17 □ Lesson 1 < S X > 1. fft: *(U)-.l(^)'I(H)-i(?M) = (^-9^0) animals 2. bl qjA, y^: ^;(Jo £) # V> • li^)V> • {&( <)V^ • M( < £ )v> • • =^^|Bl(^V^i 7 L) -i adjectives 3. cjfr: f|^)-^(^)-J#W-f:OtA,) • = frlfcPi 5H c? i. 1 <\ -£A/) administrative divisions 4. e±, n 7K, w^c: J!(lfo)-^c(^)-7jc(1-^)-^(^ A,)-±( = Bl S («t 9 If) days of the week 5. hty, r^, zil§: ^(t)S-f^(o<)^.^({iL)S-gJ(§)^-S(^)4- 4§(5^X.)S = r£j 1 L) verbs ending with -ru 6. j ftji, 0$*, 1$: *((;m)-:£(^)-£(&K)-W(&fc)-&(^*> 1 t)- Z&i&b^b) =%M(frJZ:() family members 7. m&, u^: • ft({±&) • il( <-T ^ ) • • = r—J < £)5&*A,tf < "plant" radical 8. bi mj: M&fr) ■ 6( L*>) ■ • M( < h) • = "fe colors 9. PJSi: M(£>*6) • Hjf(ti)*i • • JSl(^-if) — %MX ^ Li 9) weather 10. r^: m*j)rmi-j)- nvrj)-ma-st) ^iaWi&ff r'yr'f j On-reading 'kei' 11. 1*, tffi: • • H(«) • *(^) • = ( CI < #> V ^) countries 12. iS: MLi/Ci) -ii(^A) -MM -KLo) = *§flff(tfL £ place suffixes 13. v^: • m^y) ■ M;iy) ■ &(^» = :HfB^(i3A § ) rjK(^>)j ££>-^ phonetic marker R'han' 14. agg, dj|, hSJ, k$, s*: ~A(tCA.)-~IiI(^V>)-~^(/fV/0- • ~|§(M) • HsO(§ft) • ~g(to) • • ~#OSA,/ ^%/(57u) =$hW(M(t L) counters is. km, zm: %(*)-m(*)-m*)-m(*)-m(*) z=m'Wifc'ftt r^J On-reading 'ki' 18 1 r- 2. ix ] [ Ju J* ] [ Í5T ] [ 1 5 It r- 6 ] [ ] [ 8. ] [ Si 10. iE ] [ 11. - ] [ 12. ] C ffi b C >J> 1 . TfT m. e.3* f.^ g.m h.ü i.m n. n P. II q. m r.flj t.ľ u. $fc v . ígs w. i x. £ y.g □ Lesson 1 m. mm±±mmz&A.x*^z>0 area L 3. %m%uyn%^h^:^Ltzo _ 4. zzhLX\ WtZm^LXLt^tZo _ 6. x^-mi-§ fzo _ 7. -B(D^hX\ g^-#'|ttv^0 _ 9. ffMco-MU r*i!fffii^j tv^fa^/fo _ 10. tll(7)±^g^##^tgV^T^^o _ 11- it^g^tajct:o^t^5, _ 12. ^1±^&<7)B^ i^K&tyfc^ofc^fio _ 13. c: <7)Prr (tBMtf^'l-xh h o _ 14. ^Bt^tv^r*, ^M^Ip^LTv^o _ 15. mm^mx^:Atif^fzV)£^fzo _. 16. ^(D^ ^V^0 20 ^Ltffl^^^:*^ (key) KLT, *ii^^#oTV^-g|^(7)#K^Eott, Q)7&(Dtf Jls— V° Grouping by shape (2)i=f (0 )V — "7° Grouping by pronunciation ©mB^© v7"^— V° Grouping by meaning ®ffi$k,■%z.tzW£*&^\&-t (Sfflff)?Grouping by shape mi^nm (mM^^LX^^U^ ■ Radicals) ZW^m^tf&t) £to (OBK L.ll, 12, 13, 14) I^CitlOM^^^Lt^lL^o <^/^> b : m Y^C $5 a ?M i (£A,TV) water ii: m m m m fl &£-* m head >h : At % m ^ & w -(< Sri*A,tr>3) plant <&L> u:S I I i S ^ ^ (--6) heart <(1 .J; 9 > B : it il #r if xl i£ & t*- i_ ( L AJ- J; *? ) way <^ti> r: a: m !ti tti ir r (ttzti) roof ^ m m m ( & A,/$?i x.) gate i: xl #J1 . r -i. (OoLA^A^H r>l>j (--^, heart) (Dif)V-y° it 14 If 1* I'm I I t i & & & #J2. r<-j (ifXofrH rAj (O, fire) bp ^ in I I? M - □ * # tt i i i ^- -> ± ^ S i I 3$ ^ - i '(D^JV—y0 Grouping by pronunciation -tM :W (^) Hf (-fe-f) < W > i? • : bT (#) fa W < £ > zi : ^ (3^7) |£ (n^) < * > < ^ > v :#(v) (TP,) < 15 > :^ (*9>x.) If (v) A < L » i $J (^) (§-<) 1@ (3) 0# (v) (^) 0±£-o) SAL* 1 (3)S^<7)^^—7° Grouping by meaning M^^Mmz£ -oX7~)V~ylz5ftfX&t Ln„/:i:iii:; rBasic Kanji Bookj Kfi. «t 7 «t * -?ft\5i£h "Otto locations is 9 a! < <^7^> directions seasons 5& $c OBK L.15 Jt T c^BK L.18 if <>BK L.18 S lie ^>BK L.26 22 <^> colors W H ^ ^>BK L.23 :fB I f I f K BJ If ^>BKL.20 administrative divisions <*TOfrKP> icW M£ lfc=£ fc^ ^>BKL.22 fields of academic study countries ^ =^^'JX ^(^ 9 ) = c^ll <) =M7 ifi ((i<) =^7v;v ft] (v-^) =>r > K ,c.f. <\4kk> $C ) =3-n yS* 3£ (&) =7v7 parts of the body :@ I n I j§ I I f other administrative divisions : ( U i9> -9 ) - jl - 3 - ^ j'H New York State (U.S.) # (Lid) LJJjfet Shandong Province (China) 3$ (CX) Nishitama District <1lf& JT > public offices ; f (Ln) ^Col3f4^^ Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology fS^rJllJili^ Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry JT (J: 7 ) HIP:/? National Police Agency RfftffT Japan Defence Agency X < ) 7KiS^ Water Works Bureau 1» T 'J A, UtiEJs} Post Office -K t ± < divisions of organization M ( ^ i O UltJij Finance and Accounting Bureau nft 'S'UpI^ Sales Department ittH£l$ General Affairs Department HI AIPHpI Personnel Section HSPI Accounting Section j^(^^!9) H—# 2nd Sub-section 'xlft % Receptionist 23 □ Lesson 1 (4)^>^C0^JU-~7' Grouping by usage rBasic Kanji Bookj 1,1 li>XO X 7 ftanM (parts of speech) & tlZ X hfrW)**) £i~0 <4 f^U> '■ iSb^ £^ fe^ &f -i adjectives ^BK L.8, 14, 16, 28, 38 -.mt m< wit? #< ^£ ^ verbs ^>BK L.9, 17, 24, 30, 37, 43 <*;h&m> : mm-th mm-h m-m-h ^ -suru verbs " c^BK L.21 ■ &f -na adjectives ^>BK L.16, 28 <*l0f>O^^:~^f ~J# ~m ~it 4f suffixes (place) <=>BK L.19 ©gM#:~^ ~¥ ~# ~ii ~A 4f suffixes (occupation) OBK L.27 cogMrS :~ft ~W ~f4 ~± suffixes (money) 6 f£(p. 112) <¥&> :f(if)L^ poor fijK^fc)^ hard, stiff shallow t>>&>V> soft lH ("9 "^)^ weak (liquid), light (color/density), thin j'JK CL )V^> strong (liquid), dark (color/density) ff^o)^ thick ~ ~'------------— ih m w m #1 it # » « ^ ||||||||||||||:|||||||:| % m m m m # ^ tt i- ft 20 llllllilll^ (Kanji Index) ^H"C, M^LXH^tLX^Q 24 i. ^^-ílžx-á-iíáfž-, |a.~f.| (DtipfrbmA,-C\ 0^(K*ŽLn„ \@m/vtzlO e. #LfcO f. m^tzt) J 1. fflŤS/Ui^ í a. #Ü b. ft* c. fé^j Ťtfo t d. isifi e. « f. nm* Ľ TA 2. ^M^fŕtvwa. s b. # c. in mm^^ntzo U. \K e. $ft f. 3. Ýi^ja. b. W^t c. Sot 1 <ŕi£V>0 t d. lot e. f. Éíot í 4. (á í a. b. c. ^l-t^-C, £Wt<&^0 U ?£ e. # f. g) 5. tfŽfrbta. >b b. M c. Í&1Ä ^owžíttut^fo 2. (CD ) o ((D ) jf^SÄ-eto 3. yýyztelS (® ) éS^iTtľí^MiioT (© ) »ib MmiKmfL, ;W16 (© ) íi, 77>xfltí^|I] (@ ) h á, < fc-ä- s tí' ftafs í < í i t 4. A-JTOs^ (® ), \m (® K M (® ), i ), (@ ), ^ (@ ), MU (@ ) 7 oco (© ) H^tL-CV^o 5. ^B, %M. (© ) ^^^s^^^^^^tLá-to 7. ißfS (© ) lá«15^4J!^B^ (© ) iĚfc&tt^TK-fifrrLT 10. föf± (© )(© ) ŤfcmoT, (© ) L^XtVítitbKŤv n. mtttmm^ (@ ) Afí-et£-f^> (© ) <£o 26 12. B^rřJ&Mté, 2004^ílí, TlilcoJ;-9^^orv^0 4V>*>< 7Í>Alíí ílŤHtl/i » (@> k Mm m ), -xmw m k J: í lýv>£o »0 .(@ ) (iS^^Ä^WÍ) <0 #0fM»R> *a iř-5 1*1 M t M Iii -ttv> ľa ľ A 1*1 m m it m täi t- *'v> tf m S'v> tr It ř£ &a .« * jS<< CÍŤ -tŕv^Ť ť ô mším m ltv> SV S AS'J; Ť *A S 1 Ť It % # < 4v> % I*Jlt i Ť -tírv> k t) 0- ^ V>A Ä /,\ ^ BI at Ä- ^ 3? «g?Jt ir-5 *>< R* «fr L -täro Rfr #ľ 1 1 It <2r # H H L t Ť IÍŤ m m it 5c H * Jt in n t x it It II It A í± ^ Pil t >) A f # ^ It tK ä t U IfA Ä ^ o. * ;v ^ - jr_ # IŤ It fŕ -tíA V>A %-5 fŤ m. ä m ír Ľ J: Ť IS i>A í« ± ^ t *>v> £A UA IfA m m m m rr 27 4. birthplace b. Il'ftf occupation, job C. speciality hobbies e. h. 38-C§S£lt#< WACKPgLT, *W^£T<7)«fc ? K *ff U S^-CH^LT^ m as #2 if i £ L7to 8 A 5 A 4 A 2 A 1 A H-1-1-1-1-1-1-h 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 28 □ m. 1 ] t i— 3 ] [ r- 4 ] [ 6. ] [ ] [ ] [ 10. ] [ b. c . d . e . f . g . h j . k. 1 . m. n . 0 . p r . s . t . u . v . w. x 29 ěé fa 7Ü ŕX H V Z 7 áŕ Z r7 Á 7 v -t v 7 T š& A fa —• ju Ť a. / k J \ y — / h ^\ 7 Y. b -tu ■k C7 y1 \£ y? Z- 7 n 1/ 7 3 J3- •v p.16 ŕ) t 31 B* ft •> 7Z í? «b tí & Ťz ft •ŕ ft ^ If L Ťz % CO í) •5 íl {t> & CO h Ť£ —\ O T fi T h L T ^ l i: * CO —i m L_ H (i t L_ L CO t h /i % ± h 0 t tí % SI o & CO 5Ö> ŤZ í) ^ mi m. (D % ťz ťz % S to m g CO h x. £ ft ti L §15 ti Ťz 30