muster turism.png logo turism.png rahvuskultuur_0762_mikkin (1).tif taust turism.png Not just Skype: Estonia as a Start-Up Country Lecture 4 of course ‘The innovative Estonia’ Arko Olesk Tallinn University/Postimees logo turism.png muster turism.png logo turism.png • •Most start-ups per capita (?) •$65 million of investments in first six months of 2015 muster turism.png logo turism.png •Skype – the ‘Estonian Nokia’ •A team of Estonian coders •Kazaa – P2P file sharing •Skype – 2003 •Sold to eBay in 2005 ($2.6 bn) •Acquired by Microsoft in 2011 for $8.5 bn muster turism.png logo turism.png •TransferWise •money transfer service •2011 •Unicorn • muster turism.png logo turism.png •Successful exits •Modesat •FitsMe - Virtual Fitting Room •GrabCad – collaborative working tool for engineers, ca $100 M • muster turism.png logo turism.png •Projects •Fortumo – mobile payments •Pocopay – mobile banking •GuardTime – cyber-security provider •Signwise – eSignature and authentication •ZeroTurnaround – Java development tools •Erply – online point-of-sale and retail software system muster turism.png logo turism.png •More projects •Click & Grow Starship – local delivery robot muster turism.png logo turism.png •Sharemind •Allows computing encrypted data muster turism.png logo turism.png •Even more projects •Lingvist – language learning •Tsolutions – bus tickets •Jobbatical - connecting talent to employers for short term gigs •Fleep – business messenger •VitalFields – farm management software •Planet OS – big data managements •Skeleton - supercapacitors •Taxify – taxi sevice • • muster turism.png logo turism.png •Support structure •Incubators and startup accelerators •Angel investors •Garage48 – startup hackathlon –MSQRD (€100 M Facebook deal) •Ajujaht – prime-time TV show, competition of business ideas muster turism.png logo turism.png muster turism.png pilt.jpg