CJVA2M_03 Specifications Spring 2020 There are some differences between CJVA2M/03 and the other CJVA2M courses. Please read these details. These, together with the general headings, are also in the IS description of the course. Learning Outcomes After successfully completing CJVA2M/03, you will be able to: • better understand authentic academic English in the arts and the humanities • identify and formulate main ideas • present arts and humanities topics using basic presentation techniques • summarize a narrative text or presentation and synthesise from a number of sources • use arguments in a discussion on an arts/humanities topic (defend your opinion, oppose, support arguments of a colleague) • present a project using advanced presentation techniques Syllabus arts and humanities topics of your choice living English (formal academic and informal academic) • Understanding the semester, your role, the teacher's role and how you will be assessed. Understanding independent use of English. Forming teams, selecting preferred project topics and understanding the tasks. • First 3-week creative project commences (20-minute podcast) • Learning to work independently. The role of feedback and reflections; drafts and revisions • Modes of discourse (Rhetorical modes) and how they are applied in academic communication • Professional interviews, reports and professional correspondence • Working with sources: relevance and reliability, summarising and synthesising • Creative project presentation and peer feedback • Second 3-week creative project commences (32-page e-book) • Creativity in academic work • Effective grammar: sentences and paragraphs; clauses; choosing between two correct words; general versus specific; vague versus accurate; hedging; economy of words • Creative project presentation and peer feedback • Third 3-week creative project commences (5-minute video) • Principles of presentations; good and bad presentations; body versus words versus pictures; audience engagement: head versus heart • Completing a portfolio; composing a manifesto; presenting and defending a portfolio • Assessment rubrics • Presentation and defence of portfolios; listening test * Short weekly reflections (out of class) are mandatory * ** THERE IS NO TEXT BOOK FOR CJVA2M/03. YOU WILL FIND YOUR OWN MATERIAL ** Teaching method In our weekly two-hour sessions, we will spend roughly half the time on a new skill or idea, and the rest of the time your classmates and I will critique your project and you and your team will continue working on it. You will receive either one or two formative assessments during the course of the semester, based on your class performance (speaking), reflections and collaboration on your projects. I will also offer you my recommendations. This is to help you make a realistic assessment of your prospects of success at the end of the semester summative assessment and enable you to make adjustments to your studies as necessary. Assessment Method Your success is based on your active participation on the course, both in class (seminars and critiques) and out of class (reflection and project work). It is vital that you complete the short reflections each week, and that you speak a lot in class (in English, of course), without waiting for me to address you. Your projects, key reflections and a record of your active class participation together constitute your portfolio. I will be able to assess your writing from your reflections, your speaking from your class participation, your projects from the final submissions, your Listening Test and your Portfolio Defence. 50% of your final grade will derive directly from your project work, 25% from writing and 25% from speaking. All of this is based on your active participation on the course, both in class (seminars and critiques) and out of class (reflection and project work). Your projects, key reflections and a record of your active class participation together constitute your portfolio. These, together with your Listening Test and your Portfolio Defence, will form the basis of your final grade. The Listening Test and Portfolio Defence complete the course and take place on the same date (to be specified later). You may fail the course if you are absent more than twice without agreement from me. If you are going to be absent, please let me and your team members know beforehand. Be sure to compensate your team members for the extra work that your absence will cause them.