European Parliament 2014-2019 {ITRE}Committee on Industry, Research and Energy 2017/0291(COD) {04/05/2018}4.5.2018 AMENDMENTS 47 - 161 Draft opinion Claude Turmes (PE620.803v01-00) on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2009/33/EU on the promotion of clean and energy-efficient road transport vehicles Proposal for a directive (COM(2017)00653 – C8‑0393/2017 – 2017/0291(COD)) AM_Com_LegOpinion Amendment 47 Xabier Benito Ziluaga Proposal for a directive
Recital 1
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (1) The Union is committed to a sustainable, competitive, secure and decarbonised energy system^19 . The Energy Union and the Energy and Climate Policy Framework for 2020 to 2030^20 establish ambitious commitments for the Union to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 % by 2030 as compared with 1990, to increase the proportion of renewable energy consumed by at least 27 %, to make energy savings of at least 27 %, and to improve the Union’s energy security, competitiveness and sustainability. (1) The Union is committed to a sustainable, competitive, secure and decarbonised energy system^19 . The Energy Union and the Energy and Climate Policy Framework for 2020 to 2030^20 establish ambitious commitments for the Union to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 % by 2030 as compared with 1990, to increase the proportion of renewable energy consumed by at least 35 %^20a, to make energy savings of at least 35 %^ 20b, and to improve the Union’s energy security, competitiveness and sustainability. __________________ __________________ ^19 European Council Conclusions of 24 October 2014. ^19 European Council Conclusions of 24 October 2014. ^20 Commission Communication on a policy framework for climate and energy from 2020 to 2030 (COM(2014)0013) ^20 Commission Communication on a policy framework for climate and energy from 2020 to 2030 (COM(2014)0013) ^20a Amendments adopted by the European Parliament on 17 January 2018 on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (recast) (COM(2016)0767 – C8-0500/2016 – 2016/0382(COD)) ^20b Amendments adopted by the European Parliament on 17 January 2018 on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency (COM(2016)0761 – C8-0498/2016 – 2016/0376(COD)) Or. {EN}en
Amendment 48 Rolandas Paksas Proposal for a directive
Recital 1
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (1) The Union is committed to a sustainable, competitive, secure and decarbonised energy system^19. The Energy Union and the Energy and Climate Policy Framework^20 for 2020 to 2030 establish ambitious commitments for the Union to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% by 2030 as compared with 1990, to increase the proportion of renewable energy consumed by at least 27%, to make energy savings of at least 27%, and to improve the Union’s energy security, competitiveness and sustainability. (1) The Union is committed to a sustainable, competitive, secure and decarbonised energy system^19. The Energy Union and the Energy and Climate Policy Framework^20 for 2020 to 2030 establish ambitious commitments for the Union to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 30% by 2030 as compared with 1990, to increase the proportion of renewable energy consumed by at least 27%, to make energy savings of at least 27%, and to improve the Union’s energy security, competitiveness and sustainability. __________________ __________________ ^19 European Council Conclusions of 24 October 2014. ^19 European Council Conclusions of 24 October 2014. ^20 Commission Communication on a policy framework for climate and energy from 2020 to 2030 (COM(2014)0013) ^20 Commission Communication on a policy framework for climate and energy from 2020 to 2030 (COM(2014)0013) Or. {LT}lt
Amendment 49 Xabier Benito Ziluaga Proposal for a directive
Recital 2
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (2) In its European Strategy for Low-Emission Mobility^21 the Commission announced that in order to meet the Union's commitments at the 21^st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) held in Paris in 2015, the decarbonisation of the transport sector must be accelerated and that therefore greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutant emissions from transport should be firmly on the path towards zero-emission by mid-century. Moreover, emissions of air pollutants from transport that are harmful to health need to be significantly reduced without delay. This can be achieved by an array of policy initiatives, including the use of public procurement of clean vehicles. (2) In its European Strategy for Low-Emission Mobility^21 the Commission announced that in order to meet the Union's commitments at the 21^st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) held in Paris in 2015, the decarbonisation of the transport sector must be accelerated and that therefore zero-emissions of greenhouse gas and air pollutants from transport must be reached by mid-century. Moreover, emissions of air pollutants from transport that are harmful to health need to be significantly reduced without delay. This can be achieved by an array of policy initiatives, including the use of public procurement of clean vehicles. __________________ __________________ ^21 COM( 2016) 501 final. ^21 COM( 2016) 501 final. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 50 Xabier Benito Ziluaga Proposal for a directive
Recital 3 a (new)
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (3a) In order to be consistent with the objectives of sustainability, batteries should be produced with the minimum environmental impact inside and outside the Union, especially regarding the process of extraction of material used for the building of the batteries. The greenhouse gas emissions during all the production process should be taken into account. The Commission should come forward, in the revision of Directive 2006/66/EC, with ambitious objectives for the recyclability of batteries. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 51 Francesc Gambús, Massimiliano Salini Proposal for a directive
Recital 3 a (new)
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (3a) The Union needs to increase incentives that support the technological development of sustainable and recyclable batteries, which should be produced having in mind the need to minimise their environmental footprint. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 52 Xabier Benito Ziluaga Proposal for a directive
Recital 4
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (4) As was announced in the Commission's Communication “Europe on the Move: an agenda for a socially fair transition towards clean, competitive and connected mobility for all"^23 this proposal forms part of a second package of proposals, which will contribute to the Union's drive towards low-emission mobility. This package, which is presented in the Commission's Communication "Delivering on low-emission mobility - A European Union that protects the planet, empowers its consumers, and defends its industry and workers" includes a combination of supply- and demand-oriented measures to put the EU on a path towards low-emission mobility and at the same time strengthen the competitiveness of the EU's mobility eco-system. (4) As was announced in the Commission's Communication "Europe on the Move: an agenda for a socially fair transition towards clean, competitive and connected mobility for all"^23 this proposal forms part of a second package of proposals, which will contribute to the Union's drive towards low-emission mobility. This package, which is presented in the Commission's Communication "Delivering on low-emission mobility - A European Union that protects the planet, empowers its consumers, and defends its industry and workers" includes a combination of supply- and demand-oriented measures to put the EU on a path towards low-emission mobility and at the same time strengthen the competitiveness of the EU's mobility eco-system. The promotion of clean vehicles should be done in parallel with the development of public transport, as this is the best way to reduce the number of vehicles on the road and consequently to reduce the CO[2] emissions. __________________ __________________ ^23 COM (2017) 283 final. ^23 COM (2017) 283 final. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 53 Gesine Meissner, Caroline Nagtegaal Proposal for a directive
Recital 5 a (new)
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (5a) Technological neutrality should be the principle guiding the decarbonisation of transport in the Union. This will guarantee a level playing field between the different types of low-emission and clean mobility technologies, stimulate a competitive environment and encourage further innovation in this field. In this regard, this Directive should be aligned with Directive 2014/94/EU, which requires Member States to develop national policy frameworks for the market development of alternative fuels and their infrastructure^1a, as well as with Directive 2009/28/EC ^1b, which is currently under revision. Moreover, this will give national, regional and local authorities the flexibility to define their own path towards decarbonisation depending on local specificities such as natural resources, financial capacities, infrastructure, etc. __________________ ^1a Directive 2014/94/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2014 on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure ^1b Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC Or. {EN}en
Amendment 54 Gesine Meissner, Caroline Nagtegaal Proposal for a directive
Recital 8
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (8) The Impact Assessment carried out underlines the benefits of changing the overall governance approach to clean vehicle procurement at Union level. Setting minimum procurement targets can effectively reach the objective of impacting market uptake of clean vehicles in comparison to relying on the internalisation of external cost into overall procurement decisions, while noting the relevance to consider environmental aspects in all procurement decisions. The medium and long-term benefits for European citizens and enterprises fully justify this approach insofar as it does not prescribe a specific technology to use for contracting authorities, entities and operators. (8) The Impact Assessment carried out underlines the benefits of changing the overall governance approach to clean vehicle procurement at Union level. Setting minimum procurement targets can effectively reach the objective of impacting market uptake of clean vehicles in comparison to relying on the internalisation of external cost into overall procurement decisions, while noting the relevance to consider environmental aspects in all procurement decisions. The medium and long-term benefits for European citizens and enterprises fully justify this approach insofar as it does not prescribe a specific technology to use for contracting authorities, entities and operators. In fact, a technology-neutral approach will incentivise a diverse and competitive market in low-emission and clean mobility technologies. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 55 Peter Kouroumbashev, Zigmantas Balčytis, Carlos Zorrinho, Theresa Griffin, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Kathleen Van Brempt Proposal for a directive
Recital 9
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (9) Extending the scope of the Directive by including practices such as lease, rental and hire-purchase of vehicles, as well as contracts for public road transport services, special purpose road transport passenger services, non-scheduled passenger transport and hire of buses and coaches with drivers as well as specific postal and courier services and waste refusal services ensures that all relevant procurement practices are covered. (9) Extending the scope of the Directive by including practices such as lease, rental and hire-purchase of vehicles, as well as contracts for public road transport services, special purpose road transport passenger services, non-scheduled passenger transport and hire of buses and coaches with drivers as well as specific postal and courier services and waste refusal services ensures that all relevant procurement practices are covered. The Directive should foresee the possibility to extend its scope to the rail sector at a later stage. Or. {EN}en Justification All modes of transport should be decarbonised in order to contribute to Union's climate targets.
Amendment 56 Gesine Meissner Proposal for a directive
Recital 10
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (10) There is widespread support from key stakeholders for a definition of clean vehicles taking account of reduction requirements for greenhouse gases and air pollutant emissions from light- and heavy-duty vehicles. To ensure that there are adequate incentives to supporting market-uptake of low- and zero-emission vehicles in the Union, provisions for their public procurement under this amendment should be aligned with provisions of Union legislation on CO[2] emission performance of cars and vans for the post-2020 period^26 . Action carried out under the amended Directive will contribute to compliance with the requirements of these standards. A more ambitious approach for public procurement can provide an important additional market stimulus. (10) There is widespread support from key stakeholders for a definition of clean vehicles taking account of reduction requirements for greenhouse gases and air pollutant emissions from light- and heavy-duty vehicles. To ensure that there are adequate incentives to supporting market-uptake of low- and zero-emission vehicles in the Union, provisions for their public procurement under this amendment should be aligned with provisions of Union legislation on CO[2] emission performance of cars and vans for the post-2020 period^26 . Action carried out under the amended Directive will contribute to compliance with the requirements of these standards. A more ambitious approach for public procurement can provide an important additional market stimulus. While thresholds are a useful tool to create legal certainty and policy clarity, adopting a more life-cycle approach would allow us to eventually apply a Well-To-Wheels analysis, which gives a more realistic picture of a vehicle's impact on the climate. In fact, it provides a more accurate account of the overall emissions and other pollutants generated not only during the process of fuel combustion but also during the process of production or recycling of such fuels. Many alternative fuels that are already available today perform well compared to other electricity-based solutions if the electricity is generated from fossil fuels, for example. __________________ __________________ ^26 COM(2017) 676 final ^26 COM(2017) 676 final Or. {EN}en
Amendment 57 Francesc Gambús, Massimiliano Salini Proposal for a directive
Recital 10 a (new)
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (10a) Having in mind the principles of the circular economy, the lifetime of products needs to be extended. Therefore, the retrofitting of vehicles to comply with the standards for clean vehicles, where possible, may also be counted towards the achievement of the minimum procurement targets set out in Tables 4 and 5 in the Annex. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 58 Francesc Gambús, Massimiliano Salini Proposal for a directive
Recital 11
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (11) Light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles are used for different purposes and have different levels of market maturity, and it would be beneficial that public procurement provisions acknowledge these differences. The Impact Assessment illustrated the added value of adopting an approach based on alternative fuels until technology-neutral requirements for CO[2] emissions from heavy-duty vehicles have been set at Union level, which the Commission intends to propose in the future. The Impact Assessment further recognised that markets for low- and zero-emission urban buses are characterised by increased market maturity, whereas markets for low- and zero-emission trucks are at an earlier stage of market development. deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 59 Xabier Benito Ziluaga Proposal for a directive
Recital 11
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (11) Light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles are used for different purposes and have different levels of market maturity, and it would be beneficial that public procurement provisions acknowledge these differences. The Impact Assessment illustrated the added value of adopting an approach based on alternative fuels until technology-neutral requirements for CO[2] emissions from heavy-duty vehicles have been set at Union level, which the Commission intends to propose in the future. The Impact Assessment further recognised that markets for low- and zero-emission urban buses are characterised by increased market maturity, whereas markets for low- and zero-emission trucks are at an earlier stage of market development. (11) Light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles are used for different purposes and have different levels of market maturity, and it would be beneficial that public procurement provisions acknowledge these differences. It is scientifically proven that, due to methane emissions, some alternative fuels, such as natural gas and biogas, have little or no environmental benefits and therefore do not represent a sustainable solution in a medium and long term perspective. On the other hand, due to the state of the art in technology, biofuels can be more useful in other transport modes rather than the road sector. Therefore, those options must be left aside and the main focus for the road transport sector must be put on electric vehicles supplied by 100% renewable energy. The Impact Assessment further recognised that markets for low- and zero-emission urban buses are characterised by increased market maturity, whereas markets for low- and zero-emission trucks are at an earlier stage of market development. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 60 Gesine Meissner, Caroline Nagtegaal Proposal for a directive
Recital 11
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (11) Light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles are used for different purposes and have different levels of market maturity, and it would be beneficial that public procurement provisions acknowledge these differences. The Impact Assessment illustrated the added value of adopting an approach based on alternative fuels until technology-neutral requirements for CO[2] emissions from heavy-duty vehicles have been set at Union level, which the Commission intends to propose in the future. The Impact Assessment further recognised that markets for low- and zero-emission urban buses are characterised by increased market maturity, whereas markets for low- and zero-emission trucks are at an earlier stage of market development. (11) Light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles are used for different purposes and have different levels of market maturity, and it would be beneficial that public procurement provisions acknowledge these differences. The Impact Assessment illustrated the added value of adopting an approach based on alternative fuels. The Impact Assessment further recognised that markets for low- and zero-emission urban buses are characterised by increased market maturity, whereas markets for low- and zero-emission trucks are at an earlier stage of market development. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 61 Peter Kouroumbashev, Zigmantas Balčytis, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Theresa Griffin, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Dan Nica, Răzvan Popa, Kathleen Van Brempt Proposal for a directive
Recital 11 a (new)
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (11a) All clean and energy-efficient transport options must be considered. Manufacturers should have the flexibility to further develop and use neutral technologies to meet CO[2] reduction objectives. Competition between different solutions and manufacturers will encourage innovation and benefit everyone. This will allow a smooth and cost-efficient transition to the decarbonisation of transport. Or. {EN}en Justification All clean and energy-efficient transport options must be considered as this will ensure competition between manufacturers and promote innovation. Only then cost-efficient transition will be possible and will benefit everyone.
Amendment 62 Gesine Meissner, Caroline Nagtegaal Proposal for a directive
Recital 12
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (12) Setting minimum targets for clean vehicle procurement by 2025 and 2030 at Member State level should contribute to policy certainty for markets where investments in low- and zero-emission mobility are warranted. The minimum targets support market creation throughout the Union. They provide time for the adjustment of public procurement processes and give a clear market signal. The Impact Assessment notes that Member States increasingly set targets, depending on their economic capacity and how serious the problem is. Different targets should be set for different Member States in accordance with their economic capacity (Gross Domestic Product per capita) and exposure to pollution (urban population density). Minimum procurement targets should be complemented by the obligation of the contracting authorities, entities and operators to consider relevant energy and environmental aspects in all their procurement procedures. The Territorial Impact Assessment of this amended Directive illustrated that the impact will be evenly distributed among regions in the Union. (12) Setting minimum targets for clean vehicle procurement by 2025 and 2030 at Member State level should contribute to policy certainty for markets where investments in low- and zero-emission mobility are warranted. The minimum targets support market creation throughout the Union and should therefore remain technology-open in order to create a level-playing field between the different technologies available. They provide time for the adjustment of public procurement processes and give a clear market signal. The Impact Assessment notes that Member States increasingly set targets, depending on their economic capacity and how serious the problem is. Different targets should be set for different Member States in accordance with their economic capacity (Gross Domestic Product per capita) and exposure to pollution (urban population density). Minimum procurement targets should be complemented by the obligation of the contracting authorities, entities and operators to consider relevant energy and environmental aspects in all their procurement procedures. The Territorial Impact Assessment of this amended Directive illustrated that the impact will be evenly distributed among regions in the Union. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 63 Francesc Gambús, Massimiliano Salini Proposal for a directive
Recital 12
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (12) Setting minimum targets for clean vehicle procurement by 2025 and by 2030 at Member State level should contribute to policy certainty for markets where investments in low- and zero-emission mobility are warranted. The minimum targets support market creation throughout the Union. They provide time for the adjustment of public procurement processes and give a clear market signal. The Impact Assessment notes that Member States increasingly set targets, depending on their economic capacity and how serious the problem is. Different targets should be set for different Member States in accordance with their economic capacity (Gross Domestic Product per capita) and exposure to pollution (urban population density). Minimum procurement targets should be complemented by the obligation of the contracting authorities, entities and operators to consider relevant energy and environmental aspects in all their procurement procedures. The Territorial Impact Assessment of this amended Directive illustrated that the impact will be evenly distributed among regions in the Union. (12) Setting minimum targets for clean vehicle procurement starting in 2025 with progression in 2030 at Member State level should contribute to policy certainty for markets where investments in low- and zero-emission mobility are warranted. The minimum targets support market creation throughout the Union. They provide time for the adjustment of public procurement processes and give a clear market signal. The Impact Assessment notes that Member States increasingly set targets, depending on their economic capacity and how serious the problem is. Different targets should be set for different Member States in accordance with their economic capacity (Gross Domestic Product per capita) and exposure to pollution (urban population density). Minimum procurement targets should be complemented by the obligation of the contracting authorities, entities and operators to consider relevant energy and environmental aspects in all their procurement procedures. The Territorial Impact Assessment of this amended Directive illustrated that the impact will be evenly distributed among regions in the Union. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 64 Rolandas Paksas Proposal for a directive
Recital 12
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (12) Setting minimum targets for clean vehicle procurement by 2025 and by 2030 at Member State level should contribute to policy certainty for markets where investments in low- and zero-emission mobility are warranted. The minimum targets support market creation throughout the Union. They provide time for the adjustment of public procurement processes and give a clear market signal. The Impact Assessment notes that Member States increasingly set targets, depending on their economic capacity and how serious the problem is. Different targets should be set for different Member States in accordance with their economic capacity (Gross Domestic Product per capita) and exposure to pollution (urban population density). Minimum procurement targets should be complemented by the obligation of the contracting authorities, entities and operators to consider relevant energy and environmental aspects in all their procurement procedures. The Territorial Impact Assessment of this amended Directive illustrated that the impact will be evenly distributed among regions in the Union. (12) Setting minimum targets for clean vehicle procurement contracts by 2025 and by 2030 at Member State level should contribute to policy certainty for markets where investments in low- and zero-emission mobility are warranted. The minimum targets support market creation throughout the Union. They provide time for the adjustment of public procurement processes and give a clear market signal. The Impact Assessment notes that Member States increasingly set targets, depending on their economic capacity and how serious the problem is. Different targets should be set for different Member States in accordance with their economic capacity (Gross Domestic Product per capita) and exposure to pollution (urban population density). Minimum procurement targets should be complemented by the obligation of the contracting authorities, entities and operators to consider relevant energy and environmental aspects in all their procurement procedures. The Territorial Impact Assessment of this amended Directive illustrated that the impact will be evenly distributed among regions in the Union. Or. {LT}lt
Amendment 65 Xabier Benito Ziluaga Proposal for a directive
Recital 12
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (12) Setting minimum targets for clean vehicle procurement by 2025 and by 2030 at Member State level should contribute to policy certainty for markets where investments in low- and zero-emission mobility are warranted. The minimum targets support market creation throughout the Union. They provide time for the adjustment of public procurement processes and give a clear market signal. The Impact Assessment notes that Member States increasingly set targets, depending on their economic capacity and how serious the problem is. Different targets should be set for different Member States in accordance with their economic capacity (Gross Domestic Product per capita) and exposure to pollution (urban population density). Minimum procurement targets should be complemented by the obligation of the contracting authorities, entities and operators to consider relevant energy and environmental aspects in all their procurement procedures. The Territorial Impact Assessment of this amended Directive illustrated that the impact will be evenly distributed among regions in the Union. (12) Setting minimum targets for clean vehicle procurement by 2020, 2025 and 2030 at Member State level should contribute to policy certainty for markets where investments in low- and zero-emission mobility are warranted. The minimum targets support market creation throughout the Union. They provide time for the adjustment of public procurement processes and give a clear market signal. The Impact Assessment notes that Member States increasingly set targets, depending on their economic capacity and how serious the problem is. Different targets should be set for different Member States in accordance with their economic capacity (Gross Domestic Product per capita) and exposure to pollution (urban population density). Minimum procurement targets should be complemented by the obligation of the contracting authorities, entities and operators to consider relevant energy and environmental aspects in all their procurement procedures. The Territorial Impact Assessment of this amended Directive illustrated that the impact will be evenly distributed among regions in the Union. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 66 Gesine Meissner Proposal for a directive
Recital 13 a (new)
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (13a) Public transport networks have a key role to play in the decarbonisation of transport as they contribute, per passenger, to the net reduction of CO[2] emissions and air pollutants. This is why costly requirements and high procurement targets for this sector should be carefully considered in order to avoid pushing users to fall back onto individual modes of transport due to more expensive public transport. Currently, individual modes of transport still tend to be more polluting. This is particularly important for public authorities in rural regions which often have more limited financial resources to implement such strict requirements. On the contrary, the deployment of denser public transport networks with larger fleets is crucial in the push for a decarbonised transport sector. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 67 Francesc Gambús, Massimiliano Salini Proposal for a directive
Recital 13 a (new)
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (13a) In order to achieve the minimum procurement targets for clean vehicles as soon as possible, the Commission and Member States' public authorities at all levels should expand their financial and non-financial incentives in order to speed up the market uptake of such vehicles. In that regard, the future Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) of the Union should play an important role in the support of sustainable urban mobility projects. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 68 Xabier Benito Ziluaga Proposal for a directive
Recital 14
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (14) Life-cycle costing is an important tool for contracting authorities and entities to cover energy and environmental costs during the life-cycle of a vehicle, including the cost of greenhouse gas emission and other pollutant emissions on the basis of a relevant methodology to determine their monetary value. Given the scarce use of the methodology for the calculation of operational lifetime costs under Directive 2009/33/EU and the information provided by contracting authorities and entities on the use of own methodologies tailored to their specific circumstances and needs, there should be no methodology mandatory to use, but contracting authorities, contracting entities or operators should be able to choose any life-costing methodology in order to support their procurement processes. deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 69 Peter Kouroumbashev, Zigmantas Balčytis, Carlos Zorrinho, Theresa Griffin, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Dan Nica, Răzvan Popa, Kathleen Van Brempt Proposal for a directive
Recital 14
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (14) Life-cycle costing is an important tool for contracting authorities and entities to cover energy and environmental costs during the life-cycle of a vehicle, including the cost of greenhouse gas emission and other pollutant emissions on the basis of a relevant methodology to determine their monetary value. Given the scarce use of the methodology for the calculation of operational lifetime costs under Directive 2009/33/EU and the information provided by contracting authorities and entities on the use of own methodologies tailored to their specific circumstances and needs, there should be no methodology mandatory to use, but contracting authorities, contracting entities or operators should be able to choose any life-costing methodology in order to support their procurement processes. (14) Life-cycle costing is an important tool for contracting authorities and entities to cover energy and environmental costs during the life-cycle of a vehicle, including the cost of greenhouse gas emission and other pollutant emissions on the basis of a relevant methodology to determine their monetary value. Given the scarce use of the methodology for the calculation of operational lifetime costs under Directive 2009/33/EU and the information provided by contracting authorities and entities on the use of own methodologies tailored to their specific circumstances and needs, there should be no methodology mandatory to use, but contracting authorities, contracting entities or operators should be able to choose any life-costing methodology in order to support their procurement processes. The assessment of the CO[2] emissions should consider the entire lifecycle of the vehicles including during the production, use and end of life, taking into account disposal and recycling. Therefore, contracting authorities and other entities should focus on the entire vehicle and not only on its components and the maximum tail-pipe emission expressed in CO[2 ]g/km and real driving pollutant emissions. Or. {EN}en Justification When calculating CO[2] emissions, it is important to take into account the entire lifecycle of the vehicle (production, use and end of life) and not only its components. Some vehicles pollute more at the end of their life due to impossibility to recycle some of their parts. Very often this pollution is much higher than the pollution that other vehicles are causing during their period of use.
Amendment 70 Xabier Benito Ziluaga Proposal for a directive
Recital 14 a (new)
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (14a) In view of the urgent need to switch to a zero-emission transport model, market rules, such as the inclusion of environmental costs, are not the adequate solutions. Binding measures are to be preferred to deliver the needed and expected results. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 71 Francesc Gambús, Massimiliano Salini Proposal for a directive
Recital 15
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (15) Reporting on public procurement under this amended Directive should provide a clear market overview to enable effective monitoring of the implementation. It should start with an intermediate report in 2023 and continue with a first full report on the implementation of the minimum targets in 2026 and thereafter every three years. To minimise administrative burden on single public bodies and establish an effective market overview, simple reporting should be facilitated. The Commission will ensure full reporting for low- and zero-emission and other alternative-fuel vehicles within the context of the Common Procurement Vocabulary of the Union. Specific codes in the Common Procurement Vocabulary will help the registration and monitoring under the Tender Electronic Daily Database. (15) Reporting on public procurement under this amended Directive should provide a clear market overview to enable effective monitoring of the implementation. It should start with an intermediate report in 2024 and continue with a first full report on the implementation of the minimum targets in 2027 and thereafter every three years. To minimise administrative burden on single public bodies and establish an effective market overview, simple reporting should be facilitated. The Commission will ensure full reporting for low- and zero-emission and other alternative-fuel vehicles within the context of the Common Procurement Vocabulary of the Union. Specific codes in the Common Procurement Vocabulary will help the registration and monitoring under the Tender Electronic Daily Database. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 72 Peter Kouroumbashev, Zigmantas Balčytis, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Theresa Griffin, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Dan Nica, Răzvan Popa, Kathleen Van Brempt Proposal for a directive
Recital 16 a (new)
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (16a) EU financial instruments should be mobilised in order to support Member States at national, regional and local level to achieve the targets under this Directive. Minimum binding targets for charging points per Members State, together with direct infrastructure financing and financing of electric vehicle charging points and hydrogen vehicle filling stations should be considered as well, where not commercially viable on their own. For this purpose, funding instruments such as the Connecting Europe Facility supporting the development of high performing, sustainable and efficiently interconnected trans-European networks in the fields of transport and the European Fund for Strategic Investments or the Cleaner Transport Facility supporting the deployment of cleaner transport vehicles and their associated infrastructure needs could be mobilised. Advisory Hubs should play a key role in this transition by facilitating and promoting investments and supporting institutional capacities. Or. {EN}en Justification Infrastructure is a must for the development of clean transport. The only way to achieve the transport targets and ensure a smooth transition is to mobilise the EU funds and develop infrastructure. Direct infrastructure financing and financing of electric vehicle charging points and hydrogen vehicle filling stations should be considered as these type of vehicles cannot operate without that type of infrastructure.
Amendment 73 Claude Turmes {Verts/ALE}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group Proposal for a directive
Recital 16 a (new)
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (16a) In order to facilitate the increased uptake of ultra-low emission vehicles, the Commission should set up a publicly accessible Union platform for cross-border and joint procurement of ultra-low emission and energy-efficient road transport vehicles with the aim of bringing together contracting authorities, entities or operators interested in benefiting from economies of scale by procuring jointly technologies and infrastructure necessary for the decarbonisation of transport and reduction of air pollution. In order to facilitate the setting up and realisation of joint procurement agreements, the Commission should encourage the exchange of best practices, develop templates and provide technical assistance where requested by the parties concerned. Or. {EN}en Justification This amendment updates AM 27 making the platform publicly accessible and thereby strengthening its transparency.
Amendment 74 Rolandas Paksas Proposal for a directive
Recital 16 a (new)
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (16a) Encouragement should be given for those EU financial instruments which can help to finance fleets and equipment, for example the European Fund for Strategic Investments or the European Investment Bank’s Cleaner Transport Facility, to be used in a more targeted way. Or. {LT}lt
Amendment 75 Claude Turmes {Verts/ALE}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group Proposal for a directive
Recital 16 b (new)
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (16b) During the upcoming revision of Directive 2006/66/EC on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators, the Commission should come forward with ambitious collection and recycling targets for automotive and industrial batteries and strengthen collection and recycling systems to ensure that the value of critical raw materials used in automotive and industrial batteries is kept within the economy, in line with the circular economy principles. Additionally, the Commission should come forward with a ‘Green batteries’ label for automotive and industrial batteries with 100% renewable energy based production that possess high power and high energy density, fast charging rates, low environmental impact and high recyclability. Or. {EN}en Justification This AM updates AM 28 requesting the Commission to come forward with a ‘Green batteries’ label.
Amendment 76 Francesc Gambús, Massimiliano Salini Proposal for a directive
Recital 17
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (17) In order to achieve the objectives of this Directive, the power to adopt acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union should be delegated to the Commission in order to update provisions in respect of CO[2] emission standards of heavy duty vehicles for a period of five years starting from [Please insert the date of entry into force]. This period should be tacitly extended for periods of the same duration, unless the European Parliament or the Council oppose such an extension. It is of particular importance that the Commission carries out appropriate consultations during its preparatory work, including at expert level. The Commission, when preparing and drawing up delegated acts, should ensure a simultaneous, timely and appropriate transmission of relevant documents to the European Parliament and to the Council. deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 77 Peter Kouroumbashev, Zigmantas Balčytis, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Theresa Griffin, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Dan Nica, Răzvan Popa, Kathleen Van Brempt Proposal for a directive
Recital 18 a (new)
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (18a) The requirements of this Directive and the new minimum procurement targets may lead to additional financial resources for contracting authorities. Therefore, it would be appropriate to seek financial mechanisms to implement the requirements of this Directive. The Union's financial policy and in particular the future Multiannual Financial Framework after 2020 should be in line with the new requirements for the promotion of clean and energy efficient road transport vehicles and support the decarbonisation of transport and the use of cleaner road transport vehicles. Or. {EN}en Justification If we want to have a smooth transition towards a decarbonised transport, we have to make sure that EU financial policy is in line with the transport targets to achieve. The new Multiannual Financial Framework after 2020 should be in line with transport policies as transport policies are not achievable without the right finances.
Amendment 78 Francesc Gambús, Massimiliano Salini Proposal for a directive
Recital 18 a (new)
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (18a) The Union needs to protect EU manufacturers from unfair competition in third countries, where EU manufacturers do not have access to public procurement tenders for the purchase, leasing, rental or hire-purchase of road transport vehicles. Therefore, the Commission should analyse unfair competition practices in third countries and take the appropriate measures to ensure the protection of European industry. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 79 Peter Kouroumbashev, Zigmantas Balčytis, Carlos Zorrinho, Theresa Griffin, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Dan Nica, Răzvan Popa, Kathleen Van Brempt Proposal for a directive
Recital 18 b (new)
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (18b) Reforms need to be introduced at local and national level, with clear investments signals and combining the different sources to reach the goal of this Directive. Or. {EN}en Justification Clear investment signals are a must if we want to create certainty for investors and manufacturers. Transport policy reforms should be done at local and national levels depending on their different needs and considering the different levels of pollution in the different region, but also the available budgets or budget gaps and their financial needs.
Amendment 80 Peter Kouroumbashev, Zigmantas Balčytis, Carlos Zorrinho, Theresa Griffin, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Dan Nica, Răzvan Popa, Kathleen Van Brempt Proposal for a directive
Recital 19 a (new)
Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (19a) Enhanced environmental audits and tests should be envisaged, encouraging local authorities to purchase, rent and lease energy-efficient road transport vehicles. For this purpose, it would be appropriate to develop EU financial mechanisms to assist in the implementation of the requirements of this Directive. Or. {EN}en Justification Environmental audits and tests are envisaged under this Directive. This will create additional administrative and financial burdens for national and local authorities. Additional finances will be needed in order to support these authorities and facilitate these tests and audits.
Amendment 81 Olle Ludvigsson Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 2
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 3 – paragraph 1 – introductory part Text proposed by the Commission Amendment This Directive shall apply to contracts for the purchase, lease, rent or hire-purchase of road transport vehicles by: This Directive shall apply to new contracts concluded after the Directive has entered into force for the purchase, lease, rent or hire-purchase of road transport vehicles by: Or. {EN}en
Amendment 82 Evžen Tošenovský Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 2
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 3 – paragraph 1 – point a Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (a) contracting authorities or contracting entities in so far as they are under an obligation to apply the procurement procedures set out in Directives 2014/24/EU and 2014/25/EU; (a) contracting authorities in so far as they are under an obligation to apply the procurement procedures set out in Directives 2014/24/EU and 2014/25/EU; Or. {EN}en
Amendment 83 Peter Kouroumbashev, Zigmantas Balčytis, Carlos Zorrinho, Theresa Griffin, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Kathleen Van Brempt Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 2 a (new)
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 3 – paragraph 1 a (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment By [18 months after the entry into force] Member States shall prepare and submit to the Commission a report on rail transport outlining: (a) all national services using diesel, both for passenger and freight transport; (b) potential for replacement of diesel trains by alternative solutions, including hybrid trains, fuel cell and electric trains; (c) a timeline for such a transition. Or. {EN}en Justification All modes of transport should be decarbonised in order to contribute to Union's climate targets.
Amendment 84 Evžen Tošenovský Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 2 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment 2. 'contracting entities' means contracting entities as referred to in Article 4 of Directive 2014/25/EU. deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 85 Gesine Meissner Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 – introductory part Text proposed by the Commission Amendment 4. ‘clean vehicle’ means 4. ‘clean vehicle’ means a vehicle of category M1, M2, M3, NI, N2 or N3 using one of the alternative fuels listed in point (1) of Article 2 of Directive 2014/94//EU, that can be amended by a delegated act to reflect technological development and innovation. A vehicle retrofitted to these requirements is also considered a 'clean vehicle'. Or. {EN}en Justification Referring to the alternative fuels list contained in Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure is not completely technology-neutral, as it currently excludes certain technologies such as synthetic biofuels. Keeping the list open to be amended by a delegated act can be a viable solution. In any case, it is a more open approach than defining limits of CO[2] emissions and RDE air pollutant emissions, as this currently strongly favours a certain type of technology.
Amendment 86 Francesc Gambús, Massimiliano Salini Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 – introductory part Text proposed by the Commission Amendment 4. ‘clean vehicle’ means 4. ‘clean vehicle’ means a vehicle of category M1, M2, M3, N1, N2 or N3 using one of the alternative fuels listed in point (1) of Article 2 of Directive 2014/94/EU. Where relevant, it needs to fulfil the EURO 6 standard or its successor and the requirements of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1151. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 87 Francesc Gambús, Massimiliano Salini Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 – point a Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (a) a vehicle of category M1 or M2 with a maximum tail-pipe emission expressed in CO[2]g/km and real driving pollutant emissions below a percentage of the applicable emission limits as referred to in Table 2 in the Annex , or; deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 88 Gesine Meissner Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 – point a Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (a) a vehicle of category M1 or M2 with a maximum tail-pipe emission expressed in CO[2]g/km and real driving pollutant emissions below a percentage of the applicable emission limits as referred to in Table 2 in the Annex , or; deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 89 András Gyürk, Andor Deli Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 – point a Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (a) a vehicle of category M1 or M2 with a maximum tail-pipe emission expressed in CO[2]g/km and real driving pollutant emissions below a percentage of the applicable emission limits as referred to in Table 2 in the Annex , or; (a) a zero or a low-emission vehicle of category L, M1, M2 or N1 powered by fuels as defined in point (1) of Article 2 of Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure with a maximum tailpipe emission of up to 50g CO2/km and real driving pollutant emissions below 80 % of the applicable emission limits as determined in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/1151; Or. {EN}en
Amendment 90 Henna Virkkunen Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 – point a Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (a) a vehicle of category M1 or M2 with a maximum tail-pipe emission expressed in CO[2]g/km and real driving pollutant emissions below a percentage of the applicable emission limits as referred to in Table 2 in the Annex , or; (a) a vehicle of category M1, M2, M3, N1, N2 or N3 type-approved for use of electricity, hydrogen, natural gas including biomethane, in gaseous form (compressed natural gas (CNG)) and liquefied form (liquefied natural gas (LNG), synthetic and paraffinic fuels, and sustainable pure and high-blend biofuels; Or. {EN}en Justification It is important to ensure technologically neutral definition and coherence with the other relevant EU legislation. This definition is coherent with the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive 2014/94/EU. Inclusion of “type approved for use of alternative fuels” in vehicle categories drives the uptake of alternative fuels thus contributing to the CO[2] emission reduction targets. Limiting alterative biofuels to only pure and high-blend biofuels will lead to significant CO[2] emissions reduction.
Amendment 91 Xabier Benito Ziluaga Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 – point a Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (a) a vehicle of category M1 or M2 with a maximum tail-pipe emission expressed in CO[2]g/km and real driving pollutant emissions below a percentage of the applicable emission limits as referred to in Table 2 in the Annex , or; (a) a vehicle of category L, M1 or M2 with a maximum tail-pipe emission expressed in CO[2]g/km and real driving pollutant emissions below a percentage of the applicable emission limits as referred to in Table 2 in the Annex , or; Or. {EN}en
Amendment 92 Xabier Benito Ziluaga Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 – point aa (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (aa) a vehicle running on alternatives fuels with the exception of natural gas in gaseous form (compressed natural gas (CNG)), liquefied form (liquefied natural gas (LNG)) or biomethane; Or. {EN}en
Amendment 93 Francesc Gambús, Massimiliano Salini Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 – point b Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (b) a vehicle of category N1 with a maximum tail-pipe emission expressed in CO[2]g/km and real driving pollutant emissions below a percentage of the applicable emission limits as referred to in Table 2 in the Annex, or; deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 94 Gesine Meissner Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 – point b Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (b) a vehicle of category N1 with a maximum tail-pipe emission expressed in CO[2]g/km and real driving pollutant emissions below a percentage of the applicable emission limits as referred to in Table 2 in the Annex, or; deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 95 Henna Virkkunen Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 – point b Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (b) a vehicle of category N1 with a maximum tail-pipe emission expressed in CO[2]g/km and real driving pollutant emissions below a percentage of the applicable emission limits as referred to in Table 2 in the Annex, or; deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 96 András Gyürk, Andor Deli Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 – point b Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (b) a vehicle of category N1 with a maximum tail-pipe emission expressed in CO[2]g/km and real driving pollutant emissions below a percentage of the applicable emission limits as referred to in Table 2 in the Annex, or; (b) a zero or a low-emission vehicle of category M3, N2 or N3 powered by fuels as defined in point (1) of Article 2 of Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure; Or. {EN}en
Amendment 97 Evžen Tošenovský Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 – point b a (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (ba) a vehicle of category M1, M2 or N1 powered by natural gas, in gaseous form (compressed natural gas (CNG)) and liquefied form (liquefied natural gas (LNG)), liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or hydrogen; Or. {EN}en
Amendment 98 András Gyürk, Andor Deli Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 – point c Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (c) a vehicle of category M3, N2 or N3 as defined in Table 3 in the Annex . deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 99 Henna Virkkunen Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 – point c Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (c) a vehicle of category M3, N2 or N3 as defined in Table 3 in the Annex . deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 100 Francesc Gambús, Massimiliano Salini Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 – point c Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (c) a vehicle of category M3, N2 or N3 as defined in Table 3 in the Annex . deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 101 Gesine Meissner Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 – point c Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (c) a vehicle of category M3, N2 or N3 as defined in Table 3 in the Annex . deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 102 Xabier Benito Ziluaga Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 – point c a (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (ca) an electric vehicle supplied by electricity fully produced by renewable sources. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 103 Claude Turmes {Verts/ALE}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 a (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment 4a. 'sustainable and recyclable battery' means a battery with 100% renewable energy based production that possesses high power and high energy density, fast charging rates, low environmental impact and high recyclability. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 104 Peter Kouroumbashev, Zigmantas Balčytis, Patrizia Toia, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Dan Nica, Răzvan Popa, Kathleen Van Brempt Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 a (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment 4a. 'sustainable battery' means a battery for which the whole value chain is taken into account and the final battery product is fit for reuse and/or recycling. The Commission shall be empowered to adopt a delegated act by [18 months after entry into force] with a more precise definition based on an assessment of the CO[2] emissions considering the whole chain, e.g. the entire lifecycle of the battery including full lifecycle of carbon emissions during the production process and end of life carbon footprint of the battery. Or. {EN}en Justification A sustainable solution to recycle batteries is a must. Some batteries pollute much more (at the end of vehicle's life) than other vehicles during their period of use.
Amendment 105 Xabier Benito Ziluaga Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 a (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment 4a. ‘high performance and sustainable battery’ means a battery based on 100% renewable energy with very low environmental impacts, high recyclability and high energy density. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 106 Francesc Gambús, Massimiliano Salini Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 a (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment 4a. ‘zero-emission vehicle’ means a vehicle with zero CO[2], NOx and fine particles tail-pipe emissions. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 107 Peter Kouroumbashev, Zigmantas Balčytis, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Dan Nica, Răzvan Popa, Kathleen Van Brempt Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 3
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 4 – paragraph 1 – point 4 a (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment 4a. 'sustainable lifecycle vehicle' means a vehicle which is produced by using significantly lower emissions than comparable vehicle types, and is designed to allow for a more sustainable end of life, including reuse and recycling potential of its components. The Commission shall be empowered to adopt a delegated act by [18 months after entry into force] with a more precise definition. Or. {EN}en Justification When calculating CO[2] emissions, it is important to take into account the entire lifecycle of the vehicle (production, use and end of life) and not only its components. Some vehicles pollute more at the end of their life due to impossibility to recycle some of their parts. Very often this pollution is much higher than the pollution that other vehicles are causing during their period of use.
Amendment 108 András Gyürk, Andor Deli Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 4
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 4 a Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (4) The following Article 4a is inserted: deleted “Article 4a Delegation of powers The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 8a in order to update Table 3 in the Annex with CO[2][ ]tail-pipe emission and air pollutants thresholds for heavy duty vehicles once the related heavy-duty CO[2] emission performance standards are in force at Union level”. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 109 Peter Kouroumbashev, Zigmantas Balčytis, Carlos Zorrinho, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Dan Nica Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 4
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 4 a Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (4) The following Article 4a is inserted: deleted “Article 4a Delegation of powers The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 8a in order to update Table 3 in the Annex with CO[2][ ]tail-pipe emission and air pollutants thresholds for heavy duty vehicles once the related heavy-duty CO[2] emission performance standards are in force at Union level”. Or. {EN}en Justification The requirements in Table 3 of the proposal are essential elements of the Directive. Therefore, the Commission should not be empowered to amend this Table. The Commission should consider a new legislative proposal in case there is a need to amend this Table. Changes to this Table should be made only through the Ordinary Legislative Procedure including Parliament's and Council's positions on this.
Amendment 110 Francesc Gambús, Massimiliano Salini Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 4
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 4 a Text proposed by the Commission Amendment The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 8a in order to update Table 3 in the Annex with CO[2][ ]tail-pipe emission and air pollutants thresholds for heavy duty vehicles once the related heavy-duty CO[2] emission performance standards are in force at Union level. deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 111 Henna Virkkunen Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 4
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 4 a Text proposed by the Commission Amendment The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 8a in order to update Table 3 in the Annex with CO[2][ ]tail-pipe emission and air pollutants thresholds for heavy duty vehicles once the related heavy-duty CO[2] emission performance standards are in force at Union level. deleted Or. {EN}en Justification This article is no longer necessary, as an amendment has been proposed to align the alternative fuel requirements for heavy-duty vehicles with the definition of alternative fuels in Article 2, point 1 of Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure.
Amendment 112 Gesine Meissner Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 4
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 4 a Text proposed by the Commission Amendment The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 8a in order to update Table 3 in the Annex with CO[2][ ]tail-pipe emission and air pollutants thresholds for heavy duty vehicles once the related heavy-duty CO[2] emission performance standards are in force at Union level. The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 8a in order to update Table 3 in the Annex. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 113 Henna Virkkunen Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 5
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment 1. Member States shall ensure that purchase, lease, rent or hire-purchase of road transport vehicles, and public service contracts on public passenger transport by road and rail and public service contracts as referred to in Article 3 of this Directive comply with the minimum procurement targets for light-duty vehicles referred to in table 4 of the Annex and for heavy-duty vehicles referred to in Table 5 in the Annex. 1. Member States shall ensure that purchase, lease, rent or hire-purchase of road transport vehicles, and public service contracts on public passenger transport by road and rail and public service contracts as referred to in Article 3 of this Directive comply with the minimum procurement targets for light-duty vehicles referred to in table 4 of the Annex and for heavy-duty vehicles referred to in Table 5 in the Annex and include contractual provisions to ensure the actual use of alternative fuels. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 114 András Gyürk, Andor Deli Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 5
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment 1. Member States shall ensure that purchase, lease, rent or hire-purchase of road transport vehicles, and public service contracts on public passenger transport by road and rail and public service contracts as referred to in Article 3 of this Directive comply with the minimum procurement targets for light-duty vehicles referred to in table 4 of the Annex and for heavy-duty vehicles referred to in Table 5 in the Annex. 1. Member States shall ensure that purchase, lease, rent or hire-purchase of road transport vehicles used in public services, and public service contracts on public passenger transport by road and rail and public service contracts as referred to in Article 3 of this Directive comply with the minimum procurement targets for light-duty vehicles and for heavy-duty vehicles. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 115 Dan Nica, Carlos Zorrinho, Răzvan Popa Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 5
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 5 – paragraph 1 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment 1. Member States shall ensure that purchase, lease, rent or hire-purchase of road transport vehicles, and public service contracts on public passenger transport by road and rail and public service contracts as referred to in Article 3 of this Directive comply with the minimum procurement targets for light-duty vehicles referred to in table 4 of the Annex and for heavy-duty vehicles referred to in Table 5 in the Annex . 1. By 30 September 2018, the Commission shall carry out an assessment and submit a report to the European Parliament and the Council with the aim of setting minimum procurement targets for light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles at Member State level which shall be proportionate to the gross domestic product per capita of each Member State. That report shall be accompanied, if appropriate, by legislative proposals. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 116 Claude Turmes {Verts/ALE}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 5
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 5 – paragraph 1 a (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment 1a. The minimum procurement targets set out in Tables 4 and 5 in the Annex shall apply from the dates referred to in those tables and shall apply to all newly signed procurement contracts falling within the scope of this Directive. The date of completion of the public procurement procedure, by way of signature of the contract, shall be considered to be the date of the public procurement contributing to the mandate. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 117 András Gyürk, Andor Deli Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 5
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 a (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment 1a. By 2025, Member States shall introduce a minimum procurement target according to which low-emission light- duty vehicles or zero-emission light-duty vehicles, or a mixture of both, constitute at least a 25 % share of the national total public procurement of light-duty vehicles. By 2030, Member States shall introduce a minimum procurement target according to which zero-emission light-duty vehicles constitute at least a 25 % share of the national total public procurement of light-duty vehicles. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 118 András Gyürk, Andor Deli Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 5
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 5 – paragraph 1 b (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment 1b. Member States shall introduce, if there are products of such type available on the market, a minimum procurement target for trucks/heavy goods vehicles according to which: – by 2025, low-emission trucks/heavy goods vehicles or zero-emission trucks/heavy goods vehicles, or a mixture of both, constitute at least a 10 % share of the national total procurement of trucks/heavy duty vehicles, and – by 2030, low-emission trucks/heavy goods vehicles or zero-emission trucks/heavy goods vehicles, or a mixture of both, constitute at least a 15 % share of the national total procurement of trucks/heavy duty vehicles. Member States shall introduce a minimum procurement target for buses according to which: – by 2025, low-emission buses or zero-emission buses, or a mixture of both, constitute at least a 35 % share of the national total procurement of buses, and – by 2030, low-emission buses or zero-emission buses, or a mixture of both, constitute at least a 70 % share of the national total procurement of buses. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 119 Dan Nica, Carlos Zorrinho, Răzvan Popa Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 5
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 5 – paragraph 2 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment 2. Member State authorities may apply higher minimum mandates than those referred to in the Annex of this Directive. deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 120 András Gyürk, Andor Deli Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 5
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment 2. Member State authorities may apply higher minimum mandates than those referred to in the Annex of this Directive. deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 121 Henna Virkkunen Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 5
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 5 – paragraph 2 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment 2. Member State authorities may apply higher minimum mandates than those referred to in the Annex of this Directive. 2. Member State authorities may apply higher minimum mandates than those referred to in the Annex of this Directive. Member State authorities may also apply lower mandates if justified taking into account national or regional circumstances, such as distances and topological and climatic conditions, or ability to achieve same environmental results with other solutions that are proven to have better cost-efficiency. Or. {EN}en Justification In order to take into consideration national and regional geographic circumstances in peripheral countries, Member States should be able to apply lower mandates on public transport procurement, as electricity is not always an option in sparsely populated areas due to infrastructure challenges.
Amendment 122 Claude Turmes {Verts/ALE}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 5 a (new)
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 5 a (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (5a) The following Article 5a is inserted: “Article 5a Hardware retrofitting 1. Where the objectives for ambient air quality laid down in Directive 2008/50/EC are not met, Member States shall establish a multi-level retrofitting platform gathering local authorities, business community and any other relevant stakeholders to discuss and implement at the latest by 31 December 2020 hardware retrofitting action plans for M3, N2, N3 vehicles in order to comply with the limit values and critical levels and attain the target values and long-term objectives as laid down in Directive 2008/50/EC. 2. The Commission shall support the Member States, local authorities and concerned operators by providing guidance on the use of different funds for hardware retrofitting under the current and future Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), such as the European Structural and Investment Funds or the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).” 3. Hardware retrofitting for vehicles of category M3, N2, N3 shall be eligible to contribute to the targets set out in Table 5 until 31 December 2021.” Or. {EN}en Justification This amendment complements AM 38 clarifying that M3, N2, N3 vehicles with retrofitted hardware are eligible to count towards the targets set out in Table 5 until 31 December 2021.
Amendment 123 Dan Nica, Carlos Zorrinho, Răzvan Popa, Theresa Griffin Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 5 a (new)
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 5 a (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (5a) The following Article 5a is inserted: “Article 5a Minimum target for recharging and refuelling points Each Member State shall establish a minimum target for recharging points and/or refuelling points accessible to the public for zero- and low-emission vehicles, and shall provide the Commission with relevant data on those recharging and refuelling points by ... [18 months after the date of entry into force of the amending Directive] in order to create a Union-wide real-time interactive map. That map shall be made publicly available by each Member State to interested stakeholders through digital platforms and on the Commission's website.” Or. {EN}en
Amendment 124 Dan Nica, Carlos Zorrinho, Răzvan Popa, Theresa Griffin Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 5 b (new)
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 5 b (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (5b) The following Article 5b is inserted: “Article 5b Platform for the deployment of zero- and low-emission vehicles in public transport The Commission shall make available and actively promote a platform for the deployment of zero- and low-emission vehicles in public transport that is digitally interactive and accessible in all official languages of the Union in order to facilitate access by national, regional and local authorities and all interested stakeholders to the relevant information on zero- and low-emission vehicles for public transport, such as available funds and financing instruments, public procurement, exchange of best practices, available solutions for phasing out old or polluting vehicles, schemes incentivising their replacement with new zero- and low-emission vehicles, and a list of Union manufacturers of such vehicles.” Or. {EN}en Justification This platform should be developed on the basis of the already existing “European Clean Bus Deployment Initiative”
Amendment 125 Claude Turmes {Verts/ALE}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 5 c (new)
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 5 c (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (5c) The following Article 5c is inserted: “Article 5c Union platform for cross-border and joint procurement of ultra-low emission and energy-efficient road transport vehicles In order to facilitate the achievement of the targets set out in the Annex to this Directive and to achieve economies of scale, the Commission shall set up a Union platform for cross-border and joint procurement of ultra-low emission and energy-efficient road transport vehicles. Contracting authorities, entities and operators referred to in Article 3 may participate in this platform for jointly procuring vehicles. The Commission shall ensure that the platform is publicly accessible and brings together in an effective manner all parties interested in pooling their resources. In order to facilitate the setting up and realisation of such joint procurements, the Commission shall provide technical assistance and develop templates for cooperation agreements. The Commission shall be empowered to adopt a delegated act in accordance with Article 8a for the establishment of the Union platform for joint procurement of ultra-low emission and energy efficient road transport vehicles.” Or. {EN}en Justification This amendment updates AM 40 making the platform publicly accessible and thereby strengthening its transparency.
Amendment 126 Claude Turmes {Verts/ALE}on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 5 d (new)
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 5 d (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (5d) The following Article 5d is inserted: “Article 5d Methodology for counting life-cycle CO[2] emissions and well-to-wheel CO[2] emissions of vehicles 1. By 1 July 2019, the Commission shall propose a methodology for counting life-cycle CO[2] emissions and well-to-wheel CO[2] emissions of vehicles. 2. The Commission shall be empowered to adopt, by 1 January 2020, delegated acts in accordance with Article 8a in order to update Tables 3, 4 and 5 in the Annex, in accordance with the methodology to be established under paragraph 1 of this Article while maintaining the level of ambition of the set targets.” Or. {EN}en Justification Article 5 d (new) is added, since the tailpipe emission approach is not sufficiently capturing CO[2]emissions occurring in the entire life cycle of a fuel, such as in the fuel extraction or production phase of the vehicle. The Commission should develop a standardised methodology, in order to capture all emissions along the entire life cycle and update the Annex of this Directive accordingly while maintaining the stringency of the set targets.
Amendment 127 András Gyürk, Andor Deli Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 7
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 8a Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (7) A new article 8a is inserted: deleted “Article 8a Exercise of the delegation 1. The power to adopt delegated acts is conferred on the Commission subject to the conditions laid down in this Article. 2. The power to adopt delegated acts referred to in Article 4a shall be conferred on the Commission for a period of five years from [Please insert the date of entry into force]. The Commission shall draw up a report in respect of the delegation of power not later than nine months before the end of the five-year period. The delegation of power shall be tacitly extended for periods of an identical duration, unless the European Parliament or the Council opposes such extension not later than three months before the end of each period. 3. The delegation of power referred to in Article 4a may be revoked at any time by the European Parliament or by the Council. A decision to revoke shall put an end to the delegation of the power specified in that decision. It shall take effect on the day following the publication of the decision in the Official Journal of the European Union or at a later date specified therein. It shall not affect the validity of any delegated acts already in force. 4. Before adopting a delegated act, the Commission shall consult experts designated by each Member State in accordance with the principles laid down in the Interinstitutional Agreement on Better Law-Making of 13 April 2016. 5. As soon as it adopts a delegated act, the Commission shall notify it simultaneously to the European Parliament and to the Council. 6. A delegated act adopted pursuant to Article 4a shall enter into force only if no objection has been expressed either by the European Parliament or by the Council within a period of two months of notification of that act to the European Parliament and the Council or if, before the expiry of that period, the European Parliament and the Council have both informed the Commission that they will not object. That period shall be extended by two months at the initiative of the European Parliament or of the Council”. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 128 Francesc Gambús, Massimiliano Salini Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 7
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 8a Text proposed by the Commission Amendment (7) A new article 8a is inserted: deleted “Article 8a Exercise of the delegation 1. The power to adopt delegated acts is conferred on the Commission subject to the conditions laid down in this Article. 2. The power to adopt delegated acts referred to in Article 4a shall be conferred on the Commission for a period of five years from [Please insert the date of entry into force]. The Commission shall draw up a report in respect of the delegation of power not later than nine months before the end of the five-year period. The delegation of power shall be tacitly extended for periods of an identical duration, unless the European Parliament or the Council opposes such extension not later than three months before the end of each period. 3. The delegation of power referred to in Article 4a may be revoked at any time by the European Parliament or by the Council. A decision to revoke shall put an end to the delegation of the power specified in that decision. It shall take effect on the day following the publication of the decision in the Official Journal of the European Union or at a later date specified therein. It shall not affect the validity of any delegated acts already in force. 4. Before adopting a delegated act, the Commission shall consult experts designated by each Member State in accordance with the principles laid down in the Interinstitutional Agreement on Better Law-Making of 13 April 2016. 5. As soon as it adopts a delegated act, the Commission shall notify it simultaneously to the European Parliament and to the Council. 6. A delegated act adopted pursuant to Article 4a shall enter into force only if no objection has been expressed either by the European Parliament or by the Council within a period of two months of notification of that act to the European Parliament and the Council or if, before the expiry of that period, the European Parliament and the Council have both informed the Commission that they will not object. That period shall be extended by two months at the initiative of the European Parliament or of the Council”. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 129 Francesc Gambús, Massimiliano Salini Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 9 – point b
Directive 2009/33/EC Article 10 – paragraph 4 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment 4. Member States shall submit to the Commission a report on the implementation of this Directive by 1 January 2026, and every three years thereafter. Member States shall submit to the Commission an intermediate report by 1 January 2023. That report shall contain information on the steps undertaken to implement this Directive, including on the number and the categories of vehicles procured by authorities and entities, on the dialogue carried out between the different levels of governance, information on Member States' intentions regarding the above reporting activities, as well as any other valuable information. Information’s should follow the categories contained in Regulation No 2195/2002 on the Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV)^31 as noted in the Annex. 4. Member States shall submit to the Commission a report on the implementation of this Directive by 1 January 2027, and every three years thereafter. Member States shall submit to the Commission an intermediate report by 1 January 2024. That report shall contain information on the steps undertaken to implement this Directive, including on the number and the categories of vehicles procured by authorities and entities, on the dialogue carried out between the different levels of governance, information on Member States' intentions regarding the above reporting activities, as well as any other valuable information. Information’s should follow the categories contained in Regulation No 2195/2002 on the Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV)^31 as noted in the Annex. __________________ __________________ ^31 OJ L 340, 16.12.2002, p. 1, ^31 OJ L 340, 16.12.2002, p. 1, Or. {EN}en
Amendment 130 Peter Kouroumbashev, Zigmantas Balčytis, Patrizia Toia, Carlos Zorrinho, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Dan Nica, Kathleen Van Brempt Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 9 – point b a (new)
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 10 – paragraph 5 a (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment 5a. The Commission shall provide guidance to Member States with regards to the different EU funds that might be used for the purposes of this Directive, e.g. Connecting Europe Facility supporting the development of high performing, sustainable and efficiently interconnected trans-European networks in the field of transport, the European Fund for Strategic Investments, or the Cleaner Transport Facility supporting the deployment of cleaner transport vehicles and their associated infrastructure needs. Or. {EN}en Justification If we want to have a smooth transition towards a decarbonised transport, we have to make sure that EU financial policy is in line with the transport targets to achieve. The new Multiannual Financial Framework after 2020 should be in line with transport policies as transport policies are not achievable without the right finances.
Amendment 131 Peter Kouroumbashev, Zigmantas Balčytis, Carlos Zorrinho, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Dan Nica, Răzvan Popa, Kathleen Van Brempt Proposal for a directive
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 9 – point b b (new)
Directive 2009/33/EU Article 10 – paragraph 5 b (new) Text proposed by the Commission Amendment 5b. Advisory Hubs shall play a key role in the transition to transport decarbonisation by facilitating and promoting investments and supporting institutional capacities. Therefore, the Commission shall substantially reinforce the role and the capacity of the European Investment Advisory Hub, notably through a local presence and a proactive role in the preparation of projects. Or. {EN}en Justification Advisory Hubs should play a key role in the transition towards a decarbonised transport by facilitating and promoting investments and supporting institutional capacities. The Commission should substantially reinforce the role and the capacity of the European Investment Advisory Hub, notably through a local presence and a proactive role in the preparation of projects. Information on the availability of different projects and different region needs should be at investors' disposal. Advisory Hubs should facilitate access to information and give exhaustive information on the different procedures.
Amendment 132 András Gyürk, Andor Deli Proposal for a directive
Annex 1
Directive 2009/33/EU Annex – table 1 Text proposed by the Commission Table 1: Common Procurement Vocabulary codes referred to in Article 3 CPV Code Description 60112000-6 Public road transport services 60130000-8 Special-purpose road passenger-transport services 60140000-1 Non-scheduled passenger transport 60172000-3 Hire of buses and coaches with driver 90511000-2 Refuse collection services 60160000-7 Mail transport by road 60161000-4 Parcel transport services Amendment Table 1: Common Procurement Vocabulary codes referred to in Article 3 CPV Code Description 60112000-6 Public road transport services 60130000-8 Special-purpose road passenger-transport services 60140000-1 Non-scheduled passenger transport 60172000-3 Hire of buses and coaches with driver 90511000-2 Refuse collection services 60160000-7 Mail transport by road 60161000-4 Parcel transport services 64121100-1 Mail delivery services 64121200-2 Parcel delivery services 60120000-5 Taxi services 60170000-0 Hire of passenger transport vehicles with driver 60171000-7 Hire of passenger cars with driver 60181000-0 Hire of trucks with driver 60180000-3 Hire of goods-transport vehicles with driver Or. {EN}en
Amendment 133 Gesine Meissner Proposal for a directive
Annex 1
Directive 2009/33/EC Annex – table 2 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment [….] deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 134 András Gyürk, Andor Deli Proposal for a directive
Annex 1
Directive 2009/33/EC Annex – table 2 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment [….] deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 135 Evžen Tošenovský Proposal for a directive
Annex 1
Directive 2009/33/EC Annex – table 2 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment [….] deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 136 Francesc Gambús, Massimiliano Salini Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EC Annex – table 2 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment [….] deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 137 Xabier Benito Ziluaga Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EC Annex – table 2 Text proposed by the Commission Table 2: Emission-thresholds for light-duty vehicles Vehicle categories 2025 2030 CO2 g/km RDE air pollutant emissions* as percentage of emission limits** CO2 g/km RDE air pollutant emissions* as percentage of emission limits M1 vehicles 25 80% 0 n.a. M2 vehicles 25 80% 0 n.a. N1 vehicles 40 80% 0 n.a. __________________ * Real driving emissions of ultrafine particles in #/km (PN) nitrogen oxides in mg/km (NOx) measured according to the applicable version of Annex IIIA, Regulation 2017/1151. ** The applicable emission limit found in Annex I of Regulation (EC) 715/2007, or its successors. Amendment Table 2: Emission-thresholds for light-duty vehicles Vehicle categories 2020 2025 2030 CO2 g/km*** RDE air pollutant emissions* as percentage of emission limits** CO2 g/km*** RDE air pollutant emissions* as percentage of emission limits** CO2 g/km*** RDE air pollutant emissions* as percentage of emission limits L vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 n.a. M1 vehicles 50 90% 25 80% 0 n.a. M2 vehicles 50 90% 25 80% 0 n.a. N1 vehicles 80 90% 40 80% 0 n.a. __________________ * Real driving emissions of ultrafine particles in #/km (PN) nitrogen oxides in mg/km (NOx) measured according to the applicable version of Annex IIIA, Regulation 2017/1151. ** The applicable emission limit found in Annex I of Regulation (EC) 715/2007, or its successors. *** Electric vehicles as defined in Article 2(2) of Directive 2014/94/EU are only counted with zero-emissions at tailpipe provided it is proven, in accordance with Directive 2009/28/EC [as amended by COM(2016)0767], that the electricity used is fully based on renewables, otherwise the default CO2 value of the respective Member States´ electricity sector shall be counted. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 138 Gesine Meissner Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EC Annex – table 2 – footnote 1 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment * Real driving emissions of ultrafine particles in #/km (PN) nitrogen oxides in mg/km (NOx) measured according to the applicable version of Annex IIIA, Regulation 2017/1151. deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 139 Gesine Meissner Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EC Annex – table 2 – footnote 2 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment ** The applicable emission limit found in Annex I of Regulation (EC) 715/2007, or its successors. deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 140 Francesc Gambús, Massimiliano Salini Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EC Annex – table 3 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment [….] deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 141 András Gyürk, Andor Deli Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EC Annex – table 3 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment [….] deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 142 Gesine Meissner Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EC Annex – table 3 – subheading Text proposed by the Commission Amendment Table 3: Alternative fuel requirements for heavy-duty vehicles Table 2: Alternative fuel requirements for light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles Or. {EN}en
Amendment 143 Claude Turmes Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EU Annex – table 3 Text proposed by the Commission Table 3: Alternative fuel requirements for heavy-duty vehicles Vehicle categories Alternative fuels M3, N2, N3 vehicles Electricity*, hydrogen, natural gas including biomethane, in gaseous form (compressed natural gas (CNG)) and liquefied form (liquefied natural gas (LNG) __________________ *For use in a vehicle as defined in Art. 2 (2) of Directive 2014/94/EU, provided that electricity is used for a relevant part of the operational use of the vehicle. Amendment Table 3: Emission-thresholds for heavy-duty vehicles Vehicle categories 2020 2025 2030 CO2 g/km* RDE air pollutant emissions as percentage of emission limits CO2 g/km* RDE air pollutant emissions as percentage of emission limits CO2 g/km* RDE air pollutant emissions as percentage of emission limits M3 343 90% 250 80% 0 n.a. N2 class 0 331 90% 241 80% N2 class 1 349 90% 254 80% N2 class 2 349 90% 254 80% N3 class 3 349 90% 254 80% N3 class 4 504 90% 367 80% N3 class 5 737 90% 537 80% N3 class 6 349 90% 254 80% N3 class 7 504 90% 367 80% N3 class 8 737 90% 537 80% N3 class 9 504 90% 367 80% N3 class 10 737 90% 537 80% N3 class 11 698 90% 508 80% N3 class 12 737 90% 537 80% N3 class 13 698 90% 508 80% N3 class 14 737 90% 537 80% N3 class 15 698 90% 508 80% N3 class 16 698 90% 508 80% N3 class 17 698 90% 508 80% __________________ * Electric vehicles as defined in Article 2(2) of Directive 2014/94/EU are only counted with zero-emissions at tailpipe provided it is proven, in accordance with Directive 2009/28/EC [as amended by COM(2016)0767], that the electricity used is fully based on renewables, otherwise the default CO2 value of the respective Member States´ electricity sector shall be counted. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 144 Olle Ludvigsson Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EU Annex – table 3 Text proposed by the Commission Table 3: Alternative fuel requirements for heavy-duty vehicles Vehicle categories Alternative fuels M3, N2, N3 vehicles Electricity*, hydrogen, natural gas including biomethane, in gaseous form (compressed natural gas (CNG)) and liquefied form (liquefied natural gas (LNG) *For use in a vehicle as defined in Art. 2 (2) of Directive 2014/94/EU, provided that electricity is used for a relevant part of the operational use of the vehicle. Amendment Table 3: Alternative fuel requirements for heavy-duty vehicles Vehicle categories Alternative fuels M3, N2, N3 vehicles Electricity*, hydrogen, advanced biofuels and natural gas including biomethane in compressed or liquefied form (CNG, LNG, CBG and LBG). *For use in a vehicle as defined in Art. 2 (2) of Directive 2014/94/EU, provided that electricity is used for a relevant part of the operational use of the vehicle. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 145 Xabier Benito Ziluaga Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EU Annex – table 3 Text proposed by the Commission Table 3: Alternative fuel requirements for heavy-duty vehicles Vehicle categories Alternative fuels M3, N2, N3 vehicles Electricity*, hydrogen, natural gas including biomethane, in gaseous form (compressed natural gas (CNG)) and liquefied form (liquefied natural gas (LNG) __________________ *For use in a vehicle as defined in Art. 2 (2) of Directive 2014/94/EU, provided that electricity is used for a relevant part of the operational use of the vehicle. Amendment Table 3: Emission-thresholds for heavy-duty vehicles Vehicle categories 2020 2025 2030 CO2 g/km* RDE air pollutant emissions as percentage of emission limits CO2 g/km* RDE air pollutant emissions as percentage of emission limits CO2 g/km* RDE air pollutant emissions as percentage of emission limits M3 90% 80% 0 n.a. N2 class 0 331 90% 241 80% N2 class 1 349 90% 254 80% N2 class 2 349 90% 254 80% N3 class 3 349 90% 254 80% N3 class 4 504 90% 367 80% N3 class 5 737 90% 537 80% N3 class 6 349 90% 254 80% N3 class 7 504 90% 367 80% N3 class 8 737 90% 537 80% N3 class 9 504 90% 367 80% N3 class 10 737 90% 537 80% N3 class 11 698 90% 508 80% N3 class 12 737 90% 537 80% N3 class 13 698 90% 508 80% N3 class 14 737 90% 537 80% N3 class 15 698 90% 508 80% N3 class 16 698 90% 508 80% N3 class 17 698 90% 508 80% __________________ * Electric vehicles as defined in Article 2(2) of Directive 2014/94/EU are only counted with zero-emissions at tailpipe provided it is proven, in accordance with Directive 2009/28/EC [as amended by COM(2016)0767], that the electricity used is fully based on renewables, otherwise the default CO2 value of the respective Member States´ electricity sector shall be counted. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 146 Dario Tamburrano Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EU Annex – table 3 Text proposed by the Commission Table 3: Alternative fuel requirements for heavy-duty vehicles Vehicle categories Alternative fuels M3, N2, N3 vehicles Electricity*, hydrogen, natural gas including biomethane, in gaseous form (compressed natural gas (CNG)) and liquefied form (liquefied natural gas (LNG) *For use in a vehicle as defined in Art. 2 (2) of Directive 2014/94/EU, provided that electricity is used for a relevant part of the operational use of the vehicle. Amendment Table 3: Alternative fuel requirements for heavy-duty vehicles Vehicle categories Alternative fuels M3, N2, N3 vehicles renewables based electricity*, renewables based hydrogen, synthetic natural gas from renewable electricity, biogas including biomethane, in gaseous form (compressed biogas) and liquefied form (liquefied biogas), *For use in a vehicle as defined in Art. 2 (2) of Directive 2014/94/EU, which shall be counted with zero-emissions at tailpipe provided it is proven, in accordance with Directive 2009/28/EC [as amended by COM(2016)0767], that the electricity used is fully based on renewables, otherwise the default CO2 value of the respective Member States’ electricity sector shall be counted. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 147 Gesine Meissner Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EC Annex – table 3 – footnote 1 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment *For use in a vehicle as defined in Art. 2 (2) of Directive 2014/94/EU, provided that electricity is used for a relevant part of the operational use of the vehicle. deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 148 András Gyürk, Andor Deli Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EC Annex – table 4 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment [.…] deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 149 Dan Nica, Carlos Zorrinho, Răzvan Popa Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EC Annex – table 4 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment [….] deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 150 Evžen Tošenovský Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EC Annex – table 4 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment [….] deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 151 Francesc Gambús Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EU Annex I – table 4 Text proposed by the Commission Table 4: Minimum target for the share of light-duty vehicles in accordance with table 2 in the total public procurement of light-duty vehicles at Member State level* Member State 2025 2030 Luxembourg 35% 35% Sweden 35% 35% Denmark 34% 34% Finland 35% 35% Germany 35% 35% France 34% 34% United Kingdom 35% 35% Netherlands 35% 35% Austria 35% 35% Belgium 35% 35% Italy 35% 35% Ireland 35% 35% Spain 33% 33% Cyprus 29% 29% Malta 35% 35% Portugal 27% 27% Greece 23% 23% Slovenia 20% 20% Czech Republic 27% 27% Estonia 21% 21% Slovakia 20% 20% Lithuania 19% 19% Poland 20% 20% Croatia 17% 17% Hungary 21% 21% Latvia 20% 20% Romania 17% 17% Bulgaria 16% 16% __________________ *Vehicles with zero-emissions at tailpipe shall be counted as 1 vehicle contributing to the mandate. All other vehicles that meet the requirements of Table 2 in this annex shall be counted as 0.5 vehicle contributing. Amendment Table 4: Minimum target for the share of light-duty clean and zero-emission vehicles in the total public procurement of light-duty vehicles at Member State level* Member State 2025 2030 Luxembourg 35% 45% Sweden 35% 45% Denmark 34% 44% Finland 35% 45% Germany 35% 45% France 34% 44% United Kingdom 35% 45% Netherlands 35% 45% Austria 35% 45% Belgium 35% 45% Italy 35% 45% Ireland 35% 45% Spain 33% 43% Cyprus 29% 39% Malta 35% 45% Portugal 27% 37% Greece 23% 33% Slovenia 20% 30% Czech Republic 27% 37% Estonia 21% 31% Slovakia 20% 30% Lithuania 19% 29% Poland 20% 30% Croatia 17% 27% Hungary 21% 31% Latvia 20% 30% Romania 17% 27% Bulgaria 16% 26% __________________ *30% of the mandate has to be fulfilled by zero emission vehicles in all cases by 2030. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 152 Benito Xiluaga Javier Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EU Annex – table 4 Text proposed by the Commission Table 4: Minimum target for the share of light-duty vehicles in accordance with table 2 in the total public procurement of light-duty vehicles at Member State level* Member State 2025 2030 Luxembourg 35% 35% Sweden 35% 35% Denmark 34% 34% Finland 35% 35% Germany 35% 35% France 34% 34% United Kingdom 35% 35% Netherlands 35% 35% Austria 35% 35% Belgium 35% 35% Italy 35% 35% Ireland 35% 35% Spain 33% 33% Cyprus 29% 29% Malta 35% 35% Portugal 27% 27% Greece 23% 23% Slovenia 20% 20% Czech Republic 27% 27% Estonia 21% 21% Slovakia 20% 20% Lithuania 19% 19% Poland 20% 20% Croatia 17% 17% Hungary 21% 21% Latvia 20% 20% Romania 17% 17% Bulgaria 16% 16% __________________ *Vehicles with zero-emissions at tailpipe shall be counted as 1 vehicle contributing to the mandate. All other vehicles that meet the requirements of Table 2 in this annex shall be counted as 0.5 vehicle contributing. Amendment Table 4: Minimum target for the share of light-duty vehicles in accordance with table 2 in the total public procurement of light-duty vehicles at Member State level* Member State 2020 2025 2030 Luxembourg 32% 90% 100% Sweden 32% 90% 100% Denmark 31% 87% 100% Finland 32% 90% 100% Germany 32% 90% 100% France 31% 87% 100% United Kingdom 32% 90% 100% Netherlands 32% 90% 100% Austria 32% 90% 100% Belgium 32% 90% 100% Italy 32% 90% 100% Ireland 32% 90% 100% Spain 30% 85% 100% Cyprus 27% 75% 100% Malta 32% 90% 100% Portugal 25% 69% 100% Greece 22% 59% 100% Slovenia 19% 51% 100% Czech Republic 25% 69% 100% Estonia 20% 54% 100% Slovakia 19% 51% 100% Lithuania 18% 49% 100% Poland 19% 51% 100% Croatia 17% 44% 100% Hungary 20% 54% 100% Latvia 19% 51% 100% Romania 17% 44% 100% Bulgaria 15% 41% 100% __________________ *Vehicles with zero-emissions at tailpipe shall be counted as 1 vehicle contributing to the mandate. All other vehicles that meet the requirements of Table 2 in this annex shall be counted as 0.5 vehicle contributing. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 153 Peter Kouroumbashev, Zigmantas Balčytis, Carlos Zorrinho, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Dan Nica, Kathleen Van Brempt, Theresa Griffin Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EC Annex – table 4 – footnote 1 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment *Vehicles with zero-emissions at tailpipe shall be counted as 1 vehicle contributing to the mandate. All other vehicles that meet the requirements of Table 2 in this annex shall be counted as 0.5 vehicle contributing. *Vehicles with zero-emissions at tailpipe shall be counted as 1 vehicle contributing to the mandate and those using sustainable batteries shall counted as 1.25 vehicles. All other vehicles that meet the requirements of Table 2 in this annex shall be counted as 0.5 vehicle contributing. Any vehicle which meets the definition of 'sustainable lifecycle vehicle' shall in addition receive a bonus credit of 0.25. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 154 Dan Nica, Carlos Zorrinho, Răzvan Popa Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EC Annex – table 5 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment [….] deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 155 András Gyürk, Andor Deli Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EC Annex – table 5 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment [….] deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 156 Evžen Tošenovský Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EU Annex – table 5 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment [….] deleted Or. {EN}en
Amendment 157 Francesc Gambús, Massimiliano Salini Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EU Annex – table 5 – subheading Text proposed by the Commission Amendment Table 5: Minimum target for the share of heavy-duty vehicles in accordance with table 3 in the total public procurement of heavy-duty vehicles at Member State level* Table 5: Minimum target for the share of heavy-duty vehicles in the total public procurement of heavy-duty vehicles at Member State level* Or. {EN}en
Amendment 158 Claude Turmes Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EU Annex – table 5 Text proposed by the Commission Table 5: Minimum target for the share of heavy-duty vehicles in accordance with table 3 in the total public procurement of heavy-duty vehicles at Member State level* Member State Trucks Buses 2025 2030 2025 2030 Luxembourg 10% 15% 50% 75% Sweden 10% 15% 50% 75% Denmark 10% 15% 50% 75% Finland 9% 15% 46% 69% Germany 10% 15% 50% 75% France 10% 15% 48% 71% United Kingdom 10% 15% 50% 75% Netherlands 10% 15% 50% 75% Austria 10% 15% 50% 75% Belgium 10% 15% 50% 75% Italy 10% 15% 50% 75% Ireland 10% 15% 50% 75% Spain 10% 14% 50% 75% Cyprus 10% 13% 50% 75% Malta 10% 15% 50% 75% Portugal 8% 12% 40% 61% Greece 8% 10% 38% 57% Slovenia 7% 9% 33% 50% Czech Republic 9% 11% 46% 70% Estonia 7% 9% 36% 53% Slovakia 8% 9% 39% 58% Lithuania 9% 8% 47% 70% Poland 7% 9% 37% 56% Croatia 6% 7% 32% 48% Hungary 8% 9% 42% 63% Latvia 8% 9% 40% 60% Romania 6% 7% 29% 43% Bulgaria 8% 7% 39% 58% __________________ * Vehicles with zero-emissions at tailpipe or vehicles using natural gas provided they are fully operated on bio-methane, which should be demonstrated by a contract to procure bio-methane or other means of accessing bio-methane, shall be counted as 1 vehicle contributing to the mandate. This counting is abandoned in case of those Member States where the minimum procurement mandate exceeds 50% of the overall volume of public procurement, with a cut-off at the 50% mark. All other vehicles that meet the requirements of Table 2 in this annex shall be counted as 0.5 vehicle contributing. Amendment Table 5: Minimum target for the share of heavy-duty vehicles in accordance with table 3 in the total public procurement of heavy-duty vehicles at Member State level* Member State Trucks Buses 2020 2025 2030 2020 2025 2030 Luxembourg 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% Sweden 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% Denmark 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% Finland 9% 27% 100% 24% 69% 100% Germany 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% France 11% 30% 100% 25% 72% 100% United Kingdom 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% Netherlands 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% Austria 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% Belgium 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% Italy 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% Ireland 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% Spain 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% Cyprus 11% 30% 100% 27% 75% 100% Malta 11% 30% 100% 27% 75% 100% Portugal 9% 24% 100% 22% 60% 100% Greece 9% 24% 100% 21% 57% 100% Slovenia 8% 21% 100% 18% 50% 100% Czech Republic 10% 27% 100% 25% 69% 100% Estonia 8% 21% 100% 20% 54% 100% Slovakia 9% 24% 100% 21% 59% 100% Lithuania 10% 27% 100% 26% 70% 100% Poland 8% 21% 100% 20% 55% 100% Croatia 7% 18% 100% 17% 48% 100% Hungary 9% 24% 100% 23% 63% 100% Latvia 9% 24% 100% 22% 60% 100% Romania 7% 18% 100% 15% 43% 100% Bulgaria 9% 24% 100% 21% 58% 100% __________________ * Vehicles with zero-emissions at tailpipe shall be counted as 1 vehicle contributing to the mandate. Vehicles powered by sustainable and recyclable batteries or that went through hardware retrofitting shall be counted as 1.5 vehicles contributing to the mandate, whereas the latter shall be eligible only until 31 December 2021. This counting is abandoned in case of those Member States where the minimum procurement mandate exceeds 50% of the overall volume of public procurement, with a cut-off at the 50% mark. All other vehicles that meet the requirements of Table 2 in this annex shall be counted as 0.5 vehicle contributing. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 159 Benito Xiluaga Javier Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EU Annex – table 5 Text proposed by the Commission Table 5: Minimum target for the share of heavy-duty vehicles in accordance with table 3 in the total public procurement of heavy-duty vehicles at Member State level* Member State Trucks Buses 2025 2030 2025 2030 Luxembourg 10% 15% 50% 75% Sweden 10% 15% 50% 75% Denmark 10% 15% 50% 75% Finland 9% 15% 46% 69% Germany 10% 15% 50% 75% France 10% 15% 48% 71% United Kingdom 10% 15% 50% 75% Netherlands 10% 15% 50% 75% Austria 10% 15% 50% 75% Belgium 10% 15% 50% 75% Italy 10% 15% 50% 75% Ireland 10% 15% 50% 75% Spain 10% 14% 50% 75% Cyprus 10% 13% 50% 75% Malta 10% 15% 50% 75% Portugal 8% 12% 40% 61% Greece 8% 10% 38% 57% Slovenia 7% 9% 33% 50% Czech Republic 9% 11% 46% 70% Estonia 7% 9% 36% 53% Slovakia 8% 9% 39% 58% Lithuania 9% 8% 47% 70% Poland 7% 9% 37% 56% Croatia 6% 7% 32% 48% Hungary 8% 9% 42% 63% Latvia 8% 9% 40% 60% Romania 6% 7% 29% 43% Bulgaria 8% 7% 39% 58% __________________ * Vehicles with zero-emissions at tailpipe or vehicles using natural gas provided they are fully operated on bio-methane, which should be demonstrated by a contract to procure bio-methane or other means of accessing bio-methane, shall be counted as 1 vehicle contributing to the mandate. This counting is abandoned in case of those Member States where the minimum procurement mandate exceeds 50% of the overall volume of public procurement, with a cut-off at the 50% mark. All other vehicles that meet the requirements of Table 2 in this annex shall be counted as 0.5 vehicle contributing. Amendment Table 5: Minimum target for the share of heavy-duty vehicles in accordance with table 3 in the total public procurement of heavy-duty vehicles at Member State level* Member State Trucks Buses 2020 2025 2030 2020 2025 2030 Luxembourg 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% Sweden 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% Denmark 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% Finland 9% 27% 100% 24% 69% 100% Germany 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% France 11% 30% 100% 25% 72% 100% United Kingdom 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% Netherlands 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% Austria 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% Belgium 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% Italy 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% Ireland 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% Spain 11% 30% 100% 26% 75% 100% Cyprus 11% 30% 100% 27% 75% 100% Malta 11% 30% 100% 27% 75% 100% Portugal 9% 24% 100% 22% 60% 100% Greece 9% 24% 100% 21% 57% 100% Slovenia 8% 21% 100% 18% 50% 100% Czech Republic 10% 27% 100% 25% 69% 100% Estonia 8% 21% 100% 20% 54% 100% Slovakia 9% 24% 100% 21% 59% 100% Lithuania 10% 27% 100% 26% 70% 100% Poland 8% 21% 100% 20% 55% 100% Croatia 7% 18% 100% 17% 48% 100% Hungary 9% 24% 100% 23% 63% 100% Latvia 9% 24% 100% 22% 60% 100% Romania 7% 18% 100% 15% 43% 100% Bulgaria 9% 24% 100% 21% 58% 100% __________________ * Vehicles with zero-emissions at tailpipe shall be counted as 1 vehicle contributing to the mandate. This counting is abandoned in case of those Member States where the minimum procurement mandate exceeds 50% of the overall volume of public procurement, with a cut-off at the 50% mark. All other vehicles that meet the requirements of Table 2 in this annex shall be counted as 0.5 vehicle contributing. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 160 Francesc Gambús, Massimiliano Salini Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EU Annex – table 5 – footnote 1 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment * Vehicles with zero-emissions at tailpipe or vehicles using natural gas provided they are fully operated on bio-methane, which should be demonstrated by a contract to procure bio-methane or other means of accessing bio-methane, shall be counted as 1 vehicle contributing to the mandate. This counting is abandoned in case of those Member States where the minimum procurement mandate exceeds 50% of the overall volume of public procurement, with a cut-off at the 50% mark. All other vehicles that meet the requirements of Table 2 in this annex shall be counted as 0.5 vehicle contributing. * Zero-emission vehicles and vehicles retrofitted to zero-emission standard or vehicles and vehicles retrofitted to clean vehicle standard using natural gas provided they are fully operated on bio-methane, which should be demonstrated by a contract to procure bio-methane or other means of accessing bio-methane, shall be counted as 1 vehicle contributing to the mandate. Zero-emission battery powered vehicles and vehicles retrofitted to zero-emission standard, where in either case they use sustainable and recyclable batteries, shall be counted as 2 vehicles contributing to the mandate. All other clean vehicles and clean vehicles retrofitted to clean vehicle standard shall be counted as 0.5 vehicle contributing to the mandate. Or. {EN}en
Amendment 161 Sven Schulze Proposal for a directive
Directive 2009/33/EU Annex – table 5 – footnote 1 Text proposed by the Commission Amendment Vehicles with zero-emissions at tailpipe or vehicles using natural gas provided they are fully operated on bio-methane, which should be demonstrated by a contract to procure bio-methane or other means of accessing bio-methane, shall be counted as 1 vehicle contributing to the mandate. This counting is abandoned in case of those Member States where the minimum procurement mandate exceeds 50% of the overall volume of public procurement, with a cut-off at the 50% mark. All other vehicles that meet the requirements of Table 2 in this annex shall be counted as 0.5 vehicle contributing to the mandate. Vehicles with zero emissions at tailpipe or vehicles using natural gas, provided that they are fully operated on bio-methane, which should be demonstrated by a contract to procure bio-methane or other means of accessing bio-methane, shall be counted as 1 vehicle contributing to the mandate. This counting is abandoned in the case of those Member States where the minimum procurement mandate exceeds 50% of the overall volume of public procurement, with a cut-off at the 50% mark. Or. {DE}de