PSX_512 Human Nature: Key Studies in Psychology

Course information


Lectures every OTHER Thursday
6 lectures:
Feb 23 – Irrationality & decision making (T. Malatincová)
Mar 9 - (T. Malatincová)
Mar 23 - (L. Krajčíková)
Apr 6 - (K. Bartošová)
Apr 20 - (T. Malatincová)
May 4 - (L. Krajčíková)
May 18 - Colloquium

ATTENDANCE AT 4 LECTURES OUT OF 6 IS REQUIRED!!! If there are more absences, formal excuses have to be provided for ALL absences.


- Accessible through the interactive syllabus after each lecture until Sunday before another lecture (i.e., available for 2 weeks)
- To test your understanding of the presented research
- Can be attempted any time, anywhere, up to three times
- Simple multiple choice questions – some (no more than 50%) might differ in the subsequent attempts
- You must earn an average of 75% (of all highest scores); each quiz must be seriously attempted at least once

- ALL MUST BE COMPLETED IN TIME!!! (only extreme case exceptions possible)
- Contact us immediately if having problems accessing / completing a quiz



- Oral discussion-like “exam” in small groups
- We will provide a set of questions (ca. 20) after the last lecture – descriptions of various life situations, examples of people’s behaviour, etc.
- Make sure you can respond to EVERY question using information presented in the lectures
- During the oral exam (in 2 weeks or more), each student will draw ONE question from the provided list and respond to it
- Brief comments and discussion may follow regarding the topic with all students joining in
- Students unable to respond to their question will have to retake the colloquium!!!

Requests & recommendations

- If you have problems with a quiz (technical issues, mistyped questions, etc.), contact us immediately.
- The quizzes are short and simple. We recommend you take them right after the lectures if possible. Do NOT wait with your first attempt until the last minute!!! Internet connection failures, health issues, etc., will not be accepted as excuses shortly before or after the deadline.
- If you expect problems with completing a quiz in the following weeks for serious reasons (e.g. very limited internet access), let us know in advance or as soon as possible.
- You are welcome to contact us should you have any questions regarding the materials.