REGISTER AND ARGUMENTATION READING, LISTENING & SPEAKING 1. What is register? Reasd the following definition from Oxford dictionary and paraphrase it. 2. Watch this video about register, take notes and be ready to give a brief summary. STUDYING & DISCUSSING Study the following examples of different registers (A) and the rules for formal register (B). LISTENING, LEARNING & NOTE TAKING Watch the following video and take notes STUDYING Study the following examples of transition words WATCHING & LISTENING Watch the following video on why to study languages Now make two groups: one supports the study of foreign languages, the other does not. Use the linking words you have studied. WRITING Think about your field of study and the reasons why you chose the subject(s).On a piece of paper, write 3-5 arguments for your choice. Then swap the paper with your partner. Your partner will ask you questions about your field/subject(s). You defend your choice. HOMEWORK Write a short paragraph based on the previous discussion. (80-100 words)