Chapter 1 Language and Culture Notes JxuaJI J3 = Honey Hill; Ali Baba's hometown JLj = hero .*W o" - = run-down, shabby iQ) }L = without jjj-v^H = editorial department; ^ui is the word generally used for a company or government department; also S-L^^l ^1 = police station OJ ^jjjillj j" Jutxll Jj jl J = The Honey Hill Publishing & Distribution House; two functions that usually appear together (&) *(Jil\ JjL-j = readers' letters; JjL^j is the plural of *JL*y (letter), and *ljl is the plural of t£jLS (reader) 94 Part Three » tSJUJI *lt I* LtiU *LUc ^JJ bb ^Lc i_ul>äj <\0 LL ^ : Ali Baba 95 { O j UluA = questions (singular = J£*«) \Oj jjl= newspapers (singular = Sjjj^.) f OJ ojjL^JI tj^j = Captain Reesha's Corner; a young man connected to sports may often be referred to as "captain"; a\£ijj is literally "feather" and a-iij^JI ^jj is one of the weights in boxing and wrestling; j = corner, also a boxing term uj-iJiJI o>sL» jjj^jJI = Dr.Yaqoot Abul Dhahab; c*^sL; = sapphire; J = gold v u"- bride (plural = ^atjl^) (5£s (literally meaning "door") can also be used to refer to a column or section in a newspaper or magazine, and sometimes a chapter of a book ijyji a_IL=JI = Aunt Narjis; = Narcissus; jj = selfish, narcissistic ^L^jjLSJI jj>L^j = cartoonists, caricaturists; (jj^Luj = drawers, illustrators; the J, of the plural ending has disappeared because the word is in an idaafa construction ("drawers of the caricatures") 96 Part Three ® jJUl 11 Laxul A.JaJLuJ L»L> ^yJt .jlaJI Jjlj^J 11 la a (^Lia £ >->ja H. jj) a la all ^umQ I alt-^,'J> jjl i^jjiLj j^j^jJI jJ& < rt\$y\ Jjlllj) Sjj^^ jJI £-0 dill^-=>l» 1_1Lj ^fl ^IjjJLlI ^ jJI ^- r AjJI JjJLJI Ul^l ^ S ■> j ■> ,>,ll oL.U.VI ^1 J^L^4 LL ^1* @ Ali Baba 97 iSJ^f = secret, confidential; an adjective used a lot in an IT context; = password; '^Jl ^1 = PIN ("secret number") Oj ojno.m = sesame 2) ^ = tne sum available to you; a commonly used banking term ®) iXij^ = transferring, forwarding (money, etc.) !w*' V^"^- = (bank) account .9/ ^ = scam- deception 98 Part Three 9 cJU\ * jl^al V Lil ^Slj \Xa L»» .&L>J&jj w LLi^pit ® Ali Baba 99 = on his mind 2r = we^s'te; the word literally means "position" or "site" but is the most common word in Arabic for website •3s = banners ^OJ x>Joj cjIjLs^j Luil^l = he heard bells, whistles, and drums; a reference to the type of alert sounds you might hear on a computer = withdrawal (of money); to withdraw = ,i_ Chapter 1 Test your understanding. 1 How many rooms are there in the apartment where Ali Baba and his parents live? 2 How does Ali Baba get to work every day? 3 What is his job? 4 What three assumed names does Ali Baba use for his newspaper and magazine columns? 5 How much money does the mystery e-mail say is available daily? 6 What is the name of the bank where the account is held? 7 What is the PIN for the account? 8 What is the password? Ij-4 ^'ll'd ,JX. J»l uilj (j-Ltj CjL-taaJ Cjj-a £J£ jL^jj (JJ^-° ^^-""-"Jl l>^A jtiiuiu IjLo S^j^jJ">">J ^Kinm j^i. SJLu^Jl ^1 LjLj (^yk. «.Llii f$s\ "if L_j) S^jj LjL» ^Jt j «!<^>iiuj n_jj^.Lui S J^a*-» 1,1* J-* ^ isJJI '^j-lJI jJl '^jJ-ll j;L^-ll ^-j ■ tl^j i *-*->_>! *-jjLaj :*JL^jJI ■■■----Lj jtisl)) AjJjiuJI ^j^oJI ^ * f * i* * jOQ of' kww.aln^ahbankjCom 100 Part Three 3 cJUl .J-JI ^•^ ® Ali Baba 101