130 ►^tg-X&l A- s s Barbecue N 8 0 i£ D i a o g u e i) At school. i A % Z. % MtL 4 feff i 6 I tt L 7 Z. tt/u^/^iirKrai r*«ie*'*£L&, i 4 a /<— h Robert is cooking at the barbecue. * * * 9 : ir*>&, ! © Michiko: Takeshi, would you like to have a barbecue party tomorrow? Takeshi: That's nice. Who will come? Michiko: Sue and Robert will come. I think Man' will come, too. Takeshi: How about Ken? Michiko: Ken said he had a part-time job. Takeshi: Too bad. Shall I bring something? Michiko: 1 think nothing is needed. © Michiko: You are jrood (at cooking). Do you like cooking, Robert? Robert: Yes. I often cook at home. Michiko: Shall I help you with something? Robert: Well then, cut the tomatoes, please. * » * Robert: Shall we start? Michiko: Don't drink yet. Mary said that she would come. Mary: I'm sorry for being late. Everyone: Well then . . , Cheers? 1XSQ- /— fc/u a =5E □a i I Nouns & % o X the day after tomorrow rain £&£ office worker camera karaoke < 1 J air this morning this month l sr« job: work: occupation college student tm disco weather forecast rsj| place - h h tomato I summer * If** something / \; — 71 >f — parly * / <--< -3f- J2. — barbecue chopsticks i winter homesiay; livinjr with a family 5 M L 1 -7 every week next month ^ - a d j e ( 1 i v e s skillful: good at . . . clumsy: poor at . . . $f famous (/-verbs it rains to wash * $ "7 to say ___i * Words that appear in the dialogue msm< « i £ £ -c y»< Si to need to be late (for . . . ) to think to cut to make to lake (something) R u - v e r b s I' $ £ Irregular Adverbs I 4 lb * £ + nesati\e L* % L' 9 JLI to stare (at &J6 5 to begin Verbs men to drive (~ £ ) to do Iaundry to clean to cook ) H) and Other Expressions uh-uh: no uh-huh: yes H# Cheers! (a toast) fc) That's too bad. not . . . yet all (of the people) together 151 SJ£ Grammar Oh *9 Short Forms In this and Lhc- next lesson, we will learn a new paradigm of conjugation, which we will call "short forms. " Before we start worrying about their meaning and how they are used, let us first see what they look like. It should be obvious why they are called short forms. We will list the already familiar "long forms" to the right in the table below. Present tense, affirmative verbs: LVadjectives: ^-adjectives: noun + "Clf: Present tense, negative verbs: LVadjectives: ^-adjectives: noun + short forms 1 short forms f « MOLK&L\ long forms long forms # replace with tz l\- and ^-adjectives and noun -+■ ~C~$~ in the negative (d above) -> replace faOtith with 1 Various names have been given to this paradigm. They include "plain forms." "informal forms," and "direct style." Luny, forms, on rhe other hand, are often called "polite forms." "formal forms." and "distal style." £8 84 As noted in Lesson o. the adjective \ n1 is irregular. Its negative short form is J: < & ^ Verbs in the negative need to be analyzed in more detail, because m-, u-, and irregular verbs conjugate differently. Negative short forms of verbs (c above) m-verbs: Take the final off and add &LV (j-verbs: Take the final -u off and add -anai. fE3 is-r mo = rJfc&U wasted Mo m ■ irregular verbs: -> <3 -> exception: With verbs in the negative, the following three points are worth noting. (1) The negative short forms of verbs that end with the hiragana 1 arc ~- h & *11 instead a of & \ (2) The vowel changes with the ineRular verb < (3) The verb h Z> in the negative is £ * ^ Uses of Short Forms We now turn to discussion of how we utilize short forms. In this lesson, we will learn to use the short forms in the following four contexts: • In represented, or quoted, speech {"I think . . . ," "She said . . .") • In casual conversations, as signs of intimacy • In making negative requests ("Please don't . . (See 3 on p. 157.) sThis suggests that the bases of verbs like H n and £1 actually end with the consonant w. This conso-nant remains dormant when the base is followed by the vowel i, thus we have 'K'^t where w is lacking, bat il surfaces with die vowel a following, >. This mystery consonant also explains wliy the /c-form of such a verb has the small o. just like verbs whose bases obviously end with a consonant, such as £ 6 and £f"3. • In expressing ideas like "I like doing . . ." or "1 am good at doing . . ." (See 4 below.) Quotations To quote I person's utterances or thoughts, you use a clause ending with a predicate in the short form, plus Ht^'C^i L fc (They said . ."). E &o £ 1* (I think P hi that . . .), and so forth. £ is a quotation particle, which does the job of both the English word "that" in indirect quotation and of quotation marks (" ") in direct quotation. Sue said that there would be an exam loiuorroir. ($& (X) tz !t L i L 13 y T % - | /u $,#ej$V*g f/ / Takeshi likes Mary. Casual conversations Two people who are close friends or family members speak with short forms at the end of sentences, using them as a sign of intimacy. The use of long forms, in contrast, tends to imply the speaker's intention to "keep a proper distance" from the listener. Short forms, then, are like talking on a first name basis, while long forms are like using "Mr." and "Ms." It may not be easy to decide when it is appropriate to switch to short forms. First of all, Japanese speakers are often ven conscious of seniority. \ year's difference in age may in many cases totally preclude the possibility of establishing a truly "equal" relationship. 3Note that the present tense in Sue's original utterance is preserved in Mary's report. 4To say that you don't Ihink something is the case, it is more common in Japanese to say it like~&v> bfl^lf (I think that something is not the case) than— r '$,'.-t.-$L (I don't think). Therefore: * (&t±) * T 'J - £ K lit: It L $ L' * Hu t i 1\ **■ / don't think Mary likes Takeshi (—I think Mary doesn't like Takeshi.) m B Second, license to use short forms is not mutual; senior partners may feel perfectly justified in using short forms while expecting their junior partners to continue addressing them with long forms. Thus if somebody who is older, say, your Japanese language professor, talks to you using short forms, they would be greatly surprised if you should return the favor. Here are a few observations on the grammar of short forms as they arc used in casual conversations. • In the casual conversational use of short forms, question sentences do not end with the question particle but with rising intonation alone. • The tJ ending of &-adjectives and noun "?T constructions (b in the previous section) is usually dropped. In casual conversations, and are often replaced by the less formal i /v and #51 ~&ur<£&u To request that someone refrain from doing something, one can use a negative verbal short form phis 'C ( fz * . >. Please don't take pictures here. negative short form + 71X T- / am nuud at comfortable with speaking Japanese. This sentence means that Robert went to Okinawa, which in English would be uttered with an extra emphasis on the name Robert. His identity is the new piece of information provided by this sentence. It is one of the functions of the particle & to (1) present the subject of a sentence in a way such that (2) the noun will "fill in the blank on the information sheet.7' The "blank on the information sheet" is a question word like tiix and rT. The above sentence will fill in the blank left out by: Who irf'?il to Okinawa? As we learned in Lesson 2. a question word that is the subject of a sentence is never followed by the partide it, but always by the particle #i As we have seen, a noun that will provide the answer to such a question is also followed by the particle *\ Which class is (the most) interesting? Japanese class is. Who nears glasses (in this class)? Compare: X tzH ti itM (- ft $ 3 L /z ^ k0 Professor ) Finnish it a do es. fee sic The word for "something" is i5T^\ and the word for "anything" in negative sentences is trt. ';Some" and "any" in: positive statements questions something anything? not . . . anything negative statements + negative Those two words are used in places where the particles (Jt. and £ are expected. In these contexts, they are used on their own. without the help of particles. We will learn in Lesson 10 what Lo do in cases where particles other than these are expected. The cat has brought something. Did the cat eat anything? A'o, the cat did not eat anything. mms—s Expression Notes 1 —T^>^ Most irregular verbs are compounds of nouns and the verb ~f& . If you have learned an irregular verb, therefore, you have also learned a noun. verbs to study to cook nouns -<***-> study cooking ex. 11 L i ^-C^ Japanese language study is fun. ex. f A©Mli»**L t»tf, Robert '$ cooking is good. Some of these nouns can be used as the "object" of the verb ~t £. % \l H $@<&&ll $ L t I fe / fftw&d Japanese. but c sa r Compare: & li P *af}£«&!8i L * L fe« Mel i: «a r Em A.-t-tL5Ai.tn1ISf?)»*rLiLfc= H$M //« room. Compare: fc l) L S ^ Mffi £ fil Pfc L * L fc: 8SH m HA Practice i Short Forms A. Change the affirmatives into negatives. (^j Example: < -» *»>^£^ I. A* 5. (i < 9. hhl 13. £> * 17. 2. 10. < 1 11. 3. ft* 7. ft < § li. frth6 15. Ufrm 4. 8. m.j&& < fH 12. HI If. B. Change the affirmatives into negatives. [jjfl Example: tzti*^ ^ l. § 1 ifevvIS 13. | b^Tc' 2. bthtz fi. L&4HHK 10. 3. fc%##*.LM 7. $*§f* 11. ***».C;VV^ 4. 8. NU1^ 12. ir^fd (T: Informal Speech A. Answer the following questions in informal speech, first in the affirmative, then in the negative. Example: Q % X (.Af|t*«i1 3. J < &&Z$£V ? 2. ^a. lo&'&rc&l ? i. x < ? 162 7. hlfz, ? 9. i|^t#^tVV# ? 10. f'-f xniiff < ? 11. -fci§, M£#F£-t3 ? 12. $B. ? B. Answer the following questions in informal speech, first in the affirmative, then in the negative. Nj n a. ^ Example: Q • ? •x. J> 1. 7UV3 ? 5. z^m^i^^^t e. 7ti:ic^>v\| 2. ft Lw? 7. ? 8. JiftSHJJ ? 9. Ktf — y&Z h^? 10. ^0!i^EE0? ic Wi [Mr: fcfe _ A. Make a guess about Mary, using — iJHUSlt. H) Example: good at Japanese 1. often cooks 3. doesn't smoke 5. doesn't go home late at night 7. often goes to see movies 9. likes Takeshi 11. a good student 13. not scary 15. not a freshman 2. drives a car 1. listens to a Japanese language tape every day 6. doesn't drink alcohol much 8. not married 10. busy 12. not tall 14. not quiet B. Make a guess about the person or place below and answer the following questions. Example: Q : - «9AM 0 *AX~ffrs A : B^AtzH&^Z -to Picture A 1. Z?)AliM±RX-ft\ 2. ii%X~-f^z 3. uix-r^0 C. 'It L^t'ti': 9. X < II- 77 >Xf*£f£ l I Picture B l. z z. playing sports fi. studying Japanese 7. doing cleaning S. doing laundry 9. cooking 10. taking a bath 11. driving a car 12. washing a car * If you neither like it nor dislike it, you can use *f $ ^4>&***e4 &9 A. Use the table below and answer the questions. Example: ilfUN ^r'1) ^At"t^c Cm i. tz'n^mm^X'-ffrv 3. /i'^i^ot (alwavs) t^'C#f*:4 ^feltf-M L&dK (eat) 1. i*HN -(-ff^ Life**, (drink) 2. * $ $ ^r#|S ') 3 L fejft (sing) IL,#;-V ') £ I MM (watch) l. f] / 7 Z#^X^£ltz-h\ (take) 5. 4M5»$lM£#V*£ (talk) 6. ^D-r 4 -l-Vt I I Ifc**, (do) 31 8 IB B. Answer the following questions. Example: Q ! b *0 1 ttArttffdH) f) I L A : X/^'^f^ (spaghetti) £ ft ') i L 7cQ i. fttfe, *§*rlMJ L 3. 5^1, T Ulr' T (on TV3 H*» JlI L tz *\ 5. fa a- l i #k L»ii-= ISC A. Interview one of your classmates about any future plans and report to the class. Example: X-yvli*^VC"lMf ( Ht^X^i I tza B. Pair Work/Group Work—You are planning a party. Decide on the following points and fill in the chart. C. Class Activity—Find someone who . . . 1. likes Lo study Japanese 2. hates to do cleaning ?i. likes to sing 4. is poor at driving _ 5. whose mother is good at cooking___ D. Pair Work—A and B are making plans for a one-day trip with two other friends C and D. A knows C's schedule and B knows D's schedule. Play the roles of A and B. Discuss your own and your friend's schedules using ~£lloTU^L/fc, and find out which days all four of you are available. Example: A ! +A0liVKt*\ A : fit li-tf/C- -Ct, C *£*<*fcMXtetH i:f^t B : # 3 ff#i Student A As schedule 16 17 18 19 20 study i- 21 q-.ii/ 22 party 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 part-time joh C told A that he would . . . 18th: go to see a movie 21th: meet friends 26th: go to Osaka to have fun Student B B's schedule 16 shopping 17 work 18 19 20 21 22 tennis 23 25 .. 26 27 28 29 work D told B I hat she would . . . 19th: do a part-time job 27th: go to eat Japanese cuisine 281 h: go to Kyoto to see temples