Ol 1. ftĺp^^ TL h o \, 2. 3. 4. 5. ff L^Mž-^ottáo 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1-'J >^7^Ctž, Ab □ Lesson 3 I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A □ «7Ťí t:j(ž)0)ižc fcb!&(L*>olío)-tá 46 A) 1. W±£-oK;bU-á, 2. mm*ftmmM"fho 4. áMÄ^Ť^^7t:^^^pDp^^^^o b) i. élik^Mio 2. Si§£&ja-f0 4. dt>^7t.H^Ý^i5l-o L w Ť I? *. »3 i ? C) 1 . 2. 3. 4. í K» -5 L 1. 2. L í A, 3. 4. L -ď a tä r £ ^ wwF (g m$m&& )o 3. t/íffi^M I C ] MlJŠ [ ] _ « [ ] □ Lesson 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 m^m [ ] AM [ ] T U fcf F 7 v [ ] [ ] _ ify [ ]_ t ] »1 ŕHf [ ] fcn£-ti- ll. &<7)|ŠÍŠii, a.-d.^H^ ^(7}J; ^ ^^oa^^^ic^oTV^I-^c a. b. c. d. V + V V + N^ V + N~ tütt ítlA ( ŕtiž ( £Bá ( m& ( ŕtj-ŕ ( ŕfc£ ( a ) : 'Ml + ( m& ) = i. ( ) : » — ( ) + ( ) = 2. ( ) : — ( ) + ( ) = 3. ( ) : &m — ( ) + ( ) = 4. ( ) : tm — ( ) + ( ) = 5. ( ) : MM — ( ) + ( ) = 6. ( ) : &1E — (. ) + ( ) = 7. ( ) : mm — ( ) + ( ) = 8. ( ) : MA —*- ( ) + ( ) = + ( m< ) + ( m ) + ((á)ít) + ( A ) + ( A ) = &x$b< = Ajrffi1~ 48 I" _ tr Z fth Z ■JX) fffliU MsMt nil§J i&P Kun reading verbs and On reading verbs to divide the land, territory, payments, etc. 5HB(^t^)iT-£ :itm, MIL -£~ to share the work, task, expenses, etc. Li. <*o r t> to classify animals, plants, books, vocabulary, etc. frm&M2^)tz> -mlk AH to share the money, to distribute the profits, food, etc. 5^f#(^^)1-& ft^tk to disassemble a machine, to resolve a compound, etc. to divide the enemy, road, etc. W(Lv9>^ «3)1-£ ^fs$, to repair a machine, a bicycle, a car, etc. to treat a disease, an injury, etc. &IE(Mm*:v>)1-& ffiHJ, to amend a law, a rule, a treaty, etc. to revise budget, to retouch a negative, to amend writing, to alter the wording, etc. to correct errors ^iH^d L)1-& : ft®. M£\ Wis -£~ to cancel the plan, to call off the game, etc. #j]i("C^L)-t& -.mm, 'nm, to stop operation, to suspend business, etc. (to stop temporarily) J] 49 □ Lesson 3 tf(i^Ot^) itiiT^on to withdraw from school to retire from the service, to resign an office, etc. to resign one's post, office, etc. to rescue a person, to save a life to rescue a person out of the danger to aid people in a disaster to give financial assistance #x.«j&u ma^m^x- to give support to the activities to cheer for sports players to manufacture goods fill^ WlL t V tM=&£ t^pnp £ ~ to make paintings, sculptures, to produce TV programs to make a plan, to compile a document, etc. to write/make an original work to create the world, culture h-h- l?i ti t to nurse/rear a baby to bring up a child A^ ^4-, -ph'is'fc— to educate people to train engineers, specialists, etc. 50 *M^( LV^ < )~fh '■ $M%i~ to breed animals * ( £ V)i-& ! fit ^ £ ~ to produce/grow plants T$M( X. ^ )1~ & '■ tf^^Bfll£ ~ to postpone the event X. A,*> i ^ : 3*ltS£>B#|81^J$!!i5£~ to prolong a meeting, the term prices fluctuate, the crust of the earth changes the temperature changes, the shape changes the colors of the things/clothes change ■'' to change/alter/modify the plan (2)§ HOP t IfeJKlP] 0)fflIntransitive and transitive verbs Shortening and omission 52 □ Lesson 3 -I¥-¥i>*1?X2>ls&: — Miff.. • # si^ms (=* a * i^t&^t^v^g l 7t) ®)Is§l$I^ 2) V + N: N (place) 9 V to leave a place Ait tBUKL^o-<)« = H£ffi& ltv> tt Li N (place)— V to arrive / to appear at a place 3) Vt+N : N (object)^ Vt to put something out tbM(t^o/-iv^)t^ - m)m*m m®(L^o^x)t^ = fi;(#)^ttii- mpp(L^o^%)-r^» = (iw&tftt (DJK^Jü^ $t If i) i -) Ob Ľ *i í i* i L w>'J -*|W]/í(ílJ^/||Ä ^MM^ov^-Cii, "=>BK L.200ítW(Vol.l p.200), L.25CO^W.(Vol.2 pp.32-33), L.35<^W(Vol.2pp.l31~132)£#fiBo m ä i i i i; 0 «, 'r m m m s tí n & 20 53 [ nm-f-s f^Äi-s íuf^ts »tá ] [ Itffé-tS f&Ät* IMž ] [ tU^tá fMt* fÉUfÉt* HBŠt* ] 4. Ž)ft(±n > t? i - ? äXürfo [ Idíě-tS f&ÄtS «Üftt* ] [ »tž MtS ] [ »t§ »tž «t§ ] 7. «tľ^t)ft£teffiZZibbtiŤzh* žŕzttf&o [ tltž M, 13 »ts »tá ] [ HTIEtž ífeEtš f«i"ž féSrtš ] 54 [ ITjE-tS &IEt5 flt§ Mtž ] 10. TOofc^íä, H-CML-C, [ HTJEtS ÍÉaEtš *£St3 ] 11. m$L\^ T^ÄMWMC^o/:o [ mmtz m&tz m%i-z nm-tz ] 12. ^íOliMÄ/bO^M^r^l-^^Itíi, 3U! fcotjfj-o fc0 [ 2ÜBt3 ššUtš »5 ] š tp ô *i t ň [ #jri-s ±«ts mm-tz fcmtz ] 14. f^Žfe*^if MZXRtfWCgimiZ. b\zt£^Ťzo [ #JSč-tS #SŕtS »5 ] 15. ^ě^éíi^rV^o^cot^^WT, h7-;n*l^o [ #»m-s ftm-tz #»ŕts ] [ Mtž #Söt£ ] 55 □ Lesson 3 1 § ^ -) š 7 L*? 3. fllV^ 5- ľÉľ h «3 i ^ ^ h LTÍÍJV>Tv^0 L-19> 9. i-&0 io. n. a^#iw 12. gfi)$(7)^nDp^ UV^o 56 "< o š J: 13. WMLX^^^fr h^-1% (D i9 v>< x> 14. CW^ii, í3)S?jn947íp-t\ 4-íutv>a»a >ô*v> Tv^ (äX 15. ilftóiáMO/čtó, 16. 7jciä, » 9 ^ 1 22. Ip Ä 23. éM^^ - 19 i < l.tĽA.i±A,LA.-tj^ 24. ^co^^EAKÍÍ^íi 14IU f-C v>fc0 25. 7ftg^&££££ 57 }ft In BJC #S MŘ ab á * K «fc -q x H £ ž SÜ\z ft n, t h z. t litu / Ml fffi Jr> Asfz As • JIH, IŠ*, U, >bm*frft-th í 58 mm □ -e-m re»j ^w^t>tLTv^-r0 *B#(#*AC*) patient 3j(#(^^-t£%)i~.& to improve the Tokyo University Hospital EH5fi(^L) doctor ;ffl£§(^A.^) nurse attitude WMi&AZl) clothes i&SSifcTC IM£A,*>A,tH ground subsidence = ftjt( authority) & Z\ t $*$-(2V l)n) material /g'bJi(V^ri^)^V^^ comfortable /"i o U"°)"t" -5) to shed skin = to emerge ^flf(ti T LA) .policy 59 rmh ? rÉféi£j ? rm%äkj ? t to m^xm < 11- 7 t£ h x ĺ a 7 fro ry h j tt^it)j r7Ľ±(? 0&tf)j r«(Ltóěl9)j K&hti&mx-to m. W)&tT, i^it, mfitit, #ě4tf,...... smtf, mmt, umí-, #Ätr, ...... m. m^Ufr, l^ttt^ 3i#tbu...... Hm*, gtttf, 3IÜJU. ...... mm., -t#, íä, ...... i*o'< V-1 fit A-f* Ý ^iwir Li ^ töl. AS&tf, ÜJg«!K ...... Ä, ...... m. fofr®, m^o^, fäžfä, m^k, é-^ä,...... ms, m®, >tm, ft#. rm ...... s 1. m& 2. #J3I 3. aLA 4. ^± 5. 6. ff^ j 7. mm s. éj-^u 9. ifeŤ io. mm n. i^é i2. ^mA §