reviewing + comparing and contrasting ISKM09 - week 5 review Do you read reviews? Reviews of what? Have you ever written a review? Comment in IS “discussion forum” please… review - how to... Some good sources that will help you with writing a review are listed below: BOOK FILM RESTAURANT review - practice Write a review of your choice… -100 - 200 words long -in the discussion forum, so that you can comment on other people´s reviews -include the review in your portfolio literature review -a part of scientific papers, including your master / diploma thesis -traces th intellectual progression in the research field (to date) -includes major theories or debates or recent / similar studies -prepares the grounds for your research -identifies the potential gaps in the research which you intend to fill with your research (partly) literature review - how to... In case you have to write a literature review, these are some useful links: comparing and contrasting - linking words Can you think of some linking words and phrases that are used for comparing and contrasting? comparing and contrasting - linking words From: omparingthealgonquinwayoflifetotodayinnewington comparing and contrasting - first steps... Got it? Do the thinking first, list the similarities and differences… and only then start to write:) How? This is a guy who an help: