• •WHAT IS KNOWLEDGE • •Consequences for social pedagogy • •Radim Šíp •Department of social pedagogy • Traditional conception of knowledge •knowledge as a mental picture in the head reality knowledge truth as correspondence Traditional conception of knowledge •knowledge • Ø that what is in our brain/mind Ø that what has strict borders Ø that what has clear meaning Ø that what we hold and manipulate with Ø that what is cognitive and not emotional Ø Problems – ex. activation of seniors • •Seniors • lowing their cognitive capacity • destruction of memory • •activation - reconstruction of memory •(theatre play with marionettes, - emotinal state that leads •storytelling, drama therapy) to restoration of mental and cognitive capacity • • What is knowledge in fact piece of knowledge = individual knowledge, skill Knowledge = key + lock + opening a door external conditions (material changes in environment) What is knowledge in fact Key = idea how to use bow and arrow bow and arrow + animal = lock external environemental conditions characteristics of environement human artefact What is knowledge in fact Killed red deer = opening a door / sign that piece of knowledge and external material conditions fitted together Tacit knowledge •Michael Polanyi Ø Hungarian chemist, Ø refugee, Jew escaped from Hungaria before the WWII Ø how scientist learn something Ø there is much more you can be aware of and articulate Ø • • • TACIT KNOWLEDGE Tacit knowledge - example •Friedrich August Kekulé (1829 – 1896) • Ø German orgnanic chemist Ø discoverer of structure of benzene Ø after years of studying carbon-carbon bond • he had a day-dream • • • the structure of benzene • • Frkekulé.jpg Tacit knowledge - example https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/18/Ouroboros-benzene.svg/452px-Ouroboros-ben zene.svg.png •= a day dream = UROBOROS • a snake that seize its tail • • • •shift in thinking – • emergence of structural • chemistry Tacit knowledge and seniors • piece of knowledge = individual knowledge, skill Knowledge = key + lock + opening a door external conditions (material changes in environment) Tacit knowledge and seniors •activation through theatre play with marionettes • • = manipulation with an environement in a such way • THAT WE RECONSTRUCT AND SUPPLEMENT INNER STATES OF • SENIORS’ BRAIN/MIND • • • • RECONSTRUCTION OF A STRUCTURE OF PIECES OF KNOWLEDGE Tacit knowledge and seniors • • restoration of a structure of information manipulation in an environement http://aub.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/Marionette05.jpg What is knowledge Ø Ø has its internal and its external features Ø there is no strict borders (ie. meaning) Ø borders and meanings are set / make clear by an actual situation Ø Ø manipulation of external features changes in brain/mind • activation of seniors leads to restoration of memory and cognitive • capacity • Ø manipulation of internal features enable to changes in • manipulation of external features • Kekule’s structural formula enable to manipulate chemicals in a new way Consequences for social pedagogy Ø Ø explains why an environment is important (manipulation with external features) Ø explains why physical activity has great impact (manipulation with external features) •outdoor education, drama education, training courses • Ø explains why personal development or morality are important (manipulation with brain/mind) Ø explains why structure of information can influence emotions and actions of people (manipulation with brain/mind) •axiology, personal development, traditional education (gathering and structuring of information)