Global Education

Týden 5

Dear students,

this is the last homework! :-)

A/ write your last journal entry + questions

B/ Learn more about the Czech context of global education (GE) (globální rozvojové vzdělávání) - explore more the website where you can find a lot of useful information about the concept (based on the official document " The Czech National Strategy for GE for 2012-2015"), Czech organisations dealing with global education and, above all, a list of all Czech materials for teachers on global education (more than 50 of them - many of them are downloadable for free). Look at the website and do the following tasks (Bugra and Cemal - you´ll have a different homework - I´ll send it to you by email):

1/ Look at the principles and choose 3 which you personally find most important and write why
2/ Look at the goals (včetně podstránek cílů v oblasti postojů, hodnot a znalostí) and choose 2 from each which in your opinion are the most useful ones. And write your reasons why.
3/ Go through the list of Czech organisations You can find there our NGO as well (NaZemi). And check the materials for teachers which have been published in the Czech Republic in the last ten years Have you found anything interesting there? has anything surprised you?
4/ check the following GE projects - if you were a teacher or a student, which one would you like to do as a teacher? or experience as a student? why?
E-learning o globálních tématech -

5/ write at least one question that is now on your mind and concerns global education :-)

Please, put it in Odevzdávárna till Sunday. Thank you!

Martina and Kristyna and Šimon