). .•-.■i.'i n n t s 1 de a Dl *i0 i tni j h pi a>,'ip hm pa t'"'i".3iit íit-ert/is itriliiit; aln ,ut n m -onn. Bal.m st make rumou.s » ' ' bet-.m eooitfmlits. Geertz s insi'jht into deep oku, has hm. íinplie.itions Deep p ku applies to rm nmtalr »limbing hm i speed au'-.') r n inn, and ni iní other aotivities tvheia lit n nm high risk phmidalb, tiitailv, and ' ■ ,v p;-meboh gn ub ^ tl»firr-H ?C, be-Phom aomo;. Det-p pbu. itniibas sin h high stake-*-ha,t nne aaairni. is nl - *''C th mt as it do-, nm aaays m 'ľ ■, dipot ptaiple eiigagi- in it at ail. As tmerh/ r\-platns it, dtep plaving í draw s the n hi ae pers. m into n hat ami uu its t ..i lile-an " di it k 118 3 s t e - r i A v ~ , i °t | e'l ' atPei thj, -r r 'oo 11 aa l j s| t r- tie TO'f- ot boiithaa-'s jin'n s i "r ai e i p . >ieh "a,, j m | ah' 'otci ■ t nd c ct°t, .m! , , i.Cll'i 'iii t '( , lll'dl 'I I1 "H • I U - 'I if'" v.] 1 li C t> aijllf 'T >m..mmynot 'p.ii. k,i.,i! i onimiaioeiit 110 the - ■ ' , , , , , m, t.i, , .(hep -f tin la'liiaoin \t xm re i i n. im ml tint , -li ".,.,it (i u,i • ;■) ih*- *"mm.'! p tint a,so cultural ,. , , , - . , , , fi>'-- '"So ",1 mot u t', . e-tn. W on mum mpn- -.Mo ... i-all aa irieep - ■>■>>■ I •.' >-' o i' J ''-v. 1.. \ '.a' i _ s p , 1 „ ~ sol in ' 'km tin • • i < e .-. dl 1 iint* . I iii n-. those mtip rsc plav. ' " "o.i ,olt. i. j o.t.a 'o-of.Wi vt., ji.v (1 ,ni oi tin J 'OiWO't'siiu ;h|i , !/ |h|.. i ital hemp -m 1 -tail' It 'a as pitch dark, we could only hiitl our wav bv touch. When we got to the roof, a yerv strong wind was, blowing. We yelled into the storm, screamed obscenities, and cursed the hostel managers who made us all pray before each, meal. We cursed the clouds, iheVirgin Mary, the village. We yelled at the fishing boats we knew were out on the sea. "Go down, go down'" one of us yelled. "Sink boats, stnkPIt became a chant. "Sink, boats, sink!'' just before dawn we were back in the dorm. We felt proud as be.di. At 8 a.m. we were thrown out oi the. hostel. In a cafe, tired,, sleepy but still excited, wc drank, our coffee, A local newspaper lay on the table. The headline said, 'Two Fishermen Drown When Boat Sinks," One of us began i.o cry. 1 did not believe then, and do not believe now, and will never believe that, we caused pmi, ,,.n .mm., 'dibs, i in,,'.,,. ., b.imm a-l m r>.:l it 1 ,, 1 ..- • ".. et i ... Urn n, -t , oupk of 1 i- u did I ot pia , h.ndp ji>ki o Female: I was 16 years old and on vacation alYosemite with hiddtn iXntpke' •mr.lsn.pi.r.msP ,,,s m mti.m j,h,,b.clmt . ■ the go trdi el n . m < a better mm\ t li"- vwtel hbi V\ km, 1 n a'tm o' d at on, tat.her was erving for trie to come back, I went to the very edge and did an arabesque, i continued balancing on one leg until !• ,i t o i o hi hi ■ . ., ii\:i._,, i'.ym , { ■ irm to .. \\ b, i m mi it, In I., t - ., , i, en dm a, --mi ■ i" 11 ..n, i .a a i , ml ' itm. in t'a ■am . i \t weia ^ ups , ttk v. crid .mo .in nt . i [ In ,i tom n! Pusam'th, -am a-t r. b o.,t < t tm I'sdniid alia i o urn '\itn 1 o . " .o ai. my im iii'es, tar ilia' t niiiia-i/i o. L. n,.,. im. ,in j,-ii s j\i >.l.< tl i Lit k it a., d -,i '-< "i,. .Mi, pi e ' i m 1 , !, a i 1tap - in*, in ,i ■ ,.i. ami a. ami i,d - . on - I,. i, tkt -pshi.i iiti .it'i.ioii i ii li >|a i „ti 'i • i eh; sin i- . , use ■ ■■: ti, n.aa i -.1.. I ' a k pi" ,„a '.aer-k. i',i k ivnrm, i >■ i nti'i'i, di .1 hi'pmm ,111, ]>.• entinds pi e, an know li ti tJ.c id,a . 1 „1,1.. ■ .-ripa addend, be , i civaop,o ,m m^ tin .a d loan . uULk''. .'ih-~' unj- a t i- • , 1- , hi-i-t ■ i. h. ran. oi d, idl\ i nk I tu i pin nil •. i . t- oi di p i- sr. p aaiiiiiassit oe.tmeiks % • .nil, i ,e *h.'t 'pa, ib in il.iu.ici i i 1,. mp d-oti's p . ,,m, cup at ... • , l.ev , i. t i .l.lll it-- *m. .Uii mbidec pi \ ■mioh ai »,i .-i-ip'tmp mi \m-s- iti m> ..ii'- n a , ill-i, ;i s S i IT, , i 1 m dm d i C s ^ , , i i Olll lb II - 1 it .a .r. t, i.ii n m, >n -f • nn-ii -nbi u« nri-'io, 119 120 It 1- nii,' i ' -i m • ,. , m,- mpi n,, i '!„■ : ■ ... - i >.b 1 i om ,. ,, i. ,n l, the 1 I., , L" i !• ,»: , r . ! mh , i» 1 . el ■'« bo < m , • , i, mm. '..-p. .' , -p ,i ;'•><-,i ,r,- Ti , . -,„, ' r' ,- m .->;-- , mi pi'e t, t e , 11 ■ a - \t -, \, p,,- , ■ n p , n i' > '> ► L1' a ' ,1 11 -I i> ' i h '■' 'it • , i> l.i hj,j,,,," r ]'. •>■ . n i "j, r -, a . i ,1 • ■ j', • •> 11 i 1-1, - • t,,i 'i, f'-.,1 In >'.-,,k p;a -om ■ 'pp.f m, , tjn- „■ km ,'\ ledn i ,". n it e it U' i", i/inipn 1- * \\ br.oi - as , .t.,rne. i- ,' ■',' in.", ,', ip mi. fl , - it!,, ■■ ha, o ii, -us die1 v n i...' j"ir aim- n-v n m i'.Hom,',', t.i(ni,p. pi v. retro p ,'M'i ,'•'..n he • t ears ?.. i l.hil Whar happ-n> o does not chance, dui when a. person recounts a 'narrow cseapc h>r example, achat, was deadly serious in the doing bees om-pla< h.d in the retelling. Conclusions rur o m. t,illt'S, ill,. '(H. -it i. " . i n i. ' 'I n k j' h pin to , ! 'hh.n In i Ins chapter, I\ e examined play "as' performance, and plav is ' performance. When animals and humans play, thev exaanerate and shoo, oh. in order to impress pktvmates as men ■>. i.'s u am',, mm,-id, o*h < - t"p h- ,\h,i , noo pb' i- ,',,<,, io,P bemPhl ,-t m ot , b mpan/e -. 'nil- emend nta1, d.a. o m . e's P . p.,i si-, t , -i ,,8,1 „. ,i,p^,. -,. , 'I j , a naiinm- la m, -t hn,>! 'oh, ■ in a i ■ h i .«'Ji , m ,1 ■ i.i. , m i h ,, hnf- i, o ■ , b,P , • n j . . no . ii pm ! in , -, ,, d mnino lb, pb,,-m,,ih, i '. o-. . • \ i mo ,n.e Mu> .ah " i .|, i„' i- | '...ii t I, , f ,ip mt ,m ,i •, , ii - 1 .. - |, ,m ' i i. , > III I ' \ ■ 1 T , pi , • ,[-. , | s h , '11, 1,1 , 1 till in',, I'm I !', , iji,.', S|\ ana w a , " W. , ,, i 11, m a- -on , -.\, > , ,ii> e t t 'Hiidd'U nin.1 ,ii,l i'.p.jii Pb, is , b < a m vomt o1 aa t, ae-i • to. i,., d em,],t i. Pk o pi ,,,(„! hi,a, > delations ot'time, i b-beinp • • a i aiooai v> itb o minis a ui in-ao conflict. i,1 ti,. i, ,i,ii ,ii,' •h>-|,|,\ . ,| mn ai ai Bat there' is also e.e 'ha -, '-,,."iat bn.-*■-"t inn i oi i i, that can lessen •in, h-i ' >r 1 ht v. t'u ,n rail m, ot rotitinmed is' ha I- .mitiijjtih >r fn.'plc, deceiving >,. 1 h., _ o'.r- (" pi', tin mo-is .I.. ,e. ,-din i 'ijUon i I 1,iinuia . ill mm a i ami K-a-e-,e . i II'. iiiiiao, 'a d' an .eutm nh at e t'oit', d -.' n't -' ; in ■ ' i nib i s , a r>j n .m ai.,tn, - t < all-.p p ,i >.>u. in mnfn • oeps, 11sit m lai e- unit' ai' .nifi ■ t t '.• men; i to i.i iom s or an ; j'b" mp are 'in,.,,, -em i'p, p ib. i, ai talk ABOUT ■ i i - i ,t a - a t, m " \. ■ ■ e i I a 'i 'Pv , , ,, -, i in am t a. p , 11, a mt t i • b i,,-. ( n m ■ i| pi a t( _' t a" . , i,, m i , •■! ib i i _ ., „ , .nt Mm '. , I, -, re in;, m '!„. : - 'die la IT 1 . ml y J, ■ ,1 \- lap , !,n ,i |.. ,,i|is a ■ ,si (< u -1 b be , . I, p" • e ) -a1 a , im- it sim. i'.h't "'I, I'Ln vtbim .-pi';, in tt'i't i t, . (i i l j, s,, ,t, on, t i aj hi . -nhn e \psj mm i , i .-, on, < n s s b- hnm th .m"k! tm . lit a, - a a .,,,,!■!!, jp;a.„.. t ,< - " pi - to" a ,1 '' , a • n, " >|. ,n e> i rh t'\i In 'hse,!,-. |,ln si.'.h , Pinm, P- 1 a -i,,'i ■ ' n 1 ^ .t'.. ao • • i" • " ■ Tn p. i - is:- .n ■ibo'oa'ii ph i.i" > m. iihi"^1 >■•■ ib'-'. Pi 'n - ,' • i, I ; lie I.,ml it s 1 \,, - l v hi ii,, idhm-' i.mif inn - th ' s<-o ml at I ul o.p 1,,-,, i. PPm o tb- , t vme, d an '..' i m o.p loi ' H", .„-, th tli,„ti.-,,fC,'''ily no ha.e-m \t . .tbipp n- Inn tha n i mi --a-., aj , ... ,1, n , i! n i n ti a i ,-,t ,, ,1, i,.' ,,, n I,,,. ! , t n, . n bist u-st •.! in iht- 11, n ! t p no mm a-, d,s n in e -apt, i a a. t 121 uRFORMATMTY \fp hard to pin down ,t ■ >i,-.v!iii- la \,.,v !"';iiii"! m th, ii 'ia .■ itt v "t i a;.-' ni, 'Ji.i. ir. tin i m.l •'-.i-i 'i. -a. f■ r n ua. "jitrtorp,,it;i .' m i,:i ,ai A. 1 ilits Ot.dsbaH K.j-jiii lav ii't i 'iie i -,i m, I'I'm s llr. > e,l'' uv iJ pi." isil.,Pirl "It, 1 ii ! - "<\ o n-clu .ec -i i.!«• (1 ii a; tkar s "like a , . " ar aail a.HKi'k hi me a p ."tnrin.mi ir. tia ,- '!•.". ,ii -t n-r "1 i rVi i"..tjv .' -s 'h id, u".-ili'i •". ... jiaaiua.' -i''.i'l-'i a --nltiai ili.U'ka . A 5 s'i"7fb, ; Tin ,ob i ia a -:i'k 1I-,'■ 'i"u - n i:h j/i-i lri in i a ' -Jaki pualita a -a'h i-. n'"ii.i.''" Pliclan b<>\; ".'I'l-kn i-.iaiiw.i " .ii v.'ijuiii I'.iiii, i..m:iii'J t u'i... |n.i">ni\ oi . . ..p. a. J up 5v. . i.! .ii iii, |. 1-r! i,". , ■ - in '.. , -t p i; :t-ng n.. ki.i ir. • n h > c i r.t-, m pan lis ha mi '"J" k .•_-!' ,ll u''l'' - u a! p. 1 1 J/llI". iiiWJJI.' ; Ml, ,1» , 111 i.|-'ll;.Oa lilt ia.'it .l"! ak, plii I a ,ll. n.i- nik'i' a it ,h'i - 'ah a ■ '<,• the fjualit-"i'"i:i.c. i-, rhn ,.n>. p. 11 o-n-.ato P, \ i--;nn|.i to .I'.'l'a'.'rnl' h irca in t hupAi A 1' li.'.'P Is a IllV' 'I' I ,H It 1 !'. !' ^ tin 'IK i .1 ! ill, I )i ■! a ilt.l'a.' 'llllk -.,'1.1' II' ata.. i' i'lts It; a.,",. It L\ )t a"i llii ibe"] Ulr tonstrnt r'(.'i • a s.,u,h \, i \\\ •>p .n !'-dr real '.i. 'lit »• .t'~.''i iti'kat a i - tjiatli.a oi • mas m.l: tin . tin pi', s ■. i iHi iisbip , p- Aoi naisi , •,, p -t tni'.' in at soni" ol tn).its ,.n - n t tJ.i i i Inptt -as, - an '.sail" .'k iff u <'h K in ' >;>."( ;ip', I nana. •, it v \ - in p p.' in q i pp p'.i.j,, kp-, tl i I''. s .nn k'.'igi-rppj-"siti.inal. b.nai s, .mdarnan . aa s p. : i aoo up . " 1 1'iti 1- .-(t- -— 'ry - ilk ~'> i straodernisn. I'uiiation -t.-1' in tafall'-ir k-. t>iis;r.|, tl. n >.',-,' -i.t Pa;. . ,1 -xll'Li a is. rppi ions til race a' -p k. ").p, ipp-trPt pt'i it n l-aaa t iP pc-spgy P he I an Per format've writing Perot i ative ,,• itaia (i Am ft p-ora pe' rO'"aa ci t; "ism 0 aata-jiL t,i a!,m;a> esray, a'tno'tg1, ' ea es a ,ot m pattt aep p"- Pt'cen .mmc va't ",g is rai mietnpl to fiau a fa'ia foi- *'., ia~ r.t'ii .napm. a 3 I .he sa'ae to sat." Pathe tl1 ia fi-at iib'np tne aeix"r i e.ceevermri A'amt S'pr hcatmi ' a pas!. S be'lm--' t) pp 1 v\ ossm, ^ aaC not t" rmcs1!' . T-ereif eg, 1 'pant Pes ,',. mm tc ar.,ci the .afect'ta *m.m o* the pet fern enre -«e.P age.m, a; it 1 i ivs 'tae i a"t ir, ai ;py Ana Tte,po''aet\ mam- vnml oy th' ps\ch,a pt-oct'ss ijf 'h-'oit'O'i '-r n-msio p mptesp ap.1 tPe oe e in1 h oburj of iht. ""'clivainal aim! cai est se i r-consricim .spa i aa,'-'.v pv tat: i lasti !a-*'erce if po'ii a-ii-ppr"ss;0'T a it '"■ i'i Pat'.ve si'jiotpp.r A Pei is-a-pai i\.p \i't i'j .e sch_'ta'.p nc iffert °V'"n v/tiie it si eraeac anb leat.-jti it aP.-pt t'm eo iseqi.rncm e< that snbaeatin . A y > rate'', '"al'l 'as! eav, mmsDuiar ai a iiiitonsemus tills w thij melts toil, t_. it-p|f arc! to the 1 spppps/' tint 'po* .ate •- 1997, Mourning sex, 11-3 2 Austin's performative Tbt-,.■ ip.t ppi .t tlip pta teruiacn. v, is . spli'inti hi bimnisti^ philtis-ippi i- | L Austin in k'tnuts ik In -rail m 'd. 5 <.t Hai'.aid ill i,pi-it- i p. .stliUiniuisK , ,ht'd ami publisiii J is Hpa ra ,Op i/'ilp, l. th Ibaa't; lll-tjn t . .,nt ] All Vein! "p. rt"i niatiit ir> '.k'sti'ib'- utt'.i.ini es si,th as, "I taA- tins \i.nnap is bt mi Pi,\ bli v i i|tk.ii witi "'ir '] name 'Ins skip tb.e pA'.vn L/i/aat.'/k' ■ a ij" ki^i/p," nr "I 1,,-t em ten tkilkit s it m til i'.iia t.nntartpa ' (see Austin box 1 ! bi tbt si. < asts, as Au-tii' ni t-s A" -a soniethir.p is t • J. something" In ititt rinp tertaai senti m a pi opP pi rtor.n arts. Pi onus, s. hots, ;ir-ts, ''oi.triets, anil juii^i-ie'i' '■■ ,i" not 'Inscribe m nptesini actions- tlii i ai s aition-- P'rtuiii.lao ,uc an 123 ir.l. " f'•.•>!". .•! 'V n. in h.r. ini'iiilfu! 1 la \, i th, !-■ i i am 'm . >n am jail s-,-'n, 1;, imil 'mann mud- Uiiii,,irijiii'i lis. -vi ,-pl!. i ii [■. i" 11 ,i /nil-.I an d be i.'.'.n *Ie.riN< u mi -" i a , a a. ■ n mt! ..mthm illpspmb, ,i loth mmmotl' *ak li Ft'. "1,1 .,) .c" i ■! v i "a t1 .'i it i- i n d,. ai - ha i It II Hit .i .in!'i ,rl'!n' i .ti!n luitl "'n, Kim .n;, mi-p. i!.i. i.iaiiM nina pi n mp a iijn'l "ii *ln lid h (nt I i'.'p.i.n.i net) 'mbm. ... .mi, s !,,!.< ,i. . j. l Austin The performative i nertm on'ar' hem: a ..tome ' he ° n ' . r -oi - ' rn i j n ti r a+Je ?• l " ■iMl hi-I the Sintl '_ 0' ,tc,t' a c an -..ah' r i if 1/pmari m th1- v aul-i k, iii"eed asnm ' 3 ra r'.rr <= >taj "q n n.r it ii tic pe fn-maia' \v, it* i".h2 H m ;a i'a Tin1')'- n t/i 'mob 6 d tint". Hi. hi H h- h." c |" ' t'«"i i 'in mteiam i - b„, kt H lip In .i tv in- pi hi. tiiiU'i .mm or in a nil p.- ti m-- in Hit. pi • Ira" utni' Ha ins k i s' A. ill p i ha mm t - i anti.'1 1 •• asuii' ilmn v ,tb tltt ilaati. n It o a (,n|s ar ■ "I • 11 ' „mi tiiiti-iiat iiri.ta.i o;pti -i idi rmhm mind- oi i. m\. nt mr - \mtm iijvi', d tilt' pi ti' rm.iUm- nOmel n,Oi ta'-i ,n innstiiK i s no . i "aui'iipj , ' or "init in itoi -' itapirsoii ish.m^ ibmit «inisln I., .til a J,i i pi r Hi' a i on mo jit ihao;_ horn inthat'oh i-m-pm' \ hmnm-t m a somi I. Hit1 di-abo-m imibipk rains i .i '. init mil1, t" i to n.r. bho'j, h he i,ia\ -iiiit.'i '\ i it i ,i iann "1 do ,n id Ills "w lit loins. -lit is 111- ulk i',d illP Atlstlii A< 1 i. d till- li ds'/ll'lln i.lrtl'i'i ■aIn i la .irppnt d dint all pa'tot mant m mtei< d in tht,.tin vi ar, •anhip|ji thhamitim ■.'. .,r kit. ana nut a , hot, ,a u ^ ntra i"noil, oi ehattl.m 1 , h t am ""h ipptti- P.. .'or Ji"_ u> \nstn,, tin p ilortmn'rm lHnaiites ol i!i,i,ii'm ''pnasp.i j j oti.bir.oiji oi .anpuape'dsecAustin box 2> 'kit iu tn- s a. at dn on -' pnatinp antlmntn ttmr omasitic ji, • ha in ttr si ami a -rand ' "p u, st r .itim \i o , d.d nin oii'k i-Ian 1, oi nttnoitn .pom nits. Hi, j. l. Austin i k .a . a a' a am n , 1 i J ta' ,■ a rjp-.., i, -\ ' . km .mi I f -aai,s l . , i a.t ■ ' tin- -t;m :t ip ar. m'mrd a i m"- ,> mo'i " mhla pa:, i ' t.iii''nf -,o h m,., a, - -jei ' a. n+r I a a ns. i. . a e ■ a ,- , h n it,a a ,, 11 - rai , h s.- , o o, ^h aa, i rei-i a -> i.i pa-a ' t ao'ila1 c - ' o .a > „' A', .;, ^ >Vc a ? . r hi ai . ,a r a'1''' imo u a P'a / a iry- ■ a" a a> Ja n'lKjii' jri'io ot j1-,, dn ,i',i ,1 on ipniat'on ninili b -b i\i < ibnip th' a a a bin i,n(i ,-i i,i ri -lit',, „ pa' h.ipnt »r ,i -Utpp lus i on .ti",i'1 m 1 i li if' :'.al,on- p.. ms |,.; I.,-r ptiti1 no is and -p. i " n ir- Tin ■ Ii it i o ' - .aa r.adw.d tht l, 11«'1 ib 111,, o lod t;ul. i* ti, ,it'Ti .11 H ntllbi Ii .'• 'd'Ho;'', n itn Ho h i- a n 1 -Ik d o.a( t. ar - o\i r t'a if i a.. aa 'n 11 ivi di s |ii, UT" '.V i' i a '' n di. m b -mar . - tin. > b a ai t. p.n iak ■ 1 du it -p> i tad j - d]i ■, 'Ii' n ps ' 'or.; ill ontt.'-nis. mi rirna j inI tirthi' nana a b .ot, ids ' oti' -nka'aatn ,ntoi- l.O' t lib 1 1" io',1 ',. it!, I'-t v ',' tp'l lo.,,s,,ti'i f Pad (Hit, o j u-> On pin' Ism.i o. lb, l.i. n nm\''Ippt i! Ilia'. tiliatiia--o > t. -\i n sij, h pa-m"ii p i-s, - ,,.o i in id'm,^, ( m m,tp!ir i dl thi- - \apoia/ioi; ol t ip , h " hosthm mmp tmlipipa .is tbi ri-ai Ida .nooim- - , imi) „u p.m. hm, o.ii mit) oi lniipii ttnp, th, joi.'i.t,, ii .ilif t- iHM'Iio. *ht s'l'it am to, i ppmit. i/! litia,' .tail. I, ah*.. It is as mim m'.il'ii, in art." mi .itn \ hiamai, ti an-tton, b sn aa-b1. rnia 1 jit. t \\ b a Hit-"-s ii " poll id. , i,nit-tp ,t i< hot _ 'i ..tton- ,_ar, bi aiinal isnib i-Jn- ,iti m tbat oli, it thmf ii'a.i.on- art timnmaj i la- naaa 1,1a utm -pan t- mi. olni - *l, .ti ,.ta ti'd'.l' pi,.ito tb m tht n ..ii!-, , ('i,nior. pr.\ im !•. niii if i h . ,mst - i-sii, rntr me il ni.nii ntr ditn tbat m dl P-1 t p'.oihi t on m Inia th M- i •- happ. n m Ulothoi I, ili.tra, (!'P al ttaitl'il.,!' aspor., S.ii , tator- .11 . iir.a' ami, onb oi tir Ikrj.ji al'm, a at bdopmi tth liall .it njiiii in t, • di,, , st in d i .a'"!! i ! 'In ii n in,Hi-, 'm, ah ...'or iiop H,ai eon ihm an taaphnip ,1, m iiiphhne.l b\, oi in', pii 'nit r i ', irk ) la.a ' d la • itnatn >r <• en aib ,\n a!. 124 •, i.i-i. .r i'-, 'n t, .'J- thi .d-i.iti p. eeinp lui .i . p-"do - M.i't eadem p<. Ar. oamh-hm.j . .id- aa - i a - di a"idi int. hoc leaf mha a-a- r t Aiicbew Parker *u6 lrp, w„ ^rin,U».M.......l^n.sK.l.i , „, JV,,^ Ev^AOSG^d., S G (j 9 W I C l< lino then n nut naimmt; tlmm Dei!ning ''performative" t - \i s ol Ai mm j.,.(jui •• ! A ,i i.ia ■ -di- i di-a. he.-nd .thJsAj. asl'> ti.. phi, ! k ■■■ '"'''< '- i d,'a:-'-''i./ .at, hmema m'. anai p 'pe--- ,:,,,..,' -..„j \ra.t . v-pi. i -p-'t ■ a, a-, i'i .kI M-'p 'mm-do ' a. a am ,pp-p m, „,s! p n , tj-if tm .•■ aai mard,. rm ,ea m-m A> ptir AiM A • c ch, lacked the stretch between theatrical and decor-structlve meanings of "performative" seems to span the polarities emaaptd pi • -m ;■ r. i oimip tmakmp .ca-.'p'K.d \>' 'cda in-pi d mat all a'Tt i cap. so. . h a-ti- ' i-.., m n-i tmin ' 'a-, p. j ;i a. t .i-eiiu" iw Dcrrirla box ' A 'A Am;, cm p."- me e— mm-Ac ■ it th- acto- -i .air.n . anml m p. i mam ntr sap. tmi I . . I 'n hi r d ■■I ,'.-t,t'„-i pal. m,a'li, itp-'itipa mpe o+msee- a m ,t hm Aram-- rmasl ^-oteemA i -ii i dtm-lj , a a.' tin pair-"! , ■ ,- -ma -. ad. tup ' puihtt .all. n i-< in i iispmc an I !'>e'^' ^ !|ema c mmiem">r dm rKmem'y - e«h ie, . ■sii .Id, t' :a lia.'id.i. m hp iKP.iml-nihu il <-ipsA, dm ,A'o .s mv teAA. nanvit.,. ' cA Pern mi. ;i ■■ttm.'i Mp mirp i-mmt-mpaiji ta:;dp)!.'>r A ta a - J ih" . ... I • i reems re tt cnamaitm men oj ApiPsphu rmm a din s,mdeer, da i|p, ..itor. d- ammd-ett pasm-ml, a" o.m,.e -md effect _j~m,..r:m , ,!,. , ,ii p iAt. ,i«ep; and ..pi ,,,,d . tl e dgapd. - j-,d tip. m , •<-,, P11 > same tare d'samitn :._ , oi-iipvi.t, t, mmam Pp. it,,! s. ppo -mpimap md map m-p m de.e .stoiel e-i njre oe . , la mni|iim mtm iCiai, d ad Am- - ;I,p,pi- d ,m--oj.-mai,. e -mm.', t-ts da,, thai they are i. si. , >t. ,.vtsom] Hilfurd .dmmismm m. Hi V >~"' cs'temm." a,a, del m- -.ri er "Am an-scaly m.pnde. enoal i -mi.ia •Aipnaii.r, . E-.-nt. id.nm \!Pnistbd- A . cm pa'-par .com r, a.;p ml PA ma temlm the '■mimaoit d„id lip.r Pismi n[- la amnnhm oldhinltri ■.■.•-in i-meidnn m m-e mmit s.m, at a< c < s-pamicd .-vj-o'ii dh Aom tin ei.-ilapn. - 1 dn ne-tcr ii.iihit*. , a-i--. .ti n i iftliv idn d t lit me i. , tl.d rmmki , ^. _ . , , - - " is'-'E, Imimdii A, .m em nr.. a* vPy am.i 'im.ihn o. n> .d. j'p n-a-lain, iimhe \imiii a..-w „ , ,, „ n i f < i o t eerforrnance, 2-3 t "P ,u d- on n .see farker rsiul ^edn\< if k boa, . caoCioes Derrida S .r.ess/o/ oerformntives arc impure "i tet'imle.., i •!'* ii tri _ riaiv'imd dm, n _•" ,d; Js :,t tmap, "-t-sat'en r,ep-sedeap' .oirpsj" oj.i ,aee t -".pidet}->',,[ lapmvhi I d'l-re'ioaa ■ ti i m-a vi r.ceesT1"'',;.f • mr a ti a : sut'i. -apaM.a-pcil 1-""PP. . tc.7'm "Smr-a-am,' e- A ' em. mrfcv ne. 17 Searle's speech acts 'A.e ot th- !.i--d : j Ai>ti,i - oai^epdon oi the p.e--!o. inaif. t s. as John R.Se.arie \>. h.o in th-- i c'6'>s asst i is tl tha. dm has,, urm oi tomniuni. anon >ias the "spt-ech act si nit in itt-rin-i h act,- iti ri:.- realm oi hehmaor. a., tloirifs ori it it.-1 tiii. • ii at. i > tlm md nnp i d sound-toi ire.-into .ipi'l • a;a. -.attiii i s. i _ i ,m a ns i,id .st nu in t s that re h r to John H. Ss-.irle (19-52—); aniciiean piailosopiu i who ma, a siudem ij h. Vii-'i 1 at i '\h.-rl Uiijiaoao in Alt testis varlc ileetloped au-aiih id.eis iii ip, ..J. 1, i if 'Sis'; am!,'- .nap-i, tt ami l/aanm,' 1141"-* ■ i hsi'ioo n ttitmi uk ill' ledt - 7".S,- G rn/rs "a.i a/ ia ? •! ft.aim < 1 QtJS c lima /ipsa/...,, aaa V-c-ri. Mihsfp n, 'he heat licn'a (,'^98). f. 'a-, an at* - 'AP I) am! Ii,nJ I Bnef in'i ' Imu r, { AXi-t) lit 5 ,l!m Slsí- S5 e, >h irl . m >i mbi m 'i'm ľ ' 1 : s.-m i 'íl- ,r - i'i.u ii ,-,,....]. iMg. -. , .är,.,-., v In-) |\ plc i; .". Ii '. gaPe- n l-ad " r ,i Mi, n e M' -, , , a.icd S„,in.i t,"', d v iíhin du imnu .,!,.' . ,m •. .v, d „ e! b" i'.i l'.',',ľ',j.i..'H, .'.'Úd "í >' í Rs-ľ, ..'oik. ii. , iľi .li,',i i'-.i.ii ni," r ,! -J-íl ' ,'■' "i! . T\ '',. ' '.1.1, .-ľt. "' <: < ll.d Soi'l i't "! , tensions ' ľ-, i- t lit .''(.k' '.o b. g.\ f, , o,n , ' , t eP s. .J, . ,|. . t .l.VlT'l , . 1 Ol 11 >'T,,' is- 'I ''.. ..n , , i-\ , tb ",;',■„!]'' . . •> äťd\ 1 in . s.una kind "í real it v «iuphcit \ i noth a doubling and a Ho! infuses reiaíedTV ■',:■■-<•■ s '•'!' i- i'', v/ť. < art or Dhvrce court.The combination cm the offIciai ■•-v i vor website Ji;tp<.-,\ Oh! L m'" ;t P c ' lei ľ d o a L a o >. i n , U ' ,1i- '-!m' nať o 'm dl ' a ad 'ii "a a - i ■ i . ťa 1 íi's a j m ' ■'■ > ,■ .-'''.'Timm ■ 'lids.- .•' T" , ',,!.' i . C' d .....- 1 a, ' '' o i a m~ i i L- a ' ,"' ' ' i , , ' k m r i a m "ť 4 či' d'a a: r'i? J amt P. ím P-a ,-aa'- ■ i m '''p á,: i'ľ''1 "■• "er '-■ '. i i1 coei _,saei"P si eu . . a >t i. m ■-', mP ' b ,i r c- t-.i. n up im t i ic dm,m, .o. m i . am, m,- Ma. d.Lmcmc o ii,r mím ■ •a' in -'1 i ia" n man o , ,m.t i-n d,, pm. i'.imant a in dm -u m. s. Th - Mhs >]„, i,r. ti) rbi- 'i.iPľ!, d..pb,"i". m ; •-. bum a a , i..|i.n .. V'nt i • dmut d n . 'ími l„Mi-:'!', ', 'at a. i n n ď i vpľ sad I !"l ,tMi„ au pra i íl' I n,,iľ , c' i ..'Ti-iť. - ai. p am. spi ;pp,, S. ,a í ľ n '- "i c i •, a. i . h ' . i. i s ,1 i,, .t "•- .k tb pm tU'.pls ''-' a.- aP ď. tí íií. i ",n íiappcm-1 m m' 1 h. n í»r. r!, aiehl v ní.oh i .',.a..,,j. í-1 , .sita ,,ul- pi', d,; u, stati, im ,i, rrlii,. R ''.'im tv ' u í St.: i .r \ii|j, ",„j Mi.-i n m to dtagiK d aau-ci!.\iíi , or n nľ p itidd.,-.i-.k t p"or! -tu -\ made n m irdc, 'i - ď , s. i m -1 as -,t b,. ,,d, bra',. pi c a - ,. nem m'ed P ■ >U ,0 < au ■• t tin r-i ■' !si,a-■-\ntai e'u a i . >'. t'-n , , ku kites., bind en rh, ■n.' ., n srn t i ík> a, . . „not. die „dma imdi< Mdli.-e. c „U k. d tin - i md i-i. "".u '.n ,,; uar -p,- "--K , .tmki bar nelí ■o d l> d, n- Lnul at M r.n-i- .na ,t. 'dbiie. "!! < !,..d na, ď.iílľ'm f i be -'.tin Pi-i. Kat m o ,n im, ŕ -t'iľ.i.l and >ad 't'nei n ,.|i.'om '.i'da i IS \ f Ma n i, t<-nn 1 to Hu, ai Si. r t|"i '' d ., i it a mit Mt k - - m - u, d u ■ i - ' tu i. s mu iojged pj u ! ' l|,i.Hi. Ila^.lik-!.>.iii: re i ,'imj.B. cľi-ľ sh Hü nski '•■pi pp. lamíma m ,- map ,mtt m i h b u omám. nudia man., i -a-el P- 'i -tr-i-up n a í,io. -i Icok rmkes until i- ib!i_ jiin o u mdtc >-. mtbm im-m - sp. ),i , ,| li'p alt i m.plonl'ia 'iui p! ,,ď •fittlľ s to J a 11 ma-s.i sb,i, 'í.dmca i-t toi-i utd- mit not i ne ft .nade , e: y.- d aa.eOin- km P- p, t e, 'h • S noi si,,q.t i m., aa./' u. mdoihe! nn tj. i l!i o spi m i >a,i (t. ._t i am sud r1-., t -,,íi P a"p. tite 1 a- e:, ma i'i me v b "be ■ ai-n et tb ,'-m.i't 'lieu v,,.- Pi, „ďiitmiui turlli p.e. 1 mm .tin.' m . m "n "".s' i d ,. >i. .nnlts n. bil-1 da t \eunpk , tn n m,,1-t" a-1 m-crndOi'-n t »t« • - . ntral \tt u a • d Ri ,iji",i,!i.' Honmi. Moryan St.miei, a-ogm-.; bt 7.',- \-., i., '. -/en;/m<. ImPim-sing .-splma i David Lu mgstone. P. ■ . am. . p--4' m. tn ■ o. oi ■ ■ u.. 1 . -t -J -ie, 'ľ.p'-ľ'lii - dmu t .m, i t u di iiitiť n st r, ■-ta ..- '.b, * et . . .m ■ m nľ ' ' i m í',i-.n,-|-,',i,,' adn i mmitíoti ío,;-mr "«t,ild.'. .•.. ^tad k , in js'.me ;n -diep. ser,,; 'r ,, >m nn- o i -. -p- .not s! ut] p. ps I ,e Up u "i ■ k i e, ku\ 11- ; i ; 'lit mmneni o t ťrs- ■el-i,. 'lilsi il)ii-i-e, í;k .,>;,; j , i v. Int..! lla',1"-, Vín!. , ml U ...s in -p'.keti'., I,il,lti-.l, iillt-iltitl, i P,, t.n! s, ai>p' ' '.m'e- ;iptu T.k- uiii ■ id L- n -,t,>t i . 1 pi suma " (ti'l did. ke. a. tualb ' \^e 'ia\e tm ta i m a k -m im i a lim. P -mu:, ''...d km-1 m-b Min'm' woo! .» u ii It , s e'-1 r dnion i\ as -nk — 1 a.; O d-a m.-.-ii e, m, i , ,f"u„i, p,-,„m"m a. .a up mi, o'i,Ua4b du //.mbb, ' bo , m lied and puplont tl 12? PERFORMAM'.L S'O' i'l at ink ,'- ji.,iinf Tii- • • i prniif oi ui Oil ; tot ' t votn " "[)' iimti.e " .11 "ntiloo« n" . to tin 'it.m, o.ntu ui's , >li is tin in ili. i řiť li 'pnms n! si,, (• nrtijivnu'i.- m rht National »o o'jr.ipbii Vjiul\. because 't, ilint; kunu... .mi ictic... lit ť.ac maimer oi the nineteenth to :mb rv.uitic Ik onoj.i aiht'titur a, is no ionpn >j.faj ,pi rp, attria,> m he. reioi usi'l on n pbht. ami tin liallenpt s < .1 ''nalinx ' toe lile i tile of a pride of lions on tbe St i enget,, lln pi' io or staling Mt. En o si, or the ihalbngi ,A rabinp kiammin unhi oken born tn-. Iilai' .T-bt .naptlbt , onam- the smm . while a.istli!■, alkm, . for Im-,tor 'mi thesi e-r.e" pat tu ip.ition in dbtaiP sievtt rs Henry Morgan Stanley (1841-1904): Faiglish ti.ntd «riter and explorer who conducted a highiv publica md (and suecrnssiial) search through central Africa in 1870—71 to find fellow English ' xpkinr David Livingstone (181 J--75), fig 5 1 be in1!' co , t " . Que i ' t Hie news programs about the Shenienski rescue had a lot in common with the Stanley -fbvingstono story and with Survivor and similar programs. The Shenienski story suited our times: condensed, episodic, and visual. News came via airplane and satellite, rather than through trekking and hand-deli1, aired manuscripts.There was the "human interest" side of things, controlled reports of clangers and progress, a growing tension about the outcome, and a happy ending. Survmv has lllrii piusT c rht d oi i sp p. n u, iti ii ^ontmt ^ t i al | otts 'bat id i not. I'i itl s ni1 csih jut! n iiai api 1 [t t , ,mt! s a' i In i i d ' o ( n t 1 t dtllll' tsh \ 1+ d is (hrttmi, Mil l \l «l s J. i k tl • 1 haotittst i| u pit- ' ini'i i i,i,i i rii t imtP n f, t 1 igpt il'Wi I "n v di tt th oa man ij otji 1 mi at itittl htbiii lit iiiii.uii in - Th pt i In ypc o ti t | In untanipt 11 d " ill] dthoueJ t ml me gi\m ,m ttlu ifs nnhn nkiit si ('t othm Hi 1 ht s, tmhs tlid a uhto i HI t gt s jm th m^ g in sunt a t u I u 1 t itl endemic, not occasional. Fh la t s tin ti- i nonet m oh m r k isi >n, md tnt It it, sli i^tilt m, ti. s tt via ks t i \kv t s i ac hi eton 1 th \\ 11 m i vijn, ,titii mt ttiti ami \ ami sp u s ' it s ah cut itiinn.ciit n m n on,^.tib dm s ulatlt ttjlmt s lo it. 1 V In is tun it Ta hubn s i i die i a i >t v In n 'ft otit n "h milt o;J, -) t i i ntnm >• s t v, ot t ,lit 1-a th m la al Q71 i'- >pm 1.1.01 tlvi..... 'I 1 go minm iMiimi's sahenl. I",. pt, pit ,-ri'oi < nm t 1 hanpo bei -i e a" . 1 m.m1 -om. , n, .. a m „ bon t re I'll' M't 11'' "Po ., 'til. a-i"c"' it 1- mm oii.yiial tj'plnanoi! .a I i.ysi ni u n-„..|pi, min it" pi im ma ., >n re ' 1. 1 !>-m - a' 11 attm. ts the o.ji.,.-nm Flm 1 , mtb and Si.ji a ".10 inrmipatii tin mitso'ky Hm lie '-tili- mn s in mi the a, ti >n to ; scarti!ng in the mid '. '}c/0_, th.-omro 1 a po "i;t;ayiSr,ťna sites -m h a- /.eme . r 'atnn ,d jt muf" Kimyl , ni,.' in W% at dit en ol 20 del eh .1 to install a . aim ra in b, , dorm loom at 1 ».ckiimon -p. m Pi .m-T, um, /emm m-ran through d'-jpi I bongum millions ol u. m . - s"mi trnití an i\ 'Ofmiimm tut mit \F m-.i Rn pk-a see figure 1.2 anil Rin«Ie\ box. Rinpim, -camkh/.ii mam, s-immb« nad st 1 • m am -r„ « itn 'am b im .' oi - b b ud - .nm de. b mid ioiird 011: p \dyii -lo limed i .to lure, an /"a ■■( aa js no moo, but thousand- 1! yyidi -Pt - a a tiaum \lthouyh R'-.ylei -,y0 sht « ,. "1 r ula,i mo utm mmmp -lit jut, lbs,,,! |h - / ji'. "i ni lie -O' , i ')'-v," kl- tldc'a "nl'i.1.1 aa-li lb', fe.iiu i. . sek \ i.'ii ^s 1 lit .end-ti t\ h-> ,. ad tle. m the ny; d.c -In m do.bfi 1 e - ., 1» .., motto n ' hr-nd "tst w,.;isv i ,'f= ne ri-.-t-i-i it í'v mm Winoovv into a '/!, aai i '<= Jennifer Ringiey, and v p.o, mm e entertainer, > am a dc ,i"d +"irtaiie to be able to work .cm "ri i ' repu me - m e\e, I, ' ■ lm e mema. is a es o e i tei is le.m'mi "sj'jiif.ut i|ip I "mm Z-.\c-*n i mm m, ri"i",aside! • i ire: of mrhon-' edd-'mma. p mia,' ., ,, be a e ' m /a eh a- as, jp,cnirir, r- I t a im e re ee 'r .e i ■ m i la, I'm "a ""p'v o: tm mi -JTO1 a or ', me t "i>ii,vm am a in ",m i - (dum s ai i peat ť ■ 'emmii u .. . v a: it m iloiii.t !• 'n '). « in iii'd, u-iiH- env Hume . jim't'.is im-mlkd 'e ■ ar ;ta in, mm pi ď a , If, annptm >a m a- b>--.i pi .posoJ.- ami, hi piir 'Í- Pi mmm, pn-on-. mot-, tj,t .lbmum ' e looka p > m naiv d , vii'l iP.l'> ' am pii-op m. nil I ďdmm-l Í). miijih i ď P \ k 'a m,; i'v a , . a i .li r . • ,i,!i pi i i . ' mi kr i.idi n ■ ,i p Í o. aape m '. i.",i nv <',m d", iníp.Pet - nr,f mm- í ;i dum* in niť, d ; má-.rmiiivr-"Jiíbí ; „imr i " \\- nosí em< an i an 1 dp or m.ti 'i'h'ťni,"'iM"oa '-i loi .tar and nolmipim.s v, V , v ii t'i'I'iii . pamtmp- an am hompyldu pp di asm o' v „ti lib. iij'.Mt.'.tm nii.Ti - I hi him ais.ippt annp, dm has i i t an- i r. \aiitsln d i hi-sp -a i svr.nn. ms^ti-p-, v-pd, bvt In rir i.i' '.tMO'.hp! i i. rh orn-s..} pti ion,, Postmodernism hid i in itimU ,s i.paList'.' .1 by nerlorinarii st-mbe- m pais ol, a m s. h rp'armi In, jiOstna/'h rn sn,. !'Jna ,f d.p dti.o. pimiiir s ol p. •■! lipid, i nth, applic vann 4 dip "pi i ny mania p' in. ipP I.. ah ispi-mm i if .i inrii arid arnstk ah . Pi idol in, n, i ;■• no ]i i.nci psiliiaj p. tin- sta'Pr. in dp art-, mi! to mj„h \n eai l\ aedboiiti on m is'inodm-i 1-111, j< ,u'-l rinpus Liotan' armn 1 rh.a pevon o pasl- oil tin o] ai'i.'.ilnni of j.. rfo.-m..inii nn the hii-ane— Hid tiphim.11 -lii-t-p a bin I ot p-rlon-.i 1t1 v it\ dial t- si it ierntin,ithie 1 see I \iiianl boxp lb i rmt Linda Hutcheoii tike- the opp Pi po-itio'i. i j, 11.1,-1 j not on bosun m, pi a, eminent, . ir la. haiolooT, bp, on p atmoderr. irt. Huti boon stosartisfs s leepimi.^ th' - sub' ei -.n e pi ojei t ot tile,'iisto'a. al j\ ant-gai de la, tmak riinnnm the hi-u. pi ire.'i ales of h, iiir<_. oi- bnirahsrn isee I inti be'in b<>\ 1. krerliit Jameson 'm-lhies that m 01'.tim ulern drai ."rh. mji k-1 has be, am a -iihstitnti for it't'l!* m 1 hi Ma es r.-mah a 1 .anna -d'ti as aim o! th. itrrn ■i lMehides -i nhiii lt-elr'' 1 see Jameson bo\ < Tin se mm%s ai-s. m 1 e.isib, 1 eeoni liable i> ittl -aph 1 ither - lm1 this ah'tlif p . e nlm.i. e m .111 radii tmn and vp i.-.tu ism i- a h dhmirk oliht nosfmodmm. Jean -Francois Lyotarcl Performath'ity and power lh sbbcm 'spm eat o'dm po»m''i ikes^hepe. P '.•'" b iie* m 111 v eoon ,A--i-f arm it at>; hat aop :r+e:five \j rtahon ard good m--e ete it 'eepbs a^er ;;ma m a-ia dm mo' on d e ta-n ,~j fi^b- etncieaey, an ! r;a mates th . decienc' c t1'-- nas's ot ^omnce a , ' haw. h is sei*- ejiť-natmy, in The same oa, a system ata^ni^cc. i-asmo ue'fora tare íaonrolian -se-ns hr 'la a ;t .s pmciie y th'S i me of '"cn+S't co.etio; im e. atnerapzea r .me rjpzd"!'.r m' 'eC'ůt> 'l"ay h im h-m pert7 --•nativity of a,1 itmraemp be >* címmtaďm 0 ere .riptim, a . mase= pi-c,'ra-tmt nil, ť., d *■ an runt ai ;m:r''iat.on abeet ts rerp,ent _,re has 3; at - , dream1 Thus *ne 129 j i;1' *; e-i -"in' "i+ r-i i a m , t 1 a -i " ) at I or -- i , t aio r- loi' .'i oi n amtnm 'I p -a; a, a >-m ty 1 >h. a j1 aQn ta ^ „ , t- ,, u,,_. iLm pccm',.e ■ )p r"|-i ■ ina,'i imb-"-,a"'a i"- 'an",i^i m na a a » „, > i ip i -> ■ i i > t >ai a .-m mi n -ad a i's a> a cm'^n ,, am' mam, ^th, rn i, i r D1 - i i 'ia i i i aa ame >-_ ' 1">''C ' baK r" m . i -re r, i — ii xi i- v i f 1 i ri',h> pm - i Km--.-, c ^Ltj'-S'af r l |,TO1- t- a ' ,,f *,'| |t" ! - || ' r '-i ' i. ' v 4 tap o ti Hz a o f tm s an ^ ' j ' ~i •> a ' .i - "il>=> i 'jim' 1 , tl! p i i Of .a 'I 1 i J ion ia I t'o'1"! ' i i- ~ i i1 | 1 j i aire e< i nil v ■ nes to ju * <->\\ i 'h jh center a teedrk Jameson (1934-): Marxist t uilural» nlie and href- nr ,,(■. , , , , Cm in nam ■ 1 id lafni t it Out r tl'inn a\ ^utli a •! T>i « m a i i a a m anm ■ om m |U m 11 m , to 1 ttne'sisi' i tarn i ip fu,>!tn'»> 1 lie n a, ll a "/farm ,p,n Tc Vi 1 f'"' r /,* 1 iiuia Huttheon (1447- J: ikanatlnn lit jan ''in, .niueal f-ptiMc Jameson ihianiM ,i!idPi'k-,an ,^8?., 1 !\>u u >,; /'mm,, tmai 11 /iP?r /5 pOStmorlei ,'1 W\ . t^bS') jn.l /k/•"«,<. /'eep'i.krnna. ( Jit)' a^ in iijit md' 1 1 m ant' e =1 , c. 1 'i' aii nje tiit 1 -rl--i ' s 1^, r-n ti " bib a 1 " ' c al tal < 'ti 1 'm . e, em P m tl , £ 'h- .e m t 1 t m t! ir m, t '" la a- , is t 1, 11,1 r.1 , a n +1. a ■ , tK- tin ' t ° 5 commodity and the el fort to make it transcend dself. t Postmodernism is the consumption of sheer commodl-acatioe as a process, i • . .-I tulturaav. tne preca idibon tn p . - .1 - - lait , 'd1 tn1". ,si , I >,-a h- *..a teri,,'es a- '. ,i 1- man ^ „1 fj om e ii "maa ,cp , fiammi t'm> mf" '- j.960s. .-i-ac1, riceva ,i\ ; it'ia/- t"tir -i-r o'tn -r 1 r'ip^ man |«»,.m'.ni a , -t onm> ,-,isin or ot a,'.Hm'iiirM: ,, those 'mmna sta | 1" .ul°3 t-e 1 '-hew Lcjp-i 1 tl, 1«;.' a l r tl » vartime m a apa it u 1 om cmh 1 - I 1 t in, m-t \ 11 -j ,a , o 1 fcj "1 fl' 1 ' '-1 ,J ' "'• ' l'ri,n n'"d been 'ti,i- e-i a, eh n- aim u 1, (, IM arable ~ 1- .am . e ii'.li'e" mrhm it 1 m mmr' mm cs (not to| a'h< di |msf e,~ , s pmrvii my'p" t s era'•on fi t r 01 1 « m l"0 me1 ,, ic I' . u at a I m-thm t tnr is ,s*m s 1 c ^tt te fed iv 1 1 1 -,a\a p, ,i.,i rr,» i atioi 'in rl' ti m "|im,uim. m j"iiitiii •11 em Hi\; f" " , a in a thtr \st up.," '1, 1 ric <|-' '* pm n a 1 e natuta p i,i n 11 al ThPM m 1 mitatin. ,e tjo-pa -1 t tt,. ' in-e e '" - tl ^ m m, cf b e ;-m en, , a t v 1 rst -.-itit " " tie ea r1 m a 7sot ope pi im 1 '" 1 ' ' i 1 -1 i te ' . 1 11 'met pojt 1 a I. mt\ 1.30 r fV,s'i*';\ r'i, i I - Í9,1 °cA', eimom, a Am " , ,m. m. ar i a.e A i a iA m » > I ' , omef ■>! i a, it") m'-d m nut ■>( tin-dav. - * i1' , i = 1 , > •• a if ' J'" 00"- 1 j*. h -' -mimm,' i,i J-, i ;, 1 ->(I „ J ,;,a ,].-.-,,naS- i ,, - '!m , " i am'; j-_. mcem t ■ tím" ■ \tp . it 'n.m-h. ; han it p, nm. * m. ,,, .-in- m, ) il and i' v , ' • ■ 11 "tíam T" , j ■ i, j a, a ra, : , ■ < , n i. j ' w niaa.*i k , r'lin r\, ipi á, ■ ra ohiimp the , > *ru < " "a "ii"1-",, . m-f m n an r_, ij "• la «' a' hi , ■ ■, , an im; : d 'e': --m aimb'mr ,-siibmm tlíte „.ir . ,.-1, i' ,e a "., 1 i in i ala-i i -inn • s- , el ■iinji.i Maidi,. " d •>•- pi. aa ..111- lit '. r. autm short -,j . m 1 "form m < eiel "' r mio '., pi.i.noi, -pan-, "', i' -M>n> ' onieaai! a-, im oi oovies e o • a a. Va'.oa ' ra ' 'o'o mm , a-,: , a : mmamm , P,,e m\ P, nm m -mm. a a tm'; la n t- met a, i,; ef t 1 '" . »' In "* i. f'e'C , a a. - , >ale( '>, ai p- la.a ať .■■ ,id nbiimhipí. ti-.-rs —i! I.i ks tlOSt m ' -m no I, m-diími it, - m ' e em -> t . < a ml, ■' b ,!t. p. -.or li l airr, ms nlmhtm; • i im pinrr their iv , '"a "-< da1 yc .' , ' ~a a m • i f t , n -tact I 1 dď m mien, oi t ' S, , i m, mo j: m, tee, me,' a', mp!'-1 ' ' dm ,f i m m -mp- ,t e, ,;moi dim, iai,,n, , ■vom-"-- omA;r nam a, meamn . >. "he I O! Ji i'" iim , >^t,.r np, ,an,o/em, atid the',ri/!r,j tiie aon\t. t'.etiee -m a, i'-,'. aiaaad" ! m a t ot po.i.mod. itan' 'such a -i,i a' "ir'il"'1! a: a A*1- - ar i,, , a1'a j m de nm i_ - si ' .llap-il • a pi, a "uval d, p.r, Pu •-h • -m taadi- ■ ado'ia-i 1 ir,a a, iimipada.'ta A'pF " arVmio'i mAminm. tla > a. ho m hli'o and A' r-lotlc ■> ■ -ca o'ma . a.emmd ,'5a mAa-.; aa i,'1'5.,'! ai, nap 'a v. m'.mt 'to' thtatm Anamnes," m*y' r ma ; dm aim >' mmamdrm" 1 mi em, "r f!nN' "a i r, art A ,a \pt i >h' ' uidn-elnd ,iv .ions si,,1 arap m i m ,]o mm •<-{•/, t , ri r r ca. tt, j md m, i d ids . -\- ! 'ainli i told th, fdmm : s. rtu. pitrp> >se oi theatre is "to hold the mirror up to nature," Representational art ot all kinds is based on the assumption that "art" and dtfe" are not only separate but oi different orders of nam' i (e o ;>r>ii''ii ai ' .' mnou". Hip <'■ ' ■ hpmi' tits ic tlui'i iph', idio. ,aid d,^ met j i dm "'.-'rttii ' 11 aiit a můj tiii ones ( 'tm-tnn- ao>>,.. . om •■: i-'ni? eaaerlv \b,it a t- no i a is m man e,m 'rO"-r,i', ,da, a 'a,, bm ,,i is. a ,.. a- ,-n '' a i j m ,', — r i m i il tin ; i i o'dd hi ai, h a tbnm ,m an '• ai- "In,io a 'Vie o mh. i ihiire . > -i!tm a' mipmai , s ■ d piaii oopi,. m, md mm binp'1 : iojmbeie*. Fa lore pbot'em i-drnmii.-a 'i„'lu: " and thir. a\ as 1 dnmp iini di ommiii^ ibt inntmuij i n brmtn 'n th. ' paintn p" i opno lotdd !.v- "i.idi ot pin imps, bm thi-si- .a.m. íooí>. r aa uti, b ' a 'iv. da,, a nir.ari ■" i1 i t o-.tittid d ei: i' a na a, irt/i .' > • pro In. to as i ,r to'-pern s. ,, d r mm the ,,_•'• >tt -tana n ttird !,m !o.j,., 'A'm ep;atm. • ,r a . 1 ...rmtf's, then \\hn F -... m iiiainr me-tKUi,, n,i.|, hon. di.,'e Im an "rijiiial.' \nd d i --. -~,s-,. 1.,, ,-d ' rot hs, o A, a da am or, tr Aann A- a prnthtba' p' .sam >s i- an m iptmil. v, he b one the h st ' An tt.e i ire h,a i Í, thi m. ti , ntdi n, mill iá,,'t,,t 'ton ma.l' b"om 'he n, ;i'.iu'm tin best emit a It, Anna] point ot i ^ 'lit.!"! oomdvm. I'll'^-li's ^a' -a ponl'm m abotir \ A ,-p,. imn that n" is rtmiivď i ,m with tmpard to ■. d,it s ,'ioi.s, i-pi u,pA pnhtitcd and e, o i.m p.mtmp h. .ame ,m\ troahb m photopn-jphe. Walter ■ bo"- mio>K ,e bib i,ononis- m,mi nah'i o-iiraa", lite Benjamin, -aiitmp aooia ''tin in'tl .,rr m the ajje oi a i - rbanm Km1 tak. ibid, -on l,.,,,u , o. bna -. 1th t- mmlmm ,! i' ;.,.|L up thm piohteiv If then .. • i o ',i'-*isi,,pb * "nd.oimi ,:a a I ^ a d. t , e , . t n , ,.]-] o-i -d, tluie .mild be no "pimenem" '>'■ A'umqti. a.-i ..-onak or! --" mm-mo s,.i i lt\ i nam.. 1 -.. "SV-Ji 1-, t \i .tenm-A "ad no Aa.ivb s,n rmintiinp tile ari",or'a usee '".b,. i mo', s m, mněl- p-opapať- tin tm. in. , t i emat Benjamin bo\ i Flu- d. ;to stitieat.ori or id and in . -r, •' -t.,i' s m mi tlím m d.. the np anedmm.s - A, imph...ttoi! oi ill bturelpi r.htet-, nit bnbne thi V,m .aid ■ - ,p i, ..m iito a'oip-'pr m mittieimj.-i h-t. at > A "tm i.;m..u v, e ,..! ,d d1 had I'm t mited f Ae poo llahm i -mna jin i -mplt n,n i ať, ai "i en ,, e. ,bt , ill ;'i,ii,tl, tmnbi n! ao" ihom h.,s .nb-i ,* '. "folio the m, dia ihtms rh, p.ihh. Inualimí- ol Dut o, iiommi ha. tm s, in, oi lumli.r . mip'na- ttons iiitrodueed be digital media and bio-technology, it. ■ to a,: ' t oiimre- . J di mi i. X31 i >.]T> un r" ,i -in i ti t n 1h '. llll'. I. v'l <■ e . š J s n- n in , a1 , i >, n i i Píim m t , U, • ■' ■}• , muk ' < it bi..t. .i! a- ' -\d. .i .lit i - i t.U'*,' .5'' II 'í íl' 1 .i-t, P - III ]H 1 !t an 1, ,m. ' í" ..n1, muated i ľ.il: h. ..m íi" -' ,:n ig -a a P aiK la .a ."'i - . ma'ai • 1 i.i i rm-p au • mb- ■ i.|. i ť a! u. s , .\r. n . !-p. , Ci i h- '!,i |-i-. a (L.umm •- i. • .. al • :n -.a. i.i a. i ii -b t lnn'i In,!! in--n im br , meim.pu, .m ilnil, nn • Tm.. 'niUli -U'i -n'- ! p.iiu'í 'i"i.i.-.i -a i ,ntmn,. i , a. h lál i . i -ni. - ah- - lb ' -i a. -a -ií h i ' a , i i>. n,a i ' íl mu., n . •,: i| ."K\. u ' It, hi,, -u - -J. i n i, I,, g;, • Ľan n ai b n. ,-, , íu . ->. , i , pn, um • n n t, ,. ,1, . ,n;.! '■ att , 'h. . ia- a, h ŕ] lai'.n í .., t n i a. ' -■ ]"a: 1 ' ,ľ a'. J" i , ľ „p i ■ i-i.ľ j inn'- Inn. i a1 i<, 'n , Ii n nm . ui s a, n.'nh .ph;...b "m,, (, ihľ nb.; luv In ,ui ' L. 1 -•' , i nm .s , pi ,,■ i .u, n i a,-, -nr. i'.n,,.; • ,a ľni íl..- menil m i.u.hi , .; i m m.n im , rm 'i'IlUi'ii 'i.'I."1 e pmn tin-adt n m,'n, e lia! , e ] Pne, [, ,. thi - i n t n i'i a n \r. a '-n'. • • i í '. i s n,,,, u, ", , iR. ■>! n pin5, i.(In. u p'., .en. : i.ul i >m: a,,, tí . r ih ' n,h :„ť n ..nn i .i . ninpi -d . •> i n. e nem \. ... p I>v, i^hl i). !a-< iihi.ner , nm-.! ,p„m-! in d,. i'«-! hu , im -et tľn-nhf,n«..- ht>\. 1 \|'.;ni r fa. .ifi ;. nn". m. - t. -.n. i e! n n.i- il-' i 'n- s. - )t n p1 n. • i m, nm' mm s .,i, n i n' i ,,Ti t ;>■ , -. i num ■ ai ■»! ,n .m , I j i >, .hi n '• p-- m 11 i mi mu p.t n h "> - ' n ..mapa-- 'm !".>ii p . 2-194$!); í umi ,\! .run ,s . ni md Hthi'in.1 u;< t. rr aj,.t d *un ď n. t h. brnoe , I e- , ii ri,r et an i sp en uiaíľ let irv f-oni i'u i\a. i-> ib.. >,. n míla. hai ' ihnes im laba ■? ŕbee ..p., ,u-t r.n.oVia í- t. bi'"" b im! "m.m n , Plími n i n, n ,| ,*ti , ')ľ- .1. ilh l>a\ ight D. H»en h« m cr {!S9(mÍ%<í). t|ltma..i,iíli pr ,i.s , í n, t!k cíníh d -> au - i i n j ta.ii jt, 1 >_pr, nn t fiinni, t .j. i m f im. i dm u ti 'íAtinti ,n- i. ..' íbt .iit.t ■• 'h, U .-st n. pt >•. t>. j .t- it ť" t n nlľ) .a- 1"'ti ,, n i itíjd bi i el .] i nmd i.a.n ni -i i m-1 jo mílii', ju " ate .s i. ut i a - n . 'm. a " n P ,1 132 ,c -t tne wiiítary-u]'Ji:sf!-;3l cj<>ip!e> ana" t h ť ícientific-technolocucii enté rr ' of oj - \\c"h' , j íf.cS I',. c r! i ','vii i i.,.e l 'ďed s' j'"' ' od ,c amo-, '"o:-, . du--4 d . 1 out o m, . ; L--f ľ, .enaehed t; < i eat i o",' o ir n .11 it a n ■ ic ■■« nc-ť", o' ,i. 3; <. 1 *dom. ' !>iií;.ij' eeuon et 3-1 uni-itv: • i, -maľ hshmtnt d.' I a large :o' mri I am-ms 1 p.', iľ ď3 A 1 f „ j" a* ,,e ■ ice Tm tot;,, mf eect - ecomnn.i,, ohťce! ,,>'•' ' m - ro'M-eei v cit* eoí. sta A. >mns- fi • vofi r';oi:r> uma cmer me a. dk rar 010iľt t! e a spe>-a:i. c m ■> p ľ cb.eiopr ,eut. vti im , ,1 -a ae*" f .a ta o p. e ľ 1 f. ,s r m a nneaL oaa C: m , . - cm .e-, ami avel íiaar! ,-„ e o- oaJ; -c 'ha ,ery sa tcta> í cf O' r sem s w as o.i.ľr as od "y.ucreae'it, oeM'.stiíia'daaa'i ,st+í e a, mís [ruch e ante r; ikme _t iľKAnor sunr* y: rrc.mht i- ,1 ď >'v lea'.otda roioo ex ~he pot("'iihj 'T' :rr e omu m-m-m aisr ai e 01. ,vei m ,sts am. .-." i per: st vVe must '-phivve ah! y thi. cernbe tator- erda, ye- í "n t . 01 ďmiocmit,r icoomse- A'e si c l si tare ncthng toi air.nti.11 , - i'ei» and 1. iOehed"jephie e l.zeiT-y eai'toatoe thecmnm o-sl mi d ,'njep "tiiae, ana . .ap, acamep.' of a? .. d, re. pmcemi mmheds and r;aa:3 so dtat sev.ui tv and hüe' ;y may oopa trpa^e . i >. to ai v' larat-iy rnspoim dm ty the swp^ph n iď a t ce- h. ear i,.di..toa -r.,'i' tt\ tu-ď-m his tent d1- techno agical 'at a ď)ľ a 1 ieceai desades o . .i in tho nnmut en tesea -'ď- na: otec ne ce>!*' d, .t 'am ntc.o i pe- k-need a • evombo '• n f. e cos tue* of "-seme, > P r. tl, he ,,aoH y xw nace e a-is ■ e, r mi a go> eTna'í ..-' t hecem es endiul a -uhsťm e irr i'1*.!- ďmt iai unamitv, , a me y oh) e'ackľoaím ds^,, -><■■ »mw h< 1 on es 0t ieo dronic com outers. •tnrasfcc: -fdo mnarioi r f plf nation's mh. la-s tp F-ecerď miitdo* '"cCt eiopii id^c itiom, ard t ^ povre'- oi a,aney ■'-> r esant and i- gt'iyei. m n*-, ecarded '-f., 1 he'dm ( sc ndihe rmcdiJ< ard t. move s' h. mt as m strnad mm. ysj „p ale-* tc dm ea na, a"n opposite danae'- "'.a' pub,'c pc1 cy cocen nseif he-oiee U e odpime ci a •r.TiTic-ter.hrioioqical elite 10^9 tt°c 1j r--., e íCd Ar-dr-m- ťa t a- Ai ,ei o, ,1 Fecp'c, ' lo3.h 40 uiation B^tp.iima ems ;, aiiiitp' oeaarti, i-at \miat h<_ did mu ■de tlu-oitďi, a! tools Ui 1 xpioie. -u- "stinalation.' m il.iiioti r-presentation e,'"h and ivpro,lucrion i-to f'ioh'p'cal i pi oiíin ť'011 uiuil timane, re Bjiulrillar.J b<>\ J o '..on as , , i >in opt ' ,i.tio,,es t, 1 m ob e in the to, enpi -nri.i \ \\ !he h vi 1 "t riopaiat i lib ore, simukiti in ;s ti 1 Um) to 'y, aim" tele- ;s',,n and 'a -,.] lik " ado i n v t \ -in u i "itk m, 's m ilk- i i pretense nor an imitation, it is a rend, e on oi' . . it -1 ll j s „m ah, r Thar rnak« k son nlľioiir perh i r p: rPr'ii.ií;', -. A v ioned she< p 01 a kli sumy dnt.abaíed ,itetl?iK ou *lm intmant is r.o a 1 opi but an" in a them r tn aih ii.tmitv serie., 01 it >s a "eopa ' hi ,1 thi 01a tu ah. írhutu si 11c.. d':ert ommdlrh-m etise loť.oan 'k opi" and "on^iial." í h. d, 1 i'ion „hnut c, la thľrtos.iil 1 .p. ' Uu ;ko ídijníľ/im dala an 01 >pinat or 1 i ira 1« a niatti-r <>! i(íi-olop\, ,,oí n| an. .llltcrenee Lmtvo.ľ'i tin -1 tah d 1 i'pn.d jiid ihr -o i a'l,-d . "pc. On. , in d- teiantn ' íh.i. 'iiisi ' in ckrmio;o.ds si and t \on lee.d tet nu, m tlm oiii-Ts ham dmu. Nit tin. ď-term,ram „i dopend, on knowhdo- oumi-'m the símuupi.>n Ihne is iiothinp indier, nt m 'he 1. ,d - t! at ted. v bethel it v a> T/ie uhase> of muging ť em ď . '.PC 5 'CLf-"1 ,. pi p-p' j- i p íl p l(L ' p íl e pt.pi t r oi ' o" j ""- P-y 1 i t_i.s a I t . "' 1 öfz C , ,i1 * - P p Oe- 5 T' i i 'p '.p , ,' Pi p ak m\ it íi' nP 00 pípv 0 rl / "V .' pu~,Pí v Í' "o I • p--- _i 'O ''p t J i a-e ti s; ppPi , i, _.c ', p, p -vopaiap ' -t,'c ,'p", ,.-J -f 't'p i n oi i " p' i - t Oi p p * íi i p oi"', P i- op p i/ei aip i r *-'-)= r, lei " j 'P ! lU 'C" Ol|1 "JO- 0 í ',I.H,.1,>JrlP'-- P _ / ľie jiiPrdio ,r i Tlie ŕo i"ľ 1 ■■ 'c-pei ii ťf L'dTo'-ai ['f".- ' p ■ o -'I P a 0+ -,p on o. lot . s o- 'P-rm r, "í m \ Moml'' on .-. iiip Sin i r.iitnii ni pl .lií.-.T n v'hii, ,tn , i 'n s- pi "o 'mokmi! N o! i P , kom sir'i ,i- to. bs' djo ľf ku. ,t \" >,k- m-• ps, ,, i- h.mhrb m '• 1 -p, 2<'b ' k toniplľ aľp-i inom trom ju ' k' pi.-trp. oi m top-a, ,p. < 'v,!i. i. t hen is no Piknik m ? i,|,(io'Iľi! ipi-rhttll i-i ítidiitiii jiľ'hil'l^ !i ii'n.i in aoi ak .í i - pi oiil.' .m t ui m , lo i iien 'i ! ."li pi fP núl..p P a tmj ť p. -tmimnp 'o •a'.p.ilalii'" bs Baiľ'i liíai il pi inr. -"'.i, • p. .son po o mjmp to im -ak know s -he i-not n alh a I- oil* -oiamm,'-mi ilit ľi^ 'kliioi n tuiíh p'oibi. istila s- .upturn- >t ílu ílhn -an.t m so don i p "i s", n k i s-^r Baiľdťillai (1 box 21 < mn 'la s\mpt ans a-pi ar Tu • n no v a\ lo di-u ipnr.-n si memm \. jl. I- "sich" iKim s, n aer >[!<■■ Ulli . p sil k. Fht OH italioa UPI k- i.inbea.b ipooi b, al!\ (In Lo. "iniiln' i siend itioi o ni :ni^ plai-a. l'litnom.aioi'ipn dk, da i'sim ti - •. • In , * en omd ani tupm.' tasippm1- mu p i ho ipi.e mil In 'kn -imu' i*i d din, -.-, and hi i u ,s,íh, mmi • tu-.sda a. tad A I -a,ili ;ppni . ait m tie i„ \ t i ip| ta, dm is "ul -i bdbmmh a,i \ hai d-vni ms du Tb, '-ham m t < ps i < a t. im ťc bi e s .ju i;p t- m -smpailp niln dopita n, n tvis.n si-1,1,1,,, t}K ba, s n mm- ,,ph t d"t si,i p > s,,.k nt r m it imi ílu ■> mit - ti - prti n' ind ai s-i do!"p mt-m m rs, |t ,, ,j jl ,e oilier way ponnd i Death aivf >;fe v n the internet m' ,pd, I'J IP'iO I nmo-m hhmbe S- en; -b" m-' -p' _" '-Pi'-c I, sa'd t j n -canal : < i a f' U n' "m , si C I s''- p C i pp'" . -Pi ' C"1 t '\' (.• ■ i~" au '.e 'mm, !' "a 3-, ' -aa p, - dm \ j, tti,^ n si pg' ii-sbpp' ' m ;! c m :n a n" m 'Smaiorp^- bi- a r ,,, r, p.'pP r- , ,.,hp,i ľ,, py n,|,.''PCI ber, neo b > • .,<• i f-> tl,= S'íe m - , 'm o t'h p^ " po to *e, m i i im krevv ■ J , *f e , i 1 -d " no' "p ,ji ',' rpi tm rhone, Íri' I oppc P íhc" S ,' itll CIIPpl f n e ľr I as ai i -~ i o~h j L L"l '!!"-", t ij-.Ij " " se , .-p end , íle >i?-, c c, m -'ladí sa ,,,n m ,p , ,, i;pti, c * ''h1 s neattae p 'ho čí so pom , e ti k m a sr =iJ, s mi,' " - - c! j = ■ ,, n a ibmihe'. so"-0 im ttt p 'ma C'pci rfi.t ľ-' íb mi",1 ".at apa r t1-,- í>mt tc -sf '-pi, . p a. iat moa ,1 o.r to ho a. 'Mi "ate.s letí ml fact _a '0' .km U-i : cht0' fhe d 'OP' 3',"0 i ,'"o 10" , beDpO ,oi a p„-,£o. o e ppp i ak-1 - mfmsp aaa •< ',v 1 s tm a capaami v e* a 'ŕm\,1\ i- :> On a town i.'.ii' s j p 'P ^ ,|0,fi p,-,a Li Aac ma 'm,-u -oi as i- as. *-ip V, ' 1.1= -,-pi.c •'1,,i "h, 'ha 'e"eyed 'pH i- '.jer--.ha aen í nad eeap mo hehe" p "h. p ha , dul a im po pi'p im j p Dbh"! , bp s.t J d ' non, , h- pee c or r;r e m a |r o* ď-t-, er* ,mp ' ^i,e -Jlnd be loth- c a ' omrip ,,mi was ľ1 heca-o1 s m'hic" tmí ; i eta' cimee c a, a io' non; ,ir'e ro.b ataomj d mr we t)B' m I i ta- Pa;cac pci-cna tmi a i ccq tirse aho ruiaa f apa " 20''-, '-. bi ben _ tr at E, >- . t'cae,, ' F' ,.t Ľxoosed," i-2, 5 PbytOfbvb>TIV-Tí p. Baudriilard •j.'.ing 10 have what one doesn't :s; ,\. ve h, to preieial not' o Pave /..ha: on-' nay 7a shop late a, to Vo,, fp j p. c p;i ^: 0,y- ha oh, One ii-ynies - presei^ca a*"= .-ii ausercy th 1 the n.-ap,.,- 0 met co' :l, sai-.c *o s'nt" 0 an' amply ic fetan: ' bai teoue y ho khans a' 00" iinaa:,' go to tee an.; ,nake betieve he is i! . Sc:"eooe -aha saiadaies an •i;.-le;s p'-od.vss :a bmsef some af ?.,(••*" itEmilP Maxbaidiei! Paul] Littreb Tin* teig-bng c Jkslr.saptipy kayos the ."sanity pi income intact; b-e :■:•!> r- a!wa» n dea- i+ k orb mashed eaityeas slain eboi by-eate ><, ff dbfeteh-x between tbe ' ba;e'' and •','' ■ 01b "aaaacarj."' Si'cetbe sitri.'ato'. p''0dacer 'brae ' sya'ptarns, b,; b .a ask' He csopo: cc hy-arcr; ob entire'. ■r as ilk or as not lib L983- Simulations, 5 .. .VLiximilipn Paul l.ilttv {1801—Si j: (-tench philologist best known for !eb tketionart at tbe branch ianeaiajje, omimeal b ■ ; al-a Little." roccss < an bo o\itd;ie aith such intensity and conaiction that she ■-. -nds tin protons, that lirsl i-iui utc'hzcs her pel lorm-. ' !no protenrk, tiitn ,ii t=. then simulates, thoti arrbi « a a! real lilt, A kind oi oxpeticibial liiobies strip is " rn.e 1.1- this m oml in al lib-"b oal tile" .-ael 1101 r> ai lib ? Hmv tan one teílr This ran be a iepai elhacai opae-okai as ranch is a pinlosoph-eji mo, ao tan be se, n m the simulated chihl pariiorTapie, oa-.o a. yueii he!<>re the US >uf>rcmt-Court in db'O! (see Lipták hoxp T lit ^ypn m,- Court niltil in dihd> that snnuhitt (1 1 liilil poi nooi apli\ v, .is pro tc-i ted tree speech b,-ca(ise no r- d chihiioii n.ele exploited, 1 So-.ce-, ar, Mliu- : qc!4 in the UK "bitleoeoi pseiitlo-pUdLiiyrtipl's'' oh philth-ni aip pi ohihitod insi ,^ p j]K v j,-c. actual. -dam LI p t a k Is simulated sex too real? i'. "he scpsce-hcoo:i thnb-v The /biarrb' -seana Reeves corrbont; a futiae in p.hicii eainpiber-generaitd '/a-tei.?! teahry Is only hKhshogpynpnle b-oea oidbiaiy expei isnee bat also has nowet fu! i-eab.vabn consegnences. Last Meaday January .abbi ]f *j e Siij-ieine Court aoeennceri that it vtoubi *o-'oa' W. reeve: into trie vi-taa, realm by agreeing to hear a case oor.renhrg wrethei ancan-:-ly ;eabst!c digita. a-nia'aty is of chadi-en involved in sext.a! activity sroe'd ta»-e rea'-svor-d r-ar-se.'uypcf;" 0* up to 30 yeais In prisoy 135 1 !>r- < im lii'n.icil Mil.1'- )' no i.hin.l: J r t\J.i!i[)!lJ ill!«. i.U'U de'O'gH, d . :!.Oi"l.l!!lK,.'l t eovrsiin iin-ni- .i*" li". 'Vi'iU. Dimm p.aik-. u iul ning e.0 \u >, i iti'ij, ítala, an.1 ._•- Ji er <.>. ,be- .sec figure- 5. J and B uuiriil.inl box Rot, nniik i -'.siit— an.', tlu kit ,iro manih ^nuiL te an oř miioa itm-a-: noon ,.i.u,5iii'..nln puko ja .pok.ted hveciet- i:iadesigir •' n• -'iioníaU ."t.Mi.nah In ia' t. -om o! 1 he meet annular - m ■, .in- utr that a an •! ma a ie -ať.. ■ it e', en n dang m-"!.- nt^ j. al ih,inr-i:, in Ol ..mín, fig 5,3. 'J a a.on ' >n ' n a e>. r-m .an am a :t mm "-rf.2a2.ja ■ , jr.t'v fm ľ . a "i -n ra" -nv: mat 'e-ncii j n n am : r- at ihrndi Hem ei, am- dmjg md -iniukii mg ni.n K it 1 ( sírnu! ,m Ninm'atinj n.i.n him-, Bi t win,*- kiek-ď vain n eat mm* -iiin-tieat.-'.1 n..i!'.„ííaih na n-tomd vil! ..g •mli a- Cdonial 'rYuli.iim"nirg oi Plimo.h l'"íant.itían tg nn! nr.]. . I-inr. m. look like «hat tin -ite- u'>( í "re.iiiv vmi. i air r m plu-, t r siiied "ma rpi k n-r dir. en ľ' ' edmr-eil pcr-s n.'iio oime lne-., ih. te ote figure S.-í-i. H- te tiie purpo.-o ť- nam on .1 national 11, -1 ami ii tke mitd. ai edm .idon. 'd nnii Jiďl.i n a-, f'i.k.d - and morn thm no; -belong. .0.-5 0'- -".'•10-ic,- ""t-ina, .n-ri oatie' "oaai s To-r mmetu-e^ a aea-i Baudnl lard Disneyland is Minuťili d f .1' ..v, 1 he ľ Jv'.is ,s m et notedly a ".c.n e.oie the sova, " -c ocas.n, d i i, in, itta , 'ed end ••ene.oi.: reu I , o> hi n al -ee-ira, -h as delights ana drawbacks, i. . . I t a- aajeibive nrebie ot a.nierva, t.ien niavo.'i sen tn onqnotk 'Csroj 'and y er oa .at *c tne n'e/eac lojy a( 'art. n,M, es ci-ea'h bh its vainer are eaaiLee h°r'-, ír "vbat' i r ar J owe sta;, t".;.'-, j. En-r e • f' a ta pa: net-. L i Ces 'ty a id ■ a'Ij ..reea! d-e tact ihr,,, .t ,s tne "rem ' raeahy, ad of lb3 b \~ " £> ~er<;a 'd ch is p pphapb r . j. Dboeyierci s •ned as inayínary in o, ce ■ to maka ľs bel e,,c tnat íhe , est o iea, when íi í~;t an of bos Arpeles ano ti e A-ve oa ~",;i in,p 't a-r ne tnger reab ■■ li i o '0">p,ei- a .]i_iest;oa ib a false •"tance 'ŕ 'eah*', í irleulonv,, bat of tcncea. n; ďa b.cttka.í h : rea- 's to u ipei lea' i d 1983, Simulations, 23-25 ' . a :f pi.^oth na"fatioi i/hictc 't o alioave 1C? ' iaa tl t _ ,ebr arnO'aoce5) FK,. ,rh ea nacaostc i J >n nf '.ePilttnn .j.r 'P biesori-hryetra A repeat cc oi citno the.r, re5toiatior . • '" orthef.ľGiriai^nj.-tĽe.b jj'w-cnd y c rr-p„ľaor c- nea-eo.etly at the aast e.npy 'he F'ltamo b-eh p pp soeei tototl r 'o.ovare.ahf jp"i tne babOa oy R c-e, j s _nt Lio^r ď m.M cítbiti.e dii-1 tnentv hist aentnrv ..lutiľ hike pLue a* tjie V\tl of . oipor.ite opciaiioti-. . , .o- « npoaini ■,, and soitntiíio ovpenraenb.. Hert shnn-'.- ire rcplaciny; aetaai cents Iniame simulations arc -a .cíti mol e control iabk than i • a! iile, \kvlinc reliable .. on non aho.ut ia al Ide or hat m-a; knovan effects on rea! . i. karrt d h\ ns po^t-V com]\\t,rl-i War t nii-aitutitm an ntkhno an a-nii-, n jwt simulated war instead. In .au c. use conducted on Ml. Fuji in 2000, dOU Japanese sol-' a nyyd IDO ímatlni^ eneno. Com, main lei s vt arched Iv 11 íe o'er dovd-circnif telí \ h ion, oioliltonnp' e* t n rind r\i iianpe ot ijle.Tho s, iltbei - v v re at Hnila on. the oihaaij nm m o; \ lLiryj else small a'an o, artdb-rs', mini, s, rit;'LP's \ij> controlletl h\ the totlipiltcr .ajijgr.nn In- e,,is otic of the iiin-t en n v ludoiinea >-ai rt lie- ot ill's *. i. ar r.rticT -atci "Yv'ht n tau s c tone- -iilthers heinti "b and noma"' o'-; ľiphl ílu r j ho , .ther. P adds a si ice oí ■ isui pi the dull "The Lis Arin\ a'so use - simulations ■ o- veh hu' keeps n- «mk unikl svraps. Portton- fir the iou.n. i >ik ot iht Ibaiboiial Simulation í pulet ar 1 ort i_t-c.u-iľ.\i>í tli, arc opon on b to those vhtjy s( curiť1 • Icnenct-. Tiie papn tkal yreeteet vjetvers in Jiliií- -bo-.wl a ohoto o! tlirea combat rea.K, my threuphr odiur ajip.-ar. tobt an \- aqi ca- K t jh.m iirban kantfst a->e th" -iť nav is titled ".\'b -ili 'nap and Smuhitior. btraport Ceo.u r' ,iti!-; the c<.p.íi,.n ti.atis ''Ojier liinii 1 liihinnp hrecíiotT! "< tpcrarion Jraai Freodom'bsee figure 5.51. There :s m. e..o to tt-h a\hetb. > the photo real i -r .j simuiatimi thoiioh .'i\etit!io ore, í as-Liiic i: t- a sbnui ition.Thc ľ.deml í'.nrt i,i of int est! pition ..on I'tiks rho naming ol lis apents on .'la Í-Iil s it.'i neosiř si, ^ľi-nhuin;; situations that che ap, at- 'rat hod ínems. Ivo, ,:, 's,ec Colbom-Roxworthy box oTbt '.p c t rnniciat is rar Ii iiillici.nb. oilitt iiitt-ia steil m simuba ions Prú iť ťirnis ohVi oniisr. in sJnniLitioii tiieo'a anal praoli-^c i'orho'a nuiiistis attď-li; nnlilai \ Arti.ts too^aploiL .anealatioti iiiclteho« ih -hornh. and paaadoxical sii oib|io\%nuif 'lichiccl h\ w .itcrbo.irtliai; lortuie ;see Braclv hov .and liglire j.hi. Ii ein oorealaft d pan s< oni % 5.5, tio-.-=p:ü;e v na vn tlatiC' be he' n äCOb 'e '"a phttpcpepn cf act,,- c a,,bei „r p,,t n s i-níetio, ~ ^naíceiapafat, r.o'k at ittoô ,'na?c leaa^rav-th .roly ''„,-ie v naca-'O pspo, 13? n;:y Coifaoro- Rcxworthy 77?e peria: mance pardú:gir-Hogan's Aliey .' Ar COhl I Ii-Ol " t (--r f • • i r- C; p H! r, ľt :'',eV'"|, t3 1 -ť' >-i '. ; í .1-, itt ,.a-Ola/J"-' "Of11 ~s "er'ti R' if a t,!, /•--, ntin ., ti h.IPi h" A Ml '\ O O'j ľtS t"t A;, vb ry < , p r I ' ,'uuli 'e. I ,"ŕ ht-cr . o e p freae i_ľ Ma a''m:<=a, arc sKA a' ' en" at the rAe ptan " caa ...-.nm ' 1 in! Reo 'r.Gii •-. Íra m el mm,, e. exil?- a! t, ai n j i apta.oee. i , i Tne l.ibC Ah boem o; Ihr rhl -o,.im ,» , - mP- : aeneg pioeraa u nA , c 2ä pdaem af t1 a roiľfr-.etcii rc mp'm.-Pn, n,at hit s ' •'e .-.tane set v.hei e the < ceem ;c-, tah raca Ho m.r, - ^be\. 1 i." FF! I fCjai; cmóTimtiC" 0" A-p oacl :'.':•>. t líc ,. " repce t: n j ii tApí m1 a!' v .m mm,-p,, e'/G'-a"' -ha tí ľ, A ľa, ''=>;hľi oť'ae pmc,Lmm' , ' e aioaw- o' Hepar, r AI i > íta FPA A> .iď-'" v m v ,,cce am,r> c in'fiľ wa " rate mjma , taoťttr1 ť rer.,c. . ■ ľ'nifps/ aa " uja- mhamme rionb"' .wj pe"t oho' na to- nsAves , I e a ,izm:p ye' ta.rbťoa it|ohm,r-m> ne ,sa F13 í 'n'e-o'a an' ten hast n. re e a/ ma a, 11; e1 't alore tne !hm.o >rfm' im-e am-, ear bím.Tn/^ bentn et m ,''e Lm"-a Ana a a Perfoi-'-;- ,ev Btnhhn'j e'i Ahcheí ľm oa.ii'A thesm Aesa.a'A'e siiid "aa.sp M c It i--o , n r k; A'nhl tVar ?s a tuniia pme: a, ti 1 oto'"'al : , b hon a e'!bei;>b' em h; a nrrtci n ftive 'ecu: ■:; vutt aaa I'lovoH'ige.r .AlAcA'tZ'e j ecle; hm emessm ' tdttae C'f tne neifor1" atier aa'-ar1 a i .».! '.h ra nieotea cveeappmi am, coe pe* ť,n a s cpp mea *c H"P ' 1 eoressp'e ' aatiip of 'hp jAcip .,e parataen ine emem mness af ttr h»í nai atlnire car r° ehre aal •" tc'-pp sPennnq1/ disncA rea'*^ C" pertm: iaica nah h'cKpcz'o e-eo-.aapes fit : in rearer m-- as -nhM'Jtc štíc1 'rte-'reiatcfi haiea"_i,í, :''jai"h--pie,,al [mri ji cam. /•! e Intitŕ; ar ť|j "'aai .na ai e-hic t icy ' '"eho'tal etna1 mrhtaaopl, * orifairiaoce 'arinip 1 ' t,.ľ ' -i r . at,, "M I ř tu'' h. , Aip' o ~ i '"a .o r i p;, - m '• h a i — ' , i y at a p t-PO Pg. 5 6. '5' iy biand, 2008. 158 F'rtd OlV'rV. IV!T ,- Brady ■<;' torture to art -- ■AatetboarHing , o 'dmara rp '-as res' ; f .-,•-" rip oe.ers.i 'mme'.j is. ck •■■ 1 face of a dmaa-pr ;c-cf,ed ,;ancj • .-amd bmmPb m.e ac.uai ano eeaa>iierS smtL n-rger-.y s..-»ce tnt 11' of Sepmn h"- ?Pp] •' .. . eo| acre, to bong a ate *<•> be brim, of clench aael beck iiCia slant v-ma 'a dme, materheei .Anq r. .] creem = .1 y- "a, a imAsiaticn A ''m 'V mm -her;,'- ton.a q m,; ,p.mji-,:,e. to tmm C|a te hi' ,-a'i», inn nei'ia: m-oeb,'mmn ■ em! clean.. ta'ata'-r.oT-Ua.q pnmkmes a im.oo Ptai 1: .n Pr-tv-e-'i e" A'p'-'Ci a el c< -pom" d theredcae an aeriee "=!rp,.f|i- ■ . ' *ac m-bei mem iteie ' I. 'le^nbp I Pp. some n "s p'as-i iaov.m'na;, a'Ae'doe'dma s recent '■\-,et/ V mas piacAe's c11 its ..adamse b"te'cea char p " eal e cl v.hat s "s p . ate h ' h'hr- Saaclr he'aa1:. sinaA-ted ,-v., P,e po>" orraance sb e.atcrbo.archny p-.a or.', ces 'ti ue' rptm>m, v/bich eaia'cays d+ epp..e'v If ad ,.j .a taal peaih ■ efebed D> b'ialeo ,p Nance, v., ;e "Dersoneeh 'en, w.mes-td et u spoe-'vced saterPoarblap cd imv-r-ris n* peeoie-' ■'■>- US Map..'"- SERE sbmeiva1, £ a-ma, ken-nance, and Escape. cAcd m 3jr 'J'ego cm raj './ated'oe.rdiey "the .;s -me actually A lima mid mate--' ■ ratne'-tnae at., I< mc' of s' meat ten, d'a teeer p.e ;ca,ec "-'mv act' -n -ipmcat 01 p. -aouge t np 10 contm -.p.ale tee - areat to ma'..p - Waterboarciing istneretore oertormative on several ieveis. de:2 Perea,'>;,ip.,m »'aatim ana dp '.Par cc Ac., a.p 125-27 p :p, the cp[iosite is also true - the reai t-an appear to be p opaA J Mailt ^ojunteiitator- nor. d thit real m jr.- a-. , .-.-hr la the Li's apain-d Srap in 'lA>d and aeaia -rarhrtt in • >"p or the bonibma oi lur/odn,ia in 1 d-avi jU |jpr. ■'• (i-ar.ics, with "--maid bombs." rmsaim, hmncbi-d from -mnees of hundreus , it hiiIps, ,ni! damatjes ".isv.ooi" • poied)h\ sat.dhti-oi-ser\ation. Si'oiiiai tons :aa the I triad and Ituttt 1 of ,\|n '■0 '"n< it, tore, .'iter, and--omi tiroes ii, place ol i^Ualhdxaa . s (>-• iAmtiatb aiai pv-pt t hnmitmion., on-pal, r -Annaiad, nr. Jem rate nsetul dat... \ ti\eoc-r (d'd0l-0ai sear--h . •! th, s (p Smmiip, the jourmi! of the -Anerman .\-soi iation aa the \ih mcpineiit ot Si imi^e, hrmip- up 1,5' ' mimles asip.^ cnndatains across the 'i hoh ranee r.t sei'-ntifi. ■i'tu:r-, 'rum aa 1» tics, chnialohier, sndmpli • uiar lu-dopi m a-r . momn; 1111 da idu , i arlhoaakc pimlmi ion. .uai- m,. a t . rix '"is^ of siniiiijti-is tiap.ih. j< in pt f-> tlie inueasirm -pi ed. r, dried sip . iiiidtm.e.'lia ai'ilitii s, and ntimbei i urn inn ' poo,v ..' , oniputer . s drat , amii -, 1 a.r "p,—tot ni h, trer" than Nii-mheforr The remit t- a cotijnmtion o* rarannei' ml, milliard, sut-ntitu . ami madennc i.tKiat'oi.s vdii'iv line "p^ 1 d n'mcii .,- priiieipL' js a coimafenation oi' 1 hi .r.o kiu)',\ hdei , atid powei Who 1 ontroh th,-.. upi rations.' i ]«,> ..h .nnnant piaseis ,-,i-p , nrpnr.ite m.ema toes, ;:i iipsih ..thciais, ndhtir-. brass and a>' irnnit id Pan „m rat- Tin ncekm.s prop--s''iP theoi ips and e\"pm 1-ITl'lStm imanchaie 'die iiutl. lie's devising spi-t iti, -imukltions ,iii-, rhi mi rkem are i"si,-ip 1 oi'Ti oha .-1 V hat us. i madi oi th< th -1 exj-,pi iip,nr- ot.tpuls \t ilie 'e A of p. palm > at- rt.iipi' and ,mt. '-nimikioons, .ir'nal realities, aim 139 :.i i ..V- '/i ," ri* r st >n s I n m m- ee. -I ton u nil. L[v]'k mm fh.tili it., i .1 'mi lI una .! h, i l. -1 -unu, pom -,)-■., ii ..ts sa.nij. thi,. 1 i . .-, l i if.t. .'id u.i.l. it.!* 1 '.'.!>'" ti am.- ,p - h , it -marm%t pi, .i-i'. .in i 111'. I i .1 • "d i-.ii\ . ..on, .-'in mi n mi . .bp) •% tl« n ni' s n a ,;n »'. • i myn < n ..I killing cmhans bv the thousands. sail'i[ it on , s nope' .in* t'i d" nns ,. .> ido ■. oh i gin1 r , \ cid -. d,ar on. up. , bran d ..o i e.l a < u oh.' is so.] ill etui, ' t t.i.M ni"! aha' i- '...mi oi i ,i,i III o'-ins'v. In, oit n n ts npupost , i 1„ _ n n ! ,'a' " ild tdtloi mar,, 'edi -ua' 1 tots m hoe\I .yooik 'I'H i. ii 10 h sip j \. ' j, u t , ,n i , • . n i 11 oh ,n. n , !! dis. ,i—s, ■■iK 4 da n, . lip' -s in ,( ] a.., it t, ei n n b,."> • i s ,s pi, dl, l\ |.. i I a 'la d h, , , a,,, poi jm V\ t ■ t n euitui"' th "' i o: k ' i' j t ■ i in t, d I h 'i' t uholK %\iU ant d ) t'hili iht "pot ungi iph]. '] st , a, m_d (d no' lull. pi,,-, tthttli Kilt tli.tinj.n-bnm t'1' I"' otah'ia V\ m . i 1 1- ''"'p! t .1 .] simul tl i i. ■. 1 lie in i,jn,iJi,i|ii). it It vt putt ,.tb 4" be e\pl . it b, ,r,. .'in \ 'k-n , . Iu0- S t a..r* ".nil .u-l\ i el ,, tl tint Ptdmegh P w a - .hi t, i n .1. rim ] "Hog; 'oh, m lbs It yea sens "| ],, m '* '.' lit ■• I if. ' i o, tin Its h't ; . mt l >.n p to i-e memo ra, j." i i ,-■ i . s'-s has *m b. Hi.'.'," m t "d it' ,ii 1" akoip p.o]- tin s. no ni lonpt i f'Pi ilia clei.n mm not s |1( ',p u \2 mP j koto n", dm a' '■ " i iduO-f p u'.ii-. Vaigt, > : aim Kit i.m ' I'h. i. n hai, sex on oir.ui. \\'iu:i f. t'i' tit d s nrj. tms poi ir m, aj an, \\ tr.terbeitoin i me imam., Mmaait "d,m\.r n 1 ('■ inn n nims ami rh 'iiv .,' s; • ne . idet'itp , k-ir the oitf ieif' Ke-llm \ t ,.. m Y\ itae. In'ti.aii, fh ■ it), in, ,t ' s n' I 1" -lin" m mm .m r-tmugpdot ■ _»e«* Kodru k bomi h tr nolle, i" •i-:p' i, ,j i'I rln kr.o.i j. dge til.." tii.- pi.. , iti'i '• 11 '1 'is".i iKtion put uhat'U.i happe -. however "real" in tjuotation rnarksr V\ hat assured Still i.t'l <'lii;cu that rliex '.art making ai' ami not n _■■ i • '.iet thm. be Pad o a,s rb.P tkm km o "'Vi,m id .mo n mi a 'e % as i !t stllie'il In; i, alt pendrlll him. the ,tt as, not" p' St^php' Roc! rick Whfii "sea' sex" on camera /■ a <=!iiij!aiion icto.o P, I- ' n I l\ r--an 0 Prif, oa +a _. af ' amps nipt only t'lre' tge.L'em.o- m-j fmt !|H.e se* a,,, 7u , p,we vas a qu el-get'-qua dml ss| .r and i-I g tl^bn,-! ■mm a'?. r. . i on the aiat tl:.> c* v ni 'g i'- the mi1 o+ itm i themnm ami""1 "i+3''OtP in Loads I, I- "i* tltP'. heh e^'M n~ = • hi ICI Pad /■, Ihte' k'jTh I ..nti ha, [\A0- nan emu', ''lul eaii ,j neht up tr a s I'e Ticii'W/ ic ai-mi,; tat3- " fK, • rteslatm Pre tvo rct.aa _ni i ?l e.l 'es'i,'P-.-.t;im'1ee ivlenr a r It =o ja 1 ,., ,s , j -aktai" nan ',atii(S'a*f 'J'Br °a i ecali t, It ./ms,. t etifl afte' I'.Mi Jat it:'i.l" ' td»' ! e T'isT i et ate ■="- aia' tj B - .m r,t fr o; ri.t'nn.i A a tela t tto ,. tt la t'i- m tha* ° bo-^yi - it d e" si a n Hm i a r"ii r 1 mi it , v ih e^ e\|d3i iec. a.i ■ ut tae i cha-^rtr-i- Ln t a ir* aaatf, emep '!iaf s'ie ■< an rmnraii jt., h in a 'kit timsc 'c'Psr. lie i u\ r ama-eak moa -t ' v/C,\'J he t >: a;caciei,r -ocis rottcert. I. . . 1 A<,, c. 'd ra| pt. t iro.ajia. a t,m s,e0i Amm, p'*'u.. up. hp..; to chaucc. He team manned aat e/ert'thaa.,' d' sava ^i-.Jei I a ,.,1! *t ' netOt.dc/+ . J > 'c he'Cl'phes i| o*| j i y s ,r , ,r,a>"'1 ni Oi tct Ha uad rpeci"qt .de.-s ut ho . at « it-i on' bo'l'rs io i i" sra h ■, a d tir.u: ai i t ,cn st „- a t J mi eer s "m tt . * -cn, a myl"U ;|iP,ij i» , »( rtulT ental.el^'- idea ta ' rsp» t ia p-rt I vpnc-i • u nm c, a th^ ,)el ea*-. mch i 11 of t ,e m. e ■°> Oi'fO i r " (> lilt ! , -" i I ill .I'M i j'i m' Z lavs"! bt it' '"ai'tid it ICiV |i v de^ tt t"e 1 s< , i - j t, s t a ; i, ti e oi vva; i .cnai .io unas m f-tea an t' mfm'msPt T n j o./.a the i'o ^ l a a xae at:.-| ouerp , ams emz, dipt' j tie '}• '/,t a' ' ( a ad • m, a/ ti 'k* +m a r it Ch, PC I, m ,. I, in i af pa m. m t I h '. a l n ca d it ft .g used to this?'' 20.O, i'1 J ael \Vi-.t— jopjiit"' ija'md, 2^ 1.^0 PER. ORMAl.Víri ., m, ... Most ol vVimerh,itti>m'•. tdm- are similar to '•' Vm-a,, 'r -i1" -a hbm, it hi km' either home mcnics or bmoamem , - Time are shot with the camera j'.mk lighkng, and .ohm • it'.iri ia,b per..-lent iihnmaker known h >r hi- irti-trv hue same time, VVinH rimtturn drhe.s hi- at too-. that .-■'Aimr ihm nor Winterhiattom (or. hnallc, Um \ imam--A ean , , inly mstinmh-b between ihem-ehis ami their •- har-. ,,-rs - ii. huh i el, iimrc are ana < hararnen, Thi- kind, oh rrealism h in line with cinema write ami more ii to we hi. im> iHjti to iie'iimi films, is this an euicrndna ■ -,.k-of -amthah'd tj;il> m -A if- idem icai opposite, re d -mauLttiom i': 'Ota vcritc literally "truth film" or "true hint" - is a melt .....m „akuu! otii'iu.itmn in iranei in -hi I 9*Ak. Linen 1.1 itnt a.r •> ose hand held cameras m tibn real proph up lomtion in e an -ledsittiat ion-,. ( in. ma aerite output mar he documentark s a.- t. f mm-, "some iieOtr known , incm.i virit. hhnniaki;s are jt i-hut:Godard, Jean-Pierre Rouch. Frederick Wiseman, the Ata^sies brothers (David and Albert), and Dorm J-'..- .-"-baker. Not •inly are i inetna. \t rite tiimmak -r- still «1111:1111;, m v.vfnntptcs to infhi.iice hiiminakhig. ! ■: -f.u< Godard (Í9J0- ): Ft emit ftlmmakei who hrought , i ---1.1 mriie techniques from the documentary realm intu iictjtin tih 'maonsJ Chilian!'- main works: -i i'eur Je scuffle t'Bo af/t/Vm '"/i,-, fenwcmintc( I )larr>cd fl'omaii, 1 % Alpha-All? (t%S), •i - 'VI i,/iio\i-i time, 1990), ř ire?/'' eí />jín. (i'ii.-m, j'iri Wen.o'anJ, o. in A/Am, ji' • \11me iPam, Jiaia hen. 20t>5). jmfii-Pieri'e Rouch (1917—2004): frenth filmmaker and . 'a. ip'ilogist. Anion" his inme than 1(H) illno: i/e.e un \nir iJA. a : ■. . . :A--iK !fc.fiv, fern > JneMj.l tU-mm i'>S4i, 1 hi-mque J en -• V/r a.itk a/ a Ainiwai, ť-K->l ), la claim ju /an (The Lum Humeri, ' ■ 1 -641, and ZAern iuf < i 984,. i -Acrick Wiseman (1930- ): Anici it an filmmaker \\ hrne -tail, ■a tot 1 \Aloiunnntaries:nckiik Anna iei'ie 11"-'h7s, Httfhed/iee/ ■■ AiSl. hu'pliu-ll IVt>«),/nr,iií/fťt>oK í i97V>- and on through a long r to £>.wsn\ i iaimia (2(1(1). fhvrzstic Violence 2 <2l'«02i. and The .-i.-A-*} .O'Ous). Maysles brothers (David, 1932-87 ami Albert, 192fe- ); American hlmtiiakcrs avh.j.s, work comprises a broad mnge of suhmcm im Inning Sl'hui > ILippcnnfj. Th: P.eutk-i m the IKi (|%i), Sakmearj t 1%S i, Annao Shelter < loili, anil )i>a>t;aij: Oeipriata Ckem (1^12, with Stt-an Iroetnke and Dt-borah fititksoim First the brothers and later Athett aaiih other < ollahoratin-s hate docunteiited the works ol Christo and Jean-Cbiule from Christ,-'•, Valley Curraw t i!->74) thr. mgh Kuvntnej ranee 119781 ami Umbfella-u, 19*95, with Henry Corra ami tir.ihant Weiniiren 1 to The Cjtcs i2007, with Antuino Pem-ra and Matthew Pnnzinem Don 11 Pennebaker (1923— ): American áimmaker whuse norks mi electioneering ami p>p culture in-, hide I'nmeit-v (i9f,0p Don't lock fe.ei 119,",?!, l/.nm-iai f,yil%7i. Ik- A ur Ream! 1 991al!(| fjajn_, Str-teh o! hhem (200-+). Poststructuralism/deconstruction Postnmdei ntsm and pos;strdCt urabsin ate the hases for ae.nle.iiic tdimiries 1 >!'pelbmmati\iť,. Postmodernism mid piist-lruoíui aiism mm «.;.'»• be nnderstond it the. are examined m relati'Ti to each other. Posina idertiism Is a practice in the etsmi; a,-is, ar, hdeeUi:t. am! perto) mance art Pei.-t sirmetmaib am a.k.a. 'ahconsti an. iion " is an ai adt-mni re-p-in-t. to oosiim njermsm.Taken together, tiim constitute pm-ictimas and iin-ories o? pertorm.itn.its. Bat these practice,-and theeric.-- are consistt-ntlv ajipbtd or nndia -food atros- discijilinc-' fhe mm oi' perioi matb, ttv 111 hushtess, seit ate. and the military are -.dum at • aids o ith hen at 1 ism ana aeademii.s nnderstario and tiss pertorrart is it v.d he hrst wave ot scholar.- ami artist.-. those who dtvised poststruc tnralism and pTacricebt posuno-'k-rnism — mete vehenieníh anti authoritarian, ihm- elaborated AnAinb ideas of perfor-niativitv in miv.-, that -mere phih isopdiic tlh. pi dittt alb,, and ae stbiAicaby anti-attrhoritartam I'uil.r. '- po-i-truc'iurahsts and po-.tnioarrnists ee,ntiim.e this atork ol subei-i ting the o-itahlA-hcd ord.r ol thin-as. But the matter doesn't end there. What's happened is that the idea- of posWih turalKm and the techniques of Dc'-b.rmativitr — simtikit ion especially have been eaeerla taken np be htisine.-.s, seit me. and the military eaeer to enhance their m>nuol mm- kno>\ ledem; amvaaias acquire nn»re pm.vcr. How the meatradii i i... n betvmen the pert- irtitanee stndies/ctdturai -tttdies iiitel-lecraals and artist, arid the povmr brokers y ill h. resoi.etl i< not tcrtair, .the umycosittcs are -ii; . of this contradiction \\ lide mana racttltv Ha the bannei o! subversive ne.ststrm. -ttirai'sm.' postniodcrna-rm b.-uirti- ot trttstei s and governers *m i Ii 1 t)" ' J'1 nlk . d . m, »L p ,*■„,,] , i, i 1 > ,i • (>J i.l • t,) ' ' Ii I, . 1 , , vli ,i li' i l".' n " . ., It' '>, ,e . . l.n. mm , i , p.• , 1 III "!' I i s, .1,,,, t J , ),. • ,■ i i 11, si, id n, b, m.pi s.. im' phm -i ph.. •< i 11 ie-t _ n "i -i am. ■ , .Ii, ': ids 'artp , ,i I " >h pII. it - ' 0C < I rbm " - ' ,, -1 I .it'11 iL ., o V -iL h ,i 'i.i 11 ..i- it !', ,t < u! ii' "t. in ti, .1 iL - - i. .r ,ui . t .ii - ; x ^ 1" i a t..' b -m |i ,, i, \ -nt i"i' h-t ,i a'i ,. i i.. . [ih af i,.-pmnm,p ii. ant. ii ' . '. ili .. I t| hi, i'mi p in . 1 l,t i h ,11] 'i l- 'It ' , it i i".t , ,(l. moves om Mm ' >h- ii a i , .i, met v nh rh - r ateoh humi-tim m Fercbii.Ttd «'<■ SaiiSMiio ami Kwani Jnl»ob»v»li, .in'1 mo h m .'-on „,,; , - i;\5 , ( ],ut')i iev<-^t«ausb t -i.i i- ■ - i" mi \n< • i in tii In.. « i 1 >„ ,'ooii omi n-n ""i iiii'dt', 'vt'it " t:m i m.l, m ■ ■ > L ' vet Lei i-^traiisi box .ind Fbrnsaiin bm\ . i,. - r> U, do - ' it. ,1 M ., 11 ! m aim ^ , a _ nidi ml n'o Om ' I' I ' I cht om nh ' i . -mi , in! '-\ •!' la ■ in ■ i m. a , J, iti'im 1 V iimt a in. i it, \ t ' lh. -,n • hit 'iv u-imp liiiij, i ,,,i,.si-, a i» ,in|, !■>! i! i' i i , o-mo oi a n-nrr. The poit-tj mtimmsts aepkamb iorh 'tu -tractor-h-ti li.a n touia/aiia' mo liii Ii ist of bum 1 • >pp'i iiti-rhs pom-ma. tin aii-is ti pm I dim .ho- >- rmha-. i d complcc situations t niio -.iiiij/iltit- I mt 'dri. I irp.i am. >mp the poit e: n. tm .tiist hi! dial .a uotm tli-rn batd-m-eh the si.i.iii-' qno .-..-.'til'., pmitm tlK, a.t.l pbho-opremiby. pe"-t-"11 n, Intah -1 —1»i'11.m-.i ad .{|.;T1. ; >) mdaermh,, or In -its, hi posi at net u, amds, et ei , mi",e- -.- utn ntn.i mm kkd, h a perha matm herdinaiKl de Saoss-ure (18S7-WI I): n. v» !»>•»• pmtinim.oesh, pnbli-Jmb ( -una let.', ncral hnjuuv - < ! Pie, Em. \ - the inundateni <-t ,ti tictui a! äininiisi,n ai well a- • >f -m.Ktarak.Iu more yeiterath, . Roman Jakobson (t $1b— 1*»S2): Rusmin-boin nmmisi, Autimimf hmJoinciitjL cf Lanqnae-. ■ i >n bama/ Jo ( t ')7 11, md time i'uids rn dia y ,'ivn i -p ii/niji'.hi.' {1 L'T3 I Claude UAi-Slrau.'"ui 1 'd-SP. Trig. 0>3,., Tt, ip,,,t>rf, tPn,; j 1 dt.'', hn^. lL!0bp V/ic S.e.i a.afnha Cmiv.'i t'-lom Pn«. inf-S'p ,uui f...,l, /„/,.„, 39«7 : jode Levi-Strauss T'"'r i/d't'i?; s" ./ if s£,' HC'ii!'4l!Sr! ' f 'i '< " - - m " i J ^ p. 'I, i pi '" s,i - mi, ,p. ,r 1 J If tO 1-', i ", J-1lip }.. i l pOn ( ,"p it V ■ ' the'r to e - t p, i, a , - tal', t' " "1. a '", , ! I it-- ,.i*vr,a Jr;, a; i,.C '.''.' ,e- , m *h. "ad, a' na n"m " *n. e up. ,sn -'a> a ,e, -a ji it i «i. a i i"-t , ,- , rm, . rln I mfsiei"** "■ r,| i ~a v -,r,e,, . .ti ,p hl,,'i, 'i, '• am t rice it.d r,i • .;' m o 0. ;c, , • mm,' a ' a ,oh' a i'"Lie'i" i \a|i,"i *.r oi'"3 ,e it, ^m a , I -d'Ei . -J.> i oio, i ° i '/n,i > a a, , i c \ - t ta m. hj a' i ,ub lrr. ko'Cta/ ; ' j (i „ , ;p aacques Ehrmann l4'/?ar »$ struciin-jilsnu tf^'mp't ;:> .stmetmahs n'.' Before l-^ir-g a chi'csopl.v, aa s"ii""p ic-nci tc aee tt d 's a leethc-d af -.ra.vs.s. Ev:n as 9,"' it., ,ra iy iiceti am. dbferent t se; mape p ti sobjec1" at .arieis ■ deroretatiara, a^ijata, o/e.i poiainics. Mg mopk or sngi; cieft lition apimes tu it meept m ,aiy genera -e,-,ns. Oae cuthd sav 3 straC'.f'e a c!\aD'"af:.:a ara obaf-ori of form evraee.fs M'i'ö: mmad taeb loppc? coPereace vvrh* ■> 9,vor ordert.- a* ane.ivsi.-, 4'thoadh s*i-act'..raii-an r.aa hartiiy t,r s.ito'aeitd ir -01:10 '.mmrb! aa, iu:!? a>- ne qo'en inv '©bei m!at."> •.', :i alcra f> 1: for eanii; cansanipt'rap me can 3av ii i- d'st o* ali, -Ahea applied tu tne «f>nces cf ntaip a certaia as.,' o* soidytrg iaayu3nc proh-kirs uatl the Problems of tanguaqes. 196€ '' ii-hodectian '" sima;a> Isst e 0+ 'rate mmm? Srt'i.'.c's an St' mm.rähsrp 7 142 PrSrOri'lATI'.'TY • mm a<~T!i(-.-ii,n! e,u h pin n art'-rut. ,u- pari < 1 »:■ , s„,rri.iri • >1 repm.ttmn- with tin 'hr-t m».'.-' ni ultimate i mm met 1'iUicaull box li la tin lr insisie;n c 0,1 •.s, • ■-■Ntrtt iii turi'bt- ai'i he; a. bh in mid Xiet/si hear, h.u. .s '*' 'j,i . The tlr,". • if i--'perk n c.u'dbushio i- tin1 ;.;■■! en.! r u in oiTmup_ i"ne -titmglc. \\ be na- dm . - f '. 1 / .peak Hi th" "ir.thi i k Milk e emepribtit n m ' ,-. 1. |trr. 1- tilt Wizard 1,1 < '? pi .i1-i:> bi 111 liiusii.r, r .»;• ev la.iiiipiikifeil iti 11 1 inbn no man, so .b. die . P s-nmtal pt.-ier. (An m-igbl dim Genet -' .last ark .n b-'it.iii r.'i" fkiAi i" 1 . tlrnhthk "1 ■ i.iri 111' .pe iti'in, btir nut cmiti .satin - itplai.cs -tthh •~. mL.tton. lint bt tie' turn ot tin ra i\ niilieuuunu, (bus , ' in -u, ink into sin- practice oi dental anil lit. dt igu.ti 1 p. 1 titn on. ib.- uiie lunnb posmmdm u repttitt'm and mbinaht 41, 01 nbe other, post-true tnraiist differnnci itn bscussed soon 1. '.Itiioiipb tlirn disci>urs! isprin.ipalb ab.oo! hsngy.iite.. and !• tilt form ot ; ssaa - and books. poststt Ut ' Drain: -■ ei' a ten oreao liioi oi u tut tonstimte- lmnuage ere > nothing ntlt-lcln the 1 e\'," Derrid.l wink Bill the ' t 's. 1' 111 i). rri'!.,.- tht 01 n i ri.1i ha- it, . onaorise- in all mth>-bm aire, 01 1 ultiual e' ssu .tis and -.. h mi p. .ntn es. bt '\\ r,t,iig," 1 pa -rriild means m..a t thin ro aphu insi riob- »1 ami uterature H. rr 1 aus tnt-re s\sttm- or " ro" i-.-. Ian, ritual., tmubfie.-^ mt rar. lues, nolit,, s, c.' nnm,t mhitmns mu.-i'i, ' . tile nnbtai\, and the ait- 1 set Derrid.i b<>\ 2... [immd' inns , uli-irm .is t nn-trcst a 1 -cts tit u iatn n, li'storit a!l\ four.detl an 1 ain. j. s i. Hito-m '1 In.-t i .;■ bi |.fv.e: urn tor in - it. p-rcdom- In mt ,nn-.4 e-tarlisbi .1 aurb-.a.'.1" - p..h-t 1 man the nulr.ars, p* iestla .i .it, smeututs. n ,ub -• s, and i 1 mm, It's 11., act idea a tili! pi Fmdi.i, the omrd 'antat a Ut * iiitiude- tin. venial "uilhou' Tht- wi rang prndueed bv tic .Kitbtn-nic- is 11, >t "tiinsjatia 11' a n in joe, j nine tb -"itgh mie sees the "trat,'' da; "t ,il,'.a tin "natural. Mi n t ding meat is an. n.das ot pt.uei AViuiiij di ' -n t st-ree p' bm iht other .1 ,m arottnii n bn 111 it, . pt rtonn - indinrii'.. dm ah atitlvntt, •cbitsVci in prat 1 nnati'at d ■ tern it a ant! tinii ersaliti, i-ntnptirirt, bnuienahh mghss,""thc I .',;(K'. year lit ieh,"''tb r<". eis b ad tu Rome,""! am it..1 resimret tton the Ilk" no ''iriting'b t icher br-t ot t.-ia! Foucault A secret origin, an already-said .Ve ,i|i.-r, enounie two nnkeci, bat eppo'- u tl'.emen _'P ht.-t a> c 'a - 11. k:b tnat : shoaio t.evp. be (. om.b e to a -nepp a-the o-clei of ctiscoiuse the u-tnt or. of a real event' that he/ami any app.mnH bey "-.nitthem n ainays a secret or qin t. secret ano so fia.lanh'etal that 1! ran oe-»er be quite qraspeo ai hsoi'". 7 ma roe s lea Ineshab y 1; as an evt-r-'"C'-'ti'-i'i; oiot i hat ,5 never 'tse't, rpsr ni in -i-.y -astop/; th.s 13" t is net: y its 0 ir /o :p and -'can thai eu at a 1 oeganungs mai necer oe rce than rerotnuencetnent: 0- oc.n'tdticn tin one ara hf .te^ttue ti'is ana toab "0 this titeme is ao!met.teu aoothe a act 'fine to w noti all manifest d'scourse fs sec ism/ ooise.l or an 'aa-eariy-saui '• a iti that tt'h all oadv-saiJ'' is not n ere'y a. ohrase that has aaoatly lieee spoimn oi a text a.-' nao aa-'ea:!.; oeer y.r ttc , oat a "i,em'-ss'c " an ."corporeal b scoarse a scice as sibrb as a p'-eath, a tiiat'ng 'hat ;s a " -'1/ tl e hehbm ch its anal mar1.-, it i: moposeel theref''".1 that evermh rg trat h forn-nbated in cllsi aimm vas aherply artr.j itcd in that semnsi'eece th..; p.-ec^ues it which -oma hies i,- ri| -| obstinately oereatn d, bot '.-dach d 1,1.vers ami si.orces. d a' ,ra ntsst aiscot 'te, tfiei a^ore 13 readu 00 rcorc than the rep-tDSive ores nee of vi an n dies not say and t'ns "aot-ea'd" 's a hul'cv.v that .mdei " frorr niihin ad that p, sgip The h'st faeine sees the histcic?' analysis of disecerse a- the ni est for and the mootd'on or an ori-nn tl a* eniccs oh h detei annoaiom the set one seti't as the 'nti-r^'ctatior ot "ao,it ira' -,.> "a" eady-said t1 at ;s =t tl e tame trite a "rot said. ' /Ve r ,'jst lenoe'iee all those themes ariose functica s to ens nc 1 be inf n i>-> ooahi od, of O'Socorse and it<= seoier presence to itso f '-1 tne intei play ct a cc istanfiy rernrnncj absence \\'f mi st fcr .-eac to 1 eceue e. ery none d of discou'-se 1 ,,to sadder e-.-i .,Tio,i in ftrnt punrtaal'py a winch a acprms, atit t iat torn >o. til u «pcvs.0.1 toot eaaolP; t to he eceateo, !• nr., a fo -ijO'.tea I aosfo, '-n\i, 1 n.erli erased, .ami k dcler tar T, o-r ali •>:*<», U-1 ie idmd. of iioo's. Di^ciu-'se '"h st »wt be n-fei red te the csiai t rtoserce of the obpin, bat tmated as and eher n ocoo'-s. 1972. The; .Archeology of Knowledge, 25 r epr a a .' a jean Genet (t'M{M>6}. 1- -!i plv ^ r: d z j«t I i> •' - 1 .b, -hi, - .e.i >n a tot.. Hie i'-'fe1'/ t J, ei.'-.n'"!',1,,! il-bp. >/ ,""'»*,;..,<-' 11-<- 1 i.i. ,'fa . tlatsprna Onll), ,uk! eh- V,"• ( b'o! t k, !°<-:t "s, -,'..) k- :n p,,h i;> t,Vi h Jacques Derrlcia uWriting* and "reconstruction" !! i.' ■ in>e "He ,ot,,,, pf ,,v d' >o in ;t- i an-:r !•/ -o ■ ,e_ ,Err .a-id ;! f,e CiCc'i pun.i 0 nata-a , ,tt ip pp .' re a c1 ac-fu-'Oi ec 1 > i 'CCO' L . e already in ■in.''- a,ri aiv a >aa,1\ >•' .! . Pe- on,e "ote .. ■ ui <, \, d eev 1 a, i_'_f i t a1; - .a • t, cf ,'i ., ■>, tei, • le '0 the absolute • i n pjnicathig their thoughts," and of do er r prepp ess ri .aha,"/hh icAa'pob.a: . oeeti a' ad- arl-.j-er1, - ,-a Ibp ,-pp-;,' taecai p* a,'"''-r oc t''t «1 tten'""0" e.i ,-,et',p v e* pi a 1 , a e/d be *itc t"va' mph 'ran cr a > r,"f pes- n.- to ■ r- . s^fec -a'-pi j , ,/ , . •j'lp'-ico-o ita.y iBr',f • ai'.i'i- an i rrj'-er. r. ... A„-i't?-iipp s p-jboaai la Pic aLee'tve o et,e.l"i/b ,y P.- sos--- c'' 'Jh> pc j,;fsia ?i 1 .i.tfp -us1" ','- ' ar-dh'e ol neinu pa,--"-- i pi a Lett,; !'•-' p,Tr rs i .of> a--ipp:a ; ttat p. atp - a".; ,e t: cc ..natt pspp 1 , P h , en -p. r,a -p a, iv h = ,• jral,-t d a a,,- ,.',av- .... :. Pud. tr^t ntp - "to - ,'p,bp ,,„1 j'pc a te' p1! rai ,PP f i a and •.\ei. ih' j rha* *o loa.o ra, h e-al as ,p e,e'i _, o.d ot n e i pi , t'v*t *:a '. ,)d .on fa app p/ in; -p -s * ,-. , -t ntj..>pi' no a an-1-'A'aJ . ait oca :yoe of a<- dpe; ic .'..a3'.', ,. A w.acno i i il a e ;- ,-a, - t, irar'.p-icih,.f la'-acha hatb m in5 -,id,ps.s-e cci 1i>:.> b" aa p nj ". . 1 Th° cosjat h t i >i is , on.a e..1 at-.'- tomci ibaai e If .pitna'le f a . . fee „• . id ' a a ip" s.i r.?a aa - a-- ',p- '".at ,al ro a .at li V'P',qaa,-p Pav.'fp C ,jc POPC'.h. ef a m " p, p ,p n a , ,;rP --' -|;.p c ,i' f |.> i , >p ,-apy Orpa a i ,p I -Ce ,it grappa . Ap 1 d> . ab'ei cc's ",tt a ropiiippip., mochtipai Oi. of n'r-p" a ^ a iPars - ..ip-e'T- ■. 1 e'hi*'.f 3-fj :rv rote n'Oi aoels a,so, to V e sacar r,. a-.o , t-a tin =-noe.-.' p od1 eei fa ,vh-.- s', pi r, ,c- a ,- art ip,-i ,,\ ,h -.s.aiitr a 00 of ,ra.-'iii'£ e,a eb a 0 ,'mb/c ip tera a',." "hith "ia,p. 't.oa-orpf e,p 1 a, -i " k t •;, ca"=i- '1 ri> ,rho'b ij, oftrrmg n ivi; ' nd it-,-.'* to dp •■s:C tad a: t>. re v ■r'ca. ' _1h 1 tta'ts b pit 1 1 - i-j i-t>,-"a,.|i of.' 1 d e cb,-,., oeh ap" , .ache h j,c:p ■ f ". a.a ,-, ar- p. nn-aht i.e. ',-',,-•-">, aha ntt -i o net ah 0 decs ol xs'p"^ ' ai I ior eh i.-ra ape ' 1 pi^p, r?, h ,,«a i!°y;- c.-eaio' l ppittit can-, a- ,., dt'on fo, :he e> to e he I af c hat ppi a-ophv '.,-pp-1 r , earn- -erp e.eo ie< oei a • - 01 Pen p r1,' -'hs.- - • "ore-enct M ..J E.,ery sien '"iiju'siu or pop! 'pop .poke-' « ate- I a a " „ \ an a ,, y u ,z\ .a'p-ai 1- ra-.vl.'-"11 >.. p'-m;, a. nev,' co-tPxts in a '.d'.^h ,s 00-jO'uteo dp 1 001- 1 P, : doc 'Ot 1 ai o a P t''_ "1"" ' '- .d> e, , a.sue. b a cj.ccut a it t'-.e to.i*, ti >, d at b.eie a a oi'l. cai.f.n \ ithoat r,,n .eiir. ■ abs.rpa . ade a p 1 ] \Vp a»-: s1, t ie:.;..ip a jt op end 01 Po'ippg tool ao pj i--;t ;.-t . . .o'p.eppp.;, p a ne.a,, ■' ,v ,<..' ■ -"d it aas; h ,t ab ci tie acreastn ji,, orp'eaa' helor .a1 f spci -.c of a , p. e,a' a P .a ,p ;p,p' n «• sssron -1- -,j-eeh )-> a sne~s • ea a, a a'-teora Pate en;., 'O. p- pp 0 'h' an ■ —cot, a, a mo, 'p \ e ^ 1 boa J... Drte>* ;,1.i".ic,lt'i r Pi I t* h- --a-'at'ic a- >f nits / -toe. : a.,, oat a C > ,bi t'"'C a ar>aar'- j-ner-e, ,oo..f.e s.isi c- i uGt.t-.ic a" m; a- pi" ■ itj i.'3'.b : . 'jve sa. rf to" elae-ir.,! .pa.o.-ot'O 'a is _.- ei" la- j - -at r! P.o ;>•" r p. I. ., Ofcooratr 1. lion doer-a.a-ppsist in , a iiit *i aa me r! a ; '..te^i, • T », -.-'.cthij to j s.p-p. 10 ,- occeptua! older a i.vtil as conrapL-tapf 1 cacter luit'-. ,,a"p-ti a 0 ait p,,hi:b. !°.h.>, l ea p / ■: p - ~ a 11 pi 144 •^-HrÖRr'AT'VITv lint i- bmattse be bind •. vor v '.t3itmg .n t ohhei nrdiugs, ; ■,• -aiming tries tu erm. or •. n-upl iUul ^'p,i b- h.rm ks t hob'- sm. c. ssmb In IXrnda, nähme- ai < • ■ :Í!Hpsešts> ei oiheial sob i.>uT!ťT-hegcinonic gratkr.h , - i\ hing ;-, j ji, -MT stroggh i,sot- l)i riicSa box -*(. -. • -hnph binane- -heil as "dav'Ought"t\ ham '>l,«.-k," an, mom nt imnihc pmtcr Ir. \*i ess e: a hsami.mio,, bv ■ , lag the mrm ma tue mit Iii-it ar perb.rai it- auíhom ■ er the 1«-i li;. in the right. Tu ri. ml sc terms n. tu pt rtmrna ■ ,. ■ power mldion. "hkat 1. • u hile"' is tv cd ■ !ait tu nnguuw "-ii uggle t.d'v/rite isa latin r-hip, tum' bistnioc il .larratď -. Vet .nan rnrranma ■ • , .jiter Ik •!' ekgant nt seennngh Intal, r- bdi ..4 indes, n Pcrrida call- Aipuita' open spates, ab-enci s, and , .mitictinns. N' ithine c an be tm.iiiv et a-ed. "1 base apoi ias . •'■ a tel.-us pasts and bfermtbres intemlte pris. nt order ol palimpsest: a i locuitieui or artwork, that has bi-enrepeah rilv « titton !-lt- future - h- a laetii'iu The pa-t is tVil! .... la .a. s: Tile pt is piovistonab the human not km m u. A J! harratn. t - an. hiunubbs n. hat -n bu is ei .iS'e.i tbrt-aten,'ii b\ what/n im eieinands repm st nt.ith '11 I be s-trnggie t-> in'iir iaisfars. ro represent eicnts, is an .ima-mng p.. i fm amine prints- hid of opinion and other .siibie; tiiitie- i sec Biaii box.. ktm-Om-atic/hegemony: exerting dominance nr control, a-ujth h. • a bt.liaii n-f the state, i eltgious bocii, tnqx'tatiun. or otiiei " ' ' Heroert BlaU Der r i da '■Vriting and power nevěr work separate!/ ' o'-re; big the bebet that tvi-omict tostms power1 ort r i ."rifpr,!, and ono car wi ac d ocoasionedro , hnit T o „i Ii;, hieb ti pc'v'-en ;an pro'oi a, ít bv compleincnt la ' or can se-ve H, ťic rtaostica s'iggesfs tlvu ,vi.1 .b ra m tar/f.ers tra poťnOi m noveor to äi'T na tt " '-indes i" adiat.c? xke dJent;fioaťon of inrlliaq asoanei P.o rocogniboh o;» 'botn tho onset A -.v,-un t, Tt -ea i m:res and adrns to ooacoal t»w *act dru rdďt .and oower r«ve>- '.-voi •< ser.a'Otely h&'.tOje' "0--i„.c-a tne ia.As, the systém, ít the i'nks cc the - .i-hísk-iii -uay be t. ,a Wiihtic) does not comt to po'a;er. It 's tberc bet i,v- •_ac a partakes ot a iq :s mao0 ot d. L. H-m~ st 'o'Jios for pe-aeis set va'ioüb writlRc.s ep aaa m : a arome.- Ues luttes oour 'es pou-oirs ooocseni Je* - .nbnt-d. 1993 ri97bb Scríblno tvir tiny-p.nvf-t ' Td-j Opu ida Qe.ioc do NoUrng can keep subjectivity out b *he "'-m".i-° -co ft, lii$ier>ar»s fco n costsn-uchjcaksni ni' i» .i,, it "t, turn" pushed one or another to t f'ri •=> , i h uim tor 'nib.c.on-se aDotil aiseohiso en . .-i mt Ovfii tbe 'hoST rr'tlrl'v'st empiricist ten' i a. -i ■ if be that as the oast s experienced f j„e, * f!, i di lei! bmr reevamloed, not even ciurncti ics o, t a ohistorv oaa keep out Sitfcpechinty, a p. • i r< , I an 11 of Piiigaaye on how history Is r< 00 md 4s n t hat actuary hrippe ierl, ;he.-e are u!1 i an sts r a tsdio remaka attached to some ■ a, '"-di< t=». .„ - '(■ A a scientific he'-menetit'ic, .\&nt'ng P =ta, /it' 'he facts, bat knowmq at the -r n. i, *a. 'a-giiiy of history PCOius ia:-ohyh im ai mta- di -"i -iijout It, rath jaavoifisOle sneoiai i *f °%t i o ' <» h "flot, - p.oints ct v'eiv. Irora ad", oh -v 'i a', s - at:, arch-ves. objects, aadcbjfctn'e "mi - 6ht 'ij they know they're no exempt, o.njh' f, 's n,,- Vpernl.nq on lictv you fool at it, em | . <=. a the id, 2<"i± "I'mk'na kds+ory, His.'ooy khirAmyd - 2.57 145 t iioinetrii s: die Jppia atari of methods ďoeť >jk b ill othi r holds am'thit'i; from ecmiomlr*■ ami stan-nts to pertorni.ince snakes mid pso hoioov — m the Study O: histnl v. In onmr to ml! ai.enimii to the unstable, pmdorma.rr,.-ijiialitv ol erhim,<. iaerrida coined tim mord dijjárancc í brereh n nn anir.m'biif, i enm-' + ' nek rrai' ndicrncss id m a lack of imt ,1 <»r de< tiled nieamnp. Becau^t. " ntma I- .idais a conte-ti'd ssan in of emenim as -0011 a1- , "iiiposatp, im. amnrs eimioi 'die'dmce and tor all. iVmanma. m ilw .o- tu itlr :iini Almay- in refit amah its lia.ilitv loan r d, Sen ed, its aera,-, lire l.-esidf nersri; j:id in si , r'u i nt m • » u c leai at tin. >.inie thn, (see fijpite 5 7i rn, ! >s.b, i ]•, ; n>rniei Is not lost in m 1»'. i n i t o - ii[ ttn m, ''t tin. otnation d \\ id dism - d . inmj n i' tiinn,.iil, in Cdmptm b; h'rm lit ať a 1 dm „i i \ it, i m i >• i , ttj difleraiicc: 3 conn mined in Jacques Dmula > mphas./us y rlo. i! >li- mieartirie of the Fre-neh verb J/f/rrer "to differ" and 'do deb Dif ihran. c ,1 ditlcrrn, anhadeLrrii- nuikstn, .slippage bet-m a vv-rd as surii and svhat the v ord r, ilrs to. bitf'eranm lias cute t-iighsh and is met! without quotation mark1. Tím "plosina out" 1S rekrmd t,i Arely-.i ht - "o. ill-le.-pniu r" 1 sec Chapter 4). As plav aets, períornnaih es are not ''truc or "íalac,'' "nyb.t" or "imnr,;.* ťhev happmi. burthm nu am, mnunemi- the postsiriietiiraimt sense m,nsist- oi 'A.eraíions" ijiiotations, reptíitiom, and mtitions. Derridj s lhal íaepaiaem in crim-i aiand speech aer- in narfieuktr depend on au actiTe c si raiiyetiieiil. an 1 ru ocm cr v. itii 'S>tl erjiess." T his i-, vo-i , to Brsdií s it-rfremduoLficjfckt i.ilíeiiatinr- eilecti. In Brechtian rheam , the ai to- -íamis \ erfremdungseffekt."Berioir Hrechtm term, dir'fuuit to transb ne.miiigtji,- e'tei t ol "alienator," or "cstr.nmcnit nt'droni a' ■ rob . LLsiae 'lie ^dn-lreirirliJiigsehel-1.. Hrei lit wanted to make t iarniiiar ?,ppear stianae ami the strange appear familiar. . t ei Irenuhme.ed. kt d< mamls » roc-a sura, oi dei.a hm, in hoin • a. tion positkaninehie aetor*'nextt.a"insteadol"iTi"the loie. \X> "next to." the actor tan express her otvn, or the plavwrii+.i opnu ins on tin ehar.n tcr and on ivhat i.s Inane; perSormed. m-.e diffusion of poststructuralism • c; rh>' b'sbb í-met.";rci, po.-t-ti'L-u turaiisiri spi t od iar be\end ;-, , fur í r>íjii'-ok«TN, dir ň iniuuenlial Frem h '-11 uetumlbis r.K- Mi-hfl foueytilt, jampic-. Pmm'ida. ..• 1 *i-ic«7t-, ami Fť-'ix Gualtari.Ven important .is well, .;_-)! tml strictlv speaking p.>.si-.trm niralists, an- jean ;. ndrdierd. Guv Fb.höre'. Pierre Uourelieu, and ficctics - _m in die UK and Norm Xrnerica. posyarucoai ah-.m drew" m y„l enr, enourjh. nam pm.i avbh theories of the perl-urna,: tree . -m dbyAmtinandrtchb-ilahomtid ha Judith Butler hm-o ideas i will n.v.x more to -av about later in this ,. on r. Main adherent' of the poststruetttreJht appro,-,, h .-• e dravái to the'''Fraek(.sirt School' a group ot thinkm s - dint; Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer. o-ebei*t Marcuse, and Jiirgen Habermas These ha xist ernietl I Iseoimts iound all is s in Waller Eieiijantin and - , .oh Brechy edhi-n m- olbh.e Fi ankluri Si hooi developed ': r.ithu et mm f c nee oi po.slstruc lui ulLst, Marxist, and ■ . than thntsgh; bibb in turn ltd a wide raupt e.l djm.nes ■...ú ''i-mcbt-"* - gender, cult-atal. p«>s-tci ilonial, race, queer, and dormaoce. Wli p. unites (ids omrse ..mtl sometimes '.sontradictore ei »llation is hoth an idem.ibcation with the .•baltcrn the marginalized - rhc discriminated against aid ,-t desire to srdbotagc, il tint directly merthtow, the -n mug oroer or tilings. . I',h Butler (i'>i(> j; ymerirar, philosopher and quet r theorist work has concentrated on developing a diet in of gender itain.H U, i Pork, n ilnJi t-Wei Trough t l'MOt, íy.íi , rhji v i I'm), and Í-Mimŕib Spee,h (IW), • Frankfurt School: a group ot philosophers and critical . nts originating in German«, hetaveen the world «ans, who '"• Led thinking tu a with raupe of social, cultural,, Pm bah and ar-.thetic questions. Among tin members and, mr.ts oi tin Fiankfi'rt šthool ata Horkhenrmr, Adorno, use, Benjamin, Brer 1st, anil Habermas. I he Institute ior Sot ial on -|i (the Frankfurt School's formal name) wa.- established u2e at the Lltaivcrsin of Frankfurt. When the Nazis shut the mir,- down in ihf 19 30s br cause manv of its mrnibrrs ton-: MarsF-t". ,«,<] jews, Fht Institute's diret tor, Mj\ Horkhe-imei. ,, wholesale emigration to fhr USA. in 3 950, iiorkheinaer and >mo returned to Frankfurt to re start the Institute. 'Hie 'heart School ticepb tpiiuenced the radical sot ia! and political eght of dm i%sf)s and beyond, including cultural studies and ermarit e studies. I lu-oilor A'.lraiKi (190F-&9): Get man phikisopimr coneesuc-cl W'th the relationship between art anil [mimes. Fleeing the Nazis Adomo taught at Oxford, Princeton, anil the University of California, Berkeley before returning to Frankfurt in 1950 to join 1 it lekbermer in restarniag tile institute tor Social Research Adumo's books inrliitk- /'main ■: l%7t, Di,jleaie eftnliflhtemnctu (with Mav Herkkeiiner, 1972), bnr Ffc.'/osep/n of Modem 'dime (197,), and The .inrhonu.riu'i Per indicate the oppressed or m.«ginalir.ed status ofpej-.sons or groups in the Third Worid. fhe lay operation of post structuralism is''elect altering.' .m ,-ituik on ■.■mtv kiml oi hegemony, .iiitlioi'ity. and iixed .svstero — pthi!o,op.!deal, smxual. political, artistity economac , artistic. Poststrnctiiixdbts subvert the First Performative of \Vmtt n; arni Islamdc eatltmes. G"d < Utterances in ü-em-mp 147 'i U l .1 i i 1. ')-«-' i "is". i -i . I 1 , I . 1 .ill'' s .I'll i '''i'ii < 1.«t '.ii ■ úd 'ii.' '., ..iii'ii. . ». t i l V I -Hi., i \s . eoi , n , l it liirj"|'.il,'hi.iihľ'|i„, n j,,u mu rhiiij titiiii >' J i, j. o' h. I o'i., m n"i u p i ľ cmd-.■ iii. , 'ii)', ľ '}.'i , .Ji^.i.i' , ľ"l \ ',f 'ig ť- -iii 1 Mcnei hOUCatllt Thresnoin > or life, hi u?k, puliation tiahbtot ma) /.J-7 A, t 'if i ei* 'XI. "-r- 1 is '0 ! , •' "cit nmtmcm i .mbhd— 1 • o. a i a'6 t itt" a . t i ,|,-r, >i ,i a z i''t?J,'-'i 'a (i , n,iaA'a°ni -co mi, "'-a.-, ' " . ,il" tcir- v, a* -tun ,a rtai ar ' '"mt 0 hst' a"U'.' i , i a 11 hi, t ■= , i*. m. mdan i. .'Co, 'Oja;, 's ' ■, 11 --< -* am1 a'.Jt,p'i I'u'il" /i, i ,',". , *' , l. a. ."oil 't.rn t- f to ' ai ,.o u'.si.ii ,s a" a c." the ,m cifc i tip aim tf liliat _rtm in a n afa 3* i'vl-U1 t , a'+o, r's if ion, t ji a ,f in,; i r) ft , i a | i , e a ta aa, ,it ens t ai ,\ -a- at,. rJu> di u 11 atiaa i .a ' z ■,matin* '»"• at j . o_e in u.° -t't a emeu ■= ' » , '.i hi- a t ., r < , - ar ; nr.ii are already familiar, by which this new form of history ■ay si t" omt'nmis ,,,,i,+'en , h>.m ' 6\ o at - 'a. i if- 'o "ham 'he 1 n u, se,, 1 01.'O, em Ii 'i-a -Ii i aam iMir.n rha' s _,r m i ° j as1 ,i-i a p m p ;, , \hor1 i•- a ,e"t' o - i o ie ' m , ei d r to ,'?h it ,,l ,! 1 1 ' ' },, ' i^|- ' " ,^ ,r I , , , , h r; Problems with poststructuralism t)o ' t m n lA ď m ii.pcd jioiiíi' ií t r o.. .. nmm iod e •i i]-m- o* i ,.' .m.pitibx im, tl a, n pnah/i d ani , , lor- ,wci 11|, )■ >-ts'i m ttu ľmir. lamaiji o - on i r orní map „ • i'ic t niip,n mi bim eta ma, niti ot omyk- íJo stto, riailoT- ,, mohb „ ,j jpe, r. 0 'n ths \ '. i ťm "tenun. tadm.i'" pi "no nenon 7ln anth,,titi s "b.-eh a o,, ,m „ etn,a ,m í auia ie 3í 'hadt non nľ'.di iboot pi a .f im'u: t.ists ]mi upturn *d. stou. ju . Itímt an iron p -ť to tjn.. lij. st-f mini alnni is r 'k ' In ťi> nob ul .naotk 'í-sn ui '1 m. The v rrtn >- aim ide i. d tin p.mstí oc'nt ibst . m-. no . .litiiii.ilo. u h d ,1i.nit i, h ..^d hei m. leiiťt, i a st- n i see Butt box s. Tt t taii.e. -,t tin. .-t. nion nm ma .ii ticu'm t" o. am tditelb. ''tisMuhar.i ts'Aii tlm : '6 '. v.-m .mdAd mp . man .kha-cti d i a d. ch i rnandto t, toot ofnpi- tu, ac idarm-I heo Uť o n ,'th. .niiiiilrbm ,oníl...ita thc.ti,(,. \nd; e.s"ľ_ of popubi c iiltuo tint t ti ontat1-v.ľl. oi bnaet peonh t uD mah -amah aail othei u^ ittóioo 1 Ipon pi lona ion mint .ynden , h H p.i.í mi m tet d .;i i > luid Ih. íe« \<, I o i ontinued 'o hold the lorcli ii.'euo m iun k\ h >t Ji ■\h i'nu, cultaiil it i.p.l riei toi nt tiľ t .+nthe. í jii t n í hn vtií d ,< n 'd tnem 0 lis. seJt í isol. tno; , i\ib . i •otiio'j t boaiíi.. ti,omci, :,t, i ,n ..t. dticicd.. ine-o'd -en i -tiiat wa h .p], rmi.rj \\ h\ h idit c' Uniikc th. di.i notioc • r.mhe ' K, ih. len • oh ah keep then aitnit;.. r., 't.nkiitd to "d.'i'itt.c' n i 'tme- . nanai-., petition., a; tv rt.. ntll 1 epid) -H pv, -tr-st ,nid-oi,n !hm. ti ill i n'rnral iii-odnrt. t1, n a. ito the n.-.e, m .it .. ai-pt a "hl ti iľ is I .ipt n t ' the 148 i f \ T! ~ piv! ŕ% T;' / ■T v ■Ar, Blití >: lUeory const i a ins rathei tisa;', enables • -", .-' ta.,e g 'theory' i., i '..-t me i,'y Ave í 3 moiíi s- Aíl -o.e* . a' oao ,. i _«r , osi: .-c Wp* vdn 1 ľ,a»r"o-' :o r ' ao'A-'arc ai tí e '"Veat-'a kompapťes. se, betics n»oo,isb ockoe osycrcai ah:-o aaa p;>'"t~s.,- iPo.-a! - t, cut -p e , ici ,: -crs t'j a se .d>cn si.eil leone ,eet,c t^ok _ -p' ^ t et ^ my,v,-, te t1 ť aie »er _os mi " - et pope'- .m,._i aut' oho i e'taral and äAhtA 'ciresentaťor., áa;e e o ti? ro ee c -p ir ;a >,a t,, • p ,,a , f a ibapi p - p pbpo- oaa. Tha ŕ<< a, tep, i ,1-Woteo' lesatcei Alrm a bony of vsr.i-k renotviso for ísdesrtst nra , • jt^-.Ao a va.a, cei «es it, c- eprr-epe j p'- a s-'v aaAi Anns of aathoruy. '-Altai da,, s he t . s p, p ,-j t o.-pc'' ta -ei sta aa-e- - - lojea r,,t ab - it tor -pap . sorts" nation o t rie-, a, in''y a, coA.-n po 'ai y a. 1 'A b,,et he p.e. b e i p e- • ie Do ,prla n s ni I'ar; ana. "• fnc: ity o+' ,i s body >'o~ v/erk' L, J, It s ctvcke y a -ins 'aap mat past st"ocfi ral tacety >'pc' naps ape. e a , t as came -".-,-«e cctk as criticism ; efiei enabkr -ah ,so sie.dltat.eoü-•/ i -aha a it- >' i iL p-> at " . 1 .vak ire lo ;c isoa;-' r,H •,. iioi o4 pe>., caacepts aao-a- meAoos f. bOb;. T1- fko-s, eoes af Ci tii bin,' 4 ■ kocľ-an of opinion \n increasnirriv totalizmj o'obi! . , ops ea.Ah t; terato •>-, cien rxuk ua JAplpi pig tPo > '- ; ť it- hbiraiis-n a-- lone as tbe radi; lis remain in r- .per plate-. In be, tbc moc, lípopil rla-- acatknna , -. ih. iitoľ- e.o-ilv ii teen- lathed impuls, s \> ithiii ; hounds, AS ,ui,i liik , it the k",cl ot eo-.onian-. c , pout ,-,a o centralized m jeotto pia sidtiits, ami boards o es [ inn., rsitks publn as \t all as prh .be — are p,*.s|,p-]\ adojilbia the t í ,r pi, rate iniiMOyiueiit sh k-■ t vi into itaiietma e-itl-, its strict :ilk s oi tcnuit and , e-uon, or tormeiiti 'J in ihc insecurilit - >>'' p.n l-tiino t r«as'tt,ins. the rev-lut'oii ot thinking em, isioneci bv p- ,,i ,Ou( ttn ahsts has Idipth been leuuted na and ,'ormed into i an toi ni.itb< pi a,. --iriivi 'lna! i . a pile the P.ipdil \pn lornnn.t itntik tanks '. bo, eiopmp póla \ papet ^ tle-pmcd to ltnp.u t pi net n men t ,i.-ip, .i,, the t atlít il f eí t ti ,■ >ls op pt rinaneni re-adi an'it "-.ti '"s. the opposition - aib'altt rnative* 1 u kiiip straa.t jn< -"-.->e hav k to tlít- iciiter ní sot lal ilensi-'-ti tnatin^ ísee b'ofíbox) ľhus, e-,on traditional modereti I etr parties, • a, Bi li,sli I abour ',-t the í IS I letrosiatts, mo-o-tl ku liier . lurthcr to tbc Right. F^er, wlim eerrcion,- poiuies h n- the set n.l \mi,rn an imadoii or Iraq in 20t)a or * alar.- ..f t'n.- IIS \ to nitiii tilt 1 c'9" K.oto \, ponls ,,n ""t ariiamo ;;.is, the lett opportunities tor mis-. •.^aienTs, onh' rclatitciv npa- people counl bo niü'iilro ,1 • ' < !t cupv \\ all S' re r t .' OYYs; uiocenn lit tint 1 .opsin in prote-ts T.salth itit itlu "-'S* peicoiit \> esr.s the o ento (~A\"s; ncarapmonts anil street iKnvnistrati-ans Fatol! tar feieor number-, than the millions ,tho i.ppos.d r.v^.tuiuiu-Auriiittii i9o.n 7«K.Wiimaaa.tlbs m,. La >,asa\, ir.'iuc 1(., tht pi i ioi mat, 11 lepia u! p.ifonnaiict ľh-intciutl n is il-e plobal balilo. Pt oplc bbp'oiil penti-mi d ami ptitlit mi ■ .nttito , at hor í Lan oettinp hoch, s ni bn streets \\ Pen otopit did (kont 'i-trati - oamsst rn>- iroasiou of iriq oi ihei if-etiiipt-,d the'AorhiTi up (JpTiin/aliOii. inr evamiile ih poke- e in vo h able to t oi.troi die situations. Ihc n e a, liisoiute .'i.iti ni ol mteror-t t-aprt ssion k d to lots ,,; r \,. lh >it id. o „tif! an (ho,-- tl at baa lil tit i lleci o;i policie , Thc m an op,;n,otis-or - td inolt tobi..-o oft steam than To kni-I'lHiii'ibi"')];: Víiu P tins \i t ii,,ninth. bb-A. it ts is not tht is-i. ke'oaere In lb. si mbi r pi'i0,Tunisia i .Mohamed Ik-viá/in -et I n ľ- hm,'-t 'f 'a ■ i t nlt-st i ô v oeoiblt spand ^nnr, '".U'-dreds ot ibousaiiiis took toihi -bo b nio-stn- Mn'.Ue Fast in n h it het arat kie-atn -tie Aral - Spring Fu-r rinn-ob.s Znie a1 Abidilre Bell \Il aral then i ;',T.ť> llioni Mubarak 'aeie , h.i-eil iron, t h- ir itiji.litťs íl tool mil a .a and "'tb\Tt ) bombs to eliminate I ,1 s a'- ,\"mani;i, ir G.iďiah 1 ho i cícome in b,; i, r.-iiiatr.s m ,1, luht Vad "tin i n fTJnu-s - in anil out oť du NiiJilie Fa ha.- ' ak, i. k ai tul n itito ol et et,is \ni í ľ.osralpi, a'"'Ut a, non-- maov "■• the Leli ra> longer Loti-]oer i tk etna - or pes.bhic.' Or 's rhe sleeping ptaní ot ''tlupo, .ok "to lit- u-rAtm-i .ľpa.n untki tli.- lajlh couthtions m 1 spt i atta n .rail b.ooc"" I hi- ľ'h'.K Tm hrou;! t roa"av rip aa and- ,,{}, J(J;.. . im,, th. -tia ots. v hile the in ,\ n.hlen mem v.n ks In mean- r tbp'ií I iniapiuc_. the int. nu I, clor, nipT ind i ;l it.-d ph: n. iiiHtn art flit- pel b >ri i lines rt rl-t Lt It Bib not'am, th- L-tt. kuujannpiteihis ot abl stupes it ot r at t i - i n , n-- i p ro,. n k is- „, t J tec anoiopies t \ t n as i 49 ŕ'Ľe,-'-^r •: r; ď dam- George L 3 k O f f How the Rígti! got it right Barem de 1^50:. v r s bacee ^or".;: . .; A cľoi; ■ of comei i/olive -eadei e! .d srn í-d m;.k no ■; the d'f't 'en t aroa.m ot mrme's et' f ad e -e j' i i ;o and whether idey eo-.dd apem to -stän.j r t m a - 'f r m mm,, ore a -jenera cerje.mecee cansr. ľ!'ev stam--.! e,a lammm ,arn t'-e'k íanťs ďm hm'mm1 FAma-e-eca, the da " Insctce at Hamm.,) aoc cmiec- . Tppe: rotacem ha.e hi. ore tha.i the peer l- o ■ tic left hr",e, ee aP i'-'-,i.>'i. TPr • on-m'.'.-mbes ,,pim t b mi d-íea°c-uai;. 1 hoy cir.ate rM a op. mm rkms. i" m neve mocha duo c- de.»."' the had in msrnpe. -,c dia: peítis c en relet erne '-, riy pei ccd cd ta' taha-.c h mad or, e;r"'s'rr. -,e {,-ain de c a; <.o-i.aU'.f 'ded, ir-p-s. h epľy re i cent , ", i r pod? >d er ti ne> -?e to okapme, and v.nee ďev cmarom *ďey rad e'd Tne loom ;s, "ae-1 eet. ,ap é a era .'.p, /Vmm i-veet /'/; a .'é -m mám dach m-e ,,,a\ no: pec ece'-ythiee iie \,m ts bat o/m 'de L,m em-p he nets e ,07 of wPat 'p; wetds. horhĺp., i,ke -dhs happens in a • p- ot rem-se ,p;, i i oecauce the- e are so n au p people thhd- ,r,n that chat eeen noes is r/;p,''íp/ íi ;s;mf s.n art. 1* .s sed-d-mamm >CCi4 Doh't Ti! '.-š jf e • íľ/epŕcad, 13- le t.hec .tMi tpipbo ilin cf a tam, v'm h 1- a, ii.-.t P a'oriai, -niitdde li.jii'h', pfhiii: cbm.ndnes. hmíc1' nix--, and the red. are. I v, dl dhi ims these h.jtp uij i r. teinn er ne 1 t\ ul'u - disn. an. í phibakhoaioi, in Ck;i>tcv SP 1 • -r r., "d • -;r. Hasn t .nie, h e'i dip j)(i'.T=TľU' ruíMt-s* preprair impii a. cm-phd.cď fsn í rh. :e iiit-if ..e. cptaiK c er hHu.i '. Vreť"' lins .pvl.:" < ipanu .p- d. ,i!-> innre iM.'.ľ ;),..'..'í silu": i u' . 1,. p hli ie i •. - p th.'s-i.cpph, n. ',1-p.i nad t spr. id d; liea.. -ř m-. -U! -p, (r.a t; i.-:.-p.i ide-.. . i 1 -i . 'h l .cripah-, an-1 nia:a. • ih, i puabh. T't.-ps ni -niiii rii.ľ a au,-' i-.u'ií i 'dr; r,;'.s • .p d en. -.e iík ". 'c .a ai iii ď- ipi--. d p. than an, e-pac e - - , Inth m- iili'.V"! la :f jic - a a:-'< h -,ir, . Maeh - >r *hi- • a: : , led) p i f c. 'ne e 'Up ras .p, i, ;a , . i "i j..i all m; nr„h'.r i. idi i-p , .n e r-as ah. ad ri.atcpinp ' . .s.rirv. iiľi "11.1-I naiijM n > -' ich i.'f;i,i tíj.i;i.p- lodi. I PiC.p ! d j,e-, aa Ip.p-, the dp. pi -1-v uf ■. "p p-;' r .,,-,•] . '.'Pii n bi. nca '-, t í 1 >-!' ■ -lei spala .' ■ ľa!- t.nüiaoie i, pi --ion .v fh j'.i'i ht ľ.ji.>pes ap-., p.lin,-riiies r'-,'ai" e • ,, "í.pn p'iie' c;, ' ■ - iíiom. a.ipii r t'pj.'ľ.. tli- dli.d\, p. ;pl>i. ti.)c. 1.'..-'.-.. !'*« . p, p- 'p'p i .- a.', a lien liPp.p aar; p <>.i -i -i - „na.- ŕhud 'itiie-, i.eed net K c,..ii.>iiľľ i ik' 1 n dv . p.->: ha ď. .11 : n, n pi."íC, i, - i-,c, .Cnd iď e\' >,|, .d '''" í . ,1 n-, pppra'c-' ''..ť-picac • a ('iiiinía i, drdced 'hon-edj. -'..ip.ť.' F,u ihc. eld 'rtcepp t 1 ". tniemh a, the V- rr n; í .--a -i - nit die e ehl Wir. d iie rinm-.r- tbc- .in1 n,"' vare m. n d ^ km. ; icsu ;rd - :' c s e. eis amnire na! iiir.,',1 "m-i'-. ma. .,! dl ..n mir. ,p t.r-m ,' b<-ir.u-an t \pd. ..;í,ie ma' im-. la-.- !,;. p.ipp m .md ra,meai ílíiei.-. a,-p p., k J íi.lp lbe v'c'ld "'e . "11 iiilt; s.,''- afpi asr.rpii (tni i ephne- Idu nmiutí "ď -' tnaimb. ht-. :l>Jí."', Iď- ide'-i-.pi. ,d i.mhim dmiť-d b, mrnmmm.a. nr .mnrmmia d, n padii s-r-' ct ilie ait . me t rnnitni .■mu arp,p, m-l eiilevnnMi "li Mana. pnyie avi, ktiamnt.p iv..,-'i!,..'ia! rmd'.a b'!apk''-md e-mp bi, m ana otier •hi d- iriend--. Im, -im •- ad,- ď-!i i.-t e\pi ebhuire- iatrpm d Tiľ nn mm- nidrm. 1 eP. au; am.i mní-ihe -er.'et-, ,ii fh \ aihanc, w-n nn; i.n iimir tii.rt di, t ni,! Vi'i. "piidd pe ;m immemtt 1, bc au.-,e rhi š í,-vk -.v.-,., -j pi ibik-'-, pmlip-s iipim,. 'Tk. ce-in"-. ■'>' tím^Aar ..n uitur d arm'.hinp;. v,-p'--e ih.m '_-;dh--,-> M m t-d, uiirs'ijj»- th. ar ''íi,p;in, i i r ;i>. p.mi..'d • A'ied.i ,a p.tiai-. NATO: tk. \i-rtP \t! mn, Ticj*ťH-jjanuantm ('"- ä ft «i >\r.s. 1 í am ' m i a-t-i ,e a nrPl in aí'caľ , .iranap r-i tnrnpejü nan a-s pim- eh' ifs \ ,a de ;,nada ik-apm d iiienoti, >m ai i! d m, am d b. Si ni, t Línii -dľ.-a ham - iiisirp aim. '►r-r Wmlil O a- h bad 00 ,picl i lem. -en .pe h- ľ-'í'p tjľ-... .md ímku |p-mnJ >< \Tr mími hv X"d-íiiden o ,v- aitei U * a d n- iie e u! t War ran tmrm.ri ťro-tpeľ ]., ua.ll, m, in - Sam ľ -..n H m., b.' i be.-a admdisd p ľ\Vľ-!. \m |C P.,,p-, p, m.i,i'u, mit a-a a!ri,k oa ,ia\ na rubea-iaiia.r n-míľ Irl. i.l.ilm 'a jli a.'..l i , " ah i ll<-, ■ ialise Pi d,e P"'at" »ľ 11.1 'ker n, dtd, «> uspnip t.-v'it hm.iiidi.r-iP'-raid bJ'asp\api b *■■, s .n. i . t e- ' 1 1 ďt im! 'i , (d ih> í i n - i Yimt.sha, 1 iBn-nt e I d i pi da. tál pp.'.ľí p K, pan -s. .ani -s, lij'., i 150 thf'' u It o. I tu'ť pEHr-f ll-ígi A ! IUI fV •Ľ 'dm U~>\ 's;,t,L.iK, a- ílu 'oa-at Smtn, if im ifriii't'i, i't .'I tdm.t'' I In- i|-i.'-t,i i,t- ait I t aged, of. - itinlr1 ks dimmg Pli v oil! War. dle loeiii; git tl t nm s- i,!M-,,riaa,,n,' g níf i .t.iíii.ia. il'lu-a'dgherswdd s t. Hi t.t'n-', .'I'tMiti' iíoľ o e "k .m,, t ,'e.itiot s) ".x. rl'.i uia'tM- " tin iiľľ.t. i- that dl .- dt- --t í í ajs ••tľiiis out ,.! si.snethino- '".ľt ind i nl h •■ i'i .n us .,i *'or i fo. .,i nice"* in the .i'ü-i" I l|..t ft) ks.i'Ot il.Jt Ti.r.i 'ti gdiupte 2, Even . -'tictions of gender "p !t :n" \n; * '•••1> ♦*'r ■ •>**• «,h «-'M*ruct*d cone i pt 'ie.ígn_.' , c > n v., t,r one, m.iousb t tu accom- - .-; :i pi ij. .;, and; sin ail o .ílu > titr neip'-e ni'si an . ,ins i h.s urym cot i cid. í ft. and L is been, . . m" .a oan.iati'.i s. Li -v '.us this v o-t t . mcum app'tt d ti; at. is o* hum,m a, tť> >",. Hare ! mil explore '. ;ŕt u ba bved bn mgit aih m 1a u.uHknbh- rf .,- n pcrluiit- ť gi nner atut rj. . - aera b r a'.ld "e, t , *t r mmmph. i- . 'lava jmuih buď -r tb ,e|i p- di, asseii r a i d t-1 en. h t xlstefitial i' iiui.""nt t(,bi"ľi 'a hite,' bei anse gatietn s wrimr Simono ch Beaut oii that "tjnt i- n >t horn, but, . 'i-i,ii-t o'i s,, nd ,iľ.tngt mene.' 1 hjs t, not t rada r.'m ana-e .»,-m.i.d .'see Butler bo\ 1 a hint is, one's ' if prop!- an e six att il oi Sem nun b pov 11 thev mol; mh rl - \ d'l. mal •" or "eng > ;s aai matt 11 d shaped - omnou, m other engbie or ebanm , :md i re-nb ihr- imh the menh. .or strutted,.miance , or p, ,pl, oi toto)- htkiity poeter imrt out späh- ih.-ti- g -ndt r ,~n. ,m m' n 'maid i. ' >i i-i.t h . the- v binaries ago.c dk mhei t n t lÜl'b .auta dim.iť.itp, ->i v -s .inarjila.m mipl-a but h a the lainieit L t m stick with j>k' . mi s i n.-"pe, I a ni itc,t iiiquir. " ii.e'u.k . nut . Iso theui butii jj ii on «;i - :.ih age Lam- to pcidorm sr<_., . aul hangm -a, a-,ughl In aioti t. iiait S'it pt r gentle: 'pi t an il mlhu 'Uu •, lat nil tbsphim, gestures {tiru - .mpuim isio/'W ham uintiiutt'. inde.ídn.d io. mp% n ilk ,, and. i-i.. beh n mme o. a ash m to sak tt. ne nji'o, and a,„ .. ■. ,dit\ ' Ai e thest , mistrncte 1 oi g:\■ o - Alah it la; -i enť- hul- she.,- . mo ,,t!"! nuients clothing, and til st ■ ' ">\ >■ tu mg ■iih Butler - <-1et ;? pet formative ''• - ba'ty o a histar.ecv summon, as Beamm j\is e ia», nee_ at,a • a amen--- u t rio'i g, d.-ae'e' 7 re unc- ien,'admem a -ľistoncai situation. I. . .1 ;a a;t t|vu gerdoiMs. tee act tiiat ei'ibcci >ci m.t.'ts am irao.a.'J, ŕ: the- 'kti leta.a > :md a..meiy cinbodv and iPdeei ■ .-it. ta cii'ti'.aai ■ /ju fitutgons, i;o- m'y , et cue's ,aci nioem c "-e.y thma am u saneel ami i.i , earns c'eagi one s •,. '""a tut that a'iQ aaes d ana an* uui- Oops t n i..cnii vath m-staiu mn-mens a-'i pmseripho is 's c ear.y o' a fu'i> ae'n ai matte-ad ] The act Nat y*t aoeg the mt doit one tet,.i e-,; ~ ~ei m, an art ti at as nee" cc'eg oe uadom i -a i .'t--i op the "i e'ie Heilet ge ajar is en 3-'t 'AI a u '> as L-Pti ' Jheď šerí r.umí' ,,s - r'.i ,m sta e ves ť a |- a> oCtliiť- amni s • '■: r ar.: u-:e of 'r. i. * 'Ale; li mqieres o-1i / aieai acta.c a> a> mi ta ha act ie .zen ,v-j .--n 'ork ceci ?=, eaiiiy tcs aga i. [ i jntier reaaly is pertem alive mean., au'te sima'y, t-iat 11., m .g m, y m the e ttern. tuat e i? u e i i. . mí a-m «er a^'-'ť Pes [ . 1 am md e/gm'-s't/a hut pe 'naiPivg Pf" th^i r"ccti.-ii.' m .sťtutf- f'ie -d.aií ta í im a -a c-mmss ci rema .The ďsti-icťo" ber, eeu .a-'e'dun a.a i pe1 x:ouátiveae< s o cil m- . ", nA, f y-imd-u g Pa iDi-h=--" acts, the v?,-; sjs vea>s a bodv skon/; .t pi-uduees ,ts .it tne-,, -agurneaTiOe amge-tai < atu e dmniim'"6 a-io urea, r peg . -a '-, \i) edi'r.h an act ea t*tiiL.ite la'Jht he i-ipôsu,'. í- them ,,oa,d n« ,, true a. taPe "-si 3 d Steden art5 cd qeamp ■a j t ii-" o-as* teat i on af a ť ne qe-xie1-, JeaPt;- vvonld Ľ= i e-ie.n e'J r- a -1 oeiaiom rataa "i ,i?t nenue- leai ty is cm tu d d ro.ioí .-trau ec sočná'pe i to-maaees p'i°ans that the ,er-t núti jas o* t o'-taeatia 3e- a h o-- a.nakep --iDscuhim.y c i ao lin'ty, ' t a, .utiihm as tv,u af me st ctegy A-f ii n ť-r h ib-r nativ0 aa> - t if e -d.1 isctecciier ľ .i 'b-ad'r o a(ltť ■: cí> řora.atp e, v/hica a.eans, facte a-ir'-, Piat it'~ m-c . ,-th m t* t extent that a s c-'t .r v;;i l983 "Pé'bmtiat ee d.t, ä'-d Ce uer mvist "-p m 52' 524-2i 151 Simone de Beamoir (190Sv-H6): 1 re-neb farm na. c\i u.niabJ philosopher, and no\rhs,. Ho be-mPi.<>,vii am* iKiimi im.t TPs fe'siS'ti b>tpt, fmp '^S-it. sUach mikil b>miii end m ih,-moth nl "th<* eterii.i! femansa " ( >t],i- r work* include i itienbojpv t 11». 1 nn i ''dn n1 • oi i n saoeeo i i^t ! "ta apt i fi-t r a, nib ~ inarkr im ol a pe, en • i . VU, Ih.m- !nf,-r o P), ! knot) nened to p, no i and • oitnre i - , uiiuo in.hi Viirm st tanda mat "ciidei n ■ on-hnkt. >i 'See Acting the part of a woman box;, lo p, -tm in tin-r'Vi' , > shiba' snuati >•.. per on s, , 'in'!', v flati i eo"-n -,ni,ii r,-,rm lo ipfi.s !■ < p-nti'Tii "tie's aWijaud p, nbu is rebel ,man-t ''nal'.ir ■ " .\- Faidei p< ,mr-not. them n, ' nn irie-d'and md-p-dod ua\s" ot ]da\,up; on, k e,ndet, bat \ahat-m-- tin ■• aim a person n, rti a im, h. e or his e, nd-, in ,m, or ] an , a. ah „k, ado nismibed pt rh >rniath e- Butier \e>"\ a>o ik.dh ,oaoa\s ' eivln mie-. lo, "elm-ai -,ed the :ti mal prri '.'ima- es i fat tmjo-'. hmmit script, mhleh sui a\t itie parte alar actors oi t-t.. liHuneni. In die- Batiei '■> tppi, ,mj rhe'hik tqinaiial's a .slap, iniaapfa.t" enttiitiaU b so ahr-ho spt- u\ ->__.. r\p< »rei'i in our own Dili- In tr\mp ,j'dliean and his in,an !.,l[< »\t \\ hen kutlor tuk's hi r on a coiitribui ier o in i • r appk- ,ai"ij oi ,i;-t,"i s Oian,a iioir. post a1 mtm.u.snb- i • i prt aa .aatoi s Belli mapo' thji aeiidm i- j,em,.. ., .no-iop' .nan \\\ sicrr, sope-tie,- • na, is iraiiaat,,. !,- • vaalir ' ri i> i map a tm,! fur piPor, hn_ a aan-t jsalkos a is kil oil, - 'sec But let box 2i no-del pohiO. : ■> • nomlade'smm, ti rp , i 1 pa\, h s1 .,. '. it, i "."•.iii!r. p'oitioainp da s, m opposition t • tie ,-, mo- ,: so, iai sr,k i. j,i ,.th>_r 'aie-h, to ht.oaio v , jia.t a mdu -.' politics a'-aiarhi hm - of "tk< ncm .tad political," Tk-.s o nodi' sfrmmrfh t lear m the In .m d arp-m> r.'m me in ana 7,' iho-t mdois aio "totupals, r\ in, s, \uahn "w ja( ' nan '"i.ipe t' h, ,lt lined as "hot a, m n a a a >«.,!i. in "1 he-, i _. upn /e dial am, i d!" r ■ it t'n-"'- ,u |mm , alte s sotiels. IschtiV, tin nppositmn to ;a\ ina.rii.apy , l-t km That i'um,;ni - foe ai ot about upl:s ,pt or. if 1, spjjii. I siiililren The .. a t an -ta, i,r, under rtlach clnldre,, p. ea i rtmi tiui i , i', oar .on din.a s r 'knmK" ', a a-, i soiial ,,e --t,oii iv eicm the mails in niaaa , alnii-' s i- Acting the pari oi a woman I860, Anonymous cm r In i " ..e - ti i i • *i i v res behind, and t have seen a weU-dressed woman irstde to too. ;<»r> d\A«4)3 » « w <• * it" I»i 1 '-i ' i - hI oi Nng tier elbows too far behind her. Some hold their hands up I j the v.a 'sp o-id hi >. *h-a -i i i n °m ^ it a i mp'as if they were glued there. Others svviag them backvvard and tui-.v.mi as a riidi'mtn t k i ' do . i " ' J* hort steps detract from dignity very much, forming a mincnip pace mo lot..' - c - m n< i ■ 1 e 1860, Complete Rules of Etiquette and Usages o- .Socebp 2001 Ca>J Bit "bun w Cos nopohtmi do ' in i "i \ °w ,i 1 i ti ' In r "h "i f loo, c ir i , t- * d _zi- n r a ta ifb a n ul , r1 a n'a "is-'i f jv1 i m r er I 1 j i , ^ 4 i < > ei ic1 " . i c, jp t <- t o t i > sit m c ,"" 1 yo, m m hs-s- , - a l i I , ' j to o p £ n i i y o ~ i >v S> Ui/ b i m iC a in am in 'np ye i a dam I* ne pa pe 0 v, > i Pi mi ii u list, is It -i am i I il , I C i ' te | -i ajg i to he tr ii I j 11 e 11 v i ,o * t> i i / i'ljt -t- ti yri t a"- tut 11 at n 1 s r re m cm it up *ot p a>° pi bms'-ostic 'Km m i'i s hi p t- , t cu "'e. Ii a a i ,fe ' a i at,. I t in Patjm.'a". pa i t ''ems Uilj isii- t i* a ai ie i-i-i! 1 ^ hm \ mi j Yl i-""t, '148-49 152 ■ Butler '■Mipubory ľeteroiexuaiii'í ' ~ 'me> -.c.tee tu- iVjL: in u l'.;.n ,?f a g■•(/»■• oiltnre .ai ice .'tei.t-pt'-e'":, s e > e srnu is'.er) a11 it a 'a u oe-cíôC'ica, :,ťai .Ham oí m1 ;p, nm a asíam J :ech recr.iee.s r "-'i-oGi". t ic p af aa">-ai L+ii.p- a a-- mein oemíered r,;aa. ..viť. h i, eifei:, g vraní er- nm o, t a* 0a1 m p- ta- tt r;a i an a í c-a d,, a' comf "acts d tb-- se - oce ' ,-eo 'rdi f iive mamesis. htíminist adt 'ta! a daaaalo'p tea1 i im-bdo Steeles bme ono/n hm,,, eaiirac-. "a. L. . " W>; pennt A --miniy rhat oae v\a, 'a >';a ch t * -; a aysiem at cooieen-cry hetei esexuaiit, is mmi ctuc".! arc coaipeb-,-, is ,• v.oi'- d-e , n'th/at. ^ 1 of bccms ddc ct ■ í - ■ -de sc>es /.it h • naďraľ' ipcearaimes a aat i-a1 .• e .ercmxea! Cspc-sedcn-, , . i The coe'caiicn t'mt se'-y gemiep a.eo iiPte'csmmahm eo; hiitnva; lamtiach-ct 1 v/toc'; be,dat rcdeic-d raid o.aäea --. mm,mí Lv'er t o has cecedeci a ypcon dead ct -:r tica- attaat'cr not c r 1 y tďai 1 híkd e Fcacmjd. but ÍUamqi;e V/bpc; gay a--.a"ians and tarons udmrai -eithronoiagisp-, alia sea bal r-; clmpimstŕ in ierp-a yeais ~ . 1 " la-ti ansfe-e-atien «f sxtť teh-ťom Deco- les a n after, then ot:>aam,tcr iba; hepenion c _-ociad act iMťor-s rather than bavdiia! acts that am spate.led X.i -hem cendincm'. <_ . ,. just a; a- t en te niest thee.", tiie mry t ateyo-y rd the oersanal c mnemiC"' ta rclnoe 0 ah kmc rt.aa'aarep se dime :s a tam-p ;ca I,. baoe 1 and 'ndeeu, .ess ine'ehapady orient eh >. ae sl arts a.-a rp'V so- le tr dm cay ,r. / the concise' of act tntcry 3^ 'too existe-.i'a i ,t." I°8S, "Peoiouoaov-.- dms and L;ndo' Gonsvrtio" • a2d 25 '..«.Sc t- .r diAti'iiiinina weahh Ironi e no 'a nemoon <>,.-. loiliei o o ' h ,\\'s op nmreasinpb. n i,, piob.jil:.'!. .1 vs 01 l.i s a market-, vaatllli ' - s io tu. .no opiľ-r tíiatt nihei itano. . And as tlie exehanpc ŕ ealtji In mcaľo ni in mnam and ^ hildsii-inno lose.- iť-■'niae'., no- kinds oldatniď's am imapUT d .aid páteřních .i, 1 m. nape is >ne ■ ddlit<. new kinds o! lamího Tilu.-."- .idiocitinp pav man i.ipc usuaih doaid 1 ite .'iets and Jiihe'-itaiH o GťiieialK, thcvpntsiK t\'o> hne- id ,'oapht tht 'eial 1 on-trurtion oi prmi.-i ■01. s ,niii pijao Son.e poRc'bcelh. proiii.stľ .■ ed If uro >se»ruah ad' ;< press then' pavness and li\e stodpl,! im s; atul .miit yen. tu alh ptt heterosi \-iuď svili ch aide to li> 1 "n ■o' s 1 inis, pťiielLs as ,111 h is a »ad fit i rinp What remits is '■oth hot\ pt "pk artttallv porini-;ii i.hi ir '\\< • and « hat -ae. s .ted aoio, r.tiP'is poee)-n and puide then). To It f/alize piv aiai 1 iape — .a- m tan ida, Spam, Kolian«k and beipimn is le di.ti. h "tanitb " ironi a uarro-.v detm'ii', m Some bundles v. ill pi'oi ro.ttt . ethers not; snntt n ill he .oinie -e s and 1 a.hers not, \s t«t peiľďei pe. ipie 1 d the same- sex can I >p audi i ilten 11a , -./I Odo rent peniki's. W'liit about >ah.i rehnt s. > pel ha m their assipnt tl he'ei'oscxit.i! as ode; r< dm. r it n tu he at the lea11 m "oddliall,' i rial lie an mti >r or ( )r, it the .mfnsil n mom ratiit.d. to be"f|iK i ly'dn-'daittli'dir" "a "' rjusvin'IiÍsomí.iI or ttamss^ vttil or am "tlier pi-ndcr possibility dial is ontsiik heti r i-orthodos'i. ľntler ami othei . vilio adhere !<• ot \ iew hi hm- liiat pttider is ''re d" oaiv ins,das and m the -.peuiK mi> it is pertortred Sim a.l'o makes the itr\ ininortii-a disriuetion hottieen p mtoi ndne apaitist (lie lioimntiit oodt in a liim-üi and ilninc so m tlie .-treet. a inch ma -re m p-erniitted on amey than obf í tífstaiye there mm no '.011m nik,m <,i i.ho pu'3'.rt m prorm t a thaie ipaeen troni rioi-"ule m sitH 1 see figure 5.Si, i un reniainine m the i.l< isct, hťing"cjutetiv e.isdas ;t y.ete. is no prf.tection. arpnns' .tlUi. is- riiieinp ioui] sPt-s and o.r'ad aini-e to murder. Unortaodox pt-ndrr are not inert K' attronts to patriarch.: this tkahkurje i,- -np-statním y Western philo-s ipliii ai distill., lions bet m t en appearatľ t and re,du\. If one 153 fig 5 8. \ amr , vvaijn.l <_or, m ,um,' dmr •. ihanpp. e. bat •■,<. '"n.ll', ,i,' 'illlil V bal ihotit tle. \ts*"IKe <>) .. s, í||,,l .tkiitili .,• an Mil "A oíb' •. i ■■Hi„]lv ."hlldme sol li ' Constructions of race It pp ra iťr !'. pt ■'(< a men, -v'h.ii aia nit r me; 1 'lei-, mm' hei o; r« Ki.ii k, "lilts hi o'.vn, red , or ".hkm m dit m:m .-ma, fiat -m booms, . , v, aom or mm? h>o, - spm of kail, a si Í • -i i jtial oi hi ahh, Ira'urcs. . > no, onde ,-r,i ibrte, os L'«mbi laih-n nt atli dnees i.ahia'o !h, i,n ''ťi,inj, t , ,>r>t- , ,, anntfi '■ 1 dr m- an, dep. nth hlt maikem t J(_ _. skin i obir a-al id o'ta -"latij, ieauri • an- -\ tniHt miriabk aross nupnlaťoio" \nded o; rho o.-noti s md tai-nit ttr mrsa i \ i ,.n t ifo. to t \\ an .uiS', ,i ra < .in. katk Rami is akin, to t thnit it-,, a anio m .ailtnrai Ksr aia m 11 nltorn 1" it,.u\ om roattt "s Hut tht "iiri ; tan- •; ot ram ta \ '-ultra i\ eaUpm", ■ „mi A a, MisOhia d ho its ota-ii p'i:-p.,rť d haa- in "u.a.n \ bjiso aaa:k~ oi ua i me nnr'-hink , It- ! iko "bku ks" ,-„ ! "'oha.t s' .is -n,.', a..ui". -< , aj'eci ' orhires ' hat, dark ,-slriri than maiA iberh'bPi, h- "< fiber a isibte raarktr . -a ., to hair tevtiim. mo and nasi shape, and s, > >n ,,re i nor 'lutila - not i-i h in oi i\\<. > to "hi a. a" anil **« him ' . • also oitli -i pap1 oda r nmipm jm\ - lu-» ineiintm \h •■ , >h arpiaied as a ram with ,spe,.n,< an i,a ohaiarttn»tie., dh nores, ihh. k lir-s, d. irk est. ss',)n)( tines ,i- a i\ dpi' ,-is ,-7-, ,,■ '•-"ith r,o pa.i a. uar r j. i 11 nan ke;... But at n r ah< ait anaa t '. -Lai* Hiefienis ,,1-),1 .rabrop-olon >.»■ c rlait o., t in- a hi-is ,1 nenoties ■ -r Hioki'a\ i.sce Marshall bos > B< i.jas ia t o ,-. t ultima • on -tioa r. ui 1,1: identita aibe . t halite ,0 r;,'-etior- to . uHiite speuht tnstorieb font. k"i esaninle thtoti'jhoir aim b od US hts'a 111, pit opl>. n-ti-t pitted ia. and ptimd them,., b,in, , nan e-• dlaps,. in ttte 2"00 Lia L, reus, mota people than e\i hi.} ax ids mined theanrh, es i-. "ijiiiltii_alturai' 01 ;\kiset|to . ire.;, i/it1 tin u.-i In-s r.tbal!\. E\en the • hbt 1 1 no.n.-. nslanm-.a*,-' is the H7m e.oids stu h as ''biat h. ,r „1' , ere at ct aer il Use But tndav spa ak- m,,st.h ot "Ai 1,ran-biiierietm,' pmnmia to fatbara ana p. "prapht mthor than si il- m ("Hfv 1 ei - raps that h amrrb msta iik utii.i il |i\ 1 olor ,m also nov, maitidla "laataiaiir', o; ctí of m, (■'(. hiiiosi ' 01 "jaoamm," nor bt.k»a': "bdi-tt ^iiiern an,"* not'Pa d"; "Indirti. or 'Soni !i \-.i„n." 11» . l"-'-\iii Poetr\r !v, ii,,\iť\-i r, tht torní 'penpk ot ^oir;" d. smnaie, ey. rvor.e -i\h>. i, not 'bthire.' Thus, tiespit ne o es t, it. «, "a,he. *, is'oh- m.,rker^, ra, i,d , area, a i"s (ietiia- i b\ h,)o p,'-,ipk- i',01: remrm in \\;t]i it-e Km • iro-, not he 'a ai -,t it m. ih.. db, tat ii is 'tronph. operate e malturjlh. In ,-aifhiioii, ai, e;p, sima-ot^petl h,oks and l;eh,r,iot an 1 soeian-d s-'ith ^. rtaiit m- nips, [he smreotvpec ■ 4tut ths a-a.apt "tin O'her as ad.nor or, opposiseh. ti-o poui-rlui. S' nrti.iif ,, p trtn akn b ;n relation to jev, s. tile haft >I nn ntp ho 11 to he h.ah, mt.tior .iitii toe pt,v.-trrai Freuuenils, •leu'otsp,- jtiinhle rare, ethnaott, 0, llnijai, am] itaisi,njht\. bikii' ah.rnut, armetl a; tu-t rboaa 1 ,at eionp. bi.'iiK'inp V, d neehm"v Into rami v.r«Ti,in ajtltheiie isand "S't-kSP-." tthile \uplo v,\,>n broo-nm-. h,,.r is beam 1,. tmiia^dai; kio, rile.,<• ei aspens, oisparapinn-ithers.Tra^eted at.nips -f.irn aroiaid »n,l late, *• 'aha r .pmnps. ilie ,\hi le maiier is iurfhcr . ,'rnpke.-.ted uiu-ri eetlam -'t n ol\pes are t d h> ihoseth- ', ,e e nte mi tiopannra . traji-ltii iihin^ th-' va aid-be rA\.u k i.ito j p'i,a,"o t uitera! txpn ssfor For .'\aimplm mam Atriem •Ve.era.are <.nj.>\' mo raeiaho d hanmr 154- .: Marshal! *m is no such thing as race >; <~ jia r-kv ;i hi; d- s < ei ■ icJt.r a • ac -p ma'as, „a:i .-a' a'j 0cf fa ct o,;rmn' ai d Ba.ugrf'0F1B) comaemd i ccr tan; ar re.' me ca tre i a., a - ana edm a me* ego- a:-; t tat \i'n\ o" ased f ,'re o.S, popn uhon in p--riei ai mpoi t-. .or hi J an the 2nr,d reis n it dead, r' 'ee m semi a-oepaaji Am-ican " . A a-ta khstV: Avar, thica okiB .ece'< eh 7)00 postca'ds'aa-d orOihc, Pmdie Is'asiie • vVhite; disi.a i,r or Latiem and d ,t uo,pai L .... Lapr.; Tre cateyoi irs c..Jia ■ ,.'ia aae.icl CcUdnn fre>e "he a -tr button nt .pm. ta irrt mmu'ies :o imetiea . ;_t, iituu fa a&nngraeh'c re :ea' a!t . Pal as q- ipt'rpts a. e tonce. ned, b e,he evaniraieis ■5. i n.ovp i>V, ,;.,..) ,,11,1111 a. d,tOCCIcqk' „o'm Men P Cittf-- J> mmS".;, tf - ,n kb u?irmo hf jr=.K cSeS'-'abe i ,i,i-i tjpinp Tn,5 ' ;\v k hnba'1 o , a are, mgi body af oata t'-r ai come., as Pirn.! - a.s teat 1 i;m ater t at", i i' e_> n> t«.' •< fi o-n ohat'c cn t 'echm -are '' "ma r i; taliPng about "m.spe;:, d.yaety ideipfabie a-ira \iud idda, dT-tc -o see!', the-v. is ce -r,. He no mp'n ;r > t e A nedcau AutieGpelo.-ira tm c, let orcpie define their a , - he a -'jed the gave' md ves'-:; d^ aca / e id • acc.' eam.j.i. km ant; ln aom c ->| ma : etnnicitv. [. . . ■ a.,rraaaiec,1stb haee long abimtef; to -ha sm!eety|jce tiat a-e used te r!a. p. -L,nJu ,)e'-, ;as ot; racai arenas. .he ,,-'js+ note it thai.ea ^ ta ""eh e.r -jn'ngs ha= aaaie a afu j. ejPt =: rd>es of framr t Tap grip v.=s 'hi 3nsroa>red ' i ■ ate i^SC;, sa/-- a-.tnrccoiog'bt Veunetn Were, at PrvnSj vama -dite Jnotr-aP' in in. tersits Pa'l by at aaaiys's "fa -oas h"i, tocnanrl. UNA o ,Ohi A, begun hy r-°',y re a e a in La p,'e U' Irerspy e.f H-v,.'dana t, Ma-e ctoitet i|-g - i 'Ida a are! the !.->-? A !an ','/ *j i & f t,,c fh.deis t\ "f Ced-poid , E"1 kf ley ~h£-e -espjiu. e, s .a-rortet -fa: c'veisitv ri b 'i A .-er'ei .''as -wo to i.hrrc trees nreatei Af iLa tha . in Lit' j| e ai Pie ie-tr f t|-„. vw_ •',A-st:r>--ir,q t ,at '.! e rate td aj • ...,- it D.J A was -,, v eoa-t >.it ti ay rodc'i'ded that Afn -an ' t.itDW A> - &ide - thai- d at tx i or-Ad- cans, ard that ;e, i. h,„-vi- ^ripmaiea t,-o>n ? -mall hO|-iuiati"ir -'oat erierg°d -ten, AI, tea ana i •"ta ate." ai ear j *he y e3c ic'?G 'bf.iA f- i r e-, r .tah-ra- :» e lyeanma -i h'acep o54 Jtiie Murphy, bin a. Let- t , Bfixpiott tn.->n men i. i . ,P- ripsters into -uper-tam Wit!" n anril f. rap and ep, diem ate str. •tie ha finm doth tin and .mam-P ['or lap Imp and rap an pxpiosiab mbu-t manifc-tatmn . ntiatti an c ttltttre Fur othet s, the mu-u. lent, latist sext.-t, and e/Mmpii.>bie. This diM-mi. oi on b ti. .1 v, halb. alonp i actal a pt mler line-' \n.i if thi- 1» d enmed. ot <. t otnpil. atiian, llit rid- ,d-.e r lot p itijf o\.-i i- \i-ibbi at hiP, lait his musk and elation el -elf are bt,v k. I mi!, ihiiic lup-l op rum-e .epfil, in ( naptei- S hi laer, 'hbn k -t i h " dominatt s ■amtai Aintriean o(.p mask and is str-aie irfltieiue i"..'1 area- ot Aincrn an tuJtui'c. H">t thi- ■ loe- not inhibit -en J met a ins trom adoiitiuy elemtiits be''. omoarabk to .\h,-t Hot lor terms "enmpukor, heti ro-scxuahP, "Ji sttao, tb.r,e is a,n tnurninus .miount ni eultttral-racidl niixme Idltlii- AUirphs ): Ann ncati actor and lOincdinn. biLris 'ncltitle -JS f/eno- < I^Sd i. Bewi< H./.u tap (1 9.S4). tommy t. Iwe-nm l HSSh s/irtjt i:0()l. imu onb ,. the hfjunied (2W-ii. and thai' mrjtt, i- Eminem ($972- ): Went an rap artist, born Marshall Mathers. CDs.'DVDs inelud. Infinite 11 ^QhJ, The Reai khm M>,jJi (dtlQOh The n/ea S'la.h Si,eii ^Oitlp Uo^h or fV (10t 'A a The Inc/cr \{j,wgemtnt /...a i?SH!-i. and -is.Xife fhti sit'Oip 155 Adrian Piper theorizes i.u e bmh m im; ;,riling- am 1 m« r. Piper, a phiio.v ,pti< r ,p, (; >! nog hntnaimel Kant, is also a coocepind art^t whom nuterpuiuv .at and installatmiis hboo- un > am an ea.. lai -tireof ping .,,.1 xenophobia. One o' her hem V-.e t m>eik- ( .'.men ' i 'Xbp a aideai installation ot pin-. w"h Pie,..], d i sm a p- omk clothes, a string oi pearh .nound a. i mcs. scaim! in i incomer oi a i oorn at a tab'. . band-- >ohnd lo, Lmg Oir'-cri. at the caniera (see figure 3.9nTin T\' -it or .v>n,.o i'ip-r'-. isnage a.Di.aairs is itseli nla,. d in •!« cerm r at ii,e g,.!k r\ w ilh an cmerumncd tabic in troe.t ot it T'.o .. imp -,!-both being .aaneied ;,->i>ied> end -'ms km! oi molmat overturn. Alter a pan roe light-dk'uet d Pipe! begins, "] na black. Now imk <]- ad e o! ib..s s >. ml p,, t mi the tact ot ntv stai ing ii, logctd, i ' P;prr - ui.eagr. a! i b.,bc ng, Is a "speech act, a laertorm.aowi \h,- goe- < n, "Si I bo', t tell s'Oti wb.ia i .an. ihcti I n.r i pas- tea white. Ami whv should 1 tiaw to do that7 I hi or. d-'- mv>;'.!', ods-.,ig !oi taaan . c,l;,riL t Adrian Piper (1948- ): , . i < ptn b i m, ,,,',!,,; s}1ir ^ ' -■< rt m mm ■ t-.".i mmi,., I'tdi. tml .■ n . >r« i , t',„, e mm r m,m; eo or d m o-a, nip ' Pro .mm i i,J* ■ -.a -rtpiehet. m, on mien ;,, ,v_ ..rt.WiI.t rl.-viv. at. 'mebsutPimp ,,, pnbiisi ed tl e Pc, -, mf,.. mat a Argon , u at •„,„.- v^.. <»of ... p-lr, ,. • u''a()) ^r,,-.- ,. it,„ , ,„ g., ,s , ^ .,-.,,,nnd idem, ,md.ust.h„l.,,„s .o, -f.aaOi.aA-, I ITip / ...^ , 197- m,, !/• < mp„tm,:tm .m , - < j(o i -.jpw, -,'/*,. _ id u mbvoiin-o-adlfd; . itnmanw' Kant (1724—1 -iOtp i» , man pint s «,be\, n her ofthi t "Pa'P dam Ac o !>,i Ism, > o,opo. m b a „m.PE i.,,,l7x,sii .met eSp.. ai jutjirient i m .!- -i d a- nttu .-r ,u- . ,-. sur ep: ,,., „4ik..i - > oi I , while is not past that it s« on .-). •„ va j.-. wfciih n is. it'.- also that st i rentes a d oi. m s\ lac a mimp ImmaaP .hoe' lea ' s nmdc b- a n to- w h i ma mkenk b- -o, dmi mas no bp,, rs j>i - .„ t,j "skat- a kwmahi- ranch. I a -sa 'mu 1 agme/d ,,yuj fig 5.9 Cemeied, Chicane- ai v, idem nape an: a;1 m F^m rcere 156 py ~ f OA 1 A] I,/11 - ■ na mat o, tor i hi i v \1 i 4 n u'liiH . I ipti. . .' -rb ■', . 11' hi i J .ro,v-, • Os.t i I . till i 'U'M • m.'l llluOa t -> L1..I Wo i piis' ,< 1 'l id. Lin .n Ainu it i •. i, ,.r ,', Ppp in i i j.i s her m 'i. i . htu I' eh pshm i nl imps. • .'.Id.- 'o,p Sin J i-sp, jl u.mntH . ' , • ... t. I-1,- t n. ,s .n,; .ojiepadeni 1.1- p,\ p ipIik , in K tint a- e n ' n ih. r> i -, i.m m tut i Jn \ iii1. I >t iyo- a, " mi 1(1p. is.'ni la., ti •, '"Mia! 'iitij'iti tilt uhi't. \im_i v inr ,.o in ' 1 I j rlu a'a ttal1. sjinti' fa,, si di.'.t '. "a i." t bank What a' ■ um p. 'a', to .'1 aP not it"' lit, Pi ,i'i so lit. rho potato, 'hiai oo'.ttii, !i . rl o,-.j,!. ,\t i - tl: it. p, is hi i, k i >> iip.i-tpp.-amt., .a nl i a-h irt.1^ oi 'd!uisnio>- ktmi. pi mimim ,ks,,,r„,,-i ,-o a«mi hia/-k.- «> ,*3v .hart or discredit llm , l.i at l'n,i h.mi.. ■ a, if ' m m t aitothi , ". i t . vpta n nu Iki'.r.'Hi" - i'i n a .r . on. hi lm., i}K loIiIU,U], Uhob ml alii t.s.. d' N A" th.n m at am-da. iTit rinjO.,1 a o .t ' 'it aim-rm nttnmm '.mi i'„, 'nit-m , 1 (> , . i ■ | ^. • a o > ' t s" a,., 'a . a '' In ,, • iK,i ,' ...i.l j, atn • r'mt <• In " nork !'i m pio>" • 'i. Iidtui * promm, diat 'oiek .o.mlh ,ii,,.'r'il 'i ■ i .itm i:., . Alia, ioi imam,a, , th. ^ijo ^rt'm !h, p „ e ii"ihpr i a vac ii;;urc 5. SO \\ hen m um • at •. do '"ii ink- ' hi u i ' t t > .'.'hi or ■ H , 11 i's(i I ho pt i .mm ii i\ !>«-a. t Ust'i1 o' ' ;i a md -oo.t ndit.p iufo;nin-* ''-'.'a " ,.n oiit h i r< '. r i hi ' P. i hi'i. in .in 'i the , a , -t i mti a. ti on . it.iiiti npi ,, •, i ,,io a , ., i. ., vmt, i see riper box. Bur a. hip.i pi • mi , m'.'h .am aa. pt m i ao. 11 la^-K n.i >i sjiiiiMairnd >! ",i i"n .'i. ,1.1., p'tiiai.'.s insiiu'tot. I an ;i'f mo ,o mi' -an- ->v . ""< m' >,o. " it. o. apiou I , ai agispo n'*', i1 a at sr ma a r n me oast , l-a .-> dtor j \r:o aled "/hi'c peocm *' >m a^,a' teei'ma mwxv. ,' !u ■ . ilc'v ] tl ib ■ ,/oOi-a mi mto ti.ei i fo e^r: r ma ro r, isnv ■ 'tan.p'Sr-a " o . r. alp .ipfiop'. ,tr Tneiottm o>, pal; t I I a .oiiine t id i "'!'' i......p- ai, ioi ii'-«s Ii t = roan, m- a en «"'i j j 'ou,, t,p',e",~ i ^"j ,, e ,j omm ,-ooi't piojei * ind t. eotnoum ] this card when tliey do. I I regret any discomfort my presence is causing you. just as I am sure you regret the discomfort your racism is causing me. j fig 5.10. An "Angry Art" card Adrian Piper gives to people *ho make racist remarks or do not intervene when others do ao, 1386 kgtc comtesy of Adrian Piper, •• ■. Piper On passing and not passing i ,.CS n= NfcA Grtd'ja'e ~tudee+ P'^el't m, 'or mv da-s in- ir' -o a* • <-',r n his er.'ei ,<> Pie he5' qoak ate ■ >'.ia'tm,e ,t m i, Ueki emiie roiac ;,', Ir ac ink cd irs^ed as v,e a I v.ete tjl, of ti i-'e at u, ,c imjp ' i- mni ot . j 1 ,"m a kd lato ai"o notep3 t-iat nian'' 11 -m y to loo- at no tea; mze - 1 m ; e,n-|e . p ; roam i j" 1 an lated "".ok i-n -eii-. tea fa: vmar ny biac. i"i\et hen krttcmed pant=nit «es, t ,,a. In-it io,.p -.ccmvkn the ctmim -ds b,just to ._j n.'Sj, vest ' . A 1 he men t fa ""simmd b'Qhlv, esoetted n e nLr1 u* the *a.t It/cbs^ ed t, e'emt "d d- i o'-it rhsmme un t|]f- , --pmc foromd '''Atl.etit mi ociart,c i 0" ()' can ice ''t .aid to in .'.all a"i • ap in >i s r ir1 Ids P'Cei, '-e , t-um. as biacK as i am." 15? >) fi^i'ebf - a1,*"1 , 0' u* . ,ia La sbue.t C"p" r mat ne iiv take 1 c i ui->" * - '"a"1 d^ a »^V1 " j ,./,, 1 t-'t v1-ri,ttl .e'a't- iva.' ' i T'.tail'V I, -teatta / ula" I JP'1' Viaef Ktf« ri a „ tH'llei r ^ n if? a'!' . je 1 .i,[m'i" aiaJ ape j' a, a. ' a'i at1' mm a a ar mate 'f- mi ri -itcmt f t f; a; Hl e "p a 1 idbss -"amt e I -n- , itIi->) mra , rue-tm ewa topat1'! i r At'ao arc sntmn r m t'us kt r, m me i; mi d a i t : t1 ial"m ed t'a tv> -d, p vi eta - ''i „eie?dro m < c,'" aha a ataem' nm m e ,a ■ ear a' *mm a ti 11 1' ° pat-ioV" '. .r-i-a.j-.-i+r'.e i>?»c. T~.-e id'm^vdc ens maty d -mmm' -,toh:tl d'-„. iimc lye-ncr ;. upo, mei subm '■<<< . ,m a- ote p.. , iv-ve"1 ; i, tear nn ,.,mg I ami ' m.pei ai m 1' tt en _ m at nth"• tut rs tt'at 3"-" " ia. nd - .s -bin ° r:t - a mpci se *. teO'e 1 nc a— op-1 e viaiiijav1.,--1 p,p l:o I. 't:[3crti • C mo-- dia a> eusm'me at namii.i, t , a i- s= a- ^ a,ctl,m ,amataadl.\ pi-.v ,'ii'ie /- ,dT .> • p.! ems 'rat ba .ded c mauipu'm m i, ,m ta h de-_.oeie*a. u^ yimmo at >y • a- Apm- T a < -r.-et, e> tr'hni me , I w is m te, , dim 'be an c imfd,, fly 1 ~*/ dP • n id >e.wml me'. at", *d e ies act aie if': c" e> ,m / 1 m acur t a lads in tlie mi ; < po m second .ramlm . i is a1 1 be p> . o i-t m -urn -ae1. " . i> i d mm,: tv, si - tm, ,r''e,, t,° it ,hu i tha* I aes'mmk >epmmtned m • • j-mi -+ te \r p a id b lrp ,p 5p, ^rmi ~mm y r. cf 3S,si a. . '•> aiteaether. L.J c.rt ! t i?ai'vri ti i1" d.p <= . nr 'i nl'-" . I 4 ■ .m le .am. -on-mr, 'er-p", y anrtitatena uiro _,ine't m ear v mat m- > c thi= iti»Kct .nop a aaietr,a.u a,:,, ---p. a set imrnm,-b>ry n| * asria\. c to dm au a ti y-> d [pe i mm mnap a - - 'lamcm tnen ua'i n> * mad -e a' sern :a ge* n ' php r uc^ ana e, a.1' ti,p , :-a, t| itim, stnat it dcsnd ,ml,ned1e siietm a t^e to '!-■> umm; tleme ..ha lyy.c a+e m,r eia!.pmjet'.tefu; heuy,;,-,,! .m.^, te - is nee 1 mm im.'P' a r nit. - iz mat l-".s o, a,-" ^ sii.'a'aqemeia 'm'-T.ejfit ofe-e'c' to these ,dm am Periled ii J e .Mr,,,! si y.P mrd t-> b- t /. red la1- a unsullied one. i^pa rct^bitiyfpi .P'lute Pa-sum mi r an, 'Jjtoti b,m*S, /-f v , . ?75-7b During, before, and after performance art Pipt lb i'.uo. IP puli >l nidm e ait, j ipaii ban .atscmi . nL y ills tl at do not tie tim.tK trr( thi arte, daiimy mtiiii., ur \isual art isee Hteni.tuo b<»\ • ihe juamtim oi perbvrntaitee ait too the tin una >>l pel I umm-tiu are cbm h re'ated M ur. pe11.i.'inoiu i ii'hImuHxJh , oitiiitinj the ai tim aid tin .u ufik lbs -oi'i ixdi.tiiuiio' h t "on, .and oiihy" dy ti tot - o mmt.nim naked'utei ahy ^ ,» ]i a- bmaratiods i. an ".mipnia]," b> Pb eieatoi and obp.. t > unmi tsce Sthiieitlet bciv li t Jut oi d.metnr. -a tin nae> 'a^timts :n pet iii mailt i am is the .on ,ti uenui. oi identiU Tlm OjUasi on p, rt ii-m.m e.ui ..ftena-k> soim tnnm nov<, .naetU'ie- It tt uaapmp, i ,. "Vi/ho 's this pt i ,u doing tiiest ,laiaa.'"dhh I- mr dui -mt tinm tin .pmstio i tie at.e .mks, '\V ho i- 'tis • Hat ,sti i ionm tile., at llaia.'" insol inp ..pettator- m.paid nor -. , h. • utt hut an t dual | < :>..n i t % i.iftht ar.nt > o^Pci'eh, - p, ai p.o .m,i js Spalthug ! m • tlld i, 3-a.mi7tt tl e -I .y i.i, " i ia p>- rs. ai d n i' ' noli! it ai Oi nu • dui eqno ah i,L , . the p. ion,,I bit ' Th m ob,isi<= 1- on t'm ,ei".,.ra : ih< a tmt pimon preset peitoi iiiptip'l.l itimu kit t 'da-momd i • I'ohtiet'' 1- ti t < lie ! idlortam,,. ,\ti!i In lent nt * Carol H.inisi h m af,y [ nn'mh y a~ oik oj il^ instigators oi tVbnni- i'^h b.-^ htumng' pi .te si apnn iln Mi s n.m a-y,i i'agt.nt .n \tl unie Cdte ptc Hanistlt box; In bet • ss.e. mo otlk l writ y_,,, !Ltnis,h as,, tie.' tha ea. n tbt m- is* am on i! s-ti.jii," s, v ,-,e'-, haJh undm stood rno anaKt ... s'm\ )-me s , n l\ i. t/j-geims-i u. thar dis.ray.miet u. ea.n *sha empha-m, ! th,it uii'i..-eetiMit-s ratsopd pr< jps, ai,ik.ii .tent Pi im a- titoimlit ,uit aaaastt u1- arn amnalb not o jl evpos. d i-su s , ramal rt atotmn's . rplat tint abo 1^ t l>< amo-ti'l st:,itegies lo inipune rh< sitUTa-n. Haiami id- lit m u-isoymg dmntd that '"the pet son,,!" op, nt d to u>m\ it noammuta! ptdiinal qui sttons Women dmj . d i,a, io •, en -ti p-.hfi^alh n./td mthm and 158 rr!\~*ir' t >,fi','iT" .-. Brentano r;v:w,ce art i i,i'-.C'""' f. s* a'-e'epj a-a an 9.''. *■ |r~s' t'ie>-3! t >io-h .3?'., a ,e p> jr :s"o 'e^tf e,o-.< - ;, . l!v>\' - ,t, ri ; 1 .i .-a 11 sc - p 11'.a- c '9 i,n i it ; irv b oca" -'£c ap« ran at ospectb-eP ie ''appece.r e .'-eta, an" fa1 ''liaiaai s i,- rk, ^op s1" 1ciJs. j ,-i part tPebo-rb. \v--^ evv / jtj es an. mxics neat r, u, e p. an CP, frc >" , 'la e iat a pet Live in - e-t raabc n j b. ,. > 'ia'ai y . u ibo-s er ev-" ■ Pa. ,'t> rattan .a r,U rait ,i t'"1 ldk° stj,'rc ",' ' v.t.ipe-e.;l ti i, ifp.r a,:- p''r. '."C^n ra'1'. sppni=t C.U-. t e. Pi ncrPa i'i pp.jct c>n ", a p' ca'l -Uiyiiosic' a,-'" e, P".'1 m Me-sca (- , 0 t,''.ipr f j-ppje,t pra.ei, - ,'le-Cji -">..' to ser-e äS a ct so,1 u ana J .. T,f ii f r pcpern.i-at r j'/." at .v ecrteio v i 'Hjr ,ie 1c .ranpi- an .. 1 aa= tare" a \y ae forms, ' a- b r..,a's:,'i a« , i ,;ti - d. an np p, pp.iP si -r ,ipti.-- oaopp ;l e,'-a t ac ejct-y "itpca and b''e; . , uff ,t I , on c- '.-eoPi,, . ipe ri SU! op, beoa"'- LAcS,,:*' *;0oeaos+-: Ab-r-a; . P-p -o Oihsa e ,;ed"i'ür aapicso .wo/s-'i ,"'c i,. ^so' ,-i bp cpeap adte>'c-., a na p.ii_p", -op-maoi: Pscnjterl "oa-.j es ,, Pn r'. -rc -.icli a. „ane-r r i; n ,,-ic h i I aar1 ,'.|' in- p { ,-, a.ft'et'P .vnti; juppc" paraacs aaj Pj. be Lv94. ossicle the Frame, H--12 iecca Schneider rise of soio performance an •;, „i,:l at_u-,b.> i p i to ijc- i lie , ,e af PPu; aern i lepra ait a da nvp .a p-p, -si a,,,! n1c ' 5 "Pii^ 'oc c aura Ane bo a pi of ur- pAa-rte a'l oPioci a -.3'[ .'ei ,,npe, -h= '.acts ait r,r <~sie"'s r.-nr.eiat-,- er'> m:i on Ae to ■ , v» ;s nan pen orto die a 'tut h i "-.sir - „-ai i = •1 poc^pci'y not ep nea t j a.,.n pat'OP naa iya'- otu s a' ,s as Dp c e . -ad, a Na) j :p p- fa paAeai tp pit t a 'aopd.peabon of art and e* t ■ in;:.- :pp- t e "i nn. s appg-i p pa,, .sincu'ei) a>t a p .pp t'.j- ppject V;t i • epjcpt , i .-.'.sis s spc'enen »Pp pVp:' a. pi- pe e psf" t-a ii"',-. ;nt ae.'ii na C C(Lrfr,r."'id"te Ui'oir l'u; aCi"! i p d'.r te ;,-r ipr jPiPtd pa -p-f space m l .ee" ti c pb'ppt a 'U ti e nsr - - a p opper and t1'^ '.e..e" tap uu-e't a id ^ny jwen ccetevf IPissnr, ,,tt"»e. i j ct.ei and »ir v-d .vas elc tn; ads aed -Mtfi da p- ana *a'san« ' nr.j n 'Pd.p' '•-p-oi t j,c*"ino!y nro ets >r tP-a..ti ap e t1 c a: enpi.ppp tde , m a i, te.'-",ai'v d s.'rcSc oaject P e ao'o ^' t'sT i an. ,>,pa,a oecaeie, tPen ,i..pi i ,t-e'f Tlr n.*s s'^apea c. .ancea1 ip.i Pie p'sp- pa t|,e obie^taad ri-sr,.'"c a-'u'c, p' lty, and ,pi: t. pi 'cc /^-n a.-oea+dd c and , ',app,'"tchap'e 'it'.re pf p a pi'.cs-. and 'tea,in prsti.e ! .s sob rt, 2005,. vSoio boio poio" After Criticism. 33 i bi,e.._s.p .piii-ia db. sj„,o- uiipn jsi d i. na s.\W.liii'. tf e> v- irbnl.,v> .1 pliras.b'tbe pt > v >n.a! 'be nubtu a'" iebmj. »i'd r.'i.it1',! ..'.a tb.jr n\." 'm Mcs eoecha tf~, be. >'ii:rr i\. < ! na n ,I."paai ,n a. np ist an. t at 1 nt i'api l„us, ä, .ita.a n;!i'n a>iiiK n.,-!! .u'.'n' M-u !, iK inni'-l aedb' iiim.v iti • i tlic : r,b('s |9"ik . a Pii, -.1 .pi. •,.'«,' nia, n i ! n,r Js-a «u s •-, ,pp ,i ,, a., ,,m ]t„oc. ir I-, |,.-r>.p.j!t p-d'tt. d. aid -a - pa' if-cc Roth ■ ■ i to ".or', n boo1 .nan r.p i'i> to box > In cbi- \- orb., ietniob, . «• tp t ,,n, cl nod >v üb Kiaev ol 159 ). -l--ii',i( u r .Kit . .-r d ti,- ! ľ h de m . h- »iu n a ..t im- tbc lo-m. >_fMait •s i,A b am ; po., W.irih^V '1-oii, .m I ahrm m . j . II ).n . i !)-.. O-O fiľ i'l Uli '. 11*1 ľ,. lhlr a . il T 11, till j.llVl-p.r í- 'i .it ' Pm ■ .-ist-,.10 lil dlh I tb. t " g: í On i1 nm.iher ■uu-tiu n ii stIj t:, 'i-.-it n n . ď i ;d a--ii*m.pi t\t.h <" .Hui Hanist h (144"*- ): '-.icmt h imim-t and tn,i .'.^hfs T, utkm. ď lb. 1 op's, lt,.J "Hl,, f í im» it .u. -i iiiť nbt r ďN- -.'„j-J. R-tlitai W'imi n .ein tb.ui, si bit- (ft- r;,k i \\ Lin vi-tu. i if ht-r t,--li a ľitmgs.. m m ,,n c ,sc.l llmiutili tb. Rttb ono, Yv ■ en b J •;. lotTiip,1,,, . P,> »itur iiiui 'Iiuh,'" i b-and .ti A •(«•!/.' dumemK itinc ^a--ai tiibí "b, ACc-b t,e- .ntre: .net hm .1 .'. '.".at Ľ"/' . .." pm ' ''■ • '"' - ''■- '> ""'I '"'I ;ii--btľ.,'J \ >- ;!|. ,' i,..s,,;,.pb . ib "ib. n ;.,-•.>... t!ľ ,1i i ti, lb 1 tma m.....' '.aruícc StlnK-c-m.n.n'- ÍV." ; , tK, w .10 1]Lll;„ m tfirk, l ,.c,,w (i pn- . i -hin I- i'Ut iSi-ľ íigltľO i ! i i bbii t b ->un'hm_ L. » ,]..,,.;.,_(■," í1m ,, V ii I. -ill II .'1 S ',ll|.'t,l "st ľ." '.U. ,,b-t ŕ'm i .lb- ' f b. 'iti!-. 'm.b b b ■ bin'-- .Martha Wilson (1147— ): \r.unijn peiím-uano ani ■ and íi min. - i* íl Ahn i u,n < t , ,i I. uibn~ NVw i m k peiíono, nt -, liiitu írT' ť. l-ť-k i,m d.t ľuiait-t in-:-is sn ne i-b t, j,n n j i i i 11 n ' .. at an Phn.s mm num d tt srn. ajmnUi m t sue - wan !r..,ikhu bat n.u r m , -n ■ t „ nint n-, lr -t , 111 b nb.-tr.n n.a at" m, tm wmh A nsnn s .wn u ,.'rľ - n clu.In hmat tiK- b'' "' '-!' l,:-*i ^ 1 u-, P ,m. ,'„; , n-72) : b'aí. -';m / a..; •, j b. /bi ŕc mai . Afo tbc p- nsu.U-m u .,f t t b v. ^ rim,,„„,: , 1074 and Apacnm ar &m'. iAMim bom, mu. b - '-m Iii > Csvoi Hanisch Trashing the ins*mnn;r't> s f iftvaíc tonwe, J 968 üi 3-a)b=aa":' ' ] -'co 'V 'k -a'- I ",r -ober biovm.iŕa.l ť' otoA-,.- tti- h'i Aenhcn Dagea ,t ," Aha: t s ' h, i; .vas, fo" u; * i a aim, am ol ua1-3'T„- ".nun ! 1 mmt b. (_, t: n: .vcrnmi .'6'- K, m f T,m i./a.a ,aa P 'ueart te;!' i._ a.a ana ímb'-„ ! • u "-' m a m, /a j', ta am- * a,v a v.a k i o- tc .imai- akat m .-a,m o ubi.hnu pot ta iavt t i n- t --is dam i a bama'p m ;'i,_,t 1 j. burnt t a m- um uu- tne _j-t -a t'.a- ar u a.tam' •, aruit 1 so nnith. n".at yoo m na In! -o m- ;t:eoi tam mi . O'o 11 a bac bie-p. bi m a -""ne.",.., caab, ■ g aaocľ.pb :o a nca- n- • .''ban a irl oh a km: Ai ena'iii" i, a. a. . p --o., a c nm .mo asi .>,p.a h» Ľ-aicv 51?. oôi b:, and ' ~" o.viľ? '"Paf »;í ie, .1 "-d 'hrna .a ionte o t '-mie hmn n Po 1 m-oo *: Tu--| ba- b c.-'-- »h- lat*-"- haif o. o .alt apo it rhe bro-t .. -rc. " r n 'A . .. ,v n. ; r ť-nt c - n tác i i-ap'-. Ja: tab u 11 -.n m- p; a - : P. aloiip onto ohiar ■■ -,h,u , a i icoia'e to -t pre" a L ta b "s, 1 b: - h -e k;, n-, 'oas, n/l, v i'iiii,,, ímo i'U', n a r, l.nbm nvc aparak -oba au) i-,r.uí'-. ambepaa--a.i;: ia;A. u 'Viť d r a i- s ,. , h ha .- h"-'oa ' m 1 c .e s "ti ,vm aí c to oa pocc " Oioci m" lt < mpt- a-- .ve :c 'b centrale the i . ctem 1 is- -.e bo.' , mt .- b nb b, "-.r| ^ +0 .,>-.. m -,.-p... oa ,.,e to:, cm. c 1 J e;s- s, mpk 1 oe 5 am cro. e-.,c. bo..," I u ii.j!if'-|-f.-,ii-r,'i 'i.- 'eľ.ľ ,-hjm'ho.. j» oce- 1.1 • s^ata ap.son .m "ma :ru me .-ta-ac ai ., un.c-.ere.i Il-i1 . . 1 í V 1 b''.'"' be.n' ....-x.-ee, ., m* o mhe n ť. eeo ' .'as, m ' i bsre vmro se, e; a Ci ľipo ľ'Cice í i. t im. as = r 'ľ, tlie 'b i ea tbc cit ..."r t.' é- n-bc a -,íeup""i má". ; - Anti a. to ae ne; tri' fare u -.p-ech P "Ol die 'up na' f0' H ; 'o n i' m-1. I o can v , i 'm-.,. ' .r, i ,,,„_, r| v, i -.,.ij. . ^ .nace .ti orvt b . " Vv'e p,. oi.., ^renoea t i- i i-pf m s .ang "'Vene be bike. C ,o-.'' ... --a t.'" ' n i hm:, '>.! ,' a. - ,oea .tmí ai;b, and imiaa si n'-i na ' vbaoi - . '-.prob, m, ' ' bho U ore bi 's. 160 "u: t,i i v I F ŠI l,Ň J' J Ktt fí Ur and ,n a at ly.n«' Sijin.-i m mil did um -i i< ct 'In- liinnnrihir -os" piiiaJi■>) that in-- v oak vwi- p.i'-', ,,.,'] n touch, nnkiicp.-o., , mossy, ,,iid 'j-niciicľ' rpioupb iko y-slm ,-b hi r ]iir!'ji iir'Io' X hum i neon nfn'i icnri\ t. foiled hi,. (elci thai, .oajuiiip. on tin..oiiUsti a tin • 'o- ipmntic-'hi maď iibeameker tit. d m oi-i|u.iíii\inp; hoľ v.ook Írom » v u íľ n i t k a olei _,í " i re m„i ;h 'a het ma-k ber o >t k ;m pij'~iant a id n> o, ,-hstoi', po'.c i '•• luľ o,na,nii topia. Inth^t-'ľk da\--\pork ruiaip f art. muck.b Ma ,,o ku, c a. iľis'sU", l . >t t. l'.iw .aOo.ts wii'i na p, py ''i.mi ir,a i ,',n_r. o-rke- U kat • "ok pi... < v ,a. -n m-tia-uľ !v lartii-o ■ .m . rp-p ^ oí n!, d'ať'hiauľo-, mi indiem c.a, 'a'i.'n. actis'- v.upil! out ijo. i >ŕa an.ia n, cs o! o,, i-pp p, ()I p.e.s or p.-ho al a: f la i-ts , d s tp'S. p h'it.ipa; ,.v j.s ,,rt -o«p a. o, navai „pbip • .p ■ ne t'-- en1 pk.'.o.- and o,... rejoop -i olhp.j. l iduu",., Lím oio t < r.ter m" Ivroaikaav. k'-riormanee art took piane m venues not \\ i 'orní,!", o art ..•..died to some deore,- lean pebiatinp" jsce kapiám hr, v lo J leu lo a. aoiiko theao-c, nance, a.o'i j'liisio. much pc .riioii" . alt v a- and e- Pk work ••: ii'thv kin il arti-t- a-'iip rhvi! ovo,, iehos - horlu.-,, psechcS, lion!", ik-. experience. — e s m peria'. ! h>. ii.nk v. an re.: shaped fur Jarpo pcot.rai autheieo-s. hul kopt its parlicukeat, and t dpps it v as a hue t pub dent b ■; >e cjinrkt.. 'hlhcibt. aiea - oiioala! me iii rapaki 'i |,s'"pii iiia- i")i mth thai tiira-, a,, so ehe-, iorppsrs with 'he atai.t p .ode. -matli piiioimamr ..rt o.enl in.iiüstio p , r- sPui.iup ' omod.'p on woTe TV an-d musi- ' idt o- in lis •. í li-iüui'ka ,iir,..\rt oľ i mrie Anderson and u,t naon iopui - m Sa, ddinp (A'a\ to name jiikaiea irom a',-rm kst Unison., |oiiauiui e. n 11 oii,ii;i-rt-U. p dm .i a! snb poj -ona1 'n the ic'"Ak, pu. -n\"lh\ J ,)lir Íosí i is Gcn < rnrae;o s-apport h' t.e.po '.in b art -n as .iermeri dangerous ant! uecaPent. kviar since, the National Endmv- 162 Kaprovv happenings ;h c'.e breahomA'c .->f Pre etas:,; ran r.armemes rcbomimJ ; - 'rrtrotlart;or. cf * it rational" or oenhe-rmoaa hiata-sdioas t! 10 bcbAts tamem aft' >ou op .a math to innnity. :» mmr-in mot+er vvn= mirocmced ;ato tbe p.ctire 'a ,-_ r/,,-,,-, 0f paoer IcV-joel, it vvas or-!/ a matte. <>*■ time -bn - e'.'e'ytoi'ip eoe ioreipa to p aimi aaci ear.vas vvOuitl j'novmd to get bmo the taeat'va act, mclm.ibij -eal ',ca. A"ncbtynm the lesPory of ihe ensm icj e- oration e . e rirmho.acip title r-.vdiat happened: ih- pieces of paom r.e.1 no ob the canvas, mm-i r^-movec from tne sin face-.-exisi o.i their own. became .mci t soi'n es 'liey p 'eve eeo :t; f"' materia!-; and, reaching out fa>-'Ate" ,nto site roo r, p.yfiPe'i tentii-ey A . .: haasmeeh as peop.e viAtme; ■ ■•J:, bram onments are moving cohorml mopes too anri . vomited ' mechaniea'1) moving parts, couci be ; • ami, and pea ts of ihe c; eatee sort OiMumgs emtio1 Amu i-earra-iged like furniium-' at the artist's and visitors' , :-:i'"tiore And, lomoalp sinse tne visitor como arc) did peam sound anc speech, mechemeai and recorded, were i. >a soon to oe -o ot tier. Odors followed, ".966, 4ssec:P/,ape Emyonmnts -wJ ttat-ptninqi, lb 5-bo i b.-r hie Arm has hcei, thimi in who -A'draT it íutnis. .d-d ,„a, st,,p Annie Sprinkle, an Nb -\ recipient, pi neiamis .ei her v.ebsiu - whech sřu pkavfuih ri.»nie« a-ntmkle ore'.mro}' -he "is die iirtistiti.ilt ,'pnii turned attist sexologist (. . . a buj has p.issionateh e-'-'ied and explored .-exnaiiiv in all of its gioriou.. tnd iriou.s PuiiLs 1'nr thirte dx rears.'" Not so iimkv wj> ill-. Leal Art Ensemble whose lire Raupe Grniu i2lH"4i, at C \l A seeks on cloning, rmreticaih,- altered si'ops, rtiiei a^pmtsol the hi'«-tedi indm-tm so outrage'1 aim! ',ť-i.ed the authorities that CAT. member Steven [. Kurt/ •. b.irp, d ui'h "hioterrorisin" under tht Patriot \et -kaiio.n passed in the Um\ in the alt. i math ol '»'Mi (see rudder and McKenzie box;. Win n it becaim clear A'irte eras n, a a o i r. .rist. ]>,e iv .is ■. iiarged wIth mail and iriud in rt gard r, > how (dAh obtains the biological •des it uses in its pcriormances. in 2(Jflb, aíter a tbur-vcar is legal battle, ll< 1-cikrai |u, Striu.te tn^ab t ti.Ca p<\k i. -mm)"), S ife on j V.nna (dOt'l K ami / -ir in hen AsA-i20li2i. NIIA lour: m I Wl, o-mmiiirig; the unaiiiiiious rrn'ommendation of its own peer panel ot • aperts, the LIS National bmlownient for the Arts rk nif dfimdinjjTopel ieaae. ame ariists KarenFiidm. 1 im MiHer, ilodv Huehe.s, and John fleck. Canii" in to the runsorteg and homophobm Riehi, iho "sf-A de, iared it ,toidd not support Ajbsimnitv" and '"ho:r,oeiofd art" - nssc'rtii'15 that the t«o mete identical. i'his more thou ._hi'ltd the art '.vorlih ii led to a fundamental ihangr in Li's government bundinr, tor tin arts. Hetioetorhh, no grants nnr made to indii idu.iS artist*, !->ut mth to presenting itnritiitions and iiot-d.H jirotit corporations, Artists ret idling gmeiniuent monev rhrotigh the.m ciiamiels had to sign a pledge promising not to use the ammo to 'pi oinnt 1 , iJisseminat, or produce mateujis « ha. a 111 the judgment or die N h \\. . jmav he eonsitlered obscene, including, hut not limited to rhpktions ot sadonaasoehism, homoeroticism, the sexual exploitation ot thtklreii, or indmiduais engaged in sex actsmhkh, v, hen taPrn a.-, a whok, do not have serious lilerarv, arimm , pS.- The £Vaena f,,'..'air <19"51 >, i'inlevA -aork is eolleeteii in ifjiffewm KmJ of !arinu\; idt'OAs, see also Hoiiv i luijhes and Lta\ad Rennan, eds., () 5,-,,',. llmno- The Ynr Qiieer Performance t and Tim Milier, taa./i «iAmv S,v Performance, ,'2002i. Annie Sprinkle (1954- ): horn f-llen Steinhrig, Sprfnkie in her own monis m a "prostitute,'porn star turned p< rfortwanrc artist.-si.xoioai^t (, . . who] ins passionatelv researched and a-xpiored sexu.itits J. , .j in her ovvii uiuipte brand otds, x fiims, ph1ii c-e, i ilc'toi "' I', O1 3 t Z~Z' ,llC'l,r ' lUel'.'P', ami í ■. aena ncml - 'm]."' r1! in k" h'Q.i' L r et -oi*'!' e ?! r n ""to ileJ ŕmlľ r r ~ c. yet m, ea D rvir m c Ac > 't «ľ i'.- ! hlv- ;\KTA AvAn-athmetn 'Aire! t.f Ccntei ipc-ia> "iitwo\'-v r'«F»i,'cí"'i 'AHiiiiif - the CAE ľ{ - ' , -, m-*. Aic-i n< a' '! 3f -n - a5 "c-*.- TI a p,' in t\< i <► p„i i t i o +" • - lis- . i at -t , e;t , pm_ slmv i"'1- omen,, i noma , A*: a Lľe i<> i'ľľí'ŕt. A 1 ne ;hno a „ a í iraii i lé' v'. "n1 a r,s e a pa1., an > oce ..a \č >tu a ro \ ■/ a"o- ''AaiAa vcii"«n >„- : u11 c t" aJ d o > _ae n af: ,hí r mí-ť \y , i- n a pi í;l " spemp tu: lac- id Jr - e a IJsr otu mnmmn,it-ti cipp-op" ,:e .mch,e*. , o> a oí+he c\ t 0 ti aa w, -s a\,. + ;.i. A' by" r' » <-a- 5 t emea, - na\-re a notmk -' oa , . tne notindaries of the raubnc sohere. L. . .J G Ah: 'HC! t ľj n 1 i ha, ?0C4 Am oce ,s b-f ire JA<-opi n-y m A't L Ae. ,tvfem<'ŕ yia i if,-"" ha '.tut aivoke to h^c tí^t h s c re had paiSei J,vay nt'.enight It the centa ot a o .'-ti 'ti- -vts n,-t tmej'' mo j i K i, iA- 911 ea . to EM S i ä ne "e ic. 'ded'":. S" --pt iA a aaq a ,i o u h , .a s=t o: eee 9,,m < ie tz f miiti'• rmh aar ci rCef n rve, cul if a ta i e"ťja*aie, F P < «a,o, ),■,(,' 'al» a, uj ľl ie'-mris iml> ee A" i - -,,o'3n pmam'-ci ■ n pga! bavoqical a,jenti> . j The Kľíz i ettde m ."BA',1') bm- "cA t'.m- : sha,. tc c,,,- • m* En-enec-A ■ CAľ a o ",a í ', ei'- i a, ~mm»' on the co*r, h ' irin-o ,m the re? > A\t ch,' in.o- fara a,' ea iahe m'c y —ja mm -jeitiiť?;e= aefl cokcj - can,she. RtmcmaíA n ,me biem m e,,tn,c a-' a,-.e aA i'm >ee a Aha t,e- t~ cvtac fe Jpi al atpripo ha o'eAtnc-'l ' 11'a an I 3tm , 1131 mi n,p ,ff.„i-a t. de' - ' mh , <■•/, ev, tn; i ,f ''..,*» r,p-~'c,at: decldieJI _ boom sire a i J hm íiimertccharaao'mii, ia*a i-ese . "i What -e t "*" ai1 k ha- 1 Ah dcpp pmei mi j tha. vmule promi e a k no al < n -> .m a-tmuíľľ iän t th» ea>,, I-QC CAEhaicha cn jed eir-te m,l neii.'efs ta cvtenn !>'• j mho'i'am/e mh x bkwn a ^n , At 1 -">ľ> ny Ti c i na i hccti: p vvi Oni CoF e e hi - vi to í e![ e tj A, i i e.iK ,'^An h'm a'T'it'e div inp i-coa ■> '-,e "-e 'f v 'A i :n «.,.~ rov/e' CaE a>"tne-. ^hat tlne , i tt mi,n<í ce fa1 tl ri e.aa ,A t; o ac n'A elroti a,i c - c(v, r1"-r 1 V as' c-irl- ľA t i,a- j1 r-ntG acot'i?' e 't ca' limenE.oc 'a Jr,e 'ci ta--a it..-p ti m < tint c f anh t ihn a neto- r . 1 « e "l-i h<-lt A 'aute' h i" v ,s ^rac, ar1 'aas oj j ifh Ii «mpimrl an,i =1eeon tí.raise*.i rn'oec'dri1' ' /" ľ 1 t1 i v, 11 ah i ict-ľo, eo^y ,a Vvhidť'rv ea'i renteita' eaal h ,"'lr jy ' ' 1 fv1o-tfot,aJoíea ht,tC* , ml hmlaq, ",-^i -s dtv" iE enco-naitoap-aoio, i.eoaaogic&'pc'toonö'icp<; af^o'o'1''! in .o arai e ev'e.'y-triy de mam eia ►• a id i ícia-v, :.:e 'edceta1 ,,r Ai» bau1 ecencarie, a-o. (j ,',p . i lin.cpsioi - c' i 1 itec, i una], • A;ea Rrvij ~ o, "1 i J 'te-io ( ,,,rín'°,l a eeo-a t Ana; labo.ateiŕ n AchCAE m,,late:t 0'"jai r ri.cds!" a oht la ti ' " amh hj ľm ->, '/'A., A p?*i ,. 'o. ' e,,et c«11 v ncainrr1 ai-aaaisna 1 , l/''iat p-a d v d,r trt n- TOerai • rJei o etť jaťaa''l ha:el_e : a.s.Oi e i*'- not h i,'d ' j acre- -escape ^'ic .. the ieaeons Cap ,-i ec carm-ea c 'it.etatit* d as" , amaed t *'ie t-aA ,nt A;t ? preč rca, t is'"neomt 5n,j*e,'itj,'of h "an-, ca ľia"e:l i' 11 ďe e' i ra oxp~<,? oo. y .c.titioi. e'Caio a' ("'aji-'"-, f na ear'1 1 xti. 'n í' r j A oi-t" ida i e i>L? e e* C A E ha, e v c net 11' at a m A- 1 it-, , ° ; ,t;,' »',-u u„ --, t p u ce C sr i .ef - there'-ť>e pei t at i",a ice ttie hana t|-t tvehntr, the . on ,e" I A i'f Tan . -omr. at u 1 aii1 ti' a'hh c.c«eľ-pj'>ř.a-i ,i "t tc f'Míľ, icrr-f ha A/i^e iaacr" Ae-hAs e>t ' iz1 -1 - inr "tilt jiffs- .12,-11 i- dm political ' k.iprt .i\, a Marcel Due h.itnp ami An.h Warhol, v. anted to brmx - a l. < I .-hunk :no iit thai t - >. jll-cj museums, i main art1 that .amid he petformed in .unnne, Kr.p'ajaa mialm.y.1 vihat he calk a!"lifelike ma" - in it n a divei-aa or air. ,er knvj ' it mimesis, in a ai t that e. naomie d to the proce-s,.s ..ykmir. ii;e Ihiring the 'ante peloid, mare, p-,an..idea":, mar- reieetml tire > y i. i ..mih' atiatr. -it Pop-; hail, t an. I klarii el.oii. Tiat v homed "pcma i 120.' ir cmm.das. Venn nt, iet tlaie, t m speak ibutif then- nvai au - as ; bee ..- ti,,.<„J j.,t iir.vjleed in p, inn ,il ,K-(i'i'i, isft- Banes box i L'.np, h -11111' dui-.p pt rhirmam'■ ii t \\ as "ti adite ,nab" it i-, thi rt-iire 'aas '.a'1 imam it ytbh estahibbt p, icuiatecl theory, and an ever-growing archive well explorer I ha scholars. An increasing mtmK r t ahe onk vaa ks are a-bag "re peri'oriti' A.' And ha. e began theoiminy these pmrtorm.mcet (sec Schneider box 2i. Adlr. Kapr-m s S Way; aimpp. in <> fjit • lJ-.'sjit„- .a Pa^ it it h am tnree times in Mimiih \ U'dim \t\t 'lent and hen -\ngeles imjiiha.'i'he Pt rh i amm t Gtonp s 1 irm work. f"egems ,'i fic>. y. as r-'pmiorme i ,n d'dni^ he the K ittl- Ak chat,it aP'or Austin, heme, who enai m i I'm is'tm-. tetah .t she Ikian tie Fkhma, dry..,. Ruhin, ami Roivi t in e I '-~>7<' hhu -at the pi odmcbom in dPiO at Ne \\ Yeah s Vimmim y Mo km Am. -Ine rears attar sV her-, it til ,.m be-i !>"-t pt fen me,.i works ot olh.e- ai lists fi ,m da . mi"- and >'7r.s Marina Ab'yimovic t aun 1 u igt i " i ot s t > 'vportornmsome ot her semap up-works m 'he drm >• h>"T (see Jones box;. 165 Marte! Diuh.iinp (1S87- V>hüy. s..-inr,.d í ma!) D.ida a,tisí. Ananaj hts i. a> % v.' a * - > r d e piinne-p V.h /\-, ,-„ i,.,,, . a,,,-,, . t!1"'!', ťi. i ľiiaiľao , 7"/ 1 * e 0,'e ''< ' _j á • -so " i iK<> i. iiev, <: di, i ,i y, nh> . ii''il 'o au i h:-' re a!-, ľu.k >" ordinal > ohitp's 'lisple-1.,'. '- ,el. b'-eion-ip s •.ne-"' rat,,n ii.> H asi\ m,> k is;, í , a, 't "t, a Il-'r'-a1 it laalia' iwn n ii, HiNtu \'irl,, »a'jii'jee in in , lvímu išbb mimosis; t i - .».i t. ^nea 't es a I>« ■ Pat,. t,'a a,,d, areaK- tli.ii a trafen, a ''ne eeas >i a n-ost.' t.iti allium <>' piaat uiojpkía »<'i,iťft. tel.t., alns,u ' 1 i.,aini, < 't ano1 an, ntl c«a íh Vi lidt \ '"struk n ■* nl b- nim a e h,, l't aO'.*sil)|, tt.'t. ,i h'ľ ''ať "ifi 'I,. t nrmic . e ,'ľ eh ',n.i .',;t,i\,ii p,,, .ipo, tint \risttifiť ód unt ľii ei in's.iii.-*.;-. aT.-t.ijiv :'i,t ,s , sp'-tita artisoL peet" ot ta rro-eätHbon Marina Ahran?o\ k (19«i- p n-rbi i.< 11 ue,'sf„o «i) p chunem, , irtó, \\lit.---t- v, a k .-vek st,p. uľl in mil ihta >i - v. Ii Ii dra1 k renn artist i'.lv.ľl,'' i. pi n In sit,erac ; ■> an t «...loieil tk, irwrt-í>' >tk i . late iis'i'ti i'k S„ .íl, n, p ť, n,,ri, ,i"lhpl... isutr ľ, e ind-K n iiii.l u n s l'.'ei 111. " ť-ďŕr1' nta ' i la"-t tu! s in, kt.a "vitii •Jkí- '. ľ\ ■/ ir i. i S/ .. • i I 97-,,, í ,,, ,'•; i e;"" i, nul , i! ill •', ill ; ("S4,. s,'l;, .ProPe -tu, ,.a","' ň'4, k'n iiu,n,'!,t i lb'i7), Ir.i £-i/i —h'H'i tíi.ih ;s,''-aí j, ľ/e/í tras d; ,„\i.-i 11,» ■ 'in!7,, Sim i ŕ1,-,,, >b"a5 u a. J-..i k \iir.ini,n !s .-.put -tm. d s,,nu i'>ŕi0.-7'ls «ms In tirn, t Naikii. \ n. ku a..,, Gm.> Pont, j',s.~pr, IJs"',s, to 1 *> a>'» í spent ,P,i !t,t 4 i i h /.m', • / b '')> What the Qravedigger knew about the performative Di-i ee-siop e-hether ■■! nei Ophi Ulk -aek nl" lair- 'a i tr.> < heave ü. ti'.e m :-ia- ih.-oi etk a! <>' e.\. ■ Gr .v.ethpeers o-a rt V act kata fh."e- k' andies a is a) ilu tt ■ ar'o ť, pt-rh>r,p* i rim ..Y.', ľ. 1. i1..klk ÍTia'ea'li''eer diiiilvs ,ia aóPir. ml.) n ple.suaí e,* 1-iS'aie-. bkinb, ti- ..-aakií tspmt- k'.no'k. and d.eaÍTii ,V, íjealak-s i "ra-r'erir."'; Bia. e 'n ď„.she ase the au ,. 'tsc'tv.i't df't.-e m >)\i.', all t atrpoi \ atľ i td-n .e a sahs, ot ifseli'. A,e. asii,m t m: -s eiuslv pel hirnietl r. k rs tu ns>dľ. e-|Wľ; -al itsi íl. Its Aa leje" n jts i ep,'.nira.i k, erv e< aiv.uneP ■ pertľianid .etioii '■ an in.stoie,. tii n-anmi baha-a-u ítesinaa o bei i.i \ a -r --n n '.eti t in a sta/p. i > a at "re íl tlie d-watt ptisístria ť.iťali-i s .,íh r. "p, i li a iiefn-It is the', t ' ,1111 -itint ítktt a'.1 st.ei.,] idei P.iti.. s, petrk-r. Íra e\jiapk\ a,r pera iratati',t -. i'h, ías-a akin;.,-,- ;. n a v, i..Ush tepeatei. haiisilí as h, n. p, .,nt 'sme a sr.iiatiui -e here rhe 'ly-blu {"'a at i'k ,,retains iP„ ka ji. i ttina.! n He e ,ď e t nnncn m. "an .n t as s,,p.-,, thinp1 in ■ aiip.ishi d in .-\et\da-, hli ',1111: "n a,ia."s,)ir-t tínnp jik-i ed ",i the sta.pi 1 he ťjtnaati t \ampk .'ť'pí, a, -,* is "n, juTimin" - t-.' b, r, liiain- ,ibont nreb iPt.iip Síidk.,e ibvl p,---t base Atistir,, 1), i-,-ida oi Hntlei •n 'TiiPtl n-heti h-' m-iti rlijrclcľ Hi a, tin t.r.ľ., ilippt r'- hrtei iks.-iii,irii)i sIid'a ■ tk,.t the 'etti.i , i j 'eríor.nativně ba-, b-. ,-i around a iorw tíme. 166 1 o Auslander ■■uatized and live: An impossible oscillation - frri\'3"ce hai decern ike nieap- by, wuif : .eo-ut y-d repa-mrteehaes .1'-. vd-arenaf,1 ocmidut :.j me ;|.> pie 0 v aa/eastc-our -le-tnig-af' r .ynanm is£an-m',msp-e ammedi re - aire 'reu'ur-zeci d mca •--«. lw momtee' a, a 1 ms=u,f>cj st!'.a,aaPC" Ye-a" to l> g-t van T'is scuee-e., m.m', ta-lme---m a,.o a i no mea- oad'iai'ou at. tee 1 d-e a m? o" a/ndf mee maavo a cie 1 cj.r'Cuoo.'v v fetem . vdk-.t z-aJ r a r0'"va--C:- aram if. a.,;hrn a o am u_s i, t"rmce - a the - - he 1 fa1 me aye iOV. em ims it-: a1-mot ;o i-era t, mti-o,a'''e re :i e v. diai kid, v>"arh dm Ob aid.: r,. i y »1 >.- y-- ,-fcrae toe .- !■• e-.. Pie eamrigmhistbestueam l;r sd-ecmr< 1 t -da;, oam 0'-a-m/tPi 'be he a -a lia-ac i, Pima -atbe doi.dra'kioia-, 1 oa ot sear hi,on- "eorna-y seoamte" one raie taoi > tn, ether, the i-i'thi -m- the tm in oa d ere a, a. a aaa L~ (eah achon mb otye.-,e nantapj,- o , 5COe at, a cahaoiinq of the irad-i cna1 pres . it; c->e a td.-r an ird^LOdbdr. '". t',"~:: r s a a/ aver, day,'a." ■ icSJ'5" 1 k . . I /-a :b- m naP?'--; • eideet a tide he . uth'e ,m moi.oih), ;ha im- ,tseif 'ti-mrnoiates -.eaiaa7"'0 'loti- >r-t hea.acica'ai and iy.steiveieqk ah TV msni: of tim i r r&ha 1 .3 ir.r a -aenvah ^-m. oj-ocmbm -s ne e J a-mViy, the am.eiy mat. ii' de-",--» engy per: .m-a rf° dmo, 1st;' an, re m earm: t ic iota.j! it, o; m,- f «e am tn= earr ipt tpten nature otthe mediatized. lhii (ani meant >a hen In emueied en fjiiestion. ,:P o th.-tHe.'" t\itii, "Ju-t luuk ano! listen.' Indi ni. : s^maiiees heioirp ino-tlv to the e\t araJoar.Ptrl inaarnm 'mne in tv.o ttpes - dne eleaiK imtrLed and Pie maae -•se. \ periiirinatixe ntavht a spetihe soeeeha. i stieh as j mše, hi-t, i t t outr.iot Ur i; ínai ht seitm thi:m ■iilíietílt to lnv. n - a "oontcpt" (as in tontepf mi ii-i), the *'iel.'.i ot -i uiaitce sufiusínv au aet nr ji tieiť, In ihis sense. rheri 11 "as d" ot perh e, ni.itii ,t\ anaiopotl, p, the '"as jí i,i -1 m . In thi ai i e, the 'as it *' 1 onsists ,(f r htraetei s, plat es. ■ -■n, and narratiees -dl oí uhich 1 xist->ids as tbe\ .ne íornied. In perťormarívitv. the- 'as p cuiisi.scs of stíueted ;.). ..ti realities - pendsia r.iíe. t\! snít i «lin 1. .ne pi nvisii >nal. .,1. ' iiiade np.' \t aneitki— li m !, On rea!o'.t\ is a pt r\asjt e nio.-«I <-r tet linp - hi biirn.aiiut ''.c'i o tlít- \istial -aura! re.dro Uv- do; Imt ne senses et stnell, iast^, and totu.h "i smetl sunudiimr lunuv aiuny iap"or"d;.n s t,> an taste,' nr'd was tmiohi d ot v, hat h.jpoere 1' are -aae - el appi-eha udtnirthi uerkumatit 1. TALK ABOUT Ih- "pni iormutn a d emui as a Ph. >a '. i as P.i w kip.-d iniu smri'.tbhm jnut it imnader than thaP Lin ujj tiiink that dm expinsiiai o. the renn makes it "unu-diK 'o- 'uscic-s' ? < >r du von tet i indei much o! postmoili rit life '.- iim-Cpt •"■(,; n.atiY.-a, ': '. W hi! ,111 s. ,r "ut dir t "ninht .in the loon " .\d-Te he-a, ri ai t tu tou. I.-.-m van kcl jhout v.tii .elk keine hr mi and t\ 1 itt a nr.-1 ess-it, ,,n tli« suhiei ! " tí, e.di i -- a V-i mI ť líistruttii.m !i-.i, or falser" ~L t 'impose , pit ■ -.- ot ''pot lormati-. e \\ ntiny" desvrihiny a pi mniiai exp- aiertt. Rand, auk tví han at tie. „- ant! then hi the-rm ut \\t i e\tu: r.rjtiiir.u 01 dmnkit inar \Yh,A '.s 'ht ddf n nee 169 The broad spectrum of performing 170 .i . ". ľ ' p.o.Pum -nmľ.j.rt bit ítun, !a u !y > ad i oi. - ei •-, i iíl i .Im m, ■ .1 (oh ;. >it lin o iJ-> ,uti,ai .•i, m, i ti~ , mhig. hrnm mi r,, •ií-Í3< i , „ob -c, . ),ii n- dien loi u , i pm am . .. kurh-u -n,'.1-1-, ... i.ih kmiip" h i .-n.' . -! .-i n !'- i.ľ t.m Írom m , n,ii t e, nmn .'.Um! '.,m st-ahm, » j ■ trma oue ; ' bk ri/ic m-uber hnAtt-n , barct s ,m . |\r-u ik'iľv.' 11> i -.hi [il.Hi'-.g r.'.'ľi.ii.lii no 'i 'i,; Iki-m it ' k, l.t tm»m " "i" ti■ ■» ii.i t i:! i í "1 • m <1 m'i-iLH i'mum ' big \n .M.llnu. uľli tills L'n-1 teult dl.' 'ľ -m, o i*', ľi ľ !m- . o ť 'X'lí' iill..:.!. i.i tm .i h'Ani ,il - !.. rikt hu'!« api - ir.u.. '■ ' t i. .tin - , ; m t i. b 'inn". .1.1 ai' í.'ntl i t.i Fiocieb, .r o 1 "m 1.1!. 0"d -i • i n. si m. m i'i'iľ .\.'.l \t:-.h.t"'l „ i m t .-t - .h-Íi .i k "\ i, ,,, i til... .urk, as {'.v la. , Se m t -1.. • >t s. n t Ulii rs n tu a gtt it f> 'r ílu uši c" i k.'i.i, -mb i",rulť lustri ľ.k.', C1 ■ • n i ^ t 'ai t-ut ! .i'tt'i ' \\ iľm r ' 'stme. \iiil -.c-iii. pempie n'iik lio■»l ?* !'in^";ost k.i.l,, .t i'.i-'-K '] illilľ; Otit s, p l.'ľ.lp ,,,itr in..,! >lťiU' kmm 'h. tlifnu m, .• ímt , ,■• n . in.t..- ,i -o, . n rnk Si. n g „ '-r stag,- - nt aimg íl.. , '..tin '-. míting m'.iit-.i'ťí r'.nrítiť .i'ii-'k.ľiikiid'.t" • smi it'i- ím^ ;ht »"i t i mu k ! -j . m . dram,: .1 ŕ tkis u cHiipin .iii ,i in tin nudia ,uik. in •u -t.ri."ll.iii ". s.s|,-ms Pt-lvt. t k, i >bb , ind - it. ditť -í.'L art p..hod "'"-s .niť,-f I a"d th'U.s.ud- of liknit, t.u ,ľr.f '.Im . i- ■-, - .r. mm m u g.niim dna n opli nmtľľ, s. r. nt • t Im <íoľ. am! v, ht > ottiľ, •tn-.|.' i amora - u ang u s dn- v- m -P t h t u.n as n h.-ppem -ui 4 n, h.ui|. -im g. i hli» i Ltmaras u> .! pkrmd lh ť r "tu "siM-.'!" ílu 1 .piitľ.íu iu.1, u k , 'iiiinak míli. ,itt." 't '.m , u , m ilľ --k-, srn .-u : -, J^oknuu nts ,md iniiu -u ill n'.tp-tts. i tht • satí Ihfe-biť t-> puip.nnf tni hnanou • ni\ gum unlit v. t'iLitli pbait! " "n.-r< i ilkuut . r. n v • is m minii- cit .*">!'-, si nt , -,ti t ol t' a n-i -, pum, nibnav "i\ili.'itlio ,in\".bor. rb.n a t a.iin ra enm-d .m .m i k'in-o m ' - sen Suí -vnillancť Catnci ,i Flayers l>o\ ■ thi io >r. a, na „lit'cres, p. -lit lokui-, m i m a. than '< ■ ins- p.tid in ' í'a nitt s ,,ií st_t-,ong atmuín i,, .id.u.jhi m, ■ď. .r, !ti.l ran n-. Iti. s - h p ■ pite m , • nn ni 1 >eal m - linoj'n, - '.(drain , los. -on pabbr tunb bott h-rtbemi-o . ".uion-:e..eel i" , rotíti i "-.e ak .h, \a,v,v, tb;, ■■•m nľlt s, u n jinninethai.a, g„ri \,- r mig ď go es e! selj t -a ,i .m-s(i, ,s „r! ..u.i'ľiiiM '-s ,g th • ntbem '-. mi u, Sloní and i a \hnnij.. a.'rpi.a,Ilk ait.r. -t tl-^un-i mu-a je r.son.n-, tlie im it out . ust'Li. n bila r. na ba "no-, u ,m in; sinľn- íist, nn, j, tlit iim-mu í: n.hii i. i n "pt i tur nung ' i ber an . stcpriij.i- IiiUmtj. . perím n.iiij., lb. p. 'H, i lair .'in,e-tirre mo-imoi e' dial .i'.'u, nor' innili, SurveiiíaíiCe Camera S Players :j Protesting the panopticon 1 V.'-'ntl i'.ď'.'f. íŕiOeé C '.nemí f|3Vc!5 f uťi.iri ("rifl :! i, ftnVí.i, c»i> • 'ito'e-i.hei , va.i } at a.tiv -í o am o* s.a m Ikmc-' :ai tc os .r tor. i; p ac-s • í--.o.nfc tltc i n '0,-50- '.'.nato "m coa-ľ* it'oaa v f p jt.. t-r % c to p'',/a, y ''.'e eta afmh o -i ť.„'(-♦ ov '; í'ľroTilíi'j srn.a-1 at o; mg olays dTerť-, m f-unt oí ; fir camera;, v'.V me j'U OS'h.Piti - ntllmc 5 ai'[.ca-aaoes, cu ľtonk-tV.- -, tb the mecti". ar. -ne- '< amhs k - tc t -ulooi ť t cy ;al "lytr tfa. O' íy ho^e • t bo cae "uait, oí -on.--t! ;'-,c' are ooomed to be ia í -"ti,e i erl k" f-Ľ e..." e.'Co A'f ham come lie-r tonay 1 becatse this ŕ'ea i; umd vab, m" >-'0,rireo S""/pí !a-ce 1 oa arras H yoa !oo ť e me ri-tl obci I tke c 1 ) min yo^r oa a m 'in a a im * c tme'o grour, i'o.icae,ee; ase Pie ;mui; i vBť -m'm j bame>a pia-ors' '. jt^t iet tn= 'ui-s;t„ie go iter.'1 b | with Big orothec! b í as v;c joeak the sie-vi-mame paaaem '-"'a.or;- a .;> cti c oat there so ne-"here, a t| ? saiia Rj cy:--e r í es-ap'1 b; "í'-.ip , Spt.aie, per^' m, nc| sii-pp0*- c-' o>-pc 'Jioet s í J'-b-ŕ, 3amt.-n B-=orett , ľ/a,r,- :, ;o> éJobm P' tapar ; Aba- Doc j The fare n ~l n c rape of mo A m cer- J f a.lei-; stí n es A'ith pee- Ma tneau r' iu->: ,e--~ao-'" on . 1 ..-k, os ng soam-o' rl, tnanab ha -.abtitľ'S rečami0 f i • .,',■) •- olO) tt a" ami'- no but c.i 11 o:-a'- ar,tbľ.-. ; — j.-c .i.'ľt-, g..a"is, kci."" k : ot-■?'../c' oe rcocng or* a í l'-cii •■ tko íc-ee-■ s, ,pe+,erf ty the ruj u t:a u: ; bť aaor ->< i, b,m" . - -no, ; | fv03 'i \S a a-eaba-'-o o eŕme rr\: I ta 1 t 17 From total acting to not acting \,liii'{l- '. ''ea>i;\ A J ;np \1 i is X OStre1,1» i I'll minimal "itpuj.i! i-v. i. -idi o imp o: -'.'.mi ]> "tonna'ii. t ,-a't i ; perh a rue" fig 8.3. Pep" nai_ me an_LO_ P^n.pi'... Cy ip P-ocaae, mie o'. _, . r.-' oia a. ca law ^aaearec' te ^ .a-" achoa P.,t re ', fc>-_ pm-eríef-a ea -iiio ee ;ra :ha-'° aaa*1■Tr.zi~*ii~ t-~ *' e n._e, a pla e 1 ac--pattern --'-Tt. 5-rah- "e'e.a sai'-a vat" jn: .re' e apaa,fr.a pmro v ■P>r,'.' a,.- p. vj =>..-*- Pr-rap-aph CPU, • e a; o ~ .v.idieg Pa " / fig 6.4. r--'l vr-v-.;-, n pa-eta; .--ap-p-pp- ammoe ham »,.,-v. va m^-p ar v_f s p p-ct-etp, ,?, S'l-i ha ,e,ar,t\ tia. •.a 1-t M'ehŕiť] Kirbv mope-, a a ■modmn at e" a.'.Tiip pi.e-aap tloooph tne m shn pi ,n'e- ome jMíc hael Kiii iv box: ,-«ee figure 6.5;. I n n> lVr^: * . ai'tiraaa.} 1 -mit-oii/uJ mat; K á received acting 4 simple actinia a anpie" acttr.p Michael Kirhy (19 J i-97): \man.aan pi o í. vaine and 'die.aor, d.oit.,1. and vtm. hilt .r o Pflk PP. Dunn .' _,-»• ■ i^hl ;pe tan,-. \ as A a íoiipiop p > a v hai .ti t or ovt r. tht med Ľ10 peri01 mi. r jer, in Ivli v. es "as nor .t If.' Roceiaa a ji ttiie 1-, w h,-,- '"o\'it ■■; hi a ■- a" 10 the an. iíi n. a "ciii-, thorn as pai, • í the siiet it."ii-i| m, t ne. But -\Ps>,> do verv Iirrii ''character .r lupy, Aiiuplt u'rir.p siaiuiatľ. -ji and ini]i< 1 sonatir rt. Tht oertminor joirups ,t . ha -j.'l v.irh iei hup,. Some emotional Vin.i is icqnir-dl in raaial x .istin-p. the ndioio Pomp ,P 'he p. rl'.a ľoei _ eloshah e,.._ntap paatii.tidj t 1 a'ieil at . "hipti h-soi 01 1 ,n-n tt-n.ot. -utipo Ivunns 11! e r.-aspipn, poniph tin- n'.n" ei 'inellts ,p pspil in 1 01a- 174 ■ f bhORk'hiiC, Michael Kirby Not acting and acting T<: net i'it-)iis to te ij", to bi.oti at-, to eepm-eta - metm -,.-,m At i lammae. s demorati at-i r,at at rtafo; '"a m, -set m, _. .] km ptoonaar, , i Haot .'ho.j: ;iei>e,-at mcnoe.. to 'bp ' rmrm"''/m aca aau e< ip - tr.a.. h>en mtmm l. 1 hem ai" name'one pmfcimmnce... a-at Jo a; ■■;>,- an ig, f.iat,, n,o La aa me:- ;, m ..hara pieee? wot a hV mta ;! s -ataaory Sceemv far £?srei> thestse: .make a-r cf stam attandmts rur'' a? fir 'a marine an."1 mkee at isaaco'i'' T-.--$i am-imams no«i proas, ito position an J i> nave ken. v=ip '-'it" 3i"' tiatp eostie-m t laugcy an 1em1' -m m ca n- p„ a;-a s. he'i- dress hbom-im-' es the •> form the moms, ant! t'm am not « cm If i; m m iron natioaal so aceim ;.f tht am-a: m c itrns the oc rcth'i a uot mak ana .rain m omanee to- smm ac ' arte::, ' amenm '""reb - 3!l i'o! a;n:-- a tantaunncj a ; e.aik-tia erttmo in inn I comc a) tepi emat a per-o-1 ir thai p'.tc- an: pei-haps imr. - v a to.a .b a'a aa/bann re caaiu a' A.'ngnish as acb-m a . ,i Rereiveci a. n.r a- an'v ai hema tm •A''* it tie p;, ■ay-re1 does samemii n ta .- tmbam, r, pmem iinpe. mra'^ ant! so tee th he a ;b eahaii L bW". im la oaai ha e>:st us cne smalieet a"fj 10 n;jieot aetioi hm.mnto ees r A Acta a beta aps mom co r>plex as n ore and wc«v e'mee h-1 hajariine t..- ^-ret'ens" are hvc nomteh ito t>-e n e*mme. b 'nust :ie ee'ph.T-ked ihat the acrma/aot act'po sca'e is no: intPacieel tc t stan i-a ce -.ame-* sale -s 01 jeet;im'y m (Je sits ■n the aca'c a:e eqaa'b ' yeod." It b, ai .y wrscal taste thai pietere ca,-r.p.e\ aetiag tc actum ci maimat.m.e.i am tormm > tc ark iq. 1 "e -/aeons oenree-s ol --.rm-.rrtakc i aaJ n-i -c, rfk "itemi a.: 'cics- '' :c ta mmti< e rite meet; ma a tinman oekor nam •; -a.-'mm may me whioeve' cJci's they nmfer. V.-H7, ,4 m.o-aaa'at,v, 3, 6-7 10, 20 MOT-ACTING ACTING Nontnatrixed performing ► Symbolized matrix --*■ Received acting Simple acting - Complex acting o.5 cqi ir's'o "ihae a,rDv'ee"'h' n:.m ha -ac d 10 mimm the i baractoi mat ion.Tim dirrerciice betmemmimph-- mopii-c ai imii m one the mineo-oeme to did' hi-, the hitid ot ., "'i- pme-mntt d, tin ul mind ot the pert'nmet, ird ': msp'a l.ami <«1 pcrfi'i mine; ohim t-o teabsiic tirechtian i codihed 4- trance 'i pett' a-mbne; objei t- — iin-k- ami pnppets I'he-e h i mo ,ei suineai hat a' hiti ,n-\, t. ertamh, a sin_ilt e'1 or ae'oi iuji i mplov mure tliae "it. land ot a, tin^; isce Harding boxj Rut, nbitmira i 'ma -i, the terms at ■ a nselul avaa to hea.n • mmm-nile smi'Linties m-1 sii'tittnm's in i« rformir.e xeiuss i i .men oi <_n r.rm, ami i tilt'j, t--. nontnatrixed performing: aet«m< pcriennu! mistake which do net iin'ilu rok-rstaxiiii.'. svmbolized matri.v perlbrming: en-tage .mtnuis which the sp, i tatoi tti (vnmi i •» etntieuig t,a thai a. ti i, m, en though the m i loi-ntcr e'litinuo to SichaM- "m in rsi If 175 Kun,tant'h Stanis!aysky prance. H arding How hard it is 10 act v statu rally'' b evt'-v n: anc>i ot ,-ii-t them -3'f. ho* in idled; of pe.mb '.be- vnsh bi sMilv a, bl i ,) cci■ .e m .'f^couse tc tne rap o* vieai.''big meatbebp ' out ha/aiy realized dm-v mack of tae'i •>' i e tdey i ue to cimam m if, P'av do bed '•' b >c ac'''eve tie comcbtr f -e—tier at dm body arc ab ds pm".-; ncsv 'tutu 't lnfe<- m ccatrtl then aeiePm c- eh altera;,/! mid tc baH *o u aim-do it eitii-b.' - at cee olo.v - no msiamiy mem (me qr.Hip of a istim, f aaarher u-"fera: ma etea net to the osvtaaioae al p>o'edeas; iim.». abbe-ad it <: *o drv-e on be sens" oi rnythm et ce-e'a ana rdamie r ir, die ,rost e, . rd '-. rdan ? r.r pens : 1 of react;, -y •"• n 1 to imtmet nam of a bmglyemmj ei m-aely in vdic'-'■aeoan zed lent mcp-va, reamc 1 oecmct- 2,!r a-'C' cap tm a ■ oti'er pee. 'damscnP" j d,j se f. ' bpst'imp e aaaieui.e'eei ibe} "myyrmm-epe, 1 1 pin ipmn >p n r.e' neeat;m> 1 mov£m:m belvmen th' two A nisie ie.i m'nte 'airaehep mx car" is m rpqn'rec i> 0.1.e> b- caa.mce id" soem-ater-.., 0 ■) pmse, e 01 an, 1 ~><<»=.'." 't it am a case cf re: arm en. t1' d ,-ome penj !e di/e - a nee ten p »-v iiy ine for *'->-d ita'do- o: tne perfi rem-pl - tde po m tj yarn betvec-n the nm'-e, tytren o: >aia id thy rmseitabn- m an ■■otner." 2004. Presenting and F'e-^iesei'tii'o jte adfd 19b received acting: onstage lach.uior in /. im.ii the pert'orna,o makes no attempt to impeisonate a cturai ter, hut is mini liadess a icweil h\ the audience as part of the situation ol a stone, "Extras," piaetne received acting. simple acting- w hen a perf(>rmtr.simuiatf s tht spi ,-i.h and behav im ot a diarartt r. complex acting: aahen the pi rfoite. r'.- entire physical, mei'fal, and emotional capability is invoked in tbi portrata! oka ilaaracter, Realistic acting h; ti-a'dsTie acting, 'he hebav lot ■ nistage 1- based on oi-iiinym hie. d hi- km ! H ammp ia a- . ousuk-o d a\ant -gai fie as lien it •a.t .introduced m 1 mop, ;-u dm last d, e.ides oi th- aim li , iitli •cuttiry so< 11 it hi •.•.mac iioiiunam 1 see figure 6.6y Pet alls! set im ivir.iius the clomiriiir »-1. i •.- ot \*-'est ci n actnip 'aelvihiap h -m s. iap iipma1' t-< Pre -tape to movie- .m"!'siou E'fi, i.lun th-. -tort, actum, and >. tling- ,,y kuPistm a- 1 1 v.m; !! m; or craiicbi,,, fijcr. b/ida'uj /Page ' rhe ac ting is rcadistk . Heahstu .n ting usm,mms tb it llic i mo tiems oi the chaiai n r- tie like ib< .se -d 'real peopk ,"mcit >i rhc I'ha! a' '.er- are dam ing acn.reel or li\ iimm a gal ix-"iaa ia.r mn.' The, nam Sight in a a\.o no real humans ever could ■ >r pilot spai t ship- 'hrough ,11 um v. arp air<-ss billi ins oi light sous - bit I nimn thm, spr,;lci ibt -, sneak ./rilinarv Inagbage in !.■ ] i ť"nij k. ,iiťf ť'uhľ k,' ' i k umutt.i d n h m i > oir.io1 ]r, • - abed -lae/ek. m. ikd.a ; n kks.i or )/Uř p,.km' tip-, b\m^ m i' i J II. .a k' 1 P»' n! -,ai o : e i „m lo'>ks at •-'.R ) imc-o figuro h 7) In imm, pla, m. íha uah.aih.ato . ,|. I mm a s i o.mi m a re.di-r si, k The ,.et:m often s . ••• .an >" s.rap!\ j. *.iv mo n tru ato ikm ť- the om o! -mv .1 ano "nm. al " i Ins i, both m ,,,>•, r s ihm at tme, hke ■hiim-m l.iiiiiU'l. m,b iľlniiíľkkp t k pho) p „ xl ;>!) ,i. tmo, i, st\||/t-,l i.osTi,u..d ar, 1 knap. J trón, uhat ,• , kiials of p do ipji niiU ' on. hop, r. la) ioa- Iii si r krnom. h ip,,. m, m orba.,,r\ 'nb i aim be, iie. típmivh "kehasmrmipon n, n. p.....k; ir.a . •, mmiam , tuťkir-a t t w ".tu hiiiLht u ihi^ e-m.jdt k d , oao.m oter iim^ 0\<\ re»* t •-•p-'1 ''• -mal Ja;- p ,ii,í asp'na/.s^ he middk pla .s ,n n do, nnmiiUa e - si ! ii,"i ss pípote oalean p| kňi -obtdv.tri tt.nipa-t! a.ts „-',; , s.ri aha' trnhm>,,aí tli ' m 1 ae.ioi of.l.nli Ide . h aio i to nn one la- Im i, ai pi r r. ; an- p j ropu1 'J ''UPp'iik í s< • í.ii -'-*-"tiis an I b< |i, 1. t(l ,1(lt],0 ;)ii n at s pk0í i sv pi e,, that por'ain Inlia, lot s -'o 1 1,,,'ho im" lit, ,iiles,ia t-aittl e n aaJ iLpvr d,s ti put, ,t„„r .„ j J,p,po., uiklal. ona „ollhr mo-al-, d.r ..\omph 'p'k >• 'hirsu'i. •„njt,ľ.,'."i-.,.;,i,la! Ts prd sopima llie'iľ-,'tp s i hi- 1 ind of a. f-a; odl iu ' i í t.h. Jik'"«on dh sunrx sonjopT- dr-nn.1, dim,. ,!,s, o,~Ld m da metmn on Vot'im d ia nad' ■ p, ied m -s], ^r n'.lťon.d h.jn,, ao- Ireuiunth ^ mih,d i ili!ipalpH'íl'o"ai-vo, td .Mae rasloľ 'itrľ- realistic acting: <.uin« n lien the h. ha,io. -o tjtp . hameters -s • en. d , almmi m n' d ... ti , h,ne k. poln: V"l i : i .a p, jea , -u-ruhv life Although n aiistis acting is a sťle, the - tl i nimtlo" Tbo\ n lino! to hrmn tl .uhľom l I " n«s jiopr, ssioi It eivps )s ,,f í", pots . i ;\ nie-. Ra llisli, a, hne is nmhm ,wt'b m i ,ľ i so'whatíhi s • i.d ,oh' onpht >!"- it ide'pt. ,«i >», da stay jnd dominaitt ia him ami trk'.ision drama -en Mao box j t 177 i?8 ImúVi,'-' ,ľ.'.!.!•!. TÍH k ť it ' , i-.ii>','> .T- liíto f Pi !'. hľ í'lv A \t.\v b3.. Ami,r-., es "Micth iv, t t1- ■ [ata-, h-.-- .. A. , , „pt- ,-i,i;- Warn an „i,'' p.. i loi in-laad-iiodb., A;, i-■ - p.,. m lol'e.v omha-m (•.■••!. ijij. -hiid ď o.ti m, Kcuis-t.aritiii mimsaasky at fun, ot rm ' , ,i, i. tb -nt..i. ad ',v,, pi ľi.1')'. ii;r,'. -ľi i ! ne i-Al--Kul n t. >r am' dn t •.„ ,- l'.pť'i t e, hniouo- .lit!- a- iba ".'i, yh i! * ,md "ľni. iKin.i! ;,í" ... In i;) ■•!>'. ... Im ideiuď J^miA i\'M: i' ,. • • ..ti',• ií-.-;u ľ tíiat d-"...' .t*-o-.-, r v-illuoed v. ill- f!'. - n .•d, t,', U'i The p; 'd i d Cctm t-iimiemo roihmh. ,pii.s miold I 'm, !■: im ip d.c a tur íT'd-in apo,o iii m , o,m ' . dví ei\ a" 'i'T'.'.m 11 im t k,o,do dm-! uiu.ill. • ť > at ppen-i 'o ri'ľ Spalinu, ".,1;, nbíe tu slpm. d,t s, '■ . i-ii t s m i -ničí -n ■'-ď, tu .spt i h:- l i-i , - par f it td.irí s 1p nď., he. ,m. t i\ ti akivi" k ehayp" tcnd- to happen .n!' ■ ..ny animates m,l bt-hoit -meiai) hon-h - d -ti .m.t, .<•>•, N«i,.iu> iuipidt t lev Strtsbery; 111 opnb. ■• tk>-• 1.1..U1 i ar. í-mmoed the "piivio moment P'i n i-„ ť- -ť i - ib ;t piet. Strasburg bo\ s , K- mŕvsnljn Stauisl,i\sky {l8ŕ>3-l*W): I-umtan a« tur, din met, _-i,.^ ti",.^hii. í p l"uiíd> i "i Hms n >ťb \ ..thiiiiľ a tmii. A.i o ll i -,il.. ,.f ť,i \Iľ,,,.l. \'t Tu ,tu íi> h-i i ,,i p p , t ďi i, ',.di tťtitii;,. Stdi'i-T'! -i. t dt-Vtd-i'Hťi pimmtplm. oi ľ.".i i ,i : . t]tat li ait m,p < > ba m-io-inen irdim Atitbot ;if 1/ ĺ, V t -ť*41, 'a ii ,u ľ ta b° pim.íe m e i", . , m m; m mm rm _t Sm 11,, p m-, e a obHtiJi ■A " u ai í1 i e ''e. A' i exne'1 i earn ' a t , tme 'm tl e eemdc . had mTA > "tmb, f ť ie ",,m,a j-em tlea! el ■ rm bma ľ.e of ť e a < -a >'• cm.c.ta ba *h - 't,ae,,rm S J bo,; rc ,"ha mt i t - aA'e i,, p e tpmer.ce 's trer a ii, tOe ;a" t o/ife ,c c* o (a ra,. ro'-mmb-tie ité rat .f a '"m .ert. a I *e «d ° "> yca m A'"ém""pi -.'ati b'rna.e " t v a, ŕmea ;m-mcpcoaes m a" -a i beai la- ,m.r epep, . ;.i ipm rJ am >/ stap .-, ot .e> v/o. vi, a mt, e C'emo-aaimoa n e s 'ak aieat e. e- a "ci. e r eb'fai , s '.< <= p' v-A= i ť.oag ,t a\ aak na .•a ol Ai- ,tao a e, pane ai Ľ r.ipeb'- et .-,i'"ai ig tpjt impetus ' n j a - -a t tm on" ye- i o,;i; p a in ..a die Imfnm ■ p ai c a :a - •, al rp tne vtĽ -'o ďat 'oe ma rl b:k t r, spitt.em mtb? a-'d a ' ■ e'rp. i, .ppimd'p the and enee And It worKea. l. . . j A'-: ak j íci i d e aíľka'.til theatrical e ai" • a' t . . 1 'dve touaa that people I tme /amend, n, "íeann,? yehrA'o-iťio, i|v.( rt —,c,, ,,-1-5=0 thai obe t íhev fr" -iiiip". r-A'.e T! z, see,, to thentsimes v.ith sur|-j . vene:; the, ary ľ rhe.-teh per,d r j*f """hey ,ari>, on n - -..j-/ ,a th tbc Immediattb. , ď a't e 'ten ;on cbchv' ic 'b o . ba " ta tb; toetmnq '-ff-'ct J tn F'rn/ate IVIcmei-, "í Am a ti at t ha,'"' v.itnin tself ei m mens po-s anaim ľ- a a.,,ce to stanu c; o 'ti ■ momeit: -ccblc"i es ii or:, j.IiP- ooeia i'trmnts, n ame ds v mn a ,'íisci s Alt =iha,,e r„, ti sratp- ,,tnt STďi sir t"-'y ca'A ťa Sk?, Faa-c. 1 fc4 " //„i m (j .h Li iVmíe-u., " 12b~2k fig 6.8 "o r' ~m o_ec s app Strasherg (190i^2): ipnatä' a Imp te.tsh, i, ,.. t ,. iiatlr-tim in WHí It to-h undo i (lit tu ,.ap T! t aít r ot New York rtho-t .o.tor- and daretioo- hírí a prokamd lrdu. lite 'a: ^meiitan theattt ami riou.-s. Siraďeiy t itijkt i" th>- Pilots Studio en Ni v, i oi s- In .m ' 44b tiiitil hď- de illi Td. rt e d< . eSojiml "'die Mt t hm I," i st .ti-m based on Níarmkn .k-A - b,.ti wVu»h emphasi/m! hov ať',*-, n'jl * e-' hi . . v n p< mona1 t m-itti i al !i ,e-a- tíie f n.), ioi .k ■ • 1 'poia. ro'e- \tra-i>r-i p". ide.n> ata tu -onir dit»i,»' 11 p la -i r.teo m tv ui'oek-. ší .: ; ..i o'it Ki >," Stn.i' >' iv, 'id-J V,u. a. ( !%>, nidi K.,her' i1 cí< dimon) 3rA 1 ih.uia> .Tŕemen rŕ.- ;i,'o/y,r cfíhc lifhjj i moS7. wath kiang 'lin \iovpkos, 179 -a >-fiaa vm -if :_,;Ff: KeaiA'i, a. i ne;'aorks hi -iMhPi'. aidi i.: eaHotdbt dre; Henrik Ibsen'- rLJJa o,d -,, H ak porio diaaoa -nek the ;-.].». ,d' shake-pears, Kabdrssrt, > a "Feilerici» Garcia I orra F-e! Aa all ho apparent 'nolni'aAi.-s, aai'iaaaia is,-- ,n!t - il i-a "i--,d i;h ii* d d'ttwo , i o i,a« -training ■a. nuh".1 -v tiec--"ia]-' 'a > nc-tci ihi- .1\ ie I he c>..--ta.i..c • ;l n anv '., bo: >!s • d i, tint; Dak' aic- i h-i. k ik c naii-a act nt A a «-rv]e. Es, l Ml »-!>, t mph, '-i/'an .una isce Sfrasbi-rg bom 2i. Henrik Ibsen (IS2IH -1906): Pto'ovi rear. pla\ e.righi ir did bar pioneering oab-iie drains dealing «idi the peisonji aa.Pt sneid interaeUons oi .ncldit > las'- eliar.itttis Veiling hi-' rr.a.m phe..- are i'or Cam s i8ea;., i Z >„>/,". H aov i i s?9), \Ti„..-,,,'! -SX 1 i, ' aora A Air. i\'ap/e,ie82p /,VJJ,.'Oaa,k-r.:iS'ei.,,uKi The iia.e - ba./UiM i SQ i i. Arthur Miller { 191 s-2005): aim-ncai. pkeovaght m th, real;a stile A'non^ his nia-c, t'kn s at >.'/'n, vi / f 'H7 '., 'V id, a/ Vi/e>./ka (te,4.n, rPaGa,;,ck-u"5 A;. ! i h^.Jwm 'he Tiite!.]ct t*->rie iiv.'i'i.-JA,7 (,iQ'vi-c 7/ie ft>c- ( i%8'.. The 'd./r A an lid d.-j./an , 194). rc-i-ed 149«i, fin l-aa I,/,;.--. 11''dd),,( hoi,v:.,a fiiue--12'jid) hm Mikri'-uoi- on rhratr, st Tl, //i,ana £.,ji ,.; d/.-imi PP','r> i iULih|. D.rv id Mantel (1947- ): \n -nee id n'.engirt, sa-eiiira r, and iliaiior. \irn».gl>is nun-, j heparins, o u //;/fjA A'! •-o, i k..;e'o nfrll Ma . i h'Sj), Oa-a'.-M i i d'> A, f/je '"A ' -„r;.e,n..e,/ I "id /Waao .'20P5A. i jis jihn- ruckle.- Ae.'.,r. efA jracs • IA>>7;. Th. gom Pfinmer I l -)d«l. and i'^d, /"l.y , !9*<8i. Kaiidasa (probablv 4th or Srh certturj cr): die- neon - ouet -.ha'a.atist it tfr Inrlj.rn ban-krir Oadition His ,.esf gru u •■> pba. .sfeoiaana/a. a tale o' lo\. Ion ami di'u re pained, .s stall < ft-'ii pt rionned Hisorhct v ■» t sm, !bd'■ d-yamanua'' leiibuhuiv hpiiraf, . aid l'bjii'i-i "lei am i J'ou ' a d >i Tiirt'iiah I ai-r) Kedcrh ,> Garcia Lorta (1S9S-1916): ^paii.sit poei md pljw.ri^hi, munk-ied b- halange hasdsts ic the oursi i ot P„i v,;,,r,,di, "hd rear Loje.r ,pkn - hn hide B.'aed 'da./i.pea ; P-H t>. 'trnr.a pii-r and i h - I'/aiea a/ I'icinarJa Aifi' !4 Ape Strasberg Raising the scic> to we levei of the character '"'•-■J ". •:," :v..s+ peace ''a. e-seei-a' P"j; aai'-at t a c i-. 'jtbr- ',7>>-r':; vt .,"i..e ea.-e ta dsppe : re --- sa p-a: i .ea'.aa 'j,rr:^"i^i d-'a e"a : sar, far La-p- aaee;--, a.aa p-e • be tin . '0, s Tn-t- l a ira.iai ic«. ' s'fr v.iie h t lip; p. aiepaa -?e ; -eaioc- it s a;,- ,,l a,t tu„ inae, tr ra tta-'p ti^jifeth t A .a '"-rn-r.dP p eah a,, is e. i ee d.a- 'Peai'Sdrrs"'ivi Pe sav, ' f'. eoi, d .ma veie Lp. / daebeth -va*. voaio >ee an ppj; ui0v< ,„..,.!,-. >oa l-ahe/a," ,j.,p P pohip this, e'\.-, a sr|<- tea ee'Aaam'e oblate of takirra the r„A am."' ro +o. a, to-. L . i de, pie atd-m .a-id, , 'Cv'cer.t. Va'"-.tor,eo-, iPSSA AAP '• raps "]f vr- ra a id b„a' c. id s ioi a d i.j ~. i, C'la! ■ 'Ci 'ere,? to 'ljprpei, lo SOU, '. /ne.t o' air., ill'a'''. - to ,'00 '•:< 00 t00t ■" hi Othrl mOCcI-' '•'•e p *he eesh a- •: .a-.enrA'. nrs: a id then t-ses t! e teetadpiie as a i/sv e* tar' ^ ..p o-at ih? eicsni--' e biteniio, VAie-i teat is a .t done, "Aei e.ei "n Steei-davsPs s prord.etc es, -a e .''"r, is.iUs d'e no1 c case" id to "o :es°i of r1.; ac-or rathei ti er heiaietj toe ac*oi to aseend do aie'evei af the sha ect^. ''o.i xe vvceo' apa-iinip'-iri'i.e if" -'te ip. a ,d sr. , '.; t ci be C= 'rfid to a." ip -'!>• actor'a i'o '>-ah,.p cd 'do pdo- i.v motivac n iant to actable -- !v,-.-icAe" aet- lA-t cd, i,.',q adr _d,.^'./alar ah Id-? Brechtian acting lire htian ,.,'tuij is i, i -,r> ipr...h ''opposi p to distkc ae'r a; -ii ppie.iit-ma! i ' n. hhetP. \. v bo.tlj a, pi,i\-.right i a Mii-iii,.!. hi stagiop he on-, pke, . ha mphasi^. d c, ia. I",, mi v:t!'i_ oi the dranni ino dn ndi\i,ha.d agen. v oi •>'",<■ ... "•'- hiacia did not ornt tin Ce 'or oo di-appear into i, -:'.•'„' lie -a irAed ;.be ai tor lo engape tor rob- .!-. ti\ eb.. t > enter into .-, di.dia ilea c 'kaionshin m :tj-> d;e rob •--.-e figt1 c h.^p Breebt e.aik.d th„ \, eb t induiig. effek' ii dts,ii-ae. it brii ta, in >Ai_apt..r -oitpib ipeani.jg "ahen irii-.n' A ,tra'igirna'-dAseeWiilett lio\ i. it o be-t to diiiik oi i ". icril .-a-ahiiig-eUekt is ,, ;\ .w ia • P"b. c a v edge Peine ''. "he iiiar, ti'i linn a. da, tin stagbie . ir'sii'bhiip idoi L*og oi sign ]—.ran , and ran othei '"puin, t'.on < Ie cent i -o thi' e ;."'. a- ald.t hi b-'Hiia e ■ d'f ok mb ■ o-inoellt npon. thr ithoi- 180 -• • • in - A' i "i t h' Al h eťľ ill Hps, 1 Ii Ist. i'i. . Is i. ■! - ill í* .o'.; .11 in. ili.lllsi '! >: "• a ■.!/".. ■., '•'!- ;;;.■) I,, 'til A I.. ■A ' * ran p. i. '. i-: i i hie i r- iiiĽ i'. t! n!.. :i };.->•; lil. YV-iVi '.'•-..", in I'ÍŤi. ipi'.'ť. -ní. ol>h\ tone, ť. "h ' Mihnoi "íl oioo "i i i:H M'i.nľ", s o\ l1, ■;ii.ľ íhieoe-o .i> t- •,• Mci Oijl.o j,(. ; ;,.' n > "O . )<,;-. oii Pantile.' íi: ills 10.nor ill ., i. i'",l •, >b: , -u! n-; |,i s.. ... ľo. ' ' , . .1 ľ lakenp .'Ac;-neosO '■' ;'.-,. r',"', .--.o ft "in iínpj.i i scc Brecht bo* o ,m..-. im;ii. 'i's'u.'oo 'b,, t jiniio:. 'ku POr nabi,," O'o.m^í,,. batoh: l!n' v.pto u:!i oi oii: iiiiosim.i,, ■n. ,ôi i t x; O'ii'no >! . ., tiios. _,u,,!'ii., s Bro, ht o u-■-.ľ. •_'■'>' i.iisiaj, • „- vrai i. n,; aeí Iro.oo-P . ,1, on pard .1 , a.'.ii 'I, o ill- i nu. amp oi í! -a ■ hat at P. •■ "'< • •. _ o rado i in j" i oroj-ii, n- . o>n f rsi. n ,rlľ m - , hano <> r bi Iíree hiiašl PH'siito ;h. ao< .r ií<>. s ,aií ni. a b.-'hAd 1ho •h o i tin r oa Ot* n hpi _!>. o,j,, bp- .,. o.-r •' th_. o).--, a. ajh' ji.'I iíŕ .-en a, p io i a i.-o- a. p. >• 'I r ui n ■ s. ,mo . ■ o n.o . k -ai,' k. L, iop. poh.o i. .1 'see iigure 6. !0o :h. • tii...Ji|.iti|i p!a. >■ th. .11 u--, i. i, oik i . .pin..".n.s .'hojo- t h ana.iln ruaar- ..i a nook po ' . 'pe'pnA Hr. i.iit i.iii-, .; íha A. i,a i; p tie on i on t. p '..ho s. .-pi.-.ja,! t.,_,a pi iipr.i.i..'ivk'i i okna eoh.p Pero tíyspshe Shelter {i 77?. --!8i!í): S .ikloh i4-.nr_.irj... pi ..n *in -se w als im ins _,, - p' n . 7 A t ./. . ,.s . *i jail ; ■ -_,,_,! r,o íAp --;si 11 í> ?f j} jini "koionais' í i H 1 ip ' i •_• « 'ailoo k, nji- ini.rv of tlie Iľflei. j.oot. |ohn keae- Arthur St hope-rihaiier ( !7Hí.~l,%0). ten en . i plul. .sopr.t r \s K>$e r ľ of uoja Ttí nt ľ H' is A.. 'U 'íi' i '* ■'/ .sa' ka; '.aanoioaij í 1 S t S). A pi --.imisi, s, popi nh m. ' hrbe-,, oth. ■ -na.-; in'} .rom die pain ot li. ins; is nikl K iónmi :ti nm.', pi-Pi. .s, .p ;n , a,-;.i art. Mei Umfang {ih9--tA%. j; >, ibi s.. |k;|,lf,,!(.| ,,i j.-i^iu and kumni, .iMiktn o. • 11-ssn al spa pp„.,>r, .,lf. • M,-, s.i,>aali/<'t] in .i. e i o ' s ' t 'íiipa V . .a" o.iti. n ,1 e pp-.,.h'K ,ra..asiritioiis bs'líku-si .!-,. a'.r. in ti,. ,o, nii-u oi non í"laPisse theatre p.-e.i t ít i- a.i.'ľ. a in ,s eli, ba~s 181 A'iensťor, e ff eel; in Cl; 'nese fictwy i ľďe Jiiivs-- íi-ťv -,ť- f o. p ,,- ~ ti e-e v f re j ^eta i i Wô ' . . , l~0 mC f°W-. f"; m a, .U,c, O4" bil- , "j 'via'í T'ns'ummi' a i., - ■, r "s a of me l> oare a :' »i» : '.n-Tf ■'F,'!-' C J°'ľ v TVňld ľ M'p ' o '■' 'T 1 'j J ti - iífá'on ,p" ue a f' _ ■ ^a- p-r.iatci a .a1 ai r ■'''ľ i- mu p taí , -, o á'1 ' . - ľ'if a mm aramí -m iba'-?' ;tvji aafi - a1'uai), o "j i ; a aa . t a. 4í acim tc t on, ■ e1 ,u-m tmm.ei, a* apelmi a a, ■•, .a-1.. '-» mení; a'^ayaaaia íiľi a, \,> p: m i -n : a;, p na Ott V aa -a'i j. Earn. ma>, min>7" -e-- imub, "á _ a P) aa a f ie ei ta-oP'ara'mi, mnte.mPr , ~| •- im-,-.-. 3 i tiaT . j.m Ca am Crtr i"|m- ť - \oi -vť>- - .mu. Tn,p. J > s m.,- me v mat t>-.p r n rp_,e ti- a eieeí-a' mai es-aip-moe 'a tenuito? T'e fc'tja'a c iPa--- m. floats et im est ,-a-saa, but ,•• i'"o t -,,<; :ô i v1' y reccame-m eatej • ,! Ta1 k, i m |aafc -'a: l. -jecJ- eomp'Pir tata.'e -a. - im 1 aut, 'v ise ô e-1 ta° -tan to Si -mo mot"", t ie chao,„^' rhmd. But ,n bat a>- be fro lám, 1 ±< ifj t'y, ŕ %• 1''.'.;<--• pm.,4 c "I maa . em a a aa< I a. tua tla ai.i.fs ť, !,m norm , ' 1 . O al; .a" i c / Bon !■( at m i m.m. if- a ; ,0. -„•,-, ,., a , , n ■ ca ,,[, • t- ti il - "'is at' Boat box A,.0jo-SlC Bo 3! The -.rect-ňciút Ire rt\ ^lur.r,: i.-' Inj i me m-a ilia- a -; i i- ; CP* a m ť t Opi'i _ - r,s i m a ,s i r ,.- n, ,u i oic -,, cmm. a- i mu -.m-1 mm -a- o ' ta a j t ia u- , l asta ; *i'oc • a -m r o -e; of - ot* Brťohtian at tingt smialo m,l j oi-Ui.dlmm m- - im u hen. tbc atloi dots not ihsappi ai i-ntia-'v into tin rob \t • atain miimuits. the iotor iiv lei tie nt íi-stun . -.,l;i, ar st-nrauii -comments on the i nie m the Oramatn. atuatäim beider r -e- V í .p,net ce- srived b- .tu,! sú- e , J / m' fig 6.10. - oi-a fnmi ict|i c i-'a^ u. faimejp l.utc-,or i-am ■*»m,-'On. - angam j T c "J- it e mm 11 tie m-p rj - r1 aiesm Ta- s„eiie-i , m i s r f b~ a m n Om a U d-ta •? u- ee* a u ď hr ill! au i. : m.' mOiaopitm tm ona. i i s i.U „ pi, ,pi s ill, rmi; •• • te-n , m í d. mr. stih, , * cuts o'i, * 111 J't >th i!s. ,p;>. ai 1 t 'u ' m - ;,,i|i!c " i' a. i.ií.b", >. r, i'• *n - i.. . omm íl.' -n a,; ,i -in. -, pmand -tu-b ..;el ; pamta ,n. iď i:t ?,-,'.a! 'u, . ■ m.Oi e," 11 mmol !t,,p -a, d, 0 ue >■ a, 1 , -o,.-,,-.} ■ b, -nr ! - i c mam . ' - au . p i, , aeiíi-.* - . an o - . ,, i-nra- h.l ■ n íi >i", ii it, m 1, i, - "Ti-ii --o t,- iis , j ,,i , -e i • i'. o bi-ib:' iŕim.'i, >, is o'.auaii-, -oc d. , ô - -ein m n - i .•Pmm ' t- i j ■ ia emm 'mu. ,o e- ■ •; 1- s íh b,. 1 ,,p .. m'ho' -imn.m-i ." n,, pdmn. i oo i en n u v- ubi d - i -do Pa , o'i. i * \i mai. , , , ,ip. -u -i i, i, ,n to a.iiii.i ' a .od i i udě i mi. Ruth BnrLiu, Margarete SmfSin. ,n,i HcionoWoii'r-l. i 182 •Ii , -iiUl»! 1,1 S,K >-||,!l ľ'ln V\, r, í), «>P1, 1 )!],]' •'!■< 'r'í 'f '.''.M,, ,irs. go t r-, « - tUIW' Jíl'' nr>,ľ> t lľ , m i,\ i- ,'>!.■! u ti .i.jti m lie IV-"•»' im n trmu i.,ji.-r l.u-ľiui. t i see Hai».» bo v 1 tíme, iinio ido d m. i,. - .ere íu i"i mdiksiAli ■ i n meh'-'■ i i • • ■ \.ii-..iti< tr- niiimv, ' «s.nojo.i'-'in ,A*'e".ai pl.m i" .-mmoho k n. n\ - li" nu •. i sh<> ■ í"i ''li' ' m i !.< - n a ,m a.l. ■ m t j 'li-i • d * im knoo -., eat o. ■..!,'.]• jaomt s> mio >'. nm-n amli-a'd, to on it. il i-, ,n ;mrt no lo r.uU ti-,, ďťn ; em s - vintu." e"d. odtticd. .niii imp" i, is. - pel In. ni ľľ . - ám o- rlorin one -en li't most ma-a rah-n u i .,« h "m n ed." ni '■ - ■ '''t id- «• ■ nid 'm aria'n.i . Bot e « vi ľ- a t ' i - lne ti dm - n it nie.e: 't i-. o-lim O h nklbd a, i nm ',- tue-, ;it mh, a l.eii íkeic i- ' known, •n-.o'ľ/i d, ami ioimiil. t insimttahh -.. nr.-,; • i-otam .-t itii.ii.iin -epaiate íroo memdas !niij\ioi. ' )l laľiM , i imi'.ľ, i >r ii.i\ na-1 an i.. - an ill r, Ami nm n i, ,e o . ail K h.wior " -otm rhirm" in m> hm d k tma. iď. .lOi,-Inn e-m-.]on-l' masti o •' i -'-ti m s. "ai.iit 'r.iľ.i-n l'ram beheimt Um i in tti prm • •< . irh. i e, jttmiim -n ,,. i ial- ta v, im (Milihi d lieli a '• ir hrnmi smj r.n ,n o ilaii^ ľ-lhnľ a-eWotr 1 h' iiits - pertei-i-ii-|, r n-c-.i > lotíld m in.pne ■-it, a , mli h oie ."er, d n or If .m. . ■ >. lim -i I o bei en Vlasti ttii'1 i odjfj. i] pe-ímminm take- a. ns "i t; mm.;; ti- h eenrr Ita- tt- man loeaotd n \ in katb.-Ldi. -.míne ,u Irr. kase their '-, ehes im.s-aem1 inh • " i u c ih shape" i see figure 6, i 3) m d pr letí. e rio min- < -e t im-- m Íra n im- Ii pa, í oi their h"dii mi hide--th, eves • see figure h. I -k) Wh i .„• v, a- : n.o. Mi t oi- i'ď.1' L.- .'t- oi t. ť.n d"!Í am1 inm.ore--r í." ,1^111 In mn, t thn. \k 1 p.irao u O r-r -• Híí" mh, Barb.i (Í'-Hó- |: m hm h.j.n i. ,'tm „,«J n rVtť.'iik; k. Pot o! One, keaio, oi Hol-0 hr,i. Demom i Si'mel-.1111, em Aedv' -y .|mn , er, ain u iilmiai 11..' moio, r mm p- £. ' i-1 Ai mnj i ,Jľ,i,{ ''" i\r.h ! 11 nand i "i .iriat.i, t - , ,,, , i //, OeAij kej ľí ■ i, ami/.„„/,if h/11?' ..11J/>...", mk t <-"*') Cirihl Q B 3ľbcl LúkadhAnni ťt»-;í,r natv^d'iai mi Ahe l"C".p .'o ricA "ne "od on 'ta, m- 1 j ioe •J Vm ľ, "-mror- on oehi/iO. on? ' '■ 'An, km AAA.5 ' '-'O.'/m'óm-e. mr hr r,j 3- a, . ,ae" o.nM n ' tm'íai o-hiee m. ôti .rpi t"»1 f "* ' '•'a,a - a-e-se s a , ,al A -f p-e^eor- a a.ri, te"ťO" aa • ,P 186 18? 'jO-t : -.fa-r.tatce ana : ..jji/i im .tki a,,. Pim ..i .-,<>'_ e.,e.n o>ie11 thr-s ot '-£oim-m am viivi a t m u aebman' d--n-c,:isr at-ar, I. . i Trie '',a> -ao me c :■ (iri..- ac.ees m daily ij;e !~ riiospmidan' fhtdrmm- 'aa + ie me. >.«.• Jj i\ te-c'ii spies- v.e mjo' we s'l, m , ...e 1 I, , » n,it 1 i." it. ' , i Jt I": a ' ia. i r a ,| . IP ti ~t |'as a a, P mm, t,e. I a ,e i 11 ' tH-|„ qum ;pa; ,5 t .a.",,,,- > d ->i - am ma - tp-aah per cr1 ait,a, • 11 a th rf, JHTiipa. m'm « r f - a dam t 'si a ias ■IMP HHBhHHIBHe 1 lie i oi'Ue. 1 a"-hpsmi " n'- "pais nt " a i > »K ; a., da- it ins la-en peli ra, j hi ,...... ■ nu-s * die ni>, a -11 ai d, but tl i -. 11' n ain it ai.ui pia i . Jn-a, i spi\id an. ul t .ra.lita n In Bin tin 'n.ti tmehi-i stjn e he'iiml tin a itleut it. i den nipatirmy i mi s ,j ana sin.ieat a t'eov — I I I I . puttine tin d.tnt.'i t.lK air,,pit me, i sea i i-Id. r.sultJ d tin, tjl.ii t ,pe ;ti, 1, aiin.n ,.t traditann i 1 in td > ai t.Pmm In .aill tin Pit th, t ,i h i .nniii. ' l<- a p, i Ionium. i • th, Kmi . !., ,,. a nut U .V „ -a Codified cICtftlQ Sfid the hue )ue hi tile Knnp i tniinr Hi omems. tils i; e ana m dt m' mil ipn, v. ,iU del n>p, i in it upo. lop n .J • -i "nop lis'" )t the 11 ill 11" 1 I- s, ,,nd ("111 s;;],]U. ]t, ' t"i. , ; s ,,; it rm lui a ti aditm,, d «u o'llanti'V lie h,p, imfm ,o, irtiitithi oiehptnih t "lea . ft a vi jit Hi't tl'f. .ii i tin..-.-at stt lend hall't, '.el t ) -pt tit-, 1. i .yiaehii- ml nr.' <> J11. s -1 Iii.ln I'lna'.1 n, .i. inp i ie i.i'lu avant-garde Lie O "t ' i uie'i. ,11 - ,pina a t -a ir_ tP t '1 e< tll'l d mi, 1 1 199-, i'i a r ii 1 , M.tttlu u Bin, no p ^. i)-', 'n ,, ' d. " n 1 n t ,, ^ i ss , l m i . ' ipened. luit remains -,n his eomp, • - ,t p i ' i s , , la a . Kinpe thi ii,.iiuii,ii' Ne ,\ halt a - a e . i nnpos. 1 li-ini . -.e, • |,vox , I*. - n"] m t »■' i , a r'en he, ti me i the h ..K ^, ,i mm >i \ n ie lin,.'lih d In rcahspe ut b mho,,, r^tiny tie r, i.t -sti. m, ,,>• . t ■ plai , i' id .eti'i "> ai i ae On , nit) dn ■ ' P ,t s mad' t" i r- rp, er il. I his is true |i ;|,, draeii is mp -tthsTv with hoik, sptjj St ''iiu'ili, ]",■! d'eai'su idi.u Bi.. a .11 sP i .a, a ll iy io 1 i o apt 1 si -p t 1 or „ tll.e "s ,1'n l i Tin inra i. odin d u unais m'a J amml md did! Ho m, his dop,,., ttie i. nor vi \s .till s-,i d p in noli . i-jnno. f --ml, feaon th ,ii h , I, ms ii'h - \p, e. „ d m ' sjau d-rh.n ' -so, ji, t my ,t e.i. t mi'it, s oi t totbbm.f to. i . nan I th l I,- . ol 0 m t P li' It i i 'on in '' a, i ,). . ' it . i ol ra- > ii l Iiauii i s , ei,t ,lli, ' i!i. U ,-• . - an', i 1,11" i d ■ i h mi a , ' < I t ' o 11 ' * ti si, j. On t , ,i loin r - I ' i am m \ n h siniin . \lyi'.li"l,ie a-.' I, " li 1 ii . j . , 1 n i ll i- i ,n hi ii,'i, • „, , i -OT I n 1 o d * 5 ,,i,i , a his d o pi t ', .a d an ad m. 1 1 , a ,. i> u is p i 1. ,,.■,'1 «' n, , , I ,,'„ < n- . , p ,. i k''1 • see i c Railets Trockadcro dt Muitti- (. ,irl', box . 188 *,< w Bonriv (t%0-- p ri •;]■-i del. < ■ ,n I. i < , i *'o u fa Ole m a. ' I n , .....-In- rn a1 'i.! i .1', -n, m> fV. ad; .e" .3 '• I'' t b r' .ll-;t >*m'»i'>,i.i!ii l-i- >, 'i* ;.i 'i i- A - i u.'/(''' t i, /' i i'e-t 1 c j i," a t fmui'mo m' 0"-"f' 3r/'' ',2\ i m i'T -> ' ii 'i i .'. ail.I ' .'' J.'"' ii. emu ,t-c . , ,-\ -' i 'H7t ti - T om . ,, Jli'.'f 'kodct i-' i , ' ..Pi . ' 11 u ,, ,, _ ipo -cac j- " p , f' < I ir'.C"' 'Inroc. " ; m m „ ' ^ .> " * " -}--% n,J; i;r-:;..) i _ j I i 'i y-i '' ii Miiim (t i i ii-- i - i.i , s , '-a •■ \' Ponm pheno.tienon throughout toe world. Ahoy have participated io dance festivals in Holland.. !V!aorid, Mew York, Paris, Sooieto, Turin, and Vleaoa. f. . .'j The Company .an Ly el i i h!att!',s\", Bcn.rn '<• j'i-aiule Swtu k^',j '1 m1 a r iime ,„ - mo a u ,u ~ e uu tm ' P i 1 t c _ '.el or; , - ai •'- , si I, : - ".a , < p. m m. n, a mi-, s a i m'o ii mh a m, •, , '-d li'ic v m if-,, -t- ,rl . i0r ' ' ia a , - ' r ac lei-m-s O'-'J e-' , - a" e An ^11? -h° - - . T-'. . r---» I'm :','l. " - 1 ' 1 O \ si (.,>. la -i.-- - , -eld ua rp -■ v, u-a a n •'■ >U\ i car . v.- ' ah 00 a< ',v in ii e t -, 1, m . i ,m r ' ~- e Oifane i i , - . t n" r '-ma ■ ' i i ,i i "a i _i me ,c r a ' i . 'CO ' a- | t '■m i m t m-o , ' ' ii t> , ' i )»'' me fompany History," ' ' Li I v htl ' Les Ballets Tr o c k a d e ro d e IV! o -1.e ctipcnii) Barba and his colioigurs at the International acaiool ot I In aire Anthropoloe\ id'sdA) have for elocades anestigated through practice codified looms especially a mac of Asia, in a 1987 IS! A session in ltalv, Barba spent a i week, investigating how Johan Wolfgang von Goethe's Christopher Marlowe's versions of Faust could be interpreter! hv non-Western perlbrincm empbyinsj their own < mm o ■ i .a t . j . -. i !m u.i n< > ■ t a • vmpikta O 3 t I 0 1 Ihirigm.b. a t p. a a...di, ' -V/.iii.i.i KatMiko hi i . i . ' s . i , ', i r , e i. i - 1 ill i , - da i t ill. - ■ "/?•"> 7; o.Ai /h ,"/■•// Cw" -vorJb ' m , l> a, me - t'tmui »».16 db nP.-i m \\ ,- i,> o:"-:iabib/tA the eodiiied forms ■ ■ to stretch their limits of -noressivits. The result mas an iiitenaiitnral clash, .cimiitaneouslv invigorating and co.oh.tsing (see Pavis box). In chapter 8, I will discuss Barba s work and inferouittiral performance in more detail. Ah/- '' - a ■ p , A, m i u> . ""s oii'h-p. 'f " at it 189 Johann \Vr>Hg,ing ' ort Goethe {1 ?49-l8:>2): j,r-'hhe ana i'dltHT'tiAi «'">m,n, im -'hst an 1 t ich) in -t ,1 kommbt .eiri the" lem-itm. '* nrT^ In- man" -\mk-d,< .'/>.',' d'iir-ij ,! h tt!~~m J ' i,'' e e ' i~*>7 ~ ,»11 "bn (iTv-i; flu ,,,„ Ii 'hhi Vurnl' 1 i in i .( »»•,„•! :. I NUN rwt t.thSnhrü ni.ohe. aonsb. 1S- Christopher Marlowe (1 5t>J—95): rnpahh pfav,\ ri;pht d m a burro en bnm.t -ih. n hi n a* "*'), «It,i-o-,\,»k-in ki-k 7>, ,,,„ (, it'-j; Sanjukta Pan!s»'i et ot • «im, uame. h,iii'«->ab, ah., r jllah raa< d v. ith hug« nk, Barha at de tut. i natu .ml S.h-r.l o* Th, atr-- ^ntlir. ,i)u!i>^\ (i^TA t I,,, man, espt, i n i. on t \ jsi..«i.ii di. i lan-imb" > hat« L< n \sian ant! Wmk rn pa unna;.; AzUUId Kalsuko ( 1*1 Wife): b>p.,no,t nitW Inn« hanu I. \;hoti hit's11 is tit>-a i, tehto ii , "... tin;-' at a'l n he ateatrn a' nie. di h. d ".: ,- p- tiormiim 1 "it n r. as tire h i si. rituals invtdte no impersonation. Ota .tetil.e 'at .1.1-, tig 6 16 o. ' ] f a. =■ - -,e - sei r <- an. a .- ,r.,in - s p, In I i a I''s - . it, .tilt' d lege hpsit. s .u a' j ej. .e-.' I'ea.i' oaa'.h rrthpmn .i"i o as o'i tt oil. Imi it, k st ran I are aid pi'.,, a ii >o J. s ,-a»s,st . .ittai ■' m hip meanings ceivers {sec o,. 'ha hit d -'. ii.h, 1 <. helee. i im \j o !■<■;! L e ni i ! n'-m ■ s ami ta t Mitt.' i 'til i.-. ,mli n •.han.aiin-i'ij. ir.t i'ltk memt-ee,; -m the kt el • d '-a a, I pi i h mine; ••• dl m bead nidi hit, r a, tin Rappaport bo\ '• Lt.n e - „u .oil1 ! pikimi: ehapt- • I I't ;stir - ■'„ r!, .nninp ' a a ils t . •"pio..nm,n i oh)i, m iu; tu ip.iti in ' m snei i e i ■ th lip s-,m an.ä d na t"'m_ t i Him . ill. pi h -t m,e. I<> aniii. i.'iinl. f-,i.ii.j - thos. \\\, lea. \ -obit a 'Stimm-, ■>,••.".•,:<•, a". . m. -s, . b.da , aaa '., .lei - laiidi .'.ib.'.u . tir. 'ti ai Th. Miss n .-malai a. am! start hr ^ v, n s i- I, s'... . he , ••'.;. h a- the e, r. e fj bi •'-,!• im, h "i- 'Ik .oa ip.a iti .a.', an \n r. a, |i; ai..i in, ■ , ,s a ,sHi,..\m, mo. • - , i 1 ,m dual -.;,!',.,-the ,aii- ,aJ 1..' ' -, tbt . hr 'sks-mp o1 a I "• rials eombhiK mip'oM-tti '>t'i,ii(l ihi ■ .ei el ,haot u! l! st mi, ■ ii li i ,,ae it i., is ,e r , titied anti em to see "ormed exactlv and invariable - !", ^ , nook .a rhu tv a. m t!,, -bin %• V 'soap'epi' .1 h ;."tt ..*', ia-a;o, la; It. pi ip, ramm . • . a. o "n> in. bt.l • part-1 ! ii enrn' us ■ ire...' • -., m; i-o -pa e.-di- • i.-starin . a . t- e,i 190 re.' um ^ Pavis Improvisina with codified acting < r t,j 1 n; |Tt CI IS IS," 0,0 ' ' 1 Olid d"* .1 0 SpOOl ~0> A'jM/3! l,r'j i ( ' / . f - ' , , ■ ', ft-' t |'| t„ ' di 0 L eea xsi i' T-g,,, i| ; ,> iv t Kmd my rhecf ,"<■> i a mi ; - ~n ' Z" e ,a ;C- =el(,r'm s'e i '-m- , i'r.eii'; ey ' a" p.-" Ji itj.t eeemtl'e i-> A sti m no f < '■ < mt - - s--_, .--| ,n sr p | cm m .oil" ".o f -'ji-t aass.mate.) bs th-ip rim c. ts Ae,iaA'' m ,iisL,i|("i a. tiin-< tat .ms at - , . ■> t*''mm ,ai Aim a -o" i oi A adorned t , ~ae I m.. a mr-l ,J - er mot --mm c t > I i - . <- > i ■iii,- m - Oi " i:a-m ;ms:.t.,'„ r r, of pimmi ts a; latt taba t„ , g m ,A , ,- cm A'"d -,, ~ -~.;m'>~ t-.- ua , i. i jie-m - i A e ;Aa a. ..."s r m(A .md asks r.e> to ma hi i V aa mm d e •,"i'-ar,'n", , sA1' <' s,'fs-,s as t " r \n - i i<_.,i"'S- A i -o-"r-> cf vJimt vy ilef ar i A o- is ■ r i-i, . " A ' ! o * , . m --0' n c/ > - ,o 1 a -i ' me ' f coo m "i , r'r oatof the rl unlmi mmbae v im a •, moa/ / , a i, a ea . • > , i • e '- me' n,-c t m i "nco'tams f et a m\d e daime c A ■, ttm r,a- ' ,1».,. i r,-',!"•' t -c ■■, ,» ■ i , ■= i--- m m f " « iOi sam-r . ' •, at so of *'ie coumeb-ramticr, i'fa! e ma in. mm, vi mmeem,, ■ >. 1 o rsi-p • a md ' "I- "-d tba ami dad "'mm-lor *bo neA stages .mAj'a-ao a! o-ati 1 koy a. Rappaport The codified liturgical order ''oomtpmim if ':, - e - "o •-tea', no 'term,a1 , uf r •' J /• A ' m -1 ^i-il-a , a, m le eiomemc'mt , : s e- "c mt! ■ (I, o, man, -ned j,,,y .p^p a om r -' mi a am ,om, d a< m ■ a. aom.ra , m mi ijf'din,' an, nm: i.r, -dm n o. dAS ,j, ■ e,at, v'. p1 -I'-i ti'"v"-fir for i i } i sa1', .s Ai eonrera- -o b( ambor 'a oi l,m- / a a 1ms *r i a c;,m. j' l i T|-'e |,'n I,, Ad -7 ami ma o a etnrpca oic.m tljjd' .1 ''-am-vOts ;a m, Am-r-.i, nteP a" j n i[ or ri a - , 'brtt a ■ >- *a ceo. d I i t!m c.aiet s of Hr ,tuim a .s,b> a- a,i- -0 » i- a -o', „ >mi i , 'fill al- 'ii- ibe-ate hh , act tb> \ ai. m.i bht atro it-o it ■ ■ v iidm ir a ;' i-. ta. . a-. 1- n -A, tbo-r prifoiir, c i' : d . a , o r -m-i im-' ii^r > • 'tb.-r^ 11m i im.abm son' ta -. '• - jmi'i t i r ilf s,j. s,L, )n,i tb. \i. tiusif i At, pen ■'mm as a stam iir -cmi is pot a- hiji.K p, i/,d soil tin: artist is able to pieriorrn and to a lesser deprce about ■vhat the pertbrriKince meaim.. But in rituals, the meaning and irmmnce of trie actual pei'son aiithorizeti to enact the ritual sre what count .This h so even h this person is mehie in voice m b m i. in hi stoith,se hff-r. m i s iw,,ts ,n , ,ii,.o,h i - , a,i, h mm -a m i ., -j,. !,„ ! ,c da- in ,-ii blia to Aid i i'...' imualh !e oh,, di. d , a ■ a. a'mm n ,-„-, in, - i,. tea p. •• -i • a ..;' m , mm C'rniai. , e sn, b. n t. ... n d sn im-a oi'-ton,) the, ltual m till 1 i wi'■ ih an ■ to. un i a .1'. a* ' m- he o i- • 'leiru a tech1 ilan ti eh a a a i el' u,,l c roi dls|.i,n s j ii -oon ,'n at tie. •»-m . me ol loiahmd .m'omp no', ^ahti it -tip e dre ', i tin H's i.rtn tarpe dettia e jhont ho ' mim n ., . i i, m id. o , . . do I >i die actnu! and ot trie socia i "■;,' r.iul II celebrating l.j , ,i i\mg in ius tivi'jt s. di.tii.prbi i, -pp..m 'bite r'o-i, i| > ei-ih. lAmt.b 191 tlxs< (t' n,s - mi a ■ - I t ii hu '. fig 6.17 Trance performing a i i,- i ulint,,-, mI.-hh, - i sec l.vw i* bo.\ > ': Ti Jl'l " , ak .pi i I'l, i Mt \ On l. .mm i i'.l Ki i! b t jin i 1- . |i \ . in 'IK " ' k pi i , 'Kill it tm>. ; \ p -si - i t -1,11,. , Jilt, -b tP.amc Plilam Si .Hi -I" I.IOS tin • l-ll I'l.i'i t.'t! - I,ft. and m 'i n t it • f> , 11 -tp ' ■) i' t .Llhi tili et i'i i j. i >co-b t. ( ii. . .mi . fi ( ■ . )n. i Ptm 'p- > mm-. - • • '111!.!. i.,.tt ob n '•• i.e. i". >u - "-d,sm„m. p> e ,,t , " ' ' it i, j-1 ;uuil i'jii - I mapo-nag » 'srnnibr citit'iral opom n --mm.....i mom a U'l ii'f'^'1,1" rirlll.'l,, mt 1,'ti p ItO, ' .ti, I VI.lli! ,llv t ab 'I, t i-'ji'J' t*1 ti am t j,. i ii . itiinip p,i— a .n i. V.'u , ;i d -'ani , |i, "I |. , 111 ,-jr, a' I int. i i v 'I, tl i \ ru ,it ■' t bellet systems. in posse-sim it.ntte ].nl lem-i- ii tammi-mb-TiMii-tij'i. m i,hm|. 'hing, _> >l- -pi it it - 1 le ■, ,.m nal- •! ib,. ;- 1 \ PH. iii.yvul inbimt -u'l i, tu,n- net .1'.' n < vt n tit ■ .-my I* s-'im mi . - t t w I li'-pn el, hi ,i i n r m mil \ i nlti i• - an.1 ai t,\'., ■ ,i sampb Pint »-.!>' C hi i Pi m- ' -ii ekay m ' injn ,ri molaba wb.n till, i' • t bm hi I- -pie*, n in! in at pr- nii'ii>f|il b 1ne id \i' , Hvti v ' l"ii,( i ommn, n" ■ -ec hourt (>.!"• t in pen,.p "iii„,tt. 'inmii' amii'' 'b o i a- .nnbe-. Ml' P-m t'-m m 'b, pi, , l,i, -i . ; t -i -mi' ! mi my ." y'tt/,; eye, ' t. iM,i[,is im ;e ■ lir lit , t m i'. - 'tit "a I !• 't..!\ ■ \ j 'I net l, .|'i b. m no.' he rhiiiiipt' li|'iiH' ib. II it 'i ' !■ i nn rl'i m J, mm 1 1 ' tb. , . \ m p.- - b' ii in-tmi; tti t >i • ! Si" . I i ItiiiJ e.' mt-rb, ,|. „i -,v a ; ii. , iyi,my i!i..' on -I ■ ii'iiul1 ai' ib Tili i' m i i . t ,.r :id en ..' t',. , i' . p., ' Ii . Hi i 1 .' ' ', tbt l "a i , b i'-ih • n I m .1 i! Im hu r n s. .Jci).. en mmm, , I ,v>. Lewis mm m n-i pe em • täte- . .m he readily induced in hy a .yule ramie of Stimuli, aopl'ed - T ii ..'I . ' . ■ I i m i nd i.dmn 1 a'.- -( ami - d t. i,.' i.c *• i - a - cmmm. -.p - j- t p.pmPc ni . i, p, , i - ■ an ''i me icnabbc i. *' med" i . , if m ".j tm mm. p o J dm i".i-;.ynn ,d , ~ I , p , me- r a " ' , ^i " aea. , m: a'tei myrP-ti" , IV.-: ' ' P'ii.'-' aily m ■ ' !P. sme i ti i " i i in ,i ' r .a, i3 ml / 1 i ca-, ' 'o - hi a I f m ,,i . mf a.dv epomd -aatsnylai'.-n I^.m mmmr pr> yPe i p-'. 192 ď>m, p -lim ; i- rlu-. pji . i ".i. t nnan i. m,L, i (v linul- t m, r!„i; L-. - j, I»! vi<-i ikm"f .-s , h'a-i.i-' mm !• ,immda-" ,m ■ im , I h-t.'i. í -í . • 11 í í. > íi .m.etnsi b., u- ,.n ,1 .>-,,.. 1 g, . d'bis mmmiiium biuď- ' fh n .míod t.ľ - it t,pi iľ nm ni ."In .a i h.,1',1 -tťi rlv kí i m.-, hut the tram a - . n not r., U .1 ;*n- n "Ji.. hj . m* í. tli. inj- .m'! ! • .-..iii-j.t .>!• I'i i, mul- K ' ''.i i -i lí, di. '-'.U ľ;i r m v rhu tin ir u,. • -,i a- ■,. Jl i.i'.:i' uítiii dnoiito mod" . tím, ' t i r>*v- ip, ď« í -.k- •• •. I m.dn . íl.- ■r < r>- í dl t< • iht g i mod mht . e 11;, n he aha tu ' ii« a .--t ..»dl . . i in. t . ..n' "li '. m puma, i;. id '„.'"li! i. ,a i i.-, i u!*, i'i .TÍL.I ' ha i.-., ,n. ludiitptin aei die.' ■ ,ť tin. i 'í.ľ ,u let - -.lunt.,'. n- d.-, i.. r if .i B'. l • .1 e'm k-1.s ..i|.i... kí nN n t - In u -ahm i u v . .11. i.i i ■i. ' k,-ľ- ■! t " * - .ť t. i .i i .'Ii vl i i«'d. '|.,'i.v m ha,' i dl hrmj som. m i!o ni ', ti m (hnal \ , tallť, • í.-i in-.p. k, imj , j j-. o i. i -od ).,:, named u. tin. ir..iu e -mm mp m Bale ..ud smi'm-hi, '-i t i \ \\ her-- k c , ult --.t Pimm i.Tijk'lM i.'.ithi.!". i P.-- s-1, m ;lľ. 1 .im ,,-,!' .-. : idi-,;t.;;l\, lidu" m- Uatue .'ni.'ľ m , im! . n g r,' kn ." i i . i > 111 ' u n . ií ;.t i smi -Pmi._ tmím ! urotiutpt ku .n.u - a\ n.ii.'-.uh. halt-i. m hm, , .,1 lik'li.d .. , It til. n ./idlu.-li- • i l'-l • In k. Inj ,!lľnn i'.' tknn n i- n.i.-u vďi. i i H'" . i-, i 1 t in Srii-tllm i r,<'; - .r, i , k: u ,i.i i d a. ť .i - 'id . id.n.i • • i , j.t .. t k i ,iI.m .i k -.v;', d í i ľ \ T," I' i, k-.ii r. um . nr. ,-\.ľ tk íl m ď. n.u im- • ľ.i i.i-l i o- ľi ilk iJt 'n ' ''í.itM 'i -hin U ■ tin <|i i,., . In t \ p. t toi I . •! 1 di m s.., i j.ii-o.i..... .n í in -n i1 vo. i h..- Ii in m m, .penm, iľ "i ii k it -'.i,..l.' ' '. In' it is''1,. „' . 'Jiu ■! i i li , , -1 _ 1 _ p Belo (l'XU-(.H); Vmn-k an and tminnpraplitc • nana ''k p. dm i i ir. . k ••. ,mmii.|.Ii-iii " ih'ľ i.i.i , , , ,, , , ., ,, ' P ,, i j , " '~' i «ht- n tili Marini "t-t and Smejm", ,'-L',-"> --on Inno-- din ah, - anmuri'- I, r.'hh eat.-.n mi tin iJw., '„^ W /Xwkc m i l^S i i. H.-r Uwk« .u.-oi f ,1 n. dim -n- ■ i I a- m. ■.d.,i,„am m ;0tladt . /una a a l\J.-:i%Gu, I os/mm, i! Halíme eiduna F«m < k -'-" .d a ,.! i km . mo U pi mot. tin uti. n i d ,í07!,m /tien/Ja und tím, no , i flSo) I ., i tana- ď,- m 'ti.iui.lľiuuk -nid t"*.J ' uniín ,i •: n ik'-í-n onion jjn m» tbemsehes up no mans ...•fiii. p. ľ,\, , In' t >i. ĺ-, iiľ !' nu; ai d a' a., hu T a mu;- I in i;, liina, i k,u a, h i u-n- 11 am t p-i rt iimiion am-. m ip i '.ii'iiU'i'i .iiii.'ťsii!iiľ,iii iri'ini. the h a! - i p,.t people at, mip'ish uhih m namm, ankmith nimi-. erpiav ' it'ii '-kahii und-rh, m-- -.amt m »-> i. m.-. . . . . . ... ,iahm-..s and < m loia.nin-. mne Rouget lioxn Thí- a-Mtin tränte: uttum nl.on i-.u-r- au tikm. iu >u um hm- indnem 'hutiu.t. ,. m m nhiok -m, aj p-.-n mníaHiurp-erlhllip, ,, spans, tíamt.m. Im. s, anhmilt I |(lv,, KM | „ ,m - ď ti an, o m du" in I I Ii„m- - in nnss. ,s!i,n r) ,ťit a ;if tm- mina th-- pm-ct-ed ar. hkt , , , . , - ■ , . f s 1 n o' n io. t )! tin two tn.u I l'iitn1, lintu Us.-d .c. -uimuis t . 'h, . ď. ímt iní,n -t '.htii ílu - m tin u uhnn, óh." , , , , tíahm -.- m.tli n 'fii-imiig too t ami iron's; ntti.t. ilho I' r'Uí rj i-.imt , llicv mar or man mat oamomkcr avbat ahci Kangili Harmio s(,,r\ : ďar i\ n als.,- -indiod and íihno-t m ľ'iT d! In (.iri'Sjii >bam--mi. 'Vl.irgartt ^tt'Jíl. and ]ano P.ilu.imi : , .' i >. i , m d '', "al, Í! - dl Kuif U> oiidi I h n- h, „ - p, h -a t" i "o hm Hu n i s r.i > sni Jt- tin t , , i i h , in-> p t ' n m - n dm n t , h t u tni. tk i m a • tor '\k it n n 11- h! o tu o - a, h au. 1 u. H.d ľ dikatií v u t < t p 1 tll m 1 n »hm m,o. < •- h.u.1 ío atnu. k .mii.a. i, luk í i kď , „t"". ',i\k,ian \mt , n au i hun ti a,s i na n-u in aunhmi' na s It - c"m-t>!,>k< l'kod t -. h, o, , d.iilu Alum iľ "'i,|.,n ,;.'.',1 datli, ľ't,';,, saím - í m 1.1 ,. kl, iia-, „u 1 t'r^i i ti au 'h- -i tin -1 o. In s i'ť Bdi) iďi: .i m,., h-, i i t tí 'hm t h 1 í n h hr.o to i , ' .im ,ti li,,uh'ioadli.i,k h m.m1' • i m ľ-m- m - rh iii i rat ' a In t an- ■ ulam , du- tmi a pi dann rs '.mm ní h i Iu.miI it , ' •- in lila- .1 tli " a 1 \ ď n lnům • .'s.tíl.t mm,dm I- lops rdi1-..,.. -nud niieel-, I .d,-n,,tu s s! . nnntic tm '''mmimi- au-'i nad MIC o.l -p nis, md ■ \ -n ii "unis, pt.t k I- and mm,m, - B-' • Two Field Studies of Trance box n . 'm, k h' 'i'ii ui,Im->ii lii.-.i t\ - ť • in - a p.-upk Fm U .m m Hala ,ľ "o, n, n ii'avt.; mo hdl ut m .,,.'iO lata mni.' -.-.i i'iuiiiii... ííip', la. mi n, ,n ip, ., , mmn ... p, a d an n ' i dm T hi t an l'ak,n a 'mil t .i «. i i-iitu " ih. "n nut ď t n ht . ii.iii i.j'i . I .m 11 a, an m .|.t a u t u a- i i m, i P 1 u a , t • s j K t o ot n p 'a, i '?iT liidoi)(i\i t H' idih: it" t,an o ,-. r.m min p m'I ad ahn p ,am a, 5 •• ^kP i.a1 -„ ■ \, , hdk ...'i. .|! vaí! ,,i."-.. d ma' m.'-i-i. T11* t ide11 p, i h mined n i lie'1 'I i m.h) •' , i na t m t n v hu pemph 0 .mummen m d , .mir. ad ita, Pm • . anie k,n",itiaiw!i • xu. 11 m e a h. • 1 • m ''•■ f'-inkilkt m -p, hmin ,m kumla ' íe, 1 . m h- - m hon U u .,i. aia.iľih. -i i n idiu'pia i .ep --iimnin 1 ,a d n,u in- 'k- d, la, i tne „ at t >f a .p" al 1 a k i u I!.,. . ip - kile t - ti i n- nr ď. m a," . d i n *--in i i im md si . i .m o ,1 h, ' i ; i;n .t u t t tp-1 193 Slam ai>cl oe'savioi > of tir.nce nerfonvh'u f v I 3t 0,-5 fie t-,it?,ies pas of Wn\,r» tj;t' a,, h hob r pep • co ,a,' "a j i, .<. C'kap,\':V\ pb- t'"- j. a i ,-; ,?i,«v,i,i a!iu'.n, a1, too a, a at b aa ah praaaaii a "pr oa-pp esto>;';<• - At'e :.i p: c a asap-i- a: i pi a, n-.o i o: iothoip woo sim at d so or, Ir, edoaiap iiota .; ■- sajas that a, e on Proa to ota iioo t. . . . r,, -a (a. oar, e-„i I". ,J ">.'Oad a, Oh . ,j0 pOi-ia ,tV • It tPf i a'' 0- , " J,l- 'aijV' ! a, : ,,o'J?, t-Jf i t-a'""o he it -o recollection of it. t. . .j A- ft,'- eel atered tV - 1. . one „o> ! sty heat i,, pi if* to t'"-; a, "ay, s.,'p,oe> a" t> e >op" 'htjtaa' a so i,e at n: a-htaihe n ot , o~ an en ■ id."> ."<--■ * th ,-e--faip oxb sot It,my ^ ' y -a, -,! in- =0po e, a,j- ,,-v - ra,, ia eooge . noi|-j oh er '"pa _ o., -he o-,-.e -la. j,o i a i a-af, oi i„ , P'-p ooa-t .hb'oat hrinL, ;a.,,- ;io- ff o-.a i' ,\'d,o,e h et-rho.) Pen ! mean oar vol.I I i -.a,' .--I', ,;c u, a' : i-' r ea -. PP jot te op P the a ,;j''-_ h oo'-cj sen r da-f, v.'Q rateo/ - oh, "p, sooa' a , a,: , iaaj ,en 1 a i a- i"a'"Opa Li en,0*i , m i th 'Or,.eP Oy h'a 16' citt- ofo ' or-tatt ,\it't''e Pari t,-,-,.'b I .,-np ,-f t' ke t ,=:"at t p ro'iv-not is,- oita - .'t, -Ii-.j-o -nps.aa.i eoNa oi e -a ,eh oat t a-^> o.nt' »v "t • on* o,fh.,. ,tv iits- b /) t. 'CP s-sj ' is n to a aiv'-.y-. naintost ifo.T, as. "Pa .'.Oy 'a OiOCt! • , fp-ot- -r "est. h'-c, +, c;-.- t'-p ipttps hr it or at i ■ p r a or phvsj.-p, Oopos-t a i ind'aniisj tap - of a,o s< If,'. , I -e,-_ op pa-,ppi a' sipos tar ,-ai ,, 'ipatess o ' c .aPat'oa ---,o,">ot'a',ps o oe't-■ -os'a-oo aa- -0t '-. c-'Peine 7 . I c PP ipsi ...'u^rr-i irgaret Mead (1^01-78): Vmrris.;ni..n.'hi<-poio5n.i m.-l pnblie intclli .trial nhov, mte me ,it*\ev \ ends Museum •>! natural t >! hnni I -'ha Pi '7,s \1» ah» spia ' si a sli i ,ip .ipiti'oii ;m,'«ih i a,e. i Si, 'in i'imj 'lp n< r pa ii°i'!i, S.n or J /ou'or-OTPm ir, JLn-cF', -pis-i >a. i.n.s, l'f35, -tpiishpr tea. ea.php h, in tjrAnpakij.ntl. afa < r h& ■><.,(! 1" -!? >, ! -U.-lr.irJ Pcp.nV , l'H->>. Two fie id studies of trance ]\'haL i>appe'r~. he the l^ain dun'nQ t,anve? .-ted)' I. Brain Chenisti • ~0'' llafi.stt i|-i ,"e i ta ,1-^.iv.-' , th' r ->si-i, -pntp'ie'a. o i: c' s*" er-r p-aa, •>rt .bopte; ai ;! ileal oprprp'^b, a _,|_ .o.a-, "no ran p in a i as oipIp a. nv rrip-.a*'' i|rp p so a t in as p ass,,',pt ",b.o IP a o,.'Pa;:ti : ,p '.-at','a> aou ooioia peptides. ba' Jo ,. ■' 11 a is , at; i .,. ,|i,a : ih"r'0POPa a I a-;--' ce J thp u-l -Oi ",liy Pi " , rpiio'. . T"a i'esiPt- or p e P''<,: tor a'"liark,ps of f .-P0:! e =">.,' I. .were- fa- I.c-r -h.jpci 195 'Oh. i-{ \ i -1 dim -i i_c< cj m, cr -/ let ./-•cd V v- "iiu'jt!f'-a Ov .>i' r a while, and then threw themselves a ,,f. trme ■ ^" mir am , Ti -v -op' ,P _ a mask-like face with their eyes f!xc< i -m ci Is as-a :t mm - t m m. • C' s me a; i am ie e* m- 11 a ■ (. ijv 't-ccs r;m c v a-i1', .i--heir t~, cs anr moica • - ,s.-_,^> m p ate i *h-\tlm m- -| 'it. Ci a ^m m " rai.j-'v m'ta ,t o ir»i iji m.'e i a m t im m> ; " V thai* «,a t sa m si t • ,d., i icaae.o ams-on an'r-arm-am "mctmr-'v | , h-e siy, if, am acr^as- • , la>m ci--1 a i^' Oddioea, >'_ v. - - a mc-a'm ••! m-t _ 0-- -,^>r mo no.-••nn'S'rlems-- an e • a . < aa s ,i im b v F, m t> a >m vm^ s '-r- I t ■ - h ■ -' • ,m, n -< -i i- ci. > . a, i 'f'lO'y ri"f" -nC 1 at I ctmar icu di i mo ; imms, c •-c a , 1 f, tiimeta.a k., c-s- i m< 1 ,u ' m >,Cm< cf r\ ''e^et1 ,i j a, p-po .,[,-, [d i A U>- cm it1 i al-' -,m ' .v!m mo, cm , n| •• p ,Jj '• , ,,|, i,i n, i'icj ,ne 1 < m r'''.n-a1 -' - i 'v>v-". 'is. i,v ie-: mu o p. ,, a P„. -• ,u i ji>- t,,mi'c»" 'jrcei. ' or • < ah"!,,*-"' 1r r , m ia~as a ' ai-r ommP-umnc or -.a'1 oca t .a T""t >--s i'to of 'lie prrCJl * mnav sm, ,est tear , aff-, Po am r>e aaj a,mm ■ -Lt>><: • 1 • e \; aie e- " m_ me, >cPs arm eop ,,t. I >o y a tm 1 ai{o r- ( p-n,, , o om | a,, sc ''•' a o fa m m fim mpr set ts i m o ,a toimJetci 4q> ... I'm- . r,e, acta" aatmt ''d P e ime c ,a> i-1 ;-i j ,>i P'ta m;rc f1 2nd", e , ,^ica 1 P mc-i no am ' mm jud Pp ^cm - p-m -i • - _-,_(> ,,, -Sj. ,- n,( na- upij',-' i-i.iri's, pim Study 2, EEG LetectroencephalogramJ T,|j p,|ti'ť> s(s vrt ,n miiel ri ša! m, i ".i ^ , ot,, - vj.,* s,o "r mm1 1 o d m, ,11-, ' idei "ar i-i-rf ■ a 3tatJ • TQ > Tha i> s va- t i i,e -ahpiviJ<>- mic 3 pfsas. -. p,c , -^t.,/. i, v,fa i v, s ^ js- i, ■ r -> t- -nul „- t,-.;F tpt -n,,-i:-(,,p o , ise i rJ i i í ie 1 am sso .-os*i,u, ,sp 1at. j, e ť mcc= ' ah= p e P, -i lc. i f cpT, p Tš -ms s ,*o pl as--, h a émm-ica.i' c p,mm v Pm-v ' a-cm-i ',v,i. vt-, 1 ■'n:,i n - immn m"s,i|, -, mmmdmAb ') Pe btccta «ncv m p as e\ 'ť ,■/"-, Onm ml .,"t-,t - i aPoa^Ou-h, v im m„ ,-a ;,ir,jccc j htP i'P i r id •, P o^-on e oo-m,-. ,i< v dj ma r" t 11 as--1 y cPas- , iih tlm*- re" .i.h --r > 1 < ř p b C 0 IC' I ;e-pe'm en,, i\,c'PinOia'''sp m„ ,ir-i-m-: omyjs , -i-o josr m , dm i pď^7,mn TF F_-m! e de _ ■ Pr ai d,ops. r _ tvan yma ar om I š j„c,\t i,c mt slio>'.' a,m ohvmm i lyťai at mi"o<,mim dr ďei j°c c. an ale jv a mc -em-n m-o I e+iarn s'.p amniij an :t~,i eeb I , r.iCVF-l andvOVE II, r ,, htď 'm to m ah atv d,e ,,-m- m ■ ;f st, ,r s eml c-da ,,c'-;os -v vuma m ajr, i n a ce" "'a ,av r FP heimam of mi mnsaen Ji,,4'.vte ca tb- cdm-r h ml , F-i ^.-> ani i' an a, p i tm'1 imoani is(tm i" 'k ,»' «i pí [ Ht < a5 , ,y 'vcc w *n j it ;|" es ne'p.m's 0' t,,t .a CrJ b. oves ? 3 ? Porna' .,pH. n i h ?p.-, s -+ tlie FEb ď í.c^c* ^ e ''ema-ií 5me c teiear heť-of-n f> a _ra 1 o vmc šeer , dm j ov/m ap^on-a cd tbr s>s,; lanvo n Emb -s I a" : r'-o i mHie,,j , , d_e,_ ^ p. >t r _ L h....., T'i i\-)nti-t 1'Oj-et 1 cncv Jd a a'isra .t v'- a., ea^ 11 :,-,t uo Mďl'-''"J:i alp'a ' aa ipi> ^ / , i,iH; o0',i'j cfTtPalpn^i ,;ř,m' vas > en . ye, .preo m 'n,nt um m t lvnv E I rno IVe \t ', «r!"e' pas tpat x c,e ale'-1 P fc- d v-,a; no"" p;'ini'd lan | Ff-it i ,i" ua^m; 1 |,r -oPm." '* +lm i y e ' dr 1 rm t ^, -a-i^r P".a i,r ■■ o e 1.96 Roia-ci h i scher !'' ipb0 of tin: mate, k e-cim-e,a re>a+i._e kpmree» ího nea ft •",!!,"p. oc ;.'::ít-: hovmer dm-e :., a a'onj "cinr e.T'.-a, 'hchcni ci tc s'.ice>acme ty'' o>' ť'Cijj oaf'tuk -ť'aoa-i.j a ta .h a . ema ise te k te";e p.moam^tk" cm' ai-'o-a 'jny 5, c* ecaenrv the peat of mpstioem I'D ô", a. . i'.leaaiito .5 'a-eee'erich > aa!\ .a tí-at ie.'p' j* ňioi'33! at /'C ch it ie eipei'-enced mt e " e ;'pečence 'r. a 'tr mate hcrnm; oea'i r c. Dinam "he ; e'd -"late a! hieh.-ft '--->■•;. o* h,pat o, hypo i ť ma r-1 , ' hr 1 iipaianac ľ hwiM moii i'i|i; Oi a, tin , o. i-tiiť i!,.' re-, La; t h eh ii- di'imd and 1. .0 -m r. o, at c am-- h o n. ii: ooi.'-'d m-' -.n-la. ^nom. : mk s ho . d .v.,il nad, n'iiv , in. App -.o "ď, 'i.itíppťi.i 1-tii ť ■M fv ,r . -th. - 'h. nou- |,k oi the mohouo-a EraoirotHC d«f' LľOOhOtl O/J'C /« . n; ota mih, m d.i m. on i oj,-.. . a -. [, aand atm.h 1 •. • Synchrony ■ ' a .p. .-ae' • ■ .ti e., .n the piml j d 1.1-e. ti - .00 -a C t 1 p. au ■ d 01 n ,, ui. -a!/-.i t)" t "tom'k de im-. ; k n, i-h ťmtl ■' ■ i..e 'i a> eh:, -eveo! am" te, mw na! 1 iptmn Maul, t . ste * .hor box ami lio u re t-, i 8 ,. kt!m..ri seoi.tdhn ;ii ..lei r j šiml', i t.-t hne; 0 . Vun iadni ti,;.! í- -aia m kat.! m,- !<• .m < \peni m e oi 1 p. lead oi^aeii. \ [•■ ľv.n lie's 1 • to pmlmindk , ,. im ,. pmti_, í 1.1 i ! ílmi * ao -a ia r'i.s stjt.» p, ahh o, te aaaoil'inn a - - ,„ a..,,Ued ei.ine'o.., .1 mmm ,,n s(;„k, „Ti.-imj ' *':£i th:- mear.ii can no unaei De exp-essee' ir ňi.'o'.iatperi.a-es. ,n,!n„,i, m itkout -n-,. ,,. v ir-mtj,-n, •"" -lorhcíehoc mm" in- exper eaee ai teotv ieoerr h-cn" the it teg:ana--of -oe amove ícoiiic.i ar;! nverpretec ! aha me 'ranu t a mo u not . .. m.d... mi rs, k.t ^ meet here: stri mams, kace th s 'rte ate meatimi k pa tram e a. , mmimn Yoti < en km votm- U ■ in ľ 1 mote aa- oe: 01 S'T', ♦',.- only may to oame.ameat0 = -e- iptľ-n 1 li.iii; mm•- e ,i.a - mfo m Jieettvt ?vi leOl -a; t m ' i;th''r"lti.U p 1-mm. . 1,1.1 ta ■ d ta >t !ma md ■ .much. " -'o r, lirei-atiiip -.,0' ■ eh./ion tea 'o 'ncredeam ■de ,m tak-•! m., r in 'da 'k o-e, d spim" a a -pmt- mať h i.tey etaaa h em m,,v , amirertien a.-', ti he e mi tin i Lil. seih-, ju a lávu h moh -, mm .!. rm.-y ,mmm- co mm icam-h ■iieti ■ i m.'s .a > mm . m, i tide mm litltn a, and e'. r. jimeme: a_ dh'.nr ■ at a\ p.n e, Xhltou^ii in ritn :i m. 'hair-. . -s.-hI a- tha Raiit-t-,e kanod"-1, r-no Tíaľiar.gihi.i.,-d) atria *" t.omdim '. amtmnhk adejjl-,'- "rail nihh ttanci . 1 ■", uaaij, c- happen is 1 ,ia n epaidiii1 in'.mni, .it.on ,cid , i-,rm imohh'L, iti 'h, '''.lo'O lit.-, t'-seii til ttaoo-r -i. I km -nijľ h.- iheaedit > i a - i.ydit h.n.m I 1 e.e , - m ma HMihriire .it 'name — mit-, srnu m >.ihiih",i^" , klímam' - alkheiijii ah can tie-tudnd "a-' rirhniiit-es. 'I ' •", tie toa-apra, o"-a" ceeaaoe ana hie.aitatiee htat:-" " VC2 3 97 h< ,-U an, "i ■ ".ma i. ,„ midi-ip myriiMi. ."am i i,.'- '.. ;.< A-.-ami i ■ vi'link 'hi .' 4 n>> 'i» 'w; ti• nr.1_n, , , i ;h. lnm\ ,r Ir.A.. 'm-i I nd. ,, "viicn.iei Winkei man . idhi m .ir. i.nt i-i r lir.i.n- inn j„p,.n, m. aba ; , in.i Snatna>'f integrative :.ons-:iCwsr.e^< i , i v ma !»>i !• ' 1 in 11,11*1111y . 11'I ni' ■ (' ',, n ,111. •dmd -op,t; *,, v !> • n '-U d n ' mn "■ , - ii" p. iv- ■ an- it 1 .1, i 't -.O"! ,1 . oi.i 1 1 nr. „ •! in m_|i, k>|-' I mie • , ' -I*, iniinn it. i- tkt k.rit'nik ik..tir. ,\ ]>}„■ , • ii, -. ,,i.i.-in .iliitj i'*\ i- .• in, no, ,ji ,i,i i,.,l ni n no . inili>,-. ".set Kirb". box andWinkeliii.Mi box , ness and representations of osvchei.self, and other Shamanism Involves "soda! adaptations thatdist ,ani»m: ae ni, ieoi k:mt ,b peel,a ,* -r l- pr.iinc.-ii n,d.>Y nim.p aim' , ,o. - ,"v 3-' m -,,ii,,,.,'p ;;p ;-a,-ii>-,,;> ...i-ts.'-i ^oreisoi. pii.pat .t ino:ntx>o h. ai-np, ird n in 1 ,1,1,. a..n. iin^-c-t '.repma p-p - ,-,s-, <-h p.f 1 u.|)i,». ,i re. k pi'i ioisnam , 1 ,>• »!k»' tii >t 'i d>n!i v 11 11.0, mem, , aem - ..'.It hit u ' hii'-tipk !!>• '• >td id ri, 1 d , isi.1,-1 oiipei spjriv.n; is in m rear,, rr-ri- "n - >•• prat tit, a ,1! 1, v.ulki Kirby Shawaaistic 01 'gins of popfi.H r'lh'eriainrients sda-na-t-i , Auo' ocean: 1 i--a: :c nro d •„ , ti 'o 1 A' A'' 'i.O'1! r -'e'i ip Oli't rd' '*',C*t ''fr,,'«it -s'l : lis-.i 11 \r, L.| ->(i.-1 ct'l<" team ,. I Ai tiiei, ;i,ai, pap- -a. 1 ' 1'a z,, l ' i otve .mm - ,ri," - ie^ ei.o ^ ■' 1— c diiein men -de ,. n- 'brm,,'-'nes pre i'i£ i'.'. 1 b aa i A,em 'o*pjiao.a ser, *i'*:i 'f. c ", '.rdA" aa a neb . j-.-Ai no ,. d nana lie 11a 1, i> j ale- t o' 0.1-, .mae-'- e.p,led n as kifmpdmp.- feom 1 moid iAm|n ,ai ,1« ami /mA-pma" nremmce a 101 . cnie mx-ei t ■ i societies. A , A e ani,'',.ee;.p as ti, - mandestat ,c* ' rde. ts c i r 'e ,.sia n--sed mao'a of •md-- i-md, or tn,-.'o, -"am niinv i':-'' b-baa am :tte-i-a.,'e mn 1 '"'.'ifc. ' naaerepa1 ta namaa ,-,-in- i-i rf,-i c nattan-a-1 .me ; ceo & - mm -mncamno m^osi-- *- - i-i «. tlm tcs. A c ' 'vave systematic brain discharge patterns 't a: ?ab typ su-Alce rf 'oa'd,', as t ''mm, '." saa.e tlm tnaa the crTraa y. c cn a,--•< ■ . an I'm,-. 1:0, mAmam lAmm 'rps nm-em tm- nm.i.m's cd me 1.'^ 0 mat malncm syn;.b°s:s of 1 aa "'m d.'rt"'-'ti. A."!,' c. ---'pi. ,-- , , . . , , - , aei m*t,.r icl '• an I d imp, 1 1 sraii-n'e o ,y 299 masters at throwing Uicjt voices, dancing, Miijano. manipu-lafim ..o].- is. am' o nr ■ "m imip sp, lunula! costtmm. and mads f|, .i.,n».-.h ■ oemom ... nam N„n, bmm k ,n Jrf£/8y R H U ľl t S Hl 3 íl nati'T.s nco <,it e , mtih \ dar , ás-j'r p, ,P>> jruis Som. Har.n '..íri'iin'ii Iik ľi.Pn • oao oi \orth u.i n , íi ih.r .' --vi t.ľ "t > „n-ioror m.m.s ist-e fiqut i. 6.20P >t •. '!;in.i, ts or „ m itor c ne, ťr -nit mal- • iask , op i an i tin .m tioj tsieaP iic-t. wnm,ilr ! sepnlmp .!,.„, ' k, „.,, .clreop t ■ moth, i ' 1 ' ' " ' 11' c" ' c'' ' ?'n 1 Ful] s. dt -ijareaoi. m 'do, nutľ es ne m|...pimt these dam P,,n k 'iiifir. oi bomiMism P.o- d mil ma gm-ti í into m ii e 'id o m l'u it.o end iar i - -tu ,t r *|o '> ra ľ' , piri niniio >\ i,;i 1, e i on*- o , i s n, - i h , a i ■ ■ . d t «ef Huntsman boxe., \.p aii -i .enee t.b i ť] ■ tiictt o, i'm^ -. i .imp i p-, kou an shamans, n,.nur sail ' n; imm. , at • • at 1 Frí'ľi rituál to í-K'Jtfc r>n r; ť A T-e t i can northwest coast !\ aPve i\ i'ii ,.■ - p", enm.-n cm , ' s, ;<ľ 'J" 's t -ľ -rt i i it „ 's o i,- ■ -- - ,LI |i - ■ ti -a ~s1 j a ait -snnpo • t,i> p , mm m tne . ,*•>" * Ce i I c.i'fi msec .ti- c\ iei - i ,f et en u on sa 3 ,- -I , s ne- end n" e ! ao' i Pi- en i . e * a p "o P an t', ť - '!•• ľ" m" 'a, mp a ' n sot t"t i,ii' a] ■! t *n n s.pp ■ v,o. i'a..« ,a i naaP s<-c i iio -,c yr'. Oct t. - u- t o o,eei 3' Kcodali 1kS0 i.. I j.t- i . Oal'. .] " .'I: W'u Oť _\-jPC;or r.s i'i_.isl C-.i'"' L am st-upak span's". ,PS a i-afaek oL.t -ae-ae roi.oe i ..e. tkai k o.e .'o- re -".pcpr'linj in ; ,a-e s obeh. - h" e o f ...ej, ii.'f p e tlie i i \j~te e PP..".m, ei reel i~ 1 v'~<*?- ee'cĽ .at". r;~o-.- o-n , t-ri 'k an - sick,, even tnouah iney tape mecacipe. Ana tnere are ; people who get better even without taking medicine. i There are seme who can't eat the least bit of food: ) their eyes open, and some who can't sleep at ail. gods descend in the initiation kutfshanaan ceremony3. POoP bkap.e Po-e tan Thrao-- cp__p_; rtn^rs 'P'c pps. ''cn't pc'ero qc A'- at an ft aa.. a- t around hke prazv vvornen iPab Aipo-p,.-, a'"'Ceo',to P."P Apia, a'-.p',.. t Spirits, 57 in ; e' oiio -a as -, -i..aai no ar-- vi'- ran..h'd;. i.tois-h sPi.n in , tod n t,a - j laa tn.iii, j oi,-, no-ip b, aia st-,. I. . I'ifOM ' -\pi, -sioi;. i love ".', I in a oils ic pi i bare nan t "■.mi.!!' h;-pa, orh pi i', - n aiAnm ; a- often m .oibij t 1, , ... l> oih-i A tab pii-i --."I. 'he .liaiiua , ,..ia . s.-i'i. nP, p.-naao, a'nt con oiooplp-, anP iishnp- n ,-rob) -rno 11 Mac Lee ho\ o Aithooph n -,t rh> lob., ne c;!h irj - nil no a p, rPa man. e b hi i on a . ni'juka t \ii., A sin i osshi! span, a - e --n - hi. 166 D.i-Hyu Guiding the dead tc the Lotih Bioiso'ti Peak - r piku iC'-s w.-rt spirits Ai, mp'oninp l!i-s-- , els An th-_ n li c imiií . I th o, rti • t nies A oo-P i\ -h.dbeik _,r g oi~rr(a .-pi p., ^ i (tjn - vp,, porpa í pa n m -a-nab - p. .da: tili" -.nip i fa Aa prop,- rti,,; ok n -. , and rp r _-j | ,c -| -p,p,, pH tf, . at ipe be •s i-t no ib . A' en ne- e, -i. atit ■ 's mo-.: obioii 11 m, .-1 ,n i ipo- rid 1. ath b She talks, pries, and otherwise communicates with the ajiio-s po-'t An! "ppoti.-nt- pi icniiap th.-k. t p is oA, .ne'rora- a ^te.^eo Ae tanon. o| hie d:ifA'.a--^ >d be '.kel, i,.; pne , ,í,s. .s,, , s -.. . iaa-j a,. 1 Pe -bp a'pp pe. se ' v,ha eeuatr-p; a cp easl, P^.t i. ooiinp a '-pt d tb.,t i- lí,t, ap"bnp a'. 1 id'-, ,<1 ,,b or an slf,iK pi,,, --^ ,, 4 s1) , ti-c ,:,e, ea-i a í j'-J 'at io. ci.innnunilt ia tin-o; na ,in «-!i.~.i.>,.,; j-. th .naai'nn: -,, i0 t|, - v,f ( jCp,-,,. 1 f.u ,r - - , 1 ;= i .oP o-, rh-i 1110.. >k nnan - m 1 í i-.„i,'i.. -i.;n.i-i- pliT ■ ,| -.t ,., .0 f c-P-'eeb - : •' to Hapes-J a 1"soii>. . ..ľ,, deo ao •mm,ti „imluo ka .nPinm e.ii Prú 1 i 11-ti u.'n', thi 1 e i, - b uii!oa;,p_, ,-ľt'sn amP '.|,-ii-,=n. ■ ■ 1' P3C . . P d«,.;, e-, ci. *'""-" anode rp ,p o nip. \1" ,n - An r. 1-.iii.hi n.• p.a tii tp ni'.n in'.bann be bonp llit on aillele.i o. biseis.- b pra-sivi , -uait-'rii.p , P , . no, |. .n . T x manu da P t tipe -1 *b - si t naplo i- ihi isbao 1 'pp a -pol p i.:'. T''.'- iô:,:-ciet tt e baopip ..■ 1; 33a,. ."-e . p d»,.;. a' aoode p; a e tbpQ'te'J spp't the ... ~e - .!, "e 'if. ')3CJ . Tb-"'i b e 201 20? 'DDUeiUJOl-ISÚ pin.nai =J, t,1 l'aeri OpPO - I C SaP-a, ,J"!J t"' 'jo .ai ,t-p ' , > -.sis i 3 .i 'ý\ ' . s-iC, -ii p (•i ,-v:v ,o 'ť!S?a .ion,, L i 'j ,c)v.'| ,-.p "i noap ' '* ■-" s,i v-' ''Pr '-o f a pí i -(•4|is a"" Jti'Vfš, „'.j( /Cl p .11 ' , , O S C ' O.O'l ' -íl J -'-li" 4P.PI-.I,,! ji'. !.,■■>+ PC t l'p I ' 'CO--,(1 ale-dp rf'0.1 [u,p '«.in; Osi' a t esc on,, , lt -.p ii_'j si , i; i,-j'..,s'jLn '-:,•: Ol ,, i "'|4 e '0 i O' 4-0 *e I'-, o.í-psé. i -->\,; j ji ,s.o i p, oc ;i") 'icjeup rj} 'li 'i!'Ai o poi'ua. i,' j o'a din c-"o'y '-Uli ;o- =.'p ,0 -,'ťjlii I up j V',. Ciilpj.' I IV ; .a ä u p -esoa -. p Lp.A', ' ,|' jiř-»; 'e?.a. nu r. , ,pi „■ i ne cods j pup r'.n-''PC' |'n Op. ! 'i acJC +>->; "OUtí |S sill LHO'ic- C ,' l^4!jClĽI}- A .,7)3 .j- ! IP pi,Hlo J oi" .0, ''O-Ci-p^Lj £ J, p.O- l d|S' l j , Ol-" . 'Op rl P' rt< 1 !'l "p o C ľ I-..-.1 '0 . p oi.l1 , iŕ L.I 9 , . i.J, 5.D-ip í Cg, t „j> ay, .' at,O '.' .'o up i' i'o v '/ i-ii i'"o .q; co," pee i'o C".m' "i uc : ' li. ji, L 'HľO'ij p-i ijij.M, iji- • "I C i 1). ;|i| Ii ,i inm pspoi-f-. i,li.|, -jc, e-4"\d i' ,,ľl a C.i S i 'i -, "-Lu '. - . I ;-W 0 iV .a-jj'.p ĺ --) 4 ^ í.n-. .,o,r-.,:, 'p. Pi '• „-o "•• p s; r aa ' t ,', - a * , .p po - m+ " '/MS' a, i i,,f, s,-i pas . ■* ,. -j • .T => ju si íop , i ' ŕ .iiaicíp:- •o au u .Liu ,i i pu pi po i pa a. o-oč La v > p sm o. .o* «.jut-pip.KÍoa-.lij'ttjo rfOioj', -'Som,, .up. ].. ,np - na ■* mantis ap, sp'.'lOUU!'.a pilľ 0 Ol »t iptľ líc, (i, jt'tji -mrottip liUiPIlsp py> ?i,"Jil." [,ľ, 'ťoipi! Tioa pj i- '..pi .oo i i up-.mis opil ľmip si'i 1,'ľ m, pair .opi,p, no 'p *. * 'O 'pi : *riop -na a'iiiii on >' !■ p • nmo * ; imi r m ai iui, iu j • \IK| UnmSIlľ-y ,1,S?s 1 , aipni io| 1 10 CLJ4 j, Uip' J .iijl'.HM i k1 i 'p por ,e.,!,,ap i m iiniiľ-•(.[i'liľ.ur ip "ľ-uni "i(lilri[ si inj v *niiis pa" .saurp Nu p -.j ico ■ qi in ]pn ,'i >'.pl s| aiunu sit| i inair i| nonvini p-jiO*,. .ľiu ipíľ'j j'pp'.ijis up pue i n'cls i luauoii'H >J -•^41 ),'H i una o-l: *,ii, Hit ip pap up j nit nu. i ji"i up ji > \p. a j '-i l '..-'srľ, m ľ i mi ľi-o'ľ i O'a-T "'c i ľ, j ,ai a ..n| , -q., sc, 's 'i - pai ,"iir4i o i; i dne" i uja i '"dc,fa" ,l ľ.\ .:ť 'n <3 a, p., a c,)/ia ,t 'j' 'V a,"/i S t|-aSil Ľ , ha' t ďvo s.p • P„r*aaa) Lpi-' 'i,L-,ülp*j 'J ^'.'i^iCiV,!''!''!, i tu1! S aSi.l s, p, lie .pesa la ,0 o.-ri ap , , rpnu i"0| ,.|ilL|-7 , -'o p l,ao ,\0p |,|0 bo. i<-i U -. ii„s'ŕ',30 oS, -no ,riiaiiŕ "alii ,'i* c 'p 'p p-r-acs" ap :qi a , t a, PSSd.í i iji.laíljo aP'S.O 0+*'S:,Da Jaj ti,-'! Sa, o ,,,11104 411 h' 'S i mu r? I oa a,,p ,1 . ^ .i, -,p; Ao na sď c > s ti.D„ ! ni u ťi,'f-DiiCľi, iPl 'ppi ,M s c anep a au|"'la_ a ,pii, . psí i. jjsap, ai '..1I4 ' 41,-in k, oni m t~ ■ ujíš •ap asv?H uj .p, 4 napsal, .a>ie-ľ .., aj t i ip.. j tC ifllll 1 i lit a t :.'ia,a5v tipu ,gs a,p ", s ]i*„i j L i -a P"4 'i' o"1" "•a*torasiioa ;. >j ,'p i j.o". áp .ca 01 i o.'ŕiL pli "a is s~\Ti Pa ppapaa:; it p sól >, aaxaap i, lop" ta 1 tip "•1 'i'ap-.',, l'U'l-j- 1 ICl * ľ" i'l'iĽ [ I dp clO ICS . P'Gi ;<,' i ' * -f ,oľť ta "jen í,a-,-;a 1 1 401 Si,s a" a,-,, '"1 IP i Catj al o,',p- .a v..,) i bO, '.pi o'ii-U i.--,^ 1, -• p> 1 ->t iFLp diji '.,- a-pi" jiľ, a,\if, a, - 3f, \; !>s -,a; a .'U/,' i|.r * ,aii,s aniJ.c diePop,, 4a a."iCr'i-uj 1 jóo ■ ao ' , a 1 a.,.p s ai ir-ai, o'--u ao, " , i,rP.-o'p jaj, a 4-,t.o p o.p c-ip, ■ r a u [i,"^ 01 .a a J" ■ví. Shlrok'ogorof in wtnterv gloom. Shamantc performances combined the competition ot sports, the terror of blood sacrifice, the suspense of lite-and-death struggle, and. tlie narrativitv of drama and storvtolling - ail thrillingiv incorporated into music, soma, dance, costumes, and iiiasks. I laving written this, T note also its opp' >site. In their i 973 film, Magical heath, 1 iniothyaAseb am! Napoleon Chaperon document a shamanie journey-struggle among the Yanonaamo of the Amazon rain hares? where the shamans* bodies remain in their hammocks as their spirits Hy forth (see w Masks, puppets, and other performing objects What happens when actors arc not people at all, hut masks and puppets? A mask is more than a way to cloak the identity or the masker. A puppet is more than dead -wood or flat leather animated hy human actors. Alaska and snippets actually constitute second beings who interact with the; human actors. These performing objects arc suffused with a life force capable of transforming those who play with and through Them, hi Japan, a noh actor will sometimes sleep next to the mask ot a roic he is to play so that the mask veili naeld with hum. A Balinese performer assesses each new mask, looking tor warns to let its life enter into his body (see Emigh box), file chapayeka masks ol theYauuis of Mexico and the United Mates are the manv faces of Judas who pursue Jesus during tne annual .six-week long Waehma (Passion VIay). Chapayeka masks possess such strong negative force that at the end ol Waehma they are burned as their wearers rush into the church to renew communion with the tribe and with God (see figure 6.21). Because new masks arc made each year, the visible aspect ot Jiiola-; changes over time. 11a ;'/. boa., of J.v an. -e ■ cu-'aie id;' r th ahem p ipj.-Asi is m.ipnpp mer. He doi e ntatnpulaiLs aid goes voice to ine invnao poppet characters ot dramas that last lor ■ mat h an - oni mt, hhe , ,5 „„i, mg I-., n aulu lien.iCK n-o {ca [a... i , , mm i ní i, im- pi ,d V i! • n hon, , >p,-nnmp tbi >o-dm end the mimam n,'h, gnd-a. \ oí lbe i 'iii .". volm am dm,.co. is on in ,\e h n , ,t di ome ai ' huitcm- hnpiov i-ed ^AMt r a' 1 a. kmm k , j mA Fail.cii uhnp o ■-m ,. , . i -heimmi mad n oloe.d oe w is . o , ,,o\en ",nb st lido-lies, km Minn is A ji it ■ - dj in't.i nail, r!.tt;i. • in I d' puppvis -a • al-o, is, i n,np up-i :d> the tones í\ tlaam ] is,tie sirdam o-. As* [pimioneiím, o, I g.itb, ' rmt r.-ii, (. « ,th it -aktino tPiopt*-- depa 11- >\» on o oto. hikes, tat !~i>e it/íť,""A'ív of s'tAtAA/i/c pertcrming lemem,, - o-|i oicaso a i 1 m c me .„ m mm ť ,-m, m "t i 1 v. p i .It '<\r oo,--,r pair me mo >,,e ■ a cei retire "OtaOl 'cam .1 e a 1 Ot v; . • j fr.iitbetc, , o. m, ,-, .At o-e • aP e a . o me 1 jo a tar, , ,i , oase-,' I \a ' P a ;| ..' i i; u r , i >" o ,, e 'imm o i-'at m rca < i p'a ai 1 ,r , i i m j ,,t -'> cu't, rm j. i a"1-m>-eti a \ ap io'i M o -ai -l A .s a i o , m-\ :. r ~' z "'rap ,/ ,ai ; |,m ,, noa, n o 'o -Aa. o.<. -a a ■' 'isfi ,i'.,'> a ilv - ,t i'i_, h-1 e~ P "n-n -Pe i :h=o th*- ej •+ i'i,= v 'asA' (,m ■ 'i i-' i "s. am :he a5"tea a ,-hoa rr,;5Ď s\i „, semi ^ .a, ' ) p ,-„i \,c -i 3, )ra, t^oL p at rhe -i cCr -o s v ol a a1 ai i -oh,o,m ', ' '.e ,m 'm?, o i rm, mm>i,s -or, th - t-LT ,-, ti--'i • cte i '0 mr.<;ii- i= Ah- - cam *'it- 3t,f. e'i. - m c..1"'^ .'a* >., is mm ->m J t, -.era iiarc mr,.-,->-<= n p a iirf1 i "f pc i ram ma ..i,rl tea imihiemaPmm m -or;m aru A i o>•. v'o h t ,J -> s.v.-),,., -a i. T|Vj . a p. j, oo.-A«t,a, ii h c ,a-i = mi,a • pia' to-, - m'< a- pi c Pea : fy • Pa i-..-,-. I i-a >z?a pa-farm SI i a-- I tel 't.te o.'i.l P'esh'" Ca i'-Hi>tire m ./ tm me';,'" v ;o> ,e'e> he, II ' -! a "ICI .17' 'i'.' 300 '0 e j' P 0 sdOlc t ' '>• 'As v i .-a - oat ce- re , a o. i'erim e 'p .m- or -Pmi b ■_(:', A Frm.i/'c ,-eaema 205 205 fig 6.2* na De r.ere äo a; mu/m v • a iIp" "if a>- a-, omen- ■ ,-' m- O. 1" .mm,,-, ,? ">wi a-, '.eamei Amst noem>gremh av Aheim .1 hmoa-m fa /a''a:>) aiľO'v „; Am i fj._.3> - v ľ'T.aa "heme; A1 it; ľa, ha 'm Airii. la, aim iA an jm-s, aiai me pn!ii« i i K'-i.i a-j'.-n m nio I; Th ,At/Ar- A.,-, !"nit'i ir.ti i rian s Ai, inakr- mih .nam a! i< ma. itaiArl in tia mmm. Smith studies the ,'inh knmmm, m_sttjr,-~, an 'mm a! p it Im m of' mdai n'\ pm>pk m, tk. -Or, , i. •Ai trnm, ae_. m mi, mnmm.nlf • a ii. i (mist ic't h-adum ami ai aik minc pnrehts. Hi, emitm m am •hum amta tliailim. mtmnor hop-, m-mat,m Simrh ■, omit hndm-pirit k-.nam- a site m-;!i,' 'ai n itiá "tit i-i iiiiiiľ i 'ť 'iiľ ■., •nbkts ti ■ /taair-'a á .iiikn mpeeiith tin m aimn'm ,k ;.. atlvii' i\, atnl t.omlihor-!i"ijij. N.m'ti. n actoaik \. m kk- a 'id aim.;, hike i dAaleim Vnir'i mh.-- in*m hst'st It tin- ; \i m- m Am e, .iiiimamtt -die ^i,'. met in ta., niiiiiiditih, I'-itl) th" rani., ami hm n ltiitiut.inli mltmpt, tat mm •> '.n- — me >A, '.mtA'tee; t" l.iL it.A! in mdinakmtnst oiifah Nam thm - An A. ih-"ť. main a -on ■. inn - de_n a- - posm-md h. ill "-i. Ai. i\ present-. ik ..simidh ami jpo-j,v i im- < h ir mtm, mm im m pmaal I'm. tr, eimthm,-he up. t'Kiri hi. an m.-rtaim huni'." ir' em, ami m'cui ch.tliejiK . ijľ-n Pa ', V >' a"a "a aa '"a it-_ . í ;, a A "a ,.a a> r hv C > , -, a ~' • t tern ,n-i- Aaa,--a hmhn ic'-a . ea,rapn Rodnej King (t%<— ):Aírmn Aiiiiii.aiinii.tiina ,Um i i 'nnj -.-a- < tamed vio'Mi a n'^liuaa, takui iiuni Ins . .ir ami hi-a , in ŕrt'i I m Ami'lm poh an n tn-n tnough hi dul nntri -in. Ram mas stniifc mma than 50 tiniť.. v itii katnns. From a p. "hi a|wi rim. nt, t m-rim H.<11k1,ii \i.h otapt >l il» heating iloihoaks udemtapr ma-repeitedh hroadcast no k h-Asmm in April !LW_A ktef a tnai m lAe.hťimia Mate Court and At spite the graphic eiiit" -ei", thn-e i ii the pi .hi i men imic a. quitted (mm t-nliet \v,i« roaihcdi -v. the found' I hi aet|initals ijiinti il riutine; tn Los \ugeics. Fiim t o-e p. npie i'ihi. 7.000 v cm art.mod, and propmn ihtm.g"- fumed nem í hilďm rl >!!m s in tnoía US Ft deral komt íour-t "1"') nt the í tar peheuaom ijuľiU of melatitie; kmt; s anal rights, i' ev s. , ■ ed ť.. m i ai - ti • m äs.m Performing in everyday life Hoe ait Im t ni is jiei ha mtnti irA'rejl iiie'droni ai tiim m .m'äa-' š jielnr. , pi rh .rmim.; in m.> mii.m h*e is ^a-na', almm' u nm at" < .'hie, as vkhi r, i pei s, n; >h jith, ail jits: m ,,;,pi-, t i d the i ire-, nr.'tii ai , A si it or oepsi ,j; ajti a i nan m o! i lothms. a 11 mo v. i.e imp'es- sonoeaie erne ÍI tin- m eatrieil to lid P> .t t'ii p n oripam- i -,(. >.. !! - -.tatv-h. d i hal nt- • v\ Kiľľ, imget .n. " i >ai,ii ,p -ei v,i,;e ,• i \ ! n a* - |» rt. mase . a- e - , <~>sb;h ,,.id man a: tl >'j it.i.t . --m í. I.ii. a ih,. -•!... i..n , oci bi: ih-cg - í .r • imp! , nlic- : e. e"- n( "ipb d .ea'te ) M.iaii ihtl-í 01 '.h, . a a i i .ľi\il e ptP i1 • e .e- a s .e. e í a urbei , t ■ a -k a .1 i. , > 1 aii. '.i 'L- . .tí,.-'- :>an , n a,i\ 1 .t 1 - ia me pm ii -r:.j -c - mu it a-k ' gm .ľ"-c •, .m.') jii.ii." .av eit a, h m.mkt tl 1 a -.pni e .u", i ar.-i em'goia, lee-i ein .í t. r,m m a- a. e aetl ch ".ľ",ii .' i abalarii •, raid tin 1 roh! im •, i « mamban-p' .ice figure 6.23Om 1 m k" n,ate s 111 t- ei <''la\ hie are :a hl ■ -1 V..i 'i en 5- 1 ht icr- a>s m pim-. 11*.';, dm. .1 e. • _*t . a'ib pirt, ,a 1 higb a btbiíim , 1 iimmil U ví. lilt 'a b.nmr • I lit ,r- at v.ľľi 'aii-ľ a i't, i- c! -m,, .a tm ouMu ppe -r mm- 'ita, a.l ..1 -tata ' ha i„j ; nate mal. .'.-e i ii m. i.'ii-euclt 'hamat'.. h> c imt fl,c -i ,kt - ,aa high aia ii ' ,,í \iú>;c.p. Iľ ťl li'l.g;;, t.i 'c Cti ''17C'. 't,"mu >P">l!(i- tliv plight cit a > 1,71i ill c .a-, a get,-, ;,„. •■ i , a *« iaí, aeJ a -,liľiijii.sT\i. ■■•t.i-in Ír > h i| tet í,hi vi. M'd^a í- e iiiiiig 'n . ■ -1 , hm ktc a - i. • • nm tc pa i-t n j'.itn it-, eaac .,.!!' b,t -a umtnm- 1 >..'e,, či c Ht c I ill t lal ">r it. tm iíit -ml |. i ', i . ii In ,ra . i per-p. . ' r.e ;g 1 h ,;. earijitiei tur..h r 1.. >utf>■ mi n. manag' et iľt» aa^ thilhnanh nmk .see BríssetT and aii'lcv k(i\; í hi dirorbm d,-., i;,~cd Hílie.pmi Í5 lO •th anign.ig, k ,t e t.'a n ijaajeig n .|h :ifi| c g • ílu 1, :,i]. <--lang i.ige -enirit mmime P>a ílu n-, i >eh a a- mdei-p . nlťiii - .s I,, i" "u .ď i, m mpii \ m.mmg mam ••ľtii.31 , i 'n ' 'li cthei hanil aai-i i,nl,ť. ...iul lili i-tkeaie, • n r >!a\ .á 1 -e'1.0 u han ľ ,\ m o ah - hlt. a t nt na itb r. • % ae a then mtmm, nvai 'tmr ' .ľ -m nt rb, anlagm .í, li.d i >t: i ľ pt r!t 11 n 1... 1 a. - pni p. im 'a r k. ■ aia ... >■ i" a '\'ha ;a ',K ľ in- ia ní • • >i ' h, i utppaoa, h."- igr e.-■ nm aisirrii.n tint p .ple arr m 'taniar.j bi íle tmu ia.ikci .1 iie: tl:.' .in ea r,n m it' see Gofírn.m hos. It [icp.nis Brissett and c-.a.-ies Edgiey g off m j n '$ ffwiitv Puťman - en*-> e t!,é,t j„c, (l pm n"rl" .aerl ,n a T,'ia ;:; ;tes m im ceoci- as :-tmu m. m j aar t; ad c to; t. b at Pm -ne-" t 'é <•■ " " • i j-., b'íl. .. niactt i s riuí . en bi-' ännia. it pi-o ai y s ■•■< al ia.r oni_v ea ''epic, ee t> ctím sptem a. li'es. _ . j á a núti,var m-• an ci.'!i>ait\i ea"eri apa u "a a "an Pen ajs H- map U .J '.ppe a an: a ma 1 ne'.er Pe deet 3yeti os ď ' 2g? T-.'i i"lp|.ihs bet 'Pere dnpc i.T.ťy, '.•píf"un s i -1,-ir.r-l ar-ji a's it \ '", :as* ink:! Petv.r.i ť), merely apoo - h at.' h'p.da"m'baa, a; hi -očka htt i ha Pj ibr aorta,'-a- i o oisv o* -a La- -t\>:- - o-'tna hop m i -ma-miem m1 , i loyo-- 'ovtíiľji a, hi -ao-iaoita- co.c -''vol po ceny ■ mmhao o> prop:--- abeot'd; „o-' . á- ?, mtoh, Ho opor-aita • o-.i mta-m naci. ome.m ok ads or1 v by , e"-a-r t hip, de 01 o .by o ai mat act m or oa so o tor a- o o t- coi iec :o m milt it- a ca.isf-p.,f oba nod ty o1 mmyaoy dm ;n 'miminy i'fr bijny... lOolr. a : oa -f op, --"on t,*: not hoa p e'-1'ft r-m be' mm: cbanaing, b)J-b T''0 ib oroae , n r , .-'emi.,,-- tra-3 Já-i" Ervi.ig G Off Dian Petforn>aiKCi of everyday hie Too haiamam oern ooaace. a" evep.boy em ar-- -tot net ad ' ra 1 pot erb v tra mrše tbat dm ot au ie-taio \s in ort.-a ,m pal >.vhaí be it qo'py ;•■ is ■ amp li. a ted. Alhlt ť. .es r.-.I a:-tendii.e, bo! tm \ ar pmdormhtp. ! holou ip on n e< .nipbdhnp task- -'»-t bi-, n pirtnidôt spats I'd-itl j,l,i\,' "tmduno ""V^eiue."'"'pimpbijo,' 'h'.eiphP hltiiio.' ■ ■*.• i at the-ana-bine re th« - d:-.|iia. tb.Pim, bes piilm, h diu Prah! up to a her e.-.p^ i, po "t ni lh; uhnit \n-.i athiet. s a e m u prrmmlirip- to 1« ai -p- -ne, tbt , - ;v hnete,.- to athh'te beeo-ine-. er- ai.iľe a-, a eis in r , ,h ti at s apptt i,i< h. tli, '-e til tin. -tupo u.noi-.iho > eerrj-- i sp.ih íi-i.t.'in-llit t • a e p- i b •'. r.'.aneo iii.t tne hxpppi the. -t-t in more tlie nresentatit-n i-i'.s, h 1»'. ;iei,.-, t bannte, n--»ic. i'-i h iiainne m e, t-i ul.n litt ia\(>itrs po. ,'o,t io. a. o í pt , h .omines trom sn|t, ta pt ; I -naan, t - íi, ! ,..b ilesed tiet rs ti' sn-ail Jľetin ,ulľ. il'f-- , i iutei'.i,'tilie a- - ra •.ii a írmul. Sniiii tnne, pei h a tuiiip ie, t ,ei\ ba lib- . -e, r p.. n aisjt s"i; n ted e< m\ e -ji u ,na. beii jse s, a- „t „ i -i p i,.j flinni r'aíľta or i fant ral; st, met tto.'s tht -a-.-eaa ho ,11- , e; -Pla i- ioost , is nbea .tin aie "a.alk.ip.- boon tie. sto ei in • 'isi,,-.l, ore eľ-atMi i 'airh i f-oentl Aio-i <-I ;hil\ h-.inp ist.e. n up h\ pel tatiaanp joh, pr..tesstnnäi, hirobt. aid sot i.d le-h-t 1 >lb (r thesi . in p,i r- , idnire. e- >rľ - .'«ieipp -t! ••'-. bh n a, I h.-h.e- jíi-r and intc,ai. tma Evltsoih m,:-t.---' sone -.ľ aitodier Iba- soii.e •■idr ■ ot d.hh, lb: hihi-lsirtorrnp,1 s limb, the ruíe-.; re.oíatímiai les o, aut !•• • hanpe ihea, permaiienttv. ď- rthai deertt i- hitaian -osial lib- in nm ndimp sír- -o P perheaeaiiOt- •>' tleorpt W i-hiiipfon. the \np.ih pt pea ..'li ti', u.i-, im suaripan ť'> die eighteenth .mi.n~rtijní. hill ol a. ''plmío op •,! to . art řnlh imítm-j bos ( , .-t ,e„-aloiip ihmnrhal Ime- (see Marshall bo\ t. Starnim i., lim nu pe b.ji;.- a he tarda r than tin- \ rn, nm; RrMeiitiom *\i i -.irdlmp lo me ťhnn m histmaae. Suetonino hii'p! ror Caoar Aus>ustu». on "hi in tlh d . ailed be'. m'na ,r, mst tu> md se;-. ant - to -. ,,tro hi - han v id Its in plat he s],p. Lene-1 pm, md diea e-s -in'-li d ins emira.a's. "Ihm ■■ p,hisa 1 i hp t , am ih oi ate e. - Ii;" \epm t a- a -l, -j I h. dnhm •-.alt 'or sheh ,-n ro pi. hot i. nbe'l Ji:iľ>-. ", '"s-p, t I plna-ii nív oart '.»,.ni. oh , bp pin,' hand- and ,h-nb-. in Iro!;. th- smpe »a ilh iftplaose.' shortbt i h. r, Vipasta. dip. 1. Tlie erop.e-pte \ i'e.ahbed s.-i ip n !i«t c.s extmmalijiar", as if mat d ha.-t pops m be P, n p dm t ne! ma .-iiip hom.m- innne t hanba'!. 208 How a lady oirjnt to hoha^e in p'lhUc y„ '=!» d! 're,,.-., ijr-- -. i{ re, - .-• do", " ' u ' , i CO', 'pj:i\. Ti -" _■ .-■ yV j j>i dl v ■"t"t ''pX ~ a .-:•-?'.!. •-, 10 a y,-< ' t" Cu ' t~ t, .- 1!a [ ,"a,"i mepaM'.i ■ / Oi,-j'• -,, r- in I .< - a",1 no nj c,o,v-eioare >." > nnr :a be. «.•' i; ; j <,p i1-, (^L., i,-,,, p , ,„-, oj >t;-;; ,o ICC ."f / ,ni Lae-i - pp|K->p t , li a->_ ,0 a ,-es" n oa1' I ;ai fa t .a . ir -."« , rar ic "a, :-v aail n :c a jb bin- ■ -la, y, >o nlaec , a a,, ;ae n*A p1^. e"-i fl'ij l,i i,; a; via a'p ; e'aas a' \. • " ii =0a)-»" /',r, \cio i' i by the buttons, the collar then person; L . .J to rub ■ cu si'aabj; t.iivvc! .n. •- n,,; ..cirr -a1 1 he" I a > ba );ts a - \ on a.a a o 'V a io r - ca "O ti to ,'.).'!» me in tl :bejnc- t .r.s e= csp,-,. n lb s ;re: id s <; . f u eo to he i h-S -va i ac iaipi nriei. t • pi," re ,a aiiinaai t- . < io am-rani. i o, eSaOi! )• ih« '-ol.- i' "bus aria'i >" ll.ouii, -, a I " o. e. b " eii km v n in din •i.oip an I iir.I.r. riMi ir in miu r; ami tin appropriate Ixna, n,, io. "Ko ib n o,"*'h r.rdl i.'.-i- , "".a \,r\ otun "in v o-t to ;,n.i fhei Peer e, • o t, i tin-din- 'iplin.* ,i. t'ptnl cod s ,'l kt'ioni;.- >\,]] v. ith rep ui: I'i'i. i nwri; ro an ' (io a i a i air 1 « s. "thici ,o ,n . ontt .np' iti'inrt" ai'] nun-.. ^-oi ii,ti>. t ail Hion ' a., ei l ., isavn i\tonmini'!t ati n, u.irj o d. pup , s.ui'ei Ki,h' --p^eihe tin! olnain .n--p. dr hebei ioi >- po\, iall oi_ia! iiilena i'jin. anon in,u . tl- s<;,pt. iron lam, la los. , n •a . utmiVt a.- .omt iinu ' id rh -on 1, .<•. m r..!.■•,. an i sui'u f'Tli s ej pint, „s in in . Hut !i(".n'\ii n oi rl' oi lii-'i. ieiei on n (' .o, nl hi ii ., .or v !>■ \ i r h- ._ at,d'i,,b. nffl, blleilM : J. laik ol llit aiitiioi Ii |ij,iao o,i - r,it rj]e ] >t ,d ii inancm 'J.i ' Iji ilk e.hnliapp in in it ■> - p'jaoi, P i-naot rr-. ai la n ( i opk n '"okAhm" o la a ilia inilp. A ra r joOp'np. '•! ■ Hoc h. ; ia t tcaeilinp. ike pal t ni m a pir-. tiiiue ' 1 lenna a,. . toil s tin pt rloi Irani , opt, i at nfiinn beion ioi , i, m . bo- , .m. Inn not absi ii -. ( >ne -,-r- i-ada '■< a m i: i ,,<• t- i. a . la loJm, bat ab'.ea tii'ii, )n"i, n. b~h,i"\ioi, ilea ait h--id. s. r'pttd ilr an.o ami m,ai kk^ ioo-e nipiaai-atn,,'n. ikopii be,ii,it "iiisi ti lent]-,,' di, iniip'r -luav- ritat ti- .-"an o, {. bl-.e 'in ,'" the h. ,,i-,- i le titer -nl-. <" >o a v. 'th tht in ,ua -o.tti. i "oi a . rp - -I *a a But "iri.'n'l' and ''n Ima i joi"ao, ,'rodo , av- ! -I' nd inn < th ai.kpi, mii.i oi , n-yi ,'.'pi ■-ocial nit- radii i si,an -tan.! (.lit ,o bipbh tn.irii d. G.,fbn n ie't that ad! eiu« an'a Ha at -itkt !■: . -icm "hit eoeit ; • a ilianui u ad\ en.meO oiinj isee (.<>ftman box 21. "it n H-bil s.,\ oiattka naoi e "iibl 1a,'yt r th.n 1 d'a . lal ,>';, die i.i.vt i' -s i-k, thiatlt bh, Ai'u"', i.iit .pi.-ie- (o a l.phm si - iptt d -.Indvin. r. •"''■'< i "oi htm. and baioe s .tM'tb onto-, pnao'. ,i. He int'i n.t'.ii'iri'f. the appat-aito tntpcoro an in i yn, o • o n piorti • > i ,r ' hi adlio--it, aite. I! ■;iit e'' i '.bio 'i' l .eni a t ]l._ tl a't Is ;t .nnd the oiunt; •- Oiii.ii die rv n.ii h in 1 npl.-n-d i-a^ loop bi i n nna, a ;)-. atr G off man is jli the world d stagex ' 'kae tal e -deep s'id, 31a n-n'- eg, an.'' pay, bahj" rl /ay-'c'tt ij I a erne 1 _joad stane ar'or t>nt *'ns tact ,teidn net o'jiiil 1.;- re another ane. to it anrcst anyoi e Can .j_n;« ,y'earn a • u t/'ell e^auoh ta ,,.'earba aaiae ..eeier.c ccrm -enae a' cealaes.- in vdtec's tiema - a.iTi'uec Iftce ds- a. An. 1 .t seen- d is s -o o-'o. taiy socai mia'C' ti'"e .- ''or If |i* teoetae a. as.e1 isa.t tr,,etie tie -/^nnrye cf cianat'„ayy itic+etl ai t',., st c'-aiae'd.. or-, anntE't- I idanq a-phes c nipt-, eye-, ,1 the nana- it unriactnen p a.yers ca> Cvieie ta iTbly.ri,""'»,n- " ,a., a' d-na-'ed nan-c Al t,,- „v 'I'.1 1 oat C* eOtif-te a AaOt- Lit.' *he .1 jZ'V I ' '-' • i- " '^n t 5rf eta e is-, t_, -pttif; 210 • íl,in i'i »'in! '-i in "nakh.p..;-, ď í '.h |ľ upi im! otnc< t íl -U'l! •' rise' iit'i.i, !u'. d kp i k i ».ii ii-ititK.i a'i-. .mm! in, t íi. ini.p'.lir.iin' s.'i-.ji iiiii._ obal '^pt • 11 •* ni"*-1 -the "i " i- i.,' 1 i,u; viii p' in the í'"" -.'i... tiit .t. ha ..i tí tr. atak n. ľ :hť hľm ti. ľ 0 _ n t >r i .'11,.1'v.!1 . >ti" i- o'í \ j", o bet :.: "* t h bk . |., r* ai - iit u h lit ' !.-_.■> .-tii. •".m.; !] ; -t k .'.,i l\n-p !ctsoh 1 'k |.i -~l 11-. .(im .1 -. , ti', > i i Ulli, it. .1 Ii. no.. 1,1 -OH.! ".,tl.< _-,•!.-! j'Míi „ n- p i--,r c t.eapht Ii t- n-i]n ,i-. . s c, misOvat ťľ...t j'i k r 'Ses tins fct'ine I i >iii k':p _ 1,, . r 1 db ,e - ll " i .1 ' i-- id 11 r, ' !i>. ' ľ.. i n p s ľ ' ■ ,1-, n. 1 m af, o -. e i ,>i, i -Kn ' n!, 'i ; 'i, V.ľ t I ; >Li_:i '.'i.' 1 mIi.i ir.,1 p.i i.. it. .n1-. ha ji,, 11 , ,.; ,i>i,i.,,l |i.- .0 •", .1 ,ti.n lik pl' man-, ,■ .1, -. .. r i. 11 ■.. t ľ iliil. "i-..tll,lt-,"< tfiip.p, iLľ ľ i"-l:t li-I" n. ľa f- o. 1 i. in." ':• 1» ms ,1-n--; ľ. ť -, sit.-p.-r-,, nu M . I .'it.'i "i^ bi ups, \. i '-i ,.!:,*. Var .e !. . J!1.', t.....'ľ i"-,- 1 .m 1 i bi ,.-ľr. t 'sn >s ,- '•,< .-1. hn '-V h "! „rr.' i-n-- ..n t" or,. n. ii h , , , v,i, \-n-, iiiiiiT . n! .t ni.-ni' ''nit •. i.. s ' i'...i. s 'tť'.i,, ílu n -Im i n.phisi/i that n. , -i-.l íi.-t u' .1 ju t usni. m h • ohnin .-,, il' .\it t )_i Is im sól.- :|.i ntť'n.s i íl , m,t ií> in - 1 ' 'ti., s -ak: i)|i-:.i. n." i .'.''I .m.!,- ni.ii - P iľ-.i"'!i.j 1- -ii.iln, t -, 1 t;, ips P *-| t niM-ki s js |H!s.-!,l, . As it. s., r h. 'nr. , p- ople ■t n. rP<ľ",.' p 'In m ntiikipl« st !', i - si! < la,, -. ...' .in Trials and executions as performance • 'win tli; a i ii„ 'nh' rviul' >!' i..1.Pit T1i-"i .'tin -li iiii.i" ni s., ms. )iit,"-tt-fi vi I'sit ms i ,i-,\ iiat hiini n-1" tl; t'it "n -.ittninrp t i i - n nm" j;ils l'ii' [m s( i i-in;; iPornt , , j';,un«r tit ikleiis-, n/ni \ - \t nb t'pf pulp, ... is ts'iei : opponent u.V. 1 .b ľ e Truth u. a ti iai is tap su ■n-t.h v lut"rt-ilK it íppciľ '."a- P 's 1 í.-si i,- -,vbp It -ah m.n.r • i.ha i< at ii-ri^ rPa lao in,í Mupmrj r!'c Tat 1 at' huiithnp . " "f'11 in- t_-i hi ap. tils attoi lit- s in - n.p ľ.li rp,-. is Tai hp, . tPt pal;r,T in nntaii's ml. 1 uin-iin ' lipli s t-thiht ;r'.-K i iann.'i.', pi -, t-.ia's k-patiiip h irianTi.n- .m ).'-. ami "'■als 'P p, lilia T ni.piirt m. i- itPaati i-nltiph u,.ii-.n< .'—1 in ii-iH tar . . na I-. - Tk- ■ >iť'tui,i nice i.t AT .iJk .pt.tit.a-. s,.:i - mit tuns-- 'n. in ill. unikal-, hbp ,,|] •t i'.. tin' '• '. a a '..'k j'li -. kaunc an inni-r ,'ir-. it-,-í aulp. i k íi n- iai it. -, anil ado,p.os \\ j rh tit." nj'--, :,. pn'i. ,l>s. r.ti's Jh. n,'\T : iai i-psisis p d. - '"1 p i-, -n a part i--' 1 -!,P" - ark p i-sPik ' (.'t'-cnia, su'-tn.' a *ha *. t. ran' -, t i." . t^'ials aí -d na n, at '..'.n; a. It -n ni tapp ',',.1.1 .'i-1...1 - .' h,;um -- m ...-11 (Ji,,ľi tat i tau,n.. pP 'i"íiis -n! -,-i' i,.-, n. aa t • ap. ,nhi, ilit- mi-'ia TruTV hr. ip. k ,,-ts k. n al s f i .'.1 s ,!,,.•!- iiiuk-r ihr n-k-'liis-i. ai." ()i , t n- n">-i ,,--.>' ľ-aoh trials alt s,, k...»,..; sm Ii is th u P l)i hm,K". \i.n" < ., rn't k m ľ'."! ..t ' in\i:ba,p,aľ\ raan -la1 phu. In- ai'Tiiiiis', i iap taia! >u'ijo-. n,'i {..sksi>n In _(.t>"'. tri ,l-,r,- a!a. a- - kp ill e.\ - .\.-s v m s n pai.' i nak IPi r-t í. al ,-. i aa 1 ul hl. ani spiarts spi an - aonir'sa Ip pt ,\ -tip, k, 111 ' , r.s: . t-. pcratrniTk- p.-nnl-.r slrn-a--ta ■ .11' ta.' ,n nr in .' .a-ta.t-. í. 't-lt krira, pins 'in,', nul p tnils ?''-rap. atttvati'-ns h.-a ..husi. -t ď t • 'f ' r tin' n'lini'i'Sti i-ľ s|a.ainí íi.'Ui- ia h th" n u 'nip t. í_\,-1 .duj ihr inti r U'l sp'ain- tin iir.-.s jp,. a, j '.'■-upjt in'h.i pr"i .tiinp k, itk et »;-n liin-ss 1,, ni,ti(s ainl ..pak I- - s "-i 1 1 -. 1 'is n- \t i n -.Its k: .im Inť-talnnit-nt rinp as - \< P •* s „n - I i-ii ' h. nph.h. at \ - ne pnipis'heti m n.a.v napt" , ,.r i npipa/ini-s , -n ;lrr ._piuv h;«-n -1 kins, piuk-ssur-. ami a p.:, ta, -a n, i.ip n-iah, i...ritiiri.'- c- 1 t .-n n nik nnia la. s r as v.ith T'i - ta: ic n p.alht-M ,-r tha triaí -T 't"iiP, - On.In ip .pn tin-a ti-ít-rrann shi s supJi is P' s . ; -a ' /'. !•• • Ĺ /a. n:, ur jn P;ľ/'i,í' p, Im h • a't.T.'it the t n. ,a r't.ih' \ 1 >' sinai-l 1 laki.- • oiirtn't« n "rial -. íl ll I \ : i, litis,- lapr ti m ts "'\iit Ri-alka \i tuallti " olft r- si\ heart's o. [m 'i-j.p- aih\\itkilat hor example, in ?01 2 "In >e«sr ai 1 n'iliiinas 1,1 not-.r tlie^'nuiip tria) hie. Jason Ye,uti!j is ai nsv,I i-f ke.ilinp; has prep.tiatii \>.iít lit ileatft tn 2i)0fi. It'a htattne prtise,, sah "pratal and personal.' [. . .] Crime reporter Amanda I amb coterttlYoutio's first (rial. Wats h the ai.k'o ťa ss e Lan ib t, annare ihr lírsí 11 iai to the t e tna!" t W meh ?OĽ'h Í kiní or Hi,' i.,atratjt is tolli iiotik-t shoa-i s m, h „s /ik ea/ei m í'r, 11 era "Watch as experienced pundits \->tl thri otprp. a. st'ksi't all 1 eaí 1 akt) s lips teatnrinpo ann Ü11110 tn>ni braivl-. ami oiPoip-sts insifk- the halls oi'jpssk e to mid clips that are oben si'bmitted a- ts idt-titt" iTruTV kpida) and T/osr skaiía/y: "'Ga-sp! (dot 1 eadi to remtne mur j.pp from the iloor, hei aitst tiieso ulnrnatt , auniit-oii-ccrriera nuatiients ivill bo Snuu d ibi Most ShocitillP. seeikirict.s' aotbve tn'er sO>. n {. . .] pulse-iiounilinsj iTitmiial purs-aits, ge.c-w renohing gaik-;- and i.p (•! ab.i r.iiiw sukp. stuptbtitv"f tiuTV 2bl2h) t)hvioush, írnTť - ur' it k in P aione — iiitentiotialk blurs ilie hnutidart hetv-t en Uh- bp;,,'- s-, -te 11 ara] onk-rtaiome 11. 211 Trial hv drann ,- p =p t,ui- -.benil-" 'l'en.C.1 -i"1" "J1' "f -V", -,'! 'r' mm ,,,, ah else '.c-t'1' . 1'. D mcmois dcmb t ', io<; do mm • m. ■ o anve - \ , m o ■-, a r ''Tool r sett oic asnlbr 1 iJieefC"- aim da." I-r*-VOi ~. . I ,"■ ' ma', wiiii i *y' si ,. rccioie /. 11<■ aconm; •--utdei <'-.,-.'s e-eo pi-roti., ao fere ' . olieoini - a, n a i a " v e p' s, v.deem, m'myestm. the prose,'edna, ai.TLri.ey an,:! tie c' aors » 1 " TI"- va a. amnio' imp 'be 'too it f'e -'''j b I m'tni'lam 1 a cm""aoi > arm i sires toe .,• >" mimi aW' rv a,id t|.e iiefm m attarum, ino am tide i ;iaoj' y' ar,e- *lo .,ire,,. 7se ibai r, iq mi-.'-iirp- asp r o.-t . f ;i a' jm -> a-,i roe anm • "a ay >e> da ? ,?. ayoapoeyi. it is < p./ oa iey n '■t' c peaob. a a or !o> v m a d; aiaat.e se "e iir- at'.r. > eys va jr.yi.o on the 'ben hr-"d a. a r rde jC'en mat, a' a sea -dm,-; rhs p-1, i . \ j T'i- dr a- a .a tor rc pi f the , cad,- rare rat ie air dr a o! ": c erne face' ahao elsewhere. s dm a raet/ee i ■ 11* .m_ r-r d a® m? A** Lb'71, 'br'a. -v C'-'i-nr ' do 'a "Shoo tinh lie s,, nanied rri',-1 tilt m m dc h i maied in a,h ana. ^ pn ir a oho } ate i hoe n i lis die desip-pi ,p to-hi.n tin ponon o! the' ir.d,-ope-tini' 1. ■ ti-rrih o,e pniih. "Kbbnp i aim kt p o •-mits the uonbi \ ' yy >e- a.i , -Id Chtne-e pxe.t rb d'h< Mn,-."" iriibi.! I'M.s -<•"' e iorni; 'oil mo i nti'd dh-' \h'a,-.i ut'i- im i enpanii'd lo a poi ei n'ln nt or. In etnin d iiiisviii pi o'p.ip.inda s in.p.iipo, ^ha ea tied- atj'anic s 'o. - ai tile 'by- -od sid ier i \ample, tin Nuremberg Trials «b Nd.m v, m . > nT'ie,,.;-.titer World War II or the v> at ,_t inie-- trial apprm-t Sloboiian iMilohevic biyynn i-i 20t>2.\VhiI. up trial, i\ido"-i."m da u o.i in.fiir.ii ..aiism ir, ho bid loll \ithuHyb sinb ttiab am aol entiia-b, -i rtptc.J, pt ople inner ho-e, than \wi] Turn o;ir. Mam ii 11 th,n Milos-. a ie like Hermann (aiK-riap, the Xa/; Joseph Stalin ( 1879-1*}5}): t'einmunisiruirrui thii'viviet Uniuii from 1until his di-ath. Stalin - "man of steel" - aas die uante he ihose tot himself (born ''id/.huiJaskoili'd. Once m poim r. Stalin riibilf'ssb dispusi d o. Insinals in th' Gnat Puipe oi the l!).0s Dm int; World War II, he allied the USSR »\itb the W. stprrs p.overs. After (jt'tanairr antl Jipaii mere dtdejted in 1^4-5. the ailkmce disiiitt'crated and the Cold War ensuetk Linrli-r Stahn. the tiSSit betame a suprrpmver, hut the iuutaliti idlli-iult i\,isre| udi-io din NikiLt Khrusheliei in i'Hd. Nuremberg Trials: from 1^4-5 to 104v1 hi t««.!' e - . . ..• triaJs.X mer 100 top N'izi kadtrs, lessfj- BOnniiiirat tidimih, luilges;J dm lurs. si(klit i s, an.i md isti Lahsp tvr re ti it d in ri iln r. "netifct'1'' hvths i;emis the LIS A.. UK, USSR, and France Ma-i ot'a a ii(.ajscd'| sviie com ieted, J5 tiert .mi cured, .tin! a lev atpie''-■' SevetaTj d.dt ndaiit«,lieatttl tin e.ilion-i in ci,n;mittiiiii suicid>' am, hug Wt kfjf Jttai -bed Heniiami fjoennp.. Siohocian Milosevic (1941-2006): SeHikti. hater v.'- . in thfd \'~>'}(ii. pspii "ethnii ok .uivm^' - a peipipiiJi! pnuev dip" ti a asfpiiram Hon Vrhs, e-ipeeiallv Aiusiims - in Bosnia da! then hi Km -i .■, both '-"t e>oi,s ol tilt torn:tI Ye.m>sia> i.i. i\ b-att d m etm 1 ions ip ... ti, hutp at hrst in itisinu io Item offke, Miios. tic was arresttd in ^i-tti aittia turiii'd re e.-tp iiii- u ai crimes naininal ir, The 1 tarnit. H.- tk" , p.-ionpt ids trial n a- e»>nt tailed s bipn ip 'ah" p'iiiuiit'.e.i -ai'-lde m his Pell — ehi..,ted pispo.. \! opt a,'\ei, ail t.ijiis in -1,,.-, pdah dt a .oa.-nitiiip t.j. .aitln Tit', id the ,m!ie_ninp jiotepi ., sinpk- pnnn, .m • -sin '. iiini oi i i t. a--, , a-,;>. I hoi od .'i at ion- i p.o the i-;ahi'as 'd i so, u i m pasta e si sp nt. So mi .mn s, hop. ei. vd't a -lion ti lamln at s i, ih. • apposite oi n Ii f da -ak r- nnt :r i dlieii- r h eii bro lib.-)-: on i.'lt .. I'don o a- that of lim is.- •> A'l.iil Hi hnnam a no n. m-o ad mil . oin Ie] aoeo L. de ith !"- an I-i-reli i onr! m], na tor hi- b'adtnp rob ii! rbi namnp d •• miak ! i aii.'-i nil' n.s kii1 n ' 2X2 215 cnľkuíinsi ŕ?-' ptudei tualeaied !,.'(•'> poem-. [ !< miek omm ahnut e-'th-,n ľt d aud m oiai mhj.tts S !•.-<■'u k'-most !,u i, us >>>,<. m, " k. tl« dirpm-, ľ.. M.ike Mu. hni iim " lupin- o ľ,h tK l-iit-. "t ioth« ■ v i ..-fkv.m v. 'v.Ľ\r inii,, O'.lfľi.. is-.tifla-tl.iiir:. Andťt"-sam-. 11 ",\ 4.1 hit -mek s r, _,),tX t,n.n,)-.- >, ,1i h. dm p " Pd n. ií.Mon n as j,i ..-ť. -l/i.íl ..- thcatm i sťC Herrio k biiľk'. la naans Darts -if thľ -inflti, tin d.-.nb jmmkt-, la" h.-.- a ouíknv tl Bat 'i'.ca- it pei.-ut-- j.i.-|iii jmu .uťminn iď i.i.i timmimi s "l.-.-í íl', ak iml -'"'•njl 'a rd ,' ara n pn-rted, \\ ho i ra hra.. , bOOl. tli- Oklahoma kVv bnnďa: Tisjiothl VU Vo i n h v.o ' Xt a'.h 'í k-, ktiial ioimt -a, o -.trh, Sd'h Timothy Mi \ t-igii (1 %S-200t): .'mu-Aran ten oj ist com „.md ami e.setirmd ku pktmiinr; ami i .iitvíivj f • ihdnp and On mtlviu . • e .aham -a> k<-; J-mt • o, t i !ru-i i s < di,-: ■ ■ n a>, . ap'ia -, .:, „.* a , a ■ í,,-. [, di, i 1 nm hm-1' t a\, ii sl ,)• ' ) P" aií ■ 'i t > ll a.r >t ■ - mn. iť. • ana, n 'a, , n a • t ( í e in mi e, '-n r t c op, rata. _ I hi am. -i kat n rn a, Mi I h ,a, .i .;- m ba, 11 ai, , rok , > i > 1 ■ ne -. ne ;a ' He ( it .turn j * val n 'kmkt n oacK-ítajn; areas and i -■ 'n, 11, i ■ - •• i i r do 'i i1 ■ ívúk , í r-a '1 'k> '-.h vb , ' ■< mi i,, . i j •> [au ľill ,i e e -na s ,,re -,, . ľ, m- '.'-nu_íi . < sťa a ir- m 'O,., i-n in i íle- io, - ' .1 am m ■ h ae t .r,, nt lf Da n > n. oni k n. Belief in the role one is playing ľi.ii t '! is ' a -nam ,. e< mln nu ■ the ,»mmm r.. mm ni m> ik ' see* G oft roan kas in -i i ■ ■! i ii.i\- n _'.-earn , in Im.nk 1 htl hens. 3i ma-,' h. n>.. 'iuf'a.n. Vio/seh line, a in- •!, i . nit í " e , j t e. e i. «li i; ,s ni 11 mj ■ a ne, n1 , e 'ľ e: i s« in st e i .ill i l(li|'l."l'lt,ltiK ii'" i'i :. ,s . if la n.pi. ■ i -. t is p ". h -;">i.] s • as ' k.s, ] nr hľs of n h- nm i k h, ea ■ i.ii a. ,t,i ' - an , T'síak. - . an h íafi! 'v ľv .. |i .h.tsthi Hi. v, p "H'iiT ,ikll u ak ha ' ! e] r'n pituiiL. ! k, -in mrv is |. i ť n m am r "i a hi k li, is n r pr, s nt h m mihhm nie 1 - .a! jum>í. ľ'.ľa .ii^i.nuii,. e _ Pa' tmi i.iriTn rhan sLí\e, . t ria trial í- r, -V, e. h p fl.i t r •, |!~,| Ji.-il i--íl, íl i. • .hu, - h ,r i rho p. ■ s i , • •! i la. i r iv 11 ,a, „. . .._ a, moo ' m e-moe-'i Is'ni paM a. ste er a "a > (a,' bn nti .t nudí i anrsihasii ti, ;mh,>h >s -rt'ľpeil L liui 'luí'h ., ,'.-ie • •I k-- , k ,,mit- . ;ns,i,ih. -r!! H» i- e emp, , h-ispiri) kna! vV 'ne '-s', _.,,> íhi -im ii m. s n ,ji i , 11^1,11' rtanir.] anj e., li lii nth '. ' me n 'i ■ ••i .k . i 11), mils • n. , an. l íhau ti i m .. nt" .i lehhk "k. tl c 1.1,1 ■ ■ .ir. • . Ii»'lll'l ,'m i,iil,.i|! ii, 'hieltľlíhl - a> :"n.h in <" ■ Hl A Wťat - i í. . !s|ili(. ) |i,ri,'i.ii.i r" i'.-' i kto íi.'.e. m ei rs in;. > in, n mrene m. 1, i .sem .N iťt/.sí In- box i t/s.k s., ,,L!us^,ai,l tlir ä ", i h .'„ľ'k i s e! i m ■ .. ľ , i- .m eh n i- ,,] ! ink i irai il i lan.. ■,. ', i ' m s, ľ i.; ľ ml. i mek it r .'t run i". >k e .ti. :• i- • nip'' ti . if m,.1 merne i'un.i e aih , .1 .a . am 11 rn. h , lutsiiK i, -e , , , ......, a-.a.t . ■ m, m í>i The oov/ei of believing in the self one is oerfonving 'rvrti v.í-e.i m dm Peepest bearer, th? actor momrmlv cam-cr .--mm t„ ď do' mi tee imp-em o t lit an tae .■ ante i.enic cr~-at n.ymr - reo rar e,. -ample at me U.i ■:.! e1 'm .•;>•• .la y ne a. n. ,. w-mtä fa appoa- so ntd saj n r .n the era ha ■•■a ma írm u ne e,g,i may e s . .. . vV tl; td meat ."ece'tees •'■ ,er-t is a ante .vc.'rh\ ecir.myee da id-ch iroj eeô tlmír emmy b :de aym-ai e. af od.enden, min ad Its pmrja at am, It- entn-a'»mo ..'race, expreyaon, and pettier, m dm mids of '.he ■ ."tee. tie s u. t > gme it attest tne> are stercoem by ne' ef in tdemseďm. It - 'Lis "due1" -.nen spert" sa i --0." 0 is y a id canym 1; m those 'v-dio sin • cii'id teem ľ'r- fmiiciem pi leMmae; ate d.'steiandmcd mam *-' umat ď- divers lay t ie "a:: d at ii.e, ,,t.yr" emerge t •out t'i's state of sed-nerennem v vegv tra'-cy tľ.ey c mer-erce *ot once that mommy or 1 iai a.y aďen m im ot/eraa ne: tdem; tea.iady, bm/mmp thty -mmf>: tdems-p'/f ty .-striga -., tbe-e mat ein.; m'cieop tc tla styl arbanoi a-P S"d deception n as to c/ist if a grand rff«m s to de pi'odneed äo. men ne' eye in dy- truth er that sbdrP is plain . strong P/ ami- , 1966 tlii/ba Hamm, /ty Pcna tinman 50-40 It was thi- kind 1 ď immatrons '"{• Pal theatte" tliut liie Nazis staged inside Gormam. Adolf Hitler'', •rcneih vt v. eil pľepa:' si orations, the p.igcaotrs of mass rallies, anil rh,-parade- of'íha armed ioraes nere as iinpt-apint y; id.. t\,i/| state as tht ť am o, the limtapo. Fbi ui,.ssive \nrt-.iibcrp lalht s n; i! i< 'pa^ijs ind l'i P K „di.híi.-d'hi pan i.nilinti. Ir. !>>}(. :(i(p()'V, \a/i .edict i-s ,,s., nihh ti in the outdo, -r -in . tl m L d 1" a "t e.rnedr.ií oí light* made h\ pi mccrhii am: aimrrdt searchlights aimnd bmemK npim.ctli. nmht-k>. ■ str figure ŕ). 28i. \í Mmymbso « aii.l m« otlu r Aa/' -hows, thcai.a v, t itl bot,md tlae theatrm Mhet't Speer - irmts, ..'a massid nnlitarv molne-m i aiming ílionsands o t flags .mil ..ther N.t/i paraphernalia, the í iider-abt udng 1. .am o! "Fitil!" ami the Fiilirmm ,„>!, nimi, shrill aiatey ,•.nnliinetl to ittact a I inn-'v 1 it tlie "í j n írmaid mat Reit h ' plam d L'\ "mar. - \y\ ,m tmrm,m m/ŕ" ■ !! part. important prrmrmmte pt rsonaa-o 'heatre design ti-en,,!!". Adolphe Appia ana the hmivlii oi nude, tinrdts, 1 anile Jatpies-DaU ro/e \ppka .am. Dai, ro/t -a. orketl -a, >tb ^ayf, otliei het n "the Fi~-t Wi irk! V. 1: and I aha n a, .0 oim oi I )ik 10/1 k s'm'ents. in m her f. ore's, p, d Adolf" Hitler (1889-1945): .-\ustrian-hnrn di< tator of G« or-dering be »n\gn sion ot Poland in I'HSJ, Hitler started World V\'ar ii \ - .dent anti-^emitr, idittersei the highe-t priori t> on the "final sohinoi. "the Sin.ah iHoknaastp When he faced total defeat. Hitler coMC'-died sutctde. Author oi M;ir. Kampf i t/i Stiuauic, 2001 [IP25 2f>Ji Albert Speer (1905—81): Hitler's aichitect and later dmrnt. - bf war indactnes during the 'sM-'.k. For the Nazi Nnrembt eg Ra-.. of i93t->, Speer tk-sBgneti a "cathedral of iight'day aiming twltt nes • ■{ mti-anirait seatthlights tinectli up t onvicted ol v\ai trim. s. ei • r senrd 1*0 vt'ars anil «as rek-aSt'.i m l^bds. Anthoi oiltv.iJethe Tf ihi Nazis nntiihe nm "dismissetr in i 'Pib because ol his "dt i a.lenr eaa,i-e,.iai 3phi ?16 Ch Ileum Da\ill Yhoreau (IS17—62): Ameiie.m marer \Um ehaniprnm d peaceh.r A red ihs.ike'heir k ,e a uj\ t> p'nuM i.ppi r-m c o:- dkpit ut-m lli.' ammirimot Hi eho i hm m,,- S da Aainnk !iK " ,1-, leiaiJ.di.iKisl.i--l bi'ni.ois, ilkhi01 • i a ~4; a e- si-n r... ieiire attention- Sh< add ,■,- . is Henri D.iviii I bureau ad\ m d, hsti n m , mr mi n r it d. amni. a', '»" mi J t oc rime om-t h e-m thi di namd- m sm i-.1 im 'Ik » i- im . .,!-■■«'■ i aiis-a -: Idr m art onk. i << a eo'i ' -re-;-). «ist , ; fm.m \ oih m idee.! \ - . m iri| d. - .-e ; i l>i k- e* the ee-e, mrtipi m iman mart' rs u h<, .I:ed 1-a fhmi In Ir Is i > nmmn i h- "\ Im adapt- d ei .•, P'i-e'1 1 el'.a'' i as sat i.f the i". >kinomri .le• hipramol nl the human spei ie- i thoh-ma ->i. iohmhmt an km. ati lust d op die .i-suru(>1 ion d-at htm-etor hi- molst-A in a m.i,- analo-ma- 1e th , adene.r ss .in itunplex, r.ii.jia. ii"in It m<>t a Ktoit. - like epa-pnm nun i-i^,-aid tin iipine e i iht isjtre-o. iimeim tmus and mtt ntmn-h\ means',! hmiat sli-t.ia\-., i -. <■ i> vt stares tune ed am, m and-u iin.d In teim'boih hm-ma-ee 'mm m tK e.\]ti.. ssion.- Paul I kman ,,roix,si s that Air m en dmnhn-til si\ "l,ii-iit i imiti'ais" (' -idns--., .mmm h ar, rii.suust, md se.rp.i :-e ) ,ae tvi o.ii i\ ill, a. t< a -knew that eiimuenr I -shin emtid he m'diti'(1. As nolmi , jrJier in tie,. , haa-.i r, 1m<> mdlenma arm Bha; ant s, t domn in (in- \mnm m/a the detail- enevikVA S 16 b b "l H S .ressinrm romm:', mmilir ; da eodihed p to Ekman's (see figure 6.29;. In tim i\i *t .n I Mi'-1, Franyoia DeJsarte h, earn hi- mm" iVr/i"!mm eprkpc o.oume m applied ie -thi-tie-1. a -\ -teen i • >, .ruinatine, m .-tare.-. \ ok , ,111 1 emotion n expics-non (.see Stebbins box o What i-. the rmtt miiship lute, eel: the "natiira!" disple. -studied he hhumin and Ekrnan and tin . >>dii;rA jmsthetm Paul Ik man (I •>>•)-- ):, psmhmnrast i radius; authnrit\ on the exnressior.ol em. ttom le I'm hiinian iai 1 Ekraan has tried e • pnoe that these mimtiona! avprts-iiine an uniaer.sah .Villoma hi", manv hooks; Urn:, o-ku'i; i/it fare t i">75, v, ith Wat!* e. k . !sk-t r.l, Bmvticn in th. Hnnum fair • 14*2), Teillnq He (1'JXSi, The Xjtutc a/" Tmotum i) 994, with Rn hard J. t).m iil-'.ni, hrmmcn Sovm'ed 1 .'m) J), and h I, n n'e t -lOska :h, .hi 'I t cr -ere'": or tends ha em t- aet testooe' leoa ■ jif jet'0 -1 -1 "A ta noaerate 'mettire Thm pa. o ti he i-m 'a e Ar-a ,e mpamocn )f the 1 aiscr-- A oneh; eea-1- • exo'i-tae etm*a'aeta» ate in n.hes, a it>" A. cm team i 1, I ipei, ineamm ef acta fv at A , mnsi les k . 1977 ei *,7ik h>h'a/''e .syaAm at kxno 5.,/em, 1 -I J 21 /—15. a56-bv- Ir.incois Delsorte flsti—71); 'hiuin'i tei.hi-i n< ,)e,i,,e mA 'ingaia. i hi.^amt'n o. a efimpk a-'. stt m m/oi.hintine him >A, pla).s, tiaia.1 ge-lnit s, 11 ,v< ment-, and \oi.o to esprt ss -pee't'u • Tt* 110ns. til- ire smimiai (feit in Uemiio' Vchhin-' flakaru V 'en' of Em„- „m 1 to" ftODij; e.-mm- propns, d hi F'haiata an,I 1 lis „n"ii" Jd) a\t . .r. '-e '.' i, dial hah oitfnnm, hehminr .itm amth ■ rmi.omi are codiln d t it .hum v h -harnot do'sm.tapp .a' to 'm- 1 o.atmd bemtnse pt opk' peimrm onlmam he'hak r do 10, ela>. mat a - ... "" m tin m "is- -peaking ilsem m 4:h 1 0 .lmue. Are nnknai \ h .ha\ :■ n'- i- , uitaredk dism . a, -j.olj n L:)ena<;i sidlie .110 mr m fmlh \as and m- Warn e -mti -ef m stnres-. signs inh. itt-ais, nnlemr>hasi s are 1 n haa • --pei dm. At f'.m,- tim, , m ell -o Itm pi rsons tan t ei'. m a -poken Jjiigtji'm, g. sttii Imy e" is ou ininy;- .n 1 os- A n-. expt'e-Moa- md ge-.tur. - - th, h.ipp' sunk . litimg thi n< • in di-L'C-t,\vi(!f 1 es.'i-rmiM . hrtngine ihi-Iiattil- To -h. •month, hyii.'kn^ the k'sn i hirU.inl ni'i ur m mam ii m 1 all to i insert -. I erhap.- the ph\ sieal A;-pi ,\ - .11 ■ " „.'. 10,1'" no ..rtmj- '.am Imitt eahnre tc tultua- and m.-i 218 , a.n-.ijíl i r- > cmamrnuam i- oomili happi -mdm- :itv Imp-em-m A*- íjoíbnun \ as -.jUick ťi pr,;r.< ouP-ocmph aru iKv.n - pottbia ormhea,-\, imbm: Í-.idmj>, b" v mhiim; lil .ti" oam i.--1 r, .'t ili,i't, utlirmi- o nhii. »1 Kmlhtt-a.rmsa uppt ji>. o.P oral bt. aum ,11- n.m i! i.ii bon.e> mr> n, opia L.u n li un ii.tan.-Y. Ki ih.!m x iin; niv. m>t i >ob i-. ,Vt-o. íu jntrMii, to au anoího." eub tito Japan.m ivdhlti n tinimo.u ipp.a.r tiudti -á ir, .1 aia.l . .ilihod In in ít.Vosu ^ blit balím rrdi.ln aminp mmht ippt-ar bombau-lia and (o.bíiod to a japaotm , Uvt a! .mi! íh. . odiťmd attiop ■> kibokt i.r r'"birtt V o\t rcm ••? H:o . »hi.s bt Ion, iot o ''a inaad' m m ■ oi o oh<.i .m -a o--H wni rt t .nni/t it urodili, b lim a p.oa-,on wbo kn.mi. k ďuM oi am, ntOm touhud punro vidi "a i!l ťolhm. tho ii^on emdu an.1. naa rmerd it a- oro.p- o, "dortu grid TŘLH ŘBOUT i. V', ba* b nnoua in m- a a i tu- ,r . , . a^aj.n 14" o Us . OUiPfd "-. 0 ]a. i * !a'H ll i ttoáijb' 1 'ta • ň hf!p la 1 'J'.S-p mol, c i'li :0n t, [ pnin-r .m in ",vV lna"' h..o btdolt I in o , _ 1 s .. othtpt 4' ''ta Oniaanit i í ht-h.o, i.a ': 1. "tVhat art th> nto-U mi t.m Jaíotaatac-i ba*. - _t-n o "b irnun.7 oí a sb anan in tr nu a. tía a i f in u!,.;- s.,.;'1, a-. V. ml >,t!oop, and -. • .t tb . na bt t Jatiplťa r bivtiv.lh bati bobavioi ? PERřORM Conclusions dn aotor < a; líio Mama a -,r >nm, ,ne in irju t o,aids h>r or i- iilmn "v.r la. nimeaDC . m-m -om. thinp . í-t Tbí-, "s tm" 'ini Iv a ahata. tm in a >b mu, a ,'ai . ■. a tm.!, o, a pot r>n tho o,s;u t hin.l, a Otutorm-tn ir. toanuoaa lib o not neummrih phmnn jru ona bot biT-adl tdimdtiai. .db. tho mil elit !>> bmmai ono' ao it i1. ! h. .nomst,,pť rolo- oí "•■din trv iit> use mim rannina lioni tlu h pho bamiahzttl periormam i - oí f. .> ivniiiaiir ..mi itb.pon- kud.m ť> pu •.i.tiii ):xoil r.ďm t i tht oroi<-t\io.,,. m-lin mor- o,i-\ pomp impno i" itiona a i.ťormal ir.t.oaat itou-. 1 ha tmi bmď oí p.o i. .i-miop ••!!( oimPa oaeh u.H> a v ifii uimjmnr studio' a pt ro -n in oi iliti m lib "ni oi-.1. r t > p a j ua a roh- ba- tho dup. Bir ihi- imjnmb i, at ni.i1i\ um ot "o a! lito" hi.t oí ,• piorlormam. . Yhi ra is ti" -noh Piinp .o. tiupti lornicd a ualmedh amailnj ra il lit. , Tli ■ obittt oř th. ,u tom "rt ,i! hťo sni'b. "N jha perlo? nuian tht-aul: dv rmr> n. :t bt luíb aoaia- that hor ot'!o;\it;r r, oot-iited -\b !'t-h.ui,a- u "tuica bfh.iM tldniadto i.p-oi nov tombinationo oí prm iou^it tUaítttl 'lotm.p. A vb->lb oiii-oniis paiďroit p .1 -uth a jita o ai fad-m, o ono v,!m 'v iot -pm-J rum tni. , -bt batari bohaviors. i. St.pu ,. u nit li om a ni-.ti. jim-, bv i l.anah i - ' >r i 1 Miii-a-l, oi Ardmr íXtill'; in , op.dn n . . a.p, immuai, b, tom .vma. -moctsshd; ít '-o, i. t. ť m-.p w! i iitit: D.sou • ho-a th,.' t.-.M'ra > . >i ."tors not dt tt rinint tlio P .t "i aotinp. d Mata a Hapoiminc 5, aupíitair td tna ni : r.>-t, -tajn O i. '':i. iom.nri\t ti" Ž20 PERFORMANCE PROCESSES tie earliest performances? e"ts thu mra he dmiynco i "perkot m emm danac, ..ľ , aiid/i.rthi. Krt m i i,r anióny ah di< h ..rdlA pi oplo., , 1 iíatv. ' >at k a.-- ou t- am hu idopists, a a hr- ,p, dopmts, aitc " -i.iľi lalt pi, lu C hiptm , I ,!l"a,-,a,! " a, ,n i" ael ( rraani i ui i -kíl im. t < rui i! Let i,ie ointiiiii. ntm nith ■ t dm a" u ii , ona ota a tu.a i n v. hai klial oťp. i í ,oaii,o •-uk jn,u o ,;i ij'os. ar.oiľiit -ľes, Ht'ik nti indmatc- liiat • ■pí> ■,voro periomnim n, cii i' u- -)<) iMcS \on - apo •íJt kino-, i >,i m rii ■rnamee-. lli<- nm,A Ahun t , 'hhaatt,,' i ľ'oiaoi. ,"oi dmor h'-apiisf n cqi.,i> alenm, in no- uin- u'a-1, ' 'íľ1 ímhavors ,in . 1 i1 . atľ'm , -u, li Ľi_h.ľ. mís \.ir\ ď.m ,v t to phicc, , tiítorr i.i mikiirc, im* t pooh lo potil, b'.l mhinp , ,r. o ,ii t „r,d pi t h i-,ti n'!', ditiía.ť indi.ais rh ;t '.titľiia mn-.o' , i,t i '.nmrpp kraii-ip t.i h ,;u p.-non, n! .> aal thm !nn.n,..í. eiantie muksp ,.iP ,n '■iiiniľ. vlnia .1.1. o''s, inataip . i i, .ttirah itht u,-i ,. aeie ;nítip on (<>ee Wiiibrd bo\ > 1 ,ľv Lime, > i t h' so pík ■ i'.ilhL pi rio> inom \-> ro ie; nm • ait i n-s, o-| a osi i-l Mip pist m '. ots, oap' i ten... t in, r a n ••, ■h''.tiii- o- kirí.-n,.-. 1 mánii Id i to thai, th. ■. v , :a : 'kat m ikinp mo '',,a!'.I .ah tím,,hm -en • , nnisa m , > t ..isp ,n • ith ih' i.ijinaii uotľiiii. "i í hui dih. hand of- ai ti.-jti is ,a i.iip. a í.iii! itiari-tci ••! « it m an- to l.o human. Mipp oi a p dia< -ml pi n' . ' na- i.j.pper inrp im aa ..íii.'itnM i die i íii'-! i a ,;r t pp .pu-Um., "Vdhu h . arn. nm;, ,-,í tia! < i tíitorpikniii ni •" An ait i iop t.i.v, iRiction ď, p,_aii!> ,is ,iii, on di-liniti",) a, o" ,m h.u oh mjea! o,«;t'iľ o \\ lut tsaitla i- "i >l ,1." ahit "'. ntor,annii"iiť' ha i-arlin . hapo i s S lit", i if At r, •] ..(..n,,- ot riniv 'im, n nik insi-ttnp. that all n 'it'll matu i s .na tri sume hopi, o k,ah i io.tai and t ntor-hiiiiin.-nt h'po línii a a nnios. nnmi pri ib.ibb, tai n onao than ti kkn, ,it i liji-iiava o v.tia b->íi i i'ual and on'm-r.ii. iiih nt, pm,i,o ,; i, „J run. s. n-s noiti-' 11 nt una -. a> ni.ino, ......Ho.-. i ita.ils iial si,ito nioioiio hav. , i-,ľ"'í.v,ii> .1 mot tmiencm i ,* pmtm t , oin In h tooiotalsois t i a.-, sa s.-h. ni od.n s world. r.K'it- than a km .m-tlntk portormati' ,'s, s ,A t tanínu ihs, nu! -ports mm iia>.' been ritiwhzed. John Mobie Wilford Prehistoric dancing . ?!■- ona vo'l evei I nrem.vhen semm ,? h'-st ana arn - in'., thr an p, vo'ed a ii toe" a fa 'mfep: t m v,..-" tid-hat -and d viced L . .. artht'oi'-r, st; am at a losst-. fnoar.he o p, kttk dk aoi "btAimp oo'nia.-j fomaararAa ip the vt o' Aka.r la m i_-_t-' aio , . p Ai> ia-aeh ai c'ealemcb ee «„ t'-'inks ne oao plemh •ftf'.tt"' = si ;mheaot i id'. of f s,tic-nee i.j.-101-1-19 not at as hegia fma, at Im-nr a l-cni :>•, s.-en.-ml°im t t.t-a,-.'e ma hne j i o' idmriy A .Imp a-, a us-rnmd ,esm t'-e.c hand: hnhea T'le e A same -orird'tr ''?i-a _c c la1' cat,can or 221 H- \\ t. m vo nmia- m nr. le ... mam .ein t i m lia* tooV |Jľť -O i'f'ť ' e.e - age--\e ('(■ nei ix n know ii flu lo-rl -pi i ľni J í.t tíi, . u.; - i ! m >;,,},>• t -t Fi iľii ( andiionh 'ľ vp .t. a, t Minli! il k --. -ephe.ii. at. J, jm. hnfi,. « ".■i ť' h,- 'i*, n toaud i! -Vim a, Vi;, tin m-iei é, nm hu-ti .Hi... I>i i -ai ..• riii-. irt i- hiboee. in mu s di'íu u.t ť .,i..i • 111 iť .1; -i i \ ■ k * ň - í i.i >ju aut m m m J-. e, a- .o i ,e.. r.t ' > I'"-.!' d í.'' -,iviiit s.ij..,;., . ,, ,h| -Hr,.ill i.---,t. c-n-i i !. d tin. u "ľľ, . >ut.í"i., uiptme. - nit! 1 nemar, j, k rp iji'sli. >. i i m m. ' IV. t mu,mg !■> mm u limn . ph, tni. ,.i iba" f.n rtuir, -(..Ii m.;, potti r v m.1 ,r <. ii'l i • 'u> ť. í'. -í, mmim iťď i -, m i eh i. i ' ai t - 'Du- Irl'!»'.1 jiar11 li. j-., h jtwii.j.. ilm-e],,t.\: p<'l>m',, -,nd k,hu , tiki' m*.--!" i\a-1 iin n tote- ti. 'ľ.ik'J ľ'lli], J -l lil 11 í ) ' h li i '."I !l ľ ťTli j'rtti'l'Ull, , tľ'tl!' - ŕsee Bra.'i] bo\ .. iď -ophimn. ation of tk .fiuurj .irtni.. i, í.i iki - ,■ I.i.m. ai t.. <.'.'iiii.- tliai i 'om.o'h I ľ'toi'.iiii..,'- van a il -poiPme on- i'j; .„.fľ\ i .i! ti.i'hiľ'nai tm-mt. ., utt. i ,en"-. -n] rm-i, that '.iin ťi, i •■-■tit ' í 'i .r. tk amh) aiid j i ''in' e mu u' rab. ma t min um re'v . t-:tig Ľ- mk ■'. kit ' >..■ tu 'it ti nimm mid t > k. ami,m i- im, -,, the -i.hii m ., í --híí . i' ij.ti \- ku j h í m n >. k i* a a- c v ' 'J u í! a "-i- -i. m , ■<,. km i . ju ,c ■•/ iľit'i ľ ' Vuiltti'. are s i . \ r ďjív .ľ HT .ľ. o vV'ti'lIi t r- *ln i -i 'iiaiľ, tbt 'i m.- .n "m paii «: ' i ur. >pe, íi-íare i ki u nmi-iiira ,i« ma Pi-n , tri • - i )*'"mu'matmnd" a" ha. k . am r > i.í'OO t< í-',, u it- .fa í i it- eigne ni tki iír. n a ba m I lai.m.mi d a. ii t<- räumt i i.'t»'\i ai - ..';•■». m (Jr i t. , ť-about .', t 'f. . mi ! hat tik ai iplr , at Am. , Nat '. t \ľim n i, . l.-a.hmi .■.tra p. i! irnir.; i eon-mt hu' <-v»i th, i, tin -'- '-i rť a m m. a- n i m i I'm-, a <■• an not uk. - i\ .ui tu lit i with anv tmaiifv. .W'irl'iiks-, ŕ -a :n- .'eat u. it ta._ pr.k'iiiithii u • r a! ,ual Mj-iii i ľ it- nu mt In In' '. a'.'a'i' a- i. miu-iiaa. i m. tu -minimal a In- part o! '-edonu rg me tlgurí- ~.l i t'-ri.ap the in. ao >>tr. a km.' of a, n p nul iria -mnpilng' m -n I 'a jihi'i i ni omega-- n.mfmmioľ erfülle Tin ii.t-o'tiiahtrrdii-iiaui'i'ig-anil''ipl'ng- i >.-hi - .ľ 'ľ no . a-i . roetp'oin- ,,, a , n , ugii p mi ro inrji. ate ' i ' hurn !,a- ii -es .iiid dam ii. j. I' i- uniikm > that die pi onh tian • m ilea, - me "le'b g an : othei k-nd- o! are inh i m Ike-. a-'-i oi ibi - are iľ'kti o P. eimn tin .,amb M ■i 'he -mdie-m--" a.e lii.'ti. n't ea . ei >.. Joda-,. ikishmj mb m mi m,-mr • iti ihim,ina'o rim i i\, a, alt- But m i .!i . . 'i I! 1 III rii,_i ,- >l », ,,' - ,, ,,i \, ni,!11 ! *h k'.."L Ii ,1,'ľr .i .ri'.-i,t. < i t!, K" Ľmi i n r (, r< i-5 b • irl -ho c.:,F • ii'iid»;! m rem mm.itms i i:Vit-t rliii' m «'..', .nl'itt- Im-. .-i"in t..nopri m.l to a en'. p..m mp ami -'nili'iin-' !••][ ,dm nh.t ■ •! the 'empoab -tro- .nn o| a p, vh'riv\'.v , and as i ;< "its -■'! i. >ui:i iiliLf ■ tu! --ta .p,hap rit pa,-! .r: mm a, Imth m- rar •• i m. oe . in-jpt it a ir.-. »: mi anil t !,i 1-.. all,' l.-u i mb a!h.a1m" J tit v vr.-re Im in.ail- -a ir. mmpima ■')],.= n-ik aap1 tak- a t- a o f, !. , blestim knovmie, . tM). Tin.-. p"onp, at crmo'impi :.m tern that lb.- pi a. .vrt. i rale, ihr -irr s nies op-,; amt .en - sitm..,'!, aorim m , -i 1- a k 'la.. --,• im,',-rail ti 1 b mi t !''.>•!- fin a p> tht-Uau pt . to ram • •, lu-.'i' p mi i a a la "pi i. achm ,i pruvi - th it im lam it , a,imp. pi i lormkepp r. u einberiny .n.l tramimí tile.; th,- 'n'h ■•'.'sli'iii iruiT" pelu raeaait ■-. i 'TV'nii Periormance proiesses can also he studied as mteractions antonp- four tvpes oi players: 1 soureers (authors, choreographers, composers, rlraniatttims, etePi 2 producers (directors, designers, technicians, business staff, etc.) 3 performers 4 aariai-er-. ,-p, , ; ilmm i>. )-,, , 'nprea itiutis,'s. she ptihlm, etc. i. Performance process as a t*me-space sequence Wl"1^ "'"L ^i***. i,"'iv" "r lht *,i'n,s 1,1 p.. pi-i Sirnu ■} F'i • i-ie-i ; , s i\orh oitn dm pi noi'inem and i.-" pi-rioi nianpr pr, ioc-ss . a rim. spa ,-s quart, t > i.ropi ■> ia! so.iri ei -. to uamk Tin ihi- an t . - mti. pable 1, pt rfoi i.h d events'. Performers play the actions, partakers receive the actions and sometimes participate in thetn.'llie first three types ol players — soureers, producers, and performers - otten work together. Producers and performers almost always work together. Partakers usually take part in the process after much ol the prepatory work has already been done,These categories are not naatttallv exclusive. Overtime, many individuals perform in all the categories. In any given instance, an individual mav perform in more than one, and men all. of the categories, A group may collectively devise or enact all of these processes. Let me now discuss this system in more detail. ij pi rk .tmirne, pi rtoPimime, and attm math. Tin' sedili eCt iter, bp dirthm de ideu irdi ien part-. ; .- .pi p. j tormansi 1 irarmn-a m',-ksl„,p 5 rehearsal imrbamaance 4 warm-up i public performance en ilis . .im sas post,m.nip the ptibli. p.vh a mail.' cooidow 11 atermath 5 critical responses y arctiivcs U memories. b'- pr-ie^ lp-plie- to j] kinds- ol pc i ie-rm.att ,s the . lioriiiine arts, ,p. rt. aim other poj ukn ottis-'eiiiiiots ;iiab pi e,, ,ai'i ths p-i *ormanoes • ,j 1.1, r\d - 1 < i . Ui.ih.-,'iomp i.i-|,s t.pip si.iuenit me m praspmp htm to ii m uit'i s an eentaamu bam. tfm av stapod in. i h .0001! Proto-performance t la prolo-pertormance iom'ptofo 1- what premde ami. ui pam-s »im.- a., a peri rnvrn e A picdo-p is 3 starfirtr; rmmt or, moro • omima.h. a bmmh nf smir'arm points.x't m !. e peibirm na es s-rar' Irom u sjpirk -imn.<" m' iinpuKm A prop -p uns iir 1 lta.11 . atlt , lit um«. set mirm\ sprip:. dm ilia, dome la.tati'ie hiimi' mom, mal adifi'in, an I -a -'ii. tr itui 1 it it la ,n ft tan 11 1. lhal a perk amic 1 amk-s no: both :11ti .'inr tfii!^ ''not ordinal«.,' si mu thijij si 1 v uil for mei. how rhev are ,ie s1t ti v, nine iarpo m o nt . and \>, bat pt 1 I'm -11 "'p - a.hal } omne ■ hu k.i eal's 'h- "re e-expressive " e loiipf tti'-n cífts.ts ar. Í In model 1,. put pat •> 11 >t'ao ,na n 1 ii in be an am 1.1 mmi r-tanPinp n.a . eooetra krt í\-rtt inio'n es nay- b.. th a sb a : -ts 1111 imp 111 and 0 h >nper 1 : • tfei. i, l'-a«. Kip, t: ae. s m rli,- b. a hi . of riv p. rioroiei's p'isipints, ,,oii spettatois m arihiM-, and in liü'ht.mis afo; in.irii e P'a a.e tses ran oe -nuda o la ma da imait ■ ir v iee •see Barba bov and figure 7.4; .Mma o-ps .coxist o-atseii tin wattma irahti altopctlo't ." ii.siPis. dra«sitips. puntiiips nianib-t a, or alt.-'. A proa-p may he a .posaip id pi "Pie who to -aa -e ... pi rtoniian v \ pi .a- -p mae bt ,'ui otii mnb'iPo >b H; st n tpine-'a p-i loroa iht t 1 hirdek-. i l-.Ti.ta' omen .. ir.iä'.'tai: nP ,1 > da of ms . nat t.-.l, o; ths-n .-; m *.« he u a 011 trr n. ar e Ldo's lot-- ilrtet 11 nroto-pss ,N .,.'.-. Pai a A proPop nee 00 m a Ž25 f»3 7 4. •" ,r , le , . ' i.e.- '_ . l ; _?D r i r, ( i ■ r ' T,'rH'.". eJo i = cp'Is -a a ;,s i mop.. 1 i i- :mg p. i]M 1.1! i (i. rI >• m n'. ■ tobmdb. |k !"i 'ii. umi[i.j.mi « 'C .v, i'a 'i .(in n' ui lit,id- .ti-i-' iK. r.v hi.....i k-- n k. rri>». .:tr!or,uan . • Up.T i.'a c's before tin-- pertoi i Mii.e i. * , ,t,. ^ 'Pj'tP. .'tl' m.i Cdi eg !!■ it i ihc mdien. I -tjn I'll ant p, a ;iuiK . •" tin. pmP.;:«v.< c pi-y a ss K nt „t-ak ami im p,e a ^ i -'lak. k •< d if ming tic iar I a :i.uit f o > J, a.i.'ll- iia is k-f v,, tin rl'h ,,ol,.i . 7 V bam- htpp m * mb, ui" h.mks' tge ii ■ iv ,tit » Pnhima. nut 'In mastst rip.' • nam i. tins jjh .ririt . it aa tiar s!'i ihg h .ki.Tkt ,._t . il^j •li'ir i' it'i't'li mil. m •: •.. i . e ^' k I ■ i"- irit i .nr .Id . { , d pt rf n iii.nit f'- Jipp n". ill-t .s a !• en- 1g ,, i. - 1 . j]>s al a.ti'Si'p'iu'*' H','park i iii a.. ■ aarak t sok . rn, at japne-e -ipk, imst-, /e.'.mi Mi'loisivo h • ■ ed, ,uh 'snip .i, ii n - to amy nU'tit at. s o)-.k .' Ipii, .1! ' -hit tl is 1. It t',!ll llja/jh • the i M I pi rt . ni ill . i -i IP . Zi'Jilli Molokiyo (13M-144JJ: hipene ,r act or and p' ought, t'aa tm fin. istngtti t in the hist at ol noli th« atrt- His o'ais .. at harms the ton of i he ntih n pt i tor'.; a.t.l his ideys on ,ia n renum e\0 i mat) Hi- trcati'sos on a. ting, tvhat hat one < wi-re -> mat, lot c mm in en published sf" Or igu '.rt •/tl c Aa i'.eq.u. J7w 17« .i ip ,t ."as ef /a naei t I C'S+1 uoenio Barba proto-}3eri* t-i t n. iy a'doi iia.- pirn.; ma.! oeci o,ecb- hni' ne lens viypfly die r, "''ii.ii.i n tm." tip batie pos.-.y i of a; i -i-p r pm tl-p !,-..,. ere or pt - i .a. ,-+'-- P' >lo-p is v oak'-d yit in tht c t ohast -. training, e. orksp. and rehearsals. These sometimes go bv other names su iiiiurs" an.I i a> t, i a,, ta .-pea a a ge; rpm' n'ply ,-,i iv to ''Can to at, a, ittaia'i plat.! •-mcl ne ■ y.iiycf p tin i,„- ^ ' -V-I" < nfi. mg," ' .r.t, i mug."' • i da p-bt,-n ..asora' b . let e.a i n: 'coy. n x' e bfl'ii p.-b en; :'■ Bai'.-a tin o.-im , h a, ning uhii M iP- m batn J; a e' -' anc dee pr m-p my f,r. i it i ,,ot|- j"j pr u 7» in,; tin lea s,ipt-i . isr am-^oiis P > « ba .g'es • , ■ami tli,-. a cc l " ttU'i a. lie mi ' ".' f > o a-ci b iii tin pi-i h e"a mag am-. ' )i iuoie.1- nmiilart. "i'lial-. - pom t ;' Ot.'- at"eiV 'aid -ui' a a 'a:!y tc aJia"l- or 'iadc- .aid piob -m no , i,p. hasmt ail tlue-i • i lbs prot-m iiefenP itselo Idciaff-ii g a bat i cmoti..../ d m .t f.i.i,t:.,.i * -•ml the so,yd » orki * hie it .o .ta-n- am' i- ibo -iiapad ■s.ii t>. nlai imih • la.n,. s ^ note on "text" . -«k.-h ap. -mem. a ,.u. ,r !ii.."j'ľ ..n ■ it, . h-ipt .tť ť . m>l :i\> ■!, aa ,m ť ••■ nisi U .s'r.e pel f' '! iľ U'-' a [H"i m • ■' - !■■ i-.!'-" ľ ..CÍJil . í ~ \i, t ,u, t. im-, '01"'.! "O Cínu, 'tj.ii] , a , - i il, .1,: tu -.r -'iľi d ,>..; .dmul the o, 1 mn .' ľ;,'t- ;iino.d .... ntp.p |.>k •]•.-''' iiimm kemanuu, U, .(h t; ľ I ■' -i] ;,i tu! Í!lť. prm" .- .1 it m . .;; 'U m--P 1 ,|.' — a^( ,t , ,-- i , ho ' , -h t .. I i blp. hml- . ep..-Mtta i-t„ir.'i,.it.i.ti itť tľ, ir- .S.i mm.mhal e.a! - ■ m ni ....ti . nn -nu „ .'cria dmn mi mo:-t ,1 . .!• r.,|.| Tli'.s .mpr<>tt b n o in I! n m utubeml -'- hm -...mi'pi.i -.11 t>'Ti ■ ťn J • ] m ,„iil i.!.-.,n eth'-ľ teihíutn,m i'.i! p. rt.'Vin iii. i e.iitm-. Sus.vii f ostium mi m mi, i b-u/, • n-nu ml.erm -.k-mihm.-. .-, ,-.»•-.... t hm, bmiatmp, ,r h.i i.initiitií'i vim. pes .»' tím li.ii i i i i um t ■ rti i: m.m. . - i. (,■ ■ ma." ■ m Ja s • • a.-, n m. ". i" ' ,e. : • dier a- -i t, m. . i ,rr< a,. i, i-.niiiin.i- .m,v.. mt m- m 1, ... "J amaa ,j , ,, mmaim at;- \ in-. -,i,i.,l, r uiwi.ť i.i.r. Im f n a.' ami "Jierfoj uiruat t- í v V. aa , mm-maic. -t,- -i Ti, .. . a\ m ma-1-.-a .<-. --o- • d mu t>* ■• ť a- , ,, -ti. t.. ut n \t. :h-'i 1 aás'. m-- dtttrim-.. í . im.- m am m V i upi, i, m v t i r- • -. i t !i Im í ion a taví i see -o hmn hm, e h. t am-c ,-rh ,uph ' m\t \ .,-mm ma i-r-1 o, id I>ť ,\í ,1 ľiliis box L,iní, mr:m- ib ma luh'-.-, ntnrs the . i lamu. a'b, 's m m t imp :1i-i n t iirt oni os- nabi Í-, íi .k> d to ... .n< • i >t i -í t m ■ o i- b- ■ i. -o .atb , \o, nboii 'uľintit mr.i alt , i nam "a -th m . -pet ľ.a ku t 3i" smi v. amm., n , o\i m i.-ii '. aaím *< tľ b n , a On . .- 'i -,t m. -mm . -i tbc o. .-iti. : mrrtcíean motrniio -warco De Marin is S t-j- -i i. nv, vi ď: \tifitm n!" 'i-u./i ,- '>,em ilsp-Oi, tô.n './mp'./i . Hli o i 1 ij i i i ,a 1L)C> / ," u i i Ta r í h r i , ' i nu ľ", ...'i'it-l lii-i! im i i'm'.p Br,, tt, a"" K1'-, .líni í'-..t , - 7/jr iV tm. '/t/iidl ,'S 'Vr f í'"' ľ í -,., moot), pi armanco text: mti-.tb'im tbn uä...- pi., t ..r. mm, ri.jt stamm.m ,"-mtm a, a. t '.ma's -veryurt -p , nu rt^oioito o .m, i!„ > f ti >t 'de ■! J-iíaiae ahethei -e ha aum- r, - m -eh, that .i- "-. aiul.'iii .ttmrs*ht nm. o 1 o.' -ii|.n .i'm i! m - s -a" ! aa- im:,-,., -n- -"a m-;,r. e! e m. Je. t au í other im.' a-.t J m ctil 11-. ', ht- pcríodje!!' t- h— .n, iíľtina'auhí d hum rl-t- ímtais oau - . . .-o m--,, s 'h,- conP,; ita-e pre- jdi m,cast ľho dl an ata ti-M s tbt-pia- -ar.p., oio. da ... n-.t tímu tit a t visí- nrnír tn h. ap-' taped. At tbt tmi,, i in .pum ď.-, o.-xt -a- innbip.ii a ,ľi:r •• m t-mt \ ba-. U- 'pu . p. opi. -iiiod m a '--\i i . a , u i k- '1 o pntiP-il on o pt i ii-;ii\otih-!i,-t iiupa.ť r-t,, . o i.aapas i ji , -iilrj a t,- "i. h m, pm ah n a 'lticiCa' .-.issú le st ea.ľioe .p scti r -:"- .p. samibate tf >ts a,sc, m i api, -at ■ --a- na- ied as t.iead.' ■ä ^ • r f c i ľ e en ;!-.-'a" ts 1 cm-o a-aa h-snare- re ,n,,at,n-l,1il!n,c-d]t.n-atis,vl,;Y".tn.b-n.xrure:' Sam p.-maas t--b, a.-a "cti h • o" mím ate aKect of ■■ep'-'Ta-t, tb- ,n tu-i, cd -t.atinp, tin tc.l m rami, -t,d 'dier na j tel n- Test on ť r- bo. hsh -,n: brtiitr, ír-ae ihi *s - m a1"- - i . . joo.s Ppa še-caopcs ra- ooriboaiitaoe, 47 . in r.u.-u, vítr.,, n mean tntnii. t.ií... ,mp. ..e. : ne í it n v utoii -o ílu t,..,-t-k n. d. ,. no an,on .'K)p m'. ,i.-puhi. -;,.'-tln pumpo1 o,-,ds -.titiu í.ii's 'ť.- hnioii-'" and "t.i p -asi i. a id n ti.ľi, .-it m. r < ■) buď!.-t [im linimt-impt-.m .bad ■ sto-'.i otri .im,t"oh. t, \:> „,\ i .-„m-bn mabk aii.l u i-, :rl P • p.'.t; .-tvbi.l, i .v t n im t-, u i u ni "o aa iba-. i-l.abi, - -.p- and <■ -s ntOt-' a-.r'--u . E . ere tma imams lit inn i it- ciirlics*- ind ins! u a-,t nm viiiios a, t^ií :s pht plodu, t i -and inli i tn-tt mm, "í :«t pi, >\(.. u . h. íhi ta-e mpr-oialh a sbiikd h niiii'4 m -titieicoi m„i. lial- ti- maka s-.-ah , v, nb ,a -at t! o > p \t.;;.t im r pt -f-a manccs !.,.- example, pptr. eehoi' . mi stri a-; m pi, iď., m ubi i m nm t; x' - a; e Mv.lis -m ti t-'-, .'f.a.-u - h,.. P, ,-> t b..- pi-, - v; n .r am numbi r ot m'ímtrtist- ami t-taii ptr r- ŕi „uh ,11 t.di n-j-.-i i!n a m h p,,m , ]Ku ,mm -j - lo Pereme P .m o:1' r,,, " sne ec;', pioloflii) 'Pe oto t oo+ op '0mc ..y r, „ i,1f>,,.(. -1P , p,. p,.: p„|-)H'tio ; o.mi CU ti'O p'OO-.O ,; pioebtJ. Tie . Oiiii'iq oem or iieti the ^umorn1'1' Po ' o oto o deep h arm1 fi n i to,' n! eei am uaoae ta . ht o 1 oo U ff P " o-'di m.i y tlm. ahho ioh 'ne hip|= jirh oo,e nevei-. eeo'i.1 íi mhi. "-'y iei_0iis, oooe at a ť ono., ihm =a'e a|- e t e aa o m m ón-m-yk ill o" a tliAi oii.h i'e P'h e ■'kaa a aoeoe,", ■ • . tis oou mai; ot'o1 1 isa ta Aai r, B it hle Po, i;,e-e ."k, í'O.'y 't rOľ'J be eh -i eme Stan e the oo kle-aemop,. .Jai i e a, to U.« --etik; m.t et. .'s la;.mje37^ :^Ui,iu et i? v\ '.k- jfe h í. a io b iramiiit, ľ- ď emeb su< e--tui t h. n tin it irt i .em.', ti, j,t ittie. ut im nur Fmmai t1 .mi: ta 'htm ■ oneluď-s o, itb aii mutet; j. at tin — puaďiatioe . ereniotui -". t.e.e b !.. , n t ut k. i - r h''- tf i'u.nn ,\!tlľ )uph a- i im; i - tn a „. pbt nealb ť-i.i aniiiip as nm. tnp "i spm t-., imtu. sjoi.s-hb muiish-el tne fitred in íake elasses. ,: i'Mt 'ÍO" i . P'.rt at it. -hl}, .raimm. n tnii.hiae.i n Ufi ma"-tť. m ti ir.ia á, k' -s ukn- ih k ...upanu.,: .m a; in ;,a i. .a'bi-n m ii -Miiu I- ■', - i t pto t; aiuín^ .n ť;k. ■ľ'ľM,1 in k-ftni m - t hi i m nl ! -ľ ľ- i.vtpn ť. k in Induiii mil that ijt N.'Oit .und! b u s mam-- a -• aďautma i "t*. 1 kmm ,0 ni- . a-o n,e t t hm. pmt r h:,s mm, '!p"nt tk, till' '-e-u i ti epn t seer- "í eitihli« ...i -toiiriip thai tie in Ii in- und: ruik: }Tmt: m - rise b. p no- siav. u h'.i .up "ha , mu -ta-t.i <>• p_h 1 o.ili.r tm. t. ml.I ímlti- .1 'utiiist p'\,".,plosi d 'minim, m.bmitleií m a t j bnua me thlt i'- i m.ludis • ;,,,{ i- at,-' P-s-ais in Indlail pii b, t-ph', v. d, laik d]',"; ní :hn n.nk, ... t s. k t. i.oii mi-o is a i dom pimu on i.ťnir -•- íl ta uj-i ,m'c figuru 7,6) The llemnilp • aii.l tn m et netď ti In p: iPai m b.athak dl is na 'Iď d 'lit i tb> \i 'iiir. k aíit t i -í th, 'nim - l>\ nit tn- ■ íl nnssap. idmnthii ,1 i ■ ,.bk:st dn 'u i ťitľ mitier-, ti '.lea nt ; h ■*. ntaiii , .l.-s..-, th Oainee- j,rii Hot p- stí 11 - ai ul i"- iieni.....• ak m p ,j t i ," ' M- '1 .in, e, bit t! u t .' id a, tuiib t s s - htm; a P i- ptihh.h -> i 'uaij tathaisah In then aiaditm . I is-cs,'at- k arn, th'-last, a , ni kalhakali md 'be pm,nemam ' t.i.i,,-. a.ak r;, um U- ptat an Tin pi n ta ,.1 iaarnaim is b>. mum t -n n „ml noh ha m htm i-nt. miprt i-', i-at.ťn m u hi', m th, ktuo nmjhi h. alle I "Ire. . ,teai|ie ' ak '" t mu- nm,, , rhe .i -atunp ;_t,. -na ť en budits tht stiľ'ent- ar, ti ua-h i: a u kníh nb-.,-ľ ip> anfí mentalis tn.lti katha', di jitihum rs P. <íi. ni km s, am pt rinrmmi -r., i > ,ai/tb, than fuel . nt(| | , t-( au mn-, or- ut k ithak i h is 'lrr.Pi"' mplne.i .t,-. n-f ■ ,. he n -ak Imt m pabh,-pml"i imiiľ es ii.baru biím Oiuk. si nia-tlie-, k arned a.-sr;i kín s i r utt r "Mi.-t ob iii^ e-, ,t enm'O' i.ite'í t>\ ktion mp -pm tah r- ,iľi da.-e f hin \ „ ntb.vtfsf \ intrn i- i jon. ih adiltt rent t um-í net' figure 7.7) Alk-i a lonp ptuto'l •'tra nn p that nn ■ ií nľlrltiii.ii.^ uitMi". • nm . mrarnin, aiiilm .letu t, íl i Vreub ai p" r!, a im. r - tt*-ret 1 u njiproa i-t din sním patrn r .....u- i-l . a |, ;t m\\.,-t Abtti tst'ť tíoure 7.S ..Ti nu n-; nu Ind.. i , nk ai-t is íion In boo to portorn, u, p>:k', , i ,in j -n Au , - na in/m^ and interpretuil> , i - ,,),-r) 1,1,0 n ' ',- She-i ť m- ait Ita.rn "I lani a rituál -p. tiili-- t i hum Ja nt,,pk,m ■- appri nt u i h. spetm.t tv. Illjl.pte . .r. n, -.'tttbmn l-ii t'hi V, m uham lv ho.t thatiln 329 230 í £31 ah it, [ ri". >>k i,;i,-t!i\:'.ji, , i • (...> ttt,- ■'ii.,i.t, i'rli.s\ k ii.-ii..i< '-' it n aim tnie thai i.;1]. d km Workshop s-mII|>. p!- 'a t. u-.ii'j'i ;ii ui-K tit ojnuti.v i.t V\. rk Itiij- :!„ ..n\., >. „-am-u plir-i oi tin' pi : h • titan . m>. •: pa h- pi.ii" •' .'-in 'hmpm tu., ix pi-,n>~ •,, .o p ipisi- p., »nri,!r.|i.',,) mp, .p j>-j. p^ - ", ' 'i 1, : nisi. hi..h.ill m-h. i -In,n Mil-1", \i m that a ,k, p„ m -nl ritaim n sal-nta! a nalnee p-rb..-Oi',ns. ! ,i MMii km' li ai'k i .is tarn hp pi i-i-!- mmnim, Fi.: . ,.i-ipli] i,i v irKvljdj.- ! Ipij in tii< ! ^k»- t N'-ca . nk i-,pt,n,< t'u \ /< " "Ik ,p 1'i. rt j ii , |. ,,p,.j p i |,,. V>i Ir l.lni r-ip i iiit Perns,pia^ n iipiii-^i.ti .JKat -t roi Set, im lasakme- , h. it i i e, i-'j.'i - :p at atrjeeinpp ikiiinip.i t-,-,-.i-i Iths ip, • uika, i, t t.p ,p!e , ii i in h'.xe- e i, h , y I aei .hull*" ( in min h t pel u .tn-, '1 u > t a. h h n- tin-"j late' ml i ha-n m ,iion. X, pt rn.'ii.ei - , .ektpttonlo ir >, hrilt r n'-Ualh P-pat'th, ptiiermjrii, iimm irmti in, ki e. , rip \t the. 1;an' in-taOth shane- uj'' iiiti tili I» >,h ,» in in ii ',. pus , - tn r a; nap I 'it i t inauaipl i\pi,-,ii.n np .ki-iia- ,-i Im ar , 'Pia, tniv 1 •! eiiii, ' e\-pi i .--an ",-. at lat . mopas-mn to mhn am', • iism,-,r, i .r ;m,'',i • t apt n m rrraam ,,l i p.,ii titnl n-pi ar--.a e. t'e- i.e. ins . a'nipati, ,.p ■ k ' t ) i ice figure 7 S*i latthp.t >.v. .ae see, re, he\ •n. i - e.rpino tbe.i'imh v tu. in ■apitin mist- e ,-t the •- nil ,im i- ..n • mm r.iinp- tk t --hnj..- m-U-m! arnuiict in th it rl" tmm ail h m ntih. ein ,-\.u i, u- i 11 •; o. a b.n ,a nip ,n-l - j\erum , a em, a i- i,n . ath^i i imsmjiv. ■ ae-"-C, - imi a .la,.t' m Ü e m as'. ■ it leai ie, I. art Hnrp f-,\, ,\ a- -'rev-i-k "'! 1 e plt-iualt tim ■t >ji=k; -ni' Hilf mali-anc,! ipp, mi, a'anp, an t e\et, ,-e is nI in kj pe, I ii nt-i - ., innm.s.-m-'Xttt m enabi/d,, m_.,np ib. main mpa m-leaio di, npht e,; \.pm noer; lud tin. en m-, is ni,n,hk as atiikics mi. aliie to i es I (in , ' ni'pt.n t-, -mth't thi - a abuiem -t tin penr. Ltnriim tie as, lint- and rhu,, v.htn H t«. pi.n, plunm irto tin- msnm, irii*-I,eiH' - a p.u t r 1 ii j. me a\ irh lull iw iaiti An, m-n \r aoA -m. i .lieu a-rai tm ".'p^at mi-> piav ,.i tl . i .pill imp- h'l"' nie ti.'n' l,"ij( i "ae Aitbtefe> . it aht -p,,.'i p, .mi tais i-. n aa*-t'le ris.ih, .\. s noitl i niil j, ape eilt hi p.' ii '1. t't untie at tjnn a1? pmii, e\eim-e tl mils th.—ii t;, Pi • m n nn-inii'imsp. pa't il^e. s. ai'i tr,i ,h■ p ii arlnt- pn-pi i Put ties t-aml om i att >n ank ;i «iiina a i >>< tin ,nili ti- ,'t i I inn. tie hi-tum, in«! I he- i %, m hi h urhtrsji , th'np n« x-'ii .jr .-n tpuhj lar ^'art -meis -n n n, e.-, .1 Pi-Jip m J lailn-m t!ie r'-aht h k ipee hm,\\p I, ibi pi „i Iii al ana th uj'liiAn,iK Ii an m. r-oiial, h -n.; n.a: n' ulln-r .nam s .inci • I nil' h, ami tile nplit p.ap, m ' im t: .atiipp ti ■ i< anp nisi u-s tl,, a tin'"1 - \ a-.s . • e..p • -- *-h, • e in .» li"ii- .inn tr t, rietmn- Mi 1 tk 1 at, l:i-.tin , me" i . 's a -1 "ii r], n ,i,j, ,ij p a, hei - lh. s. r,-„|i-p, i •!- m p no , nm pat1 tit the , mnph-u ,t is -tin nt 'ai . In t'aat, thi ah l.t', tinnfe_pati .'ill n .!-.,; inninatu m, "t tasranstitu i ir.iiiu. Or the nt ii- '-i.hs mat he useful a' kiiikiiiiH i". hen anil linn nmt 11 '■<> pn i "n h\ i,itl,n -tta'tt nts. , it.h a «ml -".la aph a it i, -lis. Si - nit til,,« - n i . I, -n, ,p- ,'n e m ph. mir» .I a tm.iii t-aa.iier mil in r'ii-,.i„i . ''''.iiUlt ,p. h,;-p h . hp prmui.r. in \\hea 1 tt'lhmtil \\-;l ti ime,! hitbikib ,n 1 < ,t s hn , ip,ph husin, s - an.! ts r • ii.iltmi hnnie -mi K-h. pi, < tit r -p.unsui eil eei a-s.-is info pm, tie ni, ai t , 1 .' iatr-a 1 irtnts \. h,, mr-' i" enii'-sm, pecpk i< (|iii.'i ( mare s.->, • i] skhh siu h a-. ' ,iit'-.,)lt tl" in ah il.Pti n- time, the n >-.t t-i thi ieamapp i..a> '.) I• .it "tsp u, pnt-h. , ,-i oe t,- i-sei t ■ ait self >■ eeliiii-. a in ihe 'n'iiij , i ,i anal1 tippti .in! tin -> h. ,po apyre- is . ink >> en It Apt ■ m nin. tnm.t the f.'t - mm-.- it tor- t. k 'T*s ■ '" k, t arise m i eiue - - ,Lrs 1 h. l-sile- r an rt \an-p- ! iraier-m. ,i -tnt tn.tin t their "-t ._.>!•• i Unk" h.ei li-a mat tin• mph'm nprt -In p- U,• a' <>n mekl.t a,,-a i,, >ie-| ms! in. h ' ht pi i tert-nnp m, imekshtaj1 .-mra -m\ .p< p.' think .a n thi- inatn. peai-ithiiis >l praipini, iml 1 t' 'i«l mnpe "t in " a • -. anil,, v, er'sslinps i ,t pm ni.i,'ther 'p.jkinm. nhe -pi'ik'tn in- :i,, the' innp't. Dimnp pir-.m h-'iej n'kh an' aiire .mil , -i ^ lire- r- • t v hau-» ; i h >■ ip ii i e- -ht-i i"ti is m. ,!'.( a. ik.n.i . I m rh. \ ma, o n , iaatira-. l'k.i-, i n .-p.p.-iai h,. - > n ht; m i -i l -Ja ij.s in, n .- ".eh ip. •.. r'ps (.t pp i ,,-pt,ii n,a i p • tlu r-a'. ■ >i than 'Iup- •' pie o ,aa 1 ,h i -1- ill m t a hindern \S k.n pnahh, - ;.')|- i'hei t xp-e • hi ah (ht il pa in I im' , a ,-t \' ti - tl , h h- -. tiitier. t ( am p ip,o m h, aim 1 v, .a k-h. ps is ihal * iim. \ ,a lata m. inatvi i p i lernt, r-, are m.pei ,al to 'i'd nthn e tnt" a > n- ii->'"-, t ,„ :J j >" i, - mm, t ,p,neii;i-, helpin-r h-n s, ,rt s - rel th, -mtpa i uhni al in, an n p , nil h .liieil t! i n tn. e r, •! . m t e) tl en ■ m r pi k-iS hit ■''-. rlaitik, in t'a-ruh s th;t miii.,,l\, t'e. mthip" i !■>, f" c n t' 'innei nih ata-k-l-ip - blnro. 253 Mali-, .i' ■ -Ye ~''\a rrksh. ipp'-h" l.i hem t|a\ i:. j■ a'Pre t it. <*;> v,ork ha.p earn thin; \ a> pi'd'ae- a |>i..t\p. or nl.u modsl I be o irnc 001 mil- tn rb- aim imt acrm-s a Ant, iiiim ot a.rhpi. -. Im ex.manic, m an:., ni mur.u 1 uring, eme> r.e |il t'lapo.nm onr. o. ed. <, ami hitter !'v leai'ii p.oonua rmsoimn- in -a; .ltinoipii' re of uoi!„0|i-p itoMgia i.-. am.! .opiiti'ia niai .i'oam! 'a ah lira ideas imidnigto Ha amhiugo; i aioia pio'i.r v|■:• 1 t hith . Tim m.'ioopi is huh' not ■ ,n the as.-.embh hr< . im;t ■ ai an tii'iiv hind to a:-, i 'i ; out m s>.u u ,i'Yi a , ,u 'i- nor rea.h •a holh niM. >> tu aaiiyix i.oni!anes "ili-ad1 prm,-n ••ngllRV i'"ig alio Oi -i'l'l along with o ,l.u !s iliv. V emetines a.m. L'oni, lann"- p. > iai" •ail. tmieg to jaiapm- what a 'bar of »hi inta-m" ivii'lil he. snail ' -ehije is Caimd a "aaia oai " Nomatirra's a a i oi rn ,i ,mdh taudmd h. mm hoc a ur i-iorm. -1 r-amri' hip no i' e-uparabh nmee.i But i-\ nit'iii' -a loiaepj i_a's, a.r,. nmiraitaat'iror.s . m huni'ian/i :P. am. 1\^s and bum i uso remm ■, iih pe-sihihlio (Mien i ii main . it ■ an a < on; mpr i .a oh] Led thm; iai, Inn, dm p:. a, m> nm v.hnh. :n man. .-ai-.e-. ;ni h mis ro'- mni.a r.if 1 lie a aonbl. Th, prort .s >.-s loan no, ;•• :l\y 0 i.iicpl ■ am to rein am h :,aotol\j e: t.. p. n'inri;. a- (pel 1 -miauii !. SimtJirh, m tin pel tnrmbig ,a'i \ the workshop ph.i--.. is ohm. po-.sihal,iii s that "ii.r, ii.-vr r-, p>c |. imto in rehearsals. AieiiiteOs Lawenci' I i.tlprio ami Jim Burr . oork.e-e , io-mr v.Mi 1 rea rm.i'-'s a. nr. ..horei grapher m.m Halpliii, ih.aehipiol a eoliesti-.e amrnr waahsb ip pru. i ih<" ialleii the "FWr* I web s" ;sce Halprin and Burse box. see litjljie 7.10). fin- Red P ( \ pir-s ,ir- bohi ,, tin .a of Hie hi akdioo pr a i e aam .. % -i \ im. -u! re. hniqui. Res. iiii.v-, all th.e suh;,.;,'. o e atiii ihpite.c mat-, t ii'>: the i raatiae p-rores- flu s ire i'..i!i_ spa., e, pes-pi. , mo'ee bungs, in., and alp rPu ret bugs, fantasies, open tn hidden agendas, etc. Seoies what I haw Pnnn the po .to pc rh mir>an, > scenario-. limtrui ! ion V ore-mm b-. eithel oper o , iosed r i [used si on ontmh the .u tion; an open soon, alloc s a a- a \ ,li lete ■ if ' pill His. tion ivhr r<- the oomp cori-iiier- h-o,lr-,nk abam tlie ■ .arming eicitin i tare- Vma s ju re\me:t on tie basis oi tin t- v dhjcl.. ifaeprm am ifarm- eePaieii llit. trim, "b ahiam-. add, mmali.m,/e the ami. .n asp.. 11 • ,< tin n..d-oatk. Vina - are msmed imt ',0^' ''"» iaikmg abi-et v ha h mpened. but In -mtan-oi tie-.,',» ttr.r.s. Per i'oi mam e the niosi , .pttmal • >umome p. .s.bble us.iip da -cor.-s within the gimn en eunc-tam i I .iwrtBCe Ha'spi-in (l**ib-20n9): ■» m.-.m a; imhm. , « ho, o it!i ta.- a.!'. , dam ir \ntta ilehpi m raid ieibny n a leant jirn Bunts pT'_6-44), ■> i t 'if ■ t T.u.s i, , 4 tli - it A b i m dm my b. ii !•• . ,"' i r' _'; o//',m 'ml s.. " I y • an h '< I. •., tu tdmeorp v .thjir.i P.ures, i C-t-i, mK.-m/i ; i'-a .J'a [■;•>]. i. j„i .... MnvW, i'-maki Or.nH 2' !topetner it pact ps. Tim n o.'e' -s aai Pcbyato,;. :- id : .cbae; ';Pip ' man h'sp t, .nieyi y. i m..r-m i -m ,„|i m tc- • ape oymss ~nb pi acess rot seamsi.-mm.I oool nft:meaenb rf rem .,n-ope -'- my y p. y. y.s n:.t-as ;'<;• Kti: vm. "'Or ; o 'i so r. edjanm ot pi ydarts. "o; tdsrsasoa are st^o dee-, t ,-ad r. the ne -1 dme?;! ,ms ;a Pu mclm , .a: , > i.- met ?me lee -'.ivct'jr. ef ea ms aea a; -a,,ti . vjiP'a.Ttiy.' vat '/Us .= eyy...-'s i.oa a n dy :yay::- Mat reoiar Par; r'eati' e pare,a. Paa'td-a, cryn he.. - ntr' nrp a. '.yoiips, oys rrs.-.pdty • an te amend ed e-el en'-ameo .. . i xVpm .-a.-,, Pre; ;oay. e:ij pia.., m' b acme by tne ^ti-er "ja'-e "'Op tiy Ii ei-duea i a aei ' er ai|,s .jsi.'a : ad a ' a n, "Pimmo dS myy.a'd '. PS','0 i- a b'a o.-e,c"l" p,|i,-:s. p .; 'jpiys p-y pro.y-»y m pvjye atiC r..;p_.. t_. o tai-e*• - t i''at:>:s e ,.-,ay toi ma ", fmnp1? lr r,e< P yagesbei la p' ,.fi:= a oc.m '.ea, • Vv t| .ay cimom -;'i-, y-n a. a- m'mr. ,-y n~ fymeer- «vla|(= 'fciev ere "."a! 'ep a, it. 3'itr- e :- omb ..a1 P atteni-. rpi ,P a ■ ! rha pe tcDie my. neman .am? t'ya., -"pcb in it ii P daps act Ft. r . j U'-iea ti e psVP i ...,-py: pro-mm red (:'r;i'iacpr cad" pepcr m, "b'eemc , pya. -oi •> cat aappe.m a- '.i-e' a- aav. 't I apyens. Gpyiaey uf peeipl"-wOi'i lay-ad'e im 'yy-ir.; i aii in-aap-.m •. bty a jarrv pi i.-t--stal.' sped 'afa tiaas - rjy y do net bate a y-yareriCti po 'e t..uti,;h ; ;i-.p '.pal or -d'ay tc ,'dd. P II pa ':ca;b' a. , t"y- can ideas of !lo''. it sdotad be done. "i de bS'.'P b, dej ene'e neu'pe re Oti-, ' ne adaP sin a d ■•&n,er_n, die t,' a.a a a "ay cujecb- -s x act'on-.. a- sit..iificaiitlv a, '.aea b :-'>"iin, i-a nar.ji:ti':'• s' "d. Tl"p-icy niky pass pi +b: sab' re ;,.,a ,. ■> ,,.ioai. -J or, ry p' a do. lac f 'Geass as d.y a, - ichina' en b-y eyen'S, .y'lioi.t V,.a ib° i.i".f-" .^ ai"! -a a jy. b a-y ;,.a. p. oe-ss ann cmeatnaS neeo ly .•rkeei and .ateit.vs.eP, and ivh?taapens i 1 a cruu) C\ 'ay.a, ... T'y.^tee ay na,, t ypjae-.s. Fak'.na Pan, 27-29 r ctcSos: a v. t>rt'shoi, t, citiatpic tic tsktyit in Prrna lialpre, ■-a • Ifjlpni, and Tun Bums. ps'\ p ,\ Jfl .tjanue .-a ecs, Seort Yakut )n>n, and i' rl >rman . hi the Halproa Hmrns ne 'hcth tip' (!'>'• !'t \t lc !.-, i. <<• tu " ■'a! Utiies dnriym \\■ irbsbi,o-. I hmt is no : ipni pi p.- a. at, Ike pre.yip mat -.nil 'd a''m a at .tin. ■ •! 'is m-ts bar a. p- rtorinanc phase ne-aess.,.-.!., ,, ^aoim p.jin.i nians' ■tte.n ll pert amain s \- ibr n.. inli.-is ,,l dm w . a 1. -hoj i '.' sH'ii [.aim, ,1 aaklic iaa; ar ma', na'i b, ii.t iti-d to i'lyi-ce the iynt!""s,_.t ;lu 'voi-k'-lmp.Th s . ied of-•.-n k -h- •<> h m- ' .;.'.;.i-.c'lpa nnarih V • ;ab ont ok which pt.bli' pert,., i.m.i'. ere wans , I bo primam. olpa. >o, a oi this kind ot -tmiPr ,. abm. mba fames.,: ,. ibslisa r,.-y. amd ' p-oim m- ta ann s pork-dam .,rt ,rlhe biimdnpand sobdihamg where new ways of doing ypmleo .md a here rcsi-tant e-to iic"\ knoai h-doe ar, io- maticd ami 1 tacit \itp, rh-\ me ••inadai- to initiation • ire- ds tii-i'u's, a in yhipVi a. aiemiip t dmo mitiarioiis "lites •' p_i,.,-.,T,a hemnj'-c in' p.. a!- ot an initiation rite a pa •, j.j.-c, jrmm mm mial nknt/tv to anntlu • \. melsg it ■ i it-iii i i-b die.r •., miti an m r r-. s lonsist t't throe ph.'M s; -., pa, itinu, ih- limm.t! or "i'i bm-ay i n" phase, aiid ?36 Colli-v Cibher (l(i7t -1797)*. h .p lis): e-ophp > ,L lttl,j pť. Kornau L o re n z u->n-ú M ť,,rji" ^,k'v- ^ v m w| lllľ •!, i li jim ' ľ i' 1 íllljľ'j s Olm, i po (J u Lr j Elimnuntng "noise," cľeáti.w daare , , ,,,,,, , , , , ' HS en-'iť i'r,. c-'.^'it b: .C''). • or f. . a.; ne tasspop -i so.cspntie,h D', the - , eoi I' ^' e'- ŕ e, -be S 'f -tí--!,n spest'-ae '.9;-', e ,*"■'' hu i- 'hr n -e't ai -nah.o j ak c,ji a!,i. 1 f-i.t-- . i rpou'-abb ,m that ,s Po? '..heb o oj , os .' s i, • ü=a ( .s, c- aance. • rhi "bi t-'iiľ.. trenn enteii i.., atn ť- -"-o, -. top- a, a-, f. ,/) N.íhtim T.'l". íieo P ani il, ti ri.ii.a' v,ha, o-P all o , nm--. ' kionp.p á irb • iii I -a,íl -an--.ľ.i mh tbe j,r! n, pw ] i-no" ". t -r j^ai! h'.p ifn ! i.'ii.-pi-.-.1-,hl,, s lliat an< -ripe ; i-h> ,íi sals tu Ti- , i-P.i '■ <_ P J-o\, a, iľ ■,!-> a- 11 .illv pt iť, i :u d in ' i. sii-nlaj '<■ t-bat. pi i-i'ii ..lan t i- Pian nit Pu.-n.-- th, ro,-,...-i w,.rk h - a-,-- war1 aiha-'naant- ta- .ij,c pt-7 mi. , tii.--ii,i |.'n,c-ai! i!,-1.ii.a..."ii,i.|..iii. í'ai- ,hno_ ,.h. os.-.h ihn pmb of r. ,n- -r-b-p k t.. S,; n, tin nut t!b>rt . "ak-,-.-. mil pnijp-.,ia. Bp nai ať-íU. loudit d piodta i inl,. b ..on--e,•, oh th prote-; t>, kmd ii. iT tc- mtiPb-ľ. ,kik -oomi tniei -.ttion-. .na ■ \tr.v.,.-h .i il-. ,a a„i* r,a b._ .mime i- a, napi,\. b -piiad: <■> n- , i t, mi pit s , hl míľ , a m m-, a i- nt, ani i 'P n bi, ,. n t 'Mana pi i al . a , p, j, r.-, m inra •• -npii 'P*!i< lift Hat m ■ -e r-, • -iba «s,rks 'b alt .nv an-, ťaiip 'in -an pba. Iht pla.-.- b v oi l .jaeau ', i a r b, tt i ínmt P i, 'io .a S.. j aa; - ill Vi ah t --pi .an. tik- sp. i , k L-s ,-; ,t- ,1 ,-i-t \Vi.m,.p tli.- 5,11.1. me-- p,-,. -P;p. .j . ohai .'im mu t 'n baap e ilí h,n a «-ioipi" 1 v-.,1 Bn-Liplici, V..1 uba P,eh d, n-..-.In-i P m, e ...n- n. ie- ib-s,,,v , ,1 íw 1 iimp' lbe b a-.t i--jt a..-] i •! ill tbt thinp' „b" at'tiatis than the phn - ni Be, kt tí, the p, i.iTiiiyp ■ P \i,-ii lina 1 !] í'.ipííp, .in -„bi Jes.aabbi, nie w.n-s «.f rebi „r .b>. nt ha k'ijniť^ \ " Jnebp, n nt" .a t iM)i"b-at, i.ipi n. a he a:e, tht "\ ippn b,. 1 .i sepp.. i-.. (i- -tni i in ar. a tbiiit- ..... . " beiti t tí n: ide -minie:- .and th ear. \ hni .1 s and p-eľ-hne Happ.. n.ilaps. niain. - '»nonns bt li.e '.)rs in urbanei Sil f - ice -e., e U e s.o. pun nrh et iitiirv re-, i-ad Shabi spe.ľ s pbr. - b-e m t ;<- hla sj init ľ... ns nul nil -tilt, d Itp 1 -lipiPr.p la-' !ie\ . tin -Pip. renn.-, iinj ,t hat ib.p e. !r > m , eoi ra. h. t t-.aia and e, 'n be -.hat "it, at, reat.i:- es'.tľisise edn;n, „..d n'.i.ra;j\ rp .p,,! be ajfpvnoi.- p .p h tin- hnpii-Piiit f id-ui-ilnePli'iai, u I or in lilt nnippi itio-a p doath .d b aluelta at ťl i— • ml 1 d b.n,/ !■:<■•. C'ollcv Cibbfľ'- Flo tíieare.t a e. iht ,0. ..1! p-.ruie ohihi ).eriiu,,e,p ttrsion ot A,!/-,:,. ; //; v.a-. th- ->nl- ■ ne ,.til on tin art-, spor... n... 1 p nab mska- then: spctiki. A'th. .l>-.'1. all b npoť-h -.hip- from 1 7* 'I i nth d í iS"; 1. s roju r]'. Lip. nineteen)] ai-ln' u-r 1- i-i -.i-tia m ,i»<- ' tbt, 1 s, ,', .m i ťa n ptrtoi .0 i. e- i< i-.r.-h dĽeotoi-s r,.í a, .on- ja, -d t i 1, -1 the.-- , ..ab o,e a-t-. ;;. ,rts, .'tal r-inai, ab-nost ahaaos rehe., F' eborls dnninoh -atPa e tb..n Popo-,,, bi,.- ..bit, \\v nin-i r pio-ap- and pp»,, i-t ti.fii t. to a proop Th- ia i oniii/i : hat Nahitnt TalC - -.eist .n ..í Á""/ / .b-pi „mi i ,, ,>iop- ai h- n t lan i, a ore--,o om .-a pern net bo. Cibht > - ÄoP. 'd ill .a o not a-k-nabons < i d,. op-iru. ři ,11-, t \-pi^i it,-,l p-ei i ,1 man. . -, i,.to íj,-tur--i rait-i'ti ■ sut b as iter S,J. it/ón.obípai.iir - Plies ,.1 im-.yi.irtt«! nttisuti m-, pan the-.. . un-titutt (n. evt-| ntn-. ran tit- tHort- to biiprine aha! t .peaie Kul ''(.ne-o'' 'ins.jtud, .]s ^ 1K l.,.^,^ p-rbiraianeo- iiv.->!v. iron-'His on p".- . le.ii b. a isoi :i i,n b<-, -ii.pla stvuijrt'tni 'aiaba.eantl. • alnatmp 'hnans; n ! < ars ik ap.l ..) o-ur-t pli- piiidit poideear.-.n -.11; I- ili-npport bole ''me niusr ab.\..\ n-p-.l . nhai'l, ,uis |„n a p .i.b.ortua -i! p.o-pde \ prín.ipa! la-.e ' haštotai d, ind iiit!e.-,ibi 1 dab r-.-net ,.'| be,, .bb-.on.-- :th,.i--u- 1- to (oe-nn-i. th- tanou, -kills opnitote t\;u-n pai tenia: l-.eli, ton, s. .p..) :ho . •- and bes ir-■ b lb. pi .ahat ti, ai .eirp. b.p t, im,-at tipp'., o Ilm pi-'>bli-i:. "pi -tlutiiaPi 'is u at í 'hie it «1 tvh -e.itt v , |) ,-s akr saero ■ ! p. inurouna -\iiio!ip ii dipt noit, t lis siinpie'\in-t p,os-*s- trom hn'-iied no-ri-s to i,l ".nsa.!-, tpsj rpnaos, b-r ..-„niph. ťh- eh!« . , m!1 sp, nd hep-- Tht tjia-'liuti H1..11 p-oiiiio re.i hovr sj upi. ,,1 o.-.tpli . , di-i a-skip, ai-'tinp, aiel arra ppiip j n nliat a.sib-- p- í 238 .,• e«. '-<•'' i e hi.'., euia ihaunt H-mcibi-ok Ih?\ A sec HCL V Moot i i i — i *ni i \m 'Jl.|, s mt. .. ... jr. 1\ ni: h.. mi pelh.t il'd! UCLA Moot Court Warm-up Handbook c;- '*•-• ^u'h: ,r"r^ * »'*i,,st"a'urtJi i! ij.'il in i •>;•.',t r brookvn, \mo York, telon. Am -' • ii fV/ y.-it// ;ef a ,1K "N ^ m ' r r'"'r n rM'^"- :>-r- ,r"m admit earn! turn. m gin l iasimg tie iiiati" .emb.fiK T> e aAm. ate soe A urn bk rym ahok', tt a-'- .' e mme. an. ;!,.. k> i" oak Ac- ii>. .a: s:\ iwaai m . 1 ike m "lo'UC.-.. 'v ' aAm h"'i n n f mmfdt:i minfmmm ,, -Vc^a-L...,, r, 'j, i[„. fan h ,•: tint rum , aboot k»annuo •- later, a.s the congregation gathers, the vounginstrumentalists accompany the Youth Choir, evlio belt out a tote rousing songs, fhen both the Youth Choir and their backup retire in favor ol more mature musicians.Those in attendance number 50 or more. Soon enough, deacons make announcements, Scripture is read, a member or two of the congregation offer testinaome More people keep entering the sancttiarae Finally, more than an hour after the children started banging the drums, Ac Radio Choir its dramatic entrance inarching down the center aisle, preceded ha' Bishop Carl k. Williams, Sr., or fiis .son, Bishop C. fk Williams. Ir., other preachers, and a ;eo,a-i;f C ' i . Im aia a rem k'.e -.aetae -> < i 'u 'mi a - m'-m a re im> uem,'.,': m|,.r ,• ams m" 'a l' sei ai I , e ,1m mc earn.-mm m. a e jtl -, m c onmet fteeth'-m'- .-m me'. 'Omer-'-'ri '■"'-., h;t?nhai'v i- e; oer, 'mm ehmei P em. ., m-jea a mm '"ah,i%.eam i't'-i.l r h- at ' ai ae m.( hie ,;r mi . 1 urn:..,! Jon u. mi hatha tcm e sAmeot eranmert- Don'ts: ' ...... -mis ...i-m j" oigmta -v > >• tun, i hi m l \ ■ e \ r >(>■ r i> 11 nh to hi gm Y\ .aai v.. at >o \ a- nan vp i. m.cinu s a uve raei aar. m ih ea t,m ;m ,eam , ": So ,-i, e a eir-ea ?ef'c e e km 1c eat neat . mi Lae m I pe, j. eu to. e:.lee+tc rdclmm im r:ta> h-c V u pease 1 a ,"e,mh ho " ilcaei: m' ■ i-mar c Mn: arlam- * ie ;em i a "mm -. dm ,kh oV :s,rii ,ic- L I •a 3 t at etra.m' md hemm aCeotme : >A le et,oL,smq ,'i"-u rt«»C pman' to m-ppum on-tee Vugem rim m,i Inn jneliiranii i n inaei atel. pi re He. In. ,m annuo, -I rv lei.j-h- a- it ttie i-m: t'itioii d ( tit.reii, mrm b> eh .mil.•,.!.• notim dm. em \\ ha tm miss O.m er Nanpikta i". met' :hi tii.e !• it a • mutes to the -tetait oi the god ktgmm ih " km ji -he mid. .ertain cm on-ta^e r ban -he ■! .need, d ,h, • , im Jamoaaarh ,"k,. i. mmA'the o. st,,f ilia »oidd > i amh it it ••' .die \« vo .tCors omcentrale r, 0, ,-r, cm ' mnmm i linn -i"i,i 'ahm, " aa ii arnmap *kmm. e A ittltv m i-rnmeJ 'o o a i ropomAv m1 * i'"1 i.e.o-a en ,r-'' "keh m Ii ai 'o eontcrp ate- hm imag i.i o mr'ror it- aemce mm -.-,! hehare y iiYa' i1 *,r k- '-c Jonig' a.-nige ., see tigiire ~.12e Ypiinla speaker mer h-'l i'".e-, ;irait;ce 1 0 -a, oeaak Stant-lat slm advised actors to prepare at length during the day of a nertorniatice. .A judge will review case dockets, put.on robes, and enter the courtroom on cue w hen the clerk announces ne.r rv doctor will review patient records and perhaps confer wirb nurses or colleagues before an examination or making ttosoita! rounds.. Surgeons enact complex rituals concerning A .--a del eemc ""maraa-nico -cue .namasn sm. r.i t ie 259 Ku: men ire. si tpp-.rei H-, nehnu, u memmn- . e.o ne pkwed mth - thi.mmjj .".if ď uf-f !•-•».th ••-íiif ii.n-ntwvN i o-mhsruiao '" -ô Cliona t es,tuple '.- ji h,, Ľ 'rum -I jkdk'ak T hi - •- i'-iľ e; t >..i:ľ'"' -i • '-i pianist David Tiuioi wo it i nu ' -nr.. símo mdkmp do . n at a mami pkm ind . . m o pin, nop am mm-k At ilr ~'t ort m raoh i o. -,\ .-m ah o - nth, tit b • m ka.u ' ■ -e- .re, bad. >r - hut ill., , me, oi tin ptitm k - k on b. í 1- ■ ,-por, .d u ,ir;.un .iltti o sti-ram mtmuah 'Aího ".mm,b uď•-oit"-íi i-imuk. ■.! 1 . miasms .p o h -,t p. uplo ho.usi v. ithni tint ona. inam n.o- tit Apanood k Cmi- .n his m i i.sical composition. David Tudor (1926-%): Ainer.-ar Pianist and m*,iani,s.-r who I'mi) tin i L,S(;s ircout o>h 11'iiih. a an-P null julan Ca.a md kn.ti-ilitirc'iitpmpkm' Men e Cunningham, As tinm vrriit ...n, Timor stopped iiorformjr.g as a p-a.oi-' ant! devomd hlmstdi totr-ek r,> unitpnsinii oka to .nit miMt kith indcp. iidetith and as mu-u i! sln'"tt(.r ,,f tho Aieme t dmi,in diam llanm Pompam,. Ammiakis i ompositions; i'.aznpirtn' .'ildiSi, / mkin f . l"7ll. Ilrk . :t' m;'S~). Vůní P/,„ , p-npp and ,S, ./.i./nn;- t-Vaan ('Pan í IW4h Atercc Cunuiiigham (I9t*-2(XW): .Weticar. da.n, m and elmoe oompher \\ ti< i was a still 1st no the Akrtha (drahám • mapám i''m' 15 bninrt tossuin'j bi-on n o-,,hj>( ai í'hí k OaiaioaUe i .oliin.ea .i.ti with Jnlin Cape h nm i "A- oho.u J. uunjiinphar íhaschnrtmaiaphod i-Xtelisim-h to t'lfi.0 ttnii mmit and k>.s often umd >,,u\eu media n: iiis nnrks, Aitľuia Cunningham A nuitu. |iuit> ara Toten .mticumt i iO-rpi, h, ,lv \ jen ;.p ,,'ie ÔÍ.Uat-aatf i i 44 11, V,a,. ,Vr /na Po mam and Tiru-s skdsfc) Mu. .. A/n- knk. h.iíl on.: kr.r, i l'ibší, Smer Tmu je; Ikmi /Umu -a, ., i 'PdAi, í >. m i í <>c'-' n md then s an or ;.io k'.XM,. Capo.' .111 mtm , n as i.--., ti n' mih -ti -kst in eh,Jk".ipe at m lan-d lotn ontii in-,. T.h-" bmhmlmn oí "perli a nnii. o" m tko ..r'e-aml bevond ha.s bunr- ta-tk stakup-d p.irt'i pi-oanm. <í tíio iindstcin oi o vnorili oni d at tn,t- ■. Im ai li ,t o-, .osp- .nsí noi iniiuo-.. non min "í pi-rtormm-, and nm.a n ,u,-- od im^iiniC; ptríoi-rminot s as audietm.. s-spc. tatuts int; pam tiolpnuits t sec Bglirc 7A4i dodn i uvi* au nimimnins rniti .4 R-ílndir • hnal. t.kii. i n ii . -portivo anil.ithiľ kuotk. tií pt rhtionnuo.os. horao j"ť nri.i"'.'ľ , doitiaodiiio ntdi Ti-iinou! pornom: .itin ;n .in tím .roitiam, or oľ.-ui n inkiii i ho h .uuono! k i •! dal k lilt and p.i.--- adm< -s t un i< ti i d i.'vvipf i■ v jmt.iiiiun r Oi.'!-oisis i. Son;!-, -\,, .u". ;>idisk,,1 m. I títiisln .I, otli-ooi na nit. ufamalí. "op, ,',>r miiimsin,'. Most aotli'.ia,'- .-. oil n-iti! a pm tArm.,r...,. K rnnsh,.'. .a' ••: [r>'Un;> n doi.->sp>^ jp Bm mam. n d-ts .ani sn-iop, iiiti.,' p-opit P" mu n r: hoarsak. fno-P-ns;! n\ .-, iľi-ii.- ro o :. in-..ossl'n, in o.->niiuoo',d ľ . m;. am: .'.an n ith -trr.t hnu.-, ku \V- .ostor Pu'O-up tontinm. -r-, a, m.os -ai 't- nu i- iu.on.oia- t'tr. aiphi nit t lit t uth . r. j piu.\ a -a i'in ai tho -, portům íhm-c i- .,o km ma' i.p, ,.a;-tt a ^A.oo-P.-r or.-att'oou -.uu • - an atn : -. work ha- man r. tu a i d, inam - v. ;,l h., naadt -ai a o> .r.tintíinp , n, Rm-'ismp a-- mP:-. oa, t k. tup m o h. rn .ono p, t k am, n- n o t st> -n.or. tho Pna udal i-opard ti i ,n-nhota m sport-po rhino, • than o. >11, n ..pud t > rittuik Buo. rito.jk. do thanao, suín- ri r,-_-s, as nhom -miamp n. i'-)~0. th. K.,,n u. C.tíd Im Ckoroli k pan to .. ok-Arats tho Mass in a orri.ľ,ilkir i.-aijuo..u-s at-P au "í kaiin. Emm u- au-tuka hit, ain r a l.iii-il o .up puupk io-i],'- tin e in h.iwuľ. \m! m k:-,iim-s oni- nmpii. on that the diimu oi a no., pru.kmt or --omiot cotiso: .n;s ,m dip edmo" Ik ':• - P• ih.- op.aoinp, t^st iiur'tt-is are used :■ ao mho ir-ak. ttidi i-av pi oota is in-imp nh mpi-d on tho -s ;.| t- ■-', i-.i.-.i km t. suli s Am,, all aarl'ii-ia tnem are A in i lormao. o .j.i kid in on, nans- A ':; do-m not plea-e its pakiit or • >t does p.ii ai e-nmphsh iiunt o" n hat tk"s^ niakatip tlm ľn.-i-tormanie intend Bat iwn thme ;p.,li< uioii- oi str a-"' ,, ! kuhi'-e, he misie.-t.ii. s.a.,,' ;i nil,, ate itmei -alisleo-.i 11 en -vi th n ■ n ks that die pooli. Inns Th. Utere art ť- , n -'-ť a inam e-- that m -.r. ■ than, tad m pl-oa.a- ; ho pohli- ■ or ta In os slin-, u iliat -.titi ;p ■ the .ml.hi . Ad ií.s !SS>tí pieim.n.' m na. -s. -Ilfresl [arn ', pro'... - o r n ,liisí í k-: ik- it as pn , ; h. a -'..t met- Meizer box., in |W» md d-duk ken. Amis M.ieai Rudolph Giuliani na- s., upset !i\ paiii'.m . oxhihľo .: at the Bri-i-kh-i-, ;\U>s, tun of Ar! that k- nm d í,, take me,t\ ti,e Ahna-n n s kani.hp - j,ul |itel rooneín a ".'enent •, .i.iiiiiiioiaii' 'a .-, emiiumnd v-tii 'o inoíihnt Aa\ "muk kať- i t • «ee Rudolph Giuliani's "Detvm * t onillli-sioil" b'l.V : Bo- iiktuiu lus m- n.n, oi rettikie.e tisiíip-, Nattii'auMU, aiiti det-Uľ, d otitraat-oo,-. iieoane- Pnu and ih. Jin-s' ikriiinnt stale. A'pe uoi is spill keepierna P'oit-irnied e.i'ihout an\ dm optim. "APkot; :n dUfo- Mieha-. Al'iomk ra - m > ivij.-i kii.ioanl n, niaoor ha dishamletl th L)e, ma . ( miu.oesaan Alfred jai-n (I87J-1907): Irtíi.m "pat.-prn sjeist " a mn - da O'.tned Jarrr e a" i h "-eimumr td iht okatm- .1 (in- .ih.-urd and oko i aa.ant pirtl. uitnenients. Ik st krmu nior his"klha plat-"' ototim,. uart; i-iaiu-ihes ahmit die petit and kmii-'h King tibu. Tho iu-a-■'in ■ ni - ■ d skos. A Uhu S\ i iS iúú i ,b-;, I hd,'.). u_ a,' >b 'LPo Rudoiph Giuliani {i*>-*4 — j- besom an p"!;eu.,e \ko,,i • i \< i *i.«rkC>:\. ' 'omdilt, P a.ukoiiinb, 1 yaobt pi»,, J.nrk i 'ii peinimk t (»i!!,i\ii, jiivwrn! .'it-! edi, t' , tptmi-ep". v.,,-1 , em • V-\ i'ii1 t'"h -i ted mi. m M i... k I. Snai i „Ja ljluho*> lk. p-Pa-p diso did tip ' i"'>-p, t i.,il, 'Ii- i .-,t and •'•ii' k.i.n, 1 - Ulli -.ii. • hi i nnnwi'i Mttui ■ t,iiii,;-.r .' i'ki mo ri'.j. k- t.i ° i. sir'i'ii.,' ,J s>-. abadoer.'Ti, >u m 'h« ,dnn,\vv "i t.J- and jh.Kilb. Larger events and contexts Ft.a- i h a-ed puiiiu p." k ar.' in- t- i- • a-P. j an i 'h a i ii 'ii la lai'j'7 lir,*-. ..r .. lit' \'i. ike-. ." -a; re I , a . \-a " e. i el. lar ., ,-. -.. m m. i'alt - e>, nkt Hi j J'1,-., e ai iiit p i lia ni-."r <• • 'nsn - .Je ,i', t '•■■elf, tl". bokjot ., o< she ni.m-,... . dp intk-tn k-k . r-. P m.,'.br'mr. a naa tea. ike pi 'in n.iin ; !• mm norn e ;.. \ ,.r i bis m. Poo" , ..v.'. m;; ar ' -m |itrt'« .ii.n et, .m an-, s. ., (,p ths mtbim-s in dm et —in/- nee i. tin b..\ . am . b .• ' brv n. r tt nie a-t." dp,,\ i-- ,... r, k'.tn . po.bHepm'ba'mrap. i,p,aat, . i, ii]-;n or a, ,m nt i: ■;! "... Di, •'. '.•• it e.t . an ; vi. ill .tt'tut'i' ~ ?XC •it • •)■ hr ii- (ki atn ,'km • • i üiüm. pai-eiuica', b'm.r. tu. mil-• iii,ii„e'.i tn ktt .it'1, e.k , at bam JCt'e. - m .-e.'inii e Ike nm.n. -,- of the ntu annim, -bia.p'ra: .in-.I i', a m^ -.!. \,k .;.mm b.e.- iii.icle riln.s and. .e ',>'.•' ..•,-. km its en .a-... InW ii li ,'i.'i"", li- at t »tu mr-toa. In • 'mm oel.t.ib. It • nor . : 1.1 tilt -a. trie i..'..-|.,i. 'It| :l lai i i I ■ .T t iiai'.-.a at . i mi tl !-em"i man. . i- n-n.uh 'sjcana n. nie tlvat a ai.iain n a it'.ir\ at1!', a-, t •. ... |.-s .hi! .-tin as e! mt mas -b,- itteri. Fol -..tut. "mm t • tbe ordmarv lite Deems, lb , it a.'i, 'eeba.i ar it--*_,-,:'-.aid e.s mmUm-ai poo-.tb, blear xirmmamt -. at- a-- "d ••.•].rar.tiim. t- u'.s rf Id. -"it. tbt- tmat . pmsmtr,.- ,i lm-tbbjav t - mmtemam ■ mv or a m . ol imrriiie?-. .. i- impt rPad t- > t-tantt rim n t ma.'at- b. rail' tin mn;c i-i It- in 'niii'". .'I.. iia-'bip. in .nil; , . p..,.tiri •-, an .maim both m, do e 'Tin ,eo-i an a from tm pt i aapti i he tirpi' ma. .na-, in ,dnak pmlpk 'I, e.i 'n m Pti e -.nid . a' mn'-p ;'k in- i ir'ntbiip". on iel leimou-h. i-i-.n-,. i i),h' o ip mm; dd, .in aim pare. irgr«.ti- oho ion.; tippartim o.n( am'eeP t i bui a d. a k -a n. kt . 'In -.To, k-r,p o_t"i', tbp t it- t px m;i,i a; rii,... ti'.t- tot km, stati pa.]o-r-•- 1 h>-fiiea'aa- b-nn 'b .minp de- tirm - no amm to riakapp s-iir,. ilea ail the a-r.ip- a'-'- r, a.h and tin- -..ap;' e'j.bprpe.m o'-ti.s. lht- Imx itiip -aoH rpotl" Pi h-, .a- Rudolph Giuliani's "Decency Commission fe-.t -c, tlO'.dOi'ob •"•rle t brer . -or-ie- ao'. to.p. -.oeo o .'/oi 'cl I.. t-\ _o-.e loi c;£i . , _ T!>o poo-1 p. o pomm. pt'i' > fboo in r;-'"a •■- •.oein-'-d a,,i , o;t:ti; ocp; h> a opoi'iprapa at mo o.p.-n a ere Emoi-'v l'.'b).ei'i. or i-r. ~'K _ t. at t-.d photo > abmi 5 ;'o bptn a s Las: Po...;0r;"," -bom. a >o'le, b an. Mama i ...''trayiao le-n- a- ts.a..'a, P'o Eo otkbm "om-eoi-p. c \ ''aitio a piy v ir-'p ■ oioi> 'Jaj p"e'j ttati O'ephaat buoy. Ci'Piai ' btb'-o apv fo ■ a:i• j jf b'r I a '-pi1 ip hot ■> 't t.i-o '.j,..i r)]--, o'-f'i-. Pil bir 00', lo i'Pip i 0 0. o.ka ''o if oro-j, Pat ii p-dmap op'' / "m-o , i' f.e a- ito.oji a ias'top p" p"o' a ' t-raoo no-rroa-mo' boi'diea to pin a*te* otite. a-tbts rit'-tbr--. tar o.n' i a el se-.era! aza*1 :••<• i oi.o, to 2Jul. boooibatod =,„-c iome; bPOrorv i^aooa' 244 .ill demam - : i.r,;. both li .nil .iiiiimme.,( •. 'lie hr.aLi -.J .ceii and 'bank, i •.(>! I'-vt vi akc i .bilmenl pate , Uibi cm and jri . tinm attel >).. I'M. . . a mini, put-, cm mime u'b.dt' -ahhl or ■ iumaee. a hime'v 'inuej - a be. h'•-it-a,t a-• m n '<• a- ,rm,iu, a At melts u h; '-. ■ e-r I all',' Miberant beh a i, a's JnAnne Ak.ilaiti* (1l'i7- ): inn in in die.itn dii ._ln , ml a' murome; mTu'rc , t nl tin \I i .oti Mines o\a-omental pu'1 inuik', e.iii'.n.e 1-iniii loyimup Umbtslis sms Osr ,n-li,stin' du v, .r '.I I ,,e 'hew toil. Steiidt an .v. i estimi P I'dn 1' ere, '. -inerifh di - i- - ,, i ..i t m at', n Bant eolimh • iler ,'a- bie-tr i,k-a. ia''i Seame! ,-ht kt >• s,e a.?,, !1a ) and f sa,|,ir i<- < "- t-i), Mtln a Mae-' mijln'tala Jl>8»ti, jeu.iuii. m fb V .a t-qi. i,.asli'iiaie s , ,/ .itiai sM N pi, /,b,erii L.c,:a »~->"n bjiibp tili>-.'<>'). i.i i'ii|iit'.iii'i.i'/i.,'i milntn. an-l Haieiu lb, r's flic n./ki j, /-•>', i h 'In t atine, di inl i.ip. and i I:--. i nip.'la, ,< dcmim anm. ,sp-■ i .bsm.ssiua ::• -'i,m .,1 i ad nadta , m'in -.a >a m a era led In all these cases, informal ami formal, the eooldowr, is , bridge, a.o in-between phase, leading from the focused activite b'iiso-'sr a.t'm aa tern \ i aao be-. 0-, a m rl a o ji a ir u - .eon ol th. rur*m un.mmo. dm m--n a,, n and Oillus, oa.oieii. rreht. a kind iil ... .mri.tkamn In m. in- .or. i in i inn u ■ cm da', hi. Jaioi p,! 'a 1 mam . '• tub It- • aa. n . i .i ha- .v n atO-i merv.n lama- ttit bar . nd. Jet • b urn Smut tunes , <,<,ld,mu '- let nub i nr .••..tnum . "on- - nan dire, toi JoAimc AkahtitU rjattur ti.t in a -p. .in ,m >! eu.-i inn ii r .. i'j . • t' hi.b ii ..am1- . h . m, d i ,. ithm' am! a m. mil rem.v m tin j e:!, m mm u -t e..i.. b.ute 1 mt-e Saivctz boxi in bad , du dan:. i s are "-naokedl,'e:\'n in. . nsr . i inhale, mri v-nuhni .lln,'1 -„, ri! i e i - ma,.It rbm;tnth eo.d i >'. hrhieuma lie pud >rn;. i., b ii s t. > then- ad'. • • Aftermath i h j • . ntn-uhu, lib a . p, h '-i.iro is its alieim.ith "Mm i" i- ii ik nemi, . t i .i- ilia-"xt, ml hir te,e' nr t ' en u' -,ues - in i ' 'h. 'm .tii/ti ot too ad.t rniath a iidehu.t. 1 i ir u_' i '.i' "i. te nr. Hid i! t han >i'"_n't at ' .-semch ttuhintjm's ■ n, 1 lis,'] a t ee th. aisand- i 1 \ t u s aid '-.--.ii t''""ia du e i- o i t m mil li-iiu. .db, (he ninit •n ma, . i nipt in ant memd i.r throwaway 246 H... m. ; nm. m- pm o-am^- ,.rwm li Debora'-, SaiVCtZ ^ "r,'^li^^ Th<- /íkekkík ccr>iiiown -,f m-Al i when researched. They take on a second or more lives according to who gets hold ol, analyzes, and reconstructs the archhal evidence. Nowadays just about every event is put om. -.elm.tip- i .r m, > m ■ di k. tint o Star is rli -hiiLb-ot r0-m-1 - em" a a - " ,'c" ckae" a. "' tee,, on- a ! , m 'k -.- • i ; a m ra, ' X' '. mm to the opciariuj ..sft :n- ,.„m em, ... . room k It m Ihe.mmh " ea ' m lankd g. ' ' •'• 'at hta 'he -it o -n apan ol m. <-i i, ,,,,cf > oe m ^ t p,,i, ,,-iea (, i , jttm -m.tii a e p.. -lorn,.mi .-, unci ended, generating many new performances that' replay with tW.- - ''..............a. -,nfty F em+ ", 5--a - ' t J a oiiicrcaice what tiae authors o! the netav works presumed tac originál event might have lieen.Thc fascination with the • " drama of the Titanic'* 1912 catastrophic collision with an iceberg in no way has abated (see 'Jlie Titanic sinks on its .its, maiden voyage box). So many perished, famous and stecr- nd i b.-ihmg, p r-onai 'ope r .iml s, on In- mwrmwh egm mthi g; > V-t ipk .t,aitk tm m ay , a.,,a nad w . m thmg oer-ot - Lt-i^ir,-e i! i a íome e t.' itali' -go-. km- ami pa it| ,. mC'eii -'P mane to ifa .mot iiiod.m i Ikmags eid n.eram ,m . I tra. re mkt,-,.\mml"t ! rh. p, .enoal long * i. \ >', beja.- - : a' if! ol ,n -.injili d kteeop, ai, d i aite'i mtth •' i-.iím, -rt i tita'reo-* atierni idi- er- r- ImmP \mei ma. o acta .in I hno, i- - ■ -didma •. a:, de-rfim and going h.'n km -, in pm sorta! cm. n,,r" hi i m mm e, aura, to In k'o'.,,e a- Om ,a ie a m j da-. m! m R.ibots h oil! h. mym me! ,,h rn .a:' ■ ol oubm a, arm,ttin-lim, n o at o hm mmkh e ■ • *_.; -. abed i • atoo .g, a; .h mem a and a '..hi- al e,; .,m.o,.~, .-.-> tin ajmim ai rtnetd ..liltm,- rm mm unboken 'lonenoia -n hobo, an - X.iiiioia,, re'.uva t ■ jmi ,r ik - p"- tii i m'-mm mi .ing miimei exlnltt,,-.!-. rai -, im'eafm, i n,r ť e' tat- lurtimr to i t phi hogmpbe . > i.,', o an í kmihal u, "lor. ih.ia ir, n-.o the mmnota of Ihi.-e pai ti ip,.'ii.g in ,.;.d itt.ndmg th-larin, lna ir ma th a i • he ' mmk dm,oath • i. ■ it - wmeíhee' P' > >,dt nia m m tiaiit t • m, mm I b n • • phut" ■amamibou 1' \ it, r >. i ma.. mate omin ,e rm poii-. mu o. "V-ťh '.it tk 'em hi".i . ao cmia l!a nam t -al an-an- >'.hr-f uis la ,ii.n--ic o -mimu- pra h 'na.,!ii i ha nci mmm. ^mim, il ni h-ri d , u.,t manm oa'j tt these e/ne am m-ed ea m,< shir ; a ae "m '•■ in d-mloi.h.g an amim.r ,ii „ pji 'ular pm hn m m e. m eemrei t iemrieaa, hlnt'el :m,1keior,e , h-mk'-;. n Mir In m-re io okl i m ieo - meeiihm ;iii' t.grii b, aim-, 1 ■ Tee ahm eia ae-c 'tO' .ah I he ship, a- t mdee mlt i., "id DkiO", iiií.moi vm "mg p "hernm- a vo^ earn rnr! ;r- "ot iL.e par-aerem - maa-rho, t!,e-,-a,m iy ndm cl t'a peiioimmm khii.h mm". \ a :V 0 ; - o i >-j t te pop! .?i id .s la >Z ' ■<- alrynt s, mpt-. i a- -.c i m. - ".. p ne, iinl pe ofi.; a i -u j nr. ■ r tint ■ m,e t-e ml', im mu fh --taip a e- eaís, theae '."'he had oema". lit -am, a-, „ , em thing p ,-ibk- Pi',.i,ir......1 oba: Cm- : jp.J rrcee ,\he has srn .'■ *. h --oe: ami 'lenjams nap-. m-,td " i i ts ma-rmw ->(,i ,im í.> the.itrii ť mm f-, bur to ' a am aim o re 1 atd :emh-amd n, rhe ;--^m Pne peetormami ^ ,,j aji ktrak 1 iow m mi "kam p-rk rm.a.m -," v smnm .mel the n /immep n e tm: '-a rm m tec it kfve hro he, n re re ihmn -.1 b , an ,>iii pia-ti >g, apb. a pan n!._i-.,i p rant msec tj it-mlneir mahenc oj a liop-ho'g- ithi. a-rp r di., -eo a '• mi m iťn oř i m t ikrt mnum useií t 'tego, icedn. • mioe • ma i wr 'he i ion -i , o' j,m jiiian, •' hek gm. kk, ^ >• -u i •" >a Ji ad aur The Titanic sinks on iís maiden voyage! , oo ' e ahferiwm ma b ee.aiipa eo' 24-7 -,., I .. ill !•„,, , '.'ii.'l.S I'-' s ,ll v j.H <',"1 1». L i - ap.' be" • - P '' t*i_ horn: tp i . ;i'i;i v ,r.-tiP ga. k ., .r. - in , d„ as r< • i> i'ki, 0 (.a -\mb,bi- i m t n .... it th ■a .1 u-a Foreman 4 {■;i i-t ei'l kind of ii'Bi'ia r..a ; aiai.o na i-dm."'- 'a-- c'm.-- • fin* t! - .,,.i.5- i„ vaiqin n a' an it!,, ' ■. . I >' and ,>n> n' ifia'ii!, .,_ ,..... , _ „ _ ^, . fc" -'IS - enmnater. ma tviae-aro. -ia&r a nana -I. . -r i. -a mm'- . i iin 'mte.h. i • ■._ " < m a, n ■ ak u km-. s.Ji .j, 1 bommie.e >t mi i,|i.i-, i b. i'-. ni.stbo '. - .a i,!n ma ' a-.1 ii m'.ii ai < ... ink ., - vi, '->.'■. , j n-n-. I ,.!,.,! ,, i .ml,, k-- ; n fa a ,n>. m .pi, .- Ik, atp , ■ ink i ,i - \ ■ i, \ fm ; • k ,. k mt > - st i pm_. - r • l.i-.-!. a -.. • II a ' m- ,■, >rk'k„t ,i ts""niu! ! hi ebb' m< i"..n datr •-.a.m. t.m - a • mil .'nmt'i mo,, -! i. i v m itdm-i nti, I ,m.! ,mk -pioa.'mm.n ,. ,r- j a ■ 1 >. mm. *n.-a. tt-t ni)» aM-a kn on R-a'lii , il'S • bn\ to 1 h, to-1').^''-, ji.i-f.i' i;.ii..' a-*i i jru k Smith-tap. ■' a ■1 mk ' > b. ini-! nn-ii'!kan <• nma-'m ti- m mv .ma Cm. ntm r |k„T, uti m opk> an..,I d. !'m«. - "ik,.'.,.a of ni - .,rn s, I,, thi. in |>.i: 1 "m tth nail an i] in \, i rk 'Minrli }Ni'i'imJ i i.l ■ a iti-:i..i i an .. '..'aani a. am do- "..laiim. a1 p nminii . .-".' moi, al e ■ 11 .t mm- f-oreman box, imaa'm - main Im aim i ".. '!ai la; < V- npi P-, ma L 1 r'.a '• • • -m-, l . v piey , tia.i 'a , , p ,' . M.-Ii f • mi' a , ana |j; i ' ; i ! atifa -0 - ^ . " a . a' ^ p e ' ' ■ a . m a , i i mt o ' rr.- , " 1 l u _h, ^ ma .'- an i a" , , e a . * nrrnbe nam ut ''?-' Ji'"! -~"E'-m.m .- i an - m a r. - - c - ■ I- a, t. e,- alT a im. -i Jatk Smith (14 pi. .nuuip \m. ri< a a pi i : '"- b' a and tm: i ■" 1 ?: : d".' , ar r, s s a .m- who believe mat aacla a srrateqy no !on«er sntfices to introduce- a powerful and effective "impulse" therapy to audiences desperately trying to contro; their own impulsive tendencies F. . J. ■am fat-sen -V -'', pi) "'ai- " It ~''- din-, win - ar t". id.-nr n < it., ll ,mu turn - Iiapml .Badr.'i' ' - a;, .: bi ..h- u -,r *,\. st Pn-1 -in -\ i'i .e.riit'i iti'. t..l,i m 'he I o !'•-. Jim ji i 1 omb •• o ha n. ;td >! nm"'! , dsn n to In > >pii a "1. "; a n mis, am! j irl-1',n!| ot m m-mrd.. im-i-in sni, fmiil'j' ' 'in . pi11. "\s ami 'd .own'm at-p..,i 'i-adn, ' !!a 1 iiwf] -idia imPioo 0,ta'"e a poni'iltm, a- tn 1 '. oj • as b ,.11 ami .n ma- s i. ri. pop" d, a. I ptcics-mi ,d ,'s %,iia rifh'-i'i' tin .d'.m'mnii o..n , b m pn'"hs n l..,n,n p. .pit hip munet te mma'T. alt,nmiatl pi oj 1 r. am t • mtimt amm .m.-mnt "dpm"t- iiirpaiaP ii-iioa,, imarmabai Jm'i. it .an I cp i, st - Imimmn la; p- k. ,n !, i a en r,i i ,lb - t a> mi ,,o i v'mr .h„im.\ it an ->' >n-i tn,i i ■!» cm i r tniptd h-n, ar. • b m i. .1 b- "p-,, , d .; p ■ lb, . am , t Ivid.i '. rai.a.a T-t'-mi 1 ct t\ ami hantlh i - at "1 tn." pta > - >- no.-til na to i-ntli- pa-1- I ik' i-i'ii,-ii i 1 iihi'i in simjai 's. s Vi,._, i- isaj-.a ,t >,, i t ,mti •>!-the spn, rh - altai ma a \ k it is at sta!-'i hiatlii n I hpp'\ - Patab-^d m th- .mm1 . --m atn- n n.. ,ni-a •,, ti...\,-r ^\ m th- -siino mo dim ne '' sin • ' siul'bii I'-ij, mlirm-olds m ri,,,pp -'\i- tin aim nt a aip-t'-: m nicanmp ind .pi d . mi,. sp an"iiio - u \ .-I !' )pt lb. i, t".t ho c o *;r. i_\jst aom.-A'l . a tiiinp- p i o i o,_ , ,_i -ic th ib-ii..,tn o- ma o I ,i- aborm d! - yn'-'ini; ontiad- oi "nm\ -pa; 11 nt ■ ■ ome- irpi i ma\ I nh'n tea ml i !''-|,o pu^mnnm : net aib n-i - ol til.,'. .) -am-s. ;.n.. ti 248 ílu i'-inm-po m- ,H,r.^ i ,dh -,- 'me tr-p .hm , '-. ■a.'t.ľi; mu - in ..- r) th-,1 i>-.u,- ti.-\ . ■ ! mp hitvp. ihn > t .l-n-l.liii.iti ,»< i'i. Li-,*.m .-í *li ,.\ 1.1 -j j r 't : t ' ť lis ,->t,-t(t ' tpd.n - 1 \ .'f .,*! SI- ■"' i lli n', ', 'd mne - .111. j" 'ti - .".ill:. : thai, i.f.mmľ ,'ee ' Hier fr.-. . .piinfv., p Hm mm- < .-."'m,.;- i opi" 'd--p,.-\ -;i,'lľt , 11,lis;, ,.v'tí..l.. M,,PM,lli, il.'lll •. ss,íiiícs í s:-l\ t dun .r- . s,i.Mŕ*i* j -hms ,1.-1, '.!i< '■!- ,.pp ir,-,l'í. t-C, ;(!(. ; ,.. ,.1 „ľ 1*' ■.'•!'I C --\ Cll.'..'l'lil\ .'-i .•itrnÍH! pi'i, í. (i' t' O s - ),■ 'd.emp 0ŕ 1 .'p,, ilíli,!! >>i 11 >e i'., k.mml lam ,>rm i...ipi) •- in hni. inn pnii,,rii,.- t, :n-kedm>em - i .limit,.!, ii i, ,p; i;,!""", ,i „nu, íl •', • \pťi mm n - -n;.p n ,; Ia» h *in ti. jiatmi-,.... - . ma, m mni; - lo h p iptOi -it" 'm i m i - as- t 11 i cti, ' tin im- n, n , happen T.iii v a. a a,m'.n ipa tí t- e>ob,,,"0ed n,- ,-a n f, m • „ . • h -• r at 'tni t. ipa, a: t" ).• i. '-p.-ohttor- -vp^m m, ■ tin i iťľt ' dl !> * p! n-'.' am . a imp n, rul. . . a ť-rr,, t aai-Ki-m.. ins1 tin ruh-- or i.iar t rteitn n h.,« <,n. i nde'-'-tanes an ' nm ,-pmt tin pat,i, ->raesbmni pci!, a- nati, . iJai'- piat iseo'mmpi r -, . i-a kind, .í pis*, rip tŕní ml n ťtk. ri-,i ■ }.ii! t ma daik n'n '•:» i ■ ,1 ma r. , ■ rr.tciite.ns •'. i nii.j imi.ľe - ,< '. " ,l„t!->u 'n lim i uk ,'■ :aa, "" a. in ■" " ip-nm-ť' th- ];■'. ar ! a ..nda; an .,-d o , actis - "t diri-'phi The performance quadrilogue dna p.-r}. irm.anv f prm . v.tjii !>a -ímin i a, a ani. ,v a iiľ ph.,s,'.i tone -n.,, .risini. t, km „1," m t im- e-On'm. r-iat! illsbip ani'l! 'J. till* t alt 2 a ."m id pkpa's- í m uran i .lu'ď, o s, i im. t mraohmr-, >'■ iiii| c-tn ťi U. '.í\ -s