Microparameters of Cross-Linguistic Variation: Directed Motion and Resultatives Minjeong Son and Peter Svenonius CASTL, University of Troms0 1. Introduction It has been proposed that there is a parameter distinguishing languages like English, which have resultatives (e.g., hammer the metal flat) and directed motion readings with manner verbs (e.g., float under the bridge) from languages like Spanish, which have neither. The goal of this paper is twofold: First, we argue, in agreement with some previous work, that the parameter breaks down into several subcases as finer-grained distinctions of each construction are identified, and that the previous macro-parametric analyses of these two constructions cannot explain the right degree of variation.1 Second, we provide an alternative analysis of directed manner of motion constructions (hereafter, DMMC) and resultative constructions cross-linguistically, which locates variation across languages in the specifications of vocabulary items, defending a micro-parametric approach to language variation. 1.1. The Typology of Directed Motion Expressions and the Parameter in Question Talmy (1975, 1985, 2000) proposes a model of cross-linguistic variation in which an event of motion is analyzed into a set of semantic components such as Figure, Motion, Path, Ground, and Manner/Cause, and languages vary depending on how these semantic components are packaged into linguistic expressions. The basic contrast is exemplified in (1) and (2). In the former, English is said to be "satellite-framed" with respect to paths of motion, because the path is expressed in a PP, a "satellite" to the predicate. (1) a. John ran to the store. b. The bottle floated into the cave. Spanish and Korean, on the other hand, are classified as "verb-framed" languages (along with Semitic and Polynesian languages), in which motion is often conflated with path in the verb (see Son 2006, 2007; Zubizarreta & Oh 2007 and references there) (LOC = locative, NOM = nominative, DC = declarative). (2) a. La botella entro a la cueva (flotando). the bottle moved.in LOC the cave floating 'The bottle floated into the cave' (Lit. 'The bottle went into the cave floating') Spanish b. Mary-ka cip-ey (ttwi-e) tul-e-ka-(a)ss-ta. Mary-NOM house-LOC rw«-LINKER m-LINKER-go-PAST-DC 'Mary ran into the house' (Lit. 'Mary went into the house running') Korean Manner of motion verbs cannot by themselves license directed motion interpretations with goal PPs in these languages, as seen below. (3) a. Juan {??corri6/*anduvo/*gateo} a la tienda. Juan ran I walked I crawled LOC the store 'John ran/walked/crawled to the store' Spanish b. *Mary-ka cip-ey {ttwi/kel}-ess-ta. Mary-NOM house-LOC run/walk-PAST-DC 'Mary ran/walk to the house' Korean 1 Thanks to our informants, including Antonio Fábregas and Luisa Marti (Spanish), Ponnu Liz Malieckal, Mythili Menon, and Anila Varghese (Malayalam), and all the Javanese speakers recruited by Thomas J. Conners. © 2008 Minjeong Son and Peter Svenonius. Proceedings of the 27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, ed. Natasha Abner and Jason Bishop, 388-396. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. 389 In Talmy's work, the distinction between path-framed (English-type) and verb-framed (Spanish-type) is often characterized as a tendency, not an absolute dichotomy between two different language groups. A number of researchers, however, have analyzed Talmy's typological distinction as a parameter. The following section briefly reviews one previous parametric analysis of DMMC and adjectival resultatives. 1.2. Parametric Analyses of the Typology of DMMC One of the approaches to the typology of DMMC (in connection with resultatives) is rooted in the compounding parameter proposed by Snyder (1995, 2001). Snyder discusses various kinds of complex predicate formations including resultatives {beat the metal flat), particle constructions {lift the box up), and double object constructions {give a present to Mary). He argues that these depend on a single, parametric property of the grammar, namely a compounding parameter that makes compounding possible in a given language. The compounding parameter is stated as: (4) Compounding Parameter (Snyder 2001:328): The grammar {disallows*, allows} formation of endocentric compounds during the syntactic derivation [*unmarked value]. Building on Snyder (1995, 2001), Beck & Snyder (2001) extend this correlation to DMMC. They propose a Principle R, which is dependent on (4), in that only a language with a positive (marked) setting for (4) can have a positive setting for Principle R. A positive setting for Principle R is necessary for a language to allow resultatives and DMMC. A language with the unmarked setting fails to have either, and a language with the marked setting has both. As far as Germanic and Romance languages are concerned, the cross-linguistic correlation between resultatives and DMMC appears to hold nicely. For example, English (as well as German) allows both DMMC (e.g., (1)) and adjectival resultatives, as in (5). Spanish, which does not allow DMMC (e.g., (3a)), also disallows adjectival resultatives, as in (6), as observed by Beck and Snyder. (5) a. John drank the teapot dry. b. John pounded the meat flat. English (6) a. *John golpeo la carne plana. John pounded the meat flat 'John pounded the meat flat' b. *John froto la mesa limpia. John wiped the table clean 'John wiped the table clean' Spanish In the following section, however, we demonstrate that as more languages are investigated in greater detail, counterexamples emerge in each direction; languages with no resultatives may allow DMMC, and vice versa. 2. The Cross-Linguistic Correlation Revisited Close examination of individual languages reveals that there is no necessary correlation between the availability of resultatives and that of DMMC in a given language; detailed investigation of directed motion expressions in Indonesian/Javanese, Hebrew and Malayalam shows that manner verbs in these languages are readily combinable with goal PPs.2 However, they strictly disallow adjectival resultative phrases (§2.1). Korean and Japanese do not allow DMMC of the English-type. Nonetheless, these two languages exhibit adjectival resultative constructions (§2.2), as also noted in Snyder (1995, 2001) and Beck & Snyder (2001). 2For reasons of space we present only a small sample of the evidence we have amassed. See Son (2007) for additional data and observations. 390 2.1. Languages with DMMC but no Resultatives 2.1.1. Indonesian and Javanese Snyder (2001) reports, based on data from Javanese, that Austronesian languages are unmarked for the compounding parameter and Principle R. The following examples (from our fieldwork) confirm the fact that Javanese disallows adjectival resultatives, given that result-denoting adjectives must be preceded by the clausal adverbial sampek 'until.' (7) a. Mary ngelap mejo *(sampek) resik. Mary wipe table until clean 'Mary wiped the table until it became clean' b. Mary nyacah daging *(sampek) ajur. Mary beat meat until flat 'Mary beat the meat until it became fiat' Javanese However, our own investigation of both Indonesian and Javanese reveals that both languages allow DMMC, contrary to Snyder (2001), as illustrated below with Javanese examples. (8) Javanese (Semarang dialect): manner V + LocP is ambiguous between Loc and Dir a. Tika {mlaku/mlayu/mbrangkang} ning ngisor jembatan. Tika walk/run/crawl LOC bottom bridge 'Tika walked/ran/crawled under the bridge' (Loc and Dir) b. Mary {mlaku/mlayu/mbrangkang} ning ngarep omah. Mary walk/run/crawl LOC front house 'Mary walked/ran/crawled {in/to the} front of the house' (Loc and Dir) As seen in (8), the combination of manner verbs and goal PPs is easily available in Javanese. Sentences with manner verbs occurring with locative PPs are ambiguous between locational and directed motion readings. This is reminiscent of the ambiguity we often find in English examples such as those given below. (9) a. Mary ran under the bridge. (Loc and Dir) b. John walked behind the tree. (Loc and Dir) Thus, Indonesian and Javanese show patterns more similar to satellite-framed languages than to verb-framed languages concerning directed motion constructions. Nonetheless, they disallow adjective resultatives, contrary to the prediction made by Snyder's parametric analysis. 2.1.2. Malay'alam Malayalam is another language that presents a counterexample to the DMMC-resultative correlation. As seen below, it allows manner verbs to combine with goal PPs for directed motion interpretations (GEN = genitive, DIR = directional). (10) a. Mary office-il-ekka {natann-u/oot-i}. Mary office-LOC-DIR waZ&-PAST/rw«-PAST 'Mary walked/ran to the office' b. aval paala.tt-inte atiy-il-ekka natann-u. she bridge-GEN under-LOC-DIR walk-PAST 'She walked under the bridge (and stopped there)' (Dir: telic path) Malayalam However, adjectival resultatives are not found. Instead, result states can be encoded in main predicates with manner being expressed as an adjunct, as in (1 lb) (ADV = adverbial). 391 (11) a. *Hari table vritti tuda-ccu. Hari table clean wipe-PAST 'Hari wiped the table clean' b. Hari table tuda-cca vritti aak-i. Hari table wipe-ADM clean make-PAST 'Hari made the table clean by wiping it' Malayalam 2.2. Languages with Resultatives but no DMMC: Korean and Japanese As shown in (2b) and (3b) above, Korean is a verb-framed language in Talmy's sense, along with Spanish; it does not allow DMMC (contrary to what has been reported in Beck & Snyder 2001). Japanese is also classified as a verb-framed language as the combination of manner verbs and goal PPs is ungrammatical. (12) *Taro-ga ie-(no naka)-ni hashit-ta. Taro-NOM house-GEN inside-LOC run-PAST 'Taro ran (in)to the house' Japanese However, both Korean and Japanese allow adjectival resultatives, as in (13) and (14), as also reported in Snyder (2001) and Beck & Snyder (2001)3 (ACC = accusative, KEY = Korean predicative affix -key, analyzed in §4 below; Nl = Japanese predicative affix -ni, analyzed in §4 below). (13) Korean a. Inho-ka kkangthong-ul napcakha-key twutulki-ess-ta. Inho-NOM can-ACC flat-KEY pound-PAST-DC 'Inho pounded the can flat' b. Yenghi-ka sikthak-ul kkaykkusha-key takk-ass-ta. Yenghi-NOM table-ACC clean-KEY wipe-PAST DC 'Yenghi wiped the table clean' (14) Japanese (Washio 1997) a. John-ga teeburu-o kirei-ni huita. John-NOM table-ACC clean-Nl wipe.PAST 'John wiped the table clean' b. John-ga kinzoku-o taira-ni nobasita. John-NOM metal-ACC flat-m flatten.PAST 'John flattened the metal' We conclude that there is no necessary correlation between the availability of adjectival resultatives and that of DMMC in a given language, as counterexamples in each direction are found. This is summarized in the table in (15) below. (15) Fragmentation of the Parameter No DMMC DMMC No Resultatives Spanish, Hindi Hebrew, Indonesian, Javanese, Malayalam, Kannada Resultatives Japanese, Korean English, German Detailed investigation of each construction suggests that the four-way distinction summarized above is still too coarse-grained, and further fragmentation of the parameter is needed as different types of resultatives and DMMC are identified. We turn to the discussion of finer-grained categorization of each construction in the next section. 3See also Kim (1993), Kim & Maling (1997), Wechsler & Noh (2001), Kim (2007), and den Dikken & Shim (2007) for discussion of Korean resultatives. 392 3. Further Fragmentation of the Parameter 3.1. Different Kinds of Resultatives Detailed examination of resultative constructions in individual languages reveals that variation in resultatives is not just a matter of whether a language allows resultatives or not. Rather, there are at least three different situations. In Japanese, as reported by Washio (1997), resultatives are possible when the verb lexically specifies a change of state in the object, as with 'spread,' but not when it does not, as with 'pound' (ku = Japanese predicative affix -ku, analyzed in §4 below). (16) Japanese (Washio 1997; Snyder 2001; Takamine 2007) (see also (14)) a. Taro-ga pan kiji-o usu-ku nobashita. Taro-NOM bread dough-ACC thin-KU spread.PAST 'Taro spread the dough thin' b. *Taro-ga kinzoku-o usu-ku tataita. Taro-NOM metal-ACC thin-KUpound.PAST 'Taro pounded the metal thin' Spanish, in contrast, does not form resultatives in either case. (17) Spanish (see also (6a)) *Juan extendio la masa fina. Juan spread the dough thin 'Juan spread the dough thin' Korean and English have an additional possibility that Japanese does not have, in being able to form resultatives with verbs that do not lexically specify a change of state. (18) a. Inho-ka kumsok-ul yalp-key twutulki-ess-ta. Inho-NOM metal-ACC thin-KEY pound-PAST-DC 'Inho pounded the metal thin' Korean b. John pounded the metal flat. 3.2. Different Kinds ofDMMC The same kind of fragmentation is observed in the DMMC. In this case, Korean is among the most restrictive languages, rejecting DMMC even with verbs like 'run' and 'walk' (see examples in (2b) and (3b)). Malayalam represents a less strict situation, in which canonical verbs of motion like those meaning 'run' and 'walk' do allow DMMC (see examples in (10)). However, in Malayalam, an activity verb which does not imply any change of location, such as 'dance' or 'limp' does not appear in DMMC, as indicated in (19) (INSTR = instrumental). (19) kutti paalatt-inte atiy-il-ekka nrittam vaccu-konta *(poy-i). child bridge-GEN under-LOC-DIR dance keep-WSTR go-PAST 'The child went under the bridge dancing' Malayalam In this respect, Malayalam is more restrictive than English, in which any verb which refers to some kind of bodily movement can be used in DMMC. (20) English a. John danced into the kitchen. b. Mary limped off the stage. We have seen thus far that detailed examination of each construction across languages suggests that the DMMC-resultative correlation breaks down and the parameter in question is fragmented into several subcases. Thus, the previous parameter analyses of the typology of DMMC and resultatives cannot explain the right degree of variation attested across languages. In the following section, we provide an alternative analysis, which locates cross-linguistic variation in the specifications of vocabulary items, 393 especially 'functional' ones such as prepositions and affixes. We argue that this micro-parametric approach provides the right degree of flexibility to capture the patterns we have observed in the previous sections. 4. Nanosyntax and Exhaustive Lexicalization Our analysis of the cross-linguistic patterns of DMMC and resultatives is outlined here. Following such works as Borer (2005a,b) and Ramchand (2008), we assume that the semantic structure of the clause is provided by a fine-grained functional structure, which we take to be universal. Each node in the functional structure must be licensed by the insertion of an appropriate vocabulary item (this requirement is called 'Exhaustive Lexicalization' in Fabregas 2007). Importantly, a single vocabulary item or morpheme may 'span' more than one functional head (the term 'spanning' is from Williams 2003; our assumptions concerning spanning as an explanatory device are based in part on the 'nanosyntax' framework developed by Michal Starke in lectures in Troms0, in particular in 2005-6). 4.1. The analysis of resultatives A semantic representation for a typical resultative construction includes a notion of causation, of affectedness, and of a state which is brought about. These elements are present, for example, in Jackendoff's (1990) LCS (lexical-conceptual structure) displayed in (21). (21) Jackendoff's (1990, 233) LCS for The rooster crowed the children awake CAUSE ([a], [INCH [BE ([/3], [AT [AWAKE]])]]) AFF- ([ROOSTER]", [CHILDREN]^) CROW ([7]) [BY AFF- ([«F, [/3]) Following in essence Ramchand (2008), we represent these meaning components directly in a syntactic tree like the one in (22) (showing only the verb phrase; tense and other material would be merged above this structure). (22) InitP DP Init' the rooster Init ProcP crowed DPp Proc' the children Proc 1 awake Here, Init[iation] corresponds to Jackendoff's CAUSE, the Proc[ess] component contributes roughly the meaning handled by Jackendoff's AFF[ECT]~, and Resfult] and Predfication] here together cover the same ground as Jackendoff's INCH[OATIVE], BE, and AT. See Ramchand (2008) for the details of the semantic model. Movement allows a single argument to occupy more than one position (Ramchand & Svenonius 2002), represented in (22) by traces, indicated in Jackendoff's representation through coindexation. 394 By representing the meaning directly in the syntactic structure, we are able to be fully explicit about the mapping principles we assume. We assume that an agentive activity verb like crow can lexicalize both Init and Proc, hence we represent it as moving from the one position to the other (cf. Larson 1988; Hale & Keyser 2002; Ramchand 2008). We furthermore posit a language-specific null morpheme or morphemes to lexicalize Res and Pred. Such null morphemes are not defaults and must be acquired on the basis of positive evidence. We have observed that there are at least three different situations for resultatives, namely: [i] the most restrictive (e.g. Spanish, Hindi, Indonesian), in which manner verbs never combine directly with adjectives to form resultative constructions, [ii] a less restrictive type, in which resultative adjectives are possible only with verbs which already carry some implications of change of meaning (such as Japanese), and [iii], the least restrictive type, in which resultative constructions can be formed even with verbs that do not by themselves imply any change of state (e.g. Korean, English, German). However, even in the most restrictive languages, there is usually a light verb or functional verb which allows resultative adjectives, as illustrated for Spanish in (23) (glossing a with a K for 'kase'). (23) a. La lluviahizo peligroso el camino. the rain made dangerous the road 'The rain made the road dangerous' b. Juan volvio loca a Maria. Juan turned crazy K Maria 'Juan drove Maria crazy' Spanish We assume that the basic semantic representation for resultatives given in (22) underlies the Spanish examples in (23) above. The parts of the structure labeled Res and Pred are licensed by a small set of verbs such as hacer 'make' and volver 'turn.' Thus, the three kinds of languages we have just outlined can be characterized in terms of what lexical entries there are in the language to license Pred and Res. The difference between a restrictive language like Spanish and a less restrictive one like Japanese is that in Japanese, there are morphemes available to license Pred (these appear as affixes -ni and -ku on the adjectives in (14) and (16) above). Therefore any verb that licenses Res can be used in Japanese to create a resultative construction — we assume that verbs which specify a result state carry a feature reflecting this fact, i.e. Res, crosslinguistically (including verbs like clean, clear, break, as opposed to non-resultative verbs like pound, hammer, or crow, cf. Levin & Rappaport Hovav 1991, 2007 inter alia). In Korean, there is a morpheme which can lexicalize both Res and Pred {-key in (13) and (18a)). This allows Korean to form resultative constructions involving verbs which do not independently lexicalize Res. English, we assume, has a null counterpart to Korean -key. Thus, we capture the observed variation by positing two functional heads between the process component (always lexicalized by a verb) and the state component (lexicalized by the adjective). The patterns we have discussed are summarized in (24). proc res Pred A Spanish V hacer peligroso cf. (23) 'make' 'dangerous' proc^ res Pred A Japanese nobasu -ku usu cf. (16) 'spread' 'thin' proc res Pred A Korean twutul key yalp cf. (18a) 'pound' 'thin' proc res Pred A English pound 0 flat cf. (18b) 395 4.2. Directed motion constructions As we have observed, a similar situation holds for directed manner of motion. As with resultatives, there are at least three general situations. The most restrictive is observed in Japanese and Korean, in which directed motion is generally expressed using a verb with a meaning like 'go' or 'come,' and cannot be expressed in a clause with a manner of motion verb as the main verb. Less restrictive are languages like Malayalam, in which a small set of manner of motion verbs allow path complements to have a directed manner of motion reading. Finally, there are the least restrictive languages, including English, in which a wide range of manner verbs can be used in directed motion constructions. Just as with resultatives, we posit two functional heads between the Process (always lexicalized by the verb) and the location (headed by a category which we call Place, often lexicalized by an adposition; cf. Svenonius to appear and references there). These two heads are Dir[ectional] and Path. Dir dominates Path which dominates Place, much as Res dominates Pred which dominates A in (22). We assume furthermore that it is typical cross-linguistically for a range of canonical motion verbs to lexicalize Dir; these verbs might include such concepts as 'run,' 'walk,' 'fly,' and so on (cf. Romanova 2006 on Russian). If a language has a morpheme to license Path, then all such motion verbs will appear in directed motion constructions. This is the situation in Malayalam. If a language has no such morpheme, then only verbs which specifically license Path will appear in manner of motion constructions. These will be verbs which are thought of as lexically selecting a path phrase, especially 'go' and 'come.' This is the situation in Korean. The third possibility is that a language has a way of licensing the Dir and Path heads without a verb specified for that purpose. In English, for example, there is a collection of overt Path heads, including to, and (we posit) a null Dir head. The result is that English can express directed motion even without specifically motional verbs, as in limp into the kitchen. We can summarize the situation as in (25). (25) Korean Malayalam English proc Dir Path Place DP ka -ey cip 'go' loc 'house' proc^ DlR Path Place DP natann- -ekkd -il office 'walk' 'to' loc 'office' proc Dir Path Place DP dance 0 to behind the curtain cf. (2b) cf. (10) 5. Conclusion We have argued against the idea that there is a single, language-wide parameter governing the distribution of both adjectival resultatives and directed manner of motion constructions. We have shown that there are languages with resultatives but which cannot add directional PPs to manner of motion verbs (as in Korean), as well as languages with directed manner of motion which do not allow adjectival resultatives (as in Indonesian). We have furthermore argued that both directed motion and resultatives fall into smaller subclasses. Finally, we outlined a solution, which builds on a general theory of parametric variation that it is confined to the lexical content of lexical items. The solution proposed here is relevant to a greater state of affairs, we think. Quite generally, language-wide parameters that have been proposed over the last three decades have, upon closer examination, turned out not to neatly partition the world's languages into two sets (e.g. VO and OV, ergative and accusative, configurational and non-configurational, head-marking and dependent-marking, and so on). Instead, each parameter, under closer examination, turns out to fragment into smaller parts. Borer (1984) proposed that lexical variation be limited to the specifications of lexical items. However, lexical items vary quite dramatically, it seems, and there are thousands of them. The question that arises is, what are the limits on variation? We have developed an analysis of one example of cross-linguistic variation which follows that Borerian line of thinking, but at the same time, due to a universal base of underlying syntactico-semantic categories, may still provide an explanatory limit on the bounds of variation. 396 References Beck, Sigrid & William Snyder (2001). Complex predicates and goal PP's: Evidence for a semantic parameter. Do, Anna H.-J., Laura Dominguez & Aimee Johansen (eds.), Proceedings of the 25th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Cascadilla Press, Somerville, MA, vol. 1, pp. 114-122. Borer, Hagit (1984). Parametric Syntax. Foris, Dordrecht. 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Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, www.lingref.com, document #1854.