Art thou that Traitor Angel, art thou he, Who first broke peace in Heaven and Faith, till then Unbroken, and in proud rebellious Arms Drew after him the third part of Heavens Sons Conjured against the highest, for which both Thou And they outcast from God, are here condemned To waste Eternal days some copies have days in woe and pain? And reckons thou thy self with Spirits of Heaven, Hell-doomed, and breath defiance here and scorn Where I reign King, and to enrage thee more, Thy King and Lord? Back to thy punishment, False fugitive, and to thy speed add wings, Least with a whip of Scorpions I pursue Thy lingering, or with one stroke of this Dart Strange horror seize thee, and pangs unfelt before. Go whither Fate and inclination strong Leads thee, I shall not lag behind, nor err The way, thou leading, such a sent I draw Of carnage, prey innumerable, and taste The savour of Death from all things there that live: Nor shall I to the work thou enterprisest Be wanting, but afford thee equal aid. To me, who with eternal Famine pine, Alike is Hell, or Paradise, or Heaven, There best, where most with ravine I may meet; Which here, though plenteous, all too little seems To stuff this Maw, this vast unhide-bound Corps.