^20^0 Humble Expressions—2 (T Translate the following sentences, using humble expressions. 1. Shall I (humbly) give you a ride to (lit., as far as) the station? 2. When I (humbly) visited the teacher's house, I had him help me with my homework. 3. Because the department manager's baggage looked heavy, I carried it (for him). 4. When the department manager goes on a business trip, I lend my camcorder. 5. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, so I intend to give the department manager a chocolate. B This is the story of John's trip to Tokyo. Underline the parts that call for humble expressions and rewrite them. Ulili fc/OH* ň-^Zi k> -tf-^M btzl tftMtfť í ^20^0 Three Types of Respect Language I; Mr. Noda is interviewing Mr. Tanaka. Fill in the blanks with appropriate expressions. Noda: 1B4*$/Ui, £%hl- 1. _ fz ft*' (Where do you live?) Tanaka : ffälz^fLK 2. ?1 % \ \ ' sä L J: y. H» N : ^0 (ä^-e 3. * i a & /v (11< >w did you come here today?) N : zJL%>fr 5 (Do you have any siblings?) t : iiv\ A 6. o " : ( " (What did you study?) t : mm% 8. it ^5'.' (T) One of your business associates, Mr. Mori, came to the town. Write the following story in Japanese, using honorific expressions and humble expressions. (Mr. Mori arrived at the airport at 9:00. ) 2._______o — ffiK??)V7 £ I iZff $ £ Itzo (I met Mr. Mori for the first time) 3._o (Mr. Mori didn't bring his clubs \7 7 7], so I lent him mine.) 4._____o (I gave him a ride to the hotel around 7:00.) i) Answer the following questions, using ~&U"Ü. Example: Q : 3 —h —Sftt;^ £ Aft £ "f >fr»0 1. Q A 2. Q A 3. Q dibitsb|, ^ÄfÄSM^äi"*' L A-J-X 1 KS L' Li ft*- *• 4. Q A 5. Q 6. Q A l) Complete the sentences, using -~tjil\TZ. ft 3. 4. o ^20^D Questions Within Larger Sentences l) Fill in the blanks with "questions within larger sentences." ._______hfrt) ±^L0 (whether or not Tthey will] exchange this sweater [for me]) 7. (how long it will take to the airport) (whether or not I can become a lawyer) (Do you know whether the teacher drinks wine?) (I don't know what kind of person lives in the next room.) (Do you know what Mary's hobby is?) (I don't remember who gave me a ride home.) (Do you remember how much this textbook was?) I) You are going to meet a fortuneteller today. Write three things you want to know about the future. Example: i^^f^ft^ 0 3.. I)Fill in the blanks with ~. 1. 2. $tm.. 3. Z<7)m, %)tbX m >m a i I, 5. 4% |Ä^®-e i/v J. SB 1 njRead the first half of the sentence and fill in the blanks with the verb stem + -^TUZI^/lcXUc!"^", according to the given cues. (live) 2. $>conii^^^^x\ (turn) 3. Z comi^r^'M)^COX\ ift tsn ft*- (sing) (consult)