b-: ■ I v ..r i .fÍ",*Cvl sr:*--.j?-." V/SA'SSSS/jW. I . Tu?) 3 ^ill^tá:, a . ~ d . (D%$L(D n h, tfľC L «fc #\> j a . □□+□ b . □+□□ c . □+□+□ d . (□+□) A=DA+DA ! A (□+□)= AD+AD «1. OHíiJ: . -f I. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. Sít Í05 □ Lesson 6 n. >xV> + faA,£*) next fiscal year a. Uj^ + BI (£:*-!) <£o + x. A.) zoological garden (zoo) c. H + ^ + fi* (x_>^+ ) commercial district d. ^f^ + /J^ (-tt-V^fe^H- L «t -9 feA/) younger generation a . ffiff+ (£)tt ( 19 i CI 1 + (fr^) L*) travel agency b. JE + KM (-^:V^H-1± A-7^V^) direct opposition c. If + ^+^fH + + snow and moon and flowers b. + ( § v9> ^ +"C^ L ^ ) sudden stop b&®lt (x_V^7^A.) movie theater l^lt^T (t^tAXi) (public) health center {£$tll (iittALo) clinic #$J3Jf (CtfLl) (CfrLo) office infill] ''(i T^i^) kindergarten fifMltt ( LA^A. L ) newspaper company LA^A,-^) newspaper agency, news dealer ®f^u$? (& t A, § ^ 9 i ) research institute ?jf;&ll OtA- § W 1 L"^>) professor's office, seminar room XMU (fc^L^A.) embassy t i "5 L i ) fire station D o it A- ) laboratory C o A- C i "9 ) testing site C v9> 9 /vi •( ~h ) residential area ~h W 1 L^Cl")) parking lot t L X frA,) /H»g ( t L ± to) library *9 Ci ^) baseball ground (c/i^A.) /§||FJ£[ (cTi-) to) beauty parlor H^iS (§o£TA,) /mfe^. (io?Lo) coffee shop WIS ě 9 Ln)^iV rapid rise Á>Ťř(D^))-f- impossible ř>u-) L ě ) unofficial, informal ts^h-)~Y meaningless i. -) t*>))i~ unequal LA,-tír^£>A>) new product/7^Mna whole products CL -9 & < tl ^ ) high academic career ^-tírV^ < )i~ incorrect, inaccurate -ífA-tř/Ó^^) whole world/§řifi:# new world C v?) *5 ^ "9 ± 1 ) heavy industry ě v?> "9 CL -9 X ;W steep dive, sudden drop LAJá"^iáf^) newly on sale íf ^ A L A,) "t" indifferent /i (3 A,^-) ) a large number of people $V^"5 ty i < ) most powerful, strongest 1. SfŕMcO^ 7ÝIo/:o 2. ££ífc£&o7to 3. mé.mz%y)tz^t&70 4. SSIt^Ž^l %K^£&0 10. ^Sffi^^lí^íÄI-^o ) + ( ) + ( ) + ( ) + ( ) + ( ) + ( ) + ( )■+( ') + ( ) + ( ) + ( ) = «9. It A P 1 2 3 u 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. mm cítili ^ K. Ig ( ) co^6 v) &Atf£fc< Hínotv^ř)U^ 14. SaB#"Cf±, ( )I^tH V- -Cl/' IV. [ * ^ m w ± % a 1. Ě3 ^Tn 11. 12. 13. 14. 6 o E -5 ,v>/. 5tf SÍT 10. Ht i5. Mír 110 If A. . At: a . □□+□ : ,H>tr# = #4T + # express ticket i MR£± = YTO + ± f^eman /ijj^^i = tij/jff+ percentage of attendance □+□□ : !H«U = IB+«0 old regime I?AS = 1? + AS re-entry (into a country) /ts AEH = M + Aull super-state, super-power □+□+□ : -t "t1 T = il+t^ + T good, fair and poor MM^h — =1 + ^ snow, moon and flower (==natural beauty in Japan) Lj:Tt to tit T*6 ^I'tllt = fi^+f't + IS: pine-bamboo-plum ( = congratulatory trees showing three ranks) (□+D)^ : n'P^- = + ^ younger people = nA+QA WMW- = W9- + ;M^- army and navy A (□+□) : lift A = 3tft+$fjA export and import *B : m. : ffflJW&V^t no limit : S the youngest : re-production every direction 2/2 □ Lesson 6 JEM MM W^'k-h^*? classroom ^-Djďy^jZfM ( fully open correct answer mm incorrect, inaccurate unofficial, informal whole world i fillSt L "C V * & V ^> not experienced yet istí. gt^cDO^l/^^Ora various problems ^íSI&žbá C t ^k^tfo total expenses old regime f r®(^i^)j i±, i>t\i, "super-" i^?Mt rN^®(^)x^, N&±) troop 7tV^) zone ~#(tHO field, world if A.) ticket ~$&(-t?V>) tax & f 2i2 MM ideal E=P |Pl impression naHljfe^ changing parts of speech ~&xJ .t" -tive, -al (-na adjective forming) e.g. machine -*■ $IMl^J& mechanical + idealistic * f[3^.rj^^ impressive 'ifc^)^ -ize, -ization (verbal noun forming) fUM machine —► fUM'fk mechanization to mechanize S*l ideal lilt idealization SiStffc1~& to idealize -f^ -ness, -ability (noun forming) oTib& possible — nTfbtt possibility ^fHllt" & to rely lafltt reliability M(*<)- n M2. #J3. #J5. f5 6f©»/lt ■ # IS |f||§|||g|§f|l: n lllllll -4»~Tf — p. 328 P.3M IB lllllt p^06 m 1||§|§|1 ± |||t§ M * lilllllllllll p. 291 M fit f|§§| lllllll if p. 311 «5 illl! P. 309 22 213 *o t>* Ľ. i. era m m m nun ta )3i )H m m nnm 2. DO ( ®Í )*Jŕ 3. □□JÉ 4. nnü □□/t £ík )lt )lt )Jt 9. DDB ( ÄJ#J ( ( 10. DM m m m 114 rnmrn [ ig # It ± fr IB * M * # ] 7. •£a,§ j: Iffi^P 12. TEE JEM 13. mm 14. -mu n T, 10. 15. AP 6. 7. 12 ^ Pi 7£ n 13- ilM m** if 9 1 ^ -Hr-Ab 14- -^m HL (f 15. KM □ Lesson 6 c: [ m # m m m m m ft nm m # ] 7- 5£M 13- 2. 8- ítB 14- fíg 3Ě 9- 7jCÍ 15. HgS 10. spj* 16. Mx JP, ,- ■9 < "9 11. jjFÍrífe i7. mtti 6. 12. ^ft# l tí? 18. ^Et 091. Ť^'tf»CMH9-CV^o — ( fŕ/i^n" )[□+□□ 3 *. i Ť W Ť t) J; < L f? — ( ) t (□+□□)+□ ] 1. H^íi, §§t4i( G N P ) v^^\ ^ t (ifi ^ — ( ) [ ] — ( ) [ ] iiťí — ( ) [ ] — ( ) [ ] 5. |frbf;K?) 2 Ff ^fM#%^^&& ŕ, Lv^0 — ( ) [ ] — ( ) [ ] — _( ) [ ] ě t to. A. — ( ) [ ] — ( ) [ ] 10. žA^) < ^ o t h v^7 o ) [ 227 I . ^<7)frME 1993¥(¥l^5¥) 2^193 tIB (BŤU) ÍC +7JOICS éfe * 73 A *P »2 A Ä — fs. m m - 7j © A 2> S — O A "' © i •- — =& — a íp m Ť Ä C C S + íäÄ -t - ft 4> s ts st é — -fc 75 T fe u - *p íp A 5e Vi ffi T • CD .... k ä* t: s m *3 es — m s m s h k ' T "3 "T S § ít . _ ._ ŕ: i § *p ft m !3 t OO it « «? ta o *P *p o © o /V A A "f - m o íSAP©e—# 20074p 1 «286473 A 2on^2 1 «304473 A 2007*P 2630757000A 2007fJ5 2617732000A 2025*P© 3320731000A 27.283$ 324473A 25.8^ ©««« 1997*P 1.499 1994*P 1.495 O - A Q C *P B fC = tj o *a íc - t* • h - o m b i- o -f 0 - 73 _ ß A - C M B t A n a ¥ e 5 t A - ŤL D (C + ffi /V s "> h E3 ^ 75 -"ÄHTJAfiO < AKÄ 75: ©-- S -y- . ..OAS s #Š g © © — corns m OtSHAV> _ - -re m c ^ V* -t S< I í A 35 -t: © 3 -+- _h ft SfiJ 1993^ 2 Ü 19 H «£ 0 ) 115 m m m m it »JHt {hin žfr) mm m m IS M 119 □ Lesson 6 rDD+Dj, rD+DDj t^immmzft^x^zmmz^tf, itmzi m m m m If #J SUŠÍ 120