Schedule for the class “Beauty in Japanese Thought” Prof. Joseph N. Rostinsky, (Ph.D. Brown University, M.A. Harvard University); Professor Emeritus Tokai University, Tokyo. (Room: G23) 1.-2. The Concepts of Beauty and Thought in the Context of Cognitive Semiotics (A Case Study of Japan). 3.-4. Mishima Yukio: Golden Pavilion (金閣寺) and Yukio Mishima on Hagakure (葉隠れ): The Samurai Ethic and Modern Japan. 5.-6. Miyamoto Musashi: The Book of Five Rings. The Influence of Zen Buddhism on the Japanese Arts (No and Kabuki Theaters, Tea Ceremony, etc.). 7.-8. Junichiro Tanizaki: In Praise of Shadows. European and American Fin de Siecle (Japanism in the Arts and Architecture: Alfonse Mucha, Frank Lloyd Wright et al.) within the Context of the Christian Influence. 9.-10. Natsume Soseki’s Kokoro (こころ), Theory of Literature, and Other Writings (The Grass Pillow). Japanese Thought and European Framework. 11. The Paradox of Beauty in Japanese Thought: A Modern Perspective and Survival of Traditions: Shintoism, Buddhism, and Christianity in the Present Society. 12. Japanese Ghosts (e.g., Zashikiwarashi), Spirits, and Folklore. 13.-14. Discussions on the Theme: Beauty in Japanese Thought. Assignments. 15.-16. Evaluation and Suggestions. Internet Information: Kabuki: Wabi-Sabi: Ihara Saikaku: Samurai: Basho Matsuo: Secondary Literature: Barthes, Roland: Empire of Signs (New York:Hill and Wang, 1982) Nathan, John: Mishima. A Biography (Tokyo:Charles E.Tuttle, 1987) Suzuki,Daisetz T.: Zen and Japanese Culture (Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle,1988) Davis,F.Hadland: Myths and Legends of Japan (London:G.G.Harrap,1920)