Global Education

Týden 1

Dear students

there are two things to do until Sunday March 8:

1/ READING - read pages from 10 to 25 (Chapter B and Chapter C) in the attached Global Education Guidelines and write down 6 interesting things from the text (copy it word by word - e.g. 1 sentence or 1 paragraph) which:

A/ remind you of something specific you´ve read before  (connection TEXT-TEXT)

B/ link you to something from your personal life (E.g. some experience)  (connection TEXT-ME)

C/ link you to something which is going on in the world (connection TEXT-WORLD)

So please write down 6 things from the text, decide why they are interesting for you and EXPLAIN  the connection (A or B or C). There should be at least one A, one B, one C! Please put it in Odevzdávárna in this IS on Sunday the latest. If you have a problem with that, send it to


2/ JOURNAL - write a journal! choose one topic for the whole term! You can choose one from these four:

stereotypes/xenophobia,  ethical consumption,  development assistence (cooperation), active citizenship

we would like you to focus more on your topic and start noticing it around you and reflect on it in your journal! it means for example that you read something in the newspaper connected to your topic and you write your reflection, your opinion. Or you hear somebody talking about it (or you have an interesting discussion about it with your friends) and you write about it into your journal. Requirements for the journal:

- at least 120 words

- you combine both local and global aspects of your topic

- at the end of each entry in your journal you ask 2 questions! These questions should be for example about something which is now in your head, something you would like to find out, something which bothers you about the topic etc.

- start 1 google document (name of the document: PAN123_YourSurname_yourTopic) and share it with us. Our addresses:


If something is not clear or you have some further questions, please write to us!

You can also find out a bit more about Global Education on Czech website or in the attached National strategy for global education for Czech Republic... But it´s not homework - only if you have more time, you can look at it.