19 I 1£ i C HcS^tf)/!!^ -1- (Prefixes and Suffixes -1-) * - mm, big hospital *t - new company .i* L/C-tiro unkind - föP/f C i: m •? L Jt address (polite) T5C J*« PT i; Prefix Word Suffix 1 research institute - It movie theater 0 9fc - ^ musician m>n- m zoological garden [ t& A» tz; tx] Divide the following words into meaningful units. + HH zoological garden animal garden l. H#*£ 4. - 6.+' 179 ♦*ii9f % & 6 t> tM^ (Kanji for Places) _ pfi[ (-> a / v 3) : (^3 : it/,* it ^ i: j:) T O »J r» 7 i; Jt ) ^ I Jt) U ij' L Jt) ^ * ft 9 t X 1 ) iz'z If) 1 'J If) research institute stop information desk office playground baseball ground parking lot workplace sales counter -It (*»: (UJ: H) library gymnasium E* ill It movie theater embassy 1¥#f£ (if < .r^o^x,) museum - $ (v7) : library office (lt/C3 * -5 Lo) professor's office laboratory holiday resort (i: «* t < residential area (Ho tourist destination (L Jt < AX,£) colony - t (x» : zoo *»« (L jt < ,ioU) botanical garden ( L X/o^ L *>) newspaper company (•J J: i 1 L <0 travel agency 180 JL- v h 2 ^ 19 (Basic Kanji) 2-1 /H^^Si^ • ?W underground ^^"(^'l^) region, district, rural province i^-fe ( £ • £) land Jfj ( IT • L X.) earthquake 206 1 iron (13) f Üfc f(To) iron ^Tt(S-^-To) subway ^iti ( T o • 9 ) railroad ^A^. ( L * T o) private railroad 207 X craft construction 3^ (3) T X X J|J (Zl -l 1 9 ) factory Xl Xr^rC^ "7 O engineering -X.^ 1- (v_ 9 • U) construction (work) ^ (I 9 • ** Jt 9 ) industry 208 181 (*£ 1 m"#lf L J: '^^) library ^ftff • I • tf^) embassY H^lSjf'g (/t^-^'-^/O movie theater 211 public official (4) 'S 'S A ( - n • *- /O park ^JjL ( - *5 " 'J public fcfft\ (- "7 " ^n N) "f" to open (to the public) 212 182 31* 213 garden (13) — If ■=1 ffl PI ffl ■-=t. * |(Z park 4^4^ H (^''i*0, zoo I j& (^ 1 ' Z- b' t>) amusement park i3L live (7) l i fr fr Ü W £j to live ^£ R, (a 7 " /O residents liP/f C t: "5 • L Jt) address M~lL(^ <) house 214 3f place (8) """" •3;..... f f Fl T jF^C £ Z 3) place ♦iS^f (^ • ij • L J:) office ^^(/■•^•i:': 3) kitchen $f j^j^f CHX" U) research institute 215 ► order watch (12) 2- #- -51 # # # i st T T ^-^■(IIX- Z* 1) number "? ' I3X) police box #ft[(l±'/C-C'Ä) program —^(^t,.|iX) themost,No.l 216 183 ni si< si, imber 'rial ?n (5) \ xp T . .: . %\L~^J~ 1 - * -' ^ ) sig11' symbol 9 1. subway 2. land 3. railroad 4. factory V- 1 . place i; jt i Ii' . map L x park - 1 ä.l address Z ^ l L i 6. library £ L J: rf^ 9. number [ix r-5 Li Ä T#fc? 1. to live near a park - 9 ILL 3. residents 4. a convenient place 2. house i: * -5 tz< 5. (house) number ^l £ 3 h ml 185 6. a quiet place 7. Room No.l 1 l-f 11* L Jt - i 8. sales counter 9. parking lot 10. embassy u it ■5 If L * L 11. movie theater 12. research institute 13. zoo 14. Tsukuba Academic City 15. neighbor £"7 .i'o Z.L o< if ^< £ i 16. the square in front of a station (75 i: jt ia^ . telephone number If . weather map \ZL 17. traffic light IL Z'l 19. industry 20. construction (work) - 1 * ± 1 22. public school 31 i: T/0 £ T 23. extension course 3 1 3 9 186 r--\ -7*$/^ ^TtfiT-r^o ^bbm^oT, ^t;^ri-*a0 IK^b#^T 10^0b^T\ teflttflflc* U i-ro JR<7)#< I J£^^T\ ffi-¥-«fc£M < 3 Y. i-To ^H^K *tL^€M#-f !i, 03(3xxx)5697 T~m^b. ^tiLT<^:^^, IfoH^to Tli. ^7CflTo ^5 J; n+£ bo s^ ^ ^1 * -3 ^ i" to move m frrto- @ 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ■ ■ } \ Hi ll s "' "H JPDrVT ft* f fit i-bJ m 1 ''i1 i tjg^ I II r □□□□□0 CINEMA 187 188 JI II II II II II II V V V V V 1KB L TO ffl © ü -5 t ö if-3 C í -k C 5 (f A, (8) X Y CD -Ö-51 TT #í± L f< L jt 3. m^tt^síc^**, u í -r ^0___ 4. k$\^mtjRi) ^i'äó'j á-r^o 189