Týden 5
Dear students,
this is the last homework! :-)
A/ write your last journal entry + questions
B/ Learn more about the Czech context of global education (GE) (globální rozvojové vzdělávání) - explore more the website www.globalnivzdelavani.cz where you can find a lot of useful information about the concept (based on the official document " The Czech National Strategy for GE for 2012-2015"), Czech organisations dealing with global education and, above all, a list of all Czech materials for teachers on global education (more than 50 of them - many of them are downloadable for free). Look at the website and do the following tasks (Bugra and Cemal - you´ll have a different homework - I´ll send it to you by email):
5/ write at least one question that is now on your mind and concerns global education :-)
Please, put it in Odevzdávárna till Sunday. Thank you!
Martina and Kristyna and Šimon