Týden 5
•Marina Abramovic and Ulay's Imponderabilia 1977
•0100101110101101.ORG: Reenactment of Marina Abramovic and Ulay's Imponderabilia. 2007, Synthetic Performance
•Chris Burden : Shoot, 1971
Reenactment of Chris Burden's Shoot
2007, Synthetic Performance
Od apropriáce k open source
•Cory Arcangel: Super Mario Clouds (2002)
• Cory Arcangel: I Shot Andy Warhol (2002)
•PAPER RAD : Wyld File "Theme Song", 2006
•Natalie Bookchin: The Intruder http://vimeo.com/30022802
•Tina La Porta: Distance
Alexei Shulgin
386 DX, 1998
•http://www.easylife.org/386dx/•aesthetics of obsolence
Aesthetics of Crudeness •Alexei Shulgin:
•FORM ART 1997
•“Turn off the tv set” http://www.desk.nl/~you/turnoff/
•Mark Napier :Digital Landfill 1998
•Mark Napier: Feed 2001 http://potatoland.org/feed/
•Miltos Manetas :
•Jackson Pollock for iPhone:
•SuperMario Sleeping, video, 1998
•Flames 1997, By Miltos Manetas.
•Stanislav Veselovský:movieGAME
•Ateliér Digitálne média
•Golan Levin: Dialtones: A Telesymphony