REAL NEWS A BOU IT® m JGS AND YOUR BODY ' Outsmart the Chart Use the chart below to review the facts about major drugs of abuse. Then test your knowledge with the accompanying Jeopardy-sty\e quiz. NAME OF DRUG STREET NAMES HOW IT'S USED SHORT-TERM EFFECTS HEALTH RISKS Cocaine Coke, blow, bump, C, candy, Charlie, flake, rock, snow, toot, crack Smoked from a pipe (crack); snorted through the nose; or injected into veins with a hypodermic needle Increased heart rate; high blood pressure; irregular heart beat; alertness and euphoria (extreme happiness); decreased appetite Irregular heartbeat; reduced appetite; weight loss; chest pains; headaches; malnutrition; dangerously high body temperature (hyperthermia); heart attack; slow or stopped breathing; stroke; seizures; HIV/AIDS; death Heroin Brown sugar, dope, H, horse, junk, skag, skunk, smack, white horse Injected directly into veins; smoked; snorted through the nose Pain relief; euphoria; nausea; drowsiness Confusion; constipation; staggering gait; slowed or stopped breathing; HIV/AIDS; unconsciousness; coma; death Inhalants Laughing gas, poppers, snappers, whippets Inhaled through nose or mouth Loss of inhibition; headache; nausea or vomiting; slurred speech;loss of coordination Muscle spasms and weakness; unconsciousness; depression; memory and learning impairment; cardiovascular and nervous system damage; sudden death LSD Acid, blotter, boomers, cubes, microdot, screaming yellow sunshine Swallowed or absorbed through the mouth Altered states of perception and feeling; nausea Loss of touch with reality; ongoing perception problems ("flashbacks"); increased body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure; sleeplessness; weakness; tremors Marijuana Pot, dope, ganja, grass, herb, Mary Jane, reefer, skunk, weed Smoked in a pipe, a cigarette or joint, or a cigar called a blunt; eaten in food; brewed as tea and drunk Euphoria; altered perceptions; slowed thinking and reactions; impaired coordination; increased appetite Cough; weight gain; respiratory infections; increased heart rate; anxiety; panic attacks; problems with memory and learning MDMA Ecstasy, E, Adam, hug, beans, love drug, X Swallowed (pills) Increased heart rate and blood pressure; euphoria; mental alertness; altered perception; increased tactile sensitivity; feelings of empathy Dangerously high body temperature (hyperthermia); liver and kidney damage; heart damage; learning and memory problems Steroids Roids, juice Injected; swallowed; applied to skin Over time, anabolic (muscle-building) effects; no intoxication effects Hostility and aggression; acne; stunted growth in teens; high blood pressure; kidney damage; liver disease; baldness; in males, breast enlargement; in females, facial hair and deepened voice; HIV/AIDS