Lope de Vega Castelvines y Monteses (1609) Lope de Vega Castelvines y Monteses (1609) Three English translations: Cynthia Rodriguez-Badendyck (1998), Castelvines and Monteses Gwynne Edwards (2005), The Capulets and Montagues Dakin Matthews (2009, 2011), The Capulets and the Montagues ROSELO ¡Ay, cielos, que fui Montés! ¿No fuera yo Castelvín? ¿Tanto le costaba al cielo? ROSELO ¡Ay, cielos, que fui Montés! ¿No fuera yo Castelvín? ¿Tanto le costaba al cielo? Cynthia Rodriguez-Badendyck ROSELO ¡Ay, cielos, que fui Montés! ¿No fuera yo Castelvín? ¿Tanto le costaba al cielo? Gwynne Edwards Cynthia Rodriguez-Badendyck ROSELO ¡Ay, cielos, que fui Montés! ¿No fuera yo Castelvín? ¿Tanto le costaba al cielo? Gwynne Edwards Cynthia Rodriguez-Badendyck Dakin Matthews Romeo. (Aside) God! Why am I a Montague! Why not a Capulet born and bred? Would that have been so hard for God? JULIA ¡Oh, si se llegase a mí, que de cuantas hay aquí, más lo pienso agradecer! DOROTEA Mi hermano con Julia está, sin duda que a mí se llega la máscara. ROSELO El amor me ciega, y el mismo me alumbra ya. JULIA ¡Ay, mancebo, si yo fuese tan dichosa! DOROTEA ¡Ay, si tomase mi lado! JULIA Ay Dios, si llegase. DOROTEA Ay Dios, si amor me tuviese. Cynthia Rodriguez-Badendyck Cynthia Rodriguez-Badendyck Gwynne Edwards Cynthia Rodriguez-Badendyck Dakin Matthews Juliet. (Aside) Oh if, of all the women here, That young man chooses me to be near, I’ll be so kind and welcoming! Dorothea. (Aside) My brother and Juliet are in talk; Surely, that masked one’s coming towards me! Romeo Love that will not let me see, Yet lights the way whereon I walk. Juliet. (Aside) Oh youth, if so blest I could be! Dorothea. (Aside) Oh, Heaven, if only he’d come near! Juliet. (Aside) O Lord, I think he’s coming here! Dorothea. (Aside) O God, if he’d just make love to me! ROSELO ¡Ay, cielos, que fui Montés! ¿No fuera yo Castelvín? ¿Tanto le costaba al cielo? Gwynne Edwards Cynthia Rodriguez-Badendyck Dakin Matthews Romeo. (Aside) God! Why am I a Montague! Why not a Capulet born and bred? Would that have been so hard for God? Cynthia Rodriguez-Badendyck Cynthia Rodriguez-Badendyck Gwynne Edwards Cynthia Rodriguez-Badendyck Dakin Matthews (Juliet speaks to Octavio, but gives her hand to Romeo.) Romeo. (Aside) My hand! Juliet. I need you, sir, to clearly see (She speaks to Octavio, but intends it for Romeo.) And be satisfied with this from me, For short of behaving in a way That would dishonor me, I may Not favor you more openly. Romeo. (Aside) So long as I get to drain the cup, Who cares if she toasts him and not me? Juliet. And turning one’s back on a foe can be A sign of surrender and giving up. Octavio. But when you turned your back on me, And showed your face to my foe instead, I had to think what your gesture said Was that you despised me utterly.