ANGLICKÉ PŘEDNÁŠKY NA ÚSTAVU KLASICKÝCH STUDIÍ Dr. Caterina Isabela Sousa Gaspar (University of Lisabon, Department of classical studieds) se specializuje na latinskou historickou lingvistiku, pozdní latinu, lusitánskou epigrafiku a otázky multilingvismu na území Iberského poloostrova přednese tyto přednášky: V ÚTERÝ 12. 3. 2019 OD 12,00 A 21 anglicky The Muslim invasions in the Iberian Peninsula - historical and cultural context of the 8^th century until the Reconquest. The impact of the presence of Arabic language and culture: the Mozarabic. Analysis and commentary of some khardjas and other cultural testimonies. V ÚTER7 12. 3. 2019 OD 16,00 A 21 anglicky Synchrony and diachrony. Historical context: orality, culture and writing. The concept of "vulgar Latin" - in antiquity. Language substrata, and adstrata and superstrata. Bilingualism and linguistic contact in antiquity. The paleohispanic languages of the Iberian Peninsula. The Romanization of Hispania. Pro portugalštináře portugalsky, PONDĚLÍ 11. 3. 2019 OD 14,00 A OD 16,00 G25 1) The evolution of the Vulgar Latin in Iberian Peninsula: Christianity and the evolution of the language - the ‘Early Christian Latin’. The Germanic linguistic superstratum. Analysis and commentary of some sources: the evidence of the epigraphic texts (centuries V - VIII). The language and its different contexts of use. The case of Mértola in Late Antiquity and the relations between the West and the East. Cultural and linguistic consequences 2) The Romance languages in the Iberian Peninsula: historical and linguistic context and the emergence of new linguistic frontiers. From 'barbarian Latin' to 'protoromance'. Practical analysis: 'the oldest documents' in 'Galician-Portuguese'. Its relation with the other Romance languages of the Iberian Peninsula (differences and similarities).