Assessment Center….. AC Observation and Assessment Review Sheet Candidate: Assessor: Communication Observations Rating +ve Uses clear concise statements Good eye contact with audience Uses positive and appropriate non- verbals Uses positive body language Understands the content of information Positive energetic language Adapts style to audience .. -ve Makes few contributions Communicates in a confusing manner Is not energetic in his/her delivery Allows nerves to take over .. Focus +ve Understands and executes company strategy Sets and shares clear strategy Spends time on the most important issues in the presentation Develops controlled action steps Uses a clear structured approach .. -ve Spends too much time on irrelevant details Sets unrealistic targets Short term thinking and focus Makes mistakes with the data Presentation is not focused on the real goal .. Passion +ve Alive Energises others and is influential Smiling, buzzing with enthusiasm Shows interest Uses conviction in his/her statements .. -ve Flat voice No action Passive Complains Blames Careless Bored .. Judgement +ve recognises potential threats calculated risk taker consider swot or similar tools analyses and then forms conclusions add procedures to the decision making process looks for facts and figures can see trends and patterns makes linkages and can read between the lines .. -ve Fails to consider threats Takes risks Does not consider tools Inadequate analysis Does not see trends and patterns Does not make linkages .. …..