3 From Vague Idea to Experimental Design
In Chapter 2, we described the competencies needed to build, evaluate, use and manage eye-trackers, as well as the properties of different eye-tracking systems and the data exiting them. In Chapter 3 we now focus on how to initially set up an eye-tracking study that can answer a specific research question. This initial and important part of a study is generally known as 'designing the experiment'.
Many of the recommendations in this chapter are based on two major assumptions. First, that it is better to strive towards making the nature of the study experimental. Experimental means studying the effect of an independent variable (that which, as researchers, we directly manipulate—text type for instance) on a dependent variable (an outcome we can directly measure—fixation durations or saccadic amplitude for instance) under tightly controlled conditions. One or more such variables can be under the control of the researcher and the goal of an experiment is to see how systematic changes in the independent variable(s) affect the dependent variable(s). The second assumption is that many eye-tracking measures—or dependent variables—can be used as indirect measures of cognitive processes that cannot be directly accessed. We will discuss possible pitfalls in interpreting results from eye-tracking research with regard to such cognitive processes. Throughout this chapter, we will use the example of the influence of background music on reading (p. 5). We limit ourselves to issues that are specific to eye-tracking studies. For more general textbooks on experimental design, we recommend Gravetter and Forzano (2008); McBurney and White (2007), and Jackson (2008).
This chapter is divided into five sections.
• In Section 3.1 (p. 66) we outline different considerations you should be aware of depending on the rationale behind your experiment and its purpose. There is without doubt huge variation in the initial starting point depending on the reason for doing the study (scientific journal paper or commercial report, for instance). Moreover, the previous experience of the researcher will also determine where to begin. In this section we describe different strategies that may be chosen during this preliminary stage of the study.
• In Section 3.2, we discuss how the investigation of an originally vague idea can be developed into an experiment. A clear understanding is needed of the total situation in which data will be recorded; you need to be aware of the potential causal relationships between your variables, and any extraneous factors which could impact upon this. In the subsections which follow we discuss the experimental task which the participants complete (p. 77), the experimental stimuli (p. 79), the structure of the trials of which the experiment is comprised (p. 81), the distinction between within-subject and between-subject factors (p. 83), and the number of trials and participants you need to include in your experiment (p. 85).
• Section 3.3 (p. 87) expands on the statistical considerations needed in experimental research with eye tracking. The design of an experiment is for a large part determined by the statistical analysis, and thus the statistical analysis needs to be taken into consideration during the planning stages of the experiment. In this section we describe
how statistical analysis may proceed and which factors determine which statistical test should be used. We conclude the section with an overview of some frequently used statistical tests including for each test an example of a study for which the test was used.
• Section 3.4 (p. 95) discusses what is known as method triangulation, in particular how auxiliary data can help disambiguate eye-tracking data and thereby tell us more about the participants' cognitive processes. Here, we will explore how other methodologies can contribute with unique information and how well they complement eye tracking. Using verbal data to disambiguate eye-movement data is the most well-used, yet controversial, form of methodological triangulation with eye-movement data. Section 3.4.8 (p. 99) reviews the different forms of verbal data, their properties, and highlights the importance of a strict method for acquiring verbal data.
3.1 The initial stage—explorative pilots, fishing trips, operationalizations, and highway research
At the very outset, before your study is formulated as a hypothesis, you will most likely have a loosely formulated question, such as "How does listening to music or noise affect the reading ability of students trying to study?". Unfortunately, this question is not directly answerable without rnakingjurther operationalizations. The opcrationalizatton of a research idea is the process of making the idea so precise-tEat data can be recorded, and valid, meaningful values calculated and evaluated. In the music study, you need to select different levels or types of background noise (e.g. music, conversation), and you need to choose how to measure reading ability (e.g. using a test, a questionnaire, or by looking at reading speed). In the -following subsections, wě give a number of suggestions for how to proceed at this stage of the study. The suggested options below are not necessarily exclusive, so you may find yourself trying out more than one strategy before settling on a particular final form of the experiment.
3.1.1 The explorative pilot
One way to start is by doing a small-scale explorative pilot study. This is the thing to do if you do not feel confident about the differences you may expect, or the factors to include in the real experiment. The aim is to get a general feeling for the task and to enable you to generate plausible operationalized hypotheses. In our example case of eye movements and reading, take oné or two texts, and have your friends read them while listening to music, noise, and' silence, respectively. Record their eye movements while they do this. Then, interview them about the process: how did they feel about the task—how did they experience reading the texts under these conditions? Explore the results by looking at data, for instance, look at heat maps (Chapter 7), and scanpaths (Chapter 8). Are there differences in the data for those who listened to music/noise compared to those who did not? Why could that be? Are there other measures you should use to complement the eye-tracking data (retention, working memory span, personality tests, number of books they read as children etc.). It is not essentia] to do statistical tests during this pilot phase, since the goal of the pilot study is to generate testable hypotheses, and not a f-value (nevertheless you should keep in mind what statistics would be appropriate, and to this end it might be useful to look for statistical trends in the data). Do not forget that the hypotheses you decide upon should be relevant to theory—they should have some background and basis from which you generate your predictions. In our case of .music and eye movements whilst reading, the appropriate literature revolves around reading ' research and environmental psychology.
3.1.2 The fishing trip
You may decide boldly to run a larger pilot study with many participants and stimuli, even though you do not really know what eye-tracking measures to use in your analyses. After all, you may argue, there are many eye-tracking measures (fixation duration, dwell times, transitions, fixation densities, etc.), and some of them will probably give you a result. This approach is sometimes called the fishing trip, because it resembles throwing out a wide net in the water and hoping that there will be tish (significant results') somewhere. A major danger of the fishing trip'approach is this: if you are ranritng significance tests on many eye-tracking measures, a number of measures will be significant just by chance, even on completely random data. If youthen choose to present such a selection of significant effects, you have merely shown that at this particular time and spot there happened to be some fish in the water, but another researcher who tries to replicate your findings is less likely to find the same result's. More is explained about this problem on p. 94.
While fishing trips cannot provide any definite conclusions, they can be an alternative to a small-scale explorative study. In fact, the benefits of this approach are several. For example, real effects are replicable, arid therefore you can proceed to test an initial post-hoc explanation from your fishing trip more critically in a real experiment. After the fishing trip, you have found some measures that are statistically significant, have seen the size of the effects, and you have an indication of how many participants and items are needed in the real study. There are also, however, several drawbacks. Doing a fishing-trip study involves a considerable amount of work in generating many stimulus items, recruiting many participants, computing all the measures, and doing a statistical analysis on each and every one (and for this effort you can not be certain that you will find anything interesting).
It should be emphasized that it is not valid to selectively pick significant results from such a study and present them as if you had performed a focused study using only those particular measures. The reason is, you are misleading readers of your research into thinking that your initial theoretical predictions were so accurate that you managed to find a significant effect directly, while in fact you tested many measures, and then formulated a post-hoc explanation for those that were significant. There is a substantial risk that these effects are spurious.
3.1.3 Theory-driven operationalizations
Ideally, you start from previous theories and results and then form corollary predictions. This is generally true because you usually start with some knowledge grounded in previous research. However, it is often the case that these predictions are too general, or not formulated as testable concepts. Theories are usually well specified within the scope of interest of previous authors, but when you want to challenge them from a more unexpected angle, you will probably find several key points unanswered. The predictions that follow from a theory can be specified further by either referring to a complementary theory, or by making some plausible assumptions in the spirit of the theory that are likely to be accepted by the original authors, and which still enable you to test the theory empirically.
If you are really lucky, you may find a theory, model, statement, or even an interesting folk-psychological notion that directly predicts something in terms of eye-tracking measures, such as "you re-read already read sentences to a larger extent when you are listening to music you like". In that case,4he conceptual worjus largely done for you, andjyou may cojlinue with addressing the experimental parameters. If the theory is already established, it will also be easier to publish results biased on this theory, assuming you have a sound experimental design.
3.1.4 Operationalization through traditions and paradigms
One approach, similar to theory-driven operationaligations, is the case where the researcher incrementally adapts and expands on previous research. Typically, you would start with a published paper and minimally modify the reported experiment for your own needs, in order to establish whether you arc able to replicate the main findings and expand upon them. Subsequently you can add further manipulations which shed further light on the issue in hand. The benefits are that you build upon an accepted experimental set-up and measures that have been shown in the past to give significant results. This methodology is more likely to be accepted than presenting your own measures that have not been used in this setting before. Furthermore, using an already established experimental procedure will save you time in not having to run as many pilots, or plan and test different set-ups.
Certain topics become very influential and accumulate a lot of experimental results. After some time these areas become research traditions in their own right and have well-specified paradigms associated with them, along with particular techniques, effects, and measures. A paradigm is a tight operationalization of an experimental task, and aims to pinpointcause and effect ruling out other extraneous factors. Once established, it is relatively easy to generate a number of studies by making subtle adjustments to a known paradigm, and focus on discovering and mapping out different effects. Because of its ease of use, this practice is sometimes called "highway research'. Nevertheless, this approach has many merits, as long-term system-aticity is often necessary to map out an important and complex research area. You simply need many repetitions and slight variations to get a grasp of the involved effects, how they interact, and their magnitudes. Also, working within an accepted research tradition, using a particular paradigm, makes it more likely that your research will be picked up, incorporated with other research in this field, and expanded upon. A possible drawback is that the researcher gets too accustomed to the short times between idea and result, and consequently new and innovative methods will be overlooked because researchers become reluctant of stepping outside a known paradigm.
It should be noted thai it is possible to get the benefits of an established paradigm, but still address questions outside of it; this therefore differentiates paradigm-based research from theory-driven operationalizations. Measures, analysis methods, and statistical practices, may be well developed and mapped out within a certain paradigm designed for a specific research tradition, but nothing prohibits you from using these methods to tackle other research questions outside of this area. For example, psycholinguistic paradigms can be adapted for marketing research to test "top-of-the-mind' associations (products that you first think of to fulfil a given consumer need).
In this book, we aim for a general level of understanding and will not delve deeper into concerns or measures that are very specific to a particular research tradition. The following are very condensed descriptions of a few major research traditions in eye tracking:
• Visual search is perhaps the largest research tradition and offers an easily adaptable and highly informative experimental procedure. The basic principles of visual search experiments were founded by Treisman and Gelade (1980) and rest on the idea that effortful scanning for a target amongst distractors will show a linear increase in reaction time the larger the set size, that is, the more distractors present. However, some types of target are said to 'pop out' irrespective of set size; you can observe this for instance if you are looking for something red surrounded by things that are blue. These asymmetries in visual search times reflect the difference between serial and parallel processing respectively—some items require focused attention and it takes time to bind their properties together, other items can be located pre-attentively. Many manipulations of the basic visual search paradigm have been conducted—indeed any expert-
meni where you have to find a pre-defined target presented in stimulus space is a form of visual search—and from this research tradition we have learned much about the tight coupling between attention and eye movements. Varying the properties of targets and distracters, their distribution in space, the size of the search array, the number of potential items that can be retained in memory etc. reveals much about how we are able to cope with the vast amount of visual information that our eyes receive every second and, nevertheless, direct our eyes efficiently depending on the current task in hand. In the real world this could be baggage screening at an airport, looking for your keys on a cluttered desk, or trying to find a friend in a crowd. Although classically visual search experiments are used to study attention independently of eye movements, visual search manipulations are also common in studies of eye guidance. For an overview of visual search see Wolfe (1998a, 1998b).
Reading research focuses on language processes involved in text comprehension. Common research questions involve the existence and extent of parallel processing and the influence of lexical and syntactic factors on reading behaviour. This tradition commonly adopts well-constrained text processing, such as presenting a single sentence per screen. The text presented will conform to a clear design structure in order to pinpoint the exact mechanisms of oculomotor control during reading. Hence, 'reading' in the higher-level sense, such as literary comprehension of a novel, is not the impetus of the reading research tradition from an eye movement perspective. With higher-level reading, factors such as genre, education level, and discourse structure are the main predictors, as opposed to word frequency, word length, number of morphemes etc. in reading research on eye-movement control. The well-constrained nature of reading research, as well as consistent dedication within the field has generated a very well-researched domain where the level of sophistication is high. Common measures of interest to reading researchers are first fixation durations, first-pass durations and the number of between- and within-word regressions. Unique to reading research is the stimulus lay-out which has an inherent order of processing (word one comes before word two, which comes before word three.,.). This allows for measures which use order as a component, regressions for instance, where participants re-fixate an already fixated word from earlier in the sentence. Reading research has also spearheaded the use of gaze-contingent display changes in eye-tracking research. Here, words can be changed, replaced, or hidden from view depending on the current locus of fixation (e.g. the next word in a sentence may be occluded by (x)s, just delimiting the number of characters, until your eyes land on it, see page 50). Gaze-contingent eye tracking is a powerful technique to investigate preview benefits in reading and has been employed in other research areas to study attention independently from eye movements. Good overview or milestone articles in reading research are Reder (1973); Rayner (1998); Rayner and Pollatsek (1989); Inhoff and Radach (1998); Engbert, Longtin, and Kliegl (2002).
Scene perception is concerned with how we look at visual scenes, typically presented on a computer monitor. Common research questions concern trie extent to which various bottom-up or top-down factors explain where we direct our gaze in a scene, as well as how fast we can form a representation of the scene and recall it accurately. Since scenes are presented on a computer screen, researchers can directly manipulate and test low-level parameters such a luminance, colour, and contrast, as well as making detailed quantitative predictions from models. Typical measures are number of fixations and correlations between model-predicted and actual gaze locations. The scene may also be divided into areas of interest (AOIs), from which AOl measures and other eye
movement statistics can be calculated (see Chapter 6 and Part III of the book respectively). Suggested entry articles for scene perception are Henderson and Hollingworth (1999), Henderson (2003) and Itti and Koch (2001). • Usability is a very broad research tradition that does not yet have established eye-tracking conventions as do the aforementioned traditions. However, usability research is interesting because it operates at a higher analysis level than the other research traditions, and is typically focused on actual real-world use of different artefacts and uses eye tracking as a means to get insight into higher-level cognitive processing. Stimulus and task are often given and cannot be manipulated to any larger extent. For instance, Fitts, Jones, and Milton (1950) recorded on military pilots during landing, which restricted possibilities of varying the layout in the cockpit or introducing manipulations that could cause failures. Usability is the most challenging eye-tracking research tradition as the error sources are numerous, and researchers still have to employ different methods to overcome these problems. One way is using eye tracking as an explorative measure, or as a way to record post-experiment cued retrospective verbalizations with the participants. Possible introductory articles are Van Gog, Paas, Van Merricnboer, and Witte (2005), Goldberg and Wichansky (2003), Jacob and Karn (2003), and Land (2006).
As noted, broad research traditions like those outlined above are often accompanied by specific experimental paradigms, set procedures which can be adapted and modified to tackle the research question in hand. We have already mentioned gaze-contingent research in reading, a technique that has become known as the the moving-window paradigm (McConkie & Rayner, 1975). This has also been adapted to study scene perception leading to Castelhano and Henderson (2007) developing the flash-preview moving-window paradigm. Here a scene is very briefly presented to participants (too fast to make eye movements) before subsequent scanning: the eye movements that follow when the scene is inspected are restricted by a fixation-dependent moving window. This paradigm allows researchers to unambiguously gauge what information from an initial scene glimpse guides the eyes.
The Visual World Paradigm (Tancnhatis, Spivey-Knowlton, Eberhard, & Sedivy, 1995) is another experimental set-up focused on spoken-language processing. It constitutes a bridge between language and eye movements in the 'real world'. In this paradigm, auditory linguistic information directs participants' gaze. As the auditory information unfolds over time, it is possible to establish at around which point in time enough information has been received to move the eyes accordingly with the intended target. Using systematic manipulations, this allows the researchers to understand the language processing system and explore the effects of different lexical, semantic, visual, and many other factors. For an introduction to this research tradition, please see Tanenhaus and Brown-Schmidt (2008) and Huettig, Rommers, and Meyer (2011) for a detailed review.
There are also a whole range of experimenial paradigms to study oculomotor and saccade programming processes. The anti-saccadic paradigm (see Munoz and Everting (2004) and Everling and Fischer (1998)) involves an exogeneous attentional cue—a dot which the eyes are drawn to, but which must be inhibited and a saccade made in the opposite direction, known as an anti-saccade. Typically anti-saccade studies include more than just anti-saccades, but also pro-saccades (i.e. eye movements towards the abrupt dot onset), and switching between these tasks. This paradigm can therefore be used to lest the ability of participants to assert executive cognitive control over eye movements. A handful of other well-specified 'off-the-shelf experimental paradigms also exist, like the anti-saccadic task, to study occulomotorand saccade programming processes. These include but arc not limited to: the gap task (Kingstone & Klein, 1993), the remote distractor effect (Walker, Deubel, Schneider, & Findlay, 1997),
saccadic mislocalization and compression (Ross, Morrone, & Burr, 1997). Full descriptions of all of these approaches is not within the scope of this chapter; the intention is to acquaint the reader with the idea that there are many predefined experimental paradigms which can be utilized and modified according to the thrust of your research.
3.2 What caused the effect? The need to understand what you are studying
A basic limitation in eye-tracking research is the following: it is impossible to tell from eye-tracking data alone what people think. The following quote from Hyrskykari, Ovaska, Majaranta, RSiha, and Lehtinen (2008) nicely exemplify how this limitation may affect the interpretation of data:
For example, a prolonged gaze to some widget does not necessarily mean that the user does not understand the meaning of the widget. The user may just be pondering some aspect of the given task unrelated to the role of the widget on which the gaze happens to dwell.... Similarly, a distinctive area on a heat map is often interpreted as meaning that the area was interesting. It attracted the user's attention, and therefore the information in that area is assumed to be known to the user. However, the opposite may be true: the area may have attracted the user's attention precisely because it was confusing and problematic, and the user did not understand the information presented.
Similarly, Triesch, Ballard, Hayhoe, and Sullivan (2003) show that in some situations participants can look straight at a task-relevant object, and still no working memory trace can be registered. Not only fixations are ambiguous. Holsanova, Holniberg, and Holmqvist (2008) point out that frequent saccades between text and images may reflect an interest in integrating the two modalities, but also difficulty in integrating them. That eye-movement data are non-trivial to analyse is further emphasized by the remarks from Underwood, Chapman, Berger, and Crundall (2003) which detail that about 20% of all non-fixated objects in their driving scenes were recalled by participants, and from Griffin and Spicier (2006) that people often speak about objects in a scene that were never fixated. Finally, Viviani (1990) provides an in-depth discussion about links between eye movements and higher cognitive processes.
In the authors' experience, it is very easy to get dazzled by eye-tracking visualizations such as scanpaths and heat maps, and assume for instance that the hot-spot area on a webpage was interesting to the participants, or that the words were difficult to understand, forgetting the many other reasons participants could have had for looking there. Its negative effect on our reasoning is known under the term 'affirming the consequent' or more colloquially "backward reasoning' or 'reverse inference*.
We will exemplify thejd^ajof_back.ward reasoning using the music and reading study introduced on page 5. This study was designed to determine whether music disturbs the reading r: vess or not. The reading process is measured using eye movements. These three components are illustrated schematically in Figure 3.1. In this figure, all the (ni)$ signify properties of the experimental set-up that were manipulated (e.g. the type of music, or the volume level). The (c)s in the figure represent different cognitive processes that may be influenced by the experimental manipulations. The (b)s, finally, are the different behavioural outcomes (the eye movements) of the cognitive processes. Note that we cannot measure the cognitive processes directly with eye tracking, but we try to capture them indirectly by making manipulations and measuring changes in the behaviour (eye movement measures)."
See Poldrack, 2006 for an interesting discussion regarding reverse inference from the field of fMRI.
Manipulation Cognitive Behavioral
process response
m-f - c, - b\
m2 -— Cjj - t>2
mn o„ b„
Forward reasoning-
■<- Backward reasoning
Fig. 3.1 Available reasoning paths: possible paths of influence that different variables can have. Our goal is to correctly establish what variables influence what. Notice that there is a near-infinite number of variables that influence, to a greater or lesser degree, any other given variable.
Each of the three components (the columns of Figure 3.!) introduce a risk of drawing an erroneous conclusion from the experimental results.
1. During data collection, perhaps the experiment leader unknowingly introduced a confound, something that co-occurred at the same time as the music. Perhaps the experiment leader tapped his finger to the rhythm of the music and disturbed the participant. This would yield the path ((«;) —► (ci) —► (b\), with (mi) being the finger tapping. As a consequence, we do get our result (b\), falsely believing this effect has taken the path of (mj) —> (c|) (b]% while in fact it is was the finger tapping (»12) that drove the entire effect.
2. We hope that our manipulation in stage one affects the correct cognitive process, in our case the reading comprehension system. However, it could well be that our manipulation evokes some other cognitive processes. Perhaps something in the music influenced the participant's confidence in his comprehension abilities, (ci), making the participant less confident. This shows up as longer fixations and additional regressions to double-check the meaning of the words and constructions. Again, we do get our (b\), but it has taken the route (mi) —> (cs) —> (b\), much like in the case with long dwell time on the widget mentioned previously.
3. Unfortunately, maybe there was an error when programming the analysis script, and the eye-movement measures were calculated in the wrong way. Therefore, we think we are getting a proper estimation of our gaze measures (b\), but in reality we are getting numbers representing entirely different measures (fci).
Erroneous conclusions can either be false positives or false negatives, A false positive is to erroneously accept the null hypothesis to be false (or an alternative explanation as correct). In Figure 3.1 above, the path (mi) -4 {C2) -4 (b[) would be such a case. We make sure we present the correct stimuli (f«i), and we find a difference in measurable outcomes (£>i), but the path of influence never involved our cognitive process of interest (cj)> but some other function (C2)- We thus erroneously accepted that (c\) is involved in this process (or more correctly: falsely rejected that it had no effect). The other error is the false negative, where we erroneously reject an effect even though it is present and genuine.Tw example, we believe we test thepath (m~ij —* (C[) —> {b~\j, but in fact we "imknewingly measure the wrong eye-movement variables (&i) due to a programming error. Since we cannot find any differences
in what we believe our measures to be, we falsely conclude that cither our manipulation (mi) had no effect, or our believed cognitive process (ci) was not involved at all, when in fact if we had properly recorded and analysed the right eye-movement measures we would have observed a significant result. False negatives are also highly likely when you have not recorded enough data; maybe you have too few trials per condition, or there are not enough participants included in your study. If this is the case your experiment does not have enough statistical power (p. 85) to yield a significant result, even though such an effect is true and would have been identified had more data been collected.
How can we deal with the complex situation of partly unknown factors and unpredicted causal chains that almost any experiment necessarily involves? There is an old joke that a good experimentalisi needs to be a bit neurotic, looking for all the dangers to the experiment, also those that lurk below the immediate realm of our consciousness, waiting there for a chance to undermine the conclusion by introducing an alternative path to (b\). It is simply necessary to constrain the number of possible paths, until only one inevitable conclusion remains, namely that: "(mi) leads to (c\) because we got (b\) and we checked all the other possible paths to (£>i) and could exclude them". Only then docs backward reasoning, from measurement to cognitive process, hold.
There is no definitive recipe for how to detect and constrain possible paths, but these are some tips:
• As part of your experimental design work, list all the alternative paths that you can think of. Brainstorming and irrmd-mapping are good tools for this job.
• Read previous research orrthe cognitive processes involved. Can studies already conducted exclude some ofThe paths for you?
• The simpler eye-movement measures belonging to fixations (pp. 377-389) and sac-cades (pp. 302-336) are relatively well-investigated indicators of cognitive processes (depending on the research field). The more complex measures used in usability and design studies are largely unvalidated, independent of field of research. We must recognize that without a theoretical foundation and validation research, a recorded gaze behaviour might indicate just about any cognitive process.
• If your study requires you to use complex, unvalidated measures, do not despair. New measures must be developed as new research frontiers open up (exemplified for instance by Dempere-Marco, Hu, Ellis, Hansell, & Yang, 2006; Goldberg & Kotval, 1999; Ponsoda, Scon, & Findlay, 1995: Choi. Mosley, & Stark, 1995; Mannan, Ruddock, & Wooding. 1995). This is necessary exploratory work, and you will have to argue convincingly that the new measure works for your specific case, and even then accept that further validation studies are needed.
• Select your stimuli and the task instructions so as to constrain the number of paths to (b\). Reduce participant variation with respect to background knowledge, expectations, anxiety levels, etc. Start with a narrow and tightly controlled experiment with excellent statistical power. After you have found an effect, you might have to worry about whether it generalizes to all participant populations; is it likely to be true in all situations?
• Use method triangulation: simple additional measurements like retention tests, working "memory tests, and reaction time tests can help reduce the number of paths. Hyrskykari et al. (2008), from whom the quotes above came, argue that retrospective gaze-path stimulated think-aloud protocols add needed information on thought processes related to scanpalhs. If that is not enough, there is also Mil- possibility to add other behavioural measurements. We will come back to this option later in this chapter (p. 95).
3.2.1 Correlation and causality: a matter of control
A fundamental tenet of any experimental study is the operationalization of the mental construct you wish to study, using dependent and independent variables. Independent variables are the causal requisites of an effect, the things we directly manipulate, (m,-, i — 1,2,..., n) in Figure 3.1. Dependent variables are the events that change as a direct consequence of our manipulations our independent variables are said to affect our dependent variables. This terminology can be confusing, but you will see it used a lot as you read scientific eye-tracking literature so it is important that you understand what it means, and the crucial difference between independent and dependent variables. In eye tracking your dependent variables are any of the eye-movement measures you choose to take (as extensively outlined in Part III). __A perfect experiment is one in which no factors systematically influence the dependent variable (e.g. fixation duration) other than the ones you control. The factors you control are typically controlled in groups, such as 'listens to music' versus 'listens to cafeteria noise' or along a continuous scale such as introversion/extroversion (e.g. between 1 and 7). A perfectly controlled experimental design is the ideal, because it is only with controlled experimental designs that we are able to make statements of causality. That means, if we manipulate one independent variable while keeping all other factors constant, then any resulting change in the dependent variable will be due to our manipulated factor, our independent variable (as it is the only one that has varied). e < 0.001 level. In other words, the probability that our observed differences in fixation durations between the technical texts and casual texts are due to chance is 1 in 1000. More data has made our result stronger, but it was not necessary to record data from so many participants.
Caution is needed with regard to large sample sizes, therefore, as it is potentially possible to find positive effects in almost any experimental manipulation you do. With enough data, any effect, however trivial, will cut through the random noise. Now, consider an alternative experiment where we again use 20 participants per cell, but do not find the expected effect of our manipulation. If we keep recording until we have 500 participants per cell, and we then observe a significant effect at the. p < 0.05 level, we now run the risk of a an error similar to, but not quite, a Type I error.—a false positive. Given enough data, small effects will be amplified until they qualify as significant. For example, during our manipulation, we happened to pick two texts which had slight and barely visible differences in the font type. With enough data, we found significant effects, not in our intended manipulation of text genre, but rather in the type of font used. We risk falsely assuming an effect of text genre when in fact there is none (but an effect of font type).
The optimal number of participants to use varies, but there are various approaches to solve this. One way would be to follow the canonical research in your particular research field and journals, and just use the same number of participants and items. If you believe your effect size will deviate from previous research, then take earlier studies and calculate their statistical power (what is called the retrospective power). You can then use this power value together with the expected magnitude of your effect to generate the required number of participants needed for each cell. There is software for doing power calculations, but they still require an educated guess of the effect of magnitude and its variance. When the result of our hypothesis test is null, high statistical power allows us to conclude with greater confidence that this result is genuine, and that it is very unlikely that an effect of the hypothesized magnitude or larger was present.
Often, we accept a risk of a type Uerroj; (known as j3) which is larger than the risk of a type I error (a), because the former can require large amounts of data to negate, which is not feasiBleln a standard eye-tracking experiment. The risk we take entails ending up with results that falsely show no effect of our manipulation. This is deemed less problematic than type I errors. This is not to say, however, that type I errors, i.e. spurious and invalid effects, do not show up in eye-tracking data. This probably happens all the time, but they only really pose a threat to the research tradition if they are not understood by the researcher, not
questioned by the reviewer, or not replicated by the research community. The error can be one or a combination of many aspects of the experiment: poor precision and accuracy of the eye-tracking hardware, bad operationalizations of the mental construct and selection of dependent and independent variables, questionable synchronization between stimulus presentation and eve movement recordings. It is up to the researcher to decide whether it is more important to be confident that the effect is present, or if it is more important to be confident that the effect is not there. Statistical power is seldom reported as we are typically interested in positive effects and there is a publication bias for these effects. We should keep in mind though, that i failed) replications can be very interesting and then power becomes an important issue to correctly falsify previous findings.
It is beyond the scope of this book to discuss detailed power calculations, but two simple examples can be given to put power and sample size into perspective. These examples were calculated using the formulae and tables in Howell (2007) for simple one-way ANOVAs.
• If we want an a of 0.05 (we correctly accept 95% of all true effects) and a power of 0.80 (we correctly reject 80% of all false effects), then we need a sample size of 72 participants per cell (i.e. per experimental condition).
• nivm an ri nf f) OS and a powpr flfflflj, then we need a sample size of 1.19 per cell.
However, there is more to the discussion than just getting your results significant. For example, earlier studies may have just very few participants (Noton & Stark, 1971a: two and four participants; Gullberg & Holmqvist, 1999: five participant pairs), and even though the results may be significant, there is also the problem of generalizability. With four participants, a is likely that these people will deviate from the average person we want to generalize to. Typically, the hypothesis tests tell us how likely it is that a sample is drawn from a particular population or not. This assumes that the participants are randomly sampled from the population at large. In practice, this is never the case. It is a fact that the vast majority of academic research is carried out on university students; this is also true of eye tracking. Unfortunately, we cannot see that anybody will go through the challenge of doing completely randomized sampling of the population during the recruitment of participants to an experiment. We can only hope to be humble when drawing conclusions and making generalizations. However, . •••• :th only four participants may still be interesting. Not because we can generalize
from it (which we cannot), but because it may generate interesting hypotheses that we may proceed later to test with a full experiment. The point is to not present a case study as a full generalizable experiment, or vice versa.
3.3 Planning for statistical success
Once the data of your experiment have been collected, you will have one or several files with Ac raw data samples. At this point in the future, you should already have a clear idea what so do with this data. Typically, the subsequent analysis consists of four main steps, each of winch is described in the following subsections.
3-3.1 Data exploration
- :■ :-:. ration is not often discussed in textbooks, but is nevertheless an important pari «7 the analysis. The main purpose of data exploration is to get to know the data in order -7 ;>':e to account for choices that are made in later stages of the analysis. A secondary aspose. which is nevertheless also vital, is to check for possible errors in the data. It happens m too easily that data were coded erroneously or incorrecdy measured when the experiment
was carried out. Feeding the data into a data analysis without checking for errors may have devastating effects, either producing significant effects that do not exist, or hiding them.
The first goal of data exploration is to check whether data quality is sufficient. This can mostly be done in manufacturer software by inspecting the recorded data of individual participants. Position- and velocity-over-time diagrams, scanpath plots, and heat map visualizations are excellent tools to quickly inspect and judge the quality of data. For participants and trials who pass through this initial test, use event detection, AOI analysis, or the other methods in Chapters 5-9 to calculate values to those eye-movement measures that you have selected as so-called variables in your experiment.
Another main goal is to look at the distribution of these variables. A regular requirement for statistical tests is that the data are normally distributed (i.e. symmetrically distributed around the mean with values close to the mean being more frequent than values further away from the mean, compare the left part of Figure 3.6). As will become apparent in Part III of this book, many eye-tracking measures are not normally distributed. Eye-tracking measures, including fixation duration and most saccade measures, tend to have skewed distributions so that one tail of a histogram is thicker than the other tail, examplificd in the right part of Figure 3.6. Skewed variables may become normally distributed after transformation, for instance, by computing the logarithm of the values, which may be the single most used transformation available. This transformation makes a positively skewed (typically right-skewed) distribution normal-looking by reducing higher values more than lower values. A distribution commonly log-transformed is human reaction time values, where there is a physical limit to how fast a human can respond to a stimulus, but no limit to how slow they can be. Therefore, the distribution typically has a fat positive tail consisting of the trials where the participant was fatigued, inattentive, or disrupted. A less common, but theoretically more powerful approach, is to analyse skewed distributions directly using methods developed for gamma distributions (if the untransformed values resemble this distribution). If the dependent variable is a proportion, especially outside the 0.3-0.7 range, then a log odds (logit) transformation is common. Navigating between transformations and methods for particular distributions becomes important during the analysis stage, especially so if you have limited data and cannot afford to aggregate it to produce a Gaussian distribution.
A third goal of exploratory data analysis is to identify outliers, that is, values that fall outside the normal range of measurements. These values need to be handled with care, as they may exert a disproportionately large influence on the results of the final analysis. Outliers may be the consequence of errors in the data recording or the event detection, or they may be actual rare measurements. In case they are errors, they need to be corrected or excluded. In case they are rare measurements, you may decide to leave them in or to exclude them. There are no strict guidelines about what to do with outliers. In some cases, it may be possible to predefine outliers. For instance based on previous experience and other research, one excludes all values that fall outside the range that is normally to be expected. In other cases this might not be possible and you need to decide which values are to be left out and which ones may stay in. This decision should ideally be made before the analysis is done. One strategy is to examine standardized values, and exclude values that are more than 3.29 standard deviations above or below the mean (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2000). Such rare values are not outliers by definition, however, since a few such extreme values are to be expected if the datafile is sufficiently large. Outliers may, finally, disappear spontaneously as a consequence of data transformation.
Plotting is also an indispensable tool in the later stages of data exploration. Particularly useful are box-and-whiskers plots, which give simultaneous information about the distribution as well as potential outliers (compare Figure 3.7). Additional plots that might be helpful are histograms (as in Figure 3.6), scatterplots, stem-and-leaf plots. In this stage of
-4-2 0 2 4 0 5 10 15
(a) Normally distributed random vari- (b) Positively skewed random variable, able.
Fig. 3.6 Histograms, symmetric and skewed, respectively.
4 -
12 -
8 -
6 -
2 -
(a) Normally distributed random (b) Positively skewed random vari-variable. able.
fig. 3.7 Boxplots of the variables shown in Figure 3.6.
k analysis, it is wise to make a plot for each participant separately as well as for each item, i that way, it becomes possible to identify potentially deviant participants or items that need > be excluded from further analysis.
3.3.2 Data description
Data description means using summary statistics (mean, mode, variance, etc.) to present in a concise way the results of the study. In order to be able to present these statistics, the available data usually need to be formatted so that they are readable by the software package with which the analysis is carried out. Sometimes the manufacturer software can do part of this job, but more often than not, you may need to do additional work in the form of transposing, restructuring, or aggregating the raw data files. Since errors may steal into the data at this stage as well, it is wise not to do these transformations by hand, but to leave them as much as possible to the computer.
The choice of summary statistics depends on what is known as the measurement scale of the variables of interest. An often-made distinction is between four types of measurement scales. At the lowest level are categorical or nominal variables. These take different values, but the values are unordered. Examples are colours, professions, grammatical categories, and so on. At the next level arc ordinal variables. The values that these can take may be ordered, but the differences between adjacent values need not be the same. An example is the order in which a participant looks at different AOIs in an image. The participant may, by way of illustration, first look for a long while at one AOI, and then only briefly at the next before going on to a third AOI. These time differences are not visible when only the order of the AOIs is measured. At the next level are variables measured at interval scale. Values may be ordered and the differences between adjacSTvaluware equal. A further characteristic is that interval variables have an arbitrarily chosen zero point. Typical examples of interval variables are temperature and IQ. Finally, at the highest level are ratio, variables which are similar to interval variables with the exception that they have a true zero point, i.e. zero meanTffiaTthe variable is absent. Examples of ratio variables are dimension variables such as height, width, and time. In eye-tracking research, interval and ratio variables are common, anTTmany-afjhe measures to be described later in this book fall within one of these two categories.
The descriptive analysis often focuses on two aspects of the data, usually termed measures of central tendene^the mean, median, or the mode) and measures of dispersion (the range, the variance, or the standard deviation). The former summarize the value that is in a way the most representative of the sample, whereas the latter summarize the amount of variability in the sample. An explanation of these measures can be found in any introductory textbook on statistics.
Which measure to choose from depends largely on the measurement scale of the variables. All measures may be used for interval and ratio variables; for ordinal variables, the median, the mode, and the range may be used; for nominal variables, only the mode may be used.
3.3.3 Data analysis
The choice of statistical analysis should be as much part of the planning of a study as any of
Jthe other considerations given in this chapter. Statistical tests cannot be adapted so that they fit any kind of experimental design. Rather, the design of the study needs to be adapted so that the data can be analysed by an existing statistical test. If the choice of the test is not taken into account during the planning stages of the study, there is a risk that the results cannot be analysed properly, and, consequently, that drastic data transformations severely reduce the statistical power or, ultimately, that all the effort that was taken to run the study has been in vain.
The principle behind statistical testing is the following. The participants (and the materials) constitute a sample that is taken from some population of interest, for example, normal-reading adults, dyslectic children, second-language learners, and sp on_A population is usually large, making it impossible to measure all of its members. The sample, thus,
is a non-pcrlecl image of reality, and consequently there is some degree of uncej^aifl^Yiir1 the results. Note that this uncertainty is smaller for large samples than for small samples. This uncertainty is also known as 'sampling error'. Sampling error is the variability thai is for instance the consequence of measuring different participants, or the same participants on different occasions, or the same participants with different stimulus material (see also page 83). The purpose of inferential statistics is to distinguish sampling error from variability that may be related to another variable of interest. The outcome of the test is the probability that observed variability in the data is sampling error only. This probability is the p-value that is reported as the result of the test. If this probability is very low, then the conclusion is drawn that the variability in the data may be ascribed to variability in one or more variables.
During the past few decades, the possibilities for statistical analysis have greatly increased. There is now a large variety of different_types of analysis avajlable^sonieof which are simple, others more complex. The complex analyses are not necessarily better than the -tmple ones. A well-defined research question may be simple, and the accompanying analysis may be also. Perhaps the most important factor that determines the choice of the statistical is. and with that the design of the study, is that you select a test that you are comfortable with. As stated above, it is easier to adopt the design of an experiment to an existing statistical analysis then the other way around.
Different types of statistical analysis exist, depending on the variables that are included in the study. A rough two-way distinction can be made between parametric and non-parametric tests, Non-parametric tests (such as Wilcoxon, Friedman, sign test) are appropriate when the underlying dependent variable is ordinal or nominal. In eye-tracking research, ordinal dependent variables are not as common as interval or ratio variables. Nominal dependent variables. ob the other hand, may occur frequently (for instance different AOIs). The distinction between an ordinal and an interval variable is not always clear. A three-point scale (e.g. cold-wann-hot) is without doubt an ordinal variable, but as more points are added to the scale, k increasingly resembles an interval variable. Nominal dependent variables are notoriously difficult to analyse. Simple statistical tests for the association between two nominal variables . g. chi-square, Fisher's exact test), but in practice the situation is usually more competed. An overview of non-parametric tests is given in Siegel and Castellan (1988).
If the dependent variable is measured at an interval or a ratio scale, the statistical test is a parametric test. These tests rely on specific assumptions about the population from which the sample is drawn. One such assumption is that the values in the population are normally distributed, i.e. symmetrically distributed around the mean with values close to the mean be-ag more frequent than values further away from the mean. Whenever there is evidence that ±t' distribution of the underlying population is not normal there is a risk that the outcome of the test is unreliable. An option is to transform, using for instance a log or a square root tt«ssformation, the data so that the distribution becomes normal. The decision whether or not to transform the data may be a difficult one. There is a cost-benefit argument. The advance lest results may be more reliable. The drawback is that the test results may . difficult to interpret as well as a loss of power. We lose power because, e.g. a log-kHSfonnaiion reduces large numbers more than small numbers, so we are less able to sepa-cm the difference between two large numbers. An alternative solution, which unfortunately a aot ideal either, is to convert the measurement scale from interval/ratio to ordinal/nominal, md to do a non-parametric test. This solution is not ideal because this conversion involves toss of information, and with that loss of statistical power. We lose power if we ignore the size at the numbers and only focus on the sign (positive/negative), because we cannot distinguish between -1 and-100.
A different two-way distinction is whether there is one or several dependent variables. Tbe collected history of eye-movement research give you access to much more than a single
measure for your study. When you have multiple dependent variables,.you may decide to analyse them separately to see which of them yields significant differences between experimental groups. In doing so, the character of your study becomes exploratory rather than confirming^ or rejecting hypotheses. An alternative is to 'reverse the roles' of independent and dependent variables, and to see which of the dependent variables best predicts group membership. Suppose, for instance, that two experimental groups were involved in a study, for instance dyslexic readers and normal readers. These two groups all read a text and several measures are obtained from their reading: first fixation durations, number of inword regressions, gaze duration, saccadic amplitudes, etc. These measures can then be used as predictors to evaluate which of them predict whether a reader was a dyslexic or a normal reader. Finally, a number of multivariate statistical methods exist that may be used to see which variables 'group' together (for instance, factor analysis, principal component analysis, cluster analysis, correspondence analysis). This approach is exploratory rather than confirmatory. For an overview of different multivariate statistical analyses, we refer to Tabachnick and Fidell (2000).
Further factors that determine the choice of statistical analysis are the number and types of independent variables. In the following, we briefly describe a few types of analyses that are common within eye-tracking research. For each analysis, we provide a short example, and one or two references for further reading.
Analysis ot variance or ANOVA is (he appropriate analysis if the dependent variable is measured at interval or ratio scale and there are one or more independent nominal variables (often called 'factors'). Analysis of variance "may be the most common method for the analysis of experimental data. The method exist for experiments with between -subject factors, within-subject factors, or combinations of the two. As a general recommendation, the number of factors should be kept low, preferably not more than three. The main reason is that independent variables may interact with one another, and the number of possible interactions increases rapidly when more independent variables are added to a study. Interactions are notoriously difficult to interpret, especially those that involve more than two factors. Analysis of variance is discussed in many textbooks on statistics. An exceptionally complete handbook is Winer, Brown, and Michels (1991). There are numerous examples of eye-tracking studies in which the results were analysed with an analysis of variance. One example is a study by Camblin, Gordon, and Swuab (2007), who looked at the influence of two factors on eye-movement measures. These factors were word association; (whether two words are easily associated with each other or not), and discourse congruency~(whether a word fits in the context or not). The main question behind this investigation was whether reading processes are more'strongly influenced by local context (represented by the word association factor), or by global context (repfe"serrtedby the discourse congmency factor). Combining ERP measurements with eye-tracking measurements, they found discourse congruency to be a stronger factor than word association. In other words, local reading processes may be overruled by global reading processes. Logistic regression A special ease of a nominal variable is a variable that takes only two outcomes (e.g. yes-no, hit-miss, dead-alive). A seemingly attractive solution is to convert the outcomes to proportions or percentages. This might be allowable for the description of the data, but not for the statistical test. One risk with proportions is that some participants contribute with many data points (e.g. 90 misses out of 100 trials), whereas others contribute with only few data points (e.g. 2 out of 5). [f the results from these two participants were averaged, then the first proportion would be counted just as heavily as the second, which is not appropriate since the second proportion is much less reliable than the first. The solution for such dichotomous variables is to convert the
proportional scale to a logarithmic scale (logit transformation) and to do the analysis on the transformed values instead. This type of analysis is called a logistic regression. An introduction to logistic regression can be found in Tabachnick and Fidell (2000). An example of a logistic regression analysis within eye-tracking research is given in Sporn et at. (2005). In that study, a number of eye-tracking variables were measured in a clinical group of schizophrenic patients and a control group. Subsequently, the results of the eye-tracking measures were used as predictors in a logistic regression analysis, to establish whether the two groups could be differentiated on the basis of the measurements.
Regression Regression is similar to analysis of variance in that there is a dependent variable measured at an interval/ratio scale. In regression, however, the factors (predictors) may be either categorical or continuous. The simplest example of regression contains one continuous dependent variable (e.g. fixation duration) and one continuous predictor (e.g. font size). A relationship between these variables implies that an increase in the predictor is associated with an increase (or a decrease) in the dependent variable. The most parsimonious representation of such a relationship is to suppose that it is linear, i.e. the change in the dependent variable is constant across the whole range of the predictor. If this is true, then the relationship between the variables can be modelled using the equation for a straight line: Y' = b + aX. In this equation, b is the level of Y at the lowest level of X, and a is the slope of the line, i.e. the change in Y per unit change in X. Reality may be more complex than that, however. The relationship between two variables need not be linear, and there may be more than one variable that influences the dependent variable. We recommend Cohen, Cohen, West, and Aiken (2002) as a textbook on regression.
Multilevel modelling A relatively recent development in statistical analysis is offered by so-called multilevel analysis (also known as hierarchical models, mixed models). In this type of analysis, random factors are included and parameters of the model (estimates of the contributions of the different factors) are estimated by a process of maximum likelihood estimation or variants of it. These models may be applied when the dependent variable is an interval/ratio variable, but also when the dependent variable is a nominal variable. Multilevel models have the great advantage that they are flexible. The data set does not need to be perfectly balanced, as it should be for analysis of variance. For an introduction to multilevel modelling, we refer to Singer and Willett (2003). An example of multilevel analysis within eye-tracking research is given by Barr (2008). The technique has been applied successfully to analyse results of studies with the visual world paradigm (p. 68), but its range of applications is far wider than that.
Loglinear analysis Loglinear analysis is a technique for analysing the relationship between nominal variables. If only two variables are involved, their relation can be represented as a two-dimensional contingency table. If there are three, the table becomes three-dimensional, and so on. In loglinear analysis, as in analysis of variance, the model for the expected cell frequencies consists of main effects and interaction effects. In a two-way table, for instance, there are two main effects, and one two-way interaction. In a three-dimensional table, there are three main effects, three two-way interactions, and one three-way interaction, and so on. The goal of the analysis is to find the most parsimonious model that produces expected cell frequencies that are not significantly different from the observed frequencies. An example of the application of loglinear analysis in eye-tracking research is given for transition matrices (p. 193). An introductory chapter on loglinear analysis can be found in Tabachnick and Fidell (2000).
3.3.4 Data modelling
The fourth stage, which is optional to many, is the modelling stage. In some cases, there is no noticeable difference between the analysis stage and the modelling stage. Many researchers settle for just finding individual significant effects and this is perfectly fine. However, once a particular domain has accumulated a number of significant predictors each targeting the same variable, then it becomes fruitful to try to integrate these predictors into a complete model. The aim of statistical modelling is to create an explicit model that can describe and predict your data, and do this as well as possible. This is important for the scientific work, because this output is something we can benchmark against, typically through some form of goodness-of-fit statistic. If we have two different models that try to describe a particular set of data, we can test both and see which model performs more accurately. We can also see whether the inferior model can be incorporated to create an even better unified model, or if it has no unique information value at all to contribute. The end result is a better understanding of what factors are involved in a particular behaviour and/or cognitive process, and how these factors interact to produce the outcome they do. Valuable outcomes from modelling include:
• Produce an explicit model that can be implemented in an application.
• Produce an explicit model that can be compared against other models to evaluate which one is better.
• Idenlify redundant factors that do not contribute with unique explanatory power.
Model-building is performed, not in a single, correct way, but rather by a variety of approaches. A typical rule of thumb is to achieve a good tradeoff between model complexity and explanatory power. Including many predictors that improve the model only minimally results in a very large and complex model. In that case it would be better to exclude those predictors and settle for a less powerful, but much simpler model. A simple model will be much easier to communicate and for other researchers to adopt.
Other questions, which really are beyond the scope of this book, are whether models should be built in a forward fashion, including predictors as they are identified as significant predictors, or in a backward fashion, excluding factors as they fail to improve the model. Different practices exist in different fields, and it is up to the reader to find her own way of modelling confidently.
3.3.5 Further statistical considerations
A potential problem that may undermine your conclusions is the multiple comparisons problem (see also the terms family-wise error rate or experiment-wise error rate). We briefly explained this before in the context of a fishing expedition, where we test many different measures and settle with whatever is significant. A significant result is a probabilistic statement about the likelihood that a given sample comes from the assumed population, or conies from the same population as anodrer sample. If this probability is sufficiently low, we can reject our null hypothesis in exchange for our more interesting alternative hypothesis. However, this probability is only valid for a single test. If you test a hundred samples using this test, you most likely get a few significant tests even though the data are completely randomly generated with no real effect at all. In order for the hypothesis test to mean anything, the experiment and the analysis should be set up to make a single test for every research question, otherwise you are inflating the risk of a significant result where there is no true effect. There are several ways where a multiple comparisons problem could arise in your experiment:
• You do not have a single clear measure to capture your hypothesized effect, so you use several measures each tested with their own hypothesis test.
• You do not have a clear prediction about where in the trial an effect will appear, so you compute several time bins and test their significance separately.
• You test different layouts of the data, for example using time bins, then using the whole trial, then collapsing trials into larger units (trial -+ block -> participant). There is a risk that you keep transforming and aggregating your data until your data becomes significant, rather than arranging the most appropriate way determined prior to the analysis.
One way to compensate for this problem, if indeed you want to investigate several measures, is to perform a Bonferroni correction (or related procedure, see e.g. Holm, 1979) on \ our significance level to compensate for the multiple comparisons. This means you lower your significance level (a) based on the number of hypothesis tests you perform. The standard Bonferroni correction is simply to calculate jj- where a is the significance level and n is the number of comparisons (hypothesis tests).
If you find effects that are only significant before the multiple-comparisons adjustment, but you still believe in them, then you can at least report them as post-hoc findings. In themselves, they are not as useful as real results, but another researcher may have a good explanation for them and proceed with her own replication of your results, if you do not do this yourself.
3.4 Auxiliary data: planning
Eye tracking is useful, fascinating, and challenging in itself, but all of these positive properties can be increased by adding further data channels. Common auxiliary data types include verbal data, reaction time data, motion tracking, galvanic skin response (GSR), and for a few years now also electroencephalography (EEG) and function magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data. These are added for a variety of reasons.
Verbal data, for instance, are used for methodological triangulation as an information source on cognitive processes in working memory in addition to eye tracking as informa-tioo source on perceptual/attentional processes (e.g. Antes & Kristjanson, 1991; Canham & Hesarry. 2010; Charness, Reingold, Pomplun, & Stampe, 2001; Haider & P'rensch, 1999; Jarodzka. Scheiter, Gerjets, & Van Gog, 2010; Lowe, 1999; Reingold, Charness, Pomplun, & Stampe. 2001; Underwood. Chapman, Brocklehurst, Underwood. & Crundall, 2003; Van Gog. Paas. & Van Merrienboer, 2005; Vogt & Magnussen, 2007. Others add verbal data to eye-movement data to study the speech processes in themselves (Tanenhaus et al, 1995; Griffin. 2004; Holsanova, 2008).
All these types of data have their own possibilities, weaknesses, and pitfalls, and none ci them provide an infallible turnkey solution any more than eye tracking does. Rather, the Bide is to use them in combination so that the weakness of one system is complemented by s&e strength of the other. This is sometimes called methodological triangulation and eross-wtSdation.
'.] now describe the possibilities of using common auxiliary data in triangnlatinn to dues-validate eye-tracking data. Eye-tracking data, including pupil diameter data can also be «d to disambiguate other data, but that is outside the scope of this book.
3.4.1 Methodological triangulation of eye movement and auxiliary data
fa spite of the great opportunities eye tracking provides to a researcher, it also has its short-caaungs. As we noted on page 71, eye-tracking data only tell us where on the stimulus a
cognitive process operated, and possibly for how long, but not by itself which cognitive process is involved.
Methodological triangulation refers to the use of more than one methodological approach in investigating a research question in order to enhance confidence in the ensuing findings (Denzin, 1970). If research is founded on the use of a single research method it might suffer from limitations associated with that method or from the specific application of it. Thus, methodological triangulation offers the prospect of enhanced confidence, credibility, and persuasiveness of a research account through verifying the validity of the findings by cross-checking them with another method (Bryman, 1984). Webb, Campbell, Schwartz, and Sechrest (1966) suggested, "Once a proposition has been confirmed by two or more independent measurement processes, the uncertainty of its interpretation is greatly reduced. The most persuasive evidence comes through a triangulation of measurement processes" (p. 3). The consensus among the many reviewers of methodology, supported by empirical studies, is that it is best to rely on a wide range of complementary methods (Ericsson & Lehmann, 1996).
In psychology several methods are in use to gain data on human knowledge (for an overview see Kluwe, 1988): probing (i.e. interviewing a participant), questionnaires, sorting tasks, free recall of knowledge, as well as several behavioural measures such as reaction times, electroencephalography, galvanic skin response, functional magnetic resonance imaging, and thinking aloud. These additional data types vary both in how easy they are to record in combination with eye-movement data, the potential they have in disambiguating them, and in how well this potential is investigated.
Verbal data are easy to record and have a wide potential to disambiguate eye-tracking data, because this method allows researchers to gain insight into participants' experienced cognitive processes while inspecting a stimulus or performing a task. It has become the largest and most investigated complimentary data source to eye-tracking data, in particular in the applied fields of eye-tracking research, where participants have free and naturalistic stimuli and tasks.
3.4.2 Questionnaires and Likert scales
Both questionnaires and Likert scales can be seen as a form of elicitation where conscious answers are given by the participant to highly structured questions. The structure can be more or less rigid, where one extreme is open-ended questions (such as "How do you feel?"), and another extreme would be forced-choice questions with few alternatives ("Do you prefer option A or option B7"). The rigidity has both benefits and drawbacks. A great benefit is the ability to automatically have all the answers confined within an easily analysed answer space, for example values ranging between 1 and 7. A drawback of rigid questions is the risk of low validity due to wrong constructs or misinterpreted questions, such as participants not understanding what you are asking about or forced to provide an answer to a dimension they believe is irrelevant to them. Questionnaires may be low-tech, but they are critical to operationaliz-ing difficult constructs. Assuming you want to find an eye-tracking measure that predicts the level of happiness of a participant, you will have no other easy access to such information because there exists no device that can measure the happiness of a participant. Fortunately, such questions are easily arranged in a questionnaire, especially if they are standardized questions used by psychologists. It is then easy to collect data about both the eye movements and the happiness of a number of participants, and then find a correlation with some measure which can then be further elaborated on and verified.
A typical psychological questionnaire often uses a Likert scale for easy analysability. Additionally, there are often many questions asking the same thing but with slightly different
wording in order to reduce any effect due to particular phrasing, including some reversed questions that ask the complete opposite (with a correspondingly reversed scoring). An example in line with our above example would be the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (Hills Ä Argyle. 2002).
3.4.3 Reaction time measures
Eye-tracking data offer a number of reaction time measures, for instance saccadic latency, entry time, latency of the reflex blink, eye-voice latency, and others listed in Chapter 13. Even the first fixation duration is in effect a form of latency measure. All of these are indicative of processing, such that the reaction takes longer when processing is hampered or more difficult. When latency is referred to in relation to auxiliary data in this chapter, discussions are limited to identifying cognitive processes in such a 'brain sense'. Of course, there are a multitude of complex issues to do with the latencies involved with the synchronization of machines and equipment when recording auxiliary data. Chapter 4 (p. 134) and Chapter 9 (p. 286) tackle the combinations of equipment for data recording more technically. Refer back to Chapter 2 p. 4? i to remind yourself of the latency issues involved specifically with eye-trackers.
The traditional non-eye-tracking reaction lime test is a measure from onset of a task until ibe participant presses one of two or more buttons to mark a decision, typically between two options, for instance "yes" or "no" to the question whether a series of letters constitute a word or not. The latency of the decision is then taken as the dependent variable and used as an approximation of the ease of processing of the particular stimuli. In trials where the processing leading up to the decision is easy the participant is faster, whereas hard trials have looser latencies.
eye tracking provides the richer spectrum of latency measures, there is often little point in adding manual reaction time tests to eye tracking, other than for pure triangulation or to cgayau visual and manual modalities. However, time on task-data which measures the time wmä a participant has finished with a stimulus or subtask is often added to the analysis of eje-movement data. This additional information comes at the cost of variable trial durations, however, which requires us to think about scaling several of the other eye-tracking measures we Might think about using.
3.4.4 Galvanic skin response (GSR)
Gahanhľ skin response (GSR) measures the electrical conductivity of the skin using elec-wwies which are usually put on one or two fingers of the participant. The variation in GSR wool corresponds to the autonomic nerve response as a parameter of the sweat gland func-
When eye tracking has been supplemented by GSR, the motive has been to investigate CwjwnV* load and emotional reactions, for instance in usability tasks (Westerman, Suther-had. Robinson. Powell, & Tuck, 2007) and social anxiety research (Wieser, Pauli, Alpers, & MBMberser. 2009).
"He GSR latency is slow, reactions appear 1-2 seconds after stimulus onset. This means ,'ould already have left the part of the stimulus that caused the GSR effect long -. -l was registered in data. This latency is difficult to lake into account, and could
aeaae reason why there are so few combined studies.
".racking offers some measures of its own that are sensitive to cognitive load and wwjaioBai variations, for instance pupil dilation (p. 391) and saccadic amplitude (p. 312). Sase Aese eye-tracking measures react to so many cognitive states (so many c:s in the terms wTHgare 3.1 on page 72), however, disambiguating them with GSR makes good sense.
1-1 in |i NiMH'
3.4.5 Motion tracking
Motion trackers can be magnetic or optic, and are used to measure the movements of all (external) body parts, but not eyes. Magnetic motion trackers are sometimes optional parts of he ad-mounted eye-trackers. Optical motion tracking is based on infrared cameras and reflections just like eye tracking, and gives the same type of sample data stream, with comparable sampling frequency and precision, albeit 3D, for a selected number of points across the participant's body or on artefacts manipulated by the participant. Even the analysis of general movement data has similarities to fixation andsaccade analysis. The obvious benefit of adding motion tracking to your study is that you will be able to measure synchronized movements of the eye, body, and objects.
The combination is not uncommon in applied research. For instance, Wurtz, Muri, and Wiesendanger (2009) investigated the eye-hand latency in violin players, as the interval from the fixation of a note until the corresponding bow reversal, and Wilmul, Wann, and Brown (2006) investigate the role of visual information for hand movements. Wengelin et at. (2009) and Andersson et al. (2006) describe set-ups for studying how reading of one's own emerging text coincides with keyboard writing (keylogging), and Alamargot, Chcsnct, Dan sac, and Ros (2006) have developed a set-up and software solution called Eye and Pen, which combines graphomotor activities with eye movements. There are also many human factors, ergonomic, and robotic applications of this combination.
3.4.6 Electroencephalography (EEG)
There are many similarities between electroencephalography (EEG) and eye tracking: sampling frequencies are in the same range, and both signals can be analysed as process measures. There are different EEG technologies (called high- and low-impedance) that require different post-processing. And with both measurement techniques, it takes some time to gather enough experience to be able to do publishable research.
EEG does not measure deep into the brain, only the surface, and there is high inter-individua! variance in the thickness of the skull and scalp. High amplification is needed as the signals are often very weak. Because the noise levels arc so high, many trials are needed to filter out a significant effect, and participants may find this tedious. EEG artefacts stem from alternating current but also eye blinks and saccadic and niicrosaccadic movements. Filters are required to remove them, and high-impedance systems may require heavier filtering.
Sampled EEG data come in waves that correspond to continuous brain activity. It is possible—-with some training—to read state of arousal directly from wave plots, which is extensively done in clinical settings (hospitals). When we are excited and alert, the signal is high in frequency (Hz) and low in amplitude (juV). When we are drowsy, the activity is much slower but higher in amplitude. EEG can be analysed in the frequency domain in order to extract information about the global brain activity of the participant.
When EEG is added to eye tracking, the continuous EEG signal is seldom used. Instead analysis focuses on the EEG amplitude, direction (positive/negative), and latency of the signal with a particular scalp distribution as a response to external stimulus events or internal cognitive processing. This is called e\>ent-related potentials or ERP (Luck, 2005).
In one line of research, the purpose has been to study the neurological system itself. The saccadic eye-movement-relaied potentials (SERP) and the eye-fixation-related potential (EFRP) are ERP paradigms that investigate the EEG signal next to saccades and fixations. Early studies focused on the neural activity around saccades, and what that could tell us about the human visual system. Becker, Hoehne, Iwase, and Komhuber (1972) found that around 1-3 seconds before the saccade onset, occipital and parietal posterior areas exhibit a so-called pre-motion negativity, indicative of general readiness. A pre-motor positivity can
be measured 100-150 ms before the saccade onset, possibly reflecting motor programming i Jagla, Zikmund, & Kundrat, 1994). Immediately after the saccade offset, there is a strong positive response, called the Lambda response, in the posterior parietal area, and a concurrent negativity in the frontal eye fields. The shape of the Lambda response depends on the general visual background (Morton & Cobb, 1973), and is believed to correlate to the processing of new information in the visual cortex. The negativity in the frontal eye fields is probably a sign of inhibition of further saccades while the processing of information continues in the visual cortex (Jagla et al., 1994). For a recent review of research on saccadic eye-movement-related potentials, see Jagla, JergelovS, and Riecansk)'(2007).
In reading research, ERP data are used to support and strengthen interpretations made from eye-tracking data. Dambacher and Kliegl (2007) found a correlation between N400 components and fixation durations. Takeda, Sugai, and Yagi (2001) found that the EFRP in the 100-200 ms block after fixation onset decreases in a way that would reflect decline of mental concentration (i.e. carelessness) caused by visual fatigue. Using the same P200 EFRP, Simola. Holmqvist, and Lindgren (2009) show a parafoveal preview benefit for distinguishing between words and non-words in the right visual field that docs not exist in the left visual arid.
3.4.7 Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
Fractional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) measures activity throughout the whole brain, ■ot just surface activity like EEG. The temporal resolution differs very much between fMRI «3 eye tracking. Eye tracking involves measuring how the eyes move with a temporal resolution of down to 0.5-1 ms. In contrast, fMRI involves measuring and aggregating over 1000 ms . • ; This makes il more difficult to co-analyse fMRI and FT Jala lhan BEG and FT data, where both systems have the same temporal resolution. The output from an fMRI mea-sarcment is an activation visualization of the blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) asoal. which in principle is identical to a heat map and the eye movement representations of [Tfci»i T
Although fMRI studies very often include looking at pictorial stimuli (and/or hearing — i vasi majority of studies that combine the two technologies only use eye tracking *> control that the participant is awake, has his eyes open and looks in the general direction of Ac stimulus. If researchers analyse the eye-tracking data, they usually only detect saccades, ad only to make sure that the eye is not moving.
As an example, Simola, Stenbacka, and Vanni (2009) measured activity in the visual cortex. |V1) as participants looked at a central cross on the stimulus monitor and simultaneously svtJ: .: wedges in live concentric rings at 1.6' -10.2 from the centre. The authors showed Aat the enhanced activity by attention in retinotopically organized VI directly corresponds * the locus of covert attention, and that the attended responses spread over a signicantly arjw area than the sensory responses. It was important to show that the participant's gaze avi not deviate systematically from the centra) cross, because eye movements would move . -■ - "' g of the stimulus onto the visual cortex (V I i. Hence eye tracking was used.
A rare exception where saccades were actually used to align the fMRI data is Ford, Goltz, ■aon. and Everting (2005). They used an antisaccade task with long intervals between saccades. which is compatible with the slow fMRI data.
14.8 Verbal data
Bb section describes the most commonly used method for knowledge elicitation in combi-nm* it with eye tracking: verbal data. We use the term verbalization for the act of external-
izing thoughts as speech and verbal data for the totality of data resulting from recordings of verbalization, irrespective of their form (i.e. audio or transcribed). Combined recordings of eye tracking and verbal data are made in several research areas as well as in applied usability projects. There are three major purposes to record eye-tracking data in combination with verbal data:
1. To investigate the minute relation between vision and speech over time (Holsanova, 200S).
2. For purposes of methodological triangulation, for instance to investigate working memory processes directly in addition to perceptual/attentional processes as shown by eye-tracking data (Jarodzka, Schciter, et a!., 2010; Altmann & Kamide, 2007).
3. In specific cases, eye-tracking data are recorded to help participants to elicit verbal data by a method known as "cued retrospective reporting" (Hansen, 1991; Van Gog, Paas, Van Merrienboer, & Witte, 2005).
Theoretical background: origin and idea of verbalizations as a valid data source
Initially, the easiest and most common way to gather insight into cognitive processes accompanying task performance was to interview people who are skilled performers, that is experts (Ericsson, 2006). It is questionable, however, whether experts are able to describe their thoughts, behaviours, and strategies so that it is understandable to less skilled people (Ericsson, 2006). In particular, since discrepancies have been found between reported and observed behaviour (Watson, 1913). For this reason Watson (1920) and Duncker (1945) introduced a new method of thought analysis: thinking aloud. This type of verbalization has been shown not to change the underlying structure of the thoughts or cognitive processes, and thus avoids the problem of reactivity, as long as the verbalizations are carefully elicited and analysed (Ericsson & Simon, 1980, 1993).
The centra] assumption behind the use of thinking-aloud is that "it js possible to instruct participants to verbalize their thoughts in a manner that does not alter the sequence and content of thoughts mediating the completion of a task and therefore should reflect immediately available information during thinking." (Ericsson, 2006). Those verbalizations provide data on which knowledge is currently activated and how it changes. According to Ericsson and Simon (1993) the information processing model assumes the following: (1) the verbalizable cognitions can be described as states that correspond to the contents of working memory (that is, to the information that is in the focus of attention); (2) the information vocalized is a verbal encoding of the information in the working memory. That is, only this content can be found in the data that was "on the participant's mind", respectively in the participant's attention. It is important to note that if thinking aloud is not completely free, it may interfere with task performance itself. Providing the participant with appropriate instructions is therefore crucial (p. 105).
Another crucial part in the use of verbal reports is coding (Chi, 2006 and page 290). The data should be coded in the context of the task. Hence, a cognitive task analysis needs to be done beforehand, so as to know the functional problem states required to be able to categorize single utterances.
Thinking aloud techniques have been successfully used in a variety of domains, like designing surveys (Sudman, Bradbrun, & Schwarz, 1996), learning second-language (Green, 1998), texi comprehension (Ericsson, 1988; Pressle) & Alflerbadr. 1995), decision-making studies (Reisen, Hoffrage, & Mast, 2008), studies of text translators (O'Brien, 2006), developing computer software (Henderson, Smith, Podd, & Varela-Alvarez, 1995; Hughes & Parkes, 2003), or to investigate the relation between vision and speech (Holsanova, 2008).
This method can provide information on, for instance, the forward-strategy-use in experts - ith & Good, 1984), or even in perceptual processes; for example it has been found that
experts note more relevant features of pictures in contrast to novices (Wineburg. 1991). It has to be noted that the method of gathering verbal data from participants is known
under several other names, such as a retrospective think-aloud in the academic usability world Hansen, 1991; Hyrskykari et ai. 2008) and as a post-experience eye-tracked protocol (PEEP)
in the commercial usability world (Petrie & Harrison, 2009; Ehmke & Wilson, 2007). We
decompose the term verbal reports (Ericsson & Simon, 1993) into:
• Thinking aloud approaches (like concurrent reporting, retrospective reporting, and cued retrospective reporting (Van Gog, Paas, Van Merrienboer, & Witte, 2005).
• Probed reporting, like self-explanations (i.e. the participant explains a stimulus or task 10 himself: Renkl, 1997)
• Structured interviews.
• Free recall.
• Task-driven verbalizations (i.e. providing verbalizations according to a specific task). Individual differences in verbal data
Already Claparede (1934) and De Groot (1946/1978) had found large differences among pMtkipants in their ability to think aloud. To give you an impression of what variation in par-bcipant verbosity can be expected, we present here frequency distributions from real data.
. re 3.8 presents data from a study, where we used cued retrospective thinking aloud lixodzka, Scheiter, et ai, 2010). Thus, participants are very likely to vary in how much verbalization they produce. Although this situation cannot be completely avoided, it helps to sus :he thinking aloud and to prompt silent participants when ihey slop talking (see below).
Forms of verbal data
fe this section, we will distinguish between different forms of verbal data according to the pent in time when they have been produced: concurrently or retrospectively. Thinking aloud, •rff-explaining. and task-driven verbalizing are produced during stimulus inspection (concur-ionizations). Retrospective reports (i.e. reflecting what the person was thinking during - . .. inspection) can also be produced after stimulus inspection as well jk live recall and eactured interviews (retrospective verbalizations). Table 3.2 provides an overview of their pnperties.
Concurrent verbalizations
Thinking aloud can be produced in two points in time: concurrently or retrospectively. If Ac participant speaks while performing a task or inspecting a stimulus, this set-up is called tmmntmm think-aloud. Meanwhile his eye movements can be recorded. Most eye-tracker .: ::vr- have support for synchronized concurrent recordings of speech, but the very act « speaking may make the participant quiver or move enough that the recording of eye m*iements will be less precise, in particular for tower-mounted eye-trackers (p. 137). More-.-;•> likely that participants thinking aloud perform slower (Karpf, 1973). fe has long been suspected that concurrent verbalizations alter eye movements during the a*. On the one hand, psycholinguistic research in the so-called "visual world paradigm", «nms in the mid 1990s (Tanenhaus et al., 1995) has thoroughly investigated the temporal «4aooo of gaze to verbal expressions. Its main thesis, that "speech is timelocked to gaze" -_- -een »hown for single-sentence trials, again and again. However, in (he task of describing m^Acx pictures with everyday scenes, speech planning is a process in itself, which in turn additional time and affects eye-movement behaviour (Holsanova, 2001,2008).
21 -i-----
20-19 -
18 " I-1
16 -
» 13 -
0 100 200 300 400 600 600 700 900 900 10001100 1200 130014001500 Number of words
Fig. 3.8 Number of words that participants uttered during cued retrospective thinking aloud. Bin size is 100 words. Verbalization training and prompting was used in the way later described in this section. Data from Jarodzka, Scheiter. etal. (2010).
Ericsson and Simon (1993) claim that, given that thinking aloud is implemented in the manner they propose, thinking aloud should not alter task performance itself, besides slowing it down. Nevertheless, some researchers found exactly this effect: the think-aloud process takes resources from all parts of the cognitive system, and slows down not only eye movements, but the general exploration and learning processes (Nielsen, Clemmensen, & Yssing, 2002; Van Somercn, Barnard, & Sandberg, 1994). Eger, Ball, Stevens, and Dodd (2007) found that fewer participants finished their online search task when thinking aloud compared to being undisturbed during the task. Davies (1995) even found that the order in which the participant performs subprocesses changes when think-aloud is required of him in a design task. The greater the cognitive load a task imposes, the more novices have problems with concurrently thinking aloud compared to experts (Van Gog, 2006).
The advantages, on the other hand, are the following. Two data sources may be recorded at one time. These data sources are very likely to be closely linked, since they have been recorded simultaneously from a single participant. Concurrent verbalization also provides the momentous perspective. This would be of particular importance in complex tasks, where cued retrospection could be expected to provide a perspective that deviates from or even ignores the momentous cognitive processes and simply becomes a post-hoc construction. This happened for Ryan and Haslegrave (2007) who showed videos (without gaze data) of workers in a storage room, and collected retrospectives.
Concurrent verbalization is used frequently in psycholinguistics research, where the very
AUXILIARY DATA: PLANN1NG| 103 Table 3.2 Overview of the different varieties of verbal reports that are combined with eye-movement data, ire tneir properties as methods. Note: Y - yes or possible, N - no or very unlikely.
c Z XI
o j2
I 2 §
II i i I f ^ 1
25 a o & u 5 >. «
60 o.QHWft:oQ
Concurrent recording
concurrent thinking aloud N Y N Y Y Y? N N
self-explanation N Y N Y Y Y N N
task-driven speech by describing stimulus N Y N Y Y Y N N
Retrospective recording
retrospective reporting Y N N N N N Y Y
cued retrospective reporting Y N N N N N Y N
structured interviews Y N Y N N N Y Y
freely recalling the content of a stimulus Y N N N N N Y N
panose is a detailed investigation of the temporal relation of visual attention to the contents tc verbal data, and an investigation of the implications for speech production and reception ■■deb. Furthermore, this method is frequently used in educational psychology to investigate •- - • r: .ev*imj involved in studying certain learning materials as well as menial over-tad. The suspicion that the primary task may be affected has discouraged many other applied ■■liars from using concurrent verbalization, however.
Besides thinking aloud, at least two more types of verbal reports exist that may be linked "movements: self-explanations and task-driven verbalizations (in psycholinguistics). >• '•- : „-_:ion> are a specific variety of verbalizations which require the participant to ex-fax Ac stimulus to himself. Whereas thinking aloud should not interfere with the primary ■aL fes type of verbalization is meant to alter the task performance or the inspection of the anurias. This method is mainly used in educational psychology, where it has been shown earning (Chi. De Leeuw, Chin. & I.aV'anclier. 1994; McNamara. 2(104: Renkl. • ace this kind of verbal data is recorded concurrently, it possesses similar advantages aad Axsbacks to the concurrent thinking-aloud method.
Tisk-dnven verbalizations are another specific form of concurrent verbalizations. This HHtod requires that the participant does not freely think aloud, but has a specific task in aaaat ale describing or recalling a stimulus. Again, this type of verbalization will change the «ae-aaD*«nent performance dramatically as compared to a silent stimulus inspection.
Retrospective verbalizations
The alternative to concurrent recordings is to record the thinking aloud after the task is performed. Separating the eye-movement recording during the primary task in time from the verbal recordings could make the study liable to loss of detail from memory as well as fab-ulation. The question of whether participants remember or fabulatc when they explain their own eye movements was elegantly answered by Hansen (1991) who showed participants bogus recordings of someone else's eye movements. The misled participants soon detected the error, which Hansen took to indicate that they could remember their own eye movements. Participants' intact memory is further supported by Guan, Lee, Cuddihy, and Ramey (2006), who find that participants look at objects in the same order as they later (even without support from eye movement data) say that they do. Moreover, several studies have shown that retrospective think-aloud results in more detailed and qualitatively better verbalizations if combined with showing the participant's own eye-movement recordings compared to uncued retrospective verbalizations (Hansen, 1991; Van Gog, Paas, Van Merrienboer, & Witte. 2005). The verbalizations of the cued verbalizations were quantitatively better in terms of eliciting more information on actions done, more descriptions of how a step was performed (Van Gog, Paas, Van Merrienboer, & Witte, 2005).
This method exists in several varieties that go under names such as cued retrospective reports (Eger et at., 2007; Hansen, 1991; Van Gog, Paas, Van Merrienboer, & Witte, 2005), eye-movement supported verbal retrospection (Hansen. 1991), or post-experience eye-tracked protocol (Petrie & Harrison, 2009; Ball, Eger, Stevens, & Dodd, 2006), reflecting the fact that the method has been re-discovered more than once in different fields of research.
An important issue to consider is that a whole body of studies showed that cued retrospective verbalizations stimulate meta-cognitive reflection at the cost of action-related comments. Hyrskykari el at. (2008), in a test of web usability, found that cued retrospection resulted in more comments on the user's cognitive processes, while think-aloud results in more comments on user manipulation (of the software/web pages). Eger et al. (2007) found that more usability problems were identified by participants who performed cued retrospection compared to think-aloud or playback of screen without gaze data. Taylor and Dionne (2000); Kuusela and Paul (2000) found that more action and outcome statements are produced in concurrent think-aloud then in retrospective mode, which gives information about strategies and reasons for actions. Hansen (1991), in an analysis of computer interfaces, found that verbal retrospective protocols cued by an eye-movement video of the user's work are superior to retrospective protocols primed by a pure video recording. Hansen found more problem-oriented comments and more comments on manipulation in the task, when recording cued retrospection from participants that see their own eye movements compared to seeing just a video recording. Kuusela and Paul (2000) also argue that retrospective reports often only reveal those actions that led to a solution, and that attempts that led nowhere are not mentioned. Van Gog, Paas, and Van Merrienboer (2005) found that cued retrospectives result in a larger number of metacognitive comments (on knowledge, actions, and strategies of the participant), and that they elicit more information on actions done, more descriptions of how a step was performed (Van Gog, Paas, Van Merrienboer, & Witte, 2005).
The drawbacks of the retrospective method are that recordings take at least twice as long as with concurrent reporting and that the two data sources may not be as perfectly synchronized as in concurrent reporting. Moreover, if the task is too long, participants may easily forget what they have been thinking even when cued with their own eye movements. As a rule of thumb reported by researchers using this technique, recordings should not exceed ten minutes (Van Meeuwen, 2008). On the other hand, the main task performance is not disturbed by a secondary task (thinking aloud), which in turn may result in a more naturalistic
task performance or stimulus inspection.
Another version of verbal data is free recall (e.g. Jahnke, 1965). In this, a participant simply recalls the stimulus in a free order and without cues. Free recall is used with eye tracking as an experimental condition in mental imagery studies (Johansson et al., 2006).
Another possibility of recording verbalizations is that the researcher prepares questions that she uses in a structured interview based on gaze replays with the participant (e.g. Peruke & Nielsen, 2009; Ehmke & Wilson, 2007). Questions should be designed as part of the experimental design and the interview should have the same structure for participants. Sometimes, however, the participant and the researcher look through the scanpath or gaze cursor playback together, simply discussing whatever strikes them as interesting, with or without prepared topics.
In usability, the joint discussion or interview is often done after the researcher previews the participant's data, before letting the participant see it, as a means of coding the scanpaths so the right questions can be asked in terms of the cognitive processes underlying the data iPtrnice & Nielsen, 2009; Ehmke & Wilson, 2007). Before using this method, note that you may easily run the risk of including three severe drawbacks to your data. First, the coding of Ae scanpath plot is subjective. No algorithms exist as yet that would detect such patterns in real time. This means that different measurements of the same scanpath would not lead to the same questions. Thus, this measure is not reliable. Second, the time the participant has to wait naol he can be questioned about his proceeding may easily be too long to deliver a trustworthy recall of the process. Since working memory is very limited in lime, a long pause between action and recall (without memorizing) leads to forgetting the content. Since, participants are aot asked to memorize their thoughts, they will not be transferred to long-term memory. This ■Bans that the measured verbalizations are not about the intended content, instead they are very likely to be made up. Under such circumstances this measure would be not valid. Third. ■ the . ..Jing (if the scanpath is conducted by only one rater under time pressure depending On •bkh experimenter is conducting the study on a certain day, the results may differ. Therefore, ■tstructions for the coding have to be very strict and avoid subjectivity, otherwise, the measure mwcn objective. Hence, this method violates all three quality factors that a measurement must kz*e e.g. Lienert & Raatz, 1998).
knportance of instruction: how to elicit verbalizations from participants
Technical issues on how to record verbal data have been described in Chapter 4. Here we focas on the main challenge in providing valid verbal data, namely on how to elicit valid a«xhaIizations from participants by the appropriate instruction. This issue is most crucial for tmo forms of verbalization: thinking aloud and self-explanations.
When recording verbal data and eye movements to retrieve current or remembered cogni-■«e processes from the participant, the precise instruction to verbalize is of great importance. Ike instruction is done in three steps: instruction, training, and reminding. The three steps aVEer slightly depending on whether you record thinking aloud or self-explanations.
What both types of recordings have in common is that very sensitive data is recorded, Bach' speech without the ability to modify anything. Many people feel uncomfortable if fear own voice is recorded. Even more important, telling ones own thoughts is quite intimate md requires a degree of meta-cognitive awareness and self-confidence. Thus, it is important •at the participant feels secure and comfortable during recording. The training before a first ■mwrting helps to get them familiar with the situation. Moreover, it helps when as few people - - .N-b:e are in the recording room, so the participant does not feel monitored.
K tTimportant to emphasize in the instructions to think aloud to express thoughts freely aaaloot with any specific task in mind (like evaluating the stimulus). Only such instructions SMBnize the effects on task performance. Note that the instructions to think aloud are gen-
eral instructions, thus they are suitable for both concurrent and retrospective reporting (e.g. Ericsson & Simon, 1993).
The instruction to think aloud is very important, since it tells the participant what to do. Thereby, the emphasis should be on expressing the content of working memory with as little filtering as possible. That is, effort in formulating grammatically correct sentences or meaningful content should be forgone. Only such instructions can assure that the participant is not too disturbed in his primary task performance. The following instruction has been proven to elicit the desired behaviour (Van Gog, Paas, Van Merrienboer, & Witte, 2005, based on Ericsson & Simon, 1993):
Thinking aloud means that you should really think aloud, that is, verbalize everything that comes to mind, and not mind my presence in doing so, even when curse words come to mind for example, these should also be verbalized. Act as if you were alone, with no one listening, and just keep talking.
The instruction to self-explain could be as follows (adapted from Van Gog, Paas, Van Merrienboer, & Witte, 2005).
Research has shown that learning is more effective when you self-explain the tc~be-learnt content to yourself. Verbalize your self-explanations always out loud as you would talk to yourself and do not mind my presence in doing so. It is not important that the self-explanation is well formulated, even when curse words come to mind for example, these should also be verbalized. Act as if you were alone, with no one listening, and just keep talking.
The training, i.e. getting acquainted with thinking aloud gives the participant an impression of what is meant by thinking aloud and enables him to get used to the recording situation. There are at least two common training tasks that are suitable to train thinking aloud (Ericsson & Simon, 1993):
Please think back to the home you were living in when you were a child, and count the number of windows it had while thinking aloud, verbalising everything that comes to mind.
Please, multiply the numbers 23 by 16 and tell me, what you are thinking during your calculation.
For both tasks, the participant should count out loud stepwise (instead of giving the result immediately) and think out loud all the while. If a participant does not manage to think aloud, the other task should be tried.
The training is a central part of self-explanation. Research has shown that only a successful self-explainer profits from this verbalization method. A direct intervention to foster self-explanation is to train the verbalization itself (for indirect methods see e.g. Catrambone, 1998; Renkl & Atkinson, 2003; Renkl, Stark. Gruber, & Mandl, 1998). Although, several extensive training types exist (e.g. McNamara, O'Reilly, Rowe, Boonthum, & Levinstein, 2007), we present here only a very simple version of self-explanation training (Renkl et al., 1998):
• Before the actual recording the experimenter models a self-explanation behaviour on a task that is comparable to the experimental task. The experimenter has to give hints on how to self-explain the given problem and lo elicit several aspects of self-explanation
(e.g. elaborating the problem given, principle-based explanations, goal-operator combinations).
• On the basis of this warm-up, hints to self-explain the rationale of the presented solution steps have to be given. The hints should focus on the subgoal of each step and the operator used to achieve it (i.e. explanation of goal-operator combinations).
• Afterwards, the participant has to self-explain on his own on another comparable task, whereby he is coached by the experimenter. The coaching procedure consists of two elements:
* If important self-explanations are omitted, this is indicated and the participant is asked to supplement the missing explanations;
* the experimenter answers the participant's questions concerning the self-explanations.
Both when answering questions and when narrating freely, participants will vary in how much speech they produce (p. 102). If the participant stops verbalizing his thoughts, the experimenter has to remind him after 3 seconds (Van Gog, Paas, Van Merrienboer, & Witte, 2005): other researchers use even longer time spans of 15 seconds (Rcnkl et al., 1998) by saying: "Please try to keep talking."
The difference in time until prompting reflects what you want to elicit from the partici-pants. If you are intereseted in working memory content, each silent second is missing data. Hence, you should prompt the participant to talk as soon as possible.
Prompting a participant may interfere with the task, in particular with eye movements, even when done neutrally (Kirk & Ashcraft, 2001), and should therefore be used very care-Uy in concurrent verbalization mode. Ericsson and Simon (1993) recommend the use of v.-tHe prompts such as "keep talking" if the participants fall silent, but not to inter-•eae in any other way. In practice, many usability practitioners instead use interview-like prompts such as "what do you think it means?", which is likely to disrupt the flow of task processing and change eye movement and other behaviour (Boren & Ramey, 2000),
During retrospective thinking aloud, we have two different cases: if the gaze path is shown as adynamic eye-movement visualization, then time is running on the monitor used for cueing jast as much as it was during the original performance of the task. Prompting in such a case flaw/ interrupt the retrospection just as much as it interrupts concurrent thinking aloud. If the eye movements are shown as a static visualization, then there is no time running. Prompting ■i Ass case can very well be made. In the case where the participant slops verbalizing his experimenter has. to remm? himaftcr three seconds by saying the same as above: keep talking." (Ericsson & Simon. 1993).
Do i really have to stick to those stiff instructions?
- - - -tudies recording verbal data reveal contradictory results. One important reason fer tsu might be the actual use of an instruction to think aloud. In the usability world it is j>e more directed instructions to elicit verbal Jala. That & participants do noi onph mention what comes into their minds, but rather they are instructed to "evaluate" a HaBenal. That kind of verbalization, however, requires a lot of cognitive resources from the paracipam and thus is very likely to disturb the primary task and cause change to the content it ae verbalizations (compare level-3-verbalizations; Ericsson & Simon, 1993).
A said} by Gerjets, Kammerer, and Werner (2011) investigated this issue directly. The au-*»t- compared the verbal data of participants who either received an instruction to verbalize ... :d>ng to Ericsson and Simon (1993) or an explicit instruction tO mention factors ce their evaluation as often used in web research (e.g. Crystal & Greenberg, 2006;
Rieh, 2002; Savolainen & Kari, 2005; Tombros, Ruthven, & Jose, 2005. Results show that both groups differed significantly from each other in terms of verbal reports, eye-tracking data, and problem solving data. Obviously the natural behaviour was altered.
In the most applied eye-tracking fields, however, some practitioners do not place a high emphasis on the instruction to the participants. For instance, Pcrnice and Nielsen (2009, pp. 113-114) show examples of participants' awe-struck comments on the gaze cursor ("I can't believe that's my eye"). This may be an effect of poor instructions. The authors then quote a usability analyst who argues in favour of previewing the data to decide questions that participants can be asked, apparently oblivious of the danger of fabrication and biases. It is not uncommon that applied users fail to apply a sufficient methodological standard to their use of the retrospective method, and later mistakenly attribute their failures to the method rather than to their own standards. As with all scientific methods, retrospective verbal protocols also require methodological rigour.
Thus, different instructions to verbalize thoughts lead to differences in verbalizations, eye movements, behaviour, and level of disturbance of the primary task. Since, the very free instruction of Ericsson and Simon is the most examined and elaborated one, its consequences can be estimated. Whereas, if you make up your own instruction, you never know, what comes with it Thus, we recommend to use the free instruction, in particular, since it does not disturb the primary task.
3.5 Summary
This chapter has introduced the most important parts before you proceed to record actual data. There are good reasons for spending time at the design phase of your experiment:
• Selecting how you will approach your research in this experiment determines the work you need to do, whether this is by an exploratory pilot, a fishing trip, a theory-driven experiment, or a paradigm-bound experiment. These approaches all have strengths and weaknesses.
• Mapping out the logic behind the experiment saves you the moment of despair when you realize that your study was built on false premises or a fallacious argument just as you were getting ready to write up your results.
• Selecting the correct measures is a decision best taken at the design stage. There has to be a clear motivation for a measure, with a theory or at least a plausible explanation linking the eye movement to the cognitive process being studied.
• The statistics should be prepared and tested before you record the actual data. In many cases, it is simply easier to design around a particular statistical method rather than having to learn and implement some advanced statistical analysis to cope with nonstandard data.
• If required, there is always the option to triangulate your construct of interest using other data sources that complement the eye tracking. However, the price of this is increased complexity to your experiment.
The experimental design is perhaps the most important stage of all, and it is difficult to sum up briefly. It is all too easy to jump right in and start recording, thinking you can sort the rest later. With experience, and a couple of poor experiments, however, the lesson is learnt. A week spent properly thinking about the design saves four weeks of frustration during the analysis stage and when writing up the paper.
There are many pitfalls. For example, do the data have a distribution that is easy to work with and compatible with the statistical tests in mind? Is your selected eye-tracking measure
ac&aHv measuring what you are interested in, or are there better candidates? When in doubt, accord some pilot data and take it from there.