iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii «&% L Kb 9 ii......: !!111;ij1111111111 Review Lesson 16-20 n : £ ± f*j 9V & s s ib *r «PC!) (£)?± Xi# 0(#)t| *fe(T)& teflf #^ A£ # a: ^.u 'ft 31^ 7G?U' te*']* WJ£ #< it4 at-5 ohi^ i#< jit; tyZ> tfa-f XK^ ik<>6£ (58*) I . 3 fcl£©R*fH (opposite word) 4»S&Sl.>o e.g. -h O ( T ) 1.* ^ ( ) 8. A£ 2. 9h ^ ( ) 9. 3. jjl <£> ( ) 10. ^ < 4. <^ ( ) ii. m< 5. ^ > ( ) 12. O ( ) i3. mi*) O ( ) 14. fcBi- 198 E. )%(D\ZJftZZ£ tiet; M< Šlí tľ *< >%<" "f 9 £l Mit* ty* A£ #< it* £* »< í* t; lit; e.g. ^Mä Ý# í tir, i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9._ 199 iSJiJSJc 1 (Word Structure 1) © Two kanji with opposite meanings: □ □ — £ /hi! © Two kanji with similar meanings: □ == □ is* fcX i; J: li\>l£i> IX'X © The former kanji modifies the latter kanji: Q —*■ G it* 511 L-^ © The former kanji functions as a verb and the latter can be used with a particle T^J R-J T£ Jetc. © Others c liX i )