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S. 2006: Objects, meanings and ritual in the emergence of the oppida. In: Haselgrove, C. (dir.): Celtes et Gaulois l´Archéologie face à l´Histoire. Les mutations de la fin de l´âge du Fer. Collection BIBRACTE 12/4. Glux-en-Glenne, 139-153. (II 13.076) Wendling, H. – Winger, K. 2014: Aspects of Iron Age Urbanity and Urbanism at Manching. In: Fernández-Götz, M. – H. Wendling, H. –Winger, K. (eds.): Paths to Complexity. Centralisation and Urbanisation in Iron Age Europe. Oxford, 132-139. (source: Holger Wendling – 4. Drinking and feasting during the Iron Age (Celts made drunk by the Romans?) Arnold, B. 1999: 'Drinking the Feast': Alcohol and the Legitimation of Power In Celtic Europe. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 9, 71-93. (source: Bettina Arnold – Craven, P. E. 2007: The Final Feast. An examination of the significant Iron Age amhora burials in north-west Europe in relation to the Mediterranean symposium and feasting ritual. BAR International Series 1605. Oxford. 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