The Hudson Review, Inc Canto 96 Author(s): Ezra Pound Source: The Hudson Review, Vol. 9, No. 1 (Spring, 1956), pp. 7-19 Published by: The Hudson Review, Inc Stable URL: Accessed: 19-03-2017 10:33 UTC JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at The Hudson Review, Inc is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Hudson Review This content downloaded from on Sun, 19 Mar 2017 10:33:05 UTC All use subject to EZRA POUND Canto 96 Kp7rSezvov . . . Kp f'Evov . . . and the wave concealed her, dark mass of great water. Aestheticisme comme politique d'eglise, hardly religion. & on the hearth burned cedar and juniper ... that should bear him thru these diafana Aether pluit numismata Tellus vomit cadavera, Thusca quae a thure, from the name of the incense, in this province is ROMA quae olim .... In the province of Tuscany is Rome, a city which formerly .... And Sabines with a crow on their flag. Brennus came for the wine, liking its quality, Bergamo, Brescia, Ticino, 8 inviting his wife to drink from her father's skull (Cunimundus) a cup which I, Paulus, saw.. that Tiberius Constantine was distributist, Justinian, Chosroes, Augustae Sophiae, lumina mundi, ernK6oLftal . . r. v Xa6v or a hand out. 586 chronologically (more or less) Authar, marvelous reign, no violence and no passports, Vitalis beati More water about San Zeno than had flowed since the days of Noah on the 16th of November 15th of Childibert, a.D. 589 water and snakes over the granaries. Theodolinda, Theuderic from Brunhilda, Roma caput Ecclesiae, the persians into Jerusalem and my grand-dad got out of what is now Jugoslavia with a bow, arrows and a wolf acting as guide till it thought gramp looked too hungry, comes itineris Rothar touched with the aryan heresy This content downloaded from on Sun, 19 Mar 2017 10:33:05 UTC All use subject to THE HUDSON REVIEW put father, son, ghost in that order whereas we catholics stand for equality, And here, 77 years, lombards had been in T and Rothar got some laws written down and a prolog, dope already used, even the snake cult, 585 concubines, bacchatur, and a murder in San Giovanni's basilica. Constans Augustus stripped the brass tiles from the Pantheon, shipped 'em toward Constantinople, and got bumped off in his bath in Siracusa. 620 Reyna says the lombard (Migne 95, 620) Cedwald, Architriclin From the golden font, Cuningpert elegan de partibus Liguriae . Aripert sank, auro grav Who shall learn throstle's note from banded thrush by the wind in the holly bush Floods came in the Via Lata and from St. Peter's down to the bridge, Ponte Milvio et quia Karolus followed Pippin, not Plectrude's son but Alpaide's Wait, wait, Martel father of Pippin, Pippin of Charlemagne, Alpaide's son, one of 'em, not Plectrude's empty grave outside San Zeno, to the right as you face it, another bloke in Milano, "seven Cardinals attended his funeral," apud Pictavium, Aquitaine, Narbonne and Proenqa. Martel, that would be in the "thirties," Lombards pro Carolus: ACTUM TICINI IN PALATIO, et Arimnium, a stone in Modena by the ambon . . sent his son to Luitprand for a hair cut, kept peace with franks and avars verbo et actu corruscans Wang's middle name not in Mathews 8 This content downloaded from on Sun, 19 Mar 2017 10:33:05 UTC All use subject to in the second year of Eirene sent Constans to Carolus Magnus sardonix pario, lilia mixta rosis, at Tyana some idea they disapproved of. DIOCLETIAN, 37th after Augustus, thought: more if we tax 'em and don't annihilate. Haud procul Salonis not far from Salo otio senuit, quietly aging, and alleged Saturn started brass currency "changing bowers for travertine" Vespesiano serenitas .. . urbes renovatae Under Antoninus, 23 years without war ... apud Eboricum, Severus' wife spoke to Philostratus about the biography and about 1165 of the City (A.U. ab urbe) Galla Placidia, Pictorum, Vandali, "called Bosphorus from the bull tax" treaty with lombards under Justinian, goths out of Verona et Brixia, all italian "reip." under law. A memorial to archivists and librarians: Bernicoli in Ravenna, and that stuffed-shirt who wrote such an elegant postcard. Some sort of embargo, Theodora died in the igth Justinian. And the money sellers Ablavius and Marcellus thought they would bump off Justinian. A flood of fads swilled over all Europe. But there could have been two Abduls and it would not have annoyed one. That is something to note. I mean as personality, when one says "oriental." The third bahai said nothing remarkable. Edgar Wallace had his kind of modesty Caedual went to Roma, baptised 689 by some counting. And the Eparch's book was down somewhere under all of this, FITA PXIKON BIBAION. After 500 years, still sacrificed to that sea gull, a colony of Phaeacians Oifva 0EXvrsE ALDFRID, King of Northumbria, Nordanhymbrorum defunctus 7 oh 5, Aldhelm, against errors of Britons, pro virginity in hexameters, EZRA POUND 9 This content downloaded from on Sun, 19 Mar 2017 10:33:05 UTC All use subject to THE HUDSON REVIEW de Metaplasmo, De Sinalimpha, & fads for some hundred years, a comet with its face toward Aquilo, fussed about hair-cuts, an appeal to reason is about a 13% appeal to reality, job-hunting in our time, and in the 3rd/ year of J Sophia Augusta made the money-sellers cough up something pecuniarium venditoribus, and in the 12th took over the synagog, heaped fads on Eleusis, flame under the rubble TIBERIUS 5, 7, 3 by his spending Thrax, Cappadox, Lombards, Avars. (Theophanem sequitur.) Lombards in Exarchate, MAURICIUS Imperator Barbarians enjoyed Roman calamities, calamitatibus delectabantur, equestribus speculationibus and by dealings urbem splendidam reddidit, this is MAURICIUS, five seventy seven, and of course there is no local freedom without local control of local purchasing power. Del Mar spotted "bronze to the cities," sanguinibus gaudium, homicidiis amorem, infidelitatem, jactantiam et violentiam (Hormisdae). Priscus copped the king drunk (Musacius) @ his brother's wake, aerumnae non defuerunt variae, plenty of shindies, assorted, With eyes pervanche, all under the Moon is under Fortuna I~-~~ ,,CHEN, e che permutasse. 10 This content downloaded from on Sun, 19 Mar 2017 10:33:05 UTC All use subject to EZRA POUND With castled ships and images Dei Matris, HERACLIUS, six, oh, two imperator simul et sponsus, found the "reip's" business unstuck, that is, Avars made Europe a desert, Persians exterminated all Asia Chosdroes (Second) pro sun j. & melted down the church vessels & coined them vopuoapcara Ka /uAXLapcrta (which is not in Liddell D.D.), The Deacon, col. lo26, thinks it "argenteos," nummos aureos et argenteos, HERACLIUS versus Chosdroes coined candle-sticks to keep off Chosdroes , I EIKOVOS Justinian 527 Tiberius Justin Mauricius 577 Phocas Heraclius, six oh two, all dates approximate. Deutschland unter Dulles, U.S.A., slightly nostalgic by the boat-bridge over Euphrates. Wintered then in Sebastia, Laws aim? is against coercion. And called them the Golden Spears, Xpvo-oXoXas, Avars, Bulgars, Gepidae, quatenus Hunnos, against the City, Fu Lin. Turcos quas Cazaros vocant. Six eighteen, that is. God's Mother superlaudabilis populus epulantes Deum glorificantes, pepper &8 zinziber, tigrides mirae magnitudinis live ones, and antelopes, and in sky a great phantom from Mesembra to Arcturus preannouncing Arabian power and in the i 1th of Constans ashes from heaven, in the 12th Muhavis broke the Colossus that had stood thirteen sixty years, mille tre centos sexaginta, and sold 900 camel-loads, aere oneravit, of its brass 11 This content downloaded from on Sun, 19 Mar 2017 10:33:05 UTC All use subject to THE HUDSON REVIEW to a jew (all this chronology seven years less than the accepted). Habdimelich made peace with the 2nd Justinian ... contra Zubir and burnt his home and his idols with their idolator, sed susciperent, we are getting to the crux of one matter Anno sexto imperii sui Justinianus (the second) pacem, quam ad Habdimelich habuit, ex amentia dissolvit, et omnem Cypriorum insulam, et populum irrationabiliter voluit transmigrare, et characterem qui missus fuerat ab Habdimelich, eum noviter visus esset .... et his auditis Habdimelich satanice stimulatus rogabat ne pax solveretur, sed susciperent monetam suam, cum Arabes non susciperent Romanorum incisionem in suis nummis. Verum dato pondere auri ait: Nullum Romanis damnum effic tur, ex eo quod Arabes nova cuderent ....... Quod et factum est, et misit Habdimelich ad aedifi candum templum Muchan, et voluit auferre c lumnas .. -col. 1o6o, The Deacon, Migne's Patrolo In fact this item, with that bit from the Eparch's edict which was still there for Kemal in our time, PANTA HREI, said DuBellay translating, the base shall we say, and the slide of Byzantium, bags, baskets full of, presumably, coinage, and lured twenty thousand sclavons. And in the 7th Absimarus Habdimelich died and Justinian came back thru the aquaduct. Franks out of Thrace in periplum, Blood in Watling St, ruin'd by vicarious government. Hyacinthinis, p,eyaXorXwvo why not fake purple, vocabulary not Dr. Liddell's, chastised and brought into the house (coom ben) verberator et bonis mulcator TraeLevefo'0o Kai EelTKOKLiE'a0C) register all silk purchases over ten aurei 12 This content downloaded from on Sun, 19 Mar 2017 10:33:05 UTC All use subject to EZRA POUND 8EKa vo.Luoc-LrC v (Nicole: purpureos vestes) T- fX but the dvat8Ms is rather nice, Dr. Nicole, before the ,ir: av:dvoveres eXaoTTovmes Tnv ,r/L)v and the idea of just price is somewhere, the haggling, somewhere, also aXoyio-rovs quite beautifully used tho' utopian KaTrl)Xc1XVov or crrofJvXo that is "mouthy" dyopa'os forensic XaXos babbler *k tzu3 chih1 to2-5 chu1 rapaX38r,s as on the East bank from Beaucaire ,tL T7 Tj ov ErapXov ec')pacLyOp,evov not stamped with the prefect's seal goovAXX Ka'cwrTavov vevoOev0.LEVOV Ducange: orrarqp Here, surely, is a refinement of language If we never write anything save what is already understood, the field of understanding will never be extended. One demands the right, now and again, to write for a few people with special interests and whose curiosity reaches into greater detail. Kat voLwoJxarLTa ceE Wd/ appear to be tetarteron tokens not affecting the aureus vel pactum pretium augens and a few words about hoarding KaLpov EvS4La5 daroOrcqoavppitr EVOLKtov house rent aivCcv evOIKLOt "Sire, dist Hues . ." 13 This content downloaded from on Sun, 19 Mar 2017 10:33:05 UTC All use subject to THE HUDSON REVIEW that was de BosschOre, leather for carriages, not for footwear, Xoirempers do not buy sheep or hide pigs in the house of an ark O&KOV apXOVTLKOV Who useth an unstamped stater ad pretium empti Kara rnv efovloVtv vop/luaLaroT evos' that's how Nicole slanted it, grave on the om meaning one aureus, bankers to profit one keration 2 miliarisia p,UrlSEcUL XE&rovpyta and no liturgy (as above) nor their beasts, but that baking be uninterrupted and that they take due care against fire. TAVERNERS are to inform the prefect of w that he arrange the modus of sale oiKOVOJ,ta . .. . I . . rpac'KeO'Oat constraining 'em to analogous ezonesis. Stathmos, usually weight & aggaia, vessels fitting in, working together. The stathmon shd/ hold 30 litras and the mina, as it is called, shd/ be 3, And on great holidays and the Lord's day KvpL not to open before 2 o'clock by whatever 2 that was reckoned Sevrepacs opaO and at the second hour of night dacrfaXAtgetv lock up & (r,fEvvvetv ra Xefi,8La put out their cook-fires h3f5, a cauldron & those who have been loafing all day there not to come back @ night and raise ructions TOV OlvOV q(.LfOpOV.LEVOL "Constantinople" said Wyndham "our star," Mr. Yeats called it Byzantium, emphorio, to be borne about, to be filled with oinos, the fermented 14 This content downloaded from on Sun, 19 Mar 2017 10:33:05 UTC All use subject to EZRA POUND katakremnizo, to throw down or headlong diaphora, variance bias, vigors and if wine-seller be found with false measures & not bearing the proper seal shall be smacked, cropped and put out of the sunthema 4Ks&OKE'OwOcrav IIEPI AErATAPIOT seem to be foreign importers, are to stay 3 months only, the name BOOPSaN ought to explain what it means 8LaorLacdveraL but doesn't exactly dealin' with animals S3or6v, f3orrp in the Foro Amastriani TIv wrAsov TO aULTla some animals are imperfect. RE all contractors for fine work, plaster, marble, askothurari6n, paint & the rest of 'em AEITOTPrIfN an ask6s is a leather bag, with inane loquacity hoisting the wages aveo TOV; Luo'-ovs crKaLorqT7 r&v Xoycov lubberly, westerly o-rovXia the stench of the profit motive has covered their names and that louse G. burnt the Palatine and messed up the music to speak clearly aXqcrArTa, insatiate KaKOVPpyta This is not a mere stunt to lay fines as is found in the hodge-podge. 0o'os a round building Ka/Lapa arched over all adro,iaetav to be unlikely to fall Ep7reLpiav &8 experienced 0e,uEXLos the foundation, not wobbly craapo6 After all Justinian's boy had built Santa Sophia "vurry," says Pearson, N. H. "in'erestin'." out of odd hollows and solids UL? TO KTmoJLuevov Xo:ov, slanty There is an ideogram somewhere in Morrison, de Saumase, de Reitz 15 This content downloaded from on Sun, 19 Mar 2017 10:33:05 UTC All use subject to THE HUDSON REVIEW 7Trvpo, aepo%, o070ro, y7s after Julien d'Askalon: fire, air, water, earth, the old men on the swaying rpa7r4,tov f,vpo-oS'aLt, raw leather LaXaKarcappo, softeners, second process t3vpcrootLot /iaycL7re? the baker from his four, governors, oveners No yugo-slav to propose to a girl until he has planted trees, 50 olives (Ronnie, this year) EyKVKXLog 1raLtevo'L and the chaplains of cabarets & that Nicephoras kolobozed the tetarteron need not have applied to the aureus or caused Nicole to understand token coinage in the long war between episkeptiks and any andrarion agorian kai bAnauson (currently rendered as s.o.b.) 12 % says Nicole, illegal KarTa T7V TroLoTrira (rTv Cfwv) acc. the quality. Good-bye to the sun, Autumn is dying Xaipe 6 "HXMto whom the ooze cannot blacken Xaipe clarore. And in the sixth year of this Justinian the devil got into Habdimelich, satanice stimulatus, who said if we put the same amount of gold into our coinage it will do no harm to the Romans. Ut supra, as before stated in latin. And he wanted some columns for Muchan. iustitiae .... nihil antiquius "Honest feathers" says Dante, or: "What about murder?" De Officiis, TWO, 89: "Quid occidere?" Pascere satis, or in the '2os (our time) 16 This content downloaded from on Sun, 19 Mar 2017 10:33:05 UTC All use subject to driving latin out of the schools (France or whereso) humiles non omnes improbi. Cicero mousing round the edge of the paddock. "An ater, an albus" Catullus in interrogative. "Queer cuss with a sense of humour," Tully observing: Nihil.... antiquius and no such blue north of Capri as on the side toward Peschiera, Ocelle Veronensis. Under Leo EIAPXIKON BIBAION "Following God's example Our Serenity (yaX7/vo'Trf, as of the sea) to stop trampling by one on another have codified TroXLTmLKV crfJareIJv (To Professor Nicole's annoyance) Leo 886-911 : may buy linen to line bombazine "les arrhes du march," re/ the drapers J%atLXErVcL A?ov And the notary must have some general culture or he will make a mess of the contracts. : may buy gold, silver, pearls, but not copper ni cuivre ni tissus de lin that is, not for resale. Not hoard 'em and hold for a rise, any perfumer who wangles to get another's rent hoisted Kara SoXov eravcov shall be shaved, whipped and chucked out. And not hold up coin either; foreigners to sell in three months and leave, Perfumers not to buy groceries, but nard, aloe-wood, cinnamon, stick to what's sold on a two pan balance, not a "romaine," a stadera, one of those things with a yard-arm. Let him be either perfumer or grocer, Candle-makers to work in their own ergastorios; and that EZRA POUND 17 This content downloaded from on Sun, 19 Mar 2017 10:33:05 UTC All use subject to THE HUDSON REVIEW grocers may open shops anywhere so that one can get groceries anywhere/ And if his weights aren't stamped with the prefe he shall be flogged, cropped and banished profits at 16 and 3/ths (two miliarisia) No baker or mill beast shall be subject to other bread must go on, No ovens in anyone's cellar and that they go to the Prefect when the grain p rises or falls to find the right bread price, Whoso tries any monkey-shines shall be put on a jackass and led through the streets quite slowly, flogged, shaved, and put out. Wine shops will close at 8 in the evening. Anybody wanting to put up a cupola must prove experience. If a wall falls inside of ten years the builder, unless he can prove god's wrath must put it up again at his own cost. To be tabulary, must know the Manuel to recite it, and the Basiliks, 60 books and draw up an act in the presence, and be sponsored by the primicier and his colleagues and have a clear Handschrift and be neither babbler nor insolent, nor sloppy in habits and have a style. Without perfect style might not notice punctuation and phrases that alter the sense, and if he writes down a variant his sponsors will be responsible. Give him time to show what he's got. And the smoke at his consecration, incense Ovutiacya evnrtov Kvptov shows how his thought shd/ go. Upward, videlicet. And be fined if he miss procession and the college shall go to his funeral. SILVERSMITHS may buy what pertains to their trade, not copper, oV IA'v XaXKOV 18 This content downloaded from on Sun, 19 Mar 2017 10:33:05 UTC All use subject to EZRA POUND nor linen save for their personal use. If ladies (? eZ te) want to sell jewelry let the goldsmith report to the Prefect Be sure it is not for export. If they adulterate Shall cost 'em a hand XELpoKoTrei&c0) '0 8Xov iroLv eiVc ao' r,juov If foreigners try to sell the two metals, report it. If a silversmith buy sacred vessels, intact or otherwise, let him report this to the Eparch and a goldsmith report purchase of any unmarked gold over one pound; Work to be done v ... rs Mor-? on Main St. Not in the goldsmith's home And no one to be brought into the guild without notice (aveu du prefet) What was the greek for aveu in this instance? el&iqcre ToV TraPXov rather nice use of aveu, Professor, though you were looking at avev. From the Palace, half-circle that street is, ending near the seven-towered castello. Bankers not to file coins nor make false ones Nor put a slave (8ovXov) in charge of their business KaTaXXaKrn7 ( ) KEKO:LOLEVOV (double m) If they do not notify counterfeits that come in and from whom shall be flogged, shaved and exiled And in this there can have been few innovations And before this was that affair of Habdimelich Anno sexto imperii, of the Second Justinian "pacem." 19 This content downloaded from on Sun, 19 Mar 2017 10:33:05 UTC All use subject to