21 Passive Sentences—1 i) Fill in the chart. dictionary form potential form passive form dictionary form potential form passive form Ex. jLa JLbtl£ 5. SfrS 1. v-^jfcS 6. &< 2. Hsu 7. ^1 fa *3 3. >$ a 8. < b 4. p-r 9. t§ |J Rewrite the sentences, using passive forms. 1. ©4'*/UiJ*ö$X,£&<*0 i lit, 2. j^s/Uia,BB$/i£t2:;w:iä-fo 5. *f**Oim$^^uf/i£5kÄä L/c, 6. ^b^VNA^iffiS^^^S:ltÄt Lfc, Vi ft m 21^0 Passive Sentences~2 l) Read the following sentences carefully and decide which part can be changed into the passive form. Rewrite the whole sentence. Example: t ft 0 ftAtftz l£ Z £ &o tz x\ itzo 2.%Ltzt>*>snv*izfrtz