ůe latd dnecs the ad€ltion of sudfls to unotic€d ě.tues or oHe! srylés. But the siudy ofÝod§ of o.hď tims a]$ i!fiuencs modern .on.ePts thrcugh dis.oYery óf ťsrheiic veiú6 unknoÝn in our Wn ďt, Á§ in criiicism, so in his_ roricái !€É ó, thť Problem of di§ringuishing or rc]adng fió šr,,les discloýs utru§P.ctdi, §ubtle .hď&teisiřs md suggss nď @n€P6 of fom. Th€ Poý tL at of .ontinuiy in .ulfuť€ - a kind of inďtia h th€ Physicál seN - ladl tó i sg!.lt lol .omDon fe.tul€s in sucesive sryles that ue odinalily .ontBted as oPPosn€ Poles offornt ůe rcsenblmces will rcmedmes be Found mt so much in obvioú dPe.b s i-a fairý hidden ons il)e line Pattúns ofRend$ú@ .ón, Po§riols r