ARGUMENTATION & TRANSITION WORDS I. Register - revision A. Which of the sentences are appropriate in academic writing? 1. The government has made great progress in solving the problem. 2. We obtained excellent results in the experiment. 3. The results of lots of tests have been pretty good. 4. A loss of jobs is one of the consequences that will happen if the process is automated. 5. The subjects didn´t have difficulty with the task. 6. You can clearly see the differences between these two learning processes. 7. People have cut down on their consumption of beef. B. Rewrite the inappropriate sentences in a more formal style. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. II. Transition words A. Study the following transition words and complete the table. B. Go the pages and do the tasks. 0.pdf C. Practice. Transitions - Complete the composition by using given transitions. DEATH PENALTY Some countries still have the death penalty …1… it no longer exists in Britain. ……2……, after a particularly violent murder, British people sometimes call for it to be brought back. …….3…….my opinion, the death penalty cannot be defended for a number of reason. ………4…… and most important reason is that one can never be entirely certain that the accused person is guilty. In the ………5…, people have been sentenced to death and later it is discovered that they were completely innocent. It is often ……6…… that the death penalty prevents crime and that the risk of death acts as a deterrent. ……7…, many serious crimes are caused by a sudden and very powerful emotion. In these cases, the individual is not thinking sensibly and does not stop to consider the risks. One final ……8……… against the death penalty is that it sets a bad example. The laws of society should reflect its values. If it is wrong for one individual to murder another …9…… it is also wrong for the state to execute an individual. To sum up, I believe the death penalty cannot defended. There are other ways of punishing criminals and these ways should always be tried. 1- A and B despite C although D moreover 2- A In addition B also C Nevertheless D In contrast 3- A In B for C About D With 4- A Firstly B The first C The one D Initially 5- A future B present C beginning D past 6- A told B heard C spoken D suggested 7- A Therefore B However C Moreover D Despite 8- A Reason B view C argument D opinion 9- A then B as C and D too III. Argumentation Watch the following video called Is workforce unfair and note down the arguments for and against. IV. Debating You will now be divided into two groups and have a similar debate on the same topic. Prepare a list of your arguments (you can use the ones from the video and add yours) thinking about appropriate transition words. Then have a debate on the issue (up to 10 minutes). A. B.