General "William Booth Enters Into Heaven Allegro moderate (March time) (marcato) From a Poem by VACHEL LINDSAlf washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you washed in the blood— of the Lamb, of the Lamb?) 3 ' K K K Lamb? The blood of the Lamb?) 'Both small and large notes in voice part are sung if there is a chorus. Copyright 1935 hy Merion Music, Inc. 441-41007-50 Oei'# SS? fane ad i 3 Walk - ing lep - ers fol - lowed rank on rank, Lurch-ing brav - oes from the ditch - es dank pale_ Minds still pas-sion rid-den, soul powers frail:_ Ver-min-eat - en saints with_moul-dy breath, Un 3J washed_ legions with the ways Death (Are—you—washed_ in the bloodof the Lamb? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?). dim. e voco rit. 441-41007-50 marcato a - score The round world o - ver. (Booth had groaned for more). Ev - 'ry ban-ner animato jioco a poco that the wide world flies, Bloomed with_ glo-ry_ and trans - cen - dent dyes. A„ their ban - jos,_Tranced,fan- a- tical fheyshrieked and sang_They shrieked and_ sang: 'Are you? Are you washed in fheblood? AAA . _ A. 441-41007-50 441-41007-50 gold - en air I (Are you washed in the blood in the blood of the Lamb, in the ... Je- sus came from the court house door, Streched his hands a-bovethe pass- ing HP. r—5—1 poor.__ Booth saw not, but led his queer ones, Round and round _____ round and round and round the mighty court - house squarer and round_ aiid_ round and round_and round and mnnd.........................Yet! rit. e decres in an instant all that 441-41007-50 on marchei Jí_ on \ marched on-spot - less, clad iadly- but very slightly slou in rai - ment- new. The lame_ were— (upper voices as a shout) Hal If - In - yili straight - ened, with-ered limbs un-curled And blind_eyes opened a new sweet 441-41007-50 (1914)