AV seminář - umění nových médií II

Týden 4

Artificial Life Art



Marcel Duchamp: Erratum  Musical 1913 / 1934

John Cage (1912-1992): Music of Changes, for piano (1951). Interpret David Tudor.

Iannis Xennakis:Stochastic music 1954
 Iannis Xenakis – Metastasis 1955

1993 AEC Linz: Artificial Life-Genetic Art

Christa Sommerer a Laurent Mignonneau: Interactive Plant Growing 1992

Trans Plant (1995-96) VR 


A-VOLVE (1994-5) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WG45k93pCA

Karl Sims : Genetic Images (1991) http://www.karlsims.com/

Ross Harley : Digital Garden III  http://vimeo.com/34931367
metamorphism through interaction."

1993 ArtFutura , Barcelona: Artificial Life

William Latham: MUTATOR
 Evolution of form: http://www.doc.gold.ac.uk/~mas01whl/media/movies.htm

1999: VIDA. Art & Artificial Life International Competition http://vida.fundaciontelefonica.com/en/

Jane Prophet: TechnoSphere: 1995, http://www.digitalarti.com/review/daily-watch/blog/2011/09/12/technosphere-by-jane-prophet-and-gordon-selley/

 Simon Penny: Sympathetic Sentience II   http://simonpenny.net/works/sympatheticII.html

Troy Innocent: ICONICA http://vimeo.com/45054742

Erwin Driessens a Maria Verstappen: TICKLE SALON  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7HjeTjTP70

Scott Draves: ELECTRIC SHEEP  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDp8P5b0kmE

Ivor DIOSI: Castanedize! Dingir  http://vimeo.com/79043840

Jon McCormack: EDEN audio ecosystem
 Fifty Sisters (2012) http://vimeo.com/67278473
 Jeffrey Ventrella: GENE POOL
 Darwin Pond :Artificial Life Simulation  http://www.jjventrella.com/
 Gene Pool (1996)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9D7FxB8cOk

Larry Yaeger: Polyworld  1994 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvcwuzeoQR0

Steven Rooke: Evolving 2D Artifacts : The Crossing", IRIS Somerset print, 1998,
 Genetic evolutionary art process: http://srooke.com/process.html

Erwin Driessens a Maria Verstappen
 E-volver (2006)  evolutionary software
