visuals ISKM09 - 3rd April 2020 the purpose? -to illustrate - to clarify - to give details - to simplify - to ... Are these true? Discuss... 1.Very often people use too many slides in their presentations. 2.„A picture is worth a thousand words". 3.Visual aids that are word-heavy or excessively complex attract audience attention most. 4.It is not possible to include three dimensional (3D) objects in an academic presentation. 5.The majority of people like maps. 6.You can only have two graphs in one presentation. 7. why are the visuals useful? types of visual aids: Which phrases would you use to describe the different types of visual aids? 1. A MAP 2. A PORTRAIT 3. A DIAGRAM 4. A PIECE OF ART 5. A GRAPH a. It illustrates the process that is used to manufacture bricks for the building industry. b. His expression is calm, but solemn. c. As you can see, an industrial complex was built east of the capital city in 2003. d. Let me illustrate the methods of transport used by people in Britain and how these changed during the period between 1995 and 2006. e. This represents the 7 seas and 7 continents of the world, re-enforcing the universal concept of liberty. f. In the subsequent stage, the bricks go through a heating and cooling process. g. I would like to draw your attention to the background. h. The amount of costs is expected to decline steadily after 2010. i. A river flows from the mountains in the north of the island to the east coast. Which of the two is better and why? Which of the two is better and why? Which of the two is better and why? Which of the two is better and why? How to avoid death by PowerPoint... academic poster