*&Xfrb&z.X &iXffiUz%X\*^ll1r$-£A.o \r7s The following test is to check your overall kanji knowledge and to enable us to give you advice concerning the way you should continue your study of kanji. First read the instructions carefully and look at the examples, then answer the questions. Don't look at the correct answers until you finish all the questions. The test should take approximately 60 minutes. It A.fclr> UM%X-0^(D:M^tKU (opposite) (DMM^^ & ( 8 . ^>^"^ ( ) 18. 9 . ( ) 19. u-o-a-t^ ( 10. Xt>^ ( ) 20. E $13. ??v-<£> 1 (Sgj)- IĚA • Ä# • iilžM I £/Uc)i£fflv^0 1. ^comf^Mv^^ j íô-^-iL-p I Žo/:0 6. $ŕU^>£ETá 1 »• tm • fM ■ ff® M*&&o 7. i nm - ira • «j • na i if ^ Wo 9. *o I A 10. ^íifV^ ^gvm&fDZtlŠlt, r£j Ž^tfXfiMm (adjective) t Ltf r-fáj ^O^TfiJlB] (verb) tL-Cfiít^ (both) féx.£1-#\ #i 2. m% ta 1-* ta tá o o #J 3. & ~Sfc & ■ý-ž 7. féfll ta fm ta 9. 10. ^ ta o o o 4 y (D (i. 8 .täíJjfBk 9 .tlO.(i^#|5l^-to) m. ft 3§ - übt t - *>h - hti- -- o - "C (f - ti 9 . hl 6 . - -t - -tí: (f - 10. UttUá: - - i - x. (f - Í3-9 i- ižt - 7Ľk> -- x. =t -) 4 . - < - 11 (f - ^ 1 5 H Lot 2. íili^y-^tl^/io 4. mttx^^f-tfiJžŤzo 8. 3 - n y LTo 9. cž(Dm±, &^XŽtz m fit % - It m ■ tt M • in TfT • II 'It • M Bjl B (days of the week) i&|5l (verbs) P (with the shape P) ^ ^ (On-reading 'kou') 8 How to fill in the Kanji Ability Chart & KJt, /Ktffi r6j K^^tto -ir LT-f^O r?l+^j (Dffllz, /Kit £ 5 £§t l«£L^m^£»§ Zto ?umtflOffltzi>^tz&¥* r:M^tlj choice SŠ^iSfô from context 11 PA, U V ± < LAstEA, h pfz &%tz0 h rBasic Kanji Bookj Vol. 2 XU W (review) & L£(5 7 #*V^> /2 On-reading PR*, reading reading reading from context word structure ®«S usage (as usage ®^® shape (SUIT) ®1FS writing tf'S writing choice ^JUiR from context x* On-reading ^J^ff^S <.m • i&P) reading from context ®fflffi usage usage ^ writing (BIS) ®XBfrb choice =ItSK from context D Ml ( 5 ) ^/J>$V> roj, 8H, 9 ^Pl4(^-(7)^(7) 5 1 marks) ^iav>-C"f^ ^&&#? -c-t fa o 41, 7i)U^lJ:(:fx.lLj: *>U &&7cCD(l)~(g)<7)i|^$ V^gl ^Kftofc&k, /Basic Kanji Bookj Vol. l£ Vol. Uftot, ?l^(7)tS (system) £ t \k W "f & - t & t to > X fast) 6. 'iU&t/jL-h after, back) 7. A( (iV^-^ to come in) new) 8 . 4-* to get off, to alight) 9. 4p+ to decrease) 10. H(^)-< to open) ■ a t#LAA« urn t 6. t*/^/ 8. mx/^m/m io. *m : < £^Afr ^ plant 6. m & \ '. V^A^A thread I /f I : j3COC?< {9 ax 7. CM A I : &&^Afr I? hole I F } " LA(£;fa corpse 8. E3 & i '. LA ACL .5 heart I ± I : O^-^-A ground 9. P I : zi-gt^A, cliff ! L A ^ i ") way 10. r i : ^JV^/itl sickness 2. ffc 3. ir 4. #l 5. m 7. p£ 8. 9. $0v> 10. 12. Rlt 13. ^ 14. ftflff 15. 17. gftfc is. ^A/g« 19. $9®« 20. ^cA£ ic^fy AH^$A -hi- lt } SoTto «(^A^)A 8 KD^Ot* »((fACA)- 3 M(t>oj;^ )& 6 MUAAV)- 9 M(A£ t G i H 2 . J 1 . 6. K 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ft xJ£ jo "9 § «t 7 fi 1 . ^Ko 6 . M> 11. iv^;*, 16. x>^? 2 7 3. 8. 2fi& 7. <^i:>^ 12. i;^ 17. iT^ £1- It 7 > 2. 5CJS 7. & 3 ^7 3 8 13 18 3 8 ts h XLh 9. - <&v> — v^'i- o — ^ — ttfttf 10. - L<&^ — L^X'-t — Lv^ — Lit tiff X\&V^ X. h X.tUf X. =fc "9 < 5. J: ^ "9 9. 10. 4 . v^x> 5. 9. 10. 14. If I 1 V^A 15. 19. -£oa6v> 20. u 3 V *r4 4. 9. a 5. 10. m -X. > 8. JL IB 9- J? 10. A 11. ± 12. # 13. }S 14. H 15. Vfi 16. §J 17. 18. ^ 19. I 20. M ■ m lit ■ * • m • 4- • & 7C • II, IW< •»< IB -If lit • S • = ergfc^ r^>j (On-reading 'gen') — Yfh^Lts (bamboo crown: radical) =^gp (seasons) • llH =^^^|SJ(-i adjectives) #1! = Ef"I%<& r*xfj (On-reading'kai') $t! = r*j ('*• shape) Sfctr • =®M(verbs) family members) ^| =B#(time) Ml # < ' fi1 < ! r- < j "e^^^tiJP(verbs ending with-ku) HI =jb'I%'^- r>/-i^7j (On-reading 'shuu') = #COt^(parts of the body) LV^-M^M =^^#PI(-i adjectives) = ^ r±j ('±' shape) =ia!%<& r-^-^j (On-reading 'yuu') = ^ r*j shape) = i3"l%^ r^r>j (On-reading 'hou') ^& • slE-tI =i&PI(verbs) ft]" I = 0 ^OffI!&E5Kadministrative divisions in Japan) 1t( = lift^r r>^ ^ ^5j (radical and meaning"heart") • -I tt! in! #1 25