The Principles of Human Struggle How Self-Control Fails and How It Works C:\Documents and Settings\katarina\Dokumenty\Stažené soubory\logo_black.jpg C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\MCN Dokumenty ELF\Zlyhanie vole obrazky\Self-Control.jpg ¨Expected Utility Theory: ¨ Expectancy × Value ¨ C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\Decisions-300x225.jpg ¨Expected Utility Theory: ¨ Expectancy × Value ¨ C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\Decisions-300x225.jpg Daniel Kahneman C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\Kahneman.jpg ¨Planning Fallacy ¨Planning Fallacy – Kahneman’s examples: Estimate ¨ ¨Plan to write a textbook on decision making ¨Estimates of time needed based on available information on resources: ¨1,5 to 2,5 yrs Reality ¨ ¨Asked a colleague about other teams who attempted the same ¨Only 40% success rate (others abandoned the plan) ¨The others took around 10 yrs ¨Most teams’ resources were better ¨Planning Fallacy – Kahneman’s examples: Estimate ¨ ¨New Scottish Parliament building – initial estimate £40 million ¨Estimates of American homeowners of how much kitchen remodelling would cost: $18,658 Reality ¨ ¨Finally completed for £431 million ¨ ¨Real cost: $38,769 People tend to… ¨ ¨Only consider best-case scenarios ¨Disregard “statistics” on actual success rate of previous similar attempts Why? ¨ ¨Because we do not consider unexpected events and random disruptive factors, which are almost always present ¨As specific information on them in unavailable, we do not factor them in People tend to… ¨ ¨Rely on immediate examples that come to mind when considering a situation / problem = AVAILABILITY HEURISTIC ¨Make decisions based on this immediate information ¨This information is primed by context (different cues remind us of different things) ¨The cues may include attributes of the situation, of the present alternatives, of surrounding objects, previous events, inner states, etc. ¨In addition, we are hard-wired to pay more attention to certain pieces of information rather than others (losses, beginnings and endings, unique features, etc.) What the eye doesn’t see the heart doesn’t ache for. (Czech proverb) ¨Reptilian brain – basic reflexes ¨ ¨ C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\dinosaur.jpg ¨Reptilian brain – basic reflexes ¨ ¨Mammalian brain – emotions ¨ ¨ C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\MCN Dokumenty ELF\Zlyhanie vole obrazky\images0YCPBBE9.jpg C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\MCN Dokumenty ELF\Zlyhanie vole obrazky\images6V6AGJ70.jpg ¨Reptilian brain – basic reflexes ¨ ¨Mammalian brain – emotions ¨ ¨Human brain – reasoning, mental representation, planning – delay of gratification ¨ ¨ C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\MCN Dokumenty ELF\Zlyhanie vole obrazky\imagesX24A9DB4.jpg ¨I. P. Pavlov ¨ ¨Classical conditioning ¨ ¨ C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\Pavlov statue.png C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\MCN Dokumenty ELF\Zlyhanie vole obrazky\images0YCPBBE9.jpg C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\Classical conditioning.jpg ¨Why is this important to us (humans)? ¨ ¨Salivation in Pavlov’s dogs signalizes increased anticipation of reward = increased need ¨ ¨Cues in the environment previously associated with motivational states will become triggers of those motivational states in the future regardless of whether the reward/punishment is currently present or not. ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨E. L. Thorndike ¨ ¨Instrumental learning ¨ ¨ C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\Thorndike.png C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\MCN Dokumenty ELF\Zlyhanie vole obrazky\images6V6AGJ70.jpg C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\Intrumental conditioning.jpg ¨Why is this important to us (humans)? ¨ ¨Objects and situations can trigger automatic behavioural responses = HABITS ¨ ¨Always intertwined with classical conditioning (a stimulus triggers a motivational state as well as a behavioural response) ¨ ¨ ¨Our decisions and behaviours are dependent on immediate (here-and-now) cues previously associated with motivational states or hard-wired heuristic systems rather than global judgment of advantages and disadvantages in different situations ¨While we are capable of making relatively more global judgments, the quality and perceived necessity of these judgments is ALSO influenced by the present context ¨This is because our capacity of information processing is limited ¨ ¨ ¨Emotion regulation ¨J. Gross ¨PREVENT THOSE EVIL STIMULI FROM ENTERING THE BRAIN AND PRODUCING AUTOMATIC RESPONSES!!! ¨How…? ¨ ¨ C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\James Gross.png ¨Emotion regulation ¨Choose sitiation ¨ ¨ C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\Avoidance.png ¨Emotion regulation ¨Choose situation ¨Change situation ¨ ¨ C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\escape.png ¨Emotion regulation ¨Choose situation ¨Change situation ¨Divert attention ¨ ¨ C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\ignore.png ¨Emotion regulation ¨Choose situation ¨Change situation ¨Divert attention ¨Change thinking ¨ ¨ C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\MCN Dokumenty ELF\Think positive.png ¨Emotion regulation ¨Choose situation ¨Change situation ¨Divert attention ¨Change thinking ¨Act as if nothing happened ¨ ¨ C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\Spock.png ¨Emotion regulation – EFFECTIVENESS: ¨ ¨Situation selection ¨Situation modification ¨Attentional deployment ¨Cognitive change ¨Response modulation ¨ ¨ ¨Three groups watching a disgusting movie: Facial expressions Physiological reactions Group 1: No instruction Group 2: “Think of the movie in way that you’ll feel nothing.” Group 3: “Behave in a way so that others think you feel nothing.” Gross, J. J. (1998). Antecedent-and response-focused emotion regulation: divergent consequences for experience, expression, and physiology. Journal of personality and social psychology, 74(1), 224. C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\Happy.png C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\Happy.png C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\Happy.png C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\Unhappy.jpg C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\Unhappy.jpg C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\Disgusted.png ¨The fact that we can exercise self-control should not be taken for granted… C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\MCN Dokumenty ELF\Zlyhanie vole obrazky\CNiSyLc.jpg C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\MCN Dokumenty ELF\Zlyhanie vole obrazky\sliders1.jpg ¨Ego depletion ¨Roy Baumeister C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\Baumeister.png Baumeister, R. F., Bratslavsky, E., Muraven, M., & Tice, D. M. (1998). Ego depletion: is the active self a limited resource? Journal of personality and social psychology, 74(5), 1252-1265. C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\cookies.jpg C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\bowl-radishes-19025563.jpg ¨Three groups: Instructed to eat: Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 No food Persistence on subsequent unsolvable figure-drawing task 18.9 min. 8.85 min. + more fatigue 20.86 min. Baumeister, R. F., Bratslavsky, E., Muraven, M., & Tice, D. M. (1998). Ego depletion: is the active self a limited resource? Journal of personality and social psychology, 74(5), 1252-1265. C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\cookies.jpg C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\bowl-radishes-19025563.jpg ¨It is a limited but renewable resource – it can get depleted ¨It is common for all types of self-control (inhibition of automatic reactions) ¨This means that if we use it up for one activity (studying for a test) there won’t be enough for another activity (being nice to your boss) ¨ ¨ blue green red yellow Muraven, M., & Baumeister, R. F. (2000). Self-regulation and depletion of limited resources: Does self-control resemble a muscle?. Psychological bulletin, 126(2), 247. ¨GOOD NEWS: ¨It can be restored – rest, motivational reinforcement, good plans/structure ¨It can be used economically when necessary ¨It can be trained ¨OVERSTRAINING IS NOT TRAINING!!! Muraven, M., & Baumeister, R. F. (2000). Self-regulation and depletion of limited resources: Does self-control resemble a muscle?. Psychological bulletin, 126(2), 247. ¨Confirmation bias („Experimenter Effect“) – overstate evidence supporting my theory and neglecting evidence against my theory ¨Congruence bias – looking for evidence to support my hypothesis rather than test alternative hypothesis ¨Observer-expectancy effect – subconscious manipulation of experimental situation in order to achieve the desired effect ¨Hindsight bias – modifying or creating hypotheses after results are known, „I knew it all along“ fallacy ¨Publication bias – non-significant results are unimportant, hence unpublishable ¨ ¨Automatic responses have primacy over deliberate actions ¨ ¨Automatic responses are often non-conscious and undisputed ¨ ¨Automatic responses are context-dependent ¨ ¨Overcoming automatic responses requires exercise of WILL which seems to be based on limited resources ¨ ¨It is therefore best to avoid triggers of automatic responses rather than trying to suppress the responses ¨Before attempting the second quiz, watch the video on the “Standford marshmallow experiment” available in the interactive syllabus in the IS ¨ ¨Recommended materials: ¨Roy Baumeister’s videos on ego depletion (for research examples) ¨James Gross’s video on emotion regulation C:\Users\Taaanique\Desktop\MCN Dokumenty ELF\Zlyhanie vole obrazky\untitled.png