ffil Si(l) - Z = 0l^^Ai (T) ;I?^ff liU^bcfc 5» Practice the following kanji. 1-10 — — !„,„ 7 \ -fc EH ;? «.,3 7i, — (6) SI^ODKo^S^^^USU^Oo Study the readings of the following kanji. Numbers Word Reading Meaning Word Reading Meaning — 1 + 10 Id 2 -+ 1; 1; * -7 20 3 =+ sx,c* ? 30 E3 1 ^/ l 4 cH~ Jt L M tie 1 40 5 iL+ Z' C rj> ) 50 .J- h < 6 A-+ 6 < C * 9 60 -t l 7 70 lit, 8 (i *, 1: * -) 80 5 1» ?/< 9 $ »D 1 \lfpl 90 Counter for small items Word Reading Meaning Word Reading Meaning —-0 1 J: 00 4 2 5 Ho 3 t; 0-0 6 3S1SO) -to 7 9 AO 8 H- 10 (5) >M? Write kanji and the readings. A. Example : 5 __2L_ 1. 3 3. 9 5 7 9 ) 2. 6 . 4. 1 6. 10 8. 2 _ B. Example: ; o_ ( £ O ) is. -is -is v. \» >«► >,» >. 2 wwwww www 4. wwwww wwww 32, -is jss. 6. ##### # 2S. «iS. J5S. 8. ill' v $ww6w lli(V) ( 3 gi 1 if (2) "S" -f 7? n o @ (i) Sl^lSlfUSUdOo Practice the following kanji. 13 i—» 4" H I—I uO :*'?©iiT:*73^®^5L'5:L'*5l- Study the readings of the following kanji. Numbers Word Reading Meaning Word Reading Meaning UK- < 100 + 1,000 -If |C£M> < 200 -+ 2,000 = iLlfv < 300 H+ 3,000 XLU* < 400 EH-f- 4,000 •5.1" z'Ur < 500 .2+ 5,000 600 h < £L 6,000 -b-bU>c < 700 -t + 7,000 800 8,000 i * i U r < 900 9,000 -7 ^%&L 10,000 KTj ^ < 60,000 -77 20,000 70,000 = 7 iLiL 30,000 t± ^ i /0 80,000 XL1L 40,000 "J i* ? i 90,000 £.7} Z'iL 50,000 + 77 U ^ -? i /C 100,000 •§"77 y Af. < i L 1,000,000 ?ii(s; Other words Word Reading Meaning U r < 7C L one hundred yen +H one thousand yen a < % mouth @ eye (M) M^(DmfrJj'%9^l>£:50 Write the readings of kanji. 1. ^•&^ + ( ( 7. +77i+n ( 2. -^f-j5.-§ ) ( 5. raf A+P= ) ( 8. -t77^+Pi ) ( 3. ra+/Llf ) ( 6. ;vf-H"g"F ) ( 9. 1 £ a ) ( ) ( (JV) )i?^S*SU*-3, Write the followings in kanji. 1. 1,200 __2. 590 3. 73.000 4. 4,800 5. 65.000 6. 340 7. 8,600 8. 970 10. 11. 12. ft is (si ®^—3.—^ir. filfS^s^^L/dc^c Look at the menu and write the prices. V I f£ ik «£r S «4» As wheat flour noodles with deep-fried shrimps A 4: Ä 5, -«m™i™1! -szwv™^ -.summSIi »uiiy;<» ^BjiyiBWt a § ei a a pi n n pi n n a 3" 4* If cold buckwheat noodles buckwheat noodles topped with an egg set menu beef bowl Example : T X^.J* b 1 €L Y900 ___ 1. v:;z-X ¥__ 2. fiJLZli 3. ^Nf ¥_____ 4. 5. t*-vU ¥ _ 6. ( i2i(D a «^ * ^ i ± V ' J! h + 22 (5) ^iSO^^S';&®3SL'^U*5o Study the readings of the following words. Days of the week Month Word Reading Meaning Word Reading Meaning HHfH c *, J: T y Sunday ----- -n January ifoj: i if Monday ~n February fri. 1 If Tuesday a.n March /jcBf e ■f^X •) y Wednesday tan April *B8B i < <£ t r/ Thursday £.% Z>*o May */0J: -) y Friday 6 < June Saturday I July Bf H Jt 1 tf day of the week [it}fi*^> August Other words September October I* rt> j P'^^'o November December Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence moon; month U fire * Äf water tree money 8S2S(1) (l) iH^Olia^^Ä^l/J^o Write the readings of kanji. —ffik, !■; J: ts>tr ft l. ^Hita ( 4. iaSS ( 7. a ai b ( io. ran ( 13. £E ( 16. ( 19. H-fi ( 22. iftAit, ( 2. iPl B ) ( 5. *JfB ) ( 8. —E ) ( ii. iun ) ( 14. — ) ( 17. 5^ ) ( 20. ii-k ) ( 23. jWij&^Ti-c ) ( 3. h*b ( 6. *b1b ( 9. -fcE ( i2. +— n ( 15. 33 ( 18. j\% ( 21. *)irtliJ.T-fc ( 24. i-r. ( (JV) JI^'&ÄS^UctOo Write the followings in kanji. 1. _ .........._____________ 2. _ 4. If). 13. 16. 18. 20. 5 < tf-P ZAP"? U i* 9 11. 14. _-ifh 'J i t. 17._ 3. 6. 9. 12. 15. 19. *3 8 ss2k(1) (2) £ A 4 # b# ^ .77 # CD I) Sl^SSfi UiSbJOo Practice the following kanji, 77 77 (n) ^si©l^ö^75-&®öb3;b^5o Study the readings of the following words. ft: Ay C" J; frfc ~i/W:j;3 Hours Word Reading Meaning Word Reading Meaning -fl# ^ * l: one o'clock -tflf seven o'clock -Bf ic i: two o'clock eight o'clock ÜH# i/Ci: three o'clock < t nine o'clock E3B# J: i: four o'clock C n> 7 I: ten o'clock Ä8# re five o'clock + -H# l; * 7 ^ *> l: eleven o'clock * < i: six o'clock IT * 7 U IT twelve o'clock Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence book B* Japan -* one (long object) two (long objects) 3* three (long objects) A person &WAIi#BiA'ATAo a^A Japanese people ffl^í /L.|±B*AT-fo -A one person JM^A^ito üt-ji -A two people = A three people -AT alone now *n this month 4^, H^lcíŤíiAo today temple ... o'clock 4\ —h#TAo half past... ÄyA five minutes ten minutes half to understand © ||?t t Ö A Lž A 9. féSÉ .1 i l/b. [í A'S<" A 10. ISA ?L dl ft ilh tee (Mi U It Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with the appropriate kanji. Example 1. K¥ 3. 5. l?«A/>!_ 6. VlW fc'Jit, 8. 1 N w _Js 'J it. 'J it. 'J it. * U i t. (5) ^cDHP^log^ljeorS^LcfcOo Answer the following questions using kanji. 1. 4-. MTt^. 2. JL%< (brothers and sisters) t)%$\hS x i t ^s 3. i^Jfo^J?, U it^ 12 I Stem 1S««S |g3RO) i T + *S £ X .£ § ft ~~^| (7) Ji^^lf la U^U<£:3o Practice the following kanji. T T ifu,^mmc m^mwurc^^^o.. Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. li-r — y')i co__ + ox Tt 2. teen 3. I' is 'J it, 4. Il*<7) tf/l/CO T-to 515 5. * tf'T 6. itMli^-y K<50_ Tt„ 2 If T 7. 8. 9. r-'"-0—1-W l^fi^'is U i t„ T Kfc7-/lt<& 'J it , i A-Mfj it, ME1-) J*,iL/:. 10. fiLit. Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with the appropriate kanji. 1. ^{tf-—7"/i 3. ^vMi^li'/U) 4. 'J ^r? U t'co 5. CDfiXf-UtcO _ 6. w^faiix U*tf« f Sg3s(2) ^ f1 fbi * ffi ^ it (T) ; jl ? :£ ^ U l> <£ 3,, Practice the following kanji. 42-« 8 W Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence A.M. P.M.; in the afternoon in the morning y^xii^lt+i:*) U it. n gate H between time ... hours * east B^lifHWJllc*. 'J it. east exit 4-, An lev *i to the Middle East +ACff * ito west ^liA^OgTto So west exit PS south ^'H liSie* 'J it„ south exit Southeast Asia A^TxT^b^i L^o ib north it&itliibi:* lJ ito it a north exit ito Tift. it. S3MK2) Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. If o J;7tf 3. C<0|Ri:|i_ 4. /Olf-5 —AT 5. A : : : II. R : v u r-r Xc t>H>o to £7v CO 9. (?) t" T b it ( lb) s3«(a) (T) Jx&ffllSte® siii^^^Trllt^l'dOo Give antonyms of the following words in kanji. Example: f& & ft 1. $3 O______ 2. * O_______ 3. -t O. 4. + O. 5. A O (5) JftHl^Mr, TfrBEUUgt^fcSA^a^Ufco. Look at the maps and choose the appropriate kanji for the blanks. 7. ft 1. #&li£-^ftEE)W 2. n&ttt^LZikW 3. ihrnito,^_ 4. g^li#CH3<£> 5. A^liM^W 6. feKliWMlW .Tt« T-Tc 8. ^iM|li^.*<7) T1% _r-r„ .T-to .T-tc T-Tc <-'\ l" :: / 1 rJ 1 f 5/ 1 i 7 6 * .'IT*: /"v<> *■ \ Sir V tr c .1...« \ i sss maw *^ ¥ ± 5t n 49-57 I) yg'f USL/i:UdOo Practice the following kanji. IB EH I*1 j •j (5) mil©ireW£«ur> x^i^suoa Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence HBA. woman boy -k<0'f girl student to be born to live teacher KB lastmonth fcft, B*l:|iL/;0 what I AA0 something fJA how many people what time 4\ WTt«\ v-x S'/u 13 i-M, i; Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. MAtf-O $stZ$\, b:__ 3. A : __Ttf„ B 60 TT. 5. _________________II__________tf<&v*T-fc 6. A : 0 ^fi%t 10. A L Ac S4B(1) I $4s(2) x m ^ * « i s (T) St^^rl^ii U<)Oc, Answer the following questions using kanji. 1. 4-^co^coblifgj^jHri'ii- 2. iSt'fcffl#I^M.JL/;-K 3. $«0-5, l5jH#|cfti L/b4\ la 5. *>4'/c«oa^»«0^li^(OAT-t4\ 6. *£/cCOH :fcff «0 7 7X1: li-£co AtfMsfAv ^ i -f ^ (5) KfqH^S* SUcfc5- Answer the questions in Japanese. 4- •?•< 2. ^X^/llitSAT-f ^. 3. C CO Ali £" 3 T£ iiK-iL /i^^ 4. Z«0Ali^-5a^U#i Ltzfr ■ 1 1 I f5ii(i) 1. n * % i (T) )H?^|SMU^bcJ;5c Practice the following kanji. 65-72 'fp If if ^* V (5) mmomd^mm^z., xsisa^ujo. Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence to see T^t'fcjLi-f,, to show can be seen z z^Oi^'jLxi-f „ it < to go 4-3. +H-Mf*£to («* rice #-5 to come ES+^XIi^&TL Jt 1. *i-r to come -^I^B*U*i L/c. not to come ffl+^/Ui*^ >TL »t -5 0 next year *3s ^BMf $ ft. to eat to drink to meet Ml^^i L/c ( 22 ) mm m g5S(l) 2 Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. 1. hi\ Tlx To TtWB\± i^S L h li. i ^•tfXx.^ Tt. ^M?_ 24 I *5r(1) »5'R(2) ^ lí ÍL f# 73-80 CD 0 íl^^lSIIU^Utóo Practice the following kanji. w 1 Ä •••• í ? ---------------- 3| (5) mmom:^r^m^T. -stmm^i^o --- fcA, C Ji Wt if * Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence ear M< to listen jum^jistíMš it. aas can be heard -t-íH^ffi:: žit. J3 4, /l'< 5" Ť to say fit to speak a*f £ií lít. IÍ talk; story XwjíÝH* i l/i. conversation ft±£T < /íí^o this week next week *aii*«o H T-f« last week every week ^ba-ř-* £ L i t. -JIM one week -aMrt-AXTM í Li U;„ H5i»:s; mmmm Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. 1. th li 2. _______________._______ CO CD T®3l¥€ffiorX!£^D*U«t:5. v-' Lft »h, U Off iSA, o< ff/v U Off r>< Write appropriate verbs using the following kanji, and complete the sentences. ft A Example : ~t L £ 1. fl/t*f_ 3. *£*l= 5. 1T 4. -7 > r 6. a#t&£. 4. 5. ^B 6. J; <. c-y-y Lit. ;U U 0 -5 if J: -j y (5) Ty&hjomm iy r £*> r »Mt in ** 'J S L/c 9. 10. II. 26 I mmca) tot Ai-t [Fo^L||^_!£L<<£:5o Answer the questions in Japanese. 2. •&Ltzt>$L\ZtStltf^tlf:-6-o 3. T>HMt&iLKfött^£ltz4\ 4. CO fc^*^l±*li^T-f 14 L "i 5. flft^H/:^ fiSWJL/c/r f flBlfO) .* 'h M * lit * ft ft CD I) ;I?^#fllU^Ucfc50 Practice the following kanji. it Ah TT™ Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning big Example Sentence A# college ^■s. ^f^f? it. college student AA adult small elementary school student IcO##li,JX^Tto high; expensive cheap IWX-^-li^Tto new newspaper old ^ fine: energetic 5Ü £ 11 £ to be careful 28 S6fl(l) Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. _A*> 'J it. A HA 2. 'J it. ÄÜt 3. Z «0 3 >XX - ? Xi *t6KT T'to .T, *-tfXt>i*9 £V#< _£ fife A i L/:c 5. ..Tt„ Jit r tetts. _T"to «L^>*tJ ± -drX^o 7. *<7) <73 li Tt. L J; 9 A* <-tH ^ kAIco: tfA# 8. . Abt». Ab 4#^5*i to &6 9. A^Ali L/X 10. ^-co li i'iL/c„ l= LAX AT ii. (o^m^h__ T A». X A A i L /; SBll(i) 2 v2 6 »(2) £ '> Ä * f-JJ/3 # £ I) M^frW-lĚL^LxkOo Practice the following kanji. -ft "J? 5L w •aSBWiJI«««» - (5) iMBOWa^SSUt* X£§I!*3;0J:5. Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence many PI a little few wide; spacious ^> early Ac* early •ft*. * long bright z (Dornumí^r-ro tomorrow favorite very favorite r-f x7 ij-aí?a#í rte friend Iii". (1) OBÍJíA^íSílC. ;I¥^ü5Ö'iÖ:[CD^^bJ;5o ^---- tíh V, tíh 1.1 Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. 2. :oiPlii. 3. iSÍ/CtO.. J3 Tt. t>5Tt, v* 3ü ) memca 3BSC2) (D *X $t © & K © a 3* £ -T1 Z: 3? H" ^ U £ 3 Give antonyms of the following words in kanji. 1. O_ 2. «_ 3. SX O______________ __ 6. 4. fei ■ 5. Bfv. » (dark) <6 4* (5) =e& fciirafl i:a*i:*i L/c„ 4, t^ $ dormitorv Hfr||(..g^.^Ucfc5.. Answer the questions in Japanese. 1. %M\'\tW^ ') it^o 2. S©«PSIi^^«PmTt^. 3. Htf|-W7 7Xli-fBlH#^^bJ5]-Bf i TTt^ ^ 32 ) mem KfDSSH f HTHO) X fcB rff ax *t St € # Ü7 104 CD I) JH^^flSSUSUjOo Practice the following kanji. A 1 ^ ill rp m (n) ^©jia^sur, x^ss^ax^x Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence A4 to enter 7 77'i:A'J£ IX AH-S to put something in t^lfXCAiKito A'Jo/An entrance A 'J it. to enter a school ^MfA^CAfXi IX to exit ?M-t±JT < £*o„ t±X(-t£ to go out #£tUMi'i IX tut to take something out ;XfXXbt£tB I it. tha exit h -1" Hiibnco^ETt. Tsukuba City A^li-> < IfTff'J it. mayor #/X^-ftl;JX«ATXo town AX^XaXXX X t # village OjIXXv tt^iS 'J it, f * rain ±Hf BIlrlTXX H7SS(1) electricity telephone 5ClctM£ L i L/co * car train Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. 15s b 2. -/)-\:lLi-b^-5> 3. X^li^ < (£_ __|c£ U i to ___________ < 5 S bib I: If $ i 17c 7. __I'-lf o T^"b,________ it) fcifc'* co L*>J:9 lit'I £Pf 'J T, 81 X'A, V<'*> XX f si Vis (2) & ,ir ti # is & (l) M^^MWb^LxkOo Practice the following kanji. 105-112 /r~7 1% Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence horse Si:*V;: £^'£>'J it, CO OR station IXcoitDT^-^i L j: -)0 company •$B, «*T^±lcft? ft. society ^11* y htt^Tt„ company president *ft school ^ftT'S/c'bU^t l/co Sift high school tfSftlcA* I i L/b. t^ft junior high school Bat^AHt^ftW^tTi-o t#ft elementary school tft£liIK» ito ft* principal xii^#ft«ft-irto 7£ shop •?-cOJjll$i>Tt. *i? bank flMrTfc&fctfc Lit. illness ( 34 ) »7B(n S7BK2) hospital to be hospitalized graduate school ^H^b^^KTfegL it. graduate student Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. b _ li _W__________T-fo *> b *> n* o 1?-o ^. 0 Z.O'hib 4. _________II, _ . 'J it. _____ii A b' , ,1 J: ME S> .SA, £ £ T 2. A-t+T 3. ^yt:-T__. ___ T TXU t^ í> L 7c <_ LT _________________________................Ji. _.....i____ AtL L * t ^ J: 9 ÍA' VtfrZ I fz 7. #><7)________T\ _...............£_________ „^± to ii>a T 10. U LZ\lv_______________T'_________......________________Tto 11. ^-1 11 Tto t < sago) \m8m(2) m m f & m n % %% (7) jH^^iif EiU^L-cJOo Practice the following kanji. — -hit. 121-123 3£ n v, - " = - Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence to return insect strong to study to hold rich person *<7)?±-ftli^M# *.T-to feeling ■Slit name Japanese language Chinese language 40 SfS8S(2) Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. I. .LT k tp j fr < 2. /: < J L_ *> Kb 9 Zl < 3. 4. 9. 10. frb. .Lit. £ i z ____11 tA3 LTt o 5. 6. li li, ^<-tf^ *,^b Ocfct> __li_______T\ tz < 5 /C S. ZcO I: IC S A <_' LA tz\ "fr< -tf IÜ 1 _______T-t= T't. 6 < L ii. Ufr ft *BP(2) I 41 ^-^ »h a off 0 Make your schedule for tomorrow using kanji below. Example B$ B-f W * % i ij at l A1-^-xiiA/roAo ^mk, m*w^T^tzfr, =+^^/=c i£|SJIC|§-*i£bd;5,, Answer the questions in Japanese. 1. C CO H 60Aft,II 9 "t" Ltzfrc Xfv J? 2. TVi Lmmi%%L-(\ *3 MŤÍ it. Äff ( 44 ) gssao: A> ;9s(2) % & - ^ £ & -f it 137-144 CD 0 :Mf^M-^U^Ucfcio Practice the following kanji. ft /ml** É *«4—" st 3JÍ (ff) iiiifflii^»nr, x£R»i;Uj;5. Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence night- *») ÍL/:„ tonight AftliH AÍ ii^Tt. ftX midnight; middle of the night X A^ft+iT«Lito heart to be relieved OÍ^Jtíl^WT^ Lit/;. 4 hand poor at good at £ foot; leg to be sufficient to add A ?> body #IÍ#AAX AX» S9S(2) 4 if neck a road Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. i ,__T_ X 6. jRi/L« 7. S/r* Lis _____^_Att. .-5 £^ C0T\ X—7°U3&£ tz UT 8. 9. 10. 46 ) SŠ9RC2) CO Li L/be <<č> A. L A *s 6 tz h.% lil'Ji* tl I Choose one kanji which does not belong to the others. i. ' t at k -t w ) 2. ( * 3. ( 4- ^ ft X # ) 4. ( ,S (n) £l5Ltit> £ L Jt BA, SA, it lá * a* u fU±^W<^ UŽ!* Jt. 2. ( ) i < bb^/Uí—ATf^ffí i-r.o 3. ( ) i < bíí /C11 ABi B i: ť7/W > ^Mt í ít< 4. ( ) i < b *> í ^iA^W^JlífrÁ^áS »J i-fo SS9K JSBílW C 47 I flOf(l) dj J\) # & (T) gf^^fSSUšĚ Udöo Practice the following kanji. it m 145-152 ffh, U ttALičo Jll 1 u 4& „ u. j1 its** (5) ^ii©^*^«^r« x^BEa^ua. Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence mountain ill l| mountain road zco.Eití퍞 íLn. Mr./Ms. Yamada river JllíO^řífcA i L/;0 Mr./Ms. Ogawa M|Í/uli4BT4ifiÍ L/co small forest; grove fe-#«líl:*^f* lJ i To forest JJ W-ATsftl=A'J i L/;« Mr./Ms. Morita sky *>* air sea ÄT*i'i L Jí i o Hokkaido it* chemistry' IE flower tea flower viewing ftia, ?ÉJLÉ Li L/co ( 48 I Šul 0^(1) v y Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. _4*/=< ÍiTc .iff B Í/LU ^5 Ü _ÍX.^___________ 3. Zlfi L /:< b O L rt> -7 ijn > L v «4* Hit. 9. Z O lift ^ 60 T", ffTOK(l) I 3110 SS (2) ^ # t é & fe & * i.^fio] ® 0 >M¥£ffl^U&lyJrj., Practice the following kanji. — y "i i—i ^—^ Ich C J; t'tc S> iS/u J: Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence weather red red baby * blue blue blue sky é white white It black black color fish dog puppy (i) U-e^^ír^t^ $?£Ü5övÖlcö^3;U..r5, ^-^ íf A. U Ö'Ai U Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. T I fz Ä + y ifn>4A^„_________Í L, __X ii - y £ l T v «Ui5_________i /C,T"f „ ic L n> i isL T lift »10S<2)