Colloquial Japanese II '/7^ 2020^ • #^$3 Office Hours : 7RHII 14:00-15:00 (or by appointment) @§l (objectives): 1. ^ i a. — ^—iy 3 V(dWH (abilities) £©t£1~ (improve) 0 2. B*©MLwlt0#$l£ffl»i-5 4.j£^ -?vfi\ *4t"aLt, iL»'t'©J;9iii^ fi)clIM(grading) 1. ?SJ1I (Homework)................... 2. UB lifT • feiilf^n (Attendance/Class participation)...... * 80% of Attendance is required. 4.7"oyx^t-............... -?vif(D-y—y\ K7-?-t,7-/©v'-y, Ift CM, t 7 ^ ^ - !) 7 4 t't tf-i) v^/vx^y b Ofc'r^SrWI^So Hft^ YouTube C7y/n- FUvx7^t5o I. Um ; iLflvsftfl 4. K9"^ ; Female Speech vs Male Speech /a >) 6. K?-7 ; Speech Style in Reality vs Fiction (k'föfe) (^7 y T — v 3 y) 7. X*}*no 9. ^ 7°— y 7* 10. Words of Foreign Origin and New Words 7 7°Hf'Vf-'/a y) II. tfl45 12. x b - y - r y y / 13. x b - y - r y y ^ 14. 7*n-/x^ b