When you want to make your next point, you ‘move on’. Moving on to the next point. I’d like to move on to the next point if there are no further questions When you want to change to a completely different topic, you ‘turn to’. I’d like to turn to something completely different. Let’s turn now to our plans for next year. When you want to give more details about a topic you ‘expand’ or ‘elaborate’. I’d like to expand more on this problem we have had in ... Would you like me to expand a little more on that or have you understood enough? I don’t want to elaborate any more on that as I’m short of time. When you want to talk about something which is off the topic of your presentation, you ‘digress’. I’d like to digress here for a moment and just say a word of thanks to Bob for organizing this meeting. Digressing for a moment, I’d like to say a few words about ... When you want to refer back to an earlier point, you ‘go back’. Going back to something I said earlier, the situation in Chicago is serious. I’d like to go back to something Jenny said in her presentation. To just give the outline of a point, you ’summarize’. If I could just summarize a few points from John’s report. I don’t have a lot of time left so I’m going to summarize the next few points. To repeat the main points of what you have said, you ‘recap’. I’d like to quickly recap the main points of my presentation. Recapping quickly on what was said before lunch,…… For your final remarks, you ‘conclude’. I’d like to conclude by leaving you with this thought …… If I may conclude by quoting Karl Marx ……. Starting the presentation & welcoming Good morning/afternoon/night and welcome to [name of company/presentation/place]. What I’m going to talk about today is … Today I’m going to discuss… The topic of my presentation today is … Introducing yourself My name is … and I study … I’m … I come from … and my field of study is … Let me introduce myself; I’m … and I work at … , where I … Presenting the topic Today, I’ll be talking about/discussing [topic] I’m here to illustrate how… What I’m going to be talking about today is… The purpose of today’s presentation is… My objective is to… In today’s presentation, I’d like to talk to you about/show you/demonstrate… Outlining the content of the presentation In today’s presentation I’m going to cover [three] points: Firstly, I’ll be looking at… Secondly, we’ll consider… Then, I’ll explain how… And finally, I’ll demonstrate how.. Introducing the first point So let’s start, shall we? To begin with, … To start with, … First of all, I’ll … Let’s start by [+ verb in -ing form] … Explaining graphs, images or data This graph/image/video/data demonstrates… I’d like to illustrate this by showing you… Concluding a point So, that concludes [name of section]… That’s everything for [name of section]… We’ve now covered [name of section]… I think that just about covers [name of section]… Moving on to the next point Now, let’s move on to… Now that we’ve discussed [previous point], I’d like to move on to/talk about… Next… Let’s look at… I’d like now to discuss… Concluding and summarising the presentation To conclude, … Well, that brings us to the end of the final section. Now, I’d like to summarise by… That concludes my presentation. Now, if I can just summarise the main points… I think we’ve just about seen everything now. Let’s take a look back at what we’ve seen… Inviting questions We’ve got a few minutes for questions. Does anyone have any questions? If anyone has any questions, I’d be happy to answer them. Are there any questions? Thanking your audience and hosts I’d like to say thank you to everyone who has come today. I’d also like to thank [host] for letting us be here today. I hope that the presentation has been interesting/informative, thank you for coming. Finally, I’d like to finish by thanking you all for coming… Thank you for your attention/time.