ALMS ENGLISH NEEDS ANALYSIS PRIORITISING YOUR NEEDS In the table below you have the language skills related to particular types of tasks. Tick (=^>the skills you see yourself needing most at present or in the future. LANGUAGE FOCUS NOW FUTURE READING reading academic articles or texts reading literature reading text on the Internet reading newspapers or magazines reading advertisements and public information WRITING writing essays, reports writing academic articles/papers creative writing writing curriculum vitae writing a diary writing formal letters filling in forms writing informal letters writing texts on the Internet writing memos and messages writing newspaper articles writing scholarship, grant proposals writing for talks and presentations LISTENING listening to lectures, talks, presentations listening to conversation, discussions listening to entertainment (e.g. TV, films, drama) listening to interviews listening to news on TV, radio listening to songs, music listening on the Internet listening on the telephone SPEAKING holding social conversation taking part in group discussions (e.g. tutorials) having interviews giving talks and presentations holding telephone conversations attending meetings communication when travelling (e.g. airports, hotels)