fm(ym j l e s š ô n..............................b] fÁ©t~Ž&UXh^> My Favorite Restaurant 0441 jR (yf^LF east ifto (t>A) east exit jjl^ ( h '>) Tokyo 052 Aí}" (Í7^) five minutes -f-ijr (yi!i7y) ten minutes oneself half (east) (8) - r n ^ @ ^ # jfc. 053 (minute; to divide) (4) > >*■ -9- ^ 045 S (GL) west SO (CLfí.) west exit it 5 3 northwest PI] S (#>-+r-ŕ) Kansai region ft 7t± (.-feV-fe-O teacher Ail (-fc > v ^ ^) last week jfe-JS ahead (west) (6) - r ň Ťň W ffi 054 (ahead) (6) ' " * *■ & 046 ft A 4'A -r> i$) (^4-Ä) south r^o (M-;i>CM south exit fôífc ( + southeast -fcr -f í^í. (tf^-fc-f) student (-tV-fe-í) teacher ±ÍítS (■5á5itž) to be born ——lH ('fyS^ai'K'ff-K) once in a life time (south) o) - * r ft ft ft ň ä $ 055 (birth) (5) ' ^ + * £ 047 it WSi J t (5/o) north it D (i?j<'ŕ.) north exit (h^*'^) Tohokil region itälít (^iM Fr/) Hokkaido 4ft Xffil {?4Jm*á4?i college student (iJiiStO big (ý-f^>4-) tough (fcfcir) adult (north) (5) - 1 j ľ Jt 056 (big) <•!) - £ *. 048 < *> ^ It o (i J* < b > north exit o (<ŕ,) mouth An? Cä^Vaír) population tíV Í Íl (^ftf?) university i^ife. (#*-fe-n student {ii"ji<^) school ^rJ: (S4'^>') to study (mouth) (3) i rr o 057 (learning) (8)* -f i£ 049 \. ttiS (T-5) to exit *D (T-<-^) exit i±J"f (/ii") to take something out tfc$ (i'a.y**) attendance 'híí* (iS'a*;) export (Hi foreign country ?H1X (A'fai'xy) foreigner ?r (it) outside (to exit) (5) 1 + + it it! 053 (outside) (5) 1 ? * *1 050 AS (/>?) right >'hSl (A'-fai') foreign country jfrff right turn £:£ (+rJ-'>) right and left < U + SI (^-a.^^) China 9 ( < !-) country (right) 15) y ^" ^ (country) 'tsii n n pi n h h la 051 r 4 (t)ťt|) left ±í>r (+r-fy) left turn (In this chart, kaliikiniii indicates the on'yomi and hiragana indicates the kuu'yomi.) 1 (left) (5) - r * * i