MlOHS •X1S TU 1111 Charles Edward Ives was born October 20, 1874 in Danbury, Conn. He received his early musical education from his father and later studied under Horatio W. Parker at Yale University, from where he graduated in 1898. Already in his youth he manifested the originality in form and content that was to distinguish his subsequent creative effort. Music has been his avocation for he entered business when twenty-four. In spite of this, Ives has been a prolific and versatile composer whose renown and influence has spread throughout the world. The composer wrote the following inscription on the original manuscript of Tone Roads No. 1: "Over the rough and rocky roads our old forefathers strode on their way to the steepled village church or to the fanners' harvest fair, or to the town meetings where they got up and said what they thought regardless of consequences." INSTRUMENTATION Flute Bt> Clarinet Bassoon Violin I Violin II Viola Violoncello Contrabass Unimttty of MtuourHCmMt City 040-108864685 DURATION: Between 7 to 8 minutes 102473 Tone Roads No. 1 Flute Clarinet Bassoon Violin I Violin II Viola Violoncello (2 or more) Contrabass ® ft1, = Allegro jfi'r - ==| |Ur HP tflfhfri-H i ť frfh^t«—ř-«7-1 I , I—k,-iti-p— © ® 5 'O Jl J. n a .n. r É Irl— éééé 1s-t Copyright 1949 by Pwr Intern»Uou»l Corporation Ibtartttlonal Copyright Seeurod Mad* hi U. S. k. All Rights RoMrred Indodlac tfct Right of Public Pufmuco for Prot* © li =ŕ=fe) ÉÉppÉÉ Pi Ä: m r r rr r-3—1 r-3 -, r-3-« U i u m m mm Ě ' í u/ 'c i '/ o/ 18-7 Conservatory c f Jťansas City 1 1 Wé T i f Hfŕf-—- y' UJŕa^ —1—^3 -\jv*^ -ej. n ŕ -ff-Pit. lh|» PI v - tfP, » l 1 ad IrP* -• —&:- 1 1 K Ir fT'ŕľn ■ P? p 1 T^ŕHr 1 gs3b3ss 'r , -1 NN J6F ■?-h j it ŕ— -y -»t -rv P- v- .,\ fr ŕ v r "i y • » "~ -^= .ff1" -> -J jgrfe" j =*«= i..r3"l^f -ť—tŕľJfrľí: ^-hip-^— bi 3 m j 18-7 18-7 ® a, r rr L J '— - 3--• ---«U-J-^ H U 1 ŕ--■— , ---p .. 1-r* t» * -,- 3 -, --1-b--h Ih—^- '- i i, \J - rtu *rf>; ' J1 ■C' ■ tí ■ "r 3 -Htt iŕ— 11 i ■frĽT* P r ''u iaŕ ritri 'Ti f hr^ IM * ""J* " il 1 =*rf -J 1 ' 1 = ■ir^f f r --3 TI 7t ---H^ÜJ......" r-3 -. -i j f r = 3-> \ — 1 r ■—^ i-3-1 — ^pi-—rt»-:- —^-J ^--w- -1—" ™-- - 3 -« „ ij^ ba ^ 3—T~ —o-- = i ľ 1 ľ= --=:-.. Hr--- -- (g) 3 g if<£ i jfiŕ *r 3 j i 1 f, b, J» r *f 1 1 1 [■ i í--^- m 1—I—5+-1-- Ö -3-' —°f--J—--]—-- t - 3 -s 3 » it J f--1 . , _ ■-3 -1 -ŕrr r v 1 J b. o A Y r i ,j—=i f í i r 1 Ť7-i-r -*- =_hr "f 1 V Y r a. r=. 1 r » ir * Jj 1 $n.-e 5 ^ - 3 -' -- — -■ 3 J-!-LUO_^ .-3-> -|ô- , - 3 -, —'-3 -1 f J ^ —s «-'-3 -' mf - — --—J1—K1--2—r—*ŕr= ,- 3 ,, -o- 1b-7 .-'S**. ± i =^9 P Ä. 1^ ^ 5 3=# ÉášÉ 2nd time feoto sign a a * Há • A A "íl »r J j) J «J "f * a C* A A U- i »J> JEf • Q i j * j" -p—-Hl J B p-Im—i Ír A A l ; j i A A rr-r í J. J i—r*k t—ŕ-r"*- ^ r*=&v J j |P| f-ä-- i T- 3 i f! -T-Sf-<í=- j-3 -, -9 1 f =^[- - - s— H í ■Í 3~ ——9- —o-ď.__- '-3-- _^-kg-^- f f f > rJ-ri- b g f 1 ó a rJ - 3 - —0-0-(9- £=f=t=l **^-*_ J '-3 ——S'__ g í 1 r; ; f =1 W-7 18-7 *"AU roads lead to the Centre—in a race to Town Meetin'."