► Step 1 M^MäZ ic o U r c £ lá: £ft 5 jI^ ^ Step 2 ^¥©fg(c^urC£lí€fE33!¥ Step 3 SífflBu^lcoLirctlí^S^ PART 3 ö^foo/cbiír^i^l^Ucfc^ t>£ *(3' fcf"\A ft* Many Japanese words are written with kanji. Since it is a difficult task to learn these words one by one, memorizing basic kanji that can be used to create many polysyllabic words seems to be the most effective way to increase one's vocabulary. fe^ *V4^ 7l^s|]Jf^ -g-# 4H1 i = ^r ^H?> 7>^^i^cf . Muitas palavras japonesas sao escritas com kanji. E dificil aprender estas palavras uma por uma por isso memorizar os kanjis basicos que podem ser utilizados para criar muitas palavras polissilabas parece ser a tecnica mais efetiva para aumentar vocablario. -If -If -it ±mt mm *tm- rtuisr^i^tij. SÄ M' 13 13 F57 (1)dti>? b x? U £0 b ^ U cfc 9 St bj:< b fcV a IfS tJ.fc-5 U b fcir C ^ (J # 2 sills ^ oA,XA- b AHHjL'' b 6^ ^ b c b *>J:9 M b a b mk c tt*£1-£A 62 characteristic of something / ■§■>! °| / natureza de a!go b Jif^ weather/ ^1 /tempo C ^ÉIH type, kind / I variedade 4 íf ^ «1« i3 # A. L j: #>At u stnc*,< KtiK 4 a *'i>4'X> <§£ oKXK C<2^- c 9YmA if^Z< MK~ 64 (J i l/čo &t&^£ IHi-rf/Co ft (f -te tft> ä. iŕte - í. f VIK ;UV Ä*-- ^^T"f0 ti/"7^ t* f- U t* ít* £\ 7c < * /C^itĚ^^ ^T^íto 7 Ic^T-fo b #a —Atf) híí: U ^TÁ^íL^ftÝ^^ b^t /Mi- li (tA l1 Kíl r CTÍ ^& c £ T-f „ •i j Z* Look at the words on the left and select the meaning of the boxed kanji from a-c. / ^01S £.51 □ ?}a| °l*Pr i^fe 5-|c|J| a~c §cH|A-] -g-af gA|el I Veja a palavra a esquerda e escolha o significado do kanji no □ de a~c. $'J \7~ ^ti impossible, can't do / Ml ^ J nb / impossivel * A5 CD 5 inconvenient / incoveniente r a Hrnutí*5 b jj- T*f2-i7] unconfirmed, unproven / yf^^W.Pi^ o|š[o| / näo-identificado underage / / menoridade a 5§v fr* lacking in common sense t> Uii bt falta de bom senso not for sale/h|nH#/ / i ITj QU artigo que näo estar a x> tf^ x>A venda 3 mm C -třS i^A. irresponsavel unplanned, haphazard / / sem piano irresponsible / —I 1=1 / r i a mvs b ~Ttitn C ^stíO • 7c7c<7) a t; U £ b c ~ L tz < K ^ Fill in each box with the correct kanji using ?j\ ^, or «R . / QCH| 1J-°>£ T^-*-^-^J goj|A-| gaf «i -g-A|c|-. / Escother a resposta correta de [^•^••^•^j e colocar no □. 1 ítfMltT^v 2 mW^^ ATA 3 C*J; 9 (JL IS * 9 T-fo ^X'J i-tir/^cto if 0 -t < fc ■ 1>t 3 frit '5 b C<7)#£li U »t * 5 *-5 cD * "3-5 -ft # ^T-fo 67 2 mem Look at the words on the left and select the meaning of the boxed kanji from A-C. / S^-l EhoHr fi-H ttxpl- 5^ 9\n\Si a~c So)|a-) 5e|- -g-a|ck / Veja a palavra a esquerda e escolha o significado do kanji no □ de A~C. TO J; Bo prevention / / prevencao {prior) notice / oj|n / pre-aviso(anuncio) fa tr-t^ St c fcic (tile) ~-f & 3 4 #3^ .0 tVl U J: 5 Hit? a good feeling (for someone or something) / sJQ I boa impressao a good impression / boa impressao(sensacao) reuse, recycling / *H#§ / reutilizagao to resend / / reenviar the best / S|ZL / o melhor the worst / i| e| / o pior b V NO • V U v £ -7 c feU^^-iU to < a j^lt& b 7Cl"^^) C t 9 ' £ £ if a —# I, * 6 If a b c t3§ n Fill in each box with the correct kanji using ^, £F, B, or B . / Doll £r*r# R^?-f3§-|tJ §cH|A-| M1 -§-AI^K / Escolher a resposta correta de p?'£?'H'RJ e coiocar no □. St 6 B %fr\±, h % h CO t ;y ft / =7 —f--\z r *\ ^ -f 0 2 dUMt^lc^ (3? L> 3 ^co#ia, t i—j&fLtz^-b&o IfACA 1,1* if 4 ^&*X,OX t°"-f-!i If T'L/co AM^^i:|0T^H/;, 1,1 68 Combine the boxed kanji with the word below, and write the correct new word for A-C. / □£[ Qxr^r o|-a|] 2| ^0-1» it^H-M a~c a|_o|| sflgfsfe #o\$ m\ &*]c\. /Combine o kanji no □ com palavras abaixo e complete a frase de A~C corretamente. L ltu£V L; J: 5 fcl,11 U It a 4^, ^-At± b *&Tit ioT^/:Wi/; ills £ LiU;, C v ^o^i 7c#v ^ L J: 9o 4 £li -SIB tto c^iJ: fj^^ t<7)(i, m a 3 <7) & Kit fSli'Ab-? tfr <7) Look at the words on the left and select the meaning of the boxed kanji from A-C. / §J^°.| EhoiS MJ1 LM£| Sfe 2!a|# a~c §o]|Al ^ #a|d|../Veja a palavra a esquerda e escolha o significado do kanji no □ de A~C. -tfA *; J; < ■If A UA full power, all of one's strength / 3 ^ / tod a a forga one's entire body / S-t! / o corpo todo ' a -tfX^ ^ c ti\^tz\^ 2 3 4 $ A TA $A l^A 'Ji? UA £ «fc o 05 t J: 0 tPA full score / / a nota maxima full occupancy / Sf-S / lotacao esgotada(completa) both sides / / os dois lados parents / "5L I os pais common, shared / irll- / ser comum sympathy / StLf / simpatia a c ^(iVi;^ v. r i: S b c ¥t>h& ' ^fz^> a -If ic U J: b c n Fill in each box with the correct kanji using ±, ;S, or±t. / CM| l^-g- f[xff r±-;i-ji5]-£U H^W 2| •wj -i-A| ck / Escolher a resposta correta de r^-ii-M-ftJ e colocar no □. 1 B-5 WoCA c iffe 2 fc^'^Polf^o If:. ]§]M&l*:£Ti-o 4 AMn^f^o 70 i........com^tTcDztis&mdt&tmT, a ~ c <- hsno^u<*30 Look at the words on the left and select the meaning of the boxed kanji from A-C. / 2|§^2| Et^ir Mm □ axpr °|□lit a~c ^olIA-i ma|c[. / Veja a palavra a esquerda e escolha o significado do kanji no □ de A~C. monopoly / -^S / posse exclusiva loneliness / im / solidao r < b 2 rude, bad manners / falta de educacao loss/£41 /perda < a b c ^K-S 3 confession / 21^-1 / confissao advertisement / %H. I aniincio n •3 U * 9 cfc 5 demand / S.?,1' / exigencia important / g£/ ser importante a (51^ b o£ • A^ Hit; Fill in each box with the correct kanji using ffi, or g . / M i.kxr# H&-^-S- e| Mj -g-a| ck / Escolher a resposta correta de [?S ■ 5^" S • HJ e colocar no □. 2 ALT, g^^^/c^TlTo TA Combine the boxed kanji with the word below, and write the correct new word for A-C. / [J3.\ ej-x|-fir oj-e(| °| ElOiS S.nMM a~c S|__o|| Sfl^SI-fe EKHS «1 ^A|ck / Combine o kanji no Dcom palavras abaixo e complete a frase de A~C corretamente. alone / -S* sozinho 1 ')) ,-! > LA 0>fc S*> 6*f b A : £ZTB*mtMm LtzLTirt\ Id HA Z* J; 5 B c A : Z'm^U? B : £t£lZ^£*tL< Tt. 7; 4t U° TV (5 US I loss / is £\ / perder _ a_ XA ttVL ft A a A : \^m^h^tztr b A:^-y^-cO|^ ^'1^1^? B : if — /U $ *i ^ o £ J: „ 1 O ("3 | If*) inform, notice / comunicar * «fc LA a tO-tf'A fen* <£5 I i) necessary, important / f2g Jf^- ■ ussi-ci-/ necessario 9_ r § «> 9 L W> a A : it-It £o < £ £ £W^£ $. ti -- t>3 ir. &o n (351 4) exist, own / •^[-x|dh/ter a A : z t< CIA # respond / responder &b *fc t C'5 Oi> A'A U J: B : * 1 X-fo___LTAi Lno B" U 1* 5 B : HLZ ? C___IT^J; 1 ^\ c >%?M^bM Mlc^LT, 3<7)^f-/UT(i Look at the words on the left and select the meaning of the boxed kanji from A-C. / £!^2| ErOiS MJH □°f °| ftxph 3^ Bl Dl* a~c » ^ - Alrr.7 VeJa a Palavra a esquerda e escolha o significado do kanji no □ de A~C. 4 $K insurance / / seguro ta it A /^J^^T^ to secure / S|M / garantia l tv 3 ^ £9 a a fixed price /-§?!-/ preco fixo designated, reserved / *1§ / indicacao description / / descricao memorization / IIP I / memorizacao, decoracao supplementary, to replenish / MS / coplementar candidate / -^M / candidate f a * -f~ir6 • ^6 b *LTt^ c ^oT^i a # *> < • £££ ft IS b IH < c n * if Fill in each box with the correct kanji using U, ^, K, or ffi . / noj[ ej^S ftx[f Pfe-S-fB-liJ S<>M &r ^1 &APK/Escolher a respostacorreta de rffi'^'lB'ffiJ ecolocarnoD. 2 iL^ot^i'jiU„ Ha**/^';-/-!^ STL/:, Tt. 3 -f<*€t$K-tcoi i il W> 9 4 l^^^tj^^o/c^f ot < 7 6 Combine the boxed kanji with the word below, and write the correct new word for A-C. / [H°| Mx\9.[ oraH 2| <^om 5ff-*IW a~c 21_o]| ErCHS ^ £a|ck / Combine o kanji no Dcom palavras abaixo e complete a frase de A~C corretamente. 15 (fcfc I -3) keep (as is), take care of / I manter a A:^»^it b : 1 m.mib:u-ctmi*-t, b i* 5 *>A *A *J b A : &°y V £#^lt 2 fixed / S^j-^r / decidir -1 -if -B# B ' x. x., -Wl:, !i60^Ti-o § U A'A A>A 3 pU (US 1 -f) write, memorize / escrever -x t- V_ J b A : fc^X,^* <7)_ c #L^rt#li supplement / compensar fi9 a A : SI m _ 'J A 5 >V X>t fc"t TA t>% Soft