JOURNAL WB EXPERIMESTAL SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 3, 1-24 (1967) The Attribution of Attitudes EDWARD E. JONES AND VICTOR A. HARRIS Three experiments were conducted within the framework of correspondent inference theory. In each of the experiments the subjects were instructed to estimate the “true” attitude of a target person after having either read or listened to a speech by him expressing opinions on a controversial topic. Independent variables included position of speech (pro, anti, or equivocal), choice of position vs. assignment of position, and reference group of target person. The major hypothesis (which was confirmed with varying strength in all three experiments) was that choice would make a greater difference when there was a low prior probability of someone taking the position expressed in the speech. Other findings of interest were: (I) a tendency to attribute attitude in line with behavior, even in no-choice conditions; (2) increased inter-individual variability in conditions where low probabilityopinions were expressed in a constraining context; (3) that this variability was partly a function of the subjects’ own attitudes on the issue; (4) that equivocation in no-choice conditions leads to the attribution that the equivocator opposes the assigned position. The main conclusion suggested is that perceivers do take account of prior probabilities and situational constraints when attributing private attitude, but perhaps do not weight these factors as heavily as would be expected by a rational analysis. When a person verbalizes an opinion he may or may not hold an underlying attitude that “corresponds” to that opinion. The degree to which opinions and attitudes-or more generally, acts and dispositionsare seenas correspondent is a function of the relative weight assignedto internal versus external causal factors (cf. Thibaut and Riecken, 1955). Loosely stated, a person will be perceived to hold attitudes that correspond with his opinion statements when the statements seem to have beenfreely offered and not coercedby situational pressures. Jones and Davis (1965) have attempted to develop a systematic statement of the attribution process in person perception which extends this ’ This research was facilitated by NSF-G8857. 1 @ 1967 by Academic Press Inc. 2 .JONES AND HARRIS common-sense reasoning. Building on Heider’s earlier work (1944, 1958). they have proposed a theory of correspondent inferences to clarify the major variables involved in extracting information about dispositions from observed acts. An inference about an attribute is correspondent to the extent that the attribute and a sample of observed behavior are similarly described by the inference and the attribute serves as a “sufficient explanation” for the behavior. A “sufficient explanation” is one that accounts for the occurrence of an act to the reasonable satisfaction of the perceiver. Correspondent inferences imply a circularity in such explanations: “he dominated the meeting because he is dominant,” “he cries because he is in pain, ” ‘(he voted for prohibit,ion because he is against the sale and consumption of alcohol.” But more than circular reasoning is involved in decisions about correspondence as defined in the theory. Since Jones and Davis were interested in the information gained about a person through the opportunity to observe him act, not every inference that takes behavior ‘(at face value” is highly correspondent. If everyone were in favor of prohibition, and the perceiver was aware of this beforehand, he would gain no information about person A from observing him vote for prohibition. The concept of correspondence should reflect person A’s distinctiveness on the dimension in question. It is not that he (like everyone else) favors prohibition; our inference becomes correspondent when we attribute to A more intense feelings about alcohol than we attribute to the average ljerson. Correspondence is high when the act tells us something in a direct, way about the person that we did not know beforehand. To paraphrase t,he formal definition of correspondence offered by (23.74-22.89), cf. Table 3, and thus appropriately ignores the direction of the differences in each column. Otherwise the interaction test would merely show that the means are further apart in the first row than in the second row, or that the differences between speechesis greater when choice is allowed. As we have already noted above, this form of the interaction is also significant, linking degree of correspondence of inference directly to degreeof choice. Effects of making an ambivalent speech.When a t,arget person is directed to make an anti-Castro present.ation and equivocates in his argumentation, he should be seen as relatively pro-Castro. The same ambivalent speech under pro-Castro directions should result in t,he at,tribution of an ant,i-Castro attitude. The results of conditions 8, 9, and 10 bear out this hypothesis (seeTable 2). When condit,ions 8 and 9 are combined (since both require the target person to give an speech) and contrasted with condition 10, the difference is significant. (t = 2.07, df = 21, p < .05). The target person who gave an ambivalent speech under free choice conditions was seen to be rather in favor of Castro, as one would expect. In spit.eof the differences noted, the effects on attitude attribution of having the target personviolate instructions are far from overwhelming. The target personwho gave an ambivalent, speech under anti-Castro instructions was seen as no more in favor of Castro than the one who gave a pro-Castro speechunder pro-Castro instruct,ions. The target person who responded ambivalently under pro-Castro instructions was seen as much more in favor of Castro than the target person who slavishly followed anti-Castro directions. This seemst.o be further evidence that the average subject in theseexperiments attaches insufficient weight to the constraining force of authoritative dire&ions to behave in a certain way. Own and attributed attitude. Table 4 presents the pattern of correlations between the subjects’ own attitudes toward Castro and the attitudes imputed to the target person. There are several points of interest in this table, though conclusions drawn from correlations with such small AT’sare obviously risky. First of all, there is a dramatic replication of t,hrx correlation between own attitude and imputed attitude in the No ChoicePro condition. Apparently we may venture the conclusion that when a subject attempts to predict attitude in a situation with conflicting cues (where t’he behavior tells him one thing and the context tells him another), he tends to fall back on his own attitudes as a guide for his estimate. Note, however, that, this was only true in the no-salience 12 JONES AND HARRIS TABLE 4 EXPERIMENT II: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OWN ATTITUDE TOWARD CASTRO AND IMPUTED ATTITUDE (Product Moment Correlations) Speech direction Pro-Castro Anti-Castro Ambivalent Choice No ChoiceNo Salience No Choice- Salience N , .I T 21 ,’ 9 9 -.03 .09 7 9 .93** .37 8 IS -.51 .33 14 - .61* Instructions Pro Anti 7 16 .64 - .43* *p < .05. **p < .Ol. condition. When the prediction task was preceded by the task of writing a pro-Castro speechunder directions, the correlation vanishes. Having to write a speech against one’s own position seemsto reduce the significance of that position when it comesto imputing t,he attitude of a target person operating under the same prescription. Perhaps the subjects in the No Choice-Salience condition were alerted to concentrate more on the speech itself, being sensitive to any nuancesor signsof sincerity in the arguments presented. The other intriguing feature of the correlational data is the tendency for own position to be negatively related to imputed position when an ambiguous speech was given, unless the instructions were to give a pro-Castro speech.In order to account for this we present the following post hoc speculation. The target person in the Pro-Ambivalent condition does not follow instructions slavishly and is therefore seenas quite antiCastro on the average. Perhaps this is what the anti-Castro subject thinks he might do in the same circumstances, thus causing him to assimilate the target person’s attitude to his own. The target person who writes an ambivalent speech when told to write an anti-Castro speech, or told to choose one side or the other, reveals himself as moderately pro-Castro. Here there seemsto be a contrast effect: the more anti-Castro the subject, the more he judges the speech (and therefore the debater) to be proCastro. These speculations are basedon rather complex assumptions, but the reasoning is compatible with the judgmental theory of Sherif and Hovland (1961) further elaborated by Berkowitz (1960). This theory proposesthat opinion positions closeto one’s own will be judged as closer than they are; the extremity of more distant positions will be exaggerated. The semantic differential results were essentially negative. The tend- THE ATTRIBUTION OF ATTITUDES 13 ency to respond more favorably to the No Choice target person noted in the first experiment did not replicate. The second experiment established the main hypothesis much more firmly than the first and did so under better controIled and probably more involving conditions. The choice variable does seem to make a greater difference in attributing correspondence when a noncustomary act is being assessed than when the act is customary or highly normative. Once again, the direction of the act had a striking effect even when the actor had no choice. What are the determinants of this tendency to overemphasize the content of behavior when attributing attitude? Two major possibilities suggest themselves. First, the subjects may perceive that the target person has an import,ant degree of choice even in the No Choice condition. Perhaps the examination question (described in the first experiment) was one of several alternative possibilities. In the second experiment, the debater could have refused the assignment, quit the debating team, or maneuvered for another issue, if he really found it distasteful to argue on behalf of Castro. On the other hand, students are familiar with settings, like the debate context, where a person has good and compelling reasons to argue against his own private att.itude. Also, the average subject in the No Choice-Pro condition affirmed on the postexperimental questionnaire that the target person had very little choice (average of 2.08 on a scale where 7.00 represents complete freedom). A more likely possibility is that the speech content conveys information about the talent of t.he speaker, his familiarity with the issues involved, and his experience at concocting, say, pro-Castro arguments. Where does the material come from that goes into the speech? In the first experiment, presumably, developments in Cuba had been discussed in class along with arguments attacking and defending the regime. In the second experiment, the debater presumably had access to various resource materials in preparing his speech. Nevertheless, in neither case was it crystal clear that the preparation of arguments was merely a matter of putting together information assembled by others, Perhaps the pro-Castro statement was so constructed that it was hard for the subjects to believe that the arguments were not spontaneous and at, least partly believed by the target person. The third experiment was designed with a number of purposes in mind. First, it was necessary to show that the results were not, a peculiar function of the particular speeches used or of the Cuban issue. In order to test the genera1it.y of the findings an entirely different attitudinal area was tapped. Second, it was important to make more explicit the fact that stock arguments prepared by others were available for composing the speech, Finally, an attempt was made to vary t’he reference group of the target person so as to manipu1at.e directly the probability that he would express 14 JONES AND HARRIS opinions in a certain direction. To accomplish these objectives, subjects were exposed to tape-recorded speeches for or against segregation, delivered by a Northerner or a Southerner, who did or did not have prior choice. The design was thus a 2 X 2 X 2 factorial with eight experimental conditions. EXPERIMENT III Method Administration of experiment The subjects were 125 male volunteers drawn from the same introductory psychology course and recruited by the same incentive conditions (fulfilling a course requirement for experimental participation) as in the previous two experiments. Four subjects were dropped from the analysis, three for suspecting the cover story and one for elementary failure to follow instructions. Once again, the number of subjects signing up for a particular session could not be entirely predetermined. Each condition included data from at least two but no more than three experimental sessions. There were no significant between-session effects within conditions. Rationale The purpose of the experiment, the subjects were told, was to “determine the predictability of a target person’s attitudes on various issues given information about his attitudes on other issues.” In order to explain the origin of the tape recordings to be played, the experimenter’s introduction included a rather complex cover story describing the recruitment of ten target persons: An advertisement had been placed in the student newspaper at the University of North Carolina asking for volunteer upperclassmen to participate as research subjects. Accepted volunteers were promised $2.50 for “about a half-hour’s work.” The advertisement invited interested participants to leave their name and phone number at a particular box number. Of those that responded, the cover story continued, ten were selected as target persons because data were available (from a large-scale survey of undergraduate opinion conducted by the sociology department) on their attitudes toward segregation and other issues. Appointments were arranged to meet with each of these persons in their dormitory rooms. After the experimenter arrived there, the t.arget person was asked to study a list of arguments for and against segregation, to construct a speech based on these arguments, and to deliver the speech in a convincing manner into a portable tape recorder. As in the previous two experiments, the target person was either given his choice of constructing a pro- or anti-segregation speech or he was instructed to take a particular side. Each target person was reassured that he would receive $2.50 for approximately a half-hour’s work. The latter portions of this cover story were conveyed on the tape recording itself, in the form of instructions to the particular target person. The arguments he was asked to study were allegedly taken from the Letters-to-the-Editor section of a daily newspaper. In all cases, the target person asked whether he was supposed to use the arguments provided for him and was told “you can use any arguments you wish from the list but you don’t have to use the list at all if you don’t want to.” The experimenter emphasized that he did not necessarily endorse anv of the arguments otl the list. THE ATTRIBUTIOK OF ATTITUDES 15 The entire tape recording, including the speech itself, was a carefully scripted playlet in which the target person presented himself as a junior political science major from either Sandersville, Georgia or from New Brunswick, New Jersey. The target person’s accent was accordingly very southern or very northeastern.’ At the end of the speech, which either favored or opposed segregation, the experimenter (on the tape) asked the target person to sign a voucher for the $2.50, explained that the tapes would be used as stimulus materials in an attitude perception project at, Duke, and secured his permission to use the recording for this purpose without, ever. of course, revealing his identity. The speeches. The scripted speeches were as comparable as possible except for their direction and conclusion. They were constructed so that the same “facts” were discussed from different perspectives. For example : Pro-segregation Anti-segregation It is a stardard argument of the “do- It is a standard argument of the gooders” and others that the reason for “die-hard” segregationists that Negroes the Negro’s weaknesses is due not to are innately inferior to whites and that innate factors but rather to environ- environmental factors are of little acmental conditions. . This argument count. Such an argument is completely . . is completely fallacious. fallacious. . Negroes, while contributing far less The fact that. a high percentage of than their share to the development of Negroes are involved in major crimes America, have contributed far more than and on welfare case lists is but further their share to crime statistics and wel- evidence of the awful effects of segregafare case lists. tion and deprivation. Etc. Etc. Each speech was approximately 375 words in length. Attitude prediction measure. A 15-item Likert scale was constructed to’ measure the subject’s own attitude toward segregation and his attribution of attitude to the target person. This scale contained three &item subsets in scattered order. Subset A consisted of statements taken directly from the speeches (e.g., “The Negro is innately inferior to the white”). Subset B consisted of statements directly referring to the segregation issue, but not specifically mentioned in the speeches (e.g., “Integration threatens one of the basic principles of democracy, the right of each citizen to choose his own associates”). Subset C consisted of statements making no explicit reference to the segregation issue but reflecting a more pervasive conservatisma liberalism likely to be highly correlated with attitude toward segregation (e.g., “A union should be free to organize workers whether or not the management wants it to,” and “The federal government has long overstepped its legal authority as defined by the Constitution and has consistently infringed on constitutionally guaranteed states’ rights”). The attitude scale was constructed in this manner to determine whether the independent variables of choice and speech direction would affect attribution in areas related to, but not specifically mentioned in, the speech. Do the subjects conceive of an underlying attitude structure when predicting the target person’s behavior, or do their attributions merely reflect the explicit content of the speech? While the choice of items was n priori, we were successful in selecting items for ‘We are indebted to Thomas Hammock and Lloyd Stires for their effective portrayals of the target persons. 16 JONES AND HARRIS subsets B and C that the average subject used in the same manner as the A items. For all subjects combined, the attribution of segregationist attitude on A correlated with attribution in the same direction on B, r = .90, di = 120; A correlated with C, r = 85; B with C, r = .81 (all p-values <.OOl). An additional reason for constructing the scale in three parts was the possibility of testing a rather subtle hypothesis concerning behavioral departures from reference group norms. How do subjects perceive a Southerner who chooses to construct an integrationist speech, or a Northerner who chooses to act like a segregationist? Perhaps a more coherent attitude structure is assigned to such a “maverick” because his position differs from the expectations of his community of origin and does not simply reflect reference group norms. The Northerner who espouses the cause of integration may be judged to be a “knee-jerk liberal” who passively reflects reference group norms without fighting through to a coherent attitudinal integration. The same kind of conclusion (“knee-jerk racist”?) may also be applied to the Southern segregationist. These considerations suggest the following hypothesis: (1) the “maverick” who chooses to differ with the assumed position of his community reference group will be perceived to have a more correspondent attitude than one who chooses to stand with his reference group; thus the Southern integrationist will be seen as more pro-integration than the Northern integrationist and the Northern segregationist will be seen as more in favor of segregation than his Southern counterpart. (2) There will be a higher correlation among the subsets of the attitude scale for “mavericks” than for “knee-jerk liberals” or “knee-jerk racists.” In other words, if the “maverick” is seen as anti-segregation he will also be seen as basically liberal; if he is seen as pro-segregation he will also be seen as basically conservative. Postexperimental queshonnaire. After the subject recorded his attitude predictions (LLplease try to predict how the target person would honestly respond to the following statements”), he was asked to indicate his own attitude on the same &item scale. Finally, each subject answered seven questions in the form of O-point scales, each designed to check on some aspect of the subject’s perceptions of the experiment. Results Once again, the subjectswere very attentive to the choice manipulation. When asked how much choice the target person perceived he had (on a g-point scale), there was very little overlap between the Choice and the No Choice distributions (t = 10.63,p < ,001). Attribution of Attitude toward Segregation As noted above, the attitude scale for measuring attribution was constructed of three subsets of items varying in degree of remoteness from the arguments specifically mentioned in the speech.As might have been expected from the high overall correlations among these subsets (see above), attribution to each subset was highly comparable within experimental conditions. This can be verified both by closeinspection of Table 5 and by the fact that significance levels for all statistical tests are roughly the same whether they refer to subset A, B, C, or the combined total. THE ATTRIBUTION OF ATTITUDES 17 For convenience we shall concentrate on the total attribution scores, except where interesting differences among the subsets emerge. For the third time, there were striking effects for direction of speech. Whether the speech was made by a Southerner or a Northerner, and whether or not he had choice, all differences between the pro-segregation speech and the anti-segregation speech were highly significant. The interactive effects of choice and speech direction were again significant, but the interaction took the same form for Southern and Northern target persons. That is, the target person with a choice was seen as more pro when he made a pro speech and more anti when he made an anti speech than the t.arget person without a choice. For those subjects exposed to the northern target person, the main hypothesis was that choice would affect attribution when a pro-segregation speech was made but not when an anti-segregation speech was made. The obverse was predicted for those exposed to the Southerner: choice would affect attribution when an anti-segregation speech was made but not under pro speech conditions. The northern target person data in Table 5A fall into the predicted pattern on each item subset and the total. In each case the predicted interaction, obtained by comparing the pro (no choice minus choice) difference with the anti (choice minus no choice) difference, was significant. For subset A, t = 2.30, p < .05; for B, t = 3.64, p < .Ol; for C, t = 3.90, p < .OOl; and for all items combined, t = 3.80, p < ,001. Degrees of freedom were adjusted in each case to accommodate heterogeneity of variance. Clearly, at least for the northern target person, attributions to related attitudinal issues are affected by the experimental variables to an extent that is at least as great as when issues mentioned in the speech are involved. A glance at the data summarized in Table 5B indicates that the main hypothesis was definitely not confirmed in the case of the Southern target person. In each condition the Southerner was seen as more in favor of segregation than his Northern counterpart, as one would expect. The overall Sodhern-Northern difference was highly significant (t = 4.86, p < .OOl). However, the Southern pattern of means was an attenuated version of the Northern pattern rather than its obverse. When the Southerner made a speech under no choice conditions, the attributed attitude was less extreme whether the speech was in a pro- or antisegregation direction. The subjects did not readily assume the Southerner was a pro-segregationist when he had no choice but to make a pro speech. A plausible explanation of this failure of prediction is available. Perhaps the prior probability that a college student from Georgia is prosegregation is not strikingly high, especially one who has gone “north” to enroll at the University of North Carolina. Some support for this salvag- 18 JOYES ASD HARRIS TABLE 5 EXPERIMENT III: MEANS” AND VARIANCES FOR ATTRIBUTED ATTITUDE SCORES A. Northern target person Speech direction Pro-segregation Anti-segregation A” B C Total A B C Tot,al Choice x 10.05 13.80 13.80 37.65 31.52 29.76 28.76 90.06 82 38.95 29.46 16.36 212.66 9.05 10.53 6.41 50.43 N = 20 N = 17 No Choice a 16.36 21.00 22.36 59.73 31.14 30.86 27.50 89.50 s2 47.14 34.54 17.32 162.82 5.28 3.41 12.68 31.65 N = 11 N = 14 B. Southern target person Speech direction Pro-segregation Anti-segregation A B tc Total A B c Total Choice x 8.25 9.31 11.31 28.88 28.33 27.46 25.00 80.80 .s2 11.81 12.72 18.34 75.72 34.75 26.38 23.33 191.89 N = 16 N = 15 NoChoice x 13.93 17.13 16.80 47.87 25.38 35.62 22.15 73.15 .+ 46.19 31.72 22.69 231.40 65.16 45.16 27.21 402.30 iv = 15 y = 13 QPossible range (subsets A, B, C) from pro-segregation 5 to anti-segregation 35. Possible range for total ecores: 15 to 105. * Refers to item subsets ranging from A (explicitly in speech), through B (mentions segregation), to C (segregation not explicitly mentioned). ing speculation may be found in the actual attitude scale scoresof subjects from the South. The home states of 100 subjects could be readily ascertained from the Duke student directory. Fifty-seven of t,hesewere from southern states, while 43 were from the North. The average scale score of northern subjects (.X = 80.42) was significantly higher than that of the average Southerner (.a = 70.07; taiff = 3.49, p < .OOl). The southern subject was, not surprisingly, more in favor of segregation. Of greater interest for our present argument, however, is the greater variability among Southerners (s2= 260.42) than Northerners (s” = 166.01) -significant at the .06level. Thus, being a collegestudent from asouthern town is not a very informative objective indicator of attitude toward segregation. The attribution results suggest that the subjects were aware THE ATTRIBUTION OF ATTITUDES 19 of attitudinal variability among southern college students (from a neighboring university) and were especially responsive to the evidence that the target person had chosen his speech. The No Choice Southerner is an ambiguous stimulus object,, a conclusion that is supported by the fact that subjects were more variable in attributing attitudes to this target person than to others. It may be noted in Table 4 that the two largest, variances (total score columns) nppear in the two No Choice Southerner conditions. Own and attributed attitude. Although subjects were assigned to conditions through their own initiative in signing up for particular times, there were some rather peculiar variations among subjects exposed to the southern target person. Those in the Choice Pro and No Choice Anti conditions were significantly more against segregation than those in the No Choice Pro and Choice Anti conditions. No such pattern emerged in subjects exposed to the northern target person. However, among the latter subjects, those hearing the anti-segregation speech ended up significantly more opposed to segregation than those hearing the pro-segregation speech. Since the subjects filled out the own-attitude questionnaire after hearing the speech and after making their attribution ratings (as was the case in the t,wo preceding experiments as well) it is impossible to estimate the extent to which they may have been influenced by the speech. The pattern of “own attitude” scores is reproduced in Table 6 but we demur from any attempt to interpret the differences between conditions. Also presented in Table 6 are the correlations between own and attributed attitude for each experimental condition. Each correlation is positive, suggesting a general tendency to assimilate the target, person’s attitude to one’s own. This tendency reaches significance in only three conditions, all involving the northern target person. In the two previous experiments, t,he highest correlation between own and attribut,ed attitude occurred in the condition where no choice was combined with a pro-Castro speech (low prior probabilit)y behavior). The present correlational results neither replicate closely nor disconfirm the proposition that the correlation is highest when ambiguous or conflicting information is presented. The correlation is high for subjects in the Northern-No Choice-Pro condition, but it is also high in two other Nort,hern conditions. The correlations among subjects exposed to t.he Southern speaker are low and non- significant. Pemeption of the “muverick’s” attitude stmctul~r. 1Ve proposed in introducing this experiment that correspondence of attribution would be especially high in the case of the “maverick” who chooses to differ with the assumed position of his community referen.ce group. A second hypothesis, developed from the same reasoning, was that the intercorrela- 20 JONES AND HARRIS TABLE 6 EXPERIMENT III: SUBJECTS’ OWN ATTITUDES TOWARD SEGREGATION (g), AND CORRELATIONS BETWEEN OWN AND ATTRIBUTED ATTITUDE (T), BY CONDITIONS A. Northern target person Speech direction Pro-segregation Anti-segregation 2 T n 9 , N Choice 69 i0 .09 20 56.70 .49* 17 No Choice 64.91 .Bo* 11 78.36 .60* 14 B. Southern target person Speech direction Pro-segregation Anti-segregation Choice 86.50 .06 16 71.53 .24 15 No Choice 69.60 .38 15 84.15 .07 13 Note. Significant comparisons across conditions. Northern target person : Anti versus Pro, F = 6.67, p < .05; Southern target person: interaction F = 13.78. p < ,001; Northern versus Southern: F = 3.87, p < 10. * p < .05. tions among item subsetswould be higher for ‘?navericks” than for those who choose the expected speech direction, the “knee-jerk liberals” and “knee-jerk racists.” We have already noted that there is no support. for the first of these hypotheses. The Southerner who choosesto give a prointegration speech is not, seen as more in favor of integration than the Northerner who choosespro-integration; the Northerner who choosesprosegregation is not seen as more of a segregationist than his Southern counterpart. Perhaps the reasoning behind this hypothesis confused extremity with certitude. The pro-integration Southerner *may be more confident that he is right, without being more extreme in his dedication to integration. There is no evidence in the present study that would support this alternative, however. The second hypothesis does receive some support. Table 7 presents the intercorrelations between item subsets for each experimen.tal condition. These correlations are generally positive and, as we have already noted, the three over-all correlations are very high. Those correlations especially involved in the second hypothesis are italicized in the table, and the probabilities of the observed differences are indicated. The correlations between subsets for the “mavericks” (Southern-Choice-Anti, and THE ATTRIBUTION OF ATTITUDES 21 TABLE 7 EXPERIMENT III: CORRELATIONS BETWEEN ITEM SUBSETS, ATTRIBUTED ATTITUDE SCORES, BY CONDITIONS Condition I\: A-B B-C S-C NNCA SNCA NNCP SNCP SCAQ NCA SCP NCP Total 14 13 11 15 15 17 16 20 121 00 .74** .62* .72** .s3*** ..cS pdiff n.s. .23 ,74*** Pdiff < .05 go*** .ll .43 76** 93*** - .41 .34 .61* .43 .53 .43 .61 .56* ns. . . .07 .nGsR** fig*** .74*** <.05 n.s. .s1*** g5*** n “Mavericks.” *p <.05 **p <.Ol ***p <.OOl Northern-Choice-Pro subjects) did tend to behigher than the correlations for the remaining choice subjects in five of six comparisons. Two of these were statistically significant. While these results suggest that further research on the attribution of a coherent attitude structure to the “maverick” might be fruitful, the evidence in support of the hypothesis is only suggestive. DISCUSSION We have presented three experiments involving the samegeneral design. In each case subjects were asked to rate the true attitude of a target person from a set of his opinion statements. The content of these statements was either in the direction expected from such a target person or in the opposite direction. The target person either chose to express opinions in the direction he did or was instructed by an authority figure to do so. Our main interest was to test the hypothesis from correspondent inference theory (Jones and Davis, 1965) that degree of choice would affect. attribut’ion more when the opinions expressedwere in an unexpected direction than when their prior probability was high. Figure 1 summarizes t.he findings that bear on this hypothesis in a form that facilitates comparing the similarities and differences from experiment to experiment. Confirmat,ion was clear in the second experiment and for the northern target person in the third experiment. The difference between differences was in the predicted direction in Exp. I, but was not significant. In Exp. 22 ISSUE: CASTRO’S CUBA ISSUE’ CASTRO’S CUBA ISSUE- SEGREGATION PRO ANTI CGC csic 60 IEXPERIMENT I PRO ANTI c-k Gic PRO ANTI C% C& 4 NORTHERNER ( SOUTHERNER EXPERIMENT II EXPERIMENT ZI PIG. 1. Attribution of attitude in each of three experiments. The dividing midline in each case represents the arithmetic mid-point of the possible scoring range; it bears no necessary relation to the psychological neutral point. The symbol o superimposed on each column refers to the mean “own rating” for subjects in that condition. III, we presented evidence to suggest that a southern college &dent’s attitudes toward segregation are difficult to predict if all the predict,or knows is that the student was born in the South. Objectively, there is high variability among Southerners on the segregation issue and the subjects seem to be aware of this. In general, given fairly determinate expectations about the target person’s most probable private attitude, the hypothesis may be considered confirmed. A striking feature of the results in each experiment was the powerful effect on attribution of the cont’ent of opinions expressed. While the subjects do take account of choice and prior probability, as correspondent inference theory proposes, they also give substantial weight to the intrinsic or “face value” meaning of the act itself in their attributions of attitude. This is true even when the act occurs in a no choice context. The question is whether this tendency reflects an irrational bias that is inherent in person perception, or whether it is a function of specific, removable cues in the three procedures. Heider (1958) comments on the common tendency to assign too little significance to the determining context of action in social perception. “It seemsthat behavior in particular has such salient properties it tends to engulf the total field rather than be confined to its proper position as a local stimulus whoseinterpretation requires the addit,ional data of a surrounding field” (p. 54). Perhaps behavior did “engulf the field” in the present experiments, but. THE ATTRIBUTIOK OF ATTITUDES 23 this describes the results without really explaining them. We have already wondered (in the introduction to Exp. III) whether the amount of choice perceived in the no choice conditions is enough to have significant effects. Obviously, the target persons did have t,he ultimate option to refuse then instructor in Exp. I, t,heir debate captain in Exp. II, or the dormitory visitor in Exp. III. Nevertheless, it seems fair to assume that each subject himself would agree to express false opinions under comparable circumstances of authoritative assignment, and the subjects’ postexperimental ratings of choice indicated their awareness of strong ext,ernal constraint,s on the t,arget person’s behavior. An important area of choice does remain, however, even in the no choice condition. This is the choice between various ways of expressing t,he directed opinion. The arguments advanced in each essay or speech were not specified in detail by t.he constraining authority; an unknown degree of freedom to select and organize arguments remained even in the third experiment. In planning the present experiments, we assumed that t,his minimal ambiguity was necessary to bring out the specific interaction t,hat was the test of our major hypot’hesis. If the target person had been merely handed a speech to read under very strong external constraints, his compliance would have conveyed little or no information t,o the subjects. Under these circumstances we would have expected no differences between No Choice-Pro and No Choice-Anti conditions. Were the constraints to extend to every tlet~ail and facet of an observed performance, the prediction that attribution is uninfluenced by performance would be a trivial one. The present experiments show that, when the major decisions about t.he direction and form of behavior are made for the target person, his performance is st,ill a powerful source of variation in the attribution results. Short of some extreme degree of specification, behavior does engulf the field and it is difficult for t,he perceiver to assign appropriate weights to the situat,ional context. We are led to conclude that correspondence in attributing underlying attitudes to account for expressed opinions is high when the opinions are unexpected and expressed in a context of free choice. However, the content and direction of the opinions exert a clear inference on attribution even when choice is drastically reduced. In a context that permits the target person some very minimal degree of spontaneity, the perceiver seems to view his performance as more informative than a rational analysis of act and context would suggest. This bias may have important implications for interpersonal relations, and we might propose a hypothesis for further research that distortion, in the form of assigning too much significance to performance, increases as the objective constraints on a target person’s actions increase. 24 JONES AND HARRIS REFERENCES BEM, D. J. An experimental analysis of self-persuaaiou. JOILIXU~ of hkperirnet&l Social Psychology, 1965, 1, 199-218. BERKOWITZ, L. 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