131 H7 h 1 /H^COIS (Kanji Topics) ^'j SPM -3- fz tU 36* $ X. (Radicals -3- upper left, enclosure) The radical components are located on the upper left of some kanji; the radical components enclose some kanji. l) (left) l 2) O < 0 (right) 4) h L (bottom) ,5) tzK (upper left) & % $t * 3) ^x^t; u (top) J~*~~ — roof ^T^" = sickness J13 = corpse (or crouched body) ,6) ^N i X. (enclosure) M H P R 1*1 @ H H = two doors = enclose | | = border [tl^L*5>9] In which location is the radical in the following kanji? ex. Hi C 3)D 1. % 2.fe 3.B£ 4. *t 5. ft 6.® C DC DC DC DC DC D 7. & 8.?£ 9.H 10.1 11.* 12- H C DC DC DC DC DC D 117 % \ZWk • T X,) main store (of a chain) 134 135 it degree time(s) K (9) * - J* y / 5 (^'' O five times, five degrees vJali^ (fe X/ • £ ) temperature ^J^t ( - X. • £0 next time < ■ £") speed 136 118 sick (10) r $3 ft ( ^ "5 ' *) illness, disease ^ |% (Jt "5 • ^ L) hospital ^y^(t/j; 7 'I-/C) sick person tired (10) » r r I^C"^) Jft& to be tired (° #N) 4t tiredness, fatigue pain o/c-t; (12) f r f ft * $| (P /c) ^ painful & it (*0 painkiller $| /=) ij to ache, to hurt SSt^S 1) headache house shop roof (0 foreigner JS| jt^C^ ( - < ' *J ^ • /= ^ ' <) national university turn around time(s) i (6) } in if? if] 1 \2](£fo)-f to turn -—JsK^o -tH = -— J^(^£>- £') once IhJ ( i fcO to turn around, to rotate \h) ( £ to) 1 j around 142 143 be in trouble i-6 o y (7) I ffl ffl ffl HI w 7* ^ (>- i) to be in trouble, to be embarrassed gilC-^-^^)^ difficult 144 open (12) F F F £3 F- ]ff| (&) <( to open Bfl(tAb) < to open Hfl^t^ N-^n to open a meeting [H] ^ (?Jn > • T /C) -f" ^ to open a store 120 close f f (*' L "9 (Reading Exercises) I. Write the reading of the following kanji in Hiragana. leg* ii.wit* i2.ff\#>*> 13.ua H. Read the following words and sentences. i.?6«, US, 6. C<7)^*ti@jt^*T, WAf4i?^o 2-3 11 c* ft A, L *9> 9 (Writing Exercises) I . Fill in the blanks with the appropriate kanji. 1. wide U6 5. to be tired 8. to be in trouble 6 10. to open 2. painful 6. illness 9. once 3. shop 7. book store 4. country L J: 11. to close L j[. Write the appropriate kanji based on the meaning of the word. 1. butcher 2. fish shop 3. liquor store . drugstore . stand l±'v n XL 10. hospital Xß i i o L 12. headache s titzt ^tz 14. to open a store tJhn XL 17. foreign language 9V . the main store \IL XL . the roof . sick person Jt 7 \zL 15. to close a store 6. a branch store 3t 18. Hiroshima L 9. next time L £* 13. tiredness 16. foreigner 4 123 J." y h 3 Wtfr% (Reading Material) < BIB (Diary) > [LOU] 7. I<7)Ali!tMTf5r£SvN£ L/z^o _ 124 (Do you know these kanji? Can you use them?) Which shop do we go to in order to buy the items below? L/;i:" 8.^6(IX 15. %(-11)1*1 2. X/CtA'o 9. \6.'s^y~f- 3.5* 10. ^oL 17. i/a-^ 4.4-1*1 ii. /rvjv 5. t:-;l/ 12. Lfc 19.^ 6. * 13. "5 I A 20. a /U7 7. /s°y 14. >@ b. JUHl jMil HI 125