8.5 The Use of the Personal Pronouns. The use of the personal pronouns is similar to that of English. One must remember, however, that the 3rd person agrees with the word it refers to in number and gender. The case of the pronoun is determined by its use in the clause in which it occurs. Examples: 1) Sis stalas yra naujas. Jis yra mano kambaryje. 'This table is new. It is in my room.' Note that jis, the masc. nom. sing. pronoun is translated by it. In Lithuanian the form jis agrees in gender and number with stalas. It is in the nominative case because it is the subject of the sentence. 2) As nusipirkau naujq lempq. Be jos negaliu dirbti. 'I bought [for myself] a new lamp. Without it I cannot work.' The pronoun jos is feminine singular because it refers to lempa. It is in the genitive case because it is the object of the preposition be 'without' which requires the genitive case. 8.6 Tu and jūs. Tu 'thou', the 2nd singular pronoun is a familiar form which is to be used only with close friends, the closest members of the family, children and animals. Jūs has to be used whenever one addresses one or several persons who are not members of the above mentioned groups. Jus is, of course, used when addressing more than one person familiarly. This usage is practically identical with the use of tu and vous in French or du and Sie, ( ihr) in German. NB. Whenever tu or jus, or any possessive pronouns derived from them, i.e., tiwo, justL are used in a letter or describing conversation or direct speech referring to the person, or persons, to whom the letter is addressed. then all of these words are ' capitalized: Tu, Jus, Tavo, Jus1f. Other forms of address used in Lithuanian: Tamsta 'you', Pats 'thou' (lit. 'you yourself'), Sveikas 'thou' (lit. 'healthy'). KIENO TAI? AR TAI TAVO? Whose is it? Is it yours? To say that something belongs to somebody, use the genitive case of possessive pronouns. Kas?(nom.) Kieno? (gen.) Aš mano Tu tavo Jis jo Ji jos Mes mūsų Jūs jūsų Jie jų Jos jų Look at the sentences and use the right personal pronoun with Genitive Case. 1. Kokia tavo (tu) profesija? 2. Koks……..(ji) vardas? 3. Kokia……..(jūs) pavardė? 4. Čia...........(jūs) elektroninis paštas? 5. Kur.......(jos) viešbutis. 6. Kur studijuoja............(jis) draugė? 7. Iš kur atvažiuoja...........(jie) draugai? 8. Ar skambino............(aš) direktorius? 9. Kaip gyvena..............(mes) dėstytoja? Parašykite tinkamas formas. Write suitable forms. Man, tau, jam, jai, mums, jums, jiems, joms, metai, metų 1. Stoniai dirba ligoninėje. Jiems penkiasdešimt metų. 2. Padavėja dirba restorane. ................. trisdešimt dveji ......................... 3. Aš mokausi Vilniaus universitete. ...................... devyniolika................... 4. Tu dabar esi studentas. Ar................ jau yra dvidešimt vieni................? 5. Profesorius jau pensininkas. Ar............. šešiasdešimt penkeri.................? 6. Mes nedirbame. .............. šešiolika......................... 7. Jos jau gyvena n Lietuvoje. .......................dvidešimt aštuoneri ..................... 8. Kokia jūsų tautybė? Kiek.............................................................................? Look at the picture below and think where the dog and the cat are. Example: Šuo yra ant kėdės. Homework. Please, describe the room and use the place prepositions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8TeFXy8j6Y&list=PLAHmRvsK0yq0RbXZTTxp4whCAcS20zzQu&index=95