Knihovna FF MU Brno | ' '>: "Z'<Á FAKULTA E&UO I S.ovnčvaci jaiykoipyt t . jr-^D^ň /z ___ p,'j . č..........O ___^_____ BONJINSHA CO., LTD. 2570901333 ► pp. 1 —15 ■^=7U 1 : íK^&^&oŕjfé^ ► pp. 17 —29 ^2 II ^^ÜO)!^ ► pp. 31—44 m3ti mmommo) í£A ► p. 16 m ► p. 30 mm íl i '.at ► pp. 45—59 ► pp. 61 -73 K> - H5II IWtf))!^ mk ► p. 74 IBÍJ JSffl ► pp. 75—88 lit fit 3É /i- í: mm la R IE A lift t; t a M. ÉiM KÍ7G 20 22 20 20 22 mm i, ^«t^m ► pp. 89-103 T IS it m 10 5 :^Mk<7)7 ? -fe > b ►p. 104 i q ! y k o v a in i v h r.? i * e It 114^ CONTENTS Diagnostic Test of your Kanji Ability (Basic 500 characters) ►pp. 1 —15 Column 1 i Kanji for Hiragana ►p. 16 LI Grouping of Kanji (lM&iXffiUz%X\*^ll1r$-£A.o \r7s The following test is to check your overall kanji knowledge and to enable us to give you advice concerning the way you should continue your study of kanji. First read the instructions carefully and look at the examples, then answer the questions. Don't look at the correct answers until you finish all the questions. The test should take approximately 60 minutes. It A.fclr> UM%X-0^(D:M^tKU (opposite) (DMM^^ & ( 8 . ^>^"^ ( ) 18. 9 . ( ) 19. u-o-a-t^ ( 10. Xt>^ ( ) 20. E $13. ??v-<£> 1 (Sgj)- IĚA • Ä# • iilžM I £/Uc)i£fflv^0 1. ^comf^Mv^^ j íô-^-iL-p I Žo/:0 7. ZA,* i • #ä • mm - mm \ miž^-t^o 9. *o i A 10. ^íifV^ o^I?©: t ífiá, r£j (adjective) tlTfx.Ít^ r"fáj ^O^TfiJlB] (verb) tL-Cfiít^ (both) féx.£1-#\ 08 2 . #f 2u & "1* i. mm & O O m 3. & -f á 7. féfll £ 9. 10. O O O 4 y (D (i. 8 .täíJjfBk 9 .tlO.(i^#|5l^-to) M. ft 3§ - übt t - *>h - hti- -- o - "C (f - ti 9 . hl 6 . - -t - -tí: (f - 10. UttUá: - - i - x. (f - Í3-9 i- ižt - 7Ľk> -- x. =t -) 4 . - < - 11 (f - ^ 1 5 H Lot 2. íili^y-^tl^/io 4. mttx^^f-tfiJžŤzo 8. 3 - n y LTo 9. cž(Dm±, &^XŽtz m fit % - It m ■ tt M • in TfT • II 'It • M Bjl B (days of the week) i&|5l (verbs) P (with the shape P) ^ ^ (On-reading 'kou') 8 How to fill in the Kanji Ability Chart & KJt, /Ktffi r6j K^^tto -ir LT-f^O r?l+^j (Dffllz, /Kit £ 5 £§t l«£L^m^£»§ Zto ?umtflOffltzi>^tz&¥* r:M^tlj choice Sl^jSfô from context 11 PA, U V ± < LAstEA, h pfz &%tz^ 12 On-reading PR*, reading reading reading from context word structure ®«S usage (as usage ®^® shape (SUIT) ®1FS writing tf'S writing choice ^JUiR from context x* On-reading ^J^ff^S <.m • i&P) reading from context ®fflffi usage usage ^ writing (BIS) ®XBfrb choice =ItSK from context D Ml ( 5 ) ^/h$v> roj, 8H, 9 ^Pl4(^-(7)^(7) 5 1 marks) ^iav>-C"f^ ^&&#? -c-t fa o ppM lZ$.t>tl& — - (7)^(7) 3 L 41, 7i)U^lJ:(:fx.lLj: fcU ^^/iCOCD-©^?!^^^^^ (average) t)? 2 &&TX\ A «fc «9/h£ ^Kftofc&k, -^^oTM^I^lttJ^ /Basic Kanji Bookj Vol. l£ Vol. Uftot, m^ X kJk (foundation) tfl*ltyX~?o Xl±^ &%tz fast) 6. 'iU&t/jL-h after, back) 7. A( (iV^-^ to come in) new) 8 . 4-* to get off, to alight) 9. 4p+ to decrease) 10. H(^)-< to open) ■ a urn t 6. t*/^/ 7. ^/^J 8. mx/^m/m 9. ^/n&ym 10. *m : < £^Afr ^ plant 6. m & \ '. V^t^A thread I /f I : j3COC?< {9 ax 7. A I : &&^Afr I? hole I F } " L^f^ffa corpse 8. e3 } '. heart I ± I : O^-'xA ground 9. P I : ci-gt^A, cliff I jL 1 ! L A ^ i ") way 10. r } : ^JV^/itl sickness 2. ffc 3. ir 4. #l 5. m 7. p£ 8. 9. $0v> 10. 12. Rlt 13. ^ 14. ftflff 15. 17. gftfc is. ^A/g« 19. $9®« 20. ^j^-r^ fl- it I 4o7t0 oO>T < A£^0 TO ) $tLAV^-ti-A0 MKiLAL^ )"f & 2 Loti^)&/-f£ 5 «(^A^)£ 8 KD^Ot* »((fACA)- 3 &^(r>o«fc 7 )& 6 MUAAV)- 9 M(A^M)& AAA)tA» G i H 2 . J 1 . 6. K 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ft b^^ xJ£ jo "9 § «t 7 fi 1 . ^Ko 6 . M> 11. iv^;*, 16. x>^? 2 7 3. 8. 2fi& 7. <^i:>^ 12. i;^ 17. iT^ £1- It 7 > 2. 5CJS 7. & 3 ^7 3 8 13 18 3 8 ts b XLh Lzrt 9. - <&v> — v^'i- o — ^ — ttfttf 10. - L<&^ — L^X~t — Lv^ — Lit tiff X\&V^ X. h X.tUf X. =fc "9 < 5. J: ^ "9 9. 10. 4 . v^x> 5. 9. 10. 14. If I 1 V^A 15. 19. -£oa6v> 20. u 3 V *r4 4. 9. a 5. 10. m -X. > 8. JL IB 9- J? 10. A 11. ± 12. # 13. }S 14. H 15. Vfi 16. §j 17. 18. ^ 19. I 20. M ■ m lit ■ * • m IW< •»< IB -If • IE La i&a • Minis • tu • e lit • S • = ergfc^ r^>j (On-reading 'gen') — Yfh^Lts (bamboo crown: radical) =^gp (seasons) • llH = 4M^M(-i adjectives) #1! = Ef"I%<& r*xfj (On-reading'kai') $t! = r*j ('*• shape) Sfctr • =WM(verbs) family members) ^| =B#(time) Ml # < ' fi1 < ! r- < j "e^^^tiJP(verbs ending with-ku) HI =jb'I%'^- r>/j-^7j (On-reading'shuu') = #COt^(parts of the body) LV^-M^M =4 ^#PI(-i adjectives) = ¥M r±j ('±' shape) =#1%^- r-^-^j (On-reading 'yuu') = ^ r*j shape) = i3"l%^ r^r>j (On-reading 'hou') i&*b&-Wit\ =i&PI(verbs) PT| = 0 ^(DftjS&lKftiadministrative divisions in Japan) 1t( = n[5W^r r>^ ^ hj (radical and meaning"heart") • -I tt! 25 m iZ 7jc Bf ■in Jk l t f) L < X. ih Jll \l *i fr Jf f \l ^\ Ii IC & t tz M f!j EH * \x> K "Z *J V & h h *9 m t \Z i ° X. 0 -k 14 tt fr \z h & t L «t Ja Uf tz < -) 11 t O >-*+- tl L L tz t V o IC h o h CO fr T fr fr M % % -r CO 0 fr t o < Pä o L -f pn 7t X L CO CO X K H fr ^ X ^ fr 16 17 □ Lesson 1 i < g x > j 1. fft: W L) • M(i t) • M(t y)) • : = M^d (t^^-o) animals | 2. bi q]£, y|: A(i3i5)§V^ • -?-({±^)V^ -g;(0<)V> • M(< 6)^ • j £(£>6)V> • = -f^#|5]0t^ i 7 L) -i adjectives j = fllf%E5H i. 1 ( *£A,) administrative divisions I 4. e±, n tK, w^: J(tfo).^(^)-2K(-rv^).7^(fe A,)-±(^) i = Bi 0 («£ 7 If) days of the week j 5. h®, rm, z'B- mt)&-m-D<)z>-MteL)z>-w(^)z>-m^)z>- j !(i(^X.)S = r£j -C^&i&|Bl( t) verbs ending with -ru j 6. ji, ofcfc, x|: *(m±)-:$e(^)-&(&K)-M(&fa)-&(^*> 91)- : lfc(Jo^)-m(*)t>S ! = r—j ^( < 19^0 < "plant" radical j 8. bi ml: #(&^) ■ S(L^) ■ -M(<^)■ : ="fe colors I 9. pa: MM) • m(ii)ti • • JIU^Hf) : c1 L i "9 ) weather j 10. rjjg: mt-j) ■ m>r4) • ft(^) • mifrJ) \ =^f%^/6? fjtr -i j On-reading 'kei' ill- 1 3Kx>>) • • B(K*>) • • : =S^i( CI < #>V>) countries j 12. ig: MLi/Ci) -il(^A) -M(^) -l(Lo) j =Jfp/f(tf L i place suffixes | 13. v^: • m^y)■ m^>)■ bl(^>) j =:effi"^"(i3A § ) rR(^>")j ££>-^ phonetic marker K 'han' ! 14. am, dM, h$J, il, k$, s#: ~A(^A)-~H(^vO'—&(^^)- j ^%/(57u) =K)lifB!( C i i"? L) counters I 15. km, zj%: %{*) . m*) • ^(^) • m(*) • »(-+) : =;|pl^/f){ On-reading 'ki' 75 1 r- 2. ix IP KT 1 ] [ ] [ ] [ 5 It r- 6 íl 8. Si ] [ ] [ ] [ iL "äPT 10. iE 11. Tu 12. BÉ ] [ ] [ ] C 19 □ Lesson 1 L 3. %m^ur:W^h^:^LŤZo _ 4. z\hLX\ mz^tf* LXLt^fZo _ 6 . --íf.C7)r|-i X^-mi- Š fZo _ 7. -B(Do hX\ S^-#ftLv>0 _ 9. §m^-ma ^wmi^ t^itmtz0 _ 10. tllčO±^g^##^V^T^^o _ 12. m±=ř¥i$- i ^LTffl£if£#^ (key) tcLT, *ii^=Sr#o T v^-g|^(7)#K tt, ®^C0 ^Ol- — "7° Grouping by shape (^ii B:?S 7^ W ^ it if~* * water > [|: M M M M ffi if- M (££^v>) head n : 4t ^ f f I I if- - (< Sri^tH) plant <&L> y:S I t i S ^ if- heart <(Cj:9> C : it ?1 i5 it S ^ it- i_ (LA^ J: way jfi E J# It if- r U/itl) roof <^t^.> □: [,'[] m m m m if- ^ (u^x.) gate #11. rtj (»)oL^)t r'l>j {z\z\%, heart) (DV)V--f it 14 if 'ft i'l Sill & 3& & & if #J2. r-j (fto^H r^Cj (O, fire) (7)^-7° I I i i t bs ^ ^ ® ik Vi ^ if 21 □ Lesson 1 tefrJ,^ ffl-nx~l±ihl)$itA,^ bZ&MfW&Zffifrt Lt||ol^^^f0 nnp * m m & m - □ i # ti I S i if ^ ± '(D^JV—y0 Grouping by pronunciation -tM :W Hf (-fe-f) < W > i? • : bT (#) (£K/&a,) < £ > : ^ (3^7) |£ (3^) < * > < ^ > v :#(v) (TP,) < # > :^ Wz) (tz-r-fch) A < L » i $j (^) (§-<) 1@ (3) 0# (v) 0±£-o) SAL* 3 (3)S^<7)^^—7° Grouping by meaning JH^SrMcKJ: ^X7~)V-ylZ5ftfX&t Ln0/:H«; rBasic Kanji Bookj Kfi. locations is 9 a! < <^7^> directions seasons 5& $c OBK L.15 Jt T c^BK L.18 if <>BK L.18 S lie ^>BK L.26 22 <^> colors W H S ^ ^>BK L.23 :fB I I I f K KJ If ^>BKL.20 administrative divisions <*TOfrKP> icW M£ lfc=£ fc^ ^>BKL.22 fields of academic study countries ~% 'JX ^(^ 9 ) = <) = M7 jfi (ii<) =^7v;v ,c.f. $C (£7) =3-n 3£ (&) =7v7 parts of the body :@ I n I ^ I I f other administrative divisions : ( U i9> -9 ) New York State (U.S.) # (Lid) llllfet Shandong Province (China) 3$ (CX) Nishitama District <1lf& fr > public offices ; f (Ln) Xo^4^^ Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology %M&SkM^i Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry JT ( divisions of organization ' M ( ^ i O HSJij Finance and Accounting Bureau nft (-£) ^HpI5 Sales Department it§H§l$ General Affairs Department Hie (^) A^M- Personnel Section HSPI Accounting Section j^(^^!9) H—# 2nd Sub-section 'xlft # Receptionist 23 □ Lesson 1 /§>£k(D Z. 1 &nnnP(parts of speech)& tlZ\£ £~t0 -i adjectives ^>BK L.8, 14, 16, 28, 38 m< wit? #< £f verbs OBK L.9, 17, 24, 30, 37, 43 <^;bijisi>: mmi-z mk-th m%-th -suru verbs " c^BK L.21 ■ it%^ 4ir -na adjectives c>BK L.16, 28 <*m>(DW;m3-~m ~m ~m ~m ~m suffixes (place) <=>BK L.19 suffixes (occupation) c^BK L.27 cogMS* :~ft ~m ~n ~^ fct* suffixes (money) 6 f£(p. 112) <¥£>(omiffi-#~ ^~ m~ *~ negative prefixes OBK L.45, fjl 6 f$(p. 113) <^^§i> :f(Jf)l^ poor hard, stiff shallow Ifc(-^ib) IbM* soft |U(~) t)^ weak (liquid), light (color/density), thin #H( Cl) V^ strong (liquid), dark (color/density) JfX^o)^ thick - ^ 1 fR<7)^^ — —' -------------- — — ik m w m m it # # t f? # i? $ i§ m fx a t i t 20 ?£6K&&?g^|^t (Kanji Index) £jlT, LTfc § £ L i ? o 24 I. sX^%^X\tz-hc\t\f1k, |a.~f.| (D^hMA,X\ O**? MX A t L i 10 \@m/vtzlO e. #LfcO f. #0^0 í 1. fflŤS/Ui^ í a. #Ü b. ft* c. fám] Ť"Cl"o Id. W e. « f. MS í ľ ta 2. #jl-e$ŕLVM a. S b. c. Hi íníf*£Jlc>ttfco U. ÍA e. m f. t d. lot e. f. ilot í 4. (á í a. b. c. ^l-t^-C, £WL<&^0 t d. » e. m f. ní 5. &t£^ř>ía. ^ b. M c. Í&lÄ^"CWo7to 'd. Mtßif e. ŕ^f-X^I f. MIJÉ' 10. ^0@<7) í a. b. Hl" c. M) Xft^(7)iI (® ) h a < fc'ä- s tí' ftafs í < i i t 4. xmmm (® x «D (® )> « (® K « (@ x (@ X ^ (@ ), MU (@ ) 7 OCT) 6. *<7V*-tM ~KíÍ, j& (@ ) *>HŽ& (© ) (Tj^^Wtbit 7. (© ) té«15^4J!^B* (<§> ) E^tt^T^íl^T 9. >I<7)nfcr-l± (@ ) < Tf^Z-tzr/U feo^: (<§> ) < LX < ŕi 10. föf± (<8> )(<§> ) ŤfcmoT, (© ) Lv>A*?)7t#>K^ 11. (@ ) ^(DX\ Amxm-ftž, m ) <£o 26 ý Li ifAsv 12. BJfOÍiMämt, 2004^ílí, TlilcoJ;-9^^orv^0 -AíV1 tf SV Ír *>A<§ J: í ®«3 lýv>£o »0 .(@ ) \tm^^M.^^^tKUPfiX^^o *a iíť M t M Iii -ttv> rtu ľa ľ A 1*1 M J# tr It fl tä-j t- *'V> tf n m S'v> tr m- m &a .« * jS<< ciť -třv^JS-S ť ô ltv> SV S as'J; ť *A S 1 Ť It % # < 4v> ^ 1*1 Jt i Ť -tírv> k f) V- ^ V>A i> c:-5 í>A /,\ * ^ BI at Ä- ^ 3? «g?Jt ir-5 *>< R* «fr ér L -täro Rfr #ľ 1 1 It Li -5 Iii m kí Jt 5c H * Jt in n /t 3C it ff Ť Ä # ÜJ i # 11 It A í± ^ Pil t # ^ Jt +v» SA tK ä t U IfA Ä ilü * ;v -1 t O Él t it t tWŤ Lli S S i i fr -tíA V>A %i fŤ *& ä # m m. 1 iš? ^ Ä Jt Ľ i Ť IS i>A ± U 5c Jt *>v> 4A LA IfA ^ m m m jt 27 t LA. a. ffiW birthplace occupation, job *A.fc a. C . speciality 3. d. hobbies e. f. m%m¥ B$-C§&£tt#< WACIFpILT, *W^£T<7)J: ^ K ibff U Btt%X'mmLXfr Hn„ h. t i.(7) /i í) ^ mi O«/ fr^\tttK%vX\<*Z>z\ tili_izm m. i. ■k 13. 4-4 2. 4-4 14. 4-4 3. 15. 4. it 16. Ah 5. 4^ 17. 4-4 6. 4^ 18. 4-4 7. 4^ 19. 8. 4-4 20. 4-4 9. 21. 10. 22. 11. 23. 12. 24. 3/ □ Lesson 2 1. ic(£A&) woman 2. Hlf(tx.) front fif( 4 x.) before 3. right north 5. inside 6. 5I(oi)^ strong 7. &U)v> good 8. @(*L^)v^ short 9. JgU>£)v> light 10. high expensive 11. #(oj6)£v> cold cold 12. ^(t<)&^ few, little man back after left south outside iiU=b)v> weak bad long heavy low cheap hot warm many, much 13. mWz)^ 4-4 hard 14. )n thin 4>4 light (color/density) 15. 4-> deep 16. A0±^)£ <-> to come in 17. m(<7))z> to get on 18. »(^r)< to move 19. MM to start 20. ii(>U£ 4>* to increase 21. ^ffit^ ( LA(±V) to worry 22. £BSt& 4-4 ( L^o-tt^) to be present 23. Mt^ 4-4 to agree 24. M_h more than soft thick dark shallow to go out |#(io^)& to get off to stop to end to decrease to be relieved to be absent to oppose less than 32 1 . »?íiA~ev^ h\z\h {±3cuWféŕi0 3. á"'Ä,^C^7T-i±4^26H^tri^-t^o 4. NTT (0%^%Ý^ M^Xtc 5. M^H^íOicWflJJtž-W^L-CV^o 7. K J: hk^mm LX^ho 10. ítóliM^ S Hl 0 KMfäLfzZ 1 f Zo 11. ÍBo&lRÄ£A^Ji£$Cx.T < fifz ii -f^ 12. Z.(D^M^X\m-LX < 7"i£^0 i3. ma-t-ži^^ii, ^(Dwm^mfzo Hi 14. i <^#-láÄMk1- £ Sti/^ á o □ Lesson 2 m. - O A^K ti^£#* 500A _JLt_^& o 2. 3. c-.m$üfi£imm^j]tir^x 4. ±feT7jc^ ř) 7. % Lí Sou n. -e<7)^Aí± 12. 13. _ 14. L »< -e á. m S (D A £ o i £ ^ (7) (i AJ? ŕio 34 O^S^^SlS? Prefixes with negative meanings 7f (&) NA f|J(^»))'5: VN & (if) NA/N W7^j(^ 7 •? j: < )i /^(^ )i ^(^^H )i OT4(^? «9 «t ^) Wi Mi *^cfei *S7Ji (OBK L.45, 811. :(9l^)tili^Ltv^„ The political situation of this country is stable. Tft'icjEtZo unstable mentally unstable condition stable $J 3 . v > ^° v 7 A {Zl$~)}H~i~ o to participate in the symposium ^#il]7^o not to participate 35 □ Lesson 2 Its-1 (2)M£& $ff^pCQili^ Pairs of adjectives with opposite meanings raj the lowest low atmospheric pressure short term a weak point a minority a small quantity the smallest ffg/h(L^< Lj-9)t* to reduce to soften flexible weak, feeble weak, infirm (hard-line attitude) j r^lM;^#S (drastic measure) j (iv^f the highest high atmospheric pressure long term a strong point a majority a large quantity the biggest to enlarge to stiffen strong, stubborn 3§v firm, strong -t-^^-f ^r3&@&^;£ (strong will) j ^ r3£|5|&*# (solid foundation) j By^^O^-yC^^o r4fcJji-3e (weak-kneed diplomacy)j rE^>6?^ Hfi (to be weak-willed) j 9 9 h & Otffi 36 □ (DM£&-5 jflpjfl)?!!^ Pairs of verbs with opposite meanings A3 a' < m so o *1< fO .(73 to increase to start ft+j(L^ol9 j; <) output expenses to export to attend, to be present to enter hospital to enter (a place) to evolve LK»ot±°o)ir-& • to depart winner iflJ(Ln^)) victory total victory to decrease to finish AAlO-^ 0 ± <) input JRA(Lk» income $iAW~^ )1"& to import to be absent to leave hospital to leave (a place) to degenerate, to degrade to arrive defeated person, loser Itt((±wi-<) defeat total defeat L i "9 match, game, gamble Jifej t ras t^^^-SCO(i,rjli^(withdrawal from school)j X <0 , tf L6 r^|£(graduation)j 37 □ Lesson 2 (D&fC4"3^ÜCß/li^ Pairs of nouns with opposite meanings 09. J: T prewar postwar c.f. f^^A^ U^V^ÄR^/j^ upper classes to rise, to ascend lower classes to fall, to descend A- h-tt-tT If c.f. föÄTJT J|r (stock market) ^J|#ffii§(exchange rate)t?ii^ rT^(&fb < )f & to fall, to descendj "7 to oppose AM LoÜV)-fä to fail >P^P(-xV^) peace ^ ^ i 7 § v9> "9 ) supply 38 ■OS <§)$Cfr3)lt^(7)$a&-£-to 1t||_Words made of Kanji Pairs MM ±T £ i 0 £ * < ) = 3&V>;HJ!gV^ -t?Ar) =Mt®./mt&h cjW) =±tr L i 9 ) more or less, a little /HfA) allowances, adjustment L H "9 ) always, all the time L '9 L) from beginning to end Li ^) match, game, gamble 2 asw^H-s? 7 # # $i ft 1« M #J It lilllllllltllllltl^ lllillliill 22 39 tftfJb&frtifrm^X, v>0 Li K43l?x_i Li vA /:h£lf, -A^^Til coi tďtSM^^P^^-tífiiM-etj; 9^0 icilLt, ISA LA A ä L i -) o m. - 0»^^«íá 6 morfia 1. JÉ?t A)^g^^±#LAi/^ (hv^tiTV^ 4. (á, A&tŕft&(D B /"i LgQo 5. At>fr&0 6. k Lmtfth, %MtXI,zik±lŤXteL\<\ li i LA 8. y^^y^Á^I^Cďllt 10. ;<7)íž^WžA ^cf^^tC^žo E 1* $17° mťä u^d VN t 1*7 (L*^ i a VN starting t ending 1 2 3 4 40 5 6 7 8 9 10 m. mi (Dornte, 1 . ^liSnk&v^^&Wäcť 2. 3fc££v>? <£>ti. AJ: •} 47 □ Lesson 2 (íŤ x. š i So 5. B*^#<7)g^M££>fäSfá:, BWIft^tífW -tt^tlA lťAt>A /h L "& v >d H c Jg H T)?* ž Ai'A r> liA cD^Mi CDAíäx ^#v>T < (á l */;a CD & 1f (proverb) föfaho 10. ^CD it? 11. c\(D^X\±^ ± T 42 43 © *« 7b^» *12 12 B g ^ 3 ft! * 1? I L Hi HI * 1U uu 1 110 k *t *m ill Is • XL IB m m P m% % 96 m co & nr >* it «c I *> -r!? K JS ^tde -d *r ®t S *H ©5^^Jt S^coH^lOOlt K;vi| ^^Jt= 4 J! 1 B~ 3 %31B Next fiscal year Japanese balance 10 billion dollars increase Foreign Minister Watanabe Flexible measure to counter rice custom duty. "We won't fight against the world." Expanding Europe Start with many problems ®i2n ^ ^«5e 10.9% ^mm Mid-December American car sales 10.9% increase ©i2J3(Dukutm^m mnito.sxrm 4^^?iSip December Consumers' Price Index in city area compared with previous month 0.3% down The lowest standard in 4 years I. §m^^L(D^frh^4xKM<^Mmj:^^mih^^XMmLXhtLi 7ottfc%;2>Mf- 44 ÄS Qm/ tit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. • Starrs 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. mists 45 □ Lesson 3 I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 7fc<£)3g<7)fe^ (fr) fr & ° #ŕU>iSnnq£^(?)^m(/í)-fo é!itctB(-e)žo 6. M^*Jiti;tÜ^o 4d a) i. m±%~^izi2j±&o 3. 3 A-eWT&Clfr^o 4. áMA^Ť^Í>7t*>řc^fflpapž:t)ttžo B) 1 2 3 4 AL« LK6 Ť 0 *> <0 t 9 c) 1 2 3 4 ti Lit h [ ] ] ] c o £0 CO □ Y- q ■v q 'U- ft m q 00 Pľl m M q if 1—1 1—1 1—1 as A < i? ^ it 'h t í t í t t t •tK q ■üb; í3 'K cd ^ in Q ^ -H ^ \J é Q 33 ^ K? S 33 ii|33 33 33 m «k ^ + + + + + f-lj 'ÍnN ^í? 33 33 33 33 33 t í í í e * # í< 33 33 33' 33 ^ íl > 2 £ ^ ■+ + + q > > > ^ aj ü ^ ru K? ru En + + + + + + + + + í t t t t t t t í ^IK^A^v^t^ H*\ -£~ to classify animals, plants, books, vocabulary, etc. frm&M2^)tz> -mlk AH to share the money, to distribute the profits, food, etc. to disassemble a machine, to resolve a compound, etc. to divide the enemy, road, etc. to repair a machine, a bicycle, a car, etc. to treat a disease, an injury, etc. r&IE(>^-ev>)l-& ffiHJ, to amend a law, a rule, a treaty, etc. to revise budget, to retouch a negative, to amend writing, to alter the wording, etc. to correct errors ^iH^d L)1-& : ft®. M£\ Wis -£~ to cancel the plan, to call off the game, etc. #j]i("C^L)-t&, it*, -z(-mmiz.)~ to stop operation, to suspend business, etc. (to stop temporarily) J] 49 □ Lesson 3 JMjUai: i )« to withdraw from school to retire from the service, to resign an office, etc. m±, •■■£(g#ofefe-ej~ to resign one's post, office, etc. fft 4A 1U;* h A£ ~ to rescue a person, to save a life feEfc&flci^ bz.?>frh A £AV\ffi L A • to rescue a person out of the danger !TilAffloA^£A* £^{SoT~ to aid people in a disaster So T^&A* to give financial assistance to give support to the activities to cheer for sports players to manufacture goods fill ^ WiL A U H'lli £*<£>ftnan 4" ~ to make paintings, sculptures, to produce TV programs to make a plan, to compile a document, etc. to write/make an original work XL h wa«~, Atfxitz- (m:i6-co< to create the world, culture ■ ^AiJ-^i^fi?: ~ to nurse/rear a baby ' -F" liA.S'lr- to train engineers, specialists, etc. 50 *M^( LV^ < )~fh '■ $M%i~ to breed animals * ( £ V)i-& ! fit ^ £ ~ to produce/grow plants cq^1--M£ ? T$M( X. ^ )1~ & '■ tf^^Bfll£ ~ to postpone the event X-A*> i ^ ! ^fi <7) 0^ fH^ Jl |8J 4" ~ to prolong a meeting, the term prices fluctuate, the crust of the earth changes the temperature changes, the shape changes the colors of the things/clothes change ■'' to change/alter/modify the plan (2)H HOP t IfeJKlP] 0)fflIntransitive and transitive verbs Shortening and omission & tie «t < ^t)tLäi"o l) :fclB»^0 51 □ Lesson 3 3)MiW rt3j ^WW-etSo • mXW%% (=ff*lgfcf&ji,lfc) • # mmmikjt (=* a * f^t&^^/^s l £) ®/Hs§S&P|(?)ii^^t Structure of Kanji verbs 1) V + V: Va+V2 to do V! and V2 2) V + N: N (place) 9 V to leave a place Ait ltv> tt Li .*ffiflff(L*>oLj:)-f& = Pif£ffi& (=»Fyf£ffi&-h) N (place)— V to arrive / to appear at a place 3) Vt+N : N (object)^ Vt to put something out tbM(L^o/-iv^)t-^ - m)m*m itKL^Dt^ = -t(£)£ffi1-(iipp(L^or>%)-t-^ = (^)pnn^ffi1-ffi#(LKDo^)-t-S = fW(tJ)£ffi-f /Mix L*>o&to)-r& = jii*aii-/ifiL^ttis (DJK^Jü^ $t If i) i -) SŤíŕí -SUŽ O t Ľ *i í i* i L w>'J AÄ£I^ttÜ-f-^n:e&w MBfäf&l^^Xli, "=>BK L.20^mW(Vol.l p.200), L.25CO^W.(Vol.2 pp.32-33), L.35^W(Vol.2pp.l31~132)í:#RBo 'r Bfr iS $í i& ÄJ H 3š 20 53 £ < to A. [ jtlBÉ-f-* fMt3 »t3 i8Ét3 J [ f&äts $o#t3 imž ] 3. iconics- h if7£o_<_&0*> «9 fio [ tm-tz fMts f&ifH-s §mt3 ] 4. ž)ft(±n > t? i - ? ^X^rio [ iim-ts fMts M#t3 ] 5. S^iä^S^T, & (?ft A^v > fz h fzlr 11 £ o [ »t3 »t3 »t3 íÄt3 ] [ »t§ »1-3 »tá Mt § ] Ľ L k, [ «1-3 Mt 3 »1-3 »1-3 ] [ HTIEt3 ífeEt3 Í«t3 Mt 3 ] 54 [ IHE-tS *jEt5 fltž iÖStS ] 10. Mo/^íí, $tcmlt, miÍMtž ] 16. iOJÉŕjc±MttLii\ Mfrro^wa^f ^-c^^o [ %mt% #St<5 Mt5 á>SBt§ ] 55 □ Lesson 3 1 § ^ -) š ty 7 L*? 3. fllV^ 5- ré ^ «9 J: 3 £■9 9. "t-te^^ i-&0 io. föMiir» n. a^fiw 12. gfM(7)^nDp£ UV^„ 56 13. glMLTV>á5fc^ŕ>Ť^&<7) 14. -K/O^li, ÍO)S^1947^-e, #>v> Tv^ ííA 15. äÍÔ£(±m<£>fctf\ 16. wmtkmzfr Žfího 17. í&fa-H S L/to 7tA TV- 18. ^-k\±mx^k 19. 4^ 20. *$:Wri?£LfcA£ tžo 21. •9 Li 22. gl^lá 23. m&Žjfj -r^ r y) x < 24. ěco^^gAM^íi 1401 "C 25. ^S^^^^Ý 57 }ft In BJC #S ^ A, fz As im^m^^^xmx, gtfw^zt ^< tot) If MŘ ab á * i£ K «t o T S £ á ff if j; # tt, 1 ž - t / Ml hh^cD^kWx, ^Mfi\zUhz\t &m Jr> ÄsfZ Äs • JIH, IŠ*, U, >bm*frft-th í 58 mm □ -e-m re»j rimj tttmtfotix^tto patient 3j(#(^V^-t£%)i~& to improve the Tokyo University Hospital EH5fl(^L) doctor ?frfl£§(7^A.^) nurse WM( tz^ if) attitude JMH(^ < % 1 ) clothes SfeSSrtT( WA,*>A,?H ground subsidence = fe£( authority) & & ^ £ #14 (2V *) £7) material /g^ift^r^)^^ comfortable fio to shed skin = to emerge Ait(15 T LA) .policy nmx rstj t rf^j ^\^tz\%mmm^m^ iii^L^c^fT-yy nK (rf- 59 t to m^xm < 11- 7 t£ h x ĺ 17 fro ry h j i W m §„r mäh j í) h ti 11 o tt^it)j r7c±(? 0&tf)j rmj](Lzoš*))j X <&bti2>MX~fo c\c\X\ m.&m Efät4*> SlitíiU ...... m&h, ŠtttVr, $&h, 3IÜJU ...... nm, -t#> Íä, ...... i*o'< V-1 fit A-f*-r ^iwir Li ^ ^. ASfclj\ ílj^, ...... m. fofr®, m*)®, i&žfä, éfrk, é-^m,...... mm, -im, it#. rm ...... J n [mm] mol o \zy\zWtfr1íí)#ě£$v\ TL %\zmkx^^o 1. h^ 11. flJ&W^IPJ3£tL7Co 12. 6. # 13. J/^ tm ■kti&itmtfiŤz 14. S f! (S H * I □ Lesson 4 That university is famous. 2. X W &ffl*£&^tbi-o I remembered an important appointment. I will carry out the necessary procedures. 4. fliitt ft -gO He is very kind. Useful tools were invented. I make a special order. It is too simple. 8. ffi ip. %r$m%bt>fr&0 If it is a simple question, I can understand it. 9. ?# S & * *° - 7 tiM-e 1-^0 What sports are you good at? 10. g ft ^IStr< /-f$v^0 Please speak freely. 11. ^fn«fr£fi^o Let's establish world peace. 12. S it z&Rzm'tzo ^^fa^ I heard the regrettable result. 13. X^^/\XW I was asked to do a hard/important job. I am in an awkward situation. 62 11«\ 1 . fé&O f fto ibo föto 9. JfL&féféoAŕio 2. 7> m £A tí 10. 3n1lCílffitžo 11. 7H> T &^íbÔ^£o£0 12. f|-^#l^^^^o 13. II^ÍÄŽo 15. y J; 17 -CA^fiHt£^0 16. 53 □ Lesson 4 A : 7°ťX(7)<^ -y 2. 5- !:§( )& 6. ^$fc(i:*>?$^)& 7- ít^(^<^)& 9- íll¥(^^)& 1- Ä( )& 2- ®Í§(£>ÁX*<)& 4. štf/, )& 5- Í^U(UA.C1 < 6- 5ÉÍ|(ŠJ:?-?)& 64 ■1 mmmm Japanese adjectives and Kanji adjectives V^'tiE (context)-C^V^lt^tLti~o -£ tl?tl ••• strong strong, powerful strong, firm obstinate, stubborn forced, coercive ••• happy ^g(i^<)& happy ^1(^-9 ? ^)& fortunate, lucky >f#Ui9)& unhappy "9 )t r~i=j ©^K&S : NAČ V $1- ^VLM-fJCX- & to teach earnestly ^^-K^í^á to oppose strongly j M. ^/Mk/nX/^ \Z\t£h to become-I Itž to make it ~ &h,&x> £ «>-s> C #1. ab<7)7fe^{i^C^io' That teacher is earnest. tS<7)S^J*(i3^®7^o 7to His objection was strong. ©%Mt UTO^ifé Usages as nouns C tie 66 m. gÖ^HS^äo freedom jFJr^Zfe ~t~&0 equality &A*>Z>o possibility. certainty rtti'pSäÖ&o importance ^jfett^^^^^-f-^o flexibility X^lf£ X#}§£ oiEm xmA X» xoTiig x#£^ x» x g fi<|4 x^tltt xf^L/ft xiBttt xpjf^ J $1. fl$f& healthy — ®0#J& healthful I ^ffl^ peaceful —- ^PfDÖ^ peaceful, amicable 4 ®W\V>:M¥%fäotc, MPkiPÜT^ZB Synonyms using the same Kanji mmxzhi)* ! * "7 if £ ) 67 □ Lesson 4 jBt(-£v^<)& $iflt(iöv^<)& B/3Ô(^(á<)& i (D&HC 4 § jlsIff^PÍ Pairs of Kanjí adjectives IE?t(-£v^<)& (c.f. Kttmvm^) 9 )& Jjí$Í(£A,L>Á,)£ 4 i^i^ - ----- —■ íar # H m p.293 p.257 p.249 p. 303 p. 320 p. 265 p.319 p. 256 p. 276 p.251 20 68 m. jlíflj& 2. ^ýj% 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 'J&g& n. ^rfij^ 12- 5n:£* 13. TJjfg^ 14. #§gg£ 15. ^4 16. I. ( ) ^ I } ^®a&-Ai*TTv>tf&v>0 I >tf£ Ä #J 3. M-t^fe^-t iíi, lhŠ ( ft l Mt o 1^ iHfr ftJÚL M i 69 □ Lesson 4 5. z.mmmmK ( ) x\ mtitz^m/^m l&^0 mm mm \ \ um um ¥u ä i 7. ( MI iftM 8. ífc^Mílíá ( tri-* 9. ( io. ^<7)±a-C(±iíi^^íjfĚtL,r<žJii<7) ( ) izK^fiJfflttv^o I šfÉ «Ig %® \ 11. 1lJ»ltŕ<9li^ ( ) fftefroŕzo *n mn m #m 12. iOéíťCíiHtefe^í)^^ ( I ^ W jEŠ* 13. $£<7>Aíi^Š)§ ( \m ft® 14. ^Aiägv^oiä ( tz^>Ťzi}K ^lifřm±t LX&täLŤZo i. ť) í 15. \zWá\^h^k^ŤZo m% $£it mi x. Äs&A, 16. mm mm ím \ (i 7 t) O (ä 17. ^ÄíáÄ^&W )iíO%ic0tľ\yŽf$:t:1*II$tiTv^o [A 70 mmmm u 3. ( 5v<«i 4. JIIO ( 5. r( ) fc*it*M±, ( sound body)j -) 0 LA./;*' ) ^JH^-fi^1 (a sound mind in a 7. 8. j£tfrfb&*( itA. •) *t 0- tJ>A.-C 5 (t>"- 1 10. fS, ( UA.3V J3-t «tu iE um im ISIS äs (44, .-f. 77 □ Lesson 4 mM-Ciin^cofplM^ (a. ) ^±^iC^ o X § T V> ž0 ^W±ix., A*/ô* (b. ) -C-tíVfc< &MÄ£fô£*§žLJô£ l^Ktz-oŤzŤztb^ tat v o£ (c. ) ^Ä^?fe-oTV^0^^|^^Ä^Mä/í tf^tt^j&ffitf* (d. ?I<Ältb^»tcžtŕ3^ ž-íl ^tl^M^C' ( e . ) & L im h (g. ) JÔ*&£0 í>ť7)ÝM^|írtC^JC (h. ) t* fr £ lo/: kcoiáítíáf -e (i . ) Kféfc>&&t*u;ř& 72 »i> b - - £U01É - + ~N ~i:v £~ X X X X ÉĚ SEK A X ff® x X n/íi X X IE5S ttbx&žtLiio mm$m (^P.58) ^£iH*tóTnapi^ij^fe^tLT 73 it h Í~fr\ mŽMlmMi k^%\\*CD$mXto MOD rMj (DMMit, "moon" Xtfr\ íkhOD rMj (á, rČ0j t^om^tmtmM"meať X\ ^K^šj o«/ 2. «t0 15. Mf^HtXi, (a.«J b. M) Č0 16. (a.>W# b.A¥#) ■ táio:^"C—#*ŠV>fô£0 17. tyL%7Lis\* {z.immm b.mmmm /*<, 18. HJI|£A,ti (a.^M b.A^) «LtV^o 19. (^ b.Ett) £LAV^0 20. B HB K (a. b. MM) i:fío/:0 21. Ac7)g(^ (a.iEvé b.j&fé) £ko£J: < L&tfftíf&ib&^o 22. EfäS?)£K (a.ffiiŕ b. Ä) L£o 75 □ Lesson 5 1. a . brothers (and sisters) 2. a . to explain 3. b . magazine 4. a . #8iju<-^)K specially 5. a . to turn right 6. a . to make contact 7. a . #Jg(Lj:TX,) bookshop 8. b . application form 9. a . family 10. a . $t3£JS(^*^ i <) radio/TV station 11. b . to visit 12. b . to decrease 13. b . headache 14. b . jg^(T^M)& appropriate 15. b . kind 16. b . the Pacific Ocean 17. a . ) & unrealistic 18. b . graduate school 19. a . fE#(£L*) reporter 20. b . amusement park 21. b . politics 22. b . to consult 76 I . &<«C7) a. t b At, H^Wt^X\ MMtfMimXto X^Í%LX\ a . t b . 1. *wc (a.ífc^ b.f4^) mmmít^tzo 2. m^l±vlC01f;VO (a.-g] b.-PÍ) \Zhho 3. ^te^tC (a.H;^ b.lÍ4» iŕhho 4. -Sii^H (a.A* b.W) "Cftt^o 5. JrVyMvt X'B^O (a . Sic b . mWO ^ilti/co 6. dOb^fHi (a.#Ä b.ÄÄ) 7. CütLfi^ (aJA b. ÍHA) 8. fŕtV^X h<7>^ (a.IUÍg b.üJg) tTCo 9. gfcgti (a.ftJB b.fÁffl) «ITV^0 10. Mŕfi&^ (a.SBM b. M) ŕiofc^ ^L^ofco n. hh (a.&4> b.ä) i±4hľil:^fiA-ev^0 12. CŽ(DM(D (a.jfrgß b.ggSß) ^f±j£V>¥W?&&o 13. Ť¥Í>L^0 77 □ Lesson 5 i. >k(DX*m^x\ T$k KM A L r < tz £ v > o ( a . & b . M) 6. ^MiOEJ: 0ľäJt^T5Ô?ž t_n_^^^)o (a. gl b.í@) ( a . íjj b . 3&) (a.Ä b. n) ( a . # b . 10. ášojl^fi, £^I>Mt^"e-fo ti^lUv^o (a.Jf b . 11. A£?)fo-C^Á,fr^v4it#-f iifeo^H^V^o ( a . « b . 12. v j. fr Bfctéj£ä*tó ^ y v- T Ktzh {z\±m.Ť± 3 ^IW^žo ( a . fg b . Jg) ( a . m b . H) ( a . & b . £) (a.W b.W) L if a i,> -ex ia CI (D Ute A ^ > jf ?! ^ L V ^ -C, ffi*)(Dm*frbí> Vrie ( a . K b . 'It c . ]g) 79 (f)|i| \SmW.^^:^X>:M'¥ Kanji with the same phonetic markers |fi^^^iilw|i:#fE-t^#o^o^<^h Jto (Off 1 :MP1c¥) * > [ft] •fe>f [IE] [&] [£] a? m 7^ [1] g It HI Si St IE i S I (2;[5]^00^MS$ Suffixes of the same sound t: -tiro V C tt^k sra-, %?m, im *m mm, mm, mm LA. t tf -fl tr * 3a b i f*>, /\- l mm m%&, mim, mm? mm®, mm®, mm, mtm V 3 SioliXL J; pjx (Wiffi) nm, mm, m^m, mm ^ mm) mmm, i^m 50 'J 3 t> mm wm, mA, -m, mm-m±) ^w, xmm ymm, mmn (Dlsl laCO?i?l|CDT 7 Hz > K Homophones with different accentuations 31 9 C «fc 9 ••• fö± (-J 9 9 ) — 0 (v> Xif (^J 1_2.) ("C A iQ 5|lg<7)}l^§||<7)^i!£(Djill * Homophones with different meanings L. *vi v^-CA) mm(£ ^a) (§ ^a) &7C(£ 1 tfA) kd 9 C j; 9-"^( 'Ac- _ □ Lesson 5 t> AO * t KD % tn) C(Li -9 ^) í(* M^) )efffi(Tj «9 i 9 LA,- ^ i l v LA.) (5)1 OOjfŠ^Ej^&al b Tlx £Ir] Hlg Homophones which have the same Kanji = 1JS W(^ v>-cv> «2 AH* = L< A^«- 9^ J: 9) i: 9 2 5- '^(§J: 1 9^) LA, MA(- I LA) =&<&o£A flAU 1 LA) = -Ac0Afs1 = —Q CO^jt L 7tľ í) CO L ifeO ^(Li: j «OVO íLíK-ti- 1 v^) >R§(^ 1 °9) &fé0ä ttA) ^(tä *tA) ^(^fcj 7 L§) ÍÍÄ(U 9 L = ^<9 A í 83 ■t-: ■ ■ '-i:- " 'i-i' • : " □ Lesson 5 &ffimV^& CT) t 0 18. (a.f» b.f£H) ^mäfeu^o/:0 □ Lesson 5 20. femumnit (a.m^ b.w&) /6?&£ ®I1. SP^Ä^íf^ľ^ntAiv^^ ttfrtt-fr (šjôm,*) A&v>0 1. x^-7A^cd (a.^HI b.r?f1#) ÄW^tLAo Ľ i» š* i Ť 3. ^0<7)g^řá (a.^ b.i^f) žô^/ío 4. #cí± (a.jg$ b.&m) 5. Ba^^Aii^llI^^IIAL^sScO (a.^M b.KTĎ) ^UV^o Ľ It A. 7. mvkxty^Ž (a.lRÄ b.IK) LT^áAíi^o 8. ÄM^Aíá'slíW^IItl, (a.ilit b.U#0 $r^^3líf^/Co 86 9. B BI H K .1 CONTO (a *A.Š J: 10. ryyom^xm^mnht, fím (a.féts b.nfé) ^:s0 ■4> S W> Ť 11. 7-"7°n&^(7)0A (a.^JI b.«S) ^fJtUl/^o -r ĺ ( EHE ) ( rm ) 8. ( ) ( ) L^U ^OHT-e^^oTV^^ tf±, f /í n fr#M L&^-Ctá L-V ( ) 2. fr^^j^H fr#>LT, »3 fr^>Ý^o7t0 ( ) ( ) ( ) Iři x. š. frv(±^ yjL iJz/jfc^ŤzoŕZo ( ) ( ) ) ( ( ) 5. ^3 -)'J3^ÄŤ3 -)'j3^#t W^{^o/;o ( ) ( ) 6. ítfi^J J^y-ÁMbLtz-Drzů^MMit*] j-čytK^x^tz ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 11- 87 /Mt vi» titt/^&t*<7) tá/Mi, o 19 ^tÁ^ ^í^t^^ tättÁ,^-c I. 7-7°n^SŤÍW&cť£fcT, |W]#i#£ 5ü&£#?U T^fJoi 9^Pp1S t "CA tt. fsU&li la. b. JĚM\ k^ŽLfr^fZo Wí&Ij (1*0*1 ^) I . >X^y^:M^^, ^(radicals) t^ifi-^Ksound markers m. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. #§14 M p/m •ŕfc [*] + [£] tree + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 5£ 7, □ vm i < S X > mm B a 10. 11. 12. f£X,-£V*(male) l# "7 fi A (dinner) ^ i ^A(inn) L v?) < li < (to stay) V > Jr. (government) h ^ L *9> "9 (next week) L11A (examination) 9 A (to visit) 9. "C § t ^ (suitable) ife/v&Wto guide) l!-^ A, (time) (mayor) 13. tB#1~* L i9> o ^(to ship) -t^T A,(clear sky) 15. ^jfc i (accident) heart eat eat water r roof way horse P say way tree B sun rice field plant H sun it whip + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + T 7 > 7 *7 v f-a 7 7 90 m. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 14. iE Ä f£ JU Aic '3- fflf£ 'S- ff ® 19. 20. áHt SÄ 23C A) p Ä "ď SI Ä T Í0¥ ť: A -A- 3a [ #.] í>2 □ as i 2'. Xit fett %® 23. M ff S fit 2". if ít ^* Ifegfc 25. JiA @# 26- £0* sp^ 27. #K H#f4 #flE 29. at jí n-m w ¥ 30. f Jt ST Ä 2 T g 31- ft g óiäl íi 32- MM ^15 »5r 33. 77 ® upu mm 34- #Ä *Ť M ie. TSíWíjšíOBíAĽÍOeLT, ( ) t;r tlřOMAÍ*#USi/»o m. 2T§ : HIE ( tv>tv^ ) #^ ( TV^í< i. (t, (9> ') io -9 ) : ( ) Mí ( 2. ( C í ) : BJE ( ) ÍHtc ( 3. ( ^L* ) :** ( ) 4. ^® ( íäj)ió^ ) ( ) » ( 5. HM ( ľ.7>A ) ( ) gíSU ( It l< >•£!/> i> IS 0^*>^J*^ I^tWI/^fo 0=>BK L.14, mi lip. 22, H 5 Hp. 80) 0 mm $ (Li <^A) + eat if (^L) + tree bamboo " c.f. 'g : frf ~foA^b X. "9 official SB* f = II = 7 > building, hall ^ = m ■■ il y coffin B = iff • 7 > pipe ^%^r\tm^fit-to ttz.TVln [zi> t^-v- ft 3 (^£-v>) IB P3 □ mm i <_ n s tic *1 im { ry ) ( # ) . -h-■ 4L fit ( # ) : joj f: Ír •M ( J] ) ( Ä^f ) iß ( u 4 ) w ( ýj y ) ( # > ) •II íí It s ( * ) BE je Sk ( ¥ 0 sie m m (Ti?) $e ( ^ ) \% ( ) H ( 3 ) ti ÍŔ jffl ( ^ ) PP ( ^ ) ( ^ ) íl x ( ^ ) ^ 71 m í5 * s ( V ) ± ( y ) ft si ■ztt ( v ) 1*1 vr- ( v ) w # |33 ?& (y j. ^ ) Iii (v 3 ^) ' ty IE (y 3 ^) fž ( -rM ) . n ÍE ( ■t'f ) : 14 M ( -M ) : W m II =* pH m ( ) : ( ) : i* 94 tttb □ b. íľ ft T so Ě •Lt 7 7 7 7 f-3 7 ^3 7 y 7 ^7 7 *7 ^7 ^7 3 7 , #J ť? 3fc 1 # iff ft U Kí ft S Ü lô IÖ í? it m m m Vj tt í§ m *ŤzŤzL r^j \m&tiZ>t r^j \Zt£\)t-Ťo ( i> ) N I ( *4 ) M íl ž ( *y ) *IJ ft ^ i ( 77 ) ?S ( ťm ) ( ) ?s Ml fi ?Ä 4^ (*> *> t £ 5 ) «12 «13, = v -v SS(th) ins HE (toi) ÍBtc (1^) E# (ěu) 95 □ mm i #14. &19 ž "To (^SW 2 p. 193-195) «11 m 2 «J3 «J4 «15. P ^ in ft —^ IT — Ah ^7 fx ■7 Z ^|írj(Ml-^) fö^üii^) T^K^fav') ITTRKv^v^) #'S$T(;I^ ^ Li) t^lrdtA^^) TJK(^Li^) L i -9 š * < ) ÍSÍS(ílí^) o O 5 5 A 111 v ^ =^f%A (Tib) (t Š) (í>-o)(i-^) (=fllf%A) 96 mi $13 IR s\y ?\y (*L) (Sri») (*x.-t)(=fl|^*) n n n n ^ =iřf%^ (AS-^) (10x.) (^-v>)(*fU)«i-U>)(=fHÍc^) Hf m if ť- '':"'í;; -t-í -t-f '< t-í^%'Xf, (ášfc) (li-íisMlf-fr) ; m 5. , í & • ! 3 ^7 3^7 — B (ít-fej) (š-<) «16. Ö iô Ô f. \ í (Ló) (t-íž) ( = ÍIIÍ%<&) .',-.(•., A< 1(17 t - - íl Ü 1 <0^ľ$ - ----- -— - --- ------ p. 319 p.287 p. 272 p. 252 p, 255 p. 304 p. 279 p. 280 p, 244 p. 310 10 97 a tK tree B m 0 sun '/ 7j<. water 4 A man P tflf cliff If-? to say ^ hand t '[? heart to eat t i. earth I. 2. #@ 3. «ft 4. fcft 5. S. Ml£ 7. mil 8. 7X?S 9. %m 10. « Ľ X A. H P%<7> m m pH m -h. H P%"> ■ -M -t?-í < ^ fi|P%A : Ľ » < r ■ -tíľl/MtO ítíl -tív>LX 1 . 2. V£.S± 7 S p Ai± 7, 99 i. M^oD rL*)tt)j ^liui ±^&&m^mmfrm^frt^hfr* ž fr ^ y ^y iř ^^ y ^7 1. Hi A LT ft ď £ & A ttití\ jf I. U £ liM^cfc&o 2. i: jji <7) 51© U f gj ti ^ v\ m L^x. fi\ £7Lfc ii jfe * ILjM fôSÍ> MJk tZtzZio 3. xjjt li m * m pDn £ m % t£^ ^ a tfc «9 & g lťz q HA. Í LT If fcfřatfc *K té m Lfz^thu^v V í>-e§Ä^Í> 4- % # ^ t OTKli Äjbjr, g £ H U '4 it fij jt A; a* 9. j& ^ j± tf* #_fi (D m L M«^AA*A g_S Oifr£t±* -r@ m Kteiŕzo m_m itv^f-a^g_2 ^ uti 10. Jg g CO @*^<7)^féfô& jj ^ Kk o ^i^lt^e/ío 11. f ffi i±, ĚIHK£ t% ŕH I^A^MC, už f- K # J3D -f * Cl t % ^ m. \z í m. Ltzo l2- ^ T %f PI t^^Vt^ Aco~C\ ^ M lt, i3. iE ju K(ife^^^^^\ la % fr io la ró, ^ ^ft in iná M # (7)^^-2^ fl| £ A ±T\ l%^t^tlAo 15. IfCPl-e IT IE ££J^Lfc^\ Sic & T M«DL/:0 202 mmmm □ 1. 4 y Y = ( ) 9. iii-y = ( 2. 7 4 = ( ) 10. 3 - u y /\° = ( 3. -*b 0 n rx = ( ) 11- O'JT - ( 4. -í^'J* = ( ) 12. 17 y V = ( 5. 7 7 y ^ = ( ) 13. nyT = ( 6. M 7 = ( ) 14. frÁ.č\< = ( 7. x^-f a = ( ) 15. t-Xh7'J7 = ( 8. 7 p* 'j # = ( ) 16. 7y'7 = ( 1. «-»( ) 11. AI 2. íiWyM^)^ ( ) 12. 3. ) 13. mu 4. ) 14. 4^ 5. <-► ( ) 15. 6. 4* ( ) 16. 4-f 7. ( ) 17. 8. 4* ( ) 18. 9. ( .-) 19. 10. nit* ( ) 20. f$5£ Í03 An (L A^9) - ItAP (jj I A^) A£V) - If(t j: f/Ti AffvQ »m (A [~7¥~\ v^tio) AM (11 091. CRP +■ » v>fr) - (^r^tn /LH) n a/l^) .A) 092. T^&^TN To £i^v- 1^(11 9-0- ^»(ll/T^T/TT A^ a, 09. B^(HJIFLA) lž^(Ttl v>gV) n feA) 9 ^§.(J| iXÜ«(ii <5^1S> "□□/□□/□ □/□□/□□ m. i&m±miŤ (iu ^gv/ffr<~) /*>* t) §mmmm ( l A/< 9 ^/fe 1 AAV) ÉEftM (L 1 ^5/fr/-fr U^O p5J I i A^/fo/L* I frv*) 4 b-: ■ i v ..r i .fÍ",*Cvl sr:*--.j?-." V/SA'SSSS/jW. I . TIH?) 3 ^ľll^iá, a . ~ d . com^OO 7 h, tflX L l v fro i a.dd+d b. □+□□ c.n+n+n d. (□+D)a=da+da ! A (□+□)= AD+AD «1. OHíiJ: x^%^mmn^xh0) Ä : i. Hj^H 6. fijf** 9u 7- 12. ľ ts 8- ffiRí 4. Him 9- 14. ^éi^ 5. io- 15. Pj|^ H U M Jô JĚ a ] B : 1 fl ° 11 12. 3. je; 13. U* 9. 14. 10. 15. [ fŕ m m ± m m * # ] 206 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. A 1 , 2 3 4 5 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. B 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. b a c a b d a d a b c b 5£ + d^jPJE ( t>V> + faA,£*) next fiscal year fM^ + H ( if"? ^O + X-A.) zoological garden (zoo) H + ^ + fA (x.V>+£*< England, Germany, France srHS + ^a (^ A. A, + L ^ ) sharer, partner iSb + ^CJEh ( i + high atmospheric pressure UltB + IIA {tyLw^ + tytety l) export and import jSjU + itil (Li "5 i'i commercial district ^f^ + /J^ (-ttV^faAy+Li^teA/) younger generation Mt + ( i £ -5 + (^) L*) travel agency IE + IxM (-£V* + {iA,fcV>) direct opposition Wi+H+Jt (-£"0 + tfo + >^) snow and moon and flowers ^- + 1?$ ( § v9> ^ +"C^ L ^ ) sudden stop mm mm mm mm WIS MUM X. V^^A,) movie theater (■3;J: ) (public) health center {iltA, Lo) clinic LfrLi) (LtfLo) office <£ "9 7l A,) kindergarten LA/'SA, L) newspaper company LA^A,-^) newspaper agency, news dealer It A, § &9> 9 Li) research institute ttA- š ty 1 L"^>) professor's office, seminar room /i V * L A,) embassy Lí9ÍÍ9 Li) fire station LoltA^Lc) laboratory L o &t A- L i "9 ) testing site L v9> 1 tz (, ~h ) residential area loty 1 LfLi")) parking lot t L i frA,) /0»g ( h L i Lo) library ě i "9 L i 1 ) baseball ground í/i^A,) /lllřji (t/ct-9 Lo) beauty parlor Šo$t^ /WfcŠ. (ěo^Lo) coffee shop § i?> ^ Li 9 LiŤl^iV rapid rise &frCO:))i~ impossible O- Z- •) L ě ) unofficial, informal ts^^h)i~ meaningless X -) t*>))i~ unequal L A^^iOA,) new product/^Stnn whole products CL "9 fr < tl š ) high academic career ^-tírV^O"t" incorrect, inaccurate -ďA^-tfr^V*) whole worldAI/řf:# new world L i9> *5 ^ "9 i "5 ) heavy industry ě v?) ^ Í 9 7^) 7. ;W steep dive, sudden drop LA,íá"^iiV) newly on sale íf fr A, L A,) "t" indifferent /i (3 A,-. %m )+( )+( )+( )+( )+( )+( )+( )■+( )+( )+( )+( ) = «9. It A P 1 2 3 4 ■ Biblií 6- 108 mm - 14. 15. z gg. - 16. 17. Š *9> 9 IBftfM - 18. 19. TOE - 20. 3áÄ — 1. ( ) KfáM%M¥*TfrbmÁ,X*Ati%Ž\<\ (íflfoTUK) 3. m^mm ( ) o^^m ( ) ^^m^n^tzo 4. áĎOMr ( ) <7)$oA^ ( ) ±#LTv>£-ej5ri0 □ Lesson 6 B. ^ & w * m m m m ± 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. m*Bffi ( ) <9AtJ£/c< HÍDo"Cv^ř)U^ 14. iMB^t;^ ( )f^h^( V- -Cl/' IV. ^<7) [ * ^ Éf ± t A 1 . 7. Ě3 ^Tn 11. 12. 13. 14. 5 9 E 9 ,v>/. 5tf SÍT 10. A5 Ht i5. JUfr 110 It A. _ a . □□+□ : Wil^ = ,Hfr + # express ticket WJj± = lHW + ± fireman ^Ljj^^i = trj/^ + ?$i percentage of attendance b. □+□□ : Bfcffl = \B+im old regime -r?AlH = f? +AEI1 re-entry (into a country) gXll = Ss + Aull super-state, super-power C' Ji T % » 7 tf c. □+□+□ : -t ^ T = A+^ + T good, fair and poor mMjfc — =1 + ^ snow, moon and flower (==natural beauty in Japan) Li-Jf.liV io felt dto ^i'tfS = li^+f't + IS: pine-bamboo-plum / ( = congratulatory trees showing three ranks) d. (D+D)^ : = + ^ younger people = nA+QA WMW- = l^jf^ + f^-f- army and navy : lift A = flffi+IIA export and import i|$ : ^H&i t HfflJEI: ffrJP&^&V^ £ no limit : S &^^CD the youngest If£jS : t^(= & 1 —J%.)L^M~thZ. t re-production ^-73M : %r* not experienced yet ist« gt^cDC^Ôl/^&^S various problems ^íSI&žbá C t i^tfo total expenses old regime f r®(^i^)j (A i: t±. "super-" i^?Mt rN£j@(Cl)x.£, NJAhWj j tV^&BfcTH&btiA:^ ÄÄiiŽfifíMtLT rMfcí>LóV^j rMA£j & f iľ'CDJAiC rí)»t^VNv í) CO "t" r < Adj./Verb j t jgf&ft £t# offlfé ~:-:v:v:e-:-:*:.ct*:.:^^^^ □□+□:mm -m : fc^ : -f cd# -A Li) Lo) /i 'II(AA) -SIUA) -fjf( L i / L i A) ká,) -^(t*>) Gif(L) ~±(L) -W^) ~&(š>0 8í< AO ~ä(^aa WJ< -tírvA system ~ 'ÍÍ0H) method/law H< -tírA) line ~ style/ceremony ®< aôA,) aspect 'M(AA) type 190) ratio —■ -M( '0 i 9 ) quantity *< .£*) degree — 'ft(^) value Ji) sect ~ - 03 (Af A.) group TI V- :ca) crowd — -¥(CA.) troop :a^) zone ~ -#(A^) field, world ;u-a) ticket ~ -m(-^v) tax & fafltt reliability □+□□: S£ : iSA, i^(-9)~ H;(TV>)~ ff(l^)~ 7C(fivO~ *t is m P^306 m ± §|§|1§ llillllllllll p. 291 IrIIIII m tlflflf M fg iiihii • ■ 1 11 • • w p. 311 ill!! p. 309 22 *o t>* Ľ. 1. □CJPJT m m m m m nun ta m m m m m m nnm 2. DO ( m 3. □□JÉ 4. DM 8. □□/t )lt )Jt )lt )Jf 9. DDK ( m m ( )H ( m ( )H 10. DM 214 rnmrn [ ig # It ± m IB * M * # ] 7. -^AA J: Iffi^P I2- TEE JEM 13. mm 14. -mu n 10. 15. An I S W f S¥ ] 6. 11. ^A 7. 12. ^ Pi 7£ D 13- mu if 9 1 ^ -Hr-Ab 14- -^m HL (f io. >x\h 15. □ Lesson 6 c : [g mm m \x 14 íi m # ] 7- ^CÄ 13. fifc; 2. 14- í±s 15. UoŽ io. ÄpJ^; 16. 11. Í 9 < Ô 17. itm 6. 12. 18. #ji. ŕv««(7)CM^^0-rv^o- (§?/»)[□+□□] #j2. S^StcA«9 7tv^A^#v^0 — ( íf£/A^ )[□□+□□] — ( ) [ (□+□□)+□ ] =&x> n U±(0mf]£ é otožt 1. H^iá, MiKGN P )tžigv^^A^^Jž^it^^tiHx.^v^ — ( ) [ ] — ( ) [ ] 116 3. bm-cíí, v^ž^coěmwnmumx&&0 — ( ) [ ] — ( ) [ ] — ( ) [ ] — ( ) [ ] — i ) [ ] í ttoK — ( ) [ ] — ( ) [ ] 10. fta, ŽA^) ĚI»IŤK#$^ < ^ o -c ^ v>9 o — ( ) [ ] mmtm^tx^mmz^iitzh, akdiik^mlx, ^mm^^^x^x 117 I . ^fffflE 1993¥(¥l^5¥) 2^190 ^WU (BŤU) C +JJOICS éfe * 73 A *p »2 A Ä — & EJ « — 73 O A 2> S — O A "' © i — — =& — a íp m Ť Ä C C S + íäÄ -t - ti 4> s ts st é — -fc 75 T fe u - *p íp A 5E Vi ffi T • CD .... k ä* t: s m *3 es — m a o 7i • ííe a* ^ ti e : s m s h k ' "t? £■"> O "T S § ít . _ ._ £ <£ 3 *p 7L m !3 t OO « ŕ: " 77" it a «? ta o *p *p o © o ?£ A A A K E> "F -P* O «SAP© t?—. ^ 20074p 1 «286473 A 2011^2 1 «304473 A 2007*P 2630757000A 2007fJ5 2617752000A 2025*P© »An 3320751000A 27.283$ 324475A 25.8^ 1997*P 1.499 1994*P 1.495 O — íp + © — = 75 • íl — Ť m a K i: i® Ä S •> ° ŤL ig — O O íp — i/C h g íp H ic + h. eg e 73 =p — íp AEK íp g ta - 7JQ B i-0 — 7? m s -t. . s — =f fcí 5 -h A — ffi /V % -^ 75 -A E O < ACÄ © " ~ s -y- -. r_ © m m s s? * © © — © ü =š OtSHAV> !/■> -b A' i í: a íp -t: © 3 -t- ^ _h 7x SfiJ 1993^ 2 M 19 H «£ 19 ) 118 m m 11 $J it »JHt ihid is m 119 □ Lesson 6 mm® m m mm® m m mm® m m mm® m m 120 Oü/ 1 a. ( ) mm b. ( ) mm c. ( ) mmm 2 a. ( ) nm b. ( ) nm c. ( ) mm 3 a. ( ) IW b. ( ) fits: c. ( ) «pnn 4 a. ( ) *ifc b. ( ) xm c. ( ) Ailfí 5 a. ( ) fítíc b. ( ) i« c. ( ) tftSIž 6 a. ( ) #it b. ( ) m c. ( ) #1» 7 a. ( ) b. ( ) « c. ( ) 8 a. ( ) mm b. ( ) mm c. ( ) mmm 9 a. ( ) urns b. ( ) i» c. ( ) t« 10 a. ( ) míl b. ( ) c. ( ) «tt 221 □ Lesson 7 10. a. b. c. a. b. c. a. b. c. a. b. c. a. b. c. a. b. c. a. b. c. a. b. c. a. b. c. a. b. c. :o: :o; :o; :o) :o; :o: :o; ;o: ;o; :o; :o) :o) :o; :o; ^ ^-) ^\A)X;V to change suddenly H#l ( § v?> 9 tI>$S0( ^ * 9 ~t AAV^X jl/ to take a sudden turn ^jf|](£v^^)x;v to resume f4fjt( $ ^ again, for the second time -BflJ to re-use, to re-utilize |ff^( L/i L ^ ) new style car §ffx( LA-ti:o)x;i/ to establish newly §f§£nM LA-^v^A) new products ^vlfc(V^(i V^)7. ;V to be completely defeated < ) a big country A^ff (^v' 0 #> 9 ^'9 )to prevail widely ^^(LLi to sample (food) |^^( LtbA) a tentative plan f^?llfe( L9 A,)X;V to make a trial run (in a car) ^1t(/'AiA)A very busy ^£ §j§ (£ li O) * ;l/ to occur frequently #!&$:( A A 9 ^t*^) decision by majority it/^"( § I ^ ^ 9 ) X Jl/ to have joint ownership ^^( I i 9 AA,)x ;v to feel sympathy ^S,^( § 1 9 o 9 TA) common points M(#)v^<)A definite B^J Hf (jq v 4fX) x ;l/ to say definitely $J#fl# (#> V * £ V > L j: ) a detailed statement 'i'0#( L I 9 L) always 'rf5'Jl|( ti9 Li^)^^ to win everytime #H^H( L I 9 ffjv1 < ) household medicine \l(^< f)o)XJl/ to establish ^(A< probability H'I4(^< Lo-£v>) certainty 722 I . |SJ ZmM^ Z\t\Št fäLXfä l/k £ V^ 1. fí^C ítfá 3. Í < £Aá 4. 7WAOÍFÍl£ -lOA-C <£tr 5. L- < . o < ž Ľ i Ť (t A. 6. láo^ 7. 8. ±íé£ t>tfh 10. i)o(afr> 11. flí« frh< 12. ri>£< LACá - MM tg> L) -f S • mm (Ľ KD o Ü *5) Í" á • Am • Ulít {fr< b/v) -nm •M 123 □ Lesson 7 ť Ť L 1. H^fíí^ SÄ 3. mmix^AK In ^A 5. ÍÄ^#x. it ■ 46- 7. 8. 9. W££ 10. ^^pao^ 11. facoAP/ô* tá 12. 83KB£ 124 §ÍLV> - Ii ň% - ffl (=OT) fřL< - - — a PP - Ž (=ŠBM) Alt 5Htr -> (d^BK L.20 COÍtU P-200) a . §j^( LA L*) b. fŕf£( LA-čo)*;v c. fčp"n(M^) ftg(LALo),, d. ^7K(ti:)x;u _hco b . CO J; 9 ffOm^íá^^íU^^^^MiJPlÔÍJ^IÄ^Lrv^^J^ET^ I Li Vo fŕMppp£tWti:d)f-£ M£jyt(f^J;9)-f á L w> ž v1 2ftÍico^Ž-£ffl(^^J: d )tá i9 J: 9)« SISA,* 9 <^^.§>=í^7JPT3 ■■■■ A Pri* mu (š *>9^9)-t£ fôii(JŽV^9)Tr-á fcaôUc 0^9 tf-^<^H 07^9 -r o x,-e V^O& 0^9 Ťzfifrhv^o Lit ^^{C^ŤLä ? Í25 □ Lesson 7 W) 9 ~if~ ~if~ « Miro) ~1í~ mm L/^)x;v ~if~ mm ^< t^)x;v ~ff~ ^ < [ ě v d -7T MM (§ n> -5 t)7.;v -Ä" mm ( ě 9 ^/v).X it (+3 t?) - ( § i 9 frÁ,)X)l ~ IS- - h Ali IS- 7 - - h (ě «t 9 i 9 )^ (-9"-f) - — SÄ (£^MÁ,);*;i/ ~if~ ' h ~1f~ Ľ. i ?-tíro)xji/ ~if~ Cid iT)x;v 1M( Ľ- i 9 «t d )^^ ~ýf~ -tír/UžV);^ ■tirÁ,^? -£/v J; d ) ~ií~ Ľ. 0 ■? ) * x.v^< )rx;v [^ÜrL<] ^x^)x;i/ tfX L *) x )V ~1f~ 126 [titf t < ] if if if — if— -if- ~if~ K] ~if~ ~if~ DtII(L«<)x;v c] if if r$ŕftj rfŕí£j rMfj fA r«j fcoltTíiféfr&^o r*fKj rAf£j rAéj ^ iwj Co rA^j rA®j íáAJf^fšlo |í (y) [fcfcUc] Ife (y^) [«t ,U;3;o)x;v í27 □ Lesson 7 =fr&< <»<> E <Í3H > i^(LUOtž = á5>£č>L< ITS = £<£A Sĺz š:Mlžih =t^A,WL< TfrZ> 7 m.£7^£L&o L J: o lí A *i 5. E^^^^ítÝĚLfflLCA^Ý^TO^íOíi:, fF$ti&v^ 3. B^íiOŕ,^^^^ AAl^ž- )=<^&£T*-fotíÍtf> íro * -t Ť-tír I 4. Sgit^BíO vc\c\hi \±% 5. m±(D * t" t) 6. íí§^OMfíW5^PB1i LAo )=< 2föiz&£fc> 131 □ Lesson 7 7. TC^/Co/cttS^ 8. £n^c i±^<7)/hBaÄ:^ ( 9. rrfic7)tüAP^o§,Ä|/riI$ )=< Š io. ^d^(á n. A^»Tíáte«^«-rž d t £ ( VN ) ( VN ) ( N ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) íl ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 132 I . a . - h .©Drffllfi (D b. m I cd \/ äs m a* if? «, ^ cd n A m m # A 155 í* K: ft 89 t? "O "g" ^ bot« < Tľ + n m ô N ttr N A ffi £É ÍÍ^J ;*A O bu id 3x *fe á; Al ^ X~~N _t [íl " * Í líg ZIEH T? tttC E> á* H 5 Tľ m tu tot m '/Ušli S0E /Hin a. § *9> "9 -T ^ e. b. f . c, 9. d. h. 233 □ Lesson 7 %fäUfr s m m -, cd ■aüÄ'i iSfc 3 ft Ä* P# ČT. V> —i -c ^ -, i m m. & m. n S K K !t T © § *- e tt b lí 1— 1— CD CD ^ -, 55 ig ^ h * # *5 -y a k -ft 3 CD frč -r b s r ei m t. § Y * a: Ä ti m § k a CD T ä* 2? ft if CD < ■f D ä1 cd n T S T a cd m v — -y eis p< ' i v> Ľ Sí> S W *r Ö l/c „ 'S ££4 -fcTL, /-—"v 7p*3 ÍX W « ^ » S S -1 ß fl S ft' ^ ^ -y- if i I S± 5 ^ Ä* b as k ■=> b a: w •£) 1*1 p ÍJ ISO Ä S ft 8 31/^ Sít K TJ* cd # ta # 11 ä cd cd . _ w 3* a if 85 ^ |8c ä? cd n cd ^ e 2; /c a m é a ^ a -r T B (C Ö * « c a a: — b Jí-s O T -r- _ _ _ t Ö íi * S 1/^ é i: 5 t a 3 T _. V"1 Ä i: ff CD Hü _ ft ft b r a: b a a b ^ ^ CD CD "■ b m m u ig s * if- 1 5(5 y m ^ m b i CD nľi m fir s b -v T ^ Vi o. 0 Ty t i/c t •d )]/ Vi -ft r -r o ČI t : CD m b I m mumm ífü(-rv^L^) muLxž) (i5Í>XfrA,täA,) 6 ^ 11 B 119) 734 mm Wm mm TB0 ( ■ ) a. 8 0#^)&řB^^;f ^/A ( ) a. Ä^A^^MxAtf AAo ( ) b. xmx)\\(D7ki)smjzo ( ) □ Lesson 8 ( ) ( ) 2. a. |£o^cp/--afr7 7 y^K^^Lfzo ( ) b. ^(Dtzt>2, 3Hfii:l^to ( ) 3. a. tealffc LT^ ^ 1~ o A i9 <&pTL£pfc0 ( ) b. ^TcB^^^^^oTiqflKai^tt^o ( ) *^0||(}io ^ 9 X*) first visit of the year to a shrine 4. a. Si^^^ ~X~kffifr%m*Wtzh^L^tzh i o ( ) ( ) 5. a. Z\^mmL^o ( ) e. a. ^^t^gmwt^^o ( ) b. %^i/%te\XMZikyOK$BfcZtlX^2>0 **^>* antelope ( ) 7. a. ±#pDq^«9Jt^(iJpX^:pnp^^tLT;^^o ( ) b. &0 ( ) 236 □ I. 1. a . íf(vO< to go b . to perform, to do 2. a . cold b . ^-t to cool 3. a . to memorize b . to wake up 4. a . to arrive b . to wear 5. a . to increase b . to increase 6. a . to come, to visit b . to visit I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a. 5fr@(r^j: 9#>) b. Wifi^ i^)^^ a. t) witfi b. g^&i-) a. 7É^(^Xě)A b. ťcHWACo) a. ^(r,<)^ b. iW^I) a. fÉt^V^) b. MHH) a. g^(L-€%) b. ^(TAfaA) a. jjnX(A^)^ b . X^( (^9 the fifth line to travel to study abroad absence healthy, fine the first day of the year comfortable, easy musical instrument enjoyable capacity, efficiency temperament nature nature to process to devise 137 ÍÍKféfr fiX v > £ ?l^cDf% A7j £ * * * -f xm š & £ «. A a . b . 1 13 a . b . b . 3. T a . b . a . b . 5. ^ a . 8. a b a . b . a b Ltz Jo Jo - § V AM ItilA All Alt AI HA AM Am fatl Wl %13 M:ts éEM mŘ m$ wj) « im » mr r m tph-* i&rth ±T Tit T^-th T^-fZ) A¥ Í1A& ÜAth fôAtá Am AWfr Amth Amth #M RMl^ a^ mm ^ y kíl 23S 1. mm 2. Ti* 3. j£g 4. 6. fH 7. ^ 8. fjfffi 9. jJt|S 10. » a. Tl a. a. b. b. #ft t3 ea a-:' b. a. a. W b. c. 3T@ c . #± a. b. c. fl&fS b. ypfSft c. MlfA a. ^Ur& b. 3& c. 1. a. mzfe^XMJH &b< frofco b. i(?)llit:^v»^ ct<^j<0 139 □ Lesson 8 -tŕA.x 3. a. JčT^Vf^lIlhtóTľ^&^o b. 5 5 p 4. a. ia^čQf4^#f(7)jl#tŽV^ b& IV^o b. bt>\sŤzo 5. a. -čO 1 fe^Ěfr^&ffifrfrx. ^&&o b. JL^)l,^-(Distz%\iJ£c\ p 6. a. C^U'I^J:rULÍo/:o 7. a. téŕf fote & ^ g b < IM)/c o tt"V>Ľ«.0 7J> b. 'J litCfcfcg%l/:^fiíotv^o Ott) f. V b. -A2féK3:£.£^b&li&^o 240 m^zte^iüä,)tm(< á^iijI^ m%fr1ifrh «9 ttfr, z:o&±ód#íi|£ ^MÝ^TTcii^-AT^-ro /:/:u ^m^m^fr^- t w\~M m%fr-n*Wo X v > a t> tfx ií & <, ž 7t r o j^±ío#í íl ^otv^i^^žu LžLn0 gu), tt(Ä^f), JK(va^), ^(i/Ä'f). fô^*/**), jK^/*^ ÄU/v), c :^i:l^i:|ltS. M ('>3fr) 11 (V 3^) -9 bft-l) L-aô&) Z.kt>-Z>) M (ry) mMofztbiizmt-fztézižffi-Do 141 □ Lesson 8 in rm. (Ah) (zl?) ( W) (fy) (A/A) (A A"M) (AW) á^A-T) ^£-Lv^) TC-AS) A(7)-tr) fzl-h) 0#)-/^) x>-7Lh'X>~*?~$-) Ž-tbZ>-Ž-tt) zrß-L^) joA^-Aft) HŽ-th'&Ž-tbh) &&-S-&A-T) l±&-<) £A-A£-£A-*A Ť i* í) Ťz co{£A cof&T Al1 Lv^o ^Mco«#STo «L<#iAcot!ä:fž£T£o AAd LcoAíS^£fIfr0 W^tJV TM ž 1% ^ To # X Alt A & P "Cfř ifätoŕzo šLtiŕzMžrntb&a Ľ LA. ^(Dmt^mtzo TcOíi^co j; ^ (y-xv) (K) (*v) ttA-Aá-ítA-T) Žfz%-^) o 9 ) v^A-S) titv^, A A ^ o t m n Afí ti A < mfämtotcAtfmzmfox § a0 5fc£ a e m^tzm^mm < 0 142 m music ' ytf?) $Z%*(tf7*) 7 y* ) comfort, amusement .' ( 7 y") & [3 ( 7 y" -X. >) 3|^U>V7)-f& $7fe(V-;-l!>)t?> V > 'J 7) ^ + * 7* > 'J7) ii(7*7) ii>F(yw) V7) lead U 7) ratio ya1)) image, symbol 7" 7) elephant #') picture, painting ^ y* ) drawn line, stroke a drawn JUL m + a) 7E*(v*3)"l£ MMtJ^sHZ t*3 7) : ^(tf3 7 K7)& V ^) : ^('U')^)^ ^(Hf>U^fr)1"S M('Ji^^)tJ v7) *'7) ^7) 77) v 3 7) *Stt(-b>fy» »(y>^^) #!rJ(v77) tttt(v>v>) #^(7 7^7) Att(r>y>) #S(***7)« mmif>^) ^(-3-7^7)^ 7>M(*>^7) jff^(v3^7)t^ fflf£(77^7)?-£ ffi^(77r7)« ^ffi(T77) HKvava-)) ^i(*My37) 7:ffi(7->v37) 8 143 □ Lesson 8 (*>f) íl (^) Sf (V) U) M) mw(x-y) |£ffi(7W7ľ) r ÜA (4) 1 ^TjgftftSgg^CP^fr to m. |£j (-*) fcX} g (^) tco< (7>í) 14 #7 (^*) t á 1. g(7>f) é(^) 2. 3. 4. 5. -t:(v^) KČ 6. Í[(v?) 7. > £(7» S.( * y) Ltztf-oX, rm(&Ťzt)j CO X d \±mmfrfztt>fri) t to M^X3Mvlll±.mK&cot>) íit(fc) «(íä) S 244 -fe-f 77) H-» V^?A) y 3 - f) ŕioO) 7 7 V * ) fr ^ C S t) v 3 7x) nfrx) 7 v a 7) v^if) l*J ^ & & íi ^ A ti& £ A ^ A v \ t 7 >7(áÄ AA^<7 t A ii, í£<7iä 9 fr-#t± Wf ÍIÉAAi^WA0o/A z>>-KL# f iIf(3 7/3 7/^7 ď) i j AKiA _£i£We?vŠ £XÜ, r- 9 tí j t £, I ÍÉ^ AV^á Afr 2 ~ 3 AÍIá^/h$ ^tfTTXitcD J; 9 ft O - AfráĎž0 i9oti o wx fě m m i ä f rm. í\ "Tří eg .....j: -f "s 20 145 \b Mtz)^x^fz0 1 b .íä(ŕi)v>Tv>;š) J hi t 1 b J 1 b .fä(^fr)btlfz0 í b í 7. r3Ífm££#x.*ÍXíO í a.g(&o)£l9 j j \zm\\LŤZo \ b J í b .*(o^)o"C í I b .jgtífcJOoT J if Á. Z 1 10. ^^f^mglSŽ-^V^r < ixh ld f * M(fzfc)& i ^fv^o b .i»(ěT)o^ 15. ?^3 0A^fé*#?A¥^IIB^3#J£ í a.£(L)*6T b ^j:)oT j 16. t < V>< j t)*r J í> «bofco í b^&)oT J 17. M<7)BK£óÁ,-C\ f a J: r) LX ) Lt ^fz0 18. h%LX j Jc^C «I. a. ±P#c0«tM^-ííx^t^0 ■► ( b. %¥*ktMLX^Z>0 * ( 2. a. ^«Jt£4r/Ě£LTV^0 ( b. ^imU^imXtzflfrh ^fífrtlX^^o + ( 247 □ Lesson 8 3. a. Cl <7>fe (±Ŕfc H fä|»-f ž h o + 4. a. McérUOOA^Wí^Ä^: L/jo b. yy^rfzz-fr h 2 M^MvAHs < ^ tut0 5. a. «é$Tľ^^iI^fo/io -4 b. - ^tľ^ítCOlti^i^ ĽCV^0 * Ľ if A. 6. a. ff^l|^lA:ž0 -► b. ttwmmŘvrěfrKtzo + 7. a. Ä^^ÄŤl Ž-ffi-To <4> b. ^Ax^mtfry), sälxv^o * b. -r 'j v + 5 iz\±txi>x m m & n * m -r * 0 9. a. ^ßcOftS-c^Ä C tf_Vl£t £ o b. :*-f§§4'ío-eE^u^ft'Cif9o -► 10. a. W*. IMcOE^K^^ - t^flUV^o -4 b. K d A Cf# L < ^ ÍP§ L T í> £ x. "C *M ŕi0 148 As. [ a. jg^ b. jg_m 0 a. mjg_ ] • 2Mrm£ ( ^ ) mz>0 4. [ a. b. íl* c. S« d. Jä* ] 5. [ a. am b. mm c. mw. d. mm i A tit Z •«Cii ( ) %&fäX\ frA,%KttfrtiX^Z>0 li A 6. [ a. « b. M c. HA d. #JP§ ] •"Cti, ftfä^fDfrtzŽMz ( ) ^íô^íri5Hv^LÍ1-o ■ fáuůtf ( ) "Tá J; 1 U, Íítt-Cií^ f? H^ot^co 149 He* t&T&S UA Ift Jj ,« m m to get off, to put down to fall H 37 to get off, to fall HI god, Shinto # W§ icffl la V 7 mind, spirit, god n*£ mm V 7 god, Shinto w± Affi 150 ra □ All 4 #12 75 X -k 75 iL 73 P 7. ji 1t p ffl 8 10. fr 11. 12. A 251 7^7 7 holfäffc tztz.\x, teuj £^7 IwDZ < ^ Zd äto Tic?) l ~io<£>b&%£I,£ 315 mm r i j 19 £l-^£>.r ^7>^ rS^j ^K&^<7) rlj, rInternationalj LTV>£ £ rOrganizationj {ZttBLX^2>;l/ 1. 13. JAF Vi-^-^7/v>7 m, 14. NT T -i — t" '— n, 15. NHK i^x^f^r- 0, ti T 1 £ i i 7)>l-> b»i?im# tiA.)öv> B«MlüW b ^m^mirj^tt b «*al£tt b^MM rB^j ?:^1-<7)H, rJ(japan)j t rN(Nippon)j 0) 2 o^ab£ CL £ 152 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. mkxWM t A < fix L ž o /co i (o si (oi% £ j 11 ^YM^rtT v ^ o ^li^plíiio^^ji]: ž o /to 3 > fcf j. - ? (Dfäy^frŤzfffofrh fr^0 fä&lä^š X-AX\±Š X § /:0 ^a^ a^v^ťm -fcr^fco 'It b M) a b ž) b M) BP b S) /Uli b m) b m b m b b «) b m) it b m b m b m M b m JA b m) b m) b m b Ä b ím b m 153 □ Lesson 9 < g X > 1. a . 'It busy to hurry 2. b . (£43) many, much X (4343) §V> big 3. b . m (is <) ti& to be late m (is <) 4 to send 4. a . m (43*>) ? to think m (43&) heavy 5. a . (fa£) bad m (fa) £ to break 6. b . it (^1") tf to rest At) cheap 7. b . if (&tf?) tl& to flow (&^?) long 8. a . & (til:) to begin (SiC) first 9. a . BE (fatr) sleepy (fa) & to sleep 10. a . (£43) £ to pass T& (fc£) far 11. a . (AA) way (AA/AA^) shape 12. a . ft (4) ^ to wait W (*>) o to hold 13. b . & (§)"'£& to decide * (<) to come 14. a . ^ to line up (£*>) l to learn 15. b . (oA) red 17. a . (W is to live ff (H < to go 18. a . U) ^ to call U) tr to read 19. b . ft (A) *) h to borrow (A) 1" to lend 20. b . (dCI£) AS to try A heart, mind 154 OS 3. ^O5fe^jt^~o^ (a.-ftfrtiX b.mtlX) V^0 4. ^(7)ami»5f ^«t < (a.£jj< b.üflO r)LV^o 5. /■t-ŤJ - *i-&(DX\ \>.$k&W) tf&WZo 6. l±, ^ŕj700^täh*lírtC (a.tV-C^tiAi b.^T6^)0 7. :W7/^F^) (a.A^ b.A^) £/Ui, Hj^hV^iCOA/Co 8. HIÄlt^« (a.igt bJft) KftoŤZo 9. ^(7)«ÄO^|#^^ j: < (a.^tt h.MhX) ^ho 10. íSV^-Ct-^-^o^tT (a.vM^< b.Bf^O t/io n. itsük? (a.-^č b.mAfz) cox\ mmzfŕc\^Q 12. (a.lof; b.féofc) )0 255 □ Lesson 9 2. ^(7)7, SO^^te^it (a.&^fc b.|fo£)0 3. <2rH<7);ft£ (a.|fot b.iot) (iV>tf&V>0 5. yC^7>y> (a.ftf^T b.RlOT) 6. TCifcWW (a.®^0T blot), ^#^tB7t0 7. «c(±^°--tm--trtfry£ (a.^ioTt h.m^fc)0 8. (aJf0T b.feT) V^60^Hx.^o 10. TJ^^C/hS&CT* (a.^Dot. b.vULoT) V>£0 11. lO^^ (a.H b.ffl) «V^-e^^tfo/io 12. TWV^t (a.^fj b.#) ^&9><&£0 13. '^fj^ (a.flo b.*o) W^W-X./cCD'C, f|V^0 14. Tt^P/f-e^i^ (a.^T b.flrt) V^0 15. C\&0 156 19. mŠLB\Z-fcŤZ*>\Z h.m^Om %Í>h^ŕz0 20. (a.£-tfT b.VÜ-tfT) VAtA^^o/:0 21. É^TiSAŕiŤ^fc/Ô* (a.jS^T b.DlOT) V>á0 22. Ä<^^BlCetLv^ (a.tß h. M-) »tl/^0 23. I^Llot, ^fcHfc^ Sri* (a.féoT b.fcT) \^fc0 24. ^W^^IáiC (a.^l^T bJOt) rWá0 1 . a . ^jj^fofotlä ( b. mxtt>frtLZ> ( 2. a . -frfoŕjfr^MŽ ( b . fffobfrV^ ( 3 . a . (ž ĽžfrT^iKfí < ( b . {íĽfeT, 5 ( 4. a . ^tž^ ( ) = (At) BO^K&S ) = a>£< §b< ^ígs& frfz 3a v íl tľ lis < o £3^0 < o £ÍU š o #t>£«o ^Ä£«0 íSB£fé-CS£áo Mi; r a a# < o Ťc&^fiJŤ a# < o < o řJ L < XiÍL < o trL fjj«p,!)%h ■ ,§1-mu* -m-r mwm^0 ^mxho n^it^o ti tiž ■ tiöh ^th-t&^h AwgCSUo WCSíoSo □ Lesson 9 CD\th frtz^- [Si Uüi ZR h0 A^:SlŽ>< tm^m-o m zuto #Ä^0 &^&&tf0 ^v^Bo d. [iJi)l|(7))ll^|g^7z< ŽA^T, fél^tftfStLl^O) ■ # io $ í h • ~ 9 £ % tb h Ifi t h (w^AS • Xtih) • rn#>& (Sitte*:ff^) ■ämmt ho im*Who zmtho n&^mtöho if -fcfoh • ~9 i^T^h í&fr & • í& x. £ (í) <7) ffŕPfl^&K&fc) h o Wxm f) £ o • (fŕtv^^i;) íM^žo I^ifAžo M#o 9 i±M * rftj ^ m&zm&o m:tk^mho «^iž„ nmm\ho %m*%\ho Síl) AA-ŕé ftm£*á0 5ht£Máo SI^Ä^o 2 60 ■M □ # (E^ft£-^) S (ÍÍ^ílfeftž& h^lHö) fr< »< (FLi) i± n o* r) tá* 4b (ji/šTI) A^ž ^x.&, #x.& / !)fá, « 7v< m G* (frjo (aJT) ) ft (A Až) (A Až) ^Aá (A Až) (A Až) ž) ^ž Má ž) ,t^ft^ TŠ^ftV^ iSAfti^ ítxA^ tJ^ftv> Ä^ftv^ fôft^ ít^it lot ISAžA ^AA ft A ä A ft AT Mit MX ťt Äo X ma- üA 9 161 □ Lesson 9 TÜ^Xil X x) ^x( 9oT fí-D £V>T %\,*X(& 1 V^T) £Á/C frl^ ŤfôÁ,-e(t| A,-?) "C) T/; TI) e9 pa ^oT fot (V: üoT(fcJ oT) J: Á, "C fxfr f%Á.~eU \A,X) a 9 -t) -c) < < (~?) < (~-~?) $b< (~#~-) fttr (~#~-) {~if) ijjaôá (~#~-) l&Aôá (~?) C£ Uh {~if~=./~ (~?) fit (~?) ítt (~h~?) Í5C1- (~?) SAtsuftáo 262 ab i +&> 9 &> b t>~f + & b t>~t 9 9 O-f 7>X.-2>+7>X_á £"C & + hŤzŤzi)^ + ÍbŤzŤzfr\ť-7>;fa + 7>;b 3a n mm m- L * 9 9 ) x ;v ^^^^) xjv i ^ 19 * 9) * ^ ^ 4, < ) x ;v itv* 19 ± 9 ) itv^ < ) ^- < i9 j; 9 ) 7. ;v Adv. KD'Ž'fl <\ o 7 -í jVA^^fŽo 7)^^m^^«t-^< ±Äfe*iliJl:1-žo m m m n& ^ íte wí l^y jt^ J/tJ-v ^^^^^^^^ iliillliiiiillll ^ ^ ^ g} ^ M §§§||§|ffltl ;|||||||||||| .0. TJ7C W /i-'Ü 22 163 1. t&y^r^AtéfKŕí^ (a.^föT b.llfôT c.^fôT) Vít 1"7Í% 2. 7t&K^£fflt£Jl£^&l9č9^JlA (a.^bfe b.^bfe c.f^Lfe)0 8. iltŤ^'r (a.gLt b.ilt cjLt) t^/:0 9. (a.AoT b.#oT c.^0T) £fe0 10. HU^OA^iK (a.±^0fe bAÔŽoA c.^^ofe)0 11. ^flTiäLÜffl^AÄg^ (a.^fefe b.lltöfe c.^fefe)0 12. $c^-C8 ^ 'A^IÍ£ (a.^bfe b.#tfe c.BŔtfe)0 13. ClA&^ (a.#0 b.lfcO c./f!o) ^i4SIŤ^téf%£>&^0 14. A^Aiá (a. ;i| b.j£ c.^) ^tf^^Tv^tľ\ £Ť£A0 15. í&íA S±liJ^ (a._L£ b.ffS c.fS)0 I. >k(DXiMA.X\ a.~ d.liüwWiLno 1. &&Mtl&<7)X\ Hfl^ČIEítK (a J§ b . Ht ^ □ Lesson 9 n. & scarce 4. a .Bf (fofztz) fr^^ warm M {h^>) ^ hot 5. a .[BJ C/i same %f (nt) LV^ equal 6. a . $: ( i ) *6 h to decide 5E (£t\£) to establish 7. c .$£ (tztzfr) 1 to fight #• 9 to fight 8. b .i4 (A)^?) 1 to be different S ( i £) & 6 to differ 9. c .% (£) &t& to be defeated Ifc (^^) tl& to be defeated 10. b .f§ < to work Sj) (o£ ) to work for ■ 1 . b ffi ihtzb) young men new 2. b (o#>) /;V^y\-7 H (£tr) cold/chilled juice cold, chilly (weather) 3. b (<&) tv^ painful, difficult sad, miserable 4. a & (o«t) to cut 7. b & ^£ % x. & to think, to meditate S 9 to think 8. a BK (fatr) ^ to lie down, to sleep BK& to sleep 9. a to raise, to bring up H:9 to bring up 10. b m (tzL) fribbKfz to admit, to accept ^fribh to make sure 170 a. am b.ipU c.j^ a . )\m b . #^ c . jlgft a . Ä b . M c . í&§j a . Ä b . SJÉ c . a. ntt b. mm c. Mg s. B^m<-£v>) —3é MM (t -íi-ft ( § 0 9 Ľi) fffifé (^<) ft® (U-v>^<) l&T (t 0 9 19 i 9) mm (í) - M ( •9 x. A,) :pr v mM ( féÄl ( » ( If * > H'If ( ú* ( E> Kor ( žtot ( if3 v Wit, ( TO ( ži* J ^-HS ( ( HS ( P J Plffl V HS ( ##J ( #11 ( &T ( ptpra ( ^á,3>< ) L i9> -9 t^á,) < z\ 9 x. A,) D i9> A if A) £v>L i 9 ) tfoTA,) íá o Tá,) t -5 ó A) (ioTÁ.) ^A^o) ESU mm mm ^L) x.Á,^ i -9 ) ?H^< ) >A,ti^) s*) tto LA) Ľ- ty Á, C i ) /:^Li 9 ) Ľ> < TÁ,) LATA) \±^Ťz^) y)) iPÁ, h?) fffi PRB^F (i 9 l_v9> 9 ) ( Ľ- i9> Á,V>) (tzLXL) (TÁ,^) (tH^íío) (^A,aôV>) ( L * 9 ty i 9 ) 173 □ Lesson 10 b f4-f-ít- Ä - (fr< o) i±m - mm ti,* -a- -31 5 !'u (L>Ci 9 LŠ) ^íi^ (^< 1:^) (tr § i 9 Í 9 4)1 L1» Ť L i < |^(L*9^)t& ft*^ffif^^jo fc> á / £ £ x. á t (tA í' U«o 174 fMÄ( L®i fr A,) 'lfflJ(AAtl^) <|flt(AAL^-A SJÍ(ALA) ^ B AAA Ž^lioti^U tt*AA{IAi:\ ^ž^íott^Ii: fjjtJ & fäH o "C v > & š i o A14 ttécAHHA £«W (A^A<) ^ (^AA<) ffmg. Ot^*) * < ffM Ot^AO jfc® (ěA<) ftffi (t A <) ipH (L®Alf) N N N. VN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N V N V N V N V N V N V N V N V N V N V N V N V N ? t (7) A& ty t Ac ÄEl^ÄSo »«A^ÖAao í LIXAA v^o $ LIR AAfe£v^0 «cdMaAv^0 ýřMt&o fflli AA éttí:«A S o 10 275 □ Lesson 10 U«rAI:j:)N/JIEj^J: < J||Iíí(i:^/U>)n # (lä7v)N JrhlxÉtl Adv. {mmtmmmzRfí-t&o tttfttkim£ ŠIC J: <ítl *>) b . if||f a. ^ Ud1~) m^m^mm\m^%.Lx^tz0 m±jt%^im^tz^tzo A& Mr ATM PffBBfS; t> < TA,) TzLXL) ) (i^< ) ^ ^/^) «<)VN ^<)VN 7§hh,)V N \m*?'Mtx& t^x^htc\h mm^mmm^mft* t d »5 i ? $T 4TT #X.-^SV^ intention Lid t-t&^^W-h will ^EA^if&lC^-Mfx. last wishes f£^H#PBt1»;b& VN end 3-7.Tj^tP^ VN completion ^/e^JiiA, C&o 277 □ Lesson 10 \t^ VN security JM#£oC&7 VN compensation JIH £ Wit ~t" & 0 I 1 i hp n ti ft & ilftlllplllllfl^ @ 1 « 1 1 i m f¥ fk m 20 tit L i d o tŤz, ^M^íitVíUíLno .[ « m mm s/5 ] ífóce>3TOi HA, ( ) L, ^fŕPfl t -čWttb £ «fc ? K & o £0 [ « §&5É ±3É m ] [ ä "" Wk'b #4^ ] [ M #St ] [ I» « ] [ #11 #H ] [ fin fii^ii nm mm ] [ Hliií lílm prbIU fmí^" ] 779 □ Lesson 10 gg. ff tfxštzb, $o^ -9 ( ) ^Afr^ ( ) 7. ±i^)_öT//orv^aA^ m^mtit^ztttzttz Ü5^0 UŤzL ( ) §A ( ) 9. W.Xt_LX&X, mtmWM^hhc\t^hi)^ŤZo Ťz^Lxi ( ) 10. _í<^b*ž^_í±^L£v\> iiotA ( ) L^AA ( ) 180 At- ; t- í b. ( ) »I I b.if ( ) J 3. »üz-e^jtTtiioia, ±Am^ScO f a. ( ) \tf&&Í>(Dtz0 j' 1 b . ( ) M J S s. mmzimm(D í a. ( ) simi&^^-cv^o i: í b. ( ) m í 9. ^C0±ife^*7t:M±, -I£<7)j a. ( ) ľ ) £J|A LT í> b ^tz V\ 1 b . ( ) fô| J 10. fftV^H^ff9 Z\ttf í a.£ ( ) )ŽtlX^&0 l b.Ht ( ) j 11. *tö%i£. í> OT"to «1 ^* X X O X X X O X X X ■o X X X O O, X X O X frXXdibXfri Lido nm\z 182 I„ >aa£#{A íg; b to (1992^) m^M^-ux-fo Jmm&tfWbtix^z> ^oíiicLtí) tto m^k o -c ij f0 rNOj Üiti (D\±mš(T)mmxhh0 I^±ii:^7t rNOj £Bf$-f £ A^A, rv>v^Aj O^B^a^AífoH^A^hoTíá^ BWJ^y^fo h h A, ^!r}Ô^*«rŽ^HHL7t:AH^^i9 ffi-f- t iá^BS tŕíä&v^ Allure H fô:+:B KB l AlAfr • fl$$ (á A ti 7 b 33'A "f & 0 L^U íia^SHAc^ii, -üIW)rf3iJA)AA A(:^ Atä'C^ (9 >1 oB^tt(±^<^í)oo|)žo ;*Af£KWxA2\ f^^HWTl IIIA£o£if KBB£#fcfai£&:fc^j£í£Míí A 183 □ Lesson 10 fr^:M(Di§xB^A^ rNOj tmo^štšfc rNOj tmt>^ u^xi> rNOj t it ížíťí: & ;s ^ r z ti^i^^m ^ h k 7t^# V >JÔ*\ ^ t & h \Í Z tl (Ž t*m&X~ (Í & v >0 ^|=c7) rNOj Hi£v^^i(7)I tífC r^^x.j tv^f^žo ^^ÍO^<7)^^-eii, rNOj \z ri^x.j £&-Cfi&T#;iá ^ t ^^"(Dxm^^mtmAomfztis^x^^A^^^ < ífMt h d t tft> o 'C < £ o H ^Hft<7) rv^x.j 'Clá, IíLi^ ffi^<7)^^^HI$)í, £ Wi&tä^\ rNOj rNOj h£ 9 co \rm%(nimxh & o ^m^)±m^M^-jX rNOj -cíá^v\0 fľíióre s Minen Lfc&w • ■$fiÝ*L£»rféKi-£0 ■íh-& r t z\ t x\±fr^0 izMtz*) tto o i ty Z\lltXto féfc>ftT^&#»£Ôj (guess) -ý~&;fr í>ov>£<^tá£v>i?L± 9ri\, í> cbíofŕwiaw*tyztfrh, &%Ťz\ m^x^x^OG*«ö:ttJ K?° cn«G rSS-i^J tWAJ&^S0 ďí^k rss-t^s^ lSPWt rzoj «iWhJAJÖ' rss>tfj G»»^to rzoj AJl|«^K?tn^ KJ AJ$l[],ß#S W ftlJHVfflNJ' UKW rzoj rz OJ AJllBiOKfi^S-ßü öm# i K u K? •H AJ "v/ •H •H -> ru ten Vo ■H m ~ K? 0 ŕ* m i ■31- una ! 'Vo ■h m CO (N) 05 Ol m m j* ■N-1 gg m 185 1 ti/otz< r£tt(^ L^)j fyf^ mm: tj i; «! tzV tl t^kttzb . X $b tLf fit I) ?)'' $j : ¥M»9 -A^^ ft : 5g|rU> «Ly^ MLv^ i^Lv> lufM^ « : il^ «L WEt; ^ftt 1. 2. 3. AS&tt 4. 5. 6. gftij 7. uufug ^ 8. 9. $T*)Mt 10. iL^jtf ^ 756 I . T$LtiZ>m¥* I ! ^ř>^-eO£otf&£v>0 "us á Ali I 1. j|_ífAXJ^^IÍ (i A A & Av^clilm LXfrb ^Sl-^ ě A0 2. tflg^ctir^icK LA^\ »MUlio/:0 3. AiOffD A -£> co £ x. A (DWX&h o i SOB SBÍI } 5. A^%m5^±(Dmut^Ťz^ů:^m^^ftz0 I $A& ^A& I j AJ&^ (J*Ä*Mr 1 9. U^^Tŕ.KLŤztf^xm*li Ltzo 10. |jf tv>7^°- M:lo/:©t\ Tff^tc^J: ^ 5 < Cffofeo i a.m %m mm \ j #Ä #Ä I 12. ^mm^^mt^di*)tmM^mitit^^^im.^Anfz0 I#Ä « #Ä} i &w mm mm mm \ 1 W# f!# yf# } 15. 25^bíj, mt^Amm^mti^i)^š, ^x^m^u^l^llťzq I ±MLtz í±mbtz JŠMLtz UMLtz \ { ?6t£ i 17. gv^ó, &^K«LT*Mŕio£A^\ Bft^-A&^ír^&á %A,xAáLtemz<%$> KftWs Lxfrb ikfet^ § fco 2. Itl^tž^L.fcfo\ ffi^iä^ijtLTLŽofco 5. A%7kmm5M¥±(Dumt m-A^ma.* *mz0 9. g#Oíl^;Lfc^oT«MJH^fco 10. fŕL^T/^- M;#ofcC9t:\ Tfrffiffŕfcff ggjifcfi o fco 11. Í£&!9-tľ^Ť^LTv^0 f f) i < l& &| 4. #»1t$ti3$J ri?&oT#0 £ L£0 !Ä fll 6. W£% i^^%täZtbŤz0 TT77T Iii íl 7. ^ifcíľbx.J:? t HL7to il 9 Vi 9. V^±l^IotÍÝ«^^f ij^frtí^o í J; t fit 10. íÄM^-fŕižIS i Lüfte- rn 11. _^^Ä^o-C^HÄ^^^^fí^tL^o i2. mtftM^múmfot), zti^ha^ KLxgmxm. 290 13. UX^^LŤz _gtio§feo^, mfí*u%k£tt\*^*tz0 14. 7jcA^< Lfri>^A(Didiz ýj(D$)Z>^mmmžtifzo 15. JDUtfí^£<*t&2r&Äfi 1!I 16. mz.%z>t-*rrx0 17. £1±^\z&MLX ( ) ^I#^I1A7j^#§^$v\ 1. m&{t\^/,) •Tu 3. #A( )Aá : «( 4. lňÄ( )tš : S0i( 292 L 6 — L 10 (Aíllf 1 p.94(Da ^MtfiiLn») ^15^ 7% (^"f ) S" (Ä> ) 'If Ä (* ) m ± (v ) ft #B fis e- í (v> ) # já (-w ) rm. ft (VA ) ÍŘ MO (v* ) ( K ) S (-» s (K) & ía c BS rS fB m m m (^M^Oj-Uif^m^C*oTi>5é© (ílWi p.95(Db) (A A) pH ( A 3 7 ) Ä m m m U'f) m (A>) m (A>) m ít ÍŘ # it m m is (A>) PI (A>) (A>) bs 192 g (7*) :fB SO *i (7 ) :g -s-^L^t>o7t 19 LT^á&W&D žfo (^IH p.95©) »J1 $J2 #15 #J6. m^=yy ■ť y V) 7 7 7*7 (/ivi ca,) (f <±a_) ftíllĚ (/ív^ta.) ŕf^ (ta, d) TI b /JU (^7» : fifi (v^) (^mi 1 P. 96©) (*K*>) í : tě) if {7 II : (é>v>§* <) 193 □ mm 2 V 3 f-3 7 h #J 3. R i/t 9 m 4. ^ A #J 5 . Ü Z Ä X> #J 8. jí b ^ • X • b 9 y % •• ÍS (77^) m : «SÄ (2^) ^ : Tlí (th) ir: wir (*>*<-) ir: 1r# (m^) ^ : ^Jft (tf c*9>/u) S : gif (1-v^ i <) S : SIM® (^H ^A^o) m • ^ ä : ují (Al^) ^s M : 5fcIB Mil (í^) 194 st» □ «19. -n *: P*: m- WO. 3 V 3 j^ffe (l:í^a) -v «111.. vy ?ij : m ■ «112. ' V 3 -b-f fjjff- (^^) -b'f V 3 7 m «113. ä; "M • V 3 • V 3 «114. ť: ^7 • ť 7 t: ^7 it : (fctiH) #7 : BM U?a,^) «J15. 37 - m — - __ — — — — — m s zry U ta IS t # 3 iillll llllll |§|l§f llllll i* (JLě_2**< ■ pji íí st m m s iß ä #i iÍtlllÉtlllÉÍÍ 20 295 I. ( ) \zm^m^m^XXfiXhtLxio \zyYtLX, fehfr\ mimi>^"(Dxjimtt*ikLtz0 3. -mv^\z^tz^^{ Kfi, ^mh*Wfr1r 5. «cfá( ^)^#£5ľtt^M^žo [n*-M] 296 [« &S!I] ÜHe*A AJ&íuLfc #4 197 □ m 2 1. gÄ( 2. «( 3. fl?j&( 6. 7. £Ü( 8. TO( : 0bs( ) :iEĚ( ) : Kř£( ) : ) ) ) ■ tkM ) :MM ) :g*B( ) : mmm( ) : MIM ) : J£w( ) :»( )fc :«( ) 9. tfM( ) ) 2. «A«Ž-Jt#t^o 3. $šojSfôí£^£&0 7. «LTV^MEAIM^^ o/:i/:0 198 Ij-t>-t*-t> &%tzK'&K&^m$k*M'e txmz iE m 1:5* m ^ -e ^7»\ í>i.h^< titžor v*£0 5S< o 4 řl JE K fil % S KtBLfc ŕ>, 7 jj % (0 rféŕ &^ofcfr\ f? nan |WJ jt j£ o fco 2. jj ^ íl c*?&z>t^L, yf_m (n £_a x*fäx*i) m_M x^ht 3. £<£>4/1-C5^<£> yfe m H ff 7 lt, v^v^^tt^ <§ M m tLx mm tz* mm^mk §h§ t^l^&o^l^ m_ 6. 7 ľl \^ # |£ ^ ^ m m%x m it lťz0 200 rnrnmw □ 7. M g T\ gg g <£>ŕitl& =f M Li>fr^fz g ^ K & u ig ^ \*mt\±fr%t) ü & 9. fcogv^kfôfc 5Ě % ^ ti, i£ ^ ff) * '[f fll £ U II LT, j£ Ír Ě flJl Kí> !Lf £§ALAř3L<^ K gL H £ÍÉ< ^l:^o/:„ 11. !f % & & (á, 25^fj^T>^ • 7 7 >7 g £ i: T £ K E ž6 b ti ŤZo L^L ^ ^ &-^A ^tiM^lá t T ff ^ ^ ?|r co gp a ^ Jfó & -Cě-C^&^o 4* 201 §lf©7AX I. %>A*#sJi|c9( )^t:5ti^9tt^o ě i ? ^< \ x&ott&$v>o (5x2=10) I 4iZ 'X* # • m 1. l H *■ 2. I im • m • 51 ■ m • & 3. I € • íl • U • m 4. I • fe • m ■ it 5. I It • ST • m • w • f T f; 203 I. & m _ft*_ 2. d co ff)]/ — 7°\±UMlMx&W} £LX^^h o 4. ^{±55^-CíifžLr, V^^Oit^(7)/c^(73fi»^$^TV^0 I. ( ) KU^&ífŠ^fcíš&S^o (6X2=12) 2. gém )jE$tL7ďo 3. )(f LT< tit-ČÁ,i)\ (D 4. ^^fô^íi^v-T^ )jSLTV^0 5. *tLt±ÍKí¥4r( ) j|f LTi^IWio -tí7> ^9 n. >yvco i i x0 (5X2=12) 1. AWt±, ( )( )^-#AWio (t A -9 2. dcDg^ ( ) ( ) Cďbž0 3. S£( )@Kišrt£&K*-7-£Ho£o I. ( ) M^£ilf§£T^mA.TAti&£^0 (5X2=10) 2. ) -e-r^ib, tCM"C<^v»0 It A. S 3. tdí^ ( ) í±ab«9 í^-et^o 4. gll^Aíi^^Btí) ( ) ^fÍ/J^1ž'«žo 5. Mliiá ( ) X\±frfr^tzJ)K Tk^^mnxkn^X t>tf%X~^ž%Ž\t\ (5X2 = 10) U If Á, 2. a (d m axm'ÄM^EĽSk & & 0 3. ^£(d±\lkmMLX ifiŽ^o n. ( ) Km^^m^mš^^^o (5x2=10) L i fí^ L J; 3. ac0^Ä/ô^^5v^*a )( )Xšh0 1. lEtvnl^^ii^ft^^o (10) 1. ýzfäMX'imO m la. t b. W c. fl fc£ofc0 2. ŤAtr-eířla. ^ b. jjč c. m m^^^mm^fio 3. i(7)0(±^-e^ i v ^ -la. ^ b. M c. MII^K&áo 4. h d o 8. f^K^JťC, ^|a. ^ b. ^ c. #•} fio 9. 0'J7^Jt?IÍ, 3^|a. 31 b. Ä c. Ill tá^Mvo 10. ^coÄbtBL Sila. ŤÉ b. Rg c. 3äj (ä, MíO±0IŽ-C/-io 4. Í^^^Wr^^ftP^M^M a y o 5. #^#<7)Ml£#£x.T< Č$V>o I. ( ) Cllil^^tli^^o (5X2-10) 3. ( ) <7)±Ä-e, )atlt< I. iELV^^^ÜTO^V^ (5X2=10) 1. u^gl: ja. S b. M c. ÍllA@tžB#íá, H^W^/io 2. frim^ilfž la. b. ± c. ^| A&tyfeOo 3. f*S<7)j££älfäla. M b. % c. p| OlIM^íRtyHAAo 4. ««la. ^ b. íl c. M fflfltVAo 5. AOÄÍi, j&|a. ^ b. Jg c. ^| (Dz/vľyfrK&ÁsX^&o 208 m__ft£_ I. & Ľ. a. 5. ÜJT.ft£»AE^( )C£o i. mM%i>tzi!>v>%mí:\a. nm b. m c. asi l-c^o/ío 9. r^iiB«, Al^T |a. b. 7tó c. 7%m\ LŤZo 10. If(á^77W la. m b. Äffl c. ĽCV^o 209 m li & tz If 3. ztz0 7. 5C^A£)&||£^.£oT, MhfifZo I. ( ) ŕCÄ^&ÍI^£»É;&$^0 (5X2 = 10) 1. m*%J}\±$>Z>i)K ( )# Étfj&SlSä***,, 2. žM(DmkX&&^^(DJfc( )^tfitiŕz0 3. Mf^WIÖ. 18( )/^!£#)^T>^o I. TlWil^ [ ] eJL^^co^±^( )( )uv^0 2. >*fiM*fc< £a I|X ( K'šáo L ^ o (75 9 3. ^Olŕíá, ^7 K/-?-, b&f (7)( )( )Ipdp^ I. J£U^<0£il6^$^o (10) 1. {a. íJo b. ^^H^£/co 2. #<7)B<7) |a. M *9 ^ b. Ü 0t/| ^Io/:0 3. »íát°7y£ |a. 31 < b. 3¥<} bš n. s^)®^ftk^fcjt^&s^o do) 1 . í£í± la. IS b. m,^ c. mHÍ 7^l>0 2. ttf-^CD |a. Mm b. HJÉ c. MSŽ{ íiftitKftofco 3. fŕU^n^ |a. £B b. tm\ ŽtlX^&o 4. Ol^CgW £ la. j^ífj b. M c. %m\ LfZo 5. ^^B^fM^Á^A ja. » b. fšjt c. LŤZo 6. -lOs^ii, |a. b. ftEfôfó c. Jfci&fö} t>fr*)*t^o 7. ŔM$^ŕ-7[: |a. üf^r b. tm^ c. ^ü^tifco 8. fémžMtlrzZtl/Z-D^X |a. #§? b. ^LM c. Ml "táo 9. *<7)nnnfJl£ la. b. c. BfcjEl LT, Í3V^t<1"žo 10. ŕmí«2^n^< {a. fMH b. Wtt c. WfMÍ tfibko 212 < M g > išli I i. %mfrr i j (£á,r^) 2 3 2. WIä^ rr7^j ^co^^ raj 7)s*á *>A.c-5*> i ô t 5. t ff (D^m m%^fr rvj-^j 8 . miäfr rAj 9. m% 10. n. ®IA j m, q Ä mís, v $g f it LvV^Vs j mÜ5v\ c m o A e í* tf u ffc r ÉP 3.®tiwii: b^<, ga^/a-t/aA i fix.^, o a b^<, f^L#>á, gSt, i mlgiôS, oA<, QÄ^I-, sfpHt.&, tWd (D^ŠW&JÔ* r-^j wí&p : g!5, qÄž, sf|á 12. fcí> 11), m(&t d t), &ť 3. iníWLrt) MP(^LCA), ttP(^^^CA), ^P(ě/iCA), Ť Ä(äbL), ^(x), aK^/iž), nam., mit í), £(*£Q, MWo), «U-), #c(&*0, ^(^^) fi(č>á), ^(^^%), &*U&^) sS(£tr)i/\ WÁt~f)L^\ fä($)ŤzŤz)fr\<* ÉP(v^), 3£(x.v>), AQUA ®(^A,), H(-Č^), Ť^?), »(-€Air)it, řž^(ií^tr)^, 2/3 4. 5. 6. 7. !H(áb£) 8. 9. 10. J¥(2b-o)v- 12. g#(^l*) ^#U?H, Hic(^7», ^(^l*), «^(9 a,ta,l*>), ^;^^^), #W (^U), ^II^(^^rL), 13. IlC^'n), iKLn^n), iK^i^ 9), #l(U?n), &f 14. ffl(^o^) tdi <)1, 3&W(§ i 9 ^ <)t, im (L* -9 15. mmmiz-^tffrA,) mmt(tLxfr^), mmtiifz^^L), 7mm (-f^Jfifrk), ff(li), 1.1. a £cit, b it*, e f SIS : III^&lAm continuous action) *mt VN 2. eg, <\\l, en, i^-.m^wmzmt 4. a^-t^T, brlf^T, d^-f-^T : *5»ttKC^?LS»31 ' 5. bgg, d#, ef, fit: r-^ffi^J fcSa.*fttf)SB# 6 . c $cW, e 11-^, f M£ : ±^?M$T S&M (subjects) 7. afe^Ji, effffltt, d»^, e ^ffr/t : tt*£T3i§pft 8 . a |3|#, d e flfcff, f MM : Mil (hobby) IC* 5 Z £ 9. aOjpia, bimm, dg«, e : m%isXXfW5% 10. efft dyc^fl, ejclf, f S3: : HCOiiCjioA (* TSW TllMJ t ^0 Z £t£l±&U0) H. 1. ®IUn) 2. © fit© i#(^) 3. © tfr(^), © £(£9), © tfr(^), ® K £ 9 ) 4. © ~ © ^(itA) 5. © ffi^ll) 6. © #(?h0, @ f(^) 7. © i <), © #(^9) 8. ®m&7) 9. © »(9-t-) 10. © !£(-£), © f(M»), © i:(^T)Lv^ *©, ©(i rBj r*j -e^ iv>0 n. © -a(*^)v\ © mwzx/m&frx 12. © i <), ©~© ^(Li 9), ©~© "Jf 224 2i m □ ! I . i. T® (A^A) N A 4»=^ 1^IJ (^A*)) N A Aff A 2. Mm (£v^ ) N « (£V*TV>) N A""'Äf ^ 3. ( L ^ o if o) V N ^■^^ « () N mii (AA-£^) N , 1 i 9. mm (i<£v>) N M\H (Z < ftvO N 10. (Av^A) V N AK (A^^A) V N s 11. mm ( LAAo) N A 4-4 ^11 (^LAAo)N A 12. i&U (A^joA) N 4"4 lio 7m ( CI "9 is A ) N - j 13. tfJS A*Ou<) V N 4>4 All (C* AO V N 14. (Ai^§) N ffl (AAiO N f i I. 1 . (fr<7)-9 ) N A A> "Tib (&fr < Lid) V N reduction /J- I. 1 2 3 4 5 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. MUM mm Sit Til d #>n), ( Lv?) d n * d), ^o), v L i d Lid), L^ < ), ' Lo(±V), ( L i d •£), | (tiv^3r< L^ ' L i d -?"d ) / v^-^-d) * Iglflj (^a,-i?a,) ij£$i (£a,c«»a,) ||/Jn ( L 0 < Lid) T|| wt> <) 34$L (^ i d - d ) # (Li d «5 L*), ±M (Lid ^ d), 216 1. 1 1. u JRA ' L ^ "9 K ®> 1 ) N income « [L® •? L ^ -)) V N collection [L <$> i L) N revenue and expenditure 2. # ## ) N reference V N participation V N to enter a war 3. ±1 N upper classes mm N geological stratum Til N lower classes 4. N intelligence frco^) n a possible n a able, competent 5. m fao 19 i ^ ) N calorific value L *> "9 *9 J: 7 ) N weight t i ? 19 i 1 ) N small quantity 6. It $IA( $iiit( ^ ) V N V N import transport $ttB( V N export 7. #& Mtf( L ^ a, L i 7 ) n a pure-hearted c i?> a. § a,) n pure gold D1^ A, £ IIiE("Cv^vOTS c) 1. l^(/:i^<)tS 2. £tt£ IK/^LiOtž 3. »é£ Ťih(^ i9> ■? L)A& 4. -tUŽ- #lMT^L)t£ d) 1. JI|T*Í3lřtL£A£ MU *TĽJ; )T& 2. A^SfÉ^;: »(x^UiAAa 3. Mt:*otfflotvAA^ fi(^UA)tž 4. #;U;MJL-Cfôi&£ »(LAA)Aá I 1 2 3 Ä [A] ggfrS^ £ 4. M [A] & <%Z>Z\t ATAA C: t 5. AU [£] WTá::t 6. V\£ Kyv [£] í^á^ [£] íé(£A)A« 9. si S [£] iAA( AA) Aá 5. b M(/:vAi < )—ÍM( A «9 ^)< +W, 6. a öfclE(A^A^) ^&(&+IE1- 7. d 8. d mX( L x i A) -AIOAA + A =A£fé'A I. i. Ť-wy?-?* uwi^zoth 2. »it£ ffrft ($'<-£v>) Až 3. :i-MÍ7£ lOit (A^ AA ) Až 4. n > fcľ * - * £ S^jg (-tírv^AA) Až 22S mm □ 6. m) (x-A^i;) t& 7. mt&ftbtitzA** ictfi (Š ^9 Ity-o) th 8. x-ax* im (*> ty j: 9 ) tá 9. EJCIE (jô^^-tírvO f S 10. říiio/i^^ tíJE (TW) t Ž 11. iä-ä-jô* ®ä (U^n) tá 12. gm* mm ua^) tá 13. áít£ íítt (ĽL i O i& * r«j a^^líli^^o 14. 5^ÍI (^^7^:^) -rS 15. mm 5m (^amo -rž 16. Ä (.£Á,ŕiÁ,) tá i. |ctJř 4. HS 7. J^ftá io. jfiftá 13. jtjíÄ 16. ^Hgtá 19. 22. féfgÍJ 25. jtiEm 2. KÍL P 8- tt¥ n. m&, k 14. 17. gŕ^tá 20. IM; t á 23. 53*B£1-* 3. iTIEtá tá 12. gfíjta 15. gptá is. ||^tá 2i. #iLJf-^ 24. □ # mm] p.60 á^ir 2. é ty lie 3. i-iblty 4. i ty iď 5. éšétb ísť í> iro aí í tK) ir fcŤ í? L^ty 7. tet) _ 8. istoty 9. ÍŤL 10. EBffix. étó^S 12. á L íl L A i. sffi* 2- Jjc£ 3. B»4 4. MM% 5. 8- ÄŽ 9. :§Mtt 10. §pK 11. t&gfc 12. 15. ±p^K 16. 5M|& 1. ßlÄft —► 2. ^ísft — Lčbt?-tírft J: 3. ¥^ft 4. M ft 5. .Ei. m J. 6. — ^t)^^5Mft ^ r> Wo J; t X 1t I. 1. 44 }lít(^< £o)ft 2. 44 fttfKtf 19 j; <)ft 3 . 44 9 -Oft 4 . 44 «(^9 ^ < )ft 5. 44 M^Ľn )ft 6. 44 ^ĚĚ(^L-^9 )ft 7. 4-» ffeií(^tA)ft 8. 44 Wf(M'nľ^)^ I . 1. í%ffi(-9^)ft7°Hí> h 2. tÄŠ*WŠ)ft^fc 3. 4. ^(tiv^-t-v^fc 5. IBÍ(-ti:V^< )fc 6. iäJr(£Á,c:? )ftfflfr1^A 7. tl(Hi9)« 8. m%(tyl^<)tz 9. fé£(tfÁ,-^)&W$ 9. 44 ^M(^^J;^ )ft, ^(^Í9)ft 10. 44 ^.IKí'ii (^-tž-v^ < ) ft 11. 44^IJ(-M)ft 12. 44 ^7u^(^^vi-livv)ft 13. 44 ^vSm&fr)ft 16. 44 !»( š X 1 Z. ') ) ft 10. l:m((ä9^)ft7jC 11. If(^i:n)^v^ 12. 13. flftOtv^^)ftj£^ 14. Äž(U&tr 16. «(^A-9)<75fc^^ 17. ÄÄ(š*>i d)ftfJJtJ 220 I. 1. IB$(A^A<)&-ch 3. #s(-^a)^ 4. ÄW(íä9^)*7K 5. D & a)K/mHftvnřv>)tcííJS-eÍ h 6. fé£(^-^)£*Jttt, «0tA-7)£tfr 7. ¥f(íf±^^)í:ifj 9. ľfÍJ( LA- <)k#x.£ 10. üm(&< L^)%/MŔ(žtfL)ŕj:/m(^Lx i)mm b. mu-7)fc%Z> e. Ě«A(L^AAo TKANÍM f. M(š*> ± 9)£AA^(AvhA3)&|^ Q. «t -5 )AábŽ h. ^(í>oJ;t)í;Í)0 i. AW^Ao)i;A±A(i: i 5 1. a ík^(AAA) 2. b ~Ag(^0A^) 3. a 55>lM^ LA) 4. b Íc*(AtA 5. b 6. a Lš) 7. b ffiAU CA) 8. b ^Jů(A^TA) 9. b 10. a 䫧AA) 11. b MÜ( í9 J: A LA) 12. a 3Cgß(£ 9^) 13. a fžfS(TAcl) 14. a -9 A) 15. a [íU±(-9 CA) 16. b Mt(A-) AA) 17. b WmžWL) 18. a ím(WL) 19. a 20. a 221 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. a gllftP a In b M^glWim^ b/f^jj bfr±§ b IS M a ft b$Pf / b liS^a^ b b|S afl * rimmj rimtj \m^tz * r£lj ^Af* «AOT rl^tlj 4-iS-) o rj r$i#j £|wiia tK^Ci^Ao * rmmmj rmmmj r»Wj t± *VbLi M^£A& cooperative society * rAitj tv^fSte&v^o * rSPlj rHjlJ51j ti/^il±4^0 I. 1. a $t£(^7>\A^A^ 13. a 2. a 14. b 3. a 15. c 4. b 16. a 5. a 17. a 6. a "z 18. b 7. a «(WA0^JjnAA£ 19. b i: i 7 Wf < 8. a 20. b i 9 7>>AWf < 9. b 21. b 10. b ^C!r(§^A,)KA& 22. b 11. b 23. a 12. a 24. b 222 mg □ I 1. b 7. a 2. a 8. b ífci.( š 0 v ě * ? ) 3. a 9. a 4. a 10. a itm é š ) 5. a 11. b š š ) 6. a I. 1. »iá:>^t&<, ^^Tľ^^^^M^la-0Tětv^o 4. ^(Dmm^\iL^(d^^m^x, ^c%lx [ft [Ä [ä [ž [t Crfir O [£ im [*B [S [£ r ä [Ö [# [t (§)7jC #1% 2 (* (v (y 3 ^ (-b-í (-b> (■ (y-y ("7 : [ft] ( # ) : [pT] ( # ) : [f] ( 77 > ) : [#] ( : [*] ( 3 ) '■ [3c] ( 3^ ) : m ( y ) : [IE] ( -m ) : m ( -m ) : [T] ( f" 3 ->) : [Ä] ( ^3 ^) 224 32. ®u ®?n : [^] {^y ) 33. ©ffl @ng : ) 34. @7 (§)$ : [30 ) I. 1 . (^^M) 2. he ( l ^ ) 3. E§r ( Ml* ) 4. ^ffi ( te?*^ ) 5. mm ( l^a ) |p ( xJ^ BE ( Co Jr^ (Li*, « ( tz^- Stc ( jMf ^ mm ( ^Li WW ( mi ( t <-?o a -tf- It A tree 0 m / Hf 0 sun V fa m 7.R water is ft A man p W cliff /" Hd to say IS If ^ hand in 'L heart j? m ^/ ^/ ^-^^) to eat zt earth j^y -fc-f -t-f * 77 * v 3 ^ 1. ,«(c: d *> *) X 3^ 6. f:^(v^L) ± 2. 7. ffijl(^t) i < ) 3. fitt(^vO 8. 3 4. 1Mj0tA,^<) 9. IS*((±< £>v>) 5. 10. ^iJ»f((i:A7iA) 225 JťAft^< < £v>fjg@ ^^tt^t h fc h o o Xi§T§^v^^t>A-£-Č-v^ bfc 13 M »3 Lfc 19 b*> 9 »9 L/:^)tžn žflL/: 19, ^ fr j: 9 bfc ť &Pfr*7 h Í>-CŠ£^Í> Ltiftv^o J^&Ajb^ft ťtf&ko "C (á, b «t -9 ^> J: -9 ^ b J: 9^9 b J: tfrfqpjg) £Äofc0 bi < ď^iá^bjli^ bifA^CŽfcfc^TifriíŽ^ fco bfc^f?&£>ó\ fífít1ž/:Mi »^ľUHf-fmt>b J: ^:LA ^U£9_ft^^^ŽtLfcŤt% í), ^9^< ftE^^ŽtlfcŤ^'fe 'a, Xßzn ^tA^LotóV £ £ti-f CÍÍÄJ U .x * ;i/ ^ -y v j. tŕ^y ^ fr j < 19, b^^#X-Wi:^ 9 ftAftAFal^ J: 9-ti-^Lfc^o Ti^&o^fc <9 í 9 ^tžtf bv*M£E$P>-frfcfc*^ ^£ » 9 ^-ě-tžžb-f ^ X.A^^ftofco 9 X.A bTV^^-A^O^Ž L J: d^tó^o J: řA. L* 1 ^(Dm*^<0W$7Ĺk,\l X !tZÍ> o fci^lf^^ěfco 11. 12. L»^J:^ tf Á^oVT § /cOT\ ¥fc*^A,Z\7 LT, /i Ž LT 14. i^7W:HAI±1 £>L £ d ^l/^-C—Bf-ř, *> d ŤzLŽflŤzifi^ frfr^^ ^^Ľi d £>&v>£ t *ŤzLfrtbŕz±X\ mibtitz 15. mfrCPSlTTV^V^ioffiV^L/i^\ &m&btzibXj:^xm%i\Lfzl I. 1. 01 5. 9. M 13. 2. Jt 6. m 10. m on) u. 3. 7. 11. # 15. 4. 8. 12. M 16- 2 3. 4 9. 10. I. 1 . 4-f ?ä(áb£)V> 11. JJ(í,o)v^ 12. Í6(£)v> 13. H(^)^&, 14. 5. 15. 6. 4-» _L#( L i i L i d 16. 7. 4-» LoífvOtž 17. 8. 4-^ ^^(^/L^ £ ') )~tZ> 18. ML*> < L j; i)-fh 19. #^(T^L-^)1-ž 20. L-ďX) LL^o) v^L £ d )& frLfzL)t* i =t d c: d) & 227 □ mm I. 1. 2. 3. mm+m= 4. 5. if^ + BI = 6. #+#®= 7. «?+^= 8. 9. m%m (d) x. r äíítž) á i ^ 10. i. i. 11. 2. 12. 3. 13. 4. 14. 5. 15. 6. 16. 7. 17. 8. 18. 9. 19. 10. 20. I. A.1 . #(^<)lßmjfm(t ^tt/^) 2. (H4(UoLn)$(0) 4. ftir($^LA)M(^), ^,(§^±#(1:^ Lid) 5. mmSo x.A<)3\(tzA.) 6. ail(i < tiA)^(CA) 7. íiKLn^ftW 8. B#K(Ľ^)^(7t^) B.9. fj7c(Žx.9 ty)#0tA.) 10. #($v>)fijffl(ty«t^), ±i(L^)|(^^) 11- ÍÍ(Ý9)č«i:Lj; <) 12. ^(^)^(^A-íř^) 13. íígféO^£v)#(^) 14. K^nM^hO, ®^ i ^)Ě^(L^), 225 mm □ 2. il$ž^(^^-t^L^9>)/i!$ž±(^ ^T^L)*JEÄO«^t LTii:rÄlž±jo r»tjo 6. ^Íc(£A^< ^) 7. »ll'g'Otv^otfX) 8. §^H(-Č^^ §rj ^ )/Mit#(-tí:v^^ LH*M(^i i L<$>) t LX 9. L*? LA^)/?lJ( U^)*^o^ coA^IS^Ä^ t ^tz «9. Atft<3ŤzW-M*WfcLŤz*)\thttmA* r¥Ägj, - ^ L) * r^m7±{ H^^^U astronaut)j íao S f *Ť Li» A I . 1. DDFiT 2. ĽO#: 3. Ľotii : 4. : Hi) *^HFŕ(i:trt«t) Hi) í£féř/T(W/ni) ^i) mnmiv/vtd d^) MMKěiHHiH &Jf£:l#( LHiH C i H Ť'LÄH * ? L AH) ít«HH<^) »€(^vHLi H MHVífLiŤ) íJt*jt#UHŠ i 9 ti 9) Tíf«(L/6?vH) trti H «€(-^tHiH i) 229 □□ff □□K cd 8. □□Jt 9. QDH 10. anm I. A B 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. í" pH 'frn*. Tttr i [0 pH 4s !»'£f(t L i^Á,) MffUv^7>Á,) #HK(sá,§vá,) (Li fitt/SKLi (á7i^ f#l ( L ^ i 9 lo) tX )/^(-ď7v)fyf(i i 9 t) Li)/^(-tfA)/^(^< )/§ŕ(LA,)fó Ý9)»(*Á.š i) Š i9> 9 )IE^ ( L i 9^) = IHlt( ^)^J&(^Á,-^) 19) o ^Px(Li ŽES 9 tiš ))|II(/č A0j(^7v)^(7^)/ 1(^9) (CA) 230 m □ 11. ^(^lUL)J^(^i 12. ^m(^-oLii)mfzL) 13. ffiM.(t)V7^)ffi(CA,) 14. Stl(tfv^^)M(^vO 15. RM(iiAAvOrJTv(U) 'j c: 1. ^(^<)/S(ÍA)^(Lo) i 2. |f(Ad)A( 19 I O 1 3. ff(Li)/#(^o)glU<) 1 4. .ftíAoní i:) I 5. $&(-H)I;(<9 A) J - 6. ff (Li)i(t 9) " 7. ^ca(r^o^)g(t» 8. 5:tÜ(LLv9>o)|I(^<) j 10. ; n. ss(í9 < 9)#otA) < 12. MfíLit.OÍK^O/IK^O I 13. J£S(-£v>*,± o) í 14. ÍÍK(L>^A)$£(-tfV) I 15. miĚ(tA^)ft(A^)/íf( \) x i )=mm®£ i 16. EÍ£UtA-Čo)fr(t» 17. $Íŕti(^L^o)||(^< ) Í 18. čEťľíUí?)^*)^) I. 1. Üß/It/M [ □□+(□ + □□) ] (£< AAA^A-v^A) 2. Ť*/53lt/m [ □□+ (□□ + □) ] (hwi&d&L^tz^) 3. H/Ag/MS [(□ + □□)+□□ ] {Ž^Ľvi lifrfč^) 4. [ □□+ (□□ + □) ] Ko^^Ľ^) 5. BÍ5B/#/3§5c/#ŕ [(□□ + □) + (□□ + □)] (Ž x. 9 19 tt/Uioíf^Ľ- i) 6. [(□ + □□) + (□□ + □)] ( i LUL A-tf L § v9> L * o>ô* <) 8. Pä/gíU/^PI/^ [(□□ + □)+ (□□ + □□)] (A i 9 •? LAA&A^oA ) 9. M«/#/M/ít& [((□□ + □) + □□) +□□ ] 10. ňM/^/vm/Wk/m [((□□+□)+□□) + (□□+□)] 252 1. 2. 3. 4. ^-e» —* 5. |c£#f L < o < ž —* ÍíIř( LÁ^Otá 6. liol^t — 7. 8. 9. 10. # ^tľ-s —*■ 11. ií* o -th 2. Ií^á? (LL^^vO 3. ($v>7h>) -f h 4. iŕl£ (L/VČo) t& 5. M fž 6. gffl (áb^-M) to 7. P&fl ( L i?) < f <) t h 8 . ft 9. 7« (xA^O 10. t\M (ř>/UáV) -ý-ž 11. 12. m^ř (if A, L v) tá I . 1. #m Lľtz 2. (LA,*) O C0 2MT60^ 3. H?g (Í3f^<) (Šno^O L£ 4. i^ffí (LS O pna 6. (-itxfcÁ.) tá 7. (Šh»7^) LTV^ 8. gLfl ( ^ A.^-o) L£ 9- #fS /S^IS -fh 10. fill (t^^a.) -eš s 2. ^ni^ = v>0L«t Kfé?-it 3. = žlll«ádái^ 8. \fL^tL =ŠľfL§ =i±oc?Ut< A 10. štfO^ I. 1. 7. t á 2. ŤKÍÉ (x-^1 L ^ ) t á 8. (£VHřÁ,) fá 3. 9. 4. #ff (M^<) t á 10. ( C *?» < tv>) t á 5. 11. U>< t& 6. jpil t& ffl 8 07^ 1. a . [•J3 7] i < W9 19 i < š i < »9 i < b . [ 'J* ] 19 ě tf? < 19 § t 7 tž 2. a . [ 7* 7 ] b . [ í7 ] Li ^0 $ < í>o 3. a . [ 77 ] ^ *9 «9> 1 TV^tá b . [ A ] l i ? if - tf L* < If L*t& tf ř) < tž 4. a . C *W ] x^fj>£ ^7 riv>tá ^< riv>t£ b . [ ^ ] Ťz^L ^Li ? AŽ 7tV>-£V>t& 5. a . [ V 7 ] i < Ýo-tř/vt& b . C V y ] r>(90 co^ 19o x á. L ^ 9 ^9 0 6. a . [ ^3 ] l§ if & ě i h^^-fh b . [ 3 ] 7. a . [ ^ ] x. i l š =fc x b . [ #4 ] 8. a . O 3 ? ] L i ") Li9 &t^í> l b . [ v? ] -i y F-F-9 -r? tf I. 1. llJ(t^Í3) 2. TMiX^ib 11)^ 3. ff(Li|) 4. ^Ií( L/Ut^) b. Jtrf(t&i3)& b. T^(~C^fa^)& [TI(t>i9 • 3TB(H^i9fe)] [%gj(^& b a. HL^ b ^ 5 »T 6 fé^ftv* 7 8 a. ^<^á b. a. ^Lt b. ř^tt a a fSL< b Itlí b ÜKtz 1. a. #M£fé(WÍ)< Íl. a 2. b. äfcÁ,#12. b 3. b. g 4-(t )M L á 13. b 4. a. Mf£K(L)*!>£ 14. a 5. a. ^K&ífcdjřjftá 15. a 6. b. ?&(v^)i9 £££x_á 16. b 7. b. ^A h (b. jtiO b>A 2. a. [a. UjU b. -£v^< c. jíV^LA d. -A^-iirA ] •ft*AÍ'9-s (a. |fü) L-CVA/:^tl9o 3. b. [a. ^\VA b. Ü^_2_A-9 c. d-)^M/2 d • AAO5^" ] ■b&i* (b. tzt^")^ itímsum^r^Zo • »0 (a. ¥f0) ^LC> ^/i^O^IÜ*f9#^V^0 4. d. [a. j faA b., fz^^š X . c. L ^ x d. tKI ] • ®ft ( b. «) ?r^p L h ŤLŤZo • (d. tffrt)*mt)Mb-ŤK, i^o 5. c. [a. toA b. A i 9 c. jľ&£ d. J^jŕ ] •mi (a. KU) *#^^LTV^^\ Mf^coEŤAo •ífc&lá (c. &»A\ AA£A»tLTV^0 6. a. [a. tiAL i; 9 b. jív*^ c. -ČW*^ d. gv^-fry^ ] •A£$AA (c. $*) &ífrŕ£;Mv>LÍto • mm** (a. tžiA:, ttttAA^ 0 £ í> ř> o T i £o I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. li 11. \m 12. 235 # 6 • P.152 1. h . 9. e . mmxmmm 2. j . 10. g . 3. b . 11. n . 4. a . 12. 0 . H MS 5. c . 13. 1 . 6. d. 14. m. 7. i . 15. k . 8. f. ntmmm I. 1. b 9. a 2. a £ á,-e ď á, t*) 10. b m<(*>ŤzŤzfr<) 3. a 11. b mLŤz(t^tz) 4. a $)<(§<) 12. b 5. b 13. b 6. b 14. b 7. a 15. b 8. a n. i. a 13. b 2. a iÉo/i(J3 < o/i) 14. a It({:t) 3. a íifoT(Í3o-C) 15. b 4. b 16. b «(Jodá) 5. b p,§^T(£^-C) 17. a mm 6. a EdoT(JodoT) 18. a 7. b ^/i(£K7c) 19. b 8. b ÍMoT(^oT) 20. a M-ec(á-ďT) 9. b 21. a 10. b 22. a 11. b 23. a 12. b #(fä&) 24. a 3!^T(£K^-C) 236 I. 1. a . AAtlA b. gljftá 2. a . Í;ibAv> b. |fcř>Av> 3. a . »T b. fétf)-C 4. a . ¥-< b. M< □ mm If 9 U i. i. b Mtbxi-Dbibx) 9. a 2. b ftotlAot) 10. c 3. c 1f( A;b) 11. c mtbfzipktbfz) 4. b SvAAáAAA 12. c ftL/:(^L/:) 5. b ÍLV^($,ov^) 13. c IfA(áĎo^) 6. b ÍHíofe(tÍofe) 14. b 7. b IU;(^L/:) 15. c 8. b í*LT(ii<) I. 1- b 2. d lo/:AiM^/A) * c 3. c ?áí6T(i3$i6--C) 4. d 5. c 6. a BIoAOiAo A) 7. b 8. c ilijA AřAíiAo/c čA * b ľa to tz oj MŽ^) Z-bff&ho 9. a 10. b 11. b ftáOtAá) 12. a «oA(A£ ŽoA) I, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. .o«Aijf o£v>cA í&AAíA&v^ _ . ítfjR L ^gßM-üifov > j - n - Ali A v ^ £*MtiXMM^tiiXŽtzz\?>) b lÉfraísí'óA) b ^um(^Lš) c fttb( š * 9 L^o) c iIIjt(/^L i < ) b &T(L*>9 ty i b #M(/i^Li:9) a ^»(^AtHO c ÄU9-£H a JÉ$(x.Aě) i. i. mmfäo&m^ (ä: lata) ^^tt^^o^o 2 . fä.-ká0 7. m^ul &m ďft: lkío^a) 8 . UP]7>< ), m(/iV^) f&üOi^fcoK Ü#(LAU) 23S I. i. m Ĺ ' nfffl 3. |Ä| 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. pj 11. p 12. n 14. H& m j? 4e a a a a a a a a a a a a a a S#(šläA)lft ( číA A) UHOfAV^A) B£:¥(A^A< ) jhihal^aljA tlW(AALA) ^ 9 x. A) C i L ě ) LtäA ) ftm&Otv^ * <) b b b b b b b b b b b b b b p j nfffl ft® ě^A) -\AA<) A o LA) L 0 AífA) L J: tio) š 0 9 L i ) AAtu>) A^A< ) ALě) ěiíA ) £<*)*<) > =l^A 7 3 pA86 1. í)íáLóV^ M © 6. AAA< V) 2. khliZJZ © 7. © 3. OtA'AA (D 8. mm © 4. fttzfr^ ^ © 9. £ 19 A x. A © 5. &<7)Aě 10. !8§ ®Wt i. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. HB M Míl 5\M 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. mm mt i. 1. 2. A<-ČA A< LA íáAiáAAA LTA L i A i 9 A A L i A i L^ HA 0 r'9 Li 9A <-A^AS tiAŕp < AS Li 9 19 ^ < AS AH L v?) 0 % £1 x 7 k & & o ?t o 3. z\t£A,XÁ>fr Ťzt\i>fz^fr\f^^ J»*b wm^Xžvi LLtzo 10. ft»HLptaVU A^CJ^ojToL, MKjĚofciM^ -ž^t/lC d 11. J: feV^ L J: ^9 ti, 25^ff tI7>fr-77>:fr-fr<£x.>li:Ť J: tC &ttbbtitz0 LfrLJr>z\ii£z\tlz^ ^KM^r\z^htX\±^ž\n t^~k t o ^ L j in» ^ ťz^ux it^ík 4^ (± ft llfé tc-fc> 1 ^ 24/ _j ^f^^^l D Pattern Index It/, 3 < £aiL£j2TT& 9 it, LtztfoX, &BL®1&LX^Z>mz^ [ ] 9 % fC^ » LtzQ MaLWC, j; fl*1 [Basic Kanji BookJ *s V -XX^tZi&^W) Z Yrf&t) $ to gi^n* tix^mormktf^x&t), TK^m^'Dmm^A.x^t •to ##<^W^J^O*§£li, TBK-J ([Basic Kanji BookJ o) Southern France i- III 511 7 o-< : attach, stick lttX-7 5 0 OHfco ^tt(^^)^.;V to contribute, to donate 7-fr to adhere #I(i>€<)X;l/ to be attached, to be a branch of 0#(t>oH") date b $ Off) reception, information desk ~#(o#) including ~ L 7 6M entrust, appoint 244 hfy 5 Khj)y\;V to assume office i%fe<,\ZKfv)s\/\< to resign jlft^ c? Kk>) responsibility ■$.&(TcA/KAj) being in charge of ~-~?'"£(£;i&>)17-£& to entrust 4 L 9 7U resemble i!i£U<5l^);*.A' to resemble portrait c^A/Dlb) approximate value ~~—U(\Z)T^2> to resemble im L/) Mfct)*.!* for example fe-faiK/vib^X/ls to appoint 3"M£(V^2:AO;*/k to entrust 1&&(o K ^) * /V not to intervene -fe£3?^ () duty, commission Wi&AsKA,) full-time if- 4 fr /(X L 1 9® connect, in charge 245 to be connected with chief clerk $y&( frW?" 5 ) coefficient [math] ^It'RU^WtV^X;^ v>) accountant 1 ft ft L 5 911 keep, maintain m JB. J #HG£ to protect ^WOf^/v);^ to store, to safekeep to preserve < YS.)7-JV to maintain, to ensure T# )-f conservative $#(&frA) insurance ^Hi^Of frA, U £ ) public health center #(/c&)-o to maintain #WBG£V> < x./v) nursery school \ L 3 10® master, amend \k¥fä) absolute value JJJlSffiOto hb%>) blood-sugar level flECakfcWX/U- to be worthy of JilxC&T-cA,) price iSc!i("f"5 lb) numerical figure ^i^Mit^V^ A/*>) mean value, average lil_h(^afe)^'^^ to raise (price) H(fefcl/'O value, price 5B^jjt( 5 *9&) retail price double, ~ times 1 0 «fcJ5f#iö$fgü Lfc. fg±t(«V^5 )XA- to double feM^i*)** to double {§^Gf Vs* !9 o) rate of magnification MoGSV) ~times (as big) 246 AM* r f L 3 11 m stop, suspend W±(X^L>)XJ]/ to stop, to suspend (TV) = ^1§H»r("Cl^5LJ;) bus stop ^w(TVAcV^X/V to stagnate WMiX^^D^JV to cease fire £MK"CV^ L ± < ) suspension from work ff^(Tl^< ) suspension from school i f ^ 1* if j4 L 4 11® healthy, sound, strong Slt>^--ei^^otc!t healthy ^^Fllt M(&A,frA,)A moderate feMtirAs&/o)j- sound, good—*^ftfc^ ^(AO^^A sound ^#({5frA,) health, sanitation 4&J^t&r( 5 • LA,;^) health check tiklM&M\7/vCb-m-f/v) health insurance fU'J 1 m 11 ® side HMHlK^fcflSfr) one side j^tJC *) i 5 J&Sfc) both sides side &W(frg&b) right side «-*£fl!| w /( r /J- L 8 13® injury, wound tf>tlTg$£Aofc. fii(^Ui5)X;V to be injured l&£6*j(fl*A>L J: 5 T# sentimental IWLi5U) heart-broken ® V) &( t) >3 (#-f) a cut ^fK Li 5 ^V>) physical injury L $ 5 L i 5 ) serious injury Hf(ti*)ottS to hurt- burn ft. 1 f f ft L 5 14® image 5 ) */l/ to develop (film) Hit(•£ 5 € 5 ) X/V to imagine {£^(^■0^5) Buddha statue R&'flK 7L\^ 5 ) picture on a TV/movie screen 247 1 r # L 8 17® superior, gentle, actor H t L i. 5 )y^fr to win Wfc^bth)^)^ to take priority 55f ( fyb superior 2$c£S( L 5 £.o#*A,) superiority complex ffi(f<")^TV^ superior, outstanding 5(^$)tv> gaitle «—>^(|!yf)Lv» strict 2, t ( 13 » ^^A^ : all) ^ I" IS • T'S BK3 L 5 IKB2-36 r 75/7 L 5 8H ^3^ co-operate 1&7j(# i55i< to work together f^!S( § i 5 £ 5 to cooperate t&[WllR£-(t £ 5i£5-<^fcv^ co-op i. 0 to confer with tt^(ti5MN) society, association 1 3 . n r < fr^A^J mouth) j \ n O BKl IKB2-12 BK28 B2&7 BK35 1KB2-^ 19 mi BK34 IKB2-7 V 4 L 9 J m*\7 14® make a sound &Rt(§ J; 5 fcV^)^/!' to resonate, to sympathize SR|( fe.V^&V^) thunder ^gH&(t>46V^) scream 8&(J&)3 to ring tl!(&)< to cry (animals) flJ§(&)o)A uniform 5. t (ŠoÁjfc^Aj : woman) |- ■» if 6 ££' W« í*8 £é» 10 BK5 IKB2-H BK15 BK15 BK24 BK25 IKB2-11 i 6 . 5 (ty&^/v : bow) ~|s -7 ^ 'J ill 1Ř » BK22 IKB2^6 BK38 BK2Í L5 1.» 1 r Ik L 5 11® vřav- -p.287^[^a^73 ^«tti3St?íS*M^íf ofc0 stretch, spread iiSfc<£>£:f, 3R3gbfc0 ±.M Lvh i 5 to assert !^S( £ A,^ £ 5 to tense i±S5l( L^>ot> i 5 )^/l^ to go on a business trip/errand IM (fi£) \0 (#) 3 to be tense/eager 2k (£ £ 13 ) ((±) & to freeze over 249 ? r p. L 9 12® bullet, bound #JEE(f^:^Ž)'0)^;^ to suppress «(fi)*) merits and demerits * $J^( < if <) an act of charity k-$lFf$Wl&(teAsC b • U ± Ho • tirvif) the seniority system 8, ? (g^K^ : goi^ W4l BK9 L8 BK15 ÍKB24S lKB2-=n BK10 BK11 ÍKB2-15 IKB2-6 IKB240Í ft RK42 fix ■• fflJ ■ iffl (KB2-3 IKB2-5 ÍKB2-14 lias IKB2-1 IKB2--H IKB2-4 4 jih 1 /jíl IX L 8 7® role, duty, service !£Hff(^(J$< LiO post, position _h$£( 5 fo-^K ) one's superior(s) SIS($%£.#) currently (on service) MS:(^< 7i^)7,;V to serve in prison Í£#J( ^ < »3) assigned role, duty ÍSAÍ-^K f£A/) government officials JlíSlí D $ 5 < ) company executive Sift ^ < L ^) actor, actress í£í£(^< Lty 5 to review 9, f(9oU^ : heartTj^ >k * 'It e ft 7 ft 3 If 15 BFC36 BX16 L4 RK45 BK36 LJO 1* L 4 7® pleasant, comfortable WSK/fcV^LJ: 5)^^ to gain victory easily £1&(-l£A/;fcV>0.X/l<' to recover completely l&K/fcV^Tc?)^ comfortable, pleasant ^'^(^.^V^)-^- unpleasant m'M#)^fr^)J- clear fe&C frV^V^-}- light, nimble 'feSIK^V^O high-speed, express 'ftBt(^V^V^) fine weather V* comfortable, pleasant .Z27 L-S?" I0 L 10 1411 custom Ž /I/ « ?'ff ( Li$ 5 #*A/) custom, habit ^(^A/U^>5) custom, practice —ff(&):ftS to get used to IfW^A/tlV'O custom, precedent «(KJ;5<) idiom 257 tin j 10. j;(r-\^ : hand) ^g^,,^,, &• Iff' ^- ft' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ St' ffi8 #» #§» ft' 1KB2-12 IKB2-16 BK33 L2 L3 L8 BK14 BK30 IKB2-5 J u LKB2-15 L8 L9 Bl£2$ IKB2-1 IKB24 1KB24 1KB2-41 iKR2-5 IKB2-5 IKB2-8 1KB2-14 L$ 1KR2-6 $8 L0 1KB2-2 IKB2-5 1KB2~5 TKB2.3 r fa L2 8® expand < fc) to enlarge }£fc (< £ A,) X yl' to scatter }£3g( a» < *3 ± 5 ) to lengthen < ) military buildup L 3 8® undertake, carry(on one's shoulders) jB^o|S&f ifgi<AI&B £&&7h #fi(.5vk;fe^);*/l' to bear one's share ^.M^tc/v)7.;V to be liable fi^Cfcvi to be responsible for tfift(fc/Ut/u) being in charge of |fl(^o)<* to carry (on one's shoulder) JlUftlft)? to undertake ✓ #7: «1 8® beat ^JTeffi^i 9fc#£>$o7b, ffl#(ri< to clap one's hands < fi<) pulse 5 t) time, beat 252 A y ^1 L 8 8® embrace 5 A<0^£fc£f&*fc£^ft^&ftV\ ^fN&(;fr>V^ 5 )X/k to nurse, to care for aspiration, ambition MtcX to hold &(V>i£)< to embrace M^frOx.S to support -b-b7L% catch IffidtW&XA' to arrest IJfGS y> i.) prisoner Jt#0$Li$>) catcher ft(o^)^x.'S to catch, to sieze L 9 10® swing, wield MW) ( L ^ if 5 ) X J\/ to vibrate ^^(^L/O"}" dull (condition) MMi^S)*) gesture #§PK LA/£ 5 )^;k to promote MIC LAjJp<. ) amplitude Hk(J$>)£ to shake, to wave, to swing aid, support 4*®0^^«3t'ffcJr^^SLTV^. Mlft(x.A>U J; )^/k to aid JfogH jo 5 X.X)^/V to support, to cheer Lx:^)7^;^ to support, to aid tScS(# $ 5 ^.A/)^^ to send relief %Mt(Z.0 7Lk)7s)V to support (financially) to protect 253 ^7 fa 329- /7 L 9 12® exchange, convert SI(i^A)X;V to exchange A,%)XJV to ventilate &MXA,frAs)7>7V to change WkMfrA,£h)7s)V to convert ^§kk-^kii^k>)7^fV to convert, to change $&(#*) ;1<5 to change, to substitute 11. ? (ZAj*? ^ : water)"^! 7Jv ■ i'lli i.L it - i/R ■ BK2 iiiii 1KB2-? IKB2-10 BK30 JKB2-1-1 IKB2-ri i BKli BKll in - iY.l' >^ M: > i. u - jlif ■ Jlf§|§ BK22 BK31 BK32 EK3B lllllli IKB2-3 1KB2-S 1KB2-5 1KB2-7 BKll \f\ ' u? i$ • iffi ■ ft- ■ ifti ■■ 111111 RK25 BK30 . IKB2-6 IKB2-8 IKB244 1KB2 =M BKll 11111111 1KB2-16 w ■ 1KB2-3J I. 1 BK30 iij ■ l;tillP llllll if- ' liill IKB2-6 if1!? 1KB2-7 IKB2-14 JKB2-35 BK22 Jill icif ' B"K26 BK39 BK43 shallow N S / / ;7f L 6 9® sect, party, branch off tirfm b &mm^z . WM(lttfAs)XjV to dispatch ffi^(l~£X)ir showy, flashy MMife&o) clique, faction #^?/Jt(SL^t4) conservative faction £P^5ifft(V^A;LJ: 5f±) impressionists M^Oi-tirW;*./!' to derive from ii(!) ^ff )t fine, excellent 7x.ik(kfe) leftists, left faction &Mffi(c£ ti> 5 Lk>\t) radical faction #'MJt( £ < f^V^A/) special correspondent / /- L 9 11 ® mix flSK^A/^o);^ to be crowded iSIH ( £ A/ if 5 ) x/v to confuse JK^OttS/iK*)^ to be mixed VMSL(£A/hki)7s)V to be confused M&( £ A> C 5 ) to mix }jl( J0i?<5 to mix, to include V s / s / / >* mi 12® 3 5* lake A&ffiV^) in full bloom mittel- to mi JftZjifc (£ £ VO fully 2 years old \ V / J / 0^ L 3 14® 3i y perform li^( L-#>0;3:A/);X/t' to appear on stage iS?ll(£. 5iA/)^ to give a lecture (£5x./v)^.,'l'' to perform in public (;£.A/)D<5 to play a part ?^S(XL^#')X;^ to act, to perform $lfi£( X/v-tf o^/V to make a speech y^li (7Lh L # 5 ) practice, drill \ v / .sr7 / / 0# // 0* 0^ 0* L 1 16® concentrated : ;Il^V-<©flS^^TVN§0 b^>< to concentrate (liquid) MJ9-( 5 if) density strong (liquid), dark (color) s / L 4 16® violent, severe JfSS£(7>/Uf ^O^A- to be deeply moved 3WSt(bfcf§)^;V to stimulate (If 4 ■€ 5 ) X ;P to increase suddenly SS8fc(#»fft)"?- extreme MM t * 5 ift )f" sudden, abrupt MOf^/WX/l-' to intensify fflt&OfiZ^A/)?*/^ to change radically M Of t ) X /V to be enraged ^(«{f)LVN severe 12. Utf&V^/v : beast) J-——---—— — ffi* ft* &■ IS- IKBÄ-5 IKE2-5 BK38 1*1 IKB2-^r: 3 fa fa fa L 1 9® alone, *Germany föÖlJfcÖ^'fc. 256 <$&Ä(£f< !)o)X;k to become independent £'( if < iärA/)^/!^ to monopolize M#( if < t < )-f unique, special MM £ £ < H" lonely iS&JH < LX) single, unmarried * 2f < German literature (O t) ij H( - t) talk to oneself ,_-T. 7 3 p m|13. : cliff) §----■——------■-: P# U Hi« ß < l& Vk • Ift • P. ' ft!- L5 IKB&--T3 L5 BK17 BKI8 IKB2-16 14 HKB2-1 IKB2-5 IKB2-^ß! Iflf r* l# R« B • BK39 iKH2-t Ü4B2-16 L2 IKB2-9 fir P p% r P^7 L 5 7M defend, prevent -p.28277 pfeift kftv^ 5 fc^föl-ä. ^ISK £(3: 5 to prevent, to take precautions E£ih({3:5 D^yk to prevent ^ Efrg( L J: 9 & 5 L £ ) fire station B&TkjtfflnK & 51~V^ • £ 5 ) waterproof l$MG3: 5 XL W) = BIK £ < \£ b Z» defense expenditure to defend, to prevent ft P p ft L 5 911 limit n~- HflJI5S(-&V^}f^)X;^ to limit KK^CfcTA/M'O limit (to one's abilities) iftK( $ ^TV>tf%) the lowest RRÄ(tf%£) limit (numerical) (time) limit RB(Ä^)3 to limit fk 5 p& Pf L 4 11 Ü danger , severe -p.287 ^ [ 3000M^_hco|&U^|lj^3o Wk{\tb\-f/v)7,;V to adventure feBfe(#ft^)dangerous —* g£ P^S^C i^Axfe < )"^~ dangerous, threatening #|^03tf-/v) insurance P&GtfcOLV'* steep, severe 257 P V W7 L 2 14M occasion, side £ 5 £ V>)^/1^ to associate with Do £ ) actually V-(r)u UK $ V^) tC when doing ~ HRSftK < £ V^T# )-f international ^V^) on this occasion, now NKH£(£V"OLTwhen~happens, in case of- 14. ^| ( b i \J ^Aj : wooden piece) ft' IKB2-3 IKB240 15 Ijjfrtz^/v : direction)^- ft* Jfi* K10 BK10 BK39 IKB2-2 BK31 BK41 i-:-, m%m-+ ) nflB i| 18. H (t^^\^ : sun, day) I ............................................. ...................: |P !3 [||| ia IKB246 BK10 til-) nft% 17. Mo^^A; : moon) | BK1 BK34 L2 1KB243 "0< «9 3. j] 258 18. U(IC<^ ^jm-; n ft R ^ IF' js* is8 w» e' m- at- fli-i BK7 IEB2-11 1KB2-4 IKB2-12 IKB2-11 1KB2-12 12 35^4 1KB2-7 IKB2-12; BK3? IKB2-11 =r^A4 00B2-11 1KB241 IKB2-11: A ft 3b L2 10® J *7 ability, *Noh drama Wfc(%COo)7,}V to function TO(J&»£> 5 possible^^81(^^5)"J- 6( *3> 5 © 5 )"7- able, competent <—*M£( if© 5 m%(h £ <) ability M(-£-^<£> 5 ) efficiency tW<£ 5^0) efficiency ^f£(£l^<£> 5 ) talent ^tKyVcD?) entertainment (5 L * CO 5 ) radiation 19. £(t>^ : fire) |s X* £ BK2 BK3: y t BR3? IKB2-7 JKB244 IKB2-M IK15246! - 20. ft : tree) 7fc * & ■ K 111 - f<: ■ ■ ft 10 IKB2-J? BK20 IKB2-2 11111 IKB2.a3 1KB2-3T BK31 BKil BK29 Hill ■ i, n t* ffiK ' tfl IS ; 85 i io IK 132-9 IKB2-16 BK5 fil2 IKB2-1 IKB2-12 BK20 L7 $88 IKB2-6 BK40 IKB2-2 IKB2-3 BK32 BK4D ; L 10 10® root, foundation 259 Mt/u) foundation, root $BJ£(£A/TV0 bottom, basis MM Z. ^ % i ) ground, basis |&(&) root A L 5 11® machine T5o IttHfc^/^V^).^!' to mechanize m machine fa «2 12® examine p.287:£ [tr> '] c.(Dftm±\HX3%fäMLX"M^%-tZ><, to inspect, to examine l&ffO^A/^ 5 )7^)V to search for, to look up #M&(fcMtA,);*/l/ • U^AO examination for a certificate J; 5 ) the Public Prosecutor's Office to examine to explore y y t L 7 14® approximate «P £^(^V^o)^^ to give an outline ^^.{tß\^/v)%>V to make an overview ;ff(ä$V>$A/);*;V to estimate (generally) Afro (/J^ 3 A/) outline iiKÄSV^ <£ 5 ) summary ^^:( ^Sv^^aAx) notion, concept CftHK^JÖ'V'O spirit, drive ft£(ÄSV>)b"C generally y / y >. y * # «2 14® structure 0;££>,«f*! fiij5J<;( £ 5 •li't/'OXA' to compose $t$l( £ 5 5 to plan, to conceive HjjK £. 5 5 ) structure WtMi § ^ 5 ) organization -fit (^IS) X. -5) to get set, to get ready fit (/O*^) 5 to mind, to care about ~21 V (tf^D^A, . bono'/ jj 4t % W L7 fit 2 BK29 1KB244 :%m-+ - 7 r; -*0< 0 2. Ij (Doi9) L 7 611 ^> L death ?E£( L# £ to pass away ^n^ciXSi. b\y)7s)V to die of sickness W&{ LfcW corpse ?E( L)J& to die *UE;(# 5 L)^.yV to die suddenly 5E#( LL^) the deceased JEH(LV^) the cause of death 22. 4" ("5 : cow) 1% W 13K? BK31 1- if 23. I : king) - T Ll IKB2-33 BK22 BK44 L$ 1KB2-3 T L 1 4® king 3 HIZE( £ < jo 5 ) king (of a country) 3£il(3o 5 Lo) royal family £«( & 5 * *) king (colloquial) 3:^(30 3D) prince 26i 3$. 5-5 __1 \ L 5 11® ^>7 fct Jfe£m»<£m£[l]oTV^o ball, bulb Cmn£ b ) the earth «3$ (A/1 * 5 ) electric light bulb $ 5 C ± 5 ) baseball ground 3&|g(£*5 nA,) bulb, tuber mtct) ball 24. t ( Ltfrf^ : alter) ^ 5 ft* tt 7 #9 ISu 111 L7 BK42 BK18 L8 L7 L4 -0< 0 28. ^ __ ■__ ___ L 7 -r 7T 5® indicate ^ ( L- D) 7. ;V to instruct H^(i'tV>>D)7./V to put up a notice TA> exhibition /KR£( L£ J.X/l' to suggest iH^Tl^L):^ to present B^^C&V^D)^.;^ to state clearly Rt^CfeA/U)*/!' to hint zn( L#>)1" to show 1 3 L 8 9® god, spirit W/HfX LA,^Lo)-f nervous LA,) spirit i^MCLA/t?) myth, mythology * * # F rfJ (place name #H(LA,frV^ nerve #l±( LA/LShinto shrine *#±(tf»A,&L) Shinto priest *#iffl(#>A,£) place name > —- L 4 13® good fortune, good luck Ms(L^.b&Sofc, tHfc( frl^ !9 ^ < to plan, to plot it»M L ± 5 *) * < to omit MP&( Y) *? < )7>>V to invade Wk(#k <9 ^ <) strategy B&3£( \)* : 28. £ -------'---------- 29. % (V^ : stpone) |- BK6 BK21 IKB242 IKB2-8 LI IKB242 IKB24 £4: ©is L10 /£ L 1 12® hard, stiff MM Co%£<)7s)V to become stiff 3&K( # £ 5 c 5 )-T stiff i!^(r.5^) coin to stiffen 5SS(^5ir) hardness Mfrft)^ stiff It L 4 15® certain, definite, sure $Nf(;fc< L/v);^ to believe firmly #1 al (< *) o) ^ /U- to establish #|SOFlE5t*J-i^(^< Do)t certain, sure*-*^tfl! i$(^3 tt^(^V^< clear, distinct L)^£>-2> to make sure, to check L 10 18® foundation base Kl^Lf X.) the foundation 264 I 30. j : clothing) !j jfc 1 SJ )ti f?f Si ' ' BK.44 ||/2 14 L2 m V m 10® receive, wear "7 W(Z>^<) clothes W.£(T>£\ < ) accused, defendant M$(l>/^) damage l&(£5£?)<5 to incur, to receive L 4 12® surplu s ^fe (^ 5 ^ <) A wealthy, rich M §( <£ $> 5 ) surph as, room i ?! L 2 14® multiple, compound complex B*Mfc&J|iit »<0|£«ftl\ filI(D^>5^< 1~ 5 ) plurality tt/n (-^< 5 ) compound 265 4 ? - it L 6 12® tax, duty mm 1&&(i£V^t A,) tax, duty M^K^A/if W customs ^a±(-ffV^ L) tax .accountant b ± 5 tMfVO consumption tax L £ t < if V>) income tax f&HK-ffl^/v) customs office ftf&i&CabA/'ffV^A/) duty-free goods fftlS W (if V ^ tf L J:) tax office WfmU(^0^<^) inheritance tax D 9 <£• A,-tf ) inhabitants' tax bks BK33 IKB2-I3 L8 IKB2-12 / y h L 8 14® spirit, vigor, fine p. 287 - w !WÄ(-l±'V>>$^)X;^ to adjust (an account) HiK-fr^o 5 to know thoroughly ffli(*V^< )XA- to read carefully U i < *C# )^ energetic M(^rV^-o)^- detailed V'» LA/) spirit b)X indolent, lazy *$töt(LJ: 5 LA,)*^ to devote oneself 32. f (r : rice) 266 33. % (\^ť\/u : thread) lliiiil *t7 Id ■ BK6 BK31 1.3 a ffl " Ví i BK23 BK38 & ' m * BK2Í 1.1) LKB2-4 > í i- .>/;?> imn IKR2-2 IKB2-12 ÍKB2-2 BK25 Sílí ^ i: Á ^ ^ ^ wmm ni lilii L2 L8 1 111 1.9 IKB2-4 .'■ví 8 ÍKB2-5 IKB2-11 BK32 1KB2-3 11111 ^IlIlJllS lilillllllllll lllllllllllli IKB2-9 ÍKB2-34 L2 lilii m L 5 9® period, record fec^imiEfí&^^TCo IHTCtiKt^X-iirX) Before Christ =B.C. 21 IftlHC^rV^) the 21st century ffiff A (# - 5 ^ ^) travel notes r p P L 2 10® pure, innocent£(7fcA/D^A,):?- simple U^/u^)"^ naive, pure ^M(J^D$/v)"^" impure, dishonest |i£ft( L $ A/D J: 5 )"t" pure-hearted C$/u#/u) pure gold 1 In L 9 10® £-3 : store, put in &V^j&S&£. $M(L*P 5© 5 to receive and store |fi$5,(<£> 5 ■tfV^OT.A- to pay tax *ft#(4oi < )7>;k to be convinced and satisfied, to be persuaded *ia(^o^5) fermented soybeans $ft(jo£)£3 to be settled **fflM(£^) abarn, ashed )&3 to pay *** ffip(& A"t") a closet, a storeroom **** fcBlft(i"V^ t b)^)V to deal revenue and expenditure 267 l in AT I77 IS «2 11 ® Z/3 V introduce - p. 285 S ^^LiS^l^);*./!/ to introduce i EfH^DC'Lj;?/^) self - introduction $B^>ifü( L i 5 ^V>L J; 5 ) letter of introduction A L 8 1211 picture a picture postcard i$x^(x.fäA>) a picture book Wife (-SS b 7L) oil painting i©lt(t©<*) colors, paints £30**3*.) portrait ffe|II(/^V^) drawing and paintings k L 6 ft ft 14® total, whole, general, gross fe=K-?T 5 5 to synthesize, to integrate ig jgäpK ^- 5 t j:) general election Jggg( 5 Ä5 <) total amount BKüiS£Ä( £ < ?hh,' 5 -tt<^ $ ^) Gross National Product = GNP W^-XU^bX)-ti^^hy) prime minister üS(-t5)l;T on the whole A A ftt w w L 2 17® *>•£-*!, 3 : *>*>*-f>1~ shrink |/Jn( L$ < L i. 5 )^A- to reduce Mitc/wlsty <)7,JV to shorten L $ < ) arms reduction !HI ( L tf> < ) miniature to become curly JEE$§(&o L$ < );* A' to compress }Ate(<£> 3 L*< ^A to concentrate (liquid) $$R(L$"S)&5 to shorten ' *T) to shrink * /TB AXIS /tax, L 9 18® weave 3o- <5 L§)*/V to organize ^jRft("C*5) *J hand woven feffKÜXLi < );*.A to dye and to weave *föEM(:£fc<£.£ft/^) (historical person) 268 34. % (<^.<^^\^ : ear) m fill?? BK3S IKB241 L 3 1 L 3 18 M employment, occupation 8ft® ( L * 5 L J: < to find a job jlfflKfcV^ L J: < to retire 5bi<)^ to suspend from work M( Uti< )7.)V to resign Li • BK32 BK41 L 5 ^ y X ►0< «9 12. P 1.7 I--- :i 269 31 4- L 7 7® 7> frtt-tl% ■ frtc-t disorder, confusion SLffi( fbA-J; 5 ^/J- to abuse SL5l( ^!)o)^ to be profuse 8l?!L(£A/£>A/);^/l<' to be confused iSL$t( bA;£* o)-?- disorderly, confused 1§L H ( f>A/JSp violent iSLjSK o)X/V to overissue m$L(lt/vb/u) war ?iL(#-7c)"t" to throw into disorder 3srTTrZ^.yl^ to examine IfKi 5§')^.;V to discuss, to debate § -9 )o to get revenge 270 äK i"7 XT L 10 Ii ® translate, reason mmm.m*tz Ami. 3lsR(o5-^<)^;V to interpret IRC-^Oi" to translate ^ ( & 5 ) L-IR (fc> frt) excuse, apology MM&Aj^OX/v to translate ffl|R(^>->^<) translation into Japanese ^(^)^tH(t>if)>^/^ to give an excuse <> <> L 7 1411 approve, admit, acknowledge V&M(fr\jV to recognize (£ 5 K: A/) *;V to certify M( L J; 5 A,) * ^ to approve 3§M( <£ 5fcA/)X;l/ to admit, to allow MM(bLAsX^)7KAy)>^/V to deny M( %■£)#)% to acknowledge Hi 6 -j— >^ L 6 15® various, several, all kinds of £ ft ft Hl( L- J: < ) all/various countries ft!if*lll( L J; & A/T^V^) various problems fet^BS( L J: 5 £ < ) various reports b( L J; i: 5 ) chain of islands W( L i T><£ 5 ) various expenses |f L 10 17® lecture — p. 289 \ i [=10] föB^^^Ü fi# ( C 5 €) * to lecture WM(~h £ 5^5 )^./^ to audit ffifrK C 5 U) lecturer, instructor f§Jgf(£. 5^)^^ to lecture, to address fM*(£. 5 c?) course (of lectures) W§L{ £. 5 if 5 ) lecture hall > He L 10 19® knowledge, recognition MM(^L>%)Xfr to be conscious of ISIUKfCA/ Lt)7./V to recognize ( L#)Xto distinguish ftlfflk(t> L#) knowledge ^TiiKUj; 5 L#) common sense ^|^(t>± 5 L-§) road sign 27/ m 39. M (M^/v : shell fish) ! M ' S'J' St- 8fc« &» Br- «» JB» HO < 19 2 . [j ( 9 0 £ 5 ) gJC-o< 9 1 8. £ ( p.289; 5 K 5 )^/l' to purcha 5 if < )^./V to subscribe se to purchase If 3 @& L 9 18® present —0 ggMC-^pTV^/V to present (officially) UttiH^-?1'5 £ 5 to exchange gifts *^^{^^:;)/^^r^)^^ todonate If-£(€ 5 i)to donate II^($d< %<£) a present Iit(4o<)<5 to present 40. £ {hL^/v : leg) iff I itfr' BK6 IKB2-13 RK32 272 41. $ ( < Zt^Aj : wheel) |~ LI ^ 12 BK38 ft illill sis* L3 1? 1^ Ml L 1 11 M soft :&(D#5fcA,H- flexible soft c^CJteA^ < )"^~ weak, feeble <.\t{^/v^)7^JV to soften, to be mollified j ft L 2 16® transport wtm^L^o);*.^ to export if^(^>-?r 5 to transport mJfH( ^>^-o)^./V to transfuse blood $tA($>{£$ 5 )^.^ to import ^■fiftC < 5 ty)7^)V to transport by air ili-fl ( 5 A/ ) transportation 42. I {x>(T>^\k> : horn) L W ' All IKB2-13 L 3 IKB241 w L 3 13® dissolve, untie o MM( to understand MMfrWi^XJls to solve, to settle Mft^Vvtto);*.^ to explain MfcCfcV^AJXA' to break up MMfrWZ b to release MfK^V^Li b )7^)V to dissolve k>)^;V to lift a ban, to open for the hunting/season ftfflr{&k>iP\^)7*)V to disassemble #fi?(■^•^^V^)X/^ to make an excuse B^(fr^kb) answer * fflgkfflilfteo'g^) medicine for fever M(t)< to untie, to solve 273 43. @ (tV^/u : wheel) BK41 IKB2-12; S3 -7 PI ()/Ss;5 to crowd ^vH(/cV^<%) large crowd/herd ^ ( A/ ^ fr A/) Gunma prefecture M(t?)tl group 45. ijj ' |- 1KB2-14 BK10 IK 132-3 1KB246 + 46, I (frfa^ : mcial: | S3 BK2 IKB245 1KB2-8 BK19 BK35 IKB243 IKB2~=>5 IKB243 1KB2-3 IKB244! 274 ■strap- 47. f I L 4 IKB2-15 II is J3K35 L 4 8® good fortune, happiness íl 5 5 A)"ť lucky <—* šfM1~ 4£>^(ŤcC\ 5 ) good fortune #K Lt happy —» ^^Hž"*" 5-5><)t happy Í$(ftor5) ill-fate #($V^)Vi happiness t 48. Í ( L i < : eat) ft * ŕJ; #í fin UK9 B K 9 BK11 BK19 49. , horse) lm——mmm—mm S) i ■ W. ISA- ISw .Rm lillll BKiS IKB2-4 BK29 IKB2-3 IKB2-ID ; n. o< í9 r-} 1 . )) (frtľfc : sword) 1 BK16 JKB2-13 BK44 275 2 . ij ( Y) o t \? : sword) m #11- ) IJ w ■ f IJ ■ 8U' f ij - #] fflj - IKB2-37 lKB2--'7 BK16 BK37 IKB2-2 BK32 BK45 I, 1 L10 m 9 !S ' UiJ ■ filj ' M ®j - /?] ' iiW flW TKB2-'2 • BK 10 Lli 1KB2 16 IKB2-6 IKB2-10 1KB2-12 f'U 2 |\ 2 fflj 12 I'll) BR33 -Wi/i . 4 (fcA/^A,) 2 SM&L9. ^ .(0*>) H 7 6M uy line o#j;)^7k to list, to enumerate £ A/fto);^ to attend o-tir^)*/!' to attend W(tloL^) train otb) chain of islands f??!l(c?J: pt^o) procession, queue )"f"<5 to attend if — ■4: L 4 8M 3^7 t^r-fr engrave jIM^O*/!' to be late mMiVAsZOi- serious l$MD£<) time }&M( hiibZ.< )7^)V to sculpt, to carve $fMM D £ < X> H b ) timetable ^!l(#c?)£? to engrave, to carve «2 mie km L±m^mm%4vbtitca HCIlJG:T/v;5:< ) principle, general rule {£BiJ(S5-?:< ) law, rule MWlrule, regulations SH'JOi^O violation 276 C7)' «2 11 M vice-, sub- @!1(v§p.< )~ vice- , sub-lPJit(.&> < side job fJM(^<££5) side effect @ij^(^< L i <) side dish M A 1 L 3 12M create £fLVvfclfc£gI&1-3. ffiMZ 5 5 to create fj^(-?r 5 & < to create ibZ (5 \> o) * ;V to establish till (5 ^ * 5 ) * A- to found 2&IW#J( if < 5 T# original, individual b L-L^) founder iUf!r*f( 5 tf> A, £ 5 ) first issue fm 3 . jj (Ibfrb: power) Jl s)] tt) Itij %}} BK4 L2 IK1J2-I1 L3 BK41 BK17 §!l '&) $ ■■ 0; ®j -' !■;■ .i r \ : i.a 1.2 i.a 1* ] n L 3 7M help, assist S&#ftfit3&Wfctt#£-f-3Afc. $C$j( c? i$5Ui )7^)V to rescue, to aid SUKfcAvU ± to aid $J£%^( U i^V^A-) subsidy, grant *0f^.Sb( LAyO-f-frt) personal name to assist &]m( i tf% to advise D ± L- $) assistant Sj(fc-f)^S to help, to save 3,^ f L 9 11 ® duty, serve 277 ?(§^tf)7«;^ to work 5(^t?) duty If £ bts) business ^(^rV^tfL£) tax office ♦85 (DC?) office work ftl^GuXt?) duty, work M(£V^) debt ^(■oi)&5 to work, to perform tin L 9 12® work for, serve %M^kts)^)V to work fciKTA/t AO;VV to be transfered i&^SC^A^A/)^ industrious 311 !J(o5i:^)X;^ to commute fr( L*o§^)^;^ to go to work -!fr(ofc)a6& to work for % h I L 2 12® win, victory, excel 5 8ftfe( L £ 5 .SO^/V to play a match MB($> 5 L £ 5 )^>^ to be a champion B% IJ ( L £ 5 «9 ) victory Jj$#( ti5U) winner j»HJC( L £ 5 victory & defeat &Jj#( fro L £ 5 ) final game ft$Kfr>V^b£ 5 to gain victory easily ~^#(^)o to win ^ -~—^l(£)tt~£ |^I#(m-^oT)t selfish ~-$K$3)& to be superior ft* it< ftb 11» BK22 BK44 BK18 IKB246 L2 i A/1 8. J (fc<^£) iAiAJ-----------------------------; ik ' Us PjL ' % LI BK30 IKB2-6 BK2 {J^^/v 1. j (fziAv^A,) 275 6. 2 L2 IKB24 ■1 L 2 4® collect, receive t*5 )^.^ to collect ti&Mi. L$ 5 £ 5 to accommodate JJXIK L ^> 5 ^ <)^;V- to harvest L$> 5 L) revenue and expenditure $(&£)#) 3 to obtain, to collect $W( £ * 5 b 5 to absorb M( L10 5 ) 1st block(in addresses) &T( if 5 t> J: 5 ) kitchen knife 8 . P ( < : mouth) frs U fij in BK1 BK43 BK25 EK33 n n ft 5 +f7 W7 It * I?!o If* ft 1 BK20 BK44. IKB2-6 8532-10 IKB244 10. E Js d BK24 BK2? —7 3 ~"7 13 mi 3® self \> Z\X%)i- selfish, self-centered &fl 2. ("£> #) an acquaintance gS(UC) self 11. M£/W< 9 : patterns) |s ' i JL3 IKB2^ y * ^ 12. P : hill) |- 3 P Ji; « Bi: • ins 1KB2-15 L5 IKB2^« ft 2 fit IP BK18 BK20 L1 250 7* 5 5*P L 5 9® suburb the outer suburbs 5) the inner suburbs %^ 1 f % 112 10® county , district ~fP(<'%) ~ county, ~ district OT( <'A,.S) rural area i [S L 1 11 ® mail $5^5 to mail flMg^( $ 5 Ay £ i <) post office 3$Bft£rtt( $ ^ d L ^ ) Japan Post, a state-owned corporation w 13. tfe --------------_----___----—___— fl!i ilk * ■ i'üi 1KB24 BK19 JKB24 IKB2-2. 14. to change, to correct It @ L 2 11 11 ^4 ^js-tiZ *JfcL-Tí>, ^ÍJS-tírří£V\ be defeated ^-A©J]#f&&P#(DílfČo ^|&(LoteV)7^ to fail IfclfcOiV^OXrt' to be defeated AEC/cV^l^);^ to be annihilated fj%$C.(&l%^)X;l' to be decomposed, to decay BMLi: 5teV^) victory and defeat H$C$fe(»VMi:A/) lost battle ^-M*?&)ti2> to be defeated = 2> «—B(fr)-^ rescue, save &MK J:3MiÍÁfc$MSW£íiš3o * 5 D i to rescue, to aid MíMŠ * 5 Ž.A)X/I^ to send relief $CfcB(# $ 5 U^o)X;V to save $k&^(š ® 5 ě * 5 L^) ambulance $fc-ffa:R(é 5 feV^*) life preserver t(f<)5 to help out 253 ISL^LJJLi ^ : °pen mouth^ ts / hy ^ ^ BK25 BK28 LI H BK& BK14 ^4i, $ ( £tc : hit) t BK30 L8 ill f7 i-y Llfl IKB2-7 IKB2-12 EKB2-14 1KB^32 ( 1 L 10 9® step PS'-^C^V^^f) stairway, steps L$7c/v) means, measure Ix^C/cA/&) skin &^pnn(I>^< "tírV^A,) leather goods zétiL(tir&ib) fur ifef^KtMčL "s ) sarcasm, irony &(frt>) skin 23. 1 [£>f] dHlIliijSlL 1KB2-1S BK22 BK3tf m 24. Ú [/^] ri fíi ííí £ ■ BK23 J3K31 Uí lKB2-=>9 ta < h A é *A/10. í (T^A,) 25. £ [y3^] J". 'm ^Jl- ^ 77 S >&b7. n(<*>) Í8-Wi/3 3. I (V»£*sA,) ^10. f (T^) 255 26. 4t [Wl it \ llllillllllllllllllll 27. xF (T h : temple) \ j BKT4 BKU llllll BKU BK31 e3 4 28. J| : see) B: IE" IS11 IB16 t$i8 BK9 L7 1KB2-6 BJCKj L7 ! 4 L 7 11 ® sight, observe ilf&( L & o) ^/W to inspect UM ftV^ to neglect tlM^ ( L T A/) viewpoint field of vision ^IKtfDX/k to ignore UMLVZO eyesight lH&f ( L-fr A/) line of vision % k> L) near-sighted ft hi. L 7 18® observe m-tZo til&ifr/uZo)*/^ to observe UMi^/v^O^jV to survey MMifrAsL-Z. to appreciate #ffg(£to inspect, to visit M3k(#Vv£ 5)^/1^ to see sights ®J$^j&SV^A/).X,'l' to survey M^j(t>^A,T ft )f pessimistic 6o^Tt)t ±Mft(L*)&»A/C£)-f subjective —*otf»A/T£ HL^C/O^TA/) viewpoint ^Az&A/) idea A£tl(DA,-£V^A/) view of life 256 29. f (fcfc : blue) [-fe>T] W 8 m " S BK14 IKB2~»s BK14 L8 IKB2-3S: $f-Wu3 2. J ( £#)-nA/) ft 30, I [f- g£]^J- n 17. ft 11 m notebook #H(T*> ± 5 ) pocket notebook BfB*g(R:o#t>J: 5) diary iI§ii(il("T?A/:b*> i 5 ) phone directory i'Mhi: b ft)L cancellation 31. I U^t^ : bird) M m liu y$is ItM It18 81* \ IKB2-16 1KB2^5 BK31 BK34 BK28 BK25 ! 32. # fit 2 I-.-1/' ►^20. t (t^) 287 ľí M 33. I (fcfciôH* : head) )fi 12 M1'1 fiJa- ÍSM M 110 IKB2-1Í IKB2-? ÍKB2-10 BK36 mm IŠ1 L 8 BK21 BR41 RK42 :. ;■ )\\% ) L 10 12® order ffiStéJlIim^m^V^o JK/&( U $ AO 5 )^.;V to adapt HKHaK X^fyh>% J: 5 favorable, going well l^^MfD turn, order D t$> A ) order, ranking #£JHI( L/ # 5 U h)i~ submissive )I[IFP( U k/ U- £ ) order, sequence ^IH(TU^A) procedure, routine M(U#/k)fZl in order #1 — L 8 16® •7^f rely ftSK L/v^V^X/k to trust — — if(fc<75)£r to request H(fc<£>)% reliable fäM(^h^)^/V to request 3 to rely y\3 % amount (money), frame, forehead ^sUK^/v^X ) amount of money ) full amount HtK $ ^ < ) the difference trji§3 ( L L # O ^ ) expenditure SMK^i 5^#K) surplus $l(?>fcV^ the forehead L 6 18® M&(%5&<) total half amount f J M M fr> X> h X *S < ) allotment MiffiM(^£>) fg-^l 8. J (fc^t) 10 ) II in IF] IB L 6 5M old, former u LA, ^IB(^>o§ # 5 to restore, to recover |0^:(§ $ 5 L§) old-type IHrj?$f(#*}> 5 L^V^) old center (of a town) IHWM(# # 5 fcVvfc-vO old regime $rlH( 5) old and new iH££(§ $ 5-^V^) one's former name fSlS^C # 5 H±"#) historic ruins if r L 1 6® Ay mark, seal, *India fIll?lJ(V^^$o)7.;^ to print ftl^CV^A/L £ 5 ) impression WtlKV^A/^A/) (stamp used instead of a signature) EPf&^A,-tfW royalties (on a book) *BlS(V>A/£) India @EP(#>D<5L) landmark, mark &f / f ft 1 L 6 10® master IKID)^ to be a pupil JI§ffl(t>*J; 5 L) beautician lli^ i 5 U L) chef i5l) missionary SH^^Ay^D N :#ff±WlB^ nurse tH(§ i 5 t) teacher IS^(V^L) (medical) doctor ££W(^L) engineer ii(^5L) lecturer, instructor IV. tf^fr !9 i ^2 BK3 BK7 BK1& BK20 BK24 BK32 BK36 BK10 j n liiliil liiil 1m 10 L5K43 8KB liiil L 5. _r. \ «2 XT 3® *^ die 3& 5E£( LIS 5 )^A to die £4r03: 5&>V^;*.A to flee one's country ^tzXi^f 5 L^) widow * t#( & -9 L *?) the dead, the ghost Mtl( b5l%5 to escape it(tooa'p)^ to be ruined £(&)<&£ to die 290 BK12 IKB24 fKB245 BK12 rj IKB2-6 BK9 rr fiiiiiiiiiii /hr ft! fill: L 10 611 * tc-XZ plan, enterprise mn^m&L2 8. Ay L 2 yy it; mm dispute, argue SHK # £ 5 * 5 to compete IMK 5 to argue ^=lfcfllft#^•?:) 5 to dispute, to argue /7 r ft L 4 6® fe^-5V^ M^-St? h dangerous, risky /7 ^7 L 8 12® ^ 3 r> y # image, symbol, elephant Mt( L± 5t> i 5 to symbolize y&(U*A/Lj;5) phenomenon U-^5) elephant ftl^l(V^ L £ 5 ) impression M^/r(#LJ;5^> J: 5 ) chief, head #"if(T<£jQ wrist 10. □ (<"&: mouth) n BKI lllfll r ? BK19 JS. llill tin ' Fl " iff BK35 BK27 BK34 K|| 11, ^ BK26 L6 IKBŽ-fi! a (<*>) 12. (X>-P> : earth) BK5 Lg BK14 BKi? i '71 » T- If... M 4 7. $ (£-Wu) — L 8 5IÜ leave, pass away o i )7,)V to pass away i^(tJ:^) last year the past/last ~(date) iaŽdfcV^ J: )^;P to leave *iaí(*»C) past c? ) -S to leave, to go away 294 J UN ~*$>L1 6. JCl> ( £L £L 5 ) —- L 6 3M man, military man $±(^L) samurai, warrior JftIi±(^:V,vf?L) member of parliament ffi E&±( L £ 5 53; 5 L) fireman 1f ±( ft < L / f£#H3r) Ph.D, Doctor of ~ ^qf ±(^V^tV>L) accountant #H±(* $ 5 * t>^l 5 L) astronaut 14, ^ (?fr/ltr*3 : roof)"^ liiii BK12 " / * " o lilllj BK12 llffillll L7 1KB243 BK39 ass TO IKB2-6 BK26 BIU2 1KR2-16 BK12 BK31; L4 4% liiii /E 11 Bill! f ?: ' hi IKR2-11 IKB2-15 IKB245 llltl L5 1KB2 13 L5 IKB2~^3 BK21 IKB2-3 ^mmm ~~X L 7 6® maintain, protect <3MSf(L A' to defend, to guard It(!^L*)^;V to adhere strictly ^m(i^VvpX^)i- conservative «3fe^b^ST#)^/**f«j(^< UT§)t 3oTK"i;%)!9 (good luck) charm ^("l;~t) being away, absence -F^FiZ ) baby-sitting 295 r^7 T f g L 5 8® government, authorities 'i'^T(/5i^t^ i. b) government office left (£rt*A/) organ (of the body) iff f( £ 5 *^) high official ^F*B*( fr^" V^^>^ A/) policeman iTß^A/ *) i 5 ) bureaucrat _j|HM ......."Illllllll tzt> L 5 10® harm, damage 5 J&SVv)*/!/ to interfere zk^Cf-V^'V^) flood damage pollution iW^A^'W loss fiJUK^V) advantages and disadvantages i&TK^V^V^) disaster J&B^M^MO assailantOtf^L*) |f#(LJ:5^V) obstacle 10® 3^7 ZKOmWMlX 2 0 0 ^(D^^t^o form, appearance, content t©iift> rt^#Ä##n?&;ö*o7t, 5 tcA/)^.^ to allow M(t J: J; 5 to allow, to permit $.^(L$ 5 i 5 )X;V to hold, to accommodate rt^K&V^ 'i 5 V^A,) beauty parlor J; 5 ^ L *) suspect 7 *7^7 rich, wealth Jt^T(K5.S»H" plentiful rftH'(l>A/v£0 rich and poor ~—1m(£.)ij to abound in ~ mlh(t^t) place name L4 12® ^"±LU(-5»D$^) Mt. Fuji 1ll8:(.&>£' 5 ) rich man Ht^) wealth * g jt;(^ ^ £)A,fr9 : grass, plant) — -V— IS * * \ 4-" ,'T'1'^4' B ■n v./ BK? BK12 BK16 lllllll 7?'r & ^ - :-;::::-;:,EEtJ-:-:-:-w ' BK29 IK U2-=9 1KB2-3 is! sis mmm mi IKB2-10 IKB2-35! L 8 11 H distinguished, authorship WMW/vh i )i~ remarkable ^#(*>J:L^) writer ^ i 5 i.) co-authorship ^KV^U5)LV* remarkable f&(t> £tb^)i~ well-known ^IK^ i bi) writing a book H1Mt(*> i $ < »t/>) copyright Khht>)~f to write, to publish 2P7 -2$- —■fc^- L 9 12® leaf mazmnn&f*tix^%0 &E|g( 5 J; 5 to turn red (leaves) »iS( £ 5 *9 ± < ■£) chlorophyl #^(2b*3lf) new leaves WrMMi h < =fc 5 £ *) deciduous tree ^I(Ö) leaf t¥(*5)t>^l(fJ) fallen leaves X V / >,@ L 1 16® : 51"-#>3 thin Wm(.l* thin, light (color) Ü/tK 5"t"c?) light dress }¥(5"f~)#><5 to weaken, to make ~ thin W ( 5 *t~) flh —W ( 5 "t") h C to become dim, to lessen [m 18. (•^^ : mountain i-h BKl -5" 1.1. f BKS IKB2-12 IKB2-6 19. B (t> : sun, day) ~jg s£5s L7 $38 12 M BKI BKX6 Lg JKB2-8 JKB3-9 BK26 L# IKB2-8 ^7 ^7 £7 L 2 / -ft 8® rise, go up ±#(Ui5ti5)X;I/ to rise #i£n ( L ± 5 # »0 5 )^./V to raise a salary #(c£>{3:)<5 to rise, to go up L^l(Li 5 LAy)7,/U to be promoted i|$n(LJ: 5£5 <"£>) hatch 295 quantity, measure, weigh &#&V\> MMZ< D J: 5 )M to measure (cf.p.l60)r$iJ3J ItMOtV^ i b to measure (cf.p.l60)rtr5J W.sL(i-^ *9 i 5 )^A- to guess #*(7t *3 i 5 ) large amount *—L £ 5 *9 £ 5 ) IMK D ^ 5 9 £ 5 ) weight M( !9 i 5 ) quantity #Jl(vS^ <9 ± 5 ) quantity, amount e-mOo/v !) i 5) (sound) volume H&JKfao V) i 5 ) calories ^m4M(/fcV^ J; 5 HiV^ A,) mass production Ji( <5 to measure, to weigh (cf.p.l60)rM-SJ £7 L 7 15® violent, divulge h < to fall suddenly Jl^iGS: b^b)^;)/ to run out of control ffiH (^bUb)i- tyrannical * US* (\f < 5) ^ >V to expose H(&}£)< to expose mWitUb H b) riot gLH( £>M£5 violent/to do violence HAGS 5 <9 J: <) violence IK&IJDtlS to act violently 20. V^^^J^ Stop)_____|? BK17 I "J BK17 IKB2A lilll 3^ 3é L 8 13® year, *±A age MMi&^f-o) years &^(&V^o) end of the year jf^fcfcK^V^^o) expenditure 7ffikG£A/£V) cheers, hurray *^#(*V^30 year-end gift ~fift($V^ ~years old = ~;f 299 21. (*51 ^:"oTd) ^ BK36 BK41 BK27 f- 22. /JA »I*. ÍKB2-16 L 4 L 6 i 23. r*1*/. iii, pi^ Ali ÍKB2-S BK2 IKBŽ42 BK33 BK36 ■ 24. ^ (o&jô^fr*) : claw, nail) BK29Í o. 25. '■! -5í s ' ■tni- ) n vri m m BKi BK3S Llô BKŠ BK23 LI ÍKB241 L 4: L 10 5M yy say, call IfJWCLA/ii-V^);*.^ to apply Ef^C L/v£. O^/V to report i§F#(£5 ~LAj)7sJV to report, to respond ^ 5 ) £ )t? to propose, to apply 5 )LsR(;btf) excuse, apology $( % 5 )"t" (humble form of W5) ^7 J^7 •r L 1 9® world, border #3;A,<0|&Jfr£, i&l^-BrifcV'O the world $C#(*V'^V,0 political world j&$r#(frV^V^V0 economic world St#(#i5^j boundary RBI^(*fA,tf»V>) limit M(L^) range of vision -ft "7^ L 4 1111 different, strange l^(V^U i 5 unusual, abnormal ^S(V^Lo)-t" different in quality *lti(lNc?) objection, dissent l#l(£W difference i(Ci)43 to differ 9i( )^V to climb mountains |1|3£("3»*0>J£)*) mountain climbing ( i 5 $ O L i ) police station SdJgWCifVMfr L i ) taxation office 302 31. (tcttfr/uts-y : bamboo) j it BK6 L7 :tjn- IS- L7 -I iÄlilllfÄii L4 IKB2-3 JKBM1 IKB2^2 lKB2-9i - nii L 5 L 4 12® equal, grade, and-so-forth ¥3K ± 5 if 5 equal — |W)^( if 5 £ 5 ) equal level %3^f(c£Aj t 5 equal, of the same proportion ^$SK t 5 i* $ 5 ) class, grade D J: 5 i: 5 high-grade «—""MjK/i* i: 5 )^ V^o £ 5 ) 1st class, 1st place £f^f (fcl^ i: 5 ) equality, equal level ^j^pfS(tlo i 5 ^A-) inferiority complex iSf^§^&( £ 5 i: 5 "J^o 5 ) high school ift^tfcWC ^5i:5-£±5V^) higher education c.f. # ^, equal * they T r T L 5 14Ü pipe, control wma&7mw < ) X ;k to build newly (place name in Tokyo) I 32. ^ (r>Q Ľ : sheep)~|| log Š£2íi v,'!íiívS!^v.v.v.v.v.^v.■yw3j^^^v.v.^v.^v.v^ BK43 IKB2-9 BK17 IKB2-2 fôl "1 ^ 3Š A -r 4 111 13® righteous, meaning ^(TV^^t;/!/ to define HiK^S^)*^ to lecture W(ftf) duty ilH(^<9) sense of duty iEJK-^V^c?) justice S^iKl^c?) meaning ilKL*^) -ism, principle * J: Lofe) (historical person) A L 3 15® bring up > -9 =fc 5 £ «fc 5 )>W to take care of one's health HW( i5) nutrition (hfrb : power) |—^ BK4 BK5 L9 1KB2-8 IKB2-5 -* -£7 L 9 7M endeavor f;fr( i: >9 £ < to make efforts Koi:)#><5 to make efforts 4, ^ (frtzfc : sword) |jg 'till- "J 77 7J 1 1KB2-10 BK4 L6 IK 62-3«! 305 A L 6 8Ü ticket, coupon, certificate A^#G<1 tf> b U ± 5 ft A/) entrance ticket C 5 < 5 frA) airplane ticket D i 5 L^frtA) passenger ticket ti£#( L ± 5 ftA) securities, bonds «#( L i 5 tNA A) gift voucher WM Uilt^ passport + BK3 BK10 •y m rp is IKBŽ-39 BK31 ■/J BK16 ÍKB2-5 BK3Ô IftBkM L 6 -r L 6 "T* 11 M rate, proportion zo^mtpt y a&$#&< ftv\ 4-0 i 5 *J O) voting rate L*> i 5 19 o) ratings (T.V.) «(^ot, J; <).^ frank (© 5 V) o) efficiency Ifc^(tMJo) ratio J#fi^(ii-V>*> i 5 \0 o) growth rate ^(DJ?<^!)o) percentage ^(t>#)V»5 to lead HjcO^CX-ALi^ 5 !3o) ratio of circumference to diameter pi, 7i 6 ^ (ttz : hand) É-------w )X ! Í Jj£ ľl BK15 BK44 L 2 L 9 BK2& i 7 x Ä-o<(9 2 2. Ŕ [t:] — -h L 2 4® support, branch # < (D A^ ŕcXž. f) tir o :feIE( LtefcWyOl'" to manage, to control §Xk.( 5 L) revenue and expenditure itB( LL^o) expenditure £J£(LTA,) branch office 306 (# fr A, L) bronchial tubes Uik) b to pay í ( ě ě ) X. % to support \ 7. [ I ■ BKl i n o inj BK28 nft IKB2-12 ÍÍÍÍÍEfaSííSSií 1KB2-2 I TT BK6 A* e n BKŽ9 ti "i BK18 lij ^ L2 JPJ « lllfll L6 £3 5 BK34. l-J t=i KBŽ^S BKll PIJ ft L5 1.RB2-6 TKB2-6 L5 ■Mi LS BK35 1£: 2 1KB24S BK.Ě6 ÍI2 i5 " íř 7 IKB24 IKB2-7 mm IKB2-33 BK21 Plil! lilii "'"''''llllll -3fcÄ,if 19 1 4. ( 5 5Ď^íř»9) X3 > — L 2 5® possible B^ňT(# £^)X^ to permit TO (*»0 5)t possible «—»: rM&frJV to occupy £(L-)iQ<5 to occupy, to account for 5 < ř>^S L±#y SÄ( L £ 5 LfcJ> 5 to convene L ± 5 i)*k>)7>)V to summon Sfö(*LoÄ»)V» servant g(»)L±(Ž>)#S5 (honorific form of A^S/fifctr ) 307 7 >X L 6 6H each, every, various 1btlZo t>) various places ^S(^oi<) every/each nation ##( ^ < ^V>) every field #H( < L #) every kind #^"ffi(^< ft 5 £>A,) every direction 6-^($3 <£>:£<£>) each, all, every #|R^$(^< -"CV^L^O train which stops at every station "1 m im ty lord 1 5 0^Mfcm±Mfrbg:±mKtj;^tc< ~3g"( < A/) (suffix used for male names) Mil( L £ < A/) (ladies and) gentlemen %£z£( < A/ L i0) lord, monarch fdiffrK < A, L 10-fr monarchism inn L 5 8M round, circumference um, ?yt>y K^-üi-^.o —jcKV^o L$ 5 to go around once ji!|£2(Li0 5 ^A/) surroundings C( L $ 5 &*t* 5 ) frequency M ffl ( L10 5 V >) surroundings R j§l (X. A/ L »0 5 ) circumference )§1 (l£ fc>) ^ circumference, surroundings 8 fpptlt 2TL BK18 BK39 LKB2-9 9 . K ht,......: earth) L2 JK132-3 BK12 1.6 i 44 10 ::::fo*4i^::;:::-::::x:: BK24 ma lg 1,9 305 IL F L 2 5® TV press, overwhelming :Z(i*iE.*Ai.'.. HMSK&o h 5 to overwhelm ifiUEEO't'Ofo-o) blood pressure ^ffi(T?A/&o) voltage ^JEC/^V^foo) external pressure ffiWfcot) i <) pressure Ät/3i(^$)0) atmospheric pressure ££ESK^A.l>-3$) transformer H;($>o)"3"§ to press, to overpower -TP M L 6 9® type, model, form *M(TA,^Tt):r- typical #M(fcWtW body type, body size * 5^^) streamlined shape MSK fro blood type MM(^L^Yc) newest model ^Kfefe^fc) large size *-*/J^( Ztftc) t L 6 11 ® hall L i < if 5 ) dining hall MM Z. 5 if' 5 ) lecture hall fll*^ (^ C if 5 ) Diet Building (if 5 if 5 ) i: dignified f^A/ if 5 ) main temple building *LM(M^^if 5 ) chapel i 5 tf^ if 5 ) public hall it L 9 11® foundation, basis mm%%) base Ü(t(^) base S( 1i £ ) foundation, base &fc(^{SA/) basics Stt(#*>). (military) base 3£( % i; )o < to be based on (t> i: V "*) £~$~2)0 Religion is based on faith. 10. / y7^ ^ ■ a. ■ BK43 BK26 mi L7 309 L 7 13® TA affection, love 0 <5o S^KäbV^J: 5 to use often because it is one's favorite to protect Ä(*lA/feW;*/V to love SHf (& V,* U i 5 ) love, affection Sif (& V t> <) attachment gKM^-fS to love * "STaK^t^)^ lovely, sweet 11. BK4 BK15 BK26 BK3S IKB2~^ BK42 0U r7 JC2- 5® center fp^:( 1=> $ 5 5 ) center * 5 £ 5 H/u) Chuo Line 12. -£r (feAjfc : woman) |% BK2 BK& BK15 IKBMÖ BK42 WBM\ 13. -T- (r : child) HK2 BK7 L7 BK2 !KB2-^? 7^ L 7 6® exist 310 A, to exist |£#G2-€A/)X/V to preserve *#(^ i. b^fu)%JV to coexist tf'M(ZAs^OX/U to continue ^M{%^^D%JV to exist, to survive )1*<5 (humble form of £Q35) 14. rfc (&& : width) I 0K2O IK&2-7 fli " 'ifj ' L8 BK25 n 'fir ' Lfi L4 L 8 7H hope, scarcity rH(t}£5);^ to hope #5f(^«<)^" thin, diluted «4Mltfg(t L J; 5 value (due to rarity) "S"#(^t) one's 70th birthday —- 7^ L 6 10® belt, zone, wear $ 6 ®fc$> 8 BtcDrMf kmf%<^l$7c0 WGtV^cV^/V to bring with oneself, to carry fl^RB^(Dfl^fcV'O time belt WB{ixhjfz^)7.;V to have solidarity 'X\U^(^ AyfcV^) volcanic zone ^W( D i < "kfevO green belt 1 «(ftofcV^ tropical zone ^Mfe^(&A/-l£A,-'k;/tV,0 safety zone ^(j3)t>'3 to wear, to be entrusted with WG2 5fcV^ bandage ffifOfctf) a belt for Awnono 1 re? r3 f L 4 11 ® normal, usual, ordinary fe(©A^^I-^#7Co ± 5 J: 5 )^/V to use ordinarily B^Gc^D i 5 ) everyday, routine '.fT'dK 1^ £ btPtT^JV to be ready for use anytime IE?f(-&V^ ± 5 normal*—»-^t(V^l;j: SJ-J-^NKtM^J:!?) emergency #S(T>D±5)fc extremely 1^t(frD±5) transience, mutability WMl^Xbh^) common sense^-*#Sft frKKDirJU) usually ££ 5-fro) standing, permanent ^(oft)fc always M?l?( D <£ 5 t5 9i5 exclusive T/W~W MMf\ ^fo^-l&i'Zo :#^(•^i•^la^)J^/^ to devote oneself to M^ki^AjZ. 5 to major in ^^(-fcirA/^ 5 )7^A/ to possess exclusively full-time ^( % o {if) exclusively ^t^kiM^^T^lV to monopolize #P"!(~yrA^ ) specialty ^ffl(-£/v,fc 5 ) exclusive use •frA/'frW autocracy 16. ^ (tZ £ 6 : heart) 1 n J -ft ' ^« RK3B BK42 iiillll 1.3 1.10 BK29 IKB2-10 J3K23 BK31 I.s ^ w . Li* £ tH i— P" !& ft! - I KB 2-9 1KB2~'<$ BK28 BKM IK 132-11 RK36 BK32 RK36 1.» €f —* * "nri" 1.7 IKB2-2 IKB2-15 IKB244 ^-*&L1 0. a. —- dr dr. L 10 711 intention $iifl.£1r£i£ LT^So j&IK U3: 5 )^>^ to wish, to choose ^H(L^X)^;V to apply, to volunteer SjCiifed^L) will Jtl&UV^L) one's last wishes £ £ 3 £ W* to resolve S(i^5?"L) ambition 3i2 respond, react ^ilLft^ofcÄšfcMJS^fcftJStSo ttfoOtV^&S)^ to correspond to JtSffl(*5 5 J: 5 )^ to apply to K]fc(itA, to be mad, to be angry anger - "t L 5 13® y ŕ; * y imagination iH#( Ý 5 5 to imagine MCÄ^-t 5 to recollect ,&É( L-Ý 5 ) thought, idea *fl(é^-?-/íbv>f^) friendliness "PM <£•?: 5 )X/V to estimate, to predict an ideal H (^ A 5 ) impressions 17. 13 :£JiE- i n R B L 5 IK82:-'« L9 l-.lJ- fi BK42 1KB2-31 BK27 IKB2-7 13K10 j :::::::j!!^KT:::|jJY:"^ BK23 BK26 IKB2-=* 3> U liii IT L 5 El 0 12® widespread, common Mfófo7Ty#X&frft\1&&VXŽ1to tiJki&t ® 5 to spread fr jK^O 5 ) ordinary, usual M^(^ATt)^ general h^C^/cA/) usual, constant 373 4f L 9 12® replace 5fcV>)^;W to take turns ^ i p^X.)^ to exchange, to change to replace f^CfcV^cV^O;^ to substitute to be replaced * ^#(^it?vti') exchange, money order 18. ^)n- ; /] ß r BK7 liiiii BKH »«Ii ■i 10 19. ^ m ->#>X/tř») 3 0 7 —— L 6 5® not yet, un- *&$l<£>l!!fell £x 1/ If "^jKcffifc-r 5 o 7fc&HI(#.£ 5#>V^ not open to the public fcM&i&fr^fr-o) unsolved jf&kl&b^) future ^^yjtC&^/v) less than ~ ^tu^C^^A,-^) incomplete ^^^(^--frV^/v) minority, minors ^ £Q () unknown ■— X. y «2 7® bundle jföjfc (to promise —ACttfcfcří) one bundle Mfclf)teZ to bundle J&J^( £. 5 < )X)V to restrict «(ft&7c&') bouquet 314 -7* -TT ^7 L 4 9® soft, tender, gentle ^ft(D#5ftA)f- flexible *SfP(f21* 5^)"f gentle, mild M^^FfK $ 5 U $ b "&t£ki )i~ indecisive D 5 £!" 5 ) judo S(^fc)f)HVS'3^!5: soft, tender c./K LI) 20 / 1 / 9~K y >. ✓ N» »>>» jiii /1.1 » on < 1.> ft < ft o fc0 g£&(LifA,) nature ^(■frVvtfA,)*: orderly £^(€A-t£A/)--ftV^neg.) not at all *?;$>(TA,;JaA/) nature ^*AX , X5t ^(£o€A,) suddenly ^Mii(t>o-ffA,-£V^) necessity L 9 12® boil, cook 5 t^7^t;1lti WSbfco ^fi$&( L^^o)^.^ to sterilize by boiling ^^(^4>(D) cooking ^({05 to boil, to cook H^-? ^^COO-^i" to become irritated s 0"? g?3 0g 0g L 10 /1\\ 13® shine jfc£K:fä&£>:h/t\ &TL£o7cQ >W>( fcV* L £ 5 to contrast KPJ1( LX b #>W artificial light M("C)tL<5 to feel embarrassed #$UJ; 5 )to refer M(T)<5 shine BH(tM?)») drought L 7 151B mature M&££*&0\ MJte^&So ?&( b' $ < )"t~( §) to mature to think overcarefully WM( D ^ < *f V^)*/!' to sleep soundly ^t^C^U t$ < )*i~ immature, inexperienced < if <)^;u to read thoroughly H&il$( U # < frlA/);*^ to be skilled ^^(-HrV^ U tf> < to mature to ripen 21. —i—* . >—* t * LI BKI5 BK45 IKB245 LS 22. B (fc : rice field) ~^ -Q< t) 1 7. Jj (Ot) «^jh- i n m m eb rii ' fit* ttV 1 fi -fl"^ BKi. BK21 BK19 IKB2-9 1KB2-16 IKB2-15 23. :t)n- i n n @ - a- fr ft BK6 BK44 LI LI BK23 BK17 IKB2-9 ■g*-*56»^0 9. J /J /J N L 1 9® omit, ministry L J: 5 9 * < to omit 'MCt-frl^X;!' to go home #04-£)< to exclude, to omit Sit(«^^rV^)X;^ to reflect ~#( Lip) Ministry of ~ #("5*0 5 to reflect upon 316 j 24. ^ bowl, dish) I JKB2-8 1KB2---» L8 IKB246 IKB2-4 IKB2-9I mi. -ITC r fa L 8 11® -fe-f *V?3t> £'fr-As ^©^O^^jCffbttfCo thrive /J^&/£fc;öSl*ä$W^T?£ä^TV^, ^Si(-lf A^-tirl^) height of prosperity llA^V^TcW:?" splendid, on a large scale ^(^frO/v^ thriving £l (£ #*) 0 S (\t) an amusement district II^^V^ J; 5 ) prosperity, booming * WSMti/u b i 5 to prosper A^(jojo^)t) large serving (food) 25. 17 1ICB2-33 L7i — T aT Tlx 7f\ ^2 4. J (L#)1Wv) L 7 13® prohibit ^§(#A/)D£ to prohibit ^±(%^L)^;^ to prohibit to prohibit strictly H!$!(t/v;t/v) no smoking c?/u L $) abstinence from drinking, prohibition —— L 8 10® * y original, raw , natural, element 26^^(1 ^t: : thread) bk6 IKB2-3 L8 1KR&4 IKB2-14 377 if ^( J: 5 ) element ^ill (■€:<£ 5 ) ground knowledge Sll!("f"^^o)f" gentle, innocent * ^A( L -5 5 t) amateur ^(Uo^)t simple, plain lft(-£bo) quality •S("f"&b) barefoot 27. ^ (r 6 % : clothing) I------1 £ BK44 IKB2-4 I3KB245 . L3: / A- 4 r L 3 1411 manufacture, make, produce SiKiirV^ 5 to manufacture < to manufacture MiSC-frl^/v) manufactured products B^SKKlfS/'v-tirW made in Japan :feJg§£(#A^<-frW made of metal $£$fcfilf (-frV^To D £ ) steelworks jd28. J4 (j&H'k : shell/money) h W>...............................Willi III.................IIIIIIW.................—11.......................Ill" :%m.+ ) n R S R lilfl f"i ■ I- i TV ■• L 2 BK27 1KB2-9 J2Z7 „ :£? LI SIS IS;* §111 BK24 BK39 Tf '' 'n 'r i" h" '1 H ■ f- f" L4 IKB2-8 JKB2--m BK35 IKB2-8 BK21 3K44 L 2 9® be defeated, bear, negative no. 0 Afi(^>/c^)^;^ to be liable to have high self-esteem ■filM (H; 5 ) aspiration, ambition AC^)^"^ to beat someone in a game ffiHMLJ: to play a game ft^C(^"t"5) negative number ^(£5)5 to carry, to bear 318 R L 1 1111 My poor S1i(T>/v»&) rich and poor Sii(Z>A/b^ < )i~ poor, weak ^(*-f)U^ poor SI5(£>A/£/v) poverty *'®£(tfA,i£5)-j- poor n mi 11® As goods, coinage Ä^K/fc'&o) freight, cargo &M%Asfr) gold coin MM(obfr) currency (money) ^^(^■/-nV^O money MMZ.5fr) coin L 4 12® £5£: - J£ precious -V^ tz noble ¥Mfttf**fctf> X^tmAs tz o o fZo Rt( £. 5 # )"?" noble j|It( £ % £ 5 )"i~ valuable, precious AMiS (£ *> i 5 X>/v) valuables «(#€<) the nobility f(fcoi/i;5i)V^ precious, noble il(fco £: / i 5 £ ).£ to respect *«/*&( fcftfc) you 319 VI. (±T) f - j > : .2- 1 ? BK25 I 1 £—» A lllli BK25 B1128 .'fC ■ s ■■ BK42 1 reform, leather ifcS(fcV^<)X/l/ to reform 3£3S(^A/;fc<);*/W to alter $$r(;fc< LA,) innovation^—Hfc^C}SLQ>) $^(^<&V>) revolution &¥M(l>^<'-fr^A,) leather goods Mfrt>) leather r~7 L 4 J3-^ 13® plentiful, rich £0>&;fr&S:fr&7j)7>/V to have plastic surgery St&SCHirl^'tifA/) b orderly MWtihi. rJii'V'O^/V to adjust $k(b b to arrange, to prepare W. fctl I. r w/ui*n: ciiff) BK44 L2 UK39 Ll IKB2-1Q r BKWl EK22 r /f L 1 9® thick, kind, ^ warm 3oA/£ 5 gentle and sincere iHJ¥(<£> 5 £ 5 concentrated, deep i 5 ) Ministry of Health and Welfare #(&o)V^ thick 32/ 2 . r (ttzH : slanting roof) IK B2-4 IKB2-9 hb 7 L3 ' J?i ' Iff 'I L10 BK13 BK20 BK13 BK24 BK25 /t r if L 1 5® government agency P.279T I^a^l %.Mfr(D%mzX%h, ~Jr( £ 5 ) ~ Agency If &)r(;fr^ 21 5 t> J; 5 ) government office ^vI^Jt( 5ti 5) Meteorological Agency ^JTG'J'A/'t) i 5 ) prefectural office r L 10 7® V 3 introduction, order JllIJ?( D ^ U i ) order, sequence ff3c( U i SA/) preface ^(^■oUi) order, system J??lJ(bitto) order, rank /% r r it It L 5 8® bottom ;*CoTV^T#)-^ thorough, complete Jgj2(TlWi/) the base ^JsC^l^TI^) the bottom of the sea Jg(-€:2l) the bottom r7 1 — 9r L 4 11II a. r> healthy ftJR(ftA/£ 5 )^ healthy ^ WSI-^ 4t^fi£|$(^ 21 5 • a^) health insurance $tJSf^ff( frA,n5 • h/vtcA.) health check * t&JU^C^/^fr • V^-W) (historical person) 322 3 . f ( L/Ni'ta : corpse) Ji7j '/jx" fit} ■ & K ■ fi< ■ S ' BK32 IKB2-11 IKB2-6 BK10 BK13 Ufl TKB2-1 L2 r L 10 10® expand, display ^M(^oTA/)^/V to expand, to grow ®H^(TA^V^)7>7k to unfold, to develop H^CT/vO^/W to display MR£(TA,£>A£^) exhibition My r F' ß L 2 14® layer, level, (social) class JU8( C i 5 5 ) upper layer/classes *—»-Tiii(>fc-2r b ) itMi^b^b) stratum, layer KfJKyfcV^-?: b ) social classes ]fiJB( ^ 5 b ) tfVl" skyscraper b $^-?r 5 ) housewives fpfRJI^ % $ b b ) middle stratum/classes 4. r (^3: Weft : sickness) BK13 BK13 ÖCB2-11 IKB2-11 LS r ■r L 3 17® medical treatment, cure iaWih V £ b to treat ISfKCV^t? £ 5 ) medical care i!Mft(L/v!9<}:5)^A' to diagnose and treat $Hk(tyi.b£.b)^Jl/ to be under treatment, to recuperate tin- ~~ % ~% X ft L2 13® fight, war 5 v><£ 1 ®mx*B*k%m&Wvtzc *fW/tV^^)X;W to fight against ± 5 it/v);^ to challenge HfK-frA,^? ) war M$(tUVfrA,) the cold war W&f&kj £) postwar $ < HiX) tactics, strategy ftlKfcWtbO civil war 1 BfKVo^V^/O the first game WilZlknAWitc^te t • • fcVHiX) the Second World War = WWII m(tctcfr)5 to fight a 1. ic (fSCl^X. : arms)-^ fliv BK39 IKB2-I IKB2-X5 L2 foa :.-:r.M- 1?L 47 £7 «2 5® include, wrap & 5 ■£ 5 to wrap rt^,(^V^S5)^^ to contain ^ffi(IS5^'OT§)t comprehensive, inclusive /J^(^oo^) package 13BOS 5 W^/V to surround }f 5 £ 5 *> i <) tolerance S(oo)tf to wrap S(oo)^ wrapped parcel 3, IT. Q< : pocket) |; I < ■ K I>1 tii ■■ BK20 IKB2-9 BK22 IKB240 324 4, □ (< : country) | Bill ii liiil ii «111 L6 6 m t L10 BK1& BK19! L5 2 lllill L5 mmm > n PI Ft] Ftl L 6 6® ^> group, organization Wt£(tc/v\-fo)7.)V to unite Hi'ffcdftfXfcV'O group ItHKc^'V^TcA/) foundation JSfi@l(3o 5 7Lhjfthj) cheer squad HiM/cA^) apartment complex H;fr ffl( & 5 «3 £ < TefX) street gang f^lffl( /cV^ J: 5 ^cX) delegation *ffi(vk£A,) futon, bedquilt 0 n Ft @ L 10 6® cause, factor ^HOf/v^/v);^ to be a cause ®H(- ^1H(($5 V^)X;I^ to besiege, to surround ^ ffiHOiAA'O scope, limits IP HK#*£l)tf to surround, to encircle W 81 (L $ 5 ) surroundings -BJ^(.S»A/V^) atmosphere (A* CI) 5 to surround a i n HI L 5 8® hard, solid mM(CX^)7,;U to fix, to settle i@(^i5i)t strong @#^(Cl/cV^) solid (body) [IliW(£$5) one's own, unique ®(^fc^ hard 0(^ft)tf>3 to harden 325 BK3 [ill- BK18 IKB2-^ liilll |n'J ■ ■ |Yf| - BK28 L6 1KB2-=3| — r n ft L 6 611 1M *^ ^tctc-XS again, re- S^(£V^V^).X;l/ to meet again HMC^V^V^)^ SfcH&C&V^^otfo);^' to restart UMZ^ftD^JV IfWK&V^ i. b )7,JV to reuse, to recycle 4? M £ ^C.L)^;V If&gkC&VvfrV^A,);^ to reproduce $ VvfrWJfc/W W;f A/)J*/1/ to reappear, to reproduce SSC&V^) again *4%3fcM(& b^L® b ) the week after next HC&TcTcW again, for a second time to reopen to reconstruct to remarry to regenerate 6. PI (Ji/v^tX. : gate) j- l"J M ITO Ifil Ufl' NH [>3 ■ I8J:-; BK1 BK13 BK21. BKf) BK13 BK9 BK32 IKB2-15 ---, #t)H- M 7. fj (t'i r>tf%%.) I BK9 BK41 IKB2-3 IKBMS IKB24 IKB2-I3! 325 IX. \C X 0 1 . L ( LAjIZ. j: d : way) ill: ■ m ■ ■yh J IKB2-7 BK14 illllll IKB2-1Q 1KB2-1 1KB2-39 if * ill10 T.Fif JS IKB2-13 1KB2--JS BK14 BK17 SK31 1.3 IKB2.9 y, sir. 'iR : •51 111111 BK14 lllllll lllllll BK43 uo liiili *aa ^cb. >p£ m15 m15 lllllllllllillliiiiii BK41 IKB2-8I BKIO BK43 IKB2 ^ ■>.-/i- >iti ■« ,v '1^- " iVf lll'lj ': BK28 1KB2-37 BK28 h- it L 3 10® make, construct, build ^5t(•^i■V^•€^9 to manufacture tJiS (5 € 5 ) * to create W&.( C\ 5 5 ) structure (ft A, 5 .So) building sl( o < ) -S to produce, to build Bfci§(;fcV^$ to reconstruct :fc;al( % < -6 b ) made of wood «(^'5 ^ A,) shipbuilding b • £>* D * O) plastic art * it L 10 12® attain, reach :ji(ttofco)^;V- to develop Ij^Cfc-o-frWX;!/ to attain IM t b tco)7,jV to reach l(tco)~$~Z) to reach, to attain _hsi(D± btc-o)^^ to make progress &M~C'/utc-o)XjV to transmit £t3H (tc o) special/express delivery £:%£■£>) friend 2. L (X. A> C J: "5 ) T.:i ! ■ :t)H- 7 ) 327 extend, spread, postpone _% b>>b«£%l£L"C < tc&\/\ JSMK&A/lb £ b )7s)V to extend 7Lh%)7>/V to postpone MifrC^L/v&V^OXA' to extend one's life M,()-<~ all told~ , ~ in total * + * # ^ 1I1I1BK24 Lf> 1KB246 1KB2-I = =8 g L 6 12® over-, excel li$k{% i. b fa)^^ to exceed ; i. b bo%® b) super - express j I^(*>£5&A,-?:<) supersonic speed ) HSfK % £ 5 "C ^ b b ) superconductivity £iS(t> £ 5 X.o)X;V to go beyond Wf*M(t> i. b bo fa) super bargain Iffit^iP^AA^A;) crowded beyond capacity @(£)"t" to be above, to go beyond 32S —> t flllllll ■L* ■ % - Ä IIIII liKä BK3 BKS lllllll BK17 1.2 IUI "K // 71 BK4 BK4 1111111 BK35 IKB2-3 TKB2-4 ff. & ■ III - BK16 IKB2-1. JKB2-6 IKB2-10- BK15 BK17 lit 'K Ii BK41 1.1 1 7 IKB2-2 IKB2-2 TKB2-7 "i 1 ] ' N ' ^ 6 % ■ 13 5 IKB2-15 BK3 BK3 iiliiii BK18 BK25 r III l'S j&Kl BK3 BK3 % ■ _7l 1 r-fi IKB2-13 BK3 BK4 BK15 jK ■ I 1 T Hi T: BK22 BK28 BK34 BK40 |J1j , IHJ -/■— i: i..-- JKB2-7 IKB2-8 IKB2-9 BK33 BK37 BK40 I I "IC • >J>, „ TG fa IKB2-4 1KB2-8 IKB24I BK28 i IKB2-I6 W ' BK30 IKB2-I3 BK8 BK27 BK29 I V Ml Fi BK4Q L1 M Uli I.» r;-.,'- IKB2-S Ul Ü # 7 \.U h 2 I,.-'. 1 BK2-1G IKB2-I5 BXB2-15 BK7 BK2fl CT 7 ffO T IKB2-10 IKB2-13: BK17 BK38 i lKB2~Jß BKT BK7 T «9 7. J -^AyfrO 9. JrJ-*-& U 7. 7 -"7 7 L 2 2® finish, complete ,f£T(Ltf> 5 «9 i 5 to finish to complete (a course) 7tT(^A/9 J: 5 )^^ 7Ä¥(I? Üi$> 5 )7>}V to reside permanently ftMi^^ <.)7*?V to last long 71 $ 5 !9 O^l < ) permanently neutral country -tí- L 1 5® world, generation í^ 5 ) Europe ^■'}$(&Aslstf> o) main island, Honshu *HÄM(£A,^f#) red bean ;&(£#) bean J3Ö / Ä L 9 14Í1 hr \%ti nose o7C0 :?-Ä.£l-(UW) otorhinology #^(£>':£/U nasal sound nose #7j<0áft,&.-f) mucus (nose) 331 On - Kun Index wutm-, miiü-h^^m 4 r!293 4 p.293 U] #■ 2 p.293 3 p.283 3 p.283 $> h t>-~t 8 p.297 x.y # 7 p.245 x-y x.y 4 H 4 p.301 ffl 5 p.325 * & 8 p.313 v^< $ 2 p.324 ^ LT x. 10 p.264 Wi-< 8 p.253 *Ü 8 p.247 io-b 8 p.247 v>*> L&-Lv^ 8 p.297 4 > 1 p.290 H .10 p.325 [9] 1 p.298 2 p.279 & 1 p.298 \% 3 p.246 & 1 p.298 9 p.267 1 p.298 # 6 p.308 1 p.298 s R1 p.280 9 p.321 isiß -m~ fff 6 p.311 10 p.270 -m- 6 p.311 8 p.307 Jo-<2> lü 9 p.268 7 p.316 w 1i BT 2 p.307 8 p.268 ä R1 p.319 77c 7 p.329 fi 4 1 p.301 8 p.250 U4 3 p.273 3 p.256 U4 3 p.283 3 p.253 1:4 4 p.251 m 3 p.328 U4 5 p.260 1j4 8 p.268 1S4 5 p.296 m 8 p.254 1t 4 «ie 7 p.260 %x 1 p.284 9 p.254 3E 1 p.261 9 p.314 3 p.313 1 p.316 R1 p.310 8 p.253 2 p.318 1 p.245 hb 9 p.272 1 p.245 8 p.313 PI 5 p.257 7 p.297 1l>7 Ü£ 2 p.252 iR 2 p.279 Iii 4 p.264 II 3 p.246 1l>7 6 p.308 9 p.267 13? 9 p.320 332 1f>7 II 6 p. 288 frZ-O H 5 p.325 ■frZ-h H 5 p.325 frŤz m 6 p.309 frfz-^^ m 1 p. 264 frtz-^ Ü9 5 p.325 frŤZ-ti, Hl 5 p.325 frfz-tsbZ> 13 5 p.325 fr-^d B 2 p.278 fr^-C ífi 3 p.252 frt-l li R2 p.260 li R2 p.260 8 p.262 frt> $ 9 p.320 frť & 9 p. 285 frfo ti R2 p. 247 fr-fc>Z> 9 p.254 fr-foh # 9 p.314 77 y 5 p.296 i: y 5 p.303 i] y m 7 p. 286 ti y & 9 p.254 ts y 'it 10 p.251 frh 8 p.262 [Š] 4 p.293 4 p.319 5 p.267 R1 p.280 8 p.311 9 p.309 10 p.291 R1 p.304 20 4 p.276 m 8 p.247 m 7 p.304 ft 8 p.254 M. 7 p.297 R2 p.308 #£ 3 p. 283 m 5 p.262 is 6 p.289 * 8 p.294 Ťa ? m 5 p. 248 m 2 p.258 *y 4 p. 249 *y 7 p.317 *y 9 p.278 [<] 3& 2 p.250 <Ťz 5 p.303 f 1 p.294 < fofi-Xh ± 10 p.291 v y R2 p.308 y y 6 p.291 vy 6 p.274 y y R2 p.281 im y m 3 p.273 Y4 # 1 p.245 Y4 m 6 p.309 rtfr-t ft 8 p.254 lffr-bt>L^ ft 8 p.254 tffr-fc& ft 8 p.254 y* m 4 p. 256 y* 9 p.321 m 4 p.257 Y> 4 p. 247 Y y 4 p.257 Yy # 6 p.306 Y y It R2 p.260 Y y m 5 p.257 Y y m 7 p.297 U] m 5 p.325 m R1 p.255 R1 p.280 3 8 p.294 1 p.256 1 p.321 1 p.264 3^ 2 p.250 3 p.330 4 p.275 it 4 p.322 $ 5 p.281 3? 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