Modern Language Association is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Profession. What Search Committees Want Author(s): Walter Broughton and William Conlogue Source: Profession, ofession (2001), pp. 39-51 Published by: Modern Language Association Stable URL: Accessed: 01-02-2016 15:25 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact This content downloaded from on Mon, 01 Feb 2016 15:25:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions What Search Committees Want WALTER BROUGHTON and WILLIAM CONLOGUE Preprofessionalism among graduate students inEnglish has been a hotly debated topic for some time. Prominent onlookers argue that it?espe cially early publication and conference presentation?keeps students from "developing long-term intellectual projects and thus propagates intellec tual shallowness" (Guillory 4; see Spacks). Others point out that there is nothing inherently wrong with such activity, as long as itdoes not amount to "inferior professionalization" (Nelson 162). Understandably, graduate students are caught in themiddle, wondering what to do and when to do it. Something isobviously wrong when new PhDs believe that before they can even enter the jobmarket theymust acquire the credentials that once earned tenure.To investigate the phenomenon, theModern Language Asso ciation lastyear created theAd Hoc Committee on the Professionalization of PhDs, whose task, inpart, is to "study the growing pressure on the pro ductivity of graduate students and the practices of hiring departments, [and] assess the educational and professional value of the publishing and confer ence activities graduate students pursue" {AdHoc Committee). In itsdelibera tions, the committee must address an important question: Is the drive among graduate students to amass professional accomplishments matched by the expectations of the search committees that seek to hire them? Though graduate students have been getting much advice about how to prepare for the jobmarket, they have received littlehard information about what search committees want from candidates (Showalter; Curren, "No Walter Broughton isAssociate Professor ofSociology at Marywood University. William Con logue isAssociate Professor ofEnglish at Marywood University. 39 Profession 2001 This content downloaded from on Mon, 01 Feb 2016 15:25:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 40 IIWHAT SEARCHCOMMITTEESWANT Openings" 59).To shed some light on the demand side of the hiring process, we offer the results of a survey that sought answers to the following ques tions:How do English departments conduct a typical search?What kinds of professional qualifications do committees expect from candidates? Is a pub lication record really more important than teaching experience? How sig nificant are interpersonal skills?What egregious errors kill a candidacy? Methods We began putting the questionnaire together inApril 2000. During the summer, we reviewed issues of theJob Information List (JIL) and identified a total of 671 English departments that had conducted searches in 1998-99 and 1999-2000. We ignored departments that listed only postdoctoral and other fellowships, and we excluded interdisciplinary programs, unless it was clear from the ad that the program was housed in an English depart ment. Inmid-October, we mailed our anonymous survey to these 671 de partments; sent out two follow-up letters and one e-mail message in the following months; handled dozens of phone calls, letters, and e-mail mes sages; and resolved several minicrises before receiving the last return on 27 April 2001. In all, we received back 368 completed surveys, for a re sponse rate of 55%. To show the representativeness of our sample, table 1 compares our re turns' percentages regarding rank and specialty with those of the positions advertised in the October 1998 and 1999 JILs (given in Franklin 4-5). Note the relatively high proportion of assistant professorships reported by our respondents, a bias that also shows up in an earlier and similar survey done by theAssociation of Departments of English (Huber, Pinney, and Laurence 40). Our data regarding the specialties sought by search commit tees are consistent with theMLA's. Rhetoric and composition constitutes 25% of vacancies in our survey and 27% of definite positions in theOcto ber 1998 and 1999JILs. Our results are heavy inBritish literature positions (28%) comparedwith thoseof theJILs (21%), thoughthisdifferencemay be because our sample overrepresents assistant professorships, which are more likely to be advertised and filled as British literature positions (Huber, Pinney, and Laurence 46). Our American literature percentage is identical to theJILs' (11%), as is our creative writing percentage (8%). Af rican American and other minority literatures are underrepresented in our sample(6%) comparedwith theJILs (11%). To catch more small departments at small institutions?they hire less frequently than do large departments?we chose to use two years ofJIL listings rather than one. At the same time, because we consulted only the This content downloaded from on Mon, 01 Feb 2016 15:25:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions WALTER BROUGHTON andWILLIAM CONLOGUE |||41 TABLE 1 ? Vacancy Characteristics in the October 1998 and 1999 JILs and As Reported by Survey Respondents (Percentage) Positions Advertised inOctober 1998 and October 1999JILs Positions Reported by Respondents in the Survey of English Search Committee Chairs Advertised ranka Instructor or lecturer 5.9 Assistant professor 75.0 Associate professor 6.4 Full professor 2.5 Open rank 4.4 Otherb 5.8 (N) = 100% (l,733)c Specialtyfield American literature 11.1 African American, Hispanic, and other minority literatures 10.9 British literature20.8 Rhetoric and composition 26.7 Creative writing 7.8 Other 22.7 (N) = 100% (l,784)c 4.3 84.0 4.1 2.2 4.3 1.1 (368) 10.9 6.0 28.1 25.4 8.3 21.4 (368) aFrom "Positions Listed, by Rank" Department chair and senior visiting professorships, for example cExcludes fellowships and program director vacancies JIL, our results underrepresent searches in community colleges and four year institutions, since both are less likely than doctoral programs to adver tise vacancies with theMLA1 When reviewing the results of surveys such as ours, it is important to remember that the population of departments recruiting at any given time is quite different from the universe of all English departments. Depart ments in doctoral institutions, because they are typically big, recruitmore often, hire more facultymembers, and command a larger share of the la bor market. For example, though departments in research universities con stitute only 11% of all departments in the United States (Laurence, "Data"), they constitute 26% of our sample. Moreover, in the two years we study, doctoral departments are responsible for 48% of the listings in the This content downloaded from on Mon, 01 Feb 2016 15:25:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 42 fllWHAT SEARCHCOMMITTEESWANT October JILs (Laurence, "Request"). However, their actual market share is substantially less. In the best estimate available to date, Kurt M?ller and R. Douglas LeMaster project that roughly 30% of all English positions filled in any given year are in thatCarnegie sector (52).2 A Typical Search Assistant professor positions make up 84% of searches in our sample (ta ble 1). Sixty-three percent of search committees accept applications from ABDs, and the vast majority of openings in our sample are tenure-track (93%). The last percentage may be high, because departments that adver tisedmultiple openings were able to answer our questionnaire only on the basis of one search.We surmise that respondents were more likely to re port on successful tenure-track searches than on unsuccessful ones. More than half of all search committees (58%) handle fewer than 100 applications. A significant minority (16%), however, receive more than 200. The mean number of applicants is 99. In theADE study, themean is 91 (Huber, Pinney, and Laurence 43). The competition for jobs is obvi ously stiff,but these numbers should put to rest themisconception that hundreds of applications flood every department that advertises an opening (Curren, "Response" 45;Musser 11). A significant number of committees do not interview candidates at the MLA convention (38%). Over half (54%), however, do interview eight or more people there.Doctoral institutions are themost intensive convention users; 71% of committees at these institutions interview eight ormore can didates. Nearly 60% of committees do not use remote interviews?that is, telephone or compressed video. Of those that do, the average number of interviews is five.Nearly half of all search committees (47%) bring three applicants to campus for interviews, a number consistent with psychology searches (Sheehan, McDevitt, and Ross 9). Our survey affirms thatEnglish facultymembers take active roles in the screening and hiring of new colleagues. Less than 1% of respondents re ported that their academic administration conducted searches with little or no faculty participation. Committees conducted 82% of the searches in our sample; in only one case did a department chair handle a search alone. A significantminority of respondents?typically those in small departments? reported that their entire department acted as the search committee (15%). Of the committees surveyed, 12% had a serious disagreement with the institution's administration. Of those, themost frequent disagreements centered on the committee's choice of candidates, its evaluation of candi dates, the job description, and the position's funding. This content downloaded from on Mon, 01 Feb 2016 15:25:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions WALTER BROUGHTON andWILLIAM CONLOGUE |||43 In the vast majority of searches, the committee's first choice was ac cepted by the university's administration (97%). Weak scholarship and the perception that the candidate would make a poor institutional fitwere cited as themost frequent reasons for the rejection of a first choice. The numbers here are very small, however. Only ten respondents noted that their committee's first choice was rejected; the twomain reasons were each cited by only four respondents. A significant minority of all searches ended with the position unfilled (12%). Our study and theADE study both found that positions go unfilled primarily due to an "inadequate candidate pool" (Huber, Pinney, and Lau rence 43). Among all searches in our sample, 6% were unable to fill their vacancy because candidates refused the institution's offer; in 4% of cases, the position went unfilled because no suitable candidate was found. Evaluating Candidates Candidate evaluation begins with a review of application materials sub mitted in answer to an advertised vacancy. Table 2 records the importance respondents accorded twenty-one elements at this initial stage.Most of these items come from a study of hiring in psychology (Sheehan, Mc Devitt, and Ross 9), but we included others of interest to us. Scores ran from 1, "extremely unimportant," to 6, "extremely important." Values above 3.5 indicate that the item is important to recruiters; items below 3.5 are unimportant. In addition to the average (mean) ranking, table 2 also records standard deviations, which indicate how far from themean a typi cal respondent rated an item. The greater the standard deviation, the greater the disagreement among respondents. In evaluating candidates, the English faculty members in our sample judged the candidate's "potential formaking a positive contribution to the institution as awhole" to bemore important than any other consideration. It and the letterof application were ranked highest, and both enjoyed substan tial agreement?standard deviations for each are less than 1.0. Letters of recommendation were ranked fourth.General teaching experience and ex perience teaching the advertised specialties were both ranked highly, more highly than research specialties and the potential for future research. Farther down the list the same pattern holds: evidence of teaching ability outranks evidence of research ability. Specifically, course evaluations and teaching awards were cited asmore important than the number and quality of the candidate's publications. The numbers of papers presented and authoring a book were both deemed unimportant, although authoring a book has a large standard deviation, indicating that some respondents rated itmuch more This content downloaded from on Mon, 01 Feb 2016 15:25:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 44 IIWHAT SEARCHCOMMITTEESWANT TABLE 2 = Screening Criteria: Means and Standard Deviations Standard Criterion_ Mean Deviation Potential for making a positive contribution to the institution as a whole Candidate's letter of application General teaching experience Letters of recommendation Experience teaching courses related to the position description Fit between the applicant's research interests and the department's needs Potential for future research Quality of the applicant's doctoral institution Quality of course evaluations Awards for teaching Transcripts Quality of journals inwhich the applicantpublished Ability to incorporate new technologies in teaching Number ofpublications Academic service activities and experience (committee work, etc.) Number of presentations Previous experience as a student or faculty member in a college or university with amission similar to your own Book authorship Experience working with student clubs and groups Community service Candidate's religious preference and/or commitment Psychology means, from Sheehan, McDevitt, and Ross highly than others. Finally, service, one of the three traditional areas of fac ulty responsibility, was consistently declared unimportant. Evidently, this as pect of professionalization isnot generally a factor in recruitment. Table 3 records the ranking accorded twenty items likely to be impor tant at the on-campus interview stage. At this point, interpersonal skills and performances can be?and are?judged. Our sample's recruiters rank highest the candidate's performance at the interview with the search com mittee; the job seeker's performance at the interview with the department 5.36 5.32 5.17 (4.99)a 5.06 (5.37) 0.87 0.87 0.79 0.97 4.99 (5.10) 1.01 4.83 (5.11) 4.73 (4.09) 4.12 (4.04) 4.10 (4.55) 3.87 (4.00) 3.75 3.73 (4.45) 3.57 3.56 (4.42) 1.31 1.29 1.11 1.32 1.27 1.39 1.37 1.33 1.31 3.42 3.37 1.20 1.14 3.23 2.91 2.58 2.55 1.44 1.46 1.55 1.27 1.20 1.29 This content downloaded from on Mon, 01 Feb 2016 15:25:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions WALTER BROUGHTON andWILLIAM CONLOGUE |||45 TABLE 3 = On-Campus Interview Criteria: Means and Standard Deviations Standard CriterionMean Deviation Performance at interview with the search committee 5.51 (5.21)a Potential for making a positive contribution to the institution as a whole 5.36 Candidate's ability to relate well to students like ours 5.35 General teachingexperience 4.93 (4.80) Performance during colloquium 4.92 (5.12) Candidate's abilitytoget alongwith other faculty 4.89 (4.84) Experience teaching courses related to the position description 4.84 (4.91) Fit between applicant's research interests and departmentneeds 4.73 (5.10) Performance while teaching a class 4.70 (4.91) Candidate's personality 4.65 (4.62) Letters of recommendation 4.63 (4.68) Performance at interview with department chair 4.45 (4.60) Quality of course evaluations 4.10 Teaching awards 3.75 Quality of journals inwhich applicantpublished 3.73 Number ofpublications 3.58 Previous experience as a student or faculty member in a college or university with a mission similar to your own 3.42 Number of presentations 3.22 Book authorship 2.87 Candidate's religious preference and/or commitment 1.46 0.84 0.93 0.75 0.83 1.48 0.91 1.02 1.29 1.80 0.96 1.16 1.32 1.33 1.26 1.37 1.27 1.54 1.15 1.56 1.31 Psychology means, from Sheehan, McDevitt, and Ross chair, although deemed important, is ranked much lower. Performance at a colloquium and while teaching a class are very important, but note that the standard deviation of each is quite high. Indeed, the greatest disagreement in the survey is over the significance of performance while teaching a class. The ability to relate to students and to facultymembers and the candidate's personality all emerge, in that order, as important during the on-campus visit. Respondents agree on the significance of these considerations; each has a standard deviation less than 1.0. At the on-campus stage, the candidate's potential formaking a contribu tion to the institution as awhole is once again rated very highly. Teaching This content downloaded from on Mon, 01 Feb 2016 15:25:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 46 IIWHAT SEARCHCOMMITTEESWANT and research abilities remain important, although their values are now slightly lower than at the initial screening. Likewise, letters of reference re main important, but their value drops slightly compared with that in the first stage. Once again, service is thought to be unimportant. Screening applications appears to be amore uncertain and contentious process than is screening candidates during the on-campus visit. Our data suggest that there is less agreement among search committees about what is important in a candidate's dossier than there is in assessing the candidate inperson. Note that only four items at the application stage (table 2) have a standard deviation less than 1.0. In addition, only nine criteria have amean greater than 4. In table 3, however, six items have a standard deviation less than 1.0, and thirteen criteria have amean greater than 4. Once candidates come to campus, search committees clearly direct their attention to the interpersonal skills thatmanifest themselves in teaching and in student and coll?gial interactions. Are candidates' interpersonal skills then deciding factors inwho gets the job? Several respondents volunteered obser vations that suggest that this is so. For example, a department chairwith over fifteenyears of experience at a baccalaureate institution comments: The importance of personality, etc., vs. qualifications inhiring isdifficult to [determine].The process startsby screening out unqualified candi dates; then in narrowingf,] qualifications are extremely important. So when the final decision ismade among the top two or three candidates, in almost every circumstance, all of them are highly and relatively equally qualified.So in thefinal decision, personality usually plays a big part. But itwouldn't if qualifications weren't so important at all the earlier stages of the process. Several attitude items thatwe asked lend support to these assertions. Over one-quarter of respondents (27%) think that personality and ap pearance often have more influence than credentials in the selection of candidates; nonetheless, in answer to another question, 56% agree that ac ademic qualifications are the most important consideration. Although most believe that credentials are of paramount importance in hiring a new colleague, respondents acknowledge that amix of factors informs a com mittee's decision making. Much more than English search committees, those in psychology ex pect job candidates to have a track record in research presentation and publication. Tables 2 and 3 record in parentheses how psychologists rank each hiring criterion. Though the two disciplines generally agree in their ratings, psychologists tend to screen applications according to teaching and research specialization and publication. Placing less emphasis on a candi This content downloaded from on Mon, 01 Feb 2016 15:25:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions WALTER BROUGHTON andWILLIAM CONLOGUE |||47 date's potential for research, they instead focus on the candidate's number of publications and the quality of the journals inwhich those publications ap pear. During the on-campus visit, psychologists put more weight than En glish facultymembers do on the interview with the chair and less on the interview with the committee. Psychologists look closely at a candidate's performance during a colloquium and during the teaching of a class; they also continue to value specialization in teaching and research more highly than do their colleagues inEnglish. Psychologists more often want "pre professionalized" candidates. English departments in doctoral institutions, however, resemble psy chology departments in the emphasis they place on specialization and scholarly accomplishment. Twenty-three percent of search committees in doctoral institutions believe that a candidate's number of publications is "extremely important" when screening applications. In contrast, only 1% of committees in baccalaureate institutions rank publication as extremely important at this stage. Interestingly, departments in doctoral institutions also attribute greater importance than other departments to the number of presentations, but only in screening. Presentations are considered unimpor tant at the interview stage, no matter what the institution's Carnegie classi fication. Even among doctoral institutions, presentations are less important during screening than the number of publications and the prestige of the journals inwhich they appear. An institution's Carnegie classification also predicts how much itsEn glish department emphasizes teaching in its evaluation of candidates. Ta ble 3 shows that respondents disagree about the importance of a candidate's on-campus teaching performance. Specifically, teaching a class is extremely important for 60% of respondents in baccalaureate institutions; likewise, 52% of respondents in comprehensive institutions rate it as extremely im portant.When one turns to doctoral institutions, however, the percentage drops precipitously: only 28% rate teaching a class as extremely important; 32% rate this criterion as extremelyunimportant. Finally departments in doc toral institutions rank the candidate's ability to contribute to the institution as awhole less highly than do those in any other Carnegie classification. New PhDs inEnglish are entering a segmented labormarket. Selecting the First Choice We asked respondents to list the top three factors used to determine the committee's first choice. We divided the responses into four categories: teaching, research, service, and interpersonal skills. Nearly two-thirds (63%) cited teaching ability, performance, or experience as a deciding factor. This content downloaded from on Mon, 01 Feb 2016 15:25:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 48 IIWHAT SEARCHCOMMITTEESWANT Forty-four percent cited research accomplishments or potential. Twenty eight percent volunteered that the candidate's interpersonal skillswere deci sive. Service was hardly mentioned (6%). These results underscore what the survey as awhole reveals: themodel candidate isfirst a good teacher. We also asked respondents to cite errors that "negatively affected [can didates'] chances of being hired." Half of those surveyed noted at least one error. The error most frequently cited was poor or indifferent teaching. Poor presentation of research was a close second, followed by poor inter personal skills, ignorance of the institution, and a lack of breadth of knowl edge. Here are examples of the responses that this question elicited: Poor Teaching "One never talked about teaching." "Focus on release time/money?questions about ways to avoid classroom teaching." "One taught one of the most boring classes I've ever seen. Another talked about how lazy, uninformed, and so forth our students are?of course, they're not." "One candidate appeared to consider himself superior to the teaching required at our college. (He seemed to think that nurturing basic writers would be be neath him.)" Poor Presentation ofResearch "Reluctance to engage in discussion of research area." "Presentations which are too technical or too insubstantial." "Did a lousy presentation. Was churlish during dinner." "Presented a paper in an area that she was working on but [that] did not reveal range of research experience in the field." Poor InterpersonalSkills "Behavior perceived as insulting, dismissive." "During one of the interview questions, she threw up her arms and said, Jesus.'" "One candidate was overly argumentative, even belligerent, during the interview with the search committee." "One campus visitor ignoredmany important people and failed to thank those who helped him." IgnoranceoftheHiring Institution "Not knowing enough about the institution." "Emphasizing research over teaching. We are a teaching institution." "Failure to demonstrate interest in our college or a general knowledge of who we are." Narrow Focus "Some were unable to demonstrate an ability to move beyond a rather narrowly focused research agenda?this lackof range and flexibilityhurt a fewotherwise very strong candidates." This content downloaded from on Mon, 01 Feb 2016 15:25:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions WALTER BROUGHTON andWILLIAM CONLOGUE |||49 "She came with her hair in an outlandish coif and seemed incapable of assessing theworld outside her dissertation topic." "Some could not talkbeyond/outside of theirown dissertations.They exhibited a deathly nervousness." These criticisms are not unique to English; the psychology survey cites similar criticisms of candidates in that field (Sheehan, McDevitt, and Ross 10).When strangers with divergent interests negotiate forhigh stakes,mis understanding and injured pride can skew people's judgment. What was happening in the interview inwhich the candidate threw up her arms and said, "Jesus"? Did she overreact, or was the question outrageous? Why the attention to a candidate's hair?When does the defense of one's position cross the line into belligerency? Do nervous candidates sometimes over state their positions? Or do some committee members perceive it to be ar rogant when heavily credentialed applicants cite their accomplishments? Certainly, both sides run the risk?and know the costs?of making amis take. Is thiswhy many committee members turn to instinct?When asked if gut-level reactions are important in the hiring process, 73% of respondents agreed that they are.Without empathy and tolerance, however, misinter pretation, selective observation, and rationalization can rule themoment. According to our findings, the typical English department search com mittee seeks a tenure-track assistant professor with a PhD in literature, most commonly British. These committees are entrusted with the task and experience little conflict with the academic administration. After sifting through nearly a hundred applications, a committee interviews eight or more candidates at theMLA convention and then invites its top three choices to campus. Afterward, the committee forwards itsfirst choice to the administration, and the search ends successfully and?for the committee? happily. Over half of all respondents (57%) to our questionnaire agreed that participating in a faculty search is a highly satisfying experience. When screening applications and on-campus candidates, English de partments generally look for evidence of good teaching first and research potential second. Only in doctoral institutions does research rival teaching. Across the board, the candidate with the best interpersonal skills?all else being equal?is offered the job. What do search committees want? Our data indicate that the vast ma jority seek a candidate who can effectively teach specific courses to the stu dents the English department serves. The committees want a colleague who will work collaboratively with their department's facultymembers and who will fit inwell with their institution. Only a minority of committees This content downloaded from on Mon, 01 Feb 2016 15:25:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 50 IIIWHAT SEARCHCOMMITTEESWANT seek a candidate with a book or publications. Committees that do, of course, work in the same departments that are preparing candidates to work in the entire spectrum of English departments. It is perhaps mainly because thisminority trains everyone that somany believe that "preprofes sionalism" is required to get a job. NOTES = The authors are indebted to Linda Hutcheon for her moral support and to the Marywood Office ofAcademic Affairsfor itsfinancial support.We are gratefulalso to David Laurence, who provided supplementary data from the records of theMLA, and to Lois Santarsiero andMeghan McCrea for their indispensable clerical work. lln their 1982-83 surveyofEnglish departments,M?ller andLeMaster found that 14% of communitycolleges and 67% of those institutionsgrantingBA or BA andMA degrees (comparedwith 85% of thedoctoral programs) advertisedvacancies in theJIL (54 [reconstructedfromtable4]). 2 The 48% o? JIL listings cited above is close to the proportion of the market com manded by doctoral institutions as reported in the surveys ofM?ller and LeMaster, 40% {52) and ofHuber, Pinney, and Laurence, 46% (45). These surveys, however, over estimate this market share, because the response rate of doctoral programs was higher than those of all other Carnegie classifications. Moreover, doctoral programs are most likelyto advertise in theJIL.When M?ller andLeMaster project thenumber ofhires per year, however, they apply the hiring rate of each Carnegie type in their survey to the total number of all departments of that type, thereby reducing the overestimation. WORKS CITED Ad Hoc Committeeon theProfessionalizationofPhDs.MLA 11May 2001. 15May 2001 , click on "Committees and Commissions." Curren, Erik D. "No Openings atThis Time: Job Market Collapse and Graduate Edu cation." Profession 94. New York: MLA, 1994. 57-61. -. "Response toJohnT. Day." ADE Bulletin 111(1995):45-46. Franklin,Phyllis."October 2000EmploymentTrends."MLA Newsletter33.1 (2001):4-7. Guillory, John. "Preprofessionalism: What Graduate Students Want." ADE Bulletin 113 (1996): 4-8. Huber, Bettina J., Denise Pinney, and David Laurence. "Patterns of Faculty Hiring in Four-YearEnglish Programs:Findings froma 1987-88 SurveyofJobInformationList Advertisers."ADE Bulletin99 (1991): 39-48. Laurence, David. "Re: Fwd: Data Request for David Laurence." E-mail message to Walter Broughton. 19May 2001. -. "Re: Request for David Laurence." E-mail message toWalter Broughton. 22May 2001. M?ller, Kurt, and R. Douglas LeMaster. "Criteria Used in Selecting English Faculty in American Colleges andUniversities."ADE Bulletin11 (1984): 51-57. Musser, Joseph. "The On-Campus Interview." ADE Bulletin 111 (1995): 11-13. This content downloaded from on Mon, 01 Feb 2016 15:25:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions WALTER BROUGHTON andWILLIAM CONLOGUE |||51 Nelson, Cary. "No Wine before Its Time: The Panic over Early Professionalization." Profession2000.New York:MLA, 2000. 157-63. "PositionsListed, byRank."Table obtainedfromMLA 26Apr. 2001. Sheehan, Eugene P., Teresa M. McDevitt, and Heather C. Ross. "Looking for a Job as a Psychology Professor? Factors AffectingApplicant Success." Teaching ofPsychology 25.1 (1998): 8-11. Showalter,English. "The Academic Job Search." TheMLA Guide totheJobSearch.Ed. Showalter et al. New York: MLA, 1996. 16-56. Spacks, PatriciaMeyer. "The Academic Marketplace: Who Pays ItsCosts?" MLA Newsletter26.2(l994y.5. This content downloaded from on Mon, 01 Feb 2016 15:25:42 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions