Open, ye everlasting Gates, Open, ye Heavens, your living doors; let in The great Creator from his work returned Magnificent, his Six days work, a World; Open, and henceforth oft; for God will deign To visit oft the dwellings of just Men Delighted, and with frequent intercourse Thither will send his winged Messengers On errands of supernal Grace. Great are thy works, Jehovah, infinite Thy power; what thought can measure thee or tongue Relate thee; greater now in thy return Then from the Giant Angels; thee that day Thy Thunders magnified; but to create Is greater then created to destroy. Who can impair thee, mighty King, or bound Thy Empire? easily the proud attempt Of Spirits apostate and their Counsels vain Thou has repealed, while impiously they thought Thee to diminish, and from thee withdraw The number of thy worshippers. Who seeks To lessen thee, against his purpose serves To manifest the more thy might: his evil Thou use, and from thence creates more good. Witness this new-made World, another Heaven From Heaven Gate not far, founded in view On the clear Hyaline, the Glassy Sea; Of amplitude almost immense, with Starr's Numerous, and every Star perhaps a World Of destined habitation; but thou know Their seasons: among these the seat of men, Earth with her nether Ocean circumfus'd, Their pleasant dwelling place. Thrice happy men, And sons of men, whom God hath thus advanced, Created in his Image, there to dwell And worship him, and in reward to rule Over his Works, on Earth, in Sea, or Air, And multiply a Race of Worshippers Holy and just: thrice happy if they know Their happiness, and persevere upright. Just are thy ways, Righteous are thy Decrees on all thy Works; Who can extenuate thee? Next, to the Son, Destined restorer of Mankind, by whom New Heaven and Earth shall to the Ages rise, Or down from Heaven descend.